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This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 747
Thread images: 49

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GSL Code S
8h 12m
you can keep it, it's a charizard
some women want, other women need it am i right?
serg dies tonite....
god damn fucking ni
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guys.. i think destiny is about to BTFO trump in his final solution
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0.5 gook
chipotle is opening in my city..it better live up to the hype
its really not all its cracked up to be
its just a big burrito thing
its still pretty good tasting but if theres any amount of hype built up then you will be let down
those fucking boobies man
its been too long since my last somifap
i love harassing girls online...
okay start from the beginning, what type of fish was it
before the evolution you mean?
i like ignoring them instead gets a better reaction
im a god
*unlocks taskbar, moves it to left of screen*
hmm, yes.. this will do just fine
or perhaps im feeling a bit wild *auto hides taskbar* ah yes, so much extra space
he is not my president
auto hiding taskbar is fucking shit on windows lol
it always randomly stops working when you least expect it to
*reads das kapital*

dmt gorilla man is live with science nigger
it's too late
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The traditional Japanese February scene of a parrot sitting in a tree at peak bloom. Its the most beautiful time in Japan now
*takes a big swig of gook pussy*
tired ass meme
awful post
post that pic with richard lewis on one side and destiny with his head down on the other
call me based while you're at it

do it
cant remember if we're drinking
of course we are. just cracked my 3rd cold one
we're drinking & watching smackdown
not healthy to drink every night...
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hello, i am back and ready to be posting with my friends, the scvees!
put some clothes on first
suggestion noted!
not healthy to be depressed for years on end and never exercise either but im a bad boy bad boy watchu gonna do?
this is the hottest wrestling slut i've seen so far
>joe rogan is not a flat earther
ugh lol fucking dropped never watching this retard again
who? nikki bella or natalya?
why is there a kendo stick under the ring?
whomsoever calls themselves a gamer is not based
overwatch is a good videogame
im a baller myself
a shotcaller
well first of all, a short introduction :
im polish, balding, a gamer,
a playmaker
the squared circle
gaming changed my life i am defined by the characters i played and dragons i slayed
look at the symmetry of the last 5 posts
well i guess you could say im a gamer
love playing the newest games only (retro more like retro-tarded lol)
extreme gamer
extreme snacker
i got tebow'd!
ugh dont post this pedophile here
i like fat girls fuck u

he's OUR degenerate racemixing faggot
>the wgirl shiller likes fatties too
not really we are alt-right here not faggy alt-light
im not the wgirl shiller, thats loomies

we hate him here
ye verily i say to you: whomever dons the appellation of gamer is not my child and the kingdom of heaven is not for thee
we like daphne more than velma here
yea girls wearing glasses makes me cringe
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speak for yourself
word same
unless they're librarians
stefan is alt-right tho
i hate niggers and im going to make sure my kids hate niggers too
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um no i dont see him making racist videos or insulting gays
check his fall of rome video
just gotta make it 30 more minutes, then the liquor stores are closed and i cant get booze
i can do this!!!!!!!!!!
id rather have nieces and nephews than my own kids wow can you imagine the weight of that responsability what if i messed them up as bad as i was
my new podcast episode is out

this weeks episode : we're talking sega saturn, steve bannon : genius or retard?, special guest yeri, almonds vs pistachios the great debate rages on and much more
just did and there's nothing racist in there
its p obv he supports ethnonationalism from that video you should watch it when you are not drunk
neil gerasse btfoing flat earthers
*tunes into smackdown*
ahh finally time to get something to drink
there is nothing prejudicial about that
yeah im a pretty informed individual. a real smart cookie
*gets all my political knowledge from youtubers*
just took a freezing cold shower and I gotta say you guys were right it's amazing

