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/tf2g/ Team Fortress 2 General Anonymous

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 751
Thread images: 207

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Last Thread: >>174991202

>list of good comm. servers

>Tips and guides
Blog: tf2.com
Wiki: wiki.tf
Class guides: pastebin.com/u/TheOperator
FAQ: pastebin.com/6t7WNtgn
Mods: pastebin.com/bzzUK5tz
Steam status: steamstat.us steamgaug.es
Preview Loadout: whatsnext.loadout.tf | steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/158547475
HUDs: huds.tf
Game Traffic: steamcharts.com/app/440#1y

Sites: scrap.tf | tf2outpost.com | backpack.tf | bazaar.tf
BP check: backpack.tf
Prices: backpack.tf | trade.tf
Scrapbanking: scrap.tf | scrapbank.me
Skins: p337.info/tfview/

Basics: playcomp.tf
Comp Wiki: comp.tf
Lobbies: tf2center.com/lobbies
Scripting: pastebin.com/1VmngMfJ | pastebin.com/H3WfKLaB
TF2 streams: teamfortress.tv
UGC (Global): ugcleague.com
ESEA (NA/EU): play.esea.net
ETF2L (EU): etf2l.org
AusFortress (AUS): ozfortress.com
AsiaFortress (Asia): asiafortress.com
FBTF (Brazil): teamfortress.com.br/forum/


>/tf2g/s looking to party queue
first for finally not fem pyro
>implying anyone wants to post in a viva thread
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But cashiers do the bagging themselves.

And isn't that a highschooler's job, anyway?
who is this fag? i see 'viva' every where and why does he/she proclaim themselves, 'based'?
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>enemy spy doesnt use the DR
>even easier to find and delet him
viva thread is best thread
>viva will never give you a (You)
Rename blizzardy storm danger to It's Raining Meth Y/N
shygals sniper surprise
shit OP but whatever
I please older men for refined metal
zoomy shoot stick
I'll shoot your eye out, kid!
Fuck the music with my Surf n Turf
scoped ambassador
if you read this name your mom got into a horrible headshot
LoNgg buRRel BoOm thAng
viva is a faggot
slug shotgun
or "Im not haxxor silly bois but download lmao
trade for free hat
I towel floss my anus.
Handsome Hector's Heckin' Handy Hearty Holiday Head Harrower
Pinky Pie's Special Metal Rod
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is this a good robo medic guys? thinkin of droppin the chest piece to keep the hat / mask / glasses
I like horse dick
i want to FUCK pinkie pie!
i use undetected vac cheats :)
I touch myself at night
Fluttershy kinda thicc....
S> This for free, trade me
Lake of Fire
kurt cobains long range microphone
I voted Hillary Clinton
White pussy belongs to big black cock.
dicks out for harambe xD
S> C9 Cotton Head for 76 Keys pure. Overpay in items. Send offers @ id/BasedViva
gas the kikes, heil fluttershy
pinkie pies stinkie pinkie taco piercer!
knee cap
i'll tell you a funny joke for it
if you didnt get headshot by this sniper rifle then your mother will die in a horrible accident tonight
i have collected all of the chaos emeralds
20% Cooler
visit me at r slash the donald
Make it Great, Pizza Hut
What comes out tastes like salty milk and pennies.
ask me about lolicon
quitting tf2 trade me for free things
This thread just gotten shittier than the last one.

gender is a choice
it was made by a retarded tripfag
kurt cobain's christmas tree
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thread content

pee on me while i jerk off
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>thread started with a roll

That's how.
Applejack a shit
who the fuck is kurt cobain?
Brb, calling the NYPD
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real picture of the janitor who lurks this thread
That's a good thing though.
>All those offclass votes
absolutely disgusting
reminder pyro is gordon freeman who entered the timelock after defeating the combine. he went back in time to enlist in Nam because it was revealed that the gooks were behind it all but his HEV suit broke and the timelock malfunctioned so he had to grab a nearby asbestos suit & gas mask to survive the combustion. after the ordeal the suit got stuck and pumped a seemingly infinite supply of laughing gas into his lungs and after a few hours he didn't even try to get it off. the perpetual high caused him to accidentally enlist in the gravel wars instead of vietnam.

pyro jungle update will coincide with the announcement of hl3
no you dumb nigger

heavy is the defensive counterpart to pyro and doesn't need speed. he needs a FULL FUCKING REVERSAL of the GAY ASS FUCKING accuracy & damage NERF
Y'know don't say swears
soldier = offensive demoman
pyro = offensive heavy
demoman = defensive soldier
heavy = defensive pyro
engineer = defensive medic
medic = offensive engineer
sniper = defensive spy
spy = offensive sniper

scout = ?????
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bring back the 20% resistance on spun up guns regardless of health
scout is scout c:
scout is SHIT
Shouts out to Blaris for making a DELIGHTFUL present

fuck you
[DELETED MESSAGE] from the janitors of /vg/!

If they kill you, they're a tryhard.
Is it possible to anonymize certain tripcodes with 4chanx's options? It's a very useful tool but I don't want to discriminate against all tripfriends, only the short half-mexican ones.

There should be an option to filter it out.

Ah wait, I'm using appchan x. Sorry.
>Spy is removed from the game
Is anything really lost?
is there a way to only show /sfur/ threads on /b/ but nothing else

i'm tired of all the icky stuff
>engineer, medic, sniper & spy are removed from the game because they mostly exist to counter each other and the game would be faster if it was a deathmatch between the first 5 classes

is any really lost?
not really
engineer's biggest counter is still an ubered demoman
the only complaints youll get is from the spy mains themselves

then bookmark it
though i dont know why you wouldnt just go to trash for that, its filled to the brim

games become a shitload slower without medic because you cant really commit
scouts dont have any counters anymore, and considering that scout's only weakness is sentries, he literally becomes god
stalemates are even more common because there is no snipers
it wouldnt be too bad if you removed a class, but then you would have to rethink the whole game through and through
fuck off
game improves because you don't have to be paranoid and waste ammo on teammates
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*builds entrance*
*builds level 3*
*builds dispenser*
*doesnt build exit*
*start vote*
*vote pass*
*engineer is banned*

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*builds exit on the edge of a cliff*
It's an old Jerma joke.

