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Heroes of the Storm General - /hotsg/

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Thread replies: 757
Thread images: 159

From Russia with love Edition

What's new?

>Stukov confirmed; Starcraft Support

>Latest In-Development video
>Stukov, Skins, Sprays, and More!

>Sun's Out, Guns Out Summer Event and Sweepstakes; Now LIVE
>New summer themed skins, mounts, and sprays
>Event ends the week of July 24th

>Heroes of the Storm 2.0

>For New Players
>Welcome to Heroes of the Storm
>Official Community Resources, Guides, and Tips
>Talent Calculators, Statistics, Youtubers, and more
>Tier lists are effective guidance tools, but should never be blindly followed

>Current Weekly Sale
>Current Weekly Brawl
>Current Patch Notes
>Current PTR Patch Notes

>Where can I talk to like minded individuals to discuss shitposting?
"/join /vg/" in game chat

Previous thread: >>181607525
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Classic Xul NOW, my friends.

Don't stop dreaming, or you'll never know what it feels like to be awake. Love one another.

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>not posting comfiest theme
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Female protoss when?
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reposting b/c new didnt see new thread
>guy lastpick prepicks aba
>team doesnt build around him
>wont swap off
>i ban aba so the tard plays something useful
>he leaves
i could feel his rage
>double post
here's your (you)
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I can get double the upvotes like that!
Selendis could be fun. Being as she gets extremely fucking wet over having an honorable tussle with "Friend Raynor" in wings of liberty.

The only issue is with her kit. Artanis, Fenix and Selendis were all zealot units, and they've already said that Fenix isn't doable with as zealot kit because there wasn't much more to it than charging in and stabbing shit with psi blades and artanis already has that covered.

Maybe selendis could be an Adept type unit and become a protoss ranged damage dealer. Even then that stretches her kit a bit.

We've currently got Alarak, Artanis, Zera, Tassadar and Probius, 3 of those being melee and the other two being support and specialist.

A semi-tanky ranged attacker (somewhere between cassia and raynor in gameplay) could be fun.
how do i get better with uther

i usually get around 30-sub30k healing at round end and i cant figure out what im doing wrong
I always figured they would do dragoon fenix or purifier fenix
Maybe a support?
People will always shit their pants in anger over Fenix not being a zealot unit. Cuz muh nostalgia. And they'll be angry as fuck about Talandar too.

Protoss could use another support maybe, but I dont see selendis being it; Maybe Preserver Rohanna but not Selendis. Tassadar fits as a support because in spite of being one of the most badass warriors to ever live (Zealot -> High Templar -> Dark templar -> Void adept) he was basically Protoss Gandhi, not afraid of violence when it was necessary but preferring alternate means (and the only time he *really* felt violence was necessary was against the zerg). Fun fact they actually wanted to use a Dark Templar as the base unit for tass in sc1 briefly. He was a super-mentor character and often took a more passive / supporting role rather than a direct one. Part of the reason that Artanis turned out so great is because Tassadar mentored him (and fenix).

Turning Rohanna into a support would be a super-stretch too though.
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So I'm gonna level TLV to 5. Should I buy a stimpack? I imagine it'll be a horrible experience without.
if team is smart: split for xp while they get kills
if team is pubtards: group vikings up and have fun
prepare to get flamed and blamed for every single misery in their life
You really want to play with at least one friend who will play a tank. That way you can tell your team to 4-man roam following said tank, while you practice your three lane soak, mercenary timings, and viking rotations based on objectives.
>teammate calls me out for not being at objective fights
>I'm lost vikings

w e w
should always send olaf for objectives
Erik perma-stalls objectives unless they dedicate at least one person with good denial/poke or 2+ people to keep you away.
Post 16, Vikings do a shit ton of damage with spin-to-win, and Olaf stun can make up for having a shitty tank who doesn't know how to initiate if you suspect the game will finish before 20.
so how would you like to see them do a Hybrid character?
Wouldnt. Would rather reserve it as a map mechanic.

Possibly for a crazy map like Overmind vs Old God (Yogg-Saron / C'thun)
What, like Multi-Class? What do you mean?
at most a skin theme for another character or two, possibly Diablo
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I really REALLY like this slut.
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no as in these guys
Stukov, Protoss edition
Why are Tychus's heroics so shit? Beam has terrible range and no health, while the other is more for waveclear and pushing towers than teamfights.

Pic gives a good point: "at least it's not facebook"
>It's another "5-Stack Plays Against A Team of Soloqueues" episode

I can't believe this faggotry is still allowed. Really loving the fact they seem to sit around and play with their dicks and not lift a single fucking finger to try and improve ANY mode in this game. Won't fix 5-stacking against solo queues, won't allow swaps in HL, won't add map vetos, won't even make Brawl's worthwhile because one fucking box is nothing.

These fucking assholes do absolutely nothing to legitimately improve the game itself outside of some "balancing" here and there.
>won't allow swaps in HL
what really
>Why are Tychus's heroics so shit?

Fucking. What!? Tychus' heroics are *great*. Laser drill has a ton of range and can easily be used to zone or siege against a team that cant easily get to it. It's also an instant-cast that creates unpathable terrain, when used smartly you can prevent people from getting to you. You can also just target it on the support and make them go "oh shit I dont want to be near this".

Odin turns your short range tank shredder into a much longer range durable heavy hitter (gaining a bunch of armor and a lot of range). You also get fucking amazing aoe abilities too.

Both of tychus' ultimates are utility oriented and both of them are quite powerful. Laser drill at level 10 will if targeted on a fort for its full 22 second duration do 202 dps, or 4444 total damage; which is about 40% of the forts 11250 hp. At level 20 without upgrade it does 287 damage per second, or about 6300 damage. With upgrade it goes up to ~575 dps, or about 12500 damage (not quite sure how long it takes to hit damage cap so it's probably about 1000 damage lower than that actually) which is close to 90% of a keeps 14300 hp.

The core itself only has 22000 HP (and 11000 shields) at minute 20, so laser drill can do a significant portion of that too.

So overall. Fuck off you're wrong.
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>well done... things are about to get GRAVE

Why is the Grave Keeper such a gigantic nerd?
No wonder the Raven Lord wants him to fuck off ASAP
Li Ming needs better skins, so does Slyvanas.

Lots of people do actually.

Blizz make more mecha skins, shit like Space Lord Leoric and Mecha Dehaka are cool as fuck.
i wont rest until every character has a robotic voice filter
No idea. The mechanic exists and has for a while. You can hero swap in custom games. It probably wouldn't take any effort to implement it in HL.

The whole draft interface needs to be reworked IMO. The coin toss at the start is like super low-res and has no anti-aliasing. We're getting to the point where 3 bans isn't out of the question. The windows on your team should really display the character name before they're locked in. I know you can mouse over it, but some skins really look like other characters.
Mecha zul jin when
>I have opened a tunnel that leads to the center

>WHAT!?!?! SAME!

Towers of Doom is the best map

>Best Aesthetic
>Best Gimmick
>Comebacks possible
>Three lanes
>Fun announcer interaction
four lane map inc. next month
its literally the worst map in the game.

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Well this guy is basically Rubrick and he's a pretty good character even though Blizzard couldn't make his ultimate work with their horrible spaghetti code perversion of the SC2 engine.

So he's got the levitate which is a fire and forget stun and you can get a talent that lets you throw people with impact damage if they hit a wall or slam it back down as an aoe stun/slow.
Then the blink. Maybe a talent that lets you take nearby allies for the ride.
Lightning zap is pretty boring but whatever. Give it a bounce or a slow or channel like emperor palpatine for big damage.
Trait is that passively a percentage of the damage you deal turns into health but you only start to recover once you're considered out of combat. Activate it to mind control all the creeps within the aoe.

First ultimate lets you choose a respawn location and the next time you die you revive in 16 seconds. But if the enemy finds your respawn spot and destroys it you have to eat the full duration.
Next ultimate increases your "lifesteal" further and lets you share it with an ally or deal damage over time to an enemy.
Towers of Doom and Hanamura are the worst sacks of shit in this game.

The ONLY sacks of shit actually, I like every other map just fine. Even Tomb of the Spider Queen grew on me, that used to be the only map I hated before Towers.

>Liking haunted mines and braxis

>play TLV
>get 2 lane map

stop this I just want to be useful. It doesn't help for some reason there's almost always a Nova ready to fuck up my lone Viking before I can get him away, I know they don't give that much xp on death but its still annoying
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Why do female protoss looks so smooth and soft? I want to touch one.
Their skin is scaly, males and females are muscular lanky and 'bony', their heads have large boney ridges.

They wont live up to expectation anon.
>Female protoss
Can those aliens even be female? I see those "femine" protoss characters like selendis or vorazun only as ladyboys if they can be male in first place since I assume they don't even have genitals as such
I see a lot of people hating on Tower of Doom but it's not that bad. It's kind of like a worse dragon shire.
But Braxis is still god awful especially in QM because some characters are really phenominal at dealing with zerg and other teams just kind of have to roll over and die because they just can't fight back or you get stuck with shitty early game characters in a map that can end in the first push.
And haunted mines is still my least favorite. You kind of want to get a golem because that's the objective but it's probably the single worst boss in the whole game. It's attacks are boring and shitty and even a 100 skull golem will die without your intervention as long as both your turrets are still alive.
Xul is not only a bad hero, he's also fucking boring.
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>more than 3
>4 lanes
I am sure Chogall + Abathur team will have a lot of fun there
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First for Demon Hunters wear C-String Pantsu.
Protoss are a proud and noble race. They are not for touching.
i want a grave keeper and ravenlord cho'gall skin
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>malthael still not nerfed
>hanamura still not removed
Is there a chance we get a 3 lane map without an objective?
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That would be toxic.
I think one of the reasons there are objectives on every map, on top of the other obvious reasons, is so that games end faster so if it's a pure hero-vs-hero game with 3 lanes, it's going to definitely turn into Dota or LoL except maybe slower because there are no items to farm.
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that sound boring.
No, because then all the pros and everyone else would only want to play it, leaving us in the League/DOTA situation where there is only one map.
>mfw arthas was right tho
I think I realise why the majority of everybody in existance except myself and literally 12 other people seem to hate Hanamura. It's because the vast majority of the community are Nazebo mains. All they do is pick Naz, have their safe lanning phase, play their ez mode baby hero, whenever they get ganked go "team?" or "..." and never show up to objectives. They hate hanamura and towers of doom because their afksplitpush and wait for the team to clean up 4v5 strat doesn't work on those maps as effectively. They actually have to participate in a game and because they lack map awareness, positioning and in general not knowing how to play they just lose and get frustrated.
i hear a lot that tlv are great for objectives but i just cant wrap my head around it. erik and baleog don't fare well against creeps on mines, garden, and end up dying when there's at least one person parked on the objective on braxis.

on warhead i can see them being useful when there's more than 2 nukes out
Hanamura is my favorite map to autistically push a lane in. Too bad the next patch will make nerf that.
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Nothing beats the chef version.
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Has any one gotten any of the prizes from the lottery shit yet?

