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Dota 2 General - /d2g/

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Thread replies: 734
Thread images: 132

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Leave China to me.

Latest patch: http://www.dota2.com/700
New players: https://purgegamers.true.io/g/dota-2-guide/
Wiki: http://www.dota2.gamepedia.com/
Blog: http://blog.dota2.com/
Lore: http://dev.dota2.com/showthread.php?t=35923
Guides: http://steamcommunity.com/app/570/guides
Cosmetic simulator: http://dotaloadout.com/
Competitive Scene: http://wiki.teamliquid.net/dota2/Main_Page

Competitive DOTA 2 analysis: http://www.datdota.com/
DOTA 2 analysis: http://www.dotametrics.wordpress.com/
Personal statistics: http://www.dotabuff.com/
Personal statistics#2: http://www.opendota.com/ (formerly yasp.co)
Hero stats: http://www.devilesk.com/dota2/heroes/herodata/
Hero and DPS calculator: http://www.devilesk.com/dota2/apps/hero-calculator/

he's also very ignored in favour of WE WUZ KANGS
this thread was late as shit. kys
So my game crashes before it even launches.

I've had this problem before, is there any way I can fix it without doing a fresh reinstall?
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is Crystal "Maiden" the most horrible title given to someone in dota land?
this "Maiden" doesnt look like a maiden to me , hell Lina the Slayer is more of a maiden compared to this slut.
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>historical revisionists trying to claim 4chan wasn't always racist and sexist

>neutral creeps are 2 kills ahead of both dire and radiant

ALL dotas are pure

except QoP but she's got a penis so she doesn't count
gustav is streaming lads
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Pic related
If you dont have balloon try using condom instead
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yeah and the earth is flat isn't it?

and they get nothing for those kills.
did they fix the fps issues?
are you too new to know the days of NIGGERTITS
show me the curve
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Sure thing
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where do I post bugs?
just comeback from a long hiatus (Since 2014 december) wtf is that spell vamp??
What major change I should know guys?
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>get level 25 on QoP
>buy blademail
>LITERALLY unkillable
nice game dotards
Look. Our team had 3 cores and 1 support. I picked another core. Now in the previous patch I used to head to the jungle and get farmed. But now you can't jungle since the new changes. What do I do? Go dual lane with another core and steal his farm and leach his exp? Epic dotards truly epic.
Spell Amp
It's just damage amplification granted from items and certain abilities
But there is spell vamp on Octarine Core (25%)
Amp as in damage amplification based on your int
Reminder that the whole point of Dota 2 is to be a clunky, outdated mess. This is the entire reason for its existence. Fixing that is like drilling a hole in a spoon for better aerodynamics.
>now you can't jungle
check this curve bithc *grabs dick*
we are league of the storm.
The riotzard employee(icefrog) is giving us the best of both worlds. We now have ability damage carries or whatever the fuck they call it in LoL and talent trees or whatever the fuck they call it in HotS
>spell amplication
that was the first step towards league of dota
now 7.00 has completed this new gameplay
The fact that arteezy has never won a major or ti makes him even more /ourguy/ and only r_dditors disagree
Do you get Hotd or MoM on Huskie now? Before, if you got Hotd and armlet earlier enough it was really hard to kill you off, now Hotd doesn't really have any use as just a 8hp Regen because it's totally obsolete next to a Vanguard.
But the negative armor from MoM is terrible for him.
then you just get morbid mask retard, have you tried thinking for yourself for a single second?
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Things Monkey King has revealed:
>Slark was the fucktoy of Dark Reef
>OD is gay
>DK (or maybe just the dragon he turns into) doesn't like being ridden
>Jugg and TA was a thing
>There definitively are, or at least were, 4 Spirits
>Treant doesn't like people climbing him
>WR is a psychopath
>I'm too shitty to lane and Valve punished me for it wah wah
jungling is objectively harder than laning
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>tfw you realize the Spirit Bear is literally a tulpa made by Lone Druid
Because jungle cores are idiotic. Unless you're a engigma or something. I automatically report people who take melee carried immediately into jungle
>Playing against bots is harder than playing against Noone, sccc, RTZ etc.

What did the retard dumbfuck 3k faggot mean by this?
jungling is harder and better than bullying some teenager on the other side of the creep wave you insensitive fuck
Since when has constant aggression and every hero being played in multiple roles been a thing in league of legends? The last time I heard, games had 3 kills at 20 minutes and you could get banned for playing a hero outside of its designated lane.
>Repeat exact same motions every game
You could literally be replaced by a script for the first 15 minutes.
I haven't laned in weeks and my conduct is green and behaviour score is over 9000. Apparently I haven't met facists like you that say everyone should lane. But this patch really killed jungle
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>tension rises
Tier 5 aylmao
Lose lane win game ayy
you're wrong tho
because valve is forcing 5v5 aggression and nothing else. That's the same as riot forcing farming and nothing else

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>Bullying is bad
>You get farm
>You contest a lane to deny your opponent farm
>Winning the lane gives you even more farm than jungling
>You get marginally more farm than a contested lane
>One of your lanes fails automatically because they're alone
>You complain about the enemy safelane carry getting out of control after the match
Stick to your schizo group therapy containment board
where else can I post this bug? I doubt they hear me on reddit
I counter gank the safelane whenever I can. So you can fok off mate

I would (albeit less enthusiastically) lane if there wasn't already a core in that lane. That core is taking all the last hits. What the fuck ay? Do I steal his last hits?
is every board you don't like a containment board?
Because it's inefficient. Especially for someone like a LC or Blood.
It puts another lane at a disadvantage, it doesn't farm as fast as lane, and it prevents you from getting kills, because you're not fighting.
It's a waste of time and resources.
But based tulpas shibboleth the buta out of /x/.
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Any consensus on lvl 10 and 15?

although i've never posted there so maybe its a graveyard?
>implying you don't talk about the new dota already
except for 3 kills in 20 min
Neither is forcing anything. Games are about aggression in dota right now because farming requires learning the new map. Nobody fights in league because of the fucked way that champions scale.
>lanes fail automatically because they're alone
Teams like EG always win by outfarming and picking more cores than the enemy team. They don't lose the lategame because they outscale them. I try to follow those strats
lvl 10 basically always strength because you just want to be stronger and more durable in fights, level 15 damage because lc is fast as fuck anyway
but, they do it in league of legends...

I'd say the str at 10. Helps farm items, and live through a duel with more HP.
15 is obvious.
Then don't pick a 4th core, retard. Ganking the safelane as a jungler is nearly impossible because any competent offlaner would never push out against a jungler that could be right behind the treeline.
I'd go for strength and move speed. If the strength nets you even one kill or keeps you away from one situation it was better, 30 damage is really trivial on LC while movespeed is hard to come by
For lvl 10, go for STR, since it gets you a bit more survivability in duels.
Lvl 15 needs the damage. You'll already be initiating with Blink anyway, or using Press The Attack in case you need to catch up
Best talents for NP?
EG wins with more cores because they rely on outdrafting their opponent into weak lanes that can be handled solo. Unless you're doing the same it's not equitable.
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Right side > Left side on all heroes, prove me wrong dotards
LC never needs damage if she's winning her duels.

I said counterganking. That's when the offlaner is diving.
You're not Sumail and RTZ. They also pick heroes strategically. They don't all pick heroes
I hate when people assume I hate changes that make it into league only because league does it.

I hate it because why change this game into league to attract other players when they could just go play league.

Why change my game to be another game

Ree, angry_pepe.avi, etc, etc.
Your offlane is also becoming a magnificent failure because there's nobody on his half of the map. The enemy carry is getting what is essentially uncontested freefarm greater than anyone on your team, including you.
By 15, a competent LC should have blink. I don't see why you'd need move speed.
>Valve nerfs jungle
>League of Legends patch
Why should I go leach my offlaners exp?
Do you even know what SOLO OFFLANE means?
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It means you draft a hero that can contest the enemy carry's farm alone with little risk, at the cost of scaling more poorly due to their strong earlygame. Since your teammate picked a core it's unlikely he can do that.
>forcing a meta
>by making it viable to play many heroes in different ways
by core I meant offlane hero. I am glad we could sort out that misunderstanding
You VERY obviously don't understand dota.
If this is ranked captains where the team is being assembled with strategy in mind then that's one thing. But most of the time, offlane needs some kind of help, unless they're a hero specifically designed (drafted) to do better with solo experience.
Then pick a roamer if you're finding the jungle ususable. I don't understand what's so hard.
they pick shadow fiend, anti mage, and storm spirit
you can't play different heroes in the jungle anymore. They are forcing a meta by nerfing the jungle playstyle.

