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/sg/ - S.T.A.L.K.E.R. General

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Thread replies: 387
Thread images: 61

BugTrap, crash to desktop, freeze/lockup?? Find your crash log.
Check your Documents or game install directories for the xray_[your name].log file. If you can't find it, look in the location specified at the top of fsgame.ltx. Copy the last few lines from the log and paste them here if you want any help.

>Start guide, beginner tips, and much much more
>HUD guide, modding basics, mod reviews, and AMK mod guide
>Why Complete is bad and you shouldn't play it
>Performance Guides, Steam settings

>The Zone Manual: Every Mod You'll Ever Need for the True Ukrainian Experience
>Pasta summaries, streamer listing and more
>STALKER General Steam Group - Join chat and ask for an invite!

Reminder that MS Update KB2670838 breaks your DX10/11 games including Clear Sky and Call of Pripyat. Here's a possible fix:
What exactly do you have all installed for cock? Does the follower AI freeze up for you too? do you have hardcore aim enabled?

Tried switching it off but still had this problem

Am I supposed to start the game vanilla before installing any mods? The readme just says to make a gamedata folder if there isn't one but for each of my installs trying different shit I just copied in and made a folder before starting it.
Is it normal for Monolith to be fucking one-shotting me in a fully upgraded exo in CoCk? A single shot from the VSV puts me at moderate bleeding and at a single bar of health. But shots from other rifles do more reasonable damage. Is it Arsenal Overhaul, or Monolith bullshit magic?
>Is it Arsenal Overhaul, or Monolith bullshit magic?

Probably both
this. 9x39 rounds are overpowered
I'll give it a try later. I've never modded the STALKER games so much (STCoP + AF + AN + AS) so I was reluctant
I use STCoP and sometimes get one shot with a merc exo by an AKMS, anon.
Monolith in master shoot you in the head with ease. even in vanilla.
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>Get Ecologist Ransom mission by some egghead at Yantar
>Living the merc lyfe I accept it; turns out the fucker is all the way down in Great Swamps
>Go through half a gorillion burers at Agroprom aswell as a random chimera with just a piece of shit half broken AK
>Get to the hostage egghead
>There wasn't even any bandits there, they had been shot by Clear Sky
>Check map, the guy who asked me to rescue his buddy had ran off to the northern part of Red Forest
>this fucking guy
>Make my way around Yantar, pass through the Garbage
>Egghead hostage gets distracted by a few retarded bandits killing pseudodogs
>He rushes face first into Saiga-12K's and AK's
>Dies nearly instantaneously; bandits loot a Vintorez off of him
I swear to fucking god from now on I'm only gonna talk to ecologists to sell them mutant parts
Was that video filmed by an aircraft focusing on a guy running and shooting at some humanoid things following him and eventually killing him a STALKER promo vid? Or was it some other thing I can''t remember, WWZ?
This one?
According to the desc, it was a S.T.A.L.K.E.R. promo.
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based steve
Yeah that one. Thanks anon!
Wish swamp bloodsuckers were a bit different than what they are
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what are the best addons for CoC?
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Conspiracy theories time

Why are the no women in the Zone? C-Con was what happened when /r9k/ tried to make a mgtow colony
they all got turned into bloodsuckers
so what habben to mega
don't ever make a thread again you stupid le boris memeing fuck
op fucked up

previous 4 ops fucked up too, we haven't had a proper link to joint pak or OLR for ages now
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Mods and Repositories | Often out of date; use only as a last resort!

>Shadow of Chernobyl
>Clear Sky
>Call of Pripyat
>Game Repacks + Modding Tools
>Downgrade Patches (drag-and-drop)
>Unpacked Gamedata + GSC Backup HDD assets
>Old Builds (dated from June 1st, 2002)

>Lost Alpha
>Oblivion Lost Remake
>Joint Pak 2

>Call of Chernobyl
>Weapon Soup for CoC Repo
>Call of Chernobyl/Warfare Bitbucket repository
>Don't have Call of Pripyat but want to play Call of Chernobyl?

>Codebro's 1.0008 Patch for SoC - enter "menu_fps_cap 0" in the console to prevent crashes.
>Xetrill's Modified LuaJIT for CS/CoP - improves performance, especially in script-heavy mods.

Previous Thread >>162728248
OK, you're displaying a special level of cluelessness. NPC cone of vision has nothing to do with that option nor do the values it tweaks have anything to do with accuracy. Did you simply not understand anon and the difference between npc aim and accuracy in Stalker?

Weapons: definitely OWR, quality over quantity and best damage model though shotguns are close up weapons
DrX factions
Other DrX stuff if it looks interesting - Desolation is good
Absolute Structures
Either Autumnal Winds or Absolute Nature Redux
Hud of your choice (AA2 with artifacts is my fave)
Thanks, anon
face it, it's broken.

>doesnt have anything to do with vision
>changes it anyways
>not broken
>well it's not supposed to
>well it does
>nah it's fine bro, ur just retarded

ok then
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You just do not have a fucking clue
While tweaking grass with the "r__detail_radius XX" command why does my game crash when i set it to 100 but it's perfectly fine with 150 or higher? Shouldn't a lower rendering distance be less intensive?
You're fucking retarded.
fuck you
Desolation isn't really needed since you can adjust the amount of NPCs in the CoC game menu.
DrXFactions is retarded, too.
>Why are the no women in the Zone?

Same reason there are almost no women in the NoDak oilfield mancamps.

Fuckloads of dudes who have fucked up enough in life to end up there, doing potentially lucrative but dangerous, hellish work, in conditions where law and order is scant at best.

Yeah, if you were a woman would you ever fucking go anywhere near the Zone?

