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/gsg/ - Grand Strategy General

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 756
Thread images: 175

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We don't have an official steam or discord group. If anyone posts in the thread about any "official" or not steam or discord groups, promising MP or not, be sure it's a shitposter group known for organizing raids and shitposting in the thread. They are known for false-flagging.
Report and ignore it.

How fares your empire, /gsg/?

This day in history, December 24th:
1144 – The capital of the crusader County of Edessa falls to Imad ad-Din Zengi, the atabeg of Mosul and Aleppo.
1800 – The Plot of the rue Saint-Nicaise fails to kill Napoleon Bonaparte.
1818 – The first performance of "Silent Night" takes place in the church of St. Nikolaus in Oberndorf, Austria.
1865 – The Ku Klux Klan is formed.
1913 – The Italian Hall disaster in Calumet, Michigan results in the deaths of 73 Christmas party participants (including 59 children) when someone falsely yells "fire".
1914 – World War I: The "Christmas truce" begins.
CK2 DD35: Who ordered these monks?

EU4 - 13/12

>Random Country Picker

# Archive (mods only)

#Where to get these games

# Mods

>>[HoI4] - More Music Mod

>>[HoI4] - Après Moi, Le Déluge

>>[CK2] - Anon Music Mod

>>[CK2] - After The End

>>[V2] - Historical Project Mod - 27/11/2016

>>[V2] - Napoleon's Legacy v0.3.1.7

>>[V2] Alternative Flag Pack V9

Old Thread >>163552705
Reminder to report and ignore shitposting.
Good damn son.
Is multilayer today KR or something else
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5th for best historical waifu
What are easy ways to detect a pleb?
>100+ hours in EU4
>Any hours in HoI4
>Owning CKII DLC on Steam
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7nd for Mosley
This is one of the worst colorisation attempts I've ever seen.
What does it matter if someone's a pleb?
>Christmas Eve
>he still fucking posts it
The state of R&I
couldn't the same be said about you?
you too faggot
not gonna reply to any of you
Not until Santa gets me a new cpu
please give me (You)s, senpai
Because they have no culture so they have to fabricate some kind of over-aching pan-national ethnic group such as "white" they could latch to. The alternative would be to simply consider themselves americans, but you know, muh niggers and spics.

>Look at the crusades, white people got together to attack the non-white people, once that issue was over they went back to cultural bickering.

No, it was catholics who got together to attack muslims and later on orthodox christians, you fucking retard. Race was literally an irrelevant concept in the middle ages.
Kys this thread is too early don't use it
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All three factions are at war with one another.
China never peaced out and is still resisting Japan despite losing Nanjing and Beijing.
Here you go lad, but that's it, no more replies from me
Not even for me?
hi lads
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Decided to play a USSR Kaisereich game and this is terrible. the Civil War itself was fine since UK and France gave me lodes of aid, but now I inherited Wrangel's Russia including his soldiers, so my division organization is a complete mess and I still have to deal with Siberia. Theres no way I'll be ready for the Second Weltkreig and I just have to hope that France holds out long enough for me to prepare.
>when your much faster and much newer Battlecruisers and Destroyers can't catch an old and slow escort carrier
This game just looks like dogshit, I kind of want to try it because I'm tired of HoI3 but I also really, really don't think I'll like it.

>When you start building balttleships and shit
>AI still has ironclads, and barely 50 of them
Okay lads what exact conditions do I need to fulfill to acquire the Congo colony as a secondary power in HPM?

Be a secondary power
Have the 4th rank navel base tech from 1875 researched so by the time the conference happens you can hammer it down.
This >>163616417 plus not having African colonies
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Is that really everything? the condition list is half a mile long.
Try it without spending money if you can.
This one is very, very hit or miss on lots of aspects.
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>the only reason I'm not overrun right now is China showed up to fight Axis in India
jesus christ what's going on in the war against Japan
You need to have at least 6 provinces, at least 2 states, slavery abolished, over 300k pops, have a capital in an European province that isn't artic nor an island, be a monarchy, be a secondary power, not have any vassals, not have any colonies, not gave any provinces in Africa, have less than 10 infamy at the very least, have the 1875 Blue Water School tech and have the Berlin Conference global flag.
hpm guy will never come back
So apparently two factions can fight on territory they both have military access to.
Also I can fight Japan through China.
Too bad Moscow just fell.
thanks lad, here's a painting of Leopold II as a show of gratitude.
How do Merchant republics work in ck2? My ruler died and so I then had to play a different guy but it said that I had a liege? Shouldn't I take it then?
i'd fuck that BP
>wanting to fuck leopold
Bad taste m8
Just got Hoi4 Any required mods to fix anything?
Kr multiplayer when
when you fucking HOST
So wonderfully european
Empire, you fucking faggot.
Strat redeploy everythign to Moscow and sort it?
1-4: continue habsburg CK2 game.
5-9: start kaisereich russia game
0: Contemplate why I still play games I no longer enjoy.
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FIxed it for you
KR multiplayer when
>le edgy anti german meme
jealousy breeds contempt
I did, but it seems my save got corrupted. I couped Don-Kuban union and when I tried to take the Georgian Question? Decision the game crashed and everytime the save loads it crashes. Forgot to set autosave to every month and I don't feel like playing through my 7 months of lost progress.
My life is one series of ironic events after another. I sleep every night because it is trendy, but I don't actually rest. Resting is sincerity and honesty, it's a thing that grounds us to the core of being human and refreshes the senses, which obscure minds have ruled out as "completely and totally bullshit". And so, even if my eyes are squeezed shut and my chest heaves gently with the rolling march of involuntary function, I am not at rest. I am simply in a stage of incoherence. Every morning I wake up and drink water, and I smile while doing so, as the central idea of drinking water is done to alleviate a sincere bodily need: thirst. I do so out of artistic and authorial humor. The idea of thirst is is not so much manufactured as it is something to be overcome through the power of irony. My day progresses in this fashion, while I contemplate how tomorrow I can further overcome my own sense of irony and the profound lack of genuine interests in my own life.
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would /r/paradoxplaza play this?
You should really do 0 tho
t.doesn't play grand strategy anymore after thousands of hours, just comes here for the drama and memes
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>tfw paint.exe is more fun than HOY4

Lads just wait, perfect world coming right up
>just comes here for the drama and memes
I bet this consists of you spamming liquor memes until somebody bites and then wondering why the thread is shit.
I feel your pain, lad. I realise how this emotional cataclysm we've descended into tears souls apart. still reported tho
what's the curent discord to join?
why does my kaiserreich crash on scenario loading? I get some kind of failed scenario error
>belgium exists
i mean dis cord not reddit?
It's the map at the start of liquoria lad
back the fuck off!????
jyst link the gruppe i have much to contribuut
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this guy cums in your gf

what do?
suck on his sweet mantiddies
bro's just gib the group
Does someone have the "How the Kaiser stole Christmas" poem?
Do you even play liquoria?
>spoiler, followed by I want to die

Nice Leafy humor there, faggot.

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I haven't played pretty much any game whatsoever for about 2 months, grand strats probably even more than that.


I do not know who that is.

