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/@/ - The iDOLM@STER General

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 809
Thread images: 245

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Previous iM@S Thread: >>166705519
Archive of materials: http://www.yukipo.com
Japanese news: http://imasnews765.com
Official upcoming events schedule: http://idolmaster.jp/schedule/index.php
Streaming music: http://shijou.moe/imas-radio
Cinderella Girls cards: http://imas.gamedbs.jp/cg
Million Live cards: http://imas.gamedbs.jp/ml/card + http://mill.tokyo/album

New here? Check out the FAQ and Resource Links: http://pastebin.com/icRtaLvv

OG material translation: http://pastebin.com/7HAMC7bN
OG discography: http://pastebin.com/Ey7uyqDL
CG material translation: http://pastebin.com/jf7CiTya
CG discography: http://pastebin.com/fX7fpxrU
ML material translation: http://pastebin.com/3yynKCtQ
ML discography: http://pastebin.com/jtCYhgrA
SM material translation: http://pastebin.com/tiVgamsu
SM discography: http://pastebin.com/mXYV0TY3
Character birthdays: http://pastebin.com/j3MGjNCK
Upcoming Events and Merchandise: http://pastebin.com/yu6rrC2t

Starlight Stage:
>Event: Pending
>Gacha: 01/24 ~ 01/28 (Yuka, Ayaka)
>Lottery Results: 01/10 ~ 01/31
Cards: http://starlight.kirara.ca
Tracker: http://twitter.com/deresuteborder0
Database: http://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1piHtf1IziDOKwRZQ3fPBXrFOd0tItW7pf2Kjqf_jkM8

- Archive of >>166664789: http://archive.is/nbyqT
- Second year of Kotobukiya ML birthday cards: >>166703645
- Arisu scale: >>166705070
- CG Kako Theater TL: >>166706946 >>166707760
- Karen's "Frozen Tears" preview: http://youtu.be/gBFgHLC-9S4 >>166718759
- Natsuki fancomic TS: >>166721949
- U149 chapter 5 raw+TL: >>166732667 >>166732423 >>166735798
- 2011 and CG anime rankings: >>166738535
- Uzuki H doujins TS: >>166750771 >>166750929
- SideM Beyond The Dream preview: http://youtu.be/n14b4dlfgbs

Jan 28th/29th: Producer Meeting 765PRO ALLSTARS -Fun to the new vision!!
Jan 31st, 9PM JST: CG stream: http://live.nicovideo.jp/watch/lv287955608
Jan 31st: Million Magazine volume 1
I feel sorry for that dog.
1 2 kiss kiss~
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Staying in this thread until the Chiefag report bombs it into oblivion.
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Any way to skip all this shit at once?
Roco I see you
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1 2 3 poyo~
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When's the Producer Meeting? How many hours?
Fuck chie, she only deserves hate.
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tfw no one went to the Chie thread and migrated to a literal who
>Chiefag fucks makabe's birthday op
>He tried to fuck Mizuki's birthday op
Literally needs to stop.
Fuck, Chie.
It's her birthday.
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Literal who's birthdays gets passed all the time.
>another fucking Chie thread vs. a birthday OP
>Chie thread came second
Wow, the choice is incredibly hard here
It actually came first
It was made second.
It's been deleted now anyway.
Chie was first tho

Plus, >birthday

As if we haven't skip shitloads of literal who birthdays
Who cares?
the witch is dead for now.
>>166768916 vs. >>166768917
Now tell me, which number is bigger, 16 or 17
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I don't do ML OPs and she had her OP, also aren't the same girl?

a defeat today is a victory tomorrow
I don't know, which one is bigger, 32 or 33?
I hope you die in a fire.
I would rather post in this literal yuu thread than another Chie thread.

I also think Yuu should be tied to a floor and be forced to let dogs lick meat juices off her while her caged pet watches on unable to defend her, as punishment for her neglect.
Roco you get headpats
I want to like ML, but this "fanbase" is really offputting
Are you retarded?

That's a trick question, by the way. Of course you're retarded.
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>CG season 2 didn't even rank
>CGfag doesn't even know the girls in his own game
ML fag trying to separate the CG fanbase
>I want to like ML
why would this thought even occur to anyone
Sachiko you don't get headpats
sachiko you get headpats
Sachiko you get headbaps
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Synchronized disagreement
Sachiko, I'll put my hand on your head, say the the first rule of the Gundam Fight International Regulations.
Have you updated the Google Translate app and joined the instant translate meme?
Well, Yuu is a literal who so it's normal to confuse her with being in ML
I'm actually relieved it wasn't some kind of e.guitar/piano/strings combo thing.
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So much fighting. You guys are worse drama queens than Mio and Rin.

I just want to love idols.
Negative infinity headpats to be precise
Also all attempts to administer headpats to you will be intercepted with lethal force
Idols are fucking shit.
Name one good thing about idols, I fucking dare you.

This thing has to apply to every idol in the franchise.
They shine on stage.
They are good for fuck.
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they got puss
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Idols you would exchange nudes with.
Sachi gets sent to Abu Dhabi.
Sachiko what's wrong with your neck??
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You're actually doing her a favor. A way better place than here.
My favor.
I wouldn't subject any idol to my naked body.
My loving wife doesn't do that with anyone, except me.
Whoever was willing, but I'd like Riina, Rina, Natsuki, Takumi, KWSM, Kaede, Ranko, or Yuka
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And even more headpats

TakeP please
Uzuki's moist hole.
It's actually dry.
I wonder if there's such a thing as too much.
It's not dry, it's DiGiorno's.
For you.
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Give it a glass of water.
Make it moist then.
Idols and pizza.
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I doubt he knows how.
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What are they planning?
It just needs a little bit of fiddling.
Throwing a pizza party with all the MLs.
Trying to become relevant by getting naked
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To start a babysitting agency.
All of them?
His fiddle game must be weak.
I'll show him how it's done.
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Who doesn't like pizza?
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*drops phone on face*
except pineapple pizza, because is shit
I'm about to buy me a box now.
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That's were you are wrong. Pineapple Pizza is the best.

