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/domg/ - Dominions General

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An important lesson Edition

Previous Pantokrator >>162197981

Dominions is a fantasy turn-based war game created by two dudes. One of them is a teacher.

The game combines a simple presentation with an extremely wide array of strategic options, including over 2800 units, 800 spells and 300 magic items. Turns are resolved simultaneously, with players planning battles rather than directly controlling them.

It has simplistic graphics but is easily moddable and extremely deep.

Basically, it's an autist’s wet dream of a war game.

Join the steamgroup for multiplayer

>Group chatroom

>Our work-in-progress wiki

>Our pastebin

>Dom4 Manual

>Dom4 Inspector
This is a community resource that has every unit, spell, and item in the game in an accessible database.

>Play by email guide:

>Debug Mod:
For testing battle formations and spells

>Where do I get it?
It is available on Gamersgate and Steam. Desura is kill.

>Read the manual
>Read the wiki
>Read the pastebin
>Watch some LPs by Maerlande or NuclearMonkee
>Jump into MP feet first

Submit completed games here:

Results Here:
Actual Last Pantokrator >>162500123
Deader than dead
What's the interaction between W9 bless, the spell Quickness, and Celestial Music?
Celestial Music is quickness (the spell). It doesn't stack because it's an identical effect.
W9 bless and Quickness do not stack in terms of additional AP, with the x2 of quickness taking priority over the x1.5 of W9, but do give the full additional stats.
Heroic Quickness (from the HoF ability) stacks fully with other quickness effects.
Quickness overrides W9 quickness since it's better. (Gives +4 attack as well as two times the amount of attacks, W9 just gives 4 defense and twice the attacks every other turn).
I think celestial music gives actual quickness, so it would override W9 quickness as well, but I'm not 100% sure on that. It's easy enough to test, though.
Let's say I start playing this, is there any mod that improves the battle simulador like its speed and such?
Dont think so but there are speed options in the top right.
There are shortcuts for skipping battle turns, it's something like >
That sounds decent. Can I control the frame?
If by frame, you mean exact time in battle, you can only go forward. Which can get a bit annoying, but you can mash N to get through battles quickly.
Thanks, you're all very helpful. I just hope the game don't die because the manual looks like a wall of text.
What are the 2nd and 3rd best vanilla nations in each era?
Don't worry, everything after the first ~100 pages is just reference tables :>

The game is pretty obviously geared toward the niche grognard crowd.
Right. Seriously no takers for a Caelum sub?

He really does still have a shitload of land.
EA: Between Formoria and Lanka
MA: Hard to say, there's a few nations that could be argued as being reasonably close to each other (Pangaea, Agartha, Ulm)
LA: Toss up between Midgard, Ulm and Bogarus
You value Midgard, Ulm, and Rus over xibalbats? Or do you not think Ragha's first?
I forgot that Xibala is good again in LA, so they're probably second after Ragha
I'll sub
[email protected]

Good man. Have subbed you in. You've seven hours or so until the turn's due.
How absolute garbage would a nations troops and commanders have to be if they were all immortal?
A dude made a mod like that except they all also had a 50% chance of reforming after death.
I don't see it.

It can take five/ten for the message to go through. Have you gotten the "You are now playing Caelum" email?
I haven't gotten anything.

Huh. I did just copypaste the email address, so shouldn't be a typo on my end.

Gone into your spam folder for some reason, maybe?
Just resent myself the turn file, got the message. It's the first message I got.

Weird. Well, hopefully you don't have any further problems.
This is actually wrong. First, quickness is 3 atk 3 def. Second, the def boost from quickness and w9 do stack, just not the action boost.

That's a cool idea, and makes them less annoying to manage. Any idea what this mod was?

I thought the AP boost didn't stack, but the extra attacks did? They're different effects, after all. Spell Quickness is an extra attack every turn, Bless Quickness is an extra attack every SECOND turn.

