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/dsg/ - Demon's/Dark Souls General

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Thread replies: 755
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>Tricked the cleric again:

>1.11 patch:

>1.12 patch:

>Ringed City DLC stuff

>Character Planner







>Community & Fanart
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watch gael just be an npc and the second phase be a pus of man enemy
>spoiler image for an OP
well done!
>Artorias of the Abyss. Kalameet's, Chester's and the Sanctuary Guardian's early models were already in the game
Is this true? I don't remember ever seeing them before the DLC launched.
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This thread is now blessed by Gravelord Nito and the Pardoners of Velka.
Given what the WA on his boss weapon is, he'll at very least be friede-tier anime battle
Nth for robbed of alternative Lord of Cinder.

Yep. Chester and Arty even had artwork
I've seen chester's and the sanctuary guardian's, and I remember reading in some really old interview that AotA was about a plotline they'd dropped because they couldn't finish it by the deadline.
>3 bosses, one is npc
>most spells are confirmed shit
>From already pleasing redditors with le epic plume xD and powerstanced greatmemes

At least we expected AoA to be average/shit, but this garbage is a kick in the gut
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How do you feel about the new patch?
We already knew that he was going to be Patches weeks ago when we translated his name. Pretty sure we also already knew from previous leaks that he shared the same VA with Patches.
dlc weapons fc?
DS2 still sucks my friend.
Load up some spares so you can drop them for participants.
>3 bosses
Four bosses, one is a giant. Doesn't drop a soul, but he's still a boss.

You've seen two out of six spells, and both were miracles.

All the weapons look pretty good so far, except maybe for the Aquamarine Dagger.

We still don't know what happens when you give the loli her paint.

You can go home now.
Where can I get the ID's for DLC2's items?
>Chester and Arty even had artwork
I know that they're in the design works, but didn't that come out post-DLC?
>(possible The Ringed City DLC OST)

Why did this guy add this to every cut song title? What a retard.
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You see this? The top one is a character with 7 luck and the bottom is one with 45 luck.

Both were done with a single r1 from a +9 poison infused Rotten Ghru Curved Sword.

My luck build is worthless.
Any webms of the new spells? Wondering how Great Soul Dregs looks.
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Have the dataminers found out why there's two bonfires in Friede's boss room in the trailer yet?
I'll drop some when I get my character up and running, haven't played in ages
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Post your favourite boss from the game. This is mine haha :) I cant wait to fight Gael, I'm really excited for him. Fuck the lore fags xD this is the best FROM game, Demon Souls is 10 years old and looks like shit LOL
What sort of build is Ringed Knight Straight Sword for?
he will repeat his post after some time again dude

Ideal body sliders for maximum slut souls?
People who still think mixed damage is acceptable three games in.
Anyone got Gael's greatsword stats?
You guys just don't understand. Gael isn't a literally who and a complete disappointment as the final boss of the series because he'll have a phase that copies some assets from Manus.
Does the sword strap to the hip like a straight sword or on your back like a great sword?
Because the 2nd DLC has two possible entrances.
The intended entrance is in front of snek in Friede's boss room, and is that second bonfire you see there. The two DLCs are directly linked like that.

The alternate entrance is in the kiln and is for players that didn't buy AoA
>he's a boss but he's not a boss
>so what if 1/3 of the spells are garbage? the rest is surely good
>all the weapons look good besides powerstaced shit, reused content number 5697, useless bow, infinite throwing (reused) knife and whatever
>we still don't know what happens if you do X but it's sure good

It mainly scales with STR but also has D scaling in DEX.
So below 100 it's a strength weapon
At 120 it's quality.
care to post a webm ? p pls
>Fuck the lore fags
>Demon Souls looks like shit LOL
Ironic shitposting doesn't make it any less true.
It's probably like the darksword and gets stored on the back.
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Anyone know the stats on this thing?
>steam deletes my game folder and starts downloading everything
well fuck me
19/13 C/D str/dex
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There are early versions of Kalameet, Chester, and the Sanctuary Guardian, but not Artorias.
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Finally you can frosbite things my love
It's B/D, so primarily strength. 15 dex requirement, though.

It has 20 fire AR, anon. That's just there for the 'sealed by fire' flavour text.
Good stuff. Thanks, anon.

>Stage 1 is a crazed and powered up Gael with a little shit coming out of his back like Gundyr
>Stage 2 is a super powered, unique Pus of Man coming out of his back
>Phase 3We fight a completely unleashed, super powered, and complete Pus of Man, finally seeing what it would look like if it came out, but still incomplete.
>Phase 4 it matures fully into a Dark/Light Angel

Also, anyone notice that Gael is in the vast ash desert, and possibly directly until the focal point of the leaking Sun?
luck is only good for luck mages anyway

the new INT scaling throwing knife thing better be a decent replacement for great farron dart. it'll probably throw that the kukris though and end up being trash

seconding this
Looks like a beat up Executioner's Greatsword
Identical to the normal exec greatsword.
It has the claymore's moveset with a unique WA though.
>tfw I have to beat Friede a second time in order to get into the DLC from the "normal" route

I mean, I was going to do it anyways to get muh flayul, but I'm not good at fighting that boss.
>not using 110 frostbite Vordt's greathammer

You only need two hits.
Anyone else take a performance hit since the patch?
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"Split damage is bad" is a meme. Gargoyle Flame Spear has split damage and it was meta. It varies from weapon to weapon. In the case of the Ringed Knight SS most of the damage comes from physical so the Fire is just there to help in PvE against things like Pus of Man or the Birch Men in AoA. It will still do good damage in PvP.
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>kalameet didn't drop a boss soul, therefore he isn't a boss
>sanctuary guardian's soul didn't make anything, therefore it isn't a boss
>"all the weapons look pretty good so far except for one" suddenly becomes "lel evertyying is shitd lelxd"
>we still don't know what happens if you do X but it's sure bad

You first.
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Zullie can you tell me how to override player animations.
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There are actually several variations of Chester. His black Zwei has a model for the player also.
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27/40 is 504AR.
>multiple phases
This meme needs to die.
>Improved motion of normal attack for Ultra Greatswords, Great Hammers and Curved Great Swords.

They made them faster or... ?
>luck is only good for luck mages anyway
The fuck? I thought using the luck scaling staff was weaker than just plain int.
>it'll probably throw that the kukris though and end up being trash
It doesn't dude! It throws like normal throwing daggers, I just saw a CE wizard showing stuff off ingame just a few minutes ago.
>the focal point

Post staff stats with 60int
I don't think the giant is the boss, I think he simply summons a player and its an old monk scenario.
Multiple phases has been a thing since DS1.
Why do you bother play this game? If you want a nice looking 2 dimensional flashy game, others do it way better than FROM
Is this Anon still here ?
Could you transfer stuff with someone else or do you still need help to do so ?
Sorry it took so long
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Stop being so fast /DSG/.
>I thought using the luck scaling staff was weaker than just plain int

That thing is just a staff with a crazy weapon art, right? Not a weapon that casts spells? Can you post the stats at +5 or whatever it upgrades to?
>The fuck? I thought using the luck scaling staff was weaker than just plain int.
It's is. Luck staff is utter garbage. Will be better if they fix spell power and buffs

>Final boss of the find Dark Souls DLC where Miyazaki said he wanted this to be a big challenge won't have multiple phases, even though all the other known DLC bosses do.

Get over it. The meme is real and we didn't make it up.
Isn't Manus and Orstein/Smough the only one with multiple phases?
So what weapons are now /dex/ and benefit from going sharp 60 instead of 40/40?
>Stop enjoying the game on an additional level REEEEE
Great hammer 1hr1 is way faster at least.
There's a function called SpStayControl in DaS1 Debug. What I did was find that same function in DaS3. It'd be kind of hard to describe how to find it if you're not intimately familiar with the similarities between the games.
The WA has no range. It's 229 Spellbuff at 60.
Then what is the point of a luck mage? Luck is all around worse than everything else now.
I've got somebody else on their way. Thanks anyway though.
Because I like the gameplay. What makes it two dimensional? The lack of pretend lore? Please.
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I'm sorry ;-;
Forgive me
There's no focal point for a point source ya dingus.
Gargoyles, BoC, O&S, and Manus all had more than one phase.

I don't really know what the complaint over multiple phases is. The whole multi-phase thing has been ramping up since DS1 anyway so it's not really exclusive to DS3. Hell, most bosses in BB usually had 2 phases.
>229 Spellbuff at 60.
Woah. I hear this staff buffs dark spells. New one spell
The purpose of luck is to suck.

Bed of Chaos
I was asking for a picture of the stat screen. As in, requirements, scaling, etc. Just INT scaling or both INT and FTH? You know, the things that actually matter.

There is no point of a luck mage, and luck has always been all around worse. The whole reason Man-Grub Staff exists is so your Anri's Straight Sword character can cast Great Heavy Soul Arrow or Snap Freeze.

So, you're thinking of the Murky Longstaff. This one just stabs things with magic chopsticks.
>Of all the Fingers, he alone was embraced by the Abyss.
>For he was human, and ne'er a grub.

Would "???" (I'm assuming from a locust NPC), be referring to Gwyn, Nito, Witch and Daughter, and the furtive pygmy as the fingers?
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No worries. I forgive you, anon.
>Sharp Crow Quills (12 str 40 dex) - 364 AR (down from 389)
The DLC pay-to-win is real. Now that the new DLC2 is coming they made it standard just like other weapons.

