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/dfog/ - Dungeon Fighter Online General [Epic Road Lies Redux

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Thread replies: 756
Thread images: 166

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>Part 3: New Trial

>Part 2: New Experiment

>Act 07. N.E.W
>Part 1: New Balance


>New DFO artbook:

>Update Schedule

>Level 90 Epics:

>DnF Updates:



>Liberation weapon FAQ:

Fatigue Points(FP) resets at 9AM UTC

>Official Links
http://facebook com/dfoglobal

>PVP playlist channels

ask in the thread


>Avatar Simulator(Set to KOR)

>Skill Planner (Entirely unnecessary)

>Pixiv Tags
アラド戦記 – Arad Senki
던파 – Deonpa

>JP Priest voice

>DnF Original Soundtrack Symphony World
>Touhou Music Pack

>Mods Installation Guide

Previous thread:
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First for _____
2nd for male male > f.mage
what happened to her face?
does she have rosacea?
mranger is fun
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so much natural beauty in one picture :)
how can i make $$$$ to afford a epic set?
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>implying you can "afford" an epic set

Don't play zerker. Other than this you can't really go wrong.
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Sell KK
Sell ERP

What's wrong with zerker?
so can you get one for free?
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Is that lube?
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Yes, that baby is going where no baby has gone before.
nice breasts
So what exactly are the conditions for HikiNEET daughteru anyway?
I think you just cap her with vacation/the other thing and you get it.
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why do people mega asking where people are?
why dont they just whisper them or add them to their friends list?
when people mega asking where people are that person is probably not online and is on an alt
Raid guide link in the OP is busted, is there a mirror anywhere?


i think this is a cached version of it, no pics loading

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best knight avatar set
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>bare feet
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Since apparently up to 6 ebins can actually drop, has anyone become master of the universe and actually seen more than 3 or more drop at once?
Too much risk for little reward. It's also a class infested with Chinks.
I think a 4 epic drop has happened once in KDNF. I dont think anything past 3 has happened in DFOG yet.
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Does anyone know if the 90 level cap introduces any non-legendary items that increase poison damage?
yes I have found 3 epics from a hell before.

I can dig through my screenshots but that will take forever
Any good 70-80 ebins for Thief?
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>a class infested with Chinks.
>New 1 for 1 event coming
>Epic Road gives DEEP FUCKING ROOTED CROSS via selective box.

Motherfucker I don't want to grind another character BUT I FINALLY HAVE THAT EXCUSE TO MAKE SOMETHING TO GRIND MY EZ-MODE SAINT UP

>Sword Master
>Weapon Master
>still no Dimension Waifuboy or Bloodboy yet
>Dark Templar

honey time's giving another epic transfer stone, innit?
i can see it
Spiral spin is really fun, not sure if there are any others.
So many interesting choices for spitfires from the box but all the builds get gutted later. Hate having to go root cross or agres.
That'd be too good to be true.

I can see it being pretty good for practically 0 cooldown Blade Cyclone, but I'm not so sure for Rogue. Soaring Fire would be the better choice for Kuno, but I heard she was nerfed to the ground and I don't know at all for Necro which would be the best.

>Have 0 interest in making a fucking Sader but the cross is 100% locked for him if I make one.

>Have an Indra who got Seventh Lucky as a drop and have been using that with a light enchantment to farm up missing Gracia pieces

Should I suck it up and just give my Indra Arges?
Part of me just wants to get some off choice for fun since sader is beyond boring till bsader changes. Plus I feel dirty playing asura, its so brain dead.
did china's epic road box let them pick apc drops?
Just get the Arges
Wouldn't Blitz Jianging be better though, specially when one finds smashes from other pieces?
You ain't getting that from the epic box or road drop
>ebin road has a chance to drop armor up to lvl 80
That's where you're wrong kiddo.
Who am I kidding, it won't drop anything good.
Blitz is fucking APC specific, retard
Is vindictive ghost nail with street discipline 9pc decent?
Yeah, it's fine.
>impure touch
>4% to deal +444% damage
why does that sound so good and so bad at the same time?

It's garbage
Blitz doesn't work the way you think it does. It's not 20% bonus light damage, it's 20% bonus damage on light attacks. It's really not great.

is there even any reason for keeping anton soul fragments on a crusader other than for buying battle weapon and rng pots?

deep rooted is better than savior cross according to gook thread.
>deep rooted is better than savior cross according to gook thread
they do different things
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>tfw no fmage gf to dance and cheer you on and always believe in you
This is stupid
Ritobasu commented on this video!
Which qt was that again?
literally who
You use savior cross for stacking buffs and shit

then switch to your DI cross aka deep rooted or labarum when you use DI

DI should always be the last buff you use in order to get the benefits of your ascension stacks
how does people get so many behemoth eggs?
I want to balon...
kys stupid frogposter
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calm down...
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>tfw no dansen ele gf
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>tfw no meido fmage gf
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hell yea.gif
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Does anyone have the bad ending text for siran.

I was trying to get the stressed ending but I wasn't able to somwhow.
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DFOGerri and Tessa...!
>tfw no ffighter imoutos to bully then spoil
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>ffighter ... bully
got you senpai
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>tfw no f fighter onee-san

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Page 10 won't take you while I'm still awake
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Thank you Onee-San!
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Woon looks awful.
just like in the actual game
I know it's 6 hours late, but do you still want the text? And ending is decided by mood during the action that rolls her over to 20 and who she worked with.
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heres the thing about hellmode; no epic drop is going to make me feel good but getting nothing does make me feel bad. in other words, i can only lose.
I would be fucking ecstatic if I could get either of the last two pieces of NG I need.
How much are people selling legendary bead service for? Just got my first box and it was legendary.
>legendary bead service

can you not sell the beads? what's the point in offering a bead service when chrons and epics can't be traded?
I got one from the dungeon and the box was acc bound. I know there are tradable boxes as well.
Did you actually open the box? Afaik the box itself is accountbound but the Beads are tradeable.
Box and the bead were both accountbound, I can screenshot the bead if you want to see it.
why are the legendary beads so cheap anyway? the only reliable way of obtaining them is to buy 4 fucking packages, they're on a timer and they're the absolute undisputed BiS enchant for belts.
do they not add levels to buffs like eagle eye or something? if they do then they should be at least 70m.
Because they are shit and +1 skills only needed for saders.
because a better bead will get added anyways and it will be for both belt and shoes
what stats does the better bead grant?
>+1 skills only needed for saders.

There's some classes that can make use of the +1 level 35 skill.
Mind listing some classes that benefit from the bead?
DT (Used for Congest after it becomes a swappable buff since Congest is a level 35 skill. Also because Congest plats are going to be expensive as fuck when they come out because of how popular this class is)
Kunoichi (+1 Ninpou: Shadow Clone)
SM (Mainly for +1 Masteries)
DS (+1 Berserk and +1 Reinforce)
Chaos (+1 Brainstorm and +1 to most Demons)
Both Brawlers (+1 Taunt)
Summoner (Summoner typically scales well with +skill levels)
Both Mechanics (Both get good benefits from the +skill levels)
The three unreleased Gays (Only because Plats for them are going to be expensive once they come out)

There's probably more out there but those are the ones that first come to mind.
Necro gets +1 Nicholas, Vallacre, Str -> Int Buff and Nicholas buff from it as well.
Are buffs like Eagle Eye affected by the bead? I'm still not sure what "active skills" is supposed to mean.
Active just means not passives, buffs n' shit get the +1.
It includes Buffs. Active Skills just means that it doesn't include Passives.

