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/poeg/ - Path of Exile General

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Thread replies: 805
Thread images: 158

Challenging challenges Edition

>2.6: Legacy
>3.0: the Fall of Oriath
>Offline Skilltree Planner
>Offline Build Planner
>Helpful links
>join the military

I had no idea there were paid bootlicker shills on 4chan.
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>playing 2H AW build
>get a wings of entropy drop
>turns out out it scaled with 2H nodes as well as dual wielding
>literally double the DPS of my last mace
Thanks, RNG
first for SSF HC is a dead league
>"haha what is this guy even TALKING about ziggy? kissing you? haha that would be super weird, right? the internet is just crazy"
>"yeah ziz, haha super weird whats up with this crazy dudes on the internet!!"
>"yeah like if i just kissed you like this haha"
>ziz kisses ziggy
>"yeah haha that was pretty weird man but you know what would be even weirder? if i kissed you back and slipped you some tongue haha that would be super weird. who would even think about doing that? hahaha, you guys are nuts"
>ziggy slips ziz tongue
>"haha yeah this is so totally weird i mean who even does this? hahaa"
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it may be a dead league but it's MY league
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How many exalts do you need to buy a bf ?
I killed hydra with tarke's tornado shot build

it's poison based vs poison immune boss but still works good as league starter would recommend
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>that potato
>still playing this console game
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Post poor. Level 80.
You're lazy in game and in real life.
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tfw literally got messaged within 5 seconds of sticking this in my Stash and got 3C for it.

Feels good.
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spent a lot of exalts on gear sadly, deaths opus early game is cancer to buy
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not too poor compared to you but still poor compared to some of the other niggas i seen postin in here

i've got an Ethereal card waiting to be sold too, though
but they're dropping in price now
we'll see
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get the fuck out
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anyone know how stun mechanics work in this game? trying to do a stun build with tidebreaker for fun. is there diminishing returns on lowered enemy stun threshold or is more always better?
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(I'm SSF btw)
>anyone know how this mechanic works?
yeah, wiki does
Daily reminder that is unacceptable for Vorici to still have "leave target in low life", "don't kill all guards" and "open chest without killing" missions
dude just carry around level 1 fireball for those like cmon
who the fuck bots in SSF
stop using unethical builds
>tfw you take the gamble and ridiculously lowball someone who has a gg rare listed with no price and it doens't pay off

fug :D
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all those exalts were found legitimately
havent touch POE in years, is GGG still strict with POE hud?
Is summoner or SRS unethical?
the wiki isn't very clear. I'm retarded :)
>raiz has fused TWO 6Ls in SSF
all it takes is skill, right
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currency flipping?
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>poe trade being slow
>lowered my price by 10c on most items hours ago because I need money
>people whispering me N O W for old price
tfw ur game is reliant on a 3rd party website that can go down at any time
literally just playing the game a lot
I also have like 15ex in gear
>find 2 ancient reliquary keys today
>combined value of drops from them less than 5c
>could have geared up significantly if I just sold them
most of those relics are actually dog shit or even worse than their current versions

you took a gamble and lost, don't cry about it bub
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does Contagion even count as a hit and trigger Essence of Delirium?
how do I craft this regalia I got

has 159% es, 41% fire, 17% stun and block recovery
Contagion never hits
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no dot ever does you stupid butt
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I throw a few fusings on there to get links for scorching ray and I get this shit.
Just found a Voltaxic Rift.
Of course it's worthless, but are there still any viables build i could do with it?
Also, what's the strongest build right now? Still HoWa?
slam it
Answer me pls
>Voltaxic Rift is worthless
clueless shitter hour?
>tfw new player with basic storage

What the actual fuck am I supposed to do with this
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How do some people make it to level 100?

I play until maybe 85 and then i am so fucking bored i just dont want to continue and keep making new builds, half of those i abandon while leveling
when that happens, unless i'm sure of the value, I generally feel like I'm getting scalped
military grade autism and they're probably not as retarded as you lmao
pay to win
there's a lot of min-maxing you can do 90-95 so that part is still fun because there's still a lot of room for your character to grow

95+ is pure autism tier though, at this point all your gear is maxed out, you probably have a level 3 empower and 21 gems and it's all about grinding shit maps for an arbitrary +5 level

i crafted res and tried to go for that es roll exalt, got 10% cold res
dont rly care cuz it's 5 linked and like 500 es so it will sell for about 50c anyway and maybe more if someone bothers to uncraft the res and put es on it so its even more
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this plus unethical clear speed to make it only grindy past 90ish
Last season I accidentally got my magic find character to 98
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>thinking you're gonna get 50c for 500 es piece of shit
Catshitter: fucking dumb as always
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then why is contagion supposed a good leveling skill? it takes like 5-8 seconds to kill anything on dried lake
>why is contagion supposed a good leveling skill?
it isn't.
contagion + ED is considered a good way to level.
audiobooks and podcasts bro
because apparently you're using it without essence drain
yeah contagion + ed is very strong, but after watching mathil's ED build video i assumed contagion would be very strong on its own until lvl 80+
Ah, I'm playing Frost Blades on CI Assassin with a 4L and I can't get the right colors and I'm poor.
>tfw still only a 3L +2 scepter with rest trash gear
FeelsBadMan. I seriously need a searing touch but with ssf all I have is shitty rng
is SRS still good budget build
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does anyone want to play ssf hc with me...
>does anyone want to play ssf hc with me...
Do you know what the fuck SSF means?
What kind of build can flameblast transition into?

Level 79 right now not feeling it anymore
you can go fireball
fireball is insane
as soon as I switched over from SSF out of desperation i got an essence of horror. felt bad
meh did that last league, needs quite some insane gear to get actually good. i had a doryani and even then, it kinda sucked especially on singletarget

its a fun dried lake farmer, but less than mediocre for t10+ maps
That Sucks. I just need some rng to gear up and my scorching ray should be fine. 40% mom is pretty nice, but weak without decent gear
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Could this have any value if I crafted AS on it?

Why this autist play only standard?
yeah, like 1 or 2c as a leveling weapon
It costs 1c right now.

Snap. It costs 2C to craft AS on it. I guess I'll just leave it like that and hope someone pays 1C for it.
is it even five linked at least?
it's just that nobody is going to pay over 1c for it when there's other options with similar dps for that price, and not to mention it'll be replaced in 10 levels with solid 60+ uniques
no, don't care enough about it.
the most expensive on poe.trade right now are 3c, but none of them are even 4L
r e t a r d
Alright, i'm gonna start a new build soon.
What's the strongest one right now?
It should also be able to survive really bad fps drops.
its funny because it makes the build actually worse, by making the ray cost too much mana
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>mfw wearing two ming's hearts
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>got both empower and enhance on SSF HC
>too scared to use them
>What's the strongest one right now?
>It should also be able to survive really bad fps drops.
Those two are mutually exclusive, if it's A, probably HoWaA but you might not have the currency to gear it up properly, it's if B probably an Aegis/Surrender Glad
same. i never use my valuable items on HC, i only sell them and play budged builds, quit 2 weeks later

going on for 3 years so far
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200 Jeweller's in and I can't for the fuck of me 6 soc this.
eh i can cast it without any issues. I just wish it would have happened with my chest instead.
Am I missing something or is this talisman shit just garbage?
HoWA ST or poison scourge blade flurry?
so what's the best support to put on that badboy then? Chain? Fork?
this league is fucking trash
legit worse than talisman and bloodlines
how do you manage to fuck it up this badly are you kidding me
>just garbage


imagine 3 monts of nothing but that shit, sure was fun
what's the problem exactly?
i'm doing poison scourge so back the fuck off
these scourge claws are expensive as hell
i dont need extra competition
Bored of Flameblast and my Blade Vortex witch also sucks ass

recommend fun, quick new build

emphasis on quick, must clear really fast but cant go over 30c budged
I spent 800 jews on a chest without getting a 6s
I actually wanted to kill myself
So you want me to go tell Ziz to make a scourge build next so that every faggot that watches him wants to make one raising the price to infinity and beyond?
relic keys are impossible to find and 70%+ of the drops there is actually garbage
stones are corrupted so you cant modify them instead of making them flask-like
most of the leaguestones are bad (1 box, 1 essence, 1 coin,..)
its just so bad
>Aegis/Surrender Glad

I'm a shitter, please elaborate.
delicious salt


pls gib me more of your salt

sooo mad lmao scrubcore shitter
when upgrading talismans, do the 5 i place into the altar need to be the same talisman type or can they be a mix?
>Make poison bladefall trap build
>Melts everything solo
>Join big party
>Can't keep up, need multiple traps just to kill 1 group of enemies, group moving too quickly for trap cooldown

Whelp it's about time to make another build.
What's fun?
I have uniques for totems ( soul mantle ), but then I'd feel the need to go full pizza sticks and that's just boring.
Is Bronn's Lithe good enough to warrant making a cyclone build? I've made one before when I had carcass jack drop for me. Is Jack just better than Lithe because I don't really see it talked about anywhere despite being worth a couple of chaos
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Fuck this Encounter requirement yo
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/poeg/ is strictly for elite HC SSF players

NO regular league players allowed
they HAVE to be a mix of different types but same tier
shit thanks
hello reddo
Spectres summoner ci

Bones ullr, vis mortis, clayshaper, umbilicus, chalice, atziri flask

Get a 5 link on vis mortis and link fire golem + spectre + increased cast speed + gmp + spell echo

Grab sentinels and go.

Clears up to tier 13 with no problem barring some map mods.

Can be upgraded but it get expensive from there.
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>9k life
>still die in .5 second to ed/contagion exile in single damage mod red map
Kinda. They nerfed diviner scouting they can only spawn im maps now.

