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One Piece Games General - /opgg/

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Thread replies: 761
Thread images: 168

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Bandai hates Christmas edition

Last chapter: >>162859885

General guide, read before posting

>Quick Links
Turtles: optctimer.com/#!/turtle
Tables: optc-db.github.io
Calendar: optccalendar.com

>One Piece: Treasure Cruise Friend Code List
Add people from here if you're new or need more friend captains.
If you wish to be added to the list put your ID in here.

>Drops/XP and XP/PLVL/Stam spreadsheets

- Special Events -
>Dec 7-25: Colo Batch- Ace, Coby, Hawkins, Ben Beckman, Lucky Rux
>2 day returning fortnights coming soon:
>21st-23rd Afro Luffy
>23rd-25th Brook
>25th-27th Okama
>27th-29th Franky
>29th-31st Wedding Nami
>CYO Turtle Times
>2x skill up on Jan 2nd, lasts for a week
- Fortnights -
>Dec 6-13 :Morgan and Breed
>Dec 13-20: Smoker and Young Arlong
>Dec 20-27: Alvida and Tom Workers
>Dec 27-Jan 4 : CobiMepppo and Tsuru

>Dec 6-21: Enjoy farming your ass off on the last run of movie fortnights because Bamco hates you Event
>Dec 6-7, 13-14, 20-21: Zephyr
>Dec 8-9, 15-16, Shiki
>Dec 11-12, 18-19, Guille Tostinos
>Dec 16-19: Young Robin + Nami
>Dec 19-21: Gran Torino
- Raids -
>Dec 6-20: Better max every movie raidboss
>Dec 23 : Aokiji
>Dec 26 : Ivankov
>Dec 30 : Duval

>Dec 12 - Jan 4 Free evolvers for 5*+ Zoro and Nami
>Dec 13 - 26 special islands with rainbow evolvers one time clear
>Dec 29-31 2x skillup
>Dec 16 - Kuma
>Dec 19 - Mihawk
>Dec 24 - Boa
>Dec 23 - Jan 5 Clash of Clashes!
first for fuck Shiki and this game
first for never getting a shoutout
first for actually third
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you will never pull me
first for friend points are full for weeks and there is still no FP event in sight
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>All those events and raids from Global compared to Japan
Why would anyone play Japan? We have twice the amount of stuff going on.
7th for the guys who make new threads.
8th for people who got cucked and bankrupt because of this game
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God bless you OP
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>Even the guests are cheating
For fucks sake, this is retarded
Anyway, can some people put up Fuji or Shiki? Scarlet won't give me the Sanji books I need
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all in a day's work
i legit dont understand people cheating it remove all the fun from getting new units, and dont say people are just cheating for shiki with all the shitpost of Z, colo and so on
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Reminder that the Age of Ace is Over.
It's been over since Fujitora arrived, Croc is still shit compared to Driven. They need another cerebral legend.
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they'll all stop using it or quit, its just a big wave of dumbass, it'll pass eventually and we can get back to shitposting about important things like socket order(bind always first faggots)
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>haven't checked the list in a while
>can't find my name
>found my ID
>it's not my name or description

Welp, time to update my info.
ahah yeah im glad i can stop using my ace that i got that one time to use the croc that i got the other day wew
I'll pull Log Usopp instead tyvm
Seeing Sanjuro being the only one that refreshes his Marco constantly has me pretty depressed.

One Shiki every like ten minutes is fucking garbage, man.
I go in the order they are in the socket selection screen
Cooldown - Bind - Silence - Heal - Orbs
fight me
DR not allowed
If I hadn't discovered Double Enel + G3 I'd have quit this shit already. If you have G3 I suggest you switch to that.
How do you not lose instantly if you get a single bad orb?

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Got my Shiki to 18 cooldown and max sockets. I figure if there's ever a situation where I absolutely require the max cooldown I'll kick myself for getting lazy but having the optimized combo with Lao G is good enough, especially since I don't have Fuji or Legend Doffy.
When would I? Third stage I pop Sunny, fourth G3. As long as I don't let three units hit me at the same time in the first two stages I'm all right.
stage one or two are the rippy ones whenever i think about running that that
>Finally maxed Shiki
I have to admit maxing this guy was the absolutely hardest and costly thing I've ever done in this game. He had a shit chance of a skill up during this skill up event for me. Must have used over 120 copies.
To play safe just stall in the first turn until your Sunny is primed so in the worst case scenario you can use it on stage two. I've gotten despaired for 4 turns and survived thanks to that. Once I was fucked with first stage 6 turn 1 CD but that's really rare. I could have gotten through that but I'm pretty sure I messed with a tap or two.
Luffy on bottom right?
>60 gems to max a raidboss youll never use
Marco friends please refresh. Also leave your ID pls. Im getting rekt 0/15. i need to farm more
whats the japan ranking?
Can I get this with Alvida or maybe Nico Robin post timeskip?
Yep. Like 90% of the time Shiki switches Doffy first and before the restart didn't change it so I just hit Shiki until he puts G3 up.
i'm 3k from leveling up and i have 15 stam, do 15 stam islands give that much or no
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There, I'm all done!
Marg must be one of the stingiest FN bosses I've ever tried to max
I think I dropped like 12 gems already (+ natural stamina and level ups) and it still needs some skillups during a fucking skillup event
don't even wanna speak about sockets
Thanks Sanjuro for refreshing
I have been getting fucked over hard on sanji skill ups. Sunk 25 books so far and nothing.
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Please donate, my wife hasn't eaten in 5 days
Low cost/turns taken/perfects hit
damn, I hate low cost ones
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Should I farm Sanji books? Are the ones on golden lion pirates attack the only available 2d3Y sanji books?
stop posting this Boris
yes they haven't reappeared in Japan yet
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I will when you fucked stop bullying Japan players
Your order is wrong. Fuck you.
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>tfw to intelligent to waste gems on shiki
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oh nooo they said our version is worse!!
literally who cares
why am I replying to this bait
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It's called a joke you autist, ever heard of those?
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is this her?
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I want her to love me.
this fat fuck thinks coby meme is funny
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that's the joke
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>getting worked
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Stop. Just give me Marguerite. I'm throwing away the Sanji books and I don't have Croc. Every other run I get 2 Croc books in one run too. They know!
>Every other run I get 2 Croc books in one run too.
fuck you I have been gemming hard and got one croc book after 32 runs!
Bamco definitely do it on purpose.
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>There are people not saving their legend books until permanent skillup upgrade
Yup, can't farm that fuck. Gonna pray that Funi lets them bring back the units for the movie in January or that maybe we get them for 2nd anniversary. Shit is too un comfy, and atleast I can use Sanji books now.
the + evolutions are voiced by the way, haven't seen anyone mention this
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The London turtle times are completely inaccurate

was meant to start 25 minutes ago but there's no turtles to be found.
that site is shit im on EST and last week i waited for turtles was supposed to be on at 10am and it was off by like 2 hours
mine started 2 hours earlier
The secret is that you log in and look to see if there are turtles or not, and if there are, you still don't run them because who the fuck still runs turtles?

JP turtle xp for Global when?
why wouldn't you use the turtles?

my team are really underleveled I think, I'm stuck on that first fight against Kaku and Lucci so I really need to level my team up.
Oh if you're new, that's fine. You should probably have a max Mihawk or a decent base Enel before pushing that far in the story anyway though.

The Sunny's nice and all, but failing story missions is really bad stamina efficiency for new players.
I just want the gems from completing the islands so I can spend them at the Christmas sugo. I'm really quite stuck with it now though, definitely way past my team's limitations.
Post your box and where are you? We'll try and help you get further, but you may actually be stuck.
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Weekend anime stream
Resuming with Arabasta arc.
Bring war rations.
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are there any "dream" teams with tesoro? he doesn't seem that impressive in paper
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>Got 7 Elder turtles from the Elder turtle rush
>Full Psy orbs isn't impressive on paper
>5 sockes isn't impressive on paper
You are literally retarded.
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>not wanting the king of scammers

How can you not like this magnificent bastard.
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Without baccarats that would have been very disappointing tbqhwy
but are PSY teams better than Fuji or Ace dream teams?
5 sockets and full psy orbs

of course not
Dream teams are 90% Meme. They're called that because of the wide encompassing amount of things they can run, but they often run them worse than specialized teams. Tesoro is the king of Psy teams, which can be used to clear any int content
then I have no use for golden jobber
London, or if you meant ingame I'm at Water 7 stuck on the Kaku and Lucci fight which is chapter 15.

