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/twg/ - Total War General

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Thread replies: 767
Thread images: 203

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Livin' Free Edition

>Warhammer II

>Steam Groups

>FAQs and General Info
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>Nagash still not announced, also Bretonnia sucks

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V A M P I R E - C H A N
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>not Delicious Dark Elf Corsair edition
She may be a cold-hearted bitch on the job, but she melts in her private chambers.
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F R A N Z - C H A N
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How exactly do you stop flying units from killing your ranged units? Assume an equal amount of flying and ranged cards.
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I am Kaak Frarf, they will obey
By putting anti large units on/near them and micro'ing better
>not black armor
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I'm going to be dominated by a best elf!
>Put anti-large unit ontop of ranged unit
>Now ranged unit can not fire

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>tfw the wait for TWW2 is killing me

great job OP you dumb fucking faggot

old thread:
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Why do people want Pike and Shot? Isn't that the Empire faction already?
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Mmm hmm.
>linking to the old thread
i bet you like M2 too
> on/near them
Aka behind
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Because literally anything is better than the alternative which is shitty china

>300 replies, 50 angry /a/tard reaction images later
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This was really close, lads!

I didn't think we were gonna make it!
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I hate human races and i am having most fun with Empire...
What does it mean?
I don't have Elves, Beastmen and Skarsnik though.
And i didn't play Bretonnia yet
>Vlad & Mannlet both have the exact same melee stats
isn't Mannlet supposed to be, well... a Mannlet.
I am okay with the third expansion being End Times and the next fantasy TW game being Sigmar

As long as its totally over the fucking top and every spell is like a wind of death and every unit is stronger than a phoenix guard.
>Isn't that the Empire faction already?
not really desu
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>all that RoR

ezmode babby
>Pike and shot

Pike and shot is a tercio. A mixture of pikemen and arquebus/musket-armed units in a single formation. In terms of Total War: a unit that has a moderate ranged attack fireable but not reloadable on the move. It is devestating against cavalry due to the pikes, and capable of holding its own ground against melee infantry due to the mixed in halberds and sword-wielding infantrymen.
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best girl! :3

Bullying of Mannfred needs to stop.
who would buy a dlc and not use it
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Why does the enemy get morale and public order bonuses in harder difficulties?

Why do your men get morale maluses and your territories public order issues in harder difficulties?

The elves are pretty much unplayable on Legendary because outposts have no way of becoming public order neutral
Mannlet deserves to be bullied for being such a bitch
because CA is too incompetent to have difficulty levels that make the AI smarter so they just have them give the AI an obscene amount of cheats and gimp the player
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I will not betray you.
is there a mod to remove the veins from the tits
As Dwarves: Laugh as your ranged units murders the overgrown chicken and then proceeds to shoot the enemy lord.
As Gobbos: o shit nigga why can they even see your night gobbo archers, better micro a skulker unit in there and STAB dem flyiin' gitz.
Bonus goal: Bring enough Doom Divers to shoot dem flyin gitz out of the air.
As Empire: Laugh while the stupid AI fight your handgunners, this gives your demigryph halberdiers time to murderize everything
As Bretonnia: Who cares if the stupid peasants die, just keep on cyclecharging.
As Worst Elves: Your whole army can run and shoot, that shit ain't hard.
As Orcs: See gobbos, also your army should be stuck in melee to krump dem gitz.
Welcome to CA games

Download a mod that removes the combat bonus and the public order penalty.

The AI is left with a shitton of cash and is slightly more aggressive so its still harder without being literally impossible for some factions to play.
Each outpost in a province gives +6 order to the province. If you have two, on any difficulty, they'll be neutral. Maybe it's +4 or something, but it works out anyway
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>mfw the last dlc for the first game are chaos dwarfs
>Waiting for bannerlord and warhammer 2 at the same time


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You want to remove the best thing about Vampire waifus?
no , to the third game you go ash dawi
seriously though, isn't he meant to be a way worse fighter but a way better wizard?
bannerlord development is dead anon
they went bankrupt
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Honestly C.Dwarfs were on the bottom of my excitement list but the thought of more powerful range and arty dwarf faction sounds pretty good to me now
I know I'm hopping on the bandwagon here, but I really hope magic gets a serious balance pass by the release of twwh 2. It would be pretty pathetic for the slann to be as mediocre as Gelt, who should also be stronger than he currently is.
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Magic needs to be made stronger altogether imo. A thunderbolt or something should KILL all the niggers it hits. Shit like Spirit Leech should heal the caster, explosions should DESTROY health pools of large units and those moving circle abilities should be directable and deal more damage with each hit
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No they didnt you little shit, they did a blog update only two weeks ago
I'm in the middle of my Gelt campaign as emp and he nearly always has the most kills of any of my units without any mods, even after I've added steam-tanks to the mix.

I think you need to git gud m8
because to me it makes those tits look like marble instead of skin
just looks hard instead of soft
>tfw no variation on hairstyles & makeup or BWH measurements
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Goblin Dabbing
flat vampire-chan mod when
>dude git gud lmao
It's not about getting good. I can use Gelt, but mages feel really underpowered relative to the lore.
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> A thunderbolt or something should KILL all the niggers it hits
Have you actually used the fucking thunderbolt spell?

Overcast it and literally everything underneath it dies.

It even does around half the hp of monster mounted lords with a single cast

fucking dumb anime posters man
Just let Slann pick and choose what spells they bring into battle in SP or take a full turn of inaction to switch between schools. MP they should obviously relegated to just a single school of magic.
thats a young turkish man, not an anime
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>anime posters
>Real life picture

Are you okay, anon?
>I can use Gelt, but mages feel really underpowered relative to the lore.
You clearly can't.

I'm regularly getting 250-400 kills in sieges with him, and that's ignoring the fact that his bombardment spell doesn't add to his kill count.

I build my whole army strat around him and he's amazing.
>using magic
>not just shitposting randomly against it
Magic as is is completely overpowered

Its just people are so stupid it evens out

There are only minor exceptions, like foot and comet not quite dealing enough damage for what they cost.
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real life people trying to be anime is still gay anime shit
Why cant we all just get along?
>you clearly can't
You're clearly not reading my posts.
Don't Slann communicate telepathically?
I play Shogun 2 while drinking sake.
To other Slann

They speak to their minions
>Magic as is is completely overpowered
Thing is it requires patience and building all your tactics around it.

That's why people only ever recommend buff & debuff spells or direct damage shit, which is the least rewarding to use (especially as half of them have the same spell effect and just deal damage instead of what the spell is actually suppose to do). These spells don't require you to change shit, you just tack on a wizard and get some fairly underwhelming buffs & healing, which whilst really powerful aren't that cool.

With vortex & bombardment spells you can pull off some crazy army destroying combos which routes everything in seconds, it just takes time to set up and is more tricky to pull off, as it should be.

>like foot and comet not quite dealing enough damage for what they cost.
I hear you on comet, but foot of gork is probably the single best spell to use on an enemy wall in a siege. It can take half the HP off like 4-5 units at once.
If you mean make magic legit as powerful as the mary-sue lore than sure, lets have Gelt construct an auric barrier around all the empire provinces that stops anyone invading for 30 turns.

Making magic much more powerful than it is now would be broken for a total war game. All that really needs doing is buffing the worse spells up to par with the best spells & making some of the point & click spells more interesting.
Warm or cold?
reposting from old thread
>I'm playing medieval 2 total war Americas campaign. The unit cards are all disorganized, how do I move them around? Dragging and dropping doesn't work
>best spell to use on an enemy wall in a siege
Didnt even know spells hurt walls

Good to know, kinda scary then since Mazdamundi has that ultimate wall destroying spell.
ara-ara vampire-chan when?
I didn't mean that, I just meant that it's one of the few severely damaging spells that you can use on units clumped up on walls.
so let me get this straight

71 eskimo dollaroos for warhammer, plus 71 buckaroonies for all the dlc?

how is this fair? is the DLC even worth getting or will i be fine with just the base game?

tfw you play total war for 10+ years just to get fucked in the end feelsbadman
Stop living in a bad country

Im aussie and even im only paying $60no-freedom-dollars
Buy the game on sale or from a key site if you're that strapped for cash, the DLC is generally pretty good if you're interested in the factions.
how are you paying 60 didgeridoos? for the game + all cut content? i mean dlc?

steam? where the fuck
I said no freedom dollars not kangaroos bucks you pleb

>implying Steam will give aussies aussie prices when they can just charge US
oh my bad aussie bro
I'm at 260 hours with just the base game + king & the warlord, but I've probably only sunk 10 or so hours into that.

Haven't even done a proper VC or Greenskins campaign yet, that time is mostly empire, dwarfs & chaos.
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>Warhammer 2 released
>you have to buy blood & gore again to use it on second game
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>can't use Invocation of Nehek on units on walls

But why? I could understand it if it was a rule about how you couldn't use the spell if the caster was on the wall and the unit was on the ground, or vice versa, but what is it about walls that kills vampire magic?

>oy vey

What did Karl Franz mean by this?
surely if you already own the blood & gore dlc for 1 it will apply for 2, rigth?

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It's a lot of work to get Blood & Gore working on a totally new game, please recompense them for their hard work.
>tfw based Trump bombing the shit out of s*rians has me pumped for total war again
What TW game has the most OOMPH in terms of bombing? FoTS or Empire?
Shit coding I imagine.
It's a rule for the spell - you look it up, it says you can't use it on units on walls.
Pretty sure they've already said you only need to get it once and it will work for all 3 games.

In before they go back on this
Mid to late game TW:WH as Empire.
Just get a regular army and then an entire stack of hellfire missles, then go to work.
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What are some of the changes between Total War: Warhammer's game models and their original miniatures from the tabletop game?

