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Fighting Games General /fgg/

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Thread replies: 753
Thread images: 154

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Friendly reminder that the concurrent player count for SFV on Steam is inflated.

Friendly reminder that SFV and T7 are identically bad. Both have horrendous input lag, terrible online experience, a lack of character variety, and sparse on features. They even share artificial load times. If you promote either of these games you're a fighting game community killing scrub equal to a Smash kiddie.

Friendly reminder that if the your game doesn't have keepaway, it's not a game worth playing.
Lord Knight is black
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why isnt Ingrid in SFV yet?
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because sfv is a hot pile of garbage
Yo /fgg/! /tekgen/ said they'd be down for a cross thread tournament. Who's up for joining?
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Reminder that SFV is literally the only relevant fighting game.
What's the point of such a tournament?

/fgg/ and /tekgen/ are basically the same people, some of us created /tekgen/ and went there but still post in /fgg/, they're like our retarded little cousin kind of like /pol/ and r/The_Donald
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>Tekken is dying as usual
>Instead of trying to save it, Tekken fans continue to attack SFV instead

In this situation, you have two choices:

1. Abandon Tekken, cut the losses, and go back to an actually alive game like SFV

2. Do your best to save Tekken through content creation, helping newcomers or just in general being active in the communiy

Tekken fans are doing neither right now, what the fuck? You're just dragging the FGC down as a whole
Hes the whitest guy ive ever met.
>Asking in American hours
I wouldn't keep my hopes up.
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console patch notes:
I'd only do it if someone gameshared it with me.
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should i retake SFV?
How so? Being "white" is not a quality you can just "assign" to people like that.
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nah, its a bad game and I ain't ever going back.
the cousin who's better at tekken than you lmao
Wagner looks cute. Is it true that her movelist is like Sin's and she can special cancel? If not, what kind of character is she?

Post your ranks
Dont be such a darky, anon.
Interesting thing most other people probably noticed:

Depending on where Mika's hair is when the game ends determines where it will be during the win animation/freeze frame.

In her new costume, if the game ends with her tails in the front, it'll cover her face and look stupid as hell. If they are behind her she'll look normal.

Probably an oversight but I think its pretty neat.
>What's the point of playing fighting games
Not bad, but I've seen better dodges.
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I love Urien!!!
Stiop linking Hydegaming. All he does is rehost videos in a shittier quality.
no tth made him boring in 5 desu
So what's so special about Urien? I still haven't grasped the appeal of his gameplay.
It's a fucking meme.

Same with people hyping Alex and then nobody giving a shit about him.

Fucking Kolin's trailer got more views than Alex and Urein's trailers combined
>stuck at Ultra Gold for around 2 months
>finally hit Platinum on a great day where I went on a great streak
>now I'm beating plats and diamonds regularly and am a good day away from super plat
>still get scared everytime I see a gold

What did jive mean by this?
Well, just tell me about his Street Fighter 3 gameplay then.
well you can't do much when harada is literally doing an ono. Shitfuck launch with no content and broken/missing features. MvCi will actually have more content unironnically. I don't give a fuck about character customization I just want to play the game. No tekken bowling, force, volleyball at launch instead $10 for each mode, fuck that
umm lol he has videos no other youtube does, stay salty PC UNIEL player
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when did you realize that sfv was much better than sf4 in every conceivable way and that people who hate it are reddit bandwagoners?
super gold
When i remembered street fighter was always garbage.
>I'm too retarded to use anything other than youtube
>pls rape my face
Yesterday I was in a friend's house playing Tekken and he showed me his personalised fightstick with Sanwa parts; shit's awesome, felt really awkward at first but then it was fun as fuck to use it. Can you guys recommend me a website to buy a good enough quality one between 100-150 dollars ? My friend told me is cheaper to buy the parts (buttons, stick, screws, the internal parts), if so where do I get them; is there someone that build them on request ? I'm not good at building things. I don't need a professional one, just a good enough one
headbutt loops are like the same thing
i bought my parts from focus attack, but its really just a meme, a pad works just fine and probably even better
Yeah I just found very fun to have one, and I feel that is better for inputs. Gonna check out focus attack, would you mind tell me what do I need besides the buttons stick boxes, you know, the internal thing
enjoy ST, my pc fighting game player
depending on the hours, i'd mash some. uui will win the tourney anyway, but he's a walking meme at this point so that's ok.
>get reddit for le next battle!! XD *tips fedora*

is there anything more cringeworthy than the tekken announcer?
ive never built a stick from scratch, i just replaced my qanba's old buttons and joystick with sanwa ones, which is really simple. you just need a screwdriver.
yeah, cringy gear
this is a shit argument as Alex was playable before his official trailer dropped and there were loads of better fanmade ones. Urien was also playable in the storymode, fully revealed and intact for about 2 months before his trailer dropped.

TL:DR, trailers ain't shit
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Just admit Kolin is more hype (and hotter) than both Urien and Alex combined, you fucking pretentious nostalgia loser.

I bet you're no older than 24 but desperately want to seem old school
Hey guys, I just got my PS4 and I'm going to start learning fighting! Should I buy Tekken or KoF? I heard Tekken was busted as of right now but it'll be fixed yeah? Thanks
Anyone wanna try some PC UNIEL?
I'm US Midwest
get SFV and tekken
>not blazbabb

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I'm on an ultra light beam right now my dudes.
Just beat this rank 275 Vega twice in a row and I my dick is flexing real hard right now.
>Playing a braindead character like Gief
>Being proud of beating a Vega who has to work 3x as hard for a win

Gief players are sad cunts
Vega is a really tough matchup for Gief tho.
how many hours lmao
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Uui already lost in the tekgen tournament. He's not the only good player there.

Kolin is most boring character they've ever released and I'm older than 24.
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What is your opinion of this feline?
Friday Night Lobby up
PW: 4455
Comment: Anyone will do
>evo numbers were way up last year
>everything has dropped significantly this year, but still above the 2015 standard
people used 16ers as a meme, but 16ers were real
97% of them are dead now though
>Want Color 7
>Need to beat Survival Hard

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>tfw you get a ragequitter

How can anyone not like her?
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gg's f a m. st.HP is that good shit huh?
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I just like his design
Fucks me up like nothing else.
SFV is a game for gays
>half the characters are just "really big buff guy"
brown footsies fighting game when??
What does her meat cape smell like?
chad's cum
Sin is a fag
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wud brown!!
that's SG
>fighting as a girl

I don't understand why sonicfox doesn't play the furry characters tho
Bullet is the superior arcsys brown
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wud play
which is a better engine mugen or fighter maker?
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A moment of silence for Sammy vs Capcom.
brown is the color of poo!!
poo comes in many colors tho
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>working on a hot comeback in Skullgirls
>get solid combo into blockbuster into lvl3 DHC
>he's out of here.jpg
>the hype takes over and I let go of the stick
>he lives with a practically invisible health bar
>HPs and kills me for the set

Well fuck. I would like to think I'll only make that mistake once. Luckily it was only a Quick Match anyways.
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one piece is number one
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Picked up UNIEL on Steam during the sale, most characters feel amazing to play as, is it too late to get good at it? When is the next game coming out?
i used to like the hori fc

but now

i just don't
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>too old and too slow to learn Ibuki


She's got an ugly face
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The big Comic Con surprise is actually going to happen!


inb4 its delayed
What's a good starting point for a newcomer to Darkstalkers?

I can't even beat the some of the fucking tutorials. Even the ones I manage to beat can be hard to try combos.
Vsav, an actual good game people still play, turns 20, nobody cares

SF1, a shitty game nobody plays, turns 30, major celebration
can you dodging fucbois stop talking shit you cant back up and stay in your own shitty general? thanks
Use the cat or the dog and mash buttons
>good game
it's the game that killed the series, making sure nobody celebrates it
july 20th for console
arcades just got updated like last week, so info is coming through and there are patch notes already.
Vsav2/Vhun2 are what killed it
vsav2/vhun2 came out literally months after vsav to try to save face after vsav shit the bed

it didn't work, because the same people who made those made vsav
>tfw slowly getting more comfortable not only recognizing low parryable strings and player tendencies to go low, but actually going for them and converting

feels good. gone are the days of "lemme block this and just come up with the ws4 because i don't know how hard i can punish with this character."

anyone down for some psn t7/rev2/inj2 before bed? us east
host a rev2 lobby senpai
>Make VSav2/VHunt2 to burn through CPS-II stocks
>It flops
>Make Street Fighter III to sell the new CPS-III
>It flops
>Have to switch to other companies' hardware for most their games after that
What did Capcom mean?