Make sure you add Pineapples!
What the actual fuck
How many Harukasans
>liking pineapple pizza

disgusting, I bet you like mint ice cream too, you pleb
Not enough.
Corn and mayo on pizza is an affront to humanity.
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hmm... Sachi looks weird today
She looks cuter and more desirable for anal sex.
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>Not liking green tea ice cream
Stay pleb.
Non-lewd activities with Basa.
And Shiho.
Do they like children?
Who doesn't?
Who is your 2nd favorite idol /@/ ?
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Music date?
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Damn that's a really nice picture.
Sure, what does that involve?
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Makoto, by far. Third place is the real fight.
Not ERPing for sure.
Wow, fun killers aren't we?
Are you a music date expert, nerd?
That's fun to me.
>he doesn't know what music is
Music is the most fundamental form of ERP.
I won't argue with that logic actually.
True, true.
Idols ERPing with me through their songs.
Is she going to share some with Momoko?
Rin is my wife.
When she finishes working.
>idols eating pizza made me lose my parking spot to buy a box
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Ahm sorry fer yer loss
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Who are the poorfag idols of Cinderella girl?
pic unrelated

I believe Syuko during the time she was out of her house?
Rio can help her relax after a long day's work.
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The only hobo i can think of is eve.
And shinobu lives in a small dorm / apartment room.
Natalia, Eve, probably Nana,and Suzuho
Syuko is loaded, she just likes to run away from home.
Karen's health is poor, if that counts.
Loading Syuko.
foxy anon please
Do not ever speak to me again.
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What about your sons?
They are dead like old memes.
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So can I speak to them then?
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Blazing up with Miya.
Sure if you like talking with corpses.
Isn't Natalia's father captain of a big soccer team? That is a lot of money.
Your new song sounds nice, Karen.
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No Ranran, No!!!
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TakeP gets all the Idols and cats
The Chapecoense I think
Didn't she run away from home?
Isn't Natalia's dad the owner of a football team or something?
Fuck off.
Poor Nati.
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Poor Natsuki has to hang out with Riina.
her grandpa is Pele after all
She was probably more sad about the Sushi in the plane
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>Chihaya Kaede duet never
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Too soon.
Konomi, Haruka, Miki and Kotoha don't seem too happy about it.
For you to get drunk
...says RinsSpouse before he goes on to cheat with a Rat and then cheat on the Rat with a Mole.

With this in mind, Rin deserves someone better. Someone loyal. Someone like...Sachiko.
Gimme the same that she's smoking.
I like to think that when Chihaya singing Mega au toki, she is referring to me.
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Chihaya is not that busty
Do not ever pretend to be me again. I'm foxier than thou.
Which idol would win an All iM@S Royal Rumble given their athleticism, luck and how much Scamco wants to shill them
Go away.
>Kirari with Andre the Giant.png
- Archive of >>166705519: http://archive.is/3Sw4T
I just hope my favorite loses, and gets sexually punished for it by the rest of the competitors.
you get headpats and room likes

I don't know since Samoa Joe will win
the ones that do real sexual punishments are the investors, competitors just do it for show
Depends on how strong the power Scamco has determines how strong an idol is.
If the shilling is weak, then it would pretty quickly be down to fit and athletic idols like Makoto and Yuka.
If the shilling is strong, then that opens up another whole can of worms.
Yuka couldn't even handle Sanae.
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It's the Royal Rumble, not Variable Geo.
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To be fair, Sanae is powered by beer and the sexual appetite of a 28 years old virgin
Now that's a funny one. Hot chick gets shitfaced every night while wearing revealing clothes and somehow manages to stay a virgin? Someone call the Vatican, we have a saint in the making here.
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Get lots of rest for our child growing inside you, Yuki.
It's kind of hard to imagine any of the cakes are virgins except maybe Miyu because of her naive innocent factor.
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Miria worst girl.
In a gameplay sense, at least.
Both in SS and Granblue.
>it's kind of hard
Oh I bet it is
Stop beating around the bush
>How fast I beat off.
My hard.
karen beating off to nao
Miria is a good girl who deserves headpats.
>insta-killing annoying mobs
>free buff from the back lines

You are the real worst girl.
>Nina's fucking screwed now
Sanae probably taught her that word
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So is Nana a virgin?
Nana is 17 and 17 years old idols are the biggest sluts.
The only thing Sanae taught her is how to kill a man with her bare hands. Tokiko is the one to blame for her vocabulary.
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Could someone do this but with Nao and Producer?
But in the last panel put in Nao, Chizuru, Miyako, Cathy and Yuriko.
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If you couldn't tell, the idols have names related to the thing their faces are on.

The Realm of Tomorrow

I'm Miki! ("Ki"->木->Tree)
I'm Reika! (花->Flower
I'm Kotoha. (葉->Leaf)
I'm Konomi. (Konomi->木の実->Fruit)

I'm Miyao Miya~

I'm Yuriko (Yuri->Lilly)

I'm Momoko. (Momo->Peach)

It's Haruka-san~ (Haruka->Spring Scent)

I'm Hinata~ (Sunny Place)
I'm Takayama! (Tall Mountain)
I'm Yokoyama~ (Wide Mountain)
Ah, the world is filled with so much richness,
Deep and connected as far as the eye can see, they're shining~
I'm Tenkubashi~ (Tenkuu->Sky)
I'm Yukiho~ (Yuki->Snow)
I'm Serika. (星->Stars)
I'm Umi! (Sea)
It's Nonohara Akane-chan~! (Nono/Hara->Plains and fields)

Was the dream I saw,
And from what I told Producer-san,

He decided what's going to be in the next performance.

I also thing heart might be a virgin but yet again, there are men that look for old women who look younger, because of the sexual thrill and all that stuff
Well, she does get rejected always, but there are always desperate cases.

Men who reject a woman like that are even bigger faggots than us, producer can be excused since he is busy with all the other thirsty idols
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The next issue of Dengeki Maoh will have a 16-page chapter 0 of the new ML serialization, which is subtitled Blooming Clover, apparently.