I forgot that detail of the bead before making >>163089119, so it's actually not that great on SM and is probably not that great on Both Brawlers after they make Taunt a passive, but all those other classes have Active Skills and Buffs that still benefit from it.
Can someone with kDNF knowledge elaborate on this? Are better beads really on their way?
Those classes can get +10 easily without this bead and not be locked in some shitty belt.
What else are you going to put on a belt though? You can still cap Crit without a Belt Enchant.
The only belt shoe beads I've seen added to KDNF recently are typical SPI and VIT ones. That Anon is probably talking out of his ass.
>You can still cap Crit without a Belt Enchant.

my class can't cap crit with gold crit emblems, a kane card, golden insignia crit gem and crit shoe/belt enchants. what am i doing wrong
Alot of Epics give a ton of Crit Rate now. You're not going to really cap crit with just enchanted 6pc Gracia if that is what you were expecting, especially if your class lacks a Crit Rate Buff.
>none of my epics or legendary pieces except for lib give crit
>class doesn't have a crit rate buff

well this explains why i'm stuck at ~70-80% crit
that anon was talking about beads from the knights of the round table package from arad senki
Like, if you want this bead then use regular version that doesn't cost 40m or whatever it is.
The package is from CDNF not Arad Senki. There's also even a guarantee that DFOG will get the same exact beads and even if DFOG does get the beads who knows if the gooks will just change the stats of them.
>There's also even a guarantee that DFOG will get the same exact beads

I mean to say there's no guarantee, this is what happens when you try post while raising daughter.
are the red fang bottoms good
no, diss it immediately
15% crit damage equals 15% additional damage with a 100% crit rate. A piece of gear that gives 10-15% damages by itself is considered a good offslot item by most players.
thanks, i wasn't sure how significant 15% was
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yes please
Kk, I'll have it in a minute or two.
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It's not a bad ending btw, it's just different.
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My heart can't take much more of these cute good happy endings.
How do i get chonobug bad end for daughteru? I slaved mine for ages and still got good end
When she rolls over to 20 have her mood be neutral or negative. Work to rest ratio doesn't matter.
>siran is fugging ur of age daughteru
They'll probably both die of cirrhosis, but at least they'll have a fun life.
Does the buff on Yang Ull's Twig stack or does it just refresh the one application?
it stacks
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Season Server has been fun up until Time Gate.
My god my asshole please.
Someone fkn help me stop the bleeding!
>falling for the meme-anal server
>Season Server has been fun up until Time Gate.
Just wait till Time Break. That's where the real suffering is.

What's the season server?
event server where you test out new builds for dfo

channelss are named after spices
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>channelss are named after spices
arad did get the package as well
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so what does the bead even add? people talking about how knowledgeable they are on this but no mention of how good they are
what is this?
a new skill for mechanic?
>he doesn't know
nobody tell him

i cri eberrytiem ;-;
I let out some male tears every time too.
I was tempted by the fast leveling
Is there antes list of creatures with smash?
Where do I fins stuff thats not on dfopedia?
>Not wanting to farm a Gracia set in just one month.
>that one faggot that names all his characters Jedi-
Here's an unfinished list of suggested ebins for the box, sorted by classes. Tell me what you guys think.
Add Louie's for both brawlers, remove the mana mithril bar from fgrap. Add caravella for sword master.
Katana SM's really only good if you have cata, though.
What's so special about Louie's? Do grapplers have any decent ebin or they're shit out of luck?

I'll add it with a note to already have cata
Arges is considered better than Dainself for Shitzerker if they're wearing Garcia because shit won't always bleed.
Grapplers are absolutely shit out of luck. Louie's is for stats/throw based builds, Nail is for pounding, they're both pretty okay.
According to the Chinese page there's two beads with the National Day Package.

>Rare Bead
Usable on Belt, Shoe
+18 Physical/Magical Attack
+24 Independent Power

>Unique Bead
Usable on Belt, Shoe
+24 Physical/Magical Attack
+36 Independent Power
+1 to lv1-30 skills

I couldn't find the Arad Senki version of the package so I don't know if their beads were any different.

The creatures from the current Olympus package have Smash damage.

What does it mean when it says (swap) next to it?
Equip swap item, cast buff that swap item enhances, equip better item.

Oh god, swapping gear mid battle is a thing?
A majority of buffs on most classes do not need to be recast as their duration is permanent, you will usually only need to do it when you enter a dungeon. However, some classes will have to swap multiple sets on entry or will need to swap multiple times in a dungeon.

Is there a class that doesn't have to do that?
I don't know off the top of my head, but you won't really need to do it unless you're pretty geared and even then it's not so bad and not necessary most of the time. What classes do you play currently?
>Shit won't always bleed
>With zerker
Maybe with shit that's flat out Immune to bleed, but I don't believe there's that many to justify it at all.

I see. I'll add it in an instant.

It works like this as an example:
>Equip swap set before entering/restarting dungeon
>Cast according buff skill
>If more than one buff, equip another buff set and cast specific skill.
>Repeat until all buffs cast.
>Switch to damage gear
>Enjoy maximum deeps within reach
>Note: If ded, you'll have to start over with the gear swapping.

Some skills allow for swap in the middle of a skill for maximum damage of it. You start with a swap set that maximizes things like duration/ammo for the skill, cast it, then quickly swap to damage set before it's over. Examples that use this trick are M Spit's Neil (until rework) and Witch's Mega Ice Drill.

Well, right now my highest level classes are glacial master and demon slayer, at 70 and 50 respectively.

But if it's only if you're pretty geared then i probably will never get there anyway.
Also, Dark Templar at the moment doesn't need buff swaps, but that will change in a future update with Congestion change.
You're fine then and neither of those swap too heavily. As far as I know, Necro and EK have to swap more than anything else.
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>a future update with Congestion change
pls esplain
Congest becomes a Buff instead of being a Passive. Instead of being 3% Damage that stacks up to 5 times upon using skills, it's now 15% Damage with unlimited duration. It's still has a Master level of 1 but can be stacked up to level 11 Congest with items and such. It's swappable and Level 11 Congest gives ~37% Damage.
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wait, what? does dark templar get nerfed?
Congestion currently works similarly like Launcher's Heavy Weapon Mastery. In a future update, Congestion changes to an active buff skill that gives more skill damage or something like that. Hope you got Magic Cata and Heaven's Luck Sword in advance if you don't want to blow a fortune and time in plats and minigames.
Where's that fucking character link event? WHERE!?
I think it starts on the 20th.
Redpill me on F.Slayes /dfg/, which ones are bad which ones are good? Should i avoid any of them? From my lurking here i think i hear that DT is shit? What about the other 3?
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Vagabond is shit. The others range from good to great.
DT is not shit. From what I've seen,
The dirt
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>Vagabond is shit

Fuck, that's the one i thought looked cool.
You can play her still, just know that even with amazing gear, you're still going to sub-optimal(maybe somewhat viable, idk) compared to other f.slayers. But hey, I've seen decent avengers. If they can do it, you can too
So when will Heavy Weapon Mastery get an update?
>finish 40 hell runs on Necro
>4 eyes, no epics
>1 hell run on dt
>Spider Prince
Kill me, please.
Shrieking Queen of Pain is good for WM I hear.

>Capped a Vagabond
>She's still retard fun.

>Incoming 1 to 1 event will literally allow me to make a DT and SM at the same time.


>EXP booster event that drops chunks of EZMODE LEVELING is coming.


Shit like this is why I never want to make classes that are stupidly popular. I won't amount to anything anyway, but I'm deterred when max luck+whaling is required on top of persistence...
DT got buffed overall. They doubled the amount of skill damage you get from Evolve, made Congest into a swappable buff (see >>163128061), and changed the 1st Awakening Passive to give Crit Damage instead of a tiny amount of Shadow Resist shred. The only thing that was nerfed was Black Mirror's damage which got reduced by 12%.

> From my lurking here i think i hear that DT is shit?

What fucking thread have you been lurking in since I've literally seen nobody say that and I post here almost everyday. Anywhere you look you'll see that DT is one of the top classes in the game right now.

I always see people >IMPLYING things about DT in a way that led me to believe she was in the same situation as Avenger. But i guess i misunderstood.

Just to be sure, Avenger IS shit right?

DT is shit if you're not a maximum whale with +12 weapon.

Avenger is shit period. If you can gear Avenger into being moderately good, you could have spent that elsewhere.
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Heaven's Luck Sword dropped four runs later, I'm no longer saddened.
You can get level 11 Congest without Heaven's Luck Sword or Magic Cataclysm, they just both make it easier.

>Shit like this is why I never want to make classes that are stupidly popular.

You're saying that like only popular classes have expensive swaps. Just look at how much it costs for Necromancer's Swap gear when Necromancer isn't even that popular of a class.

So would DT or SM be the better class to buy an Olympus Package for?

My Male Mech is getting the other one.
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WM can use Arges, Dainslef, Caravella, and SQoP. Which one you pick mostly depends on your element, but I'm gonna assume people are smart enough to not pick the fire katana when they're locked into light or whatever. Bone Red is also actually decent but not really the kind of thing you wanna be using full-time. Picture so you know I'm not talking out of my ass.
you know what's fucking weird, every dark templar who is worth something has that same anchor avatar for their short sword, even I do.

