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/mcg/ - Minecraft General: Monster Girls edition

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Thread replies: 762
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Previous FUCK >>165679836

We discuss minecraft, minecraft packs, projects, seeds, building ideas...
Share server stories and keep the screenshots coming, we want to see more builds!
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Various guides and other resources http://mcgeneral.wikia.com/wiki//mcg/_Wikia
OP text (use it to contribute news and info for the next thread!): https://public.etherpad-mozilla.org/p/mcg-op
Modding FAQ: https://public.etherpad-mozilla.org/p/mcg-modfaq
NEW SERVER LIST: https://serblist.com
Old serb lis (own a serb? please move to the new site): http://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AiZ4nkhea5nXdERzVXFWVFp1SEN5SjM2WnNwVjZPUEE&usp=sheets_web#gid=0
/mcg/ IRC circlejerk channel: #/mcg/ on Rizon
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Curse Modpack Downloader: https://github.com/TOLoneWolf/curseDownloader
DL from Releases, Unpack, follow directions of the readme!

Better with Mods released: http://mods.curse.com/mc-mods/minecraft/246760-better-with-mods
An anon released a "diet" Natura fork: https://github.com/Rukachan/Nature
Baubles Minus Botania, Thaumic Bases forks found here: https://github.com/KryptonCaptain
Asie has been working on http://asie.pl/foamfix/, which remedies 1.10+ RAM issues,
as well as a few others, https://github.com/FabricMC, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IYsKMuvrvM8 [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]
TRAINCRAFT IS FUCKING OUT FOR 1.7.10 CHOO CHOO https://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/traincraft
GoG Alpha for 1.10.2 is available https://github.com/DoctorWiggles/GrimoireOfGaia/releases/tag/1.4.0-ALPHA
Anon has been producing various chunk based art http://mcnoodlor.imgur.com/
Which dimension mod should I use?
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tfw no jetpack
Witchery a best
Cave Worlds for spooky
Erebus if you're insectophobe
DimDoors for more spooky and utility
Twilag if you fancy that
Deep Dark, ApissalCraft if you want cancer
Mystcraft for MAWPC
I installed it but I haven't gotten started. How do I Witchery?
Is Twilight Forest bad? What about Aether 2?
Twilight is bad on servers, because its worldgen/exploring murders TPS. It's fine on SP though
Aether2 is mediocre, some good things, but nothing great either
>Dimensional Doors

This looks really cool, but it also looks like it can fuck me over pretty hard. How do I use it?
>tfw you will never live in the Erebus and be impregnated by hordes of giant insects with big ovipositors
Twilight forest is damn great, but resource intensive
Aether 2 has potential, but the devs are faggots (muh parties, muh professional game developers), there's a straight port of the original Aether for 1.10.2 tho

there's door monuments in your world, that lead to "layers" of dimensions, iron door brings you down, wooden doors bring you up, as long as you don't:
>go too deep (6+ layers)
>break walls
>loose track of where you come from
you should be safe, there's a lot of traps, so git gud

worst that can happen is you get thrown "there" and end up far away on the overworld

you eventually can "link" dimensions for transportation, or have your own pocket dimensions
Abyssalcraft is bad? I saw it in the ATM 1.10 pack but havent messed with it.
how i learned was getting books from villages and reading them and also the mods website.

If you dont want to raid villages you can make the 2 books, "Witchery: Collecting Fumes" and "Witchery: Herbology" and make the other books ""once you learn how to make their respective materials they need for crafting
What do you mean by "fuck you over"?
The danger of labyrinths themselves and loosing your items there? Yes, some rooms are utterly merciless. I remember one where you start right on a pressure plate which activates the whole contraption - opens up a hatch above you from which lava poors down on you and the entire corridor is a series of pistons that start closing down the walls, iirc the only way to not die there is immediately back the fuck off.
Although you can prepare and only enter doors with a stack of cobble and shears.
If you mean rifts multiplying, i think it's disableable
Good modded minecraft lets play?

I'm on episode 36 of ethos modded minecraft and I dislike that he's just doing random meme projects. Like I just want to see someone doing autistic ftb style stuff where they get a ton of fuel or build a massive base with tons of shit.
Ive been looking for the same. It seems recently a lot of the lets plays have been abandoned. Its funny the "HermitPack" crew have all but abandoned their pack. Everyone is working on skyfactory 3 now which is fun but I hate skyblock lets plays because skyblock is grindy.
I used to recommend "Ako the Builder" but he stopped putting out videos for some reason. I hope he didnt die.

If you don't mind watching slightly older versions of modpacks then he has some great series to go through

Is this good?
Psi is fun but kind of complex. do the tutorial and see how you like it.
Thanks . I have heard Ako recommended several times so I will give him a go.
I didn't like it one bit, but already wrote about it some threads back.
Try it yourself i guess.
Any mods that spice up the Nether?
Natura adds some trees I guess.
Lycanite's and Infernal mobs :^)

BoP and Natura add some nice stuff
Don't forget the spiders
Completely MAWPC if you learn it's scripting

But to each their own
>spice up

A green dimension with nothing to actually mine, a green reskinned mini version of Stronghold with item needed for nex dimension and endless green reskins of the Dragon plus a bigger one as a boss. A Red\purple dimension with red and purple blocks, and red and purple enemies, the dark dark grey- do i really need to continue? Check it out for a model mod worthy of International Bureau of Weights & Measures on how NOT to make dimension mods.
What's MAWPC?
Is Lycanite's bad? I've been thinking about getting it
Migh As Well Lurk Moar
It's not exactly recommended around here.
It really doesn't fit the feel of the game, and some of the mobs are serious cancer
What mob mods are recommended?
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>people setting up easymode ME crafting/smelting

Is "Terrafirma on Rails" the new trainserb?
cool trees, shrooms, red sand and weird earth (conflicts with BoP somehow), imps (passive mobs with no purpose, but an easy way to get fire resistance)...

for mobs, HMaG adds hell cats and ghosts that float and burn or wither you, plus a ghast variant (and maybe giant flies? not sure about that one)
Is there a version of Psi for 1.7.10?
Ahaha, no. Trainserb 2 is going to be the new Trainserb.
eta this week, probably

>real man's automated furnace
>there's only one, and it's some scrub mod one
Try again when you have at least 8 furnaces on your wall, hooked up with pipes
That is a decent criticism, I just wanted to try out that mod because I never used any of them before.

A waste of 8 daimonds desu.
I have that one, pretty neat.

I like Lycanite's mobs, but I only want a few of them, and at this point, I may have to up the entity ID for Anti ID conflict, but that might fuck up things.
>Hear about how cool botania is and how much has changed from 1.7.10 to 1.10
>Still playing 1.7.10 so even if I downloaded it now I wouldn't get the cool new features.


What am I missing out on?
Thinly veiled progression number grinding, hidden behind shitty weeb references and flowerfaggotry/filthy hedge magic, but with some nice utility tools
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>never used monster girl mod before
>it's in 1.10.2 Resonant Rise
Do I, do I stick my dick in it?
we have ic2, why not spawn in a shitload of tokens for the TS2 central bank
>we need to build a bank
Stacks on Stacks is gonna make it ultra bueno
Grimoire/Grimwaifu of Gaia >>165841224
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>tfw playing dimensional doors for the first time
>go to limbo
>see a monolith for the first time
i nearly shat myself, the things are so fuckin creepy
Why does /mcg/ hate skyblocks?
stick it in the blender instead
Too much grinding, doesn't have trens
If I wanted grinding, I would play runescape.
Nothing else a skyblock offers.
Is pneumaticcraft any good?
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They're like machine filled cobble 9x9s, in modpack form.
>No quartz pipe
>no gold pipes
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top level feeds fuel and things that need burning into the 8 furnaces.
>using gold when its literally unnecessary.

Also in that compact design gold pipes would connect where you don't want them to. Cobblestone/Stone wont connect.
Still, replace the cobble for quartz.
Quartz is super abundant, so no excuses.
it's just a different take on tech, worth giving it a try

it's outclassed by other tech mods tho
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oh boy
>Also in that compact design gold pipes would connect where you don't want them to.
Pipe plugs exist >>165755630
Although it seems to be kinda passive feeding system not reliant on gates requests and such, so quartz\gold is unnecessary i think.
Only if you can't build nice things.
>Periods instead of commas
Move to a better country
I will be memed but direwolf is pretty good if you want good intro and build designs to automate things. Hes a shit builder though
>Windows Task Manager instead of htop
Move to a better operating system.
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I knew I should've posted about my punctuation and operating system choices to get help about my memory leak problem.
Use Java instead of Javaw.
Install Oracle Java 8.
Download a better launcher.
Play a better modpack.
>he mistakes MGM and GoG
i really don't think the monster girl mod got updated to 1.10 as it got replaced by hostile mobs and girls
Is there any good alternatives to Thut's elevators for 1.10.2?

It's a really cool mod, but it keeps forcing my bobbing off and I can't deal with it. I'm fine with something like the old open blocks, although if anyone knows a thut version that doesn't force your bobbing off that would be nice.

And the config option for disabling the bobbing thing doesn't work.
is there a mod that turns minecraft into a survival game
>Use Java instead of Javaw.
How does that help?
>Install Oracle Java 8.
I already have Java 8.
>Download a better launcher.
I'm already using MultiMC
>Play a better modpack.
It's my homemade modpack. Much better performance than any public kitchen sink, even though it's a kitchen sink on its own.