Havnt seen any hot crosses buns though.
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Heads up boys, poesmoother has updated, now I can play without melting on my cpu.
stopped reading there, literally cant be bothered to deal with spectres
>playing altf4core
>playing using imaginary rules to make yourself feel better
sure smells like autism in here
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>giving a shit if your build contributes to the party instead of just leeching the easy exp/maps/drops
>managing to fuck up a bf trapper so bad it does shit damage in parties in the first place
>considering Bronn's to be anything but vendor trash except in extremely niche shield charge builds
Gladiator that grabs Versatile Combatant to apply 100% of Block to Spell Block. He then uses either The Surrender or Aegis Aurora to regain copious amounts of life or energy shield, respectively, each time he blocks. By getting to 75% block rate (or 78% with The Anvil) he becomes as close to immortal as is possible.

With things like legacy Bring of Rain and The Red Nightmare, the character can become even more excellent by free up nodes for damage that were previous dedicated to Block rate, although we're looking at dozens of Exalted Orbs being invested at that point.

Due to the amount of pathing required for block nodes, and the amount of generic stat nodes you take along the way, I think a good case could be made for combining Geofri's Sanctuary and Shaper's Touch with Aegis Aurora to crank your ES up and have an impressive EHP pile. Especially since this approach precludes you from using BoR, so that much more pathing will be necessary. On the other hand, that frees your head slot for something like The Formless Inferno, or a pile of resists.
Creat ssf charachters and transfer all for unlimites remove only tabs.
for what purpose?

ssf isn't imaginary anymore
fuck it i'm doing storm call inquisitor

I have no idea what to do with my build, so it's Reave right now. It works fine.
Reminder that double dipping is unethical.
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It seems fine until you switch to an unethical skill and realize how much time and effort you wasted on shit like reave. Even cleave is better than reave at this point.
You'll be fine. I played up until essence without putting any money into the game.

Your life will be a lot smoother with the currency & premium stash tabs though.

I Switched from Cleave to Reave actually, I thought the AoE was better and I'm 1-handed so I assumed Cleave wasn't worth it,
Who is the biggest shitposter in global 1?
>ssf isn't imaginary anymore
>you can opt out at any time
it's still imaginary
>giving a shit if your build contributes to the party instead of just leeching the easy exp/maps/drops>giving a shit if your build contributes to the party instead of just leeching the easy exp/maps/drops
Well yeah, I wouldn't want to be a shitter leech
>managing to fuck up a bf trapper so bad it does shit damage in parties in the first place
I didn't fuck it up, it still kills thing faster than everyone else. The trap cooldown is the problem.
>considering Bronn's to be anything but vendor trash except in extremely niche shield charge builds
That's all you had to say. thanks. Shield charge build here I come
>It's vendor trash
Jesus fuck why is every single unique I get vendor trash. Not a single one I have got to drop is worth more than 2 chaos. Are uniques actually worth something strictly in late game/maps?
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This league I'm getting my first headhunter poeg
at which point you're no longer counted as ssf. this seems pretty straightforward
you could've saved yourself the trouble by using one trap at a time on trash and only blowing your entire load on bosses. also if you're the one killing things faster then everyone else, then why is it that you're the one struggling to keep pace?
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how many excuses can you make dude lmao?

playing hc ssf is easy bro like just click the button and then you won't have to make excuses anymore
>also if you're the one killing things faster then everyone else, then why is it that you're the one struggling to keep pace?
Gotta go fast, and traps have a cooldown
Guys help, I have a decision to make and I'm too stupid to make it on my own.
I'm building an Ice Crash Champion in SSF and I have the choice between:
- Travel to the ranger nodes for 90% cold conversion and link a Cold Pen gem into my setup, at the expense of about 9 dex nodes which do fuckall for me
- Replace the Cold Pen with a PTL and have about 18 skill points to spare, at the expense of penetration on my Ice Crash
only get the cold nodes if you plan to run hatred+hoa+added fire+WED, which you should because ice crash already converts some phys dmg to ele
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wonder what i could get for this
Dumb catposter
a fusing, maybe
i died on purpose
They don't die until high red maps. Other then that it takes like 2 mins to go to eternal and get sentinels. I cleared t11 maps with the eternal ones all the time you only need the higher level ones when you start doing higher reds.
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does anyone know a good EQ build? do i go juggernaut?
>does anyone know a good EQ build? do i go juggernaut?

I'm doing Jugg EQ and it feels great. Maohri until I can save up enough to get a Disfavour. Gonna hope for some Death's Door boots for bleed immunity on top of the freeze immunity from the ascendency, super easy charge generation from multiple angles, good damage, pseudo-ranged, etc.

You could also do bleed/poison gladiator, or slayer is good too.
umm i play ssf hc...

Just because I'm getting items doesn't mean you need to...?

EQ is plenty strong with good rares.
What the fuck is the lore in this game, I think I'm missing a few things.

So Wraeclast seems to have a Pantheon of Gods that were being oppressed by the Beast, I get that.

Were the Pantheon the Gods of a previous culture? I'm trying to think if the "God" the Templar's reference is connected in any way to the Pantheon we'll see in the expansion.
good luck anon!
gonna try for one too
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I'll NEVER get to Merciless

Feels bad being a shitter.
The God the templar refers too is the God from Oriath.
literally skip all optional content until you are leveled up and geared

I guess.

I think I'll play the most unethical build I can think of this time. I at least want to SEE what maps are like.
Is there any information about that God as of yet? There's barely any info even about Wraeclast's Pantheon.

I wish there was a deposit for all the lore, the wiki blows ass.
I'm pretty sure that if you go by past lore it's supposed to be called Innocence.
or you could, you know, play non HC?
>playing tutorialcore


only a shitcrow would tell someone to play shitcore
well he died after killing the vaal side boss
no enemies around

seems a tutorial is in order
when will this "ethical" meme stop? it is not, and has not been, funny at all

i can't even enjoy the global 1 cesspool anymore without seeing this forced trash

im ssf btw
>dying to nerfed invasion bosses

chaska isn't even hard while levelling, only like the dual striker and the proximity shield bleed snake are dangerous
That autosummoner is like a combination of my golemancer from last league which was my second favorite char i ever rolled, and my wander from talisman which was my favorite overall.

second level 80+ reroll of the league here we go
>taytayposter was a lowly cheating scumbag all along
why can't we have decent people here
>playing logoutcore

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killing hillock in normal HC makes you better than ANY shitcrow
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>mfw penta-curse with RF totems
>farming died lake until you're overleveled and overgearedfor maximum safety blanket makes you a better player
Yeah okay man logoutcore totally makes you a better player, that's why the game is balanced around logging out and the only threats in the game are things that kill you in under a second.
if you were actually good you'd be playing hc ssf lmao
>He wasn't already playing hc ssf
>He needed a game mechanic to force him to because he doesn't have the discipline to do it himself
Childhood is playing hardcore and thinking it makes you superior
Adulthood is graduating from hardcore into softcore because you realize you're only dying to arbitrary mechanics that have nothing to do with skill like getting instagibbed.
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behold the power of the dual wielded dyadus

it's shit
Never heard of it. Explain it anon.
terminus est assassin flicker seems extremely viable to me right now senpai
i feel like you're supposed to cleave with dyadus, or dual strike or something

wild strike seems like a bad skill

it abuses the fact that DoT kills get assigned to you and that jorrhast's blacksteel has 25% chance to cast level 20 Animate Weapon on kill

you link animate weapon to poison, summon a bunch of weapons, they kill shit with poison, the kill gets assigned to you, jorrhast procs giving you more weapons
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Post your Legacy gains
I can't seem to get a pool of tier9-10 maps going im stuck in 7-8 what am I doing wrong?
>Perandus Leaguestones that drop after this patch will now have a 20% chance to spawn Cadiro as an implicit.
>mfw every build I theorycraft is amazing and the new meta
>mfw I hate leveling them all
Sorry guys, it may be awhile before you get a fun build

I only started playing in Breach. What do you do to make so much currency?
>i feel like you're supposed to cleave with dyadus, or dual strike or something

cleave, maybe,at least the AOE is consistent

but dual strike ? how can it be superior to wild strike ? (good base damge + the cold/lightning/fire proc)
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is this dps ethical?
Would appreciate if someone can answer this

>Whats the best balance of offensive vs defensive skill tree?
Should I go for defense on everything including armor, but excluding amulet and dmg only on gems+weapon?
adulthood is graduating from video games and becoming a real human being contributing to society and helping others
armor is trash. get 200% life or greater than that ES for CI. use the best gear you can.
Is Inc AoE even worth using as my 6L in Shield Charge now? Im at a loss for what the hell should go in that slot.
>second level 80+ reroll
I fucking wish that I had the stamina to reroll characters in this game. I started playing on league start and I only just got to merc act 3.

I have no idea why it takes me so long to level. Literally like 30 hours of gameplay and I'm not even at maps.
so its all about surviving with few offensive skill nodes that are mostly big keystones?
lol nice one cuck
What do I spend my 400-500 Chaos on... I just keep making currency and I can't even decide on a build.

Vaal Spark wouldn't be bad but it's a little too expensive even for how fast it clears. Considering stacking movespeed and minion speed on an SRSer...clears pretty fast.
low life max block melee/summoner necro hybrid
You can't be serious, you're meant to just pop em like candy, and you know, NOT do the shitty ones. All of them are great except invaders, bloodlines, and talismen, and you can just fucking opt out.
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>like to theorycraft mediocre special snowflake builds
>have the stamina to get them to maps at least
>when I reached maps I get bored and start a new memebuild

This is really hard and exhausting
Blow it all on reliquaries.
Maybe when I don't make 45 Chaos off a key.