I have work at 8am, so first to 10 if i don't know you, and first to psn special if i do know you.
MvC1 and Alpha 3 were CPS2 so these story doesn't add up.
games updating hang on
oh cool people actually play games here
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>one more week

I just want to streamboar even though it'll be a weak evo.
I just want to see JDCR lose
I wonder if goober can have hype moment that doesn't involve one guy fucking up
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unist in two weeks
who hype
How do they make Ryu and Chun-Li look so fucking horrible in MvCi when they look amazing in SFV? Why didn't they just port the models.
it was hws, and i won the ft5 anyway
What does "tryhard" mean?
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I'm really starting to believe the conspiracy that they were paid by marvel to make the capcom side look awful.
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It means the guy that got raped doesn't have any valid criticism so he resorts to making fun of someone's effort even if the bodification was effortless. Top 10 saltmaker comment
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Trying too hard.
It's just embarrassing.
Imagine if MvC at least looked onpar with SFV. The hype would immediately skyrocket.

This is one of those times where the presentation is SO bad that it actually detracts from the rest of the game. How am I supposed to go from SFV's damn good character models and faces (for the most part) to MvC's shit? Depressing.
how come when two gambits face each other, the wind is blowing their coats in opposite directions
Different engine.
Doesn't mean they can't use the same models.
Anyone better than me
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>tfw you're trying out Kolin and the guy you're fighting ragequits after you counter his second consecutive jump in with her antiair parry
it means im a fucking scrub and i cant rationalize how hard i just got fucking raped but im upset and i want you to know it, i really wish i could suck a massive black dick can you find me one
Without the picture I literally have no idea who that is
Tekken Customization was a mistake
Sf5 has pretty wonky face model though. Capcom is just conditioning you to accept MCVi model as well
What do you mean? I think most of the faces look just fine.
best game
how my nigga akuma not gon be in marvel?
I wanted to play as a akuma/thanos
You should be able to tell just from the stance and fighting style.
Funny thing is that the best way to counter it is to use the base level strategy of altering jumping timings.
ya marvel's roster just not hype enough doood i love a good roster
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Play games with actual characters instead of just functions and shills.
You spelled Asura wrong
Didn't know it was Asuka until I saw her rigid neutral stance
10-4 ya laggy bastard

>can't get out the slayer vortex since raven has no dp

lol. you felt hella rusty, too much sfxt?
Now post best BB.

Which game?
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nice job seeding your tranny javs at full speed leaving me on tilt dropping all of my combos

yeah i've been playing it lately with RPG and my GG feels off. also my controller is kind of wonky and it'll randomly mash out a burst in GG. my sol vortex > the slayer vortex. frame perfect safe jumps in 20f lag > meme teleport dashes all day
They didntpay capcom to make their characters look bad, the marvel character just have priority over them.
Bong water lmao
Anon talked shit and I challenged him. I won the ft5, but it turned out it was HWS shitposting, and he dodged while a different anon stepped up to the challenge. Most likely >>182007715 is highwaystar too
My b, it was tekken 7
>Mr Biscuits, your prime time goober is goingbto be commentating Street Fighter 5 at EVO 2017
Now this is how you kill a game
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Gimme a fun game to trainingboar combos in.
SFV and MvCI are both Unreal Engine 4
no jubilee no buybalee
don't blame your midget bestiality uploads on my connection. and playing faust in 8f+ > any fucking character or excuse you can come up with. a lag spike ate my blitz on a fafnir in corner, jesus christ that felt bad. yea the bursts were wild, but i knew that wasn't a jojo thing, I was talking about that raven. Your set ups and neutral seemed shaky, is that because of the changes or you're out of practice, or are you going for more slashes to get masometer?
>20 second long combo
lol, what a shit game
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UNIEL is pretty fun for that I guess
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anyone else care less about evo this year than ever?
like normally i'd watch the finals in most games but this year its like there's no point

i only hope there's some new announcements
>dragonball fighters z event with new characters revealed
>xrd gets robo-ky and zappa patched in that sunday. ariels and anji announced for later
>bbcf finally gets jubei
>sfv finally gets arcade mode
>when skullgirls has a better alex than SFV

what the fuck nigga
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Marvel 3
yeah i can't say i give much of a crap
gg is probably another foregone conclusion with machaboo and most of the rest of the games are whatever
bb might be good though
Looking forward to BB top 8. Does anyone know if many Koreans are coming over for Tekken 7?
Yeah, I might watch T7 finals later but I doubt I'll watch anything live.
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That's fun but I already did a lot of that.

Better Alex than 3S too.

I should actually, thanks dawg.
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Machabo has been playing SFV and not been practicing GG as much. You can drop a lot when not practicing for a while. Machabo is definitely not undefeatable and also when you have have ft2 and ft3, many things can happen.
>tfw didn't play SFV today
>decided to play several hours of Overwatch instead
>feel kinda guilty since I want to make a genuine effort to git gud
oh my raven sucks lmao. i'm trying out new gatling strings and i'll usually spaghetti somewhere mid sting and just kind of do nothing. lots of hit confirms into 2s that doesn't combo off for example. I try and end stuff in slash for the meter gain so i can mix them up with a bigger oki bull but i just had sloppy play.

can't wait for the 20th so I can go back to an honest anime game and won't have to deal with next level torrent lagging cootery.
>machabo had to take sfv more seriously to become a pro gamer because even being the undisputed gooby king, no one would sponsor him
i feel bad for goobers desu
their game doesnt deserve to be THAT dead
friendly reminder that machaboo, king goober, got bodied by a SLAYER player at evo sai, anything can happen at EVO
The thing that sucks is it's actually a good game, but because it's anime and not really that heard of and everyone that plays it is a smelly weeb neet it dies so fast after the first year of hype. Then BB comes out and it dies totally until the next installment.
sounds like xturd is a 50/50 rock paper scissors random game
>yrc the game
get throw looped lmaooooooooo
>fadc the game
O wait, better than jive

ouch, that hurt. and I can't wait to go back to an honest anime game where I shit on carmines with now top tier spiderman and my curt connors out foosies gordeau mashers :^))))
>2d fighters
So.low IQ they can't handle another dimension
Machabo really really need money. SFV is where the money is at
What about the 2D fighters that let you dodge into the background?

For the sake of everything holy. I hope Ono has more than just a few costumes for SF's 30th anniversary

I"m not even asking for free characters. Just please be something more than just costumes and old game bundles.
It has roman cancels, but those are still better than anything Jive has, and the amount of defensive options in GG is amazing, which helps with yrc shit. Also SF4 literally had FADC which was just a shittier and more cheap version of roman cancelling, yet everyone loves sf4 now that they've seen how bad 5 really is.

All fucking fighting is shit right now

>Jive is terrible and every pro player only plays it for money and are miserable
>injustass is just 50/50 mixup the game but throw in 100-0 combos and infinites
>mkx is the same shit as injustass
>killer instinct is dead and just a terrible game, fun to play but terrible
>tekken7 is k, but is having quite a terrible launch and the characters are all kinda samey (but tbf that's always been tekken)
>kof is dead and shit, always has been shit ever since the death of 2k2 the last good kof game

Goobers is the only game that feels fun and fair anymore, and has a clear skill gap and pretty decent mechanics.

I'd never think I'd see the day where I wished we could go back to ssf4/usf4, but it's happened.
>Goobers is the only game that feels fair anymore
guess you didn't see marn's twitter where he says every character besides the one he plays is cheap unfair trash huh
I'm actually an Akatsuki main now
nothing personal kid
>guess you didn't see marn's twitter where he says every character besides the one he plays is cheap unfair trash huh
What does that even mean
Worst BB.
he won't have anything but costumes. sfv underperformed, mvci is going to underperform. capcom is not going to make or heavily support any more fighting games after mvci. if sfv were selling well and had a positive reception they might invest in big expansions, but it's obvious all they're doing is giving everyone the bare minimum until they can safely cut the game off. sf is dead after 2020.
Shut up and never talk again.
it means gg is full of characters who have tons of cheap shit instead of honest no nonsense characters like sol and sin. it's also why the game is dead irrelevant trash and machabo is almost homeless
who does marn play in that game
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>Tekken just went down to 3.5k players for the first time on Steam

When will the bleeding stop? Is PSN player base still healthy?
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That's not best BB you loli loving autists.
>no argument

literally W H O ever said anything about jive that game is garbage too
doesnt change anything about goober gear besides perception which has blinded people and had the same effect sfv has on people which is just accepting shitty mechanics like yrc and danger time except instead of accepting sfv because esports money people accept xrd shit because its not sfv

even then some of gg vets in both jp and na dont give a shit about actually playing xrd
>FGC shits on "single player" content for years
>SFV comes out with minimal single player content
>FGC complains

Like pottery
oh, she's total bullshit too though
He is also coming from accent core
how do we feel about sonic fox converting famous and rich men into gay furries
YRC should be like ASB's instead in regards to how the stopping works.
No she isn't. Barely has anything going for her.
They can be richer
They can be smarter
They can be better looking
They can be better at me in fg's
They can be nicer and more courteous

I will be better because they're still a gay furry
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kys desu
FGC doesn't know what it wants
That isn't either, but she's way better than Flatinum.
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Makoto is boring

You're wrong
fgc used to be elitist cunts
now they want to grow and to get casuals even interested you need single player shit
fgc changed and is still changing
they = tournament organizers
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It's Mai!
Nobody wants games they just want another daigo parry to cum over
Are you trying to say rachel is worse?