Alternatively: There are women in the Zone, they're just masked up and hiding it as hard as they can
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Nah, fuck you leatherhead
Because GSC were too lazy animating them.

good thing too, because the only women who would be anywhere near the zone would be prostitutes brought in by bandit human traffickers
Desolation doesn't just reduce the number of spawns, it changes the mix for the better. Check out the diffs instead of making assumptions
this fucking error has plagued me for over a month now:

stack trace:

0023:043B5C58 xrGame.dll, CxIOFile::Open()
0023:03F2C2EE luabind.beta7-devel.rc4.dll, luabind::detail::implicit_cast()
0023:5931AC35 lua51.dll, lua_loadx()

[error][ 298] : Too many posts were made to a semaphore.

The only thread on the moddb forums concerning this suggests to change renderer, which is bullshit. I didnt have this problem up until a couple of versions ago and my computer is 100% capable of handling max settings on dx10 and runs like a champ until it fucking crashes.

I dont think its mods either as ive had a bunch of different mod combinations and i still get this shit

this doesnt happen to me on SoC or CoP. Just coc
X-ray laughs at your computer, just like it laughs at all computers. It's kind of a hysterical giggle, really.

Now stop with the silly and use dx9 enhanced
I'm installing call of chernobyl right now, any good mods that I should add along with it?

fucking hell m8, dx10 looks so much better dont do this to me

nigga kill yourself
It has two features over dx9 enhanced. Volumetric smoke (not light, that's in dx9) and wet surface shaders. That's it. For that you give up fps by going to a far less optimized renderer. And you increase load times, though this is not a big deal in CoC unlike CS and CoP where it sucks pretty hard.

Do yourself a favor and drop back to dx9 enhanced for an hour and compare the two

ill give it a try, but i suspect this error has nothing to do with the render.
>Check out the diffs
I would if there was a proper mod description instead of "less NPCs".
based on?
How's the economy gonna be effected in weapongulash? AO was retarded in how easy it is to gain cash, but then I think it's retarded that repairing an okay condition AK costs more than anyone will buy them for brand new
Read the code, run windiff. Interesting how you were willing to pronounce it useless even though you knew nothing about it.

just a hunch, because i never had problems with dx10 and coc until the last few patches. And COP with dx10 and graphic additions out the wazoo doesnt have this problem

That said, ive been playing with dx9 enhanced now and the problem hasnt happened yet, so maybe you were right. Thanks.
is it just me or are all these reshade addons look like shit and perform like shit?
and that's why no one uses those
So I've given a quick look at the HD actor pack and while the models seem all good, the rigging could have been better, especially in the elbow and wrist area on some suits

also, why is that that the Monolith SEVA got replaced, but not the vanilla one?
Its WIP, he's planning on doing all suits
If the modder can't be arsed to properly explain what his mod does in the first place then its indeed useless and can fuck right off.
he wrote a pretty clear description you cum gargling millenial
"A variety of mutants" and "less NPCs" is not an accurate description you dunce.
>Significantly reduced the human population in the Zone and increased respawn times.
>Added randomness to where, when, if, and how many squads will spawn in a certain area.
>Added the same variety of mutants as my More Mutants mod, just not as many.
>Increased the respawn time for helos.

i think that's a pretty coherent description
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10/10 ending
Yes it is. Those respawn times are one very large difference from the spawn multipliers under options anon seems to think covers everything in his blissful ignorance. 1.4 dropped them down to 15mins, the mod bumps them back to a day in many cases. More powerful mutants can show up again even though overall populations are lower. Etc.
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>arrive in Dead City to do some business with the mercs
>hear muffled barking and gunshots in the distance
>think nothing of it and start loading off things into Dushman's trade window
>gunshots have subsided, barking intensifies
>suddenly there's dogs flooding in from every fucking entrance to the building

this meme never ends
I like how sometimes it will spawn fuckhuge numbers of WOOF outside of a base and you'll have to defend it.

The only thing that sucks though, is that should be used for blowouts.
So how are you supposed to figure out that Doc is in the swamps? I don't remember anything from the games that would link him to the swamps.
most bases have absolutely no defenses

the Bar has machine guns and sandbags, skadovsk has height advantage and it's basically a fortress anyway, the military base in Agroprom has a patrolling choppers and BTRs at the main access points but other than that most bases are completely open to mutants, which really annoys me.

Fuck, even Freedom's base in the warehouses sucks ass because it's wide open with only a few sentries at the entry. Sure, there's snipers in the towers but the main entry desperately needs a machine gun emplacement or two along with a fuckhuge door or something
How badly does Misery reduce fps by?
I think AF's blowouts are pretty tame, as in it's mainly an excuse for the player to sit around and do nothing for several minutes.

Mutants should spawn in waves DURING blowouts, outside of a defined radius around the player, which means while the player barricades inside of safe areas it should be under siege from aggravated mutants seeking shelter.

This could make blowouts into something that the player would have to actively prepare for, hoarding food, ammo, medical supplies, etc. to survive it.
Ayo Fatal my niggo.
I thought you had given up on Stalkan.
By your IQ
Hey, I'll take a 2 FPS drop anyday.
>I thought you had given up on Stalkan.
I did, and I liked it.

Even if I can't get back into modding I'll at least try contributing something, like a soundtrack.
Pls tell me
Information costs
Ill send nudes pls tell me

MISERY for CoP or the misery adaption for CoC?

the former doesnt have problems with fps so much as it does with stuttering. The latter, a whole fucking lot.
you, uh, you click the wrong tab?
You, uh, you kill yourself? Fucking newfag?
Guess it's a reference i don't get.
He's called the marsh doctor
It's great you're letting everyone know which mods to play or avoid after reading about them. Now they only need to read your words instead of the mod's. Nobody has to play anything ever, now that's fucking cool.
Call of Misery runs much more smoother than CoP Misery for me.
Thank you
that fal needs some better anims, just saiyan
Does anybody know the download link for SGM's Mp3 files? When I try to play music with the MP3 player it just plays a beep. I'm on 2.2 right now.
I'll kill myself once I get the mp3 files
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Assuming it's a precise port of the AO3 one it needs a better everything, but at least it's a FAL. Payday 2 had a pretty decent version, wonder how hard it'd be to port... probably impossible
>that short barrel
The game is in lua and they got a guide on how to make weapon skins, getting the models might be doable.