Hope he lightens up on the crazy eyes.
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How was the Sachiko bullying event?
>Blooming Clover
What does it mean?
Gay Chieri.
That was after her changes you faggot
Before her changes she was literally worse than hitler
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This is your poyo for tonight
We won't get scans
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don't be dumb, we have the scanner.
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Stop living in the past.
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Don't talk to me or my idol ever again.
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>still this furious about a passive that was removed little after her introduction

Such a bitter person.
No one's talking to you, slut.
Now keep on sucking on that cock or we'll get your idol to do that.
>parents are never around
>Nina now uses the assortment of weirdo idols as role models and replacement parents
I can't imagine what Nina will be like when she grows up.
Well she hangs around Yuki a lot
Rina will get a kiss for every Poyo uttered.
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I have no clue what you are going on about.
Tasting Natsuki's tongue
She's probably gonna OD and be found dead in a ditch before she turns 15.
Good ridance
Rika let's bounce
She could always just turn out like Sachiko.
Implying he cares enough about ml
You're going to wait a lot since there's no new gacha today, just a return
Yes, Rika, both hands up and down just like that.
Hey, baby
This argument makes no sense since he's scanned the other ML manga
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Sense is overrated.
Is Kaede that kind of girl?

She's too old to be called a girl
>jp twitter meme of the week
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>posting horses
Pretty sure he mentioned hating the art for this
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It comes in the same magazine he already gets for Puchi.

And mini Side-Ms, but who cares about that?
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I don't think there's been one manga series he has not scanned ( that hadn't already been worked on). I don't get why you would assume he wouldn't.
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>Hobbies: Smile Practice
Hikaru, Heaven's Tornado
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10 minutes!
Hikaru we're fighting.
>And mini Side-Ms, but who cares about that

He does
Because he's a fag
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Cool styling with Makabe.
Mid-night toker.
>asymmetric glasses
This annoys me more than it should
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Only around TakeP
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3 hours until Koi Kaze!
A qt? obviously.
Oh Mika
Kaede you get headpats
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Tsuyoi Onna is a good song.
Yeah, I did that too when this comic was first translated. It's some Kamen Rider reference, not a typo.
Lunatic Show 【結果発表】
2千位:103834 (+1795)
1万位:35936 (+843)
2万位:29095 (+695)
>5万位:22827 (+293)
6万位:22074 (+287)
12万位:20150 (+80)

>2000 points for 70000 people
Non Toku loving casual detected.

Get along with the times grandpa
I don't trust faggots
>14366th place

my beloved jewels
Why don't you go back in time, fuckboy?
It's ok. You didn't have to sit through Koume's shit singing just for a couple of jewels.
A lot of the CMs have good instrumentals.
Radio Happy and Romantic Now are especially good. Of course, the On Vocals are good too.
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Get on my 196427th level
Competence is over.
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Are you ready for ANKIRA ANKIRA ANKIRA?
Just let me die already.
It was a nice song when the beginning and ending parts weren't happening.
what i'm thinking. the middle part where they really do sing isn't bad.
The best part is when it picks up, too.
Hopefully the M@STER version will have more singing and less ranting.
Have they announced the CD's for the Love Letter series of songs yet?
the m@ster version will probably give more of that
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>That new Kirari doujin
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117KB, 520x1039px
Are you ladies ready for Koream@s?
> /ss/
Oh dear.
is that KoreaP KoreaOL and KoreaPres?
and like 40 pages of it
> Mizu Asato's C91 doujinshi is 20MB per page
What the hell, scanner.
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1MB, 1334x750px
My life is complete
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4KB, 183x78px
better than the opposite
You can finally delete your account now
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248KB, 1732x1852px
you captured Kanadae. What are you going to do next?
I'm sleepy so I'm going to sleep

There's no new gacha anyways
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87KB, 709x1000px
sleep and wait for the gacha and get disappointed
1 2 sex sex
Let her go and give her a room to stay in for the night if she wishes to do so.
Painting idols with computers!


I don't know if I like this Minami
Is she Minami or kaede?
looks like an improvement
> Can't get the pen/pencil hinter to work
What the hell
What did it do to Ranran?!
what browser are you using
Netscape Navigator
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56KB, 460x355px
Firefox. I may be switching to a fork soon if they really drop all support for non-WebExtensions addons this fall, though, I have too many addons that just won't work with WebExtensions.

It seems there's an error being thrown.

InvalidStateError: An attempt was made to use an object that is not, or is no longer, usable wPaint.min.js:1
b.prototype.getImage http://paintschainer.preferred.tech/wPaint/wPaint.min.js:1:3417
g http://paintschainer.preferred.tech/wPaint/wPaint.min.js:1:15862
.each https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.10.2/jquery.min.js:4:5345
x.prototype.each https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.10.2/jquery.min.js:4:1997
a.fn.wPaint http://paintschainer.preferred.tech/wPaint/wPaint.min.js:1:16013
colorize http://paintschainer.preferred.tech/paints_chainer.js:88:36
select_src/< http://paintschainer.preferred.tech/paints_chainer.js:126:15
x.speed/r.complete https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.10.2/jquery.min.js:6:25579
x.Callbacks/c https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.10.2/jquery.min.js:4:26031
x.Callbacks/p.fireWith https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.10.2/jquery.min.js:4:26840
er/l https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.10.2/jquery.min.js:6:19763
x.fx.tick https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.10.2/jquery.min.js:6:25837
I'm using chrome and it works for me. I did see other people have troubles in Firefox, but I'm not sure how they fixed it
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756KB, 512x640px
Tried colouring that one anon's drawings.
I guess it's kind of artistic. Maybe.

I had to use Edge for this.
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530KB, 1047x521px
It seems to do a little better when you give it a bit of color references
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94KB, 512x576px
Yeah. I think I messed up the colour hinting in my attempt.
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259KB, 832x1024px
Top is better honestly
Remember to put some white on the background so it becomes white again, rather than bleeding out the other colors
Any particular reason why theres a giant tomato in the background?
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my Minami heaven and hell.jpg
535KB, 800x566px
What did you do to my girl? I kinda like it.
Wait a fucking minute, what's the original of this?
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no hints.jpg
106KB, 512x640px
Molto bene.
why is autocoloring without using the "Colorize" button?
when you select a pic it will automatically color it.

you can put in color references in the left window and then re-color it by clicking the button
Every day until Chiaki gets a voice.

Release her and sleep while ignoring her, you know, she might be into the ignore game
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80KB, 512x512px
turned her into an abyssal
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give me heaven and hell.png
431KB, 567x800px
Keep her there so Minami can join LIPPS.