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I'm saying Rachel is the best
It's almost like different people have different opinions.
A boy
is this the new playblue

i only check this generall occasionally for fap material
They coexist, although a new UNIEL is about to drop so it gets posted more often now.
I'm gay for that boy.
Tomorrow I'm getting SFV, are DLC characters for free or in-game cash or real money ? Otherwise I'm just getting KoF or Tekken
people like you make me ashamed to be a ram player
In-game cash
You can get them by buying the season pass or by spending the virtual currency ou get by playing. I reccomend the later, except if you're really impatient or absolutely can't stand single player content.
Also, if you buy it make sure to download make sure you download the story mode, at least on steam it's a separated free DLC.
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playbirth on the 20th of this month, anon!
>get to the heat of battle! Go for it!
you can change system voice though
>twin drills
>black stockings

*unzips dick*
No one is going to import a fighting game that they aren't already heavy into or have a scene around them which doesn't exist pretty much anywhere.
>Transcending History and the world; a tale of souls and swords, eternally retold
You can put your trip back on Redblade
hahah, it's the week after EVO
>w-w-wait for EVO for the announcement!
>w-w-wait for Comic Con for the announcement!
Comic Con
>w-w-wait for tokyo game show for the announcement
tokyo game show
>w-w-wait for the CPT 2017 finals for the announcement

this is how it will go down
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>No one is going to import a fighting game

lol yeah bro just like nobody imported SIGN as soon as it dropped, or Rev, or UNIEL, or any of the BB games. i'm sure nobody is going to do that for this game either.

you don't have to import, most people on ps3/4 have a jp psn account
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does headblade know that Erika only likes Chads?
you can get them with ingame money, however you can get maybe 2. Otherwise you need to farm ingame money, which takes more time than getting a part time job and just buying it with real money
upper and 2 were both on naomi hardware bro.
He isn't the only one who thinks erika is the best unist.
i could see why people dont like danger time but yrcs are actually awesome and open up so much depth in terms of movement and meter management. most of the dropping sfv crowd have gone to tekken.
literally every character in guilty is cheap and unfair to play against. that's what makes it so balanced.
*yrcs your uninformed post before you have a chance for it to come out*
Anyone in EU up for Rev 2 or SFV? Rev 2 pref but whatevz fighting games.

That's bullshit and you know it.
what's your steam?
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Anyone tekken 7 PC or doa5lr Xbone us?

name a fighting game that's more balanced
That's not the main point. The bullshit part is the

>is cheap and unfair to play against. that's what makes it so balanced.
that's true though
Karate champ
Buffing > Nerfing


Look at SFV, everything gets nerfed to the ground, for example non-invincible dps, and the few characters it didn't affect too much get grossly overpowered (laura, balrog, etc) while every other character feels like a wet noodle unable to do anything.

In GG, sure there is some dumb stuff, like gorilla mash leo, or sin. But Leo has weaknesses, he's slow, he can't block in his stance, a lot of his shit is able to be grabbed, sin has weaknesses too, so does elphelt, and usually the top top tier characters aren't the ones winning tournaments, like in SF where only top tier wins outside of a couple exceptions.
its all relative. compared to normal fighting game characters they're all broken
for all of SFV's faults, its not balance.

Literally every character except Alex, Ryu and Juri have played in Grand Finals at a CPT event this year.

Compared to SF, GG (and other anime) is kusoge broken op shit. But compared to itself, gg is pretty tame. The only bad mechanic in xrd is danger time.

Compare GG to marvel. GG doesn't have infinites, gg has much better defensive options (compared to "LOL MASH X FACTOR TO WIN"), GG doesn't have shitty comeback mechanics, GG doesn't have 1 touch 1 kill combos, etc.

Just because the game is slightly faster paced and has some "anime" mechanics compared to SF, doesn't mean the game is unbalanced or broken. It's just different. It's much more balanced than SFV, even pot wins tournaments with F.A.B. and he is lowest of low tier.

I'd rather play goobers than marvel or injustice or mk or killer instinct. SFV is a tossup because it's still alive so playing it can be more fun since im not waiting years for lobbies or good connections, but I don't think it's as fun of a game, nor more balanced.
>GG doesn't have shitty comeback mechanics
>The only bad mechanic in xrd is danger time.
>compared to itself
what did he mean by this
Did Broski play more yesterday, or was it that one match? I turned it off after they were talking for like 40 minutes straight with literally nothing happening in the middle.
The Syndrome meme fails because not all bullshit is created equal, my bullshit is more consistent then your bullshit and nets better payoffs or less work, efficiency in propagating bullshit can heavily vary in the cast.
>Buffing > Nerfing

Have fun power creeping yourself into a corner.
i don't know, i turned it off too
esports is terrible
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Is she a fraud?
it's not a comeback mechanic though, it's something that randomly occurs and cant be controlled and it doesn't give the losing player an advantage, the winning player gets the benefits too/
Is broski going to Evo to drown in pools?
Danger time is shitty mechanic but it's not a come back mechanic.

Actually, Arcsys is known to start with broken shit on the drawing board and in later patches toning down shit that are too broken so some characters don't get too stupid. Nerfing mechanic is pretty important sometimes too. Many Ram's stuff, Johny's unblockable set up, sin's beak driver, elphelt's many thing are many of the good nerfs that make the game more reasonable.
i completely disagree due to input eating and that yrc freeze can actually completely lock out reversals on wake up even completely independent of the input eating
and that the best way to counter yrc is to yrc yourself
and that even getting a good read gets fucked by yrc
and that reading a yrc yields no reward most of the time or even an advantage for the other player because they just did yrc so of course they get to do stuff
it literally reinforces that epic goober gear is a 1 player game meme
Marvel has literally always and forever been a 1 player game, even back in marvel 2, yet it's still one of the most popular and loved fighting games of the past 20 years. All NRS games are 1 player games. BB is a one player game. Skullgirls is a one player game. KoF is a one player game.

What's your point?
idk why people point to marvel combos like it means anything or compare a 3v3 game to a 1v1
1 kill is 1 life bar and you have 3 which means 2 incoming mixups and each combo would be 33%
at least look at it that way instead of blatantly bashing the game for no reason because it doesnt support your argument anyway since one is a team game and the other is not
and i fucking hate marvel and every marvel-like game
tekken is impossibly hard compared to most fighters

so she's defo good
also stop saying fab wins tournaments he literally has done absolutely nothing besides top 16 or 32 at evo since xrd dropped aside from winning some single elim mikado weeklies that fucking chappu wins sometimes
Hey guys so my stick is constantly going to the right no matter what I d, and I was wondering what the problem is and how to fix it. Do I replace the entire joystick itself?
>plays ling
I did the same.
I wish that you can still input and have it buffer during the duration of YRC. That would solve a lot of problem. All ASW have to do is to have YRC not eat the input.

Sometimes the freeze help making many yrc-able thing not too stupid and give you some time to react. This is major for yrc of moves that move the player forward really fast and even maintain air momentum for air moves.

well there are only 2 evo for xrd and that's not too good of a sample size. I agree that FAB is unlikely to win big tournament such as evo because Pot has it rough in tournament setting but everyone still cheer for him. He was so close in both games that he lost during evo sai 2017 top 8, it was heart breaking. Both games were against players who got 1st and 2nd place too for the tournament.
If you think that SFV is casualized trash and then go play Overwatch then you're being a really big hypocrite.

Overwatch, just like SFV, is built around e-Sports but rather than focusing itself for the needs of high level play it does that for the needs of lower skilled players. Both games take huge parts of their respective genres and simplify them to the point they become a lot accessible to the expense of entertainment at high level play ("Press Q to win" in Overwatch, which replaces the point of high movement and high skill ceiling in FPS games, CCs in SFV which deconstructs the need of a proper footsie game also due to the priority system).

Hi altaccz.
Shut the fuck up, you play Melty and that piece of shit is way more broken than Guilty Gear.
So I have the ps4 slim. I played SFV on pc but it's pretty dead (700 players during the hours I can play)

I've been enjoying tekken 7 on PC but all the local events and small FGC play on ps4.

Would it be worth to get sfv and tekken 7 on ps4?
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He just pointed out a shitty comeback mechanic in GG, calm down
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Why are goobers so angry
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Fighting game hype seems low right now. I hope Dragonball and Marvel do well because evo looks like it'll be struggle tier this year
What's happening in this webm?
Is this guy just a comedy act or something?
Both of these games are designed to make even the less skilled player to feel good about his "performance", even if said performance wasn't so good in a bigger scale of things.

If you play like shit for an entire Overwatch match and then you manage to get some nice event going on for you like a big killing with a Q you'll still get rewarded with cards or highlights, despite you not doing shit for the rest of the match.