I don't know why exactly, but i think it's because it's a pretty cool weapon avatar for DT.
fuck off nfacuc-
wait what
I absolutely agree.
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>Clearly has a Tactician Contract but doesn't max out their skills and leaves them at level 86 values
>Especially on class like DT

I will never understand why people do this.
Rifuto knows what's up, showing off that thigh
Lazy and don't feel like changing skills back when the contract runs out. And I don't raid, so it's not really an issue.

>every dark templar who is worth something has that same anchor avatar for their short sword, even I do.

I don't know what DTs you're looking at since most of the geared ones I see don't use it (Or any weapon skin, except for maybe Olympus) at all.
Also I forgot to mention this but the same weapons are good for Dark Knight - Arges is even better for him because he can actually utilize the matk/mcrit.
Someone doesn't have an anchor, it's ok bro, hopefully neople will bring back the pirate ava set so we can all have amchors.
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3 days of around 4k+ invites a day. forgot to take pictures of last Sunday's, was just 8 trash drops anyways.
i did 3 days of 2k+ invites a day and got 3 unusable epics total
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>run 99 hells on mgrap, get fucking nothing
>run some raid DI on witch, get a gauntlet
great game 2bqh
Post-rework you can transfer that to your mgrap. It takes 900 eyes though, so...
I have at least 7 other epics I would rather transfer first, though. It's just not viable.
That sucks. I haven't found jackshit on my alts except a football belt, but I grinded like 2/5 of that set over a year ago so it's not even really worth transferring.
yo some one tell what the best/easiest female gunner class is?
yo kys
Mech. And none of them are hard.
mechanic is easy raid
ranger is JUST
spitfire is good
launcher is okay
aight after i get her to level cap first though.

and cool thanks i heard they werent hard but just wanted to level cap a gunner so id rather do the easiest one. Thanks again
No problem, have fun.
fucking EMPHomo people
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Can someone carry me through OV master? I'm level 71.
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is anyone else getting really exhausted from the overload of events we're having?
>farm 200 fp everyday for play dfo
>do tartarus 5x
>raise daughter
>do hells on weekends
>spend FP on seasonal
>do ancient dailies/OV/dark elf site
and i'm not even counting the guild events or grinding for the hell ticket boxes

today I had to skip everything directly to hell farming because I had no time at all. and people used to complain there's nothing to do in this game. fuck
this game was designed for people with no lives
why don't you join the guild instead of posting anonymously here
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I quit, after getting two daughters. I'll be back for the ebin road, then probably quit again. On and off relationship.
ok ill help you my ign is anonymous, add me
I have long since stopped participating in events that aren't amazing. Even the daughter one I didn't bother getting the second leg box.
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I hate RNG.

People find the epic I'm desperately searching for literally within single digit runs while I'll be slaving away since powerstation was added.

I hate you.
spend more money on gold and less on pancakes
She wants the pancakes, jackass. Do not get her the sandwich.
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me too
Yes epic road will be a travesty, gotten 3 air rods today each on a different character....
I like you.
What place is the place where 80 epics have a higher chance of showing up? It's Grandine, right?
>leveling a rogue that i got an anime con set for
>she's hayai
>grinding scenarios
>1m left on exp pot
>oh shit
>eurobeat blazing
>on point for the whole dungeon
>bonus expires right when the boss death animation starts

what else in this game is as fun as leveling?
i dunno
i haven't leveled an alt in a dungeon since the last 1+1
and i'm at lv10 explorer, so i probably wont ever again
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>tfw your daughteru grew up to be talented musician thanks to your beautiful waifu iris and totally not a whore
Haha, cute anime ;)
>ranger is JUST
Just fuck my shit up senpai?????
Is F ranger that hard?
>2weeks to get full set
>2weeks of master ov, i didn't get a single piece for set i want on any of my 3 alts
>on 2 of them i barelly got any pieces at all
no, just bad
>Snow White buff
>half price hell entry this following weekend and next

Reworks or this lads?
It's way easier now than it was when dfo first came out in 07, it's fun now senpai.
>waiting for reworks
>waiting for a .15% droprate increase instead of half off the entries
90 ebins though
you're fucking retarded if you think we're getting the 90 cap anytime before summer
so we only need to wait untill summer for 90 epins that ten times better than 85?
>half price entries
>just blew nearly all my invites this weekend and previous

God damnit.
see you in Feb ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;^)
>ten times better
I was planning on maining DW but i was told he's bad, what do i do?
He is the best MMage currently. Mostly due to fixed stats being broken post 90 patch.
It's another meme class that everyone hypes up as being top shit like how people in this thread called Magic Exos god tier a year ago.
Mexos are really good, though. You just need epic sets now instead of being a shitter in chrons.
Man, so when they fix fixed on 90 he going to be bad...i want to have my nyarly..
They already said that independent attack increase modifiers are broke right now and tend to deal with it, along with the new reinforcement system for percent classes. So yeah.
it's not an exaggeration
Should i just stick with DW or kill myself?
Play with what you enjoy.
If I make my daughteru do every job equally will it choose one of those jobs for her ending or will it net me the NEET ending? Trying to go for NEET but I don't have the coins or patience to just do vacation/leisure
I enjoy too much classes. I play dfo for more than a full year and still don't have a main.
Wow, better kill yourself.
You can just buy neet card if you don't want to bother.
What is a season server and should I select it or go on the normal NA cain server?
I'm on the same boat except I hate all current classes. Going to be maining Swift and if I don't end up enjoying him, which is unlikely, I'll most likely quit the game. Unless they announce Knight's other 2 subclasses this DNF Festival.
Wait what? isn't that a new dimension?What does it have in it?
>He is the best MMage currently. Mostly due to fixed stats being broken post 90 patch.

So does that mean, post 90 patch, DW is best mage?
You seem really deadset on this dude killing himself.
Best mmage yea, untill neople "fixes" fixed classes and reinforcement making all fixed classes trash tier (because neople can't balance shit)
>6/20 red rocks
How do you not have a savior yet?
I'm creating an avenger and I can't think of a name, please help
I never leveled my luck stat.

I dunno.
ahh shit, so eventually, somewhere down the line he will go to shit, ohh well

How is glacial master? I' thinking of making one due to getting the snowman avatar.
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...Wow. Well done.
umm......you got hakced??????? china deleted ur char. O_O
* ^ *
No I just started playing
Avenger is pretty mediocore tier but he's one of the best grandine farmers in ov set. You can also be paladin instead and get into raid within 5 seconds of requesting invite (and suck in every other content lol)
Yeah I've heard it doesn't perform great but I grew up playing a shitload of DMC1/2/3 and love super form mechanics
>I grew up playing a shitload of DMC1/2/3 and love super form mechanics
save yourself the suffering and play rogue/m striker/battlemage instead
Make 2 of these >>163161389 on Tuesday. We're getting a leveling event that's pretty ridiculous. You can potentially cap in 2-3 days.
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How much of a waste would it be to let these things expire? They expire in 24 hours, and I have no idea what any of them are for really.

I have a level 73 to use them on if it's worth
You don't really need to worry about them that much.

this egene exp pill event screams we're getting 90 cap on the 17th. an event like this should be ran for only 2 weeks but it runs a whole month.

on the 3rd we'll get an event like kdnf did where you can instantly jump a character to 80.
What does the hell orb icon look like on the ground? I always run straight over and immediately loot the thing so I never see it, only the text.
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Is respeccing your skills free?
Yep, do it 5 times for a title
Unless you can 85 today then don't bother.
Get that quick rebound skill and never not-take it.
i will never get why they haven't made that a permanent skill like backstep yet
is that mayli
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So I got this purple set of heavy armor and a scythe that apparently scales in level up to 65

That seems pretty op
lol, don't let that way of thinking ever leave you m8, i wish i could still think like that regarding this game
purest girl
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>1k invites gives you 83 insane only grandine runs

you can basically run hells for free this weekend
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tfw practically 85k dc these following weekends and still no gf to kys and spoil
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So I have two different buffs, one for physical damage and one for magic

How do I tell which of my skills do which type of damage?
Avenger is a dark magic class. All of your skills are magic based as well.
Just look at whatever weapon highlights for you. Avenger is magicul.