I felt so alive and energetic it completely got rid of the depressive feelings I was having

and the best part of it was getting out

usually I'm freezing when I get out of a hot shower but when I got out of the cold one my bathroom felt warm as f*ck
who said there is
hmm maybe ill try it
it looked as if you were saying there is racist content in the fall of rome video
it really sucks to get in the water but you gotta tough it out

go head first
the experience is good, i agree
van gogh would take ice baths in the insane asylum
i mean you mentioned racism in the first place so thats your fault
holy fucking shit i cant believe this flat earth shit is an actual thing
okay ill take an ice bath tomorrow too
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ok so is he insulting gays in that video or how is it supposed to prove he's alt right
i dont like the term alt-right. whats it even mean? everyone has a different definition
no, just that hes not a dumb civic nationalist but rather an ethno nationalist should be enough
or are you confused about what alt-right is actually about?
lets talk about gooks
it means everyone who has different views than me
so it means leftist?
why do asian people always hide their face on the internet
they all look the same anyway
what is the alt-right?
modesty kek not like ud know nything about that turd loser
you're telling me it just got out and walked away?
the command for "forward" in firefox
i understand that it evolved first but yes. it walked away
its about being a libertarian but realizing libertarianism is but an ideal to strive towards and you cant have it in a non-homogeneous society
bitcoin $10k
so like national socialism but national libertarianism instead
yes i'll take 1 extra large ice soup to go
we can have a libertarian society if we kick all the sub 100 iq people out
what the fuck is wrong with people
is it possible that there was civilized life on earth before us but they destroyed themselves or died due to some massive natural disaster way before our time?
racial impurity
no see because the earth was only around for 5 days before God made man
do you think there are other gods far away from even gods line of sight
imagine being god and thinking you created everything but one day you walk further down the street than normal and you see another god.
your making an EMENSE error in regards to your conception of God if you even ask this ludacris question
thats what im talkin about

god is thinking "im god, the only god. i created everything" but then he hears some other god waaaaay down there yelling "heeeeeey maaaaan whats uppp i thought i was alone up here rofl how you doin"
imagine being the supercomputer running the simulation that is our universe and you come across this thread and shut down due to the sheer retardation which immediately fries your quantum circuits literally ending existence as we know it
sm h none of you understand God at all FailFish
wouldnt that mean that we arent in a simulation tho
at least theres that i guess
hey what happened to that sim you were running?

i dont wanna talk about it....
of course i understand god. he's my father after all
well actually simulation theory is real but im the simulation and youre all the fakes
it's the other way around, i'm the "real" one and you're the fake one
lol you wish
im probably not real i dont have any feelings i dont do anything
logic failure rocks dont have feeling and rocks dont do anything yet rocks are real
i hate niggers
get a lot of this guy
by real i meant a real human being
*starts gathering as much of this guy as i can carry*
i realized that everyone else was a simulation at the age of 3, when did you realize it bitch??

ps yes i'm schizophrenic
ps yes im gay
wait who won the battle royal?
get a lot of this guy
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alexa bliss...
you're gonna need two hands to carry my wiener.
a big boy.....
alexis bledel...

latin princess
do you guys like mexican girls i do
we only like agirls
aryan girls? yes, i agree
wgirls are the best

>not even a porn star
>wgirl shiller DESPERATELY trying to shill wpigs
if wgirls are so good you wouldnt have to advertise them constantly :)

funny how you only see ads for timex in magazines but never breitling. really makes you think
i nearly had sex with a mexican girl one time but i was too drunk and couldnt get my weener working

she got really mad and kicked me out of her house party
imagine kicking a girl out of your house party cuz her pussy wouldnt get wet
>drinking literal poison
>trying to have sex with anyone who isn't your spouse

wow. i want all degenerates to leave. now!
i want a spouse
i can already imagine the people commenting on this video are going to be like WELL IF THAT WAS ME I WOULD HAVE KICKED HIS ASS NO ONE TALKS TO ME LIKE THAT
first of all we drink second of all we try to have sex with mexican girls and fail all the time here
there's proof we're living in a simulation. that john travolta is entirely computer generated
i get the distinct feeling the wgirl shiller is also the fat alcoholic stereotypical dumb guy poster too you d have to have nigger-tier brains to still like wgirls in 2017
pissed and shit my pants on purpose
>im the boss of this block
that guys store is going to get harrassed for fucking ever. ice's community is so fucking awful
not fapping any more, not drinking anymore, and throwing my cellphone away. finally i'm a good person
*kills self*
mm hmm delightful
see ya in heaven buddy
*reads a book*
jesus that was boring never doing that again
no one delete this post i wanna watch it later when i'm less busy
*loads up the sims online*
*have my character play on the computer*
wow now THIS is fun
so in the time he owned it, the fish was able to evolve?
one time i had a fat middle aged white guy harass me like this
i just stared at him and he gave up
so i never got an answer last night
are other planets flat too? since the earth is flat and all
i told u they were coin shaped
evolve and kill itself, i believe thats how it ended
we didnt answer you for a reason
*cocks gun*
we don't even know how long the process was going on before then
+1, 0, +1
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reminder cell phones are dangerous
really regret not going to the liquor store...
*slides you a glass of ice water*
lets have some fun :)
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hmm really having trouble with this
so thats it. the missing link
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but what if it was more like this
how close does the phone have to be to give me head cancer is the desk safe?
sure if you don't mind your DESK getting cancer instead you inconsiderate clod
so hes calling me a fish...
A lump of earth or clay.
lump of earth or clay. like the ancient athenians
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the new me.png
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i wish i could evolve working legs
*wheels my way into the oval office*
his thang....
dont you mean a bowl of ice soup
glass of ice water is free
bowl of ice soup costs extra