Not sure what you mean man.
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564KB, 800x1129px
Holy shit it works amazing!
>so Minami can join LIPPS
Please, the group is terrible enough without throwing more shit onto the pile.
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22KB, 600x550px
now that I think of it it seems to have a bias towards very light grey/blonde hair and green eyes

Leave her tied up so that she soils herself and then clean it all up with my mouth. Then kiss kiss~
I think it depends on the shades. If the hair is drawn white it tends to go blonde
If it's black it goes like black/brown
If it's grey it goes more like light brown/orange/red
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86KB, 512x768px
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1MB, 1863x2820px
she even has the stink lines!
Not even sure how, I filled the background with white but those things still appear.
It also seems to sometimes get things completely right.

I think it may do google reverse image searches for color references?
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98KB, 640x512px
Blonde Nana feels like a sin against nature.
I can get down with blond Nana
You get kisses.

Tsubasa gets kisses too.
I can go down on blond Nana.
very glad that Hikaru and Sana SRs didnt cost me any money
breddy gud
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222KB, 1061x1500px
I am afraid for my wallet is Kanade is the next SSR.
Mine can't be any safer if that's the case.
That's enough Scolpolamine for you grandma.
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179KB, 655x700px
Hmm... no, it still feels wrong.
Looks pretty cute!
You can't trick me Shin!
Shin, stop dressing like the old lady.
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828KB, 743x1043px

Can't believe Yuki is actually an adult in Japan while Kanade isn't. I guess brain problems will do that. You're still cute, though.

What about Nana?
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273KB, 826x1000px
Can't believe Kanade is actually not a virgin in Japan while Yuki is. I guess slutiness will do that.


Nana is a legal adult and should carry out her responsibilities in her mom told he to, like voting.
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515KB, 700x988px
Aw shit, it's scanned.
Don't kid yourself, neither are virgins
Blonde idols!
Momoka, Yui, or Miki? Or Emily?
>while Yuki is
Not for long.
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761KB, 900x1176px

>goes drinking at bars and to batting cages with random stage men she meets after CATS games

next sideM event is Wild Boys action musical with F-LAGS and Jupiter
Daigo is the ranking SR

this is the 2nd time Ryo was in an event with Jupiter, I hope they interact in the event comics.
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398KB, 1091x538px
This is a dookie?
pretty good
You probably would do that and still stay as a virgin
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39KB, 560x152px
forgot the banner fuck
good, good
Go to /c/ or something already
Suck my /c/ock, dude.
I want to kiss on that mole.
Daigo is 14
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Watch out guys there's a new meme sweater in twitter
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Even included BlazedP.
You're late

Also I'm mad this shit takes a bit off and the selfie with the finger doesn't
TakeP stepping in front of the other P's to protect them!
Daigo is cute!
Haruna let's have sex
Why isn't my boy Rockfucker ever in these
Hey, this isn't my Yuka!
it's an improved version!
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483KB, 1081x529px
A little too hot a pink
He's too lame to hang out with Post 2nd Vision Producers.

But don't worry, Pebblefucker inherited his will.
Yeah I wish there were more color options

Stream when
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63KB, 1920x1080px
>He's too lame to hang out with Post 2nd Vision Producers
But the coolest Producer is 1st Vision
DOUBURU BICEPS transcends Visions.
He was here in 1st Vision, he was here in 2nd Vision, he'll be here in 3rd Vision, he'll be here in 4th Vision, so on, so forth
>coolest Producer

That's what he tells himself to prevent himself from being too depressed while he's singing Karaoke alone and having barbecue alone.
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Don't bully TakuminP.
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It's time
Meh, my jewels remain safe.
Fuck Miria.
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129KB, 532x256px
Miria/Kawashima rerun
Arisu CM
Kanako/Nono event "Sweet Witches' Night" Live Parade
(Kanako https://files.catbox.moe/3zzprn.mp3
Nono https://files.catbox.moe/t92vpn.mp3 )

>Yuka SR rerun
time to spend
In the school bathroom!
Oh boy
>Arisu CM

I'm not mad, since I do like in fact, but I'm not really happy either.
New song for the live parade? That's different
Nono's voice is erotic
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241KB, 400x400px
>in fact
>koi kaze
The other two had them nigga.
my jewels are safe.txt

>Arisu CM
at least a victory tonight

>Kanako/Nono event
disgusting in every way
New song?
>Miria/Kawashima rerun
>Arisu CM
>Kanako/Nono event "Sweet Witches' Night" Live Parade

Well then.

All three of these kind of came out of nowhere.

Oh Scamco, you so cray-cray. Will we ever figure out your thought processes?
There are no patterns anymore when it comes to events.

STORY and Evermore weren't new songs.

>disgusting in every way
Well fuck you too.
6 members?

Wtf?? They better put Rin in the complete unit.
They ruined the CG friendships of Nono making Syoko sing last event and not voicing Mirei, they'd better at least let Rin sing with her the assholes.
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Not that Yuka goddamnit.
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>Will we ever figure out your thought processes?



Miria and Kawashima was bound to happen, though, and Arisu isn't that far off, since we were to get a Cool anyway and
>Koi Kaze never

That's part of the name of the song. "Sweet Witches' Night, Who's the 6th?" I was too lazy to type the entire thing.
>Kanako 37 seconds
>Nono a fucking minute
Nono's voice and personality is fucking annoying
just accept your bad taste
Remove Pig.
>in fact

People meme'd about the next cool CM being either Ontology or Koi Kaze and look what the fuck happened.

Fuck it. The next Passion CM will either be lilac time, Radio Happy or Minna no Kimochi. It totally -WON'T- be Miracle Telepathy.
They'll probably throw Yoshino in there too to be done with the new voices.

>kanako, nono and yoshino singing

Good for people with insomnia.
Well, there's 3 and all 3 options were said I don't know what's meme about it
>Nina and Shin

I love brain problem idols.
Or they could keep Yoshino for a different one.
Predictions just don't work.
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1MB, 1280x720px
And done.
Good luck with your rolls (is anyone even rolling this time?)
You feel identified?
I'm guessing MiriaPs would've spent their dosh on the recent lolicon bait card.
And then
>rolling for Kawashima
>is anyone even rolling this time?

>Yuka gets an SSR and an SR
>Yukari got an SSR not too long ago
>New song
>About candy
>Lacks 3 members

It's happening lads
out you go
Not to say anything but about Arisu or Amina Satou, because quite frankly, I'm actually fond of them. But I now remember how much I hated in fact.

Thanks a lot Chihiro.