>name my band /b/

>he managed to trigger the civil war

lmao what a shitter
When is Swiss culture minimod getting updated??????
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I was trying to go for the civil war my dude, wanted to try out a syndie run. I've played like 13 games of KR and every time Commune France got wrecked by the Germans, However this game it seems like the power is split completely even with Syndies winning the American and Russia Civil wars, but Austria managed to centralize and Germany's puppets have remained loyal. Germanys being a bitch though and trying it's best to avoid war, so I would imagine they're gaining lots of dissent and allowing France to build up even more
It works?
You know you don't need to trigger the civil war to go full USSR mode right?
>TFW you get BTFO of Cable Street and you're just trying to play it cool
The Commune needs to get the advantage early on to win the war, if the war enters the a stalemate they will lose because of manpower, the Germans will eventually break through.
>not peacefully incorporating the Boshvieks into the government

your a fucking idiot, forget the second weltkrieg, you may as well be Russia in 1914 because that's how shit your tech is. Restart the game and try again.
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Are there any nations in KR with long event chains that give you shit to do after dealing with your immediate threats and the Franco/German conflict which can often end veyr quickly?
i'm literally burning cookies right now cause no one wants to discord invite me

Austria and Russia and USA(and the break offs)
I don't think they are any active discords of the shitposting variety anymore.

you can form China as a german minor state.
tfw the big war happens but no event to go after the caucasus while Germany is busy
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Hey, lads. I know we've not had the best year what with Drumpf getting elected and Brexit, so I decided to make you a little Christmas present. I know you'll all like it because it's pretty spectacular. It's a map of Europe with perfect borders, and the best part is it's saved as a jpeg and has a load of patterns on so it's pretty much uneditable, meaning it will go down as the all time definative map of perfet borders.

Merry Christmas, guys.
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>they changed Wrangel for this hack.
>A-H does not own istria and the dalmatian coast
>serbia exists

france literally hurts to look at

>allying the syndies
>betraying germany

I want newfags to leave this board
I'm going to conquer all of Europe when events let me.
Syndies must die but so too must Germany for their transgressions against the Russian people.
Merry Christmas for all you autists
You mean northern Italy?

Build mountain troops, and DONT sperg out over Anzio or whatever, Germany will not protect you and France will rape you
get a stream up and start cutting yourself until you get a invite, finnbro
merry christmas /gsg/
is building ic ever a good strategy in kaiserreich????
it's not christmas yet you fucking australian shitposters
You can usually get free IC through events so probably not
Fuck off fedora cunt
I hope you get mauled to death by a kangaroo.
Depends who you are. I would say it's only worth it for the US and Russia. Everyone else is bettter off just jumping on the war.
What country has a +1.5 timezone?

excuse me? that's a class A mircoaggression and I demand you apologize.
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Really makes you think who could be behind this post
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blue pilled leftist cucks non-whites cant stand the BRAMC (big redpilled
aryan men cock)
a shitposter from /pol/?
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requesting help again
nice meme you ironic shitposter
/pol/ is a board of humour and quality posts
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>microagressions are /pol/

very misinformed/10
sup bigbenis
good thread
I'm home for Christmas and I only have my work laptop because I plan to do a little bit of work next week.

I can't install shit into that laptop and it has no games. I might be able to use my mom's laptop to download games to play via flash drive in my work laptop with a tiny resolution What should I install? It's a basic Dell work laptop so I'm thinking it can just barely run Hoi3 and euiii
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sure, if you're 10.
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>channel video features pepe, anime, and johan

autistic person from GE ES GE outta ten
what area of the game specifically, I can't tell you on an off manner if I dont knoiw what you like. But i've put in roughly 700~ hours in to eu3 since In Nomine, not counting pre-steam play, and about 100~ in EU4 since the update that refined native mechanics
Does choosing create a new global alliance allow me to fuck up everybody or do I have to join the Entente todestroy Germany and the gommies?
Any good strategy/must pick event decisions for France in KR?
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who here /comfy/?
Playing kaiserreich on my laptop while watching Christmas movies t.bh
France is pretty boring desu
I suppose you could Totalist Grossfrankreich
Just fight alone with your puppets against the world.
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Rate my Europe lads
It's still pretty unfinished, try to join the Entente
Tank proponent.
Whatever gives you the most IC and manpower.
Show culture map
That's what I want but the last option seems to indicate isolationism.
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Is this guy, dare I say it.... W and B? https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=7kj7D5Pk0gE
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European politics works pretty much the same in terms of specified event chains with the papacy, the HRE. But there is an added element with how hordes are treated, always going to war with their neighbors and such. >believable worlds is top tier in EU3, as an example pic related. Releaseable nations is about the same as eu4, though there is less in China, more in europe. The closest to border gore containment is either putting very hard on as an infamy cap, or MEIOU, but that changes the game on its head.
Also PLS help me getting the two mods to work
I'm completely new to grand strategy games so I have one doubt, what should I get? Crusader Kings 2 or Europa Universalis IV?
Also, which one is best as base game or rather, which one require less DLCs?
Finally, are DLCs really that needed?
I guess CK2 needs less dlc to be playable because you don't need every single one as badly as you do for EU4
Are we being raided?
pirate both
> DLCs really that needed?

pretty much, just pirate everything, check the OP for links if you don't know how to torrent shit
I've been told you """"only""""" need common sense and art of war for EU IV
If I wanted to pirate I wouldn't be asking here.
kill yourself then
Who ever came up with those bleached out culture colors needs to be shot
What's up with people's aversion to piracy? It's free games for fucks sake and johan doesn't deserve your money.
ck2 is for roleplay fun, eu4 is a board game. you should try both of them eventually
do yourself a favor and just pirate all the dlc
I want to play with my friends. Period.
It's not like I'm paying with your money so I don't see why you care.
are you retarded? whats with retards being illiterate and just not reading the OP. The OP answer like 99% of a newfags questions so don't shit up the thread anymore than it already it with your dumb questions.
>tfw you're a wagecuck so buying Paradox DLC doesn't put much of a dent in your wallet to speak of
you can pirate and play with friends
you have no excuse except for that of wanting to fellate johan
You can play multiplayer with pirated copies you DUMB fuck. Do something else with the money, fucking burn it if you want, just don't give it to johan.
Well I joined the Entente but they are only at war with the syndies and not Germany and I have no option to kickstart that war so I think I might just drop this game here.
It's a real shame as much earlier in the year I played a game as market liberal Russia that worked wonderfully and I was able to free all of Europe but in this one everything seems to have gone to shit. I chose to focus on central asia first but nothing kicked off a war and instead even after reloading three times I kept getting an event about Georgia killing Russians. On the fourth try I instead chose the Caucasus first but then Germany cockblocked me so I chose the option to come back to them later. Then I went after the East and then waited for the ability to take the Caucasus when Germany and France went to war. Instead I got the event about white Ruthenia which somehow dragged me into a war with the centtral asian states and then nothing else happened aftear a year and a half of waiting.
I'm doing everyone a favour by bumping this dead thread and no one forces you to answer me either, kiddo.
>I hate the developers but I will still play their game
That's what I read.
What I do with MY money isn't your problem.
I guess I'll do that then. Thanks.
Declare war manually
>What I do with MY money isn't your problem.

It is if you're planning on giving that money to johan. I'm going to unironically fucking murder you.
You won't do anything. Quit trying to act tough on the internet.
Give me your address, I'm going to fucking car bomb you, shitebag.
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the destruction of islam
also pls help with the mods hit

>plays HoI4
>White or based

stop shilling your videos on here, isorrow
I have so far been hesitant to do so as that tends to break the event drive KR but given it seems to have already broken I guess it couldn't hurt.
>888 hours in on CK2
>Just got Reapers and Conclave

Is the game gonna be any different?

I was thinking about getting EU4, I was a big EU3 player. Decided against it because I like the roleplaying part of these nation simulators.
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Tfw a friend gifts you Sengoku.
Event 60000
Reapers due is a noticeable improvement with diseases and prosperity. Conclave is sorta shit and only adds tedium, however you should at least play a few hours with it to understand what your disabling in later playthroughs. The favor mechanic in conclave is so half-assed its ridiculous. Favors are retardedly powerful with stuff like starting votes to decrease your power, increase council power, or give them land. Theres only one way to deal with conclave mechanics, and that is to shit on the council and revoke their powers as quick as possible.
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Custom Map.png
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Here is an Alternate History map im working on.