Are there any long-time Warhammer Fantasy players here? Do you support some of these changes? Do you think its for the best or the worst? What models were better adapted?
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Prince Ali
Raisuli the Magnificent



Palace Guard

Arabyan Knights
Desert Riders
Horse Archers
Cataphract Camels
Camel Riders
Camel Gunners
Carpet Riders
Armored War Elephant
Elephant Cannons
Elephant Rocket Artillery
And I'm willing to bet they had problems with the spell targeting or more specifically not targeting units on walls, the best I could come up with is to either overcast and target the ground or over cast and target a nearby monster.
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Wow, tabletop forest dragon looks pretty cool
And TWO elf riders? Noice.
How easy is it to kill a new vampire?

How easy is it to incapacitate and or kill a vampire without silver or using one of Nagash's fuck you curses?
Ahhh mah leegs!
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Minotaurs seem pretty faithful.
Blood Knights in game ride skelehorsies
Blood Knights on tabletop ride vampiehorsies
lol looks like grimgor started lifting before the game
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>rank 9 grail knights
its beautiful
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Kholek has some of the biggest differences in his transition. I've also heard that he's supposed to be a lot bigger than he's represented in Total War.
Eh, TB version doesnt look that good
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Wish me luck boys
>11 hellcannons
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Huh, I guess you're right.

Which do you prefer?
Do hellcannons still target lock?
Biggest one I know if is the Knights Errant - they've been given bascinets and slightly crappier shields, whereas on the tabletop they were just slightly less fancy Knights of the Realm.
Who's fucking idea was it for the final battle in the Wood Elves mini-campaign
Yeah that was a bit disappointing, easiest battle of my life
>10 hellcannons

That's not Kholek, it's a Shagoth.

Kholek never had a miniature.
No i thought it was fucking stupid fighting Morgur when he keeps going invincible every 10 seconds, makes it extremely drawn out and arbitrary.
I just ended up smashing all my units into a blob because the only thing alive where his invincible chaos spawn and himself just tanking mass amounts of damage.
I almost lost too, because of how little time you have to deal damage
I mean, yeah. They're not ordinary cannons. I think the idea is is that they're basically 'daemons' manifested as cannons, so the spirit is able to guide the shot and make sure it doesn't miss
>Old Friend comes out
>it's Gotrek and Felix

What would you do?
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Sorry to say it, but there's no way that you're going to pull one out of this.
I just did Orion's net + bombard + bowspam, and bullied him with Dragons.
>tfw play dwarves in multiplayer
>get fucked by chariots
>get cheesed by elven stealth lords
>get arty spammed
Press F to pay respects
>Arty spammed as dwarves
Bruh, you have some of the best Arty in the game, how are you not trading with theirs?
Not that guy, but I think they're outranged by some human and (of course) chaos artillery.
dickheads see a dwarf choice and bring 4+ artillery. I usually bring two because bringing too much will get me fucked by their basic armies. My main issue are chariots. guns don't kill them quick enough even if it's only one unit. Why do shitty chariots have so much health. Chariot units should be split into 8 chariots not 4 tanks
oh lawd
That's some cute OC.
Well, im finally ready to take on Dwarfs as Skarsnik.
What to build? Ive been running wolf archer death stacks and it seems to work alright.
What else do I go for against the Dwarfs?
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>Ive been running wolf archer death stacks and it seems to work alright.
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WHY WON'T YOU COME OUT ALREADY?!?!??!?!?!?!??!?!?????!?!!!!!??!?
Armour piercing, Cavalry, Monsters
Walls get scaled so fucking quickly, why even have them?
Vampire Counts unloaded three stacks of zombies, skeletons and grave guards on my poor little half strength castle town garrison and they just flooded the fuck over them in like a minute.
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I'm kind of bored of this game faster than the other games before it. I have 300 hours I think. What made this game get boring quick is that there is no sense of advancement. In Medieval 2 you keep advancing for like 100 turns and when you reach the pinnacle of advancement you reach the gunpowder age to unlock more buildings. Then you reach a mongol invasion to spice things up. Meanwhile in warhammer you can start recruiting some of the highest tiers within 50 turns and chaos invades. All of this before 100 turns. My first campaign was nearly over 600 turns. But most of it was high tier troops already unlocked. Don't you faggots tell me that your campaigns ended within 100 turns.
>Don't you faggots tell me that your campaigns ended within 100 turns.

Bretts can easily end before turn 100 though.
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What do you autismos do about the Elf hicks?
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>old friend is Karl Franz dragon mount
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>old friend is Gobbla as an optional Legendary Lord
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>old friend is Boring Turdburger
Can someone post an Attila roll chart please?
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37 off
Just imagine the prestige we could've had.
/twg/ would be legendary for a couple of shitposts.
>Old Friend is a Von Carstein Legendary Lord
Why do I love Visigoths so much?
Cause they have best boy Alaric
Because Alaricus is a true roman.
Rolling on a river
Devour Brets because their vanilla AI is incapable of recruiting quality armies and their garrisons are garbage.

Then, devour Estalia.

That can usually be enough but if you get an alliance with the dorfs and they're winning, gg unlimited amber.
Not down to commit sudoku, re-roll.
Here we go
He's already in the game though.
Laddering walls makes troops really tired, plus they have to go up a few at a time, taking a while for it happen.
Siege towers are siege towers, they serve their purpose.
I think Sieges are fine in Warhammer, they're no longer instant wins because the AI isn't completely fucking retarded like in historical titles
>they're no longer instant wins because the AI isn't completely fucking retarded like in historical titles
what did you mean by this
>enemies run around in circles outside the wall
>leave units in the open to be shot at for ages
>barely bring any siege equipment
Sieges have always been a low point in Total War
>Don't you faggots tell me that your campaigns ended within 100 turns.
I don't think I ever reached 200 turns in any campaign, and I've beaten very hard on every race except orcs and chaos (I don't like those two)

The longest it took for me to win a long campaign on very hard was with the dwarves because they have to conquer some really far away shit. Most turns was moving all the way up. And even then it took me 180 something turns.
i dont think we played the same games senpai
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Rolling for best boy
>My swordsmen has double the attack and double the melee defence of the enemy skellies
>Still loses a 1v1

But now it feels like sieges are always an instant loss, especially since the AI only seems to attack when I have nothing but puny garrisoned forces.

And when I'm besieging, it feels like half of my units (especially cavalry, who can't get in until the gate's down) are just getting shredded by fire from the towers that they can't escape from. There's no real strategy to it beyond 'maybe I can attack two places at once.' The fights on the wall feel awkward, and there's no point to capturing enemy towers. If I feel like sieges are better in Medieval 2, I think there's a problem.
Oh, and I realized why the wall fights feel awkward - you can't actually put two units in the same place, at least not without one facing inside the keep for some reason. You can't double layer a group of spearmen to defend a part of the wall you know will get attacked, or make sure that your archers will be defended by a layer of melee troops to allow them to pull away safely.
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the skellies fight to the last
makes all the difference
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The Waaagh ain't got no breaks boss. Altdorf ain't nothin' but loot at dis point. Just gotta crump that spiky boy Archaon now. Guess we goin' north lads.
>No Gotrek&Felix as legendary heroes
>No Vermintide squad as legendary heroes
>No Krell as legendary hero

>Larger unit size
>Fights to the last
>impossible to kill the mannlet
>Huge ass armies

fuck the vampire cunts. Having two fucking territories and they are fielding six armies.
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Kerillian best girl.
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Witch Hunter is the best girl, tho
IMHO to improve sieges
- Thicker, Meatier Walls, allowing standard combat movement of troops
- Deeper, town areas
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post times you broke lore
anyone have a roll chart for which total war to play? I have all of them and am pretty bored
>>No Krell as legendary hero
>He doesn't know about the old friend
When fighting undead in melee, you will always take more casualties than you can expect, simply because those fuckers just keep fighting and fighting and fighting
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Hey look someone is lying on the internet, and I took the bait.
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Wew lad
I guess Wildwood rangers are pretty good
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Man O War is coming out of early access if anyone is interested.
I hope it will be cheaper, tho.
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Alright boys, I just finished my Chaos campaign and did that silly 100 razes for meaningless achievement stuff. Who now? Skarsnik? Wurzag? Something not green? help lads
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>Warhammer2 date release unknown
>Old Friend isn't even announced yet

Warhammer2 is gonna take no less than 6 months to be released. Fuck.
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>enjoy the playstyle of beastmen
>absolutely hate the beastmen aesthetic and theme

Something about researching "make bigger stink" and everyone grunting like a retard is just so aggravating. Such a crime that there's no Orc or Undead playable horde factions.
tfw getting bored of empire campaign
might do woodniggers next, ive done pretty much everything else
There's a mod which makes Azhag into a horde I think.
Download the faction unlocker mod and play as one
>Not enjoying Poopoopeepee's rape and defiling ways
Welp, fuck the empire
>Have great trade relations
>10+ trade partners
>Start expanding
>rev up that hate train
>Lose all my trade partners
>All those trade deals between people causing hate
>suddenly its world war in the Reikland

Game throws a near impossible amount of shit at you as the Empire.
>attacking an ally of all your allies
You're an idiot, not the games fault.
>he didn't summon the elector counts
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Defeminization of dryads to shatter stereotypes

worst change Wood Elves had to deal with, so fairly good overall

None of the really good Lord models made it in, though

I wasn't attacking anyones allies. Was attacking Norrland and Middenheim, who were being gigantic cunts to the rest of the empire (who hate me)

I think it started with Karak Hirn disliking my NAP+Trade rights with the border princes, but that was 10+ turns ago but it looks like it never wore off? Was at -20 when I got a no warning war from them on end turn. These brought the stunties that won the crooked moon bowl, followed by the vamp cunts seeing weakness.