But hey, at least AnKira is now in regular circulation.
I bet ManletP did this for Arisu
>hating In Fact
>liking AnKira
You probably don't listen to any "normal" songs, I guess.
>implying anyone here is normal to begin with
Arisu's singing shouldn't be considered normal either.
there are no normal songs in idolmaster
>in fact trending on twitter for some reason
>for some reason
Gee I wonder what that might be
Scamco's going all in again huh? Didn't they do the same for the Ankira event?

Thank you Chihiro I was super confused you stupid bitch
Arisu also seems to be a neglected kid like Nina. What the hell is with parents in Idolm@ster?

You know what's not normal in Idolm@ster? Parents.
>cute, innocent cover
Everything went better than expected.
They probably took the last Cool entry and modified it. Forgot to replace the name.

And why the fuck is Shin in Arisu's commu?
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Shimamama is hot for her age
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Kanako, come to me!
If you'd seen the artist's Pixiv you'd know he really likes Arisu a lot, if you know what I mean.
What the fuck is "normal" anyway? I listen to regular radio on my daily drive/commute and the top 40 of the week standard pop songs aside, theres a lot of them wubstep and nigga rap mixed in with them. Are those what's "normal" now?

It's more on the fact that in fact is a huge divide. The composition and arrangement is very nice, but it's a stark contrast to Arisu's squeaky singing. You know how there are those tryhard 11 year old girls who sing Mariah Carey power songs in singing competitions only to end up sounding flat? That's what in fact is.
Wait, why is Ankira Cute? Was it like this during the event?
Oink oink!
It was always a Cute type song.
Yes. Now it seems ranking character's type = song type, for token events.
Groove/Parade, all type.
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Absolutely adorable.
It'll be Minna no Kimochi. Watch scamo go for the triple loli
That's my reaction when I saw those STUPID FUCKING SLIDERS

Well not really, I just raged,
I'll give that brat something to cry about.
bitchy doo doo big head
pettanp's little girl
>The next Passion CM will [...] be [...] Minna no Kimochi
I hope so.
Stay away from my daughter, you creep.
Last 2 CM are Momoka and Arisu

Momoka-Arisu-Nina seems rather fun
>add an incredibly simple tear effect during a single song
>get autists everywhere to cream their pants
Man, I wished I work for Namco
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I don't think PuchiP is that lonely. Remember, he's cool but he kinda tick people off the wrong way. Even if he's treated as (at one time, literally) trash, there are the puchis like Yukipo and Chicchan to comfort him. The fact that his crazy ideas for show is being greenlit and an executive taking the word of a Koami+Komami in disguise implies that he has some sort of social circle outside 765 Pro (it's more on the professional level though).
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121KB, 800x691px
You like WHAT in fact, anon?
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honoka cute pinya.png
152KB, 424x558px
Ah fuck, I hate Live Parade
Cygames is handling the tech side, though.
Excuse me but do you have a rotor
*After she has been told of what it was, she cried non-stop
With or without the tear, it's still cute.
How about Cafe Parade?
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86KB, 1334x750px
What's actually happening is that the nips are laughing their fucking asses off by putting Syuko instead of Arisu due to >>166800507
Why is Azusa such a fucking slut
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Who the fuck is that Stoner.
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[Napping Intensifies].png
621KB, 1033x510px
>18 stamina song
Guess I'll only be hearing this twice.
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Stage preview for Sweet Witches' Night.
You'll roll it your grooves and dalies and like it
getting this just right is harder than it looks
Fuck yeah Ema
First ever(?) tangible incarnation of a ML-P in official material.

But I don't blame you for not recognizing him. Because after all,

I am.

Wish me luck.
File: Mizuki_SS_SSR1+.png (512KB, 1280x824px) Image search: [Google]
512KB, 1280x824px
I love Mizuki but this outfit is kinda shit, new card when?
Poor esprrr, rolled for KWSM and got Miria instead.
>but this outfit is kinda shit
That's just wrong.
They made the girls in the background completely dark during the in fact mv
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984KB, 424x592px
Starlight Stage:
>Event: 01/31 ~ 02/?? Live Parade "Sweet Witches' Night" (Kanako, Nono)
>Gacha: 01/28 ~ 01/31 (Miria, Mizuki, Yuka)
>Lottery Results: 01/10 ~ 01/31
Hopefully another one that shows off her delicious midriff.

>not liking our beloved 28-year-old Mizuki and her tits in a childish outfit
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uzumama feelin young again.jpg
129KB, 1024x1280px
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Yup, no luck.

Just as much as I expected.
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104KB, 1334x750px
You'll get nothing if you expect nothing.
Visualize what you want and tell yourself it will appear in your roll.
I prefer naked KWSM thank you very much
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545KB, 960x540px
I just rolled for the limited Yuka, but this game really enjoys mocking me.
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301KB, 800x1200px
Oh shut the fuck up you queer

That's what I did during Akane rerun and that's how I ended up with a $400 Megane
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99KB, 640x800px
I know that's like the joke, but I prefer my hags looking appropriately ara ara
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21KB, 400x250px
make sure to use lots of money before hand to better your chances!
Regular person you get headpats
You probably just have a low amount of mana, puny muggle.
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1MB, 1280x824px
I feel you man
1472624522050 I'll put my hand before your cooch
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kawaii adults kwsm jiro.jpg
525KB, 1200x1959px
>not liking Mizuki going full YOUTH!
Best kwsm card
I'll feel you Sanae and Nana
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84KB, 768x1024px
And the worst joke is that my actual glasses cost way less than that.
Only by about $200 if I remember correctly
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270KB, 763x524px
Flandre Dookie!?
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99KB, 640x800px
personally i'm more a fan of this one
>being a glasses nerd
you deserve it
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KWSM a youthful.
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217KB, 1000x1457px
I hate glasses.

I just hate contacts even more.
Do people really reroll?

I just started playing during the Otome event, and it feels crazy to start all over even for a SSR.
At least the algorithm wised up to the fact that Dooky is a soulless husk.
It depends on how much value you place on an SSR.
I started at launch and never bothered. Been having a lot of fun anyway.
Not-Nagisa anon, say something
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1MB, 1600x1200px
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>$200 bucks for a pair of glasses

Hijiri Mochizuki.

