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Starsector General /stsg)

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Thread replies: 770
Thread images: 92

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continued from >>175452036


My favorite ship is the Aurora
>nothing in the OP

What do I do with survey data? Just sell it where ever or can I turn it in for rep?
sell it to tritachs
>try to use salamander missiles
>fire them
>enemy PD shoots them down perfectly, ever time
>enemy uses salamander missiles
>my PD is blind as fuck, couldn't hit a flying fucking barn if it came screaming at the ship
>missiles inevitably hit engines no matter what fancy flying is employed
>half-hour flameout ensues
Ban salamander.
Aurora is super solid as a.high tech ship.
Modest weapons for a cruiser, fast, well shielded and lots of flux.
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anon wasn't kidding around, these fucks are anti-frigates as fuck
And give your cores to Tri-Tach as well.

Don't forget to take their derelict scan missions, and in fact why don't you just get a commission with them while you're at it?
It's the smart choice.
>on laptop because retard
>shield never deploys because touchpad rightclick is garbage
Anyone have that mod with the smaller gun graphics?
Wolf (SNT) is also a good frigate killer due to how annoying the drone is. It's weapons consume no flux, only it's shield does, and it has 1000 flux with 1.00 efficiency.
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>assault chaingun
>safety overrides
thats the stuff, my son
That's what I plan. Haven't played in a year so my old saves with my glorious paragon are dead so I want it back. Is why I ask if I can get rep with the data. When can I get a commission because I think that's new to me as well. I only remember having to build rep to buy the shit.
It really is. Tri-tach has the best ships. As the player, you need the hi-tech ships. You don't have the privilege of having infinity ships with no concept of loss like the AI. They can field 20 unshielded frigates and not care a jot how many go down.
You need Tri-Tachyon's hi-tech stuff to even that shit out. That's simply how it is.
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>tfw you don't want to throw away loot
>too slow
>get raided by pirates
>even more loot
>not /starg/ or /stag/
Safety overrides is a meme.

The reduced peak time will kill your fleet in combat.
Those don't make any sense.
you don't use it on the whole fleet, obviously. I just have this guy rigged up with safety overrides so he can run around and facefuck frigates for a few minutes, and then if the battle lasts longer than that I order it to retreat.

>>>someone thought this shit was worth showing

my sides have been destroyed
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>those ships
>those portraits
it's good on the beginning when you're going solo frigate and want to get edge on enemy ships.
Those are some edgy ships.
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pls don't bully
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Those are some Mii-verse tier avatars.

On another note, Diable is out, just incase people missed it.
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>offer to hire /her/
did you just assume my pronouns, shitlord?
Dev-mode controlling the Wanzers is a fantastic feeling.
9th grade/10
I cant get the 1GB ram fix to work. Changing the ymparams thing won't let me start the game at all and I followed the instructions with changing flash?
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Why does the ingame description for ion pulsers just say "What a mess."?
Open starsector.log in the starsector-core folder and check there that your JRE 64 bits, and version 7
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Seriously, there should be a rudimentary pastebin by this point.
okay got it to work (I think), just used JRE7 instead of newest and with new ymparams with 2g-4g RAM

Added Neutrino and Diables, TIME TO RAPE PIRATES
He probably just added the portrait entry to the wrong section

It's really easy to do by accident.
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*slows down time*
nothin personnel...kid...
>toki wo tomare
>In combat, this officer is aggresive to a fault, often disregarding the safety of their ship entirely in an effort to engage the enemy.

is this hyperbole or are reckless officers 'blow up their own ship: the personality type'
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I wonder what a 3D model of the Oddysey would look like.

It's a really strange shaped ship.
Doubled all weapon ranges, not really sure about it.
Combat feels more reel but missiles are borderline useless against PD.
how much does it cost to remove D mods on a Lasher D? costs 7k to buy, like 10k for a normal, can't be that expensive right?
because they're useless
restoring a ship costs more than buying a pristine hull. you should really only be restoring rare ships that you can't otherwise buy undamaged versions of.

not worth it desu im not a pleb who uses shit ships
Then go back over it and reduce PD range. Point-defense wouldn't be that long-range, anyway. It's got to be short-range and focused.
asymmetrical ballz
Doing that then.
>equip Reaper
>AI never uses
>finally uses it
>big boom
they aren't that bad, they're just bad at fighting fleets without support
Will there be a hotfix to fix these crazy, homicidal motherfucker salvagers?
>implying you don't deserve it for flying around with your fuel titties out like a space whore
Diable updated
the fuck is a orbital habitat
It's a habitat in orbit.
what in the fuck is this
I'm a new player who just got done with the tutorial. I don't know what I'm supposed to be doing now. Can anyone point me in a direction?
I wish there was an anti-shield fighter as fast as Claw. Them + Broadswords completely fuck things, but I always lose a couple claws before the broadswords actually get there.
phase ships are super fucking annoying with the AI
>hur i wont fight u until my phase is off cooldown
>add new mod
>need to redo tutorial
Who thought this was funny needs to be shot
What mod did you install, I've installed a few but never needed to redo the tutorial
Why is shadowyards such a pain to fight?
If you shields are low for some reason you can instantly lose engines and armor, and then all those ships with burn drives to get out of danger
Anything with mobility is complete fucking aids in this game because the AI has defense as the #1 priority. You will literally never have a fun fight against Luddic Path because even if you have them beat they'll just run away at 250 speed until their fucking engines burn out.
What's the logic behind what music plays?
I added a bunch of music using audioplus as an example and only 2 songs play, seemingly based on my location in the universe, but I have 4 set up to play.
Can someone give me some advice on equipping ships?

I've just been using auto loadout because I can't figure out what to actually do. Same with ships. I just grabbed a Mule because it seemed decent for a cheap ship at the start of the game.
I usually just use lasers and missiles. Ships that don't support my style get culled in the heat of battle.
What faction the market you're interacting with is influences the background music, and so does what faction the fleet you're interacting with is.
markets need to be bigger, it's dumb that a single person (me) can buy out all the supplies and I don't even have cruisers or a big fleet
Make money. Go kill things. Explore. Not necessarily in that order.
>pirate dominator cruiser

3 condors bitch

>10 seconds after a mora class pirate armada fights me

>we won
Sex and romance mod when
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what a fucking bossfight
Check the market size before you jump to a planet. At 7 they will have more than enough to restock.

Speaking of, is there a 7 or larger independant planet?
I wouldn't be surprised if Moras become less sturdy in the next update, they're monstrous right now.

>get jumped by 3 mora, 2 aurora fleet

Fuck I took a beating. Got to salvage some aurorai though.
When you mod it.
Damper field on carrier(damper fields are annoying as hell anyway) that spawn unlimited fighters.
Had fight against 2 moras with some trashcans with my Falcon, flak Hammerhead and 6 wolves/lashers and a condor and get wiped.
6 Talons was too much and I not even dent them as Moras where always on 100%(at worse at 95%) replacement rate.
This is bullshit.
>while the scan find no overt contraband, the quantity of cargo found, combined with indirect evidence of your prior black market activities, is enough to raise suspicions
What do you edit to change weapon ranges?

I want to increase range of everything by 1.5x
Some behaviour options would be nice

Like setting a unit to be aggressive (or giving it an aggressive officer) so they'll actually take some calculated risks.
I guess I'd also have to edit the same thing in all the different mod folders too
are the silent armada and the outer rim alliance good mods or they are inbalanced?

no the worst ive's seen

shit design is ass. the ship artwork i've seen can be worke by turning colours more opaque and adding a couple filters.

but his design, god almighty, it's shit.

give him legit criticism, we need more modders.

Needs more edge.
Don't forget to increase projectile speed
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New update v1.5

If I wanted to change spacefighters without changing any stats, would it be as simple as a sprite swap?
Still needs a secret dragon dildo ship, or a mass- missile pantsu.
but neither of those are gundams anon
>only one ship
>nine "fighters"

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>get this message
>all i did was buy a ship or two
>buying high tech cruisers and tactical missiles is no big deal but buying a handgun is
like a blue dog penis with a lot of tumors
Why do you want ships on the gundam mod?

does this out anime approlgiht
I don't believe so, desu at the moment the isaribi might be a bit weak but I'll wait on feedback for that. The MS' however might need a tiny nerf in damage.

now when I get to the gundams they might end up pretty anime
nothing can out-anime approlight
>heavy brawler with engine injection
mod where every ship is super powerful when
Fixed a small bug for the Isaribi where it had two launch bays counted as one and would cause the ship to not move, redownload for the fixed version.
Fucking hate scavengers
>game based around ships
>y you want ships tho????

Almost as retarded as that mod.
I hate all you guys
oh no
After 0.8.1
Here's the latest version.

I'm considering doing the same thing for all weapons, but there's a shitton of them.
Need some sort of anti phase weaponry. Maybe a phase hunter missile that can hit phased ships or something to overload them while phased forcing them back.
Use beams and annihilator rocket launcher. I usually have 2 lashers (if early-game) or wolves (late-game) on anti-phase duty.
Neat, thanks.
You hear my advice and put weapons on it. Nice.
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>tfw your employer wants to get rid of you
Tridents are a letdown compared to daggers. If they had 30 OP cost and carried reapers, now THAT would be fucking scary.
wtf i miss itwhen daggers had reapers :(
Would be super OP with reserve deployment. Pretty sure 5 reapers are enough to kill an unshielded onslaught.
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Isarabi is neat and all.