SFV doesn't give you neat looking highlights or shiny lootboxes but it does give you reward in-game in terms of what's happening during the match. The Crush Counter system is entirely built around that. It deconstructs the point of a proper footsie game and rewards with a VFX and huge damage output if you follow it up with a combo.
Hellfire is indeed a comeback mechanic. It's not too much damage at least since if you confirm the overdrive from a normal, it would prorate quite a bit. The hellfire state also at pretty low hp and many characters with lower guts can die from a combo without reaching it.

I think ultra in SFIV weren't too bad of a comeback mechanic other than elena's dumb healing ultra and e.ryu's ultra 2.
I don't like SFV's v-trigger though. It doesn't require a legitimate confirm with its own risk like ultra in SFIV. V-trigger is basically free safe activation with no risk (and allow a random crush-counter) and give many character huge boost in damage, mix-up and change the playstyle of some. It gives much more comeback potential due to its risk free nature.
i agree that the slowdown helps noticing that but its purely for new players
if you know some forward moving attack has an frc point and you see the opponent has 25 meter you should always be ready for it once you see the startup of that move and react if they miss the frc
but you can yrc anything anytime
am i supposed to do nothing but wait for chipp to teleport yrc at me or alpha blade yrc his way in and my only possible reaction on this read in this scenario is block

fab wins matches but he will never win a tournament because his one character in this game that he has played for over 15 years is complete garbage
if with all that experience and with all his absurd skill in guilty gear he cant make potemkin work in a tournament with other strong players then no one can
and then theres the ram and dizzy players who also do nothing besides grind out arcade games and get by with 45% win rates at best while paying extra money to not get demoted in rank

sure any char can win in xrd
outside of top level
and if you agree to that then it applies to quite a few fighting games right now and in the past and is not something to boast about
especially when the awesome moments and matches are in horribly balanced games with awful matchups and overcoming those odds
when everyone does retarded bullshit like ram winning a match it is never impressive because she gets one generally randomly lucky hit into corner carry into vortex
trying to play a real solid game in xrd with mid or low tier characters at a high level is so excruciatingly difficult and not rewarding enough when you can play solid with sin or johnny or elph or raven and do infinitely better
even godlike solid players like fab or haaken or kazuki or ruu dont get anything done anymore and its painful to watch because it is so very clearly their character being the main shortcoming and the game not rewarding those chars nearly enough for playing really clean and solid
machaboo is smart for playing sin
Does anybody else hate Dragunov to the point of turning off a stream just because his entire design disgusts you?
Unplug the joystick from the pcb

>It still goes to the right
Issues with the pcb.

>It stops going to the right
It's the joystick's switch.
Well if chipp can yrc teleport and hit a button, including 0-frame grab, it would be tougher to react. At least you can block or have time to press grab as well on reaction during yrc slow down.

Elphelt hasn't won anything though, even when she was broken. Sin won but sin was played by machabo and he was legitimately a really good player anyway. Machabo also win stuff with Ky and Sol before since he's just a master at shoto. There are just a lot of good players in GG. Also, characters in GG are just so hard to master and maintain at competitive level that not many top players can main multiple characters. Many low tier SF can see top tournament play because players can main multiple characters and switch if they run into a really bad match up. Switching characters is more difficult in GG since each play so differently with different complicated execution.
No, he's a pretty cool guy
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consider this

a friendly reminder
Would SFV be less frustrating if damage was universally lowered by 20% to reduce variance from round to round?
leave the damage the way it is but lower the stun and make vreversals throw invincible

What's your opinion on basic combos
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Tryhard is a state of mind and its obvious to spot from people who lack fighting spirit

"Tryhard" is cobra kai

Whenever I used to invite a guy to play with me in Injustice 2 he would use the most obnoxious playstyle imaginable in a casual setting (zoning) and clash every single time he was about to lose to get a huge chunk of health back he spent all match building from projectiles, never taking the hint since I didnt clash a single time. What is the point of prolonging a match like that instead of just seeing who wins with the given lifebar when its not even a real competitive environment?
So you want your opponent to hold back?
No, I want my opponent to not care about whether or not they win or lose. Being tryhard is to lack self awareness in what usually takes place in friendly sparring matches
He's baiting, don't reply
the damage is fine, nothing wrong with a high damage game
what sucks is that many characters have insane cornercarry and oki.
So you want your opponent to not try to win and let you win instead?
It would be less frustrating if there were more defensive options so you slash the number of situations where you need to just straight up guess on wakeup

There's nothing inherently wrong with high damage, but high damage and oppressive offense with almost no way out is a bad combination
machaboo contradicts that last point and he was playing sign sol he will never switch to sol because hes now mid tier and doesnt reward solid clean play well enough which is paraphrasing his words
fab and kazuki have been playing nothing but gg in terms of fighting games and their respective characters for many many years and now get nowhere
why are they not rewarded for their character mastery and solid play then
how come some zadi guy pick up raven and play clean and solid with him and suddenly get on their level
even wild boys like kaz and dogura have been doing much better back in jp since switchin to raven when you would think for kaz in particular sol would suit his style really well
what is one of the premier top level solid baiken players of xx doing now that baiken is in xrd and is not good enough because iirc sharon went back to playing millia
even bedman players are saying hes no longer worth the effort in rev2 after spending years developing and trying to master him beyond gimmicks and tricks
and where are literally any of the axl players either new or veteran
shimonkin got top 8 at evo and is that all even including big jp tournaments

elphelt won nothing in japan yes but japan also just disregarded the character completely they only gave her a second look after coming to america and seeing the plethora of elphelts let alone the plethora of ones placing well
meanwhile lost soul starts playing xrd and wins everything for a while
i think he can be a top lvl player but thats neither here nor there so i concede that point about elph
Akuma in Tekken is so fucking stupid i'm already sick of him and the kids that play him

Street Fighter was a mistake
>add a character that isnt the same shit again
>tekkenbabbs cry
i watched the whole thing, and he didn't play more. what a crappy format
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Nice cirurgy faggot
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post braindead animal characters
you guys will find any excuse to hate a game and suck top player dick
I don't see why it matters that FAB cant win in xrd, Daigo cant win with Ryu, you don't see people bitching about that.

Besides, the last GG game before xrd was pot nightmare hell, so FAB is getting his just desserts.
>Daigo cant win with Ryu, you don't see people bitching about that
Yes they do, what the fuck are you talking about? Lots of people were saying the balance in S2 was shit and using Daigo not being able to win with Ryu as a point of reference.
It sucks in jive how you have the same rank for all chars. I want to learn Urien without losing all my points.
I want him to not tryhard. I dont care if he wins just like I dont care if I win. If hes tryharding on autopilot instead of taking the learning opportunity he should be labeled appropriately

w-waah anything I cant argue against is b-bait
nobody cares about sfv. it's a dead game with esports money pulling a weekend at bernies
Well how do you play while not trying to win? But also not trying to lose. It's the point of these games. I don't get it.
fab literally does nothing in fgs besides play potemkin in guilty gear and this has been the case for over a decade
he didnt switch chars voluntarily like machaboo or fino and he didnt try to play any other game like n-o or dogura or inoue
daigo is esports and more community focused nowadays iirc hes a fg coordinator or rep or something for twitch japan and i think he still does his beat tv streams and shit
people excuse him because he was the best or among them for over a decade and now hes taking a clear step back from competition to help grow the community or help in other ways besides providing exciting matches like he used to want and be able to do
fab has not slowed down in that regard whatsoever and a very clear reason hes not doing nearly as well is his character is a giant walking armored trash can
besides everyone knows sfv sucks so no one cares if daigo isnt doing well with a bad char in a garbo game

the only reason i mentioned him is because someone else mentioned fab is representative of xrds (not even remarkable) character balance when in reality he is clearly suffering from his character weighing him down
he might be the best gg player of all time in terms of being the complete package player and completely mastering his character and yet here he is
Should the main character of a fighting game always have a beginner moveset?

yeah no one cares thats why combobreaker had 40k viewers
Let me give you an easier example of this exact phenomenon

Youre playing against someone you know. They dont pick their main because theyre trying to learn a new character. You still pick your main because thats who youll definitely win with. Its tryharding
Proof that the next character will be Abigail


Look at the tab's name.
tekken bowling was based fuck you
>that complete incompetence again
>Be Karin
>Read or react to a jump in
>Anti air and it trades or you eat the a max damage combo

I see why mago is switching to Rashid now this is just dumb.
>instead of taking the learning opportunity
Shouldn't you be taking the learning opportunity? If he's actually autopliloting it should be esier for you to find the weak spots of his strat.
Reasonable assumption but not applicable in all situations

For example in the current injustice 2 roster some matchups are almost impossible. Fingers crossed for a rosterwide zoning nerf after EVO so that people cant get braindead wins. Atleast in street fighter zoning usually has a risk/reward element and noobs will be immeaditely destroyed.
>Wanting the chracter with the best ground game in the roster to also have good antiairs
Why not give her a command throw and a bunch of extra life while we're at it?
how do you eat a max damage combo if the antiair trades?
Yeah she should have no weaknesses you're right
GotB should always be well rounded and have low execution barriers.
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been watching trigun, drinkin and playin geetar i am pumped for some quick ST gamez before passin out

