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/feg/ - Fire Emblem General

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Thread replies: 771
Thread images: 176

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>Links and Resources

>Natural 5* list for Fire Emblem Heroes
Ryoma (Red); Lyn (Red); Lucina (Red); Tiki: Dragon Scion (Red); Leo (Red);
Azura (Blue); Hinoka (Blue); Linde (Blue);
Hector (Green); Minerva (Green);
Takumi (Grey); and Elise (Grey)

I would fuck Lucina in the ass.
>40 posts early.
Fucking Lucina autists.
Any reroll macros?
Azura is shit.
please gib lucina xml
I've never seen people make the threads this early, only on /feg/
Thighs > Ass > Tits
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I love my titty onee-san
>Your first post in the next thread has to be something nice about Lucina. No exceptions. Sorry I don't make the rules.
She's shit and a terrible character
>tfw 2 5 star Lyns and a Roy
What the fuck am I supposed to do with the second? Merge them?

It feels like it'd be a waste
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I want Lucina to KILL me!
It's a meme. Someone listed a retarded tier list from a shit site.
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out of stam

do i do it /vg/

He's still SS
He deserves to be S though
Don't mind me, just being the single worst unit in FEH
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Tiki a cute! CUTE!
Do orbs of life regenerate?
Lucina only loves me. We already had our first child and soon will have our next.
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Lucina reaches out to you.jpg
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And while you're at it, buy some gems for me too and be my orb daddy
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S rank hectorFAGS BTFO.png
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Hector btfo FeelsBadMan i actually liked him but the 1 move was annoying
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do it
Fuck off with your falseflagging, Drill.

Rigged. But seriously why the fuck is his attack so low?

buy the highest amount, most bang for your buck

I'm the anon who is literally moving across states and getting a job to buy orbs
>Azura finally got moved to SS due to that bullshit move.
What does Lucina smell like?
It's okay anon, no need to be angry.
no its not
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Camilla a best!
Do you have the lewd japanese version of this? the one i got is censored ;_;
Trading a Takumi+Hector account for Eirika
Sheesh Markfags, a little over-the-top, no? It's just a simple rank down, minor setback. True fans of Hector likely don't mind. Like damn, what the hell did he do to you to gloat this much?
This. No other opinion is valid. Other waifus can fight over who is #2.
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Lucina level 40 speech

He's not wrong though, at least not in Heroes. I like Camilla, but she's just a horrible unit. I have never seen anyone post one that they actually thought was good..
>Ultra-high heating power
>High-fired mystery retention
>not risemara
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Haven't seen any other level 40 Jakobs yet, here's the stats for anyone curious
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How good is Aether with 5* Lucina?
Go for BEST VALUE, anon.
>Leo that high
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5* Robin
4* Lissa
4* Azama
4* Cecilia


5* Elise
4* Severa
4* Beruka
4* Odin
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>you will never have a perfect pegasus protect your precious
>your precious penis
Accurate to fates.
>western tier lists don't count
>but even when jap tier lists update everyone always has a bone to pick

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Need your help /feg/. Which heroes from my A&B team make a good combo that I can take to arena duels? I'll even out there levels once I get a good team of course.
The former.
Fucking google translate
Former. Latter has Odin and he's awful.
Is the level 40 dialogue only for 5 star units, or can lower tiers get those too?
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>save up orbs
>get this
It hurts
So it's not just mine
>not waiting for legfes to roll
You guys...
Who are you talking to you autist?
Should I start to use Elise? Is she that good? Right now I'm using Felicia because she counter mages perfectly.
Aether is the skill that makes Lucina busted. You should be rushing for it.
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Fuck this.jpg
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What the fuck.
The room.

take the first one
>Listening to /feg/'s advice
Very Good
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We need someone to make a pastebin or some shit for all the Level 40 speeches.
And the lewd edits.
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Use the former to make a new Odin when they introduce child units
If only you had some way to heal Robin.
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>japs better than amerifats at gaming
Someone post that stat totals chart pls.
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Stop making early threads
You can feed Lissa free SP at the moment, so take advantage
I like Hana
How to get Crystals? The quests are only getting me shards and it doesn't seem like you can buy crystals
But /feg/ has always told me Fir is better than Rutger, so it must be true! (^:
I still can't get over how Camilla has the worst stats in the game, or at least out of those. Did someone at IS hate her? I find it hard to believe they didn't looking at that.
Should have brought 4 Robin's, nerd
How much autism do you need to think a tier list for a 5 day old game means anything

>Haha your waifu got demoted from SS back to S today, BTFO, I'm sure the entire list won't get completely rearranged again tomorrow
Clear your notifications.
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>wanted to save my orbs for future focus
>but i still only have one 5*
>decide to do a cheeky roll on blues and greens
>get hinoka

pretty cool my dudes

i know i should stop but i do want camilla still
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What's this I'm seeing about +Atk/-Def, etc.? Are there really pokemon natures in this? Is there a way to tell this or will one stat just be unusually high?
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Lucina is Severa's friend and trusted comerade, so that makes her okay! Any friend of Severa must be as cute and wonderful as her!
Plus they have Camilla in S-tier so whoever is making that chart isn't even level 40 yet
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>Camilla went from SS to A

C tier when?
>3 freebies

>haha its just a game bro xD

shut the fuck up tier lists are godlike if you want to compete in competitive FEH

how are u gonna get rank 1 huh?
I've found a 4* cecilia but I already trained a 3* one, if I fuse the 3* one in the 4* will skills unlocked transfer?
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Who /bullying low level training tower and grinding healer levels/ here?
Hana would be a lot less shit if she had a cavalry unit's movement range.
Who is the most kissable FE?
>no jakob
not as much autism as you need to spam the thread with posts insisting that camilla does 0 damage for some reason, Lord knows what

seriously i think a psych evaluation on that guy would be fascinating
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/v/ is talking about giant Camilla.
Let's talk about giant FE girls too.
if it bothers you why did you migrate to the early thread instead of reporting and ignoring
>using healers
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arena team.png
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I want to replace Saizo on my arena defense team any suggestions

I like the guy and all but I don't think the AI's good enough to exploit the def debuff without getting saizo instakilled
Replace one of the healers in the first one
Shut up LTG. :^)
and I really do mean "spam", as in "every time the post timer is down, for hours on end every single day"
No. You should promote your 3* and then fuse it with the 4* if it has skills not yet unlocked on your new one. A 5* Cecilia is stronger but not significantly so than a 4*+1, and you get I think 100 skill points.
I want Cherche to fuck off
Training tower, guy
Not him but she does do 0 damage on average at level 40. Multiple people have testified to this. When you have ever seen a Camilla posted and had someone not be disappointed? That should tell you a lot right there.
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Should I keep this?
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They are more than friends my dude.
i played awakening on casual 2 years ago and liked it, but dont feel like replaying it on classic due to not caring about the story a second time. what game do i play next? (permadeath obviously to force me to get gud)
No, just post the xml here
So pvp is automated?

I just got lucina focus. She is heckin op.

There are no stamina recovery leversion? I need to recover via time or orbs/items only?

Is this the same with pvp swords?
Yeah. Jeorge is better than T*cummies anyway desu.
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Sophia is slow as molasses, but cute
pretty good flolina, but I think you can do better
That's a lie
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Waifu In Progress!
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>enter mission
>tome wielding cavaliers

are there even any tome wielding cavaliers that you can use?
It's a good start but not amazingly good. Honestly if I'd been rerolling for all this time I'd settle with it. That and the Lucina - Chrom combo is cute.
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not him but what do I run then? I have roy/hector/nowi and i need a gray unit. I don't have tacomeme. so my options are serra/azama or a shit archer like gordin/virion. I'm trying to roll for grays only but i usually get 1 or 0 available and lose 5 orbs
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So he literally can't move or what ?
So does that chart mean that if a character is unlisted, it's absolute shit ?
The game is giving me a clock error, it tells me to restart the app after changing it, but what does it mean?
She breeds black, y'know?
it's not bad, lucina is nice the rest is meh.
if you reroll throw the xml over I want to try a lucina run.
Clock error = Someone else took the XML you loaded
3001 Error = You're fucked unless you linked
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Are you making new accounts and deleting old ones until you get a disgustingly good roll?
She is also pretty awesome at 4*+
Yes, but no mounted archers yet.
No, just that no one uploaded stats for a 5* version of them.
There is no PvP. The Arena is you against someone else's team controlled by AI.