But how the hell did you decide to make that before White Base?


Maybe just a recomended for each size/type and good combos for the guns?
Well, at the moment only doing IBO stuff but once I get through what I plan to add I'll start on the original timeline.
Will you do me a favour, Piano Man please?
I want you to write me a song ..
They call me the hero of Antelope's Run
And I've gotta show them they're wrong.
>>>20 minutes into a new save, going full jew and exploration salvage shit
>>>find legion capital ship in a derelict

Every description should just tell you to use Sparks instead.
Hopefully, Alex will nerf them or at least restrict them to very rare REDACTED drops. He said he's going to make fighters weaker in one of the future updates.
>hunt down bounty fleet, its weird because its not in the same system as it says in the description
>destroy all piloted ships
>one ship gets away and destroys itself after a few seconds
>don't get the bounty
the AI is so fucking frustrating
>hur my ship is faster
>cant touch me

Im not even doing anything and this fucking frigate wont get my frigates range
Because you are not withing the inhabited systems to get the money transfer.
You will get reward when you get close to the systems with relays.
Currently fighters are OP.
Its true lat days of battleships and beginning of carriers supremacy.
Just fly back to the systems lmao
>yfw somone is already en route to salvage whatever left of you
What kind of shit general is this?

It doesn't even have a pastebin or a link TO THE FUCKING GAME
>shove dozens of salamanders up its ass by the horde of wolfes
>the entire hull is glowing, anyone farting would blast it apart
>it STILL glides out of screen and "retreats" Every. God. Damn. Time.

Now thats bullshit
its not general at all
send thank to op fag and gay mods
its half dead anyway
a video game thread exiled to vg because it was talking about a video game instead of fapping to 2Butt or femlink

The fact that it survived long enough to have a second thread was such a shock that we didnt plan for that
Because it has been forced here by the mods when it was fine in /v/

should i just sell survey data to any black market? i know tachyons like the ai cores
This is /vg/ and this is not a general, kindly fuck back off to /v/
>get told to fuck off to /vg/ when on /v/
>get told to fuck off to /v/ when on /vg/

bideau gaems
Are you seriously taking his very obvious bait this hard?
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>fighters dont go out when they are needed to attack
>fighters dont come back when the carriers are under attack

askonia -stability 9/10 black market for max profit
>ship uses missile reload thing
>instantly vents because of the heat it generates, without firing the second volley of missiles that the ability is intended for
can't believe this behavior still exists
I second this. An informative pastebin would be wonderful.
>half dead
just like the game
>cruiser with my fighter support slides off the map and never comes back even after given orders
>lose my Doom and manage to save it by switching over to my last ship
>last ship was my tempest
Not going to save scum because I managed to save all the fucking cargo I have, but to lose my flagship because the game decided to bug out on me is such bullshit. I don't have the rep yet to just buy another one because I found that one on the black market.
My fleet is 4 kites and an assortment of lashers and wolves, I got 100k, what should I buy? I want to keep a high burn level.
more lashers
I guess I could buy 6 lashers and have enough supply money for a month or two
carriers, carriers , carrier carrier carrier carrier carriers
carrier carrier carrier carrier carrier carrying carriers carrying carriers.
carrier carrier carrier carrier
How do you do bounties? All the bounties I find seem to end within 10 days when it takes 15 to get to the place
I think the black market needs a slight rework. It's too easy to use it for everything and bypass the normal market
Press y or z to change behaviour
Everything about the market is too easy, Black Market is just turbo easy mode.

AI controlled
Do I need that graphicslib mod to actually run Neutrino? If not, I've got literally no idea what is causing it to be unable to start
I believe so, because it says, y'know, Required in size 24 font and red at the top of the page.
Diable update when
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Common anon, how the fuck did you miss that?

A few hours ago. >>175620592
Neutrino is a shit mod, don't add it
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Is it true that one of the modders is a qt
i saw the lazylib required and immediately disregarded the red text and say 'get graphicslib for pretty lights' so i think i'm retarded
Nope. Its just a meme.
I know him he is a guy with typical slav face.
His sister is cute.
>tfw only shitmods got updated
SS isn't about toyships y'know
Why are beam AI ships, who outrange everything else in the game, still so passive?
SRA is up though
I'm waiting for 8.1 and more mods though, mostly because of major balance issues in the game currently
wtf are you creeps talking about
where do you think you are?
>ships with swag camo
no thx

What do you consider good? Boring shit like Tiandong? At least with crazy mods like Appro they give you something to do late game, even if you don't actually use their ships.
>tfw you have shit taste and don't like mechas in ur spaceships
Is there any way to disable just the Wanzers in Diable or am I out of luck? I think they're really well done and all but don't feel they fit the setting of the game
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btw I'm not the first anon, Neutrino is ok but I didn't noticed them before, so I have no idea how what they are like
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Any mod that gives you a ridiculously long battleship with tons of Large balistic slots? I installed Tiandong Heavy Industries and I have the urge to mow things down with tons of Ultra autocannons
You mean like 14th Battleground variants? You mean like Pirate variants? You mean like Luddic Path variants?

SRA might look a little flashy in the preview pictures that are up on the mod page but in game they blend in with vanilla seamlessly.
Steel Ocean
>leading pip
check out this casual
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What's a good loadout for AI Medusa?

4AM blasters in front and 2 Phase Lances.
Lots of people forget that the interpolation ingame blends most sprite styles together quite well, and that damage decals and all the other stuff helps as well
I don't have phase lances and that sounds silly

It's excellent though. I'd also recommend SO for going fast and killing shit quickly.
I don't think the AI knows how to take advantage of that
Eliminate command
Reckless personality

Oh, for the AI just put some long range beams. Medusa isn't really a good AI ship.
Any ship with a strong shield and good mobility is fine for AI.
>Steel Ocean
Is it in the index? I can´t find it
tiandong itself gives you the Xu which is basically that so..
is ExtraSystem OP? I´m not noticing the ship upgrades as much as I should because I´m doing it little by little, so honestly I can´t tell
This doesnt need a save reset right?
What's the best earlygame method of making DOLLARS when you've got no supplies whatsoever
It introduces power-creep for the player, while majority of enemy fleets don't have the buffs
Best method? Surveying is extremely easy and extremely profitable so if you want to play the game on easy mode go for that.
Honestly I like the idea of the Xu but on practice it sucks
>can only aim 3 of those Large balistic guns on the same target at the same time
That´s just 1 more than that small destroyer the mod gives you. I don´t know, it just doesn´t feel right
Just out of curiosity, from which mod is that huge grey battleship at the top the pic in the OP? >>175617464
What's your flagship? I was thinking of getting an onslaught but it's top speed is like 60. I want a really big gun platform but not if it can't actually get in range to hit most things.
Please make one for ships
Both medusa and wolf are very good AI ships, they don't jump in and die like one could believe, rather they dodge shit like mlg360 pros all the time and they have inhuman reaction with the omni shield. I give them pulse lasers to avoid the flux spikes of blasters and lances. Not sure how they behave with aggressive and reckless pilots though, i mostly use steady.
I don't know about Wolf, too many times I've seen them teleport directly into the firing line of several enemy ships and then get thoroughly blown the fuck out in a second. Also Wolf has no Omni shield.
>several years old pic full of outdated, long dead garbage in the OP
Now Tempest, that's a damn strong AI frigate. Takes on Cruisers by itself and wins.
at least it gives an indication of the longevity of certain mods
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How about an even more outdated one, instead?
>Sunder used to be a cruiser
Now that does make a lot of sense
It CAN happen but it's rare imo. Sounds more like the problem "normal" frigates have in general in larger battles where they can get zerged easily which is why i stop using them at that point.
I've had Sparks get kills while the ships were already off the screen.
>what is inertia

the good thing about wolf is that they can also teleport out of the lock of missiles when their shields are near max flux
best frigatefu is still tempest tho
Brawler is funnier though, you can dick with everybody risk-free because of damper field.
Sparks kill everything anyways.
>go on salvage/survey mission
>pick up a few new old ships
>suddenly don't have enough fuel to make it back home
Oh my god it's like all these spaceships need fuel or something just let me have my fucking loot.
for the recovery cost, 2 brawlers are usually better than a single version of most destroyers
but >slow

Neutrino Ships look like space battleships properly.

Especially the Banshee.

>Cruising through a battleship while my strike-carriers engage enemies in my Banshee
>Broadsiding the fuck out of niggas with my 6+ Magnetar Burst mounts & MCEPCs

Also, Diable just dropped fellas.

Newgame modo time.
Diable out. Feel like making a fresh save asap but i'll probably wait a little bit until at least blackrock is out too, i've already blown like 40h on this vanilla patch only. I don't know what the fuck is going on with this game but it must tickle the core of my autism or something because time just literally disappears.
Blackrock won't be updated that soon apparently
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Giving this to Tri-Tachyon, or anyone, seems like a really, really bad idea.

But that cash'n'rep, tho.
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Give it to the Luddic Church.
You would believe that they will smash the cores with the hammer but that is no true.
They just brainwash AI from logic to Theo-logic and make them firm and devoted followers of Ludd.
no thanks i don't want this game to revolve entirely around the romances and have dudes getting salty that the lesbian doesn't want to suck your dick
>safety overrides redacted fleets and sparks

Please no
There is literally only one seven size market in the base game.