come on, this is tf2g!
>Caring about Youtube "celebrities"
>Thinking everyone should get your absolutely epic man references
>>>/r/tf2 is that way
you should definitely know at least what "ITS OVER" is from
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so sorry for trying to member

post yer friggin' epic then
No. I really don't. Nor do I care. Circlejerking over Youtube e-celebs is cancerous, no matter if you're hyping up Uncle Dane/Muselk or Jerma/Ster.
i bet youre fun in parties, dude
I bet you unironically watch garbage like Pewdie Pie too. Get some standards.
Not him, but I don't, I don't pay too much attention to youtube even though I do have a channel there.
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parties are for people circlejerking about their personal acquaintance-celebrities, you can only rely on yourself for entertainment

that means making your own games, food, porn, etc.
i just spectated someone using a controller. they have over 200 hours.
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the pub experience.png
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Do you think Hank Hill would fight against the government if they tried to take their guns?
Yes. If only so that he and Bobby could still have something to bond over, since Bobby's really good at shooting shit.
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is this epic
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more epic
Would Hank and Bobby burn the tyrants at the CIA/FBI alive with propane?
Yes. Just imagine I posted that one Hank Hill gif here because I don't have it saved.
he seems to respect and listen to authority, but he'd also probably see taking guns as un-texan

dale would be preparing some kind of last stand

sounds like a good episode
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this has great comedic effect because after reading "you crafted" I have to scroll down to read the punchline

very epic
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>this loadout has no conflicting cosmetics
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Ill give anybody a free hat if they make this the next OP.
>sniper bodyshots me 3 times
>go dds sniper
>he complains in chat
what the fuck is the thing on the left?

Also what's a good server fellow tf2g'rs are playing on right now? casual has been shit recently for me
I'll fuckign STEAL your hat if you make the next OP anything but fempyro
personally i never try to bodyshot someone on purpose unless i don't have a choice (ie can't see their head) or unless they're a pyro. even then with pyros i usually try to headshot them and then noscope them afterwards. it's not like a pyro can exactly complain about a no-skill bodyshot.
generally the mentality behind snipers who just body shot is "a kills a kill" which is fine but its ironic when theyre the same people who complain about enemy snipers using the shield
the thing on the left is an egotistical avatarfag. it makes sense that he's hanging out with viva now.
i'm not really huge on that mentality because at that point what's to stop you from flat out cheating? doesn't matter if i used hacks to get it, a kill's a kill m8
i like nemu's payload
its usually filled and when its below 10 people (which is rare) theres a vs engineer bot mode, which is a nice change of pace
>hanging out with viva.

No, fuck viva.
i meant right by mistake but but are they both trip fags that frequent here or something?
>americans waking up
>thread turns to shit

>americans waking up at night
Waking up at midnight? I don't even think NEETs wake up that late
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>having a good time sniping
>machina dds sniper appears in a 1cm dark peephole and always has a full charge
>switch to soldier or something because sniping isn't fun anymore
>"why do you keep focusing me :((("

>almost 1 am on east coast
the one on the right is a tripfag. he calls himself "based" viva. the left is not a tripfag, which means he can't be filtered, which SUCKS.
>americans waking up
This is when we go to bed dumb dumb
Thats why the thread is shit. All you filthy euro's and koreans get on and kill the fun.

but im staying up
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I'm the guy who usually draws the loadouts(Example to the left), along with CageZ and Ryuke.
As well as make memes of your loadouts.

I'm mostly hated here but I simply don't care. I haven't been as obnoxious as I was before.

'indian'Viva is some tripfag who contributes nothing but shitposts.
i was getting suspicious when I repeatedly saw that atrocious soldier OC everywhere

yes viva is a fag from what i've seen but
noone ever memes my loadouts...
>"it's me against the world!!"
can't speak for anyone else, but this kind of mentality is why you can come across as obnoxious

Just report him for avatarfagging.
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Alright, finished buying everything I needed for my Aviator Asshole Pyro.

I mostly made it themed around flying/flight, etc.
>no air raider
>no jupiter jetpack
>flight themed

pal. . .
Ill be happy to meme it for you, just reply your loadout and Ill get to it.

Not really implying that, I just don't care.
You guys hate me but I enjoy producing content for the thread when I do decide to get around it.

I haven't posted mysoldier1233.png in a long while.
Why does sniper need to exist again?
why are all the servers in the op dead?

also what are surfing servers?
I used the reference on the left.
It was the closest thing to the skull I could find.
Air raider looks ugly. Imo.
Also Jupiter Jetpack is a space item.
They're servers that build up your stamina as you swim the waters

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Do I focus on getting good at Soldier or Demoman?
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>air raider
you take that back
/trash/'s tf2g is better
He can be a pocket or a roamer.
soldier because I hate facing soldier mains but god do I hate demo mains more

always so smug with heads full of eyeball
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Come back when you've graduated from gravity.
Last breath is a qt item. Fuck your elephant penis nose cosmetic.
Whenever I see the Air Raider I'm reminded that The Fly exists and then I get extremely uncomfortable.
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you are like a little baby

>bubble pipe

I'm not a pyro main, so I don't have any reason to get an unusual for him, but even so I think the bubble pipe is one of the more stupid hats for pyro.
I wish there was a style that got rid of the pipe, but I mostly use it because it's part of the phlog set

I even use the manmelter when there's enemy pyros
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Behold, a weapon to surpass Metal Gear!
looks like an overwatch skin
really makes you think
robot heads look like truck nuts for weapons
the wrench is the only good botkiller
It's kinda why I have one. Although, just like real balls, I don't enjoy them dangling in my face.
Except if you're Viva.
a kills a kill in the pretext of the game itself. it may be "cheap" but not against the rules or anything
i doubt anyone here plays but it's a similar mentality to using a stall team on pokemon
soldier won the war, so him

Nice fallacious logic with that slippery slope, but the implicit idea that everyone knows and uses to differentiate between a cheat versus player skill is that a kill is a kill so long as it's within the confines of game rules that players are freely given access to, which are the same for everyone. Game rules that Valve has set. Cheats, injectors, and scripts are all illegal modifications of game files that while are technically available to everyone fail to meet the qualification that Valve intended for that to be a part of gameplay.
i dont think you needed to type out an essay for that response anon
>tfw engi vs spy was scrapped and the balance changes were put into gunmettle
>tfw there was never a revolver to fight over
new revolver for spy and engineer
nitro express
clip size -83%
damage +150%
reload speed -75%
movement speed -20% while equipped
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Ahh yes Spy, the most "fair and balanced " class, right next to the pyro.
the deadeye
>15% faster firing speed
>15% faster reload speed
>hitting a target with all 6 shots in a clip will mark them for death
>20% less damage
>on miss: hit yourself,
pyro secondary

The Heat Seeker
Level 20 Rocket Launcher
+50% clip size
+50% faster firing speed
+Hits refresh afterburn duration and cause afterburn to mini-crit
-45% damage penalty
-80% push force
-Does not ignite targets on its own
-No random critical hits

This weapon reloads its entire clip at once. Takes 2 seconds.

>not even 200 words

>rocket launcher

are you the same guy who made that retarded shotgun for sniper?
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>cloak and dagger
>hide in a corner
>one shot someone
>hide in a different corner
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Ok ok please don't shoot my dog
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how does this make you feel?
it doesn't make me feel much desu
>pubber spy main uses the pubber spy main loadout
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flamethrower is good too. My first strange / fav weapon is my rusty flamer. The minigun is the worst how the chain floats on it.