I'm already a necro. 1000 Str + the Baron. My zomboys and SRS crush. I can't help but feel that SRS is carrying the build however, even though they're only in a +2 4L.
>Perandus Leaguestones that drop after this patch will now have a 20% chance to spawn Cadiro in the next area.
time to use all those saved up coins
>Onslaught Leaguestones that drop after this patch will now have 20% increased Quantity of Items found in the next area.
oh so it's finally not useless


Play 24/7.
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do chaos vendor recipes, play a lot and sell the items you don't want to other players.
What program do i edit a loot filter in? It's a dense mess of indecipherable shit in vanilla Notepad
Nevermind, Wordpad sorted the lines properly.
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I just lost one of those 27+ arcanist unique chest

why didn't I just open it immediately ...
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>not using NP++
9k armor, arctic armor, blasphemy-enfeeble, lvl 79, ~5k life. Phantasmagoria, some ass damage mods, Shared Boon huge bloodlines pack of puncture archers. The last one with fuckton of charges probably crits so all life got degen'd in less than half a second. Beware.
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>5k hp
>9k armor
>thinking that's a lot
ok bub.
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you better not be lying to me man
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Who well fortified here?
is poe trade down for anybody else?

spotted the noobs lmao

Enjoy farming dried lake until you die.
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How do I play this game without poeg making fun of me on everything?
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beat atziri with CI and bloodmagic
Search is fucked, yes.
play ssf hc and reach the top of the ladder
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I got voidspawn twice already.
>self found hardcore cutthroat
would you, poeg? are you man enough?

By not liveblogging what you are doing in it you dumb weeb.
there's literally a leaguestone that guarantees voidspawn.
remember you can force hard challenges in low level areas with the stones
RIP. My last one was bearers of the guardian, got it twice in the same map.
cutthroat sucks because pvp sucks
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>get asked to play sc with somebody instead of hc like usual
>make the mistake of playing it
never again. it's so boring
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>fav streamer is online in game
>isn't streaming
After losing three characters to the same lightning arrow/ice shot exile last league I can proudly say I'll never play hardcuck ever again.
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dear poeg pls pick my next ssfhc character. I rip'd at 82:
a: obliteration zerker BV
b: SRS
c: some self casting Hierophant with a pledge

have gear for CI.
>not having perma-fortify
my champion char pities you
dead thread, dead game
go look at the dmg effectiveness of freeze pulse, throw on chaos/poison, stack proj dmg, and go win.
b or c
nice dumpster builds, anon
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is this some hot new meme?
there's a stone mod that guarantees keepers of the trove
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we all know this general goes to shit when new leagues go live

but i have to say, that this league, the general has really gone to shit

the majority of you here, right now, are fucking terrible players

and you should feel bad about it

really fucking bad

go hang your heads in shame you fucks

don't post here again until you git gud
That's just a shadow cyclone build
nice playing on normal until you're geared for merciless :^)
>happening from cold damage
>poison damage mattering when resulting from ~100 chaos damage

Shitters, everyone.
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>softcore babbies are more insecure than a 5yo child

never fails to amuse me
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>mfw i started the taryns argument
you both need to kill yourselves
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looks like a prophecy result
double consuming dark + cold to fire+ pyre

incandescent heart

there's a decent amount of chaos damage there
yeah and a gigantic loss of actual fucking useful damage because you refuse to go with a build where you dont need to wear specific uniques and waste gems and slots converting your damage
you make it sound like projectile damage double dipping isn't great damage

i'm not saying it's going to be OP but it certainly wouldn't be shit
>playing the cuck ascendancy
literally lmaoing @ ur life desu
>tfw taking the bait
but hardcore babbies are the only people who ever bring up game type
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baited for this exact response.
Instead of Consuming Dark, use a Duskdawn to double down on extra Chaos, while pumping your crit and gaining survivability via block. Plus gain access to all those delicious global crit with a staff nodes.
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i need a price check for this 300 fuse 5 chaos craft
ay yeah duskdawn. it's too new for me to remember it when it comes to chaos damage
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Haha I can't believe you suckers still play this shitty fart-smelling game. I'm so glad I relieved myself of this garbage dump heap and just had to come by here again to laugh at you idiots who can't let go. This game is a poop-stained asshole ready to dump fecal butt sauce all over your faces and you all LOVE it. You can't get enough. Hahahahahahahaha. I bet you all ask mamma for a nice helping of steaming ass barf as soon as you wake up and hop in your sweaty semen-encrusted chairs and start up this ass explosion of a game.

Path of Exile? What a fucking joke. More like Poop of Excrement. Hahahahahahahahahahaha! Enjoy swimming in your pool of diarrhea anal droppings you shitheads!

I am free! FREE!
>alt-tab 2 seconds
>get one shot by tempest

Why am I retarded
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Bandana + Space Hood
What league? and chests are hard to price, first of all even 900+ chests are common, some are priced at one mirror and others at 8-15 exalt. 900+ and 6-link I'd say around 40-50 ex but with the int roll it might go even higher.
>bandana clips into space
looks like shit
not to mention you literally never see the space part when you're playing the game normally
You never see anything when you're playing the game normally but my brain still can't help buying stupid bullshit
legacy sc
>yfw I will always play shitcore
>yfw I have been playing since 2011 and never made a single hardcuck character ever
>yfw there is nothing you can ever do to stop me
feels good triggering literally everyone in an entire thread, man.
I wasted two years of my life playing hardcore
it's just not worth it
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wtf I love Cadiro now
I played this a while back (circa the talisman league) and ran a summoner build until act 4, when I started getting bored. are there any builds with engaging or fun playstyles for a newbie? something more intensive than just spamming spell x until you need to move?
Should I get elemental overload, im going past it on the tree

Im using fireball with the three shots support gem, i dont have any crit
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dude nice
your wasting youre time
d. crit shockwave necro
chaos animate weapon
funnily enough, it's one of the only things I really notice even in a sea of shit. It looks so out of place on it's own, and when I'm hitting aoe ina crowd, i see it if I'm hitting eneimies at the bottom of the screen.
take eo
also take ee
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it's all over.png
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>mfw the last ethical streamer died
>mfw babbyblast totmers win AGAIN
>there are people who will buy a cowboy hat
GGG catering to people with shit taste I see
>cowboy hat
That's a literal fedora
all of the SSFers are babyblast totemers you fucking moron
and they all died
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go back
haha look at this paws chatlogs so much autism
^cancer upon your family
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okay so we can safely drop this slut from our our girls list
jeebie is so fuckign autistic
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paws is a nice girl SHE DIDN DO NUFFIIIIIN
>Do shaped shore and catacombs forever
Hmm...so this is the power of Hardcore...huh...it's really something
do somfing cool
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So is Glacial Hammer good with the new jewels or is it still a meme

Just lost my 88 Slayer and was hoping for something more S P I C Y, Inquisitor or Guardian templar GH seemed S P I C Y enough
>avoid challenge purposely
>complain there's no challenge
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>is a melee skill from 2013 good?
I S I T ?

I heard some people were popping off with it and the new threshold jewel
namelock melee skill... that needs melee splash... and deals elemental damage... is it good...
>melee splash

Do mathils ice crash or alkaizers bf gladiator
>and deals elemental damage

except wild strike is literally trillions of DPS and amazing clearspeed so ????
>poeg unironically just telling people to copy streamers

i hate nu-poeg
>namelock melee skill

viper strike

molten strike

hello???? /poeg/???? hello????
it gets like this every league

just have to wait until they leave and we can get back to normal /poeg/ again...
not namelock, not true melee
not a map clearing skill
not true melee

starting to see a pattern emerge yet?
>not namelock

LOL except it literally says


>molten strike
>not a map clearing skill

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show me that sub 2 minute molten strike strand clear post 2.6 aoe nerfs and no dying sun you stupid little twerp
>no dying sun


>clearing strand fast is how nu-poeg evaluates builds
>not actual end-game potential

there is a reason gorge builds were considered shit back in the day
when are maps supposed to get to the point of not immediately exploding everything
never, if your build is decent
at higher map levels shit just does more damage and the map mods get a lot more rippy
tfw really not sure if my build is actually shit or not

like, i know i'm garbage but idk where my build can actually take me
Against regular garbage monsters? Doesn't happen. You could walk into them with all thorns gear and they would still explode.

Bosses start getting retarded though. Like, downright stupid.
well you were the only one who replied with something, so I assume this is the only fun build in the game.
you better not be meme-ing me or so help me I'll play for a bit and probably drop it again later
anyone else feel like leaguestones are way to underwhelming?
i wish theyd make them craftable and add a rare variant. and they have to dial up the effects on them considerably. for example that chance on killing a beyond unique to then spawn another beyond unique should be always there.
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oh shit havoc caught on to gorillion self curse
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You can't really do animate weapon until maps tho since weapons don't drop frequently enough(most of the time).

Its incredibly strong, fast, safe, broken etc
ive only go white ones from vendoring. anything with a level cap is worthless. not great.
you have to combine the ones that synergize for what you want
like breach+beyond+ambush
well duh.
still very underwhelming overall.
they really need to patch this shit asap and fix it.
if you were a real man you'd run it out of a covenant
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Guys ... I started having fun in maps when I only pick up like 4 things to sell even with Beyond + Breach maps.

It only took me 5 leagues to get over the autism.
Am I retarded for running SRS in a chest? I just dislike using a staff/bow so much and losing my whirling blades + tanky shield
Doomfletcher's + Incandescant heart

at least use a victarios
Is there a fun totem build for Templar Heirophant that scales well with more totems?
Pizza sticks kills stuff too fast for more totems to do anything effective.
Sounds solid if you go CI. Huge 25% ele mitigation and you get the bonus damage as chaos and leech. Go for it.
hey guys i'm going to run a 350 es chest with a quiver y/n
Sure, add shavs and united in dream and ure set
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Alright lets see if that unethical build works.
just about any other totem build scales with totem amount except RF and SB
you could freeze pulse totems with that new jewel or some ele RAT/ballista
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imagine a 1000 strength witch giving you a handjob
true strength lies not in your muscles, but in the kindness of your heart
how do they actually work?
can you make a vid of a t9-t10?
Got to endgame with character, found out it wasn't a fun build, decided to reroll, tried to follow one of those "fast leveling" guides so that I could quickly get up to speed, and I don't have enough damage to take out the bandits.