Though, now that you mentioned it, I had added a few mods a few days ago. The memory leak hadn't been there until recently. Might be one of those new mods fucking everything up.
You can also use a paintbrush or stained glass to separate pipes.
If it's an issue you caused yourself, why are you posting about it?
Because I didn't realize that til that anon told me to get a better modpack.
what is the difference between java and javaw?
Mod creators are so fucking pissed that everyone is still using 1.7.10 and it's hilarious
I need some drama
Supposedly w gets rid of the console (Windowed)
But that's kinda outdated now, since java launches without console anyway.
I think HMaG is now being ported to 1.11 or 1.12. 1.7.10 version is done for according to the creator.
RFtools has an elevator that works really nice. Its like combining computercraft with redstone in motion but much nicer.
only because most are too poor to afford memory upgrades for 1.10+
Indeed - not wanting to buy a memory upgrade is actually how FoamFix came to be.
Nope combat sucks in 1.8+ so no thanks
I can't stand his circlejerk server that he plays on. He literally surrounds himself with 17 year olds that ride his dick and slave for him.
What are good mods to go with Immersive Engineering? I like it and I'm afraid to get IC2 or something for fear of becoming OP, but I'm feeling a little underpowered at the moment.
I have a question, when I run avast it tells me that 2 files in the roaming\Nvidia\GLcach can not be analized because other proces is blocking them. The thung is I downloaded a launcher pirate frim mediafire. How do I fix this? (downloaded it causse my game didnt had sound, 1mb file size)
Galacticraft energy generation is pretty weak, try that.
I'm reinstalling minecraft after a few years of not caring (I think I stopped at about 1.5?) and I plan on doing a modded Tree Spirit challenge. For now I only have ATG and Antique Atlas, are there any other mods that would fit with the challenge?
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Dude what. I just want an answer.
Those are . Tog and .bib
>tree spirit challenge
Elaborate m8
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>It is very dark. You are likely to be eaten by a grue.

Why the fuck did I install this
a-are those knishes?
An old challenge from the days of beta. At the beginning of a world you choose a tree and chop it down, leaving only the bottom block standing and collecting the saplings. From the on you become bound to said tree, meaning that you have to be in contact with it at all times and "grow" it using log blocks harvested from its offspring.
Delete system32, uninstall windows, and never pirate minecraft again dumb goy.
what else would they be?
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>A month into 2017
>Still no chisel updates for 1.10
>Still no new content for IE
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How do I make multi MC work if I do not own a minecraft account?
The witch sounds of our generation.
make a minecraft account
Localhost as a proxy, mess around with tokens in account.json
what did he mean by this
Is local host a proxy I jave to download? Also I don't know shit about files, what exactly do I change on the account.json?
30 us dollars = 480 $ for me
>30 us dollars = 480 $ for me
Nice, another anon that doesn't understand how exchange rates work!
Localhost means setting the proxy to, which redirects all outgoing traffic to you.

I think both tokens just have to be equal then offline mode works or something, can't remember.
16 pesos = 1 dollar what else do I need to calculate?
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>tfw making a 1.10 modpack and theres nothing anyone here can do to stop me.

Is 4 gigs of ram enough?

1024 min
4096 max
512 gen
What's your mod list?
still building it.
The fact that a peso isn't a dollar
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>update RTG
>finally get a mesa
>floor looks like vomit
>plateaus are low as fuck
>rock layers look like shit
>fucking pink clay
Correct, but you don't get paid like 8 pesos an hour do you? Just because a hamburger costs more units of your money, doesn't mean its WORTH more.

I just googled mexican minimum wage.
>$73.04 Mexican pesos per day (currently, approximately $4.25 USD)

So yes, its roughly lower than most USA minimum wages (6-8$), but its not like that money is 16$ more for you for every 1$ it would be if you paid USD. So no 30 USD does NOT equal 480$ for you, it just equals 840 pesos (according to google exchange rate).

Thats how exchange rates work, and if you don't understand this, you should probably get off 4chan and fucking go back to school.

Any questions?
minimum wage is like 70 pesos/hr
>per day
Mexican minimum wage per DAY is half of US minimum wage per HOUR
A mexican work week is 8 hours a day 6 days a week
Correct sorry! Makes my point even better.

Welp, time to get off 4chan and fucking do something with your life then :/
In that case, your RAM usage is still increasing. However, with FoamFix, you should be fine.
See the first listing?
>Meal, Inexpensive Restaurant 86.35 MXN

So you have to work for an entire week, 6 days for an inexpensive meal in a restaurant? Sounds like everyone should open restaurants.
Except it's not correct
Its 73 pesos per day which can be as low as 9 pesos per hour which converted to USD is 40 cents an hour.
If you just go by minimum wage it takes 4 hours in the US and 56 hours in Mexico to earn 30 USD
How do I wire up contraptions without getting shitty dust and wire all over the place?
K. Either way you lose. see:
The second half.
I'm not even the guy who wanted to use multimc without an ccount, I was the first person who told him to buy it, I just think both of you are making retarded arguments. I don't even think minimum wage is a good way to compare, that's just what someone else tried to use to compare.
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Good mod for redstone wire/logic stuff thats not redpower?
>mod creators
lex isn't a mod creator.
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You chose to build your house in a shitty biome and then you chose to leave some corner unlit. Those sirens have a high chance to spawn in packs.

Consider making better choices.
How do I pre generate a minecraft world?
I don't know the trees just looked cool outside. They didn't spawn in, they followed me from outside before I could shut the door
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It is done.
>using shitty weeb mob mods
that's how
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Trying to make a big ship, myself.

get admincommandtoolbox, run /pregenspawn <number of chunks around spawn to generate>. reading its short page on curse or whatever wiki it has also works
This is my first one and I have no idea how to work it. How do I make it follow me and attack?

I don't have an excuse
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What's a good mod to make mobs an actual threat throughout the stages of the game instead of just pests?

Would the monstergirls be good for this?
So 1.10.2 is going to be the new version? Or are they going to let us get all our mods and worlds going on 1.10.2 and then suddenly decide they want 1.11?
You see the red flame items hostiles drop? That's grudge. Right click it on your ship to fuel them. Also, give them food to keep them from getting exhausted. When they're exhausted, they won't attack. Feed them ammo to have them attack. Make the ammo with seven iron ingots the way you would make leggings, and then put gunpowder and grudge in the last two slots for light ammo and blaze powder in place of the gunpowder for heavy ammo. Feed them each with right-clicking.

Also, explore for dungeons and find upgrades. I'll get screenshots if you want.
Modders are already split roughly 50/50, but most maintain 1.10.2 for at least bugfixes so it should stay around for a while still.
145th for 1.6.4 best terrian generation
None and no

Minecraft's combat is irredeemable garbage, forget it exists

if you still insist, check Mowzie mobs instead
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So I'm just gonna post this blog post here

I recently kinda got back into Minecraft, and wanted to
continue on my old Survival world. However, after going from 1.5/1.6 to
1.10 I realized that the new terrian generation that was implemented in
1.7 really grinds my gears. Now there are not only these huge edges
around the borders of unexplored terrians, which I understand and would
be fine with, but the new terrians are all really ugly in my opinion.

I tried switching back to 1.6.4, but everytime I try that some of the
chunks get reset, which does make sense of course. However, also a few
of the original chunks, which still belong to the world of the old
terrian generator get reset too.
My question is, why do the old chunks, which already existed before 1.7
also get resetted? I would understand if the new biomes would get
overwritten. Why do only some chunks get renewed as you can see in the
picture, and others don't? How do I save the chunks on which I built
stuff from getting overwritten?

So it's obviously the fault of the item ID that changed. Is there a command in MC edit 1.10 where I can remove every living thing in the chunk and every item with one click? Cause I can't find it.

pic related, before reset
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Just man up and use your backup, The save you got right now is pretty much fucked
1.10 or 1.7?
Flaxbeard's Steam Power and Cogs of the Machine are fun to use with IE, pushes the game more towards Steampunk, and gives you a few neat toys to play with.
Go back onto 1.10, Save on peaceful mode and that should reduce the workload at least,

Alternatively just get a terrain generation mod
This. The questions you're asking aren't worth the time it would take you to determine the answer. Just roll back and try to learn from the experience.
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Gaia Guardian fight ring I've been working on. Hope it's big enough. I'll be pretty pissed if I go to start the ritual and it says there's a problem with my setup.
I tried to fight the botania boss once but it ended up being "nope all of your gear is nerfed or useless" "you fight this boss vazkii's way or not at all"

has this been fixed yet?
how are you not being mercilessly slaughtered by it right now
grime whore is overshilled shit
get hostile mobs for variety, and mowsie's mobs for mobs with amazingly fluid animations
looks good, hope you don't get meme'd

>has this been fixed yet?
Good idea, I'll try that first. If that doesn't work I guess I'll go with
and learn from it.
I find it amusing they are using several alpha mods including foamfix for such a large modpack like that. I also find it amusing that they have like a dozen optimization and performance mods and the the modpack still takes days to load.

That particular mob is a passive creature, until you piss it off.
wat da fug
What's the current version everyone is playing mods on? I've been gone for awhile.

Also, what the fuck happened to witchery? That was one of my favorite fun mods.
witchery is kill
It's an altar where you pray to the kami of anime to bring you weeb mods (TL note kami means god)
Do you build all of this by hand?
Why wouldn't he? Looks simple enough, just really time consuming and repetitive.
What? I'm using it right now, what are you guys talking about?

>just really time consuming and repetitive
Not even with Better Building Wands (TM).
how new r u
If a bug can pop up without hope of it being fixed, it's still kill.
the author of witchery dropped off the face of the earth and isnt even working on it anymore. he tried to do a 1.8 mod called intangible which dealt with souls but he ended up abandoning that too before going completely MIA
You mean Hostile Mobs and Girls, or something else?
Shit, knowing Witchery it sounds like Intangible would have been really cool. I hope he comes back.
Vore mods where
Yeah, that looks pretty fugging disgusting, though those mod crops aren't helping either.
the light blocks are lapis blocks from extra utilities and the metal is from a texture pack from this map http://www.planetminecraft.com/project/betaadv-galactic-space-rescue-minecraft-galactic-space-adventure-map-beta-version/
we all should have sucked his dick more like we did the flowerfag
I'm still mad that both mods are behind a "MUH PROPRIETARY CODE" license.
Should I use Pam's harvestcraft?
Pam's Bloatcraft is neat for powering your base on deluxe cheeseburgers, but other than that id say no.
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I'm gonna play on TrainSerb2 and commit suicide when I die ingame.
Good luck.
Join us
make lumber
Don't bother using Pams unless you're using Spice of Life or something else that changes hunger.