There are better

Yes. 1 stamina every 5 minutes, or you can spend a Stamina Potion or an Orb to regain 50 stamina

Dueling Swords are reset in the middle of the night. If you don't use a Dueling Crest or an Orb, then you can only attempt 3 Arena fights per day
Gordin isn't bad if you 5* him. Alternatively if you have another good blue you can use that, more blues don't hurt in the current arena situation.
Oh, thanks.
but I linked it and played ok, it suddenly gave me the error sometime after my second roll, what now?
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My Corrin is not feeling so hot. I wish Nowi were here.
Level a 5* to 38-40 and you'll be able to tell based off the averages chart already posted in this thread.
>don't even roll for optimal setup
>would take literally everything that has at least one 5*
>get only 3 and 4*
RIP Flyers when he becomes playable.

>shit unit
>shit art
Why is this allowed?
My entire day so far with Lissa.
Decided not to keep it. Heres the XML

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8' standalone='yes' ?>
<string name="devicePassword">yxoxBz9gnujarDfpmdrDCxiawgy7xAuxxxCpDuml</string>
<string name="deviceAccount">c55994acd51e6d98</string>
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>tfw you beat the game and start rerolling again
>Get an amazing reroll
>Excitedly farm the 2nd one
>Its completely garbage with not even a good 4* in it

I hate it
Why does this always hgave to happen?
She has really good skills to balance it out, imagine if she had Brave Axe+1, got a speed buff whenever she initiated an attack, had Savage Breath, AND had stats as high as the top tiers, she'd be completely retarded

She's already not bad at all despite what /feg/ would have you believe, she might not be amazing in arena because of all the tacomemes and reds everywhere, but she's very strong all the way through lunatic 9 thanks to her skills, as long as you have some understanding of positioning and don't throw her right in range of an archer anyway

Her biggest weakness is that her attack isn't good enough to kill armored units, but Brave Axe and the speed buff skill she has let her nuke pretty much anything else that isn't armored, and 7 damage AoE is always good for softening up enemies and bringing them into ORKO range for your other units

Is she good at nuking armored units and tanking archers? No, but is she good at assassinating mages and fliers and squishier infantry? Absolutely
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I love this meme
thanks, anon.
If I have a 3* that is +1 does that +1 transfer when I upgrade them to 4* and then 5*? Or does it reset the +x
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anyone want this
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it resets it, but each +1 reduces the material cost of upgrading by a small amount.
My Gordin had 0 speed until level 15. That stupid green shota is shit just like the rest of them
Yes please
>4* Felicia at level 20
>8k feathers
How many orbs for the fully upgraded castle?
Had Takumi and Camilla which were my fav characters and the data just went poof. ;-;
Shieet, it looks like somebody took the xml file I loaded, it had *5 Lucina, Lyn and Jakob, immediately linked it and played until I had a 2nd roll, I rolled *4 Femui, Merric and Niles and then got the clock error, did I just lose 2 hours of my life?
Hector fangays get rekt lmao
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8' standalone='yes' ?>
<string name="devicePassword">4bcm84dr5nr5kglwfav61f6x5jsmz930oynAk4aD</string>
<string name="deviceAccount">37dd602119b2cb15</string>
Her skills really aren't good enough to make up for her poor stats. If she had just a few more points in strength or speed she'd be fine, but as it is her stats are too low for anything else to matter. Her speed buff really only puts her on par with the average, and savage blow's 7 damage isn't all that much late game.

I'm sorry but she just isn't a very good unit.
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This may be a stretch atm, but once Hector gets a focus, how the fuck are you supposed to deal with teams of 4Hector? They each give each other +4 attack and speed for a total of +12 on each.
The average Hector has 52 attack so that's 64 fucking attack and enough speed to avoid double hits, while even managing to get some off themselves on slower units.
Not to mention they're guaranteed a double hit on their first counter and they can counter from any range.
Unless you go in with a specialized team of 4 red mages, it doesn't look good.
Also, what the fuck is this?
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Why haven't you spent $200 anon?
Ah, since I have it on hand,
A four star upgrade reduces feather cost by 300
A three-star upgrade reduces feather cost by 150.
So if you're merging for upgrade cost reductions, it scales terribly.
>everyone starts running multiple Aqua to be full meme
>Hector comes back with a vengeance
Roy with healer teams will be the anti-meta.
Isn't Roy dead after the first counter attack?
A 3* gives 150 feathers when burning it anyway
>Fourkumi vs Fourhec

Unstoppable force vs Immovable object?
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His attack being so bloody low should be criminal, without Blarblade's special effect my Odin wouldn't be able to scratch most foes
>food analogies
I have a hector and he does pitiful damage to red dragons and almost gets one-shot.

A single tiki and some change will get the job done.
Just plop Roy's ass in front of Hector and let him do the attacking.
if you linked it, someone else couldnt have taken it. just reinstall and log in
why do I get clock errors when I paste an xml?
>level 25
>34 attack
>mine is 31
>31 attack
Is yours 5* because I'm on suicide watch
Someone else took it
As long as she's using her shuten voice she can say whatever the hell she wants
How retarded would it be to run a team with 2x Lucina and 1 Lyn, plus whatever else? Rest of my team is pretty dog shit.
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First time playing FE and I have no idea what the fuck I'm doing. Summoned a hero for the first time, whom is this?
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How is Effie? I'm thinking of choosing her as my 4 to 5 star upgrade.
Poof = gone
Peri from FE14

She's pretty alright
Because my luck is so bad that Arthur would get a 5* before I would.
Already did it, still gives me the clock error or the communication error, I wonder what the hell happened
I'd like to see how he turns out as a 5-star
Blarblade is my favorite animation in the game, but that's all Odin contributes to the team for me; a flashy animation.
>still rerolling
Not gonna stop till I have 2 5*s, one Takumi and one someone who isn't Camilla
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Is she 5*? My Cordelia, although 4*, wasn't so fortunate at that level.
You can click on character names and it'll tell you a little something and what game they are from
>Roy's binding blade can't attack at range
>mages can't attack up close
>dancers don't get experience for dancing
>only four actual sets of animations for a game in a series known for its over-the-top battle animations
>no critical hits
>random stat distribution, even on SSRs
>numerous, numerous, numerous other issues

I know we're all still running on that gacha high, but what the fuck. This is some of the laziest garbage I've ever seen, this shit feels like a chinese knock-off cashgrab that was rushed out the door in less than a month. My fucking phone can emulate Gamecube games, there's no way in hell they thought this was acceptable.
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Yeah, she's 5*.You're gucchi, anon.
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That's cool. I kept rolling, how are these results?
She's a glass cannon, but compared to some other glass cannons (Hana, Lon'Quanda) she has mobility, so she doesn't have to expose herself to mages to close the distance.
You forgot the no evasion and no support.
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I don't even know what is going on here but damn Sakura is kawaii as fuck.
I imagine a couple of those were for balance reasons, as completely retarded as that sounds.
Azura should be S, Hector feels barely above SS so I think it's fine
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>played the game inefficiently until chapter 8 Lunatic
>used up all stamina potions
>used up all the dueling swords
>can't summon anymore unless I wait
>only have Lucina
I had a 4* Cordy, but I still said goodbye to that account. Playing the game was fun like that.
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Lute when?
You forgot how flying horses are slower than normal horse people.
Bad, reroll.
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Can you tell which one will be better around 20? I'll probably end up leveling them to 40 anyway because I'm going to upgrade her to 5* eventually, but I just kind of want to know what stats does effie want the most? I mean 39 attack at 20 seems like a lot, but maybe she wants more in def and res?
Wings make you slow
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When are we getting tickets? I've been going through Orbs for FCorrin and I've got more or less everything I need other than her. I'd sink money into this game if I could just buy a character every month or something.
Setsuna is fast but she doesn't do that much damage to balance it out

Fir is a decent Res tank but otherwise she's discount Lyn (the green-haired girl on the Deep Devotion banner)

Azama is a healer and has good defense but can't take many Magic attacks

Overall it's okay but could be better
>Catria and Femui
Sucks that no 5*, but neat.
Jesus Christ I just got my shit kicked in on Lunatic 8-5, Lucina one-shotted all of my units to the point where a Light's Blessing wouldn't have made a difference

I don't even want to see what Luantic 9 is like
>Camilla being anything but shit
Literally no way to tell unless its around 35.
I'm sorry
That's how these games work. You won't see the option to buy a specific character.