Fuck this game, fuck GGG, fuck everything. Why is the entire game locked behind a fucking 30 hour grind? You try and shorten the grind, it's impossible. You follow build guides, the build somehow sucks anyways.

There is literally nothing good about this game. I want to like it. But there's just nothing in it. Hundreds of hours of gameplay over several leagues, multiple types of build, and it all comes down to that simple fact. The game has so much promise and literally no substance. And god save you if you find out that your build isn't any fun endgame. Hope you enjoy going through hell three more times before you get to see if THIS one's any better.

The hardshits have it right. If you're going to play the game, might as well die 90 times in act 1 instead of getting your hopes up.
imagine being her footslave and forever tied up just sniffing and worshipping her feet while slowly being delitized, feeling your tongue turning into bologna and cheese string tying your body up forever tied up bologna tongue eternally worshipping her feet while your body turns into deli permanently(this is permanent)
>The game has so much promise and literally no substance.
reminds me of your emo novel
pc is too shit to record sorry but its basically srs build with the baron iron wills and doon
I'm glad you think my emo novel has promise.
the first step is admitting that poe is not fun
it either becomes tedious because you are too strong or tedious because you a re too weak
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youre just beyond bad m8
do our species a favor and commit sudoku
being too strong isnt tedious

it's amazing to blow through maps 1shotting everything

i could do it all day
I don't think that anymore, you're not the first shitter to invent a slew of imaginary problems with the game (because you're shit at it), and you won't be the last

win a SSFHC demi before you criticize the game
hell you can use a kaom's if you have united in dream, just put srs in a +2 helm
But I just spend 50 dollars, I can't stop playing now
I've literally never experienced being too strong.

I follow FOTM OP build guides with the EXACT node progression lined up and trade for the best gear I can find

and im




Literally can't even beat T1 maps I have no fucking clue what's going on
do you remember to put the gems in your equipment
do you bother to link your sockets
do you assign your passive skill points
>Literally can't even beat T1 maps
youre bad at the game thats whats going on
>Literally can't even beat T1 maps I have no fucking clue what's going on
the average level of poeg is at an all time low
I shudder to think it will be lowered once again in 3.0
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The problem is both tbqh

Top tier skills are too disgusting and low tier skills are far, far, far too weak. If the gap is bridged PoE will be fun again but until then the only people who are going to enjoy it are faggots like Mathill who thrive off MUH DOUBLE DIPPERS
in 3.0 xbone players will supplant all pc players as top players
>Iron will
and in between are 100 skills that are more than viable for 99% of content, provided you have the slightest idea of what you're doing

actually remove guardians and shaper from the game and you have almost every skill being "end game viable"

t16+ is the exceptional imbalance, not the rule by which you judge balance
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Why does this axe go overlooked? It seems pretty strong but I've never seen someone using it
This fucking argument again.

Yeah, _any skill_ can work...if you dump heinous amounts of currency into them that could be used by other builds for a better effect by an order of magnitude.

For example, compare the gear, passive, and skill setup for the aforementioned ITT Glacial Hammer build.

And then realize the way you build it and the things you build around it are quite literally the same things you pour into an Ice Crash build. Then fucking kill yourself because you have two skills occupying the same niche of "Ice Melee Skill" and one is just horrifically better.
Yes but fuckface

when you're bad at something there is SOMETHING YOU ARE DOING WRONG


I'm not unskilled at the game mechanically, I can dodge attacks and have good reflexes and I can kite and etc etc. It's not that. When I look at top players playing, I don't see anything in particular that they're good at. They stand there and attack. But they have success.

I've done literally everything I can to isolate the variable. I've followed a build guide to the letter, so I know my build is good and my progression is good. I've traded for the best gear I could find, capped resistances, high damage, high HP, the works. I know my items are good. I've got my skills in a 4L or even a 5L if I get lucky.

And still it's just garbage

I've accepted that I'm bad at the game. But I'm smart, I learn fast, I'm good at seeing problems. I know how to study, I know how to learn. I've spent hours trying to figure this out, and it's just not working.

And nobody else seems to know either. I see total shitters on the forums with garbage builds saying "yeah this can do t15 maps easy" and

just please can somebody help me

there's nothing else I can do, there's nothing else I can learn, I've tried everything. I just want to be able to play this game, but no matter how much I give it it doesn't give me anything back
It doesn't do anything special. Leech is plentiful so 1% on weapon is nothing special. Melee splash is useless for the more powerful AoE 2h skills (EQ/Cyclone) and if you're going for a melee single target skill, there are probably better weapons. Slayer gets melee splash with Impact, making the implicit 7th link irrelevant. On-kill effects are useless vs single target so it fails even in that regard.
>spell minion duration fire
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>But I'm smart, I learn fast, I'm good at seeing problems. I know how to study, I know how to learn.
Objectively wrong. There are tons of skills underlooked by the playerbase that can be taken to t15s on garbage 5c/SSF gear.

As for some skills being outclassed by others occuping the same niche, debatable but another topic since neither Glacial Hammer nor Ice Crash are considered top tier.
Then you use shit guide, use path of building to play and check if build is good instead
Go for berserker hidden potential bv or flurry for easy 7k life instaleech 1+million dps(if bv) monstrocity that costs 1 obryvok svitka (blue gear, hidden potential, 2 damage jewels with no life x8)
Fair enough.
IC is absolutely top tier, the only reason it isn't being used is because Niggerquake is still living off GGGs incompetence
Spell is the part that creates spirit, the spirit itself is not a spell, its a minion, spell damage and fire damage **DO NOT APPLY**
>tfw not sure if this is bait or not considering how retarded poeg is
>cold skill
>top tier

try again
Do zombies double dip if you use Montenegro's grasp and united in dream

>good at seeing problems
>thinks he has good gear
>with a four link or MAYBE a 5 link

Dude, you are doing something wrong it's in your own post. If you can't even clear t1 maps then it's safe to assume that you aren't getting all 8 ascendancy points allocated either, which is fucking humongous.
who knows
does minion poison inhering the minion tag?

Don't you mean 6

who the fuck is clearing uber lab before t1
post your char url. maybe we can actually tell you what up
i would guess they do
people who buy carries
disregard that. you can reach red maps with 6 points fine. or even less sometimes
But literally everything I've read says that a 4/5L is absolutely fine

How the fuck are you supposed to have a 6L by maps
>finally hit dried lake on my gladiator on merci
>friend tells me to farm it
>doesn't tell me what for


Yeah, he obviously can't clear 68 lab if he can't clear 68 maps
MERC lab is 68 and easily doable, with like 5k life and some below-average defences Izaro is unable to do diddly dick to you even if you facetank his slam at the smack dab middle.

Uber lab is 75 and most people don't even end up having it ready to go unless they purchase it by like tier 6-8
depends on the skill/build
4l could be fine but 5l is most likely needed.
you can buy cheap corrupted 6ls by the 3rd or 4th day of the league, or just a tabula
Your wasting you're time, i bet you are in shitcore and your build is shit
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Nice strongbox poetards

Are you retarded? He can't clear a 68 map. Merc lab is the same level but izaro is much more of a beast then anything you would encounter in a 68 map.
are any lower level skill gems good? I want to go with something I can use and enjoy slowly going through the story but most recommended skills require act 3/level 28 it seems like
if you have literally any leech and hug him his avatar of justice will just stand there open mouthed doing nothing and you can just facetank his autos and maybe occasionally run to destroy his minigames
You are either:
Copying shit forum build

So which is it? Post atlas of build or path of building export of your character

He can't clear a T1 map and you think he has 5k life and good defenses? He clearly doesn't.
Act 3 is literally 2hours gametime MAX
Use firestorm, freezepulse, sunder, cleave until then
remember to find Tolman
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Spooky shadow.gif
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I actually forgot kek
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Hey it's back.
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Wrong screen kek.
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>Desecrate totems
>Self-cast Detonate Dead
>Vaal DD for bosses

I know it's already probably been attempted, but is it any good?
>detonate dead
projectPeePee please go
i hate projectpp so ufcking much
the charge system desecrate has btfos that idea sadly
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why do boss minions fill your flasks but not vaal skills
really makes me think
>find exalt in ssf
>it's useless
nice league tards
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>just finished shaping my strands
>haven't seen zana yet
I fucking blame the goddamn talismans I haven't had this shit RNG finding her since it took me a week and a half to find her at level 90 in that league
>be retard
>do retard things
why is life so retarded
Is that Mr. Interdimensional Pedophille Vampires?
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watch it, globalists
I wonder how much of his latest shit has any legitimacy. It feels as if his old shit long ago was legit', just exposing and sharing American documents. But now he's just memeing for the $.
it's so hard to understand what he's trying to get at with all the blazed-thought-out metaphors
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Look at my masterpiece, Now I just need for a max block scourge user to see it
Anything that isn't Physics-related (Interdimensional etc etc) is possible. Very possible. Outside of that is extremely bizzare and whacky. Like, fucking potential to be an amazing fantasy novel series levels.

Either way he was very entertaining and amusing on JRE. I couldn't really stand his normal show, though. He goes well with JR. One thing too that is suspicious is that he deleted is episode with David Duke--he's pretty cool but I wonder why he removed it.

Oh also apparently he's Jewish. Which is a red flag when it comes to any sort of media or politics.
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>being this antisemitic
>on a general for a trade simulator
well double dipping is required for certain builds to work.
when they fix double dipping in the future with 3.0 they better have some buffs to compensate for it.
I don't see how that's anti-Semitic.