Also soybeans are OP as fuck.
On TS2? (soon[TM])
the most hypocritical thing anyone can do is content claim something that is a rip of an actual company's code in the first place.
yes , wood
Huh, maybe it is time to let go....so, is there something interesting in 1.11?
I'm going full BEEEEEEES
wanna buy some Forestry Trees later?
im planning to buy both your materials for things to be used on my assembly line: postage supplies from Bees, bibliocraft furnishings and storage drawers for lumber, its gonna be great and it'll use Immersive engineering things
I'm building a 1.7.10 modpack for me and like 4 other guys to fuck around on in a server. Already got the server shit set up. Just need some ideas/tips.

Here's my current idea:
Some sort of Microblock mod
Carpenters Blocks
Morph (Will probably tweak flying mods off)
Those one weeb block comfy mods I can't fucking remember the names of that we used to play with.
Enubus or whatever
That bag mod that has autofeeding
Thermal Expansion
A biome mod. BoP maybe.
Gayflower mod.
Minimap mod.
Another furniture mod maybe
Tinkers thingy that everyone always has
Random Things

And uh. That's all I know.
I'm taking inspiration from some of the mcg serbs I used to play on Bradcraft
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add trains
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I want logs, lumber, wood, hout
for distribution for sale
you've already got botania witchery and thaumcraft, might as well add blood magic and forbidden magic
Had the same too, they are supposed to be "pretty".
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>inb4 TS2 is overpopulated it's impossible to draw a good railroad through bases
>inb4 TS2 bases are thousands of blocks apart and transport takes ages
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I don't think this video turned out as good as yesterday's.

>a /mcg/ serb
>that vomit
who the fuck do I blame for ruining the amazing mesas it had before
who do I strangle
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Yeah RTG mesas used to be delicious.
I wonder if there's a version in between where they fixed Mariculture bug, but didn't touch mesas yet. I'm kinda tempted to go back to the version I had before.
That's actually not that bad. You're funny.

And cute
At least he has actual human reactions and isn't screaming in your ear every jumpscare.
dont worry anon you can bridge over my shit no problemo
What train mod?

What's forbidden magic? Never used.
Traincraft x railcraft
Ok, maybe I said that in a wrong way
>too many people place their bases next to each other so no decent train network is possible

You gonna dorf?
Traincraft and Railcraft
>What train mod?
traincraft and railcraft
>not making a train station at the edge of the clusterfuck
also overdense city centers just demand a railyard in the shitty industrial suburb
>What's forbidden magic? Never used.
thaumcraft addon that provides cross-mod interactions between Thaumcraft, Blood Magic, and botania.
for example, "A wand theat runs of botania mana" or "A thaumcraft quill that runs off your blood network"
>You gonna dorf?

I don't understand why more people dont dorf it up. I love tunneling into the side of a mountain and carving it out to suit my needs.
Yeah. I want to find a nice L-shaped mountain face and convert it how I see fit

I've always played like that. its either mountainside (or hills if I'm lazy) or deep underground

maybe i will build an underground vault accessible by computer-controlled frame elevator.
Embers is inspired directly by dorfs so maybe that will get something going
What's the point of these different cuts, different quality wood?
exactly, the dude has a computer, I doubt he is making minimum wage.
Is Trainserb out yet? I want to have fun
Wow, adventure maps have come a long way.

What ever happened to actual horror games, they don't seem to exist or aren't capable of creating suspense or scaring you anymore. However of all things a >minecraft map achieved that.
Trainserb is Schrodinger's serb, anon.

It both is up and isn't.
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But can I play it right now? Anon please. Please anon. I have no responsibility for only a few more hours!
we cant know until we observe the IP adress
If you enjoy the cooking/farming aspects of minecraft, absolutely, but it's best when paired with a hunger overhaul mod.

That file name
So MultiMc doesnt let me enter Minecraft, I even tried changing the password which I did do so but when entered in either it or Minecraft.net it doesnt fucking work. Any idea?
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would you play on this serb? only 2g ram required to boot
have you tried updating your gpu drivers?
Which hunger overhaul mod would you recommend?
My experience with Pam's harvest craft has always been "eat nothing but bread until I can automate the creation of one of the top tier meals, then just eat nothing but that."
right now minecraft.net is blocking you from logging in.
>wait a day
>log in to minecraft.net/mojang account
>then log into multimc
Turns out it was just Mojang shitty services, thanks Mojang.
>using storage drawers for bulk storage
>start setting up refined storage system
>connect external storage up to drawer controller
>immediately drop to 10-15fps
>nothing looks to be rendering any different
>have i7 and GTX 1070

What the actual fuck
>would you play on this serb? only 2g ram required to boot
>No Valkiryan warfare
Out of the mods Trainserb2 has, which has the most efficient auto-mining?
What's your favorite texture pack?
>tfw i remember my first time playing minecraft in alpha as a kid
>tfw i'll never re-experience that feel
its gonna break jim

Can verify immediately that TC trains do not fly. They drop like a rock immediately when they leave the tracks.

That's how lumber is made, man.
good job, snipe
Can you tell me about trains? I know literally nothing about them. If I make a little thing when the server is out can I make my own little railway and such?
Sorry, I was sleeping and then working.

Actually why don't you help me out here. What parts have you stumped? I'll see if I can do a legit newfag's write-up on my guide.
I meant the horizontal vs perpendicular cuts, like against or with the grain things.
what do you mean by "little thing"
you can make a branch line to your base anon
why would you want a railway that isnt connected to the main system in some way

traverse the tracks at up to 127 kph to scale in cool-looking locomotives (some are ugly) while pulling your cargo
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>why would you want a railway that isnt connected to the main system in some way

I can answer that. Do you want me to?
Well I know literally nothing about them, and very little about other mods. I guess I'll just list a bunch of basic questions then? Hopefully we can help each other.

>Is it something only admins can set up or something? As in do I need to call call daddy over to help me or can I just lay track down and set it up myself

>I assume, if it's something you can make yourself, that you need to make every individual train and part of the train, lay down track, set up some basic system to prevent crashes?

>What function do they serve, if any, beyond moving you around real fast? I've seen people mention cargo? How does all that work

>Would there be differences between types of trains? I've heard there are types of trains

>If there are not types of trains then is there only one basic design or can you effect how it looks somehow?

>How complicated is this? Am I going to need to pour over guides or is it simple enough to figure out enough to make something basic work?

>Is there going to be a central hub or something that train lines merge at?

>If yes, can you explain the basic steps of connecting your own little personal base station to that hub? Like lay down track -> set up switches and timing or whatever -> actually build the vehicle itself -> choo choo

>Does it work with the other mods on the server? Like could I charge the train with power from IC2 then have it bring that energy to another thing that needs it?
is the answer "so braindead retards dont smash into the back of me at 100mph"?
>>Is it something only admins can set up or something? As in do I need to call call daddy over to help me or can I just lay track down and set it up myself
Barring assistance from other players, you can do it all on your own. There are a couple train car recipes that will need fixing, but serb admin is more than capable of doing so.
>>I assume, if it's something you can make yourself, that you need to make every individual train and part of the train, lay down track, set up some basic system to prevent crashes?
Correct. For now communication is all we have to prevent crashing, and crashing is fucking annoying so it's worth avoiding.
>>What function do they serve, if any, beyond moving you around real fast? I've seen people mention cargo? How does all that work
Freight cars have an inventory like a chest that you can place items into. Some cars have a specific inventory, like they will only take vanilla blocks and items, and some will only hold liquids.

Post 1 of ???....
Appreciated. As an addition then: What happens if you crash?
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>>Would there be differences between types of trains? I've heard there are types of trains
There are types of trains, yes. Steam, Diesel and Electric to start with.
>>If there are not types of trains then is there only one basic design or can you effect how it looks somehow?
Each has its own heirarchy and each locomotive looks different.
>>How complicated is this? Am I going to need to pour over guides or is it simple enough to figure out enough to make something basic work?
Easy enough to figure out on your own, but one of us will be able to help.
>>Is there going to be a central hub or something that train lines merge at?
Ideally yes. I hope to make such a thing.
>>If yes, can you explain the basic steps of connecting your own little personal base station to that hub? Like lay down track -> set up switches and timing or whatever -> actually build the vehicle itself -> choo choo
It's literally that simple.
>>Does it work with the other mods on the server? Like could I charge the train with power from IC2 then have it bring that energy to another thing that needs it?
Not sure, honestly. TC Electric trains are supposed to be able to work with some other mod that we don't have. There are also electrified (vanilla-style) tracks for them that can connect to some wires.

Such people are why I really want to try and devise a traffic control system (and why I REALLY miss RailCraft signal capability)

The locomotives spaz out and assume control of you. Highly irritating if you're actually carrying shit.
ranges from absolutely nothing to bugging out
pretty random honestly, but the rammer is usually better off than the rammee

ive rammed into other trains three times, been rammed by my own train once, chased two runaway locomotivess 4k+ blocks, and duped 15+ tenders (now patched)
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>chased two runaway locomotivess 4k+ blocks

Sometimes that's legitimately fun, especially if the runner is ready to be coupled to something.

I have an idea for a traffic control system but really its just lights hooked up to a long range wireless network (which is wholly dependent on how opencomputers' wireless networking works).

i propose green for clear line, red for oncoming train, yellow for train ahead going the same direction
With periodic sensors you can determine the trains approximate location and speed
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>i propose green for clear line, red for oncoming train, yellow for train ahead going the same direction

I may have spoken the wrong way with this. RailCraft signals are still useable, but the manner in which they have to be set up is now much more complicated than plopping down two Block Signal lamps next to the track. If we have redstone cues from some fashion of sensor block to a Railcraft Signal Controller, we can make signal blocks.

>Long range
If we're doing legit traffic control then we will need sidings along the long stretches to allow trains to pass eachother. This theoretically breaks down each block into more manageable sizes.
Thanks for the answers. I'm pretty excited to play. It'll feel like the first time again considering the only mod I'm even partially familiar with is IC2.

About how many people are you projecting to be on the server?
Trainserb 1 has been running for almost 18 months.
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Question for you people. I decided I wanted to play again with a bunch of people. I looked for the most highly populated servers and I noticed they all used the same mods, and they're all just server mods. Nothing that actually adds shit like ic2 or Thaumcraft or anything. Why? I want all the extra shit. Why are they so popular if they offer nothing new?
I shall include short passing loops with dead end refuge siding run offs for long trains on my section
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Don't connect RS external storage modules to anything bigger than a double chest or else bad shit happens to performance.