They hate hanamura because you are rewarded for ignoring the objective and smashing lanes. The objective in hanamura doesn't go away if you ignore it (unlike in towers of doom where the opposing team can take it). It doesn't give experience or tangible advantage for taking it (eg sky temple, braxis, battlefield or cursed hollow) Camps aren't worth doing (unless for cursory bribe experience). Destroying forts makes your objective permanently stronger, gives you experience that can snowball you above your opponents. Destroying *keeps* gives a permanent push and potential core damage to a lane.

There's no real reason to contest opponents from pushing instead of just autistically pushing lanes in. Combine that with the map being 'too short' (its unusual to hit level 20 talents) and wildly snowbally currently and you have a great reason to hate the map.

It's a horribly poorly designed map. The single best strategy is to trash both lanes, make your two turnins then do boss and either win off of that, or win off of sappers pushing in.
>TLV are less effective on two lane maps

you don't say?
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Wait, destroying a fort affects all carts? I figured it was just the next one. That's pretty fucking stronk.
>people rage because i only split my vikings 1 / 2. (2 in one lane the other solo)

get fucked, it works. meme splitting if fcuking annoying anyways, I thought Blizzard's philosophy was to play heroes how you want them to be played? Why the fuck are TLV forced to split every game?
fucking kek why is this a thing
While sprays have become an acceptable BM method in addition to B-stepping, voice lines are still pretty bad.
Since 2.0 launched I think ive used them less than 10 times and I dont even bother changing them in the loadouts anymore. Atm the volume is too low and theres too big of a delay in between usage.
Just off the top of my head, I think increasing the volume and letting us spam them (within reason) would make them more fun. If its really problematic just add a way to squelch voice lines.
In overwatch some of the ways I like being a piece of shit is when playing D.Va to spam the L O L voice line when something funny happens for example.
I get that too. I have to explain to the team in very small words that I need two Vikings in the bottom lane to deal with the enemy specialist, especially when those fucks keep ignoring my pings for help.
Besides, I usually have one Viking up top, two down below, and the rest of the team roiling around in the middle lane, failing at 4v3 fights.
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I blame Jaina
It only affects one. But with 4 dead forts/keeps, thats 5 shots. You have two turnins to account for, so that's another +1 shot (for 6) and as the core only has 7 hp, you only need one sapper or the boss to win.

It's a shit map.
Because was a huge, poignant moment in Arthas' development, paving the way to his fall from grace far better than the prequel trilogy ever did for Anakin.
Does Ragnaros have any kind of role in the meta at this point? Feels like they've just constantly beaten his numbers into the dust to the point I feel like I'm almost throwing picking him
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He's situational, based a lot on the map. But I still get by great with him when I have a good tank. Otherwise he's just a big orange target.
But he still has multiple viable builds even if he's not the total wrecking ball he once was.
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Looked like green Schwarzwald from Big O for a second.
Who just so happened to be voiced by Uther.
>post yfw next week and you have to decide between first banning malthael or first banning stukov
Oh yeah, and Rexxar was Roger Smith.
he makes matches last 5 times longer with his bullshit wave clear move.
>when you're sololane and all your teammates just fucking die in a midfight over nothing

stop this, you don't even need to last hit minions how the fuck do people die while soaking.
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I see this happen a lot when shitter see the enemy at low health and tunnel vision on that and ignore the healer and tank and towers and minions all around them and think they're going to be a hero by getting that gank, even at the cost of their own life.
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>Won't live up to expectations
Nice try, you just want them all to yourself
how does glogan win games? i dont get it.

i've had teammates get tilted by him on the opposite team, and when on my team. its the weirdest thing i've ever fucking seen.

just the fact that this guy exists tilts the fuck out of everyone
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abathur skin
>glogan exists
>people still think you can't climb
Dude is literally a moron and he's up there.
Fucking instalose whenever his MMR gets high enough to go against decent players.
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I'm stuck in Gold every season but I'm better than Glogan. I'm just in mmr hell. My teammates are always throwing. I just get unlucky. Glogan sucks but I am better. It's just the flawed blizzard mmr system.
>tfw stuck in gold 1
>cant get into plat because cant win 2 games in a row.
>tfw just play QM and dont give a fuck about ranked
Fun things are fun.
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Game is hard.

Maybe people just overestimate their survivability and damage at lv 1 because they forgot how it's like to be under lv 20. So they sit there thinking "I can tank this" or "I can take this" and then get shocked that they didn't. At least these mistakes are (usually) made at lv 1 when first blood exp doesn't matter that much.
This is me, except if I really want the mount reward I'll play Ranked until I get to Master, then I'm fucking out of there.
You just told me you never play this game with friends by that logic. Both maps are fine they just demand teamwork on a lvl that other maps don't. Basically if you just que with randoms and whatnot in QM then yes you will suffer everytime, but get with friends you play with more so with chat and it goes piss easy.
short answer is they didn't have that shit originally and reproduced by basically budding however newer works and in SC2 have set them up as normal breeding.
I really like Towers of Doom.
I hate Cursed Hollow
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>you have ping too much
I didn't even know that was a thing, how huge a faggot are you?
My dad's uncle's third cousin twice-removed works at Blizzard. He says it's okay to relentlessly ping people when they're afk.
>Never left stealth

typical shit Nova player
>nova player
>pings to the maximum allowance
>like the little shit they are just hide and never help

I really wish you would both leave the general and stop playing the game.
Does Elite AI give more exp than lower difficulties?
No it doesn't. It only seems like that because games take longer.
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Anyone on EU win anything yet?

Only game length determines XP vs AI.
No. All Ai's give out the same XP. Xp is split among forts, minions, camps, and hero kills. In a 3 lane map, with a stimpack, a five man team as well as play with a friend bonus you can get 600,000+ xp if:
you clear all the forts/buildings
get to lvl 20+
get around 30 hero kills
clear each lane of minions about 5 times each

That said you have to have a group that is taking farming seriously and will not just blast through it for the sake of it. So say on Beginner ai, you need to just aim for hero kills at the start and avoid attack structures till you hit about lvl 10 and from there just start on a lane and death ball to the core to then fall back and start again on the next lane. I guess if you really wanted huge xp in a single game you just keep hero killing and ignore the core you could hit stupid high xp gains post game but that is a very boring time.
It's amusing you guys get mad about "not helping" when the conversation was about people dying in pointless low stakes fights in mid.
600k xp after how long?

Sounds like it'll be worse xp/time than just spamming the shit out of sub 3 minute mid rushes. Those get you 30k a pop.
>when one pun isnt enough
about 15/20 minutes depending on team comp. four specialist that know how to play can clear all forts in under 6 minutes leaving the other 10ish to just hero kill.
I'm not mad I just don't think a faggot nova player has much room to talk
That actually sounds like it might be better because there's less downtime in ending/restarting games.

I'd join a grinding party like that.
You make it sound like I was shittalking or something. Where in my post was I shittalking? I was explicitly not shittalking.
that's the file name. So good job, you debate about as good as you play games in hots ya faggot.
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>he doesn't like scales
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I don't really much care for snaeks. Being canadian I've had two experiences with them. One when I was in preschool and I didnt want anything to do with that shit and the other when I was 23 working night shift at a convenience store.

-35 weather and a guy comes in and wanders around the store for a bit, grabs his stuff, comes up to pay and then goes "Wanna see something cool?" and I was like "Eh sure I suppose", so he unzips his winter jacket, and there's a snake wrapped around his waste. Said snake is probably on the edge of torpor cause its 2 AM AND MINUS FUCKING FOURTY and the owner is taking it on a "walk". It immediately tries to move to the warmest thing nearby, which is me. The snake lunging at me was completely unexpected so I noped the fuck right out of there. I've seen some shit man (got to help keep a kid alive after he punched out a car window), but that wasn't anything I'd expect.

Have an extremely oversaturated picture of a snaek that I've only saved because I thought it would make good /tg/ fodder. I cant fucking stand birds either.
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Cute snaek tho.
Did I missed something out or why is Jaina a dreadlord?

And why is this a meme?
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>posts the gif I've posted just the other day in /hotsg/
could've at least left me a (You) because snek didnt get me any.
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She had nervous breakdown just before WoD and now her dragon lover is dead too.
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I got it from lurking /an/ if you found it on /vg/ it was most likely from me.
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>not the russian version
you cant just post shit like this anon. i was drinking water and i laughed so hard i choked and shot water out of my nose
Culling of Stratholme map when?
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WHERE the FUCK is she Blizzard?!?!?
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WHERE the HECK is he?!?!
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When the flying frick?!?!
But Jaina is already ingame?
Lol jesse cox is so funny XD
Describe a character with "MUH X"

The draw was supposed to be yesterday
Zagara skin
Did Blizzard already announce the winners of the first week?
no way

Cydaea, Maiden of Lust
>qt spider girl
Z: Silkweb, allows Cydaea to rise up onto a web above the battlefield. Allows faster movespeed and invulnerability. Constantly taunts enemy team while on the Silkweb.

D: Power from Pain: as her health drops, Cydaea recharges all of her cooldowns at increasing rate, while her taunting phrases become more and more threatening (as opposed to originally mocking ones).

Q: Poison Spit. Cydaea spits poison towards her foes. Basically Lunara's auto attack except in a cone shape.

W: Impaling Limb: Cydaea impales foe on her forelimb, rooting them in place and dealing high damage.

E: Net Toss: Cydaea tosses a web on the ground, making it sticky and difficult to move across. Foes directly hit by the initial toss will be rooted and attacked by spiders dropping from the Silkweb.

R1: Spiderling Pit: Cydaea drops a toxic pool underneath her, constantly spawning spiders to attack everything nearby, focusing on heroes first before pushing lane and buildings. Can be used from the Silkweb.

R2: Children of Lust: Cydaea summons a vanguard of succubi, following her around and casting Bloodstar at Cydaea's targets. Bloodstar applies a curse to enemies that cause high damage when the enemy uses abilities.
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how the hell do I get 2400 shards before this event ends (3 weeks)?