You can point out an issue or hold a concern about x, doesn't mean you're anti-x.
>double dipping is required

double dipping does nothing but skyrocket builds from "good" to "grahams number DPS"
they better fucking fix freeze, shock and stun being useless on endgame situation or its still gonna be path of poison
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>GH Splash from the threshold jewel doesn't get increased by AoE

is there a master that has some menorahs as h/o decorations?
I want to play cleave slayer, I got a decent eva/armour 6L, a 5L cherrubim and a BoR.

Which 1 ?
Totems don't work. You have to use traps or mines. Desecrate's cooldown gets bypassed by traps and mines.
the 6l
cherrub if you are going poison/chaos scaling (this doesnt mean just adding poison gem)
BoR if you are going 1h/dd
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thanks dood
is a weave the arcane/mom/kitavas thirst/fevered mind mana based build viable?
Would the links be Cleave > Poison > VM > Melee Phys > Multi ?
use this shit on a weapon swap for necrovigil tbqh

>Not Legacy
optimally, you wouldnt start as slayer for poison
but if you wanna go poison anyway, it would be what you said
i want to make a shieldblock reflect build.
is such a thing even possible?
If you use the right leaguestone you can chance a specific league restricted unique right?
cant be carried through uber traps
In that case, Glad and link the above in a BoR ?
Lioneye's remorse + varunastra ? or is it better when you stack 2 varus
>walk into dried lake
>get bled and kill the sub phys guy at the same time
>game freezes
>try to logout
>it kept me in game for FIVE SECONDS while i bled to death

hardcore was a mistake
they deal proportional damage. you can have 1k life and be fine
the grind won't be nearly as shit once 3.0 rolls in, 10 acts total, no more difficulties, which in itself will keep things less boring. they're also adjsuting exp leveling during storybecause of it. A smoother ride overall.

Really I'd just like the ability to fully respec at will, most if not all argps have it, all it'd do is let you get abetter handle on the game and it's emchanics, and you still couldn't switch willy nilly because you'd have major gear investments across the board. Bsaically most problems you state anjd I have with the game are going awaya in 3.0

Should have used a TCP disconnect macro :^)
double dipping is going away, and with it the overtuned booses and health of things in general, which will bbring hte low end up and the high end down. They held offthis patch because there's a lot of work involved, but we got a few of the first steps. buffing base mlee waepons damage, buffingg skills, buffing aoe for some melee. It's not gonna be done till 3.0 or later, but we're getting there.
1h+shield is more defensive (and you should really aim to get The Surrender)
dw does more damage. you can max block with either
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Took a stroll on the beach to celebrate hitting 90 :)
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what do you guys think is the most optimal build for The Baron? Item looks very interesting.

Specter/Golem with some side zombie for the leech?
A mix of SRS and zombie/specter?

Also fucking hell those golem jewels are expensive
pure zombies with 2 evangelist spectres and a 4L of your choice for support
Reflect requires-
Wall of Brambles
Thousand Teeth Shield
and maybe Crown of the Pale King

You'll probably have a hard time getting them to hit you fast enough unless you only run onslaught leaguestones.
Legacy being better is iffy now since they removed the reduced movespeed mod on newer ones.
Golems are memes.

Focus on Zombies. Can use SRS instead of scratching your ass.

Pathfinder Summoner
Umbilicus Immortalis
United in Dream

Can you say double dipping minions?
can someone explain to me how slayer's leech tree works? I'm having trouble understanding it, and I need to decide between fervor and headsman
There are so many good unique 2h's atm that you're spoilt for choice. I've been trying for this on my ssf slayer but i'm not sure what skill i'd use with it; i guess Heavy Strike is the best / only option
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muh leech
>Not using necro auras
Full conversion Infernal Blow with either Xophs Blood or Avatar of Fire
the slayer leech is if you want dont want to give up your regen with VP, it increases your regular leech cap + gives you leech bonus and a bunch of buffs while leeching
yeah 50% attack speed is so worth it over 60% more damage, 60% added cold damage, vulnerability, and 50% added chaos admage
I was reading that the maximum leech cap is something like 20% but i can't see that on my sheet anywhere, how does the "10%" apply? I am not using vaal pact, if that helps things.
Blade flurry is 1 chance
>bow build as league starter with only one viable non legacy endgame bow

You cucked yourself

/ourweeb/ died senpaitachi

if youve 5k life, with regular non-vp leech, you normally will only be able leech 1k life per second from all leech stacks/sources combined

with, say, +15% max cap, youll be able to leech up to 1750 life

also with slayer you can "store" leech, if you hit shit at full life
You can use flasks on necro bub
What do I do with all my spark gems once ive got them to level 20?
>Golems are memes
Say that to my 5 flame golems that one shot core malachai retard.
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This is actually pretty crazy, pity i never noticed this before the aoe change.
Umbilicus Immortalis
Corsucating Elixir
Minion Instability
Maligaro's Lens
Necromantic Aegis
Mon'Tregul's Grasp

Undead terrorist build
Flip to 20q
why would you ask this
What should I play?
Starting to get into game again, played a few times, have scion unlocked.

Would be main character, have no idea where to go for info on this that isn't outdated.
i approve infidel
because Im not sure if you do >>170514554 or you're supposed to vaal them and hope to get +1 level or what
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Look the gem up on the wiki and see what quality does. You don't want to vaal a gem with no quality if it actually is good.
Auras are like the only ones you would vaal with no quality
class forums on the official website is a good start. pick something that does not require expensive uniques and then get a loot filter.

what playstyles do you like?
most spell gems you want to get 20/20 (lvl/quality) before vaaling them for +1

for melee is different, where both vaaling and enhancing quality are not very needed (you do it anyways because why not, but it usually doesn't make you stronger)
>Say facts to something non-existent
Not very bright are you.
it's a shame it umbilicus doesn't apply to skeletons, then you could actually have some semblance of clearspeed with that set up with the need for srs to actually clear packs

decent boss killer though
so i'm bored of this cleave build

what should i go for next
dual strike/dom blow
You deserve it for trying to cheat the map system so you can do the same linear map over and over like a mega autist. It's fun to run some vaults and lairs. you fucks disgust me
scion is the worst class in the game
avoid it like the noobtrap that it is
>nerfed builds
crit bv might be up your alley
dominating blow/animate weapons with that new hammer

Ancestral Warchief totems with any rare/unique two handers you pick up as you level.

AW - Faster Attacks - Melee Phys - AoE - (Added fire/Melee on full life/less duration)

Oak - Point - Oak

War Bringer - Crave the Slaughter - Aspect of Carnage
isn't dual strike shit though?
i mean
i had fun with it, but it's getting boring.
tfw chanced skyforth
dual strike is fun
Use the 6l. Building around the cherrubims as slayer will suck without insane min maxing
what's a decent ranged build that isn't pet/totems?
what a horrible gem setup
Literally every forum build that is explained in depth is a piece of shit no damage no life trash
Every good build is basically a list of gear and a tree
poison TS
You think so? How would you link AW in a 5L then?
literally objectively wrong.
any forum build that works endgame and can kill uber and do t15 and shaper.
>zone out and realize I killed oak by accident

Goodbye, sweet Life. You're not worth the bullshit it would take to change the reward.
what is that
Poison teamspeak
he's a ventrilo fag
other than ancestral warchief and faster attacks, everything else depends on your build/itemization. the generic setup assuming a phys weapon and standard ele scaling from HoA and hatred is simply:

aw-fa-mp-added fire-wed
what that kind of mindset, you'll never get out of t5s
>bow leveling
im not him but is there a way to make this concept not depressingly shit?
TS that poisons

yeah, dont level with bow. just switch in to your real build once you can equip your high level decent weapons
i dont know what ts means
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Yes, have stormcloud, harp, opus, drillneck and added chaos gem ready to use
More versus increased
>cant get my weapon to go BBG
>decide it'll be just cheaper to buy one thats already like that
>fuck rolls or whatnot, I just really need the fucking colors
>only 1 guy is selling it
>he has no buyout price
>he was online earlier but went offline for a few hours
>finally comes back
>ask him for the weapon
>cheapest on poetrade is 2c
>offer 5c since I'm feeling pretty rich and I just want him to give me the damn thing already
>"hurrr u only offer 5c it perfect rolls people offer me 12c earlier durrr 5cccccc"
>tell him to fuck off and put a buyout price next time
i dont like this meme

>one increases proj range with a small damage bonus
>the other greatly increases proj damage at a range penalty (when it applies)
But you lose the QoL that is AoE for mapping. With how strong AW is, white and blue packs melt regardless of gem setup. And with a single blue socket you can swap in a conc effect for absolutely insane damage boost. And since you scale mostly phys damage, monster resists are almost irrelevant.
Increased is additive and more is a multiplier


Lets say you deal 100 area dmg naturally and you get 300 incresed damage from the tree, making it 100 + 300 = 400 dmg.

With another 50% increased area damage, you deal 400 + 50 = 450 dmg.

But with 50% more area damage on top of 400, you deal 400 * 1.50 = 600 dmg.
Yeah I didnt notice the more/increased difference. I think it would be *more* obvious if they just said damage increased 20-29% (multiplicative) or 20-29% (additive). More and increased both mean the same thing to me, so its a weird thing to get used to.
less and more are multiplicative
increased and decreased are additive.
you really should know path of exiles core damage mechanics by now anon.
Should I? The highest I've gotten I think is ~50

i wouldnt bother with conc swapping unless its a poison aw build and aoe is hardly a problem with 2 aoe clusters, at least for me
yeah you should.
>I've followed a build guide to the letter
A large number of build guides are utter shit or outdated. There are like a million "insane clearspeed" posts on the forums with videos of dudes going at snail's pace through mid tier maps.