There's a bug related to this: https://github.com/raoulvdberge/refinedstorage/issues/325

RS' author blames CyclopsCore, but it happens whether you have Cyclops' mods or not.
>server mods
You mean plugins?
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>short passing loops

I think you mean sidings like this.
Ya sure, that. It's been awhile.

>vanillafags are a lot more willing to pay money for shit
>mods are buggy and annoying at times
>modded serbs are probably more expensive
>extremely large modded serbs are impossible, the performance would be ded as fug
join trainserb2
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wooden cabins are cozy!
>no extra installation required
>eks deeh minigames
>rainbow colors and shit can be done via server sided stuff which is enough to lure kids these days
>kids these days are more likely to spend some cash on easy access VIP stuff, see all modded servers/plugin servers
Its sad that I cant do that easily due to laying gravel in a block up from normal height and 3 blocks of gravel , mostly due to autism trying to simulate rl trackplacing
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>wooden cabins are flammable
It's only a matter of time.
>Still no VK
>But Gregtech is ok
Its like you want people to noy play you(re) serb.
it's like you want the server to be rendered unplayable the second someone gets their hands on a ship
Seriously speaking, I know VW is still in development but does it runs like shit on servers? Considering that is coded differently than Archimedes..
it's not even the performance I'm afraid of, it's the fact that this shit can easily lead to world corruption - mainly because other mods are present, and some of these mods are known to not like shit literally forcing physics on them
>join trainserb2

But I want to play with a bunch of people. Like 70ish people at least. Will it have a decent population or will it just be 5 guys? Also I'm impatient.
/mcg/ serbs are kinda dead like the general so dont expect much people, 70 people is way too much for a modded server. But its possible it has like 10-15 the first weeks due to the hype.
A modded server could never support 70 people.
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the absolute madman!
I can't tell if this is up or not
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>this is up
What's "this"?
The server. Trainserb2.
TS2 is not.
Those are pictures from ts1
Guess Ill have to rebuild some of these for my sawmills in Trainserb2.
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Trainserb2 is up in my mind
I can imagine it now
The serb.
The myth.
The legend.
>rainbow colored text bloating the chat window as soon as i log in
my eyes bleed every time
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16 diesel locomotives at one time baby.
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So I need to choose between actual content or being a massive jew? This is sad.
Why the fuck would you want 70 people anyways?
There's no comf, you're all niggering for the same resources, etc.
I like things to feel alive. You can go be comfy in a smaller settlement or make your own. I like going into the big city filled with people after getting used to my lonely little cabin. It's nice.
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Why have growthcraft and forestry?
GC is much easier to make booze with, and is relatively simple.
Forestry is for autism and automated farms. Also nice woods. And mail.
Hey guys

i just updated infinity lite to 1.5.1, and suddenly my JEI move items button don't auto grab items from chest connected to crafting stations, only from my inventory.

Anyone have any idea why that might've happened?
>jei, so meme version
fuck off retard and let the hype for ts2 continue
>fuck off retard and let the hype for ts2 continue

No reason to bash on other serbs. Trains are love, not hate.
What's new with ts2? i dont really play on the serbs
If I don't care about building pretty things and just want to farm stuff, maybe make a great big farm or whatever. Will I like Trainserb2?
build a huge farm, export your goods for a price to people using trains to transport things, feed the entire serb
>agri, GC and forestry
>trains to come and haul your goods to market
>potential builders on serb for hire
Build your farm as big as you like.
Okay, I've never used Forestry, what should I farm from it to provide for the serb?
Try a little bit of everything. Variety never hurts. Also, you can experiment and get used to the mods freely that way.
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stumpserb is up
dynmap - http://crustyanus.ddns.net:8123
Do you still need to install modpacks by hand? Like dropping them in to the .jar or whatever it was? It's been a very long time and installing like 20 mods by hand sounds awful.
It's been much much easier than that for years.
.jar modding ended long ago.
Oh good. I assume the OP has a full guide? Or is there just sort of an installer button I press and then smile?
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You'll basically be forced to use Curse's client for downloading modpacks unless there's a mirror. For some fucking reason they have the entire modding community by the balls and won't let you download the full pack off their website.
>get multimc launcher
>make new instance of 1.7.10 (best version for modded atm)
>boop the install forge button in the instance settings tab
>go to curseforge and download mods
>go to loader mods tab of instance settings
>click add mods
>add all the mods
>using modpacks on the curse launcher
Not to fucking mention that there's a tool for ripping them without using their bloatware launcher in the fucking OP.
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Someone asked what happens when trains collide...
It's a beautiful thing, betcha never heard a robot and a caveman sing!
Sounds better than the .jar nonsense I had to go through before. Thanks. Is the modpack for trainserb2 out yet?
There's a preview build out.
Old serb list, the "website" for trainserb has a link to the pad which has a link to the download.
All you have to do with that is import it into multimc.
Will that likely change before the server comes out?
actually yes, go to the server list for the link to its ether pad for more info
Not majorly, but yes.
Someone linked that in the last thread, I read it over.

So it would be better to wait to do the modding until it's finalized?
>do the modding
you don't understand anon
It's literally just download a thing and boop a button
The configs, the everything.

Even if you're making your own pack, it's just drag dropping files into a folder and editing text files.
You barely even have to worry about id conflicts anymore.
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>Someone asked what happens when trains collide...
there willl be a mods folder in your minecraft install or the thrid party launcher's instance folder: just literally take the entire pack, and dump it into the folder that says mods, install forge to that, and you're done
So installing the current preview pack won't cause me to need to do any more work? I can just use that on the live server with no issues?
I just got done with a heavily modded Skyrim playthrough so I'm understandably paranoid.
I fucking did this with comfypack and I swear to fuck it crashes no matter what
you might need to get the latest pack whenever it updates
pastebin your crash log
Let me set everything back up I deleted it after like the 20th attempt on the fourth pack
Okay, so set everything up now but do the actual "Download pack, boop button" but later? Thanks. 1.7 right?
>So installing the current preview pack won't cause me to need to do any more work? I can just use that on the live server with no issues?
There will probably be mod update/changes between that one and the final pack, but same concept.
Just download pack, and import zip into multimc, and it should basically be ready to play.

>I just got done with a heavily modded Skyrim playthrough so I'm understandably paranoid.
Been playing modded Dragon Age Origins recently, which is like jar modding all over again
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You are not understanding how simple it is.
When you download the pack you get everything, so it's disposable as fug.
Is there a way to actually host a server through MultiMC?
I just want to brew enough booze to fill the entirety of my castles cellar, is that so much to ask?
There will be changes from what's currently posted which is rc03. I'll be uploading rc04 tonight, which is going to have the final modlist.

V1 will be the launch-day version of the pack. Again, the modlist will stay the same, so if someone downloads rc04 and decides not to DL V1, they will be able to join the server no problem.
how big is the cellar?
Big enough to build a TC runic altar in.
fucking DED
Probably john smith but it clashes with tech mods so I don't even use it. Faithful is my go-to at the moment but I'm getting bored of it. Might go vanilla for a bit.
>Probably john smith but it clashes with tech mods so I don't even use it
That feel.
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This is my first big build, how am I supposed to fill in the sides effectively when it bends in such a ridiculous way?
Mowzie's Mobs y/n
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>Make house in Fen biome because the trees looked nice
>Constantly getting fucked by nagas and sirens
>Think I made house too big or I just don't know how to decorate/light or both
>Install more worldgen mods
>Thinking about restarting but don't know if I should
>nagas and sirens
there's your problem there.
Hello guys, this is Direwolf20! And welcome to the megabyte accords a nonsense. The residence conforms? The lovely shareholder stares, its assistance proceeds below a constitutional! Cool! Throughout the packet staggers the long patient. A continent barks before your vessel, an unreadable afternoon offsets his rock beneath the compatible dirt. The temple advocates the neural arrogance. Nice! The reign wings the advanced assistant. The chance litters the illustrated jack the desktop tames an arch. The fossil pretends outside any vegetable! Cool! The socket coasts around the genius. Nice! A tiny nightmare dines, the tuned breakdown sticks a cramp in the flashing error. The road consumes a defined ploy.
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whoever it was that suggested chisel and bits to me a while ago thank you
but i need it
now the question becomes, is that a copypasta, subtitle transcript, or one of those random books that Bibliocraft or Recurrent Complex generates?
I can't stop making square houses and then not knowing how to make the inside look nice. I just end up lighting the corners and putting crafting tables and chests on the sides, at the most adding windows. How do I into building
Start with the same thing that normal ship building uses. A rib/skeleton structure. Build them at regular intervals, or key structural points, and slowly work up from there
What texture pack should I use?
Is there a better TiCon pick than cobalt head, paper binding and thaumic handle?
Shiny > cobalt
I don't always feel the need to minmax with paper parts, so usually just add something with a nice durability modifier
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>tfw track building music
I need an update on toxicjunglefag
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I'm so stoked* for trains that I have to stave it off by doing trens in factorio

Not unless you consider

I really need to write that server setup guide.

basically you just take the mods and configs directories from your modpack, dump them in a directory with the minecraft server jar and forge universal jar, then start the forge jar
it actually doesnt get much more complicated than that, just delete the client-only mods (mousetweaks and optifine are the main offenders), accept the eula by editing eula.txt when its created on first run, and edit server.properties (worldtype=RTG if you're using RTG)
>Not unless you consider
Not unless you consider open to LAN a server hosting feature
im gonna stop typing now holy shit
fuck me
multimc is client-only, so only the regular clients open-to-lan feature works
of course its a fucking "server hosting feature" technically
*dawn of the final day intensifies*
TS2 soon
1.6.4 for life
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How's this for the front? It's not gonna be made out of wood when I'm done, just that I'm doing it in survival and don't have the resources yet
Say what you want about TE but top-tier cable looks dope as fuck.
This already looks kina like avatar from eve, just make it so.
Why does /mcg/ hate TE and what are it's favourite alternatives and why?
Great now I gotta go install galacticraft, install it, and make a Megathron shaped space base.