I'd post my box but I've made a bunch of silly decisions and last time I posted them everyone thought I was just trolling.
>5 stamina for 110k exp
>very disappointing
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>Wanted to level/max Indigo since he might be useful and won't come back.
>bad drop rate
>0/14 today
>almost no sockets
Well fuck you too. 19 cooldown will have to do.
who is the best Cerebral captain?
Alright, the Kaku Lucci fight isn't actually as hard as it looks if you can make it that far. You can always use a double Enel team. Half of the fight is just waiting out the long series of buffs they do.
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Jinbe socket fortnight soon boys
damn that's a thiccc tail
do we get 10 gems for clearing marineford?
I think we sometimes forget what it likes to be low level. I would have killed to have baccarat then. I also would have been excited for turtle times.
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After you kill Akainu in part 2 yes
Uuuuurgh, restarting Shikis cap change does not need a fast restart. Just used Doffy's special before Lucci and restarting switched the cap switch. Why does it always go to the left? Why haven't I switched my G3 to the left?
Two hours left until he's gone, and I'm still unsure if I should gem a few times for him. I have literally five copies from natural stamina, so I'd need a lot, but I just don't want to after so much time and gems with Shiki.
>The holiday characters are leaving literally the minute before Sugo starts.
I'm not pulling this Sugo anyway but god fucking damn that's Jew-ish. I don't think JP has ever done that.
Don;t bother gemming this late.
>Blow 5 gems
>130 stamina
>1 Sanji book
I'm going to kill myself
I am legit going to go get a noose and just hang myself
Why are these so fucking rare?
Who the fuck thought "Hey, let's make a non-legend book only drop off the boss and sub-boss!"
Marco books drop off dinosaurs. It's legit easier to farm Marco books than Sanji books.
I only need 3 skillups.
Correction, it does require quick restarting but only when he first switches.
This skill up event is a fucking sham. I dunno bout you sluts but I'm failing getting a skill up at 5 books per attempt.
It's not the skill-up
it's the fucking books not dropping.
like I said, I just did like 20 runs and I only got 1 book
I'm glad I managed to max both Chopper and Sanji. Getting their books was bullshit when the FN lasted longer.
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lmao remember when boris had a sperg and deleted all his shit, spicy.
what's the "powerhouse dream team"?
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its because of the whole 'guaranteed christmas character as the +1 for a multi'

still jewish but thats why
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It is pretty jew, here's last year's Xmas sugo on JP - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ptofxtVYMug
It included Xmas Law and Bonney
This is me with legend croc books.
Yup, and the last JP sugo had Holiday Rayleigh in it.
Japan constantly has secret characters up during the same time as sugos, the only ones I can think of that weren't were the young doffy ones.
Global has never had secret chars during a sugo yet.
I think the only that makes sense is to delete your Sanji, then the books will start dropping. After you'll just have to hope you pull him (you won't because you'll have his books).
>Have Jinbe in need of Qck Marco to complete dream
>Farm Sanji books
>They never drop, but got 2 Marco's in one run, twice.

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Never got a 3 drop before? Fuck Bamco
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How OP is Gamma Knife?
I don't think I've seen that before.
I feel bad for you.
Like I said, the dinosaurs can drop them, so you can get one on Stage 3, one from Scarlet and one from Indigo,Scarlet or Dinosaurs since all 3 appear on the final stage.
You just have to ask nicely Yung.
>It's another "RR books are rarer than Legend books" episode

Another double drop of Marco, not a single fucking Sanji book in sight.
please daddy?
this raid takes so long
i want to die
i only have 35 fucking copies
Guys which Sockets does Shiki need?
im giving him matching, CDR, and health regen
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>maxed 3D2Y Sanji after rolling him last sugo from a total of 26 books, 9 of which were held from last Indigo appearance
I'm so fucking happy
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>check f list
>see this guy
Yeah that's pretty bad luck.
>last week Shiki clear rate: ~90% efficiency
>this week: 50%
Is anyone else just suckling dick or is it just me?
>implying he's not way ahead of the meta
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[Internally screams]
im so sorry
>always blinds when I wants him to enrage
>always enrages when I want him to blind
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Believe in yourself
I don't know how much longer I can keep up this Croc book farming lads. I want to use the king of speed in a speedy fashion, but his cooldown will never go below 18. I've failed you all.
He got blinded, most people would rather deal with the enrage.
Is it random or is there some force at work here?
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>Have the team to farm Shiki
>And the gems
but not the third component:
>No time to farm him
Sayonara, Shiki-san...
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And it has 12 turns to stall out, but you really can't stall pit the bird at that low health for 11 turns. In addition, the fact he almost killed the bird to avoid the whole situation is icing on the cake.
I know that feel
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I got it down to 22 turn and sockets incomplete. Is it useable?
I just got a Christmas miracle
>fed last 4 copies
>3 skillups and 2 bind resists
I am so sad I failed, but at least I have something a little workable to show for it.
Post you results/sucesses/failures
condolences to you, hope at least blue gilly and Don Sai are new for you
They are, Kuina too, which is okay since I don't have 3D2Y zoro
not to bad then,
I pulled a silver and X-drake, debating whether to sell X-drake for ray points or not
Man I am behind.
>haven't done 30sta Margurette
>haven't finished Underground, let alone started Chaos colo
>neglected Nami/Robin farming last Tim they were around
What do?
Maxed him with one AH missing and immediately stopped. If he proves his usefulness, I'll give him an AH book.
Im in the exact same boat.
Think I'll do the colo's just to clear the gems.
Then, do Nami/Robin because they won't come back.
What the hell is wrong with you
Keep him if he's new.
he is but he I doubt I'd ever use him and I'm almost to the ship in ray points
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I have 6 copies left waiting for skill up increase. I've been awake 24 hours now and I'm extremely dissapointed I didn't farm hard right from the start. The urgency hit two hours ago and I got bad skill ups so this is what I have to look at for hopefully until anniversary.
only lv 6 not even evolved because no rainbow penguin so only 4 bind and 1 ah
oh well
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>Shiki is gone forever

Finally, the evil has been defeated.
did you not read the manga? she gets kidnapped and she's a mummy now

I'll delete it though because of spoilers.
Is Rayleigh's shop the only way to get universal skillbooks?
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>569 gems
I wish I had that many gems.
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>fed my last 3 copies
>get three skill ups
>max out his special
>only farmed 30 copies during the 24 hour period

My socket luck was complete shit but I can't really complain.
I just couldn't farm Shiki, RIP me. Shiki is so fun to use
when does Rayleigh shop open for global? got a bunch of units i need shotting
All those gems and I still couldn't max Shiki in time. I should just sleep the dissapointment away. See you on monday.
how far away is that?
Next week in a secret update, my uncle works for One Piece
I have no fucking clue dude, no one does. Maybe february with the anniversary update.
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I shoulda cheated so much hate to be honest familiars
>Didn't cheat
>All three movie raids maxed
Feels good
same feel man
I'm missing exactly 1 Tesoro socket, so I'm not worried.

Feels good to have done it all legit, but my gems are in a sad state. Once I started refilling, I got carried away and maxed Coby and Hawkins, and failed to max Ace.
Same dude, I'm missing 1 cdr socket and he'll be maxed.
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20~ cd shiki is fine. Lao g has 18 cd. Stalling with drivens is so easy with high hp and ah sockets
How about 22 turns because that is the most I gotten
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Makes me glad I got super lucky with the skill ups.

now to get some sockets since Halloween Sanji didn't even drop once for me and Candy kept giving me garbage past Bind and CDR.
can I beat Nami/Robin with 3d2y Nami as a captain? she's the only cerebral captain I got.
you can take strikers and then some striker/cerebral or striker/free spirit, then Aokiji friend
gross sockets my man
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>pulled for Baggy and Tashigi
>get Barto and Tashigi
Only today did I attempt and get Aokiji's bike

Everything else to in the Ray shop
I don't think anyone here's Sanji is properly socketed yet because we've only had the halloween fortnight once since he came out. Wait till Candy comes out.
>0 gems
good luck getting more fagboy
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Wait, are babby Nami and Robin limited time only?
Is Loli Nami the most fappable unit until Violet comes out in Global?
tfw no fuji
ur gross
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Mine's not complete, but it's not gross either.
Reasons to actually keep this Robin and Nami:

oh wait.
what's the loli nami farming team
>16 gems
will get...
>12 from new chaos colos
>3 from smoker ranking
>5 from event
>at least 10 from Amazonia and Impel Down (plus mid stage gems,~3 for both? Making it 16)
>4 daily gems until the 21st
That's at least 56 gems by sugo, right? Am I forgetting some? Because that gives me some left for Tesoro and Z.
Anyone got video footage of the new Buggy?
>not keeping all unique units
for what purpose if you'll never use them?

His special is so shit, he's practically guaranteed to be amazing when he gets a Super Evolution in 2 years.
Colo and new raids had me using units I never thought I would be. I maxed Bellemere's special, and wouldnt you know she is pretty convinient for Margarite. Not at all nessicsry, but convinient. Besides, why not collect them? Don't have the box space or something?
When is Don Sai used?
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Why the fuck is zephyr appearing 3 times and shiki only twice ?

I can never be satisfied with this game with this stuck in my box for the rest of time
stamina is 0 but i want to play
Go for snails
You'll never know when there will be a mission that will require them.
I don't really want to bother making a fake twitter because I've got a real one too and it might be a pain
How do people actually go through the stupid crab/lobster cave with Baccarat? I don't want to take 999 turns.
my max/max carina is so useful in doing the amazon fn. the small orb boost is enough to kill marg
also can I have some fuji/trebol friends? I dont have one myself but I just want to grind colo coby
use sanji and ironfist you dolt
high damage beatstick/ fixed dmg/ poison

ex: full body, sanji, margarite, poison squid, etc
sorry meant to quote
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>Wake up and super drowzily open up OPTC
>Oh cool Buggy Sugo, guess I'll do one pull
>Red Poster shows up, instantly jump out of bed
>My game when
Holy fuck this is more refreshing than 10 coffees. I'm ready for anything today.
I want him so bad just to hear his voice when he attacks.
>still missing five sockets on Shiki.

Kill me senpaitachi. At least I maxed autoheal right?
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getting a red poster is even better than being cummed inside tbhh
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Trust me, it's worth the 2 minutes. Imagine having a chance for a stamina refill every day, and also getting more cola and random turtles. You could even win rainbow gems, but very rarly. Now that we don't have friend game, it makes a big difference, trust me.
Pic related- me like a few weeks into playing.
2x boa/ 2x aokiji/ 2x zephyr with fs shooters/ 2xcorazon
>i dont really wanna bother making a fake twitter
shut the fuck up and make it you little lazy fuck if thats your attitude why even play the game this entire game is based around making a ton of effort
Its really not, once you link it in the game, you never have to log in again. You can ignore it completely and still open snails. Definitely worth it for Cola alone.
no it's not
Did Smoker mission, was easy.
Now I'm at a dilemma though: I'm trying o find the time to run through colo and run through story islands (last 2), but I can't seem to find the time with Z and Gild farming. I might have to either forfeit farming Nami/Robin or not shoot for a multipull this sugo. It might be the latter.
I opened 1 (one) before my account was locked.
Oh wow, must be some new twitter shit that didn't happening to me at all.
private all your tweets and link the twitter to aometrhingh so that its verified
7/10 Marg sockets
I can smell the success, it's so close
>Do Marg FN
>Dick keeps getting hard everytime so start fapping

why is she so hot guys?
I have 5 sockets and 2 skill-ups to go. I reckon I'll get 2 more sockets and all my skill-ups by the end.
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hope my socket luck turns around soon ide like to max him before he leaves

had planned to go bind despair automeme but i havent gotten a single bind or despair in dozens of copies
but are you gemming for it? because I am
2-3 gems per day
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Iktf. Have not had to gem yet. Will gem Monday to finish off her special. Not too worried about sockets as I can replace my swsopp with an unsocketed unit and still have max despair/bind/CDR/ah
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Thank you to the anon who wished me luck the other day!!!!