I probably have to roll this campaign like 30+ turns back and reassess my response to Marienburg taking two provinces from Middenheim and Norrland taking Gorrsel. Middenheim+Norrland both are defensive and hate the empire, so was gonna seize their lands and make Norrland a Spear+xbow recruit zone, and Middenheim my cav zone.

Already have fallen in love with the 6 chevron swordsmen from Wissenland, with greatswords on their way.
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>it ain't me starts to play
Marienburg shouldn't even exist thirty turns into an Empire game, let alone however many you are.
needs gyro units


H-ha, n-nothing personal kid
Saw an oppertunity to expand into Wissenland who by 15 turns in was about to lose everything but Nuln, followed by trade and biding my time. Exterminated Crooked Moon before their tyranny went further
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WE have best lords though.
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Yeah, but we're missing this guy, and levitating crotch man

They were staples

>Warhammer2 is gonna take no less than 6 months to be released

would make sense. they are just building directly on the same concept. and the longer they take to make shit the bigger the tech gap can get.
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Kholek never actually had an official model you big dum-dum, what you posted is the standard Dragon Ogre Shaggoth.

He was like Mazdamundi, you were supposed to just convert a Shaggoth with extra armor bits and shit.

What's more, looking at the art of Kholek in the army book his depiction in TW:WH, while not exact, is quite faithful
oh god not you again
Yeah anon is convinced that, that tiny forelimbed ancient model is canon, when in the newest stuff Dragon Ogres look like they do in the game.
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My tokugawa campaign is going pretty fucking great, what faction should i play on Rise of samurai?

Also, should i conquer east or west before kyoto?

Oh LAWD those fucking forelimbs

I've looked at that model a lot of times and I've never actually noticed how stumpy those things are.
never forget
ikr right, older GW models range from awesome to "what the fuck were they thinking"
He did thick Isabella.
He's pushing a feminist agenda anon! can't you see! That armor that doesn't hide her curves at all is flaunting female sexuality to fight the Patriarchy!
>finally recruit a sweet-ass dragon into army for the first time
oh a rebellion!
>my 20 units vs 6 rebel army
meh might as well autoreseolve
>the dragon dies

This looks a lot like the official model, except they toned down her bust

That was his contribution, making breasts less prominent

Also brown women.
The bust is exactly the same size, dude what ghosts are you jumping at
Hate auto resolves for this reason.
whats a good orc horde faction mod that doesn't feel half assed?
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tokugawa was pretty easy, i dont know why it is branded as hard, had tougher times with takeda
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Is it, anon? Is it really?

You can't see her pantsu in the CA version either, while she is running S-class zettai ryouiki on the tabletop
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dragons are unusable in the campaign. I wish I knew that 10 turns ago.
has anyone tried this storm of chaos mod?

seems pretty neat
disgusting tokugawa dog *spit*
Looks great, but going to wait for it to develop a little bit further.
What did you say about tokugawa??? i would bet you are dirty Oda
>chain lightning
>its just a vortex
>marching in step never
>musicians never
>army painter never
>banner bearers never
game is not balanced for musicians
Pretty awesome. There are still bugs all around but the theme, events and general aesthetic are refreshing
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>Finally completed my first campaign ever.
>Turn 532, Long campaign victory as Skarsnik

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I've never actually completed a Total War campaign. Either I don't manage to win, or I just never spread out that far. Occasionally I just spread out in the wrong direction.
I got to turn 200 or so, it seemed like a lost campaign, i was sad, i went from 7 holds to 2, chaos was killing everything absolutely everything, it was a full map purge. Then i caught Archaeon, snikked em good and making a run for 8 peaks. I had to claw out a new home in the south and start again. Dwarves and Beastmen forever and ever my friend.
I just get bored and shelve my campaign. I have a shitty obsession with maxing out infrastructure and making "best" 9 rank army, which obviously takes a ton of time. By the point I field army I already burnt out and just quit the campaign, not like any faction can do anything to me by that point anyway.

It was even worse in previous TW titles, with their golden weapons and armours. Gotta try another with not really giving a fuck about any of this.
The 'Chaos rides in and kills everything' happens way too regularly.

And it feels like in most games, the Empire just folds completely even before Archie arrives.

But if you are Skarsnik, and you get K8P and the surrounding area, there is nothing that can stop you.
>mfw I realised that "demand" gold from friendly factions actually means asking them for gifts
>no diplomatic penalties either
>allies gladly can give you some slice of that cheat AI income they get

Just started playing Bretonnia and other dukedoms gave me like 300-500 gold each. It's really damn helpful early on. Really comfy campaign with no-infighting amongst fellow Bretonnians.
That is just like selling military Access in Shogun2.
I had to just nomad my way down, raiding as I go, staying afloat.
Empire had musicians, all older tw games had bannermen and sergeants, in Attila you can even pick the kind of banner your bannerman will carry
why doesn't warhammer have separate achievements for winning campaign on legendary?
AoS doesn't have an RPG and hasn't been around for 30 years, give it time.
I`m not going to care about video games in 30 years mate
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>fought this battle the first time
>Ungrim made his way through my front line and kill Wurzzag
>entire army routs and lost
>fight same battle again
>won this but my only giant died
>being a normie
no that works for everyone

>normALFAGS (you bloody /r9k/ faggot) aren't going to care about games in 30 years
>fat neckbeards will have died of a heart attack in 30 years

so no, it's either good now or it doesn't matter
It's good now, City of Secrets was nothing but intrigue. It showed how fucked life is in the realms. There's racism and shit.
Are you serious?

Man, I do not know how to play this game.
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Boris knows his place.
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>tfw you unify Bretonniaand wipe out the Treehitlers meanwhile The Empire humans are tearing each others throats out over bullshit

Chaos is coming for FUCKS sake.
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>No Clan Skryre or Clan Mors
>one turn away from getting demigryphs and greatswords
>city comes under siege from a stack of rape and destruction
>they begin the attack before my reinforcements can arrive
If these faggots raze this place I think I'm gonna lose it.

>Shield of Civilisation
what are some good warhammer mods to boost the difficulty? I already have rise of the beastmen, green tide, green threat, and stronger chaos mods, what more can I add? is there anything that maybe adds roaming undead hordes? something that buffs norscans and gives them manticores and horsemasters at least?
size 10 capital settlements and tier 4 settlements

AI actually gets top units then
Can you get the red duke if you take Mousillon?
that sounds odd, I'd expect it to actually be a boost to the player not the AI, but I'll try them out
AI is so stupid it cant put two and two together.

Literally, if its an armory and barracks its pure luck if the AI builds it.
they shouldn't have made cross-dependencies like that I guess, I don't think the older titles had those anyway, kinda makes elves less unique though

but unfortunately the 10 slots mods is incompatible with faction unlockers, so I can't use it, though I fill definitely use it, next time around when I am playing as a major faction

That picture is really offensive
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You mean moulder

Enjoy your Clain Skyre DLC and Clan Moulder DLC, pleb

He's just a mad Gotlander.
Playing Bordelaux on very hard right now, managed to unite brettonnia and am now waging a hard war against the wooden jews but i lost three stacks because of bad army comps. The empire is getting absolutely destroyed by a joint horde of vampires and orcs, they are basically at the gates of altdorf and have taken over everything on the way there. Getting a bit scared desu
Clan Riktus though, thats pretty based as fuck. Maybe we won't have fucking cowardrats after all.
Playing trough a chaos campaing and just fuck it i give up. There is no way to get a another army going. Ai just magically appears with 3 stacks and rapes the new army within 5 turns
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bls resbond, I need more difficulty

how come there are no good norsca buffing mods? I want someone to give them manticores and horsemasters, maybe even chaos spawn and giants too

If I wasn't completely incompetent and had more free time, I'd try to learn modding myself
Rickety Cricket?
Burnt face and all.

Looks fun but also like a M&B mod.
Someone please explain what these clans are about
Surprisingly loyal band of misfit rats that have an incredibly large number of soldiers under their banner, they use all sorts of tactics but mostly numbers.
Plagues n sheet
Hard-ass rats, they breed bulky and well trained warriors with pretty good reliability as far as loyalty to the fight goes.
Scavengers, so who the fuck knows.
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So, what content would you like to see added to Old World factions in the Grand (combined) Campaign?

>Grombrindal gets a final questline after the Chaos Invasion to personally kill Malekith. Dwarves gain a new campaign victory condition: Destroy the Dark Elves

>implying CA will ever touch the old factions again
So any of them field the over-the-top shit Skaven are also known for, like Doomwheels, Lightning Cannons and the like?
just cut all the minor factions out for me senpai
Mirror Mirror On The Wall, Which Lord Is Sexiest Of Them All?

>Full Kislev rework literally never EVER

Just fucking kill me

Where muh best Queen?

Wanna know too
More or less, Mors especially, they're famous for their versatility
is this the interesting new naval feature they were talking about?
Proud Daughter of Athel Loren
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>Be 10 000 years old
>Still live with your mother
>Your realm is dark and cold
>You never leave throne room
>Dress only in black
>Complain about current goverment and coruption
>Claim that you had gf but no one ever seen her.
>You haven't get laid for at least 6 000 years
>Despise other races and believe you are part of master race.
>You want to build a gigantic wall.

What did they mean by this?
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Maybe in Warhammer 3. They can't make entire game based around Chaos. Not everyone like to play as edgy dipshits. They need good faction like Empire or Helves and neutral Ogres aren't enough
>inb4 they aren't good

>>You haven't get laid for at least 6 000 years

He fucks his mum on the regular

Wow so we're not getting the actually interesting clans with the cool units?

Jabberslythe strikes again.
Doesn't seem so, not specifically.

However, Septik is the main thrall clan of pestilence and so we'll get all those units and apparently carrion love skrye tech so they have a bunch of that.
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>old friend is muh boi
How does he take his dick outside of armour.

Nagash has no friends bro.
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Do you even HUMANKIND, faggot?
What's your favourite Attila overhaul?