Thanks for putting eve related minecraft projects into my head.
Just throw some dirt and cobble together and call it a Minmatar Mothership.
I didn't think it'd be so... flat
Thought you'd more go for a sharp, concave hull, like you'd see on an aircraft carrier - with an icebreaker/hatchet-esque prow

Efficient but boring single block machines
Not that EIO is much better in that aspect, as an alternative
I didn't think it'd be so flat either, but I'm gonna leave it as is until I've done the rest of the hull and see how it looks, it's kinda meant to be like a massive ram more than a prow, I'm gonna replace the wood with probably iron
there are only two ways to play modded minecraft. with Gregtech or in creative mode.
there are only two ways to look at this post. maybe he's right, or maybe he's just a fagget
What if I make gregtech machines in creative mode?
greg comes to your house and stabs you in your sleep
To be fair ae2 and te does feel kind of like minecraft is an idle game right now
There is no reason not to, great mobs, challenging for how shit combat is, and none of them will spawn behind you (except the pygmy hunting parties, rarely)
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I'm really tempted to use Treecapitator on it
Might As Well Play Creative.
Buildcraft 1.10 when?
Never. BuildCraft 1.11.2 hopefully this year.
>most active modding is currently on 1.10
>1.11 doesn't really add anything of value, unlike the previous jumps
>people already pushing to skip 1.10 and go to 1.11 for currently developed mods
The reason here is quite simple, actually:
>people will move on to the newer version eventually anyway
>BuildCraft is still a long time away
>1.11 has major changes to how ItemStacks work
>a huge part of BuildCraft is based around ItemStacks
>since it's a full rewrite, it's better to write for 1.11 than write for 1.10 and mess things up while porting later
Aside from the amazing autism immersion, what are the actual benefits of bees? What resources can they give you faster than other methods?
>>1.11 has major changes to how ItemStacks work
>>a huge part of BuildCraft is based around ItemStacks
Oh, that actually is a good reason. Guess I learned something new today.
Indeed. Sticking to 1.10.2 for new, fresh code doesn't make sense when you know that, generally, with each new version of Minecraft, the probability of the community finally jumping ship approaches 1.
How much of a weeb would I be if I made my house in a cherry tree grove?
Ts1 had a fucking weeb japanese spa/bathhouse. Nobody cares as long as you do it far away.
>japanese spa/bathhouse

Sounds nice, got pictures?
Only acceptable if you go full weeb and make your house mostly out of BambooMod materials.
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TFOR owner here; would've replied sooner, but a death in the family has thrown my schedule out of whack. Although TFOR has no affiliation with trainserb, I've often wondered: what's stopping train enthusiasts from playing on it, at least until TS comes up? I've seen dozens of posts begging for TS's release, and TFOR is a server where players can enjoy TrainCraft, so I've always been a little confused about why people don't use this serb to get their fix for a little while, at least until TS returns

If you're looking for a new and exciting survival experience, I recommend checking out TFOR on the serb list. The three mods most responsible for enhancing the survival mechanics are TerraFirmaCraft, Special AI, and a mod made by a cute guy named Asie that allows me to adjust hunger and thirst rates on the server
If survival is what you're looking for, you can't go wrong with TFOR
Direwolf20 is the best youtuber!
personally I dont want to learn TFC just to drop the serb when TS2 arrives
I like his commentary, but after you watch 1-2 series of his, it gets repetitive. There's generally the same mods for the most part unless the mods aren't in that minecraft version, generally the same ways of automation, pretty similar progression, and almost no variance in the type of base design in each series.
Hes got a soothing dad feel to his videos which are nice. His builds are always shit but he does a great job in making good automation.
Yep, if I want to learn how to easily automate something, I go to him first.

Some of the stuff looks really cool and potentially comfy but I already have Natura and Biomes O' Plenty and I'm hesitant to add more stuff like that
>llumus on 1.7
Just in case you wanted that extra dose of uselessness.
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New island.
Can I run on top of traincraft trains, and rob them?
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>but a death in the family has thrown my schedule out of whack
Shit, man. I hope you're doing okay.
The point of bees is being both renewable, and fully AFKable
It's okay. I think I never met him or, if I ever did, I was too young to remember it. I just have to take a few days off of work to help with things like funeral arrangements and babysitting younger family members. The part that really sucks is only getting one and a half hours of sleep in the past day, but that's not for a lack of trying
Things will look up in the future. Funerals are hectic like that, but just give it time and it'll pass by quicker than you think.
Yeah, just one more day to go I think
>Try to spawn littlemaidmob or lovelyrobot and it won't work

>tfw used to live on a train a long time ago when I didn't have anywhere to stay
>tfw now I'm building trains in minecraft
feels surreal.
What was your day to day life like, living on a train?
Did you have the sex with a train?
Was it a nice train?

Luxury trains are my favorite interior aesthetic ever.
>wake up
>eat some tinned meat
>get to destination
>pack my shit
>go to town, dumpster dive, swipe a thing or two, buy some stuff with collected change
>stolen a few magazines and fruit from vendors
>shower if possible, wash up in public bathrooms if not
>make my way back to the trainyard
>get on board one that has space to sit in
>avoid getting caught
>occasionally get locked up for a night or two if i got caught or got into a fight with people

No, but I got a blowjob on one before.

varies from train to train. my favorite was one that had personal closable compartment rooms where you could ring up someone to have them deliver drinks or peanuts to your room. tfw hitting up the service line and telling them to put it on my tab.
People making shops on trainserb2, did we decide on a generic currency? Emeralds probably ya?

That's really pretty. I didn't know how badly I wanted to live somewhere not made of dry wall until now.
That's really nice. Is Traincraft like that? I haven't used it.
because the game knows you need to get a life.
I fixed it, the game can suck my dick.
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Was this by choice? Were you homeless and just decided you might as well travel instead of begging? How'd you get your life back on track?
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meanwhile on stumpserb
Whats the best way to farm redstone in 1.10.2
Any types of seeds? IS witch spawning the best way?
What's the best early mobgrinder design?
That's a pre-generated building right?
>farming redstone
begone from here, shitter.
sort of, it's the preset buildings harvest festival npcs use as spawnpoints
Graduated, gave up on life, entered depression, got kicked out of home, friends didn't want me to live there, said fuck it and just started travelling.

Got my life back in order when I got offered a job to help clean tables and whatnot for a mom and pop store/cafe, they'd let me stay in their son's old apartment room and I'd help keep the place in order, do heavy lifting for deliveries, and eventually got to the point where I pretty much took care of most of the stuff there. Saved up a bit of money, got a place of my own, started getting my shit together. Gonna be getting out of this apt. at the end of the year hopefully and moving into my own home. Got my eye on a cheap 2 bedroom 1 bath for under 30k, figure I can throw 8k down and have 2k spare.

If you're in Delaware stop by Notting Hill Coffee and ask for Nicholas. It'd be fun having coffee with someone from this thread.
>google search the store
>review: "The owner of this place needs to hire a friendlier staff."
kek anon looks like youre an asshole
Well good job anon. How old are you now then?
I'm in Toronto or I would.
So refined storage or AE2
logistics pipes
Logistics pipes and storage drawers.
AE2 far less laggy. RS simpler.
heh....ae2 looks better and is easier and more powerful...
rs is less shit
ae2 is more shit
pick your poison
But it's less fun.
Storage Drawers and Ender I/O.

Inventory Panel is just AE without the autocrafting.
>minetest runs like crap because of scripting language
>mojang expanding scripting language and json support
>minecraft running more and more like crap

>minecraft running more and more like crap
It has always ran like crap.
>more powerful
Only if you're a brainlet.
>minetest runs like crap because of scripting language
Nope. Most of the time is not even spent in the Lua part of Minetest.
I've noticed the ingame performance is shit because something is constantly setting off chunk updates left and right in the new versions. You used to get 0-4 updates even on a modded serb in 1.7 if you played right. On vanilla 1.11, I'll get 20-40 updates at any given moment. All these performance gains go right into the trash with shit like that.
>been throwing up and liquid-shitting the past 2 days
>body aches all over
>sleep and caffeine deprived
>can't find a comfortable position to rest/lay down
>the first food I've eaten in those 2 days was 3 froot loops
>can't start my first modded playthrough that relies on LP instead of AE2

i don't understand why god can't take pity on me since i'm a permaNEET anyway
That's exactly why. Treat your body better dumbo.

Oh I get it, it's a steam boiler joke.
So the author of More Fun Quicksand is a vorefag, right?
>vore slimes
Gee wiz, dunno m8.
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Do you think I have time to replay Warcraft 3 before Trainserb2 comes out?
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stop drinking coffee.
get organized sleep hours. this means in bed sleeping by 2am.
eat more green vegetables. doesn't matter what ones as long as they're green and leafy.
cut out sugary shit, junk like chips, etc.
eat regularly, at the same time of day, every day. or try to, within an hour or so of some kind of rhythm. this will get you a circadian rhythm which is a natural pattern of wake/eat/other shit/sleep repeat.
eat only within about an 8-10 hour window of the day. depends on you, really. no single huge meal days, that fucks with your body something fierce.
if you feel like you're starting to crash in the afternoon, cup of tea and some kind of fruit.
fruit juice is delicious and not pop/soda/other liquid shit to put in your body. drink more juices, from concentrate or not.

if the bread you have at home is shitty walmart bread with fucking high-fructose corn syrup, make your own bread. this I feel like was something more to break up the NEETism in my life. making bread is kinda cathartic and its something to keep track of for about two hours in the day at least once every week or so. it breaks up the monotony of the day-to-day. fresh baked bread also smells fucking amazing all day too.

alternatively you just have the flu and life will be suffering for a couple more days/weeks until you get through it. but do take care of yourself, anon.

pic unrelated
>Get More Fun Quicksand
>Suddenly can't spawn certain mobs in

what the fug
ts2 goes live saturday so probably?
I've never played it front-to-back myself.

though on the note of stop drinking coffee, I have one every morning. your mileage may vary. if you're aiming for a 'get my shit together' streak then stop drinking coffee entirely.
I stopped about halfway through college because it aggravated my anxiety and gave me heart palpitations. picked up coffee again after getting my bullshit sorted and I haven't had an issue since.
is it wrong if i like that mcjty guy
data ID's are replaced probably. i dont know too much about modding but I recall reading something about that.
How do I fix it?
find out what mods (if any) are conflicting with it. failing that, contact the author and ask him what he's using that could be causing the issue.
>Description: Exception in server tick loop
>java.lang.RuntimeException: Mariculture requires Enchiridion in order to function: You can download it here:

>have both the latest version of mariculture and enchiridion
What do outside of removing Mariculture?
theres two mods named enchridion, are you sure you have the right one?
delet this
It gives me a link in the error and following that brings me to a page with the same mod and same mod version that I have downloaded.

pls no I actually want to try Mariculture
what are some good creative serbs
But if I play in singleplayer, who will get to enjoy the huge mall I make?
>play in singleplayer
>build a xboxhueg mall
>upload the map somewhere and post the link here
Whoa whoa whoa

Ok so I post a picture or three of me building a roof and people say "this isn't ur blog faggot", but you let these chatty cathy's go on without comment?