Most if not all strength heroes are designed to to do better with solo experience

You can't roam for a sub 10 minute midas
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>Make decision that will impact your hero regardless of how farmed it gets
>Thus adding complexity to the game, as wrong decisions can be made
>League of Legends
>le talents allow more different ways
no they dont, they could probably do that if they werent generic as fuck with an almost clear talent path for most heroes.
Most heroes get talents that fix their main issue or enhance what they already do well and are therefore obvious choices you'll allways take.
The only time where you really decide is when its something generic like +armor or +magic res and you decide according to your enemies.

tl;dr talents are shit, they could make it interesting but don't
>Icefrog rejected Riot and Blizzard in favor of making his own game without interference of suits telling him what to do
>Valve promises to let him do what he wants
>fast forward to December, 2017, big suits take over and slowly turn the game into League of the Storm

Icefrog, I hope you're coping well. I would hate to be in your position, being betrayed like that.

Don't know what happened to Valve lately, they're slowly turning into EA. Gaben use to be based, but now he's showing his true colors. It was apparent after booting 2GD, but look at the state of all their other games. CSGO is dying, they killed TF2 by only responding to the community AFTER Overwatch was released and was successful. Like how do you defend ignoring your player base for 7 years for a competitive mode and only cave when a new game is on the market. I don't fucking understand
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Ok, nvm. This is just a troll
Wow, a 10 minute midas. I'm positive that will change the flow of the game more than pressuring every lane.
What the hell is your MMR? Like 2.6?
I would like to remind you that they replaced Attribute Bonus, which was a catch-all for when a hero had shitty abilities compensated by one or two that prevented the hero from getting buffed.
>you can't play different heroes in the jungle anymore.
This isn't LoL. Very few heroes are viable in the jungle and none of them are impacted by the changes.
They were all viable in the past and aren't now
>trying to make a game more profitable
>by copying games that are LESS popular
So basically you're a 1k player and are mad that your games that aren't even real dota got screwed over.
League: 100 million playerbase
Dota: 13 million playerbase

Tell me again how League is less popular?
Does anyone whos around 4k wanna queue with me
no fuck off
TF2 never had competent devlopment (Scout update, Pyro at launch, etc) and it still doesn't (Crit-a-Cola with Shortstop is still impossible to stop). TF2's success was inflated by the lack of a direct competitor. It's hard to make a game free and profitable so you can continue development. Blizzard resolved the issue by charging for the game so they didn't have to force monetization that was the downfall of many attempted competitors to TF2. Competent devlopment and marketing did the rest.
>100 million playerbase
>HotS: Literally dead on arrival
League is 70 million and dota isn't far behind actually
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>Source: Some news article that cites RIOT as their source
>post bug on reddit
>thread won't show
why is reddit so shit?
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Why would riot lie? Why are dotards so paranoid
Turkroaches are worse than russians
Not to mention

>Tossing 6 months of feedback through the window when making your Competitive
>Graphical restrictions when the game is already optimized like ass
>No class limits

And, also, tossing out Quickplay, one of it's better aspects which let you hop into a server right away, in favor of a "more modern" system that fails not only because of being slow, but because TF2 doesn't have the playerbase to afford it.

I just wish they gave the boot to Jill and brought back Robin.
Dota : 20 million prizepool
Lol : ???
>only support goes afk at level 2 but doesn't abandon for some reason
>cant report him during game
>we lose, ancient falls
>game crashes as always now
>can't ever report him

Because it's owned by a chinese company, notably reputable for being the most trustworthy republic on the planet
working as intended
free to play
Because the data doesn't add up. The league equivalent to dota buff had like pitiful numbers compared to dota despite having a gorillian more players.
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Riot's value tracks every account that was ever created as "playerbase". If you actually watched their shareholder reports you would notice because it's important to how they claim profit. They also change their "active playerbase" value regularly so even if they lose money they can shorten the average player's lifespan so it appears people are spending more. This is because their "profits" for ingame permanent boosts (i.e. buying a champion) have to be spread out over how long the player is expected to use them when reported in financial forms.

Next time learn how a fucking business works to see how many people actually play League.
>working as intended

Yeah, I'm actually transitioning over to HoN because of this clusterfuck.
If league is so bad why is Dota slowly turning into it?

Checkmate atheists.
how can a 100 million people play League if theres only 80 million people in the world?
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Based businessman blowing lolbabby the fuck out.

Get cucked.
hey mr gorman!
>riot games reveals
nice source
It's actually turning into opposite of league gameplay-wise, but dotards here never played it so they are just memeing around.
100 trillion active players but their tourneys barely break 500k viewers which CSGO and DotA do with a fraction of the players

>want to play dota
>update installs
>it's now league of legends

I just wanted to play dota 2 ;_;
>male Wukong is covered in fur
>female Wukong isn't
Fucking stupid. I honestly hate R63 artists. Like, if you're going to swap a character's sex, then what's the whole point if you don't keep any of their characteristics? Why not just create an entirely new character instead, then?
the guy's source is an interview with a couple of fags that work for riot retard-kun
Does an LC with silver edge and blade mail counter Monkey King?
Jungle LC has and always will be retarded, but blood can actually do it thanks to iron talon being affected by blood rage, he is just weak at the start, then you get into the territory of shit like axe and brood who can get some crazy clear times. should it be done every game, fuck no, it's situational as shit. Is it outside the realm of possibility, hell no, you can do some incredible stuff if you actually know what you are doing, which I think is the main problem. Iron Talon is absurdly good and it had opened up shit like jungling fucking Io until the jungle got changed this patch.
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>update dota 2
>launch dota 2
>see this
>get item that reduces enemy damage output
>get item that reflects damage enemy deals to you
great synergy there dotard
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Gocarts, what is objectively the single strongest, best hero this patch?
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new to fantasy?
>Username filled in

Um dotard?
but pros get shivas on axe all the time!
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This value literally means fuckall. Not only are we talking about the same website that argued cheating was healthy for online games, but also Riot's value is deliberately altered.

Their exact phrasing "monthly players" does not mean "unique players last month" (like on Valve's website), it means "unique players over an arbitrary timespan extrapolated over a month". If you read Riot's financial reports you would notice their statistic of 100 million is implausible when you read their average player lifetime and spending. I could make a game with only one person who plays it (me), log in, and extrapolate the exact second I log in over a month to say the game has 250k players. If you EVER learned how a business works and how they cheat numbers to deceive shareholders you would know this.
If there's a competitive mode in TF2 now does that mean they're going to turn the Spy into a hero that actually functions?
>DK (or maybe just the dragon he turns into) doesn't like being ridden
Let's see, you're this amazing powerful dragon, and this little shitstain thinks he can sit his ass on your back and scream like a madman. No shit he woudn't like being ridden
how come Dota doesnt have a fisting waifu hero?
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nobrain is OURGUY
Valve competitive is seen as a complete joke by everyone and it's universally clear Valve doesn't know what they're doing when the it launched with no class or weapon restrictions. Even if they did care about Spy (spoiler: they don't), his changes would either make him horribly overpowered (Crit-a-Cola buffs) or just do nothing (Sun-on-a-Stick buffs)
there's a ton of art that proves DK loves being ridden (by jakiro and visage)
Is anyone casting this Alliance/Horde matchup in english?
Thanks for the reminder. I was only thinking duel to stop him from escaping or ulting and the silveredge to keep his passive off.
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I want to fuck Ilexa.
Heh, good one.
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Okay, I'll admit I didn't see that one coming.
you could already discern slark got raped from this one though
>Envy defending ggbet and shitting on redditards

Wtf I like EE now
Quick lads whats the Lycan skill build?