I want one of the surfboards but I'm only at 800. Is there any fast way to get shards?
based v.a who literally saved this shitshow wc3 custom game.
open up that wallet like a good goy
muh spirits
Spam leveling characters is the only free way.
I wonder, if his wife asks him to role play as one of the characters he voiced, when they're in bed.
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>He isn't a good goy
Had 6000 before the event
>spending a single shard before the last day of the event
I see you are new to this stuff.
1600 by the end of the event basically means you gotta grind quite a bit and get lucky, otherwise open that wallet
Side note, does this artist have a name or page somewhere where I can follow them?
Muh brew.
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Isnt Stukov out on 11th and event ends up on 24th?
That means new batch of skins should reduce event prices?
I wonder how many games I've thrown trying to steal a camp with half my team ignoring my pings. In QM, there are no tanks and people seem to just initiate whenever.

I just can't help but feel if there is literally only one camp up and the enemy team isn't in vision and you are even level, it is worth forcing a fight.

And when the whole team does follow, it usually does work out.
Don't blame everything on your team. Learn from your mistakes and stop going everywhere solo.
If they're like Overwatch (They will be) then no
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Yesterday i won with a 2 solos+ 3 man against a super snowflake 5 man because they overextended and got wiped so we pushed the core.

Also side topic i just had a dream Blizz will have a promotion somewhere soon so...get excited?
Don't worry. I know. I did say I end up throwing. 5 people with a bad plan is better than 1 with a good one. It is when we end up splitting 3-2 with decisions that causes problems.

Two people are top during objective. So clearly we have to give and just defend punisher, but the other two still want to run in and kill some skeletons.

Stuff like that. I'm definitely part of the problem.
Assuming a minimum worst case of WWBW memewatch-style (e.g. reroll all quad whites), you'll get 35 shards per box. To get 2400 shards out of that, you need almost 70 boxes which amounts to 84 mil exp assuming you're a fag with lv 10 heroes across the board so every hero level is 1.2 mil exp per level.

Assuming you get about 200k exp per 20-something minute win, that would be about 420 games, which translates to over 140 hours of HotS +- a couple boxes from brawls. If what >>181719693 says about the event ending on the 24th is true, then you have 20 more days (including today) to grind that out, probably 7 hours a day or 8 hours a day if you want some legroom in case something comes up stopping you from playing for a day.

>not having 2400 shards already
Good luck.
Muh uncle taught this one!
This isn't perfect though, there's at least one epic per 5 chests and 1 legendary per 18 or less.
If you have a decent spread of stuff already you get like 250 per 5 boxes averaged out
Still quite a long shot, though.
He might get lucky and get a board from a box, at least Blizz put in 6 of them so chances are bigger.
Yea i'm not doubting he has a chance (I got 2 boards in the 20 or so chests i've opened), but trying to craft one is super unlikely unless he rolls it/a bunch of duplicate legendaries
>1 legendary per 18 or less.
Was that number ever confirmed by other people? And did that include rerolls?

There was that one article where some blogger put out some bullshit number where their data was "We watched some Twitch streamers unbox some stuff." and failed to mention anything else.
There's thousands of boxes recorded at this point, it's similar to Hearthstone where it was reverse engineered. If it IS higher than that you would have to be incredibly unlucky.
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>QM game
>people don't play so hot, oh well it's QM
>someone rages about it and flames
>tell them to chill the fuck out and they just sperg at you saying 'well you're meant to play to win in QM too!'

Never understood this logic. Just play ranked if you want to play to win that badly. Of course you look at their match history and they never do play ranked at all.
>Play game for fun
>People are obviously fucking around, causing game to be less fun
>Don't have fun
>J-just play ranked
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>tfw no easy boxes to farm since everyone's lv 5+ now
Who can I main endlessly to make the grind seem less painful?
Im not pissed if we lose QM because people are bad but there is a big line of retardation you cannot cross
>lvl 5
Big fucking deal, just play whoever you enjoy
What do you expect by going into the most random and casual game mode?
If you went into a ranked match, sure, it's bad play if people are fucking about, but QM is like the Wild West. It's futile trying to rage against it. People are gonna fuck up, comps are gonna be weird, it's just fact.

Sometimes in QM you've already lost from the loading screen
Didn't really answer the question of whether rerolls were part of the 18 or not because when the article came out, it was on PTR so presumably the streamers rerolled the shit out of their boxes because they had nothing to lose but the article specified boxes, not rerolls.

I have a hoard of 100k gold, doesn't mean the other anon has his own gold hoard so we can't just assume rerolls are available for his hypothetical grind to 2,400 shards. Plus it assumed the boxes gave all shards because they only give dupes. If they're not 100% dupes, he's losing out on short term shard gain. It's a hypothetical exercise. It'd be nice if he got the shit he wants from the boxes or rolled endless legendary dupes for shards but it would most likely shave a few boxes off the actual expected number of boxes but doesn't really change that it's in the ballpark of 70 boxes.
Spam Morales for the tri-mastery portrait at 15.
find 4 other faggots and grind 5 man Team League.
This isn't always true. I've had games where we were stomped but still won due to superior map control and banking on late game. People who give up are the real cause of losses, not "muh comps".

You probably capitalized off the enemy getting greedy and doing dumb shit. Some heroes have maps where they'll do fuck all.

Li Ming for example is almost completely useless on Braxis,
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There are definitely matches that you cant win unless the other team is fucking retarded.
I don't see an issue with this.
stukov's heal is almost as good as rehgar's ult

nice game hotsTARDS
Its bugged. 50% on the top from level 1, not intended will be fixed.
Did that sexy picture of Zarya and Sgt. Hammer ever get finished?
>subpar Chen and Xul
>silenceable Tracer glass cannon
Whats the issue?
>people wanted le splitpusher summoner Stukov
why do autists love summonable units?

>Sexy picture

Does not compute
>backline even having a chance
>Li Ming for example is almost completely useless on Braxis,
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>Dahaka and Thrall stun/roots
Dont be a bronzie

Because *blocks your path* is intensified during zerg waves.

She's fine anytime else, but goddamn do I feel helpless when all that crap's in the way.
>qm with randoms
>lol just be coordinated

As I said. Does not compute. Only appealing thing in that picture is the tits.
>almost no cc on blue team except for Dehaka tonque and Thrall root
>doing shit against the red team half-divecomp deathball
The Tychus could probably afk in the backline and never have to worry about dying. Drop a laser, do a little jig or three, casually pick up a megakill.
It's also battlefield of eternity so we'd be forced in to fights.
>Be in HL
>Play tank,support and specialist
>Play assassin

What the fuck am I doing wrong?
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You would be amazed how poor matchups can you win in QM.
>not being an edgy kid who masters every assassin
yeah what's wrong with you?
Oh I don't doubt that.

But dismissing a guy for thinking realistically thinking the chances are slim is pretty unfair because you'd need some extreme differences in play quality and circumstance between the two teams to evoke a different outcome other than a loss for blue.
Buff women are QTs

Literally nothing about that woman is attractive to me. I like women that are actually feminine.

But hey, more power to you.
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What about Va?
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Why are you leaving out the D in her name? Anyway I find D.Va attractive even though her HOTS model is kinda ass.

She's cute, and I actually like her personality, gameplay wise she can go though, fucking annoying.
>Actually liking D "I see you're a fellow gamer" Va

Yup. She's funny to me.

>Have her annoucer pack
>Some shitter d/c's
>"HA Lagspike!"

Makes me smile everytime
How do I make Viking not aggro when I'm not controlling him? I hide Baelog behind wall but then he decides he wants to run in front of wall 1v3 while I'm cuntrolling Olaf or Erik
Nice jiggly personality there i see
Hide them in a bush or make them run circles with shift.
Get stealth for Erik, Olaf doesnt mind standing still and control Baelog the most
Instead of A-click, use M-click.
>get stealth for Erik
don't do this
Would this game be able to handle a hero like Invoker?
This event was such a huge waste. Only two skins is shit.
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Old one?

>Faggot skin
>Meme skin
>Dyke skin

I didn't care for a single one, there's no Valla or Li-Ming in a swimsuit, but I can have Tychus's fucking bulge on my screen every 20 or so minutes.
>not liking Tychus' bulge
what are you, some kind of faggot?

Haha! XD
upvote this raise awareness to faggot system

>watch mewn
>massive amounts of salt while playing
>massive amounts of salt at chat after it's over
This is actually pretty entertaining
We lack the biggest asshole around though.
Why do I ALWAYS lose when I play a top tier hero? I went from 55% winrate to 48% by playing mainly Anub'arak and Malfurion without winning a single fucking game
I didn't die more than twice per games though, is the matchmaking just terrible?
>muh free wins cuz meta hero!

keep playing them and get better.
Probably not peeling/healing as well as other people when they play tanks/healers while you're on dps/specialist

either get gud or come to the realization that we can't all be flex players, anon. just give up and pick Genji every game
After some experimenting with Vice Admiral I came upon realisation that the hentai arm build is the best.

It goes like this:

3->3/4->2/3 (3 is more preferable, since the CDR on E is broken, but if you are getting fucked pick range, since its broken too) -> 2 (other ult has too high cd and deals almost 0 dmg) -> 1/2/3 (2 is much more preferable, since it gives you insane damage when they are low, 3 if they got too much cc and you have to move a lot and 1 if you tend to die with D on CD often, 4 is too unreliable) -> 1/3/4 (all of them are good) -> 3 (use it when they almost exit your E, also works well with 3 at level 13, shove upgrade is trash since you will almost never get the bonus CDR)

The W damage is too low and hitting it is too unreliable by itself, so I wouldn't recommend investing here (except for blind when necessary). Also talent 4 at level 7 sounds nice but is way too hard to get value from it, so I'd pick more reliable shit. Swipe ult may work out on small maps with many obstacles like that one with immortals, but usually the hentai hand is much better overall (especially because of CD and damage)
>classed as assassin
>does absolutely no damage

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>Mfw I realize Super Sonya isn't legendary.

Crap like desert queen zagara and specter illidan making the cut makes me thing any actual good skin must be legendary too.
>ranged stealth assassin
>tries to duel people at melee range at 100% hp
wtf blizzard
>play her right
>take out 90% of a tank's life bars in .5 seconds

The problem with Nova isn't her damage. It's that other heroes do her job infinitely better. Usually by pairing damage with good waveclear. Nova can't clear waves with any efficiency unless you take explosive shot at 13. By then, you're usually past the laneing phase.
>play 3 games as specialist
>quest only registered one of the games
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>it's wednesday
>log in
>no ragnaros
>no medivh

Give me. Now.
What fucking time does this shit go live?
What timeline are they in?
Has there been any information on the rarity of the Krakenov and SkullXul skins?
Neither are in this week's rotation. Sorry bucko, guess you better learn how to play the lost vikings
because you suck at them

I suck ass at Malfurion because I just find him boring as shit and end up not paying attention. I'm better of playing Auriel, BW or Khaz because I'm actually interested in playing them.