-Europe, Africa, & the Middle East are finished.
-Takes place in the present day.
-Plan to give a backstory when finished.
What you do is revoke down to War Declaration and let them keep that. Revoke everything else.
reccomendation, give PNG to Aussie, and a few port cities to various powers such as Britiain, Japan etc
rather, give port cities in China to various powers

whats the point of this

how autistic are you
>Alternate History map
>not Alternate History mod
literally who cares
I disagree on revoking to just war. The favors spent on getting council members to give you war authority and completely abolishing council power is easily made up for the fact that the council can no longer vote on crown laws and you get +2 demnse as a bonus. Your current ruler might be liked by the council and whatever you propose passes, but theres no guarantee it will be the same for your heir so its best to abolish council power so your heir can continue the centralization even if the council hates him.
Anyone up for an Vicky2 mp game?
put it up faggot
only if its hpm or nwo
Thing is, keeping WarDec on Council vote prevents the council from joining factions. And I usually keep my strongest vassals on my Council.
>but theres no guarantee it will be the same for your heir
"Opinion of predecessor" is a modifier that exists.
Are we being raided

so what i'm hearing is that i wasted $5 on conclave.
someone host mp
>asks if anyone wants to do mp
>doesnt host
>how-to mp:vicky2
>find your ip4v in cmd promtp
>type that in your browser and do admin:password
>open ports 1630 to 1641 in port forwarding
>find your ip online and post it here

Merry Christmas fggts
why dont you do it????????????
you forgot
>desync every year
youre welcome :)
too lazy
hello your highness the prince of nigeria
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le liquor maymay xD

this is because half of /gsg/ come from third world shitholes like the UK Hungary and Australia
hahahhahaahahahhahh.... aaaahahhahahah holy shit ahah ahah hahahhaaaaaahahahhahah... my god hahahHAHAHAHAHAHHHHA HAHAHHH AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHH
So can the ai just deploy it's units to friendly territory anywhere? I'm quite sure that these Germans and Indians shouldn't be able to be here.

its called strategic redeployment lad.................
I know that, but the player is restricted in their redeployments by land acces. For example Japan cannot redeploy units to Korea. In this case deployed a dozen divisions into Don Kuban despite me cutten them off in Ukraine and Dheli just fucking redeployed across half of the world.
We wish you a merry liquor
We wish you a merry liquor
We wish you a merry liquor
And a happy new beurocrat
Glad tidings I bring
To you and your großgermaniums
Glad tidings for Liquor
And a happy New bearucrat
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Moral Authority is a gay game mechanic.
I want some liquor and cement
I want some liquor and cement
I want some liquor and cement
Please bring it right here
I think it makes the game more interesting, but this is subjective. If you just want to blob in peace/paint the map, then sure, I guess it's a waste. But it accomplishes what it advertises itself as doing - giving your vassals more "bite".
It doesn't even have the same number of syllables REEEEEEEEE
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>getting triggered by memes
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It's true, every time someone builds a liquor factory a new bureaucrat is encouraged
>anything i type is a meme
>uses memes for a song
>it's not memes hur dur
HI steamcordplaza
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Why is paint.exe so comfy?
>not paint.NET
Not as comfy as liquor fac sim t.bh
t. nigel pierre
>beg for mp
>dont host it

So lads.
I succesfully formed Yugoslavia.
Give me a challenge.

Or at least ideas for an interesting game.
>unironically being a weeb
Do you have Istria, Bulgaria and Alb*nia? If not, get them.
Become radical
Germany, HoI3, last available start.
Tcobrah İs ry dead?
am i better than hitler?
>the UK is still alive in 1941
you're shit lad
but i said better than hitler. and i started in 1939 start date

>i drew arrows guys look at me!

Is isorrowsproductions the most W&B youtube?
i just asked a simple question
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1941 after the 2 wars 1.png
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>not owning like this
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>tfw you liberate syndie occupied Europe as glorious constitutional Russian Empire
le reddito
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1941 after the 2 wars 2.png
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>hasn't conquered the world or puppeted the world
>calling anyone a scrub
i gave up and wanted to start a new blitzkrieg run, i can do better than this shit. but also, italy and greece are puppets same with hungary
>here is my alt history
>I just did everything arbitrarily and will give backstory later
Fucking retard.
t. isorrowsproductions
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me when someone posts a grossfrance blob
>Italy still split
>Slavs not liberated from the Austrian yoke
>Tsarigrad not in your hands

Shit tier Russia
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What's a country in KR that has a variety of different paths?
I did >>163635685, I've conquered Europe as the Commune, restored the republic as MacArthur, done pic related and united India as the Princely Fed.
Nah laddy he's just so based and white you should check him out
Go Princely Federation, or whatever it's called, and crown yourself Emperor of India
Is there any way to turn Japan Syndicalist? or any other Far East country? I'm surprised the Far East has no leftism.
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>united India as the Princely Fed.
Good man.
Democratic Japan forming an alliance with the PSA (if it survives)?
Merry Christmas.
how many divisions do you have
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Reminder that if you've never liberated the unwashed hordes as MacArthur and then stepped down as Dictator becoming a modern day Cincinnatus you aren't white.
I treat it as the game equivalent of Die Hard; its good as long as you turn off your brain for the duration.
No idea. I deleted the save a long time ago
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>Accidentally broke KR trying to get Pavlos Mod to work
>Have to reinstall KR and every submod and add on all over again
Fuck my shit up.
>annexing central asia but not Belarus and Ukraine
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I wanna save ERE from falling in EU4 while also protecting the knights

Who should I do it as? It's between Castille, Austria or Poland... I think.
Post space programs

Which Chinese state did you start as?
Ukraine and Belarus are puppets. White, Christian minority Europeans should have some amount of self-rule, unlike the savage Muslims or Asians.
Azerbaijan is only a puppet because I couldn't release just Georgia and Armenia as puppets.

AOG. Peacefully became the Republic
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Before they got nuked, the Syndies had a stack that reached up to Reim/Paris
What's the version of KR for DH 1.04?
I downloaded 1.7 from moddb, but 2/3 of the world is black
1.8 from the paradox forums thread
How can I rig the event files so that America guaranteed falls to the Syndies? I'm gonna play a game as Germany and I'd like a challenge since its otherwise an easy game.
Play as byzantine you fucking pussy
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Should I do a KR AAR of Japan or Italy?
but ive already done that thousands of times
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Which party should I go with? Thinking Social Democrats
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North or South f a m?

>he meant HoI KR

I no longer care
That's not me you nigger.
play as austria , vassalized ERE feed him back all of greece/anatolia/eastern balkans . and when you diploannex him you have to unite the HRE at the same time too , while having the pope as a vassal too.

South Italy, go Totalist
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Fuck all yall, I'm gonna fucc over the H*ppsb*rgs
100% comf
planning out a ck2 playthrough with some coffee and a protein shake
whats so bad about HOI KR
How do you play the Entente in KR? None of the members have nearly enough IC to sufficient armies and navies to invade the UK or France before the late game.
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If I switch between perspective or tense it's 100% because I'm a forgetful faggot who writes in the QR window.