Short of something like FGO that's really only for the luckiest-yet-unluckiest whales who somehow rolled the same ssr 16 times
Why doesn't anyone ever talk about any other unit being shit? Or is Camilla actually considered the worst possible unit now?
> all these /v/eddit users that came flooding back to the general
Disgusting. At least they're already starting to get bored.
>Short of something like FGO
FGO has a 1% rate for a 5* unit, I'm pretty sure that's among the worst in the entire genre. People have spent literal thousands of dollars trying to get 5 copies of a unit to max them out and still come up short.
I'm hoping for a ticket system like GBF has but they have a much larger roster I believe.
>Hector/Lyn core
>only blues I have are 3* Oboro, 3* Gwendolyn, and 2* Sharena
Should I roll again and hope I get something better? I'm not really impressed with Oboro right now, Sharena is starting to fall off, and I don't need a second knight.
Like 2 days ago she was revealed to have the lowest total stats in the game I think, so that's why people are on about her. She's obviously not the worst unit in the game though, she is still okay.
Pray you get a Robin for easy Takumi kills.
She was memed into top-tier by her nuke ability, which is only good for netting kills for your weaker support units like Olivia or Azama. Damage-wise she shits the bed compared to the other 5* axe users, especially Hector.
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Felicia makes me happy.
That just seems really unbalanced to me. If she had some obscenely good skills I'd understand maybe, but she doesn't. I still think one of the devs simply hated her.
1% is bad, but I'm kinda used to 1% chances for that. Part of the problem with FGO is that even the 4* rate is shitty at 3%.
are any of the 1/2 star units you get as rewards worthwhile for anything? or should you just send them packing immediately?
The worst offender I've seen still is global FFBE

>Chance of pulling a 5* is like 0.5%, might go up to 1% on a rate up
>When you do get that rainbow it can and likely will just be the 5* version of an absolutely garbage tier base 3* instead of one of the good base 5s
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>about to have 9 orbs again
>going to be no grays when i got to summon
i feel it bros
send me meme magic okease
Show them the door.
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5* Lyn 5* Effie plus a bunch of silver/bronze trash
They hate most flying units in general except Cordelia
Just read this earlier today, she's so adorable. Her 3* version was in my initial pull and team, I'm gonna promote her soon.
You'll probably need them for missions, unless you already have them.
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>9 orbs


you wait until you have 20 right?
Minerva, Catria and Hinoka are fine too. Dunno about the rest.
Oh I know, it's just the only example I can think of since GO is the only other one I played for more than 5 minutes

Mobile games don't interest me unless I care about the series they're from so GBF may be a better game but I don't give a shit about it

I'm glad I got off FGO's wild ride
If you only want one color you can risk going in with 9 or 13. You'll get screwed the few times you get 4 or 5 of the orbs you want but that's pretty unlikely. There's no reason not to wait for 20 of course.
Palla was pretty good for me before I nuked that account.
I'm just trying to get a gray to fill out the team, no need to save to 20
Who's better, Roy or Lyn?
that feel when you want to use loli chiki and make her body all hot, but thargarbage is better for your team
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Guys, I'm back from last night. I got 3 bots running and am giving away accounts that I don't want. First email wins as always. First up we have 5* Lucina and Peri
How do you set up a bot?
I just abandoned my Lucina account after 5 20 orb rolls yielded no other 5 stars. Am I going to hell?
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Worst Senran

>"I Hate Camilla" General
>Asking why the same 5-10 people shit on Camilla nonstop
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Time to spam fucking refresh
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See? Why wait til 20 when you can only spend 9 anyway?
post it here
Roy is better if you don't wanna do a red heavy team. He handles green threats a lot better than Lyn whereas she's still gonna have some trouble with Hector, but goes even with other reds instead of beating them. They both lose to blues but Roy loses harder if you're using TriAdept.
If you're hunting a specific unit then 9/13 would be better. I've had numerous rolls where I got 3 red gems and 2 blue while looking for an axe user or for Nino.
I think a lot of people are upset that they got her early thinking she was good and then spent a bunch of time leveling her only to find out that she wasn't. I'd be bitter too.
Shit, just post a temporary email. I'm not asking for your life story.

Sent, check your email.
Do you always need a healer in your team? Which are the ones I should use? I have Lissa and Sakura so far.
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takomeme fucking never
If he posts the xml people will literally go on the account and delete it like they've done several times. Better for him to send it to your emails instead
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>Tfw when set up bots becuse I was tired of rerolling,
>Got exactly what I wanted while setting up the macro
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i am glad that you agree, fellow nino friend
Thanks mate, I've been trying to snag a Lucina + random 5star in these threads but someone nabs it first, throaway email worked great.
First time summon - should I do Legendary Heroes or Devotion?
It's not like you can finish the game and level your unit to 40 in a day. They could've rerolled if they wanted, they just hate her.
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Because sometimes this happens

What if you wanted blues and you get 5 blue orbs? Better off waiting till 20 then opening whatever orbs you want
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>People rolling for meta instead of rolling for waifus in a game only a few days old
Questionable decision making.
giveaway the bot instead xDDD
Nino is too pure for this world
Takumi is the best unit in the game and he's in devotion. None of the 5*s are particularly bad if you're just looking for something to get through the game. I'd only reroll if my only 5* was some dumb shit like Bartre or Jagen.
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My setup.png
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This is my current setup, I'm looking for Hector.

No problem.

Also, anyone here need me to roll them something? I'll be on for a while.
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Did they originally intend for the first unit you get to be random?
Roll me a hector/takumi/azura account
All I got was 2 Arthurs, Bartre, Cecilia, and 4* Camilla
I can get Hector, but who actually likes Takumi?
>I'll be on for a while.

>implying your next roll won't have hector
She's not the worst, she's just not that good for what people expect out of a gold roll. I have her but other five stars tend to outshine her due to better stats and skills

She's slow as fuck due to not so great stats and an axe that cuts her speed down, and then she has a passive related to speed which isn't that great and really just serves to soften that weakness while she is attacking while leaving her vulnerable to double attacks orherwise.

Her AoE passive isn't so great at higher levels either as its a fixed 7 damage which is anywhere from mediocre to unimportant. Also I think it's bugged and can't finish wounded enemies off.
Just me
Bitches love Takumi
Literally see this >>167697947

All I am doing is running Nox 3 times while using a macro I wrote in 10 minutes. It runs through the game as fast as possible to get 20 orbs. Then it rolls them, then resets the account if I think it's shit.