>be patrol fleet
>see guy fly into port
>comes back out with an Onslaught battlecruiser
>no records of him buying it on planet
>have to let him go because it's not illegal for Onslaught battlecruisers to randomly show up in your fleet
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I kind of fond of highly religious AI that cite verse of Holy Book and sing of Glory of the Lord in the free time when its not take part in Crusaders to spread the word or assist in faithful.
Anyone know maybe about some of SF books with this trope?
The game should track origin of the ships and player should register them on main ports(or acquire forged documents).
Buying from black markets ships especially should be either expensive or risky.
An AI would probably follow the religious rules too strictly and would declare a lot of people, and a lot of basic human activity, as being completely blasphemous and heretical.
Dunno.If it would be truly AI then it should have some flexibility.
Of course the main problem would be how AI handle this?
Guiding and conversion or purging and witch hunting?
The game should let you split your fleet. And keep track of which faction keeps records of the others, so Tri-Tachyon doesn't know your Onslaught is black market, and you can ACTUALLY FUCKING SNEAK INTO MARKETS WHEN YOUR FLEET IS HUGE again.
Also some civilian ships should surrender in the fight if they can not run.
Its silly that tankers and cargo haulers just force you to kill them.
oh well, it's just alpha yet

i'm more interested in outposts and the economy being fixed now

I want my X3 fix

every day I still weep for Stillbirth
There should be an option to just cripple a ships engines. It could work on civilian-grade hulls but not on military ones.
Or just have boarding vessels full of marines that can take over fleeing civilian ships during a chase.
Assault ships when?
Would an AI have the kind of natural drives and instincts that push humans to bend and break the rules of their religion? The AI could probably follow the rules closer and maybe even edit its own programming to bring itself more in-line with the religion.
You're probably right that a human-like AI would be really flexible on the religion. A more logical one would probably go full conversion of the heretics, trying to mentally reprogram everyone.
>Derelict Space Hulk
((( ! )))
If you look closely on religions they consist of set laws and can be compared to a program.
Kind of self replicating one that thrive when assimilate others.
Is there no way to add a faction and get access to it without starting a new game?
>find derelict
>send boarding party
>boarding party suddenly goes silent
>all attempts at hailing the team are met with total silence
>send another team
>sudden screaming starts coming from the comms of the previous team
>second team starts screaming
>comms officer on your bridge also screams and goes hysterical, has to be restrained
>write off the boarding parties and pound the derelict into scrap
>leave and never look back

I know it's not the sort of thing the SS devs are going for but the game does have a lot of potential for some deep space spookiness.
Better written deep space spookiness, hopefully.
Good thing there's a modding community.

But boarding civilian ships during a chase sounds like an actual feature though.
Shit there's even the commander pod thing that the boarding ships could use to transport marines to civilian ships. Someone call Alex.
Would it work if they added an option to seriously upgrade ships?

Like you could buy extra ordnance points for ships, at a high cost in heavy machinery, normal and rare metals and lots of cash (50k per point).
Doing something like that would also significantly increase maintenance costs. So it would give the player the option to have a few heavily customised, really powerful ships or have a large fleet of regular ones.
It would be a handy money sink for all these millions.

Maybe. Probably not.
No because that's all it would be, a money sink.
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these orbits legit triggered me
Check out Extra Systems mod
Honestly Sparks and other autonomous fighters shouldn't be salvageable.
>those fast as fuck asteroids
Or bought.
Salvageable ships should:

1. Be worth a lot more money
2. Be a lot more rare

And refitting /repairing them should only remove 1 D-mod at a time instead of all of them.

So you can either pay 1.25x the cost of the ship brand new to repair it all the way back to being brand new - after fixing up the d-mods, or you can sell it for 33% of the brand new price.
>salvage a destroyer
>spend about 3k in supplies to patch it up the holes in the armour and restore CR
>sell it for 1.5k
>check market
>market is reselling it for 20k
Definitely need to ramp up the sale value of player ships.

Yeah, it's not like it's hard to make shitloads of cash already but it would be a more of a good sense change.
There's nothing really wrong with salvageable ships currently, other than that they're worth less than a couple cases of supplies. They're still objectively worse to non-damaged ships, just more economical and that's a good way to balance it.
When and only when there is true end-game money sink, then I will completely agree with the. As its stands though I think the values are alright.
Uhh guys wasn't the blue U sunder vanilla? Literally doesn't exist
>People talkign about finding GOAT derelicts early in the game
>Literally put like 60+ hours into .8a build

>Install Diable
>Find a fucking Dominator right outside Corvus.
It happens, I once started a game right next to a derelict, non-damaged Mora.

On a sort of related note, do the carrier related skills also apply to the Mining Drones and the Terminator Drone?


They apply to all ship built-in drones of all sorts. And Fighters.
And later weapon and ship pack
and it will be no ported to 8.1
How do I fit this sexy thing?

Biggest ship I have, rekt a pirate fleet with it and it was salvage.
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They often can be found nearby inactive gate in empty systems.
So what sort of things should we include in the OP?
I was thinking of:

-Those weapons/fighters quick guides for new players
-Java 64 shit for new players wanting to install mods
-That anon soundplus mega
-How to start playing guide? Haven't seen one but we get a lot of questions about it
>burst pd
>the two small front facing energy mounts are useless
should work
It works best as a support ship with squall + high intensity + tactical lasers + graviton beams, but I used autopulse (only good against smaller ships desu) and plasma cannon (good as a strike weapon when you have kinetic support ships) as well.
You install either tactical lasers there if you have big heavy flux weapons (plasma/tachyon lance) or 2 antimatter blasters if you need burst damage and you already have high intensity laser.
2 blasters is nice but very heavy, 2 tacs is nothing.

I'd rather spend the OP elsewhere, the single Autopulse with some range mod and super strong shields is good enough on its own.

AutoPulse is not -that- damn good. Even with Expanded Magazines.

Tac Lasers are to be used for pressuring.
>Find a pair of Wolf Sentinels derelict
>Dat 180+ to Fleet Sensors
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Isn't that the Neutrino Star, hidden behind a Hyperstorm?

What's wrong? Don't you have Neutrino Corporate access codes and 25 000 supplies?

I hear a lot about autpulse and burst pd. I just can't find the autopulse.

>25,000 Supplies
>Literally 3.75m Credits

Don't even know how you get Corporate Access Codes
You guys have tips on increasing fps? Rich pirates slow me down to ~15-20fps. I updated my java & did the vmparams thing

fx6300, 2gb 7870hd & 16 gb ram

The game is CPU intensive I feel, so even if you reduce res and all that your system might still struggle.
hide ui
yep, SS is heavily single thread CPU bottlenecked
top kek

I've a FX6350 & a HD7870 and 8GB of ram and nothing slows me down except a 6 Carrier + Fleet and something like 15 fighter wings.
Learning how to dodge salamanders is part of getting gud anon

Just wiggle your butt a bit as they approach if you're in one of the ships with a front shield and a small gap in the back
What's a nice load out for Dominator XIV and Onslaught XIV

Currently looking to upgrade my Ludd Brawler fleet
Honestly fucking try Ludd Brawlers, they're so fucking fast and tanky with Maulers, was blown away with it 1v1ing a Hyperion and winning.

Also is there any kind of list of what ships can spawn where? I've not seen a single Hyperion, Tempest, that other sensor frigate or Scarab for sale anywhere
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when you arent claiming bounties, the duzahk system is actually pretty beautiful
as a fucking retard who hates salamanders, thanks mate
salamanders are cancer
they do help distract the AI since they tend to prioritize shielding their engines
It'd not hard, but it's surely a chore
you're going to love the heatseekers from DME and BRDY
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Do you guys have any private mods or personal rules? I have one with a ship that self evolves, I can only use that one ship but it gets better as I kill shit in the game.
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>Onslaught XIV

>Capture one
>Spend 45 minutes wrecking shit up and having a blast in the simulator
>Shelve it in storage, never to use it again

Anywei, here's mine:
>1: TPC; Maulers
>2: Gauss; HVDs (Auto)
>3: Flaks; Vulcans (Auto)
>4: Missiles (either Auto or Manual alternating)
Why not make it into a real mod
With good sensors, maybe you could search it all in 2 loops, no sustained burn.
Dominators are shite tho. Grab an Eagle/Aurora.
If you click the "In-System" window in the fleet log menu, it will show you exactly where the objective is located.
i ended up finding it without much trouble, at least it's better than this other one just described as "far reaches" that i never managed to find, even with the neutrino detector.
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Way too much effort, it's just a loose set of rules that I follow and when I achieve all the requirements I use console commands to upgrade my hull.
might as well use ExtraSystem if you´re into that
oh, interesting.
>+150 armor for damage reduction calculations only
>Maximum armor damage reduction from 85% to 90%
>-20% armor damage taken
>-20% kinetic damage taken by armor
>+50% armor for damage reduction calculations only

just how strong are all of these combined?
Nice shit, anon!

Maybe make the next one a tad bigger? The suits are almost as big as their carrier :v

Hammerhead with fully armoured front for ramming when
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Size is pretty tricky to do with something thats shaped so long it would seem, maybe make it a bit wider but I dunno yet.

>Hammerhead with fully armoured front for ramming when

it's actually planned for the next release when I have more free time to really work on it
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This is what I've come up with so far, my only gripe is how awfully slow it is

It beat a Paragon 3 times in sim while AI controlled when I was running Gauss/Hellbore but then I found these bad puppies so I can't wait to throw it out there.