I've heard its max Howl?
because blink has a cooldown and the game exists outside blinking to duel
if GGbet doesn't let you withdraw any money you put in/won, thats pretty shitty
I've been playing dota for like 3 years and I don't think I've ever even played Lycan
>wiggle wiggle, little fish
How does this imply he dropped the soap?
There was reasonable doubt because it could have been a shitty joke (with Slark being a fish). Now that MK has that voiceline we can ascertain that voiceline as being a subconscious resurgence of his insecurities in Dark Reef. (i.e. People often said that when they raped him)
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Can I support for you anon-kun?
what's the consensus of the most benefited heroes and the ones that got the biggest stick up their asses in this patch?
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Buy midas so you can max everything by 15 minutes. His skills are all just too good.
Has it been said anywhere how slark got all his magic powers? Obviously he didn't always have them because he would have been able to escape being raped.

It also doesn't make any sense that a fish has night-based abilities naturally.
something something juggernaut arcana something
I have 2453 hours spent on dota 2, it was my main game which i always returned to.

Now i have uninstalled it, this new patch ruined it for me, why did they disable the loading screen which you got from compendiums and from skin packs which you liked. The artwork is removed and soon forgotten probably.
They released their own hero monkey king which is insanely OP if played correct ( Level 7 1 shot support heroes 1k+ crit wut)
Presumably he learned them from the other guys who were breaking out.
Made me search it. Well done anon.
sniper gets a lot of buffs to shrapnel
terrorblade is still alright for pushing towers
chaos knight is much better now that illusions get +as
all of lunas talents are marginal at best
Oh man, it would be pretty funny if the reason the real 12 failed to escape is because they were hiding shit from each other and the only person who new everything was Slark.
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he wants to have a gay orgy
I mean, you would probably be dismissive about giving information to the prison fucktoy. What would he do with it? He's clearly the weakest guy in the prison so if he tries some shit everyone will just beat him up and rape him again.
He made some pact with super spoopy demons hence the name of dark pact
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>another Chinese hero
>barely 1k
>mfw update fucked Dota 2 up
>mfw I've fallen out of playing SOOPER SRS TIME INVESTMENT assfaggots for some reason
>mfw I am now stuck playing HoTS because i'm an impatient person and i just want a fucking MOBA with the core gameplay but without the tedium and the skill ceiling

what is my problem
in the end I get along with and am respected by people of all skin colors

what I really hate isn't non-whites but d2g, which happens to be full of non-whites
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Im 4.2k mmr and am completely shit at the game, how do you explain that, dotards?
i believe it's deep ones, you know like cthulhu and friends
>friend gets auto disconnected since the new patch
>he hasn't been able to play
Nice patch dotards. I wanted to play with him tonight.
When do they fix these fps issues?
Should there be more things that interact with day/night in the game?
Picking Omniknight
then why doesn't he say deep ones like all the other fish people do?
What does he even have to offer them aside from a perfectly trained fish boypussy?
That's probably exactly what the dark ones were looking for
>jungler takes both bounty runes and uses both shrines off cooldown
what the fuck dotards?
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Soe is grade A wife material
that's weird that they would just change it to dark ones for no reason
>uninstalls because of fucking "hurr i can't see my COSMETICS"
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ETA till fps fixes?
Was icefrog always a madman? What was he like back in WC3 dota?
yeah, maybe it's just because they wanted to give him a shadowy stealth type and that led to dark pact which led to the dark ones?
does any other hero mention dark ones?
maybe the dark ones are like deep ones++
Ilexa is a boy!
Ilexa is a boy!
Ilexa is a boy!
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So is Ilexa!
>You get inked in Dark Reef?
>They don't know what it's like inside. Right, Slark?

Does inked mean raped? What did KANG mean by this?
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Um dotard?
Yes dunce, do you think they could outright say "raped" in a game rated "E for Everyone"?
different dev back then
I believe "inked" refers to tattoos.

As in prison tattoos
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How do I enable the green arrow skill indicator when I press skills to cast?

I think there was an option but it dissapeared after the patch.
whats the deal with centaur? top winrate this patch.
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>custom f-list
>say's he's a girl so he has to be a girl
They ARE unused voicelines after all.
so slark is a boypussy hero...
Why does he butcher the names so hard?
>No custom f-list
>Says she's a boy so she has to be a boy

Um dotard?????
He has always had a high winrate.
not always http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=inked&defid=8050111
He's one of those heroes that's broken as fuck but no one notices because it isn't flashy. Sort of like how viper is an auto win character even though he doesn't look it
How's Heroes of the Ancient's Legends these days?
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>3 up 15 down

okay buddy
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Monkey King is a melee hero with 300 range thanks to his staff

Phantom Lance should get 300 range cause of his lance.
wouldn't icefrog be homer?
Monkey King's based off a mythical figure that had an elongating staff (phrasing) you fucking dunce
What should my item order as Techies be?
dragon lance should extend the range of melee heroes attack but it only works on ranged heroes
bloodstone to kys
which is represented by his Q, not his attack range, dunce
Educate yourself, get your iq above 1k mmr
monkey king doesn't have quas
learn to read posts, newfag >>163022116
His staff is way longer than any other melee hero's weapon though because it magically EXTENDS.

Soul Ring, Arcane Boots, Dagon, Ghost Scepter
it does that in his first spell. Does he really extend his staff every time he attacks? I doubt that
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>even fucking pros say that mk has no reason to have extended range
>dotards rush to valves defense over this horsehit hero
stupid dumb dotard scum
why is KANG such a deep hero from folklore and wikipedia pages while all the other heroes are garbage?
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Where were you in the meme wars
>even in dota the white man keeps the KANGZ down

fun part is he's talking about chen there
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>7days before Xmas



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>hey lets give this hero a unique mechanic no one else has
>oh shit pros dont like it, shut it down
>white man damage controlling
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is this you?
post your country lad
what the fuck is this your base in under attack? i swear valve gets more and more retarded day by day
was that marching or munching?
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best country the world has ever seen.
>>Icefrog rejected Riot and Blizzard in favor of making his own game without interference of suits telling him what to do
No, he rejected their offers because Valve's was more profitable.
Then he stole their ideas to create League of the Ancient Storms
has anyone else a bug where they can't leftclick on the minimap during a match? it happen after a few minutes (can't tell exactly) into a match

shit like this breaks the game, i have to literally scroll to an area if i need to see what's there
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So just from all the new ally quotes involving meme king

>he thinks AA wants to bang CM
>AM is an ultra serious hypocrite
>Silencer never shuts up
>Bane is "Pleasant to work with"
>Monkey King fucked Broodmother, of all things.
>He mistakes Clinkz for Clockwork
>He hits on almost every female hero possible
>Ironically, he hates all other animals, birds especially.
>Invoker is so much of an egomaniac he makes meme king look humble.
>Pugna wants everyone to see his nether ward
>Skywrath is a sub
>Terrorblade secretly loves his lesser form.
>Treant hates being climbed on
>Windrunner is a psychopath
>valve makes shit change
>gets called out by pro community
>gets called out by 2k community (reddit)
>stubbornly adds kda/lhd to top left to spite community
>stubbornly adds attributes hidden unless mouseouver to spite community

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wtf was this last update?

>hold curser still
>~115 fps

>move cursor
>~65 fps
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>against the foreign hordes
>3/5 of the guys in the top picture are foreign
americucks gonna cuck
in b4 some americuck says nationality is determined by a piece of paper or location of birth
Don't bother explaining this to the capitalist.
I understand you're being sarcastic, but seriously speaking, why would anyone assume Icefrog is beyond selling out, like he's some angel of balance sent from the heavens to bless this sinful earth?
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>49% Winrate



white europeans are not the ones forming migrating foreign hordes
Is't 'inked' referring to a tattoo?
Slacks is 5k and is beyond shit
also he wants to become a fundamental
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what happens when the foreign horde is your own (wife's) son?
no one? no minimap leftclick bug for you guys?
he can't balance for shit though.
The lich nerfs were knee-jerk reactions
invoker OD were OP at shanghai and he let them stay OP through the entire major.
Leshrac storm gyro techies were OP at ti5 and he let them be first pick and ban.
Troll and sniper were dominating the entire game and he could have nerfed them easily REALLY EASY, instead he raped the entire game and fucked the jungle after 6 months of the same meta. I don't get him at all.

not sure why you so dense lol is on an another level when it comes to popularity. i know people from dota who play lol occasionally because their friends only play that. dota is almost nonexistent where i live and its also very unpopular in the us. 100m monthly unique players is pretty realistic if you realise it contains the people who play a few matches a month. and those people gonna play lol
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Place your bets
>white europeans
why the redundancy?
>AM is an ultra serious hypocrite
everyone knows that
they did in the 17th century
Yes but now it's more blatent.

also the fucking bane reference on magnus.
american national pride is the funniest shit in the world
>radiant has mk and slardar
>dire has loser commander and dazzul
our girl cut her hair
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>open scoreboard
>move cursor
>get like 40 fps

This is on a 980Ti/i5 6600k machine. This is fucking ridiculous.