Yes. Lemuria is.
Please join this game: http://www.llamaserver.net/gameinfo.cgi?game=PureSkill
Sandeth. Partly inspired by the newer Prince of Persia games.
AP boost IS what gives extra attacks per turn. Yeah, it isn't really made clear anywhere.
If its still looking for people around 1 tomorrow Euro time I'll join.

Pretty sure it's a separate effect. Even 30+ AP shit only every does it's attacks once per round without Quickness.
Each unit eats all of its default AP on attack, but if AP value is increased there's a leftover for more attacks.
You are like 3 years behind on mechanics, Desura had a detailed thread on this
Okay, so it's a little weird, but here's the basic gist of it - all units have a base AP, and that's the AP required to do their attack. If a unit has one or more AP, it will still do its attack. Quickness multiples the units AP by 2 (or 1.5 in the case of W bless) without increasing the unit's base AP. This means that a unit with a W bless will attack twice roughly every other round (they'll do their double-attack on the first hit if they're close to their target or on the second if they had to run far) whereas a unit with full quickness will attack twice unless they had to run more than they could normally move.

Fair enough. That does make a certain amount of sense. As you realized, I haven't been keeping up for a while. Just started joining games again a couple months ago.
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I am greatly enjoying fucking around with EA Pangaea Maenads
Losing 433/800 of them against 300 enemies isn't even a pyrrhic victory; that's well within sustainable losses.

They're pretty phenomenal once you can get Mass Regen and Mass Protection on them. Growing Fury also goes a long way.
>flinging army after army into a player's last doomstack, killing vast amounts of enemies in each battle but losing nearly the entirety of my army each turn
Having more gold and gem income than your opponent is fun
>not killing his army efficiently so that you can simultaneously conquer other opponents
>Not having fun
I actually do think that's fun, though

I am not sure you fully understand how many Maenads turmoil Pan can get every turn.
Oh, maenads. I don't even count those as units. When he said losing nearly the entirety of his army I thought he meant losing stuff that mattered.
So population increases income. And I know that LOW pop can reduce resources.

Does high pop increase resources, or are there a set amount in province that only start getting limited when the pop drops below certain levels?
yeah, both resources and gold scale with pop

Anyone ever work out how long it takes for Growth 3 to beat Production 3 on resources?
sup guys, still looking for feedback for this unofficial la machaka http://pastebin.com/LtjMNTp0

changed sacred costs to be in the 22-28 range
reformed hoplites now cost 15 gold
levy troops now cost 12
sangomas are now N2D1H2 200?FAWE, 50?FAWE, 10?ND, worried that they're too powerful though, may restrict them based on terrain type
cap only sangomas are now N2D1H2 200?FAWE, 100?FAWE, 75?FAWE, 50?ND
initial testing suggests that the cap only guys are way too fucking good
Just out of curiosity, why A? No previous age of Machaka had it.
spirits of the sky are pretty important to a number of sub-saharan tribes, so i figured it was in theme
changed sangomas to N2D1H2 200?FAWE, 10?FAWE and 10?ND
cap only sangomas to N2D1H2 200?FAWE 100?FAWE, 50?ND
How do I want to gear out a golem or father illearth as an SC? What sort of items do people like using?
I think I might take a stab at a dragons dogma mod over the summer. I know I plan to make the regular troops basically indy level and give them shitloads of monsters but I am wondering how to go about it. Like should I give them a bunch of summon spells or is there a way to make monsters summon automatically in your dominion or something.
What bless do you have? What is the army composition that you are dropping the golem onto (you are teleporting it in, I assume), especially mages? What mages does the enemy have on hand to counter Father Illearth?
Golems usually take starshine skull, elemental resist gear, and a brand/vinehshield.
Illearth is more of a caster so whatever
Turns out AI Atlantis has heavily invested in PD.
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Its ok though I only lost like 10 crazy people and one slightly less crazy person.
Last call for someone to sub for Nazca
Just let them die Admin, no one is going to sub into a nation with its cap under siege by indys.
k, I'll AI them
How the fuck did they come under siege anyway? If it was barbarians or trogs I could understand but its just regular heavy infantry and shit.
Heavy infantry and a bunch of fire/something else mages. Poor guy

That might cause problems for your turn, desu
I sure hope these two random diseases are just a coincidence and not a pair of black servants with bane venom charms.
What cool things can you do with a Conjuration 20 site and mainly blood magic? Slightly cheaper thug chassis?
Would that site even work with blood magic?