>"buy the season pass, goyim, i know you want the upcoming super amazing weapons"
no nigger he's talking about in-game NPCs, that's Leonhard
it is, but you can pair it with anri's and a hollow infused parry tool

the mix ups available are great, staff weapon art for increased spell damage, fire/lighting bundles for anri's as man-grub's luck scaling doesn't affect weapon buffs.

performs very well around SL100-150

going higher than SL120 just opens up more spell variety, but you also have to be wary of the extra VIG and AR people closer to SL150 will have.

I think it's the most satisfying spellsword build available
Rosarias' Fingers anon.
He is talking about Leonhard.

Fingers of Rosaria, you dummy. He's talking about Leonard.

No, that line is specifically about Leonhard. All of the lines are about the people from Firelink Shrine.
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T-thank you
>40 dex
Quills are not even strong
Who's the thumb?
Rosaria's Fingers, my dude
>can't hit 60 fps on ps4 pro
what a piece of shit
So is Great Lance worth using yet? I kind of want to do a build with it.
No shit. You need a better CPU for that, Sony went cheap as always.

You're a joint short bub
It's usable but not great. Still a thousand times better than pre-patch.
should I respec to dex or strength. Should I stick with my quality build?
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>just found out after like 8 playthroughs that dagger serpent men can parry and riposte
Still lookin' for a Prisoner's Chain on pc if anyone would care to donate.
These will probably be good for invasions. almost 600 physical AR at 40/40.
Post yfw the final boss has 15 phases and the final phase is a combination rhythm-bullet hell while you answer cryptic sphinx riddles about the lore before he can succeed in summoning the Bed of Chaos
what is your own opinion?
kinda sexy looking

I'd play it.
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>heavy claymore in 2H on 40 STR has more than 500 AR
what is the point of refined then
any new rings in the dlc?
>Any new RINGS in the RINGED city?
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they changed the Man-serpent Hatchet from being exactly the same statwise as the Battle Axe to being a sharp infused weapon.

here's a smug vampire
The city is in a ring
>you need tons of poise
Looks pretty bad with how the left-hand sword doesn't have some sort of unique carry animation or at least mirrors the right one.
how can ds3 pvp be so shit after ds1 and 2 did it pretty well?

are red phantoms just compeltely fucked now? reduced every stat, estus and no help vs 3 person ganksquads anytime

wheres my fun at come on from
Versality in weapon choice.
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No webms of soul dregs yet?
As much as I adore that moveset, they're too big and wide not to look goofy and more animeish than Frayed sword..
Anyone found a chest that goes with the desert sorceress hood? Alva doesn't work quite as well as in DS2.
What is its AR at 40dex sharp?
40str Heavy I got 443 with it.
forgot to mention

man-grub's soft cap is 45 luck and deals more spell damage than any other staff at 45 intelligence

dunno if anything has changed since I made started using the build, but it still does great post patch
Jesus Christ
>Heavy Exile Greatsword (40 str 18 dex) - 589 AR (up from 482)

I don't remember but I had 40/40 and from refined it was better as sharp than my battle axe. let me check.
>sharp claymore at 40/40 has more AR infused than refined
Quality's still good but between STR and DEX I'd say STR got the better end of the deal with this patch.
I want to prep for the DLC, what weapons are the new hotness?
This moveset looks amazing, but holy fuck the character holds the left one like a fooking SS.
SL 90 invasions are fun as fuck from my experience.
Two handing with 66 + blessed weapon is almost 800 physical AR
The DLC is the new ring anon
I think it's less multiple phases, but rather people don't like completely depleting a boss' health bar, only for it to refill all the way.
Heavy Lothric Knight Greatsword (40 str 18 dex) - 629 AR (up from 572)
with 40 faith Lightning Blade (Canvas Talisman) gets me 800 AR

best hyper mode weapon at the moment? or one of the new maces?
It's basically a token STR weapon of DS3 now.
Suits it way more than overgrown clump of shit from DS2.
Is anyone close to the Lord of Hollows ending? Apparently it has a new song in the credits, but cant confirm
>One met the dark with learning. But in the end, learned his knowledge was wanting.
The world began without knowledge, and without knowledge will it end.
Dost not this ring clear and true?
Fear not, the dark, my friend.
And let the feast begin.




The age of exiles.
It only gets 30 more AR as sharp, and less as refined. So I guess it's good heavy infused. It was just that sharp infused is better than refined.
Any webms of Gael's Greatsword??
>Miyazaki-san what should we do for the final boss of the entire series?
>Just reuse some random NPC from that dlc most people refunded
>it's true
What the fuck, Claymore's one of those weapons that should absolutely be best when Refined.
I'll go confirm it if you can give me an example of what this new song is supposed to be.
The dragon is the one who won't drop a soul because he's a legit dragon.
I liked this patch, since Im no longer locked to 40/40 on almost every weapon anymore. I dont even mind the Exile shitters

Playmore with the (Heavy) Claymore.
I think they intentionally nerfed refined on a lot of particular weapons that weren't intended to be quality
What are the top DEX weapons now?
>no HP
>no armor
>one of them has clutch ring
shit video
The dragon's boss soul has been datamined. He;s a descendant of the everlasting dragons, not one himself.

The boss that doesn't give a boss soul is an old monk-style encounter where you confront a beefed up player invader (or NPC). It's tied to a new covenant.
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>TOH patch in BB massively improved STR with heavy abyssals buff
>TRC patch in DS3 massively improved STR with heavy infusion buff
It's the same situation on the bastard sword. Also, now the claymore is pretty much neck and neck with the bastard sword in terms of AR, even at 99/99 str/dex. Although the AR differences are largely trivial.

They fucked up on how this shit works. Not to mention every elemental infusion, poison and bleed are all still pretty worthless.
>most people refunded

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Not looking at anything else. Did Gold/Silver Tracers make it in? Did Ciaran's set make it in? Did Firekeeper Mask make it in? Thanks for any sincere replies.

Common sense. Nobody would actually pay money for that trash.
battle axe is still the best as refined, so they at least made those two weapons not the same. they had the same exact stats before, but hatchet went through shields and was longer. It's still better now i think.
So now that we know there were Pigmy Lords carrying the Dark Soul, what does that make Manus, was he the Furtive Pigmy after all?
4th boss, g-g-guys?
There's still a patch coming in 27th, probably more stuff is coming.
/v/ my dude
most trustworthy place on here :^)
Come on, Anon.
As far as we know right now, no to all of those. Sorry anon.
Sorry, man. A serpent boss fight would have been pretty hard to design, so we'll get some generic dude in armor that might reuse some Manus assets instead.
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Isn't DLC available for Season Pass holders now?

Or did I misread that from earlier in the week

Hi I was thank but thating me to I am that the same as the same that that the
New katana is here to stay for sure, weapons with sharp S scaling now deal more damage so you could check those out. I'm really enjoying my good old sharp dagger, but I've always enjoyed it so idk.
None of that is being added in the DLC, unless there are things that were left out of this patch.

Kind of weird they didn't shove the tracers in there somewhere when a fully functional version of them has been in the files since release.
Oh, true that. Forgot about the weapons and shit.
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Choose my build for a new playthrough.
Oh, please god no. Seriously?
>probably more stuff is coming
anon... stop doing this to yourself.
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Is it the 4th boss?
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>40 Strength
>2 handed
You so realize the soft cap for scaling is at around 27 instead of 40 if you 2 hand it right??

B-but where the fuck is the conclusion to the series lore?

I want Dark Souls I back
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>tfw wanna start PvPing
>to much of a pussy to queue up for duels or go out for invasions/be invaded
how do i cure this autism
Anyone got a spare Dragonslayer spear
Ds3 on PC

Imo that is the room that comes before Filianore

Thats the judicator
People really liked the painted world in Dark Souls 1, so they'll reuse that for the ending :^)
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Fuck, did they really preloaded all the shit with this patch? Fucking retards.
I couldn't remember if you're supposed to meet patches at firelink tower before or after the encounter at the church

I guessed before and went and grinded and got the tower key, but when I went up the lift patches didn't show up to close the door

I checked back at clensing chapel and siegvart isn't in the well

Did I just fuck up the questline
You're not missing out on anything, don't bother.
I just go into the Undead Match for some quick rounds against people who suck as much as me.
It's fun.



Would be enough if it was a transit NPC Zone
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>got hype as fuck when I saw Blessed was in and Lightning scaled with FAI
>mfw I actually get the game
Please for the love of god from, buff the other infusions. I don't want LKGS to be the only weapon to be semi-usable when Lightning infused.
join aldrich faithful and just do all the spam invasions it gives you until you get rid of your pvp autism
You have to kill the boss of the area and Siegward will be there.
What are you afraid of, that you'll lose? Yeah, you'll lose. Why does that bother you? Everybody dies in dark souls. The point is to have fun doing so.
really? isn't PvP the funnest part of this game?
Can any lorefags discuss the datamined shit?

Very very little info is given, instead FROM decided it was nice to give even more pointless backstory to pointless new characters.
Just do it anon

I had this autism too

It is
Siegward only get stuck in the well after you've opened the big double front doors of the Cathedral, unless I'm mistaken.

Either way, you can invalidade the Cathedral part of the encounter with Patches by reaching the Rosaria area before Siegward and Patches get there. But all that causes is for that sequence is skipped, and you find Patches normally in Firelink instead. Siegward will still be stuck in the well.
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15% AR boost that lasts long enough for a duel in the arena.
How fully functional? I'll just CE them in on a family share account and play till I get banned I guess.
>aldrich faithful
Don't listen him. Aldrich Faithful is pure cancerzone. Worst boring area for invasions.
$$$ that's the reason
Why should they think about implenting actual good lore, when they can Just add generic shit. Easy money
How should I build a character around the dual GS? Anybody have the scaling?
27/40 2H or 40/40 2H, Sharp beats out Refined for Claymore. Refined only wins out over sharp at 40/60 2H by one (1) AR and nobody's going fucking 40/60.