SEE ME RN ST n e 1 https://my.mixtape.moe/mqdaxw.mp3
t. probably cried about vega's anti airs in 4
Vega's anti-airs were fine
Does Japan still have arcade cabinets that have slots to plug in your own controller?
get good. Unless the opponent has a particularly nasty air option like akuma's air fireball karin's anti airs are perfectly serviceable. And even if they do you just need to learn to adapt.
Funny how people still find ways to complain about a literal S tier character with practically no bad matchups.
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good anti airs should be a right, not a privilege

jumping is dishonest practice and should be discouraged and not encouraged

>S tier

lmao is this a joke?
karin has a dp anti-air tho
>jive babbs too bad to time a fucking anti air against jumps that have no possible variation in their arc or timing

nice tumblr meme
Literally everyone agrees that she is godlike. She could just push buttons all day and win. Having a less than stellar AA is the one and only weakness she has.
Erika is a literal goddess that i want to worship.Now if only she wasn't flat

pls no false rumors about my wife
Enjoy your 1.5d fighter.
I think pretty much everyone realizes by now that Karin is stupidly good when shes played optimally by a player like Punk. Name one truly bad matchup that she has.
is saving your meter to confirm jabs into 300+ damage instead of using it to anti-air a right too?

>Karin is godlike because punk wins with her

Lmao delete your post. Typical trash mentality from the US whoever is winning is obviously the best char.
flat ojous are literally the best
Dhalsim, Guile, Balrog.

Wow that's a totally fairopinion to have
Literally how tier lists are made my dude, basing it on wins is the most objective way to do it. It doesn't matter if another character is theoretically better if they don't get the same results.

She's probably better then post-patch Guile and definitely better than Sim.
And? Those games came two and three years after their previous iterations. Has nothing to do with this fake "burn CPS-II stock" story.
Being a better character (though i still disagree for guile) doesnt mean you cant lose a matchup to a worse one.
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>redblade is back
Is Jiyuna /our guy/?
Almost certainly.
Not anymore.
Anyone wanna play Cyberbots?
I thought you were referring to characters better than her. Anyway, I think she's one of Guiles toughest matchups, no one can punish sonic booms in the same way she can with ex tenko and her mobility means he has a hard time zoning her anyway. The only one I might give you is Rog, since she dies so quickly, but even then she can really fuck him up once she gets her offense going due to his shitty defensive options.
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Six Stars is gonna make it, lads.
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the /ourest of guys/
I miss his old streams back when p4a and SFxT was a thing.

nice kusoge mechanic but I don't play games that have that shit
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im excite
gg is a 1 player game then
im just tired of people jerking the game off with legit moot points and either resorting to or just uselessly attacking other games with extreme inaccuracy and ignorance
its not just an fgg thing it even happens at my locals a lot and obviously on twitter and shit so ive just been cathartically wall of text posting about it
Besides the whole cast being sniffs, how good and fun a game is it?
Why is Skullgirls so ugly?
>%80 already

Yeah, pretty cool. Maybe it'll actually do well enough to get one or two of the extra characters.
Man, i want to love SFV but shes doesnt want to stop being a bitch.
Only Aris is
Come on now
What do you mean?
He's gay furry so he doesn't comprehend what it means to have good taste.
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>Same netcode as LM
What's the point?

Yes, the gameplay is great. It could possibly be my second game if it had something similar to caster.
>Brick likes pedobait games
Who would have thought...
I actually dislike the design of most Arcana girls, there's only a few that I kinda like but they're not even that good compared to a ton of other games. If I were to choose the game for waifus I'd definitely rather go with something like GG, but the game is plenty of fun.
Did you know you would play only 1 match or the format in general? How was the experience?
How do we get capcom to add more costumes to their game?
I'm a Mika main and am very pleased with the attention she gets from them, but characters like Laura need love sometimes too.
I need top 8 predictions me and a couple of the guys at the office are having a pool
>ISDD just 2-0ed Problem X with Ed
damn, the smug money match wont be as free as i thought

most of the format i learned on the day, the rules kept changing in the days leading up to it

they might be switching to 2/3 fairly soon ive heard but nothing concrete

it was fun
I forgot to mention it's for SFV top 8
when he's playing chill and solid with him he's really bloody good the problem is him tilting in ranked and having access to a mashable invincible move that's also shit with like 13 frames startup. smug isn't even good, he got given a top tier and suddenly he's relevant. also packz will win evo
Ohh i cant wait
Not switching to 2/3 would be insane. The stop start between games because of needing to setup controllers was head-wrecking.
I still can't believe how bad SFV story art is.
i hope we get closeups of her footsies
hey faggot
good shit
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Mr. FatWizard literally hired Cujo Kate (pic related) over our guy with high IQ commentary, Zhi.

This is a travesty of the highest order. How does Mr. FatWizard get away with it?
He just doesn't give a fuck anymore. I was shocked when I learned his art had degenerated so much, there are artists who have gone blind and retained their skill better than him. This doesn't look like the work of one of Capcom's principal artists from their fighting game golden age.
I hope they give an artist a reasonable deadline and salary for SSFV.
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>SFV is a dead game
>but GG absolutely isnt
>100 times the shilling but PS4 T7 is still fucking garbage and PC is king

loving it
Zhi is garbage.
Good riddance.

I hate that guy an his incredible shrinking forehead.
He was always the weakest Capcom artist, but yeah he got worse.
You guys streamboaring Tekken
His art for the Alpha games and Darkstalkers was excellent, and you can't count being inferior to Akiman and Nishimura Kinu against him, that isn't fair.
40k viewers is pathetic
I don't even know why sponsors stick with fighting games anymore
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Melty's life regain mechanics are still THE best "comeback mechanic" ever implemented in a fighting game.

DBF seems to have something similar but it's not based on red life and I didn't really understand how it activates and such but it could be interesting.
I remember getting so mad at that shit when I played the game with a friend of mine
why do kappas care about who commentates for SFV?

the f-moon version of it seems kinda kuso cause its instant
tryhard is a scrub word, bub
>I have a cunt, give me a sponsor!!!
how does life regain work in melty?
Should I play nihao?
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I love Millia!
No, play succ instead.
I guess that means announcement is soon.
Blood Heat is fine, I think the problem is just Instant heat for a few abusable moves that basically just make you regain life on command with no risk.

It's kinda long to explain, it's different for every moon. Basically every move does "real damage" and "red damage" (see pic). Red life doesn't count as life and if your "real life" reaches zero then you just lose, but you can regain red life by spending meter. How each moon does this is different, and I think that's part of what makes it interesting because I feel like it's pretty nicely balanced overall where all moons have drawbacks and strong points.
The reason it's good is that in general it's not a comeback mechanic in the sense that it's something that gets gifted to the losing player just because he is losing. Life regain uses your actual meter that you use for everything else and if you want to use it you need to plan your meter usage and forego other options like burst (which is also tied to meter in melty). They also carry risk as usually they need activations that are slow and punishable.

The only exception to this in my opinion is Instant heat for F-Moon, and the main problem with it is that there are some moves where you can whiff cancel them into IH, so you just regain all red life with little risk, or none at all.
play bish, the only honest character
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Forgot pic that shows red life.

Also some characters (most notably some versions of Akiha) have moves that interact with red life by taking away chunks of it, making your comeback potential worse.
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wow me2
fish is too clean but theres no way he's honest with bubble
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i am late, but ok
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The best!
Little red shooting hood is pretty honest
Wrong, but decent answer.
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Every Felicia and Talbain I've faced just jumped at me none stop and spammed Es cannon.
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>console patch notes:

Jeebus did literally everyone get buffed
Did they fix Gordeau yet or can he still GRIM REAPAH all day?
ISDD is such an embarrassment lol.
Jesus christ.
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Post underrated fighting games.
WTF no one told me there is an online cpt today
Felicia is honest Jon is lame

>nanase still looks like utter trash

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You're gay you attention whoring piece of shit. Kill yourself.
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>What's your name?
Nanaya. Nanaya business.
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She's technically a succ, a chinese one
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Don't talk to our guy like this, assh*le.
Does makoto count as furry?

Actually got this game on my wall right now.

A chinese knock-off succ.
don't care, i wanna fuck her
>buying a game that will surely have <50 concurrent players in america at any time
lol, idiots
Not everything is a popularity contest.
Some people just support the games they love anon.

Don't be a fag.
I want 16er retards like you banished from this thread
fighting games are about competition. if you're playing a game that has no competition then there's no point. dumb cunts.
if you think competition is more important than playing games you enjoy you're a brain fried eatsports faggot and need to get the fuck out of here
You're a shallow, low IQ loser, honestly.
50 people playing is still competition, it's not even debatable.