I wish each botkiller had the head of the appropriate class bot on it.
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>none of these conflict
i didnt say the last breath was bad, but the air raider deserves love to you mong
>viva OP
>Nobody's posting
Makes u think huh
everyone has him filtered so they don't even know the thread exists
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>the cure for fat crossdressers is intense beatings
fuckin' kek m8

can someone meme my heavy like that?
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team fortress lord heavy gaben.png
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Should I steal the thread? nvm.. I'll just try at least.
Give me a little bit, I'll hit you up in the morning.
Yea, Ill do it too. Just give me your items so I can get some letters from.
>When ur meme made it in
*Refreshed sigh* do you plan on adding to this image, cause ive got a bunch more
i might as well try too i guess
unless someone else gets to it first, iunno
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Ye a screenshottis of ur pottis is the usual crafting table to which these memes are made.
He can still be DOIN the taunt but we need some items names boyo.
Yea, but not soon though. Ill save it and make another one when I have enough.
Alright let me know and I'll dump some or something.
make an imgur and send it to me.
Itll be easier for us both.
Ok duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuude, I'll post it in the thread when i make it.
Thanks my man.
No problem
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download (3).jpg
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Well I for some reason can't find the uncropped version of it on my phone but here's my other heavy load out for some letters
Thanks, Ill be right on it as soon as I can.
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Post yfw you realized that Earbuds are at 1.8 keys
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Thanks man, you're the best
>tfw the game is soo dead the reaper cant take it to game heaven so its stuck in the mortal plane as a spooky skeleton
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Here you go. I tried to keep it with the space theme too.
>all those stats
have some restraint you fucking autist
The Manlet Mechanic
Level 5'0" Wrench
+90% damage resistance on wearer
+Sentry model & hitbox is 75% smaller
-6 inches to wearer height
-Sentry can be knocked back by damage & airblast. Receives 1000% push force from all sources.
-Wearer instantly dies if sentry is propelled into him.
-120 max health unless sentry is built.

Would you use it?
well if it is id be surprised.
Bagging and bringing in the carts in the parking lot has been my job for a little under a decade now
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DAE think STAR_ is a HATER??? He was mean to Uncle Dane (the very gud sentry mane lol) on the internet wtf
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No, uncle dane was mean to Star.
reminder that crit a cola and steak sandvich need to switch their damage vulnerabilities

reminder that bonk and crit a cola should only last for 6 seconds

>Literally an upgrade
The Spitfire is inferior to the Messerschmitt BF109 due to the lack of fuel injection.
more like shitfire
I was kicked from pub after being accused of hacking. What are the chances that Ill be vacced.
Didnt actually cheat. Salty scrubs were just made at getting hit by the direct hit and my twitch reflexes.
>What are the chances that Ill be vacced.
it doesn't matter if you're cheating or not, you will never be vacced ever
I got banned for a day last time i posted something like this. Watch out.
Requesting "It was an intentional choice"
don't forget the inferior fire power and lower performance at high altitudes of the spitfire
>join game
>6 minutes on loading screen
>get in
>you are now on your way to dustbowl
>2 minute loading screen
>motion blur and HDR are on for some reason
>disable them
>dropped by server, takes 8 minutes
>join again
>remember i forgot to take shadows off
>change settings again
>sound looping for 5 minutes straight
>time out
no fun allowed
I didn't.
Still, inferior firepower can be countered with tactics. The biggest problem was really the fuel injection one
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That's what you get for using 2008 hardware
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the engine is shit
get comanglia FPS config
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>Not a single one of the ones I made is in that picture
my game literally runs worse with the toaster config
odd, the toaster config shouldnt make a difference in most systems. suppossed to be desperate changes for when even the FPS config doesnt give you 60 fps

"Fuck you" raffle #1
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Do I have a problem?
>12 hours a day

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seek medical help
>scout main follows the path of life chosen for him and attempts to shove his head up his own ass
The way you tell if a scout main is an asshole or not is by his weapons.

Stock or Sodapopper = Asshole
Crit-a-cola = Asshole

Any other combo of weapons = Rad dude

Only two I've ever come across are a dude during End of the Line who was using the full Milkman set and probably saved his team the game.

Second was two weeks ago in a doublecross server who was using an aussie FaN and the stock pistol. He would use the FaN to get height advantage and then use his god like pistol aim to fight. He was a pretty cool dude.

Every stock scout I've ever met has been a dick or clueless. Maybe both.
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I run Stock/Sodapopper + Winger + Atomizer

Come at me bro
on one hand you're right

on the other hand you're an faggot
Post scouts so I can judge if you are an asshole
Already did
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>almost one full year since a major update

Just fuck my game up famalamadingdong
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I can promise you that I am.
where did the scout touch you
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im shoot.
>shitty unusual
>default melee on scout
would you be interested in a no-crossbow 6s cup ?
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Laughs when he jumps around like an idiot and kills a pocket medic and the australium demo/sollies.
Massive cunt in chat to enemy team.
Pretends to be ironic with the loadout but since you spend so much money on it it's actually not ironic.

Furry in denial.
Asshole and not super good, but will type All-caps "LOL" in chat when someone else is salty because of him.

Nice to own team.
Fucking cunt to enemy team.
Daywalker asshole.
Very judgmental but not vocal about it.

Has good aim and decent movement.
Probably mild asshole.

Focuses on himself but is not shy of helping the team if the opportunity lands in his lap
Mild asshole.

Has 'Ironic' binds

Tryhard but not a good one.
Has all the games info, meta, and strats in his head, but lack of skill makes it hard to implement.
Asshole, but silent about it.
>binds of any kind

you couldn't be more wrong even if you tried
Stop bullying highlander
what does tryhard even mean
it means youre a fag
maybe it means that i frag
its a compliment, something like "stop playing the game properly, you are making me feel bad about my lack of skill"
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what a qt
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i literally cannot find one
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Are you that lesbian from Aliens?
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not a wet works. nice set, though
What's the trifecta of normie shooters?
I'm thinking something like CoD - CS - HALO
overwatch is just a garbage copy
overwatch is an autistic tf2 and tf2 is an autistic tfc and tfc is an autistic qwtf

autist of an autist of an autist
Overwatch is boring. I got like 50 hours in it and i don't want to play it anymore.
i have a friend who bought overewatch for 30 bucks and uninstalled TF2 for some reason because "they are the same"
he keeps all his generic and "Muh realism" shooters installed at once tho
I went back into this game since .. geez .. i don't know, years.
And now i fucking hate it.
Retard kids and shit players everywhere and no game mode is safe.
>tired of trying to find a game with people that aren't totally stupid
>give up
>might as well relax in MVM
>it's fucking PVE for fuck's sake how low can you set the bar
>it's even worse
>take advanced / expert maps instead
>even EVEN worse
>again, fucking kids everywhere and don't get why they suck like a cocaine whore in withdrawal
>last hope
>remember i have mann up tickets i got from trading back then
>.. its the FUCKING SAME