I realized it's more important to have fun, sense I'm not an asian that wants to go MLG. When I embraced this and just started playing Stitches 90% of the time in ranked I went from silver to diamond in a week.

Just play heroes you like. "Role filling" makes you play heroes you don't play as much. Unless you are playing to form a 5 man autism strong team and go to the top, there is really no reason to play heroes you don't enjoy.

Unless you are going to lock in Nova/Hammer/Illidan first pick, then fuck off.
Both epic, Krakenov changes a lot of effects and the effects change with each color, Xul one changes nothing
>effects change with color

they said this wasnt possible when probius was released


She's a pair of tits away from looking like a man, "low test" is a meme stirred up by literal faggots on /fit/ tired of being mocked.

No, they're the weekly sale.
Their official fucking blog said so.

It's wednesday. Where are they?
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BAINE. CAIRNE. TAUREN SUPPORT (Spirit link ultimate for maximum cuhraaaaaaaaazy).

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Reminder of reddit karma-whoring sell-out rats: https://www.reddit.com/r/heroesofthestorm/comments/4mh256/theres_a_guy_on_4chan_who_has_accurately_leaked/


They are in this thread RIGHT NOW!
>implying there is already one tauren in the roster
no one wants to be a cow
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Open wide.

new player here
does blizz have a release order by franchise?
i just started playing two weeks ago so it was diablos turn. next hero to be released is from starcraft. will they be releasing a warcraft hero afterwards?
Nah its not set in stone.
Seeing Blizz is publishing Destiny 2 on Battlenet we might get some exclusive based on that too.
nah, they release heroes when they're ready/when they need to do a cross promotion. Like Stukov and Starcraft Remastered or D.Va and Nexus Challenge.

I think it's pretty much random. We had a glut of Overwatch heroes and now we seem to be getting stuff from other franchises because they realised that if we wanted to play a MOBA with Overwatch characters in it we would play Overwatch.


Or Malthiel and Necromancer in D3.
Pretty sure there was a dev post somewhere about no Destiny in HotS
>people actually think exp gained on abathur is somehow related to how well he is doing
When will this meme end? You can't body soak in all maps or in all situations thanks to your team being shit
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Which hero has the best trait?
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>Trying to play Vikings against characters like Tracer/Samuro who can just kill the shit out of you anytime you try and soak or get a camp

pls stop. The vikings on the other team actually did better just sending all 3 in the bottom lane of BHB
Why is playing Butcher in QM so much fun?
>Almost most damage, only got over taken in the very end when I was focusing core
>Stupid 9-2 something gets the MVP

This game is stupid with it's "MVP" and stuff like that. If you do 2nd best in everything, you won't get MVP, nor will you even get a nomination.

For utility Johanna

>"Well, this hasn't worked out in my favour, time to remove all my negative debuffs get a shitton of armour and walk back to my fort."

For fun Ragnaros
because the enemy can't actively draft counters to him
>abathurs job is to provide support to a team without adding another body in a fight AND to contribute xp
Being half effective isn't acceptable for other heroes, it shouldn't be okay for Abathur either
>not getting stealth on Erik and placing him in bushes/etc because game is hot
>not using Olaf regen properly
I became a lot better at Illidan when I realized metamorphasis sucks ass and The Hunt is way better

Li Ming is up there.

>tfw chaining spell after spell after spell getting kill after kill after kill

Possibly the most fun thing in this game
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guess the hero
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Would a mana-healer support be good in this game?
Do other MOBAs have any support-like characters based on mana regeneration instead of healing?
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You have it in the filename fuckhead. You are literally this baka.
>read first post
>oh nice it's medivh, I can finally get him
>oh no the date is apr 5th
>see latest post
>same heroes
>falling for that shitty b8
is this b8?
Top post is constantly updated.
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i know that feel. i think its because assassins rely on tanks (to engage and peel) and healers (to let them be aggressive) to shine thus its harder to carry unless you are extremely good.
>can't go on lanes because they are constantly pushed
>only two lanes
>you are somehow supposed to get more exp

At least it means I'm performing the more difficult roles well I guess
Will OW cancer ever be removed? Or will we all just have to quit the game?
Fuck off
anyone gotten anything yet?
When will they make it a bannable offense to ask others to report someone?
The most offensive thing is when it gives out pity nominations. Like, good going Alarak you totally deserve that silencer award for hitting your Q 6 times in a 20 minute long game. Or back when Probius would get clutch healer every game.
what is body soak?
>tass solo support against a team with 4 stuns

when you soak your body with natural oils to give it that nice texture
you sit under tyrande and catch her juices in your mouth
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Zeratul spank time
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>i cant stand in minion wave
>ill go back to base and contribute no xp because xp not important!
There are other ways to get xp as Abathur other than becoming gankable shitbrains. Use your mines and Symbiotye to last hit and you get the xp. Learn to play the game fuckboy.
>Pick Arthas
>Play like shit
>Get the root award every single time for no reason
I started to play again with Zagara before was pretty bad because don't know about the lane push specialist build. this work much better for the my game style. Got top of siege dmg and XP contribution in every match.
Whats the anime?
u-uncensored link?
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Its like being underneath this.
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>atleast one friendly hero per lane
>all exp is already being gained
Fucking idiot
>symbiote to last hit

why do people keep saying this, it says right there on the symbiote it will gather xp if it's there
How do you justify Raynor having such low base hp?
Raynor is a drunken wreck, i bet he is sterile too from all the stimpack abuse
Range; Strong teamfighting power and good scaling. Also the reactive healing.
They never reverted the nerfs for some reason.
>the lizard in the end

Killing the minions with Symbyote gives you control over what xp you get, so you can kill two or three one lane, pop over to another lane, kill some, repeat.

If Abathur is having trouble getting xp then he's just bad no exception or excuse.
The heal is a joke with how much burst there is in the game now, there's zero reason for him to be more fragile than Lunara
when are we getting a WARCRAFT THEMED MAP?
Maybe soon? Warcraft 15th anniversary up soon
If you position correctly and have a non-retard healer you are literally the safest and most consistent DPS in the game. You have a speed buff for your allies, you have a bit of self peel, you have a ton of crits and decent giant killer. Hyperion remains one of the best teamfighting ults in the game.

Play him with a lucio or a tassadar, or if you want to go full protect the carry, tass + auriel.
What does Raynor do another assassin doesn't do better?
Gravekeeper map with towers was AB but they changed it.
How do you lane vs Rexxar? is it worth ever targetting the bear
Safety and Consistency anon. *especially* if he hits 20 where he's swinging around that 7.8 range permanently; and he has that ridiculous scaling on seasoned marksman (which if you activate everything gives him about 3-4 seconds of 800+ DPS with giant killer, crits and 2 APS. You'll get 3 hits in on a valla as she attempts to close and kill her before she even has a chance vs you).
Depends on who you're playing as.
Generally in draft if I see Rexxar on a map like Braxis I'll take Zag, can just completely ignore Misha and kill Rexxar.
As Sonya, it's easier to burst down Misha and force him to retreat.

This of course depends on whether or not he went Husbandry too.

Not really because there are LOT of heroes in this that don't use mana. It's not like in DOTA where everybody is mana-dependant. It'd still be useful in certain situations, but not as a primary ability. If it was part of a supports multirole toolkit then sure.
Take Crystal Maiden or Keeper of the Light for instance, both of them have Mana regen abilities, but nobody picks that hero for that ability specifically, they pick those heroes because both of them hit like fucking freight trains in teamfights.
is there even such a thing as 7.8 range? does the game have 0.1 range precision
You are assuming a situation where your team isn't complete shit at the game. When all lanes are pushing your gates, there is no exp Abathur can get that someone else isn't already getting, except if everyone on one lane dies

Sure if you want to number pad you can constantly change your hat around to pad your exp gained number, but that exp is still being gained by someone else
>muh team
here we go again
me unga
team bunga
... You know that most ranged heroes start off with 5.5 range right?

And melee heroes have ranges between .75 (cant remember, may have been bumped up to 1) and 2.0 (kerrigan). Shorter 'range' heroes like zarya, and d.va have 3 or 3.5 range. Cassia starts out at 4 range IIRC, Tychus used to be 5.5 but was nerfed down to 4.5. Raynor Hammer and Nova all start at 6.5 range (hammer used to be 5.5 but everyone took the 20% range talent at level 1).

Yes, the game does make distinctions of range, even .1 differences. You've asked a question akin to "Is there even any difference between 1hp and 0hp? does the game track HP like that?" and the answer is yes, there is a fucking difference, I've gotten away from shit with less than 10 hp before because of in-combat regen (especially from regen master talents).
>implying the matchmaking is good enough to make balanced teams
Probius feels like shit no matter what build I do with him. I wish they just give him longer range for pylons.
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>nobody picks that hero for that ability specifically
He's one of the best heroes in the game. Stop judging hero power based on your F2P quick match experience.
>best heroes in the game
>zero uses at HGC MSB
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Pros don't play the same game as us. Their meta is irrelevant to us average joes. Probius is situational but extremely powerful on the right maps. He's basically an infinite mana Li Ming and Sgt hammer combined.
Is he ok?
>Li Li equal/greater than Uther at Diamond/Master
Explain this
What is the most balanced hero? I mean who can be used as killin heroes, push line, siege, defend?
Ragnaros probably
>Pros don't play the same game as us
that's weird. I fought against scHwimpi the other day. In the same game as I had Snitch on my team, even.
What I mean is that when you have 10 actual pro players in the same game against each other all coordinated and practiced up it's different that solo queue Hero League.
>tfw learning illidan can't solotake the medic camp on hanamura in any kind of timely manner for the first time in ranked

probably should've tried that at least once in qm
She only gets picked when she's really good draftwise
I don't watch many professional games because I'd rather just play it myself but it's pretty true from what I saw back at blizzcon. A lot of people who aren't a fan of the game say that characters hit like a wet noodle and it takes forever to kill anyone, but when you have a coordinated team anyone that steps out of position for even a second gets blown up immediately.
Yeah, Tracer is seeing a lot of play (and success) at HGC and it's funny to watch just how fucking instantaneous teamfights can be for pro players. You can have these spats that last like 3 minutes of trading abilities and no one even gets close to dying because of how well the teams work together, and sometimes you have 2-4 heroes just instantly get deleted for one wrong move for the same reason.
I was pretty surprised when it came to Tracer because I always thought she was this super annoying shoot-em-up kinda character. Then in a pro game she's just some crazy 2k damage bomb that goes off in your face and vanishes before you can even react.
all things being equal, yes, you are guaranteed to loose
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Niche/counter pick.