Is no one here actually playing the game or why is barely anyone complaining?
EG outdarfs enemy team and outfarms it with shit like veno who can jump in and fuck shit up if things go bad. And by the way, that last wings game, if wings woldnt fuck up that much in late game they would win since veno was falling out of game already to an underfarmed huskar. Stop picking jungle 24/7 fuckface, sometimes it can be really good when you can get away with it, hit your timings and fuck enemy up but usually it will result in people picking bh and ruining both your and your team's life. I bet you just pick 2nd, 3rd carry into jungle. I hope you retards die out.
we /lolg/ now
are well above 90% european with a few non-europeans
are you a cuck?
can someone link that antimage sfm with the 90s song under please
Nobody bothers me in the jungle mate. And I play with a stack that likes what I do.
>pl lancer
>winning a game
radiant all the way
>who is doom
>who is tiny
wtf i love Google now
complaining here does nothing
Camps go to sleep
This is the only thing I like about the new patch along with KANG
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>I should be able to trade my phallic named Wobbufetts to a bunch of 8 year olds.
>first result is leddit
Hola redditor how's your first day in 4chan?
>a few non-europeans
have you ever visitied these countries? whites are a minority in in certain cites.

also add france, belgium and uk
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I just played an entire game without going back to base once what is this shit
its like a bear that fell for the honeypot (literal) and roars about how fucking great that honey is while its being quartered
ghettos maybe
The first results are always reddit. They pay Google for that spot, you know.
>bots now ward, then if they have a ward in their inventory, stand in that exact same spot for the full 8 minute ward duration so they can place their next one
>bots now wait in jungle for 4 minutes before going to lane for some reason
why the fuck does valve never test bot matches before releasing a patch
>he is so mentally cucked to words on a piece of paper he would allow them to deprive him of what he deserves if it said so
papi the harpy with inquiry marks around her head
this is a good thing. Going back to base is a waste of time innit?
pretty good hbu
so how exactly do you beat monkey king again? every game i see him in he rapes everything

>I picked another core
Reported and ignored. Now kys
because there's community bots now. I wonder when we'll be allowed to queue in regular games with community bot allies in a special game mode. That would be nice
With stack it's ok, stack that can coordinate and carry game. But when you do it solo without putting any thoughts into it and as a result your lanes burn you deserve low prio.

>Nobody bothers me in the jungle mate.
>3k? Whenever I see jungle pick I go bh and fuck shit up, not only in enemy jungle but on enemy lanes.
lane him vs ranged/duel

let the game progress past 20mins

wow you win
>americunt so retarded cant realise there are many different cultures, customs and laws within the eu
It's been 5 days of 7.00. How do you like it?

I for one dont understand why so many things got overhauled, it's not better or worse, just different.
patch revert when

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>shitskin refugees are all over the place
>local cucks are too afraid to complain because of "racist" accusation
>1400 Rotherham kids were raped by shitskin pakis

No wonder they suck at video games, can't be the winner with such a cuck mentality.
dots and slows
I watch esports and browse /d2g/ lying in my bed spooning my little sister. Try doing that with a desktop
I want to say top but for some magical reason they will fuck up and get wombo-comboed by read team so TEAM RED.
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New jungle sucks.
Talents are good.
MK is overpowered.
HUD sucks.
Shrines regen is too much.

That's about it.
atleast I'm not a redditor and besides I literally just woke up from a nap
>spamming bullshit off cooldown despite getting no replies
d2g just can't handle the banter
MK's staff definitely extends when he's doing basic auto attacks, but only a little.
>my entire knowledge of a continent comes from /pol/ shitposters
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makes sense. He is gonna be nerfed anyway in the end.
while you're at it can you make an army of heroes and hit them with cleave to show the new cleave AoE?
its racists like you that have set back diversity 20 years.
Stop beating up on that poor donkey!
get off my board stupid stinky phoneposters
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almost as op as slark!
>he is not an anglo
wew lad
>It's the shitty dotabuff winrate decides if a hero is broken or not.
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>Playing Riki
>Had to pause for 2 minutes
>Enemy unpauses
>Come back, already underleveled
>No survivors, end up 26/2/13

Works every single time
you misspelled european
All heroes should have some unique or slightly OP gimmick like this.

You know, like they did in dota 1 before icefrog started rebalancing the meta for dota 2's esports scene.
so your hurt feelings matter more than data?
>Community bots
It is only a matter of time until someone makes a PA bot that stop attacks for 100% crit
do you know what a peon is anon
wtf i didnt know this
>Two TI winners in Bulldog and Suma1l say he's broken.
cringey 2k twat.
yea it's you #rekt
Soe isn't streaming.
Literally who?
>you'll be free in this country goy, for real this time! praise the founding fathers :D
Holy shit guys I cannot stand this patch. I need some new game to play. No moba, no WoW. Please guys.
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homosexuals please leave the premises
>the opinions of two pros matter more than millions of games played
Why does doom get fucked for being a hero who counters everyone but silencer is left alone?
uh yes? are you a fucking moron.
I wonder who put on that makeup
>Monkey King is labeled as Melee
>People play against him as if he were a regular melee hero with 150 attack range despite him having 300
>End up constantly feeding him early on

Also Monkey struggles against any kind of CC or dealing with multiple targets, PL and Lone Druid are great against him
null>boots>null>sage's mask>treads>soul ring>veil
because you can buy a lot of items to stop remove silence
i play gta4-5 now and ff x remaster
csgo is also fucking addictive just need some tweaking if you start
i would fug tho
>Brood gets a +% Exp gain at level 10
>+8 webs at 25
What the fuck is this
good to see my webm still around
Sure. Here's Sven. Im able to hit a melee creep chasing me and also damage a ranged creep at its max range, if that also helps as an indicator.
+8 webs is really good
Pseudo beginner here
I know you lose gold if you don't pick your hero in time in all pick. How long do you continue to lose gold for? I saw in my last game that there was a second timer until the game started.

Do you just keep losing gold after players get into game? Does it auto disconnect you at any point?
Is the lvl25 Return Aura Talent on Cent good? or is +1 stomp stun better?
Where is lebanon? I want to ask him to show on the doll where the thirdies touched him.
don't know how much gold you lose but no it doesn't disconnect you it randoms a hero for you. and if the guy stays afk for couple more minutes game is safe to leave and no stats recorded
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i lived in your lala land a few years ago
What if
>Everything about Doom gets unnerfed
>Doom now ends if the afflicted hero gets far enough away from Doom.
you just random after some time if you dont pick
the bonus gold from randoming applies so you still stay above regular starting gold
There's nothing wrong with Islam though. Islam isn't trying to destroy Europe's identity. Did the Turks destroy the identity of the Greeks? No they didn't.
Heres Kunk doing Tidebringer stuff
Ah okay, I wasn't sure if the guy I was up against picked at the last second or got a random hero. Thanks.
Keeping the random gold is still kind of silly though
anyone have tips to improve FPS on this new shit patch?
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you are right, brother. inshallah
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no, but i have a better tip for you.
/int/ is full of moors like tiago. You can't trust those uneducated weed stoners. Europe is still good. The muslim population is only 5%. But racsist perceive it as 30%. This is a problem. You have to look past your hatred and look at the stats.
Which heroes is the QB change actually good for?
>arguing over politics and religion

can you go lower please
get laid nerds
can you all fuck off honestly
are you landing stomps in that match? that entirely answers the question.
5% is too much
and the population among the young vs the white young is much higher
>insane death cult
Your ancestors respected the caliphate 400 years ago. Nice buzzwords faggot

The Jews made that image.