Conj 20 is nice for tarts/royalty though. And some nations get a discount on really cool summons like niefel wolves/draugar etc.
Game: MokouIsHot
Turn number 24
Next turn due: 21:50 GMT on Thursday December 15th

Loser AI and staler hall of shame:
1. Jomon
2. Caelum
3. Abysia

Thanks for subbing Abysia, replacement Abysia!

Abysia 2h file received
Agartha 2h file received
Atlantis 2h file received
C'tis 2h file received
Gath 2h file received
Marignon 2h file received
Ragha 2h file received
T'ien Ch'i 2h file received
Ulm 2h file received
>Utgard Waiting for 2h file
Oh whoops, meant to say Death actually. Of course Blood wouldn't work. Tarts would be kind of nice but I'm much more likely to be bottlenecked on casters and not gems. Saving 2 gems per cast isn't going to make a huge difference.
>Saving 2 gems per cast isn't going to make a huge difference
Not if you summon them with 4 casters for 20 turns straight.

Where the fuck are you getting that many D7 casters?

Both boosters and a ring on Liches?
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>tfw I just find 50 more rangers in one of my provinces
>tfw this isnt even the first time its happened
4 + 2 artifact wand + 1 skullface

4 + 1 staff + 1 skullface + 1 ring of sorcery

4 + 1 staff + 1 skullface + 1 ring of wizardry

4 + 1 staff + 1 skullface + 1 black book of secrets

4 + 1 staff + 1 skullface + 1 robe of the magi

Honestly, Death isn't going to see vast benefits from a 20% conj site.

Tarts are unlikely to ever be gem limited, since you're needing to pay 100+ gems just to get anything that can cast it. You can get Banes at a saving of A Gem. Or TWO gems for Bane Lords! Woo.

Wraith Lords are pretty boss, but the Immortal means even with the 20% discount they're pricey for what they can do. I guess you could give Harvesters of Sorrow bane venom charms and send them to follow enemy armies around?

It's an edge, but it's not a game changer.
I loved getting 20% conj as Lemuria. Suddenly, you save 10 gem per grand lemur.

Yeah. If you have national summons it'll be amazing.
Why does Abysia get the pride of lions spell?

>He doesn't know about fire lions

I realize we're all autistic NEETs here, but watch a documentary occasionally or something, dude. They're the third deadliest mammal in africa.
Desert Lions?
I know this is like the second time in two days, but I need a sub for MokouIsHot Utgard.
Late age noob game. I know there are some noobs out there who might be interested.
Utgard is only at war with the Jomon AI afaik and had a good expansion prior to that (first player to claim a throne), so you have a good opportunity to make some gains, but you will have to reverse some losses taken during his stale period.
I'm putting a 24 hour extension on this turn, if we don't get a sub after that he's getting set AI.
I'm sorry, but I can't respond until you use a new picture. That's the one you used last time.
I like that one, sue me.
Dominions is 85% off on steam right now.
Only 30% off for me
sorry, meant gamersgate

My bad
To be clear, it's $5.25 on gamer's gate. Five dollars and twenty five cents.
Damn, I feel ripped off. I bought it when it was only 80% off a few months ago.
Shoulda held out for the better deal!
Such a lack of patience is why you will never be pantokrator.
If any piratefags are around and want to get into MP, now's the time.
What's going on in your games?