What kind of ghetto shanking optometrist do you go to? Is your glasses diamond studded and equipped with a laser particle cannon function too?
why is kaede a conehead?
I rerolled a bit at launch for a starting SR I liked, but that's it. I managed to get almost all my favorite idol's SSRs and more on my starting account.
It's back when I lived in Singapore, it was either that or one of those flimsy plastic shit
Personally i wear cheap glasses, but i can understand people buying the best glasses they can afford because this thing will stick to your face at least 12 hours a day.
File: kaede_design.png (1MB, 1500x814px) Image search: [Google]
1MB, 1500x814px
say it with me @non
Post some foomies. I'm literally shaking from this foomy drought.
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140KB, 295x593px
Come on, not-Nagisa anon, I know you're there.
Say your thing already.
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386KB, 1220x1724px
Can you repeat that?
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kaede onigiri nano.png
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All things considered, Nono was the one girl that really would've been great under TakeP.

They're kindred spirits in the sense that they're both award socially retarded autists that has a passion for poetic words. Nono was more or less TakeP turned into a cute aidoru.

The contrast between his imposing size and her diminutive height would've been funny too.
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232KB, 462x616px
Kick out one Cinderella Project Cool and replace her with Nono.

Who would it be?
Am I wrong or was this KWSM card a healer before?
What if we had an idol fighting game? And they would fight with their memes.
Upgrade Rin to sempai (like Mika) status
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80KB, 600x557px
Three Rins
I wonder how many figures Haruka has in total
Is this from the P meeting?
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>in fact

I guess that they really are saving the best for last, huh.
Minami. I was never sold on that Love Laika crap.
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C3PU5V0VcAEWOt_.jpg orig.jpg
187KB, 1280x1493px

There is such a thing as too much autism.

Autism needs to be distributed equally.

It always was a Score Boost.
>Sweet Witches' Night
So Kanako, Nono, Airi, who, and who?
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I love over (27)
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They probably locked the scriptwriters for Kaede's commu in a room until they figured out a pun that involves "Koi Kaze".

To this day, the writers still haven't escaped the room.

>Separating the Fallen Evil Royalty from her WAGA TOMO, aka He Who Has The Eyes.


Also, you just took one autist and replaced it with another.

Surprise Michiru and Sakura voice.

If we're talking about pastries, Noriko is probably in there somewhere.
Alright, I'll take your word for it. Still undecided on whether to roll. On the one hand I love the first card art for the card, on the other I'm unimpressed by the model. And I don't know what to expect out of the next limited gacha incoming.
If you don't count the myriads of trading figures, only a small number. Earlier in im@s life, Scamco seems reluctant to sell the im@s license to fig makers.
it's Donut time
I was about to disagree but then I remembered how pun heavy her 4th commu is.
Who cares about puns?
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What's this all about?
All things considered, she is a shitty SSR.

For one thing, I think her model and card art looks terrible.

And from a gameplay perspective, she's a balanced stat type that is a Score Booster. Which is kinda fucking stupid because if you're really serious about racking up scores, then you'd want a SSR that focuses on a specific stat. Plus, the time interval and proc rate of her skill is meh compared to alot of other score boosting Cool SSRs.

I'd wait for a Standard SSR/CinFes SSR of KWSM if anything.
They're getting SSRs/Voices/CMs.

Those January Birthday CGs got new 1komas/idol rumors in deresute
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And they told me I was a special kind of retard for thinking Lunatic Show would feature a surprise voice for Mirei
Something about 1 komas or Uwasas.
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This version's better.

All that is left is Kotori right?
What have we learned about predictions, anon?
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No way is she gonna be absent from a party that involves sweets.

And if they really have to shove someone else, Ayame will probably be prowling in the night.
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Hell yeah, Nono.

This won't be the first time an Idol makes her singing debut in Deresute before getting her CM released.
I'm still expecting Ryo's CM to be in the game before that one.
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How many burger fun bux
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Someone wipe the smug off this cunt's face.
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is it wonfes time?
It's P danketsu time.
Oh yeah. i forgot. the please save 765 meeting.
>This won't be the first time an Idol makes her singing debut in Deresute before getting her CM released.
All those cases were girls who already had voices in the game. Long loli's VA isn't even announced yet, let alone adding her voice.

I mean it's not completely off the table, but it's very unlikely.
Ranking events got the additional four stars for the main card added as non ranking rewards.
Would Parade get the other way around?
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This is the truth.
I can't handle the truth
i have a crisis
Hold on Karen!
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Million Comic Theater 95 - Third Happiness

Happy New Year!

Heh, I saw Mt. Fuji in my first dream of the year. Guess going to that snowy mountain was worth it!
I-, I also had a dream with a falcon...!
Everyone saw a lucky dream, huh? (music note)

I also had a dream!
This has got to be...!

It was a dream where I had a bean sprout party with everyone in the Theater!
It was really fun~ (music note)

You're the one bringing happiness to everyone, Yayoi~!
Alright, then let's have that party after practice is over!
Really!? うっうー! Something nice happened right from the start of the year!
I wonder what Momoko's favorite pizza topping is.
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Yuki giving minors alcohol yeah.
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More blue headphone advertising.
What young idols should receive some booze?
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nana then we'll have a shotgun wedding and live forever happy
Minami. What kind of lame ass nerd doesn't drink at 19?
A pure and kind girl like her.
In many ways, the purest are the easiest to lure into drinking.
Impregnating Minami' sweet womb.
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fuck off fred
Someday I'll run into a nice, handsome anon who will help me complete the longfred.
>his first shot wasn't at 13
didn't longfred get completed twice already
Ray and Chigau
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I'm kind of disappointed this didn't actually have any imas tracks
Do I still need to register my bandai namco account as Japan region?

I accidentally made my account in my region but I could still get in.
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sweet ano de mayu
Bloody Cream
If someone here said no, you'll be fine, would you believe them?
For those unaware, the three symbols of luck around New Years are the Hawk, Eggplant, and Mount Fuji. The joke is that Yayoi brought up bean sprouts when everyone was expecting an eggplant, but no one cared since she's apparently everyone's favorite person in the world.
How many events did Mayu get featured again?

Oh that explains the pinya costumes for the deresute lucky draw
In cased you missed it, that's also why Kako Takafuji is always portrayed as lucky.