The Weltkrieg was a tumultuous time for the Italian people. Prior to the war Rome had aligned themselves with Berlin and Vienna, seeking to protect themselves from the French and protect their colonial interests. In 1915, with the Central Powers distracted in Galicia and Ypres, the Italian Army crossed over the Isonzo river and marched towards Gorizia. The years to come would see little change in ground as the frontline nestled itself into the Alps. In 1917 the Austrian and German forces infiltrated the strong point of Colovrat. The offensive that followed saw the destruction of the Italian Second Army and forced the army to retreat to Venice. Successfully holding the Central Powers on the other side of the Piave the government had finally tipped the balance in their favour. The refusal of the French and British to reinforce the Italians meant the attack could not be pressed and resulted in yet another static front. In 1919 the Austrians, bolstered by German forces, launched Operation Radowitz. The Operation would see Venice surrounded and the rushing tide of troops from Trento directly led to surrender. The ensuring occupation led to the dissolution of the unified Italian kingdom and a return to pre-Unification borders. The Kingdom of Two Sicilies soon fell to civil war and the Anarcho-Syndicalists found themselves in control of the south of the peninsula. Now, nearly ten years later, the tensions of the civil war are dying down and Italian industry is recovering.
The fact that it's built in GOY$
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Assburgers BTFO

It's HoI4, and you have to play HoI4
Empire boy
>piss Prussia

You fkin troglodyte
Merry christmas, /gsg/
im gonna kill myself tonight probably

who am i kidding im too much of a pussy
Happy Hanukkah goy
Fuck off, HoI4 cuntstain.
If you're joking fuck you for trivialising real issues, if you're not then do a flip.
>1935 – Regina Jonas is ordained as the first female rabbi in the history of Judaism.

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Just as an aside: What the fuck happened to Russia? Is it true they replaced Denikin with Wrangel, and Wrangel with Savinkov?
Yes. As sombody who doesn't know who any of those people are, what the fuck is your problem?
post CK2 dlcs for up to 2.4.5
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Even if no one else replies, I enjoy this kind of faggoty narration in DH/HOI so keep going buddy.
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I shouldn't even speculate such a presumption, but is he, dare I even suggest, /our guy/?
brits a shit
indisputably desu
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On April 4th 1936, the Fourth Congress of Greater Italian Union opened in Naples. On the first day of the congress the issue of economic revitalization was raised.

First to take the stage was the Social-Reformist Party. Their leader, former Minister of Public Works Ivanoe Bonomi, proposed that only a careful balance of agricultural and industrial expansion could place our state in a position of relevance.

After the Reformists came the Anarcho-Syndicalists. Their spokesman proclaims that only factories placed under the supervision and organization of worker unions could possibly achieve the industrial output our young nation requires.

Finally came the National-Syndicalists. The young war hero, Benito Mussolini, stood front and centre in front of the congress. Mussolini asserts in his fiery speech that only through central government control can heavy industry be rapidly expanded to allow the modernization of our armed forces and allow re-unification by force.

>Social Reformist


National Syndicalism, obviously.
National Syndicalism. Long live futurism
National Syndicalism, anybody who picks the other two are reddit cucks.
National Syndicalism. Kill the traitors.
National Syndicalism; Mussolini will WIN!
National Syndicalism, the others are Jewish i surgents and probably homosexual :-DDD
nm, for the dlcs, but anyone know where is the actrivator
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The topic of social affairs did not go exactly as planned. The intended discussion on wages, welfare, and health care soon focused solely on organized crime. For as long as there have been Italian states there has been crime. The entrenched elite of the Mafia have long acted as feudal lords, forcing locals to pay taxes to themselves instead of to the rightful government.

The Social Reformists believe that the root cause of crime is the lack of well paying jobs or social security. The proposal they have put forward is that increased social spending will lift those predisposed to a life of crime out of poverty.

The Anarcho-Syndicalists demand increased funding to the Republican Guard and to local militias to root out and put a stranglehold on their sources of revenue.

The National-Syndicalists took a much harsher stance. For depriving the government of taxes, murder and assassination, and for terrorizing the population the Mafia must be declared traitors to the state. Their houses must be put to the torch, their leaders hung in the squares, and their members put behind bars.

>he doesn't want based Wrangel as vozhd
How can we make /gsg/ more active on holidays? You'd expect the average person here to be an autistic loner, but apparently that's not the case as traffic goes down whenever an important holiday arrives.
>the Anarcho-Syndicalists want to increase the funding of the police
It's better on holidays, we get based DH poster instead of fucking EU4 or CK2 faggots
As expected my curry compatriots are fucking useless. 90% of their units are dicking around behind the front lines while those that are there either start ridiculous battles that they cannot win or charge ahead with cav divions into new province sonly to be beaten back before my infantry can arrive to support them.
I like to think thtat the Entente's air force is doing some kind of work but it probably isn't either as my interceptors seem to be shooting down all of the German planes.

I think I'll just mop up the Balts and Crimea before sitting still while I slowly push through the Caucasus and my armoured and mechanised corps roll of the conveyor belts. Should be easy to roll through Germany and France at that point.

Wrangel is still there and can take the reigns, Savinko is just an alternate option. I went with Savinkov so Wrangel is on the front lines leading a corps instead.
Also the steamcordplaza faggots seem to be spending Christmas with their fellow favela monkeys.
I want to play DH but the stuttering and UI piss me off.
>Granada still exists and has 2 provinces
Denmark seems like total shit to play in EU4. You literally can't do anything at all. No one else nearby accepts vassalization, tiny little bitch Lubeck hogs all the trade power, and can't declare war on any of them because you'd be declaring war on the HRE. You just annex your one vassal and then sit on your ass for 50 years until you can integrate Norway and Sweden.
Fuck off EU4 cunt.
>the Empire of Germany

The UI is fine for the most part. The only shitty aspect is how events lock you out of interacting with anything else.
Merry christmas /gsg/
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The final day of the Congress was centred around military reform. The meeting and it's discussion was short.

The Social Reformists believe that a small professional force for the sole purpose of self defense is the best way forward.

The Anarcho-Syndicalists propose the expansion of the local militias and police forces to be mobilized in event for war.

The National-Syndicalists have an unorthodox proposal: breeding. The party says that the method of military expansion is irrelevant if we do not have the manpower to support it.

Wrangel stays a general no matter what because none of the events sleep him as a leader, unless they changed that in 1.8.
Good to see the shitposters have nothing to do on Christmas except shitpost.
Merry Christmas, lad.

Shouldn't you be celebrating christmas by doing your 420th Ulm WC, eu4babby?
>you will never be mandated to breed by the national syndicalist governance
make my christmas lad
>he's still at it
>he can only choke back the tears of impotent rage by smashing accusations of enjoying video games he dislikes on his keyboard
The Anarchos
also God damnit /gsg/ can you be helpful for once and link the ck2 activator
>s-stop pitying me i-im based
Ah fucking yes, me lad. Your taste is fuxking appalling, it is that of a child. You have not mentally developed beyond enjoying the blob-spend mana cycle of EU4.
Since you're bound to be the ugliest of the uggos, you'd get Bertha the NEET who hasn't showered in living memory.
Still be better than a flannel with a glove in it.
hpm guy pls teach me how to make decisions that work
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i'm alone at home celebrating with you lads
>my comments are in somebody elses room
Are you drinking piss? I'm drinking vodka and eating chocolate like a faggot
gotta give your profile bruh
I fucking cut my fucking tounge on Christmas fucking eve so even eating hurts.
So how the fuck do forts work since the last patch?
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it's pineapple fizz, i'm eating nuts

i don't have one i saw a thread on /mu/ and entered to see
Go ask /r/paradoxplaza, this general is for Vicky 2, DH, and HoI3. With CK2 allowed when it's incest or relevant.
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That's your own fault. Pavlosmod hasn't been updated in like a year or two, and it's a KR submod on top, which is also several versions out of date.