This was my first upgrade attempt since you gave me that goodluck image so thank you!
Grats anon. So much of the game has opened up to you now.
how the fuck did you do that colo. I can't even get past it once.
Is she worth maxxing?
That's not funny but actually it really helps my damage though!
I don't get the joke.
I was not joking.
do you have a marco and a 3d2y zoro? if so its really easy if not then you can use a double aokiji team if you have the niggers bike
>worth maxing

Do you have the dream team? If yes, FUCK YES. If no, then meh, she is a QCK delayer, and 5k fixed is decent, so is better than most fortnight characters.
Which Marco? I have zoro and psy, both special maxed.
Don't have Zoro, and Qck Marco is taunting me with the 15 skill books sitting in my box.
I don't have the dream, but I bothered maxing two Zephyr's, one as captain with Ace friend and another for the dream.

Just missing Ace for the dream.
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I thought he was being sarcastic, saying that one little ship upgrade doesn't make any difference and isn't' worth posting about
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psy is better you can EASILY farm this colo
you might be able to do it with quick marco and you can replace 3d2y zoro with momonga

you can also try this if you got the units
1.5x damage to everyone is a big deal, its a nice milestone.
Any cheaters want to know how to pass the ranking while cheating and not making it seem obvious (ala, ranking scores in multiples of 5s)
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Law account if anyone wants it

ID: 262706563; Password: fgwekmya;
No sir, it's actually a huge milestone and really does open up a lot of the game due to how it stacks with Captain abilities and whatnot. It's quite a bump to your damage and you should be proud.
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h4h4 hacked!!!!1!!1!
i dont peruse reddit, im just gay.
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>told everyone that we should be suspicious of Bandai releasing movie content one after another

>maxed out every movie raidboss on their first appearance (okay, Shiki needed 10 more copies on the second)

>everything is maxed before the content cut is announced

>just sat back and spent time farming the fortnights instead

With Bamco, never relax
oh that's okay then, gays are fine unlike redditards
When you're using Tomes to socket a unit, do move onto another unit if you only have an unimportant socket left to max?

For example I have two units who are max/max/notmax/max, the notmax socket being CDR which I generally feel isn't worth the potential waste of tomes especially because on both these occasions 2/3 CDR are still needed to max.

Should I just keep throwing tomes at it until they are complete, or just move on seeing as CDR isn't going to make or break a run?
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Can you guys put some raid Kumas up in a captain slot? Thanks
Fucking finish it!

Depends on what it's worth to you and if that socket will be usable immediately.

No real sense in throwing tomes to get the last CDR socket on a legend if no one else on that legend's team has CDR, you know?
went back to the game with the new update

where the fuck did my smoker go?

I assume you cheated on the ranking friend

they probably rolled your shit
Depend on the Socket/Character.
I was missing one AH socket on my Fuji and I keep feeding tomes until I got it.
Now my WB have 5/5 resillience, but I'll probably not resocket him because DR is not worth the quantity of tomes I'll have to invest.

So I would say keep using tomes for Bind/Despair/AH/CDR socket.
ah fuck how do i prevent this?
or does anyone else know about this
ben beckman is so hard, how do i beat him ? i either dont have the damage for sanji or not enough for ben
you got whitebeard?
ok nah but seriously
my smoker and lucci are gone
logged in and they arent even there

the fuck?
>do 5 loli nami runs
>5 nami books
>0 luffy
>0 usopp
I don't have nami.
yeah you can prevent it by not cheating ;^)
shouldn't have cheated

so its just a roll back though?
im not here saying wah i cheated
just curious if its one slap on the wrist that's it
what is your name
Round Mabel
you're literally being memed

they didnt roll you back, they just are getting you to admit to cheating

did you check your box for unfavorites or is this a meme
fuck off mabel
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this general is never this active at this time on a weekend, you samefag. stop this shitty meme.
im literally just wondering how and why my characters disappeared
quit being an autist and just tell me its because I cheated no big deal tho

He's soo bad tho. Why not spend your time farming movie content?
already farmed them as much as i needed to when they first appeared
Max out colo Coby with 37 copies. Now I don't know if I should gem for his sockets. it's at 4/4/2
Arent we getting Coby Helmeppo Fortnight soon?
Not him but a coby drop is not guaranteed
Reminder that anyone playing a modded apk is a shitstain casual
That can't happen you nigger
im only cheating on any content past arlong park because bamco cant balance their game
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I'm not going to lie, as much as a filthy fucker it has made me feel, the modded APK sure has taken a weight off my shoulders the past fortnight or so.
Colo will appears 2 more times next week, just use natural stamina and gem next week if needed.
Yeah, but we're getting Cobymeppo with a ~30-40% drop AND Alvida with a ~60-70% drop both this month. Both of those also have other useful drops.
What chapter's the best for farming Enel?

I'd like to hold off and wait for Buster Call or a FP event, but who knows when that'll be?
He's shit just get Water 7 Usopp instead and if you have him 0 need for Enel.
I already do, I just want exactly a Driven or Cerebral PSY character with some sort of boosting ability for 2 turn burst with double Tesoro.
Momonga + Impact Usopp is the best Tesoro 2-turn burst you can get.
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This guy is beyond even the JPN meta.
There is something called bad orbs luck
To those of you with multiple legends (4+), how do you go about having them in your main captain slots?

I have Inthawk and Ray and leave them permanently up along with G3 and max/max/max/max Enel and has the remaining slots with whatever is relevant at the time, but if I pulled more Legends I'd struggle to make room along with the standard RR/F2P captains for whatever content is up at the time, especially when Colo/FN/Raids are up at the same time.

Do those of you adjust your legends according to what's going on or just say fuck it and leave them up permanently and let others put up the relevant non-legend captains?
The only legend I leave up indefinetly is Inthawk, I used to leave Ray up but nobody uses him anymore since the meta meme and WB's only popular during Colo and certain dex raids
so yeah I adjust accordingly
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also I need more Legend Croc friends for loli Nami&Robin farming, please put them up on your main slot, thanks
If there's any legends poison res and map res makes sense on, it's Crocodile and Whitebeard.
I think of what the most helpful spread is.

I own 4 legends, one boa, so basically 3. I have whitebeard and Ace up at all times. G3, Enel, and Raidhawk for newplayers/general use. Baccarat during events, and is switched out during non island events. and then Niche/colo captains afterwards.
I have Fuji, WB, 6* Doffy, LL, Sw shanks, Boa and Inthawk.

LL,WB,Fuji,Shanks and Inthawk always have a spot. Doffy and Boa take 6 and 7th spot if they are currently a content needing them, otherwise I put regular Mihawk/Enel/G3 (But those 3 can change depending on the current content).
Nigga, wat?
I use Enel all the time. Good stats and nice special.
PSY booster for when you need to use GPU, or when you need a beatstick more than a 2x boost (rainbow teams). Also good in a shooter/driven team.

I don't remember if he appears twice on stage 14. If not, you might as well just farm him on stage 5.
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What candies should go to who on a SW Ace dream team?
Is this Quiet?
holy shit you're right
+100 RCV Enel
+100 ATK Sabo
After that it doesn't matter whatever the fuck you want to do with your candy.
shut up you fucking idiot wholey shit
No, he's right. Those are literally the only really important candies in the game
If you have a SW Ace dream team, people will say put your next 100RCV on your legend marco. No member of any dream team NEEDS candy.
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Being a retard and calling people an idiot doesn't actually stop you from being a retard.

Confirmed, but holy shit what a waste.
One poece is gay
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All members of the ace dream team want ATK and HP candy, you retard.

If ace's ability, along with his ship BOTH have atk and HP multipliers, then fucking obviously you want as much HP and atk as possible.

How do you even breathe, you stupid sonypony.
Totally fucking wasted
Impressive repeating numbers, cheers from /owg/
that doesn't look like one piece to me
Witnessed from /lolg/
Shooters get
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/gtag/ here, nice digits
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>wake up
>that fucking get
congrats. it took me a gorillion colas to max Merry. Thannfully I got bullshit luck with the last 2 levels.
>Did Smoker mission, was easy.
>Now I'm at a dilemma though: I'm trying o find the time to run through colo and run through story islands (last 2), but I can't seem to find the time with Z and Gild farming. I might have to either forfeit farming Nami/Robin or not shoot for a multipull this sugo. It might be the latter.
> Anonymous 12/17/16(Sat)00:46:42 No.162975797â–¶>>162976097 >>162976305
>I opened 1 (one) before my account was locked.

You need to link your phone to it. or one of those SMS online numbers.