Yeah, that's pretty fucking ew. It was the best screenshot on Google though :3
>selling mutant parts

what fucked up hacked game are you playing bro? The normal stalker games don't have this, cheatmaster.
Kill yourself
angry i called u cheater? why not play the normal stalker as it is supposed to be played, kid? to hard without modding the shit out of games?
',:^) Hello Tejas!
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look at the angry kids ruining games

i bet u guys play on novice too
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I play on stalker difficulty, the way it was intended to be played.
is that you?
I'm starting to realize how little time i've actually spent in pripyat in the games.

Walking around the abandoned town was pretty fun, and it had a lot of interior areas(which i wish were more common in Stalker).

The missions for getting there were always pretty memorable too. Maybe this just shows i don't finish most of my modded playthroughs...
Yeah and if you kill yourself right now we will all be happy.
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Armour vs impact against bullets?
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Weapongulash when?
every time i ask this question this is what it devolves into
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I don't sleep alot to begin with
The FOV Switcher mod is not working on my game (gives an error about the checksum not being right, probably because I pirated it).

Is there any other way to change the fov? Or am I boned?
>probably because I pirated it
You obviously don't know how to use a computer or read any instructions. Kill yourself.

Correction, I meant to say that none of the patchers that came with the switcher were working (all said I had the wrong version). It was when I tried to patch it to another version (one that the switcher said it could affect) that I got the incorrect checksum error. My bad.
You are fucking up something incredibly simple

Yeah, probably. No clue what it might be, though.
you're right about dx10 tho, wasnt a problem for me until 1.4.2
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if you have trouble getting it to work you may have to edit some files. i know i had to.
i think maybe it started being a problem at 1.4
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hey faggots join our strelok discord for FREE vodka and artifacts

Filters are a wonderful thing
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What a madman
Gas mask filters and buffed mask protection and damage from environments would be pretty cool
Haven't been here for more than 8 months now.

Did any new interesting mods came out?

I already saw that CoCk got update, currently installing it again.

Is weaponsoup finally finished?
>Is weaponsoup finally finished?

I'm sorry for your loss.
>Is weaponsoup finally finished?


gonna be reintegrated, reworked, re released or watever the fuck status u wanna call it. but in it's current state, still has some quite a few bugs. and is not updated for the latest patch
Ugh. this was meant for >>163022638
My bad.
Both of you are fucking retarded and should kill themselves
I responded to the wrong post, so i can't argue with that.
god dammint where is that bormann dude
the fuckin bear strikes again

go damn you BEAR!!!!
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bear party.gif
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If bormann shows up, what's gonna be the deal with milsurp stuff? Seems like more mosins and SKS should be showing up in the hands of less experienced stalkers
wow go shill your fucking discord somewhere else faggot

you're probably posting this shit on other generals too

oh wait. you are.

I dunno, I would assume yes.

I just want him to show up so i can give him the shotgun stuff we briefly talked about a few threads ago.
should I keep the heart of the oasis? or should I give it to the scientist, I've found it pretty useful so far.

also I was totally unprepared for that fucking psydog and that fucking chimera waiting for me out side the ventilation complex holy shit
IIRC, turning it in just gets you some money, and i don't think it's that much. You may as well keep it for now.

It does help your reputation with the scientists, but there are more missions for you to improve that.
I'm here.
Just what you said - "Better" (you guys will decide that) distribution of weapons between, let's say, tiers of stalkers.
I said, I don't want to give any dates. I'm quite busy person :^)
And to make everyone sure - Weapongulash will never ded, no worries. My whole life is basically Stalker and ArmA so I don't have a reason to make it ded
how do i fix shotguns being shit in owr3
yo ebr fag here again,
the guy who told that dude that wanted the remington870 on the mp133 skeleton so it could use the anims...

well i'm done, and i tweaked the animations to get rid of some of the fuckery.
mp133 anims for the rem870 is still kinda janky in some areas, but no worse than the originals imho

also tweaked the rem870's original animations as another option instead of using the ones on the mp133 skele

a list of the info is in the readme file, so please read it.

here is the Remington870 stuff

also in case u didnt catch it a few threads ago here is the link to the m14 ebr

any questions, just reply to my post.
Thank you, you're godsend mane
well, it's for a noble cause m8

i can do most stuff... animations is definitely not something i have much experience with
but i'm not completely useless at it.

let me know if i can help with some other stuff
Will do surely, mate. Will do
open up gamedata\configs\weapons\weapons.ltx
and edit the values for

some people have said
was good

dunno personally.
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Could you please add an M16 with the heat shield and M203 in the future?

I actually suggested that gun to werejew at the beginning of the year and he added it, but only the M16A1 version without a rail, so no scopes.

That is the only fucking gun I want.
Where can I find it, mane?
does anyone here play stalker soc on linux? i finally switched to exclusively linux, and it runs flawlessly in wine, even better fps than on windows, other than NOT READING SAVES OR EVEN SAVING AT ALL. for the past 2 hours ive been trying to figure this shit out, ive opened fsgame.ltx and changed the first line several times, i put my old saves for example in C:\users\username\documents\stalker-shoc which is the default location (wine only makes a My Documents which i figured was tripping it out), didn't work. i try just saving a game ingame, see where maybe on the filesystem its saving anything, cant find anything so reopen it up and sure enough there isn't a save there. what do i do?

i notice some lines use "$fs_root$", can this be used for the saves? i would try it, but first, what do the two "true | false" lines represent?