Similar to my current team, which is Ryoma, Azura, Takumi, and Camilla. All level 35 at the moment.
My dream account would be something like Tiki + Takumi but I doubt people would be willing to give that away
>None of the 5*s are particularly bad if you're just looking for something to get through the game
'camilla intensifies'
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God dammit ;_;
So is it as bad as rolling a 5* healer?
That's not a bug, no fixed damage skill can actually kill an enemy, it'll always leave them with 1 HP, Azama's Pain and Tiki's fire thing are the same way
I would suck one hundred cocks to get a team with 5* Camilla and 5* Hinoka, the rest preferably silver
>Also I think it's bugged and can't finish wounded enemies off.
Nothing that does map damage is actually capable of killing anything.
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So who's your MVP?
Linde is fucking broken when she gets above average speed. She can literally one turn anything short of a Hector or a green mage who can oneshot her with one hit of counter, and that's only because of the typing disadvantage. I run her with a dancer and she can sweep most maps.
What is this, a screenshot for ants?
Plenty of girls do.
>Also I think it's bugged and can't finish wounded enemies off.
It's not supposed to
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healer training.jpg
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It is actually perfect, effie does 0 on counter attack and 1 on attack and they just keep slamming each other, I healer her at the start of turn and end of turn. It's pretty good.
>tfw have all the characters I want right now but one
Shit. Do I wait for a banner or do I just roll? She doesn't seem likely to get a banner.
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spoken like true NOHRIAN SCUM
It's enough to show what it needs to, m8
Just set up the macro and have it run it
>used to be a sexgoddess
>now she's a cute sexgoddess
I want a Linde.
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Well this was a waste of money. I already have a 5* Lilina.

At least Abel seems to have potential to be good. I hope he doesn't get screwed over by stats.
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My Team.png
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I'll post it if I get it, like I said before I am only after Hector + another 5*

Also rate my team guys. I also have about 14k feathers from purging about 70+ units...
Takumi is pretty popular with males. The actual fujobait unit is Leo.
Nowi, this is only 4*, I can't wait to get 20k feathers and see how monstrous she gets at 5

>These stats
>Can also counter at range, debuff and hit against res, and buff allies' defense
>Triangle advantage means she can still kill the Falchion wielders as long as I'm careful and don't just throw her in there to tank and solo kill them
Which FE games to I start with for the GBA?

I'm guessing I go with blazing blade > sacred stones?
How do you select all in the xml?
Where are the 10k feathers? Fuck, I was hoping to upgrade Robin before doing today's Arena.
Tenth stratum has 5 enemies, and I bet that the archer in Ninth is Taco meme waiting to nuke your team
Get that SP anon (or dem feathers, 10,000 are incoming in a few hours).
>Has this
>Rerolling for Hector

I dont understand
>Takumi is pretty popular with males.
That's bullshit but I believe it.
how much money?
Yes, and maybe Binding Blade after 7. Or save it for last since it's the hardest.
how much monies?
Not re-rolling, continuously rolling.
Did you really take a picture of your phone's screen?
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Her stats are nothing special but I'm surprised at how clutch Catria is. She breaks through so much with Luna.
Are you guys spending your orbs when you can, or waiting for something new to be rated-up?
Rolling Hector for a friend who is /poor/ and doesn't have a computer that can run Nox several times.

Around $350
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My Linde has still some ways to get to that much, I hope I can get to the 40 range also. She's doing a lot of work for me.
>Aoi yuuki

Fuck off
Could've sworn Famitsu's poll reported that Takumi received a lot of his votes from males in their 20s / 30s. Leon, meanwhile, got most of his from females in their 20s.
Son, considering the misfortune of another lad who poured 1K in this game, I'd wait for a banner if I were you.

Non banner hero snipe is the biggest suffering possible.
>tfw poor and can barely run nox
>Have to do my own rerolling on every game

I wish I had a friend like you.
I think this means my 4* Nowi is -DEF

What is the best Fire Emblem game on 3DS?
I did two rolls, got my Nowi and stopped. Saving everything now.
They are both fujobait idiot because they are shipped together. They are also both popular with regular girls/husbandofags. I don't know about men but I'd reckon some japanese ones like takumi
Emulating FE7
I saw that on Reddit while I was at work. Trust me, I'm not spending anymore until Hector is bannered up.

You do, I'm here now giving shit away.
I want you to know, I'm extremely jealous of you.
Yes, finally got another 5*! It's Camilla, but at least I have a 5* green now. Time to feed her shards so she can hang with Roy and Chrom. Should I keep with Deep Devotion looking for a Takumi, or should I switch to Legendary Heroes hoping for Robin now that my pity rate has reset?
My 4* Nowi is so much worse than yours, what the fuck? Is it possible for a hero to be both -Spd and -Def?
5* Lilina

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I wish Donnel would be shot and staked
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Headpats from Nowi!
they were both expressly designed to be fujobait
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>not wanting to ta-cumi on his ta-tummy
lmaoing @ ur life
How can I avoid losing everything because of the 3001 error?
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Damn, would have had it if I had 3 more damage on her.
2-1, Echoes will be
So what level do your units stop getting exp from weaker enemies?
The greatest reward
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>when you get your waifu to 40
Let's see her dialogue
Reroll anon
Man, I wish I rolled her instead of Hinoka. I'm sort of baffled a natural 5* is so average compared to a 4-5*.

Its almost as if this is a different game then those other gachashits you've played...
Camilla is good anon, don't fall for the meme.
I might get SP for Lilina since I actually use the 5* on my team.

The rest will be sacrificed for feathers.
julie ann taylor makes for quite a nice waifu
I'm surprised I haven't seen Camilla and Leo's lv40 monologues yet.
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You're welcome, baby.
>Almost beat the game on my main account
>Start making alts and rolling on the ones that seem promising
>They all get garbage rolls after the reroll and struggle with good team comps
>Heavily loaded on two colors and struggle with colorless/the remaining color

Holy shit, I thought my main had shit rolls but I realize I had it better than I thought. Getting no 5*'s is suffering but at least I have flexibility when it comes to team building.

Not bad. I was rerolling for Linde but a 5* Nowi and Tiki roll with 4* Femui and Titty Tiki was too good to pass up.
someone released the effie

There's some shits hanging around
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>That feeling when the CPU gets Threaten Attack while I'm stuck with Pass

I guess those skills someone posted for a lv 40 CPU Camus might not be the same a player can get either.
Yeah fuck off, we dealt with you all yesterday.
That's why some people are preferring to do giveaways via email, malicious people are starting to show up.
I got her from a normal summon, I did my initial rolling on day 1.

Also got another 3* Frederick, should I merge them or send the new one home? Any bonuses he gets will be lost when I make him 4*, right?
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That's a funny way to spell Tharjamore and/or Tharjavita, anon.
The worst thing about Hinoka is that she is almost the likes of Camilla: they designed her to be a monster but they overbalanced her. At least, Hinoka has a decent atk compared to Camilla, but her special takes forever and her speed is iffy at best.

Hell, even Cordelia is better than her in most circumstances I believe.
As someone who leveled Shanna to 4* level 40, I think the monologue only happens at 5* level 40.

Alternatively, IS hates Shanna.
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How would 5* Cecilia do vs Takumi?
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Oh, I've made quite some memories alright

Yeah this girl + Olivia kills anything. Literally the only one who could kill survive stuff in the 10th stratum
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Been waiting for this.
Cordelia is an amazing counter meta character. She one rounds almost any sword user before they can even retaliate.
What can people even do that's malicious? Take the account even if they don't want it?
She's less slow than I expected.
yes, just happened to me
Get double'd and die
Got a 3* hana, beruka and florina on a latter pull. Anyone that use them have anything to say about them?
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*unsheathes falchion*
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5 Star.png
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Guys, I'm at 13,244 feathers. I should have enough once Nintendo gives us the free 10,000 to get a 5* unit. Who should I upgrade?
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So how long do you think it'll be before the release alternates of heroes based on their "canon" promotions?
I'm ready for Bow Knight Selena for a mounted archer.
Give this poor lady a pair of underwear.
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I know that feel

Fae would be much better if the meta didn't revolve so much around red units.
>Those stats
Holy crap, that nip really went all in for a very average christmas cake.
I'm not sure if she is worth the investment even as a Takumi and Robin counter.