I don't have twatter so I just used my real phone.
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you the fucking man
/hsg/ sent it's regards
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/gsg/ here, you just earned the right to annex a liquor-producing country.
>tfw I got this yesterday >>360900000

Also, what sockets on Z? Slot Rate/AH or Cooldown/AH?
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>3 days left of skillup
>had 1 skillup on legend croc
>well I guess it's going to be a long weekend of grinding and gemming
>get 4 croc books
>use them
>4/4 skillups
>1 to go
that was the best feeling ever. Compared to the whitebeard nightmare when it took 6 months and 40 gems to max his skill
one of those or Bind/AH, whatever you want to use him for
Congrats m8. Must have felt fucking amazing,
>needed 120 copies to max zephyr
>wasted 30 gems into it
>"shiki cant be that bad"
>can only do 40 stam one
>waste a lot of runs early on until I get a 100% clear strategy
>still get 20 copies total only
>3 skillups

Fuck Shiki but if you could only get so few copies, you should have waited until we get the JP skillup rates.
>farming a 30% droprate raid
Wan Pees wins this round

good on you lads

50% *

The drop RNG wasn't a problem at all desu
You mgiht've gotten lucky, but the droprate is legit like 30-40%
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>no Buggys in my friend list
>can't get a sure drop from the elder turtle beach
>didn't get any dupes at all
haven't seen any baggy's yet, even from the whales on my f list
>Thread has 88 unique posters
I'm impressed you miserable fucks generate so much discussion with such a small amount of people. Now give me a farm team for Colo coby.
SW ace dream team.
Can we take the turtle time link out? It's completely useless as it displays the wrong times for most time zones
will do if I make next thread
Ah yes, Ben Beckman.
Whip that up on the team calculator for me would ya. Want to see if I have the proper sockets for your version.
for fuck's sake welsh
>come back from church
>all this get /b/ cancer infesting the thread
I don't find gets too exciting but literally every board "celebrates" them. It's a sitewide thing, so don't call it /b/
well b is shit and full of retarded faggots so its normal imo to associate everything stupid a gay with b
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You're free to check out Reddit anytime friend, might me more your style.
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I'm pretty sure this is what I used. The only thing I'm not sure about is maybe who I had in Kuma's slot.
>implying theres any difference between babbys first board and babbys first forum

be honest ur new
>likes /b/
>tells others to go to reddit
sweet, sweet irony
Don't need sockets, just need at least one Ace to have max skill, and Zephyr at least at 17/18

SW Franky
SW Usopp (Can honestly be swapped with anything)

On Tashigi, you use one of the aces burst, and take out tashigi. (If both aces are max, you can also just use heracles special here). On coby, if only one ace is max, use Heracles here. use Zephyr ONLY, take him down. After his revive, use Franky special.

Make sure zephyr and franky are on the left side of your team.
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>shootercucks get the get
is there a way to endlessly stall in the dugong colo stage so my perona can get her cooldown down? I couldn't get a single skill up back when she was around.
Just use a zombie team. Only have to do it once.

Friend enel/pell/laboon/wahetever
Strong QCK beatstick
SW usopp if you have him, and if not, GPU.If you cant beat dugongs, use halloween zoro.

Just whittle him down with HP cuts, using GPU whenever you feel like you need the extra healing to survive his next attack.
is 3d2y nami the only character that completely removes binds? Why isn't her book fucking drop? Is it 30 stam exclusive? I have like 10 luffy books already.
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its on every difficulty, but since you actually have her dont expect alot of drops
I'm just gonna use a maxed lego shanks friend and Tesoro.
Yes, but there is almost never a situation where you need to remove a 99 turn duration, because you can just work around it. Don't sweat it, it's one of the least important 3D2Y books.
>fn doesnt tell you what stats change
lazy nigger french
Regardless of what you may think, that's still a pretty trash special. Someone being binded for 99 turns means you can't use them, effectively making your crew 5 people.

Having Nami remove that bind STILL effectively makes your crew 5 people because she has trash stats.
>farm team for Colo coby
Follow the memes, my friend (at 14:00)

Fuji - Shiki
Doffy - Enel
Coli Smoker - fn Coby

On Tashigi, activate Sunny and Coby and kill all mobs in one turn (farm for orbs in previous stages.)
On turn two, activate Enel and kill Tashigi.
On Coby: activate Shiki and Doffy and kill him.
after revive, activate Smoker.
I have 7 nami books and 1 luffy fuck you nigga
What if the 99 bind is on one of your captains
Is Coby even needed if you have Lao G and Shiki
Does anything like that exist that can not be beat without completely removing the bind?
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>trash special
>also good orb manip on striker and cerebral teams
>has over 1k attack
she has plenty of uses, she really helped me get the extra attack i needed on colo hawkins once i maxed her, i can run a good striker team for colo coby and just because i can i run double kuma on certain stages and she gives out good orbs especially on bosses who turn all orbs to something shit. even if i did not need to do any of that she makes teams work where they shouldnt and thats enough for me.
>cheater needing anything
fuck off mabel
You can't OTKO Tashigi with only Enel as PSY hitter. But maybe it works in two turns, if you don't get her under 50%.

Stalling 18 turns before Tashigi will be ass, though.
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fuck you nigger i actually play the game you shitty lil falseflagger
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FUCK OFF MABEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>People using avatars and off topic images to shit up the thread
>No one reports them
Glad to see we've finally reached reddit tier. So I have some forbidden tomes, 23 of them actually, who should get priority on them?
Why do you ask such retarded questions yourself?

Obviously on any legends that you use often, retard.
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FUCK OFF STORM PIRATES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Any unit that has no way you can socket them from a fn. most driven RRs, legends and colo units come to mind, who do you have?
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kill yourself
its still a bonus for team like rayleigh or something
fight with 99 bind are designed to be beated with 5 unit so making it 6 is still a bonus
wew my bad time to go to bed
Imagine you're fighting blackbeard
He randomly binds a bottom character for 25 turns
Let's say you really want one of your bottom characters
Bring Nami in the other bottom slot
Nami gets bound? No problem, other guy gets bound? Use Nami.
Imagine you're fighting blackbeard, and you have Kaku, and a good friend enel.

Congratulations, you beat blackbeard.
>a non-Loud House reaction image
This feels dirty Mabel
Yes Blackbeard isn't hard, but it was an example, and it follows for any colloseum with similar rules.
>needing to rely on Enel for BB
>not having beaten BB way before raid Enel even existed
Shitter alert

Only unit I have of value is my Sengoku. Guess I'll give all to him. I gave him am eat so he's maxed level so the esp would be wasted.
I'm pirate level 300. Please shut up and stop projecting, you retard. I beat blackbeard when we had nothing but Ace and Jozu.

The only time I feel it is worth it is like this anon said >>163013295 basically, Rayleigh and G3 teams are the only teams that really benefit from her,

The point is, she is not really worth maxing or stressing over.
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Another toxic day at /opgg/
Business as usual, I guess.
>storm pirates
Literally who? Are you making up player names now?
>pirate level 300
don't ever respond again until you're 400+
Coby's coming back after this, right? I'm really torn about what to farm, but 3d2y's Nami books are never coming back.
Should I tome my legend doffy if I am too scrubby to get guaranteed raid doffy drops?
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>Using a Ace team
>Remember all the threads about DR faggots ruining their Ace's with DR
>All my Ace friends are master race Orbs.
>Except one faggot
>Unironically fell for the Damage resist meme.
>remove the reddit cuck from my friend list.

Absolutely fucking disgusting.
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>Orbs vs Auto Heal
Auto heal won

>Orbs vs CDR
CDR won.

>Orbs vs DR.
Robin is such an autist

I hope she gets kicked off the crew
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>ever needing anything past lv 1 orbs
>not putting it on a sub
she just need to be loved
delet thsi
>needing 10% DR on a team with 60k hp
>to this day no one can name a situation where DR on fuji/jimbei/SWshanks/SWace has been required for a run
>not wanting to stall longer
>having shit cooldowns
maybe you should farm those raids :^)
>needing DR to stall when you have HP and Legend marco like

how shit are you lol?
>tfw no Legend Lucci
>tfw no 3d2y Sanji
>everyone has marco
>implying raids matter

autoheal < Cdr > Bind > level 1 orbs > despair > Max Orbs >>>>>> DR meme shit


WB team autoheal need not apply

Black beard teams despair need not apply

conclusion DR a shit.
>tfw no legends
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>raids don't matter
>he put DR on his ace to help him farm fortnights
Switch level 1 orbs and despair. Not saying level 3 despair is ever really necessary, but you can get majorly fucked without even having level 1 despair. No way level 1 orbs is better than level 1 despair.
Didn't someone post this exact thing except with autoheal where DR was and DR non-existent because it wasn't thr current meme at the time
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>Colosseum doesn't exist.
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When going for a special character (Chopper Rejuvenated Doctor in this case) is it better do the mission on the easiest difficulty so that you can have more attempts at making him show up?

Also should I even be bothering with this Chopper? he's cute af but absolutely worthless in every regard.
>tfw have both but no qck marco
For the first part, absolutely not. The higher the difficulty, the higher percent chance of drops/secret character to appear.

As for the second, you kind of answered your own question. If you have to ask, then I'm assuming you're not a collector and don't care about collecting each unit, which is fine. He's nothing special so you won't be missing out. I am a collector, so I'd definitely try to get him if I were you, but if you've got better shit to do, then don't waste your stamina trying.
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>Jimbei forest looked pretty legend/RR-reliant
>am now able to do it Shiki/Fuji teams
Trebol/Ceasar for RR
Legends, except Doffy, Mihawk and Log because they're farmable.
does trebol even have any use if you don't have fuji
hes a locker who makes captan match, so yeah he does.
How tf do you do the 2x drop/2x stamina on japan
Every Fuji-less Driven team is going to have him as a friend captain. He changes orbs and locks them for a turn, so if you also have Ceasar or even do the Kuma+Colo-Kid combo, you could burst on one turn, then do it again with Doffy the next.

He's not the highest Driven priority, but he doesn't have any sockets for the time being.
Does that include popping them on Legendile? His FN drop rate is complete ass.
Click the 2X button when selecting your team for a level.
Hmm, I'm on the same boat as you, except with Jinbe. They're both supposed to have Kimono FN's, but those have yet to get here, and I think almost everyone thought they would be here for New Years.