I've got an Eagle XIV setup with maulers and ion beams and it does a wonderful job at pushing bigger ships shit in, not amazing at taking out frigates though

Never come across an Aurora
I hate that neutrino detector. None of those blips ever lead me to anything.
I actually might try a build that's all speed, flux and all angles firepower
That'd depend on how those things are calculated.
Best case scenario for... Let's take hellbore against onslaught, it'd deal... 421 dmg, with base 1500 (750x2 cuz HE).
The "maximum armor damage reduction" is useful against low-calibre guns, so IR lasers or some shit deals 15 dmg per second instead of 23.
Or vulcan has 50 dps instead of 75
For reference, hellbore without those modifiers would deal 692 dmg to onslaught's armour.
>Dominators are shite tho.
someone's never used a safety overrides devastator cannon dominator
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How do I stop hoarding weapons
Why not more vents so your weapons fire generates no real flux? Keep those cannons firing forever.
You don't.

Just leave them in storage for when you need them.
until I unlock the heavy armor mod, I need to keep the shields up under heavy fire.
That thing is pretty close to goddamn unkillable.
>not putting them in storage and putting crew and marines in there to organize it and protect your weapons
how can you be this pleb
By using the forward facing mounts as anti-missile you're losing a shitton of forward firepower. Yeah those L side mounts look fancy, just wait until they all come online when you're attacked from the side and suddenly you're on the fritz for 15 seconds. They do you as much arm as damage seeing that they're probably on Auto and they're far from neutral flux (as in the flux they build up gets dissipated between each shot).

I think you're missing the point of the Onslaught, which is -nothing gets past you-. Because if it does, you're fucked. The contributing factors being your slow turn and your tiny shield and the helping factors being those 4 forward facing medium mounts with long range weapons with relatively low flux meaning you can fuck whatever's in front of you from a mile off before they can outmaneuver you. Everything that's not facing forward should be focused on anti-fighter or anti-missile.

Also, try removing all that armor and facing the paragon again. You're just making up for the fact that the Mjolnir doesn't have enough range for it even with the Core. All that is overkill in any other situation an that's 85 points that should be going into capacitors to help you not fritz.
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Why contain it?
I didn't even know weapons had stack size limits until now.
You need marines there to protect it?
no, it's just dumb roleplaying
>safety overrides
Painting your Citroen red doesn't make it a Ferrari, lol

What purpose does marine fill? There is no boarding anymore?
None right now
>1,370 crew in storage
Are they just milling about, sorting stuff and wasting time, or are they frozen in sleeper pods?
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what did he mean by this?
being NEETs
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Just to confirm - animated .pngs will work in this?
found what?
the mission objective

fuck outer reaches missions
>lone cryovolcanic world orbiting a pulsar
>scan it cause why not
>it's class 4

this game will be amazing when there's something to use surveying for other than selling the data though.
An exclamation mark, apparently.
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Anyone know how to recover your key? The key recovery link on the website isn't working.
do you still have the email from when you bought it?
Contact them by mail.
If you remember what email address you used they will resend code on it.
Its the third thread in the support section of the forum (can't post the link because "it's spam")

Huh and when I was thinking that Cherrych 'tapes' as memory device was just relic of the past.
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>I didn't need those supplies anyways
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yeah, just wondering what I'm actually going to need it for.
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Shiet, pretty much all I'm playing for now is to catch one of those. Going off to a nebula on a double bounty, one of whom is a tach deserter. Vishmiluk.
Someone explain to me how the game decides how many points worth of ships you can deploy? I know you can increase it by increasing battle size in the settings, but I'd just like to know exactly how it's being split between the two sides.
>sweating maintenance crews.jpg

This got me wondering. If you lot had a chance to leave whatever life you have behind for a space crew gig in Corvus under some random captain, would you do it?

On the one hand:
>space battles!
>see new worlds!

On the other:
>spacewalks (those supplies aren't going to collect themselves)
>spaceship maintenance (yes, you'll be scrubbing the decks)
>space battles (well, SOME of the crew survive their ships being disabled)
>survey new worlds (yes, that means getting in your suit and going down to the surface of the tectonically active, high gravity, toxic, irradiated, volcanic world within inches of its parent star)

in ratio of the two fleets sizes
Between the size of the opposing fleets. Bigger fleet = more points.
No-one scrubs the deck. They'll have little robots for that.

I'd go for it as long as I could still play vidya on the ship computers during my downtime.
Can we mutiny?
Get a Dominator. I can literally solo 3 Moras casually with it.
Only salvage run with no industry.
Hardly I can get ship I want.
Anyway Hammerhead serve me surprisingly well.
Better than Sunder(that blow two times in three battles) or Falcons(D) that suffer heavy damage.
And one side can't be reduced to less than 80 deployment points.
Sunder is way better than Hammer my dude.
Sunder(D) and Hammer(D) are about equal.
Nah. Sunder D with 3 lances will destroy hammerhead, even without D mods. Hammerhead is a better AI ship.
This Hammer serve me well under AI command. Literally last ship standing on many battles. On the other hand Sunder not so well. Not mention that I have only pulse and mining lasers to arm him.
Whats the best officer personality for carriers? Steady or cautious?
Not when the Hammer is running Hypervelocity Drivers. But we're talking about end game elite weapons on destroyers that you find in the tutorial.
>he doesn't put safety overrides on a sunder and give it 3 mining blasters
explain yourselves
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reckless will face check enemy capitals when Cautions will hide in the corner.
Steady should be okay.
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>fuck up a pirate capital ship
>Fatal: -1
Steady is just your regular AI, which knows what its doing, so I haven't tried the other ones.
Oh the thing about carriers (especially passive ones like the Condor) is that you should never issue an escort for them. I found out that once they have an escort, they become aggressive and start pushing like a regular destroyer would.
aggressive, oddly enough. anything else will just sit back with its fighters in a defensive posture, besides reckless (which is too aggressive and will get your carrier destroyed)
Mine is aggressive, because he was the first officer I got and started out with carrier skills.

He sends all his fighters into battle and they are devastating. Don't know if that's because of him being aggressive, though.
Aggressive officers always consider their weapon range, so if you hand an Aggressive officer a ship with only long range weapons, they will sit right at optimal range and keep pounding their target without doing gay fadeaway shit.
Thanks lads, I'll give it a shot. The description is misleading because it says it'll go in range to use all weapons which made me think it'd charge in just to shoot with whatever small weapons I'd installed.

Had lots of issues with weird AI behavior like cautious captains suiciding into enemies because they're on escort like you described. I need to play around a bit more with just commanding and seeing what works and what doesn't.
Escort did not work well.
You would expect that carrier on escort will either defend you with fighters or assist you with them but instead its send fighters somewhere and face check enemy.
I meant the other way around. If you give the carrier a frigate escort or something, the carrier will become aggressive.
"This frigate will protect me from the Onslaught, lets push forward"
Fucking hell those remnant stations drop a lot of shit for how squishy they are.
so are scavenger fleets bugged or something? I just had one attack me and im not at war with the independents
The unshielded ones can't fight worth a flying fuck. the shielded ones, tho, are anything but squishy. I thought the game was cheating first time I fought one.
Yeah. I've fought a bunch and the only time I've gotten negative rep with the independents is when I pursue escaping ships. Some of them look deliberate tho, like Alex intended for pirates to pose as scavengers to trick you or something.
Fug there's shielded ones? Do they drop more shit or do they have less weapons? Or are they just more powerful overall?
Scavengers are just neutrals who will attack if they think they can win.

Literally worse than pirates. Scum of the galaxy.
I think we all know the question that needs to be answered: Heron or Mora
Lol, you'll see. It's like fighting three Paragons glued to one another. Whether they drop more I really can't tell because of the amount of scav ships I had was different. But they drop A LOT. Last one iirc had 30+ gamma AI along with a bunch of betas and alphas. (just as well for all the damage they do to your fleet)
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Project Ironclads is pretty ballistic-heavy, especially for ships related
Heron is more fuel/supply efficient for bringing planes, but Mora is better if you need a frontline.
Too bad the ships look like shit.

For aesthetics. And in space, aesthetics are the most important factor in achieving victory.
Actually, Heron and Mora have the exact same supply profile, and Mora only uses one more fuel per light year. That's why I'm asking, they are very similar.

You'd think that the Mora was significantly bigger, but in fact it only has 15 more OP than a Heron. Strangely though they have the same base burn speed of 8, despite Heron being twice as fast.
Those are really ugly ships.
>Ability that makes fighters deal more damage
>Enough speed to avoid sticky situations
>Decently tanky
>Good energy PD coverage
>A single universal medium hardpoint for anything, typically a long range kinetic weapon for providing fire support from a distance

>Fucking invincible
>Slow as a space station, in AI control will never reach the front lines in time
>Lots of small ballistics for PD or puny firepower
>Two medium missiles for Reaper tubes of hate

Both have their merits
So the true answer is to have both in your fleet?

Sounds right.
>Start new game with Raccoon and Diable
>Every low tech shit ship replaced with pigeons
Nice meme mod Raccoon
I found a bug/feature.

A scavenger tried to engage me, but wasn't fast enough and I couldn't be bothered. I had my transponder off, and when I was going to turn it on, I got a warning that I've been positively identified and that the independents would become hostile. Despite me doing nothing.

I'm guessing that after it bugged off, it turned into friendly again.