apparently neurotypicals are deaf and blind?? can anyone confirm this
must be some mighty fancy ice soup @___@
so i have autism then
why didnt i buy alcohol FUCK
dont be afraid myself
you would have regretted it either way that is the nature of this simulation
guess ill make some pizza bites heh
were drivin' in your car
we have never gone this far
why not just go to the local convenience store?

theres two right across the street from each other and theyre a 5 minute bicycle ride away
let that be a lesson to you
alcohol stores close at 10 here!!
dont the gas stations stay open until midnight and sell beer and wine?
drink mommys wine
they dont sell alcohol. i live in ontario only the LCBO is allowed to sell it and they close at 10!
buy some off your neighbor
i just got a kiss...on the sims online
theyre all asleep i live in a white working class neighborhood in the suburbs -.-
soon your gonna woohoo...
america's hat
what should i know before getting to that point..
rice is shit tier food
how should i know youre breaching new frontiers here
the real shittier food is chili
if theres beans its not chili
quinoa exists
i dont know what any of that means
why do my uploads keep failing
cia just installed a new passthrough
8 hours ago i was vowing to not drink anymore for the rest of the week... but now i feel better.....
thats me every morning

except the mornings where i start drinking right when i wake up
your vows are so dumb
herodotus said that 'animals in cold climates dont grow horns' lmao this guy has never seen a reindeer or a moose before
antlers arent horns
we dont make fun of peoples vows here actually
i dont think antlers count as horns
musk ox
what praytell is the difference between antlers & horn. tell me without using google
elon musk ox
antlers are specific to deer
mfw im smarter than herodotus ¬_¬
i praytell that it didn't grow legs but ipso facto grew horn
i want to inhale elon's musk
i can inductively tell you that there must be a difference otherwise the same word would describe them both and we wouldnt have the notion of 2 things, antlers v horns, there would be either horns all or antlers all
yeah we have two words for a lot of things. they're called SYNONYMS dumbass
*boils up some ice soup*
so you guys feel a sense of unjustified pride when you look at your collection of piss bottles?
not reading :)
ice soup is a dish best served cold
i think antlers are able to be shed but horns arent

also maybe horns are made of keratin and antlers arent
antlers are bones
nobody cares just leave :)
synonyms dont mean the the identical same thing they mean similar things. similarity does not equal identity. your post is invalid
*watches the news*

not an argument
shame about her face tho
her face proportions are all way way off. makes her look like a cross-eyed flat faced monkey
MY MY HOW estoot. i was lecturing you on what a synonym is, not arguing with you. THAT would imply you had a point of view worth considering
someone left the cake out in the rain
and her race
tu quoque de jure ipso facto ergo ante bellum
okay but what was the cake doing outside in the first place
you know we all hate you here dont you wgirl fucker :)
Tu quoque, or the appeal to hypocrisy, is a logical fallacy that attempts to discredit the opponent's position by asserting the opponent's failure to act consistently in accordance with that position; it attempts to show that a criticism or objection applies equally to the person making it
literally the only reason i know about this song is weird al lol
it might have evolved and walked out
i don't think i can take it, cuz it took so long to bake it and i'll never have that recipe again
actually we like him and he's based af
you on the other hand... ;)