Honestly though, if you were one of the lucky ones to max him, I would just go for it because his FN is ass with his drops.
am i blind or something? I dont see the 2x button. can you screenshot it please
Is there somewhere a list of usable emojiis for the pirate name?
it's only supposed to be there for returning content iirc
ohh okay i was trying to do it with toy soldier. thanks
This thread is literally edgy reddit
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I know some post about good driven teams but I just wanted to post this because not enough teams include Diamante and hes honestly really good.
I know i can swap out Whitey with Trebol as a sub and fuji as a friend cap but I just wanted to see numbers for a legendless driven team.
I swear if I see anyone with out raidbosses maxed after January 9th, I'm going on a purge. Absolutely ridiculous that people don't have shit like Mihawk, Doffy and Enel maxed, and have legendaries with no sockets or level ups, because they don't have the raidbosses needed to farm sockets. Shit is getting out of control.
Yeah yeah. Every fucking week you whine and yet you remove noone.
I know it's almost like he's shitposting to get retards to respond and give him (you)s
Is Hannyabal worth maxing for a driven team with Caesar?


I really don't feel like using Doffy as a captain until his ship is out in global. Fuck uncomfy captain abilities.
could I take on raid Doffy with this shit team? I have had shit luck with driven RR pulls.


I don't think I'll get enough exp to evolve Shiki before Raid Doffy returns.
i think you have to beat him in two turns. Do you have Perona?
Ocean Sun Pirates here, normally I have a few but no one has Sabo up right now, if anyone could I'd appreciate it

sent you an invite, he is not socketed tho hope thats ok
>Legendile needs 4 skill ups
>No books dropped for the last 57 runs
I have surpassed being mad, sad, upset and am now indifferent.
Mine isn't either, I'm still not quite down with my rayleigh, thanks dude
yeah, I do. I always forget she's a driven character. No skill ups, though.
at least we are getting the rescue ace event soon, and tontattas later on.
well i also have rayleigh maxed so you are in luck
Cheers dude, my ray is only missing like 3 sockets and 5 candies
Is SW Sanji worth using in drake teams?
Should I be saving 3D2Y Ussop and Luffy books? I don't have those characters, but these fortnights are gone for good later right?
Usopp definately

Luffy's special is useless if you are a more experienced player
Good sockets for Marguerite? I was thinking of going CDR and Automeme

or just bind and Automeme to be safe
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>farming for Margaret
>get 5 Legendile books in a row

>farming for 3D2Y Usopp books
>get 2 from 20 runs

this game is alive, I swear to god
depends, if you have CDR on your Zephyr, then go for Bind/AH or Despair/AH

is that marine ship actually a legit thing to max?
>is that marine ship actually a legit thing to max?

how fucking new are you
>Luffy's special is useless if you are a more experienced player
t. Sub plvl 100 player
Luffy's special is particularly good if you have Rayleigh already or have a universally useful cap for.increased comfiness
Not someone to prioritize but definitely worth having at low CD if you've got nothing else
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>cannot hit perfects
>calls anyone else a sub plvl 100 player

the irony is rich
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Shiki is not important they said

If you have Caesar you won't need him they said

Just get one copy they said
I didn't see anon say anywhere that he can't hit perfects, maybe you need to go back to elementary and ask for a reading comprehension lession
>is that marine ship actually a legit thing to max?
uhhh, yeah?
did you start yesterday?
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Rate my driven team
it's shit
why tesoro?
I'm going CDR/AH but like a lot of other people are mentioning it depends what the rest of your shooter team has really
Bost Monet and it's a orb mp for psy

>Use Tesoro, then both dof, the monet, then Shiki

They stack each other's, also if you don't need a delayer you can replace monet with boa
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Forgot pic
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Don't pull next week
>if you do not need a delayer, you can use boa

I... anon...
>if you don't need a delayer
>if you don't need a delayer
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But, I really want to pull.
I'm sure christmas will create a miracle!
Enjoy your Log Chopper.
That's the gayest thing ever.
kind of regret not maxing Indigo

are there any raid or colos that have type restrictions like FNs? I just didn't see myself using him over T-Bone since T-Bone is cerebral as well and Mingo teams have more HP than Ashura ones.

show his next please. and his idle animation
He is actually one of the few str unit I'm missing. I think that I can't get a good sugo anymore, I'm missing more or less the same number of unit for every type/classe.

Not my webm. I don't have Buggy
Will Brook's 50% defense debuff be enough to take down the fucking chaos dugons if I use Doffy's special?
the buggy animation is on reddit
this doesn't fit the character at all what the fuck bamco tashigi isn't supposed to be that feminine she wants to cut your dick with her sword
>tashigi isn't supposed to be that feminine

she feeds smoker cupcakes while he's bedridden

he's been ready too evolve for ages, but until a few seconds ago if I evolved him he'd break apart my team as I didn't have enough space for the extra +25 cost that evolving him adds. He's evolved now though so you better be really really proud of me
depends on your team, I went in to that colo blind with a LL team and just smashed it the first turn through the defense
Use a BB team. Or fucking helmeppo.
pretty new

managed to max all levels in a row

having 45k HP in that bullshit Robin stage feels gud
>maxed al levels in a row

Fuck you I've spent more than 200 cola on that fucking ship
I feel it's been lucky the past week. It was fucking terrible during the half-cola upgrades. I spent all my cola and still didn't max the last ship.
I got the Jinbei ship and have leveled it as I got the cola and I reached level 9 with only 1 clunk. I'm pretty chuffed.
yeah, I remember wasting over 300 colas to max Merry.

kind of sucks that I didn't try to max the ship before the half cola event was over
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I'm proud of you
>He socketed his Ace with Orbs when Ace only needs level 2 orbs

Its shit I tell you shit
Can corazen players put him up?
I have a team I want to try for Jimmy forest
>tashigi isn't supposed to be that feminine she wants to cut your dick with her sword
She wants to get all the swords from the baddies but she's too shit to do so
Being a doting wife or mother is her only recourse right now
is there some calc site for the robin/nami stage?
On the top left you can change map effect, there is one for nami/robin.
post teamu
the only people 'they' said are casuals who don't know how to theory craft
>lvl 2 orbs
>never have to put it on anybody else, ever, ever, ever
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>my fucking face when first try

I hope whoever did posts like "if you have Caesar/Fuji you won't need Shiki at all" is crying in a corner right now.
I have Orbs on Franky and my friend Ace, thats enough for me.
>Needs Marco
happiness deleted
600+ and I still don't have him
does that debuff affect dual class fighters?
Yeah, first try as well. I was expecting it to be difficult when I first heard about the team, but it seems like it would be pretty consistent.

I wish I had a quarter as much cola as you though. Or a quarter of a quarter for that matter.
How frequently did you have to use Shiki's special?
Is Tesoro next? I hope my 40 gems are more than enough to max him. Only need 5 skill ups and 2 sockets.

what I'm worried about is my Drake team not being gud enough to make it through 60 stam to get the fucking rainbow crab.
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I used this team to just about beat it.
Why aren't the Mihawks Slasher/Cerebral and Usopps Shooter/Free Spirit? This bothers me more than Zoro not being Powerhouse.
>when he's literally the most Driven character in the SH crew
All Robins should exclusively get a third class. They'd all be Built/For/Sex
I always thought they intended there to be one last class but then didn't go through with it for whatever reason
still annoyed bamco took my evolved smoker and evolved lucci

like how the fuck
>still annoyed bamco took my evolved smoker and evolved lucci
He obtained them using cheats.
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I would rape her
He was probably dumb enough to transfer his account after cheating with too full of a box or something.
Is 3D2Y Nami worthless? Should I socket Mirage instead?
>implying you're not just trying to scare cheaters
good job
whoa is Ain actually good for something? I just snagged her because she's pretty.
Yeah, she's incredibly useful for Tesoro in particular. Not sure what else she's good for. Haven't used her for anything else.
You can use Elizabeth too.
Coby's colo really shouldn't be as hard as it is.
Other note, are the drops always bad in non chaos only colo's?
Because Coby is the first one I've farmed and the drops are awful
I thought half-stam was torture. Now it feels like I can hardly do any runs with normal stamina.
The abysmal Marguerite drop rate is probably not helping.
is this shit real or is it just a meme?
am i being worked?
i dont even think this guy is from this thread
This thread used to be a haven from cheaters. People here are mostly pretty good at the game. Way more people cheat outside of these threads.
>Haven from cheaters
I don't disagree, but everyone leaps at any bugs like 711 and mega turtles.
Depends on if you count that cheating
oh look my nox thing reset and I got all my stuff back

wtf was that

like 20 things appeared in my box and a bunch of shit changed back to how it was before
Where would I acquire those so called "cheats"?
I do not think I can pull for Sugo lads. Saving my gems to max Doffy and Enel during the Clash

Is Garp worth it as well? I do have Tesoro
The drops for Chaos Coby were less than 60% when he came out in JP. Just don't farm Colo if you can't do Chaos, it's not worth any stamina at all.
Garp is not worth it comparitively. He's still used as a captain so he's worth socketing, but his special won't really be used, no.
He's a good 2x atk/hp captain but he's not exactly a priority if you have Tesoro.
Thank you to all the DR Aces for making Nami and Robin runs take a solid 2 minutes longer. It's exactly what I want from a speed clear legend, to take 3% less damage.
Seconded, Anyone with a DR ace is not marked as favorite by me, so I will never use them unless every single normal ace is was used in some sort of frenzied farming session.

I am seriously considering deleting them as well. Given that I am max/max/max/+184, I think they would miss me more than I would miss them.
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tfw mine is socketed properly but isn't +200 yet and is one special level away from max ;_;
I shit you not, a base Ace with proper sockets would be better than a fully CC'd one with max/max/max and DR right now, and the DR one could only ever hope to be as good as an orb one and never better.
damn I didnt finish my ship upgrades during half cola cost

should I try finishing my marine ship or work on sunny?
Ignore that last post, I fucked up.

Go for the Sunny. It's just a better ship, the ship you'll use by default.


I feel like they fucked up making the Nami/Robin fortnight.
>Free spirits and Cerebrals get double atk
>But because almost every single character has 2 classes, the second one neutralizes the buff completely making it "neutral"
>Being a Free spirit also halves your health
So the only real way to do this is making the only viable teams Free/Shooter, Free/Impact, Cerebral/Shooter, Cerebral/Impact, and arguably Free/Cerebral.
>only way to do this fortnight is to play by the rules of the fortnight

no shit stop posting anytime
Free/Shooter is really easy for me, so I don't care.