Even the mvm "Caliginous Caper" Nightmare map can't be exempt of shit squeakers who can't even place an engie sentry properly.
F2P was a mistake.
>dont have the balls to play comp so you play casual
>surprised half the people are retarded
>playing MvM
tsk tsk tsk
All game modes are full of shit, you retard.
You think playing competitive will make it suck less ? Think again. Shit players can be carried and you'll always get them everywhere.
But please, show me your comp ranking, nigger.
>he thinks anyone in the comp community plays comp MM
god i hate valve for making retards like you think Comp MM is relevant at all
im 18, but nobody gives a shit about matchmaking rank in the comp community, they will laugh at you if you brag about it
not even gonna uninstall prec to take a screenshot of my rank
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>720 healing/minute
>Still lose
>One guy on team salty af about me not saving his ass every time even if it would risk my own life and über
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>spot a trolldier overhead
>comes down on me
>hit my kill bind seconds before the shovel makes contact
>he disconnects
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I'm not a asshole i'm awesome !.png
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>720 healing per minute
thats pretty low, but if your team is constantly taking damage
do you do crit-heals? buff scouts and soldiers even if they are full on health togive them heals extremelly fast
>valve comp
fucking kek, it's literal garbage.
if i say comp i mean real comp, not fucking valve garbage
god i hate publords thinking im talking about Valve Comp when i dont even mention it
Was way higher than enemy medic.
And yes I did critheals as well as a lot of crossbow shots to heal people far away or the ones airborn from rocket/sticky jumping.
well im not used to the NA meta of constantly fighting and taking damage, do you not ever hold and wait to make uber? that would make playing medic much easier
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>mine is in there twice

Never able to really hold back, team was constantly rushing
>ebin heavy medic combo on the other team
>running around with kritz trying to make people laugh with the mittens
>forget to jump when i encounter them while flanking
>explode myself right before he tauntkills me
>he spergs out in chat for a good few minutes about me being a dick and not letting him get the kill
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How does this scout look
angry and pixelated
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Should I hold a raffle giving out 127 scrap metal?
I triple dog dare you
>Shit everyone with more than 100 hours knows
And you just need to shoot a wall if you're falling that far, no need to time the rocket speed to the ground
Only if I win
setting up my rigging program right now
>play mvm
>team has 1 spy 1 sniper 2 soldiers
>oh god
>spy eternal reward
>sniper has no explosive headshot skill
>neither soldiers rocket specialist

Why are people too stupid for pve in this game?
mvm in general is barely worth playing
mvm can be fun if all players know what they're supposed to do
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I may not raffle unusuals anymore but I can still do Australiums

Kill yourself.
I hecking love using voice commands as heavy btw
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yes. I replaced the wound with some strange digit divulgers.
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scout sucks dick.jpg
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annoying faggot
What items?
Looks bad
Bad players
fuck you
I have 103 keys.

What should i buy
My never ending loyalty
a shitton of secret saxtons, crate gifts or key gifts and spam them on a random server, then buy a nice unusual with whatever's left
Sell 'em through PayPal

I'll buy them all for $1.50 a key
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>starting at 14.50
are people actually buying this thing?
viva stop trying to scam people
>6 sold in the last 24 hours

Gee, I can't tell if they're buying them
That's a good price for bulk, though
>>Volume: 6 sold in the last 24 hours

It was at 17.80 when I looked yesterday.
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Give some to me pardner
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at what point is genericness a sin
that demo loadout is generic but top tier 9/10
medic is 9/10 pretty original
all others are just plain generic, I give a 5/10 average
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Any other medic mains here noticed the insane amount of competition between other medic mains?

There is a huge need to establish dominance, though Ubersaw battles, crossbow aim, or healing/min rates.

It's like 2 bottoms fighting over a double sided dildo or something, shits intense.
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guys check out my new headset
would pocket / 10

i think im going to buy 3 unusuals. 1 for Engy, 1 for Pyro and 1 all class
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sue me faggot
post manly medics
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i would need your full name for that
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>playing pyro
>Phlog is full
>Medic has uber
>get ready to turn this corner and mess everyone on the cart up
>the Medic ubers the Engineer instead
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33 keys for a Wet Works Searing Plasma or 35 keys for a Wet Works Haunted Ghosts?
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I prefer ghosts
bright effects are lame for snipers, and the hat looks a lil spook anyways
Thanks, it's perfect
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I don't even talk in chat. I just do.
plasma effects are shit
If you were forced to only play one class for the rest of your life, which one would it be and why?
Hard Mode: Offclasses only
demoman, most played though i'm fine with any
The Portable Thinker
>* Ãœbercharge provides Minicrits, Movement speed bonus and Crit Immunity for 8 seconds.
>+ Can heal 2 patients at once. (Healing beam stays on last patient when switching to a new one.)
>+ Fall damage Immunity when active
>- 50% ubercharge build rate on overhealed targets.
>- You are marked for death a short period after a patient dies.
That's with any class dude.
Jerma's new wrench XD
toaster configs rely more on cpu then normal configs.
pyro :3
i L0V3 C0CKERS!!
>0 listings for s.capper on community market
>most recent sold for $28, attempt to list for $30
>have to wait 7 days because jews said so
>within 2 days theres 2 listings around $28 again
>"i can wait haha"
>de-list before the 7 day hold is up because 3-4 more fucking idiots listed just to undercut eachother
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Whelp. Can't even say anything against that. That was fast.
>want to buy a stormy storm unusual for demoman
>tfw poor
I kind of want an unusual, but I'm still not 100% on which one to buy. I just know that it'll probably be for demo.
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literally go paint a fence

demo has nice hats
how is painting a fence going to buy me a virtual item
you need a credit card and sheeeit
How do you not have a bank account?
buy steam giftcards at your local videogame store or supermarket
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i don't get it
i think you can't read
there aren't any

>>tfw poor
>>>how is painting a fence going to buy me a virtual item
underage? genuinely autistic? something in-between? did you know that you usually get given money in return for favors or items of value?
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I still don't get it. Should i be a nigger to understand that?
I see you pee.

Steam accepts debit cards, you know. You don't need a credit card for anything.
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Stupid niggers with stupid memes.
It was a common joke when I was in elementary school, though. There were several others, but I've forgotten them by now.
Silly kids dropping the N and F word all willy nilly
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>he don't have tittys
Its been years and Outpost and backpack still don't know what Australium Items are.