go fuck off you little autist
>waah pls dont make fun of my ulm sim
You're fucking pathetic. Everything you do is pathetic. You are disgusting.
I was trying to update Pavlos mod to 1.7, but his spaghetti coding was unbelievably shit. He changed things he had no reason to change. It was last updated for 1.3/4, and unfortunately no one has a copy of those.
>doesn't allow based M&T

suspicious of you lad
>all this DH posting all of a sudden
>no one is posting their faggy EU4 blobs
It's a Christmas miracle
>the mod whose creators are so fucking reddit they disabled native elimation
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>try to take a screenshots of the game
>game crashes
>try to save
>bad save error
What do I do?
Vicky 2 btw
>the mod so bloated even the devs can't run it
>inb4 the scripted "i-it was the recording software it had virus" line
I bought Darkest Hour and it's shit. Have I been meme'd?
That's some shit my man
That's not very seasonal. You should be swilling eggnog and eating candy
Have steamcordplaza called a Christmas truce?
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I haven't seen the US get BTFO like this for awhile. I also haven't seen Canada not take New England since at least 1.5
pls respond
that was all i could afford
it seems canada joined the war, so they will probably win anyway
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alright lads i am going to go back into eu4, wondering if i should get the mare nostrum (torrent) or not even bothering?
pic related, all my dlcs i got from a humble bundle and from buying some.
oh whoops didnt even notice rights of man, should i pirate both or not bother?
keep buying them
>implying i bought even a quarter of them
lmao most were gifted or bought when they were 66 off.
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Earlier this month the Pope Julius IV issued a Papal Decree about the evils of Syndicalism, directly encouraging Italians to move to the north. The major route these traitors took was via the port in Anzio. To prevent further movement the Republican Guard was authorized to attack the Italian Federation in and around Anzio. The battle resulted in our victory and did not escalate into a full scale war.
pontiff btfo
you should buy your games, anon, remember that
fuck off with that shit, paradox interactive is pants on head retarded half the time.
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The agitation by the Papists has caused the advocates of democracy to spill into the streets in droves. The dissenters claim that we should dissolve the Congress and the Totalist system and transform into a fully democratic nation. Such transgressions against the state cannot stand and the Republican Guard is ordered to put down the revolution by force.
>pants on head retarded
The government shall take control!
fuck you caught me back to fapping to family nudity could you provide a torrent for the rights of man and the mare dlc
you know im not wrong, half the cool shit you can do in the games they regret doing and some of the devs wish to remove them
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im going to do it you madmen
Is there any good mapmod for EU3? This looks terrible, look at the size of Venice for God's sake.
ya mine
I went over this yesterday, there are, but I don't know how to use it with misc mod, EU3 gives a dropdown list not a checklist for mod slection
Good times.
It offends me that some 2 skill poo in loo with his unsupported four cavalry and two infantry divisions is running what will perhaps be the most important battle of this war against based Manstein.

Joining the Entente was a mistake.
combine the two desu. I combined my map mod and misc mods with no problem
so I just move the map mod files into there and load it?
It's crazy. It's almost like they're further over their command cap than the Indian and the Indian has higher organization or something.
yeah, canomer's map I think only has three folders and they shouldn't cause any problems with the miscmod gameplay files.

Create a backup in any case just to be safe. Not sure if any of them have specific gfx files that load via a certain filepath but those shouldn't be an issue
is there anything i can do as sweden in HOI 3, or do i just do nothing the whole game
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this still happens
Yeah I get why it happened. Afterall the Germans pulled a suprise 20 divisions out of nowhere so I had to redeploy some of my own to contain their breakthrough. I'm just a bit salty his portrait and their shitty flag was there over that battle.
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You can use the console to remove neutrality, align yourself with the axis and then take Denmark, Norway and help out on the Eastern Front.
You'd have very little IC and manpower though so I can't imagine it would be fun.
its not about in-game mechanics, it's about IRL possibilities
Add the line

replace = "map"

in the .mod file. I assume you're using the miscmod .mod file. Open it with a text editor and make sure it saves as .mod
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got it working but...
You need to add "replace ="map""

Or just get the CanomerMiscMod file from the old archives. I know I've linked it to you before, you faggot.
and clear the map cache!
you know how when you spy on other nations in HOI 3 you can build up covert action points and do a coup i tried doing that many times and everytime it failed should i have my spies raise my parties popularity before trying?
fucking epic it works
also the reason im replying so fast is ssd makes it load fast
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nice, mine takes like 6 minutes to load the first time. have fun with EU3!
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Double wew
Alright lads, all this DH posting got me interested so I'm downloading it right now.
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>you can form Rhodesia in KR

I never knew
woah nigga rhodesia time
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The Boer's annexed Rhodesia.
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holy shit lads does it have events and flavor?
i just downloaded it too desu
based Großdeutschland, the Amerikan Volksdeutsche will rise
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>tfw you can overthrow Goering and proclaim an African-spanning Syndicalist state
I wonder if there was an event path for that to happen or the AI just shit the bed.
Wow the latest isorrowsproductions video was so fucking hilarious you guys should heck it out its laugh out loud
Merry Christmas for east coast laddos
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The German's had guaranteed the PSA's independence.

Beyond elections and possibly minor flavour events I don't believe so.
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>that spelling and grammar
Your reddit tier post has got my interest.
You seem to know a lot about reddit :^) I hope you're not from there
>not knowing intel about how the enemy functions

good nation to focus on getting pop luxury needs?
Merry christmas /gsg/
t. based hitlermod
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Press F for the United States of America.
Feliz navidad
absolutely white
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Merry Christmas, guys. And thanks for your support in my autistic endeavours.

You better release that mod, I don't want all those flags going to waste.
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T redditor
Hang yourself
I didn't tell you to use the trip you fucking retard
DH keeps crashing on Win7, what do?
nvm fixed it :^)
uninstall.exe and upgrade to hoi4
>>I didn't tell you to use the trip you fucking
>>>>>I didn't tell you to use the trip you fucking
>>>>>>>I didn't tell you to use the trip you fucking
>>>>>>>>>I didn't tell you to use the trip you fucking
What did he mean by this?
>Ernst Jünger, German war hero and author of 'On Pain' and 'Storm of Steel', is a minister of a socialist pan-Africanist nation

I wonder if that's intended or just an oversight
o shit waddup
but who are you quoting?
Does Kaiserreich have any events for if the Germans win that?
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Why are fascists prepared to advance or repeal almost every reform?

gotta do anything to save the nation
fascists are based and do wuddeva tf they want
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real creative names
>not wanting regnal numbers
Peasantry detected
Most likely an oversight, given that the events to form a Syndie African nation were just added. Lots of mispelling, and nothing really happens after you form it, other than a single event on whether or not you want to split up between a bunch of nations or stay as a single nation "Bantu Federation"
because they are based af and can get rid of shitty social reforms while keeping the good ones. i love having unlimited workhours no minumum wage, no saftey regulation and child labor legal in 1920.
>not protecting the workers of your reich
neither based or white
except the fact that the workers are better off when there are less taxes since your industry is actually productive.
>no saftey regulation and child labor lega
but muh population growth and education efficiency
why are my middle class in the shitter? my middle class is getting 100% life needs, 0% everyday needs, and some are getting 100% luxury needs.
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Forming Germany is going to be a pain.
the .001 pop growth is not worth the huge factory maintenence and negative throughput imo. also education efficiency is basically useless by the time fascism is relevant since by that time you should have >80% literacy
you have to investigate if they have enough money and if enough of those goods are available
This seems to happen in literally all of my games for some reason and it only happens around 1890. My middle class certainly is getting a good amount of cash.
then make sure everyday goods are getting to market
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The new version finally overhauled South Africa. So yes, Rhodesia can never die now, if you give them a chance.

That's actually pretty old, it's just you almost never saw it because it's incredibly covulated to get. But sometimes, very few times, you will see it.