I'm game. Do I have to send an email or something?
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>just bought it on steam for $25
>just cleared two hour refund window

I feel ill.
Put in a ticket. They do this all the time.
>paid full price
>completely satisfied
I'd be happy to pay $200.00 for the number of hours I've put in
>only $200.00
It's like you didn't even buy all the DLC
Yep. I need an email to give llamaserver.
I don't need the DLC to crush you scrubs

[email protected]
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Hmm, yes, very interesting
On a side note, I wonder why Illwinter use the illuminati symbol over other things to represent scouts, especially when there are actual ulmish illuminati (or just spies in general as opposed to scouts) that could've maybe used a different symbol

Should I expect an email by now?
Sorry, I wasn't checking the thread. Sent.

Sorry, I assumed you were illuminati-anon. No rush.
The obviously winning player has finally deigned to actually try and win the game.
I became the latest member of the Mari-and-Atlantis comedy troupe to trip over my oversized clown shoes and fall flat on my red rubber nose

Excellent Dick Dastardly use.
Does anyone know how large TC is?
I feel like he's neighboring everyone.
is VD dead?
Cool's apartment got attacked by a water elemental, so we're waiting for him to not be a hobo anymore
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Agartha used innovation on me. I demand rollback.
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oi. how hard is it to mod the game? we were shitting around on a /co/ thread when we reaised pic related is practically a dominions game. It has everything to add: a bitching map, factions, pretenders, mercenaries, neutral units, summonables. i've got half a mad to make it myself

very long. growth merely improves growth by 60% of it iirc.

As easy to mod as a game can be. Overhaul mods are a shitload of work though. Good luck.
what should ea arco communions cast? i've been casting big buff but I'm not seeing many results. I think I should switch to attack spells, but I have no idea which.

well i've got a couple free months.

i'll try to add in a couple test nations and unit and see how hard it is.
Show me on the doll where Agartha touched you, Anon.
Read this
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I don't know how big the k6bd/dominions crossover crowd is, but more power to you .

What is this comic? Modding dominions is weird you write up notepads using dominions' own code language basically, number-codes that mean stuff, and then the game parses that into a new nation or whatever. Making more than a few nations is probably beyond any man, no matter how autistic.
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He... he used an innovative crossbow fire and retreat strategy. I expected to beat him but instead he has 200 crossbows left. It's unfair.
Get NationGen, generate 1 nation, and use that as your base for practice. In about an hour, you'll be able understand enough of what you're looking at to make one from scratch.

where are your flanking units my man
It's Kill Six Billion Demons, my man.
Costs on nonsacred troops are too high now. Aim for 10 for normal units. Weak units like the levies can possibly be a gold or two cheaper and elites like the hoplites can be a gold or two more expensive.

It's good that you switched to weak poison on the archers, but poison bow generally has 9 damage on the primary attack.

>is there a way to make monsters summon automatically in your dominion or something.
Event modding should be able to do that.
I'm doing Earthpower, Legions of Steel, Strength of Giants or just Legions of Steel, Strength of Giants with the few Panii I have high enough in earth magic now that I'm playing while actually awake enough to plan things instead of just throwing more fodder at the problem

Didn't really think they had enough raw HP for regen to be worth it though
Legions of steel does nothing for for maenads, it buffs armor pieces and they have no armor.
Use Marble Warriors

If you mean tengu, I haven't bought any. A tengu without an arrow fend is sad crow-man. That was an Earth Elemental army.
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Methinks this land begs for van rulership.

Let us found a new society, and call it.. Midgard.
They do use it for spies. Scouts dont get their own symbol.
One dude made 14 mods this year and most of them cover the full range of ages.
I saw the fight and I can confirm it was fun.
t. Innovative Gryphons

In Soviet Russia the water drinks you.
Good news and bad news.
The good news is Today I finish my shitty christmas tests so we are going back to 24 hour turns.
The bad news is the game is being postponed for 4-6 days because the rats are visiting family for christmas. As tempting as it would be to let them chain-stall for the next 4ish days it would be a bit of a dick move
A very, very tempting dick move

You mean fun to watch your two largest neighbours slaughtering each other?