Kako = Eggplant
Taka = Eagle
Fuji = Dumb Shit.
Don't get my hopes up, anon.
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do we have any way of knowing what happens at the producer meeting other than following some twitters?
Bless him.
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Here's Chapter Five. I need to get a blog or something to put all the links in one place.
In regards to page 19 and 20, I misread the Japanese, Mini-P was saying that Arisu didn't agree to the photo that they chose. That's why I have to change a few lines, hopefully it's not too Engrish and people can still understand what they're talking about. Also, for the last page, apparently リベンジ doesn't literally mean revenge, just something like "re-match".
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Thanks for your work, ManletP and Arisu are cute.
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>being asleep at this hour
Mayu you're my friend.
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No. Their relationship is sisterly. SISTERLY
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Niggas gonna sexualize everything. That's kind of the nature of horny otaku.
Set list for Producer Meeting 1st day

cherry - everyone
Dazzling World - Sanpei (special guest)
The Live Kakumei de SHOW! - everyone
Miracle Night - Nakamura, Kugimiya, Hirata, Shimoda
Boku tachi no Resistance - Imai, Nigo, Hasekawa, Numakura
Amaterasu - Asakura, Wakabayashi, Takahashi, Hara
Kouhaku ouen V - everyone
Happy! - everyone
THE IDOLM@STER - everyone with Sanpei
>Dazzling World - Sanpei (special guest)
Nice. Ryo's CG event when?
>Miracle Night - Nakamura, Kugimiya, Hirata, Shimoda
>no Takahashi

Also, no game related news?
>No way is she gonna be absent from a party that involves sweets.
Just like Miyo wouldn't be absent from a unit called Enjin.
>>no takahashi
they're doing the new songs with the setups they used for the albums
The "unwanteds" clearly just go as extras in 346 Idol Selection songs.
Mayu and the fatasses
Oh, I figured. I was commenting on it regardless because I really like Azusa's version.
it just wouldn't be fair if Azusa and Takane sang every song, even though they would be the best choices, I guess
Took you long enough
They could've at least given more prominence to Makoto. But no, the second half of Miracle Night turned into an Iori solo.
w-where did you see that? that does sound pretty uncalled for
Talking about the M@ster version.
Doesn't matter, I've raged about this enough before. I'll stop now.
oh, okay iktf
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- Archive of >>166705519: http://archive.is/3Sw4T
- Aiko/Mio fancomic TL: >>166752521 >>166770032
- Miya fancomic TL: >>166777298 >>166777483 >>166782708
- MILLION LIVE! Blooming Clover chapter 0 in next Dengeki Maoh: >>166783064
- SS Update (Jan 28th): >>166798981 >>166801404
- Chihaya scale + more: >>166803293 >>166804241
- ML Theater 95 TL: >>166805514
- More THREE STARS!!! merch: >>166805741
- U149 chapter 5 TS: >>166811275
- Producer Meeting Day 1 setlist: >>166813330

Pastebin of next thread OP (copy from RAW paste data): http://pastebin.com/hpHPPePH
mayu let's be lovers
Kind of wish he kept some extent of tradition, such as having an unknown name.
Why, does he have a name confirmed?
Why yes, he is confirmed to have a canonical, in-universe name.

If I don't manage to dig an article to cite this, some other anon will.
As long as said name will not be mentioned, that's fine with me. I mean, Azusa's ending in SP has her and Producer moving on to the next level but Azusa's still reluctant to call him by his name.
That's because they can't voice the player's name in the game, so "Producer" has to work everywhere.
Different here. I'm pretty sure his name will be used regularly if he does have one.
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You need a name for DRAMA.
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i want to take it to the next step with azusa i will hold her hand tightly and kiss her forehead
>That's because they can't voice the player's name in the game
Although I can't recall the name of the game but I recall it has been done before. However, Azusa's SP creates a nice (and very cute) excuse for it.

>his name will be used regularly if he does have one
Look at Takagi: he has a name and yet the only person who refers to him as such is Kuroi while everyone else just calls him "Shacho/President". Nothing wrong with calling the producer as "Producer". Unless of course, there's romance and DRAMA which warrants the calling of the name to indicate the he and one of the idol is close.
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>Kanako Nono event

Wew time to rest, also good poyoring /@/
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in fact you are right
Rin better not be in the next event or i'm going to scream
You're boring songs, nerds.
They might put her in but keep her out of Nono's card just to fuck with memers.
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get fucked manletp
I want Kanako to become the new meme mom

It also doesn't break her character
These tropes are the antithesis of what the series in general depicts, which is why I have doubt.

But yes, how will these tropes play out?
All korean dramas have sex in it and get uploaded to Youtube, good stuff
I think it's safe to assume that [email protected] will be more like an average Korean drama than the kind of thing people are used to from iM@S. I'd love to be wrong in this case, though.
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TL Note: This edit was made because Anon was shitposting and making jabs at the one working on the Deresute 1komas which were overloaded with retarded TL notes

Oh anon.
>TL note when kako voiced

oh translator
TL note: Anon ruins the joke by explaining the joke

Oh anon.
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Something something fish and barrels
>have a canonical, in-universe name.

He's called YusaP.

Full name Patrick Rudolph Yusa. He's a hafu. Half Burgerlander and Half Jap. He doesn't like his first name though so he abbreviates it as P. And his friends call him Rudy.

P. Rudy Yusa.
This is a joke post, right?
and she's been 17 for years to boot. Probably has had more sex than all the other idols combined.
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>in fact

>I'm pregnant!
Well of course it's a joke.

He's a Gook. The P in his name obviously stands for "Park"
All murrican posters are.
I really wish this was real.
It would be pathetically deranged just enough.
I don't know anything about Korean dramas, so I don't know if they wouldn't actually use a pun name like that.
What's the difference between K-dramas and any bullshit soap operas worldwide?

What's their specific variant of inanity?
They're in korean
>I don't know anything about Korean dramas

Lucky you.

Expect YusaP to be a huge fucking asshole boss Producer. But all the Idols open their legs for him anyway.

Then expect YusaP to get really close with Gook Idol 1. Only for him to get hit by a car and suffer amnesia. Then Gook Idol 2 will take care of YusaP and the amnesiac YusaP will fall in love with Gook Idol 2. But then YusaP dies because of some contrived reasons. But then YusaP's organs will be donated to NewP. And NewP will get hooked up with Gook Idol 1. Then YusaP will meet up with Gook Idol 2 (who died of AIDS) in Gook Heaven and the both of them will be reincarnated as Osananajimi in the next life.