Uther is a better "versus-all", blind, safe, meta or whatever you want to call it.

>professional play is relevant to (probably) low mmr solo queue
>or meme modes
>Anub'Arak decides he needs to split soak post 20
>enemy just engages on us for free


H-hey man
Well she is kinda getting deleted in 0,1 second after she get caught in a random (or not so random) stun/root/silence so this is kinda fair
She can just revert back, get full HP, and remove the effect.
>30 second cd
Shes no genji
>some retarded faggot bans samuro instead of malth

diamond life
>full HP

not until level 20
Blackheart bay rework soon
>first pick valeera on braxis holdout

because you're going to get so much fucking value rotating between two lanes for ganks that only take a year to rotate between
if they just removed the coins from merc camps it would be much better
>You can have these spats that last like 3 minutes of trading abilities and no one even gets close to dying because of how well the teams work together
this is why people say the heroes hit like wet noodles, btw

yes your game has a problem when healers are powerful enough to be able to do this
haven't played in like 2 years
why chests
why everything expensive
did they forget about their lottery or do they need more time to fix the results?
Because free shit for playing
becauae skins have always been expensive and now you can get free
They are currently making fake accounts so they can reach the 100k player count to give chests to
also why the fuck am i opening skins for heroes i dont have
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>Small Stukov patch must mean there's a balance patch wednsday!
>There wasn't.

Someone please help Tyrande. She's living in a dumpster.
making a profitable f2p game is all about identifying and milking the few idiots who are willing to spend hundreds or thousands of dollars on microtransactions
and gambling is better for extracting money out of retards than honest storefronts are
Remember when you had to level up your heroes so you could unlock other talents when playing in game? That was dumb
yeah but she's a night elf so that's normal
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>Tracer can revert back
>While stunned or silenced
Tell me more, anon
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>let's try the new hero
>not going linkens on tracer
People pick CM because of her strong ganking, jungling, and mana regen early game. Having a CM on your team means you can forsake something like an urn or even Arcanes because you dont need the mana regen. She's like a free item slot for everyone on her team that slut.
People pick KotL so he can be a really good ward and counter push forever. Then people realized how fucking broken Mana Leak is and started picking him for that.
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remember me?
alright well for some reason ive got 1000 gems
who buy
>buying heroes with gems
how could we not? its back in the game
Yeah I gave up on trying out Stukov, will play him live I guess
what else would i do with them
i'll keep waiting. and then i'll get some abomination of a team against a well rounded master tier draft after half an hour in queue.
ready to have fun
what about that time in beta that blizz tried to add pay-to-win artifacts in the vein of lol's runes
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>Vikings stay as 3 and walk down mid and feeds
>Auriel never uses her skills just auto attacks
>I lose 216 points for this

I think I'm fucking done with ranked, how the fuck do you combat this
We have malf already.
Buy stimpaks so you get more gold you can use to buy heroes with
oh i guess that's more efficient?
>literally all recolors
jesus christ just fire this people and drop support on the game
only on one hero though
you can't draft a team of 5 resurgence heroes and then just suicide-trade 5-for-3 into the enemy team at level 20, respawn in 5 seconds, and run over their core 5v2
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dont we all miss the glorious times of general talents?
do you listen to music while you're playing hots or does it distract you?
have a greater than 50% win rate and drudge through it over time
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>She can just revert back, get full HP, and remove the effect.


not even enough time to hit one button
huh ? whats going on? where did she come from
open your eyes foo
If you play enough, yeah. You also get more exp which means more loot boxes that might drop a hero or atleast get you shards to buy a skin you like
anub cocoon
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sounds good
just got called a retard first game so this should be fun
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ded thread
ded game
muh ten thousand years
deserves to be deader desu
can i still get one of these mega hero bundles or are they gone
Gone since march
they were the best
dunno why blizzard killed them
Abathur buffs when?
He needs something that lets him carry retards
abathur can only enhance
if there's nothing to enhance he's useless by design
Every time somebody else gets buffed he gets buffed
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4000/60 ~ 1 hour
>solo queue on ptr during work hours
How retarded are you
Timed promo to get people playing for 2.0.

Very likely to come back eventually
They should buff his monstrosity, 40 stacks isn't enough, should go up to 200
>everywhere is america
>10 pm is work hours
not even trump can save you
So, I just started playing this game yesterday, and I'd like to hear the do's and don'ts of this game.

So far, three matches in and I still have no idea what I'm doing yet.
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>tfw no vorazun legendary skin for zera
why live
destroy the enemy core
allow the enemy to destroy your core
Ptr is all regions you twat

people go in for 1 match of the new hero then stop playing, good luck ever getting a match
>Ptr is all regions
then why did you claim its work hours everywhere you mong
>good luck getting a match
i already finished it faggot
>everywhere is LATIN america
>making the whole wold latin america is fixing it
next hero is an orc
I didn't say everywhere. Do you realise that over 60% of the playing population of this game is from NA?
Nice, I've always wanted Cro Threadstrong.
How come I seem to do ridiculously well with Cassia?
garona pls
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>Grubby took longboat on Vikings
>genji makes it through ban for enemy first pick
>my team thinks they're HGC pros and FP aba malf
>enemy grabs uther GM
>get dominated

Welcome to high "Diamond," where 50% WR Aba mains are better than the meta.
>tfw stimpack about to run out
Viewer request shit is always fun
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>Get 1-day stimpack from box
>During late evening
>On a Sunday
>B-But don't stream for money
>Check out this mobile game
Soak xp in the early game if a lane is unoccupied in the early game, post level 18 if you're in the lead just group up then

Show up to objectives, for some specialists you can get away with staying in lane to push but as a new player probably shouldn't worry about that

Fight over nothing. IEspecially in lane, where it's better for you to stay alive and soak than chase someone low and risk dying

Go in on low health

Go in when you don't have level 10 and the enemy does
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>Go in when you don't have level 10 and the enemy does

Diamond is so meaningless that I'd say a good 60-70% of people there genuinely cannot understand this.
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>Arthas complaining about his internet
>then just afks
>as in literally sits on his horse in spawn afk
>bot doesn't kick in
>somehow he's going to lanes and soaking
>lose just as we are coming back

ye olde win one lose the next one
what the fuck are you talking about
stop replying to me with this degeneracy
>superstar have a tranny
>low tier crucible team
>kick the tranny
>suddenly they are a high tier team

what did they mean by this?
She's in the cocoon, they timed their damage perfectly to hit the very second it pops.
To add ti this, while it CAN be possible to have a favorable outcome, as a general rule of thumb it's recommended you just never fight when your team is a talent tier behind. Meaning say you're at 13 and they're at 16, they have their 16 talents and you don't, so they have a good advantage over you.

But generally the most important thing that people seem to just not understand is that proper exp soaking means everything. Because there's no items, XP and your team level are what make the big diff. No matter who you are, if your team is falling behind drastically, just go soak some XP, it'll be more valuable than dicking around with your retarded teammates trying to skirmish while they're 7 and you're 6.
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That testosterone gives advantage.
Only true genius, such as scarlet, is able to beat the testosterone ridden males (also tossgirl, partially... At least she could compete).
remove mental illness
Except your retarded teammates go rush into the enemy team 4v5 while being 1-3 levels behind, die and then rage at you for not being there.
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>play specialist
>teammates rage at you
>enemy rages at you
>still win
>Replace white person with a asian.
>Suddenly they are a high tier team.

What did they mean by this?
>all white team won the last tournament

What did they mean by this?
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>piss off all nine other people in the game
>usually win
>always have fun

I love Murky and Samuro.
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>when the rank system is shit
>two games to go up
>gay as fuck
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Squandered event
>Kel'Thuzad Hero when
Elo is shit. Why everyone holds it up as the definitive rating system makes zero sense. It was designed for one on one, and yet it's being used in games where you rely on 4 other people to determine your rank. Those people could suck, be having a bad day, and despite that you still do well on your own, your rating suffers because of their failure to hold up their end.
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>love the shit out of Shaco
>they literally nerf the fun out of him 8 times
and the flip where you get carried by the other 4 to diamond.
They could just make him a bulky assassin instead of a tank like Malth and Rag are.
I don't see why blizz has such an issue with Fenix really. D.va is proof that blizz can still pull shit outta their asses when it comes to not-really-dying passives and they can just make Fenix and Talandar separate characters as well so the community doesn't throw a bitchfit about one getting in over the other.
Have it so Fenix's passive or one of his ults or something has him turn into a Dragoon when he dies, which swaps out his kit for a Dragoon one or whatever.
Have Talandar's kit be like his SC2 coop. He's like an upgraded Varian, where he's multiclass, but unlike Varian, depending on what 'class' ult he chooses, his form AND kit change to match.
Boom, Fenix gets to be Fenix and Talandar gets to be kinda cool without being a Fenix ripoff.
>me unga team bunga
get over it
>hey grub
Play more warcraft 3 you massive fucking faggot

wow i didnt know last rites was THIS bad
i died every single time i tried to use it even on low health heroes who would survive
what's the best time to play PTR?
Last rites give you small skull on heroes you can instakill but real issue is you are a sitting duck because cloud is easy to be avoided so you get kited to death.
how do i into greymane
>Lose game because Varian goes meme blades
>No CC for Illidan
>No tanks
who is this artist?
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You harass then when time is right you nail a bullet, jump in and nuke em down.

Now...does Alpha Killer work with lvl 20 cleave talent?
Our local drawfag from general
>Specializes in waves of hundreds of disposable units.
>When units die, they spawn broodlings which are more units.
>Devs stated when designing him, they wanted a 'zombie horde' theme.
>He heals people and slaps them with his arm.
Gee anon, I dunno!
when bad guy healthy go poke
when bad guy bleed go woof

woof woof
the problem with last rites isn't so much that the specific ability is bad
it's more that malthael's kit sucks without a way to reliably apply mark in an aoe.
without tormented souls, all your survivability in fights depends on somehow convincing 3+ heroes to walk into your slow-ass fart cloud so you can get half-decent healing from your Q
It also makes Malth a one trick pony for teamfights,if you botch the tormented souls you will implode after 5 seconds.
they need to be at less than 33% right? you might as well be dead if you're that low unless you're in a good team, and id rather have tormented souls to chase and sustain for the kill instead of diving for the tiny ass clickrange of last rites
>silver 4
>hey x can you play tank?