In my mind we are putting WAAAAAY too much weight on these symbols

For all we know they could literally have been put there by some graphic designer who doesn't even know what they mean and just picked them out of the set of Skaven clan symbols because they look neat.
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Under which banner was Wurrzag hidden? "New Lord" or "New Faction"?
If he was hidden under "New Lord" we still have chance for new LL for Empire with alternate starting postition.
Arkhan is his friend.
but the reason Kholek looks like that is because they just reused the dragon ogre skeleton and made it massive rather than making a new skeleton with different proportions & unique animations.

He should really have bulkier arms & upper body.

Neither are in the game so it makes no sense still.
>>Still live with your mother
They live separately and she sometimes comes to stay over at his place.
New Lord.
>>You haven't get laid for at least 6 000 years
He fucks his mom every now and then, and IIRC some of his underling lords at least claim to trace their ancestry back to him.
But the New Lord in that picture was Isabella Von Carstein. The only thing left on the FLC chart is actually the Old Friend
>You can't double layer a group of spearmen to defend a part of the wall you know will get attacked
You can't do double layers of archers which is a bit stupid, but you can do double layers of melee troops, you just too to give the group facing inwards an attack order on the enemy dudes on your walls.
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Reminder to quell all excitement now unless you love bloodthirsty skellies

>Implying Krell isn't who I always wanted it to be
I'm not sure how it's confirming Krell.
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I've never played as the Huns before, any tips?

Playing with FOTE and Europa Perdita
One thing arriving alone doesn't sound like a new faction, does it?

It sounds like a hero or lord who's part of an existing faction.
I want it to be Kurt Helborg or Ludwig Schwarzhelm, but it is probably Krell given that someone at CA has a massive bone-r for the VC.
It'd make so little sense to add Krell and leave the most prominent faction in the Old World with only one start point and three legendary lords in favor of adding content to the most bloated faction there is.

It doesn't seem like it'd be -that- hard to add middenheim, but it doesn't look like they are interested in doing it. A real shame.
but it still can be Gotrek or Schwarzhelm or Helborg or Valten or even a fucking dragon for Karl Franz.
honestly I'd be pretty disappointed with getting a new empire LL who doesn't give them a new faction start position.

Kemmler feels kind of incomplete at the moment though, and having a reason to take him / an early answer to his lack of melee capabilities would be great.
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I need more content for Old World.
>Kemmler and Krell as their own horde faction.
>Mallobaude and Red Duke and their own faction in Mousillon.
>Strigoi kingdom to spice up badlands bowl. After all they brought Vlad and Isabella too
>Elector counts as LL with playable factions or at least having their unique look like Boris.
>Norscan tribes not as wannabe chaos but as barbarians with whom you can trade.
>Southern Realms
>Playable Marienburg with rock the boat unit.
>At least fucking Boris and Middenland
Come on Sega, I'm good goy, jew some more.
>haven't got laid

If you gonna meme do it right you useless cunt
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Could be. But hey, we'll have plenty of time until the release/introduction videos so might as well speculate.
>in favor of adding content to the most bloated faction there is.
A legendary hero exclusive to one legendary lord is a pretty small thing though, it doesn't really add anything to the bloat.

Another LL & start position certainly would, but Krell would be more a finishing touch / buff to the worst LL in the game currently.
I am his friend, you fucking faggot
I mean, the picture for the Old Friend looks like middenheim though, right?
I know, but if Wurrzag was hidden under "New Lord" and still came with his own faction maybe Old Friend will came with his own faction too.
I want to believe despite this >>173316806
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>tfw old friend is Karl buff
>tfw he gets empire dragon
>tfw deathclaw and dragon can combine
>tfw giga hammer breaker
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>Still no 1.5 for Call of Warhammer
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Set the world on fire. A slow horde is a dead horde. Use your agents to scout ahead and give you at least enough warning for a full turn of movement.

Oh, and don't be afraid to subjugate enemy factions at will. Spend a couple of turns replenishing in friendly territory before you kill them and move on.
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>Doesn't want to cosplay witch elf.

[Snake Noises]

What did she mean by this?
Karl's dragon mount is literally just a dragon kept at altdorf zoo which only he can tame. They aren't even friends.
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She wants Teclis's shriveled dick.
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>self-resurrect my lich body thanks to the automatic resurrection device that awakens me from my slumber every 100 years
>I've been doing this for 20000 years
>open the coffin and get out
>stretch a bit
>head over to my dark magic-powered personal computer
>go on moddb
>Call of Warhammer Beginning of the End Times 1.5 STILL NOT RELEASED YET
>its another episode of hochland being cunts

What is it with those faggots and why do they always hate everyone.
>its a puppet state or ally who is very positive refuses to trade with you no matter what episode
Does Malekeith have any friends?
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He was friends with Snorri Whitebeard the white dwarf.
He had one, the then king of the dwarfs. They were best bros, until the dwarf died of old age.
Yes, the dwarf in question was so old he was almost... A White Dwarf.

>fan conjecture
Uh huh, cool, totally.
Yeah, no, the "Grombrindal is sometimes thought to be Snorri Whitebeard" is straight from a White Dwarf article, and GW cock-tease it a lot.
Well, cock-teased it a lot.
No. Not unless you count Kouran "I'm Fucking Amazing at My Job" Darkhand.
He's got kind of an ongoing Thing with N'Kari. It's complicated.
Confederation Mechanic: A Good Idea?
so fucking hideous, what the hell CA
"thing" "alone"
karls franz' imperial dragon
Why the fuck do people keep saying the franchise was dying before Warhammer total war?

I fucking love Warhammer but total war was never gonna die before it was released. Yes, it's their most successful game by miles, but the franchise was just as consistent as it's always been even after Rome 2 & Attila.

Total War can never die as long as they can just pull medieval 3 out of their arse and sell thousands of copies.
Still better than Dow3 eldar.
It's not friends with anyone, it's kept in a fucking zoo >>173318161 I don't even think it's that old either.

>and sell thousands of copies.

Whoa, thousands.
CA didn't made this cinematic. Platige Image did. http://www.platige.com
They made first one too. And a lot more like this one
True to that 80s look teeeeee beeeeee haych
>. Yes, it's their most successful game by miles
is it really? rome2 even now has half the playercount and its 4 years old
What do you mean?

MixXu has a Norscan mod - Norsca Overhaul - which adds Horsemasters, melee Horsemen, Valkyries, Bloodfathers, a new lord, Einehjar (who actually work like undead, crumbling and all) and many more shit.

It also gives them some unit between Marauders and Warriors, Bondsmen, which do wonders to increase their threat level.
>Why the fuck do people keep saying the franchise was dying before Warhammer total war?
Empire was complete garbage.
Rome2 was even worse.

Each of these two abysmal failures had a followup title that was slightly less shit but which was overshadowed by the fallout.
They probably gave them the 3D models they're using to make it with though.

Wasn't the model for Mazamundi already released and it's exactly like the trailer?

If he's not Snorri he's at least a reincarnation of his spirit, or his spirit powers him. A warrior version of Lord Kroak.

The White Dwarf manifested as a response to Malekith being a dick and violating the ancient promise he made to Snorri of eternal Dwarf-Elf friendship by manipulating the War of the Beard into existence, so if Grombrindal isn't Snorri he's at least indirectly linked to him
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I'm not sure, models in cinematic are much more detailed. And by looking at pic included maybe CA design after them. http://www.platige.com/eng/page/830-Total_War_Warhammer_2_Announceme
Here you have this cinematic and credits.
Btw this director http://www.platige.com/eng/page/237-Tomek_Baginski will direct The Witcher movie
Literally our guy
Yeah, that's the theory that the White Dwarf article offers. GW played coy with it and never outright confirmed it, but it was as good as.
Looks to me like CA had some more things planned but was forced to cut content to make the release date.

Good Job, sega.

There's an animated Witcher movie in production?
Speak for yourself.
>The Destroyer - Forged by the Witch King of Naggaroth himself, this blade is a symbol of the Dark Elves' determination to destroy the High Elves and all their works. The Destroyer's merest touch can unmake enchantments or even draw knowledge from the minds of unwary wizards.
Aura (10m): enemies -22% melee attack & -12% weapon damage.
>Armour of Midnight - Malekith's rune-armour is forged from the hardest meteoric iron and protects against any mortal weapon.
+10 armour & 10% ward save.
>Supreme Spellshield - The Supreme Spellshield absorbs magic and then unleashes the energy back at the foe.
10% magic resistance.
>Circlet of Iron - The Circlet of Iron is said to be older than the race of Elves and is a potent source of magical power.
+15 magic power reserves.
How does physical resist & magic resist work?

If a weapon has the little magic symbol next to it does that mean it changes ALL your damage to magic?
Not animated
Live action
But they didn't even seriously started yet IIRC. Maybe they are writing scenario. It's going very slowly, and Bagiński directed few short films for now like this one to sort of prepare himself for The Witcher movie. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M-skpeuYmfE
But that doesn't mean it ignores armour, does it?

Hmm, neat.
No, only physical resistance.
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Divide et Impera worth a download?

>game devs trying to unhype upcoming free lc

It's fucking Krell isn't it.
which doesn't work
Judging by the description, it is just the video they showed at EGX after the trailer. Nothing to get excited about.
From the description, it's probably just this video again:
(Skip to 21 minutes if the embedded timestamp doesn't work.)
Check out the vision trailer for WARHAMMER II, a look at our design philosophy and process behind the scenes that first aired live at REZZED
Legendary lords for each faction now have separate starting positions and we've changed regional occupation.

So when playing against dwarfs having magic dmg is straight up bad?
>implying most quest items in the game aren't really strong.
>and we've changed regional occupation.