>tfw you're sitting on 10 million credits, two battleships, five cruisers, seven medusas and a huge storage of assorted shit, and there's nothing to do anymore
I can't be bothered to find another battlestation to fight, especially when it's so easy with a single Paragon.
>nothing to do anymore
The game is still in development. You've finished what it's got.
Take a break and wait for the mods to be updated then try another play with lots of factions and other fun stuff.
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Big fucking guns
Still waiting for dreadnoughts and HUGE hardpoints.
That is why you play no industry only salvage run when you only buy crew/fuel/supplies and nothing else.
Spinal mounts are the next step, like a lot of modships have got.
HUGE FUCKING TURRETS would be too big and heavy to turn.
>Blackrock modder says he won't be updated for .8
What an inhuman monster.
Do I need points in the nav relay skill for the hullmod to have an effect?

I salvaged that paragon though. I do regret ever putting points in industry, because when you're swimming in cash in the end-game it's totally worthless.
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Why would he?
8.1 is probably less than a month away, so no biggie.
Mothballing seems a bit too good. It's weird how you can find these massive battleships, mothball them, then bring them back to storage at no additional fuel cost.
Did you intentionally miss the part where he said "8.1" ?
mothballed ships still burn the same amount of fuel you absolute idiot
They still use fuel. They just don't use that many supplies.
>quite soon
>less than a month
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Wow, I sure am a moron!
mothballed ships use 0 supplies

guys come on
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Supply is generally less limiting than fuel. Mora's only really noteworthy for being borderline unkillable, so take her if you expect your carriers to be taking damage.
How hard is it to rename the.factions and all their mentions. I want to replace hegemony with union and change stuff.
where on the forums does this guy talk about future things

I want to know more
Sprites are semi decent, some shading, some detail, but too many colours which clash and repetitive design
Just go to his profile and view posts.
Imbalanced mod shit ruins the game. Pigeons being common and being super fast means fights take forever if you can't catch up and get in range of one.
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I get it now
I remember factions fighting each other and taking control of planets and stations from other factions.

Was that a mod?
yeah, nexerelin.

which probably won't be updated until 8.1
Yes, Nexelerin.
Damn. It was fun mod. Tri-Tachyon would always get their shit pushed in.
Other than Corvus, does anyone know locations of abandoned space stations that you can actually dock with?
good luck anon
Protip: don't use missiles on an Onslaught. They have no staying power and are unreliable. OP spent on hullmods is more useful.

5 Hypervelocity drivers and one Hephaestus gun linked with the thermals is good. Don't be afraid to put the main gun group on autofire as well, the thermals tend to miss when fired together because of the gap in between. You won't need a frontal flak cannon as missiles and fighters die to your frontal firepower anyway.
There's one in that maxios system, I think.
Yma has one
The only sprite I kind of like is in the middle with the radio antennas sticking out

They're not altogether terrible, but they do look incredibly flat.
Thanks brah, though the missiles are pretty good, they are basically an instant kill when I get the shields down.
do you like your organs not being harvested?
Anniilator pods fuck things up. if you're that starved for OP (on an onslaught you really shouldn't be) you may as well cut small turrets before cutting the missiles.
What would be the best base of operations if you were hostile with everyone?
Where the fuck is my Apogee?! Why does no-one fucking sell it?!
Is it possible to have multiple commissions?
Pirate base in Askonia.

Unless you're hostile with them, too.
Nope, better piss of the faction you're commisioned with if you want to go with someone else.

also commisions automatically drop your faction rep to -50 so the commission you did have would drop
Of course I'm going to be hostile with pirates
Good luck boi, you better find yourself abandoned station or else you'll be dead quick. Where? Fuck knows, all I know is that there's one by Asharu.
O.R.A. includes a "neutral" planet that functions the same way.
Penelope (very near the inhabited systems) and Duzakh (literally right next to Corvus) both have abandoned stations, but you can't use them. How hard would it be to mod them to make them usable?
How does Diable handle since this was essentially the fighter update?

Speaking of Diable, do their ships show up in Independent military and black markets like everything else?
Most diable ships have variants that support converted hangar wanzers, and dedicated diable carriers can restore the first 3 wanzer losses for free.

Dunno, they might, though. I haven't gone past the frigate stage yet, still hunting pirates for chump change.
Do ship stocks at stations change every month still or did they change it? I wanted to buy a paragon for every officer I have, but it reset right before I got here I guess because instead of 3 paragons there was only one.
>How does Diable handle since this was essentially the fighter update?
Well they were pretty OP before and now with vanilla fighters being OP I imagine they are obnoxiously OP.
Still one month for market update
Quite the contrary. You can no longer spam their wings like before, and they have few members now.
> I wanted to buy a paragon for every officer I have
why in the everliving fuck would you ever have more than one battleship in your fleet
it's all vanilla you dumb idiot
any way to make them join forces?
I would rahter have an all-out bash than a dozen stomps
vanilla. I found that Paragon drifting around in one of the outer systems.
That happens automatically when they're close enough. All of them are in range to join the fight. Did you just start playing this game or something?

I think it's needless to say that I got annihilated.
>don't use missiles. They have no staying power and are unreliable
The single best thing you can do: Go into the weapons table and add some numbers to make missiles reload themselves.
Seriously. Missiles are way fun, but hardly ever get used because they are "disposable" and run out.
Is there any way to import a current character into a new world or import mod factions into an ongoing world?
If you aren't using missiles on every ship that can take them, you are doing something seriously wrong.
Save Transfer and Console Commands lets you do that. Keep your seed as well.

Neither mod is updated to 0.8 yet. I don't see why they wouldn't work even without an update though.
Do Sindrian fleets field anything unique?
If you don't want to use missiles, then it's still a good idea to put some single-shot ones on there for a couple ordnance points. Single-shot torpedoes are cheap but can still be fantastically effective if you spot that opening.
what? missiles are good and balanced as they are. if you make harpoon racks and torpedoes reload, it won't be fair.
>if you make harpoon racks and torpedoes reload, it won't be fair.
>get lucky break with lotsa credits
>buy 3 medium salvage rigs, a freighter and a tanker with tons of fuel, supplies, etc
>go exploran in the farthest reaches of the galaxy
>find abandoned station
>learn you actually NEED the industry salvaging skill or you simply can't salvage anything above 0%

Fucks sake. I'm not spending 5 skillpoints just to get some extra loot every once in a while in addition to lugging some heavy salvage boats around.
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to me tehy never merge
They have to be close to the original attacker to merge.
They are only costing me 2 supplies a day to maintain so why not?
Ok looks like I'm going to have to be friendly with one faction, who should it be?
Nevermind. When I bought a second my supplies per day only jumped up by .8. :^)
Then I wouldn't be able to fight salvage fleets.
Of course you can, just let them attack you with your transponder off and don't turn it on near the survivors.
Didn't you used to have to pay wages to the crew, or something? I remember cash going down on its own.
Sindran Diktat.
They have a great stable market and loads of cheap fuel and supplies.
Their market is great for black market sale of survey data.

But don't tell anyone.
Only in Starsector plus.
That's a Starsector+ feature, not from vanilla.
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>the best carrier is also the ugliest
Fuck the Mora, ugly piece of shit
>it won't be fair
>single player game

>If you don't want to use missiles
I do want to use missiles. Because they are super fun.
The only ones I left as one-shots were the small mount torpedoes, but everything else has varying speeds of reload.
Makes Locust a fun use of a large slot, and prox. charges become actually useful when you can scatter them about like confetti.

Give in to that urge for craven neutrality.
Then enjoy getting all your ships through salvage because neutral markets hardly have anything.
>single player game
Poor argument. Why not cheat your character to lvl 40 or play on easy mode so all enemies do half damage.
Shit. There's lots of things I'm really missing from those mods, things that became so essential that I completely forgot they were mod features.
By that he meant that both fleets will unload all their missiles right at the opening ensuring near mutual destruction. Then the broken remains will fight off until the second salvo and everything dies. Fun gameplay really!
I miss dynasector the most.
>extra loot
Your really fucking underestimating how much rare shit higher level salvaging gives you.
That's not Drover, Drover is like 3 bays cause reserve deployment. Mora is absurdly.tanky though with its armour.
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Any recomendations for outfiting a Pandemonium? are any vanilla weapons worth it or do I use Diable´s for full AESTHETIC?
>Poor argument
You really don't know what you're talking about do you?

Nah. The AI is actually p. smart about missiles in general.
The problem with depleting missiles is that it creates a game within a game, where you try to get the enemy to waste all his missiles so you can then attack "properly".
Regen completely removes that so they're always a threat no matter what, and you don't have the option to clown about.

It makes the game a little easier in small scale fights, but a bit harder in big battles.
That and missiles are the funnest weapons and I wanted to use them more.

I do hope my having fun at no-one else's expense isn't too offensive to you.
Except the other anon, he can fuck off.
How do I make my own stuff? Is there a makeyourownfaction n shit guide.
you can only do it for nexerelin
You know I was right. That's why it bothered you so much. Play on easy mode if you like, anon. But don't fool yourself that you're doing anything different.
just look at the faction files, it's pretty easy to just use one as a template with a similar tech lvl your going for and edit as you please
Is Diable better as a commission faction or an enemy faction? They're so isolated that I would think you'd hardly ever see Diable content unless you go out of your way to either befriend or attack them.
>this whole post
/vg/ is cancer
You do you as you like. I was just making sure you are aware that there are good reason for why the missiles work as they are. Personally I think missiles are OP as they currently are and I cannot have enough of them, because like beams they scale very well past a certain threshold.
He has a point though. Waiting until that enemy onslaught has stupidly wasted all his rockets on you feels cheap.
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So why do I have a Falcon with less mount even though It doesn't have damaged mount?
Only faster ships can wait out 4 annihilator pods on an Onslaught anyway
>light attack cruiser
>light close support cruiser
Some ships are permanently (d) class.
Because it's a (D) version of the Falcon, not a regular Falcon with (D) modifiers. Many ships have them.
Destroyed/downgraded weapon mounts don't show as hullmods like Degraded Engines or Compromised Armor does.