samefagging. now thats pathetic not that youre concerned, afterall youre an overweight loser that tries to force wgirls in a thread that either hates or laughs at you :)
*knocks you over the head*
*drags you into the locker room*
someone get the skirt
*stares at the ground*
Are these threads just 1 guy talking to himself?
we're mostly ai here
we are of one mind so i guess ya, it is one guy talking to himself.
sickzii's thick creamy cum...
oh, okay...
*evolves and walks out*
me hungy
schrodingers panties
what makes you say that?
>answering to phoner
>not wanting to better understand the mind of a phoner
future is performing on jimmy fallon tonight
the oven is preheating
>hes a phoner so his mind has cancer
i wanted 'za

mom made noodles instead
punch that bitch
this rocket league patch is taking forever...
i respect kaitlyn
gonna play hitman :3
gonna play total war attila :3
blood money? ah good choice
What the fuck is wrong with you people?
vision is getting blurry. this mightbe the end for me. au reviour scvees
more like a dios lmao
finished blood money now absolution

destroy the world :3
first but not last to go...
western roman empire or eastern roman empire? I want to slaughter barbarians but I'm not sure with whom I want to do the slaughtering
eastern and watch out for those treacherous sassanids..
vision is returning to normal i think. still kind of blurry. might be hypertension. overexerted myself by standing up for too long
can you be more specific
if you read this post you must do a dab
based, WRE is way too hard to play on Very Hard with
*unzips phone*
normalfag memes :/
no I don't want your number
I don't wanna give you mine
bla blah passenger side of your best friends ride trying to holly at me
you motherfuckers...
im the best female skaterboarder on /scv/ and ill fight anyone who begs to differ
i dont have any money to waste on a skateboard so i take one from whoever i want whenever i want

what is this 1994
we longboard here
skateboard to your house and cut you with an AOL disk

what is this 2013
we rollerblade here
^ my reference
its called fruitbooting actually
help cant upload new pictures
me neither
yes we know
ok sorry?? geez...
bend over
i'm being attacked by neuroi
anyone listen to my video? its probably 9 years old. a classic
phoners...no pictures...bad posts... really awful thread tonight
textboards are back
i vow to never spend another night sober

what an awful experience this is
randy moss...
classic destiny tard pops into dead thread with its last reply an hour old to tell us his only 'friend' in the world is streaming
kill yourself I fucking hate you
good catch, pisko

thank you for your service
so we're back to just a chatlog with a delay?
Omae wa... Ore no nakama da!!!!! >.<
im gonna start leaving eastern eggs in hte old threwads
i hope no one finds them *looks around suspiciously*
<_< >_>
*looks around*
*accidentally meets your eyes*
what should i mastrabate to
this thread and junk food kills my productivity
i think with the current no image situation you should just use your imagination

for solidarity
junk food is actually good for you
be productive tomorrow!
it just GREW legs?
yeah we'll see..
fish is still missing btw
i don't have an imagination anymore
burger king is buying popeyes

what the FUCK dude!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
how will we make new threads without images...
the kingdom grows... viva la roi
might fap
i give it back to you....la razza

to what, that is the real question
get back here
its so hard to find a good doujin...
now's your chance to rebuild it
find a good one and share it with us for a group fap
im not gay dude
saga-jou tho
what's julia's best work?
julia = shit
i hate esco so much. mental abuse every fuckign day.



get in here
youjo senki is actually mad good
skip episode 1
do you think they'll get divorced one day?
were over kpop
my onahole stinks
jav vr tho...
p mean
yeah, i think so. she'll grow up and realise she doesn't need to be with a piece of shit that abuses her.
*oozes dick slime*
obviously his mommy and not his "bitch"... smdh
done with my fap hehe
were all doing nofap and cold showers here
female: ahegao apron big ass big breasts bikini blowjob blowjob face dark skin demon girl femdom fox girl kissing lab coat mind break nakadashi stockings unusual pupils wings x-ray yandere
i hate this time of night. everyone got drunk and is either asleep or went and did something else
i hate that period of hours in between the unconsciousness of sleep
i hate that period of years in between birth and death
alcohol is tearing us apart
i hate that period of bleeding in between my girl's legs
i hate that period of time between swimming around and walking away
notice the symmetry of the last 5 posts. beautiful
i hate niggers
maybe if we poured ice soup into a glass and drank that instead we would be closer
*conducts magical practices to render the spirit of a dead foe helpless*
been smootchin people all night in the sims online
*pours out libations*
*puffs pipe* quite
STILL images are broken
good thing i dont use them
someone post something
hmm...a 15 year old girlfriend...