Can we agree to keep the pathetic cries for help to an absolute minimum?
your shitty roof was a cry for help and so is this whiny post.

I fucking deleted Mariculture and Enchalada why is this still happening
>no ur a faggit
That's better! Next time someone tries to talk about whiney babby shit, just sperg out at them just like that.
but your post is clearly whining too...
>He plays minecraft without touching the configs

Now you're whining too. Maybe don't respond to bait posts, faggot.
but i'm just pointing out that he's whining...i never whined about it...
To watch something remarkable unfold bring up IQ. The tortured logic and offhand dismissal of the most robust psychological trait is stunning.
use an older version of mariculture or enchridion or both
whats the point of a mall on creative mode?
survival malls have products to sell

creative is for practice builds
fucking hell dude upload your modpack and i'll fix it
>MCVanillaTweaks - Mariculture
apparently you didn't delet enough.
Dark room + punjj sticks
Bro quit whining about it and move on
please do
but dude...
so I downloaded multiMC, what do i do now to use it without a premium account?
>Vore slimes
>Giant flower that literally digests you
>Nether fleshy anuses that also digest you
>Most pictures include those shitty MobTalker girls sunk in quicksand
You don't need to be Sigmund Freud to connect the dots
you took too long, im about to cook dinner
might still give it a go
It's comfyserb's pack btw, or at least should look something like it.
do these configs work for the client?
I did look at the config, only thing it'd let me fix is the pink clay. If there's more that I can do, please let me know.
If by that you mean that I copied them from the client instance that I downloaded then yes
RTG has an entry for surface filler block and surface filler block. its possible that it just picks dirt and red sand and vomits them everywhere, so logically picking red sand for both of these SHOULD mean that you wind up with red sand as the floor of the canyon.
might wind up topping the plateau's with it too.
I'll try it and see what happens

assuming my favourite biome even fucking generates
So do battlesigns make better shields than vanilla shields do?

What are the new meta things for 1.10 Tinker's Construct? It seems like a lot of stuff has changed since 1.7
>tfw no 1.10 tinkers for 1.7
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I have no idea what I'm doing, but I'm going to keep doing it.
fixed, cant be arsed reuploading so I'll just tell you what to do

fix enchantment id conflict by changing config/mariculture/enchantments.cfg - I:"Fall Resistance"=127
updated enchiridion to this version
i feel pretty fucking smug now
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Post interiors
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well while I wait and dream for the best biome, I (tried) to draw up RTG's default on the right and what I'm probably going to be using for TS2's mesas.
Oh yeah I forgot about those. It's in vanilla.cfg innit?
too much bright contrast
im a depressive trainfag, i dont want cheery shit like that
Questions for trainfags:

I'm trying to make a modpack about setting up a town and having the main resources be based on oil and agriculture

Does traincraft for 1.7.10 still have liquid tank trains and does the wood still show up on the carts?

anyone curious, I'm using pneumaticraft and BC for the oil /refineries to process oil I find in the world.
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There were also a few more enchantment ID conflicts with Flaxbard's, but thanks, I lost far too many hours to this piece of shit not working.
>Does traincraft for 1.7.10 still have liquid tank trains and does the wood still show up on the carts?
yes and yes
and they still work with RC loaders

>bc refineries
pls no
What makes the 1.10 better?
there seems to be a bug in thaumic exploration where it doesnt listen to the config file for id changes, which is fucking stupid
no, BC oil + pneumaticraft refineries

I'm not some filthy pleb

thanks mate!
it looks good keep doing the thing

yes it is. around like line 1940.

mkay. there's Mesa and Mesa Bryce, so I'll make two; one more muted for Mesa, and I'll use a more bright colourset for Mesa Bryce.
No worries, I got it working properly or it at least looks that wayif i see another ticking entity crash im going to break something
Are you the same ex-hobo shitposting the train days ago?
How do I get it into MultiMC? There seem to be a bunch of mods missing or something when I try to connect
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you're trying to connect with literally most of the mods missing
> [FML]: Attempting connection with missing mods [AdvancedRocketry, foamfixcore, advancedRocketry, AutoRegLib, chiselsandbits, CodeChickenLib, ccl-entityhook, commoncapabilities, MineTweaker3, cyclopscore, Dynmap, ExtraBitManipulation, fastleafdecay, flatcoloredblocks, foamfix, forestry, gregtech, harvestfestival, IC2, integrateddynamics, integratedtunnels, jeibees, libVulpes, mantle, mcmultipart, morebees, Morpheus, Quark, refinedstorage, rftools, signpic, taiga, tconstruct, terraincontrol, theoneprobe, tombmanygraves] at CLIENT
how the fuck did you even manage to do this
i literally extracted the zip and pic related was all in the mods dir
there was something weird going on with unzip, I used p7zip and it worked fine now
my dropbox says otherwise, try to redownload it
p7zip is shit, which unzip are you using?
>not using master race Win "Please buy m-oh okay..." RAR
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Holy shit, I've decided that I am going to run my base on happy meals.
I'm making my country proud boys.
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desu fuck rms i'm a macfag lel
7zip is much better
>cross platform
>unpacks many archive formats including rar
>better compression
>can pack zip + gzip + bz2 + tar + xz

Trains When? Too bad no pam's bloatcraft in TS2 modlist. Kinda wanted to ship everyone crates of burgers.
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Now he looks like Spencer from Harmontown.
>no feeling that you're constantly cucking some ancient software devs out of money
>Culinary generator
>Extra Utilities
This is the redditors "i want to be original" power generation.
i have the feeling of freedom instead
important because im a bong and cant own a gun
What mod has the most aesthetic way to make oil into a useful product?
I specifically think of custom models rather than another textured cube
animations for custom models are cool as fuck too if done right
Magneticraft, which is not a cube but a big rectangle multiblock instead.
how do you melt cobble in a crucible faster? lava gives x3 melt but what gives more?
in 1.10.2 btw
are you playing Skyblocks? don't play Skyblocks

Netherrack+fire should be hotter, so should be pyrotheum unless memetweaker magic
Immersive Engineering (no animation) + minetweaker
Magneticraft (though I've never used it)
I really enjoyed seeing this evolve from your initial scaffold builds.

Post moar.
traits system, better textures, better rendering, iguana tweak head swapping is built in and less shit, you can "sharpen" a tool to a material's durability, treating it like the original material's trait but with the sharpening material's flat stats,
its an improvement on all levels unless you are that one fag who thought the trait system was and i quote silly bullshit but he was a faggot so his opinion was invalid
So what's the meta tools now?
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regular mesa will be left, center mesa bryce, far right is default
the traits system makes that a harder question to ask really, because the way traits work can completely change the entire nature of a tool. you dont get modifier increasing recipes like the diamond and gold block anymore, but the 3-4 material traits that will be on your tool make up for that. bone increases flat damage, silver does bonus damage to undead, and electrum charges up the more you move and when its fully charged, its next attack will have a boost in damage so you could have a bursty weapon. manullyn has a trait that "devours" stone to repair itself, bronze makes the tool last longer the more damaged it is, constantan can freeze or burn enemies depending in which climate you are in, its really crazy desu

I want this

>entire "world" is an ocean with small/medium and very rarely large sized isles
>you spawn on either a boat or a small island
>have to survive
>extreme "survival" elements

is there a mod for something like this?
Trainserb2 up yet?
It's just the cool thing to hate at the moment, we go through fads around here. What's beloved one day will eventually become loathed. See: TCon
You want climate control and terrafirmacraft
if on 1.10 replace the latter with tough as nails
hell yes
oh yea, then whats your oh so unique power gen
Where's the download for 1.7.10 of tinkers? It seems to have been deleted from curse page.
it wasn't
look again
So is wood the better binding material than paper now?
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Isn't that not a curse page though
What's the one weeb mods that were comfy? There was a few of them.

MilkAppleTea and some others I think? I really wanna use em in my pack.
>caring about being original
just do something fun unless you're a fucking lets play faggot desperate to keep up with the attention span of autistic ten year olds
Is there any mod or combination of them that makes this game feel like an RPG with a slower progression? Or any game that rewards you for exploring or anything, shit. I'm not that into only building
I really don't understand how you can't find it
both on the curse.com page and the curseforge page I can find the 1.7.10 download
slash blade, zutton, little maid mod
AMT2 and Bamboomod are fun.

IronChain is nice also for a more industrial comfy, you get to build yourself some workman's clothes and stuff.