So it hasn't been removed outright. Maybe they implemented an outpost system, similar to what the Wood Elves got.
Yes, just as it is really good when up against savage orcs or ghosts.
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Or go here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v6WW1Nc537g
>At the end of the video it makes attempts to link to another video in a small window, but there is no video, link or otherwise.

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>Conquer everywhere
i want to play Orcs good but i fucking hate fightiness mechanic, what do?
Yes. Its easy for noobs to get deceived about starfire shafts because of that, flat out regular glade guard are more efficient for cost against dwarfs.
As if Fightiness is that fucking bad.
Nagash is generic and boring as fuck. All the really big and powerful names in Warhammer are shit, because they all sort of embody the central essence of their factions, and have very little personality or individuality beyond that.
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>Co-Op campaigns playing as the same faction but different LLs
They confirmed it in The End Times.
Is there a mod to remove the gay from this post? Fucking with the make-up is bad enough, since the point of the weird make-up is to drive home how old-fashioned the Vampire Cunts are.
I thought as much but I couldn't actually recall if that was the case.
>CA admits regional occupation was a mistake

Nothing they hadn't already acknowledged in the wood elf release
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Did it bros, won Dwarfs on hard, everyone was a fucking asshole adding to muh GRUDGES and declaring wars so they had to go.
Even other Dwarfs were fucking fags and didn't want to confederate.
Only norscans weren't total dicks so they can live.

Can i be in the club now?
>Thorgrim Grudgebearer
>Karl Franz
>Balthasar Gelt

That's some mighty shitty taste there friendo
I imagine it's because enough though Mannlet has two OP Lores, his skill points are limited to the same number, and it's so easy for a Vlad stack to get Lore of Death by just adding a Vampire.
Yeah, norscans as surprisingly bro after archaon's gone. It's weird.
>high elves have been a really interesting experience
>we have the challenge of how to make these humanoid races all look and feel different
>*navigates to wood elves animations folder*
>*ctrl c*
>*navigates to high elves folder*
>*ctrl v*
I fucking guarantee you most of the animations will be the same. They don't even need to be different - the only ones that do need to be different are the casters cos high elves & dark elves don't float.
i call bullshit, slavs can't speak english
>Killing the oldest friend of the Dwarfs
>Killing the Southern Realms
>Rekting the Bretonnians
>Letting chaos shits live

Maybe the memes were true and Dwarf players really are the dumbest of them all
>Killing the oldest friend of the Dwarfs
You mean the elves, right?
Poland here, hello

rude, also i am not Dwarf player, i just want to finish game at least once with every race
Thing is though, the best way to build mannlet is as a combat beast because although he has 2 OP lores his sword gives magic bonuses as long as he's in combat so building him for combat and having other wizards to feed off the mana he generates is actually the best way to go about it, even though it's not really lore friendly.
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Love it how you're flaunting it as if it's some kind of achievement to win as Dwarfs in any difficulty

>I did it bros, drank water from a hose
Settra is cool, but the rest are shit. Grimgor especially is the gayest fuck, because he's the anti-thesis of everything that's fun and goofy about the orcs. Grombrindal is just a literal who with a long existence but no meat on his character. Karl Franz is duller than shit, funny voice acting aside. Malekith is nothing but an edgy whiner and the End Times' attempt to make him kind of justified for sperging out in the first place is just insanely dumb. Thorgrim is boring as well. No real idea about Gelt beyond the End Times mess he created.
how about Chaos? I won on hard too :^(
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The Norscans aren't so bad really. Some of them don't even worship Chaos.
So the question is, did playing the Dwarfs made you a dumb retard, or were you a dumb retard before?
That's what I mean, giving him to Lores doesn't actually make him a stronger hero outside of MP, so they had to give him great melee stats to create some kind of incentive to use him over Vlad.
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>being this new to /twg/
Rome 2 killed this general
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I shouldn't have to post this in every fucking thread. They are not just copypasting the Wood Elf animations.
hey, it's not like i declared war. They started this shit so they had to be dealt with, you faget
That's a lot more impressive, yes. PICS OR IT DIDN'T HAPPEN.
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here you go anon.


I don't know if it was bug or design but after my lord got assassinated my whole infrastructure was reset. I couldn't even recruit stuff.
Re-building really felt like a fucking chore so i just stopped there
>Kholek still on a wimpy GREEN weapon
wow... wow!
did you have a good time?
That's a lot of blue points, what'd you put them in?
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Just confirmed we're not getting Skaven.
how stupid are you exactly?
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>dude skaven aren't real lmao

getting real sick of this meme lads
it's not a meme it's your life
eh, playing Chaos is kinda tedious.
Especially healing up... i hear beastmen are done better but i can't afford the DLC :^(

eh stuffs like +horde growth, +chaos spread, +recruitment capacity etc.
blame GW for writting that in the lore
No, the bitter retards did
>Brets, Tileans, Estalians, Manlets are all aware of the rats existence
>the empire still denies it
Soviet Censorship Metaphor (SCM)
It's only going to get worse once the game releases. Except you wont only get people denying the existence of Skaven, you will get people mimicking Skaven speech patterns and repeating words. Just kill kill me now man thing
They have more incentive to keep their population in the dark since their population has more power.
>the empire still denies it
funny thing, so the skaven don't see the empire as a strong enemy.
all skaven united against the empire (which already has enough problems) would kill it
this >>173323990
>Lizardmen come out
>General is flooded with people renaming their Slann Pepe or Lord KEK

How can we stop this?
>stop it
>Memers playing Lizardmemes
why change it?
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Two things:

1) It's not that they don't believe Skaven exist - It's pretty obvious rat-beastmen exist. They just don't believe there's a giant super-science empire built right under their feet watching them as they sleep. It's the stuff of paranoid schizophrenic rantings.

2) There's actually some 4d chess stuff going on. The Skaven try to keep the existence of the Under-Empire a secret from the Empire, but the some of the more important people in the Empire know what's going on but keep it secret so the Skaven don't know that they know. And also because they think the populace would panic if the information came to light, UFO conspiracy style.
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We cant. Just roll with it.
Its lie false, yes yes, how can man-thing copy skaven?
They are going to do a lot more than just rename it. I guarantee there will be a pepe reskin on the workshop within 24 hours.
Sucks if you were renovating your place to add a basement and you opened a hole to the under empire
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Who wins?
We really can't.
Arachnarok, by a mile!
How has it not just collapsed into a giant sinkhole? There is no way a few flimsy support beams could hold up an entire city.
It's worth noting that the barkeep in Vermintide is actually a member of the Emperor's Eyes, Karl Franz's spy network. And it's heavily implied that he knew all about skaven prior to the invasion.
Arachnarok, GOBBOS rule!
Who cares about Lizardmemes anyway?
The Under Empire is really under the Earth. You'd hit the sewers of the city before hitting the dozens of meters of dirt that separates it and the Under Empire

Arachnarok are considered forest gods by goblins, they're on another level

The fact they're bitches in TWW is another matter
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>tomb kings slated for warhammer 3
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I don't think it's intended to be literal. It's more of a metaphorical thing as well as a visual homage to Piranesi's Carceri d'Invenzione
says who?
threads are going to be awful once tww2 releases, with all kind of dumb memes spammed endlessly, like:
>praise kek
>rats aren't real
>rat ARE real
>retarded word repetitions, like shill-shill
fucking hell

If only there was some way to filter this sort of thing, hmmmm....
was looking forward to the lizardmen until I realized this
2012 was a mistake.
>praise kek

What's the difference compared to now?
Are wood elves or beastmen better for multi? Not really a matter since I only play it for the single player, but I'm curious
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I'd rather that then elfposting.
Yeah, I gotta say I'm with this anon.

>oh no, stale memes are going to be posted ad nauseum

Which is different to now, how exactly?
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there is a lot less of it now, but once the lizardmen roll out it will be a constant stream of this shit

there is pretty much zero elf posting here, other than that one autist that wants to be dominated, the only good meme posting is memri posting desu
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it kinda looks like lizardmemes and reddit rats have the worst fanbase, who would've thought!
compare that to high elves, they're absolutely based without having weak memes

Because they're boring and have no memes at all
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This, Memri is patrician meme
Although autist have the point, i would want to be dominated by Morathi too

If they add Nosca as DLC I hope you can choose your affiliation, be pure, or be chaos worshipper and in what grade.
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I thought Norscans were bro... but then they declared war on me.
Now i am so roneryyyy
>Anything but Kruber.
Eldar/HElf players are the fucking worst. Literally embody the smug tryharding summarized by their race.

If its just a few friendly games down at the shop to pass a night these guys will without fail, cheese the fuck out of you rerolling everything they do.
Wish they had expanded on norscan tribes instead of on Bretonnia desu
>stop having fun
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Stop playing fantasy
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Barkeeper is based af. Legendary Hero when?
>Four Lions deleted scenes
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Stop playing historic
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Stop praising Sigmar
They're probably the most competitive monster in the game. Better bang for your buck than giants, cygors, forest dragons, etc.
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Stop vargposting
Damn, that is some legitimately impressive concentrated shitposting.
>implying there is even ONE historical total war
they're all fantasy to a certain degree
"history themed" would be appropriate

now if you excuse me I'm going to have Oda convert to Christianity
>Oda convert to Christianity
By Sigmar NO!
is it possible to do a Buddhist run with the Otomo clan? if so how?
I don't think so but why the fuck would you? You can literally play any other clan at that point.
Snuff out Hatakeyama, dealing with the Takeda will take too long.
literally just for turn 1 matchlocks
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>Hating people having fun
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Next week is the week.

>Old Friend is Kurt Helborg
>Unknown DLC is DLC07 a Legendary Lord pack
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>Kurt Hellboring

Fucking yawn, not even a new starting position.
>Next week is the week.

How do you figure?
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>another Empire Lord that has the same starting position

good character, not happening
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Crush on Grace ended.