Hey its me ur gf i need dc to buy my gucci purse.
i played alot of dmc too which is why i picked up ranger https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h6eQhNRKLbM
ya it did no damage cuz gamebalance but it looked the best. also at least the guns were useful in the anime.
pls tell me that isn't your main.
avenger is the worst and most useless class and youre playing it anyways
Okay im gay, what does dfog think about 1+1 event?
I have so many goys i want to level but i don't even know where to start...I want to level mom, sb, fmech, maybe some other mslayer except asura, maybe rogue...whoever is easy to get into raid. Maybe just 2 saders?
Why would you need 2 saders?
To get more easy obtainable raids...
They already made that change btw

they changed the formula for both ind atk and % classes, ind atk got nerfed with certain settings (mostly % increases like wizard staff, elemental ones aka dark gothic are as op as ever) and % got buffed

dw still good nothing much changed
they're wrong avenger is good now

but they're hard to gear up

if you gear up they're good
So I'm just returning to this game after a huge break, what is this "season server" jazz and is it worth it to play on it?
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ill give your dick a huge break if you know what i mean
I want to pour my sause all over your beef ravioli if you know what i mean
I`m ready for ebin road
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Advice help im really want to play the game and make alts woh od imake?
I'm not ready for these half hells.
>~649 total runs on base mmage
>another ~649 runs on fnen
>countless dcs throughout my alts
Kill me.
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Don't die or ill kill you
A question.
When does the Swift Master will come to the game.
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>they didn't add sizki's dojo yet
the sooner we get it the better we will perform in the next f1 tournament!
Practice won't make autokey shitters better at pvps.
when neople will say so

Are the upcoming discounted hells definitely worth running or are we better off waiting for 90 epics?
Well fuck those guys, I don't think any amount of practice is going to improve our current pvp clique faggots. Snow white will always drop his combos because no autokey, he's pathetic.

I was hoping that maybe it would attract new people into doing pvp and we'd get some new faces who might even be secretly better at pvp than our current autokeying clique.
I suck at fighting games to begin with, so I'll never bother with pvp
Nobody was talking about you then.
yeah, i know...
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>tfw no polyp to ride
Listen my man. The 90 Epics are some broke shit, but they do not outright invalidate all of the Epics we already have. The good ones are still good, they just might not be AS good. Unless you've already completed a half-decent Epic set (aka NOT CHAMELEON), I would say this is the time to use some invites. It's not as if you'll only find 90 Epics dropping in Evildom, the lower level ones still exist in the drop pool. If you've stocked up for months waiting for 90 Epics, you don't have to use all of them if you don't want to, just using half will get you the same amount of runs you would've gotten otherwise.

So fucking go kill some demons or shit. Or don't. I'm not Vaughn, I can't tell you what to do.
>just using half will get you the same amount of runs you would've gotten otherwise.

unfortunately i'm unable to "just use half". i'm good at saving up currency in all kinds cancerous virtual casino games but once i start spending i am physically unable to stop until i run dry or get what i want (usually the former).
that's why i'm conflicted, i saved up 10k invites so far and i don't know what to do.
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lol who cares about pvp?
So with the eventual spitfire changes are phsyical spits done? Is it all just straight m.atk across the board?
>I have no self control

You're gonna be disappointed no matter what. If I were in your shoes? I'd just go for it tbqh, a good Epic is still a step up from Legendaries for most classes. And there are some niches that aren't replaced by 90 Epic sets like Mana Vortex. It really depends on your class and how strong you are now compared to how much stronger you could be with 90 Epics.

>depends on the class

which are affected the most by 90 epics? i heard pexo has an extremely strong 90 epic that saves them from being dead

We will be performing a scheduled maintenance on Dec 20 (UTC), 2016. Further details regarding the maintenance are listed below for your reference.

< Maintenance Time >
UTC (Universal Time Coordinated): DEC 20th, 06:00 ~ 12:00
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EST (Eastern Standard Time): DEC 20th, 01:00 ~ 07:00
KST (Korean Standard Time): DEC 20th, 15:00 ~ 21:00

< Contents & Events >
- http://www.dfoneople.com/news/updates/580/Overview
- http://www.dfoneople.com/news/events/view/White-Christmas
- http://www.dfoneople.com/news/events/view/Epic-Road-Requiem
- http://www.dfoneople.com/news/events/view/The-Grand-Finale
- http://www.dfoneople.com/news/events/view/Mind-of-Egene
- http://www.dfoneople.com/news/events/view/1+1%E2%89%A02_16winter

< Sales >
- New Avatar Update
- Amazing Sox 2016
- Lost Treasure Update

< Changes/fixes >
- Weekend 2x points issue for PLAY DFO event has been fixed.
- Missing parts for Arad Noble Avatar [Slayer/Dark Knight] A & B Set has been fixed.
- Unintended stats and effect for Olympus Armor Set has been fixed.
- Crash issue for lv.50+ for Season Server characters has been fixed.
- Various text issues have been fixed.
- Heritage of the 7 Machinist event will be extended until JAN 17.
>-Unintended stats and effects for Olympus Armor Sets has been fixed.
God damn it.
>implying PVP against bots is going to help anything

It doesn't help shit when the Sizki's dojo bots have some retarded easily exploitable AI even on higher difficulties. Half of them don't even work properly in the Tavern map and get stuck in spots.

Whenever it gets added people are just going to do the quest for the 2 TP for PVE and maybe the Title Quest for it and then proceed to go back to ignoring PVP.

"- Weekend 2x points issue for PLAY DFO event has been fixed."

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Magic classes are better in luke due to having better ability kits overall. Phys classes need higher tier epic sets to raid in luke compared to magic classes.

If you're a phys class and you're not a whale, just wait until 90 cap where the 80 epics sets that aren't good enough to get you into raid are phased out.
There was a notice they put on the website like a week ago where apparently some people weren't getting the 2x weekend point boost.
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>wasn't paying attention to points
>not sure about the compensation
>cap is 3k points
>wanted that 85 ticket sooner rather than later

fug it, not taking any chances. i'll get 3k points again either way.
I dunno, the axe looks fine I guess (40% chance to give +1 level to your Exorcist skills on when you use them, stacks 4 times) but not great like some other Epics. Any class whose problem is damage can be fixed by the Supercontinent Set (and 90 Epics in general because they're mostly stat sticks with no effects), but you have to play through Luke Raid to get the materials to craft it AND you need an entirely different Epic set as materials.

I'm not familiar with enough classes to tell you which are significantly improved by the new Epics, but there's a link with them and their listed stats in the OP, so if you know what your class tends to want you can search for it there.
do we know what the new lost treasure items will be?
SC got nerfed HARD and now it's worse than some of the other 90 sets. You're really behind.

Also tier lists are different depending on luke or anton since the fights are much different.
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How's dark gothic fare in the world of 90 cap?
I know the dungeons are different enough to warrant taking different classes, didn't realize they changed the stats of SC though, glad they did so one set doesn't have so much raw damage. Did they make them more unique across the board, or was it just a rework of the one set?
So new 1+1, what bullshit should I aim for?

Current 85's- Monk, Sader, MLaunch, MBrawl, FBrawl, MGrap, Skirmisher, Witch, Ele, Asura, Glacial Master, Kunoichi, SD, FNen, DT, DK, Chaos

Thinking MMech for the assist, and I don't know what else for the one I'd actually put effort into levelling. Sword Master? Vagabond? I know I want something that I don't already have, but beyond that I'm pretty open to whatever can run through dungeons fast since I probably won't play it ever again after this event.
It's still pretty powerful on Magic Classes. Of course level 90 Epic sets still beat it but on some classes its still better than most level 80-85 sets. It's not that great of a set on Physical Classes anymore though.
Avenger, 3/5. I suppose I'll keep throwing my invites at hells these next two weekends then. The 6.8k I have left should be enough for these weekends at least.

dark gothic is extremely good on avenger because >magic class and inherently dark damage

5/5 and that 20% shadow damage cross on avenger makes you a big boy
why is it white christmas and not black or yellow? is neople racist?
Because snow is white. You gonna tell me snow is racist?
They buffed the other sets a bit.
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>literally nobody will talk about pvp
so what's with the daughteru simulator?
would 150 fire with +10amped for str because I'm an idiot caravella on SM get me into raid? i'd also have the 2 procs from the fire guild set, dotness auto, and also pioneer auto.

>Cap in 2 to 3 days.

Literally how? I need a road map for this one. Might make a DT and a FNen to mess around with, since I have everything else I want..

Admittedly, I suck at leveling in DFO so there's that. I'm never fast.
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>daughteru stimulator
Wanna talk?
yes please
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I don't know what to say actually...how is your day? I've been trying to finish this daugteru stuff before it's all deleted...
what an ugly looking nyarly

so gnarly
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I don't want to talk about my day I want to talk about pvp.
No point in really explaining it when it literally ends tomorrow.