My bad, I meant 4* Cordelia. 5* Cordelia is tthe best peg knight, with Catria right behind her I think
I want to watch Veronica breed with black men!!!
HInoka also has a good buff for other fliers and more useful skills in general. Don't compare her to Camilla,
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Post (lol
Huge chunk of damage and will die instantly on his counter attacks. If you can't one hit kill Takumi someone will die for it unless you have Hector.
Have you ever wondered what would happen if someone emailed you the entire Romeo and Juliet script?
I just want an Odin that doesn't suck ass.
>Kites you around, hits you once with Azama's Pain, then has Nowi finish you off in one hit

Pssh...nothin personnel...
>My bad, I meant 4* Cordelia. 5* Cordelia is tthe best peg knight, with Catria right behind her I think
Basically this. They should have given Caeda Wing Spear goddammit.
>Having to kite
>Using healers

Just oneshot it with a ranged unit??
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I got her as a 5 and she is fucking based. Great at initiating and weakening big targets and she fucks up knights so well that I can go all physical without any problems.

She's seriously underrated though might get more love after she gets focused and more people try her.
I'm looking for an account with Lyn + either Takumi or Catria.

Not expecting much anyway. Godspeed for your hunt.
>in live PvP
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>Echoes is better because it's a B-team side-project meant to convey the false illusion that the 3DS is still alive with less/removed/gutted features from past games on the exact same system marked at the same price

No one can defend this.
How would you go about balancing it though?
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She's from the dessert. It's against their religion to wear underwear.
What's the rest of your team looking like?
just feed her crystal shards to 20 anon
>After she gets focused
Don't give me hope anon. I've been spending too much money trying to get her and no luck.
I haven't been to irc in forever
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I'm on suicide watch.
I have a Hector + Loli Tiki but I have played on it/used orbs. I've almost cleared normal mode and about half of hard mode. You're welcome to it if you'd like.
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Alright which dark gods powers do I need to invoke to get a good roll around here.
Why is Virion rollable if he's a starter by default?

I sure like it when gachas fuck me in the ass with stupid logic like that
I can give (You) and (You) since I almost didn't notice (You).
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You should be grateful to be blessed with Serra.
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You inspire me greatly every night, Linde.

>He hasn't installed A9LHax
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Congrats on getting free. I can never leave.
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Would this work as a team? Also is Cecilia worth upgrading to 4* or should I do that with Florina first?
any tips for the things you should do once you finally finish rolling?
like where to get all the orbs you can and what to use them on? should i max the castle immediately?
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Sorcerer Ophelia then!
Your starting Virion is only 2* or something.
Cecilia is gr8
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Best tier list v2.0.png
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Don't mind me. Just being the only tier list worth a damn.

You're welcome.
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Our boy, his dad and a senran.

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>No Camilla on team

Remove your trip, you're an insult to big sis.
you need a sacrifice of semen.
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Why should I keep this guy if he hates me?
>Hector back to SS
>Camilla down to fucking A

A little petty, no?
>Mistreating your plastic butts like that
As a buyfag you disgust me

Also, why 4 cards of the promo of Tharja? Building a deck?
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Florina is the best, BEST!
how much is it to raise 2* to 3?
>Azura as an A
That's why I said almost, but mainly in term of design. It is kind of annoying that her super charges so slowly and you aren't even sure how much damage you can deal considering it scale with both her stats and the targets.

I'm not even sure if there is any decent pegasis comp right now, esp you wouldn't pass on both Cordelia and Catria, and having 3 blue peg would be a tad stupid.
Meanwhile, I don't think Minerva is worth the trouble but she is the only green flying unit right now.

And for red peg... Palla isn't exacty a legit choice, is she?
I just fell out of habit after I got stuck in a hospital for 2 weeks.

Now I'm stuck spending too much money on gacha games instead.
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>has two of the same daki covers
>doesn't even use one of them
>inb4 mad camillafags
Jakob hates everyone, don't hate it personally.
>Roy in A tier

How can ourboyfags ever recover?
>option to 5* Roy or Cecilia
>can't choose

i want to marry her in the elibe remake when it happens in a billion years
Echoes is being made the main team as well.
I've spent $80 and I've gotten both Takumi and Hector. I had no idea that was super lucky as I always assumed either of the two weren't too unreasonably rare.
In all honesty I doubt Camilla is good enough for A.
He has Renewal 3 and two can play that game, just have him take attacks for the team and get along badly with him until he goes nice at lv 40.
They can say that, but it pretty clearly feels like a lesser thing in the long-term. Its effect right now is about as big as "Poochy and Yoshi's Woolly World".
I've been wanting her to get Blaaraven so i Grinded this team for the entire day

Anon this is my third team and I have her on my first one

She's good but I wish she got more def
200 feathers and some rocks
I'd put Linde and Cordelia in the same tier out of personal experience.

>I spent the same amount as two full 3ds games and got two playable units likely to get hit by powercreep in the coming updates
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Get best girl out of B rank now
Echoes will save FE and be the best FE in the last 15 years
I don't own a boat
It was only for the pic, she's back on her stand nice and safe. Also I just bought 4 cause that's how the guy was selling them.
They're extremely rare and I don't want to damage them
Does your avatar/commander on the main screen have to be the captain of your defense squad? Right now I have Serra there and I want to keep her there, but she'd probably be really underwhelming if the AI was handling her, so I want to bench her from my defense squad in favor of Saizo. But I'd be a lot more hesitant if that would mean she wouldn't be my "main unit".
>tfw resisting the urge to spend some of my 90 orbs now
>currently have azura/lucina account that's done 2 5x rolls past the initial 4x
>reroll for a 5* Tharja and 5* Cordelia
Anyway to tell at level 1 what the +/- stat is?
I was expecting that post to end with "so I used them to get feathers".
>+Attack/-Speed Jeorge

I dont like this
Use the others to bait Takumi out and fuck them up in PP with Robin.
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>a remake of the worst FE game will be better than 9

No, Echoes is better even if it's a remake of the forgotten black sheep of the series, has the worst map design in the series, a story with plenty of plot-holes and irrationalities, and a gameplay that is a mess. It'll be better than anything on the 3DS even though i never played nor cared about the original. I'll keep saying that it's better than nuEmblem just to vent my asspain and frustation towards a series that changed because i wasn't able to keep it alive. Fuck off.
t. guy that doesn't know the first thing about Gaiden
People are just trying to seek validation from their shitrolls now
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Tiki version up yet?
Upgrade Cecilia, since that's the only way to get her in 5 star. Roy is a focus, so he's not too hard to reroll.
It's too soon for a remake of Revelations
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I will re-roll.jpg
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I don't want this.
how to anti bison as urien? particularly headstomps and devils reverse gimmicks
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Look what I found somewhere in a corner of my FE folder.

Quite relevant again.
How is that a problem? If anything A is too generous for her.
post xml
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Found this on a random unit, do any units ingame have it yet? Like how Sheena has the one to negate armor weakness.
>baiting me into replying by saying you will reroll 5 star best girl Hinoka

Level 20 4* Serra I raised from 3*
Level 25 4* Cecilia
Level 25 4* Marth
Level 23 3* Oboro (my only 4* blue unit is Abel who is an abysmal tank in a spot where I wanted a tank; other option is a level 23 3* Subaki, but Subaki has worse skills. I plan on promoting her tonight.)
>she doesnt want your D
Ninofags still getting Jaffar'd
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Give it away then
I'll have 20k feathers after this arena season ends.

Do I 5* Camilla or not? After all of the bonus maps I'll have 40 orbs, so I might somehow get Hector
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Hey guys, it's the botting guy again. Got a 5* Tacomeat up for grabs, first email replied gets him. Hopefully I just ended someone's reroll hell.
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Local Meta Killer continues to get perfect rolls.
[email protected]
I can't beat Lissa's map. It's too hard bros. The rolls fucked me over, all I have is pure shit.
PAD is played by like 20 people in the channels. fuck pad tho
>21 Def
She sure is one tanky loli.
Man, if only she wasn't so shitty looking. If it was Hinoka's artist, she would have been perfect.
That chin is so sharp she could leave her lance behind and attack people with it.
>Meta killer
>Dies to hector
>DIes to takumi

She's cute but the meta screws her over
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You guys took the Def +2 skill, right? It just straight up adds it to her stats permanently while equipped
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Solid desu
Might want to keep rerolling using bots for a dank Hector/Takumi, but it's a neat team

I had to start over because my only worthwhile blue was gif related
Enjoy brother.
how high a priority is maxing the castle? should i do it before anything else?
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>been rerolling since launch
>finally get my 2 5* rolls

I wanted a linde but this is good enough.
She can kill Takumi easily if you ambush him.
tap in his stat menu. He tells you you're an exception.