If Muslims were a tumour why were they great before world war 1?
the stats? the ones that say whites stop breeding and muslims have 7 kids per woman? how about the stats in >>163027209
>talking about the video game that spawned the most degenerate autistic genre to date
This is an improvement desu Muhammad
yea if things don't get a lot better, this is probably going to be the end result
>being a xenophobic racist on a website dedicated to foreign culture
Muslims produce 1.9 kids per woman on average in Europe. Whites produce 1.7. The difference of 0.2% isn't significant. It's not like they're reproducing at double the rate. And the birth rates will decrease as further in the future.
>Did the Turks destroy the identity of the Greeks?
no their leeching asses just ran the economy into the ground but im sure all those mudslimes cant wait to get jobs
no, this website si defined by hobby interests

look at the front page of 4chan and all of its boards and tell me the site is concerned with politics first instead of hobbies
>arguing over video games
What HotS mechanic will dota steal next?
Complain on the dev forums and Reddit as much as possible and they might fix it. Maybe.

What's your setup? I'm >>163024194
muslims do not belong
at all
They should not be there
They should not be in north america either
You didn't even finish high school did you? Sorry for deBAITing with you. Muslims have 7 kids in their own countries. Not in Europe.
>one of the most xenophobic racist cultures in existence
vidya is a hobby at least. even if its a shit hobby, and with the amount of shit you can enjoy in life and the amount of opportunities you have with living in a 1st world country, caring about politics is pretty autistic desu

thats more /v/
Same exact setup. Same exact problems.
They do belong. You'd realize that they're human beings too, if ever met one that was born in Europe or America and went to school.
Anyone else having problems with the camera not moving consistently when you click anywhere on the map?
Magnus' Empower
terrible bait
It is people like you who make civil war & genocide inevitable
Stupid fucking phoneposter end your life
underage newfags, overly sensivity basement dwelling cunts, pure autism

most autistic reddit tier faggots

was always irrelevant

was always okay
No you're wrong. 4chan culture is about people who don't fit in regular society.

You're the one filled with hatred.
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At least I'm not alone then. Some guy on Reddit suggested that it affects certain nVidia cards the most. This is bad news for us, since Valve won't care as much if it only affects a few cards.

>I also noticed that alot of users have similair specs and maybe there was a pattern (especially 960M and 980 nvidia gpus). I suspect some GPUs and drivers may not be properly working with dota.
>We are the website that got Trump. Elected and brexit passed
More specifically, /mlpol/ did it.
You're just the equivalent peruvian hordes of Alt-Right that only inflate the numbers for no reason.
nice dota 2 related posts lads
Dota 2 is about multiplayer gaming across the planet. And that's what I'm supporting!
>be witch doctor
>be absurdly overpowered
>leddit defends you
I have a shitty GeForce GT740 and after the last update, it runs just like before, AKA, 60 FPS in the laning stage, and 40 going into the late game, and taking horrendous dips in fights.

Not sure why it's affecting newer cards more severely, though.
>We are the website that got Trump

yeah im pretty sure a bunch of psuedo intellectual 16 year old virgin elected trump. not tje fact that hillary was god awful and many democrats did not vote, its was us guys, we did it /pol/!
Hey purgegamers our physicist is playing
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>tfw you'll never make out with soe
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Why do lesser carry heros and semi carry heros have +gpm skills?
Doesn't it just phase out hard carries?

Muslims are part of an aggressive invasive cult, that exists to conquer land/spread
All muslims in europe ultimately believe they will take over
Average IQ is dropping at 10 points a decade in Western Europe
Thousands of no-go areas exist, where armed islamists shoot at police who enter.
Looks like I've BTFO the alt-right with my alt-left ideology.
its incredible how much information you can gather just from sitting in your basement thousands of miles away
>he lashes out in insecurity fueled anger against yottabased Western Anime because he's a thirdie and as such a slave to the macho culture present in his favela of a nation
this really wew'd my laddehs
And then just Battlefury
yeah most muzzies probably don't even understand what the internet is
thanks lad appreciated
Do you think she's taken the knot?
No you're just claiming bullshit the same way hitler claimed that the Jews had stabbed Germany in the back during world war 1. He thought the Jews lost them the war, it wasn't the allies that defeated them but the jews. That's bullshit but you probably believe that too. Jews are bad and ruin everything but they couldn't have done world war 1. You have no proof at all of anything.
>its on a sri lankan anime website it must be true
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>you're literally hitler
Every time.
No problem. Ranges seem to be about the same, but most notably, the shape the damage is dealt in is now square instead of circular. I thought it was supposed to be cone-shaped though, to some extent.

You're wrong. There's nothing wrong with muslims.
his dislike of jews came from far more than that
jews were pushing the same shit that they are now in the Weimar Republic

Not sure what Hitler has to do with this though
Daily reminder that /pol/ serves as a containment board for your edgy ideology, and that there's no need to shitpost in /d2g/. So please produce right-tard OC for me on /pol/. Thanks.
actually pol is a containment board for political discussion, as implied by its name
good thing I identifyundbelong with /mlpol/ instead!
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nice thread
>lefty/pol/ still cant let go
>/leftypol/ can't contain his anger at his irrelevance
I'm not talking about what he thought. What he said was that the Jews are responsible for everything bad. That's the same thing the Right is claiming right now. 2 world wars weren't enough and now you guys want another one. The bloodthirsty nationalistic rightists!
And vg is a containment board to keep garbage content doturd off of /v/
Well, fuck. My laptop's audio jack is busted. What do I do now?
Kinda sad there are people who find this picture disturbing.
Everything in it is true and the person on it is a healthy white individual.

I guess liberals find that offensive?
get a bluetooth adaptor and then a bluetooth speaker
Third times the charm, as they say
When is the NB EG game?
There's no proof white people are better than everyone else at everything. An Indian was grand master in chess a while ago.

All you want is genocide and war. See a shrink.
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>There's no proof white people are better than everyone else at everything
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>Everything in it is true and the person on it is a healthy white individual.
Doesn't matter though they lost. Soon enough there's gonna be voluntary American Guard tasked with rounding up Liberals and converting them to bio fuel to power the Great Crusade
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>this is what /leftypol/ cucks actually believe
You're mentally disturbed. I'm sorry I can't help you :(

Show me a scholarly article that proves that white people are genetically better than non-whites. There's been threads about this on /sci/ and they came to the same conclusion as me.
>be an insecure thirdie
>whine to moot so hard he caves in and creates a new Global Rule just so you can have a site-wide safespace erected
>decide to check out that cool game of DoTA 2 in a cabina once
>turns out the owner of the company which created it is [For] a cartoon that shibbolethed you, and many of the employees behind the game are Western Anime affiliates as well
Foiled yet again!
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>Soon enough there's gonna be voluntary American Guard tasked with rounding up Liberals and converting them to bio fuel to power the Great Crusade
>this is what stormniggers actually believe

Which was invented in the Fertile Crescent by Arabs.
>be monkey king
>be literally the melee version of huskar
>baddies unironically call you op
draft literally any support with stuns, retard
Any recommendations?

I've also been considering getting a proper headset for a while now. One that works through an usb port. Now might be as good a time as any to go for it. I literally have no idea which ones are actually any good though, not just some overpriced plastic Razer shit.
and thus start the great exodus of anon's goalposts
But trump doesn't care about the environment. Why would he do anything about biofuel?

People like you have set back humanity for 20 years now. But you'll understand in the end. Don't worry about that. The future is multicultural.
Mediterraneans are white. And all accomplishments in that area happened in the pre islamic age
If you're still there, could you quickly test if the fps issues occur in the hero demos as well or just while watching/playing the actual game?
This thread is fucking awful, can we stop talking about the death-cult pretending to be a religion and talk about how Dota 2 is currently shaping into League of Legends?
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>game so bad people would rather take bait and talk about politics rather than play the game
nice patch dotards
really liking this new journey
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something has been bugging me for ages, why does loda always wear a hat?
>Show me a scholarly article that proves that white people are genetically better than non-whites.
>implying this doesn't happen on every patch in every thread
Hello, newfag
no its the exact same shit as tumblr, overly sensitive cunts looking to be offended just with different ideology. a bunch of miserable fucks who failed at life sit down and stroke each others dick and create their own world which goes far away from reality. you know when was the only time i met an sjw? when /pol/ shitposted them to another boards. you know the last time i saw a muslim? the guy at the gyros bar making my food
if you blame others while living in a first world country you sound just end it honestly there is no hope
what the fuck does any of this even mean? literally what the fuck are you actually talking about you autist?
did not read a single word of this lmao
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>t-this happens every patch release where everyone just stops playing the game
nice game dotards
I sure hope Orthodox or at very least Catholic!
Anything less and you might as well go back to the Caliphate where you belong.
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>a sand nigger religion proves that white people are better
Go fuck yourself, kikelstein. White people persevere in spite of your cuck religion. Not because of it
Are genetics too complex for you?