Kill them Luigi

Kill them all
>caring about whether or not other people are plebs
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>Forming Germany is going to be a pain.
>he wasn't expanding into Germany to begin with

Shiggy diggy doo.
no gurantee, however you can save and switch to them when they form and cheat to give them a decent amount of money and supplies to buy shit or alternatively switch to the USA and disband most of their troops.AI Syndie USA wins like 1/5th of my game without any direct intervention
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am i doing it right
>tfw match 2 of the 3 things
should i kill myself?
Merry Christmas/gsg/. may your germaniums be GROB
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nothing personal kid
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>tfw there's no one hosting MP on christmas
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Merry Christmas lad
>tfw no hitlermod
>7298 ducats 100 years in

post inflation
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>French wing of the Karlings creates French HRE
>Sweden divided between Norway, a bunch of Finnish tribes and a Danish petty kingdom
>Denmark divided between Norse England, the German Karlings and said Danish petty kingdom
>Bulgaria slowly eating Greece
>Novgorod not converting to Russian culture
>Orthodox Hungary in Ukraine
>Middle East fracturing into minor kingdoms
What do? I'm pretty comfortable up here in Norway.
isnt that the whole point of minting, i mean, im a small country so i get techs faster right?
you can spend money mana on money or on tech. you've massively crippled yourself if your inflation is ~30. mouse over your inflation and it tells you all the shit it does to you
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Alright guys, after using it for a while, while it's a good start, what can be done to make Dark World mod better? I want to hear your depraved things you want to do in CK2. Dark World just feels so underutilized right now.
how 2 army in DH?
Do liquor factories make eggnog?
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fuck the poles.png
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Rate. I modded the start, changing initial control of some provinces and adding German cores to them. In my headcanon, Stalin let the Germans retain their 1936 borders so that they can act as a more loyal buffer zone against the Allies. Of course, the Poles get shafted, but nobody cares about them anyways.
iSorrows is that you? I watch your videos yes
someone pls post the radical yugoslavia pic

not sure how I don't have it saved already
Acquire North Sea Empire borders, don't blob, improve your country, and play international police to shape an aesthetic world.
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based, thanks a lot
what a generous stalin
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I mean the AE is a pain, not as much as when you steal clay from the Ottoman or one of his Muslim neighbor though.
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>American Germany
Mostly just make infantry and motorized. Armour is good but really expensive. I also like cavalry
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What about German America?
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spam inf and attach arty. make a few mechanized/motarized/armored if you have lots of land to cover.
>I know we've not had the best year what with Drumpf getting elected and Brexit
So after playing the in-game tutorial and watching a few youtube videos I'm going to start my first EUIV game.

Should I play on Normal Difficulty? The easy/Very Easy modifies look like I they might make me un-able to play without them.
Are you going for a grossgermaniums?
Much appreciated lads
I want to do this but with a surviving Nazi Germany on the Allies side. Not sure of its borders, maybe 1936 + Austria.
Always always play on normal. The difficulty settings are a meme and should always be ignored.
I figured a much. Not sure how much I'm going to be playing though. I finally unpaused the game and after 1 day passed I got a CTD. No error message or anything. the game just closed. No idea why, the tutorials played just fine.
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>Italian Republic as the Social Democrats
>Managed to annex Austria which annexed Hungary
>ISR joined the Internationale
>Germany and France is scared of me after absorbing KuK

So, what do lads? Is there anyway to take ISR democratically instead of war? Because the French Commune has a space program next to my border and I'm not sure If I could hold them while I deck ISR.
>1/6/2/2 general in only 1512

Wew Polish removal time
NWO MP for Christmas Day when?
I fucked up, is there a way to STOP research in vicky 2 so I can save up points?
nop. Best thing to do is to switch research to something really cheap
How do I divisions in HoI4? What's the best strategy to conquer the USSR as Germany?
Spam the production of what you can produce the most with supplies+resources and a decent amount of hard hitting things, draw the lines and win
So what are the main changes in the new Kaiserreich version?
Should I get EU4 or V2?
no, but you could cheat in the research points you have used so far
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Vic 2
More fun, less dlc to buy
Get eu4 if you haven't played things like this and feel like making massive empires, get vic 2 later when you want it to feel like you worked for that big blob
Thanks for taking the time to reply to me. I will follow your advice.
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baltic economic boom
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>he doesn't cheat
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Top Leddit post, can you find something retarded in it?
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Mostly disappointed in the lack of variety in the historically accurate "what do you want to be" part. I really want to play some games like that but it's always the same recommendations (in this case just m&b). Any of you got any recs?

Also it reccomends Slender
>recommending games
>most important characteristic is the time period and setting rather than genre

Can these people do anything right?
This is what Germany still is though.
>putting all the fantasy rpg games under "past"
It's shit senpai
Victoria 2 is giving me the "failed to create graphics device"
Anyone know how to fix it?
>people remember Evil Genius
There is still hope lads!

Fallout and Metro are much closer to each other than Fallout and Skyrim though. I mean one has guns, one has swords.
Evil Genius was very fun
Though I didn't like the random chance of failure
Only setting wise.
Mechanic wise its quite different.

Its not like Black Isle didnt adopt Fallout to widly different eras
>Lionheart's historical chronology puts forth that Richard the Lionheart's massacre of 3000 prisoners at the Siege of Acre, during the Third Crusade, was used by a villainous character as fuel for a ritual which tore the fabric of reality. This resulted in magic invading the game's world from other dimensions.
>play MEIOIU
>England is a duchy

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>playing England
>not merging England+France into a superstate with Knights
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I prefer comfy colonial maritime Britain desu.

Maybe I'll conquer France and keep it as a PU or Vassal or something.
>playing mayo & talex
there's your problem
What a shame.
Knights are Frankish culture.
How do you get achievements then?
AYO lads.
What is an effective way on becoming a great power in Vicky 2.

For example how do I get Columbia into being a GP to form Gran Colombia?

In general how the fuck?
the easiest way is to prestige spam, i.e. fighting humiliation wars and researching prestige techs
by uninstalling the game
Get prestige and if you are in the new world get reforms so you can get POPs through immigration
Or conquer africa and use the nigs as cannon fodder(but that is blobbing which is pretty disgusting tb h)
So I downloaded MiscMod and Canomer's map and combined them like >>163651502 wrote to that other anon but now I get this during loading:

File exception:
Exception in: discfile.cpp, line: 61. Description: Could not open file: mod\miscmod\map/cache/provincecache.bin

Delete that file and try again
>>play MEIOIU
What exactly am I supposed to do in Vicky in peace time?
Just build factories and place focus points?
that, build up armies if you need to, manage pops, plan your next moves for your end-game goal, plan out techs and decisions etc
I tried deleting the whole folder, got the same error, then deleted just the file and same happened again
Isn't it boring though?
I mean I play as Brazil. I fixed my economy through techs and conquered Warri, Benin and Oyo. I have 100% admin efficiency in core states and I built a factory in each states.
Right now I am encouraging intellectuals.
There is really nothing I can do other than tech up. When does the fun begin?
just build liquor factories
if you're not very familiar with V2 then South America might not be the best if you want fun
Fun in Victoria 2 is in picking some country and then doing some irredentism, assimilation and genocide. Just blob to your natural borders in Argentina and puppet the rest of South America.
>conquered Warri, Benin and Oyo
>as Brazil

Why? You already have all the tropical wood you can use. Egypt for cotton or Indonesia for future oil would have been much better.
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god bless the austrians
Because tropical wood is the only way I made money and I wanted to have a monopoly, especially to have later a monopoly on luxury furniture.