It was some shitty model from FPSbanana but I can't find it.

But you could try to fix the weaponsoup version maybe

Any mods other than ZoA that have the vz. 58? Doesn't matter which version of it and doesn't matter which game it's for.
Nevermind I found it


But I think he didn't use the entire model, but he just cut out the heat shield and planted it onto another M16 model.
>"$fs_root$", can this be used for the saves?

in fsgame.ltx, alter first line. don't bother with true or false, just remove the "documents" directory, replace it with

then make a folder (i used just "data") within your game folder, toss the files found within the "STALKER-SHOC" or "stalke~" directories from your documents folder into this new "data", and then finally end the fsgame.ltx line with "data\" or whatever you named this folder

it actually runs worse on linux for me though, since my gpu is overheating more as the fans just aren't working as well
So the suit addon seems to get rid of some items from stock AO or STCoP like the thing that allows you to survive emissions, and changes the models too. Am I installing it wrong? Is suit addon implemented in those mods already?

My order is CoC
.19 patch
gun addon, whichever one
suit addon
compat patch from suit addon

also it seems like it turns moss blue when you shine flashlights on it, dunno what that's from
>vz. 58

weapon soup has one
Also something else I found was that after trying freedom, clear sky, loners, and duty none of the traders sell helmets except the loners. I've loaded a shit ton of saves and haven't seen any for any of those 3 other factions yet.
Forgot to mention this is AO without suit addon or itemsoup.
Do you guys play with lootmoney on?
I do, it only makes sense that you can loot money.
Anybody know why nimbles pistols arent showing up?
>CoCk 14.19, AO3.1, dynamic factions
How is dynamic factions, how drastically do the faction relations alter, and how often?
Like, if i'm doody or CS will I be constantly becoming enemies with loners at random intervals?
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dunno what the hell you're doing, but trader stocks are random.

because he doesnt sell any according to his trader file.
>because he doesnt sell any according to his trader file.
what? how the hell am i supposed to get the match then? its still in the game, or atleast the debug menu
Mounting a acog on the carry handle like http://smg.photobucket.com/user/EvilKev/media/Weapons/IMG_0879.jpg.html would be my thing.
So can anyone give me a rundown of the pros and cons of each weapon overhaul for CoC? Also is it worth using the outfit addon?
i guess by finding it in stashes, he really should sell the gun tho.
and yeah its in the spawner menu.

asking all this shit when you could have just looked and found out on your own


>asking all this shit when you could have just looked and found out on your own
you're saying "i guess" makes it seem like you dont know either m8, so you're not one to talk
yeah me guessing that since nobody sells it you would have to find it in a randomly generated stash means i don't know.

still asking shit you could have looked at yourself
kill yourself
Im sorry anon I just value the opinion of strangers on the internet.
lurk moar
still asking shit you could have looked at yourself
i didnt know and neither do clearly you
k i l l y o u r s e l f
>answered your questions
>I don't know

wow off the charts m8 :^)
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>answered your questions
how delusional are you?
you literally answered "i guess by finding it in stashes" meaning you didn't know for sure and only guessed
i'm sorry i didnt realize you were legit retarded.

>anime weebfag

now it all makes perfect sense.
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get chemo you fucks
>dunno what the hell you're doing, but trader stocks are random.

I know. I just wanted to play AO, without suit or item addon. I was quickloading to test in front of the different traders to see if buyable helmets would spawn in their inventories.

The problem is with suit addon, while it will add helmets to trader inventories again, I think it removes some items either for sale or from the game completely and changes things like the bandage and rad drugs back to the original models, which I don't care about the models but those extra items help sometimes like anabiotics.

However, without suit addon or anything the helmets just don't spawn in their inventories which makes getting one as any other faction than loner spawning at cordon a pain in the ass.

tldr; vanilla AO coc doesn't seem to spawn other traders with helmets and that's all I want
Post your stalkan tunes
>dodging boars while listening to this
outfit addon doesnt get rid of any vanilla items like the anabiotics, it does change the inventory icons of some of the items.

try reinstalling or re-downloading and then reinstalling.
>that song
fuck off





Says gay and then posts this garbage.

Please throw yourself into the nearest anomaly.
>decide to play SOC for first time in years
>decide to try Lurk
>get to derelict garbage defense mission
>accept mission
>game spawns 19 bandits with aks
this is shit
is lurk in general shit?
Car park or building? It honestly doesn't sound bad
car park - the one with you and 3 stalkers - it wouldn't have been so bad had they not literally spawned inside the park and eliminate all my allies within 10 seconds of spawning
The fucked spawns make it much worse then, I agree.

Never played L.U.R.K. personally, so I can't tell you whether it gets better.
yeah, fuck it. Maybe I'll drop LURK and try another.
this was after I had to fight in the starting zone with another 8 ak wielding bandits using my pistol - spawns seem really fucked
That's messed up, I watched a LURK vid once and that didn't happen.

Have you tried Autumn Aurora?
no, never tried it. Think I should try it next?
I recommend it, past some minor annoyances it's a really good mod. I mentioned it because it does a lot of what LURK does or sets out to do: Prettier graphics, rebalanced vanilla gameplay, better gunplay, and some new guns and items.
just checked out the ModDB for it and it looks great - i'll try it out tommorrow, thanks mate I appreciate it.
I play with the crosshair on.
that's nice, i do too
can i start as a loner in CoC and then build up rep and join a faction later like in Clear Sky Faction Wars?
Down to only 71 stalkers besides me left in the Zone in my respawns-disabled, kill-every-stalker run.