Its fucking painful to look for them because both sites think you mean the stock version.
>a fucking kid joke
>I still don't get it. Should i be a nigger to understand that?
We are white cisgender males, we can call things by their real names.
Both outpost and backpack.tf identify australium items and have easy ways of searching for them.
Sorry. In my hood kids was good intelligent persons and only jokes about ass, cock and semen.
spell icup and you'll get it
>It's been years and I still don't know how to search for Australium items.
Well I'm a heterosexual light-skinned cis gendered male, and I'm not dumb enough to drop it willy nilly like you, Billy. Really? That's silly

I never had a thing for Jennifer Tilly
Why i shouldn't do it? Why should calling niggers "african-americans"? That's that i call silly. Being scared to call nigger a nigger even on internet.
Oh, it's a foreigner. Lmao
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>Random crits, bodyshots, heavy, pyro still exist
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I just really like the summer set.
You are foreigner. This is the japaneese site.
No, it's an American site made to discuss Japanese culture.
moot made the site while living in New York City. Technically, you're all on my home turf
>undercutting went from 50$ USD to 14.50$ in USD
Can you use these for crafting?
Maybe i'll buy some and break them down.
Moot left. Your turn.
undercutters are the biggest shitters. im only just now getting mine today. it's gonna be worth $5 by the time i get home
People are more interested in making a cheap profit ASAP for themselves than everyone also making a good profit.
theres nothing wrong with heavy
>tf2 still exists
>looks at you pressing m1
>30 damage a bullet
>getting hit

get a load of this shitter
>why does a close range damage dealing class deal damage at close range
>Goes behind wall
>still getting shot by a heavy
a m a z i n g, a really balanced and not broken class.
>miguel.phillipe.2006 kills you with 400 ping after you peek a corner with 30 health
>this is not because of you or miguel, but because of heavy's balance
>peeking around a corner when half dead
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lel xD
best spam weapon, pairs well with the phlog
it was better when it could knock back teammates
Theres nothing wrong with bodyshots
as a sniper main, you people fucking disgust me. nothing worse than getting killed by one of you mouthbreathing shitstains
im assuming you mean 100% charge bodyshots
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>as a sniper main
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no I mean 50 damage unscoped
Bodyshots are okay but you should always be focusing on headshots
Just keep the box it comes in, don't unpackage it. I'm sure some autist wants a collection of unopened "what's in the ___" boxes in the future
going for bodyshots 100% of the time is dumb
going for strategic bodyshots (like killing their medic) is alright
missing headshots and taking the bodyshot as a consolation prize is 100% fine
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t. soldier main aka gay

bodyshots need to be 50 independent of charge reeeeeeeee
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>as a sniper main
give all classes invincibility frames after taking damage
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confused anime girl.jpg
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Wow, I just realized how long its been since I've seen a Hermes
What even happened? Did people move onto better hats?
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remember when the hermes was the official tf2g unusual
More like forced meme
desu back then I was too new to tell what was forced and what wasn't
I always wanted the Noble Amassment of Hats because, seriously, who wears that one?
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somone edit jerma x star otp onto the bottom
>Noble Amassment is cheaper than Towering Pillar
>Towering Pillar is cheaper than Modest Pile
good taste
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>as a sniper main
spent 16 dollars to make fun of furries, need 3 names and descriptions for these
Forgot your screenshot?
>tfw pyro main
feels good
>pyro main
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>image doesnt attach even tho it says fur.png next to the choose file button

Keep on crispin', friend.
that actually looks nice
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dream pyro.png
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>soldier kills himself during setup so fatengie can get more metal free
s o
>tf2g full of furries
>actually using weapon skins

s m h not even surprised
nothing wrong with that t b h, f a m.
>making the engineers job even easier thus coddling him
>support class getting attacked
>just watch him die because I don't want to coddle him
>somehow lose the game
>not using pyro the flamedeer instead of cute suit for the muzzle

6/10 furfag barely passing
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howd i do on my own desu
>not wasting 1 minigun ammo and then taking the full ammo pack microseconds before the engineer picks it up, thus making them wait the full 10 seconds
Theres nothing wrong with being a furbro
>not letting us name it
w h y?
I grab health pickups and then explode when a low HP friendly Soldier is going for it. I've done it to flaming teammates who then died.
He's defence and can defend himself with his gun
Teleporters and dispensers can turn the tide in some maps.
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>basing class roles off of the class selection screen
>45 minutes into a jump map, only 2 stages left
>2 people join and rtv
>vote passes and they both leave as the map changes
why do people do this
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>shitters still whinge about core game mechanics
How would you change the meta of TF2?
Remove Sniper from the game
Nerf Demo
Buff Pyro
CP! There is a box moving!
removing pyro, spy and heavy wouldn't actually change the game.
Take demoknight off demoman and make it a 10th class that does melee mischief
Why cant I ever win a vibri raffle
suck "it" off to bribe "it" to make you win a raffle
>Needing raffles in the first place

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>player insults Undertale
>immediately votekicked
I have an alphine folder
Homer, we're in undertale
I wish anyone who ever played Undertale would just die
homer, we're in team fortress 2.
you need to pick a class and complete the objective.

>he he he, their skin arent yellow like us
>look marge, the heavy is like me and like sandwiches
unban all weapons and classes so meta players learn to adapt instead if just jerking each other off about how good they are in a controlled environment with little to no variation
Lisa needs braces
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Nerf stickies because it's meant to create traps not act as a second primary, Something like having to be on the ground to detonate or a slightly longer delay before detonation

Fix the flamethrower

Fix melee weapons by lowering crit chance and by fixing the issue where demoknights or other melee users sometimes killing you from longer than they should be able to

Fix the dead ringer

Fix/buff the manmelter and the bison

Buff the brass beast and Natasha

Try to balance other class weapons like the Powerjack, crossbow, uber saw, etc so that they aren't the only good choices
go listen to the developer commentaries
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>good choice after being nerfed 6+ times
Give everyone an M4
Demoman is meant to be able to switch from offense to defence often, and the current stickybomb launcher fits with that design principle


and the swords are meant to have a longer range, thats not a bug




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Undertale a shit tho

Y'all ain't experienced the JOY yet
give demo a glock
what about the bison nerf despite one of the description for it to penetrate players was now a bug lol
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>tfw you still use stickies mainly for traps in doorways and hidden areas
Helped my pipe aim at least
>Vivas need for that little crack baggy of attention reaches new heights, he begs for it, snorts it quickly, then begs for more
Viva doesn't do drugs. The body is the temple of the Lord
I agree it needs another nerf
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Like really, if they just deleted the dead ringer right now the meta wouldnt change, good spies wouldnt change much, and it would remove the "lmao i just pick up an ammo box and come back and stab train your team WHILE THE TEAM IS SHOOTING AT HIM"