I've been using him. He has above average stats and can heal himself. So he's like a tanky ninja that can trade better against other ranged units. (at least mine is)

I think his silver dagger is the strongest in the game at -7 def/res so you can pair him with another attacker and usually two-shot units even with a bad matchup.
What is close combat?
it is possible.
Nips reported there are 3 patterns:
-All 5 stats normalized
-1 good stats, 1 bad stats, 3 normalized
-2 good stats, 2 bad stats, 1 normalized

+3 for good stats, -3 for bad stats. Overall stats are +/- 1 compared to posted average.
I think you could do better
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Can you promote units in Heroes? Am I missing something here?
Does Takumi's Close Counter still get treated as a bow and do bonus damage to fliers?
Yeah, at Lv33 I have 23 Def with that skill equipped
If you want to roll as soon as you get 20 orbs, you really shouldn't. But if you want to gain levels as fast as possible invest your orbs in the castle until you hit 80% or just go for the full 100% bonus.
Hector is SS tier. Go back to shilling your joke site from last thread. Also, this is taking into account 5* star play and where Camilla falls off a bit.

>High A is bad
Quit being so entitled. She's good at fighting reds but not that good since Nowi and Cordelia are better at it and can do decent damage to blues as well. Her sing isn't anything special either.
stat variance can go up to 4
What is brave lance?
Yes, but it doesn't matter if he gets attacked twice in a row and dies before he can get a shot off.
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>Ambushing a bow unit with a pegasus

Balls of steel
It does, that's why using Flyer against him is a very bad idea, unless you attack him with a brave weapon.

Yeah, which is to account that +/- 1 total unless there have been reports with multiple stats going +4.
I didn't understand what people meant by Anna being OOC until this shit with this Zacharias dude came up.
You can increase their stars to unlock new skills. That's it.
anon desu reroll.

you can get one 5* at least, optimally takumi/hector/some other broken hero, and get back to where you were fast on autobattle.
I have 5* and never used her. Time to level her I guess.
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>doesn't even have the badges or 10,000 feathers ready

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4* Catria's hp growth is almost as good as her chances with Marth!
I linked to my My Nintendo account and played a few hours before I realized rerolling existed and then decided to retroactively go for a "no reroll" run to justify myself.
>wasting all those feathers on a shit tier character, unit and personality wise
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Tacomeme isn't going to do much really.
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She has great growths.
>Last roll was a bust
>everytime there's blue stones but no red I roll a Robin
Simply ebin
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But I already have Lissa and Maria anon. At four stars.
This is literally the best non Tacomeat/Hector& shitter rolls I've gotten barring the 4* calvary team i once rolled. I'm ready to play this cash grab now.
Pretty good actually, just use those free feather on Lissa and Nino and you'll be golden
Can I borrow your reroll bot Tharjabro?
>whale noises
>Tharja stalks Robin
>Tharja anon stalks Robin
Is this pottery?
She one rounds him with brave lance before he even attacks.
How good is Tharja in this game? Her Def seems pretty middling.
>unironically upgrading tharya instead of saving for a new unit that's broken
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what do I do with shitty rarity characters in heros? I've been keeping unique characters regardless of starts but if there's a lower star duplicate I've just been sending them home.
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Takumi and 4* chrim
My tactic is usually to let the enemy advance while I get my Cordelia, Camilla, Takumi, and Lucina in prime ambush position. Then I just blitz all at once with units that have triangle advantages. I can typically kill a a good half/three fourths of the enemy in one turn and mop up from there. Takumi's speed debuff and Lucina's party attack buff also help.
I've yet to lose a single arena match and I play nothing but advanced.
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the pains origin story.jpg
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>tfw you roll a camilla
>implying I didn't just sell off all my 3* and 4* units
How's abel as a blue unit? Just found him today,I don't want to waste my orb for searching azura.
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>playing on emulator
>no 803-3001 error for over 12 hours so far
What did I do?
thanks for the input. do you know the average level for clearing the main campaign?
Catria's awkward as fuck embarrassed laugh when you catch her daydreaming is the best thing ever.
Did the whales find out if promoting to 5* resets which stats will end up above / below average?
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>this slut just got moved to SS tier
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So there's only four of her instead of five?
It's easier to make your own anon, since I had mine set to how fast things load on my computer and such

i-is this the official art? or is there a compendium of lewd edits?
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hp -4 res +4 overall +0.

and I don't want to validate the nonstop ramblings of a certain disabled person, but my camilla has abysmal str and I don't think her final 3 levels will be enough to pull her up to -3 although it's mathematically possible. of course I would have to grind those levels anyway to see if she's an overall -1.
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>that fucking face
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>since I had mine set to how fast things load on my computer and such

How to do this?
Depends. Takumi has an average def of 25 and 40 HP whereas 5* Cordelia has an average atk of 43.

Without any buff, Cordelia cannot kill Takumi with a single brave attack if he is at full HP.
She neds night sky or astra to deal with him more efficiently.
I don't think there are any Camillafags left. Even CamillaAnon doesn't use her.
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Problem, friend?
What's so bad about rolling a character that's S-tier?
Is Eliwood the most JUST'd character in the game?
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It's her official art, you can see her pantsu in most of her designs. She's a dancer Anon, it's okay to look.
How bad is your camilla? because I feel like mine is terrible. i benched her for minerva
Red Nino.
A lot of girls from Fates have visible panties.
She's not though. A-tier at best
Because she isn't Hector/Nino/Minerva?
Abel is better than azura.
She's shit. Olivia is a better dancer unit.
I've kept doing it on an unlinked emulator just so I can give away the xmls on good rolls; I only wanted Robin and Lissa
My Camilla only has 32 attack at level 38, but she still pulls her weight. She's tankier than normal and shits all over enemy mages. As long as she's not fighting reds or armor units she's fine.
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>dude in arena has anna next to their name
>think it's gonna be easy going against some random starter team
>fucking 5 star lucina
>5 star peri
Is this the old ss edit anon?
Abel basically only exists for his Brave Lance; whether you want to use him depends on whether you like a Brave Lance on your team. Personally, I don't; I like a setup of healer/mage/damage biased middle-of-the-road melee guy/tank biased middle-of-the-road melee guy hitting all four spots, but you know your preferences better than I do.
On nox there a little mouse+play cursor on the right side, click that. press record and do the things you want to auto happen, then press stop. Should things go right you can just press play on the recording and it'll click it's way through whatever you want
I want to smell her pantsu
>in a Rock Paper Scissors game
Dumb faggots
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Sounds easy
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The worst part of Heroes is when it pops the text notification sound and then you check and you haven't gotten a text from engine
>Should things go right you can just press play on the recording and it'll click it's way through whatever you want

I did this already and its buggy as fuck.

Only works 50% of the time.
That explains it. Mine is probably -DEF -SPD +HP + RES. Fucking shit. Stat reroll when
>better than Camilla
Good joke.
>not using camilla to oneshot takumeme
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I'm sorry Anon but she's my wife. You never will.
>roll roy for the 5th time
Why the fuck is he so common?
Olivia can't kill Lyn and Ryoma
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What if FE Switch is a sequel to Elibe and takes place 100s of years with Roy and Lilina's descendant? She can be a dancer with an ax.
I crushed an all 5* arena team with >>167701351 a while ago; just have to git gud
Camilla falls off. Minerva doesn't.
Why are people so buttmad about tier lists?