Nothing wrong with the third world.

Nobody has followed this religion in years. I've been to churches and they're empty.

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>mfw knowing you all worship sjw ecelebs who actually fucking hate you and just use you for their own personal gain
its physically impossible to look at a text and not read a single word
because he's bald as fuck
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nice frames per second, doeturds.
Despite all those accomplishments, there wasn't been any proof that caucasian DNA is better. Show me a scholarly article first.
>nothing wrong with being an impoverished uneducated pile of genetic garbage third worlder
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nice UI dotards
he has the hairstyle of a noble samurai
>americans believe they mean something.
>then this.
pretty easy actually
>quickly glance without focusing on a word
>notice it's 3 full lines of text
>immediately start typing dismissive reply
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>inb4 iq doesn't mean you're better
It does and it's genetic.
never played this game or any MOBA before... should I?
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Hi :)
MOBAshits are fundamentally flawed. They're action games with boring action and strategy games with braindead strategy.
Indians produce hundreds of thousands of engineers per year. http://www.sysman.org/CRPCC-education-black-money-corruption-2014-06-27-001c.pdf

You're the uneducated one and you're going to be left behind.
You'll either hate it and quit or keep playing and slowly start to hate it while also falling for the sunk-cost meme
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Reminder, OD is objectively the best husbando
tfw accidentally left plastic spoon on hot plate and inhaled the fumes and throat hurts now

play hots instead, dota is fucking garbage especially after the latest update.
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>go on /pol/
>race mixing thread
>medicines are all scam thread
>bro-science evolution thread
>atheism debate thread
>fat fetish thread

really wonder why people dont take it seriously
>this is what asshurt poo in loos actually believe
>super power by 2020
IQ is based on the socio-economic status. If the socio-economic status of the third world countries increases, they will also get high IQ levels.
>THEORY (of evolution) vs (Second) LAW (of Thermodynamics by Isaac Newton)
gee, i wonder which overrides the other, seeing as they're in direct opposition and mutually exclusive!
This is factually incorrect. Go look up how iq works. The greatest determinant is genetics
whats your iq anon? did you take that online iq test?
reminder india will be a superpower in 2030
Why are their societies so shitty if they are equal?
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Reminder that by merely playing dota or even watching it you are being exploited by valve and are supporting SJWs
No, I took one in real life. 120, completely average
what if there was dota related discussion in d2g
You're confusing entropy and complexity
i wonder which one you know more about
I presented proof. And all you have is buzzwords. HAHAHA XD
I wish you'd finished high school.

They don't have money. You can't create money out of thin air. All the world's money is concentrated in Europe and America. That's how economics works.
>pretending biology is a real science and worth knowing about

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>american hour.
>thread turns to shit
its the same guy spamming /pol/ shit all day then finally some retard took the bait and he is sperging since then

face of /
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Centaur reaches level 25
Hit enemy hero
You take 120 return damage, IF there is a naked centaur in the bushes nearby
There is never a naked centaur in the bushes, only a murderhorse with a lot of items.
So you take 200-250 damage per hit.
If I go into a game and pick either Veno or Viper, what are the odds I could shit on an enemy Monkey Kang?
>not redpilled
choose one and exclusively one of these
ur surprised?

>also that image
It's no longer good enough to stack at 52, right?
Probably quite high, People are still on the honeymoon phase and too distracted to think.
>o shit there are actually counters to him
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what if monkey king was a macaque
>STILL defending Islam

The same kind of thinking that let Germany be overrun by "Sharia" Police
if you dont land stomps you're useless, what kinda answer is that
Don't ever bring this up again. Don't insinuate this ever again. Put it out of your head. Now.
why do you ask questions whose answer you've just seen?
Muslims did nothing wrong
>medicines are all scam thread
Antidepressants are a fucking scam, which is what that thread is talking about.
>the same guy
>this is what newfags actually believe
nigger, at least 70% of the people in this thread are /pol/acks
You are wrong and SJWs are right.
everything i need to know about muslims i learned in 1453
>why do you ask questions whose answer you've just seen?
To feel less bad about shitposting without any contribution to the thread.
I am just as bad as poltards when I do this.

You just don't understand, anon. Their flawed hillbilly-way of thinking is just so F R E E to make fun of. I am sorry.
>4 brothers
Brewmaster is the oldest brother, being able to turn into his 3 younger ones.
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I'm thinking of going to see a Doctor about antidepressants because I want to kill myself but I also don't want my dick to stop working
seeing as depression (and all mental illnesses for that matter) are simply a matter of personal choice, this is correct
Go find a lover. A little human contact can go a long way. Especially if it's loving and warm
the good thing about /pol/ is that you can learn something new every day
i should just quit med-school i guess then and ask the opinions of anons
If this post is meant to be a joke its not very funny.
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I'm off to HotS and Overwatch until Valve fucking fixes the fps issue on high end systems. See you guys in a few months.
No. The only racist is you. And you're samefagging.

You're not a Christian. You have sex before marriage and all that. You have nothing in common with those people who died in the crusades for their beliefs.
I am completely incapable of productive social interaction. Maybe I should buy a fleshlight.
anti-depressants will fuck your shit up even more
This only applies to regular people. /pol/-fags are incapable of understanding basic emotions other than rage, hate and what vidya players refer to as "salt".

Judging by the way this thread is going your chances are ~70%, you've just wasted time typing this to a poltard.
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That was unironic. I'm serious, go find someone. It really does help
>Muslims have 7 kids in their own countries. Not in Europe.

Ah, that's nice. As long as europe suddenly doesn't decide to let 2 million of them in, that will then bring over their 7 kids making it 14 million, we'll be fine.

Has Phantom Assassin continously been getting worse? I remember beating everyone with her a couple months back, now even on max level and with the same items I feel she's not quite reaching the same awesomeness.
Also with the new patch, are there any noticeable changes that have been done to her?
No person that actively wants to kill themselves can sustain a long term relationship.
Not everyone on this planet is capable of finding a lover.
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what has dota become?

my damage record before this game with like 5k dota games was like 55-65k

89k hero damage
>protestant "arguments''
>still this bothered
They don't let new users post threads. That's reddit.
I refuse to believe that. Everyone puts up these shells because they feel like the world has failed them but there's always a crack. Because everyone on the inside wants to be loved by someone.
There's no need to be so cynical
or just get a usb speaker
it's not like you're using you're dick anyway lol
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guys I just ate a pistachio and i think it had a bug in it
>/int/ was always okay

found the democrat

>owns a male dog
>has hip tattoos

you know she has
And this is why you're trying to peddle that they're not a scam.
Preventative/curative treatment kills return business.
Its early game manfight patch, of course PA is not good.
Leftypol out in full force today I see
ur dead
The muslims are responsible for that
offtopic has always been what made 4chan great

you're just mad you dont like the top;ics tbqh
Is it good?
I do believe this is true, however there's nothing an anon can change about that.

You're a faggot for typing it like that by the way.
>Because everyone on the inside wants to be loved by someone.
Doesn't mean they're capable of that.
please try, there are so many people who think the same thing and never even try when there's someone just like them who they could be with
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>tfw I started the muslim debate by posting monkey king SJW responses

4chan is too easy
Muslims and thirdies are actually okay people. Wow.
>living in a state without the medicare expansion

the difference is they build their lineup around said jungle 'online' timing
thats why they did veno, because he came online like 3 min into the game
if veno had to farm his midas + boots at 7-8 min they would lose every single one of those games before 20 min
She hasn't been nerfed. Her powerlevel relative to most other carries is about the same (except for obvious exceptions like the new Lycan)

Is it possible that you're simply playing against better players now?