Now Elyse is my new waifu.
>SJW hair
Maybe, but she actually seems good and passionate about her job.
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grace cum.png
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>being a shitty numale who cannot appreciate a bit of novelty
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>Not Emma
>that type of hair being exclusive to SJWs
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>tfw it's these two motherfuckers

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Jesus fuck, those arms...
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Tomb Kings confirmed.
>Clan Mors
>Loyal... for a rat

>Clan Pestilens
>Rat corruption

>Clan Rictus
>Tough... for a rat

>Clan Carrion
>gets more after battle loot
>not liking delicate anno chix
I need Marius as LL

>Quest battles
>Fight Parravon after insulting the duke's wife
>Suppress the Halfling Rebellion (maybe not)
>Change history at Blackfire Pass.
We gonna have some sweet as fuck rats.

Fuck the empire
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It's not hot if you break her by accident, at least I'm not into that.
It's not. If you play as the Otomo, the "convert" button doesn't even exist. It's not even greyed-out, it's just flat-out not there.
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guy is the 'steel and faith' overhaul mod any good or is it radious tier?
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What kind of massive fag hates chicks with skinny arms? Skinny arms are what female arms are supposed to look like, instead of the neverending chubby biceped cunts who walk around now with a big mac in one hand and a dildo in the other.
Wood elves or Beastmen?
Is this a nigger? The only nigger in game is a peasant?

That screenshot makes the idea of fighting minotaurs seem ridiculous

If that creature is able to swing an axe like that an entire unit of them should just be able to cleave their way through entire armies, same with Kholek
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A complete RNG campaign where at any moment Marius is convinced someone is out to get him or talks shit starting a war

Quest battles featuring imaginary enemies such as the Great Unicorn Incursion

Beserk rage leading to increased stats but no control

Lots of things you can do with the bestest Elector Count
wood elves, it may be a pretty lazy dlc, but its still better
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Dude, her arms are the size of her wrists. A healthy female is supposed to have some muscle. People only think skinny arms are normal because so many males hardly have any muscle either.
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>trying to reason with a skeleton
>adagio for homeworld starts playing
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>shit taste
She looks decent and not obese so my dick couldn't care less if she is an sjw or not
>implying any sjw wouldn't turn normal with the power of DICK
It's not on the same level as Radious. Vampires don't get archers but I did see a unit of Night Goblin Spears once.

The blue campaign skills have been made a lot more useful and some buildings for growth have a smaller income level so they're worth investing in. Magic is also a lot better on the whole.

Give it a try man, I quite like it so far.
they're still squishy beings at the end of the day though.

TREEMEN though, fuck that shit!
>Skinny arms are what female arms are supposed to look like
*muscular arms are what female arms are supposed to look like
Fixed it for you, free of charge.
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sorcerer is a bit more appropriate than wizard for Araby I think
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What the FUCK is wrong with you?
Dude, she'll accuse you of rape as soon as you does something she dislikes.
You get Mousilion stuff if you beat the Wood Elves campaign or something like that. You can't do it as Brets.

There is a chance that you might be able to confederate him as Vampire Counts or Vlad, but by the time you get to him he'd probably be dead. Bretonnia seems to have its shit together.
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Empire only has 2 LLs from the 8ed who could conceivably start outside of Reikland. Marius in Averland and Elspeth in Wissenland. Elspeth is Forge World though and CA haven't added a single Forge World model to the game yet. If DLC07 turns out to be a LL pack then the only real possibility is Empire vs. Greenskins. No DLC for DLC and Bretonnia is done as done gets.


CA has a helluva tight development pattern.
>new branches appear shortly before or after current DLC is about to ship
>they sit idle for a day or so then receive daily activity for about ~1 month
>then within the final 2-3 weeks QA branches and submission branches appear
>eventually the pace of updates fall off as the packages move into their release candidate phase which should appear next week

One of them has been idle for 7 days and is likely finished, but their other package is still receiving daily updates. That is the larger of the two. I imagine they'll reveal or tease it next week, and push it out towards the end of the month.


Marius would be the DLC headliner if the next lord ends up including the Empire which seems likely as the Vamps and Dwarfs have nearly ever single fucking thing their army books have to offer.
More like brettonia has nobody else to fight, so they all gang up on the poor little vamp dude.

>capcha wants me to select vehicles
>select signs instead
>pass anyway
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You forgot that people will get dubs and then say "all part of the plans of the Old Ones" or something like that. Or when something retarded happens they'll blame it on a skaven conspiracy or say it was foretold by the old ones.

Also lots of posting about wanting to be femdommed by morathi.

And probably a lot of posting either about being world police as high elves (with american flag edits) or posts about high elves being boring and "le funny meme" images where people have razed every high elf city.
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I've had the weird scenario where the Empire actually gets stronger after Chaos invades, because they just start confederating all the weakened provinces. Not strong enough to actually resist Chaos, but they can expand southwards a little.

But yeah, it happens way to early. You go from surprisingly tough Norscan 'raiders' which are actually pretty large armies that will probably wreck whatever you've got if you don't have a large army prepared, to the Warriors of Chaos with their heavily armored troops in multiple stacks that will just rampage through the northern part of the Empire, with Norscans still helping them out.

It's actually pretty damn frustrating how distracting the Norscan raids especially are. I can't really gather my strength or fight other foes if I have to keep running north to protect Marienburg, or as the Empire trying to protect the eastern provinces. I wish the raiding parties were a little weaker at least - more around nine or ten units rather than a full stack.
You don't, it's at the whim of the engine. Sometimes you can get it organised by moving a group of the same unit out of the army and putting them back in so they all get out at the end of the list but it doesn't always work
>men are pussies
>so it's okay for women to be fat

That's not how it works you fucking landwhale.
>i can't read
Nowhere did I say fat you retard, I said muscle.
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Not if you give her the dick so hard she temporarily loses the ability to think though
thanks for the ideas friend :^)
Chaos is fun if you're not a faggot afraid of disbanding units and recruiting them while having negative income.

However there are certain things which should be improved, I think you should get more favor the more cities you personally raze (and thus more income). Since the gods would obviously favor you more the more you destroy. Also maybe a permanent boost to income once Sarthorel is dead since that's the point you become the real everchosen, and maybe the removal of the "horde infighting" debuff as well.
Nah, repeating digits will be claimed by the skaven with their hi-LAR-ious repeating speech pattern.
It's a third eye
>check check my dub dubs

I can see it now.
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Gobbos are pretty good for soaking up bullets!

Fightiness isn't even hard to manage, it is actually fun and makes you play like an orc. It encourages you not to turtle or not

The only time I have ever had the meter drop below 40 is when I newly enlist an army and recruit with it. Even then, just have them fight among each other, you will replenish the loss while garrisoned very quickly. Otherwise, always have your armies either in raiding stance or marching towards a fight. Raid the enemies you're fighting, or just raid desolate territory if you don't want to antagonize anyone. Once you start generating your free armies, you can run around sacking settlements all day for loads 'e money.
Well skinny yes but bones wrapped in skin no
>removal of the "horde infighting" debuff as well
I don't get why people complain about this, it's literally not a problem. The only thing it prevents is camping several hordes together at the end of the turn in order to be to be invincible.
It makes you feel less like an unstoppable tide of doom when you have to space all your hordes out.
The only thing annoying about fightiness meaning you can't keep an army as a garrison, is that from time to time the game spawns savage orc or beastmen stacks deep in your territory. You either need to race an army back from the frontline where you're stomping gits, or try to get a new army recruited before the spawned stack does too much damage. It's annoying.
Actually being unstoppable would be fucking boring though, and you don't even need to space them far away from each other, they can still act together on your own turn. If one want's to be actually unstoppable there's always the option of playing on easy.
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1st Gen Slanns > Nagash > 2nd Gen Slanns > Teclis = Morathi = Lords of Change > Malekith = powerful Vampires, Liches and Elves > Fey Enchantress = powerful Necromancers = Supreme Patriarch
It's just surprising to me - when I play Bretonnia, Mousilion is tough. Not because they're trying to conquer me or anything, but they always form two or three huge stacks of crappy skeles, and you have to manage to crush all of these so they don't take over Bastonne or something like that if you take Mousilion while an army's away.

Kinda wish that Bretonnia suffered a little more from Beastmen attacks or Orc Waaaghs. They all seem to funnel into the Empire.
With how shitty hordes are with the lazy Attila implementation the last thing I want is to be even more passive than you are already forced to be
Can't wait to instantiate the Marius re-forms

I was just thinking about it, and I realized that I dont think ive ever done a defensive siege in Warhammer total war.
The AI just never bothers to attack, they just sit and wait.
but that's my wife
You don't have to be passive unless you have a git gud problem.
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My solution was just to spam boss tents in every settlement. Though rebellions are actually fine source of fightiness. You can have newly recruited or weaker boss stacks just run around smacking them down to generate their free Waaagh! stack and level up.
I just want to feel like the bringer of the end times, man
They do, but it seems they'll build a siege tower for literally every infantry unit in the army first. Takes ages.
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>another fucking VC lord
Its a little disappointing, because defending against all odds is a lot of fun.
They'll really only do it when you don't have anything other than a garrison, or they have better units/numbers even with one.
>get aggressive with any other army and lose an army
well shit lost a dude but whatever

>lose an army as a horde
well there goes my recruiting infrastructure for 80 turns

The game has a terrible horde system, I don't play on baby mode so yes you lose once in a while which as a horde you don't recover from. So you don't be wrecklessly aggressive which is the reason you would want to play those factions to begin with.