>sry bro i dont know how to play tank

I am never getting out of silver.
hey anons, d'you think last rites would be viable if malth could get his "wraith strike applies mark in an aoe" talent earlier than 16
Aye,less than 33%, small red skull above the hero model.
You still have to hit something for wraith strike to trigger
well you need to get into melee range to use TS as well

sure relying on W for all your aoe wouldn't be as good but it would be better than being stuck helplessly single-target until 16
Im too late
Hell even in the single mission where you directly control him in the campaign, he still summons units.
Does the drawfag have a Tumblr or such?
It's more useful than you think. If you drop it on someone that's hard to chase you can go do other things. In team fights IF you coordinate you can do it in the initial burst, and when it gets down low enough it'll insta kill. It's useful for solo kills too in that way.
He sure does but i didnt save it.

How does Grubby attack with Zujin like that...does he uses hold command or something?
>play greymane in silver league
>internet goes away right at the start
>get back 12 minutes later
>my bot has the most kills/assists and the least deaths on my team
I was hoping that HL will be better than QM, but I guess that only applies from platinum or diamond.
>look for group
>join one
>they're always terrible and pick the shittiest comps

how do i find decent players to play with?
Grab people from the chat and keep ones that arent retarded, most likely 1 in 3
It doesn't start being better until diamond.
Very precise mouse movements.
In one of his recent streams he was asked about it and he mentioned how it's hard for him to explain because it's just years of RTS and knowing how to quickly hit the corner of a hitbox before moving the mouse away so it's not in the way.
>Open a loot chest
>A legendary item
>Its Lost Vikings

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three tanks.jpg
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/simg/ here
we are doing an assessment of the combat readiness/knowledge of other subreddits generals
Find as much tanks as you can in the picture (there are 3)

heroesoflesdorm is fun gaem
>hating TLV
Go eat a bag of dicks you LoL shitter
Because they're currently better winrate than Li-Ming?
Look on the bright side, next time you get them it'll be free shards.
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Looks like we are going to have to use new testing materials due to the possibility leakage of the locations of the tanks on the picture
Thank you for your participation, the test for /hotsg/ will be re-carried out tomorrow. 2 Shekels have been added to your bank account
>Open a loot chest
>A legendary item
>500 shards

Deal with it in QM.

I had alaraks and li mings doing less damage than Uthers.
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Whether you believe me or not, I have to tell you I had no idea this was a thing. My girlfriend and I both took a look at it, we both found the left and right ones, I thought the third was in the middle right sort of side, and she's the one who found it in the middle, and she even circled what -I- thought was it and put a "No" on it. Check it out, here's her attempt.

Neither of us had any idea, I promise you. Although I will say you're going around to every general, you should expect a leak after so long, but I have no idea how long you'd been doing this.

Funny you say that, I had one of these full-retard 40-minute games on Haunted Mines last night too. Was my "one last game" too. I was tired as shit, playing like a complete fucking moron outside of spamming Q on golems, and somehow I still didn't bottom out the scoreboard.
Thankfully Hungering Arrow Valla is OP as shit on that map and Alarak went autoattack build into a comp that's really hard to hit Q against so we won somehow.
Can't wait for this Tuesday!?
>climb out of plat dumpster into high diamond
>every game is now decided at the draft

I thought all the retarded abathur and gazlowe players were supposed to be stuck in lower leagues?
your pain has just begun
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it never stops
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Ooohhh, peepshow.
You wish.

Welcome to hell. I'd recommend securing your armored masters mount then playing meme modes and/or smurfs.
Why is Samuro so lowly rated? he seems to be a massive pain in the ass in my shitter league (gold), and I'm not too sure how to deal with his stealth + decoys, what makes him fall off in higher leagues?
because he only works on the shitter leagues and if you pick an aoe quest into him you get it done in 2 minutes
Too easy to draft against and nobody is good enough micro to use him effectively. Bladestorm a shit.
>41 minutes
Fucking long game
>pick tychys/kael/nazeeb/medivh/anyone with a quest, stukov included
>have it stacked in 3 minutes
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You are only allowed to not reply to this post if you've ever had a Russian player on your team who actually stayed online, active and silent the whole game.
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>low silver
>getting out
Even pros had a hard time
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>there are tacos on my team
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>there's whiny americans on my team
>theres a centaur in the studio
new player here
how do i guldan
>tfw my cum homunculus got to grandmaster before me
should I be proud or upset?
Silver/Gold are a dead-end.
Most pros who did Bronze to GM challenges did it through playing assassins stupidly well since if you don't play someone who can kill the entire enemy team and get away with it through superior positioning and mechanics, you're not going to be able to carry hard enough in those leagues.
then do i need to just git gud or deal with winning 5 games straight and losing 5 games?
Get good. Learn how to ping. Learn how to explain plans, learn how to ignore idiots who tell you to shut up.
Focus on not dying, check your surroundings and keep calm and a positive outlook. No game is decided in the first 5 minutes, so keep trying and find an opportunity to hit that core like the cheap slut it is.
above-average result tbqh
most legendary skins I get, I don't even equip. and don't even get me started on horses.
I'd prefer to get 5/16ths of a happy cloud over some random horse, a murky announcer, or a shadow mystic kingdoms arthas
>Specialist isn't pushing
>Assassin is soaking instead of teamfighting
What is this meme
>a murky announcer
do you think there are people who actually use it?
1) Echoed Corruption (Must-have because of it's synergy with the level 16 talent)

4) Improved Life Tap/Consume Soul. Consume Soul works well if it's a small map and there's usually minions around, Imp. Life Tap otherwise, because it's always good.

7) Bound By Shadow/Hunger For Power. Bound if you can consistently peg heroes with it for more Es, if it's a game where you have no healer and can't really consistently tag more than one enemy safely, then Hunger is going to net you more mileage.

10) Horrify always. Rain is only good if you team can keep them all in range for a long time, and it's good for sieging, but generally Horrify is going to be better because of it's utility, making it flexible whereas Rain is pretty static.

13) Fel Armor/Harvest Life/Healthstone. Fel Armor is good against anything that will consistently fling spells at you (By the way, SPELL DAMAGE is absolutely ALL damage that is not an auto-attack), Harvest Life can be good against divers like Illidan or Genji that can't stun you, it allows you to just bait them into sticking to you while you sustain their damage, giving your team time to fuck them. Healthstone is pretty standard and straightforward, it's always good, so if you aren't sure about the other two, just take Healthstone.

16) Ruinous Affliction

20) Haunt/Demonic Circle. If you've been having a rough game and they won't stop diving you, and you don't trust your team to protect you or they can't really save you when the enemy decides to rush you, Demonic Circle gives Gul'dan an escape.
glue your ass to the healer
hold down your Q button in teamfights

when there aren't teamfights hold down your Q button at the closest minion wave

enjoy having top siege and hero damage
>specialist autistically splitpushes instead of coming to fight over the objective
>objective isn't up, assassin joins pointless teamfight over nothing in mid while leaving a lane unsoaked
>He doesn't want the epic of his choice with change to spare, he wants the butcherlisk or a horse.
is chromie a decent pick in ranked games?
Every hero is situational, very few are always "solid picks". Chromie is not one of those.
If you can hit 98% of your Qs, 90% of your Ws, and you have no more than 3 deaths, she is a decent gul'dan alternative.
only if you have near 100% accuracy
Not particularly.

Don't let that stop you, though.

So am I actually stuck in Bronze 5?

Yeah, dude. People down there aren't basically bots that kill themselves. You're trapped.

This isn't fucking fair. When I started calibrating, I was at Gold 1, then loss after loss after loss due to various bullshit out of my control like leavers, feeders and griefers and I'm down here.

Come the fuck on
No one gets to Bronze 5 by accident.
You might actually belong there.
whenever you're having a losing streak quit the game immediately and stop playing for a day
actual goodplayers get near 100% winrate in that bracket though

there have been a couple of different people streaming the whole bronze-to-master thing

Suck a dick faggot.

>Dumbshit Valla runs into the enemy team 7 times and dies
>Autistic Sonya always overextending turning a favorable teamfight into a net loss
>Dood its ur fault lmao
This is why you're in Bronze 5.

Unless you're the support, AND they're also ignoring your guidance, pings, and so on, you're just as responsible mate.
I had the same, but it doesn't matter because Bronze-Gold is basically bots. Get better and/or play more.

me unga team bunga mindset

It's not a me unga whatever, it's what I'm literally seeing and being helpless against.

What do you do when a guy gets his "main" banned goes "you're gonna regret that" and spends the whole game walking down mid feeding? Explain to me how this relates in any way shape or form to your stupid meme
In about 1200 games I've only ever seen two feeders. They walked into a tower all game because Xul didn't show up to a (lost) objective.

Play more. Get better.

>stupid meme

Yes it's a stupid meme, it's an over simplified "I did so well but my team is shit" from /d2g/
because bitching about your team is productive and helps you climb, right

>my team is the reason I'm literally bronze
>in fucking heroes of the storm

play more
>me unga team bunga mindset
not him but what exactly do you mean with that? i'm not a native english speaker if that matters

It's this thing called venting you know? It's mentally taxing to have to endure a loss aand there's nothing you can do to stop it. Your personal performance having no impact on the -200 you're about to recieve.
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Basically just an "I'm good, my team is bad".

I stopped playing a long while ago.
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>Malthael continues to exist in his current incarnation
He is just going to end like Valeera because idiots like you don't understand how to play against him lmao.
does this game run on a laptop with nvidia? i can play lol and morrowind
Potentially? Hots is quite a bit more graphically intensive than either.