I've been experimenting with new item builds on PA this patch. I think you can justifiably skip all lifesteal (until the very lategame) and get by with the level 15 talent. I've been going phase>vanguard>deso>basher and bkb>abyssal.

I suspect she might also be a mjolnir hero. I've been building it a bunch on Jugg and I want to try it on her, kind of hard because you really want to get your core fighting items up fast though.
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wish i had the knowledge of the average /pol/tard.
anything else you would like to teach me about the world from that basement?
rolf purge is SO fucking bad
is MoM no longer good for Void? I find the silence is leaving me too vulnerable without time walk.
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It really wasn't. This is a terrible thread since it is 100% offtopic and should be in /adv/ at this point.

2011-2013 d2g was actually discussinga bout the game, but most oldfags left for reddit, playdota or nadota
he's playing at like 50 fps, what do you expect?
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jidf please go
>wants to be loved by someone
That doesnt matter, relationships are a two way street, you cant just demand from someone to love you unconditionally.
I know that and ive never even held a girls hand.
After 4 years I finally retire at 4k. I can't get any higher, no matter how much learn and improve. I spent years reading dotawiki and trying new builds and improving general reaction and decisions and I give up.
It's not even the patch gameplay, you just can't fix the community. I got steamrolled by 4/5 enemy carries in 5 games in a row, I even played heroes like Omniknight and Winter Wyvern to help stop this shit but no difference was made. I have saved so many fucking people and encouraged to push and end, but its always "report anon gg" despite them just running at them ahead of the whole team and expect it to go their way. I will play dota for some casual games, but Its impossible for me. The amount of unluckyness and bullshit I've encountered, its untrue.
>bamatax i mean obamacare makes me pay 250/mo making it impossible to rent anywhere
Ah my man, have you heard of the good gospel of our lord Dear Donald J. Trump? He hopes to rid of us of such taxation as it is both unconstitutional and a burden to our America's kind inhabitants.
You like sucking a lot of dick and probably don't even have a college education.
im gonna be you in a couple years LOL
Muslims are a God fearing people.
>im 14 btw haha
>having to live in a car
And here I thought the US was a first world country.
Nice meme.
I never said demand. I'm just saying try. I highly doubt that the anons on here are as socially inept as people seem to think they are.
you are the only constant
d2g stopped being good once mouz went away
>dota is dying!

>d2g is more alive than ever
>the % of posts actually related to the game is higher than in years, even a week after patch has hit
>tons of people from people that dont play dota are showing interest in dota right now
>lots of old timers who stopped playing dota reinstalled it and tried it again, and if only 20% of them keep playing thats another huge boost in numbers
>all this despite performance issues and clunky new UI, which has been getting several fixes a day for over a week, and sees no sign of stopping
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tfw no qt islamist gf in


to play dota with
Spotted the 15 year old.
Get off 4chan, you little shit.
+1 upvote (user upvoted this post)
I know I am, i went to school and then Uni and I regret every single moment I opened my damn mouth.
>people dont take me seriously outside my hugbox REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

sure i am buddy, sure i am. You really have no fucking idea
I just played 4 games since 2015 and I must ask you, is this normal that every game is nonstop gank from 1st minute? I don't think it used to be like this
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i'd say it turned to irredeemable shit after TI3
New patch has shrines, you dont have to go back to base after a succesful gank, so there is no reason not to do it.
not a single person migrated from here to playdota, ever.
>SingSing finally got a slave to cut his twitch vods into videos for youtube
>I can finally stop giving money to dota 2 rapier shitters
Feels good, man.
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>people still take ctr bait
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post the most retarded reason your teammate started throwing

i'll start

>Shadow shaman mad he died in the first teamfight we had. Never did anything the rest of the game
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>he unironically wants to nerf the Monkey into the ground
y tho
>watching a replay
>try to mouse over stats and look at a hero's attack range
>the time bar makes it impossible
Fucking epic valve simply epic
>everyone posting in the antidepressants thread has used them at some point

jesus christ like i know it's funny to joke about /pol/ being sad basement people but it's funnier that it's true as hell
writefag anon here, it begins

http://pastebin.com/vccgJtwM still a wip., but we're getting there lemmit know what you think so far, is it good, is it shit, am I a faggot?
depression, frustration, angst - none of those common throwing reasons are stupid, anon. now, the reasons for playing videogames, on the other hand....
I did in the sense that I took my post contributing to dota into playdota and only shitpost here, offtopic and e-sports spam.
Stealing a couple of kills.
I'll never fucking understand that shit.

Also, because they can't play their precious core role.
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This happened in a 6.8~ patch.
I remember one player was muted and had the name "Offlane or feed"
Someone else picks offlane, so the muted player picks Silencer and walks down mid the entire game while spamming "Game is hard"
not sure. he has 49% winrate.
That's something that can change over time though. It's not like that's genetic. I mean, you've carried on a normal conversation with me.
Maybe you just get nervous
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>posting old pics
now she's full of trashy tattoos, pass
Post the thread you were posting in. I want to see it.
oldfaggotry is a state of mind, you could have started lurking in 2006 for the Habbo raids, and still be a newfag because you don't follow the unwritten rules and board culture.
WHy would you actively ruin the game for the other 9 people instead of just abandoning
nigger king pickers deserve to be shot
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>tp to lane
>Q the wave
>don't clear it
>room out of mana
>get ganked
>try to snowball away
>/d2g/ is pol
>if you dont fall my sekrit club rules you're not one of us le oldfags ;^)

neck yourself my lad
I want the story to be about enchantress enchanting me and sexually using me, not some fucking creep wtf
Well maybe you should stop trying to rise above your station. You're an eternal support cuck. Prep your carry bulls, shut up and let them do what you know you aren't skilled enough to accomplish
you are still here, you didnt migrate
Apologise right now for discriminating against another ethnic group. Monkey Kang is from China.
>i'm an oldfag because i know the board culture

>He thinks I'm not part of the offlaner master race
Stay mad, carrycuck, as you have to watch your last-hits being denied from you
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Having an anonymous conversation on the internet is not comparable to an irl one, especially with a girl, where the standards are set even higher.
He's the new hero, what did you expect? People did the same thing with underlord. People are gonna have to learn how to play him eventually
I don't really have an idea of what 'good' is, but you're definitely better than I am.

Even though I'd prefer a darker theme, I think you did a good job, anon!
Frustration coupled with being muted.
hip tattoos are the new tramp stamp
>underage: the post
How 2 fix nigger king:
Only 1 hero can have counters on them at a time.
Changing targets removes all counters from the previous target. Boundless Srike applies the counter to the furthest hero
I migrated my dota related posts to playdota, and only dump my shitposts and esports spam here.
tag you;reself i'm the minion
Consistent 25-30fps during demo like 6.88
Goes down to 10-20fps during matches.
You think it has to do something with the map?
>If Muslims were a tumour why were they great before world war 1?

>leftists actually believe the garbage that comes out of their mouth
I'm newfag but took a 7 year hiatus and now I'm a feels frog
You speak as though there's a strict social etiquette to talking with a girl. This isn't really the case. Especially as the man, you can set the tone and pace of the conversation if you really want to.
But, I understand nerves can get to you.
Maybe try us guys instead? We're a bit easier to talk to.

>i said the n word look how cool i am

fuck off 10 year old
chink nigger chink nigger chink nigger chink nigger chink nigger chink nigger
>tfw hit 3k today
can i shit talk 2ks now?
well did you reply to the origional post announcing I would be writing it and asking for suggestions for what she should breed? I left it up for a long while before deciding on this train of degeneracy. Someone suggested Magnus rape, another dude suggested Bradwarden giving her the erect horse shaft. I saw nothing about Anon/generic nameless human
That's pretty dank good

Today was the summer solstice and it was very hot, the satyrs were all lying down panting, legs spread and on full display. Their soft caprine rods glistening in the afternoon sun, giving off a strong scent that enchanted the enchantress. She lowered her arm, dropping her lance, her mind filled with thoughts of finally being filled with warm seed. She carefully walked into the camp, her hooves not making a sound on the soft grass. This close, the satyr’s scent was overwhelming, and she began leaking again, though she didn’t mind this time. This time, she was going to get fucked. Taking stock of the three satyrs resting, her eyes landed on the mindstealer in the middle, his rod shorter than the Torturer’s but much thicker and heftier.