And why even follow Japanese tier lists at all? Obviously they're going to be groomed to how they play the game and not autistic slobbering westerners who slather their tongues all over LTC.

inb4 western lists don't count, this is a shitty meme.
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Which should get the last slot?
4* Lissa
4* Jakob
4* Jeorge
In a game of Rock Paper Scissors, Takumi pulls out a gun
add in some delays for network lag. just take a second or two after each action before you clikc forward, to account for it being slightly off. it'll solve most of your issues
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Someone's probably already posted this, but in case they haven't, here's Marth's level 40 quote:

>Over all the battles we've fought together, I have come to see my own powerlessness.
>As but one, I cannot accomplish anything. Together, we can face everything.
>That is why having you by my side gives me courage beyond the telling of it.
>I shall continue to fight at your side as long as you will allow me.
>I am eternally grateful that we may count on one another.
Please stop shitting up the thread.
Don't roll red rune in the devotion banner unless you want Lyn.
>Takumi pulls out a gun
>Called the Wild Card
Suddenly makes sense.
My team is:ryoma,hector,abel and tiki. Imho it's pretty good. What do you think?
back away from the phone, kiddo
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She didn't even have her permanent +4 yet here
Final 3 levels bringing her up to -3 means that she's 32 atk at level 37.
This, however, is definitely going to be -4 and should probably be checked to see if she's a -1 overall when (if) she hits 40 so we can get a better idea of stat variance, like if flying units are the only ones who can be +4/-4, or if you can only get variance of 4 when you have 1 high and 1 low stat, or something weird like that.
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Give me orbs and I will.
Azurafags shitposting over small things is common.
I DO want Lyn.
Something about him holding his cape is really endearing. Same with Hector.
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Shit I actually won.
I'll enjoy using S-tier Camilla who is actually good unlike Minerva who couldn't even make A-tier.
we need a FE of this scene
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>Lyn levels up to 33
>Finish the map
>Return to map selection screen
>Lyn is level 32
A friend told me it's happened to him and it may update or lose your level. Is this seriously a thing?
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It can be -4 no matter the unit. My Lyn is like that.
You read my mind.
See >>167700478
>this bait
Have fun with our boy.

More seriously, after all those rerolls, I'm pretty sure 5* Roy has a much higher drop rate than Lyn.
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Here is my level 40, I don't know if it's good or not since I haven't seen another 5* 40 nowi yet.
Your heroes lose exp when they die.
Did Lyn die in the battle before you finished? Because that'd undo all the progress she made during it.
If a character dies they lose all experience gained during a level.
That's one shitty tier list. Have a real one.

>S tier
Baby mode shitter spotted.
I feel the opposite. I rerolled for Roy, and only got a 4* Roy and settled. Ended up getting Lyn soon after.
I use Camilla all the time.
>m-muh Nipponese tier list
This list has Elise listed as a good healer but not Serra. What's Elise like in Heroes?
>+3 speed -4 atk
RIP man
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>I find that a sword gives me a glimpse into what someone else is thinking. So I think I know what's on your mind, friend!
Ha ha, is that so.
She's shit, the nips are retarded.
Worse than Elise
>Hector in SS

>m-muh random anon who is shit at the game tier list
Go on, tell us what's wrong about that
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serra smug.png
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Serra is the best healer. Disregard that meme list.
+4 Def
+1 HP
-3 Res

You also +1'd her so I don't know if it gave stats but your intinal roll was probably +Def/-Red which is not so great.
Would Camilla still do so well in the polls if Heroes had come out before they were done? I think she'd have dropped off the top 10 if it had, instead of just below Femui.
Elise is one of the few healers with ATK buff. She also have gravity (target can only move 1 square) and has cavalry move range.

I personally prefer Sakura for the ranged heal, but she is a pretty solid healer.
>just rolled Hector
Holy fuck this dude is stronk, he's clearing maps that are 5+ levels higher than him alone.
Why are Camillafags shitposting?
>muh waifu
Why is Tharja not S tier?
>high speed, doubles almost everything when attacking
>high magic damage in a game where most high tier units have pretty shit resistance
>when rallied gains bonus damage and with this can even melt through blues
Wrys is the best healer. Serra is shit.
Where can we find the stats to compare our characters to?
It's because of the horse, she has better range.
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>tfw got all this from just 3 full summon sessions

Should i replace the heal loli with a green character that I have?
It seems to me like that's a +3/-3 with an overall -1 taken off from attack, which is good data (although a shitty lyn) but isn't really what I'm looking for.
I suppose +4/-4 could just be a hilariously lucky/unlucky result of rolling +3 and a +1 on the same stat, and a -3 and a -1 on a different same stat.
what are good rally units to pair with her?
The chart that was posted in this thread. I got a duplicate file error when I tried posting it.
there's no such thing as western tier lists, all the tier lists in english are taken from japanese tier lists

god you fucks are so stupid making issues where there aren't any
Camillafags are by far the most cancerous fanbase in the series is why.
It's just some falseflagging shitter
What's more accurate a tier list maintained by a large amount of people who are used to playing mobages or some random anon playing his first mobage?
Some boys and a Nono

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t. Tharjacuck
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>tfw you realize your best team just isn't enough for 9-5 Hard

I have
>5* lv 35 Lyn
>5* lv 35 Camilla
>5* lv 33 Sakura
>4* lv 33 Cherche

Camilla and Cherche can't even scratch Xander. Cherche deals 0 damage and so does Camilla except when Draconic Aura scratches him for 7 damage

Lyn can somewhat deal with Xander if Sakura heals her, but then Veronica runs wild on my team, a threat Cherche and Camilla can't deal with, as they fail to oneshot her. I could try a pincer attack, but that also doesn't work as the level layout is complete garbage

Sakura is also a weak point as healing for 8 in one turn and 18 in the other also isn't a dealbreaker and her offensive capabilites are laughable

I'm stuck and I have nothing else to try. My only relevant blue is a 3* Femui (who I'm planning on promoting next week as soon as I get the feathers for it) and that's about it. My only other silver units are Azama, Setsuna and Laslow, who'll probably also get murdered in the same way

Do I just need to open my wallet until the gacha coughs up Takumi now or grind my way into lv 40 for everyone? Tactically, I have no idea of what to do
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Why are you false flagging, waterfag?
5* robin but DESU I'd reroll for Hector/Takumi/Ryoma
Green and Blue tomes are better than Red Tomes in this game. I wish she was a Green unit instead desu. But I guess making her Red and Robin blue makes for an interesting innuendo.

Isn't she one of the tankier fast magic nukes as well?
use lilina
Nowi or Shareena if you brought her up a few stars.
Why are Azurafags shitposting?
Anybody know why FE Heroes always gives me the "Unfortunately FE Heroes has stopped working" message whenever I try to run it on Nox?
>no magic unit besides Sakura
What the fuck are you doing?
So if we get shit growths on our characters are we just boned like in normal FE or is there a way to reroll stats or reset levels or what?
>rolling since launch
>still no waifu
I understand now, I'm dead and this is hell. I'm not surprised that it looks just like /feg/.
Berukafags and Selenafags are somehow good, though, which is really odd.
Start playing lunatic to get the orbs for another roll. You'll get some levels as a bonus.
Fuck off Tharjacuck.
>I have Hector and Aqua but can't roll Takumi

just fuck my shit up
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Embrace the dark.

You call a home.
>look up cost of Path of Radiance online
>no offers less than $70 and they're usually disk-only.

what the fuck gives?
Should I save my orbs or try for a few 5 rolls?
Worried there maybe be something special down the line or hector banner.
>large amount of people who are used to playing mobage
You poor sweet child
cute slut
How do I win defensive arena? I do well on attack, but haven't won a single defense yet.
That meme doesn't work because the spic likes Azura. Fuck off fag.
So um, at midnigjt till 3 am, i did this.


Not sure what to think.
aren't the winners of the popularity poll getting special versions of their character added? If you like Lyn I would hold off
Are you blind? She's plain as shit.
Suffering with my rolls. Aside from Lissa that I got for free on the Special Dungeon today, my only other magic unit is... a dupe 5* Sakura I got yesterday

I guess that's what's left to do. I'll probably skip the last level of each chapter so I can do them when I unlock Lunatic quests, though
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Similar to my top team...

Rate my 2 teams? I plan on adding Hector to my bottom team if I can ever fucking roll him.