Weird stuff starts showing up when the numbers get this low - just ran into a Dutier in Garbage with a Gauss Rifle
>Stalker killed:1779

You've been hard at work
I got a quest from Sid to clear out the car park of bandits and he said Fanatic might help me. After I finished the quest, I didn't have an option to stop Fanatic from following me. Am I stuck with him as a permanent companion?
what mod?
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Fucking fancy
Sorry, Call of Chernobyl
Fuck, crashing on new game.
hi i've delved into a number of popular STALKER mods the past couple weeks and i will share my opinions

Zone of Alienation: The ammo system is brilliantly realistic and the cozy feeling of loading your mags while some loner bro strums his guitar around a campfire is great. Difficulty is through the roof, invisible anomalies and ridiculous mob spawns can be annoying, tons of bugs and crashes almost to the point of being unplayable.

STALKERSOUP: Classic SoC feel with really fun new content. Some of the gear feels ridiculously OP and the vanilla SoC gunplay combined with the ramped up difficulty and OP guns means late game most fights are first hit wins and gunplay reduces into corner peeking cheesefest.

Autumn Aurora: SoC with a fresh coat of paint. Nice visuals, balanced gameplay, better AI, better combat, better gunplay. Feels very polished and very true to classic SoC.

Faction Wars: Great freeplay fun. Neat little hobo loner phase that lasts not too long followed by the endless war to take over the zone. Always points to capture and bases to defend. Ran into a ton of crashes and instability that would always make me have to jump back in saves until I got so frustrated I quit.

Misery 2: Mutants are bullet sponges

Call of Chernobyl: Just started this one. Map looks huge and tons of stuff to explore
expanding on misery2: I played recon which is essentially "hard mode" and basically you have to be on cocaine 24/7. The game is really just a gear grind and you never can carry enough.
Neat innit.
The ENB/Shaders thing may be fucking up
Alright, I'll try without. Cheers again
Nah, same issue. I'll check support tommorrow
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OGSE is officially shit. I tried to turn off brain scorcher but they rigged it to blow. So I go back to get disarm code and I got one half but the other is in dead city and there is no path there. I tried everything till I figured out my game was bugged because when I searched Ghost corpse in X-16 I was supposed to get a quest that would unlock that path but it appears I didn't, I even went back through X-16 to check and fucking nothing. I can't get info about Strelok from Seriy. Bes is somewhere else then garbage and when I reached him I can't help him and get info. Last the most frustrating part I can't enter Dead City, Pripyat or the NPP. I enjoyed everything else in this mod but unless someone knows how I can fix this it's a progression blocker tier bug and I'm fucking miserable with OGSE.
its probably your carry weight
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Sounds like Autumn Aurora is just objectively better.

Also can you give them ratings like a 1-10 scale with a phrase you'd use to sum it up or something so we know where you put it at?
REVIEWER's stuff on the OP has scoring and in-depth reviews
>What did he mean by this.
It is if you like BROWN AND GRAY.
The small amount of color the zone had is gone, and trying to distinguish grayish brown outfitted people from the gray and brown foliage is a nightmare in firefights.
Everything looks like it's made of concrete too.
Play AMK Autumn, it's a merge of Autumn Aurora (a very good mod) with AMK (a very good mod)
If this last attempt on AA doesn't work, I'll try that
Thanks m8
Did not know that thanks.
not a bad list, but things to consider
shit for quality and outdated with a bad modder to boot
joint pak 2 is way better
>misery 2
try misery 1 from the cop repo instead - like amk autumn

finally, try amk autumn
Play 1.4.1, don't use the binoculars option, don't use the ENB, have fun
>call of pripyat
>hunter quests
>killed both chimeras, the one in yanov and the one in zaton
nigga swears yanov and zaton are safer thanks to me
>mutants fucking everywhere
>killed 1 chimeras 2 controllers 3 bloodsuckers and a fuck load of boars and snorks in one run from the train station to the cement plant
Easy to fix, though. Disable the contrast and saturation shaders and you get color back. AMK Autumn does this by default, so copy the shader settings file from there if you have to.

Or use the ENB, but you lose ambient occlusion. AA2 shaders with contrast/saturation disabled is the way to go.
I can't really agree, but you can change that, in-game even
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>shit for quality and outdated with a bad modder to boot
>joint pak 2 is way better

>nigga swears yanov and zaton are safer thanks to me
don't you get it, anon? there's a certified mutant killing badass stalking the zone now
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we been here before. it's the lightest, slightest meme around, so let it be senpai
>tfw unstable
i hope you didn't try the ao merge, it's shitty and incomplete
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You got it
Thanks bruh
Started playing CoCk last night.

Some questions:

Do other areas have a chest to store your gear in like the CoP areas do?

Are there technicians in other areas or are they limited to CoP areas?

Basically are the CoP mechanics implemented in the SoC and CS maps?
Does crouching affect your accuracy while in ironsight/scope mode? Common sense tells me yes but http://www.metacognix.com/stlkrsoc/WhatYouKnowThatAintSo.html#Guns
makes me think only one "stance" can modify accuracy at a time
>Do other areas have a chest to store your gear in like the CoP areas do?

yes, chest are abundant, along with hiding places, and placeable stashes you can make with backpacks

>Are there technicians in other areas or are they limited to CoP areas?

each faction has a mechanic, trader usually at their base

forester in the red forest can do tier 3 upgrades without needing a toolkit

>Basically are the CoP mechanics implemented in the SoC and CS maps?

see above
>each faction has a mechanic, trader usually at their base
So, if I'm playing as a loner starting in Cordon?
Anyone play Dead City mod before?
You've got Pidorovich to trade with, Nimble to order shit from, and in the farmstead on the other side of the train tracks there is a mechanic.
yes, except the the mechanic is on the other side of the bridge.