You also can't restore damaged or downgraded mounts so find a better Falcon.
There are (d) ship variants that have less mounts and lower OP by default, usually they're the ones used by pirates. The game doesn't differentiate between those and regular (d) ships with the tag. The only way you can tell the difference is the look (they usually look like they've been trashed), the stats/mounts, and the fluff text.

Every ship that has the "ships that would be decommissioned in better times" paragraph at the start is a D variant.
Some mods like Imperium have missile weapons with reload, but they are either slow or not really that strong. As they are now some vanilla missiles would be way too OP if they were able to recharge. You would just sabot+harpoon every ship to death
(D) ships also have less ordnance points. Strangely, the Lasher (D) is identical to the normal one besides the skin.
Yes it does, I have salvage a lot of Wolfs with that shit
Then the ones that start with "this ship has suffered extensive damage" are better in general?
On the Falcon it doesn't. There's a lot of inconsistencies to clear up about (D) ships.

Those are normal ships that just have (D) mods, those are the ones you should keep.
Name ONE military vessel that is slower than the onslaught.
>kill all the REDACTED in a system
>the warning beacon continues to blare
>no option to disable it
It's a shame, really. There was a perfectly habitable, albeit pandora-style toxic, jungle world in that system. No-one will ever settle it because of the beacon.
>Mffw I someget the IBBCalm
>Mffw It has a Type-11 & Valiant Wanzer wings

>Watch them eat a fucking Banshee alive from Neutrino after I pop it's shields.
Fuck I hate shadowyards
It's like trying to catch crickets fighting those guys, yet their guns are so powerful you can't run them down with tiny ships.
Onslaughts have more than a screen length range and will burn drive up to your face if you don't spend all your effort trying to evade or flank it. It's not super trivial to make an Onslaught waste absolutely all its rockets in a real engagement.
The thermals and rockets do shit against shields, and whatever kinetics they do carry are soon out of range. Even if you're piloting a paragon.

Onslaught is such a shit ship to begin with. If only the thermal cannons could be replaced with HE or KE, it'd be so much better. Or if all the large slots could converge.
>Engage a Pirate fleet 3 times bigger as mine with a pair of frigate allies.
>Mvp ally Brawler bog down their Enforcer while I dispatch the Sunders, Wolves and Cerberii...
>Take out the Enforcer Flak guns from behind with my starter Wolf's ion cannon.
>Vigilance side-kick unloads three reapers in a row though this opening, insta-killing that Enforcer.

Damn I love when a plan comes together like that!
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>frigates providing support in a big fight, securing victory

My favorite aspect of this game so far

I just wish I could actually do all of this with a friend instead of with an AI. This would be my favorite coop game of all time.
>Fucking aound in a new game doing babby bounties for money
>5 frigates
>First time at this early stage of the game I encounter a bounty carrier
If you're willing to downgrade to 0.72 there's a mod that enables same-computer coop, but the camera's locked to player one's ship, and player two's shield is AI-controlled.
I wish more games had a proper role for small ships. I'm playing star point gemini warlords and it's the complete opposite.
The game is about flying massive ships and the smaller ships are just fodder to be destroyed in 1 volley of your weapons.

A Frigate in warlords has around 9000 hull and around 9 weapon hardpoints
A Carrier has around 225,000 hull and around 30 weapon hardpoints
Can salvaging supply my fleet or do I still need to drop out of hyperspace?
No, you can't support a fleet without buying supplies and fuel from merchants

I'm aware, but I hope that Alex considers doing a proper implementation of coop after 1.0
Local coop? There a mod for that.
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Last game I played I was spamming bounties in an all frigate fleet with a couple of destroyer class carriers supporting.
Was really enjoyable taking out bigger bounty fleets.

Splitting up the fleet and mobbing ships that stray too far from the group
Slowly wearing out their forces leaving only the biggest ship(s) alive
Watching the last battleship getting mobbed by little ships dancing in and out of weapons range until it overloads and they engulf it
>find beacon flashing orange
>sweet let's check out what these station things are all about
>figure it'll be unshielded and pretty easy
>field two paragons just encase
>it's shielded and firing on me before i'm even near range
>it's able to focus fire both of my capital ships so can't sit there and wail on it
>knock off two corners but that doesn't do shit to stop the stream of rockets
>the pieces that fly off just act as shields anyway
>too slow to back out safely
>lose both paragons
Guess I'll need a more balanced fleet?

It's sitting at 60% hull, should I go back in with my odyssey, aurora and apogee? Will that be enough to deal the killing blow?

No, online, and the mod is not really playable even in .72 unless you consider Sonic a good coop game.
If you have some Industry abilities maxed out and you stop in a red beacon system you can pretty much fill your supplies and fuel to the max. once you get the hang of it REDACTED fleets are fucking piñatas
No matter what thread I'm in or topic I'm discussing there is always loads of jerkoffs that need to constantly play with friends. No fuck you. This game has too much going on to support any sort of major net play. You want some fun time with your buddies, constantly? Have him stick his finger in your ass.
It's been a while since i played this, did he fix the memory problem? do i still need to mess with installing java and changing memory parameters to use mods?
I see it a lot in subnautica threads too and I kind of agree anon but you're leaning wayy too far in the other direction.
How too far in what direction? Yes internet based coop/no internet based coop. Did bill nye tell you it was a spectrum?
>shit tier

No I meant that you're getting too butthurt now
but... sonic was a good co-op game
>fuck you
>refers to gay shit to do instead
You're so asshurt over people wanting to play a fun game with their friends. Must have autism or be some friendless sperg to justify this behavior.
>over people wanting to play fun games with friends
That's not happening though you idiot.
I'm mad about you little shits constantly trying to make every video game like Terraria. This game would need to be gutted into the typical husk that are multiplayer games.
No one is making anything you asspie. They are saying on an anonymous image board that they wish there was multiplayer and you're getting upset over it. Take your retard anger out on yourself with a gun instead of people you don't know online.
I'm done anyways. Sorry to have upset you.
>get back to the Core Worlds
>suddenly flooded with all the relay network news that couldn't reach me out in the rim
It's the little things like that.
>bounty on Dickwad Small-Shit over
>cum shortage on Sindria
>hegemony declared circlejerk with independents
>tri-tachyon CEO commits suicide
So, legit, while I know it's in Alpha, is there enough content to make it enjoyable so far, or does it feel very spartan?

Is there a demo?
When you put it that way it seems dumb. But I like that the core kept moving even while you were away. That fleets went about, food shortages happened and got resolved all without the player even knowing about it until he gets back.
How the fuck do you make fighters attack a target?
Eliminate command on their carrier seems to just make the carrier itself charge head first at them (not that thats not issue for a Mora). The Fighters will still go for random targets.
>start fresh game
>ports have tons of capital ships, multiple paragons/astrals/onslaughts
>early game so dont have the money/rep
>get the money and rep for them and they are never for sale
Where the fuck are the astrals? When I get enough rep to see the military ships there was always 2 for sale at a time and now that I can buy them they don't spawn even after waiting for cycles.
I've heard aggressive officers will make their fighters forcefully attack their Eliminate target.

Oh and apparently it's a bug with carrier AI.
The update to fix scavengers can't get here fast enough.
>create new markets
>manage multiple fleets

what's coming next for this game in 2019?
Is there any easy way to find mission objectives in a system when they don't give you good directions?
No, there's not enough content to make it enjoyable. You'll play it for about a day and a half and that'll be the end of it.

It's only once you add mods that there starts to be a bit more replayability and content, but most of these mods are literal mary-sue-the-faction with overpowered bullshit and retarded star trek technobabble nonsense spewing out of every description.

And with the game being in development for over half a decade and only being in the state that it is right now, I cannot honestly recommend buying it even just in anticipation for the finished product, even if it's starting to shape up into a decent skeleton for a game. Or, let me put it this way: If the game had another 7 years worth of development at the same pace as the previous 7 years, that might be enough to make the game 1.0 release-ready and an actual full on game instead of an alpha.

I 100% expect this game to be abandoned without being finished.
So, are the only colonized systems right in the center?

The "sector" feels small.
Yes. It's a bit unfortunate that you can't discover any secret faction outposts out in the wilds.
>luring weak enemy fleets by turning off your transponder
You pray

Depressing, damn.
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>Ran out of fuel and got mulched by a black hole anyway

>REDACTED stations are just vanguards
>it ain't no moon
Is there some way for me to see what goods stations I've docked at were selling? Pain in the ass to see a mission for X and have to remember where X is sold.

Maybe I'm just retarded.
>play it for about a day and a half and that'll be the end of it.
Considering neet standards that's about 8-12 hours of gametime.
Some AAA games cant provide that much, and its a fraction of the price, with the addition of mods as you said and future updates, its well worth the price in my opinion.