>Caravalla with no Magic Cataclysm
>Mentioning the shitty Guild Accesories and Dotness Auto Sub as if they actually mean anything

You're not getting in with a shitty Katana set up like that unless you get more gear. If you want to Raid as Mom just get 9pc Ancient Illusion + Tarbaza Quaker.

The way to level up in 1 + 1 events is to alternate between characters while leveling. Let's say you make the DT and FNen. You would play the DT until you fun out of FP and then use level up tickets earned from her on your FNen. Lets say you made it to level 37 before running out of FP, your FNen would get 36 level up tickets so she could also be level 37. You then play your FNen who will be at level 37 with full FP effectively allowing you to play where your DT left off while also having the DT caught up thanks to the level up tickets.

This is obviously very time consuming since you're going through two FP bars a day but its the most efficient way to make use of this event.
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>I want to talk about pvp.
So there's nothing to talk about. Goodbye.
>Literally how?
>Step 1: Level up as high as you can with one character with all the FP and items you can get.
>Step 2: Switch to the character paired with and use all the level up tickets you got from event.
>Step 3: Repeat step 1 and 2, then wait a day.
>Step 4: Rinse and repeat until lvl 86 on both characters in two days!
>Bonus step: Use mileage capsules on both characters for even faster leveling!
Anyone know off-hand if there are any daggers or dual blades with strength higher than 99?
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can any class in this game do a lariat?
Spinning or charging lariat?
My pvp is very small, is it alright? I have nothing anon i don't pvp and it seems so dead and annoying to learn that i just can't
>annoying to learn

can you elaborate
male spitfire
I enter pevepe and some demon slayer whips me from across 2 screens and i can't even see her.
you just need some practice moving, if you want i can help you with that
The answer to that and the other option is no.

Don't listen to that guy, it's consorting with demons. PvPing is a road to damnation.
I mean i don't even know how to describe, i just feel like people move faster than me and i can't hit shit so im ending up just "lol comboed" over and over and not really learning anything other than "well i guess i got hit by this skill and then he can freely combo me, nothing else to see" and people just run around waiting for CD and then use hard-to-miss aoe and run around again...
thanks anon guess i'll keep looking
moving is 80% the game, comboing is 20%

if you don't know how to move you won't get very far, i am willing to show you a thing or two if you want . i assume you have at least clones and halidoms?
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hot, but I would probably prefer to get closer to demon semen too.
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cmon anon lets get pvp-moving!
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Don't stop posting pls, i like your anime pictures appearing.
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>people don't play pvp for fun anymore

what happened?
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they never did
you clearly weren't around yet, niggernose
Anyone On the seasonal server in the time gate area wanna party up? N-not that I a proud battle-mage needs any help. I MEAN it's not like they literally 2 shot me through my maxed Mana shield. Ha. Ha. HA.
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nobody cares about your nu-fun delusions, roastie
I'd play it if Fair Arena returned, otherwise i don't give a fuck about it.
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what the hell?
PSP and PS wireless controllers use the same USB charging cord, dummy.
So why is that usb cord plugged into a power strip?
it's not, it's plugged into an adapter
the hole isn't as deep and the color is completely different, meaning there's something else in it
It's plugged into a converter in the strip. Notice the one it's plugged into is about half as deep as the others. While the converters aren't that small, it is what it is, poorly drawn.
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Now I feel silly. Almost as silly as those deep socket holes that tricked my eyes.
stupid asura main
So m.grap seems like it should a great deal of damage but seems underwhelming, is it just the usual tons of gear situation?
Getting halidoms is easy, and those are equivalent to legendaries in PvP. What's your beef?
he's a shitter
Fair arena was simply better in every way, everyone had access to the exact same gear, exact same enchants, and it didn't have a personal cost to it since everyone was given a free set of their choice and enough tokens to purchase whatever enchants you wanted.

I could take a level 35 alt into fair arena and it was exactly the same as a level capped character with the exact same gear as every other character in pvp.
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sizki's dojo cant come soon enough... itll shut these fair arena shitters up for good
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>mentions sizki
>doesn't post sizki
>doesn't even post a dfo picture
ur a shitter
why don't you come to pvp and call me a shitter after you win? oh wait you can't win because you're the shitter. you wouldn't win in a hundred matches.
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>trying to get people to pvps
post more ovencrotch pics (tolly not blizzard TF2)
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Please, take a bath Tes- AH!
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does Tessa... pvps?
What is a better M Brawler epic to get from the Epic Road, Bloodstained Rake or Ghost Nail?
Yes. I do engage in some penis vs. pussy with her.
Nail if you have 9pc Street Disciple, Louie's if you have 9pc Devious.
Priest would be the closest approximation, they have a move where they grab an enemy and charge across the screen with them
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>penis vs. pussy
>hfw u unzip dick
I love Tessa... so much...
That skill has one of the longest CDs in the game now, which would you even recommend that piece of shit.
Because it's awesome and the idea of priest popping off like zangief is the funniest shit ever
>Because it's awesome
Yeah, once every two and a half minutes. It's fucking nothing.
how many normal ancient runs for lion?
how many for ex lion?

im in a party
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x axis ex
y axis normar
The cooldown is only like 12 seconds
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thanks runa... :3
So I have one "Bing Bong's Coin" and 44 "Trophy" that are apparently some kind of time limited currency. The bong coin is going to expire in 8 hours, is there anything I can get for it? Where is the shop?
>12 seconds
Do you even play the class?
put them kief coins in your bong and smoke them duh
Just checked and it's actually 5 seconds. I've never really looked at it before but it felt like about 10 seconds in game. Still, that's pretty short.
Go into Seria's room, click the little red house and click enter. Once inside, name your Daughteru and then talk to Bing Bong. It's way to late to earn any of the decent rewards, which were 1st awakening cut in replacers and 2 (two) quest legendary boxes. Sorry, bud.
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What would possess a man to go to such lengths?
>12 seconds
Please don't recommend classes or give advice to people anymore.
make me nerd (lol
So it seems like as an avenger I can spend demon meter by pressing basic attack, skill 1, or jump while I'm in the middle of a skill animation to summon some spooky ghost attacks, or I can save up for metamorphosis which boosts my damage a lot and also gives me the ghost attacks for free

Seems like there's no reason to not just save for metamorphosis

There's no reason to play the class either.
just started playing and what are these bing bong coins i'm getting?
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You don't have enough time to earn a sufficient amount for anything. You can ignore them.
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Yes there is, because it's fun
So is DT good unless whaled or no?
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dt can raid in chrons. just don't be a shitter and learn how to hold.
Her jugs are too big.
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Is this something that I need to be higher level to make use of?
yep you wont be able to use it, its ok tho, they give theses like candy
Yeah. Just let it expire.
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Don't forget, it's not too late
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>using steam
omg (lol)
See the problem is that path of exile is a seasonal hardcore ARPG. It's a game where the only thing to do is start over fresh every few months and find a new unique way to build a gimmicky character. There's no real long term content, it's not an MMO like marvel heroes or DFO is.

I'm not interested in starting over, I just want to have one main that I play forever, and PoE doesn't have the content or the game design to support that.

>Marvel Heroes

Once you finish hitting cap the first time, that game just doesn't become fun.

At least, when my friends bailed after hitting cap. I lost interest.
I unlocked and leveled about 30 characters to cap in between playing raids and progressing my main over the course of like 3000 hours in that game

Probably wouldn't have held my interest for so long without the /co/ supergroup, muggas is family
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>not an anime world game

sorry but the typical "fantasy/medieval/magicland/dragonworld" games are literally a dime a dozen, the colors are all dark and muddy and does not give me the feeling of anime.
dumb nene poster
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Do not speak to my daughteru that way!
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You broad...
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she's a big girl
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it pumps aphrodisiacs into her system
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Or she's wondering why someone would kick a child out of the house before becoming 18 years of age.
>Main crusader
>missed the free silver tome event and cheap wonderland grimoires
>All these people frantically selling while I sit at 0 gold since I bought 2, all I could save for.

Sucks because there wont be any more grimoires anytime soon, oh well
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>He didn't even give her the right name.
If I pull this off, will she cry?
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GOD: fnen, asura, dt, wm
Tier 1: monk, mranger, ds, sm, fmech, fspit (bugged dealing), bm (magic)
Tier 2: vagabond, zerk, sb, dk, mstriker, mnen, mlan, mmech, flan, ele, cr8, exo, avenger, ek, chaos
Tier 3: franger, eb, gm, dw, summoner, witch, necro
Tier 4: msf, mspit, swift master, kuno, duelist, vanguard
Garbage: fgrap, mgrap, rogue, sd, bloodmage, fsf
I disagree.
dafuq is this
how many luke raids did you do?
luke raid tiers
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barhz btfo
trannymisu btfo
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HA HA.gif
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are you guys ready to GET LUCKY in epic road 2.0?
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i still have ptsd from last time
I'm ready to get shark gothic instead of dark gothic!
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How stupid would it be to use this character link event to level up a Vagabond and a Vanguard?