>permaban status with a 60% wr
just pink his ult lol
just ward his jungle lmao
just don't go near him rofl
Just dodge the spears haha!
just learn to play lol
This game is heavily reliant on internet connection and CPU power, not so much GPU.
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nvidia is just a brand, idiot
if you asked somebody "how much horsepower does my car have, it's a Ford", they would rightfully look at you like a retard
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>run circles around him because there's no way for him to actually touch
>whoops, let me just dodge the slowest skillshot in the game

Now what?
I have not seen him win a game yet
he's male. he'll be babied like gaymeta has been endlessly while valeera rots.

depends on cpu if you meet their video minimum support. something like morrowind is almost nothing compared to what this game tries to do with a cpu.
Not that guy, but sometimes it IS your team.
>just dodge the fucking slow soul wave
all right thanks for the nice and useful advice. i guess it won't be working then
yeah he's not too hot at 1v1, especially vs ranged heroes

his strong point is teamfights. his damage with TS is mostly AOE so he kills 3 or 5 heroes just as fast as he kills 1 hero, while stacking shitloads of armor and self-healing on himself at the same time
Yeah, I know. Sample size is a bit of a factor and it's possible to get more than a few of those games in a row.

>Silver IV with 240 games played
>muh teammates keep troll picking
As opposed to this type of thing.
Is the Uther rework the best one yet? Also what was worst rework?
Tyrande's is bad.

Nova by far.
Nova is such a waste of Grey DeLisle.
Are you sure Nova is Grey?
Tyrande and Nova.

Nova has less talent variety than before, less damage with nothing to compensate and is still a really bad hero with zero utility.

I love Nova but she fucking sucks.
thrall rework was good for talent diversity imo
just needs bigger numbers to bring his winrate up
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It's her. Nova is just such a bland character that you don't recognize it.
Nova actually got reworked before? She still sucks and doesn't even give the feeling of playing like a Terran Ghost
>supposed to be a good year for supports
>still no dreadlord
Actual evil support when?
>not evil
Yes, she got a rework because every shitter got their ass stomped in QM and they couldnt stop crying about it. So instead of giving Nova more utility in exchange for killing power Blizzard simply nerfed her killing potential until 16 without giving her anything in return.

Now she's just mediocre with fewer viable talents than before, you can still play her and do well but whatever she does some other assassin does better and adds more to your team.
in sc:
>cold, professional, hardened killer
>cares about one thing: getting the job done by any means necessary
>intimidating presence; people shudder when she looks their way

in hots:
>it's just business x)
>lol gurlz can shoot guns too!
>*blows kiss*
>heh, nothin personnel
>no one takes her seriously

what went wrong?
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>literal nindu
>did do a bad once while infested
>experimented on
>formed an alliance with the swarm
>swarm formed an alliance with the daelaam and raynor's raiders
>saved the universe and all creation from being consumed by a fallen god
iunno boss he sounds bretty guud to me.
>saved the universe and all creation from being consumed by a fallen god
more like:
>joined the swarm solely for revenge
>along for the ride for the rest of the war
I'll say this. They somehow overhauled his entire talents tree.

Yet he plays exactly the same. They gave him a lot of neat shit though.

But he is slightly worse for the wear and he was already like, I think on the line of B/C tier.

I REALLY like Thrall. I feel like he's a bruiser that wants to be a warrior, but just isn't tanky. I think if they either add some healing or simply do something like "Trait also causes Thrall to gain 10% armor for 2 seconds, and it can stack if you proc twice within 2 seconds", he wouldn't gain any more sustain, but would get that extra smidge of hardiness he needs to not evaporate the moment he goes in.

His ults are good as fuck, but he is a poormans butcher in team fights.
>Just now realized Gerard is saying "Your Vodka can wait, my good Alexi" and not "Ivanka can wait" to Stukov

I really thought this whole time Gerard pulled Stukov away while he was in the middle of fucking
How do I play Tracer, or is she actually a shitty character here?
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>Enemy about to get the objective
>Murky is around
>Just need him to stalls for a few seconds
>He just lets them have it
>Murky says he didn't want to feed

I don't understand why people just let them have the win? Just because they might die despite the game being pretty much over afterwards.
Allied team
>pve/objective damage
>crowd control
>when you're good at Tracer

Enemy team
>doesn't have blinds
>doesn't have reliable CC
>has a target you can assassinate (Jaina
>that doesn't have an "out" ie divine shield

tldr she's shit
>Dies to sneeze
>Damage isn't that strong
>Can't really wave clear
>Has to get close to fight
>CC removes her from the game

There is no real reason to pick her unless the enemy has no cc or blinds. You are better playing Genji at that point.
who to get?
>space jam
>cute diabla
or should I wait for pirate stukov or the new (super cute!!) diabla tints?
Motives aside you have to admit he did a lot of good. Weakening the Tal'Darim, overthrowing Arcturus Mengsk and that whole saving the universe business.

It's like becoming a swat officer solely because you want to launch smoke grenades at badguys dicks but you also show up to do riot control and so on and so fort.
I think Thrall came out pretty good from the Rework. Getting a 6 second Spirit wolf is pretty OP. And surprisingly easy to get.
We getting zerg man this tuesday or next week?
Tuesday IS next week.
>a year since malth
>healy bug man currently on ptr
Tuesday, looks like.

>enemy drafts Anub and Malfurion
>ask 4th pick if he can be uther
>he hasn't said or even hovered anything for the draft so I assume he's willing to fill
>goes solo heal lili vs double mage

silver 5 here I come
they significantly reduced his self-healing though (by about 33% i think)
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>playing hl
JUST get a friend and play tl instead
>Playing Mecha Tassadar
>Enemy Malthael takes Last Rites
>He keeps trying to dive me and use it to kill me
>I just keep on Dimension Shifting out of it, completely nullifying its damage
>this happens like 6 times during the match

some people just never learn
>team league

I think I'd rather play WoW arena lmao
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>not diablo
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>do placements with two friends
>i get silver 2 and so do my friend
>other friend gets placed in gold 2
how is this even possible
That's pretty common actually.
either its your rank from last season being lower or if you are new your QM MMR is worse than his.
Well shit. Wish I knew that before I sank all those hours into her.
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Youre going to be there for a while
So I've been playing for a while and am finding I am starting to (at last) click with Medivh. As one of his fanboys and wanting to play him more, is he viable these days? I find I like to roam the map in raven form looking for enemy targets and dropping into lanes where I think my teammates will need some help. As soon as they are good, I go back into raven form unless there is a chance to push. Whole time while I'm on the ground I try to keep Arcane rift on CD so that I both get the reset of heroes and help waveclear. I also take polybomb to stop and CC teamfights where I can.
I do that too but christ it really feels like ranked doesn't matter when you get the enemy deathballing down your lane with sylvanas and your lili flames everyone for being bad then decides they need to minion soak while they push our core
>enemy gets sylvanas
>they actually play as a deathball like she's supposed to
>you get sylvanas
>team doesn't even respond to trying to get a keep when they're 3 down because durf get camps
Is there anything I can do to counter Anub'Arak?
pick tychus
gorilla mash
Heroes that can shred tanks that are not mages.
Winston when?
Just ban him dood
Anub skin
Never, give me Sombra before that bland monkey fuck.
>have to be in almost melee range to hit him

lol no
>hey tychus is too good at everything so we're killing him
>valla who
>what's a malfurion

god bless
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>promo match
>awful teammates
>2 war
>2 ass
every time
He is and always will be viable, he's just team-reliant in that his team needs to coordinate with him.

Having said that though, this cocksucking raven fag shouldn't exist. Nothing should have this much utility, it's fucking retarded. He's the only hero I legitimately would erase from the game if given the chance, and his playerbase consists of a bunch of smug chucklefucks with their head up their own ass.
Yes anon he said Sombra, your reading skills are good.
Ew do Overwatch fans really love their derivative as fuck characters?

I don't think any character isn't just a slightly different version of something they are referencing. Winston is beast from XMEN, the cowboy is Clint East Wood, Robo Ninja is every robo ninja ever, DVA is just GURLGAMER, etc etc.
I like Zenyatta. You're right about the rest.
>give me a monkey before that monkey
i don't get it
>play non-support
>get no support

>play support
>get 4 supports and murky

They refuse to do fucking anything to improve any mode and matchmaking in general, in this game. They do not give a single fuck.
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>QM MMR seeding
Weekly reminder.

Because muh queues.

also; didn't somebody recently mention/leak that Quick Match would involve a lobby and first come, first serve minidraft?
>long range silence
>silence on massive AoE

she'd break the fucking game wide open
You *only* go last rites if your team already has a good teamfight and you're on "stop the splitpusher duty".

If your actually needed to help win things, you need tormented souls.
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>playing supp
>There people in this thread that cannot place D3.

And these people regularly throw out their opinions as facts.
old monitors pls no bully
All the utility in the world doesn't matter if your team can't take advantage of it. I can't tell you how many times I've played him where it didn't.
What are some good starter characters? I've been playing Jaina and Tracer, and I don't feel effective at all as either. I've got some crystals and gold to spare, so I'm thinking I can afford maybe two characters.
Highly map dependent. Great on braxis. Do not go full retard on W ever.

Deep breathing (timewalkers if vs stealth), Bronze talons, Mobius loop, Slowing sands, Byebye (time out if vs a lot of dive), Shifting sands, Pocket of time.

This should be your go-to build and it's oriented around giving you more consistency in damage application at the cost of burst. Taking your W from a 12 second cooldown to a 6 second cooldown is extremely strong.

Only retard chromies go full time-loop w build.
Depends on what you want to do. Pretty much any of the 2000 gold heroes are easy enough for anyone to play.
>Giving your entire team a long range blink
>Both ways

That will never not be good with a coordinated team.
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first ranked game with tlv on my team

place yer bets
That's pretty much why he seems to only exist for 5-stacking fags that play QM, that just hop around stomping groups of soloqueued people ith their fully fleshed out comps and shit.
You get out of bronze 5 by playing things that can cover a wide variety of stuff while still being a pushing / team fight threat.

Nydus zagara with infest and muta works great.
>No Support at all for Red team
>Blue team went overkill with the soaking via TLV AND Dehaka

What the fuck am I looking at?
All right, what's a good Assassin and a good Warrior?
You've mischaracterized the hero? Nova had plenty of goofy fun in sc. Particularly spending a lot of time flirting with raynor.
This game has such a low player pool that the time of day you play DRAMATICALLY effects your teammates skill level.

Weekends are kids. Late at night is Brazilians. Weekdays around 6 is best.
>Hook enemy through gap into that little ally on Infernal shrines
>Johanna got in the way
>Oh well Illidan body blocks her in with me
>Should be a free kill
>Instead of just standing and body blocking Illidan just starts using dive and charge
>Johanna just walks back through the gate

Why are they like this?

My theory is that at bronze level, unabated Illidans and Novas can run rampant on new players. This makes Illidans and Novas and Hammers believe "Wow, I'm really good at this hero! They'll be my main! Time to own!", then they play that shit character until they reach gold and plateau, because nobody can carry their awful asses enough.
oh no
Be honest. the difference between silver 5 and bronze doesn't exist.