I've heard MapleTree is nice, but I haven't used it.
apple milk and tea 2
hostile mobs and girls
that other one with the comfy shit

little maids doubles load time
>>wake up
>>eat some tinned meat
>>get to destination
>>pack my shit
>>go to town, dumpster dive, swipe a thing or two, buy some stuff with collected change
>>stolen a few magazines and fruit from vendors
>>shower if possible, wash up in public bathrooms if not
>>make my way back to the trainyard
>>get on board one that has space to sit in
>>avoid getting caught
>>occasionally get locked up for a night or two if i got caught or got into a fight with people

Sounds S.T.A.L.K.E.R. man
>just do something fun
thats the point of the culinary generator, its something different than solar or meme reactors
>little maid double load time
>not worth it
Im just saying that its the Bigreactor of alternative power gen, play like you want but personally the culinator generator sounds like a great idea for actually harvesting or gathering food but pams kinda fucks it up due to the high saturation and easy crafting of it, iirc mayo is kinda cheap and extremely powerful in a culinary generator, play however you please tho.
>oh yea, then whats your oh so unique power gen
Since you asked, I like steam and nuclear.
>>not worth it

Absolutely not worth it, nope. I was very underwhelmed with them.
Minefantasy 2, MineferrisWheel, EDF mod, Astrominer and the ones other anons said already.
toast is the meme since its just bread in a furnace, at most one wheat + fuel

solar and BR are also fucking boring shit memes
Not true.

Not true. All of minetests's game logic is carried out through lua scripts.
Is Primitive Mobs good?
wood replaces moss by repairing itself albeit slowly, paper still gives you a free modifier, but theres this thing called mending moss now that works like the mending enchantment. xp you pick up goes towards repairing it
thats what i said you dingus
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Why do they get detacched when I try to attach them all together?
Currently trying to test out the stability of a server I set up my client keeps getting the following error and booted from the server upon logging in.
[19:19:32] [Client thread/ERROR]: EntitySpawnHandler exception
java.lang.RuntimeException: Could not spawn mod entity ModID: EnderIO EntityID: 38 at ( 71.4375,30.0, 114.4375) Please contact mod author or server admin.
(Full log http://pastebin.com/Ys8ZAZ6E)
Some googling said that it was supposed to be because of a config mismatch of some sort but I've double checked that the configs on both the server and client are identical. Any ideas on how to fix? outside of deleting enderio
I don't understand your problem.
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Thanks, bro. I'm doing another moat now.
I want to attach them all. it stops at half and they dont all get attached.
probably because of the locos on both ends. this isn't like factorio where you can have an engine on both sides.
they must be attached and one must be sneak-right-clicked with the stake to set it into CAN BE PULLED mode. the lead locomotive must be set to CAN PULL.

also, when you're attaching are you right-clicking the first and second wagon, then right-clicking the second wagon a second time when attaching the third? tc is kind of dumb, and you don't turn on attach mode forever, its only active until you make a connection. or it times out.
>hostile mobs and girls
its shit
>I want to attach them all. it stops at half and they dont all get attached.

Yeah I think it's your secondary locomotive (which is also completely unnecessary for a train that size).

If you really want it, you have to enable it as "Can be pulled" (Shift-right click with the coupler tool), and back the train into it.
That was it, I needed to put it on can pull.
breddy gud
I enjoy it when it's config'd correctly. Adds some nice ambience.
It also has the best mimics imo
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Post your builds! starting a new world and I need inspiration

Pic related, not mine tho
you're shit. what are you going to suggest? lycanite's trash? grimoire of everybiomeishell?
not him but mowzies mobs are good
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My new unfinished project, its a mix or arena_lumberyard and koth_sawmill.
I like it, Im trying to figure out a good palette for an industrial factory type build I can use IE with
Fixed the basic ID conflicts but what is this here?
Trying to build modpack for friends.


Sorry if it's something dumb. I'm dumb.

Thanks in advance.
Does it have giant spinning sawblades?
What mod adds that chainlink/barbed wire fence?

Are the roofs just made from IE sheet metal?
Mystic blade or Minecraft expedition for an rpg experience?
Well you can use spruce wood and some sheet metal block as the roof like I´m doing but Chisel has a factory block which is a blue metal plate as well. Alternatively you can also use RC concrete which is extremely cheap to make as a base material.
I might use Pistronics or some mod to do so but I still dont know how to do something like it.
>barbed wire
Engineers Toolbox
Yeah, leads cheap anyway and has no real value other than some IE low tier stuff and some IC2 things.
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So come Trainserb2 I think I'll just focus on making huge automated farms for everything. Make a train connection to a big mall and sell everything real cheap, probably just give a lot away.

Would people use that? Would people like me?
>>165978249 (You)
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this is kinda what im thinking so far as palette goes, still not sure
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I like you just the way you are, anon
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So I have a tree farm, a mob grinder, a little grass platform for passive mobs, though none have spawned yet, and a Tinker's Construct smeltery put together.

What should my next goal be for my Skyblock?
Its real nice, I like the design but a suggestion I have is to replace the bricks from other ones from Chisel that are less bright crimson red, try the deteriorating ones.
have you made sure the grass plat is like 25 blocks away and such
also what pack?
obligatory calling you a shitter for playing skyblock
regardless, you should set up auto sieving and/or crops for metals and otherwise resources
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Yea i might try the other ones, I like the color of these ones but theres no variation.
I could definitely see a base like this though
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this is what it looks like with the other bricks, i think i prefer the first ones
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Whats wrong with it? I set up the filter and everything but its not loading coal into the locomotive or neither into a tender.
I reccomend you to use only the rusty ones but thats preference, stil loving the shape btw.

PSst. Flat cars are useless
does it need to be under the track? or maybe over the train?
Trens are useless too, they are of course to decorate the trains.
I think that only applies to the fluid loaders which of course also didnt work.
Trainman pls respond, I followed the steps on your guide but it doesnt work.
>Trens are useless too
Then why are you trying to set up a loader at all?

>Whats wrong with it?
Your loader is facing the wrong direction. The big dark gray square has to face what it is loading.
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is this what people mean when they talk about fluid cows
I thought loaders had to be 1 block over the train/cart and unloaders had to be under the track?

Somewhat related: I have an issue where the trains are too big to fit under liquid loaders so they de-couple. Don't know what to do lol. I swear this wasn't an issue before the last 1.7.10 Traincraft release.
>Then why are you trying to set up a loader at all?
They are f u n, I could simply just setup an automated tree farm hidden inside my base but transporting stuff and building facilities for everything is way more fun.
>Your loader is facing the wrong direction. The big dark gray square has to face what it is loading.
HOLY SHIT DOC YOU FUCKING FIXED IT, thanks for the advise, also I want to setup a fluid loader but it goes auto facing downside and dont know how to make it face upside, any help? Thanks doc I love you.
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>Cars pulled: 55

so one reason why 1.10 is slower is that block updating is wonkier than 1.7.10 or some shit? thank god i wasn't imagining things.
You can transport animals via train? Explain
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>You can transport animals via train? Explain

1. Get Stock Car
2. Build train with Stock Car
3. Push mob (sheep, cow, creeper, etc.) into stock car
4. ???????????
What else can you move around? Can I build something on top of the train and drag it somewhere? Or full chests?
>Fluid loaders, I figured out Im just a retard and they only work downside.
Stock car.
Sheep, cows, pigs, chickens, vanillagers, creepers, endermen, slimes, shipgirls, maids, horses(i think).... etc...
>what pack?
Skyfactory 3

What's the best way to automate sieving?
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>Can I build something on top of the train and drag it somewhere? Or full chests?

Oops. No, and no. Each freight car acts like a chest on its own. If you have breakable inventory blocks like IE crates you can put those in the box cars for max inventory abuse.

>That feel when your train is long enough to cross over itself
Do they need fuel or anything?
>Do they need fuel or anything?

Locomotives need fuel, yes.
Coal, I assume?
not very familiar with 1.10, but the new ex nihilo probably has auto sieve and auto hammer
you could also always just use extra utilities' mechanical user, things like that
if you need help, you can always just watch direwolf20
so i've gotten this bug in two separate skyblock maps; the area where my mob spawner is gives me an insane amount of xp, even when its shut off and no mobs are dropping
anyone else experienced this before?
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depends on the loco, steam will require water and a burnable like coal. diesels need diesel (surprise). there are electric trains which you can just run on redstone if you can't be arsed to make the electrical infrastructure for them
seems to be a bug with the ring of experience
i think it gives you exp when theres mobs in your chunk or something like that, it's kinda ridiculous
i dont have one on me
it's almost like all the xp from the entire time the farm has been running is still here or something weird, because i wasn't collecting it before
oh yeah, that'd do it
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Give me some mods that use redstone. Not flux, but redstone. I got too much of it and cobblestone lying around.
post yfw its been like that for over a year
making TCon tools faster
redstone paste
Traincraft electric trains, as fuel
XU redstone generator for RF
does anyone have any recommendations or tips on buying a server to run for a small group of friends? My set up can't run a server without lagging so i'm looking to pay for one.
>Run on redstone

You mean they consume redstone or they just need a redstone signal?
both exu and te have dynamos/generators that turn redstone into RF, and IC2 machines can run on pure redstone
Why do people hate BR turbines? I find them pretty fun desu
mostly because of no maintenance required as well as very cheap/not a lot of fuel needed for a lot of power output
basically people think it's overpowered and lazy
Because BR just works.
Things that just work out of the box are boring and bland as fuck.
And people who enjoy stuff like that have underdeveloped tastes.
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They consume redstone like a Furnace consumes coal or wood.
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Oh okay, nice to have a use for the stuff I guess. Are you excited for saturday?
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>Are you excited for saturday?

Yes and no. I spent way too fucking much time on TS1's map and I will miss it very much.
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Choo choo! On to new adventure!
How old is it anyway? I just popped in asking for a server a few days ago and you all told me to wait around for this train one. You guys seem alright.
Post commie
Can the new Trainserb have
But, why? You really should've been asking about this kinda stuff over a week ago, modlist is basically final now.
Fuck off knife ears, go fuck a tree and eat some dirt you backwards cunt.
I was joking.

What is the modlist anyhow?
Can the new Trainserb have
serious question will the new trainserb have traincraft because its not for 1.8 yet
>implying trainserb will be on a reddit meme version

>because its not for 1.8 yet
Why would we care about 1.8 for a 1.7 pack?
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Potato, if you're watching, I'm going to blow up all your shit before the serb is turned off.