Then Gook Idol 3 (who was in love with YusaP but too much of a pussy to do anything) will be seen playing a grand Piano in an empty beach and is revealed to be narrating the whole story. Afterwhich she will commit suicide.

And kind of weird, if a character end up being liked, that character get's a spin off, if a character of that spin off is popular, he get's a spin off as well, character from the original do some cameos from time to time, akind of a expanded universe.
Where are the sadistic, pointlessly-cruel in-laws?
In the context of THE iDOLM@STER, a single series is everyone's story.

Then again, this is Korean drama territory.
>Then expect YusaP to get really close with Gook Idol 1. Only for him to get hit by a car and suffer amnesia. Then Gook Idol 2 will take care of YusaP and the amnesiac YusaP will fall in love with Gook Idol 2.
This kind of reminds me of a shitty eroge.
That's like a mish-mash of the handful Korean drama I've seen but I think there's a good chance that half of that would come true. Except for the suicide/dying part for the idols since, you know, they need to sell them.

The relatives of the idols themselves who is much crueler than the combined parents of Chihaya, Makoto, Shizuka, and the other idols who ran away from home (like Shinobu and Layla).
Which one? Not Kimi ga Nozomu Eien since it's the girl who gets hit by the car.
I want to lick future cop idol not-Nagisa sweet body.

I want to lick l@li idol not-Nagisa sweet eyebrows.
That is indeed what I thought of. Not the exact same thing, I know.
How wet is Arisu now?
It would be cute to see Kaoru respond to an eyebrows-licking.
I thought Layla's familiar simply became poor so they sent her off to be an illegal immigrant.

Anyways, I can see every parental figure being a complete carbon copy of Shizuka's dad.
I thought the song's pretty good. One of the better slow songs in the game as of now for sure. Then again I also like Nina's song and some of the other ones that /@/ seems to despise.
Where's a drawfag when you need one?
Shinobu's parent's are actually pretty decent.

They just don't see eye to eye with Shinobu's aspirations of Idolhood and that's why Shinobu ran away to Tokyo on her own to prove them wrong. We do see them having phone conversations though so they at least have a functional and caring relationship.

If you're looking for CGs with questionable parents, just go for Nina instead. Maybe Syuko too.
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In her second commu Syuko said he has a normal relationship with her parents, they just cast her off for being way to carefree... she wasn't disherited or nothing else
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Goddamit /@/.

Never change.

>Three Gook Idols.

So it's gonna be Eugene, Gooky Dooky and Gook Rin Soon right?
North Korean idols
Fuck that shit
>they just cast her off

No sane parent would just throw away their kid because they're too much of a carefree and lazy fuck. Well, the kid is at fault too, but if they do that, the parents instantly get the "shitty parent" title.

What exactly were Syuko's living conditions before idolhood?

Anzu is a similar case, but even her parents at least cared enough for her to rent her out a decent apartment in Tokyo when they forced her to be independent and learn to care for herself.

and they get raped by the replacement producer in the 'Producer gets anmesia because he got ran over by a dog' arc.

Oh wait, was that a Korean or Singaporean drama trope? I swear they use that trope in Korean dramas.
>No sane parent would just throw away their kid because they're too much of a carefree and lazy fuck.

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Those are girls.

You better not look to much sense on it, my sister is a fan of those korean dramas and even her can tell me that some starting plots are beyond retarded.
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You can bet on that.
Meanwhile, in Japanese Drama,

>Girlfriend (Wife?) is dying in hospital
>Boyfriend (Husband?) meets with bad guy in power plant
>Fist and Gunfight with bad guy
>power plant gets wrecked in process of fight
>Boyfriend wins, but the damage causes a city blackout
>Girlfriend in hospital goes critical due to life support systems shutting down due to lack of power
>Boyfriend tries to fix the power but generator is so damaged that plugging in the cord will kill him
>Boyfriend plugs that shit in anyway and endures a gajillion volts because POWER OF LOVE

It was daytime (around noon) television so it was probably some shitty B-movie or TV series that nobody gives a shit about. But it was still amazing.
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Aku wa yurusan
Aku is over at /co/
Isn't Syuko rich? I think her parents opened a rather popular treats shop or something.
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Korean drama takes their stories from a mashups of cringy eroge story anyway.
A surprising lot of J Dramas are basically just live action anime. (Some are even literal adaptations of anime/manga)

The one I caught during my stay in Japan was literally just Fight Club, except starring OLs.
You need to find out the name of this

Right now
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>Fight Club, except starring OLs.

That honestly sounds fucking amazing.
Chihiro you get headpats
Did you post this in the correct thread?
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he is from Korea
Miki kills herself when
The 2nd Idolm@ster movie.
>two eyes
The fuck is this
Now I'll root for it to actually happen
Heterochromia Iridum.
who should take mikis place as one of the maincharacters when she kills herself?
Two Mikis
new thread
The Chama and Yui
She should come back to life as Awakened MikiMiki.
it's an abstract kind of Miki
New thread extremely early

Sasuga mlfag
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Shiho is my daughter-wife.
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Chie is my little sister girlfriend.
Arisa's twintails.
17 year old girls.
Awakened Mio honda.
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Kissbuddy fuckwife.
Subaru is a 15 year old girl.
Syuko is my foxy wife.
It's wonderful, innit?
A perfect age to lovingly embarrass.
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Should I get Makoto's name tattooed on my chest or shoulder?
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Oh yes. She's in your grasp now. Totally defenseless.

Hi Shinkan Shoujo.
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I'm in love with the Kyoko

Treat yourself to something tasty today
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Asuka is my beloved loving wife.

5 days.
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How do you get SSR's from dailies
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I want to get multiple idols pregnant.
Buying Momoko a nice lobster feast.
Putting Momoko in a tub of live lobsters for which she cannot climb out.
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I will save her.
Is this masturbation?
Well, that's how I do it at least.
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New thread:

Makabe is a 17 year old girl.
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ksmz is mine.
>being this new and casual
Chie Omega.
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mio chair.jpg
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Chie Finale.
kibasaki sazanami is mine
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Arisu's song is good.
I can agree with you on that.
Headpats for Arisu
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Mocho I'm popping your cherry.
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Thread posts: 809
Thread images: 245

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