Fuck m8

I hoped at least on this one las fucking Dark Souls dlc of the last game they'd close the story a bit.

So Filianore is Gwynns daughter and the Furtive Pigmy was given a closed-off city

But what about DaS I? What about the sable church? Where is Londor and why is Londor a thing?
Actually this DLC seems to be providing some very interesting material, certainly more interesting and relevant than AoA did. While it does some suspect things, like adding a new daughter to Gwyn for SEEMINGLY NO REASON AT ALL, it fleshes out primeval humanity and its customs, and expands on Kaathe's dialogue aboug Gwyn blurring the origins of Man and its ties to the Dark and the Abyss.

I'd say that, at least from a glance to what we've seen so far, it seems to be on par with AotA on exploring a little known but important part of the lore and letting us know more about it. Unlike the base game introducing completely unrelated concepts like angels and the Profaned Flame and whatnot.
40str, else doesn't matter





>g-guys dark souls 2 actually sold more copies than dark souls 1.. its not even a finished game
>I wonder if we can put one boss in a dlc and sell it for $15?
>Oh my god these fags will buy anything
>Give them a demon, a dragon and GAEL LMAO in the final dlc, they won't dare complain
Exploding heavy curved swords
Heavy Exile Greatsword with Blessed Weapon.
Hits almost 800 pure physical AR.
Wait, hasn't there been a shitposter like this for every dlc since dark souls 2?
Actually pretty solid, I'm impressed.
Not huge obviously, but on a 650 AR weapon that's almost 100 damage. With a good duration that's one of the best buffs in the game.

Is it lost if you change weapons?
Heavy exile GS
Pontiff CS
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>it fleshes out primeval humanity and its customs, and expands on Kaathe's dialogue aboug Gwyn blurring the origins of Man and its ties to the Dark and the Abyss.


They're just normal shitters and corpses like we saw in the Undead Burg.

And what the fuck is up with Yorshka and Filianore being even more daughters of Gwynn. There was only one empty altar in Anor Londo for one statue of one person which we thought was either Gwyndolin or the firstborn
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>this is allowed
>but Sacred Oath is nerfed to uselessness in PVP and costs almost twice as much FP
Just keep twisting the dagger FROM
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anyone know the reqs/stats of the Paired shields?
So, exile can go up to 920 AR?
>Briefly skim through updates, hear exile greatsword got some manner of buff.
>Oh boy, my Sharp Exile Greatsword's gonna get even stronger since it already has A scaling right now!
>Start the game to find that my Dex weaponfu is a Strength weaponfu
>Forgot to fight Alva this cycle, so no Murakumo either.

A-at least I don't need to invest any more points points strength, eh? Curved Greatswords are silly anyway!
I'm not even asking for a boss fight, can I at least fucking meet them again? Clearly they played a large part in Lothric and Kaathe is mentioned by name.
Yet no one said it about Bloodborne and dark souls one, could that be because FROM actually put effort into those games?
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As far as we know we might actually find their corpse. We haven't seen the areas.
>slabbed an exile GS on my pure dex build just a few days ago
>now this
It hurts
From what we've gathered from the Japanese text of Yuria's and that mural in Friede's boss room it would seem that Kaathe and Frampt are dead and were possibly killed by two of the sisters of the sable church, while Yuria tried to carry out Kaathe's last wish, which was the usurpation of the flame.
I bet the locust area will show a skeleton or two.
We don't know much about the Gael fight 2bh.
Yew. It can be infused too and the buff works on spells so it could be good for pyromancy. I don't know how the buff works in PvP though, I assume it's shit.
Considering he's the final boss, uses that awesome weapon art, and the crossbow, alongside with the dark soul, I expect an Artorias tier fight.
You will meet both of them in the final hidden area
Have you not been reading the item descriptions that have been dug up?
For instance we now know for certain that primeval man were actually quite a formidable fighting force, on par with Gwyn's knights themselves. Ringed City Knights wield arms and armor forged and infused with the power of the Dark and the Abyss, and the primeval men actually helped in the fight against the Everlasting Dragons, for which Gwyn apparently gifted them the Ringed City in return, and crowned one of their own as a Lord as well.

But then later on a seal of fire was placed on the entire place, which mirrors the seal of water placed on New Londo to contain the Darkwraiths and the Four Kings. Basically, to quote a different Anon Primeval Men seem to be actually well-adjusted, more stable fighters that have a greater control over the Dark without turning into edgy "I'll eat your soul with my blood red hand" dickwraiths.
What Scythe do pure dex players use? I know fuck all about scythes at this moment. Are they better in 40/40?
>dlc entrance is in friede's boss room in front of the snake statue
>he seriously thinks it has nothing to do with londor
time is convoluted

Sure, I can give you one if you still need it. Would you happen to have any of the Alva armor or Murakumo?
Filianore was abandoned during the very end of the dragon wars, so Anor Londo was probably build AFTER she fucked off, no point on making images of her.

Yorshka COULD be Gwyn's child, but could also just be polite and religious dorkmoon, and she is also a bastard dragon abomination, you aint making statues for that OR gwyndolin. Gwyn only cared for Nameless and Gwynevere, the other two were tools fo his staying in power.

I don't think they'd preload literally everything in a patch before release, that wouldn't make much sense. I could see them pre-loading half of the shit now and the other half on release day. If they pre-loaded everything it would make the DLC susceptible to being hacked and people playing it early.

Though this is Bamco we're talking about, the Japanese emperor of retarded decisions when it comes to spoiling shit.
I JUST FAT ROLLED AND IT'S FASTER? SOEMONE ELSE CHECK THIS. I'm 90% and it feels like das1 med roll
>you need to have purchased and beaten the previous dlc to access the new dlc
Wait so, is the preacher's arm a catalyst? I can't find any useful info on it
So....are we actually gonna get an additional boss if we turn in the pigment? Or is it all crap?
They even announced it too, so I'm sure they knew exactly what they were doing. They didn't preload the map data this time so cheaters can't actually get in, and the patch on the 27th says it'll have the rest of the patch, so we already know we haven't seen everything yet.
Thee's two entrances, one in the first DLC and another at the Kiln.
It can also be accessed at the kiln if you don't have AoA.
It's important to remember that Yorshka refers to Father Gwyn and Sister Gwynevere in the exact same wording as Gwyndolin's pledge in the first game.

It sounds more and more like simply a formal ceremony for the induction of new knights to the ranks of the Darkmoon than actually referring to blood relations. But there's no conclusive evidence either way so far.
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Holy shit, samefag here. It's true. You recover from fat rolls faster now. This is sneaky. Someone tell me I'm not dreaming. This feels good. I'm 90% full havel.
Or she's the secret shame/betrayal he needed to backstab the pygmies.

Yorshaka might be Seath's child, the new chick is a descendant of him and she's in a church full of spear users.
Deleted my main save a while ago for some reason. What would be the best weapons for blitzing through the game to prep a new character for the DLC?

What does the text say?

The mural depicts two hooded figures releasing two white snakes on to some undead
The painter girl is Ariamis.

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Please teach me how to item swap the dlc item i'm stupid
I actually am sensing a difference too I think.
actually now that I think about it this might be the usual. I haven't played in a long time.
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>Sharp Greataxe has more AR than the Heavy version
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ddqhh3LyzwA here's a good video for reference.
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Nobody knows, we don't have all the DLC data yet.
Why would GFS not be a meta weapon anymore? It still has the reach, the only nerf was that it is a little slower now, not a big deal
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>a sharpened blade has more AR than a blunt blade

But they don't take you to the same place, right? I hope the AoA entrance has something extra because if not there would be no reason for it to exist
Doesn't matter.
If he's the final boss FROM is just going to make him needlessly anime and have him jump around everywhere on some cirque du soleil shit.
Any list of weapons that changed to heavy/str and sharp/dex like the exile, rapier, etc?
First, music in the video was on point.
Second, I kinda think it's just a tiny bit faster, but I'm honestly not good at measuring these things. I should leave it to the professionals.
I may have a spare murakumo on my main, let me check, wanna do high wall bonfire, pass dsg?
You only get to fight the hidden boss if you beat DLC2 before killing SoC then go back and finish him with it in your inventory
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Please tell me this isn't true. Fuck that noise.
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>Sharp Greataxe
You're shitting me. What the fuck.
So are Heavy/Sharp builds viable now? Can I finally move away from QUALITY builds for every single one of my characters?
Is Carthus Bloodring worth it?

>But then later on a seal of fire was placed on the entire place, which mirrors the seal of water placed on New Londo to contain the Darkwraiths and the Four Kings.

that's the first flame, right? the undead have been decieved that linking the flames is meant to keep the flame from fading, but it's actually just refreshing the fire seal on their souls.
Are you people retarded? Of course he's making shit up, the patch doesn't have any PvE data.

>are you people retarded
Wait, forgot I was on reddit.
Oh I looked, I don't I'm afraid was certain I killed Alva this run
Still okay to get the spear?

>Crow Quills got nerfed too
This pure Dex build was bliss just a week ago. Now it's just pure suffering.