And if it's really stupid, is Crusader easy and/or fun to level?

I don't mind wasting the event on a class that isn't "top tier" but i don't want to waste it on a class that is shit tier either.
It's not stupid but it's kind of dumb.

Crusader isn't easy but also not hard.
It's not fun but it isn't boring.

This is how you type.
if you have 9pc toybox tempster assist everything becomes easy

yeah im gonna make like 100 accounts and get lucky i hope


srs, what is the new honey time?
China getting 90 patch on the 2nd.
and JP's is on the 24th >>163159107

This pretty much confirms MMages will be getting "delayed" for other content. Again. First Epic reworks and OV reworks, now lv90 patch.
China is gay.
Well, both are kind of shit.
when's infinite chain powder for f ranger?
Feb 90 cap for us pleasee

At least by jan 24 we can enjoy yuuki aoi fmage
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DAYUM Hilder looks like THAT?
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Nen Master...
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of course
I thought avenger was the worst class in the game, why so high?
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>garbage: dracula

blood mage is shit pre 2nds. mediocre after 2nd awakening.
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the new updator is now a virus

am i fucked?

the fuck
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>using an anti-virus
New LT..

50% or 100% +11/+12 tickets....
This video is stupid.
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>Buy 100 keys
>Never get one
Luck is truly the greatest of skills.

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what a slowpoke
Wow it's fucking nothing.
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>fspit is shit in dfo
>supposedly good in elsword

do they just want people to migrate and PLAY L'S WORD?

Don't level a Vagabond man. I'm serious, don't do it. My guild raid has one of the most geared Vagabonds on the server and if her gear was on any other class she would be an absolute monster.
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But now Elsword has an anime. Elesis in DFO when?
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I wish we had the new m mage classed, i would just level that and i wouldn't have to decide what to level up with this event.
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Does Hanaboo not work for Neople anymore? She deleted all of her DnF art from all of her galleries and put a public apology on her Naver but I can't read it.

Dark knight really needs to trim his nails.
How do i hold? I heard i need to learn some boss-specific stuff...i just know binding>scaffold>cape
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Where's nyarly u fag fag she's top tier is not god! I let you know that im expirienced nyarly hugger and i have thousands of confirmed hugs and she's cute and top tier!
Srsly tho, month ago everyone complained how broken DW's damage is wtf happened
Dat ffigher ass...
Can i rub you to get good epic road luck?
Hot tip: You can level a base class M.Mage using the 1+1 event and then switch it to a Dimension Walker or whatever when they're released. I did this in the first 1+1 event with a Thief, before they ever released Kunoichi/Shadow Dancer.
>tfw excited for update
>just one really bad shift at work ahead
>then i am free
>free to fight in EPIC ROAD
>fight for ebin

we almost there anons
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You...you can not choose class at 15 when you are told to choose class.
i'm gonna guess she got laid off after that voice actor scandal
>that voice actor scandal
just off the top of my head
>some batshit gook female rapes young boys
>gets put into court
>feminazi cult of hertler make merch to sell to help cover her court costs
>some talentless va at nexon does a selfie in a shirt and posts some message about woman pride
>lots of outrage and shitflinging later va gets the sack
Not the OC, but all I remember was some fuss over a VA wearing a shirt belonging to a major man-hating feminist group and Koreans chimped out. I think that was it.
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Depends on exactly you're fighting, but here's a quick overview.

The default hold chain is:
binding -> scaffold -> cape -> lib madness -> binding -> scaffold -> 2nd awakening

Make sure you wait under your previous hold (bind/scaffold) almost expires before you start the next one.

You can mix this up a bit depending what you're fighting exactly. The basic theory is line is the best way to begin a hold chain, since its very accurate and you can harvest/mirror/etc mobs into the line if they aren't touching it.

For something like anton/raid, you'll need to know what to do for certain encounters, as some you don't want to hold and there's a couple tricks for each one.
is that meant to be the animated series followup?
>That thumbnail
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fighter of f...
>For something like anton/raid,
Well that's what im interested in, i know that you musn't hold floo and holding egene can fuck shit up too, but that's it. If someone would tldr me about every boss in raid, wink wink, nudge nudge, futa cock grab grab.
not that anon, but a voice actress at Nexon got fired for wearing a “Girls Do Not Need a Prince” shirt which caused a lot of outrage.

Hanaboo and other DnF artists got upset too and tweeted about it until they found out the shirt was linked to a radical feminist group called Megalia. then they retracted their tweets and apologized, but I'm guessing Hanaboo took the brunt of the backlash because she has the most followers.
>Girls Do Not Need a Prince
That's the slogan i can get behind! Finally some women who want a real man like me: fat, uninteresting, ugly, stupid and sad.

don't hold him. holding him can trigger his hold protection which is an instant tognado. you can use bind or another quick hold to cancel the suck move though.

if your group has good dps, you can use the standard hold chain right from the start. just remember not to cape until after he does his blue aura under him, otherwise you risk killing yourself if you are in cape animation when he does it.
if your party is doing orbs first, do the orbs then hold chain.

battlefield right guy
there's a couple strategies to start a hold on this dude, I'm pretty accurate with a long-range binding. throwing a raw scaffold can be iffy. some people use a soul-generating move in the other room and do dash-> madness. as long as you get the initial grab you can chain into others safely

battlefield left dude
just wait until he drops down and bind him.

don't be a fucking shit dt like I see so often in pugs. you have harvest, lancer, 1st awakening, mirror, a zillion things to move zombies around. Theres almost no excuse to failing this room as dt.

run up next to him, line, it should hold him when he comes out of invinc and then just chain as normal.

harvest/mirror the clones, if your group is shit you might have to help kill them as well. before they die run up beside agnes. as soon as they die and you see the shield going away, line. this takes timing but it should skip the other phases and chain as normal.

continued in next post

don't hold him. use multihit moves to proc the wallbang. mirror acts as a 'wall' for this purpose so you can actually keep him from running around. if you're experienced you can use a hold to cancel eyes but I would not recommend it until you know the timing.

don't hold him, use mirror to shield your group.

don't hold him, but you can extend vulnerability phase with a hold at the end.

normal: don't move him around with harvest/etc.
raid: you can use shadow hiding to cheese the jail mechanic and stay out and help your dps. play around with timing it as soon as your dps triggers the enccounter.

do whatever

do a line into 1st awakening to group them up, then hold chain

line, normal hold chain, use mirror liberally to guard against shockwaves

I like to immediately run up under him and cape, some people use shadow hiding in prev room, play around with different ways to grab this guy before he starts his gimmick. you want a tight hold chain on him as if he gets loose for a microsecond he will go invuiln and start his gimmick.

run up to the left panel of where she is and start holding, pray your group isnt retarded. same as mag5, don't drop your chain

don't hold him until the end of vulnerability phase to extend.

Man, this game takes a lot of work.
>That's the slogan i can get behind!
gonna need a wider slogan m8

General tips:

make sure harvest is always up for the def shred

use mirror as much as possible, its good dps plus the shield acts like super armor for your

many bosses have annoying iframes, thus line is usually the safest way to start a combo

remember that your 1st awakening gives you a damage boost

2nd awakening animation is really long. don't start it if there's a risk you can die or fuck up a gimmick if it goes on too long

keep congest stacks up by spamming lancer/clone/drain at doors

abuse shadow hiding iframes whenever possible
>flauncher good again
>monk good again
>mranger good again
>vagabond good again
>avenger good again

assuming this list is somewhat accurate, what the FUCK happened?
(and reworks)
what's so different about luke raid that those classes are relevant again and classes like fgrap and rogue are suddenly worthless?
for one, grabbing doesn't work so grapplers are fucked
Persistent holding sucks in Luke, to make a long story short
>be neople
>design some end game content
>be sure to shit all over a particular class' gimmick and only that class for no reason
is game designing really that hard?
Wow, didn't expect you to write so much, thank you! Just need to remember what boss is where and literally who beucase i only remember a couple by their name and i guess to learn what "end of vulnerability" means for each boss (i can barelly see them behind all the aoe lol)
>gracia is ~~very popular~~ only gear for poor people, what should we do about it?
>make mobs either immune or resistant to light lol.
then why is asura god tier?
People just decided to try out "this braindead class omg" and then realised that he's good.
its been getting numbers buffs in almost every patch for several months
You know that Asura isn't locked to light right
so asuras with gracia are garbage in luke raid?

you can't even do luke raid unless you have full 85-90 epics and savior.
He either locked into light or locked into 3 elements (light, fire, water) depending on how autistic you to take\not take passive.
literally wrong
you should write guides on reddit desu
>fire wave deals fire damage
>ice wave deals water damage
you going to use agni and ghost orb as your main damage?
just stop before you embarrass yourself more
Well tell me what's the "secret" then if you so pro at asura. Or you just going to repeat "lol ur dymb" over and over?
Actually, Agni taking on element is one of the reasons DG Asura works. You can hit over a billion damage with it.
this is before all the asura buffs that are incoming
he is dealing pure dark damage
the secret is knowing what you are talking about before writing advice
that's wrong you fucking idiot
looks so fucking cheap, jesus
Well i heard that agni becomes OP is future, but using it right now feels to clunky, can't imagine just usung it all the time.