Just because you don't like it doesn't mean fuck all anything.
Who the fuck are you?
A god damn nobody.
if you don't enjoy sfv tekken7 xrd bbcp kof14 or ki then you don't like fighting games and should fuck off to overwatch or lol
I do enjoy xrd and tekken 7 though
I also enjoy dead shit just because it's fun to play
good god
who the fuck is the under night in stillbirth champion? a god damn nobody low IQ loser who's afraid of competition, that's who

you're right i should buy this dead on arrival kusoge, that way i can enter tournaments and reach top 8 by default
easier to play a ded game nobody cares about than to admit that you wouldnt make it in any proper fighter.
post your rank in whatever you play so I can see what kind of trash bag makes these posts
You seem to be under the impression I'm that guy.
I'm not, you retard. Just saying there is more to liking a game than having a huge pool of players.
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top% babbyyyy
If something big doesnt get announced after the SFV finals at EVO you can say goodbye to Street Fighter

Good riddance fuck this horrible franchise, Makoto is the only good thing that has come out of it
diamond in sfv
you whiny faggots have been saying this for over a year now.
you'd still drown in pools at any major, just as you'd lose against anyone in some dead kusoge
guarantee that after sfv evo finals they'll show the brown girl trailer and say she's available now

makoto and 3s are shit
>moving goalposts
Where are you going with the goalpost
So when are you quiting Shit Fighter V and starting Tekken?
It has more players = more competition, right?
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tell me your biggest personal reason to despise SFV
luckily Abigail will be introduced before Evo is over for sure, his page is already up


fuck im hyped because i love hugo and hes even bigger and crazier than hugo
better drowning while trying to swim with the sharks than being a tadpole in a bucket, buddy boy
>swimming with sharks
It's Street Fighter
>more players
game is dying by the minute. didnt even manage to outsell SFV on PC.
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Doesn't have more players playing ranked, doesn't have more players entering tournaments.
they seem to be prepping their website page for abigail now. so i think we will get him as an announcement or maybe even both. iif the super rumors are true, i expect that after capcom cup.
do you understand that being diamond means nothing compared to the competition
you're like any random shitter in any dead game. people who are good in those would wipe the floor with you
No morrigan.

You never learn
You get more for your money with a chinese knockoff
but there are 2000 people grinding treasure mode for hats
Tekken is far more popular right now, are you retarded?
It has a far greater pool of players and a far larger community on twitch.

So I'll ask again.
When are you quiting SFV to play Tekken?
By your own admission you're wasting your own time.

ITS ALL about the numbers though, quit back pedaling.
High player count = better game = better competition, you said so yourself.
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I have it both on pc and ps4 because I wanted to enter tournaments, ps4 ranked is even worse.
I mean that's true but your argument is essentially
>"people who are good in a thing you are not good in will be better than you"

which is a weirdly obvious thing to point out
Please, they're grinding for a hoochie mama's bathing suit and a lesbian tomboy's ultra slutty workout clothes.
Yeah but the numbers that interest me are competitive (ranked and tournament entrants) so SFV.
The whole larger competition argument is stupid as fuck because there's always someone better than you. I could go on the discord and get my ass fucked by Igloo who plays dead shit exclusively. How is that any different than going on SFV ranked and getting beat by some random dude?
Yeah, but I said it before a long while ago.
You're a fucking god damn nobody.
A literal who.

So what does it even matter? HINT: It doesn't.

You're a fucking embarrassment to SFV players.
Punk was a nobody too not so long ago, look at all the nobodies getting sponsored, do you not understand what's happening? I guess that's why you play dead kusoge.
calm down doug you still have plenty of BRs and other south americans to play with on fightcade
everything will be alright
If Capcom hadn't fucked up it could have grown the whole FGC so much more.
This. ISDD is really good, he just lacks the most important thing: mental stability and clutchness. He always loses in offline tournaments because he cant handle the pressure and starts doing dumb shit.
I just don't think it's fun to play.
Nope, I play SFV an I stand by what I said.
You're an embarrassment to the community lol.

I stand by the FGC, not some fame chaser nobody who thinks they are the next hot shit.
I'll promote a "dead game" any day over a sorry loser like you, a leech.
I've never been a fan of SF.
Imagine if she was a Tekken player, we would have to treat her with respect and fear her because she could beat us. BASED 2D, where women just suck ass like they are supposed to.
all the technical problems aside, the core gameplay isn't fun for me
If only he spent more time watching and analyzing replays where he lost instead of running off and playing one where he wins.
I don't think I'm hot shit I just like to compete and have clear goals, the fgc was made by people like me.
So which is it, the player count? The entries that you'll never attend or win at? OH no right you moved the post again. Now it's about having goals?

What a fucking joke you are.
everyone is pretending there is no competition in our "dead games", but i'm pretty sure most of us regularly play people a lot better than us or at least know of people who are

the only exception might be like fatfeels and his jojo memeshit

it's the same tiredass "only the current SF game is alive" retardation
>money that could have been spent on content was spent on that dogshit story
>not fun
>fuck up the legitimately interesting fight money concept with piddling rewards and money-only shit
>limited time outfits and stages make the nickel and diming worse
I could probably think up more, but I'm tired and have to go to work.
i just dont get it. if people hate sfv cause of the direction it took and it's failings that still need improvement, then why is everyone ready to put down money for marvel. it's nearly the same team and producers. there making it dlc based. all the quality of life issues plaguing sfv isn't fixed yet so why would this game be any different. cfn could be implemented in this as well. sfv at least let me earn characters with fm. there gonna milk the dlc licence with marvel.

at this point capcom should just make a 8 fighter, 20 dollar capcom vs game using all the ip's at their disposal with using a fm to unlock more of the roster and costumes, then e-sports that. full creative control, not having to bend to marvel
Just follow the replychain, I already said it's about competitive play and I'm attending tournaments soon just not evo because it's way too expensive.
>It has a far greater pool of players and a far larger community on twitch.
both wrong.
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are we getting raided by kappa again?

go play your dead kusoge and get that sfv dick out of your mouth
People are still skittish after the near death of the community and genre, but I don't really understand the willingness to hype something that can only be shitty.
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You're the next daigo bro! Watch your back guys, that diamond player is coming for your money! Helped by the huge pool of players in SFV, this guy will soon be a god no doubt!
why don't sf babies make their own thread like tekgen

don't even pretend like sf keeps this thread alive
There is no need to be upset at someone having a competitive spirit for a competitive game, I'm sorry that you're angry.
just go back to kappa
shut up doug you're not funny and have never been funny
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I grew up on SC and Tekken, sidestepping is fucking fun and adds huge dept to combat all the time

Tekken also has me on its bigger sense of realism and depth. I know how strange that sounds given it's bears and demons and shit but when you pull a reversal, you actually yank their arm, drop them to the ground and fuck them over, where SF always felt more like
>look I changed color
>boom a hit
not to mention unreactable 3f hits that force passive play

I really don't like the gimmicky characters with fireballs and screen presence stuff. Rachel is a good example of that done well, you can move through everything and it's not just flooding the screen with a billion fireballs constantly, it's traps and chess play that forces you to think ahead or lose. Idk, those are just hot opinions man
I'm not angry, I'm laughing at how fucking small and sad you are.
You're a joke.
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>make a post that btfo shit fighter jive in kappa
>get gold and tons of karma
>make a post that btfo shit fighter jive in fgg
>get called a kappa and made fun of
its very clear whos the better community

death to capcucks
We'll see you at evo then playing your fg of choice i assume
I don't personally know or have any vested interest in MvC, that being said.
I have a strong faith in capcom, they will put the game through the same ringer SFV went through an get like wise treatment.
DLC out the ass and maybe or maybe not a new character every couple months.
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Ah yes fireballs are gimmicks, great posts sfv haters.
defensive options
the FGC doesnt stand by shitty dead games though.
>all this ass ravaged save face samefagging from a low life diamond player

Just go back to /v/ kid.
in my small experience with SF people really love to get cozy in a corner and flood the screen with projectiles, there are even slow version of projectiles explicitly for the purpose of taking up screen space to keep you out

is that fun for you? sounds really boring to me

I'd rather be in my enemy's face, sidestepping a linear hit or parrying a homing attack to make room for a counter
are u going to buy marvel vs capcom infinite
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>giving a jewish homosexual who wants to import africans to rape your mother and sister money just because you said sfv sucks

i guess theres a reason they call them kappacucks
>You still pick your main because thats who youll definitely win with. Its tryharding
uh, no sweetie, i pick my main because that's what i feel like playing. if you want to gimp yourself then that's your problem
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This is what Tekken does to you
Even Sajam called kappa out.
Even Mike Ross, who they worship greatly and who really doesnt like SFV says he's sick of all the negativity.
meant for >>182043367
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What cable do you use for a Neutrik passthrough? My cable keeps wiggling and disconnecting
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I'll wait to see if the 'shid is in
doesn't have enough female characters and non-whites for my taste
no capcom hasn't made a good game in like a decade and mvci looks terrible
Play Street Fighter 3, parrying makes projectiles useless unless you're a drooling retard
Real girl here, I love Tekken too, its so complex that I can compete in it despite my shitty reactions, poor decision making and general lower IQ. Tekken thinks about us women and thats why its the most respectable game enjoyed by all people equally.
damn straight, preach it
Of course not.
at this point nearly every game out has just as bad netcode though. oddly enough, every game with ggpo out or coming out. no one cares about.
SFV looks like a fun game. I like watching it.
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ill buy it only when its on sale and only if the gameplay and online are solid

the roster is just garbage and the ui and story are stupid too. marvel cinematic universe kikes infecting an established brand.
this kappa gold is the greatest fucking scam.
those who get it dont have any true benefits because kappa gold is fucking useless, but the reddit owners convinced everybody that its a great idea to spend money on it to gift it to people.
One is made by a goober, the other is made by based combofiend
I guess? more of a SC nut that a tekken nut desu I just don't have that as an option anymore since my PS2 shit itself

thanks, I'll try to give it a try. There's probably not a PC port, is there?
I'll grab it if the netcode ends up being alright.

based future gootecks is in guilty gear rev 2

why are you not playing guilty gear rev 2 now?
I've left 2d fighters behind
Probably. Don't think I'll preorder it though.