It's basically the Enel team for Ace with Doffy exchanged for Duval.
Or you can use your brain to think for 2 seconds and realize that no other fortnight is this restrictive. Most fortnights that do a buff/debuff function are either a singular type that let you use any other secondary typing as long as they meet that one, IE, the Impel Down fortnight. It's just very strange.
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really want ace but i'm too shit to even beat his first stage

you could at least try and engage the guy within his statement
he gave all this room for criticizing and you literally autism shrieked in response

yea it doesnt make much sense
I dont see the negative or positive value in design for providing a challenge
just sort of awkward
Wonder why bamco only left this movie fortnight untouched as the other movie fortnights on JP had similar conditions before being changed for their next return
Mine is socketed properly and has 200+ but will always have +1 rcv.
are you two fucking retarded?
he literally said the only way to do the fortnight is to use the characters who you are supposed to use for the fortnight

its like me saying the only way you can run prison croc is with strikers as if thats some sort of brand new information jesus you cheating scum are retarded
But with prison croc you can use
Striker/Shooter, Striker/Slasher, Striker/Free, Striker/literallyanythinginthegame

In this fortnight, if you use Striker/Driven, you get normal health and half attack
That's atypical is my point.
Are you really not getting that?
>jesus you cheating scum are retarded
>These people trying to discuss game mechanics are cheaters!
I'm pretty sure you're the only retard here.
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Candy remover when
I've pulled a few good support units in the past with +1ATK that would be better removed and given to someone else
>cheaters so comfy they cant handle fortnight restrictions now that shiki is gone
seriously this fortnight is easy as hell

>if I get mad enough these people will look stupid

ahahaha what
it's not. it's retarded and they need to kys if they make more shit like it.
>some retard says water is wet
>call him a retard
>bunch of samefag damage control commences
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>all these baccarat on rankings
they need to sell black cotton candy at rayleigh shop that reduces stat you don't want

this is some bretty meta autism shitposting



I feel ya, I'm ready to blast his ass off, but I'm gonna have to watch a video of him again, like I"m confident I can kill him in 2 turns, but I remember his fodder having some trick I'm gonna need to remember.
Sounds good
What's even the appeal of boosted units? Just give us fucking candy as an extra drop for 10 pulls.
Stage 3 locks/silences your cap iirc
Just watch these guides. The best guides.

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Yeah that was what I was forgetting, however watching it, I'm more worried about stage 4. My current set up has the damage to kill Aokiji but it can only kill 4 of the enemies on stage 4. I can let the Int one "bind" my units obviously but I have to let one more hit me, or I have to find some unit with at least a 5 hit cmb to swap out for Rakuyo who's just acting as a beat stick

I dunno, I'd lose damage. Monet and Tbone only have a 4 hit cmb as well.
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Yeah, that could work. But I only have lvl 1 anti-lock from my own sockets, not despair so I'd be reliant on socketed shanks friends. I know I'm relying on socketed Tesoro friends here, but who doesn't have him socketed by now? Who won't by tomorrow, ya know?

I could also swap Rakuyo with Robin who has a 5 hit cmb, hurts my damage noticeably but it's still enough
Use boa retarded twerp
Let's pretend for half a second I could farm her to a useable cooldown, which like 4 people here could do, she's still a 4 hit cmb.

>tfw couldnt get boa because new ish account
fuck that raid
boas raid was easy as hell man wtf do you not have 3d2y zoro?
Also she's a free spirit/shooter, she'll only get half of Tesoro's boost.
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must have ran amazon lily 100 times and haven't gotten a single croc skill up
these posts are so depressing i dont ever wanna know this feel
are you feeding 5 copies?
Feeding 5 at once does shit. I got plenty of 1/1 skill ups with 3d2y Sanji.
don't you have any legends? That damage is pitiful.
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Haven't played in months now I have come back and stuck on the Kumadori stage. Damn this junk is hard now.
You're gonna have loads of fun in Sabody and Marineford
I think the hardest story stages so far have been Moria's Mansion.
>enel story mode islands
Yeah. Moria's Mansion was hard.
it pretty much required to be maxed
This team makes farming robin/nami piss easy.


you meant this right?
>The Moby Dick
>With a captain who's attack boost is based on current health
>With a captain who makes meat orbs rarer
Why not just use the Thousand Sunny?
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thousand sunny leaves you with 6k health

also i have max autoheal on SW shanks team so i get the 13k health easily
Well I hear what you're saying on the 6k health, but at most you're getting hit once this fortnight, aren't you? Is that a big deal?

I mean if it's working keep doing it, I'm not trying to criticize, I'm just theorizing.
on my last run the last stage i got hit by both robin and nami which put me on like 5k hp

so i would of died
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>mfw now have a something to try these recently maxed units out on
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>compliment pantsu on his SW shanks
>he takes it down
Can Diamante nuke the cannon guys right before Tesoro if he's maxed?



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I'm about to absolutely buttrape Aokiji, last time I farmed him I went 40 copies for 6 skill ups DURING a 2x event but got 5/4/5 sockets, I was sufficiently pissed.

Enjoy my newly max socketed PSY Marco. t. Lycaroth Pirates. Between him and max Tesoro shit is going to be so damn easy.

(Also why the fuck is the DB still not saving pictures of teams, says 'blob - failed resource' or some shit in Firefox and I can't find anything about it what so ever on google, hopefully an update fixes it because it wasn't an issue a month or so ago)
I'll put my Marco up for you when he comes around.
Cheers homie.

If there's on captain people seem to put up reliably during INT content (when he is a viable captain) it's PSY Marco, I guess it helps he's one of the older/oldest? 3x Captains. I feel sorry for the dudes that don't have him, not only is he a great lead but makes farming Doffy with 2x BB a fucking breeze.

I'll also be chucking my maxed Tesoro up for whomever is going to be running him, and Garp.
>nigger babble in my taiwanese webtoon figurine collecting general
i wont be helping you at all now

is this b8 or did you get triggered?
what the fuck is this general sometimes even lol
>start app
>get that taking notification
>somebody made a new high score
>Baccarat captain
>promising rooky
And the worst is
>P-Lv 372
Why would you chat at such a high level, that really shouldn't be necessary.
What's the number again that the score can be divided by?
*ranking notification
we're all mad here
I'm as white as they come, there's not even many blacks where I come from really (Melbourne, Australia).

Just trying to fit in and look cool, you know?
>When double Shanks gives you +3 Matching every other turn
Enjoying every chuckle
>he doesnt have SW shanks
with lvl 2 orbs you almost never get a full board of psy orbs you literally have to have lvl 3 orbs and even then you will often get one character that isnt matching
I don't know what kind of shit luck you have but very rarely do I ever have less than 2 psy orbs a turn with double SWS, and even then Gild is usually ready by that point
get real kid you need lvl 3 orbs on swshanks for him to be relevant at all otherwise his damage is non existent

>wah I hate sw shanks
me too chum me too
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>plebs still think SJW Shanks is bad
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Is the skillup event really still running?
Since yesterday I got 0/5 skillups on Coby 5 out of 7 times. It's getting really old.
Yeah me too, 0/8 today. Though im at 3/5/5 at sockets.
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I just used 6 gems today and got 0 books. I've maxed that blue bow bitch twice over. This is true suffering.
you can do 15m+ legit though

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>5 lufy books
>8 nami books
>0 usopp books
>login day 650
where does the time go
Usopp's droprate is legend book tier
do you guys just use the calendar to keep track of latest/upcoming books?

also ill say it again
I'm going to kick that ice cunt right in the icebbc.

Though I'm having a bit of an internal war about farming ANY raidboss seeing as the (hopefully) permanent skill increase is coming pretty soon and I could save gems by waiting til then.
> farming Aokiji

character is useless dont farm him please

you cant trick me you fucking ice gypsy
howd you learn to post on this mongolian tractor racing forum?

anyways im gonna fuck you sideways next week
>locks orbs and boosts strikers
what are you smoking anon
> my friend has 25 croc books before maxing Marguerite

> i maxed her already but only 13 total book drops for croc

this game is fucking garbage
Name one instance where you'll use him.

You DO have usable legend leads, right anon?
>he got croc books to drop for him
>they're still trying to farm marguerite
Just give up, I went to colo and loli nami after a week of nothing
my point was i need croc books. i maxed marguerite a long time ago. i only have 4 skillups on croc after 2 weeks. LL, Sengoku, Ray all had easy times with books and the anything close to this feeling is Boa books and even this is worse.

Well I got 20 croc books and only 3 skillups on marg and 1/1 in sockets.
i had 30 copies of marg after maxing her with only 15 croc books. this game knows what characters you have and fucks you accordingly.
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Yep luck's a real bitch, croc books were dropping for me so often I just decided to keep them after feeding some away just because anniversary is so close
seriously though fuck that fortnight, doing colo feels so much more rewarding
>somebody will fall for the farm aokiji meme
I'm not falling for the "spend gems" meme until the 2nd anniversary
this includes raid bosses
> people say he's a good character
> no one has used him in any team for the past 2 years on JPN

sans janky Whitebeard + Aokiji bike ship or some Barto teams, he's 100% useless
You're usually farming for sockets long after a special is maxed. Waiting for increased skill-up is the real meme.
I meant the sugo dumbbell
and when is his sugo coming?
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Post box. I'm sure we all can brainstorm a team to let you go through.
fuck it, Margaret is on 12 turn cd, good enough. I'll finish her after the permanent skillup increase
I meant the anniversary sugo double dumbbell
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Please post your name so if I have you on friend list I can remove you.

things I remove:

1.People who haven't played in over 7 days
2.Blackbeards with Despair
3.people who put DR on legends with exception to whitebeard

I've even seen people start putting it on ace, which is fucking annoying Because when i'm running colos like Ace,

I want max chance at matching orbs on fodder to clear shit mobs without taking any hits if I can. since I'm trying to hold Psy orbs on 3 units to burst vista.

faggots like you who waste my god damn time with your fucking shit DR meme that never has a beneficial use beyond HURR DURR ORBS ARE RNG ANYWAYS I LOVE COCKS.
i dont have you added
and the image was someone on MY friendslist who fell for the DR meme and shanks there shaming him ill add you though since my shanks isnt shit
Not even him, but I love that you are treating orb sockets like they magically increase the chance for matching orbs by 100%, while in reality you spent 20 fucking points to increase it by a measly 10%.

lvl 1 orbs does not give an extra 20% chance, but instead increases the base chance to 20%. After that, you need to spend 15 more points for a pathetic 5% increase, which is pretty much unnoticable.