please do not post that filth here
wise blood by flannery o'conner
saw a picture of me when i was 8 :/
chaturbate cam whores talking about politics... oh yea....
*samples the police interrogations of suspects from chris hansen's dateline nbc for a new club mix*
yeah im sort of a dj now
hi pewdiepie
kissing virginity
*samples from home videos of the 2004 indonesian tsunami which killed thousands for a new hot mix*
p sure pewdiepie browses this thread

his latest video had our fat anime tiddies meme in it
theres a higher chance that an asian singles browses these threads than pooty pie
he shows 4chan in his videos all the time
okay but you know just us 4 post here okay? i know ur a big fan but pooty aint reading ur epic jokes my dude sorry
more than 4 people post here lol
rofl no
your wrong I know for a fact
lol no you dont cuz ur wrong
*samples holocaust testimonials*
there were at least 6 monopers
lol stop
oj.. made in america....
there was....
the real fake news
shut up rofl
*samples the challenger disaster*
this'll get em dancing
I didn't even play monopoly because it sucks.
i was 4 boxing the monops
*samples phone calls made from inside the twin towers on 9/11*
what about sickzii
internet just went out for an hour... i felt so lost x_x
*samples home videos from the bosnian war*
*samples tight gook pussy*
i'll have what he's havin!
owl 'av what 'ee's 'avin'
this might be our last thread of all time stop wasting posts like this idiots!
good. this thread is dogshit
is 4chan shutting down? shoulda sold it to skreli
like a swarm of locusts, the post-hungry scvees moved from general to general gobbling up the precious remaining posts until there were generals left
actually my fursona is a mountain lion
how do you know it's shutting down?

I hope it does desu
ill be able to finish reading these books faster
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lol wtf someone died while streaming on twitch
among us, a god walks
>this inaccurate clickbait title
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none can deny the power of the cartooners
During the 22nd hour of a 24 hour livestream, Poshybrid disappeared from his stream after looking really bad. He went out for a smoke and didn't come back. One of his mods messaged him on his discord and a detective with his phone replied back asking to call him, and the detective confirmed that he had died to either a heart attack or a stroke.
Poshy was known for chain smoking and drinking on stream, and his health had been visibly declining over the last few months of streaming. At a certain point he was streaming nearly 24/7 for several days straight, only taking short sleeping breaks.

From his mods:
"Nightbot: Known info so far: Around 3:30AM CST Poshy said he was going for smokes and left the stream running, He never returned. around 11AM CST we were all still here assuming he had fallen asleep. around 19:00 Sorelor sees him online in discord and messages him. The person who responded identified himself as a detective and asked Sore to call him. Sore spoke wiht him, Called the Virginia Beach police department to confirm the detectives identity. The detective confirmed Brian had passed."
yeah, he wasnt on stream when he allegedly died
>died while streaming guys!
fuck off
this website is actually pretty garbo without images

this thread is fine though without em :3
>streaming nearly 24/7 for several days straight
its not '24/7' if you dont do it for an entire week. what do they think that '7' means in 24/7?

did you guys hear about that guy who died while streaming
and just think that could have been destiny instead
>yeah they're open 24/7 except they're closed on sundays
>yeah he died on stream except he wasnt on stream at all when he died
are you alright
im trying to illustrate a simple point
what can i say man i know business
ugh im gonna feel these beers in the morning x_x
theres gotta be some gook dumb enough to get stuck in a marriage with me some place
*samples robin williams final moments as he auto-erotic asphyxiates himself*
maybe we could all pitch in and get north gook mail order brides?
I really don't know
did it work
no. you're still here
no this is a simulation none of us are actually here idiot
i mean you're still posting you facetious idiot
imagine being that blue pilled lmao

having booty was more important than drinking water
drinking water isnt that important
yes pirates were well known for their desire for loot
good night :3
which they would trade for booty....
top 3 important things:
olympic gold medal
lots of money
gook wife
yeah this was fucking weird
>be me
>be zerg
>have to continually balance my army composition

>be me
>be protoss
>xd i maek adept

>be me
>be terran
>xd i maek marine
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Last time i came into Sc2 this guy was still somewhat relevant.