Also gratz on dodging a match on stream yesterday, was funny.
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i don't get this "only kappa hate sfv" meme, i've been in 4chan for years and i fucking hate shit farter jive

Because I don't like it.
Maybe, im not a marvel guy but the 2 vs 2 caught my attention because it reminds me of tvc. I wonder if they are going to let me play tag team with my bro online though, thas would be fun.
Im going to wait at least half a year to get it if its good though.
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>why are you not playing guilty gear rev 2 now?
grinding for equipment in sitck of truth, and no one to see me
nah, i don't really like tag games and the cast is boring to me
Yes. I always check new fighting games. If it's shit I'll just sell it.
why is it that every single one of those green flags looks like a really low quality material and always has folds in it
>all those (you)s
you win this round broski
Does kappa actually believe? Tell me they're not so dumb they don't recognize Leon the Professional.
They are literally underaged who grew up with SF4 and excellent adventures.

They dont know Jean Reno.
it's the most upvoted post there, kappa is fucking retarded
thanks for keeping everyone up to date on the place you hate so much

genuinely mentally ill
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How good is his Millia?
Does fapping to brow I-no counts?
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I am organizing an fgg online tournament for melty blood for next wednesday (the 12th).
I will stream it with commentary.

Beginners are very welcome, in fact I think it will be mostly beginners, so don't be scared and take this as an opportunity to try out the game maybe.

Register at


Europeans only.

Please join!!
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Just pick a top tier, /fgg/
me it's satire but this is exactly how people feel reading kappa posts about sfv, now you know
Brock please
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>it's satire
ah yes, of course
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What's wrong?
>its all about the player
>but use top-tier anyways guys
very confusing
how many levels of irony is my man on right now
Not at launch, that's for sure.
>its all about the player

so many people who fell to obscurity or rose up to top 8 just because capcom 'balanced' some characters around in sfv
Akuma is top tier tho.
You don't even know what he's referencing, do you?

i'm making a point and i'm getting it across, dont like sfv? fine dont talk about it 24/7 to the point where you only spout garbage memes like functions all day and play another game, thanks for your time kappa
Hey STUD ;)

Nice performance yesterday! I hoped to see you play more but congrats anyway
>i'm making a point and i'm getting it across
you've been making this point for months now, you're fucking boring and annoying and your permanent shitposting is just as bad as all the substanceless sfv bashing
>and adds huge dept to combat all the time

>Tekken also has me on its bigger sense of realism and depth.
ok i see you are baiting
Who are the top 5 characters in SFV
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someone edit this with kappa
Nemo's list is right

Ibuki Rog Necalli Gief Karin/Cammy
he isnt the only one who is sick of kappas hypocrisy and faggot raids.
whatever keeps your paranoia at bay
No, for many reasons:

1) I'm not a big fan of tag team based fighting games like MvC, KoF, Skullgirls, etc. I prefer 1vs1;

2) The recent bunch of news didn't really help me reconsider this game. If anything, they helped me decide to not buy this game at all.

I was already not interested in it, the fact the game seems to remind me of early SFV days makes sure that I won't even try it.
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Guys, how to let my wrist and thump joint not eat shit whenever I play long period of fightan? What kind of exercises do I need and how long of a break should I take?
There is FightCade where it's one of the most popular games (most popular if you don't count kof playing brs), and there's a port on PS3 and Xbox 360
I don't care, honestly. I read enough.
Someone says.
>Akuma sucks its all about the player thats why you see him do good
>but pick top-tier cause the player doesn't matter derp derp

Just putting out there what I took away from it.
Keep your panties in check you faggot tripbitch.
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Online CPT EU top 8(?) is on
Take a 5-10 minute break every hour or so.
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I swear to God, in every /fgg/ thread there's always that one anon who mentions r/Kappa in any situation in order to defend SFV.
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This is your typical tekken shitter
SFV-Mika is the greatest thing to ever happen to fighting games ever.
Truly the queen, strongest fighter ever.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kcx40KKq2Ss this is gonna be the most boring character yet
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>move where he just runs at you and probably will have armor
>half screen standing normals
>command grab
this game is getting more gorilla by the second
>this is gonna be the most hype character yet
fixed that for ya
what's hype about him
t. shill
The only that is remotely interesting about him is that he's apparently big as fuck.

Aside from that I really don't know what to expect from him. I think he's going to be slightly different version of Hugo. Not an exact clone, but still something relatively similar.
hes massive, hes like hugo, he has psychological problems, he will turn red and rush at you from across the screen with armor, he will toss you in the air like a baby, he will be the biggest sf character in history
Wait and see
Is Broski in this?
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>ISDD losing 3-0 with Ed

No this is a different tournament
I like Kappa
We already have big characters. The fact that he's very big can be cool but it doesn't have any interesting gameplay implications it won't be as cool once the hype goes away.

Characters that turn red with armor and can hit you around the screen are already in this game and it's not really an original gameplay concept.

I'll wait and see, but I'm not very optimistic that they'll do something that is really interesting gameplay-wise with him.
What if I told you he'll have a fireball?
Packz played really well, don't know why he does so shit in tournaments.
He spent all his time before this getting tilted, don't even need to see his stream to know he was probably pissed that entire set cursing up a storm.
Just spent all morning shouting "Online means nothing!"
Proceeds to lose online..
>*turns on a replay*

I want him to win, but his attitude is crummy as hell. Could tell he was mad the way he was playing.
>all that pointless jumping near the end
anyone up for some friendlies in sfv
It still wouldn't be interesting unless that fireball works in a new way.
I watched his stream.

He kept doing stupid jump ins and then crying about AA jab spam. He did give him props for packz last match though.
>I'll wait and see, but I'm not very optimistic that they'll do something that is really interesting gameplay-wise with him.
thats literally the entire reason they made season 2 all new characters, and theyve succeeded so far with ed and kolin. im optimistic. their track record so far is good.
If your game is at such a low power level that throw loops are a huge part of the offensive meta and pros complain about their strength, I don't want to play your game. Fuck SFV.
Iwate isn't going to be at EVO.

What is wrong with this guy?
Wow Haggar really is just murican Zangief huh.

Also anybody feel like Abigale is the weirdest choice for a character.
>big like Gief
>running moves like Gief
>even turns red like Gief
>has chains like Birdie
>has the punk/gangster look of Birdie

It's like, everything he will have is something we already have in the game?
guys how do i break through the gold plateau in jive?

i think im finally playing against people that are shimmyable
I'm not expecting him to be a super original character gameplay-wise.

I think Menat and maybe Zeku have more potential in that aspect, but even in that case this is SFV we are talking about.
anti air
Jumping is straight up too strong in SFV.
its not weird at all, its part of the same final fight mad gear gang legacy as hugo, poison, etc. its pretty much the perfect pick. gief has a running grab, thats not what abigail has, and abigail is way bigger than gief.
t. silver fag
this is pretty good bait anon, proud of you
He does that shit all the time but he always gives everyone credit, just blowing off steam

Nah it's a fact. Yeah you can jab-aa on some. Yeah aa's work. But it doesn't matter. The reward from a jump is disproportionate massively to the punishment for an AA'd jump. Pros are jumping more than ever because of it. It's worth the risk.
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Judging from this video, maybe I bet Abigail's gameplay will be like this:

>Grabs you from up close and tosses you in the air like a baby
>This lets him start his armored charge across the screen to where you landed, hitting you while you wake up
>Shatters you like Alex's charged V-Trigger
or something similar, hmm...
Sagat when?
Can anyone beat punk at evo?
Ghodere would win against punk
To be fair, SFV is the kind of game where execution is more important that original gameplay concepts.

For example, FANG is the first Street Fighter character to have a poison mechanic, but the way the whole poison mechanic is executed doesn't make it really interesting.