Its shit m8
what twitter is that again because that shit is hilarious.
Youre not meant to horde for forever (unless Huns oc) anon.
Most of the horde factions are supposed to settle somewhere. Youre going to lose a bunch of infrastructure when you settle eventually.
Then git gud, install mods or lower the difficulty. Even on very hard battle difficulty I was chewing through the enemy armies by pairing hordes and letting them take turns on leading the way.
>lose an army as a horde
Git gud problem. Permanent hordes are fucking wrecking balls.
>Complain about current goverment and coruption

What? Malekith doesn't complain about shit, he is the figurehead of it. And the Dark Elves would probably hate him more if he wasn't.
The grand-great horned rat squeak-forbids this!
Oh shit nigga
Where do I get me one of those? Need one for Bannerlord.
He believes he is the heir to the throne on Ulthuan and lost it because corruption, familiae
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I'd rather have Bronze Age or Victorian tbqh
>changing waifu
You know nothing of waifu.
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>It encourages you not to turtle or not

Orcish wisdom alright.
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Warhammer m8, you don't settle but they use the Attila horde system, tacked on with infighting WoC is a really unfun campaign for a really fun faction albeit in what is basically an early access version of the faction

But seriously get rid of Attila hordes and house infrastructure outside the armies themselves. Herdstones deep in the woods or chaos fortresses in the Wastes would be far better than Attila's system
Don't be a tard, most SJWs aren't even that weird outside of their opinions on a very small set of things.
If you lose a horde as WoC or Beastmen you're certifiably retarded.
But anon 4chan told me that is how things L I T E R A L L Y are. Why would you guys lie to me? WTF I hate shitposting now.
>Teclis > Morathi = Lords of Change
Teclis on another level, possibly same as 2nd Gen Slaan. Nagash's power fluctuates as well, he grows significantly more powerful in the End Times.
Not sure why clan moulder has the a different emblem, is this from AoS? Seems like Crookback mountain is confirmed for campaign map, Mors will probably start in Skavenblight. Carrion may be a horde? Pestilens will be in Lustria. Looks like the great clans will possibly be research objectives and campaign features rather than factions.

Mors have pretty good stormvermin, it used to be their calling card in seventh edition.
>and lost it because corruption

That was less corruption and more of a soft coup because they were scared he had the KhAInDES. Which they were more or less right about.
Hold on now, I didn't mean all that. You do what you gotta do, if that includes shitposting then so be it.
t. yes
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It's just a snippet from their EGX thing
That's not how he sees it, which was the point I was purveying
One of the best shield block chances in the game
Don't trust anything you read on the internet, faggot.
>tfw you will never have lord sneek touch your butt
why even contemplate existance
>shitposting is the same as truth
plz. no
How badass are them squeakers on the council as individuals?
Thanquol is a pretty badass rat and in his first book he shits himself in terror when he has to face up to the council.
Are they strong individually or are they only anything because of their influence and command?

humans are supposed to be stronger than regular stormvermin. but rats are far more agile.
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>See Emma in the vision trailer
>my heart's face when
influence mostly , but some are pretty strong as individual too
all 10 clans are the table (since the grey seer order , the horned rat and lord paskrit arent clans ) are the most powerfull clans , four of them are the four great clans and the 6 other are bassicly the 6 most powerfull warlord clans , other clans that arent at the table are either :
>too weak or without enough influence
>working and bootlicking bigger clans
Clan Skryre and Moulder basically melt hudnreds of slaves to make an elixir that grants eternal life, and all the council use it. They are incredibly old, wise, cunning and also at the peak of skaven physical fitness and strength. Some have clan benefits as well like powered arms or plague hardened skin or can cast pretty powerful magic. Humans actually aren't stronger than stormvermin statswise, but the strongest human will be stronger than the strongest stormvermin most likely.
They are powerful because of their influence for the most part, the powerful individuals are the guys on the ground, ikit claw and queek headtaker for example aren't on the council but are notable heroes in their own right.
Some of them are pretty dangerous in their own right, some of them aren't, but all of them hold a lot of sway over Skaven society.
>that hair
It's fucking destroyed, dry and dead as all fuck. My waifu needs good hair, something which Emma possesses.
So I'm new to Total War (RTS in general) and I just can't seem to beat normal AI. I just get overwhelmed really easily and never know how to respond to my enemies tactics.
What's the fastest way of getting gud?
Playing the game

Play custom battles over and over again. Maybe just start with two or three units and work your way up until you got it.

And use pause.
just trying to establish some powerlevels for my headcanon. In a fair fight would queek be able to contend with any council members?

Because I remember in his novel queek (probably the most fearless skaven there is) realized he was outmatched hard by Gorfang Rotgut and didn't want to have anything to do with him in a fight.

So if Queek is one of the great rat heroes and cant touch one of da meanest greenies it shows that skaven as individuals are really pretty weak.
>But seriously get rid of Attila hordes and house infrastructure outside the armies themselves. Herdstones deep in the woods or chaos fortresses in the Wastes would be far better than Attila's system
I would really love this. maybe make it so that when they raze a settlement and spaw chaos gates/headstones that's where their infrastructure is. could be really cool

though now thinking about it wouldn't that just be the same as capturing settlements?
actually maybe having it so that they can selectively spawn it based off of ...something?
thats why skaven main tactic is to overwhelm the ennemy with great number of canonfolder and warpstone technology that may or may not explode in their face and use freaky expermients like rat ogres
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Magic may be overpowered when thinking about previous TW titles but coming from the TT the spells are extremely lacking in punch and variety. Grey wizards should be able to teleport units for fuck sake. It's losses like that that are really confusing to me. instead of variety CA chose varations of different spell categories which makes all magic feel too soft and uninteresting. It speaks to their conservative design choices when they first set out to make the game.
what're you on about
His whole design is shit, he needs a frog overhaul asap
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Think of building outposts on the map outside of towns/cities. Why would a beastmen erect a herdstone in a ruined town? Thats not where Beastmen meet up or have their rituals. Thats deep in the woods where no one can get them. Imagine in the Empire provinces where there are so many impassible forest terrains you can plop a herdstone there and retreat to it for replenishment, recruiting, and building more stuff to it with the captives and stuff you stole in razing. In order to wipe out Beastie hordes you have to destroy their hidden herdstones instead of their armies.

For WoC same story with somewhat the outpost system for chaos rifts.
yeah, spells are kinda boring in warhammer, especially since most lores are 90% identical, its map wide shit passive, buff, debuff, vortex, shit AoE spell, another vortex
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I dunno it's pretty inconsistent, in one novel he kills a black orc warboss on a wyvern. I don't think Rotgut got a statline, but Queek is no worse than most generals, better in fact.
it is an rts, shit-for-brains
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be pissed because theyre probably legendary lords or some shit
Well, half of the game is about strategising in real time
Skarsnik > Queek > Beggar Nohammer
The battle part is RTS, and it's clearly that part that he's asking about.
What's the difference between an Emir and a Chieftain? And a Champion and a Sheikh, for that matter?
I want Carpet Bombers

get it?
Technically the battles are RTT, Real Time Tactics, since most of it is about moving your troops around, whereas the strategy part takes place mroe on the campaign map, when you pick what troops to build, where to move your stacks etc..
On the tabletop they were mercenaries that could be hired by just about anyone. They'd probably be heroes.
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are rocks bomber good enough ?
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Wrong, seat 2 is Skrisnik
3 is eshin
4 is mors
8 is pestilens
I don't understand why this image is so cluttered and redundant
Do you treat buff-casters as you would a Grail Relique? Mobile buff platforms. I've gotten a fancy Unicorn for my Foot Enchantress and the urge to have her gore people is overwhelming, but she dies as soon as they tickle her tootsies.
I'm trying to run Rome II but I keep getting an error message which reads "Failed to initialise Steam! Are you running Steam?". I've never had this issue before and so far I've only tried fixing it by deleting all the mod files, but that didn't do anything. Should I just delete it completely and reinstall?
wrong too ,
It's screencap/meme image 101.
They're pretty dangerous - to get a seat on the council you have to fight the current holder of that seat to the death, so every skaven on the council of thirteen can handle themselves. Plus they'll have had their lives extended with dark magic, so will have had longer to learn than most skaven.
But it's not funny or ironic in any sense. It's just gratuitous.
More like:
Nagash's peak > / = 1st generation Slann > 2nd gen Slann > Nagash (when he fought Sigmar) > Teclis = Morathi = Lord of change = Arkhan > Malekith = Mannfred > Liches > Powerful Necromancers > Powerful vampires > Regular Necromancers > Fey enchantress = Pathetic Necromancers > Supreme Patriarch
Yes? And?
Not always, that's just one of the ways to get on there. If you're the Clan Leader and you destroy another clan that's on the council you can claim their seat as well. But generally they know how to fight, or ensure that if they do fight their opponent is bound, blind-folded and has had their arms and legs broken prior to the duel.
i dont know the idea of a daemon prince being defeated by rock dropping pterodactyls is hilarious

especially when you know how powerfull daemon prince tend to be
>just about anyone
I only read a single G&F book but they don't strike me as the kind of guys that would get hired by Chaos or Vampire counts or any evil faction really
never mind, I seem to have found a fix
They have an on-off alliance with a single vampire. Other than that yeah, pretty much any order faction could hire them (with the probably exception of any of the Elven factions, especially WElves)
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>fuck this, i'm out
Dwarf war crimes fucking confirmed.
Legendary heroes don't exist anon
Is it bad form to get a mod which disables enemy agents in Rome 2? I'm tired of dealing with armies of spies poisoning my troops every single turn.
Who is Green Knight and Red Duke?
They need to change some of those spells big time. Multiplayer should be a clusterfuck of weird magical happening IMO. Wizard lords should be the only ones not miscasting and exploding etc. Whole compositions should be built around wizards like the tabletop was.
To add to this, what are some essential mods for Rome 2?
Medieval Kingdoms Campaign yet?
Do it. Agent spam isn't a good gameplay mechanic.
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>no greyseers, eshin, skryre, moulder, or pestilens?
time to kill myself, skaven confirmed ruined.