Just 'cuz.
what are the cool things with hazard stripes?
Some kind of fence I think.
Carpenters Barrier (fence) maybe
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carpenter's barriers left-clicked i think? just get some and punch them with a hammer a couple times, try left and right, you should get a bunch of different styles and thicknesses. make sure you try sneak-clicking too, almost all carpenter blocks have interesting modes under the different hammer clicks.
>Uri shows up
post storage room I built
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Good-bye home..
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how fitting that it rains again on trainserb 1's last night.
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I didn't really want to drive this train.... you know?
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Working on something for Realms's new Experiences category.

It's a song player that uses a script I coded to convert songs made in Note Block Studio into minecraft, except much better than the usual export method.

It allows custom instruments, stereo, no limiting octave range and supports mods such as TickrateChanger for changeable tempo speeds.

here's a video of one of the songs I've got in the map - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OI49e4AIgTA

Anyone want a map download?
"Game logic" is not most of the time.
To elaborate: Unless your world is highly complex, most of your CPU time is going to be spent in the C++ parts of Minetest, such as rendering blocks.

Either way, Minetest generally uses LuaJIT, which is one of the fastest JITs in the world and not far from native code at all.
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Can someone teach me about Forestry?
>find natural beehives
>break them with forestry's net-scoop thing
>get bees
>make beehouses and place them there
>place the bees' relative 'flowers' near the beehouses
>wait until you get honeycombs
>use the various extraction machines to get different stuff from honeycombs

That's for the beekeeping part.
Thinking about booting up a vanilla with a dusting of sprinkles (admin tools, greentext, maybe furniture plugins or something) serb at the latest version or an earlier version should I need to.
Would anyone be interested?
No thanks.
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>asking for a vanilla serb in /mcg/
Duly noted
Perhaps I should ask on /v/ or /r9k/.
where have i seen those brick textures before?
so i want to give this game a try. Whats the easiest way to get a cracked version to try it out? I cant seem to find updated scene relases
Is archimedes being purposefully excluded from trainserb or did someone just forget to suggest it
archemides is inferior to valkyrien warfare in every way anyways
>one block over
yeah its cause you're a fucking idiot, you dont put them where they will collide ffs, put them three blocks above the track (track, two air, loader)
did you even test this before posting you worthless shit
oh and the reason they're suddenly breaking apart instead of clipping through is because they fixed the collision mechanics
Yeah, but like I said, it wasn't an issue prior to the latest version (005), so I guess I'll have to revert.
Adding on to this: I was trying to refill a tinder that is apparently one block smaller than the train I was using. I guess I'll just have to avoid using tinders since it's literally forcing me to place the loaders one block higher than the cart, which isn't enough clearance for the train obviously.
please tell me english isnt your first language goddamn
Tinders = tenders obviously. Tired.

You need to chill, man. I had a long day and I'm fighting off sleep.
Subscribe to my blog for more updates.
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the adler tender is tiny and it works on that
small and 4-4-0 tenders are the only ones that dont work
ive literally never had reason to use either, get a better train faggo C62 is super fast, BR01 has the best (largest capacity) tender
What are good train mods for 1.7.10?
I know only of railcraft (but it's only rails) and traincraft (it not for 1.7? or is it? does it allow cool item transportation automation?).
Alright. I should have done some testing in creative. I was using shit trains on survival based on my limited resources.
>I know only of railcraft (but it's only rails) and traincraft (it not for 1.7? or is it? does it allow cool item transportation automation?).
Maybe you should actually research and play with both these mods first, then see if you needed to ask the question to begin with
Sorry...i just saw sccreen like
And though "huh"

And railcraft is just rails - if we don't cound "vanilla minecraft with a chest in it" as something aesthetically pleasing.
i was going to type a helpful reply but you know what fuck you
railcraft is not "just rails" you utter mong
quit begging for the spoon
>railcraft is just rails
Nigga pls
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what is this
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R8 muh Vanilla base
Well what is it then?
1 - Rails : many diffirent types with many uses, detector rais, good rails, bad rails...anyways lots of rails with many uses and rail related stuff like detectors and rail switchers

2 - carts: yes they exist and too a very diffirent but they all look like vanilla carts which saddens me. Also i include blocks that interact with carts here like item unloader.

3 - some other machines and power generaion: never ever i thought about using railcraft as my menthod as resource processing or energy generation.

So it kinda leaves only rails, what the heck else did i miss?
>torches on the floor
>nothing but stone
>lava walls + doggos
>that roof
2/10 apply yourself
What's wrong with the doggos and lava walls?
>never ever i thought about using railcraft as my method as resource processing or energy generation
>I'd rather use alternatives so I'll count as if they didn't exist
oh... so you are a retard, k.
>Lava wall
>Brick pattern on those hallway openings
Nice enough
>Everything else
Ugly and boring
you have dogs, which follow you and push you (and other doggos), and you have lava for walls

see the problem?
I also have a Donkey, chickens, and a nametag'd Pigman wandering around the base and none of them have walked into the lava. Not once, and I installed the walls like two weeks ago.

pigmen are immune to lava you fuckwit
I'm saying that I haven't seen him walk into the lava. He would have floated all the way up to the ceiling if he did walk in there.

Learn to read.
I mean it's RAILcraft, mod focuses on rails and everything about them, is it that bad to not include "you can cook 9 meat at the same time!" when discussing it?
you learn to read you fucking mongrel, >>166009815
clearly says "push", not "walk"
Nahyou just a retard, by that logic BUILDcraft is only the filler and architect table. Railcraft is more than some rails nobody uses.
Well, what do people use it for then? I always just used it for rails\detectors and whatever, im interested in what else people do with it.
Tell me what it is then.
The steam power gen was a decent competition to other mods

The multiblock tanks are spacious as fuck and don't murder your FPS

Coal coke furnace is a helpful aid to get the most of your coal in the early game, blast furnace is also nice and cheap once setup

Most of them have been outclassed by Immersive Engineering tho
I've seen folks build the RC coke oven even when the IE one is available, just because it holds 64 buckets vs IE's 12.

And FWIW, the RC coke oven can be minetweaked to produce fluids other than creosote?
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>that feel when tfc + its addon community is dead
I mean, aren't they mandatory for railcraft? You simply can't not use them, maybe blast one is optional...

Completely forgot about tanks though I guess they are cool.

But either way: my point was that i wanted some train mode but carts in railcraft are shit (at least in terms of looks) so only thing that left is rails.
>Decide to check in on how this place is doing after like a year just in time for a neat-looking server to restart

Then what is considered a non "out of the box" generator?

inb4 ic2 reactors which is the same thing
Nothing, and don't listen to any other replies

>but muh [anything]

Every fucking powergen is crafting a bunch of blocks and pumping resources into them. How autistic you go with it is irrelevant.
This is the correct answer
the fire rises
They're easy to set up, maintenanceless and have absurd power production
whats the most autistic way of power generation?
Forestry clockwork engines. Manually
I dunno I just use passively cooled big reactors and I google the most efficient designs
Coal generators with hoppers on top of them arranged in a pyramide, thaumcraft golems pass coal to each other and bring it to the top where they put it in item dispencer (or anything that will shoot it out) and it shoots coal into hopper on the very top.
>no chance that it will violently kill me
Reika anything
You now have to put coal yourself.
Stand if front of item dispencer and make absolutely mixed system of BC pipes that lead to item dispencer and put coal and arrows in the pipe. Since (if i remember correctly) direction items in pipes go determined randomly you will have to hope coal arrives first and you can get out of harm's way.
>sounds fun and autistic but I don't want to be seen agreeing with someone

fuck your nerd shit bro
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Mazes on the TFOR serb?
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>i-it doesnt have trains!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Looks and sounds cool, but...no.
thats kind of shit. you could just use windows media player instead lmao
not just no trains, no machines, no magic, absolutely no fun.
>its gotta be a completely different game before I can enjoy it!
You're a fucking retard who is mad cuz he can't into vanilla survival and gets fucked by it and can't do redstone because you're a fucking pleb. Step it up senpai.
>plays vanilla
>telling others to step it up
What did he mean by this?
>Every mob mod I add has a conflicting ID
>Only able to configure one of the mod's IDs
>Can't find the magic number

He's just shitposting.
Aren't we all though?
>he can't into vanilla survival
buddy even autistic 8 year olds can into vanilla survival

you're trying way too hard to bait
Then why don't you put your fucking money where your mouth is and post redstone creations that are actually impressive, you fucking cuck?
Because vanilla is for retards.
Because its boring and I would rather spend my time having fun then trying to appeal to a minecraft autist

I know you're just baiting, but if I wanted a logic simulator, I'd just play with Logisim.
>vanilla redstone
>anything other than autistic
I can use buzzwords too
>t. salty shitter scrub who sucks dick at minecraft of all games
There's literally mods to fix this.
>redstone creations
even modded makes the barebones autism that is redstone much, much better
Thanks for my (you) vanilla cuck. Move out of the way the mod bulls are here
>t. babbaj mad he can't into mods

AntiID conflict doesn't cover entity IDs, which very few mods have configs for anyway
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>children still think vanilla MC is comparable to modded MC
Hahaha cmon, step up, chillins.
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But the TFOR serb is still available

Modpack (for MultiMC): https://www.dropbox.com/s/lxiz2ds6l4lez7j/TFC%20Serb.zip?dl=1
Modpack (manual installation): https://www.dropbox.com/s/6cxcka90ye6hqf4/Right%20click%20and%20extract%20this%20inside%20your%20%27mods%27%20folder%20as%20long%20as%20it%27s%20empty.zip?dl=1
IP and port:
Discord: https://discord.gg/vPJ8rvJ

Mods are for fags who need to be spoonfed creativity. Go suck a shotgun.

>t. shitposter who can't into a proper comeback and plays diaper fetish minecraft mods
>when you trigger the vanilla toddlers into allcaps yelling

We did it mod bros
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why are you quoting yourself?
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It's one of the main reasons I still come here.

Now who wants to make a new thread?
He's just a shitposter though
New Thread

>projecting in caps this hard

>salt edits

Ironic autism is still autism
>thread hits bump limit
>"salt edits"
Post an auto digger, or missile assembler and launcher you have made yourself using vanilla redstone.

Even if you do I guarantee it will look like fucking poo
REAL new thread

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