Add to that, that the dev actually cares about making it a good game (just read the dev blogs), it gives a realtively uniqe gameplay (both battle and the overworld aspect) and its one of the few early-access/greenlight games that i endorse (others being darkest dungeon and FTL for reference).

That'll be 20$+tip, Alex
When you get an outer reaches mission, does it show up somewhere in the vicinity of the system or do you have to go out into nowhere and ping empty space a hundred times?
The latter
>not enough content
>day and a half
Sounds like you're a fucking loser who stays indoor 24/7 and even if so it takes longer then that to see and do everything. Did you give yourself 20mil credits at the start or some shit and got bored cause you cheated like a faggot?
>it's better than shitty games so you should buy it!

No thanks. Pirated it and got at least 50 hours out of it. Still not going to pay for it until it releases.
Be nice, anon. Not that guy you were replying to, but I've had a three-day weekend and spent the whole lot playing this game. Won't have any time to play for the next four workdays. And that makes me quite upset.

There's nothing of interest outdoors, anyway.
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>someone criticized a game I like therefor I must make ad hominem attacks
wew lad
>finding a barren desert world with no features whatsoever
>doesn't even produce a survey report, it's that mundane
Compared to all the other planets I've surveyed, this one is absolutely unique. Surely that should be worth some dosh. Could be a prime terraforming candidate or maybe just a good place to test weapons.
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>get mission to scan derelict
>seems pretty far away, but tooltip says I can make it in 20 days
>buy up fuel and supplies enough for a round trip
>jump to hyperspace
>the trip doesn't take 20 days
>it takes like 40 days
>crew is starving, jump into nearby system to find some supplies
>10 supplies left, should be able to make it to a market
>suddenly supply rate is at 15/day
>everyone starves

what gives?
Any place is a good place to test weapons if you don't give a fuck. Prime example being worlds in which planet-breaker weapons were tested.

If you fly near suns or through hyperspace storms it lowers the CR of your fleet, which means you need to expend additional supplies to restore them.
Suspend Repairs if you want to avoid it, but then you'll start fights with reduced CR.
1. The course layer assume deep hyperspace doesn't exist
2.always carry 2.5 time the fuel you need, even a small fleet (2-3 ships) needs a Dram tanker now.
3.Hyperspace storms cause CR loss, which eats resources like a bitch, likely what you flew through

One other note, I am almost certain sustained burn isn't efficient in the slightest, and the time it saves is minimal compared to how much time you will waste finding the fuel while salvaging
Well that makes sense, I flew through some storms and eventually jumped out at a star. The tooltip did mention that it's a bad idea to exit at a star but I was desperate.

I guess I'll reroll and get a tanker and hauler before I do long trips.
if you hover over it and press f1 it gives more detailed info
You pobably ran though deep hyperspace clouds/storms which slowed you donw and ate your supplies. Being over cargo/crew/fuel capacity also slows you down, maybe you bought too much stuff
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Is it xenos? I'm assuming xenos.
Never, sadly.

It's one of either:
>free guts
Sustained Burn doesn't waste anything. It just looks like you're using more fuel because you're going faster.

Traveling 50 lightyears is going to take the same amount of fuel whether you're traveling at 8 burn or 20 burn.

it's also a good idea to disable auto repairs for the trip back if supplies are running low
Is it possible to remove mod weapons but keep the ships. Mod weapons seem OP or unnecessary l.
The game doesn't do a very good job of telling you when you've fucked up and flown into some kind of bullshit that's wrecking your shithole fleet with rusty razorblades.

Flying through nebulas slows you down, so you consume more supplies

lightning breaks your ships and forces them to be repaired which consumes more supplies

flying too close to a sun fucks your shit which consumes supplies
>find ship graveyard
>free brand new enforcer
>free harbringer with negligible dmods
Feels good man.
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Wish me luck, bois
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got your xeno portrait right here senpai
>all those ships without shields
You'll be alright.
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Onslaught-chan get
>analyze target in the outer reaches of x system
so how the fuck do I find this thing?
Fighting a fleet of combat freighters feels like popping bubble wrap

You are a lucky man, aren't you?
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>just found a Diable Pandemonium-class dreadnought drifting through hyperspace
>its FUBAR, and I can only salvage it for supplies / fuel
lucky, and yet not at the same time
So much of the content is locked behind some fucked up rarity system.
I'm getting bored because I'm reached
"the endgame" and I haven't even been able to see every ship outside of looking at wiki pages.
You gotta join a faction, bro. Pick one, get a commission and get your rep to max. Then enjoy the higher tier ships.
You'll also have license and backing to go after faction fleets and salvage their cap ships.
Just use Console Commands to give yourself every ship.
The faction offerings are garbage, I check them every time I go to port, and I still have not seen quite a few ships ever offered for sale.
I have still never seen the Astral, Valkyrie, Scarab or Paragon offered by Tritac or any faction. And nearly every time I check the black market there's 2-3 Mora.
>get a lead on a domain-era survey ship
>its in the outer reaches!
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>Fight a fleet of Diable deserters, they have a Pandemonium
>It gets destroyed in the battle
>Salvage the debris field afterwards
>The Pandemonium is there
Now I just need to get enough to field nothing but Pandemoniums.
Sometimes the mission description says
>last I heard it was near X planet
or something like that.
>that many supplies and crew

How do you upkeep that much?
By having 50% maintenance costs, constantly filling up entirely on supplies, and destroying fleets for supplies.
ctrl+clicking stuff into your cargohold will only put in enough cargo to fill your cargospace without going over
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>A fleet that exists only to consume supplies and goes out only to look for more supplies

Its a vicious cycle.
Such is life. At least the crew would enjoy a good life. All that money for their families.
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I always disassemble the collector and use the parts to put a drill on the front of it.
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are... are you playing... on windows 98...
Can someone explain what the importance of Sector Age and Sector Size are when making a save? Does small just make everything more compact? I take it young age makes surveying more lucrative and old makes stuff like corona non-existent.
praise CLANG

although space engineers wouldn't be a bad way to design ships from a topdown view I suppose, or machinecraft if you're really autistic

Swap Hegemony and the Imperium and you're absolutely correct.

Imperium ships are ugly as sin and rarely effective. Though I am fond of one or two of their ships.
Outfitting a Dominator with Safety Overrides as my flagship. What's the best stuff to equip it with?
someone explain this meme
Where the balls are all the afflictors?
I used to see them fairly often before 0.8
I had a lot of fun with SO Dominator with Devastators and Sabot.
>ERROR com.fs.starfarer.combat.CombatMain - java.lang.ClassCastException: com.fs.starfarer.combat.entities.Missile cannot be cast to com.fs.starfarer.combat.entities.Ship

what does it mean
game worth buying?
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Default respawn ship from Space Engineers.
Unfortunately I'm going to have to launch the game and get a better shot because of the lighting and perspective.
Define "buying"
Using devastators at the moment. Any other weapons/mods work well for it?
I got that error too, it was when I was fucking with missile numbers and then using them in the simulations against carriers.
paying money for it, I've already pirated it
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>won't let me post screenshot from screenshot folder
>says contains malicious file


also this is for this >>175644080
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Yep, gotta make sure no one steals your shit.
That's just autism.
There isn't a market big enough for Astrals. You got to salvage them.
What else am I supposed to do with my Space bucks?
age means more red stars

size means big
Persean League, I've seen plenty Astrals in their military markets. Kazeron, Thule is a good place to go. Yesod, Zagan and Madeira, Tyle are possible candidates iirc.
>tfw piloting fighters has been more fun than piloting normal ships
>but the only way to do that is using dev mode and it reeks of cheating
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That's what happens when you play Space Russians. I personally prefer the ISA's designs but they all could do with some major revision.
I was referring to how you have it organized.
How would you arrange it?
>select small size map
>check the intel map

>just cuts off the map around the edges

lel hope it doesn't stop content though
I'm a new player, finished tutorial and got some reputation with the Hedge guys.

I want to be a badass space pirate. How viable is this?
Privateer route: Get a commission with any faction and go around fucking people up.
Pretty fun, have fast ships, don't turn on transponder unless you need to, attack mercantile convoys because they have few combat ship but a lot of loot.
False, that's been fixed. After buying all the military ships on Culann and reselling them to the open market an astral came up for purchase the next month.
>wanzers being deployed make the same sound as critical system failures
Scared the fucking shit out of me.

>My Frost Wanzers and Mobile suits just sort of meander around.
Neat. Any recommended badass factions?
I'm in love with the Wolf so far. Is there any recommended ships?
Any crazy aliens in the game?
Tri-Tachyon if you like the wolf and there are no aliens.
>recommended ships?
Nothing is better than a safety overridden lasher for the early game in my opinion
I'm pretty sure they mention aliens being a thing but it's never really shown, I could be wrong though.
I haven't noticed what my wanzers do, too busy soloing entire fleets because Versant is broken as fuck.
What are the best ships to let the AI play around with while you smash the enemy fleet's face in?
whoever designed the pigeon is a fucking retard
>a modder poorly designed a ship
>small map
>find 2 red beacons within 10 days of corvus

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so my corporate overlords have told me that war with Diable is imminent.

hopefully we can have a nice war, and I can loot some ships from them.
>not choosing wanzers over trifucks
look closer, I'm commissioned with Neutrino.
Ah, just saw the other ships, what's the WeaponAIFunction hullmod from, Neutrino? I haven't installed it yet.
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I don't know. I got it from remnants I think, it just increases beam weapon ranges by 250su
kinda low quality, should have just made one by hand desu
Spess snek
What kind of fleet do I build now that I have all the money in the universe?