Orbs is good on board randomizers like Slasherdile, but in almost every other case, 10% GUARANTEED damage resist for 15 points is a better value than ~10% CHANCE increase for 20 points, EVEN IF IT'S NOT NECESSARY FOR ANYTHING. Both orbs and DR are luxury sockets, and should be only planned after maxing out Bind Despair CDR and AH. They will not save your runs, just make your team extremely slightly faster, or slightly thougher.

Getting more than lvl 1 orbs will NOT increase the speed of your runs, and most of the time, will not even make any difference whatsoever, especially on a team that already has full board orb control for the boss stage.
>My Shanks isn't shit
Sorry man but sockets won't fix the worst legend in the game next to Buggy.
>Shanks worse then Hancock
>Someone who actually understand how the game works on /opgg/
Am I dreaming? Is this real life?
Nah, I'm just getting tired of this shitflinging over luxury sockets. I don't have a single legend, but it's not hard to understand that both DR and orbs don't majorly affct anything.

You have 5 points in orbs on friend captain, or on your team? Great, you already got the most benefit. You get DR on your 5 socket legend? You can always use a friend that has orbs, or can still have it on your team, and still benefit from the increased effective hp from DR, no matter how low the bemefit is.

Pick whatever you prefer more, but don't treat any ofthe two as miracle sockets that do anything apart from an extremely minor change on your runs.
Hancock still works as a sub on Freedom teams, Shanks is simply not used.
i thought thta was common knowledge that both DR and ORB are meme socket, both of them wont change anything in your run. I got plenty of run with a captain with ORB where i got completely fucked by bard orb luck and got shitty orb for 3 turn straigth, relying on rng is dumb as fuck.

No stop with this meme. Shanks is still super good at what he does. I own both of them, Boa is my first legend I have never used her, even for QCK content there is faster+safer option. As a sub she is garbage, I own Log Luffy and she is suppose to be a good sub for LL team, but she's not, she's straight up garbage.
Shanks can still clear a lot of shit, is super fast and have really good damage.

If your looking for bad legend, look for Boa, Buggy or Sabo on global (and even in jp, he still not really good, just a bit better thanks to all the good coli unit they've got recently)

I unironically thinks that resilience is a better socket than those two. Because at least you're sure that some day, when you fuck up, you'll not lose thanks to that socket. Even if it happens only once in 30 failed runs, you still get more benefit than running orbs or DR.
>Shanks is still super good at what he does.
Which is being an INT-content legend. And even then, he still gets massively out-damaged by the other legends who are class or hybrid based. He has the special of fucking Helmeppo so he doesn't work as a sub on any situation, whereas Boa actually has a handy special.
I'm glad Kizaru is coming to Global because finally we'll be getting some good and flexible PSY captains.
Nope, Boa has a special that looks good on paper but is actually terrible. She doesn't heal enough to be used like a Marco in tanky team, squichy team don't need healing, and if you want a delay, you bring a real delayer, not boa.

Shanks perma-psy orb make him really good to speedrun content. As a sub he is still good beatstick, used in slasher team or LL team as a last hitter.
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Whitebeard needs a serious buff. It's annoying that you can't run him in a raid/Colo only because 4 mobs have a one turn cooldown.

A simple balance buff would be to increase the health required for his ability to 50% instead of 30% that way with the mobydick his ability would be ready from the get go, plus a little more health. You will still want to take a hit or two to be in a safer margin in case you consume a food orb so it's not too overpowered of a buff.

It sucks that forgettable characters get a legend unit with better ability than a true legend from the old era such as Whitebeard.
Or you could give him a passive resilience buff as long as he's above 30% at the end of the turn
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>looks good on paper but is actually terrible
>good to speedrun
>good beatstick
Oh, you're one of THOSE people.
it makes sense thematically too since he still kicked BB's and Akainu's ass after they supposedly "finished" him off by blowing off half his body
>Talk about legend he doesn't have
>Probably thinks tanky safe team are the best
>Probably still stalling the nami stage of the last colo

Oh, you're one of THOSE people.
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What legend do you think will get the + evolution first?
Whitebeard, the first legend.
But he's still super good though. Only thing I can see them change on him is make RCV/TND orbs beneficial or something like that
No, it should be LL the OG real "LEGEND" with a capital L that everyone wanted
Trying to farm tesoro tonight, who would be better here. Blackbeard or RR bartholomew?
He's good but obsolete. He's on the point where people want to use him but he's just not up to par with everyone else.
While Boa, Shanks or Marco are such bad captains no one even cares about them anymore.
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>LL now causes all hits to count as "good, great or perfect" for damage barriers
i thought i was the only one thinking that, probably gonna use that socket next time i have to socket a 5 socket unit
Bad luck gave me Resilience instead of DR on my WB. I'm surprised on how many runs it saved me even with lvl1. I wonder what's the percent at max level.
I really hope it's Buggy and that they created him with the + evolution in mind.
Otherwise he'd be a really sad joke.
How much gems did the Save Ace event give total? Also were the sugos after the gems were given out or before?
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Damage resist is pointless, you will never require 10% damage resist on any encounter to make or break the run.

Orb luck speeds up my runs for Coloseum ace, because it reduces the rng bullshit for me to stall and roll PSY orbs on units for the burst on vista, and accelerate the killing of ace.

You can't kill Vista in a one round burst with a Boa+Impact without matching orbs and using hera second round(you can't lock orbs because dex specials are disabled)

and on ace, you have to wittle him down over the course of multiple rounds (which is sped up by orb rng)

The other fast team I use to farm Colo ace is Sengoku, who has no full board manipulators for SW ace set up and requires orb rng with the use of breed special to get matching orbs for burst.

you know what i've never needed in any situation? 10% shitty DR meme faggot.

fuck yourself.
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>Global thinks they'll get Save Ace event
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>Luxury slots

t. f2p shitter who has nothing past 2-3 socket welfare units.
Someone pls.
Post your box if you want help. That team won't reliably clear.
It doesn't look very good for you. Don't you have Towel Nami or Whitey Bay?
Ive got towel nami, but no whitey.
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Here are my int units if thatll help.
What's your Mihawk/GPU skill level?
Gpu lvl1, mihawk lvl 6
Use a slasher team with both Galdino and GPU.
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>Whale with no brain and reading comprehension

Dumb frogposter
What's a good team for Tesoro?
Basically >>163092362 was what I was going to recommend, but you're going to need to stall for your Mihawk's special to clear it.

I hope your Merry is maxed at least.
So gpu first turn or mr 3?
Yeah i got max merry.
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Maybe this works. Maybe even if you don't have level 1 lock and despair, then you need to wait and take a hit.
First orb controll with TNami.
Second almost control with Moria+Curiel+2ndNami.
Just plan out when to use it and hope you get to him at all.
I'm pretty sure you'll have to use both GPU and Mr 3 on Carina and then Mr 3 on stage 4 and GPU again on Tesoro.

You have a lot of stalling and a lot of meat you're going to need.
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Barring removing the buff, I'm pretty sure this is one of the best teams you can make for Tesoro. Robin+shuffle is pretty much 4 turns of full INT orbs, and that means you can pair up with TNamis, Inthawks, and Whitey Baes as if they were exactly the same.

That made farming really nice.
GPU - Ain
literally any 2 strong int hitters
>DR retard says Orbs has no effect on run speed because muh manipulation
>State that Orb RNG reduces redundant stalling for orbs to clear a Colo that you cannot depend on Orb controllers for
>Over the course of farming said colo 60~+ times expect it to not be reduced time wise by less redundant stalling or failed revival bursts because of orb rng

ok faggot. lol

Name me a single Raid, Colo, or Forest where 10% damage reduction on legends like Colo Ace or Jinbe was needed?

You can't
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>all those implications

never said that orbs has no effect, I said that they have minimal effect, especiall on the 2nd and 3rd level

>Name me a single Raid, Colo, or Forest where 10% damage reduction on legends like Colo Ace or Jinbe was needed?

I see you missed the part where I literally said
>both orbs and DR are luxury sockets, and should be only planned after maxing out Bind Despair CDR and AH.

There is no raid, colo or forest where 10% damage reduction is NEEDED, but there is ALSO not raid, colo or forest where lvl 3 orb matching is NEEDED.

You can put orbs on whatever you want, but throwing a hissy fit because you insist A ONE IN TEN CHANCE increase for 20 fucking points is a significantly better option than 10% guaranteed DR is beyond retarded (again, DR IS A LUXURY SOCKET TOO).
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>just wanna get luffy's special down to lvl 17
>feed him 4 books
>0 skill ups
>not saving for base skillup increase
you are to blame
>he thinks we are every going to get that fucking base skill up increase

you are beyond helping
>implying we are ever getting zephyr
>implying we are ever getting tesoro
>implying we are ever getting colo
>implying we are ever getting special skip
eat your words dumb frogposter
>half that shit is perma gone now after being here a month
>no one ever thought we werent getting colo weve got it so out of order you have to legends and RRs to clear it
>no one denied we were getting special skip either
yeah im sure bamco is going to cut into their profits to help us out oh yeah any day now
Can this team take on Aokiji? He only has 4 million HP, right?