The only person who would be mad is CrutchCrutch
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how would i describe you then?
but anon, they already did that making stickies only do full damage after a full second on the floor

do you not know this
Hey guys, Viva here. Took my trip off so I look less like a faggot now. From here on out I will strictly be posting constructive & on-topic content anonymously. I think I may search for a more fulfilling job than being a bag boy, and will aim to get a full 8 hours of sleep a night so I have energy to do a real job.
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FACT: All medic mains are certified bro's if male.
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I guess not. I guess it doesn't feel like they don't do full damage when any demo can just rush almost any class and delete them so quickly with a sticky.
I know I need to get better but still. Stickies are probably the only weapon that actually annoys me
And I'm moot, I brought 4chan back from that nip.
i cannot aim stickies at all but am really good with pipes

should i use ScoRes or shields
I kamikaze at any medic I see.
>mfw can hit constant headshots with amby
>struggle real hard to hit bodyshots
why's this
Scotres is a lot of fun on defense or holding an area, shields good for an offensive push
How can I mess with "friendlies" besides just shooting them?
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>complain about something as Engineer or Heavy
>"Yeah, thats pretty annoying"

>complain about something as Scout
scotres because shield resistance is annoying to fight

>can't aim amby unless me and the target are standing still
>also consistently headshot scouts running at me
take their sandwich and THEN shoot them
reminder scout takes no skill because his mobility is a crutch that makes positioning obsolete
probably cause the only things scout complain about are minisentries and well placed lv3's, you know, the only thing stopping them going on a completely free flanking kill spree
by that logic heavy is the highest skill class because they have poor mobility
>sticky at my feet
*jumps in the air*
*flies to safety*
well heavy does take a lot of skill, but not as much as mechanic man
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>engineer main lets me use his big, strong dispenser
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>can reliably hit with the shotgun on any class that equips it
>can't use the scattergun at all
>can't really aim with the pistol
>no problem with the Shortstop even medium-long range
>Build sentry
>Hit it with wrench
>Sentry kills everyone
Wow hard
kys retards
facebooks that way
Yes because positioning is key
>the literal aimbot class
engineer is 80% map knowledge, 10% knowing when to abandon your sentry, and 10% shotgun aim

did it work?
yes it did
I've got the JOY down in my heart, what about you?
watching non engi mains try to build fast without scripts is hilarious, especially in videos

its not hard just 41 42 43 44 for your building and 51 etc to destroy fast but theres that period of "so what do i do now" as they just look at the build screen like theyre trying to learn some particularly complicated sheet music
scatterguns got a larger spread
>put hidden/ protected sentry
>hit it
>sentry does all work
Wow hard
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* Blocks your path*
What do you do in this situation?
I agree with you fucking mongolian
engineer isn't about skill it's about knowing
Turn 360 degrees and walk away
Pretend to be friendly to gain his trust then backstab him when he's taunting
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>can aim with default pistol on scout and engineer
>can't aim with C.A.P.P.E.R or decorated skins pistols
I airblast you a little
Can you please explain this tumblr meme? I played Undertale for six hours, experienced the two good endings, going back and talking to everyone, and that was that.
it's a less popular different game, therefore more acceptable to like
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What's the game's name?
Oh boy, I love Team Fortress 2!
it's called team fortress 2
Reaper buff when?
LISA The Painful is a series of games following people who've had horrible lives, and the shit people around them.

While the game is funny, the more serious moments are great.
I cried like a bitch at the end
Hi. I posted this Sonic Heroes TF2 crossover fan list yesterday. I've improved it since then.

Scout, Heavy and Medic make up Team Sonic. Scout moves fast like Sonic. Heavy's great strength makes him a match for Knuckles. Much like Tails, Medic likes to support his friends.

"Awh, that freakin' egghead tricked us!" - Scout when he falls for one of Eggman's traps
"Keep hiding inside robot, coward!" - Heavy when he sees Eggman
"<maniacal laughter> The best medicine!" - Medic after killing many of Eggman's robots

Sniper, Spy and Engineer would make up Team Chaotix. If you underestimate either of these odd bunches, you'll end up on the floor before you can reconsider. Spy uses stealth tactics like Espio. Sniper is like Vector, he's mellow and reliable. Engineer is Charmy, people wave him away as useless, only to get stung.
"Blood, I can clean out of my suit, but this?" - Spy in swamp levels
"Take a picture of ya head Eggman! It'll last longer than the actual one." - Sniper at first boss fight
"I'm no expert, but this thing might fly!... Actually, I am an expert. It can fly." - Engineer at the flower in Frog Forest

Demoman, Soldier and Pyro would be Team Dark. They are all destructive classes, who inflict grievous damage on anyone who gets in their way. Soldier is like Shadow because he moves quickly, and can destroy enemies in the blink of an eye. Demoman is like E-123 Omega, he views his enemies as obstacles instead of actual people. He kills them without forethought or remorse, fueled by his consumption of alcohol. Pyro is like Rouge (NOT because he's a girl) because he's a specialist, who prefers to use other techniques than fighting people upfront.
"Soon as I blow that Eggman to pieces, I'm done with you two lassies." - Demoman to his teammates upon starting the first level
"Oh yeah! This airspace belongs to America!" - Soldier when him and his team fly through bonus rings
"Mmmph!" - Pyro

So that's it guys. Please let me know what you think. Improvements maybe?
mecha engine was the last good batch of weapons ever added
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post yfw you FRAG
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here dude i finally finished
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>free backstab points
>95% chance of using the crutch ringer
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second one
what anime is that?
Hey a update


Fixed Windows XP clients being stuck in insecure mode
Updated localization files
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>MvM Mann Up figured I could have some fun its been a while
>Join game, its a spy, sniper, medic, engy, solly comp
>Game starts, engy puts sentry right at the start where bots are still ubered
>Entire team is wiped in less than literally 15 seconds
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>mfw fragged so hard i dont feel nothing anymore
I understood that reference!!!
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not even any "internal changes to support future development"
Why is the huntsman so odd
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>feeling nostalgic
>wwalks into tf2g
>sees what it has become
-remove spy, sniper, and engineer
-make the flamethrower work like the plasma gun from quake, with each projectile adding 3 seconds of afterburn up to a maximum of 15
-make everyone's base speed higher
-reduce falloff damage for everything
-completely remove all traces of demoknight
-add a self-knockback when in air to all weapons that have more than 12 ammo in a magazine/clip
-remove 2fort, dustbowl, and goldrush
-change ctf to having to carry a neutral flag to the enemy's base instead of having to carry an enemy's flag to your own base
-remove crits and all weapons that guarantee them except for kritzkrieg
-give medic a shotgun
tf2 is saved
inner boxes are normal sniper rifle
big red box is huntsman / general projectile hitbox
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*forgets pic*
remove valve
remove last 200 updates and patches
tf2 is saved
does melee also use that hitbox?
reminder that spy, engineer, and pyro only exist as a triangle of counters and the game would be more enjoyable without them
from the wiki
>Melee weapons and bullet/pellet-producing weapons are generally hitscan.
they use the inner boxes instead of the big projectile hitbox
>all melees are now sword range
>all swords are now whip range
>keep knives at their current range
now we can delet random crits
>try to whack a spy that's just standing next to my sentry
>hit the sentry instead
why does this still exist
>try to shoot a spy thats standing next to a sentry nest
>teammate blocks my rocket
why does this exist
>eight years later
>shitters still whinging about my Force-a-Nature
I'd equip it if it dealt zero damage.
Sorry for the late respond, it's Space Partol Luluco.
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is the shahanshah good?
why does this game like to crash when the server changes maps
It's mediocre at best and a straight downgrade in most situations
You got a virus, that's why
It's fun.
You most likely wont be using melee if you got full health and an advantage anyways.
Its a prayer to RNG for a free kill, or die yourself.
what is the point of having the minicrit damage on the Equalizer? The only time you'll use it is when you're low on health and easy to kill anyway. I can can at least see why you'd have it on the Escape Plan, but not the Equalizer
reminder that there is NO point in going for the hs if a bodyshot will do the job
only one med on the other team (comp, for example)? shoot him in the dick
<151 hp class with no overheal? shoot him in the dick