Try something meta that's cheap and effective to start the league with like life based pizza sticks elementalist or inquisitor. Get a tabula and rares with cast speed, enough resists and good life rolls. With minimal investment you'll be plowing through white/yellow maps. It won't scale into end-game without a respec and proper investment, but it'll certainly get you started.

If you can't make that work maybe you're not very smart or mechanically able.

Also post your build/character profile.
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im a ssfhc player
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it's is undeniable the knowledge level of this general is decreasing with every passing day

very rarely do i still learn anything browsing these posts
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any recommendation for rerolling ranger, as far as builds go, with my current wealth?
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jews did 9/11
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>tfw playing 2 characters at once in SC and HC
>because can't decide between cheaper and gear and preferring to play in HC
I'm not really qualified to give advice on that front but it'd probably be enough for a very basic King of the Forest start. Probably without Death's Opus though.
>cheaper gear

what is meant by this?
it means people don't rip their good gear to standard and don't have to rebuy it
hc has far cheaper gear. Don't know what ur talking about
things are much much cheaper on sc.
what costs a few chaos on hc might only cost an alch on sc.
Feels gay having to buy all the shit you already bought last league. I hope legacy becomes core game and I will just play standard like a bitch 5ever
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>witchfire brew from the mysterious gift prophecy
but that goes both ways
you also have to sell for less. and rares in hc are very cheap
What the fuck is the point of Reliquary keys being so god damn rare?

Im almost 92 and havent seen a single one.
>tfw constantly flipping tons of items for constant 2-3c profit per one
feels gud
Don't know if I should blow it all on a regalia soon or just get really nice helm/gloves/shield first
enjoy your legacy taryn's shitter, fag
contrary to popuiar belief hc currency is very easy to come by.
check "that" forum to see how rampant rmt on hc is.
>login on standard after a league ends
>open stash
>nope the fuck out and wait for the next league
how gud is this?

pretty gud?
><600 ES
into le trash it le goes
i'll take it off your hands
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post skill ideas ill start

prismatic ray: shoot out a laser beam that does tri-elemental damage and blinds

rampage: like frenzy but it gives you rampage on kill instead

channel support: turns any skill into a channel skill that charges up before it's used and deals up to x% more damage depending on its charge level
its alright
all res roll is a bit shit
>channel poison earthquake with global %increase damage mods
>Like frenzy, but still trash
>EQ turns into the Shaper Slam that deals an excel spreadsheet worth of damage
I can hear PT rolling in his grave already.
>Like frenzy, but fun
ignite - ignites an enemy and spreads to others on kill refreshing the duration.

cast on evasion - trigger spells on evasion. applies a less damage multipler that goes down with levels. 1200ms cooldown.

chainshot/bolashot - leashes enemies together so they cannot move appart. increases and decreases to area increases or shortens the leash. this would make it viable to build negative area and not take any increased nodes.

summon bonespike - a line aoe skill that is kinda like sunder but scales with minion passives only. deals pure physical damage and stuns enemies for 0.2 seconds on hit. has a cooldown before it can inflict a stun again on the same enemy.

corruption support - enemies hit by your attacks and spells get corrupted unpredictably. doesnt give corrupted status though.
stats could include reducing enemies health or increasing it reducing one elemental resistance radically while increasing others.
can only have one corruption on an enemy and it stays until its dead. kinda like status debuff or buff lottery on enemies.
>channel full poison converted ignite with global %increase damage mods
>Generally only buy required build uniques
>Roll SSF this league
>Stuck with shitty gear forever

Why did i do this, i want to buy shit. My build isn't even specific, it can roll with basically anything.
>he fell for the ssf meme
>he fell for the falling for the ssf meme meme
You can't have a cast on evade because there is no signal when you dodge, Rory talks about this in a post somewhere.

How about this
Whip - 1 handed weapon that has chain implicit and long range
I'm 70 levels in now and its sucked so far but i'm far enough in i don't want to give it up. I'm in hell, this is hell
>all the fucking retards on poetrade vaaling a low roll kaom heart

maybe think about how some people want that fire dmg?
>zana's selling a map with her mod on it
>try augmenting it
>it adds a -life regen on players
>mfw I'm RF build
>"shit shit shit what do we do"
>alter it!!
>zana's mod now gone
There a fucking button that moves your character from SSF to normal Legacy/HCLegacy. Bakaposter
should've meta modded prefixes can't be changed first
>Making rf build
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How come some text looks like this for me in-game? It's new.
thats a commen error that occurs when the text overlay isnt handled properly by the framebuffer.
changeing zones fixes it.
for nomries: your graphicscard didint properly assign the text coordinates to the layer that text is drawn on resulting in mushed and weird text.
its nothing to worry about in fact its not even your graphicscards fault. its gggs faulty implementation.
dont worry about it. if it doesnt go away restart poe.
Because, naturally, nobody ever thought, "wait, it might be useful to know if somebody just evaded an attack".
Static Burst
Movement, Lightning, AOE, Spell, Duration

Increased movement speed, with an aura of electricity that damage anything that gets close. At the end of the duration you explode in a manner similar to discharge.. You leave a trail of shocking ground and the burst leaves an area of shocking ground.

there has to be, since its entropy based, so the dodge is recorded SOMEWHERE to reset the chance.

ggg is just being ggg
Entropy is only on evasion, not dodge
Vaal Shield Charge
you do Voll's slow shield charge, gain 10k armor and can't be stunned during it
Vaal Frost Blades
you do Daresso's ice phantasm thing locked onto a single target
Vaal Scorching Ray
you do Shaper's massive beam
Vaal Magma Orb
you do a xoph rare fire pillar strike that lingers
it's flameblast except with ground slam / leap slam
Vaal Searing Bond
you summon your maximum amount of totems (+3) that rotate around you, interconnected to you and each other, rotation speed affected by cast speed, distance by AoE, damage by # of totems
Spectre Mark
lets you retain a corpse type for summon spectre, can be toggled on and off, spectre level is still area based, lasts permanently until you select another corpse
Good reply, anon. Cheers.

Changing zones hasn't fixed it but it doesn't bother me enough to warrant restarting (also I'm a summoner)

Is this new with 2.6? Never seen it before despite playing a lot of PoE since beta.
>Vaal Shield Charge
>not Vooll Shield Charge
apply yourself
does anyone have problems with this game crashing their drivers for no fucking reason

up to date amd drivers, and like twice a day my display drivers crash and have to recover, which leaves me vulnerable for i dont know how long.

just lost a guy and im fucking mad im so tired of this happening
did i make this post this happens to me all the time
>amd cuck
>trying to play poe on amd hw
>trying to play poe
what card are you running? i have a sapphire 280x

i made a post here but got no help, but i described in rigorious detail what is happening.

why the fuck did shav's jump from 220 yesterday to 500c today
probably a streamer

in hc obviously
>FB totems in T12+ maps

i feel like i should just drop the totems and go selfcast here, totems seem to make bosses much harder than they'd normally be

but muh totem clearspeed..

any pro tips from expert totem dudes?
7870 here

i've tried a lot of fucking things to fix it, including downgrading drivers/running on potato graphics but it still happens

i'm gonna try downgrading my drivers even further until it stops
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>outing yourself as a redditor
i dont care
is arc really bad? i'm running arc totem atm. somebody redpill me on arc
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its fucking infuriating man. Is it happening to you similar to how i described it? driver crash and recover, path of exile still open but white screen then you have the "wait for program to respond" or "close" options?

im probably going to stop this league already, or go to softcore because god fucking damnit i am so annoyed, closest ive been to getting to merc dried lake and having it killed like that.

fuck haku man
either i'll bluescreen after it recovers or the .exe will go into not responding mode for 6 or 7 seconds then i'll get logged out (and usually log back into standard league)
are your totems dying too quickly or wat

arc is fine on mines only
gimme that piety waifu
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>no nessa
What is safer as a Raider, evasion + dodge, or iron will + block?
nessa's dead, friend
anal get
>are your totems dying too quickly or wat

not really, they just can't keep up with the bosses sometimes so it makes the fights take longer than they have to
try underclocking your graphics card a little bit when playing poe

that's what i did and i haven't crashed since
will try, thanks
by like how much?
what do you mean by "cant keep up"
HD6850 here, this happens to me every time I start the game after a fresh boot.
I underclocked it to the lowest settings it could let me and still happens.
two totems with 0.08 cast time can't hit a boss because it keeps moving out of the blasts, shipyard/beacon for example
you mean you stopped picking up every rare?
you could just sacrifice one of your fb totems for a decoy on bosses that move around
How is this image still not fixed?

We dont shove fucking gems inside our bodies like god damn retards, we put them into the armor that we wear.
>xbone has a version of radeon 7790 video card
>poe crashes on every other radeon version

i wonder how will that release go
>what are jewels
Even assuming the game can not run like shit on xbone people will still leave because mechanics in PoE are ass backwards and require large amount of reading random posts on the internet. I dont understand how GGG looked at their game and said "Yes, console players will love this."
fugginf legacy items dont work in path of building so I can't even configure my build baka
>We make build enabling uniques more common than niche uniques

>Astramentis is still rare as balls
pls 1
you can create custom items, tardo
I imagine microsoft chucked them a bit of money to make PoE happen on xbox, I highly doubt GGG would've bitten the bullet on console development by themselves

It helps a lot that it will be just one difficulty for consoles though.
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>suddenly get 5 whispers for lionseye paw boots
Who's the cutest ascendancy and why is it saboteur
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You think I haven't tried? tardo
we're playing
guess the skill !!!

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So this is what its like when you use meta skill and accept the clearspeed meta huh?