Gameplay originality still matters, but if it's poorly done then better have something a bit safer but better executed.
>aa is too easy in this game
>jump ins are too strong

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Who the actual fuck is even going to pay for this travesty of a character?
Defend this Ono
they need his poison able to chip death, then he'll be more viable. i started training with chun, but not online, i just know my score is going to tank. also, karin trials vol 2 are destroying me, my fingers feel like there going to snap.
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I'll buy him.. If he comes with a costume for R.Mika
The real idea is a mix of both.

When people say "AA is too easy in this game" they mean that unconvential AA tools like standing jabs are fairly easy to execute and you gain a free 50/50 mix-up after it. It kills the point of using the tools that are real conventional AAs, because they don't give you the same advantage.

When people say "Jump-ins are too strong" they mean that outside of using said unconvential AA tools the regular AA tools aren't so reliable most of the time. DPs can get still hit in some situations and conventional AA normals are very character selective.
Isn't Abigail a girls name?
>Poison should chip death
I'm not talking about viability.

I'm talking about how impactful these new gameplay concepts usually are.

Juicebox once said that the characters that have on paper something more going on are usually so balanced that the new tool is quite weak and uninteresting.
she's transitioning
>cant do karins trials
>thinking ur opinion matters

I like that they don't do anything too gimmicky.
it;s hard doing those weird rekka setups. i feel like i have to muscle memory on a character i'll never use.
but I get him automatically because of the season pass
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>Capcom big announcement at EVO is going to be fucking Abigail
What went wrong?
but what if its super and street fighter is saved?
That's fine, but at the same time it means that the whole meta goes around a specific one-directional step.

I feel like the game needs something more going on right now, and giving the character some more crazy tools could be a good way to reach that.
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If Makoto is considered furry I'm gonna kill myself
Why have an announcement if everyone already knows? Hopefully they surprise with blanka or sagat.
I'm thinking of coming back to SFV. I played Ken at release, should I try someone new?
>not playing best girl
>playing a ryu knock off instead
maximum shame
g i e f
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Best case scenario: Capcom announces Abigail, Menat, and Zeku or w/e his name is, releases them all at once, and announces SSFV with new mechanics, teases S3 characters.

Middle-case scenario: Capcom announces Abigail, teases Menat and Zeku, and gives concrete dates for their release.

Worst-case scenario (i.e. the most likely): Capcom only announces Abigail to be in the game at the end of July with like 4 days of early "beta" testing where they won't change anything about him just like with Ed.
Doomsday scenario: people still play SFV
My money's in the worst-case.
I think they're just going to announce Abigail and that's it.

The beta was for the new CFN, not solely because of Ed.
Worst case doesn't even sound like the worst case desu. More likely to be just a trailer and then release at the end of July, followed by another server/patch/something fuckup that takes another week to resolve.
>Hopefully they surprise with blanka
that would be even worse.
rashid desu
Something really worse would be Elena.

Blanka could be fun in this game.
tfw im a silver tier scrub in every fighting game i play

why does getting gud take so long
who is the our guy of usa (like broski)
elena would be fun in sfv though
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SFV is the kind of game where the lamest character you could think making it in the roster has the potential to be really fun while the character you think has been always really fun and cool ends up being boring and gay.
used to be cloud805 until the clique absorbed him and he stopped posting here
i dont thing fgg has a successful lad in the USA right now
I'm saying he's a jew for leaving out all fun modes
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Why is Akuma the janitor
shit i forgot ghodere started doing well at the big cali locals
guess hes our american guy
Secret character most people won't see
Man I fucking love these old school art works. This one and the beach one are so damn good.
they have to show all the characters
pros get jumped on because their opponent forces them to focus so heavily on the ground that they're then able to sneak in a jump

still most of the time players of momochis calibre will dp
Well, Kinu Nishimura is arguably the best Capcom artist right now. It also helps she doesn't designs female SF characters as generic bimbos but still in a cute way.
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Oh she drew this one too, another one of my favorites.
fgg has absolute legends like broski and ghodere tearing up the esport scene

who does reddit or neogaf have? fucking nobody. we are number 1.
Xian posts on Reddit.
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It feels like Karin players just do the same combo over and over again.
What the heck ibuki is doing to sean
most characters do the same combo over and over and over again in sfv
So does Gllty, they clearly have the edge.
Elena a cuuuuuute
delete this goober the game is create and od (but not as much as mvci)
why is dudley not colored
people like xian just get linked there and post some shit once every few months

you need to be a regular to count. ghodere got run off'd after the nigerian ken beatdown though so maybe he's not our guy any more

fuckin language is this, guy
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SF3 bombed so hard they stopped giving money to artists
if you're not doing the same combos over and over in every game - ie the OPTIMAL combos - you are playing wrong
which is the case in most SF games but alpha3.

jumpins ALWAYS do much more damage than AAs.
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yeah you're definitely banned
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She never finished it for some reason.
Fchamp trashes sfv a lot though.
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say something nice about ken
If Omega Mode Hugo is anything to go by for Abigail, we can expect:

1) Lots of feint moves (both normals and specials) that can be cancelled with SPD;
2) No crazy loops like Clap combos;
3) A slightly crazier Lariat run;
4) A fucking DP;
5) More focused on run specials rather than close-up SPDs;
6) Did I already say a fucking DP?
Who's the swimmer guy and when is he playable
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Season 3.
A swimming themed character would be pretty funny.
Oh, forgot one thing:

7) Chargeable normals
Tiny footsies
every karin goes for the same cr mp into st mp frame trap. fighing her is become a routine at this point.
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>shitty giant retard abigali is the next character instead of delicious brown footsies menat
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Cammy makes me feel some type of way bros
I honestly think master crimson is only the second best sim in europe
Why isn't broski playing? Did you guys sponsor him for EVO?
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NOOOO delet this fact CAPKEK fchamp is a shill and sfv is TRASH
Calm down rashid.
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>He didn't play Rival Schools.
I cant imagine the type of alt she will have
I didn't cause Rival Schools is trash
Anyone thinking about maining any new Jive character?
waiting for oro
Wow Chariot you've said some truly terrible things before but this takes the cake.
been maining the uninstall wizard since 2016
What a coincidence that's my main in gg and tekken 7!
If Menat is neat looking ill reinstall and try her out.
why are african female characters so popular in /fgg
Egyptian bitches are hot
fgg is 90% black
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I can't fucking stand this style of SFV's art. What the fuck were they thinking? It looks so fucking terrible. Proportions, color, lighting, its just trash.

Capcom fighters always had great art and now they don't even have that. Fuck me.
I like sexy bitches regardless of skin color.
Am I the only one who thinks Wagner looks oddly masculine? I thought she was a man when I got linked the [st] OP.
i hate that they have designs that change the characters before sf3. like akuma is just gonna drop the lion mane and stopped surpassing heaven.
sf3 is retconned
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How you could ever think Ericka is a man is beyond me.
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Because Capcom isn't actually interested in timeline things.
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I don't know. Maybe it has something to do with the frontal drills? Her outfit also does a good job of concealing her relatively small bust.
3S is basically non-canon now
That he is going to a 3000USD mm with Smug using his "jump all day" Ed shows you how delusional ISDD is, guy seriously got some mental illness. That will be the easiest 3000USD ever earned in the FGC.
If Menat has fireballs and something like Rose U2 I will start playing Jive again.
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Delete this
3rd strike is a best A BEST
ok, real talk, i'm playing chun, and practicing that spinning bird kick optimized combo. it's tight, but i feel like as an 'online warrior' if i fail this due to lag, i'll be punished hard. do anyone else have this issue and just go for less optimized but guaranteed damage.
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>before Punk not a single Karin hit any of her optimal stuff consistently
>anon hits them all the time in basement
fgg got a player more godlike than Mago and Wong in their midst? SO FUCKING HYPE, LETS SEND THIS KID TO EVO.
>SFV story is clearly leading up to third strike
>retconned because of some costumes

Punk doesnt by just doing combos
I wonder when the next SFV balance changes will be
Next year
Probably S3 only, so december or january. Unless something absolutely broken is found.
It clearly leads into the story as far as the Illuminati replacing Shadaloo are concerned but since every 3S character (that anyone cares about) has since appeared in SF4 and SFV, and there's a new narrative forming with Neo-Shadaloo or whatever they decide to call it, it's clear that most of 3S is now redundant.
how can sfv be dead if a online europoor tournament gets over 2000 viewers?
fuck footsies
aris gets that much streaming himself poking his nose
2000 viewers is literally nothing
Do not talk about my mom like that.

please tell me what combos you think are so difficult

and jwong shouldnt even be discussed he is just too lazy to do more than the most basic combos
You have to spend meter for the dp. She has no meterless anti-air dp. Arguably, that dp is for reversal rather than a good anti air dp because it doesn't have good air hit box. I've seen that ex dp lose or trade in the air. It doesn't have much invincibility at all after leaving the ground
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