get the kill, stop looking at the kills/hs ratio on your strange rifle, and go to your therapy sessions you spergmaster
equalizer doesnt mark you for death
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>it's another small bugfix update that teases you into thinking pyro update launched episode
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let's be real, there'd be a blogpost the day before the update and even then it will take longer than 5 seconds to download
you STUPID man
what the FUCK
I could've sworn it did. damn I'm dumb
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is it even worth opening?
how do you buff the equalizer
only if you like cool hats that will make everyone jealous
>kill someone with unscoped bodyshots (50 dmg)
>enjoy the rage in chat
im just gonna sell the box for $50 instead
>Fixed Windows XP clients being stuck in insecure mode
>Updated localization files
i can't tell if this is supposed to be a joke or not
>Play funslinger on defense.
>Keep killing one scout who can't flank because of the mini.
>Chip him down to low health from the sentry but follow him leading up with a shot from my frontier justice.
>He rage quits as soon as he dies.

Swords have shit buggy range. All the time I get killed by demo knights easily missing me or being like 15 feet away, and alot of thr time I feel I gotta be hugging them to kill em with my skull cutter. That and spy's knife I get facestabbed way to often
>outranging and killing a demoknight by using the whip
is there a better feeling
Thanks mann
Killing a spy with a crocket in a rocketjump
but that's just luck, nowhere near beating a shitty subclass at their own game
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Yeah, critting a spy behind you while trying to whip a teammate
>gets to third person view
>sword is blatantly not even close to touching the target
>they get hit when the sword animation rises, not when it falls

my point exactly
>trying to blow up team on payload cart
>shoot a crocket
>invisible spy happens to be in the way
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what did he mean by this?
I don't even main soldier
>that loadout
Hello 2011
what class were they playing
what is this meme? every thread some guy posts a soldier screenshot saying something along the lines of "what did he mean by this"?" and shortly after some other faggot greentexts "that loadout" and says hello 2011

every goddamn thread WHY
damn reruns
don't remember, i think it was engineer/sniper but i'm not sure
ah so just some obscure midscore trying to pretend they understand the game
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haha its an epic game reference
>they made wrenches an actual thing!!
Its pretty sweet, isn't it?
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What personality does this medic have
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Friendly reminder I am the best medic in all of tf2g.
that is all, have a nice day and may the crits be forever in your honor.
lmaobox guy made a college paper

please pocket me keli
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what is /tf2g/'s opinion on the community "Frontline!" update?
really cool
hope they add it
has this set on all 9 classes and isn't good at any of them
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Pink max head is better
Any cosmetic thats pink is objectively at its best
>enemy medic crit ubersaws 5 people in a row
>every single melee hit is a crit, no exceptions
>can't tell if he just healed a lot / dealt a lot of damage or if he's crit hacking

hmm yes very epic
what is the best furfag scout loadout

no halloween or pink items, post pics
beastly bonnet + cheet sheet
too lazy to throw it into loadout.tf
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Was it me? I've been doing that shit all day.
this medic is the new wanderer but somehow worse

+slows on hit, slow falloff is reduced so it's stronger over a distance
+knockback is inverted so it's like a pull that completely fucks over people who get too close
+50% max primary ammo
+20% damage resistance while spun up
-50% damage penalty
Bopping them with the KGB and using the crits to mow down everyone who was sensible enough not to get close to me
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*Melee Krits you*
Keli: Rekt
Keli: Thanks for 25% Uber
just give it double or triple knockback and remove the slow
now it has a purpose
new spy sapper: the blue tape roll

+on mouse1 applies a piece of sticky blue tape
+tape can be placed on miniguns, stopping their revolution
+ tape falls off after one minute of firing the minigun, the bullets however, will be flopping uselessly out of the barrel
+tape cannot be removed by resupply lockers
+tape cooldown is 2 minutes
+"hehe...shoulda packed a shotgun kiddo..."
because the only thing funner then slowing effects is knockback
its actually better than the retarded stun it has now
i would take fighting against knockback any day
Every god damn thursday I think tonight's the night and it never comes. Holy fuck just end it already.
honestly if it comes before summer i'll be pretty surprised. i think they know a lot of the playerbase is kids despite the m rating, so they're gonna wait until they can get the highest number of players possible with kids going on summer vacation. it also gives them a few extra months to really iron out the details so that the update doesn't suck.
t. Scout/soldier main
I would just remove any stun or knockback focused weapons from the game because its retarded and unfun.
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I am the one who repairs!
Thats a young uncle dane
haha wrenches exist in real life wtf
i wonder if the spy knife exists too
really cool
specially kalinka and cardinal
avalanche sucks but for a pub map it could be "good"
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hmm i wonder if it could
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ha i tricked you all it was a comb the whole time
haha you really had us there
idea for spy unlock: The Eternal Comb
on backstab: target gets a stylish toupee
>on backstab
>gives them some form of the pardner's pompadour
>instead of death scream they go "aayyyyyy"
While uncommon, some major updates have come out before Summer in the April/May months, but you're probably right.

I'm just so damn tired.
would be cool for a reskin
Does Casual factor in your level when putting you with people?