Sounds good, I'll put my red sign down. My guy's name is Clancy.


painter girl is a daughter of ariamis at best

ariamis, ariandel, and artorias are all ringed city royalty.
Only if you are playing <30% weight and a fast weapon.
After you finish the second phase, the Dark Soul takes possession of SoC and you have to fight the Soul of Disparity to get the hidden ending which permanently returns the world to the Age of Ancients
Looks like it
>STR weapons are better with Sharp infusion
Leave it to From to have the chance to make everything right but fuck everything up again. Jesus Christ.
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what are the best light armors to use during pvp?
Thanks, you can have my Alva set of my main since I don't think I use it for anything and he'll be on the next NG+ soon anyway
After i summon you get your character and I'll out my sign down for the armor
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With the buff, 3 fire rings, and flynns you can get quite a large boost to pyromancy damage.
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When you put that on does it make a splash? How did you get it? Does it have stats?
Non elemental infusions were a mistake
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Sure thing, it's no biggie.
Is there an FC up? Can we start testing this shit out? I'm getting anxiety thinking about the fact that we can finally move back to STR/DEX builds and have to think about building a new character now.
it's the same... I'm sorry
I feel like this very greatly invalidates Fire Whip
Not that it was really of any use outside of DaS2
The Lothric Knight Greatsword is now better Sharp, dex builds can into hyperarmor
That would actually and unironically be the coolest thing. But it will never happen.
I like the idea that something cool would happen if you returned all the Lord Souls to the First Flame.
Also make its boss weapon have a weapon art called the Pain of Ages.
Thanks, will have my sign down in a second
Does that have rolling and running attacks like farron flashsword?
Can anybody give a poor returning anon a link to the latest ce tables?
PCFCBFs are back?
for what? so you can use it in your left hand? are you mad?
Is quality nerfed now or what?
>no bone fist
time to kill myself
There are items and dialogues missing from the datamine, yes?

is undead settlement fucked up for anyone else when you get summoned as a phantom there
We don't know.
We have no way of actually knowing right now.
Just wait until monday.
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>wake up
>this is still real

what a time to be alive
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Could someone post the weapon stats please ?
Just the Splitleaf Greatsword
>tfw the gael boss fight is meant to be a surprise
>tfw data miners ruined it

it's supposed to go like this:

>reach the ruined outskirts
>discover a small, insane man dressed like a king
>"Adaman the hollow king"
>kill him and he turns to dust
>gael appears, extremely upset, there's nothing but ash
>crouches down slowly, gently takes the dark soul from the corpse
>thrusts it into himself, and tells you to slay him, to retrieve the pigment.
>phase 1 is a normal NPC battle, difficult but fair
>phase 2 at 50% hp, he becomes blackflame and gets extremely aggressive with new spells and attacks
>when he dies, he falls to the ground and starts screaming
>limbs start bursting from within him, explodes into a weird ghost-white cross between a pus of man and manus.
>finally kill him, beast retracts, and he falls
>his blood seeps black, which drains towards an ancient stone door
>it opens to a secret final area
>The World's End
>final boss is Avatar of Man, Lord of Darkness
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>soul dregs


Any changes to my dear Sword of Judgement?
In the Japanese text when you kill Yuria she says something to the effect of "I've failed to fulfill your last wish, Kaathe"

As for the mural I've heard it also described as the two hooded figures stabbing the snakes or standing over two beheaded snakes.
At what point does it become better than heavy? will it still outperform 66 str at 40 dex?
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Any tips for a faith build in DS3? I have never tried one out before.
>a mix of npc fight, several phases and reused garbage disguised as fanservice

sounds real to me
What's the best weapon to pseudo-speedrun through base game? Raw ASS?

>enter secret area after the Gael boss fight
>reach the final boss
>it's the true furtive pygmy
>he's not what we expected
>he's the lord of moonlight, illumination of the abyss.
>wields Old Moonlight Greatswordwhich ignores shields like the one from DeS
Are you 12?
>Raw ASS
Raw ASS is always good.
they're pretty straightforward, get the rings, sunlight spear and a catalyst of choice
Canvas Talisman

Stake is fun.
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>You can stunlock as long you have stamina with Painting Guardian's Curved Sword two handed L2

What the fuck? I don't remember this being a thing before?
What legs are those?

I get more damage with 15 str on a heavy ASS than I do with raw ASS. raw is kinda shit now even without any stat investment.
They probably tried to stealth buff the speed of the WA and fucked it right up instead.
Stake. Stake is you're friend
>tfw can't use the dual greatswords because you carry the left one like it weighs nothing
muh autism from why
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I'll check.
It's just the MLGS.
Is Exile CGS the only weapon that now has S scaling when infused heavy/sharp?

I've heard a theory that the Soulfeeder might have been Kaathe, what with the mentions of eating souls of gain power and the "pungent stench". Remember Crestfallen complaining about Fraampt?
What? They didn't even bother to change that?
Well, what kind of ASS do you like?
>make blood rotten ghru spear to screw around in invasions.
>literally nothing but gank squads spamming dried finger

thanks for ruining half the game FROM
check the hilt
Why not?

My best k/d ratios were from one/two shotting people with close range Sunlight Spears + canvas talisman. Never even used a right hand weapon. Good shit. Probably ill roll it again in the future.

30 att + sunlight spear + stake + soothing sunlight and tears of denial sometimes
Faith in DS3 is all about being within melee range of your enemies to maximize damage.
It'll be really lackluster early on. Lightning Spear and Great Lightning Spear are nothing terribly exciting. There are, however, three pillars that make a pure faith run quite enjoyable:

Lightning Stake. After you get it from Smouldering Lake and high enough Faith, you'll be fully capable of destroying bosses using nothing but that. Fighting Gundyr with it was a joke.

Dhory's Gnawing. Get it from Irithyll, and you'll be able to shred the Nameless King's second phase. It's also your best tool for killing enemies at range.

Lightning Blade/Darkmoon Blade. Like the Magic Weapon line of spells for Sorcerers, it basically makes you perfectly capable of beating enemies down to a pulp with a melee weapon so you can save your FP.
>was going to build a wall character purely for the purpose of using the door shields with GMS, and support spells on the side like Snap Freeze, Sacred Oath and Great Heal
>the Faith part of the build is rendered completely worthless by a quality-scaling pike that has no caster requirements
Well, at least this character didn't make it even to High Wall yet, so I can re-roll a better class.

soulfeeder was just a reference to the old one in demon's souls, which gobbled up the souls of every living thing in a 100 mile radius leaving nothing but fog.
no, it's the moonlight sword. there's a difference, which has just been established by this item.
that's literally the darksword hex from ds2
The resurgence of str builds will result in people using slow, heavy weapons so Sunlight Spear is effective at face trading into that for 700+ damage
Try to get a good melee weapon to compliment your build because you have no good means of effectively and consistently doing non-spell chip damage or really chasing people
Switching between Sunlight Stake and Sunlight Spear is effective against people who just want to roll at you a lot. Since they sped up Sunlight Stake, it should also match the speed of Sunlight Spear more closely now, I'd imagine. Pretty much your only good mixup
Avoid Carona
Dont expect to have anything to do until you get to Smoldering Lake. You only get Lightning Spear before that, and its shit, and its halfway to Smoldering Lake anyways. It does no damage.
Also, if you REALLY wanna try and ruin someone's anus, get Ariandel's Whip and buff yourself. Its a, what, 30% buff to miracle damage for 1.5 - 2 mins I believe? Good shit. Kinda ridiculous.
I meant the spell itself. I misunderstood.
So with the implication he's pygmy royalty, and the fact he beat the Soul Eater, and the whole Untended Graves mess, how strong is Ludleth really?
Team battle bros where we @?
Is Ashes any good? Finished this but haven't tried the DLC.
It's nice that they made it chargeable. Most spells should have had that from the getgo
It's the "helm" of one of those bloated knight things. You can get their set.
>bring the painter girl the blood of the dark soul
>she doesn't paint with it
>she consumes it
If you didnt get Sunlight Spear yet dont even try a pure faith build or you will just end up in a fucked up game if you wasted all you reset pale tongues

Especially if you havent beaten Dragonlayer armor

Lightning Spear and Great Lightning Spear are trash, Sunlight + morne ring + ring sun firstborn + sage ring is obligatory
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what are the top tier sharp and heavy weapons now?

There's a heap of lore given, backstory and all

>Pygmies actually fought with the Gods and co. against the Dragons
>The Abyss isn't "bad", and the Pygmies/Humans inhabited it
>Gods put the Curse on the Pygmies/Humans when they realized Humans like the Abyss; they covered it up
Which starting class has the most room/variety on respecs?

he is THE furtive pygmy. his power is through stealth alone, nobody suspects a man with no legs...
It's good but not really packed with content. There's one great boss fight and one good boss fight. The Painted World is a cool place to explore and the enemies are neat. The lore is not horribly interesting.
Deprived, but it's practically never the most optimal class for any one build.

You could just make two characters, one Warrior and one Pyromancer.

Wasn't it more or less confirmed that Manus is the FP?
>be Seathe, primeval stone dragon with a skin condition
>father of all sorceries
>there's now a sorcery older than you

explain this lorebabs
Haven't really found any souls lore all that interesting outside of BB.
it was never confirmed. it's not baseless, but still up to debate
Literally every fucking spell should have that now. They couldve even included mechanics for each sorcery school
>Pyromancy: Charging your pyromancies will "cook" it in your hand, increasing the damage and AoE of the projectile and splash zone, but dealing some damage to you every time it cooks to a new stage. Would upgrade maybe 2 times.
>Sorceries: All spells now charge like youre using Soul Greatsword because waving them above your head and waving it around is retarded. Charging it will increase damage and flight speed of projectiles.
>Miracles: Heals go unaffected. Offensive miracles will gain more initial damage, no extra hitbox damage though, and fly further.
Heh... take that DaS3 fans...
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>Black Blade AR is even worse now
>Still worse with Refined, Sharp or Heavy
kill me I'm actually okay with it because it keeps Black Blade out of the spotlight and I have my weaponfu all to myself
Canvas Talisman and Stake will be your bread and butter until literally the end of the game. Gnaw and its upgraded form are great in PVE. Wolnir's, Lothric Knight Greatsword and Dragonslayer Axe are good.
>make a sorcerer, never tried a magic build before
>only just arrived at the High Wall
>immediately invaded
>he shows up
>he's a sunbro
>in the firelink armour
>with a shield of want
>and a darksword
>I just do the collapse gesture, there's no point in even trying
>he just runs up and R1R1R1
>throws dung pies as he fades out
How is that even fun for him?
No one said the sorcery itself is older than Seath. Only the sword it depicts.
Checkmate, atheists.