Phase Field fleet: nothing but Harbingers, Afflictors, Dooms and Shades

Glorious 14th Battlegroup: Only XIV variants

Ludd's Hammer: Nothing but Luddic Path refits

Pirate: Nothing but (D) variants and combat freighters
Is there a point in transport apart from lore? I don't see why would you need more crew
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Starsector Online when
salvaging bigass ships but usually you have enough surplus crew or can jsut mothball em
No point at the moment. Used to be able to use marines to board ships and take them, but that's been removed. Will most likely be able to use crew and marines to take planets and such where transports will be more useful.
>being able to transport 500 chumps to an outpost to begin mining operations

outposts cannot come sooner
Helps early on with surveying
crashing valkyries into outposts and stations

Is there a reason to even loot the metals?
>not used in ship repair and maintenance
>not needed for surveying
>not needed for salvaging
>sell for shit price
Stash it in storehouse for contracts.
There is this hegemony forge world that buy it for good price and great amount. Chichcisomething.
If anybody has the 0.72a version of Diable could you please upload it somewhere the link in the thread 404ed.
not until 0.8.1
Not really. It's going to be used for building shit and that obviously won't be in the game anytime soon
Looks like you slapped an engine onto a low res shipping container
pigeons are dumb as AI but OP when used.

>put three dual MGs in ballistics
>put reaper missiles

>they just hit and kite and have 2 cheap reaper missiles for kills
>can just play with enemy ships while you destroy the weak ones
Why is Helmsmanship so shitty?
>+Acceleration, AKA fucking nothing
>+10% speed that doesn't include speed boosts, so it's only like +5 speed on any big ship that actually needs speed
>zero flux at 1% instead of 0%, AKA fucking nothing again
Zero flux at 1% means that you can boost with your shields on, or (if a carrier) with fighters engaging the enemy.
Alex said Combat skills will be buffed next update, while carriers will be nerfed
So when exactly?2 days after Bannerlord release?
Why can't we just have a separate combat and fleet skill point?
2 days after Limit Theory release
That's weird, when I was in a shephard Helmsmanship didn't let me zero flux with my drones out.

That'll be interesting, most of them are actually pretty good. Defensive Systems, Impact Mitigation, Evasive Action, Ordnance, and Endurance in particular.

Although I guess they are still underwhelming compared to the good leadership and tech skills.
Most combat skills only boost your ship only, which makes them really underwhelming considering (D) spams are a thing now
>when I was in a shephard
i.e. never

why is development so slow, this game has existed for 7 fucking years?
after x4 and the dozen patches to make it almost playable
>first pic
>carrier onslaught
and this is all you need to know to not download raccoon pack
True, although fuel bottlenecks me from spamming too many Ds. 20 supply astrals are still ridiculous even if they're -10% everything.

Specifically for testing Helmsmanship, incidentally.
The only sensible one is a centurion with out damper fields.
but with a large ballistic mount because fuck balance
Not medium?
anyone mind giving me a rundown on each faction and what they offer for siding with them?
How would I make a faction that's hostile with me neutral again?
tritach is only worth cause HIGH TECH>>>LOW TECH SHITTERS
Can you make cruisers good at knife fighting, or are they too slow?
Diktat has pretty high tech, and their capital sells both fuel and supplies for cheap
Tri-Tach have high tech ships, but are space jews
Luddic path have low tech ships, but will offer you salvation
Hegemony Low-mid tech ships, easy to get a commission with I guess
Perseans are just the Hegemony
Ranking faction mods in terms of sprite quality, vanilla friendliness, noteworthiness and activity of development

Top tier:
Diable Avionics
Blackrock Drive Yards
Interstellar Imperium
Tiandong Heavy Industries
The Knights Templar (as a boss faction)
Dassault-Mikoyan Engineering

Above average:
Shadowyards Reconstruction Authority
Outer Rim Alliance
Ship/Weapon Pack (SS+ defaults and IBB)

The Mayorate
Junk Pirates

Below average:
New Galactic Order

Shit tier:
All else.
>neutrino on same level with approlight

whats with the antineutrino meme

what about it is so bad
Perseans are everything.
I really don't care for Alliance's ships. They all just look like bricks with religious symbolism.
What the fuck is with pirate smugglers turning into independant smugglers? I see this faggot fleet that identifies as a pirate smuggler fly off from a station and when I find it again it's suddenly independant and I lose rep for attacking it
theyre on parole
They are only pirate smugglers when smuggling into a pirate world
Whats the big difference between a Salvage rig and a Shepard? They both seem to do similar things besides one being larder and the other fielding drones
salvage has better salvage bonus, shepard has some and fighting/defense capabilities and surveying reduction -5 machinery per
Salvage rig is inferior.
>more fuel use
>more supply use
>no cargo
>no survey mods
Fucking space dindus

Salvage rig gives 25% bonus while shepherd only gives 10% if I'm not mistaken
They also don't get scanned by space patrols for not turning on transponders
god damned space affirmative action
But hey, the player has sustained burn now and NPCs don't. It actually balances out a bit
>autopulse cannon

>that shield

hhhnnnnngg get fucked destroyerfaggots
Falcon and Eagle can do knife fighting with heavy machine guns in the front and so on.
There a crack for this?
Modding this game is a pain in the ass.
No. Buy the fucking game it's only $15

Crack: https://mega.nz/#!NBoXEKjQ!HRJmaQy9jweYLhJ_hQ3v_Ljp5YctjPVi8J9jaDBreyY
Game: https://mega.nz/#!9AwE2DCb!qWihqHZ-Ad0RVT-vZLhaSRhWtWTXS_A4lSAPZn7GYb8
How to: install game, open, type random numbers, close, apply crack

Eat shit
Not paying $15 for an unfinished game unless I can try it out first
What? You download it, extract it, put the folder in the mod folder. As far as modding goes is pretty fuggin easy
>pirating an indie game
I hope you kill yourself

There's a demo for exactly that purpose
>caring this much whether someone pirates a game or not
I hope you kill yourself
Talking about making mods.
what kinda mods are you making cutie :3
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Stealing some Redditor's sprites to implement as ships.
those are gonna stand out like a sore thumb
Is there unironically any point to pick the salvage rig over the drone tender?
It's way better?
There.was this ship making tool with a bunch of premade sprite parts you could use. It's from a tactical space ship battle game dunno what it's called.
Battleship Forever.
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my son you are captain now
will you pick timid qt 3.14 asian waifu
or aggressive black woman who need no man
>delete save to start a new one
>realize I want my old save back
what do
But why would you delete a save before starting a new game???
some sort of autism
Give me the anime
messy portrait pack
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4MB, 1920x1080px
>giving a shit about muh immershun in the devs vision
nice meme friend!
what the fuck are you on about

im talking about the artstyle with the rest of the fucking game

poorly slapped-together shit looks poorly slapped-together
mods when
When they are done and ready.
>im talking about the artstyle with the rest of the fucking game
Which is exactly what I said, if you could only read English.

I guess I'm going to suffer though, it'll be tough but I'm sure I'll manage. I'm just snagging the Cobra III anyways (which looks fine).
when you code them
>retard meme speak
okay friend
post your sprites
Are you actually upset because someone called your ugly sprites ugly?
thought so
show your sprites dude I'm sure you can do better than some Redditor (who did a good Cobra Mk III sprite at least, be contrarian if you need to but you're not fooling anyone.)
So they aren't even your sprites and you're still upset?
Quick run down in officer AI?
calm down
>timid: flies off the edge of the map
>cautious: attacks once every 5 minutes
>steady: normal AI, tries to play it safe
>aggressive: more aggressive
>reckless: suicide bomber
almost forgot I'm in /v/'s short crossboard incursion not /vg/, silly me ;)
Go back to your hugbox, you fucking faggot
>post shit
>get called out
Every general would do the same fuck off.
your pills
>be me
>don't care
>works on my machine
>actually lmaoing atm
>n-nuh uh you have to care you're m-mad
Now you're just posting gibberish.
More aggressive is an understatement. Aggressive carrier pilots will try to dive into within 1k range.
oh no how will my anonymous reputation ever recover from this tarnish
Would timid only be good for civilian ships? For what I read here it wouldn't do good in carrier because it would stay out of the range of the fighters
a) why would you deploy civilian ships
b) why would you waste an officer on a civilian ship
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>>don't care
yet you´re still replying
I wouldn't but is the only use I see them if the only thing they do is run
I do not know
Then why aren't you playing the game, bitch nigga?
Too busy modding loli crops as portraits.
hopefully theyre a bit less poorly-done than those ship sprites
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381B, 34x38px
at least I'm adding things
>vidya ships
i want it
Any advice on finding bounties?
Currently tracking one and I'm in the system but cant find them.
They usually orbit planet that is described in bounty.
Sometimes they chase often something and then its hard to find them.
Are you sure its not time out?
As you mentioned timed out I checked the log and now its gone...
When i went out to kill them it had 40 days left and only 7 days away?
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highly responsive to prayer.png
3MB, 1920x1080px
pig disgusting
>go to a big fight
>retreating pirate forces
>don't deploy anything
>get loot anyway
>level up
>even get bounties
>5 Frigates
>4 destroyers
>3 Cruisers
>(1) Carrier
>2 Capitals

Is stacking my classes like this a good idea?
>coldsteel the starship
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