WTF happened
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g*d koreans are so fucking bad

what was that game o_O
>be me
>be zerg
>make swarm host/brood lord
>beat opponent entirely with free units
need to cure that mechshit cancer somehow
be me dont greentext like some moron
pudong haha xD
i wonder how that esports social media network of tasteless is going
>be me
>be zerg
>i maek ravager
>terran has no counter
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Things you can say during a GSL cast, but not on your first Tinder date
fuck off phoner
amazing that these chucklefucks havent taken off in the world of stand-up comedy
Concave beats a convex
stop replying to yourself
Baneburst all over your two-rax
he ascended to heaven
Fucking based. Eat shit, mullets.

god, I hate zerg

I was so hoping TY would take care of that last stupid bugfucker
god why are tourneyshit so fucking dumb
I miss Code A, what happend to it?
We're back where we belong on Twitch





They canceled it specifically to upset you.
thread turns to dogshit everytime some gay sc2 thing is going on

And by "turns to shit" you mean that people actually talk about SC2 in the SC2 general?
its :thinking: now, get on with the times
objectively best matchups to watch

god tier

top tier

ok tier

shit tier
boring bad posts
sorry starcraft gets in the way of shitposting
Inno vs soO finals would be fucking hype. Best two mechanical players in the world.
it would be semifinals tho
SC2 is like that girl in the back of the class

She is objectively the better wife, friend and lifelong companion, but no one pays attention to her because she has glasses
shut up and post more k-feet
but zvz is trash, anon

the only time zvz was good was this sweet-ass ling block


I agree with tvz in god tier, but how can you like disruptor tennis?

TvP is good shit, should be higher

I agree with your shit tier choices. TvT was even worse in HOTS but still not fun to watch unless I really like the players
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No, it wouldn't. They brackets are mixed.
Kill yourself my man
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Should I jump directly into brood war or do I have to play the vanilla game first? Are they like W3: RoC and TFT?
*reads ab ook*
i pity the starshitters who waste their time watching gookclick
not as long as there is k-feet to be had, anon
you should jump directly off a cliff phoner
so what do we actually think happens here? herO vs sOs is gonna be close, either of them could win, but probably sOs 3-2. I feel like Stats beats INnoVation, but couldn't tell you how close it is.

Maru crushes Ryung 3-1.
>Hates sc2
>Comes to the sc2 thread every day

Really chronoboosts your cybernetics core
what makes you think this is the sc2 thread
sounds like /r/starcraft is the place youre looking for
go straight to brood war but you're gonna get crushed viciously by people who ignored SC2 and have been playing BW religiously every day for the last 18 years.

And those are the people at the bottom of the heap.

unless you're playing the campaigns in which case yeah play them in order and it's pretty damn fun

PvP is a bullshit match-up and sOs is the king of bullshit, so I think you're right on that.

I think Inno will win but not as easy as last time.

Maru will rape Ryung, no question about it.

After that I think soO and Inno are the ones more likely to advance. Inno is just better than Maru and ZvP is the best MU of soO.
>stats plays such an easy race, protoss is so OP
>innovation plays terran, even i could win as terran its so op
>your race is op
>no your race is op!

simply epik interviews

All Koreans are assburgers, that's they are form of humor.
I'll admit part of the reason I'm calling Stats over Inno is because terrible things always happen to players I like.
Thanks, I was thinking of playing campaigns first and then going to multiplayer. I'm also thinking of checking out SC2 but not really sure about that
Is Innovation even good anymore? Felt like he fell off after his era
Hi anons, I'm both gay and retarded.
dont worry we can tell by the way you type
We accept all sexualities here btw
we dont accept phoners
he's still decent but he definitely isn't the monster he used to be
what's there to solve? that's a stalemate
The crowd is packed today o_O

i'm watching sc2 for the first time since pro league died
whats a stalemate?
Combing your mullet and flying your buildings to the corner
>sniping the orbserver