Guess im done making my own builds with shit like Magma Orb.
ITT: Post your unpopular opinion about the game

Flasks are way out of hand and need to be cut down on in general. As pack size increases with difficulty increases, flask charge generation should have a commensurate penalty alongside the resistance ones. (Something like 15/30% less flask charges gained for the Cruel and Merciless equivalents in 3.0)
>not a sigle vaal orb
softcore is okay
They go into the never ending supply of Viridian Jewels
not him but vaal orbs tend to go fast if you're vaaling your higher tier maps

make it difficult next time
I'm having a hard time deciding on my ascendacys as Slayer Flicker, am I right in skipping Impact? I don't really know melee splashs interaction all that well, but I'm assuming it's not really that good for Flicker if I'm already using the gem right? Being able to sub in another gem would be pretty strong on other skills but idk, I dont really feel like Flicker benefits that much

50% less reflect and stun/bleed immunity just seem better
The splash damage penalties on Impact and Melee Splash are multiplicative, meaning you'll hit in a larger AoE but for minimal damage compared to just having one or the other.

I also vaal all my viridian jewels
I also save my vaals for mirrored strongboxes.
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oy gulp
>don't want to make ANOTHER slayer
>make a raider
>spend the entire time thinking how much better it would have been to be a slayer

slayer leech + duelist leech nodes is just so incredibly comfy
>don't want to make ANOTHER raider
>make a slayer
>spend the entire time thinking how much better it would have been to be a raider

raider frenzies + move speed nodes is just so incredibly comfy
Why do you always post these? I don't get this meme.
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You literally need around 100 increased cast speed for pizza sticks, otherwise tormented souls and fast bosses etc. feel like shit. I have 87% and it's passable, but that's because i went hierophant for muh 4 totems to have double the chance of landing the blast. You can swap out pizzablast for firestorm on bosses, assuming you was leveling one on the side.
i want to eat that burger, bitch
>cadiro show up for the first time and sells me agnerod south
>feel like i need to buy more perandus coins ahead of time now
you got the aylardex with your fb totems for like 47% MoM?
Is the new ice shot jewel worth it? I'm raider and don't have chain.
What's a OP build right now?

You could have just gotten 30% cast speed from Instruments of Virtue, mr snowflake.
>just got the Dancing Dervish
Is free rampage unethical?
Poison barrage with legacy rotc and cospri
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poors post em
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how much do i even sell this for
lvl 75 assassin, was blade flurry with Bino + Death's hand.

Temporarily replaced a 0-stats tabula with a 175 ES robe with +50% ES.

My gloves are mainly for evasion+leech. My boots are mainly just 30% move speed. My helm is for 38% resistances. Rings/amulets largely to hit resistance cap, get dual-curse on enemy and small smattering of ES.

Will I be fucked less at this point if I talent completely ES (I guess that's CI+Ghost reaver) or Life?

I was life pre-patch but my build was whack.
Mirror Arrow mine build.
CwC Firestorm with two Consumign Darkness and Infernal mantle
Minotaur kill in 5 second or we return you your currency
I should mention, I only have 1ex + 11c, in case someone's gonna recommend some crazy 30ex build
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>mfw GGG dev claiming the self-flagellation jewel not having a limit is a bug and will be "fixed"

you fucking kiwis, the jewel never had a limit, it's just that buffed kikazaru rings now makes it viable .. and broken with soul mantle
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I want to make trickster cyclone 100% mana reserved work
>Need a united in dream/severed in sleep would do
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>i died on purpose
tell me more
Did they upped the drop% of exalted for the last league before 3.0?
I never got one before, and I got 3 drop this league, I even got one in normal difficulty
Personally, I've had it with you poeg.
You are all vapid, unintelligent, hostile and TOXIC people who bring nothing good to this game or the community or LIFE IN GENERAL.
This is the last time you see me in this thread, I'm going to reddit where you can actually ask questions without being insulted for literally no reason.
Good bye ignoramuses
*leaves the thread*

No, welcome to rng.

Yeah I'm sure you were an anon trying to learn and not one of the several "waah I can't buy these things yet" shitters.
that kind of bullshit, I never got one in 850 hours
and the league where I don't give a shit and play a fire totem build I got 3
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nice standard screenshot desu

>0 in 850 hours

That's extraordinarily unlucky, in fact unbelievably so. Unless you were fucking around in non endgame content 99% of the time.
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>13 weapon range
>inc aoe gem slotted
>cyclone area still feels like shit
I never rip until I hit level 95+
I guess I was just really unlucky
i want to get into botting
at this point it seems the only sane way to have fun in poe

>waaaaah the game doesn't hand me the items I want, I guess I'll cheat

You could just RMT. Or are you a poorfag too?
do you want to play for me?
if you can't make $ why don't you just play standard baka

No, I've got a shitty undergeared character to fund too, I just don't expect the game to hand me shit.
>only sane way to have fun in poe
Nigga getting your gear IS the fun. Whenever a char is fully geared I start working on a alt. Actually, way before that.
anyone want to buy a fiend card in lhc selling it for cheaper than usual
why not just post it on poetrade
anyone here would just relist it for more if it's actually a good deal
>tfw accidentally 6-linked my kondo's pride
where do I go from here?
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>playing aoe builds in 2.6 that isn't cuckblast sticks

You're at least raider or slayer so you can salvage it later, r-right
already done that bro no one's biting
fuinny how its so hard to sell expensive items in hc, flippers would be on it an instant in sc
jesus christ
did I really just get my 3rd divine drop with no key or exalt drops yet
fuck you ggg
Stormcall still has good aoe desu
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>trying vaal power siphon for the firs time
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you lament when you realize kondo's is the bottom of the "viable" swords list

Just because it makes the same noise doesn't mean it has the same drop rate.
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how do you accidentally 6S6L something
divines are actually more rare than exalts.
It's a fact
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yeah but stormcall's QoL in regards to duration was cucked a while back. RF has the best aoe its ever had in its existence, but
>running RF
>have 6S 4L
>want to upgrade to 5L to clear faster
>suddenly achievement pops up
>hiltless causes damage to the user
>doomsower has inferior dps and a passive that's useless because you're going to be using added fire anyway (increased aoe might be more valuable now tho)
>oro's sacrifice is pure fire
>all that's left is starforge
is poison arrow magic find shadow still viable?
For something to be still viable it needs to ever be viable first
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I'm bored of my ED build, wat do?
I said "viable" didn't I? Plus oro's is broken as shit but most people still haven't caught on
Almost 89 with ED Contagion as my league starter. Got a couple exalts and ~200c sitting in the bank. I'm bored out of my mind, thinking of just quitting this league because it is not nearly as fun/different as I thought it was going to be.

Should I blow all my currency on reliquary keys?
how is oro's broken?
>inb4 emberwake+the taming
> just buy 10 grand spectrum to make a huge ignite !!!111
What do i do with my 1100c on HC? I was thinking of spending most of it on a Nghamu's pathfinder, but with the AoE nerfs to Dying Sun i think Raider might be even better.

im back and i think i fixed the not responding problem

I downgraded to the 13.0 drivers (run amd uninstall tool, THEN install the drivers) and i've been running the game for 4 hours without a single problem
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>0 Isley's in LHC
I don't believe you have 1100c unless you just rmt or bot
hahahahahahahaha foullowing crappy "streamers" and listneing to anything those shitcrows have to say you're planning your video game life around loser's who play video games for audience wow who cares what some random thinks is over_powered!!! oh do you want to do check what is they have to approve before EQ because its OP thanks to PT? what a shitcrow
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Please answer me you idiots
I've been chaining strands and shipyard for crystal belts since day 3. I net myself a crystal belt every third shipyard or so, and they instantly sell for 60-70c. What's hard to believe.
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>guy says after map
>takes 10 mins to clear the map
I had a guy take 20min yesterday, he took so much time I buy what I wanted from another dude.
in the end he called me an asshole for buying from another dude
it's the standard clear time in HC

logging out takes a lot of time
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>tfw you snag a jewel that's easily worth a fuckton but the seller has no idea
probably playing melee
self flagellation jewels will be worth nothing when the bug is fixed
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>tfw you snipe a great deal for item you need and have urge to then resell it for more
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i have become a god at ring crafting
>no open prefix for es %
so shit
>every single melee skill this patch
My farts have a wider area of effect than this shit, what the FUCK was GGG thinking??
i went icecrash
been following the left side of aoe and ele now pathing down to gladiator and the conversion nodes
i just did lab what first ascendancy do i take?
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Hoyl shit im retarded, im pathing to duelest starting trees
IM a marauder thats just ascended
do i go bererker
>Unless you were fucking around in non endgame content 99% of the time.
That would explain my lack of exalteds then/
Barely get to maps then roll a new character.
>No Life Roll

Hahaha Typical Shitcrow Prosting Worthless Crap Gear Thinks He's Special Something Good Make Crafted No My Sir That Ring Is Gargage Vend It Delete Your Character Delete Your Accouint Uninsall Youre Borswer So You Cant Post Canscer Images Anym Ore
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anyone have a good and up to date shaping guide? i feel like i fuck it up slightly every league.
use your fucking brain dude

Do everything up to t9. Do every t15 and 16. Shape maps that aren't dogshit. Wow, so hard.
i dont even know what any of that shit is i just put maps in and go
Why cant vaal fireball be the same as vaal power siphon
fuck all that fancy atlas trickery, just make sure shaped strand is the only T11 that can drop and you're good to go
Most dense maps that drop steels rings or crystal belts?
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Can I pop round for drinks tonight?

Feeling kind of blue.
So I have 90c now. Just finished up all the low tier maps. What should I do with it?

Should i buy a dory's? (Would increase my dps by 30%) even though they're kinda expensive now? Or should i try and improve my defenses. Or should i save it?
that pretty shit anon
>711 phys attack
I didnt play tempest league, but I guess the increased IIR + IIQ was the only good one ?
dont mind the flasks I'm only going through cruel

also is that for real ? I have 11% iir on my gear right now, so the increase from tempest is 420 ?
fucking really ?