Those vikings are going to clump, or *if* they move to all lanes they will feed.
I'm going to be honest, the difference between bronze and diamond doesn't exist.
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Their Aba didn't even go carapace build with no healer. But he was first pick so I guess everyone just got so mad at him no one wanted to heal

Actually the vikings played very well and we were coordinated enough to deathball down mid while Dehaka would peel off to gank the greymane who was trying to kill a viking, or combo beetle stuns+yoshi tongue

Silver 4 now bb living the high life
You can also get lucky rerolling the seasonal boxes - got a surfboard off a epic roll. No idea how much of a longshot it will turn out to be, but it is possible.
What actually counters good vikings play? If you deal with the deathball you lose the xp game, if you deal with the vikings you lose structures
So what's the word on the loot box giveaway? I figured it would've happened on Tuesday but I haven't seen or heard anything about when the drawing happens.
>Weekly Prize Winners. On July 7th, 14th, 21st, and 28th, 2017, Blizzard shall randomly select the
following winners from all qualified entrants who have registered entries for the Contest:

Jaina is pretty good, but you're probably looking for someone a bit safer. Kael has some great AoE damage and a stun that can save himself. Valla has a lot of auto attack damage and a stun ult.

For Warriors, ETC or Anub. Be a wall for your team or a CC monster.
Consistently winning team fights. And characters that can get quest stacks/ perks off of kills.

Typically you are going to fight the first few objs a 5 v 4.33

Don't lose fights that are in your favor and then push hard.
>Bronze I or II
>Silver V

Yeah, it's basically the same MMR.


Not having teammates that know how to play around them. Any heroes that are good/efficient at killing the vikings off, or denying soak.
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>have shit game for days straight
>losing streak
>play a game just now
>have become a block of pure salt at this point
>looks like we're gonna lose, 10-0 kills for enemy team >5 mins into the game
>we end up winning anyways in a game that lasts for 30 mins

this was really nice, had an actual enjoyable game after atleast 20 shit ones
Genji does no damage what the frick
I know he's not live but anyone know how you should take new Xul in draft? I figure you take him for skeleton build and bully lanes on maps like spider queen and BHB where they're pretty close together
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>He doesn't main Murky
>Genji does no damage
i would if he didn't look retarded
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Take it back you git.
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not him but
>brother tell me about murkalot skin
>get super hyped
>it looks like literal shit and not like the wow pet that inspired the skin
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>implying he doesn't have the best skin in the game
Where the FUCK is Whitemane?
Still only on BHB and Spiders
>draft uther
>teammate picks genji
>ask him "you go dragonblade?"
>"lol no dragonblade is fukkin trash"
>he wants to draft genji and doesn't understand dragonblade+divine shield is a teamwipe

we already have greymane and now you want a white one too? fucking pathetic
>Murky has two great Epic skins with different looking skill effects
>add a shitty Epic skin that doesn't even change any of the skill effects

I really don't get what they were trying to accomplish
he looks like a fucking skylander
Greymane's a furry, though.
There's nothing furry about taking the knot.
Why is playing Butcher so comfy?
"ward his jungle" is an old dota meme, it was from 2012 around TI2 where Lycan was the most unbelievably broken thing you could possibly imagine in a moba, literally 90% winrate in pubs and similar winrate when not banned in pro matches (and had like 96% ban rate there or some shit)
you could put observer wards in jungle camps to stop them from spawning, but early game this was a hideous waste of potential vision, and they could be clearly via sentry wards anyway. hero turbo-jungled and insta-raped everything after level and could take Roshan (map boss) super early, and his ult made him un-slowable, max movespeed, and have crits for like 18 seconds or some shit, but redditfags are fucking retarded so they tried to justify the hero even being that way at all by repeating "ward his jungle, he's not that broken, just get good" in spite of the fact that he was auto-win even by fucking Dota standards
She's basically just better Zeratul, in case he wasn't good enough. Zeratul+Alarak. Oh god, don't get any ideas Blizz.
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Today, someone in chat said I had a "good attitude" when we lost.

It was nice.
Only if they're feral. Feral isn't furry, that's bestiality.
When they get bi-pedal and talk n' shit that's when it's furry.

He's a furry. Whitemane when?

Just flank and use C4.
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hinga dinga durgen
I only get people bitching at me when I tell them to let the enemy finish when it's clear we have lost but it will take another 5 minutes for them to get the objective to finish it with
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My fucking sides
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oh i see ty.never played dota
I should have saved the time I got 100% curse damage as Vikings.
>but early game this was a hideous waste of potential vision
Warding the jungle is hard on resources but it's always worth it, especially when delaying the enemy's farm. Saying it's a waste of gold sounds like you're just a shitter who refuses to buy wards.

It's a meme because shitters would never shut up about how OP something is when they leave them alone for 20 minutes to afk farm because they don't want to do anything to stop it.
>muh space racism
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>three specialists on one fucking team

why does qm keep doing this? It's literally always 3 specialists
spam /vg/ for QM teammates

5 stack, no randomness
>tryharding QM
ITYM TL teammates

>get dragon knight
>sylvanas runs to the lane farthest from it so she can "splitpush" while her 4 teammates attack a fort with the objective advantage
>tfw tychus lost his 25-armor-on-dash at 1 not because of balance reasons but because they added armor to the useless gimmick Relentless Soldier talent and didn't want two sources of 'Resistant' on the same hero
You wake up tomorrow to find 4 copies of yourself and your computer. After the circle you guys make a 5 stack in QM.
What your team comp?
Mine is
I immediately engage in murder suicide with my clones
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hmm we would do more than hots
Anubarak, tyrael, greymane, uther, genji

Might be rough with only one healer. But I wanted to keep it to characters I'm good with and are somewhat useful.
How the fuck is a character like dehaka balanced.

>counters any push your team might have
>teleports behind you at any moment
>formula 1 speed

No I'm not whining, I pick dehaka whenever he's available because it's almost a free win
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Going purely off my top 5

>Li Ming

I just noticed I'm a full on waifufag. Holy shit.
>get 5 jobs
>make mad cash
>buy an Acer Predator 32" Gsync monitor
>get a 1080 ti
>get a dope ass rad
>prob a new mouse too
>send the clones out to keep making money
>fap to my skyrim oc donut steal's 4k ass all day
What's this from?
No damage, no natural mitigation outside of his heal or his ult. Highly vulnerable to burst. He's probably the squishiest of the entire warrior cast.
>now none of us will be virgins
>counters any push your team might have

how? he doesn't do a lot of damage, doesn't have a significant gap closer outside yoshi tongue, and he's not like Anub'Arak where he just cc's your whole team and makes it a 4v5
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But whos going to play genji?
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Now thats cringeworthy
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is there anything more satisfying than bullying people with chens barrel? i had a chogall rolled into a corner for the entire duration
Custom games vs AI where we all play Abathur
using the barrel inside of a zombie wall or arreat crater for permastun
Probably meant lane pushing. Dehaka has pretty strong lane clearing
>solo lane with diablo
>enemy sees me
>act absolutley retarded
>reatreat behind gate
>they attack gate because im terrible and whats the worse that can happen...
>not lucio
>mfw they will nerf stukov into uselessness while genji and malthael continue to dominate the game
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If my team picks 3 assassins I am picking a 4th instead of a healer or a tank. Fuck off with that lame shit
>winrate has only climbed since "nerfs"
>60% WR at 80% popularity in masters
>not OP
>masters and comp equals QM
he's strong as fuck in qm too what the hell are you talking about. Literally can make 3v5s against the other team possible, especially when they can't even try to do something like double support to stop him
Post hots lewds.
Or you get 0 support and implode.
Or your teammates fumble the engagement.
Please stop projecting.
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a little too old for my panda taste.
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Yup. That's a butthole alright.
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Of course she has fucking dyed ONE streak in her hair
>Someone queues with his low level friend that doesnt know what to do
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>team dies at boss
>fucker who let us die by not coming rotates south to stop push
>tries to engage boss and all five enemies
>dies uselessly
>needing support for malth in qm
he's literally one of the best heroes you can take if you don't have a support because he just heals out the ass with a fuckton of armor, if you don't have a support neither does the enemy and you just slowly kill them all

I dunno what you mean by projecting I mean that my qm winrate with malth is literally 92%, he's absurdly strong
Does anyone ever get with friends and do funny 4 man qm comps

it's funny seeing the guys reaction

>4 healers
>aba, chogall, nova
>aba, chogall, vikings
>4 tanks
>4 specialists
>all invis
>no natural mitigation

But what about Burrow?
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>I mean that my qm winrate with malth is literally 92%
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yeah i was thinking the same
Nice legssss
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Make a new thread already
this but with hots at the bottom
>two premades on enemy team
>no premades on mine
>everyone on my team is lower level as well

fuck this matchmaking
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tfw no real invoker in dota 2
you're wrong, it's a cloaca
what about smite?
probably not
spells that do things other than damage or healing (like CC or mana drain) are really weak in this game.

hots invoker wouldn't be allowed to have spells like Tornado, EMP, or Ice Wall. he would just end up with 10 skillshot nukes, maybe with a few piddly 30% slows attached to some of them
>level=familiarity with the game, what heroes generally do, and map layouts
>implying level 10 new players should be matched with level 40+ people
level 10 vs level 40 is probably a big deal
but some people still complain about this shit when it's a level 100 vs a level 500 or something

ill complain when it's level 40 vs 400 in my fucking unranked matches on my team
Level 500 guy has played at least each hero once and probably knows how each of them work, roughly. Level 100 guy is still learning the game.
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What does creep taste like? What does it smell like? Is it warm and fluffy, something you could just lie down in and take a nap? Or is it coarse and gritty.
Is revenge really so bad when it's against an all-consuming dark god?
And he even said that he'd like to go back to Earth if he could, but being a space zombie doesn't leave you a lot of options in places to go.
Why is Jimmy so relaxing to play?

>sit far back with your superior range
>plink at dudes
>press all your buttons and make an excellent team push, or depush from the other team

actually tempted to make alt accounts to get the vulture mount for him now
he's ez as long as you have good peel

Pus. Purple pus.
>team drafts genji lucio on boe
>gives them uther gm valla
>get shitstomped

I'm so tired of losing at the draft. I'm never going to beat the diamond 1 boss.
>never going to beat the dimond 1 boss
>team drafts genji lucio on boe

Yeah, definitely never going to promo to masters when you're still silver 3
limit reached
then make a new thread
new thread you lazy faggots

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