innovation is a fucking robot
if he 3-0s Stats, I'll take it back
starshitter 'humor' everybody
Tab back in footbie
mullets, diapers, is a there a disparaging nickname for zergs?
Jörgbabbs or capeshitters
thank you, friends
Inject :'D
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that was one thing mewby did like a bonjwa. he would use the pan camera button and always knew when & where observers would be every game
seriously lolled keep it up starshitter
>Daebaek LE

is this still in the pool, are we going to Ohana next or what? lmao
i like the tourneybros today
here comes the throw

shitpoovation is gonna live off that bookie money in jail for a long time

make mommy proud
>redditards drooling over the thought over the balance whine they could have after terran 3-0
>both games end 2-3
yes please
thought of*
im so sorry family
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nier in 3 hrs...
fuck life
based oldblood
us oldfags amirite
kakugo surun yo~!
>stats is a pizza faced chucklefuck
why does acne looks like ten times worse on gooks?
BoxeR, Squirtle, DRG, July, FoxeR

SlayerS, oGs, foU

I want to go back lads...
have you seen neeb
you should see neeb
widow memes are pretty ebin, how do you terrans sleep at night
i just want to go back to a time where i was genuinely excited by sc2.
whoever wrote this script did a great job
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holy shit both the terrans are gonna go to 2-0 and get wrecked for the next three games
Is stats a bone jaw?
>75 memes 25 vesmeme gas
>able to do such a retarded amount of damage in an aoe
basically scarabs without having to build reavers it's stupid as heck
>Two games go 2-2 before the deciding match
>On 02/22
What's next? YellOw coming back to StarCraft?
Amazon Coupon: Eligible Orders of $50 or More

what do i buy
Invisible scarabs, that doesn't really require a shuttle, and certainly doesn't require the same amount of micro
Anyone remember that retarded beach map with the candy on it?

what was it called, it was only in the pool for a very short time before being dropped
>colossus stalker meme blob a move
this is the pinnacle of protoss play
innovation played better but lost...
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>Innovation is a bonjwa
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what does it mean??
The problem is innovation didn't make enough widow mines
being Terran is suffering, my friend
it means Terrans will never win another GSL
They've had their fairshare over the years

Time for another race to finally win one
shut your whore phone mouth
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Why do Terrans build liberators in their main army if the terran bio have to kite back?

Seems like a waste of resources to build 5 of them and get maybe a shot off. Wouldn't it be better to just build tanks?
Imagine how many widow memes could you get instead of all those liberators
yeah i take back what i said >>169079095
fuck you guys
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are we hype
i hope sOs and Maru go through to round of 4

thanks scvs you guys are pretty cute sometimes

im never getting up for that shit

why couldnt it just be at 5-6 like usual
they want to make a friendly stream for americans and another friendly stream for europeans
Good night
never wake up
wednesdays are the worse. so close to the weekend. good luck at work/school today everyone
i hope sickzii has a nice day at work
What's your 5 year plan?

its out!
be a drain on society for 4 years and 364 days
kys myself on the next day
glad i missed the tourney, this thread looked really, really unpleasant :/
my dick is out
do you think in like 50 years time they'll teach kids about the great immigration of 2005-2017 and the downsides of immigration and how it should be controlled?
really bad
I've noticed when I lay in bed trying to sleep, ruminating about my problems and reminiscing about particularly painful things, I've noticed I reach peak moment while torturing myself after touching something especially dark, and that will cause me to spasm or recoil once like what I imagine the very beginning of a seizure is like
my solution to this problem is always that I shouldn't touch the idea, and instead kill myself

now I wonder if the latter emotion is going to become intense like its preceding one? hmm yes interesting *farts*