Canvas WA for uninterruptible cast
Lightning Stake for 1000+ damage
Morne's and Firstborn rings
the sorcery isn't older than seath, the memory is. sorcery granted the ability to give form to the memory. literally read the description
It doesn't have running or rolling animations.
It wasn't, that's why he shat on you
The memory is older than Seath, not the sorcery itself. The sorcery is simply channeling the memory using souls.
Whats with some faggots here that say no to faith builds?

Fth builds are great, specially when you are trading hits with some Exile/Astora greatsword shitter. With the right items you can 1 shot many players and 2 shot almost all the players of this game. Specially those that are too stupid to go past 33 vit on SL120.

It's got a C if sharp now, friend.
Though we don't know who the FP is, if the dialogue leaks stay true, we are going to meet some of the last sane pygmies who are hiding and running for their lives because Gael is in the process of "eating their dark souls"

Seath had to get the idea of sorcery from somewhere.
Of course. Thanks for checking anyways.
Are casters in this game ez mode or harder than standard quality build? All I've tried is melee but I kinda want to try a paladin or pyromancer build or something. Even if it's just a guy who uses a few spells to enhance swordplay. Really bored and doing my second run where I follow the guide or risk missing half the goddamned NPC quests again.
LS doesn't hit for 1k +

Spear barely hit for more

Primeval Man

Which can mean any of the original Pygmies, really
>my shit build works against retards so that means it's good

I'd say there is a good chance he is, seeing as he is "primeval man", literally spread the Abyss wherever he went, many powerful and villainous beings were born from pieces of his soul, and seems like he might be reborn through Gael if the datamine's right.
>midir confirmed to be older than every single boss in the series
>midir confirmed to be appointed by vallad as the caretaker of this cycle
>at the end, his duty fulfilled, he must be slain just like seath and guyra were

seath the scaleless is a little baby in comparison to midir
i can't wait to see the fight.
Who wants to turn a stack of 99 soul of a great/regular champion into 699? All that's needed is a few minutes of your time and access to cloud saving or a USB drive.

This offer is only available on the Sony PS4â„¢.

It will do over 1000 to Lothric Knights and one shot them with 60 Faith and the 2 boost rings

It's around the same as DSGA WA, which does the same to Lothric Knights
That's most invasions though.
It's like the Dark souls equivalent of the Amygdalan arm but not as smashing.
Pyromancy is pretty good for PvE, and you can get most of the best spells for it before you hit Irithill. You will get enough faith and int to cast most of the support spells from miracles and sorceries, so you will be able to dip into about everything.

Its not great in PvP, unless you are fighting retards.
>Gets corrupted by the Abyss.
>Stays loyal, and never forsakes his duty.
>Possibly murdered Kaathe and Frampthe.

He's a top tier badass thats for sure.
>>midir confirmed to be older than every single boss in the series

He's not older than Gwyn and co., nor Seath.

They seemed to have found a baby dragon after the war with the Everlasting Dragons and raised it
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Go away schlomo
Order of build strength
Carthus Warden Blades > Sorcery > Pyromancy > Quality > Faith in NG+ > Str > Dex
Sorcery is the strongest but its also SO FUCKING BORING because Great Heavy Soul Arrow is literally the most efficient FP/Cast Time/Dmg spell in the game
Fuck its so good but you get zero alternatives all the way up until fucking Profaned Capital, and Soul Spear is hot garbage
You only really struggle on Deacons and Oceiros
That didn't answer anything. How did you get it, stats, etc. Its not included in the armor icons so it must be something like the parasite from ds1. Does it change your kick?
I dont even use a fth char, but i had one months ago and was surprisinly easy to kill people, specially those who want to trade hits. If you think its hard to use an OP sunlight spear + some management maybe thats probably an issue with you
Oh hey want to finish from yesterday
>Carthus Warden Blades

I'm assuming bleed? Thought it was meh in PvE
if his body isn't that old, his spirit is.
he literally has a memory from before this cycle.
Literally can be used to disqualify every single build in this game.
Only retards get hit, amirite?
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there's gonna be 5 bosses

2 more will be revealed in the datamine of the next patch
Definitely. Let's meet at the same place, high wall bonfire, pass is 'dsg'
t. Exile
Standard quality was the eziest of ez modes. Pyromancy is pretty good and actually gets some variety in damage once you get to Irithyll Dungeon, easiest caster to gear up as well.
is sotfs irrelevant? or is there still fun to be had with it?

I am the final boss and whoever beats me (no one has ever beaten me) gets to fuck they're waifu.
In the end, dragon form really was just a piece of shit afterthought. Disappointing.
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hey is this "tournament" going to happen tonight or should I go get wasted
No, it was shit from Day 1.
So Warrior/Pyromancer are the most optimal bases to build off of then? How off would Knight be?
>is sotfs irrelevant?
some people still play it, it seems

>is there still fun to be had with it?
it's ds2, so no
It is by far the most absurdly powerful weapon I've run through the game with. I mean, maybe its weaker now as of the nerfs to Carthus, but I was running 40 dex 40 luck and Hollowed it, so itd probably still perform similarly. The only bosses that arent weak to bleed are Old Demon King and Dragonslayer Armour, and maybe Deacons because its a mob fight and everything dies too fast to really use bleed well.
Everything else pops like a balloon so fast, its pretty silly.
Maybe 1 more boss.

I wonder what happens if you do dlc2 and kill Gael(and so on) before you do dlc1.
Faith in pvp was one of the most fun shit I had in this game. I tried sorceries but im not a fan. Havent tried pyro yet.
No. It's lackluster shit and should be ignored especially in 3. Don't become a pvpfag, anon.
It's an okay copromise between Warrior and Pyromancer, I suppose.
Don't tell me this anon, i am currently in the middle of making a dragon invader. Should I just scratch it?
I want to make a regular melee class that uses sorc/pyro/faith to buff and become fucking super saijin. How can this be done
This is true though, isn't it?
No d3 is amazing when it comes to PVE, but the PVP is garbage.
It's generally like a level or two less efficient than the warrior.
All the footage I've been able to find only shows the standing L1s and WA of the paired UGS

Is there anything of their rolling L1s and running L1s?
>I wonder what happens if you do dlc2 and kill Gael(and so on) before you do dlc1.

it's impossible to skip the gael encounter in the cathedral of the deep; I assume if you actually put the effort in to skip him and go straight to the ringed city you might get locked out of it.
So they just put this in to get people talking about King's Field before they announce a new game in that series, right?
I hope so at least, i'm getting tired of the souls formula as it is currently.
>it's impossible to skip the gael encounter in the cathedral of the deep

It's easy to not talk to him though
Alright, I just have zero desire to finish the sotfs DLC (finished the base game) and am just wondering if I'm casual. There's something about DS2 that just sucks the fun out of the game for me. Could be the clunky movement, could be the fact that random PvP is basically dead. Not sure.
TRC happens in the future, we know this from the iron dragonslayer armor description. If you kill Gael in the future, it won't do shit to him in the present.
>People really think a boss with an entire new pre rendered cutscene made for its intro will just be a standard 1 phase npc duel
I'm assuming 66/10 heavy greatsword to be the best way to use the weapon after the patch yes?
I can't afford the dlc so I think it will be shit.
Also this DLC confirms Gwynevere was indeed the Queen of Lothric and thus the mother of Lorian and Lothric. Real shame we'll never know what the "unspeakable means" entailed, or what happened to Ocelotte
No it isn't, just don't use the cleansing chapel bonfire
nah, it will probably be 28/60 sharp
Demon's Scar has 190 spellbuff at 40/40 compared to the pyro flame's 207.

They moved stuff around enough for it to be worth playing through at least once. Enemy placement is still terrible though.

If you want to use weapon arts then knight is better than warrior and you have one utility slot for stuff like fire surge or something

he travels there alongside you man, to get the pigment. he didnt just exist there for a billion years.


I don't know what they could do to make it interesting to me desu, I have no interest in manus 2


you don't have to refresh the area, he's there by default. it's possible that people who own AoA can only access the DLC through the entrance that appears in the ariandel room.
Doubt it, how else would Gael travel into the future ? Most likely you can't do shit with the Dark Soul until you complete AoA and return with Uncle Gael.
Probably same thing that happens with Friede, they disappear in a puff of smoke but come back in the end like nothing happened.
>fire surge
>at 9/9
what's the point?
What are you going for with it?
Legit well developed character with good strengths and minimized weaknesses designed to handle a variety of situations and give you the best shot at succeeding?
Fuck no, its garbage, there's literally no upside to it and you'd have to be retarded to even consider it after looking at the effects even a little closely.

If you just want to look like an emaciated lizard goat and shout at people for shits and memes then sure.

He was killed in the fight with his dad

They just cut the content of the infanticide stuff
Will Midir finally be the dragon boss fight to trump Kalameet? Will we finally get another okay dragon fight to end the series? Will the ABYSS-ed Dragon beat the Abyssal Dragon?
I'm at 600 of each in my inventory.