OK here is a summary. All mods played on maximum difficulty. Ratings are super arbitrary because it really depends what you're looking for and I found unique enjoyment in playing all of these.

Zone of Alienation: 6/10 Neat ideas, best ammo system ever, difficulty can feel "artificial", crashes more than females driving cars.

STALKERSOUP: 7/10 Cool new content. Unbalanced new content. Shit gunplay.

Autumn Aurora: 9/10 It's like SoC was a AAA game... Outsourced to Russia. Best gunplay. I reccoment gnomus style scopes.

Faction Wars (Freeplay): 8.5/10 Neat freeplay always stuff to do. Repetitive but fun. OK gunplay, cool companion system, there's some kind of XP system I don't understand but hey RPG elements are cool. I eventually got frustrated by instability problems.

Misery 2: 7/10 Combat is majorly gear heavy, forces tons of grinding, prepare to spend hours hauling back guns to sell at 5mph stopping every minute to sit and catch your breath because you can't carry shit. Drugs are OP and you need a constant supply of cocaine to be effective. Mutants take 10,000 bullets to kill.

Call of Chernobyl (Freeplay): ?/10 Just started this one. Impressively huge map. Whereas faction wars was driven by constant dynamic objective points to capture I'm kind of not sure what to do in this one. Also, I got a FT-200M within like 15m of a new game which seems silly.

It was vanilla TFW. I occasionally would run into a few games that wouldn't load and would have to hop back to an autosave but once I took down the cordon defiance base as a freedom member every single save in cordon was borked which really pissed me off.
>Autumn Aurora: 9/10 It's like SoC was a AAA game... Outsourced to Russia. Best gunplay. I reccoment gnomus style scopes.

hey man, a couple things i'd like to ask of you:

can you restore the USP match from STCoP back to 9mm and maybe even add the one from AO that actually is .45 acp

also can you make the desert eagle use .50 AE?
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is he for real guys?
he's tejasing, it's a new form of memeing that all the cool kids are doing
Will weapongulash be compatible with mods that modify the character_desc files, such as the alternative voices addon?
Hmmm, it relies heavily on modified character_desc. But I'll try to make compat. patches.
I've actually switched Deagle to .50 AE as one of the first thing. USP'S? Why not, it's like 40 minutes of work at max

Now you guys got me thinking about fixing and adding stuff from Weaponsoup. Yay or nay?
Eh, I guess it's nothing that WinMerge won't fix, though the patches would be nice. As for stuff from WS, how about the russian scopes, such as the 1p78?
any ETA on weapongulash? please don't pull a werejew and delay it indefinitely due to feature creep. maybe release the base version and then work on updates? anyway, you're doing God's work
yeah some weapons sure.

but make sure whatever you add it's not buggy
Mhm, thanks for the feedback lads
I think I made myself clear - No dates. It shouldn't be too long. I have to fix upgrade pictures, make the rnd loadout script not fucked and spawn stuff from Itemsoup as well, make sure all works nice and smoothly
Also - Trader files, that will probably take the most time
Also another thing, in WS werejew tried to make all the scopes actual models you aim with, instead of an overlay - are the scopes in WG also going to work that way or is it going to be an overlay? Either way it's fine, can't wait for the release.
Overlay. But I have my plans for further refination of them. No promises, though
God bless mayne
Did you have much luck unfucking NPC weapon spawns?
Yes. A lot to be fair. I just have to fine-tune the script and fix the issue with Itemsoup items not spawning on NPC's. If anyone has some idea - Hit me up
Don't use itemsoup so not sure, glad to hear you made progress fixing the weapon spawning at least though
Anyway, what's the list of weapons that are going to be added overall?
you're trying to have itemsoup items spawn on npc's? like what?
For now it's:
- CZ52
- VZ65
- StG-58
- M60
- AK-12 in 7.62
- M14 EBR
- G43
- Kar98k
- Mosin
- SKS (Type 63)
- PPSh 41
- TRG 22/42
- L115A3
- MP412
+ New models for Gauss
+ New models for VAL (Port from AO3)
+ New anims for Remington 870 (Thanks for the anon who fixed the MP133 anims)
+ Some small tweaks to used ammo etc
Yeah, thought it might sound confusing. After editing the char_desc_general (or smth like that), NPC's spawn with vanilla items only, making the Itemsoup items impossible to find outside traders and stashes. I have to fix that somehow
Forgot about MP7
Faction relations are affected when you kill people. Some people have more notoriety than others, which is assigned randomly, so killing them affects relations more. If you kill a random army guy, your relationship with Duty will only be marginally affected. But if you kill an important guy, they might declare war on you if you were neutral before. At the same time, Freedom might ally with your faction because of killing that guy. A war is when all members of a faction are hostile to you. The mod is good, I just wish Ecologists were entirely neutral -- killing army dodos can piss them off.
Looks great, thanks. You also mentioned that there will also be better weapon distribution among NPC ranks, right?
Yes, and I'm making the economy a bit harsh. Selling weapons is not a way to make money (Unless it's really, really expensive gun) and buying them takes more money as well. The weapons also are more detoriated when dropped. It's a part of a larger overhaul I'm doing for myself, so it might be added as optional file
Alright, so, as for the weapon distribution thing, it's gonna be like rookies are going to have surplus weapons and the high-end weapons are going to be more of a rarity, right? Sounds awesome, will make finding an AS VAL have more of a "holy shit" factor.
And selling weapons might not be a way to make money, but what about weapon sights? I remember them fetching quite a high price for their weight in STCoP.
Yes, that's how it works. You can still find some veterans with surplus weapons as well, so killing master stalker is not always guarantee of getting top-tier gun
Thanks for reminding me. I didn't touch on the scope prices yet. I'll get on it
it's not anything you did man