I have the same problem with every country I play though. After I overcome initial problems in 10-20 years, I don't know what to do.
where are the dlc links on the OP?
Up your ass
Bullshit, you cheated that shit
no, the austrians declared on hungary and I demanded territory from hungary with a 50% chance(was 0 before their war with austria)
Okay, so I deleted both mods, extracted them again, combined them and ran the game without doing anything to the cache. It went past the map cache loading part and I thought it was done loading but it went to a black screen and the game crashed.

Does anyone have a solution or a link to the file >>163652096 is talking about
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Is the flag supposed to be this disgusting?
Can you give a recap of what you did?
looks pretty comfy mane
>get thrown out of Russian sphere via an event
>change parties between conservative and reactionary until a jacobin revolt happens (c. 1855)
>become const. monarchy, free from Russia
>they don't intervene because they're having a huge revolt
>ally germany, recover cores from russia
>prestige and industry spam to become a secondary power
>get the congo free state in 1880
>recently annexed sakhalin from russia for that oil and coal

will probably puppet finland and transcaucasia for more oil soon
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>tfw you always gotta blob into Africa and China as Baltic Union just to survive
>you cant be a comfy fascist ethnic state
>HPM is too busy to mod
>i intend to prove that Baltic Provinces are irridentist claim for Germany
at least if you get the congo you can have aesthetic natural borders
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absolutely enemy of the arbeits.
xmas day mp whne
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Merry Christmas!
>there are people right now playing gsg instead of celebrating christmas with friends/family
Sorry lads, I want to comfy on Christmas day
>Tsarist Africa
Fix that blocky border

>i am sitting in my room in, under my grandfather's wehrmacht picture, all alone as the leaves turn brown
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Happy Hanukkah my brother
Who did you start off as and how did you manage to survive?
I'm on my phone
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Egypt. It's surprisingly easy when played right. As long as you don't get completely gangbanged in the oriental crisis this is easy to pull off.
>being a naziboo
I see why you're alone :^)
Allah wills it
>waiting for crisis
You can also simply DoW Ottomans as soon as they break Russian alliance too.
>family picture from when he was fighting for his country

im not a nazi, i consider myself polish even though both my parents and grandparents are or were germans, we live in poland now and im content
I recall that messing with the event that makes the Ottomans lose all of their cores in the levant though.
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What would be the historical divisional and army organization of the Soviet Union?
Think that event happens if you are either independent or civilized after a while.
Also reminder of happier times that are gone forever.

>horrible, blocky map mod

Oh sorry m8 Poland is W&B it's just you never know who is a p*l cuck
>Merry Christmas!
Its Coptic right?
what the fuck is w&b

>cuck is really giving up on thousands of years of german heritage

you make me sick.
>what the fuck is W&B
It means white and based it's a meme way of saying something is good
Please respond
Christmas hats :^)
Just one of these games where I get a random PU over Austria while they're twice as strong as me.

What about tanks and other kind of divisions?
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OK lads, I'm ready to extend Germanic dominion over the noble but misguided peoples of the Baltic
Is there much flavor for this country or will this be boring as all hell?

Changelog there, mostly:
>A shitton of miscellaneous new leaders and fixed/tweaked events for various nations
>A new country, South African Federation
>A fair bit more events and ministers for Commune of France and UoB
Not an immense update but a good addition
Can someone link me the DLC link for EU4? I'm having trouble signing up to that russian forum thanks to my email providers.
>Feel like blobbing hard with timurids in eu4
>remember institutions made the game extra retarded

You could simply search the channel you know.
Hey. I'm a pirate. Has any patches for the latest DLC for CK2 been released? If so, how do I download it and make the game continue working?
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lmaoing my ass straight to moscow
So this was that "new" version right?
Nothing else going to be released in any near date?
Merry Christmas you faggots
Waʿalaykumu s-salām to you too my friend
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grob bulgariums

Ive already done so. Unless you're suggesting to tak his non-vidya example and attempt to do it myself, I dont think he has anything for other kinds of units.
>one chance at life
>become a grown adult who spends christmas day alone playing vic 2

wew lad
Can life be more joyful than that?
>all those rebels

is this what anarchism looks like
Wish I was you
t. someone who had their family at home who's now arguing about when did some relative died of cancer
Oi oi lads how do i get the free DLC for EU4? I got it here before but had to reinstall and its gone now

Any of you proper fucking LADS willing to help me out? give us a little wank on the old knobend? Cheers big ears
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Praise to Papa Rezmar.
mfw old people just want to talk about their diseases
mfw people here just want to talk about their autism
The OP has a link to a site with those, senpai
Where on the spectrum are you all laddos
Most likely, yeah, there's usually at least 6 months between releases
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>grandpa started smoking when he was 13
>he is 86 now
>no cancer
>breathing on gills
>he doesnt give a fuck and drinks 2l bottle of Coke per day

Git gud.
bigups familia and a merry christmas x
I feel the /brit/ on you
makes me wonder how much of /gsg/ is from there
love it
probably quite a number cus we're all autistic loners spending christmas heree ahaha!!!xxx
oh boy
/gsg/ is having a great christmas
Reminder of a reminder:>>163613810
Yeah the willie wagging shitposts were funny this is just disgusting stop trying to ruin christmas and fuck off
Distant worlds is shit. I tried to outfit all of my ships with one troop compartment WH40k style and the entire thing glitches over. Literally unplayable.
Im irish you little fucking freak if i seen your feeble frame IRL i would pound your little shitpipe to dust you disgusting virgin cunt
>Assuming anyone is actually trying to "fit in" on an anonymous imageboard

oh wow youre really funny and rebellious and such a le edgy shock internet man with your crazy use of irony and le epic shocking images! WOAH! xDDDD

wise up you fucking gimp
I think we might be getting raided
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Indeed it is.
Thats what happens when you dont worship proper American gods.
Neck urself just reported u laddie
Reported and ignored
>tfw reporting and ignoring these raider shitposts
Feels good lads merry Christmas to the ones who aren't shitposters from steamcordplazz
what exactly is the reason and purpose for this "shitposting"?
Epic Ecks dee steamcordplaza memes ( report and ignore lad)
>tfw Janny fucks steamcordplaza shitposts
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Merry Christmas to the saviour of gsg
Imagine spending your Christmas day shitposting on /gsg/
>janny is working on Christmas
janny pls delete this
Why are there so many fucking events for Australia in TGC?
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why would anyone want to give r*aches freedom?
Turks are based and white

raise claims to cosntantinople and antioch first to restore the pentarchy
I want to meme Armenia in vicky2, should I release then as Russia or force release on ott*mans as a powerful random country?
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Ive downloaded the DLCs for EU4 from that archive but how do i extract these files into EU4 folder? I dont know how to extract an MD5 file so I opened it with notepad
Restore the Roman Empire
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restore the based (and white) Armenian empire
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Is HoI4 AI still shit, building ancient units and making shitty decisions?
Kys turks are W&B
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>annex armenia
>game crashes
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what mods or /gsg/ custom fun stuff that adds concentration camps?

pic related is Deutches Wehrmacht Immersion mod, presently known as "World War II immersion mod"
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What would an Artillery Division look like? I don't mean an artillery attached to a division. I mean a division whose main job is to offer artillery supports to other divisions. Also, would it work?
Me on the left, you on the right
Mom got me a 50 dollar steam card. What do you bros think of Hearts of Iron 4.
You do realize you fucked up somewhere during installation or unpacking? Most countries aren't supposed to be in black.
>1865 – The Ku Klux Klan is formed.
can we stop for a second to talk about just how based this is?
>Artillery Division
It would perform generally the same way artillery does when attached to other units but in a less efficient and less coordinated way
They tried it, it didn't last long
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why wont the allies surrender?
Is Colombia a fun game on HPM /gsg/?