I'm not complaining though, this got me 3 uniques and felt like °I was going through a well rolled map. Prismweave is actually pretty fucking good, didnt know about this belt.
Oh yeah if I'm going to start mid tier maps i need to fix my gear so I'm eleweak capped lmao.
Shut the fuck up. My time is valuable. I make $22.50 an hour and I'm not going to sit around waiting for someone to serve me virtual items in a video game. In the real world he wouldn't have any business after word got out that he made paying customers wait 20 minutes for delivery.
You're still an asshole
Why is The Taming so cheap?


I want one.
>Makes such a pitiful wage.
>Thinks he's allowed to post here.
How does it feel to know that every aspect of your existence is mediocre in the extreme?
I want to build around the new haemophilia gloves. Should I go assassin with viper strike or physical bow, or gladiator with a cool melee skill? I really want to use varunastra.
With very good resists in your other slots, you can get the perfect form as chest and endless inferno as helmet, and stack armor from resists, freeing up any points you'd invest in armour. Did this last league, got most of my armour from evasion (grace and gear), scaled with cold and fire resists. Also had 45% spell dodge from perfect form and atziris step. The chest also removes mana reservation completely from Arctic Armour.
Was at 30k armour with almost no increases in tree, and had 78/78 block + 45% spelldodge, using aegis.
Don't go viper strike. It's shit.

Do go Varunastra gladiator.
also max block isnt worth it, too much investment

its just my opinion though
be sure to use those boots
Anyone doing Cyclone this league? Does the AoE stay relatively the same with just an inc aoe gem and no heavy aoe investement?
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>ghost walks into room with essence mob
>makes a hard left and sits in the corner till despawn

I fucking hate these spooks.
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>Small mana flask
>Act 2
>elreon jewelry

My skill costs like 2 mana, small flask is more than enough.
Almost identical to what I did last league. Didn't use Atziri's Step (found some excellent yellow boots), and didn't go the Iron Reflexes route. Used Perfect Form, Alpha's Howl (to run Grace and Determination), and Surrender. It was super comfy. Iron Reflexes might've made it even more comfy, but it could already AFK in red map breaches.
If you're using cyclone as a melee skill that puts you in melee range of mobs, then you're fine.
is this a bait
whats a good number of coins to have before going to see scrooge mcduck
Do you really expect me to upgrade my mana flask when im not gonna need it at all in like 15 levels?
I expect you to pick one up off the ground, fagbag
Cycloner here
We're fucked
I have 13 weapon range and the gem and it's clearly worse than before
>taking the time to click it off the ground
>then drag it from my inventory to my flask slot
>then tossing the small flask in the trash

No time for that.
>says the guy taking time to screenshot and post a photo here blogging about noob shit
>elite wwarband member in cruel with RF + SRS + summoning some weird statues
>the RF is enough to burn through 2k hp in seconds with max fire res when he tps on you
>moves around at lightspeed, untargetable

oh well fuck you if you're melee but not playing earthquake :)

love this game
Is crit-based bladeflurry varunastra-dual-wielding gladiator fine?
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Happy now? I don't know why youre so concerned over my mana problems but they are effectively gone now.
i wish they would nerf bf to the fucking ground
It's the most boring skill ever
ye thanks. I was actually just piggybacking off the first guy and actually didn't care at all
I'm currently running a dualclaw occultist and I was hoping that lifeleech applied to ES could be viable, but first tests show it's not. My ultimate goal would be to get a tricurse build, most likely with two curses on hit and one as aura.
How should I salvage this char? (lvl 56)
>respec to other melee weapons
>respec to physical spells
>respec to bow
>respec to wand
there is nothing else to play for melee but eq and bf in hardcore, dont expect anything else from GGG but an xbox release and even more disparity between skills in the future

I used to like the game a lot but now I think if you're not hyped but the new skills they reelase that shit on everything else you should just stay away from the game or play sc where you can go crazy with damage and do whatever
I doubt any of us actually cared about any of this from the start.
You should just delete the character because you are fucking dumb
>leeching es is not viable
really makes me think
I'm enjoying my Viper Strike Assassin so far (although I'm using Edge of Madness for the chaos scaling rather than Varunastra). With the minimal investment of Entropy and Exceptional Performance, the poison stacks last 12 seconds. That's 96% of the combined physical and chaos damage of the hit before any DoT modifiers or double dipping are accounted for. And that's a lot of chaos damage when you're getting 70% of physical damage as extra chaos (20 from Assassin, 20 from Ming's Heart, 30 from Unholy Might via Growing Agony). The poison damage is irrelevant against trash mobs since they explode on contact anyway, but bosses absolutely melt. By the time the boss is at 80% health, it probably has enough poison on it to die, leaving you free to do other things, like dodge attacks and wait for loot to drop.
explosive arrow as elementalist?

i'm starting to get bored of FB after three leagues of it
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Awesome Dance.gif
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>lvl 57
>find first map
>it's a reliquary key
you aren't supposed to stay FB totems all league lmao. You just play it for the first few days and switch to something else
You use EA as a starter to clear maps quickly then switch to more expensive build, same as FB. EA can't do ignite immune shit.
I don't get it
because you're a fucking retard
the +18% one? yeah got them. the gear for this build is damn cheap, except Asrtamentis, but thats it
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>Cospri's discharge
>"Ooh nice fucking MTX let's add this to the build"
>You need to buy 3, one for each gem

What the fuck is this? I did, of course
I heard he sold kaom's for under 9k
i know i'll probably go howa sooner or later but i like the whole burning dot thing and was thinking about speccing for EA

dunno, i don't mind playing fb totems while i'm pushing for +90 atm, it's so fast and comfy
enjoy not ever hitting anything right next to you or doing a tenth of the damage of the next guy BF build for twice the investment
>buying mtx for discharge after the super nerf
it's shit now
self cast is alright

I know how stupid it sounds, blame the clear speed meta

the game is way too fast right now, just watch etup standing in a corner of a map spamming spooky toss while everything dies in 2 seconds and he cant even see the mobs hes killing
You can still shield charge around 1 shotting packs, it's fun and good enough for me
Holy shit, possibly dumb question but is the headhunter belt really worth anywhere near what people on poe.trade are asking for it?
Yes. I'd only get it if it's the last piece of gear you want though. It adds tons of fun to playing, but isn't needed for anything
Just look at the mods rare monsters have and think about your character having them. With decent clearspeed you can have 3 or 4 rares worth of bonus mods.
Cool. I had it drop yesterday on a run around dried lake while testing some stuff. Hadn't even checked the value until earlier today.
what if when ggg finally destroys the clearspeed meta HH will be worth nothing
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>destroying clearspeed meta
>in an ARPG
Is anyone here actually gonna help buildcraft or just stick to builds from someone else where they can clear everything by holding down 1 button
>Nemesis mod easy to get
>Therefore Berek ring are cheap
>"Why is the Taming so cheap"
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HH has been valuable for years before the clearspeed meta even existed though. In fact the speedclear meta should be hurting its value because you don't need HH to clear shaped strand in under a minute to begin with
you are too new for advice to have useful effect on you
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Post your foil tab.
>tfw your 1-click-does-it-all build got hit hard by the aoe nerfs
second char to level 8x after my 1st rip and still zero keys
have you spent money on the game recently btw?
you're both retarded as fuck but I didnt expect anything else as a reply to my post
I'm not saying everything should be normal coast tier, but right now running shaped strand 24/24 without caring about anything, offscreening packs without danger, being immune to status elements all the time, its just retarded.
plenty of good streamers ( inb4 you watch streamers ) have said the game is too fast.

when shield charge that works both as a movement skill and a damage skill lets you one shot packs all the way through merciless while retards are using a random melee skill + melee splash, for twice the mana cost on top of being clunky as fuck to use, then something is wrong

keep sucking chris cock though I'm sure he'll reward you with something in game
He says with his very first post in this general
Look, I can be a stupid shithead too!
damn thats a sensible post on poeg if I've ever seen one
hitting lv91, no key drops yet
Have you tried to use a Chayula blessing on that foil eye?
more like too millennial
So, I want to play frostbolt, but I don't want to play as a stinky no-pants old man and i'm fucking tired of elementalist.

What do?
follow a guide, stop asking here
I'll try not being an asshole for once, but here it goes

leeching ES is very good, its actually kinda broken at high level thanks to Vaal Pact + a large amount of ES

claws are pretty shit in general, actually they're all shit apart from 2 uniques, if you're not building around them or using rare claws then you're doing literally no damage

building around tri curse is fine, but not the way you're doing it, curse on hit is meh most of the time, and since you're kinda new and probably lowish level right now, you should think more about basic stuff like ehp and damage than trying to get luxury stuff like that at level 60
new map where
didnt mean to quote you

nothing is as fun as conflux to play around desu
except max charges raider perhaps
fuck guides they're probably all inquis

i'll just go play as a qt pathfinder then.
you better apologize me before i start getting angery
>carpetmunching drycunt

But I like PF idea in general pretty cool too, just never know what to build

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>unique beyond mobs every zone
>3 essences every zone
>julio perandus spawns every map

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you dont want to mess with a mean doggo like me
No, bought stash tabs when perandus came out.
So do I use my essences as soon as I get them or do I save it and use it when I get to farming area?
the baron is actually really good, I think it allows you to just equip it and have some fun with zombies, I'm sure they'll get destroyed at some point but you dont have to do focus on minion nodes, at long as you get 1000str, and just use another spell to do damage + iron will

I could buy it + astramentis right now, but I'm in hc and I dont know how long its going to take me to get that much strenght, before that the build will just suck no matter what spell I use.
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