So what happens now?

I didnt need or want 600 of these btw.
To be fair, the DLCs are better than the base game, especially the first part of the sunken DLC.
The dlcs are far better than the base game, in fact I would play ds2 just for the dlc and a few main game bosses

the game is vastly different, there are some great mechanics but they're really wasted in it

finishing denial shitters
>get tagged by great farron dart
>run away till time out
>get eliminated due to no losers bracket

Let me drink with you m8
Seriously anyone got a download for the lastest CE table? If Im being retarded and missing something just tell me.
Sinh was already much better than Kalameet, so hopefully Midir is at least equal to him.
but tod shitters will also have at least 2 sources of regen
Are any of the buff miracles or sorceries worth a damn? They don't seem to help out a melee build and I wanted to make a cool hybrid swordsman
I'm pretty sure instead of killing the baby they just imply that ocieros was making the baby noises.

you can still hear the baby cries in his second phase.
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It also does this.
Is level 100 too high for the DLC? I don't have time to get a new character ready.
So two people on reddit said the music in Ursup ending is entirely new. Can anyone check and see, and record it?
I am going in lower than that. Trial by fire m8
Was there more info on Gwynevere? I thought the only thing that mentioned here was the healing projectile description that just mentioned she had disappeared a long time ago and took a swipe at lore fags by saying the people that tried to remember her made up "childish" but sincere stories about her.

Also you can use the sweats and iron flesh
They really went all out in giving pyromancy all the hot shit while leaving sorcery and especially faith in the dust.
Okay, now you back up your save file and I'll summon you under the same password, make sure you drop both stacks 6 times.
I figured hiding behind corners for stupid hosts and slamming them with the giant dragon hands would be fun, and maybe at ~sl70 the buff would actually give some semblance of a justified damage buff, but I guess you're right
So Demons Scar on R1 and Witch's Locks on L1 look very promising. Now I'm stuck on where to put a Parting Flame ( L or R ) and if I should go for Sacred Flame or Lifedrain.
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Plus in the item descriptions it seems like Ocelotte was indeed real, and Gwynevere just sort of banished after he was born. The Lothric family line is a mess but whatever happened involving the "child of dragons" must've been some shit
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>Ringed City DLC isn't even out yet
>Vaati has already ruined it by posting spoilers that are 90% made up bullshit from his head canon

God I hate this guy so much.
Your build is more indicative of whether you'll curbstomp the DLC or not, rather than your SL.

A shitty build of SL 100 is worth a good build at SL 70.

SL 100 is probably fine.
So is the greatlance good now?
can I finally make a tower knight build?
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>Sinh was already much better than Kalameet
that sneeze and boogers at the end tho
I've never watched any of his videos and have no idea what any of his shitty headcanon is. How is it difficult to just not follow any of his content?
What'd he post?
How do I deal with the big black guys in Anor Londo?
>a boss that's only available if you complete the other dlc first

Do people seriously think there won't be more shit like this? There's a third area, and you need to complete both DLCs to get it. Face the facts.
It's just a copypasted WA with lava

That was an awful pun
Thank you booby princess
Ok i uploaded my save to my cloud. Now what
The issue is you get a gaggle of people that go around spitting his head canon as 100% fact so that's what makes it hard to ignore.

He's the reason there's a lot of people that see Velka and Lloyd in every fucking thing.
Gods, every time I make the pact with Yoel and look at my hollowed character I miss the hollow aesthetics from DS1 more. Why couldn't they have given me the big black void for the eyes.
how fucking high does your cringe level have to be to call yourself "akari of sabbath?" fucker invaded me and I crossbowed em to death while they were making gestures
Fuck. I don't have red soap on this guy
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>he hasn't seen Old Moonlight yet
You think they'll let you concede in duals at some point? Why would they leave that out?
Enter the game, put down your summon sign, drop the items, BC out, and then redownload your save from cloud/usb. That is if you want to keep the items. To make it faster, you can return to your world after I summon you and you can get the items from your storage and bring them back

Vig 39-40
Attunement 28-30
Faith 60
Dont level vitality/luck/int and try not to level dex/str if possible

Sunlight Spear + Stake + Soothing Sunlight/Great Heal.

Canvas talisman+10, always use weapon and be at close range

5 estus flasks + 10 ashen estus (always heal by miracle after the pvp, is more efficient)

Morne Ring + Firstborn ring + sage ring

Any weapon for melee, even lightning longsword. Dragonslayer axe with lightning is great

Dont bother with weapon buffs, youll barely use them for main damage dealing
Which game has the worse tracking?
specifically enemy attacks tracking you.
do they have a place in souls combat?

>get locked out of content you paid for because you didn't buy the other DLC
So apparently the only change I can find in katanas is that the second R1 when R1 spamming is a little quicker, but the rest are all about the same speed as before.
It's just lightning bow for sorceries, what's so great about it?
How is it anything different than soul greatsword, besides looking much prettier?
He lived longer, I think that's what he meant.
It's actually difficult. See: >>171985317

And then you get fucks like this: >>171985091 trying to bait you into posting links to his bullshit in order to shill for him.

Fuck Vaati, I've already given him more attention than he deserves by even mentioning his name.
The guy lived to the fucking Apocalypse
There are worse names
>of Sabbath
It drops from an enemy near Rosaria's Bedchamber. How close are you to cathedral of the deep?
>always use the weapon art
The fact that you can charge and release it at will makes it like 1000 times better than soul greatsword and that's not counting the beam
It's just a magic version of that DS2 hex. Yeah it looks nice but it's nothing truly new
Even without Gael and the loli painting it's still three bosses, a covenant, fifteen weapons, six spells, and I forget how many armor sets. It's worth more than AoA, at least.
Ornstein's set has a plume, this is not a drill! ORNSTEIN HAS A PLUME
I asked him to explain what he posted, not actually link his content

Fuck off moron
darkmoon blade isn't worth it?
I have sage bonefire
I vaguely recall 2 having some really irritating instances of enemies jumping in midair then making a 90 degree curve still in midair to be able to hit you.
That look cool as hell whats the damage like at 40/40?


I knew that name was familiar.
Any chance they'll revisit tweaking the game balance some more at some point after the DLC is released?
Anyone still got anything they want webms or fashion pics of?
heard that name before, i think it's some autistic youtuber
fuck off first vaati shill
We can run through the area quick. I'll put my sign down at the cleansing chapel bonfire.
I find it really weird how the ringed city is how the game was actually supposed to end, so much so that it's literally featured in the box art.

so "soul of cinder" was originally going to be what gael is now? were we meant to travel way the fuck down there to find the first flame?
Yeah, he's badass
347 with base dex, 361 with 40.
I read his autistic discussions on reddit and youtube.
He is likely autistic, not even joking about it.
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Not for a pure faith build, since melee damage isnt important

Here is the build I had
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>Gael dies
>Becomes the Soul of Man which is a fusion of everyone who possesed the Dark Soul, like Soul of Cinder

eh it's more like the game was originally designed to take place in the desert enviroment, you can see it in the sky and surroundings in early trailers. you were basically meant to travel from kingdom to kingdom in the desert wasteland that used to be a world.

I really hope we get to see the DaS1 kiln area
most likely, just pray when they nerf the exile sword they don't fuck up the heavy infusion for the rest of us
Have you guys ever tried just to finish DS3 as fast as you can? (without using bugs)
What was your time?
Nah, I think emphasis on "think" that the First Flame is a lost cause, the world is already rotting, now everyone must refuge to the paintings. My guess is that Gael is looking for the Dark Soul because a pigment of it can create a really powerful and massive painting that would last until the real world unfucks itself. Take all of that with a sack of salt, this is pure headcanon.
They need to buff a lot of the uninfusable weapons, tone down the sharp gem slightly. Cherry on top would be buffing elemental infusions and posion/bleed infusions.
Even hitting with the hands, which is basically impossible since they take literally 2 seconds to use and have no reach and make a really noticeable sound, does really sad damage that is totally not worth the effort.
The buff is something at least, but in terms of relative gain/loss they deal more damage to you because of the lack of armor then you do to them because of the buff, and if you want it you should just use the roar anyway because at least it doesn't guarantee they get a free hit or two in every time you try to use it in a fight. Even that is pretty garbage because its slower than DaS1 and 2 in a game that is otherwise faster in every way, the buff is less than half as strong, and it costs even more stamina.

If you want to do ambush shenanigans just use a fully charged ultra weapon 2hr2
that looks like the guy, except he invaded me at sl 96

what I said had nothing to do with gael and his intentions, and 100% to do with the character of gael being cut content, and the character of "Gael" was originally going to be portrayed by what we now know as soul of cinder.
Did you make it to the cleansing chapel yet?
>Canvas talisman+10
Isn't Saint's the best Talisman at 60?
Do you know if the roar will at least insta guard break at that soul level?
Saint's couldn't poisetank a wet noodle and poisetanking is what FAI casting is about.
So how is the Onyx Sword? is it good? What would my build look like for it?
the main reason why I want to make a build around it is because it shares the name with the best sword in one of my favourite games, Dark Alliance

>tfw you can see the desert outside of the kingdom when in high areas
>tfw you get the lord souls and do the ceremony
>there's no warping, a door opens that lets you walk outside of the kingdom and into the desert to reach the flame
>the world is so old that it's reached the point in time where the first flame physically exists in the world like it did in the DaS1 kiln.
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Is faith still shit?