I suppose it wouldn't matter
no lmao
I suppose if it did happen I would simply travel thousands of miles in a trance and start shooting random people while reciting my monarch program codes
one of those natural things people don't question or think about
wonder what will trump or milo be in the news for today..
they threw the steak in the garbage after the video and started blowing each other
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Can you solves it?
i'm white. i already won
hows the berserk game
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need a 600 dollar fire insurance with it though
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is this safe temp. my cpu now.jpg
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doing some video transcoding
im sticking with intel and nvidia because of shitty experiences with amd

like pls never again
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me too
AMD Extreme Masters when
2 real
if one of those twitter niggers saw this their head would surely explode
imagine cooking a romantic dinner for sickzii...
people on /g/ said that amd is very bad

i hope today is a productive day
when you guys say 'kys' do you literally want that poster to end their life or is it just a generic insult
sounds about right
i never use that word or tell anyone to end their life because if they did i would feel responsible and have to take my own life in return
link the twitch vod so we can report him
shut up. i know you're the faggot that got him banned last week
im not but i cant say i wasnt happy about it
now link the vod, young children might have watched that and the longer the vod stays up the more kids are going to see it
watching interstellar with my friends right now...what a mindblowing movie so far
if you do find the vod I'll report it too...
i cant look for it today or tomorrow but if someone else finds it link it pls
is he right? >>169094210
i think it says 2/21/2017 on his taskbar and it was uploaded 13 hours ago so thats a good starting point probably
i wish i could read the time from the taskbar as well tho
this phonespotter is on point
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do girls actually wear stuff like this?
i don't
*torrents a music software and watches a youtube tutorial*

heh.. time to make some house beats..
i still play wow because im a blizz drone, and the leveling/endgame PvE is still fun if you can slog through the shit in the middle.
my first piece is a bedroomcore techno vibe trap remix
have a listen..
if its not vaporwave i dont care tobeho
idk howto make the vapourwave sound i just use stock beats and a virtual synth :/
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we can put the evolution theory to rest :(
tfw your city wants to expedite refugee applications
today some dude asked me if i was gay :\
well im not like that.. but it's not like id stop ppl from hitting on me either..
waiting for my fleshlight to arrive...
isn't that flashlight
>not an onahole
have fun cleaning up cum
thoughts on the new amd cpu?
no acknowledgement of my dead fish... wtf guys... how many do I have to kill...
do i look like a f*cking pedo to you?
who cares
cpu is the most important thing for a pc and we love pc here..
am I shadow banned? or are you guys just being assholes...
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i don't even use my current cpu at max so why change
sickzii buy me a psvr bundle
im in love..
i wish i wasn't
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lol i also want it
nothing bottlenecking my rig for my uses

only thing you need to ever upgrade for now is virtual reality if you want to get into that (which you don't)
Stop stalking her on instagram and find a real girl
shut UP phoner B*TCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I stopped watching dbz because all the screaming was making me more retarded btw
but then how are you supposed to power up ?
why would u watch z when super is out??
hmm perhaps i should get that new 7.2 ghz octo-core amd cpu and toss a couple 1080ti's on there so i can play quake live and emulate super mario rpg
nice xd
how come?
haven't you clicked? there's work to be done
gonna hit the grocery store today

what should i get?
am i just gonna keep eating rice and lentils and veggies again? i don't feel like cooking :/
eggs, cheese, beef, chicken breast, lentils... basically my diet
thats what my diet is like. i just switch between pork chops and chicken breasts
what the guy above me said
chicken breasts are based but cut the beef crap
can you pick up a 'zah for me...
mom bought a doggo...
going to grow okra, tomatoes, and onions this year
if i have a suggestion, purple sprouting broccolli is a great veg to grow
yw friend :)
back when i was poor i used to have hate fashion and think that people who care about the way they dress are superficial and shallow

now that i earn a lot i spend thousands on designer shit every month

thinking bout getting zah today
when i was fat, had spotty skin and ate bad i used to think it was okay to be who you are and that people who spent hours making themselves look nice were also superficial and shallow

but then i went on a diet and exercised, and now that i'm in shape and have clear skin i think fat spotty people are disgusting and vile self victimised retards
makes me think...
*combs pubes*
you raise some great points
angela kim...
growing plants is not worth it. its cheaper to just buy vegetables at the store
its about the journey -.-
what do you think shes up to right now. i wonder how she looks now
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dunno last news are dated ~2015 if you naver her name 김엔젤라
well lets see the ol puppers
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she hasnt change that much. this was about 2 months ago
yeah post your dog so i can jack off to it
i kinda want to see her naked...
word we do that here
fat gook face~
do you guys ever get tired of it all. like the internet
word bro
yeah thats why im going to the court in 30 mins to play a pick up game with the boys
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holy...... :O
looks like a drug addict
please god please give me a psvr bundle

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