Yes. You don't even need Hannyabal, if you have a better driven Int unit.
Remember that Aokiji cannot kill you until the second time he attack, because his first attack is a hp cut. So you have like 5 turn to reduce his hp.
How is Caesar getting a matching orb?
>Int driven

I mean psy. But it doesn't matter, if you have to stall for Caesar, you will have hannyabal ready.
Shit, I should think more before posting.
Hannyabal is useless, Aokiji cannot get poison since he has Immunity buff.So you'll not get the buff of hannyabal special.
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Will this work ?

There is never a time where 10% DR is of any use.

Any tanky stall team relies on either Auto heal(lol autoheal is a meme why would you ever get it xd), Full healing units(Marco, Manshery, etc),Delayers, or an actual Damage reducer.

why the fuck would you ever need 10% DR on a 60k hp ace team with legend marco?

why the fuck would you ever need 10% DR on a 70k+ Jinbe team with legend marco?

if your a f2p shitter without legend marco you're not going to have a epiphany and realize 10% DR is the reason you cant clear something.

the only valid choice for damage reduction is literally WB, and if hes your only legend your better off focusing on Enviromental damage rather than shit DR.

sure RNG is RNG, but reducing RNG on orbs will always have more benefit, especially since it works compound with things like orb rate specials, red force, etc which are used on a lot of teams where orb manipulation is needed spread out over multiple rounds.

Knowing that you would ruin units trying to fill out the 15 points needed for 10% reduction you will never use or need, rather than using those points on orbs or even redundant overkill on Autoheal/bind/despair/cdr is laughable.
Yeah, I just saw that Aokiji has immunity.


I guess this one will do the trick. My Tesoro only has a lv3 skill, but that doesn't matter if I'm gonna wait for Caesar's special.

I can't really take on 60 stam yet, but I doubt I would need a gem outside of the cannon guy level. That's better than wasting 5 gems in a yolo pull to get Crocus.
immune to delays, monet wont work
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you are arguing over fucking luxury sockets

why are you arguing with this mongoloids

you will never use their ace. who cares.
Wait, wait, wait, what the fuck?

Why are you talking about gemming for Aokiji with a barely started Tesoro when Tesoro is coming back for the last time tonight?
10% DR on an ace team is effective 6k HP more, increased by 100 with every portion healed by autoheal
how you don't think that's better than some RNG socket you don't even need cause you have heracles'n or jimbe is beyond me
meant to post this one


is stalling 25 turns doable with that team or should I just replace Caesar with another strong driven unit and use Eneru's boost?
You should not even consider touching Aokiji, at all.

Max your fucking Tesoro instead you retard.
Are any of the log SH worth pulling for?
>dont get a matching orb on fuji/ace or on any crew member with level 1 sockets
>tank another 10k hit from ace
>same shit next turn
>haha, but you had that 6k effective hp, so you could take another hit :)
The number of times I've wanted DR: 0

The number of times I've wanted to delete my DR friends: more than 10, yesterday alone
>log SH
say what? they're bringing them back?

How could you think 10% DR on a captain with a large enough HP pool and a staple 3 turn delayer and a full HP restoring sub who can literally delay for ever would need an additional 10% DR to turn his near infinite stall into a even more infinite stall, when you just want his HP Pool high so his special one shot clears a stage with 200k+ damage

HOW could you ever waste the sockets for DR on orbs.
GUP has DR on his Tesoro so truth be said you losers can fuck off
Hey guys, stopped playing about 3 months ago because I broke my phone. When is the next sugo for me to start again on for a 6*?
Yeah they're releasing them with a different name like Log Luffy.

Aokiji hasn't been used for content since his release. He's a real dud and would've benefitted from being released as early as Raidhawk was.
I have DR on my Tesoro too, because Tesoro doesn't turn into fucking Asura Zoro when he doesn't have an orb, and it's marginally more useful than orb matching for PSY teams on Aokiji raid fodder stages.

You see, that's a valid reason with a specific instance. I'd never put DR on an Ace team.
Does anyone know how hard the fodder on stage 4 of Aokiji hits if they don't have anyone to bind?
Dec 22nd is the Kizaru Sugo if you want to reroll.
Very hard.
well none of them are great, log Nami is good for duck FN and int only content as orb booster, but these days there are better options
Just start today and gather gems for the sugo in about a week. Theres a christmas sugo and an anniversary sugo plus a whole new batch of content coming so nows a good time to start.
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Aokiji will see more use once Colo Killer is out and the staple barto team starts to be used.

But if you don't have WB, Sabo, or barto yeah hes lack luster.

pic related, bart can be swapped for whitebeard.
Like 10k hard or less?
Not really.
Usopp, Robin, and Nami are pretty decent, but they're all replaceable or out-ranked by other units or versions of themselves. Doesn't help that Log units don't get skillbooks either.
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I got DR on Tesoro because I get sockets according to the teams I use. Tesoro has DR because I think getting orbs on a full-board orb controller that is mostly used with SW Shanks, who already drowns you in PSY orbs is pretty wasteful.

You said in your first post that you want orbs because, if I can quote you directly

>to clear shit mobs without taking any hits if I can

By that logic, getting an extra 6-7k effective HP would be more beneficial to you, rather than relying on an extra 5% chance for a matching orb. You already have orbs lvl 1 from your own Ace, do you really want to spend 15 more points to get an extra FIVE percent chance? The impact of that chance is so low that it's not worth it in my opinion.

But then again, both DR and orbs are low-tier sockets compared to the other ones, so getting either doesn't "ruin" or "save" anything.
Toms workers FN is coming with log luffy books soon. Its pretty much the only reason to run it besides Tom himself.
Log Luffy is the outlier because he's a legend dummy.
Even in JP log units only got books from Freezer, and that event will never come back. The only way to skill them up is through dupes, which is less useful than selling them for Ray points.
Is Tesoro worth maxing at all? Zephyr at least is part of a dream team.
The real problem with DR comes with how investing into getting the full 20 sockets will functionally brick several useful units for multiple teams.

If you put DR on only Ace, there's really no point to it, and orbs would marginally serve you better.

If you put DR on Zephyr, Boa, Kizaru, SW Franky, SW Usopp, etc, you are a shitter.
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I want to be happy that the log units are back, but this on top of the fact that I love the original art so much makes me a little skeptical for their return. Maybe the new art will grow on me
Dream teams are a retarded meme.

Good units are always good because of their captain abilities, specials, sockets, and stats.

Delete your account if you can't get over your retardation.
>is a full board orb controller worth maxing
I don't know
>the real problem with DR comes with how investing into getting the full 20 sockets will functionally brick several useful units for multiple teams.

but DR only need 15 sockets

also I agree, getting DR on 2-3 socket units is a really bad idea; but it's also bad idea getting orbs past lvl 1 if you could get something else
>I want to be happy that the log units are back

I'm not, 7 out of 9 of them is either extremely nieche or complete trash, and 1 of the useful ones is a legend. I don't need more fake golds clogging up sugofests right before the 2nd anniversary
matching orbs are a meme
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Listen faggot

I want all the fucking orb luck I can get

If I could suck cock for orb rate up, I'd be sucking cock.

your fucking meme 6-7k DR shit means fuck all to me.

when I'm speed farming colo ace and I pop my breed special before I force his revival.

I don't think "Man my meme faggot 10% dr sure will help me surive that coming 18k hit when i'm at 4k hp" i'm thinking "INT ORBS INT ORBS INT ORBS"

then I win.

Comparing DR to Orbs OFFENDS me.

DR has as much use to me as Poison Resist.

Any faggot like you who thinks DR has any use can go back to fucking reddit with jew julie and his DR ace.
how dare you insult gup you fat fucking namefagging whale kill yourself
stfu and add me you double nigger this robin nami fortnight isnt gonna run its self
GUP doesn't have a DR Ace.
just accepted it,

was running that fortnight with delicous max special croc.

he slams that pussy
>400+ days to pull ur first legend
>its the oldest legend in the game
>day 450
>nichest legend in the game
alright im multi pulling on kizaru please god give me something fun
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You are still ranting over two of the lowest-tier useful sockets, and get offended if someone has other strategy.

Pick Ace friends with orbs if you want, but stop being this butthurt. Also you are still giving too much credit to a bloody 5% chance increase.
I put orbs on Tesoro because he's the gambling king

same for Fuji

fuck memes, praise themes
this all started from a damage reduction fucking shanks

which is about the dumbest fucking thing in the world it is so stupid and shanks requires lvl 3 orb matching for consistent damage and clear shanks also requires you to never take a hit
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>shanks requires lvl 3 orb matching for consistent damage and clear shanks also requires you to never take a hit

new argument center
What's a poor man's replacement for SW Ace? I got everyone in his dream team minus Ace himself.
>10% damage resist sockets > Strategy

a 5% chance that stacks with other orb chance boosting specials, ships on legends that damage modifiers are affected by orb matching and compounded over the course of 60~+ farming runs makes a impact.

Things that I have that are affected by orb luck so i'd prioritize orbs on their leads and subs:

Fujitora teams (Driven)
Ace teams (Shooter)
Lucci teams or Lucci as a sub (Fighter/Powerhouse)
Thatch related teams (Qck)
Cerebral teams (Croc, Inv. Shanks, Red force)
SW Shanks (Psy anything)
Sengoku teams (Breed sub, any harder colo/raid)

I'm sure i'm missing something but that's a huge range of units.\

Places where I feel 10% DR is needed:

Removing people with it from my friend list.
DR Aces are signalling min/max users, who are the definition of shitters. There's no other reason why you would think of putting DR on Ace besides "muh wasted sockets".

Redundancy is life, redundancy is love. Put Orbs on your Aces and then never put Orbs or DR on any other shooter character ever.
i'd remove jewjulie if it wasn't for the +200 ace

half of you lazy fucks in the thread haven't even socketed your ace
Story Kaku, evolve blue or red?
Red has more attack, but I've run into a few issues on JP with Lucci being one of the only Qck Powerhouse Slashers, so having Kaku be one may be useful.
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