Trying to decide which build I want to go into Ringed City with. Choosing between Str, Pyro, and Bleed, but I have a faith build I put off because I couldn't stand how weak it felt leveling.
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Do not bully the Akari. Her videos are nice, even though I prefer more.. ruthless invaders that want nothing more than the utter elimination of the hosts and everything they stand for.
>can no longer lock on players or see their names

the fuck is going on

What I got from the painter's dialogue is that since she's naming the painting Ash that said painting is going to be an attempt to start the world/universe over and do things right since the world as it is now is completely hopeless.
so the fire damage DOES scale with dex. suck it, other anon who thought i was lying
The poise you get when casting with L2 is easily broken with Saints, since it has the shittiest poise. Not good for trading hits, which is the easiest way to kill players. Sunlight talisman has the highest poise, but it deals too little damage. Canvas has the best balance in damage and poise, you wont be interrupted, even by the R2 of ultra GS weapons.
Canvas is best because you can use it to poisecast which is how you get your damage as faith. Its got enough poise to tank a hit or two of just about anything, but doesnt sacrafice spell power. Yorshka's chime is the best for raw power. Sunlight Talisman is the best for the most poise.
>AoA sold so fucking poorly that From is making you buy it if you want to play the new DLC
I wondered that also. If that was the case and Gael was killed before starting AoA how would one even get there?
god damn I want that zwei
I did some tinkering in mungen's ar calculator and the 66/10 spread on heavy infusion is the best if you want to keep at a lower soul level, unless I'm missing something

why are you quoting me to post theories that have absolutely nothing to do with what I'm trying to say?
Really good weapon choice for pyros
talisman is better than the canvas talisman at 60 u degenerate fuck
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if you're going to use saint's might as well use yorshka's
sry, didn't mean to do that. :(
He's shitposting, there's two entrances for the new DLC. One in the first DLC and one in the base game.
Has that even been updated?
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you can actually see the desert in the first trailers

it honestly looks pretty cool, wonder why they changed it.
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>Velka never
Oh my beloved goddess, I'll never forget you.
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732ar at 66str when buffed.
I was mostly meming considering how the greataxe is better sharp now. But mugen only shows previous patch, it will take a while to update
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Don't bully cute!
Probably, unless they have a greatshield and/or stacked the fuck out of end.
Even most pve shield hiding scrubs seem to learn to dodge it after one go though, so make it count.
Oh, I see now. So TRC is confirmed to be a paid end? Dick move if you ask me.

Anyway, care to elaborate on your thoughts? I think that if TRC is the ending of the game, then SoC is fucking pointless.
Accurate. The kiln bonfire warps you to Dreg Heap and the Small Envoy Banner affords transport to The Ringed City.
I didn't know unfaltering prayer varied.
The only time I tried pure FTH was as a ranged caster, so it wasn't very good.
Now I pretty much only use it for buff/support.
that's the same as exile's greatsword
According to the person she's female. I would still white knight her if it was a him though, I like the videos.
Those are clouds
Because From has one of the worst game development processes in the industry.

It's amazing how they even manage to put out good Souls games when they spend half the development cycle creating and scrapping most of their content and story line.
>someone took off their loincloth next to the statue
I wouldn't sit too close to it, bruv
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t-there's still hope, right?
>white knighting some edgy autistic fuck
aye, was update a couple of hours after the patch dropped
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Anyone have any recommendations for Ultra Greatswords for a pure pyro (40/40)? I'm gonna be 2 handing so don't worry about the str (and also dex) requirements.
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Pure Faith Build with Raw Dragonslayer Axe (always infuse with raw, it has great normal damage + great faith lightning scaling damage)
git a new controller
I saw a webm posted here on /dsg/ earlier where Ledo's Hammer hit for more than 900 damage in a single hit. Probably has high damage modifiers for the WA and such.
sure he is kid
I use it on my pyro it's pretty great and doesn't require much str/dex investment, I still really don't get why the buff is fire and not dark though.
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look in the background man, the game originally took place in the desert from the gael boss fight and the box art.

it's also the exact same environment that the kiln of the first flame is in; a dull brown sky in a world of ashen desert.

I'm assuming pretty confidently that we were going to return to the original kiln of the first flame, ash desert and all. I think it'd be pretty cool if the kiln is where gael went to find the dark soul, and is where you fight him. the flame from the kiln being dead and gone by the time he finds it.
I did 10 invasion just now after not playing for weeks

5 out of those where using infinite health

thats why the player numbers are going down, everyone is cheating
Like, 20 hours ago.
Hey reddit.
All I've noticed is reduced stamp usage and lowered AR (Lothric Knight UGS).

they added the DaS3 dragonslayer armour, which has the exact same plume. I'm sure they realized if they added one but not the other they'd be crucified

on that note, can I get the DaS3 dragonslayer armour without getting banned? I want to cosplay
Resummon me, I BC'd out because I was low on estus
is this velka?

Unless there's something added on release day, a visual reveal like the corpse of the fair lady in the base game, or the purging monument has something to do with her.

Then nope, nothing, she's just a foot note and never had any relevance in the plot outside of some hints, a few items,her pardoners, and the the statue.
Stam usage*
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>we finally get to actually hunt a dragon with all this dragonslayer gear
I can't wait.

>return to the kiln

I unironically hope this happens
I need some rings, if someone can drop havels ring +2, Ring of Favor +2, and Cloranthy +2 for me that would be amazing. I'm at the kiln and the password is rings
>winged helmet
She was never more than a statue to fap to
wow you guys weren't kidding about sharp being OP
Wearing a covenant item in an invasion area doesn't stop others from that covenant from invading you, right?
>tfw no velkas rapier
Crystal sages rapier just doesn't compare.
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I'm rather autistic myself if you couldn't tell by the way I write and my Seath Cuteposting. I don't think it's wrong as long as you're a bit self aware, and Akari makes fun videos that's all I care about. Her commentary is like I said, fun, and even if it's quite chuuni at times it's still nice, it has it's own unique allure.
>people get excited about the refined gem getting nerfed
>all they did was make the sharp gem even better than refined
From definitely knows what they're doing
>sharp being OP
I never thought i would read this. My hopes were over by january.

What a amazing world we live in
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The Sacred Chime of Filianore WA gives you 4hp/s regen for one minute and it stays on you when it's not in one of your hands. It has low spellbuff though and it's AoE so it might heal enemies too.
can somebody please give me some help?
So using cheat engine online does not longer get you banned?
It gave my claymore an A scaling in dex lmao
Does anyone on ps4 have a +5 vordt hammer they'd be willing to drop for me?
>that spell buff
it doesn't, bro. go ham!
People recommend Canvas over basic Talisman because you only lose ~5 spellbuff and gain enough poise through the weapon art to tank almost anything. It's the safer of the two options while being just as good realistically.
Arena is even more cancerous now holy fuck. I've had 2 nice fights, the rest gave me a fucking tumor. Invading a gank squad is less cancer material.
You only get banned if you do certain things. I'm >>171987985 and I've been using the same account for like six months now without being bunned. Don't change your name, don't change your soul count, don't give yourself impossible stats or items, and don't give yourself a lot of items that can't be dropped or farmed.
Thanks i have red soap now. First time ever seeing patches there btw
>every invasion is ganks
>people cheat
>nobody dares to play the game solo anymore
>everyone just disconnects if you are about to win

this is what killed DS PvP in the end, fucking redditors
It was always about dex. It will only ever be about dex. Str fags need not apply.
Are you telling me that my regen luck build gets even better with this?
It goes up to 200 spellbuff at 60fth
It also doesn't heal enemies but it will apply the WA buff to nearby allies.
And it passively increases the AoE of heals and buffs you cast, though it's not clear by how much.
>That 40 STR requirement on Paired Greatswords
Holy shit what a huge fuck you to twinks
I'm invading SL40 and while everything is a gank everyone sucks so much that it doesn't matter.
Good, we should go back to the high wall bonfire so you don't get invaded while being summoned. Go there before backing up your save so you don't have to warp everytime.

It would be funny if it turned out that in-lore Velka isn't even real and was just some red herring the gods put out to keep people from disrupting their plans.
>lothric knight sword is better on heavy
>claymore is better on sharp
Is this true? If so this patch is retarded.
whenever I played solo for invaders they either run away or got destroyed laughably. They also try to heal when I have more estus even if I don't heal first.

But yeah the cheating and disconnects are bad. I like invading gankers, but I understand that it could be a less host sided.
Fuck your quality build.
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massive spoilers here

this is the arena of the gael boss fight

look at it carefully, it's the ashen ruins of the ringed city, specifically filianore's tower in the sky

yes, we actually travel even fucking further forward in time which means that the first flame from the DaS3 ending doesn't need to be considered for anything they choose to do here like let us finally reach the original DaS1 kiln in a secret area patched in at release, that will give us the new ending with the new music they added
wish blessed weapon didn't look dumb af, I can't do that to my guts cosplay
Yeah, I think youre right

Canvas has more poise than Regular Talisman? Confirmed?
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Repeating Crossbow.webm
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Sasuga fromsoft.