itemsoup for AO has edited


which are the #includes in character_desc_general.xml

while STCOP does not have these. as it really doesn't matter, shit spawns on dead bodies + stashes+ traders

if you want you can just use the ones from item soup for AO and just put them where they are referenced.
Awesome, it's gonna make finding better weapons a lot more rewarding and either force me to hunt master stalkers or dish out some cash for one. Nice to have another money sink apart from suits and upgrades.
Thank you very much! I'm trying this now, will report

they are fine, scopes very expensive irl and so it makes sense for them to be priced as they currently are
Okay. Maybe I should change the probability of them then? Seems like a logical way if they're expensive
yeah that's a good compromise
I kinda agree though I don't know what scope prices are like in STCoP, think making them rarer so there's a lot more irons would be good while still having scopes as valuable items
Make them very rare then. They go for 2k in StCop and you find them everywhere.
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yo borman, i'm fixing the colt kimber and should probably have something some time later tonight if you want to use it.

just transfering it to the regular colt skeleton, adding silencer. i might have to edit the audio for it, dunno yet.

and i already fixed the smoothing the model either lost or didnt have.

>pic related
I'm waiting. Is the Kimber from AO?
Yes, its always weird when the first few bandits in car park have red dots on their assault rifles.
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nah it's the kimber desert warrior that is already in stcop, that wasn't actually used because the dodgy animations.
Oooh! Nice, like I said - Waiting
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Hey Bormann, what about the FAL animations? Because I remember that in AO3 they were vanilla-tier - what are they gonna be like in WG?
Same as AO3, unless I find some better ones. I'm not an animator at all. Sorry, chap
It's alright, I was just asking.
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also remembered NDTwoFives on moddb posted his textures edits for stcop a while ago and i saved them.

this one is his edit for that kimber thoughts anyone?? compared to the original?

i am biased and like darker weapons
Something that bothers me about AO3 is that there's two models of 1911, with the exact same stats, but one of them is listed as doing significantly more damage.

What the fuck is that shit?
If we can have 3 variants of 1911 in STCoP, why not both Kimbers?
I like the second one more, the contrast is really nice.
I don't know if you're aware but the sprint animation on the remington 870 you ported to the MP133 skeleton is janky as fuck, one second it's smooth but the next it hangs, similar to the remington's original animation

the rest is great tho
fuck me i'm tired and cant reply correctly

cuz one is the colt DE 10mm version

the other colts are just reskins of the .45

i'll include them both, and you can use one or the other or both. up to you m8

yeah i agree, but like i said i am biased as fuck and

yes thats becuase the mp133 animations were used and i didnt edit that one.
i can try and fix it tho
I didn't have that issue, intresting. I might have not notice it though
yeah i know exactly what he's talking about.

i just didnt bother with it.
Yo. I am playing OGSE standalone and some fag in front of Sidorovich says I gotta pay him 300 money everytime I wanna go see him. I saved that guy after the helicopter attacked. How do I get money to go see him?
Tell him to fuck off you pussy
Update: Thanks to a tip from this >>163076815
anon, the script is working perfectly. That brings us even closer to Weapongulash being finshed
Also - Word of advise. The loadout script will be completely configurable by user without need of extensive knowledge, so everyone can take the basis from Weapongulash and suit it to their own likings. My view on the loadouts might be completely diffrent from others, so I think it'll be a good thing
Amazing, I'm really stoked for your addon!
It's not really mine. I'm just working on material made and provided by many great modders of this community and fellow amazing anons that visit this general. I've only put this together
Still, you're doing a hell of a job, it's gonna bring a breath of fresh air into CoC
So did anybody finish the FS-HoM translation? I still have some files where all the little files are translated, but dfs_storyline_strings.xml is about 1/3 completed and dfs_string_dialogs.xml is roughly half completed.
So is it more often down to player actions taking major steps like if I were to kill a freedomer named character, it might boost my factions relations with the army but lower our relationship with loners enough to cause a possible alliance/war?
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For reference, here is a list of all the files and their sizes.
You can make ecologists not be affected by the mod though. There's a guide on how to do it in the mod's comments on ModDB.
open gamedata\scripts\game_relations.script with a plain-text editor like notepad and look for the following lines:


Delete the "ecolog" line and save the file.
I don't know why ecologists or loners would ever really be on there.
Loners shouldn't even really be a faction.
Isn't the point of loners to not be involved in politics and each individual group have their own standing with each other?
It is. That's why I excluded both them and the ecologists from the factions list.
Thanks bro
Sweet thanks, wouldn't mind random points in hostility between the military and whatnot, was worried that it would apply the changes to loners and eggheads which would be annoying and nonsensical so glad I can change that
That kind of overlay - yay or nay?