Red Duke is definitely a Lord in game.
>mentions one campaign mechanic and a lord
keep up the good work kiddo
i lost this battle, fucking op midgets.
Wish my units didn't rout like fags
And your units wish for a better commander.
Hopefully that will mean a mechanic where you're trying to keep your seat on the council vs other clans trying to take it, greyseers, eshin, skryre, moulder and pestilens are practically either mercenaries or merchants
>And your units wish for a better commander.
truly ebin meme
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I never been in this general, but I need to ask something.

I started playing Stainless Steel, and noticed something very off putting. I get messages about historical events.

>Monks in europe drilled a hole into earth.
>This muslim guy died, who was mathematician, philosopher, doctor, poet and politician. And by the way, he did this and this that was miles better then anyone in western europe did at the time.
>Politician in europe signed a paper.

Does this shit do anything? Is there a way to disable it?
I'm sorry, you'll do better next time!
>off putting
where did the history touch you anon?
still this is not all i fought, there was another stack of them coming onto map and they had some ebin unkillable purple units
Did the Byzantine Empire ever have any hope of becoming powerful again after the Muslims took over most of their territory?
what happened?
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get outta here you little green nigger.
Ok because that initial battle setup seemed unlosable. Get more skulkas and squig herds, you need that AP vs. stuntie scum.
Alexios Komnenos proved that comebacks were possible.

he's trying to play a game, not sit through a history seminar.
yes those events that you can completely ignore sure are disturbing
those weren't only enemies, they had reinforcements from Thorgrim with some purple, rare named units
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What's the best way to level up Mel Gibson?
i don't have DLC my good friend
Holy shit I hated warhammer, but bought it anyway because I'm cucked out to CA, and all it took was a unit formation mod to make me kind of enjoy it.
The great clans aren't military powers though, and never conquer territories apart from Pestilens. They just reside in single dens and sell their goods or advise other clans.
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Anal capacity 'bout to get forcibly leveled up by horny horsey.
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Guys i know i am shit in general but how do i win this, wtf are those purple units, fucking stunties
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RoR poorfag.
Unts of Renown, you have your own as Grimgor, the fuck are you even doing if you haven't tries pressing the button next to the unit recruitment one? You get a message every fucking time you level up to unlock some, and at level 10 you'll have unlocked something like eight of them already.
Put your banners on your troops! As for the fight, Orcs vs Dwarfs is tough. Good luck. Give it a try.
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>I don't like history in my historical strategy game
really sparks up the old cerebral cortex
are units of renown DLC? if yes then i don't have dlc
Don't bully Cygor-chan!
>has Grimgor Ironhide
>leveled up his campaign map skills
>not his personal combat skills

You're dead jim. On that note, how do I build an army around wurzzag and do I go completely into his spell tree or focus on army buffs?

Get some. Out-artillerying the dwarfs is the shit.
Army buffs all the way, they make savage orcs fucking insane with crazy melee attack and charge. You'll have enough points left to get the good spells he has, you don't need to spend a lot of points on Wurrzag since he can unlock any spell right from the start, getting the buffs and foot of gork is usually enough. Also make sure to get Bonewood Staff as soon as you can, it gives a global map-wide buff to melee attack for your entire army every time you cast a spell.
>tfw successfully guide a diver to smash straight through a rank of Hammerers
It's not easy to get the low angle right, but when you does, it is fucking sweet.
i understand the regiments of renown anons speak of are not part of the base game?
i only have chaos dlc
Don't worry the AI will still get the DLC so you too can play new games with some variety.
Orc and Dorf RoR are unlocked by King and Warlord, Empire and Vampire RoR are unlocked by Grim and Grave
>AI gets new units to absolutely stomp me
>i get jack shit
t-thanks devs?
beastmen pls go
That's pay to win in a mostly singleplayer game, welcome to 2017 friend
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God damn vampires are hard as empire to beat.
Shinier gits for you to stomp
>Manny fielding a pretty good quality stack
What sorcery is this
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I want to know why the fuck I can't make my lords use different weapon types. Why can't I give an unmounted Lord of the Empire a Halberd? Christ just make them generic equippable items or something.
>those Varghulfs
Why are those units so shit? Not even Isabella's bonuses make them that good.
>That's pay to win
you can mod them out though.
those are vargheists
and you can mod infinite money or anime girls in, what's your point?
Still pay to win
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Some malarkey with the way the mesh is set up. Although you can mod them in so I don't see what is stopping CA.
ayo where these anime girls at
Is Arkhan really on the same powerlevel as Teclis and Morathi?

I'd also put the Fey Enchatress on a similar lvl as Kemmler or Gelt.

Adding Grey Seers is a bit tricky. When everything goes right they're very powerful but it's Warpstone, it can go horribly wrong.
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Time to start a survival campaign as Ostland with the green and chaos tide mods on legendary. Wish me luck anons
As in equiping different weapons changes what weapons they're using, or just outright changing their baseline weapon and switching out their animations to match it?
What are some essential mods for Chaos?

So far i was thinking

Raze and revel
The Uncivilised North

Anything else i need?
good luck
I think CA would have to do that or give us a better toolbox.
You'll want to get hold of the Call Of The Beastmen mod, it makes playing a chaos horde vastly more fun.
This mod?

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>turning Talabheim into my military powerhouse since the AI miraculously went ahead and got started on a blacksmith, stables and barracks before confederation
>massive war with vampires starts
>they send a wagonload of banshee agents to Talabecland; both towns have the shit haunted out of them constantly
>public order is going down the drain but I still have some time
>Chaos agents show up the next turn and drive public order into the dirt
>relief army desperately trying to disengage from the endless tide of undead in the south can't make it to there in time before a vampire rebel army appears, triples in size with four fucking varghulfs and attacks the wall damaged Talabheim
Is this town going to get razed? Rebels like to capture or sack towns, right? Please.
Cant wait for game 3 to drop. co op pestilens and nurgle, mixing up a batch of super aids to spread accross the world.

Any other campaign theme ideas?
Corruption rebels will almost always raze your shit.
They're vampire rebels so if they capture it, it will just ruin everything anyways, you're going to have to go purging arthas.
God I love that fucking helmet
How can I even consider that? There's got to be some other way.
Goddamn you can just click them and make them disappear forever, it's not like you have to read them.

Wouldn't you want to have a sense of how time is progressing in such a game, though? That's arguably the strength of half the Total War games - you start out in the beginning of a timeperiod, and get to play and see how things change by the end of it.
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>it's an 'ambushed when my army does far better upon being ambushed than in a typical battle' episode
You know the banner that adds some armor piercing damage?

Is it better to give that to a unit of cavalry, or a unit of infantry? Which could make most effective use of it?
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My lord the army is waiting for your orders
Any pro tips on tactics for fighting dwarfs as orcs/ skarsnik?
Nah, capacity isn't relevant for a unicorn, it's just magic bro. It's like you've never even read hentai.
Sneaky stabbas for daaays.
That or let somebody else do it

>Which could make most effective use of it?

I go by model count

It adds to the attack of every individual model., meaning that if you have say, a unit of 160 Night Goblins that's +10 damage to every single Night Goblin that's attacking meaning if you have, say, 40 gobbos on the front line all attacking shit you're essentially getting +400 AP damage across that unit at that time.

Compare that to putting it on, say, a unit of 12 trolls, even if every troll is attacking you're only getting at most +120

What's more the trolls already have high individual damage to balance out their low unit count, meaning that where on Gobbos you would increase the damage of each model by like, 50% (More considering that it's AP) on Trolls you would raise it by barely more than 10%

That's not what I said you cumchugging faggot
I find that unless you're totally outnumbered, ambushes are usually quite easy to survive.
Assuming we're still talking about TW here, youve got to be careful with that though, b/c gobbos are a throw away unit. If you put it on the gobbos theyll rout and get mowed down before they can make full use of it.
On the other hand, put it on a reliable important unit and theyll hold their own better.
As to the original question, I would put it on infantry because theyre going to spend their existence in combat, whereas cav will be doing cycle charges and will only be used at key moments.
The unicorn makes this scene perfect

>On the other hand, put it on a reliable important unit and theyll hold their own better.

You do have a point.

The units I like to put it on most of all are Chaos Chosen (the shield version) and Sigmar's Son RoR
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agents were a mistake
>Supreme Spellshield - The Supreme Spellshield absorbs magic and then unleashes the energy back at the foe.
10% magic resistance.

Wouldn't bother doing the quest for this shit.
>a game which has been around longer is pretty close in terms of units sold


They can 1v1 pretty much anything
lose the archers, lose the gobbo riders. Get MORE BOYZ and the MOB'EM.
I loooove agents, anon, dont talk shit.
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Who /EyelinerEmpire/ here?
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new bread?
Fuck the Ptolemys. Egyptaboo genocide best day of my life. Seleucus is truly the inheritor of Alexander's legacy.
this entire province must be purged!

You mean that fag who can't even keep his Eastern ragheads in check?
Wow look at this faggot.
>that I just found
>when u realize that Egyptians were totally okay with ladies in sheer fabric up until the Byzantines/Muslims and their prude practices

It sucks bro.
The Romans proper really didn't approve either but who gives a shit about Egypt really?
I dunno, it is a classic culture and all, everyone knows about it.

I don't have Rome II, and I'm honestly not sure what faction I would play as. Is Bactria an option?
I mean the Romans were content to let Egypt have its own weird scene because they were basically irrelevant.
>what faction I would play as.

But they suffer much more against AP damage than giants do.
>breadbasket that fed much of the burgenoning Roman population

Yeah right

jesus fuck I was wondering where the empire RoR was

Goddamn jews
That things head looks weird, like the eyes are in the wrong place.
the point is they chose some of the more obscure clans over the ones with tabletop units.
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