I didn't write any advice (did anyone? we just talking about le ment) but i can't understand how non-light works on asura since almost every skill is element locked.
If we talking about DG then i only see the "point" in elemental elenore since its that broken, but like getting (not-dg and not light) on asura feels bad to me.
>already at explorer level 10
>1+1 only awards 3 chron boxes

how much does the mind of egene event help? if it speeds up leveling considerably i might just level another character.
>not using egene event to level up 3rd char
It's already OP you fucking shitter. If you're not using it at all times on bosses then you're trash.
is that the efficient thing to do or are you just being a memer? i don't really know how this event is gonna work
Leveling 1+1 chars is already easy, you can use egene to speed it up but why bother if you can use it to help leveling your "regular" alt instead?
I just got here and wanted to let you know ranger doesn't need autokey at all
his x combo is ezpz
snowwhite drops his combos because he gets nervous being the only non-gook for miles
who the fuck are you?
ids ub
>no honey time

fk u nipple
oh wow

the EH-GHEN-EH event IS the honey time...
I won't be baited again, you kek.
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how's WM's leveling process?
shit. it was only tolerable with the chron rental event
like every other class, easy
if you're asking how to level, use a shortsword to spam sst
Doesn't work like that any more. They removed the fixed component of SS SST.

Mediocre, but not so bad now that scenarios exist.
>Doesn't work like that any more. They removed the fixed component of SS SST.
that has nothing to do with it
the aoe is what makes it good
okay so my gay plan to get alts into raid is
* DT is somewhat geared, its not like im gonna get into raid, haha hehe im sad
* Fnen is okay?
* Chaos is gay but okay, maybe 3 more months of ancients and i can raid
* EK - just get some chron stuff and WC and then realise i was memed on again
* DW - maybe run hell road? Jgl and get flyswatter, ez right?
* Mom - only 85 epic is good, probably not worth to run road, get tabazaza and 9pc set and don't get into raid untill 6 months later when i get gracia. Also possibly 1+1 char
* SB - doesn't need epics, maybe i don't know. Possibly 1+1 char
* Base male - ???, run hell road untill some epic drops and i kill myself? 1+1 to get blood boy sooner?
* Fmech - i don't know what to get really, some 6pc toybox? Some stupid stuff in offslots? Raid ready? Possibly 1+1 char
* DS - she's up to no good in the neibourgnood, she got one big nerf and everyone got scared said "lol trash tier not getting into raid!" run hell road on? get some kind of lego weapon instead? * Avenger - dark and dank, likes anime and metallica(not our metallica, the band) , run hell road and hope for epic? Doubt can get into raid with anything but full dg.
* Why are you still reading this this is just some autist speaks some autists things
* Asura from seasonel server with gracia - give box with epic sword? Uh?
* Make a crawling in my skin my wounds they will not heal - master? (not dk) and run hell\giv box to? Can't raid without gracia can he
* Witch - i dunno what the fuck they do or need
* Bugmage - cute cute! Run hell road\give bayo? Can't raid without gracia? Physical sux?
did anyone get a weapon drop yet
I ran 5 epic roads and didn't get any epics. wtf neople
you played the game. Should have left dfo and you could have ran 10.
yeah, punished
Some shitty lv70 gaut.
>people linking BiS weps and DG pieces on megaphones
death to the luckers.
>guildmate gets a 70 APC epic, Balmung, and an epic I've never even heard of from their 5 runs
Is Dark Knight fun/easy to level?
Yes and yes. Use Outrage Break a lot to clear rooms.
>tfw my eternal hate and contempt for luckers probably just brings me more bad karma, resulting in even less usable epic drops

a vicious cycle...
Thanks. Is there a preferred weapon/armor type for leveling?
Light armour. Has the most physical-based stats. Can also pick cloth if you go magic build, though.
Should I be using a Zan if I go physical?
Yes, but it's pretty slow and the enemies aren't very hard to kill so you can get away with going blunt/katana/lightsabre if you want to be faster.
>luke raid tiers
>sb tier 2
>fsf at the bottom
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good, because i got a bullet with luke's name on it.
Is there a list of easy gearing classes for anton? I already have a crusader and DT but im not really opposed to leveling more. I just want a decent income without getting stuck in grandine/natram
How should i go about gearing all this nonsence?
>70 APC Epic

So APC epics are actually possible to obtain this time? They weren't available in the previous Epic Road
Yeah. He got the 70 Broomstick APC epic. I forget its name, but it looks like God's Eyelashes.
grandine slaving is so good that gooks still do it in 90 cap
Are you sure about that? Last I saw was that they nerfed how much gold Grandine gives at level 85/86 and you get even less gold if you're above its optimal level range. You seem to barely get any gold if you run it at level 90.
>log in
>ran 10 daily fake hells
>log off
nice game
normal dungeon is the only thing that doesnt rng drop nothing so of course gooks would nerf it lol

neople is really good at killing an already dead game
is Mana Reinforcement for fnen a good one to pick from the event epic pot?
when grandine slaving, the raw gold you get + the gold you get from NPC selling all your drops is enough to make it worth it

especially when you have grandine slaves like asura
it's one of the better weapons you can choose from the pot
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The raw gold you get from Grandine at level 90 is reduced though, so all you have is the NPC drops for gold. I'm pretty sure the only reason why gooks still farm Grandine is for Magtonium which still needed for Anton Raid and Heroic Anton.
>epic road now drops armors
>now getting a weapon drop from it is even harder
fucking neople. who the fuck cares about armor?
>He didn't read the event page

The drop pools are separate. The two Demons before the Endboss can only drop Armor, the Endboss only drops Weapons.
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What should I add to my collection?
I was thinking about mMech/SoulBender/some fSlayer.
>only one capped character
>Make level 1 characters to link
>Event not popping up


Did I waste these names for NOTHING!?
Which lancer subclass do you guys enjoy having in a party more? I have to wait a month for my priests name to become available, so I want to try him out.
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use the ingame link menu anon, can't do it from character select.
You have to choose between fmage gf and nyarly gf. Who?
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I stopped playing when Knight was released, these characters are pretty old. I got my shitty asura to cap a minute ago so don't green arrow me, just give me some answers.
Sb is ok
Dark Tittie
Don't know were you got your information, but Grandine didn't get nerfed. Guy gets 28k from card doing a full run on Kings, lv90 as well.

I average 26-32k rush on Slayer.
can someone post a flowchart of how I gear up at endgame, approaching level cap
What class are you, how many IRL money do you want to spend on dfo?
Blue Guardian Vetala's Christmas thigh exposure...
I wanna slap Vetala's thigh!

What set is that, how the heck does he does that that fast.
Crazed Arsonist set. Mmech and Asura with Furious Rampage and Void Sura are the fastest farmers with minimal investments. Also 90 cap patch buffed a lot of classes' skills.
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Crusader, would rather not spend money unless I really enjoy some ava set or the endgame

thank you
You're in luck, skip hell and just get chron + deep rooted cross then you're raid ready.
Better examples of >>163264925
Asura with Rampage with Void Sura King: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hPIXva9G8PQ

Mmech with Arsonist with lv85 Anton Leg Auto: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dyjuoF9WtO8

Leg Auto is cheaper than VSK as well.
Shufflector or Neo Automatic if I'll only be using my M.Mech to farm non-Anton dungeons?
I'm retarded, so which chron set? And where do I get that cross?
Cross is from the hell road box, the chron set is Vow of Silence.
neo auto + crazed arsonist is better for farming/ grandine slaving
Thank you anon.