Also, anyone else use Elise as a healer? She heals a ton of HP, but I find it annoying that she adds +1 to the skill counter each time she heals.
nintendo never reprinted or rereleased the game in any way, even after the smash bump, so it's rare
Speaking of which, I like how Christmas Robin stays blue and uses a tree as a. Lance while There's uses like a candle holder as a sword. I hope Morgan is green to round out the family
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>roll out of desperation with final story orbs
>need 5* green and tacummie
>have 5.5% boost from past shit pulls

Bait people with a Camilla/Minerva and field 2 Robins and a Tagumeme

Bait people with a Fae and then field Water/Cordelia, Robin, and Tagumeme
Anyone have a working macro for Nox? The one I used broke somehow.
Am I better off promoting one silver (Robin) or 10 bronzes?
I think winners were most likely ones for the banner. They just picked the winners that are part of awakening, fates, mystery and elibe
Go to sleep
And never wake up
can you fit 10 silvers on one team
The top team is shit, remove Camilla. The feathers she gives for returning her are more useful than her.
its a lot better to make your own since their are some differences in PC speed
I do, how can I share it? Just post a throw away email and I'll send it. I tend to run 3 bots at a time.
>Shitmillafags this upset water wife is superior to their whore
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I doubt any FE13+14 second gen that isn't Lucina will be added to the game. And Severa, Owain, and Inigo don't count because they are not second gen anymore in FE14.
>I'll claim that your facts are memes while forcing other memes just to cover the ass of my boyfriend xd

Fuck off Drill, go back to prepping your bull.
Whats so great about her to sacrifice healz for?
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>expect some great autism stat average compilation
>get shitty fanfiction literally worse than GhebFE
When merging units of the same rank do
you put into the lower or higher level?
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camilla death by asphixiaction.jpg
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Airborne Brave Axe and two massive mammaries are pretty S tier, anon.
Just use Mend.
Camilla is literally good. Ignore these fags who only care about 'waifus'.
It's not Hector
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Just started getting the 803 error on Nox. What do I need to do fegs?

I mean, I got a 5* Marth out of it but still
Should I save the stamina potions or use them to blast through story mode?
Fuck off Drill
Don't bother with Azurafags. They're literally retarded.
Yeah that makes sense, since it seems like the macro is clicking on the right places but slightly too early.
Why are anti-waterfags so thin-skinned? They can dish out shade literally every single minute but the second you turn their "ammo" against them they scramble into a triggered, damage controlling seizure like "aw geez aw geez you're supposed to hate her!" like they forgot they were supposed to be shitposting her because they got so busy falseflagging other shit.

If you can't take the heat, stay out of the kitchen.
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What's a good green unit to use?
I have:
Arthur 3*
Camilla 4*
Bartre 4*
Cherche 4*
and Anna 2*
story mode will wait for you forever. save them for limited time content in the future.
>following tier lists and not just picking your waifu and praying
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>new characters added every two weeks
>tiers will shift every two weeks
Enjoy your endless tier shitposting.
Remove the app and reinstall
Which 803 error, there are two.
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>You will never have anyone buy orbs for you or be able to afford to whale for your favorite units
Which skill do you use with Mend?
While Tharja*

I'm expecting them in an update. Wouldn't be too hard to avoid any canon implications
>clear Lunatic levels in Tower
>regular badges
This shit is not Funny! Nintendo.
You're autistic.
You shouldn't write in the first person, anything written in the first person is almost always terrible.
So what's a good story map to grind the 5 Orbs from Lunatic (kill 15 level 35+ armored enemies)
Is Lonk even worth upping? He is a 3 star that is about the same as some of my 2 stars.
Elise has a horse. A healer who can get somewhere or get out of somewhere is big
>Tharja/Camilla +50orbs
If this second account gets a Nowi, Hector, or Fae, I should switch, right?
I don't have her, but considering I favor offense, I'd rather use her ATK skill, but the +10HP skill is handy as well.
-3001. Haven't linked the account to anything and I rolled an SSR. Really hoping this fixes itself.
Do you like him?
If yes, yes
If no, no
Does anyone have Hector's 40 Level speech like the characters give?
>accepts that cowtits aren't waifu material

>Haven't linked the account
3-Range bow unit when?
>just capped my 5* Hero King
>immediately roll another one

So my choices are to
>merge for a probably shitty levelup
>sell for a mere 1,000 feathers
>spend an eternity grinding up the second one to see if it turns out better than the first, at which point I'll just have to pick one of the two above anyway

What do?
>Haven't linked the account to anything

son, I have bad news for you you just lost that account, link as soon as you have a roll you like
Well they can keep the canon hair colour and grey eyes thing but the kids in FE13 and 14 don't matter that much in terms of the overall story. Child units like Roy has his own game and story so it makes sense that he's included.
Never said she wasn't, I enjoy looking at her tits when she attacks. I just prefer Azura.
>please adjust the clock

Whats wrong with your clock anon
Check the simulator with your lvl1 unit to have a rough idea how it will grow.

Apparently, stats at lvl1 are enough to figure the favored and weakened stats, although it won't determine if there is any +4 or -4.
Dunno, maybe it expired already. It's 5:46 pm where I am though if you want to fuck with it to try to get it to work.
>File manager
>shared prefs
>delete deviceAccount.xml
Gotcha. Thank you. I will heed this warning well.
I like the hibari kyoya clone when he isn't making the retard face but I guess not.
If you're still rolling, I'm looking for a Hinoka. Anything else would just be gravy.
CST? me too. Is your nox stuck in the past or an outdated version? Mines got automatic date and time ticked so its normal. Trying to get an account for my friend because he's a dumb that didn't link his and lost it
It's ONE DUDE. Just ignore him.
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8' standalone='yes' ?>
<string name="devicePassword">qBbfr5Bhj56bstAxgj75imAw4a0wza4sobk0494x</string>
<string name="deviceAccount">ccb0a6dd6f9da230</string>
>Random yolo 5 orb roll
>Pull out azura
>Just when I wanted a dancer for my leo

Unf, is this what lite gambling feels like
Hopefully never. Bows are already very strong in this game. If anything they need to buff the fliers.
Nope, mine's on automatic as well, and it's the most recent version. Maybe someone claimed it and didn't reply. Sorry man.
I'm actually surprised fliers movement range is only 2.

Haha no thank you

Great link though, thanks very much anon
fliers should have 3 movement range but no more because of the ability to maneuver over map obstacles
Well hey, >>167705191 here. If you get any 2 decent 5*s I'll take it. preferably different colors. Want to get one for my friend, He lost a Lyn + takumi last night because he didn't link it asap
Lin 5, Effie 4.

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8' standalone='yes' ?>
<string name="devicePassword">Bxoa43c27oD9oos76j4xyrzpuvB0rqu1u0l6c71m</string>
<string name="deviceAccount">4811c7b857fe2933</string>
literally applied to a local shit job just to buy orbs

wish me luck, 18 apps and the 19th is the job I hope is OK
Move to louisiana, all the fast food places are reopening after the floods and need ants.
What determines why you get blocked? I had an account on an old phone of mine using WiFi? Not rooted at all, but still got the 803-3001 error
what do we do with these lines? sorry for being a newfag
We'll, no, but having versatility is nice and I currently have no silver thieves, healers, red mages, or manaketes.
There is nothing inherently wrong with first person, but if you're bad at writing it makes your badness more noticeable.
see >>167694361
what's you opinion on ghast station
As long as you have the xml string data, the account still "exists" even if you start another roll attempt, correct?
on a rooted device, open data/data/com.nintendo.zaba/shared_prefs; there should be a file named deviceAccount:.xml
Open it, and copy paste the content of that file with the content of the post
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Which one should I make my side account?
>Takumi, Abel (5*), Nino, Mamui
>Ryoma, Leo, Femui (4*), n/a
I got them both on my first roll for Free
And then lucina my next roll

Dont waste money people
7 is the ultimate meme game.
They're all meme games
Fire Emblem is a meme series
Correct. but that will expire if you dont link an account
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