simpler the better IMO
Could we get a comparison shot? But for now, I'd say yay.
Depends on the gun and scope.
If it's a smaller, low zoom tactical scope, further away from the eye then sure.
If it's a bigger, higher zoom, closer to the eye kind of scope I prefer a full black overlay outside of the scope. You wouldn't be able to see around a bigger scope, only inside of it. You can literally tell what's outside of the scope which should only be possible with small scopes.
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Oy, haven't been to these generals for quite a while. What's the new and hip mod to play right now or is it still CoC?
I should note that these are not exact same scope. Upper one is from KSVK and lower - SVD, but it roughly does the comparision
I prefer the upper one, but it's not a huge deal either way.
upper looks better when you're looking at it in a screenshot or just fucking around in game but when you're in an actual fight the lower is much more useful
Is this a recent meme? I've read this on this general multiple times but no one has actually bothered to list why JP2 is better. To me it seemed pretty much the same.
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does the full simulation A-life actually do anything?
i know A-life is active on other maps without me being there even without the mod so what's the deal?
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Hmmmm, I'm trying to make something similiar to this suggestion, but both types seem to inherit from same "side" texture, although I set them in config so that some use transparent "side" texture. This results in the scopes having black stripes on the both left and right side of the screen. Any ideas how can I make some use the black stripe texture and some the transparent one?
No, its not active on other maps. It randomizes some stuff next time you visit.
so a bandit picking up stuff that i left on a dead body is randomizing?
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start at the sign and follow the little sticks in straight lines
Will we have a choice between those two kinds of overlays once WG releases?
I prefer the upper one
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Does anybody know how to add new pieces of dialog to Call of Chernobyl? Specifically, the ones that show when you ask if anybody has some news or something interesting to tell you. I unpacked the database and am currently looking at dialogs.xml and st_dialogs.xml, but it's a bit confusing. Thanks for the help!
the trick is to walk on the road and avoid the darkened areas
read the op and kys
Is GSC going to make a new STALKER?
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Damn thats awesome.

Honestly I don't understand why a newer version of this game isn't being made. An open world game ridden with mutants, mercs, bandits, radiaton, guns, it has it all. Why lads, why?

Theres actually quite a few so I wouldn't know, I just started playing CoC myself.

I guess the dynamic quest addon is cool along with either OWR or AO3.

I thought Werejew was doing this? Things have changed so much since I was here 6 months ago..
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your mom tee hee hahaga lol did i get him good guys?
Kill yourself
werejew got a job so he doesn't have as much time as he used to and Bormann is working on adding some weapons from AO3 to STCoP plus he's improving the weapon distribution so that rookie stalkers will only have surplus gear instead of high-grade weapons right off the bat

That sounds great. I look forward to that.
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east german mpi-km-72
Are Clear sky/ CoP worth playing straight out of SoC?
I fear i might bet burnt out, unless there are new mechanics that spice the game up.
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much love for cold war ak's
I found the dialog in st_dialog_manager.xml, but I think the dialog is loaded using a script in dialog_manager.script that is made to load one of the 64 lines by default, not sure though, since I can't read LUA. Does anybody know if http://hastebin.com/ugotizoqew.lua allows for new entries added to st_dialog_manager.xml without editing the script that loads the entries?
Absolutely kill yourself
Hey there, anon of porting AK's into the CoC. Will you release these sweet stuff ever?
what's the point
there's already an ak
Literally barneyfag tier, except that at least he spices insults up once in a while
Kill yourself
there can't be too many ak's
Great to hear. Will they be standalone?
not sure yet
StCop 2: Kalashnikov Boogaloo?
Call of Kalashnikov
What does OWR for CoC even do?
Does it just retexture vanilla weapons?
every fucking thread

kill yourself you useless sack of shit
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a fucking weeb
why am i not surprised?
>He took the bait
dumb animeposter
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Kill yourself
Google is banned in my country
No, it literally just sets a variable false in _g.script which is highly recommended by the devs not to turn off.
did they specify why? do things get fucky as time goes on?
i need help CoC seems really great in terms of stability and base game mechanics but there's nothing to do and all the best weapons are readily accessible within like 15 minutes

what do i do or what addons can i use to give me something to do

aks 47 + variation
akm + variation
km 72
km 72 early
akm polymer
akms polymer
ak 74 + variation
ak 74 polymer
ak 74m + variation
aks 74 + variation
aks 74m + variation
aks 74u + variation
ak 101
ak 102
ak 103
ak 104
ak 105 + variation
ak 107 + variation
ak 109 + variation
vepr 7.62x39
vepr 7.62x51
wz 88 tantal
zastava m70 ab2
zastava m70 b1
zastava m70 (tabuk)
zastava m92 + variation

to do

type 56 fixed stock
mpi 74k
pm md 63 fixed stock
pm md 90 folding
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Wait for Warfare
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They all look same to me tbqh
Wasted time and effort
where can i read about this "warfare" and is there an ETA?
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>people are still falling for the OWR is just better models meme
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one soviet bloc gun that is missing from all these mods is the vitayz variant of the PP-19

AFAIK these are far common than the PP-19 with the cylinder magazine

pic related is a newer model, but the only difference is the addition of the rail. This is really what should the dominant SMG in the games, rather than MP5s.
>Got a 1070
>Max Settings 1080p with Downsampling at 144hz with 3 second load times on my SSD

Thanks Slavs!
-- Improves performance if true, by disabling update methods for squads and smart terrains on levels not linked in configs\ai_tweaks\simulation_objects.ltx
-- But this means simulation will only be active on actor level and linked levels everything else will remain in an idle state

That addon sets it false. Which will drop your FPS with very little benefit other then the pleasure knowing some stalkers on far away levels are moving around.
I'd like to add that it's only really beneficial if using something like Warfare, because then it actually matters. But if you just playing CoC with normal addons there is no reason for it.
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I'd love to have one of these instead of the mp5/mp5sd, makes more sense for lets say bandits to run around with ak models rather then nato stuff
you are either playing in dx8 or lying your ass off
fun fact, in my country some paranormal nutjob took that ad for real and said it was proof that zombies existed in russia and they were soviet experiments.
Hi, newbie here. Do exoskeletons count as having a closed-cycle respiratory system? I've got a SEVA but I wanna try the suit too.
No, you need to use the SEVA for the Pripyat underground, you can't use anything else, but you can carry the exoskeleton along with you.
Okay, thanks.
> but you can carry the exoskeleton along with you.
I'm tempted to, but should I really choose the +10 kg of weight carried vs +1 artifact containers? I got a Gravi so it doesn't seem that wise, but you get +2 containers later anyways
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