Also, another general question aside from Crusader, what other classes are loved in endgame? I kind of want to make an alt finally.
SB and Mechs.
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>Christmas Season Annis
>Christmas Season Woo

Christ. I want these sprites permanently.
after all these years i finally can get an arges
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Too bad I can't give you mine that I got from the last ebin road
Is Arges even close to BiS for any class? I have it on my Asura thanks to the ebin transfer stone but even on him there's apparently better options.
Crusader can easily gear in chron set (9pieces of vow of silence and 3 or silent prayer) you get from Otheverse dungeons (those you can enther 5 times a day). If you want to go full autism-"i main sader" mode you can also farm 6pc kartel and vilmark sets but they are literally minmax and you still need chron set.
As other anon said - deep rooted is i think 3rd best cross in the game you can get, its 80lvl and you can get it from box you get from hell road.

Just decide right now - you want to be either spirit sader or vilality, because your main goal is to stack as much of this stat as possible (retaining 9pc VoW).
Vit buffs phys and Spr buffs magic, right?

I have a feeling there are more phys classes at endgame, but I want to make the right choice.
Both are equally in demand so it comes down to whether you wanna get your dick sucked by waifuslayers or f.mage
There arent many vit saders running around for some reason.

Tactical is better than vilmark but good luck finishing that
I have no empty slots and I must alt.
I don't understand this Christmas Socks event. We get a drop from every single boss fight but we can only use 3 per day to get items?
Can the decorations be purchased/used multiple times?
>wooyo's rosary is a better weapon for avengers than most of the epic scythes

Who fucking designed this shit?
>level 75 weapon being BiS when Saviors and level 90 Epics with better effects exist

Arges isn't BiS it's just a very powerful weapon. The only reason it isn't BiS is because there's other epics with higher Smash/Crit Smash out there and those two things are the only thing the weapon has going for it.

I honestly see more people looking for VIT saders in DFOG
The decorations are only used once. Santa sells other stuff too that you can buy with the socks
This leveling speed is pretty nuts, wonder if you can do 85 in one day using both characters and all the boosts in game.

>Did 1-17
>No fucking EXP monster drops or whatever
>Everything's the same

Did I miss registration or something?
They start dropping sewers. The level up ticket packages, plus mileage pills for both characters, and two sets of 156 fp potions. Should be able to hit 70 easily.
Heroic Anton is basically the raid versions of those bosses/dungeons, but without the actual raiding part? Same difficulty and everything, go sader or go home?

>Level up ticket packages
>Mileage pills

I know the mind of egene or whatever drops, but what are you getting on about?
Theirs the PLAY DFO event running which gives level up tickets + hell tickets for points earned by clearing dungeons. Store has level up pills in mileage section for certain level ranges, gives 99% exp

Oh I thought you were talking about something else entirely. Whoops.

Guess I've already fucked it up since I'm not using mileage level up pills for lower levels
All events don't start until you reach Optimal Level Dungeons. Optimal Level Dungeons don't start until Sewers.

Only the monsters have the Raid Mechanics, the dungeons have the same layouts as the Anton Normal version. You won't have to deal with the raid events such as Meteors spawning because of Naval Cannon Defense not being cleared or hatchery monsters showing up in Volcano because the Hatcheries haven't been cleared.

The Normal Anton layout ironically enough makes the Heroic Anton version of Cutting Off the Energy much harder than the Raid one since you have every single named Hatchery mob crammed into one Dungeon on top of them still having their Raid attacks like Ator's Imprisonment.

You need much more Gear than Anton Normal and more Gear than the bare minimum Gear than Raid for Heroic Anton since you have to tackle the all the hard Raid Dungeons like Durable Leg that are typically reserved for the people with the most gear.
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>when your tomodachis are geared enough for heroic anton
I thought some of the 80-85 epics were fucking terrible, epic road made me realize how bad 60+ epics are jesus christ why do these even exist
Because the cap was lower back then...
it was a different time
Why do people say F. Brawlers should focus on intelligence when their weapon and armor puts their strength higher?
Intelligence boosts DoTs more than strength?
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>run ebin road 5 times
>got 3 weapons and 1 armor
this is a bragginglucker-free zone, please brag in megaphone chat like all the other scumfuck normies.
just get lucky
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I don't main fgrap though. I just use her to funnel invites.
Does he just always has light naut DT on standby?
Bad picture. Vetala doesn't shave her snatch.
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she's naturally bald there because she's a dragon-morph
>trannymisu finally 100% confirmed to be a tranny

when i saw that ""she"" is playing the dbz mobile game it was all clear to me.

i'd fuck him tbqh
let's talk about pvp combo's
whatever buttons i have my ahk script and lag switch bound to :)
pvp is fair, balanced and rewarding!
Should I farm Gracia for my Vagabond? Currently using the 9pc Ascension set and it's pretty good
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i wish miridia didn't exist
then pvp would be even deader
hate him all you want, he did more for this game's pvp than anyone else
Go for it if you like your Vagabond enough. Gracia likely won't be useful until you get the full set.
on the contrary, i think he helped kill pvp. him and aegisrick. anyone who watches those 2 just see them get frustrated and complain which makes them less likely to try pvp.
Sleep tight dfog, you okay.
Makes sense, thanks for the explanation. ain't nobody letting an avenger into that with less than 5/5 DG so I guess I'll just fuck off forever then
watching them got me into pvp, sounds like you're just projecting
Gracia is stronger than Ascension. I would still keep Ascension since it becomes a swap set later when they add a Quintuple Strength boost to the set.
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>in a pool of 76 posters, not a single one pvps or even considers it except for me

wow i feel really special
we all pvp we just collectively kurolisted you
>we all pvp

omg lol
Annis is the best. I need her to be my girlfriend.
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are you guys pvping right now? can i join your room?
>Annis' legs on the christmas costume
yes actually but i don't know if you actually want to play or if you are just perpetuating your meme
it's not a meme, i've been looking for people to play with for months but the thread always turned me down and made me into a meme.
Should probably just kill yourself snowflake.
just kidding lol kys
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Chinks are back to their channel crashing activities.
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>Start DFO for the first time in 30 days for epic road
>Get put in NOBLESKY channel
>Empty mailbox
>Move to town


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>didn't get any epics in 5 runs
>didn't get any epics on my 20 alt accounts

What's the thing to murder in training room to test my solo deeps? Is it level 100 nugol?
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bug bug
hey guys
remember """"""amazing"""""" sox? (lol)
and then

and then the jews got fucked in the ass
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r u n fmage?
Why are they allowing something as dangerous and the Flame Fairy to just sit in Seria's room? Why isn't any of the NPCs killing it?
he's helping us find EGG-GAY-KNEE
But they should just let him die.
I'm sure shuffle+deep cover is just as good, and can actually do hard stuff too.
Which profession should I pick? I am leaning towards alchemist, but I like the idea of animator but I heard it was shit. Is animator still shit?
>I am leaning towards alchemis

>wanting to sell potions for less than the items that you grinded to make them are worth

eggxellent choice
Are there any professions that actually make money?
It's always the chinks making big deals in Echo Megaphones over not getting epics.

The NPCs are shitters who never ran Anton. They represent 90% of the DFOG playerbase
not really, you might as well just go disassembler for convenience
>The NPCs are shitters who never ran Anton.
why don't the strong npcs like siran, aganzo, gsd and vaughn, etc fight anton?
>anton tutorial with gsd
>he's level 200 with 3a and still wrecks their shit with a stick
story just writes itself
If I pop all these minds of eugene and become massively overleveled, will that fuck up my quest progess? First time playing and I kind of want to follow the story and do all the quests
If you want to follow the """"""story"""""" you can just pop them on a different character, or you can just look up the quests and read through the text on the wiki. And even if you become overleveled, the quests will still be there unless you click clear quest and skip that line.
>nipple let gsd fade away into obscurity
>he's just that old man sitting there by the wall
>can't even see him in a mirror arad dungeon
>you will never witness his true power

fug u nipple...
at least the nips had the right idea of turning him into a cheap copy of master roshi

if nippon stronk annexed worst korea, asura's 3a would be straight from dbz
asura should temporarily transform into an avatar of indra for 3rd awakening and be a better metamorphosis than avenger with two gigantic lightning weapons and 4 arms
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