That's fine for the Germans. I'm talking about the Soviets. I know they had artillery divisions among their armies.
>playing HOI4
there's your problem
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Should I save the AUS?
very based pic related
no the installation is correct

all those countries are controlled by rebels

CSA is winning, so yes
Are the Ottomans worth playing as in KR?
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once the arab conflict is resolved theres nothing more you can do

manpower is your main limitation
Didn't Hitler say something like "How can anyone say that Austria is not German?"

My google/memory is complete shit because I can't find this quote. Anyone know what it is?
No, you fucked up. Rebels aren't supposed to own half of Europe
>not touching Romania
Lad, how much oil you have?
what's a good overpopulated with few states nation to play to make a pampered pops country? Releasable is fine
Nevermind, found it after reading the Anschluss article on wikipedia.
>It is said that after listening to Bruckner's Seventh Symphony, Hitler cried: "How can anyone say that Austria is not German! Is there anything more German than our old pure Austrianness?"
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Should rockets be bundled together?

I get like 200 or so errors during loading. Sometimes those are black, sometimes not.
>Should rockets be bundled together
No, if i recall you can't split them up after. Just fire them 1 at a time.
Check the war screen to see if they have any great powers still fighting on.
a Tac does around 6 of soft damage and its reusable, a rocket does 10 and its one time use. is it worth it?
Well rockets are mainly used for damaging industry and infrastructure. THey are worth it because they are far cheaper than strategic bomber planes and take less time to build

Tac bombers are better for air support
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>sperging out over German unification after listening to a symphony
There's nothing more based or white than that desu
Truly /ourguy/
<3 hitler-kun
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Merry christmas /gsg/, you autistic fucking niggers
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Does anyone know what causes this error? I got it both for ck2 and hoi4
lunch as admin
Are either the CK2 or EUIV complete packs worth it?
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No buy hoi4 field marshal edition insteaf
That's Johan's anti-piracy protection. Buy the game you filthy goyim.
No, both games blow dick. If you want nation building, play Victoria II. If you want a war simulator, play HoI3.
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I won the oriental crises and 5 years later the turk attacked me to liberate adana, I was winning until britain suddenly declared on me to liberate all ottoman cores.I thought that stopped after you win the oriental crisis?
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it never stops
I can't, I'm poor.
I can only lunch as a worker in the cafeteria.
hpm guy pls

IF you are Grossromania guy, the black countries evidence that thers something wrong with the copy-pasting of the mod

Create a fresh folder for a brand new KR, copy the savefile and pray it works
>tfw dad bought me HoI4 for Christmas

Is it acceptable to play it now?
>concentration camps
And then what?

We dont know if Germans would go full genocide if they didnt start losing in 41.
It's to decrease dissent and increase unity.
Same as USA, who probably intentionally let their camps be rife with disease.
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Only thing worthwhile playing there with is your dads Willy
Do you really think common German cared or knew what happened in interment camps after they rounded them up?
As far as they are concerned it was over until Commies were gone.
Its the video game equivalent of Die Hard; a shitty thing you play when you want to turn off your brain for a while but still do something.
Is the KR port good on HoI4? I just love the KR 'lore' tbqh
>its like Die Hard
No its not.
Its like A Good Day to Die Hard .
Nope. It was a fiasco and as you can see nobody here does runs with it.
Fiasco? What went wrong? Focus system?
Don't know. HOI4 forums are activation blocked, yes? I couldn't get there unless there's a mirror I missed.

Though there's probably technical problems if nothing else.

>Its like A Good Day to Die Hard .
To be fair, I only saw the first one. I try to not continue movie series when the first one is terrible.
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Among other things.
As long as ai is braindead you might as well go watch Man in High Castle or something.
>when the first one is terrible
Hooo boy. Lucky you.
>watch Man in High Castle

I think I'm gonna do both in the same time
Do you guys have a direct download for DH and KR? I fucking hate you autistic memers for killing the archive
Which pope to elect as the Italian Federation and which has the most meme potential? I wanna go democracy but, what happens after that?
Dont you find that kinda well...distracting?
Also theres also this.

You can become left wing radical with that smiling one.
Julius is full nazi btw.
Oh, you mean that Frog Pope? Will do senpai, he is the one who gets the unification events?
Unification event is extremely rare if it ever happens but you can coup them in espionage and DoW while France does nothing.
If Mussolini comes to power he will build most IC there.

Also if you occupy England you can put Catholic royal descendant there.
I once attacked ISR but, for some reason my navy failed to stop the landing ships and they got to Rome with ease, also France managed to break the line in Savoy even though I had built Forts, not sure how I fucked that up
Use big flag frames in my pastebin. Those frames compress the flag like shit and it looks awful as a result.
As i said if you succesufully coup south italy they will break alliance with French.
Dont expect you will ever hold line on French.
You could also backstab Germans or French in ww2 later on. You can ally yourself with Carlists and Union State if they win.
Hey afp guy can I request some flags?
Sure, tell me.
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>Someone makes this comment about one of my favorite childhood movies
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I'm making a megacampaign and I need flags for a scottish colony in canada (basically nova scotia) and a scottish colonized haiti turned into a republic by revolting peasants (see pic related)
Do you need EU4 flags or Vicky flags?
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r8 my invasion plan /gsg/
Vicky, if possible
What mod?
Graphic mod is theatrum orbis terrarum
Haggis Republic?
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Nova Scotia.png
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Well, here's Nova Scotia. I'll think about what could be done for the Scottish Republic of Haiti.
Can you make a flag for the Merchant Empire of Icelandic Britian? Keep in mind they are Norse pagan.
If Jesus didnt show up would Arabs be Jewish now?
Once I'm done with Scottish Haiti, sure.
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Thanks m8
Were Zoroastrians cool?

VERY cool.
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Oh really?
Tell me some cool things they did.
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Absolutely White and Based.jpg
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r8 my world
franchise ruined/ 10 for me

Persia and everything muslims later stole from it.
So why did Persia fall apart then?
So how do I install pirated DLC's? I just bought the base game of Europa Universalis IV.
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can puppets be gp's?
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Scottish New World Republic.png
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How's this? The colours are the national colours of Scotland, and the Thistle, replacing the Royal Lion as the main symbol, is the national flower and symbol of Scotland.
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>First time playing EU4

>Take two provinces from Venice as based Austria

>Entire western Europe joins in on an coalition against me

Excellent game /10
>not playing EU3
What a cuck.
internal strife and external pressure

Lots of reasons but you can put a lot of the blame on those greek subhumans.
Hover your mouse over one of those thin green lines under the name of a country. That will show you which one is still fighting. In this case I'm guessing it's The Raj.
>tfw no Christian Greek, Zoroastrian Persia and Coptic Egypt dominated middle east
Perfect, thanks a lot. If it's not too much of a hassle could you make a fascist and commie flag for both scottish haiti and nova scotia?
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Okay I had to do it.
Please don't kill me
If it weren't for Islam, Arabs wouldn't have gotten unified in the small window of opportunity necessary to take Iran.

A very long and protracted war against the ERE, a wave of nomadic invaders from the NE, and I believe a resurgence in Mazdak's teachings happened right before the Caliphate invaded.
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>having the wrong guy
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56KB, 640x640px
please respond
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Alex IS Texas.
.t Fellow /pol/ack

That's a pretty good place in general to search for stuff like this.
I'll try to come up with something.
Why aren't there Christian pops in Nagasaki and Hiroshima in HPM?
MP vic2 when?
youre right! thanks
New Thread
You want them in, find a ledger with numbers.
>Alex IS Texas.
>Alexis Texas.

Why aren't there Christian pops in Nagasaki and Hiroshima in vanilla?
>no loop-de-loops
>He can't beat the Soviets as the poles without the allies behind him

try again
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