I couldn't write like that even if I tried. I haven't read a book in months. I suppose I should.
Things MK has going for him
>Shitload of physical damage available to him early-mid game
>2 second stun with massive range and good width
>Tree Dance is fun
>Has an okay means of initiation, which not many other carries get
>Ult is pretty strong on its own right now, either due to bugs or intentional features
>Has good deception potential

>Tree Dance is easily seen and can be cancelled, and even get you killed
>Q is a one-trick pony, and pretty much all he can accomplish before dying from disables
>If you dont transform into a tree, you wont trick anybody
>Even if you are a tree, anyone observant will find you out anyways
>Armor is plentiful and good at nullifying him
>Slows and DoT will make kiting him super easy, even with 300 range, and he will have no way to catch up to you
other 2ks shit talk 2k, go right ahead
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nice fps purgegamers
yea the US should import muslims to give them free housing while ignoring their actual homeless citizens like other amazing first world countries
>I get offended by nigger
fuck off 15 year old
He's literally bad huskar
i'm pretty sure you could write that badly pretty ez anon
Im fairly certain the in-game fps counter is very unreliable and fluctuates like crazy. I use the Steam fps tracker too, and its usually a good 10 fps higher than the Dota one for me, and is much more stable. So Im either a shitter or not noticing the difference, but I dont think the performance loss on people is as bad as they think it is.
But there shouldnt be a performance loss anyways, and Valve should fix this
using lucent beam to secure kills from fleeing targets that the SB wouldnt urn, claiemd i was "stealing" his kills that he wasnt going ot get
Why are LD and Enchantress the best Monkey King counters according to Dotabuff? Does anyone even understand this hero?
>Hey stupid slave nigger!
>why do you get offended when I address you as such?
Oh would you look at that, I'm just on the cusp of newfaggotry/cancer (December 2009, I visited /diy/ and learned how to make my own ornaments)
>32 mins into the game
>No items

why do people watch him suck?
>obamacare is bad
Of course /dsg/ would be shitposting about non-related Dota things and be wrong at the same time
>You think it has to do something with the map?
Yes, that is what I'm getting at. I get stable 120fps (capped, because ULMB only works with 120hz anyway) in the demo, even when opening the scoreboard or moving the cursor. In actual matches I get fps drops all around.
what the fuck is rxort?
Who are you quoting?
oldfag = fat red head neckbeard,going to walmart using electric wheel chair,Mcdonald for day

I wonder what orginal fag look like??
>ends right as I get hard
You faggot I was going to fap to it.
does untouchable proc off boundless strike? if so, that's the reason, mk can't really kill enchantress unless he gets BIG CRITZ
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guys i cant force myself to play this awful new dota

but i desperately need to play the dota ive been playing for the past 5 years

what do i do?
I believe this is his support invoker

which is basically run into the enemy and die because purge has no map awareness
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>0:00 mark
>mid is at t2
>carry takes the bounty rune spawn
>mid is now perma butt frustrated for the rest of the game
LD is probably good because even if MK goes on LD himself, the bear can roar him away, and vice versa. Then there's the root, stopping him from running around, and the tons of HP and armor that LD gets when he transforms.
MK literally cannot hit, chase, or run away from Enchantress to get his stacks built up. If he Tree Dances away, several Impetus attacks will chunk him really hard.
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what fuels dota?
Stop using derogatory language in /d2g/ thanks! You might hurt peoples feelings!

>jungler constantly takes both bounty runes and uses both shrines off cooldown
>purge plays an ad
>my page stops working

at least I dont have to watch ads
>Ench trying to fuck herself with trees and phallic stones
all the originalfags were something awful guys and the best thing any of those dudes ever did was get killed in benghazi

so that
shitposting and rage
>not using livestreamer
ouch, I don't give a fuck to be honest with you famzilla. I'm still working on my style and prose. This is the first story I've attemped that isn't greentext. You have any advice to improve my writing or are you just here to bring the bantz?
Monster Energyâ„¢
I wasn't here

goddamn leave it to /d2g/ to pick the worst fucking options. I'll probably jack off to it anyway
china, russia, and peru
If you think sheever and soe are ugly, then post a woman you think is attractive
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6 gorillion > Monkey King
bitter young men with no other outlets to vent their frustration
Same here,I think all the origin fag are old creepy pedo shit and sh
why max quas man, what the fack
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the escapism and laziness of their players.

so, indirectly, jews.
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Can someone werite fanfiction about her?
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too many vowels in first name, wouldn't fuck
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nice /b/ tier thread you guys have here
she literally has only her legs going for her. poor woman. what the fuck is that nose
Design a hero based on the post above this one
Doesn't matter, New thread incoming.
>echo sabre and abyssal blade work on monkey king ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''illusions''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
i like unique looking tall chicks and soe is hot but very boring and sheever is under average with horrible skin
im too lazy to google but caroline brasch
soe is not ugly. she does have hip tattoos though.
they aren't illusions so yeah
centaur is too op desu
Is that really jess?
They are illusions that he creates from his hair like it says in the book. Valve can't code them as illusions because then they won't be able to bash and echosaberslow. Valve sucks at programming. We see these mistakes every time.
>pipe, crimson, aghs, return aura, lotus orb
>enemy team does more damage to themselves than they do to you
Dota 2 New Hero
Old Creepy Pedo Fag
Q: STalk
This guys continue my work
well what are you hankering for? After I finish this apperently shit enchantress fiction. I can start an outline for Ilexa being lewdas a loli or a hero, finally having achived her dream of being a hero, she finds MK and wants to thank him for inspiring her down this path.

>when d2g realises what makeup does
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It's pretty comical.
10/10 for wit and insight. Upvoted for visibility.

One edgy /pol/fag contrarian told you that your writing is shit and you've accepted that as the general opinion? Have more confidence.
if you want actual advice on becoming a better writer write something that isn't lewd because like 99% of all fapfic is fucking garbage. like you don't have to rewrite the brothers karamazov or any high literature like that just don't write shit to crank your hog to

also yea read a book, any book. or shit watch a movie or something and think about why scenes and characters "work", just don't watch passively. it's a different medium and obv. the visual language isn't going to translate but a lot of the techniques are close

also write less bad lol #rekt

>/pol/ boogeyman

you sure it wasn't a russian hacker?
Liking this is gayer than liking traps.

new thread
Shibbolethed an alt-right.
Ez pz.
>liking women is gayer than liking men
ok you raging faggot
>muscle, something found on both women and men is gay
>penises are 100% straight
love this faggy meme
She has an ok personality.
Also sauce pls. I heard she was known for showing her legs a while back.
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wr raider.jpg
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>>WR is a psychopath
I like it
Nice denial there faggot.

She looks manlier than a trap.

Too much muscle mass is masculine
I need Ilexa lewds.
fuck you

Q: Stalk
OCPF selects a target and gains truesight of that hero, if he comes within 250 units of them he loses truesight and the oposing hero gains truesight of him
W: Daki ma Jitsu
COPF throws a large greasy chunk of fabric at the target, dealing 3/5/7/9% pure damage and stunning for .5/1/1.5/2 seconds
E: toxic aura (passive)
R: nerd rage
speed increase, strength increase, manaburn on self and vision is cut in half
You know whats also masculine?
A penis.
And muscles are sure as shit not more masculine than that.
I do do that, I just finished the Trial (Franz Kafka) and am working through a collection of HP Lovecraft's works. Good stuff. Also Vonnegut is top tier
>take the poo
>to the loo
jesus christ. how the fuck do you beat wraith king? he just obliterates you late game
what? he is badjugg
kite the sucker
>6k hours into a game
>still 4k

Feels bad man. Its not like ive put much effort into improving, but it still hurts. My casual schedule is usually like this: holidays I play as good as I can, other days I usually 1-2 games after a hard work for relax and usually end up butthurt and losing. So im losing mmr every single day except for the holidays.
well at this point you should probably just leave the game. even if you win it 6k+ hours for just 25 mmr is just not efficient. next time try to push together with your team and end the game at a reasonable time
nice meme
what do you think if speaking seriously
sauce this pls?
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