This shoots 10 bolts.
>equip knights ring
>start deprived
>dump 25 into str
So the minimum sl needed is 26 which sounds like twink territory to me. Upper twink but still.
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>tfw to autistic to make my claymore into a dex weapon
It's better sharp without going quality.
>tfw destroying invaders solo with my lucerne, making them chug all their estus while I don't have to sip once
holy shit ban assault crossbows am i right

that shit's gonna be used by school shooter roleplayers we can't have that
Should I go with STR/FAI, DEX/FAI or QUAL/FAI for my faith hybrid build based on weapons in game and in the upcoming DLC?
I don't care about that, but the lothric knight sword is clearly a dex weapon and claymore strength. >>171988542



this also seems to imply that filianore somehow transports you to the end of time which means that the old monk boss fight is mandatory

Paired weapons don't work that way you double hollow
it's hilarious how you just chill while they keep coming back to try again only to get btfo

and they keep moving around really fast for some reason
Claymore was always quality leaning dex
>base 10 str
>5 from ring
>25 from level up
>40 str
What's the problem? Or did you misread my post and think that I was referring to the 1.5x multiplier for str when 2 handing non paired weapons?
In other Faith related news
Lightning Stake is now super close to Sunlight Spear in cast time
So now you can mixup better if your enemy is a roll spamming idiot, which means its good in invasions
Also Lightning Arrow does 302 damage vs Sunlight Spear's ~530 damage at range with 60 fth Yorshka's Chime on NG Sword Master

I really appreciate the laughing sound, it lets me know when something is nerfed so I dont have to watch through 8 minutes of that shit.
Might be that the only way that the Gwyn and Co sealed away the Dark Soul is to fling it so far forward in time that literally everything else is gone, but it has been sealed away for so long that it's original hosts has long dried up, forcing Gael to consume it.

Filianore was sleeping on the gate to it the entire time.

Yeah, my bad

but you're still a double hollow
Heavy gives me more AR than sharp atm.
I'm SL80 with 30/32
For the claymore that is.
Uh I just picked up gael's greatsword from an invader, will I be DING DONG BANNU? or am I good?
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After this can you drop me a few sets of

Chloranthy 2
Sage 2
Undeads true and white
Life 3

Sun princess ring
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Where were you when Fromsoft saved DSIII? I've already had frostbite applied to me from vordt's hammer.

Also post ember screens and tell us what SL its at, this way people who want to make low sl invaders can know where they should stop levelling for their desired area. Pic related is SL 30 +3.

As an aside, does anyone know if there is a way to change what server you are on? does it get "applied" when you start playing with that character and can relogin to change it? or is it a per character basis and you're screwed anyway? I can confirm that one SL 125 I have has a different number of players than the other ones, haven't tested if the latter is true tho.
Is it just me or does this look really annoying to fight?
>taking Dark Souls PvP seriously
>le redditors guys!
You have to go back
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Yeah well you're a double ghru!

Speaking of ghrus, why are the ones in smouldering lake embered?
Ok so I killed the Heide's knight at Sinner's Rise that was supposed to have 100% chance of dropping the spear, but he didn't drop shit. He died falling into water so maybe that's why? I rested at a bonfire and came back but there was no item. What do?
1 More time should do it.
Nobody's ever done full video testing for definitive proof because they're lazy niggers and it requires time but the general consensus is that Canvas is a slightly weaker but safer Talisman. IIRC people would get knocked out of poisecasting with ~3 SS R1s for the regular Talisman but that was also months ago. The ~5 spellbuff difference realistically isn't going to cost or gain you a kill but getting knocked out of your cast by a gank probably will.
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>invalidating an indisputable point because "hurr its uploaded by someone"
kys mang
Sure, I'll back up my save real quick
Are you at +10?

Shouldn't be the case
Daaayum son
Learning something everyday
Standard-bearer co-op support build here I come
It's +10.
Does anyone know how to access the DLC when it's released?
Kiln, there is a second bonfire that you use to warp to the dreg heap
As much as I love 3 I hope the next successor is more quiet like demon souls.

it could also be that the first flame was a scheme to suppress and collect all the shards of the dark soul together so it could be sealed off forever, leaving the world in perpetual twilight as the abyss could no longer exist without the disparity of the dark soul. essentially, Gwyn's plan actually succeeded, the age of "fire" was saved, but the world became a desolate wasteland of ash and ruins.
Well his crow quills video was full of shit 2bh.
Yes, you get it when the DLC releases
Yeah you need to head to where you find the antiquated dress.
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I don't know what to do with my SL 200 character after this patch

>Quality for Twinblades + Rouge (this was nerfed, I dunno if it is still the best)
>Str/Fth for Exile or Millwood Axe + LB / DMB
>Dex build for ?
>a video showing literal proof before coming to a verdict
>"well his opinion was wrong that one time"
good lord
>demon souls.
console-only pixel shitfest?
>that plume
>those mountains
is this velka?

I forgot the last part

this means that the entirety of the dark soul exists, sealed, at the end of time, and all gael needs to do is collect it and the last few remaining shards from pygmy lords.
Inferno please.
you can literally do every build with SL200 at once.

I dunno anything about this uploader, but the laughs are stupid and distracting
I would have thought that was the plan of the Dark Soul trying to collect itself but yeah, if the Dark Soul is finally completed by Gael, he better be the most OP/Epic bossfight in the series. Too bad we don't get any of the coolshit that he could potentially do and just his NPC form weapons though.
I prefer to go 60/60 into one build than everything 40
>you will never kill Velka
It hurts, bros
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how disappointing

dlc2 is literally smaller than ashes of ariandel.

the 7gbs we downloaded today is the whole dlc isn't it? there is no chance that there will be more to it is there?
How many times?
Hey inferno, can you give a shoutout to the great State of Mato Grosso do Sul in Brazil

My wife's boyfriend loves your videos man

>hasn't even played the DLC yet
>wow it's so fucking short what the hell FROM?

Just stop.
>dlc2 is literally smaller than ashes of ariandel.
there's no way this can be true
AoA takes like 20 minutes to do on a second run
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I'd buy it DESU, it certainly looks the part. an entire world, nothing but ash.

if we don't get to go to the kiln I'll be mildly butthurt
This is literal autism.
>smaller than AoA
Are you retarded?
Did they lower the active frames on Dark Sword?
I'm sure this has been asked a million times already but what are the little tally markers or whatever for?
So we have to wait for full release before giving the pigment to the painter cunt right?
That's where the "snake soul" probably is?
It's literal bait and the sooner all of you ignore these types of posts the better this general will be.

>they nerfed the UGS
No wait fuck I can't get over this this can't be fucking real
Read the tooltip at the bottom of the screen
Thanks a lot. Maybe just one more set and im set

tfw secret ending unlocks permadeath mode that takes place entirely within the ashen hellscape
hi guys i havent played ds3 since i beat it after release

is spell casting (specifically miracles) viable yet
any of you fags come help me with ocerios? im at the fog gate password dsg
Which is true?
I just came here to tell you that whoever beat the Abyss Watchers using a shield basically cheated on the hardest boss in DS3.

Congratulations, you're a massive faggot and cheesed the hardest bossfight.

Neck yourself.

Starting my Personal X-Station 420.
r u kidding me fag

faith is op in pvp
Ok my sign is down dont see nothing
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please respond
Only Pyromancy. Miracles are the worst spell class. Sorcery is meh.

Which system, faggot?

Why don't you just look at the leaks and find out?
cool, anyone have an idea of how they quantify?
>abyss watchers
>hard, even without a shield

i am guessing this is your first time playing.
ok im sorry for not knowing the meta of a game i dont play
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Bleedfag here.

We pyros now.
Especially in Invasions it's fun. Idiots will never figure out Talisman hyperarmor casts.
>he thinks Abyss Watchers is hard
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protip: you bring the painter girl to the end of time, and she paints it there
Because I don't wan to spoil myself more than I have to. I just want to be able to go straight to it when it's released.
places where there are embered hosts (aka lots of people to invade=more tally marks) hence why I suggested people with low to mid level builds post screencaps with stats to aid people in making builds without overlevelling
ps4 soz im an ass
Whats the stats and max upgrade on the halberd of the mad king? That might be my weaponfu
Champion Gundyr is the hardest one, because if you are rolling+shield you are basically cheating also
>Abyss Watchers
>The no-poise Stagger Losers

Git gud casul

It's the kiln.
New bonfire is right next to the one before SoC.
If you want to buff DMB go DEX/FAI
STR weps are garbage for pvp unless you're playing against complete idiots.
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>lol here is less gear than AoA and TWO WHOLE NEW ARENA MAPS!
>hurr you haven't even played the pve yet it will totally make up for it!
No problem familia.
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look at all that shit on his back, giga-niga avatar of man confirmed.

go away
Man a lot of bait out tonight
Youre getting a lot of (You)s anon
Who the heck is abaddon!?!
The age of fire is over

it hurts bros
he has a point you know :/
I remember this meme
I wish I'd find the original post in archive.
Thanks, bud.
Does anyone else have this problem in DaS3 where it's not possible to change the current item with the dpad? The dpad works in other menus just not for the items.
>quoting me when I had literally nothing to do with that shit
is this thread velka?
where is this from?
The Warleader of the Black Legion and defacto champion of Chaos Undivided.
Generally known as armless because he failed 13 Black Crusades in succession.
Although he did fuck Cadia up which sadly resulted in the death of CREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEED!
TRC launch trailer
>The nerf to the Carthus Curved Sword apparently effects all curved swords.

Wrong again wew.
thanks for the input fags ilu

probably going to start playing again soon
I just clicked on a random post to open up reply box
It's Kriemhild's abyss, after the demon of feces fight.
When is the DLC going to release in EST?
Me too
he just tested the sabre and maybe the falchion
>apparently effects all curved swords

This is still wrong.
ty gilded raiko. you are awesome.
That's Tidus' laugh kid.
>try to load up a save I keep online
>failed to load data
what the fuck from

There probably wasn't that much going on at TRC considering it's meant to be sealed away/hidden

Midir was obviously the watchdog
What's the matter, don't like all the REEEEEEEEEE Miyazaki introduced into the series from Bloodborne?
Is the dlc out?
How do I access the ringed city?
>tfw no 2ugs

zullie pls help
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