I just want to play some goddamn Pipeline.
idk my level is high if i remember and I keep getting into one sided matches, or with unstoppable comp fags
32, haven't touch Casual in a few months, waiting for it to be fix.
not many people play pipeline anymore, which is sad because its the only fun payload race map that isnt memetower
I kinda want to try a soldier rocket jump config, but how do I get a soldier.cfg file to edit?
it doesn't feel like it, I swear i've been put in games with people that have starting level tier badges and others who are on the deep end of the levels at the same time
you create new text file, name it soldier.txt, put it in
>Steam\steamapps\common\Team Fortress 2\tf\cfg\
and then change .txt to .cfg

You're now a wizard, Harry.
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oh. didn't think it was that simple. then again, I am retarded since I've been doing shit like that with html in my classes so...
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PEBKAC errors easiest ones to fix.
anyone got an idea for a meme or rage inducing decal for the objector? a friend of mine is using a pepe sign and it's pretty effective
>join pub
>beginning of the game
>hit tab
>your team is mostly blue-light purple medals
>enemy team is mostly light blue-white medals but has 4 level 120s that are almost definitely in the same party
what do?
google ez and use whichever logo you want
I was thinking of a "Your mother will die in her sleep if you don't reply to this post" thing like:

"Your medic will die in his sleep if you get hit by this post" or something
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TC is a great hat guise.png
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Really depends who you're trying to piss off.
make the decal of zimbabwe man and make the name that
zimbabwe man?
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is this normal
happens in jump_4starters (RED side)
anyone else seeing on scrap.tf they aren't buying craft (1.33) ref hats now? What the fuck
yeah that maps been fucked up for me as long as i can remember
yes but its because you dont have skyboxes enabled or some weird console command
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you are right
apparently comanglia config has "r_3dsky 0"
r_3dsky 1 seems to fix it
This screenshot makes me feel warm inside
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>kid on the mic
>you can hear their parents arguing in the background
>playing soldier in 6s (real comp not Vavle comp)
>father walks in talkin about some dum ass shit
>we start arguing really loud while i push into last
>kill 2 or 3 guys while arguing with my dad and cap last while he leaves
>realize everyone else in voice chat was hearing me
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>tfw random hat drop
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>25 minutes and still can't get into a turbine game
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can anyone help me here? I wanted to try out a config set, to boost fps / etc and my game is all fucked up. I undid the paste of the .cfg files in my tf2 folder and my game has errors in the console still, I even validated the steam files. It's like stuck in direct x 8 or something.

pic related is my console upon loading the game
>1-2 years ago
>first random hat drop
>cuban bristle crisis
>a few hours later
>got another one

That was the only hat drops I ever got until like a month ago I got some shitty demo one
ignore console errors, i get loads of them too dont think its serious
if you dont get any problem ingame it shouldnt be an issue
im getting alot of visual errors in game, I think its in direct x 8, I dont know how to fix it.

Weapon skins arent showing, everything looks like shit
>some asian fag i had added months ago ask me if id give him my Cheaters Lament if he bought me a gift wrap
instant delete. god i hate this kind of people.
you fucking newfag

use dx9 then
weapon skins don't work on dx8
use -dxlevel 81, not -dxlevel 80
>using a version of DirectX released over 15 years ago
>surprised it looks like shit
how do I fix it then? I can't seem to fix it ingame. fuckin hell why did I even try a tf2 config set
wasn't doing this on purpose.
I was trying out a config set from http://clugu.com/tf2mate/
to boost fps, but I deleted it and verified steam files
Just deleting your old config doesn't reset your tf2 back to stock, some of the variables are still stored in config.cfg

You'll have to undo the -dxlevel 8 in your launch options as well.
>Not normalcy

If you're gonna be a degenerate, at least get a job so you're not an absolute disappointment to your family
I got rid of the launch options that were to be used with the config. Now everytime I start tf2 though the resolution is set lower and it's in directx8
put -dxlevel 90 in launch options and boot it up, then delete that after the first time.
Ok then what files can I files can I delete in the cfg folder to fix this?
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post yer mercs
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TF2 3x3.png
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a little outdated but eh
what eyes on the pyro?
I recognize that sniper!
it's the special eyes
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highlander is a bad format.png
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>all these people with phong enabled
owo from where? in game?
I don't really use any commands, what's phong?
why are the cool taunts so so expensive in comparison? I have never taunted after a kill, i just want a funny alien!
lighting change
mat_phong 0
it makes things less reflective, so pyro doesn't look made of rubber

>pool party is 3 keys
>burstchester is slightly more than 3 keys
hmmm difficult choice
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schadenfreude is like 24 ref, less than a key. skullbash, highfive, rancho, square dance, etc. are all around 15 or less ref.

I wish I had the soldier trombone one though...
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I really want to fuck a Sylveon haha
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how'd i do
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end yourself
You were good, son
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>stock fire axe

>not using push to talk
>make a soldier.cfg for rocket jumping
>affects all classes still
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daily reminder that pyro is completely irrelevant, aside from pressing m2 a few times to stall an Uber, and then dying.
then how would you fix him, smart guy?
>have two nametags, desctags, and gold paint from holiday gifts or something
>none are tradable
>have no idea what I'd want to do with any of them, have a couple stranges but not sure if I like them that much
>Also have catapults
are you retarded
if you bind something, it will stay bound even after you change classes. the only thing the class cfg does is execute commands when you select that class. they don't revert when you play another class

is there a way to set it so it will only work for that class?
*looks both ways for the janitor*
let us name them
if I wanted to use the booties, which sword would be better - Zatoichi or Persuader?
make fire linger on floors/walls for 3 seconds
make the flamethrowers range longer
make it a lightning gun with really obtrusive particle effects
Name what, I've trash
Zatoichi if you're a genji main, persuader if you're a sandnigger
only redditors name anything besides stock weapons. stranges/australiums/unusuals/skins aren't worth shit my man
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>wear bicorne and birdman
>equip bootlegger, turner and persuader
>made the all the scurvy dog on the server walk the plank
well I made 8 other .cfg files for the other classes, but they're empty. Should that work?
this is the highest level of competitive tf2 in 2017
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>would use the loose cannon with the persuader but it wouldnt mesh well
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THE loadouts.png
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all these people with fancy ass taunts
Someone edit Red Robot at the 4th instead of Silkee.
Do you think we'll get anymore TFC cosmetics? They did a pretty good job with the medic set.
you're retarded. if you bind something in a cfg file, and want it to be reverted when you open another cfg file, you have to put the command that sets it to what you want. ex. Soldier cfg bind mouse2 "+jump;+duck"
Sniper cfg bind mouse2 "+attack2"
does calling me a retard make your dick feel any bigger?
red robot is some autistic fuck who can't even rocket jump
silkee is the boom boom king fuck off
does shitposting in the thread with questions that Google could have answered in 10 seconds make your dick>>175226921
feel smaller?
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>Red robot

LMAO. He's as bad as pyrojoe and spikeymikey, and they're a bunch of autistic cosmetic traderfags.
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>removing silkee for red robot

*One of the

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>guy with the aimbot is named "MarcianitoChiteando100Real"
What a fucking surprise.
check the catalog next time please

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The lads.png
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>enabling voice chat ever
>having a mic
Thread posts: 751
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