Compromise. Just don't set the turn timer back down. He'll still chainstale, but only once or twice.

Stay true to the Light side, memethrone admin. Listen not to the blandishments of the badmins. Anger leads only to defeat, not to the victory of adminning that you crave.
nigga i busted out la machaka in less than a day, shit's easy
Did you change any sprites? If so how did you do it and how would someone with no spritework experience get started?
i used #copyspr, but i do plan to make my own. save the sprite that is closest to what you want from the inspector and edit it in photoshop or paint.net
Number 2 was clearly a meme character in that cartoons, if you ask me.

Kinda like the Therodos of KND.
Not really, I mean fun to watch that many Earth elementals craving for hummie blood.
He was the token "geek tech-savvy" guy from the group.

Number 3 was more meme-sque.
>disliking cute girls
What are you, gay?
Number 3 (male) > Number 3
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>tfw I finally realized that story events are on
Gee, I sure love being fucked in the ass by a late-game army in the second year of ascension wars.
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Reward's worth it though, right?

What exactly is a 'late-game army' to you?


>allowing earth elementals to drink human blood

That's how you get illearths, anon.
what have you got against illearths? they didn't ask to be made that way.

Abominations of blood and soil, to be cleansed with flame and blade so once again the shallow earth can be pure. Pedoseion's heart on an altar of black ebony, rebound five times and burnt, and a new Earth King born from the ashes, one clean of his predecessors taint.
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I hope you guys realize that Ermor's victory is canon and nothing else matters.
Lanka are you here? I see you're right below Xibalba, are you planning to fuck them up?
Also what the fuck why did Xib make a fort 1 province away from their cap? Doesn't that fuck with the resources that get assigned to the cap?

Only matters if you care about res.

Xib doesn't.
Fuck I meant DriftKing Lanka
>telling xibalba you want to invade him
Prepare to get some bats in your lands.
Could you please move the timer back to 24h? I think everybody was fine with that pace, and there are always 4 fags that wait until the last time to take their turns. I dont want to wait 2 days for new turns.
I didn't say that I asked Lanka if he's trying to fuck em up because he's right below that fort they built near the capital.
But just to be clear I want to see the bats DIE
I have 2 A1 master smiths. How good are Bows of War? 1 gem for 13 arrows every turns seems like a good thing to stick on an indie scout to let it kill PD1 provinces

Ermor's EA victory is canon. They get their shit pushed in by Mari in MA.
Sorry, can't hear you over my 7000 skeletons.
>How good are Bows of War?

Not as good as owl quills.
Magoth x Bifrons OTP
You can recruit indie commanders named Magoth and Bifrons. Why on earth would a mother name her child after a goddamn devil
Nigger you need to learn some subtly You can see my steam account, you should probably ask these things that way so it isnt broadcasted to the entire world..
Congrats to Sum1won's Ulm for the win.

I find it hilarious that, just as I predicted, all their neighbors would be eaten one by one by their aggression and they'd do nothing to stop it. Truly domg.
The only canon ascension war is the one that happens when you start a game. All mentions of previous ascensions wars and their victors are speculatory fanfiction.
>It's another Nicknight diplomancy episode
Yeah, it's hopeless and you should do an AI.
Nobody mentioned an ascension war.
Is there a map that's 80+ provinces with a cavern network like on Valanis that isn't unbalanced as all hell?
I was more wondering if we'd just do a global concession. Everyone more or less seems to have already surrendered to Ulm anyway. They pretty much have the position Ryleh held in Der Gotter (if Sauro hadn't gone AI albeit).

I just can't see the point in making this game last 100 more turns while Ulm lumber to the stupid high throne requirement.
Missing the
skullstaff + flailing hands + copper arm x2 + skullface.
Sorta want to make a goofy as fuck Heavy Metal nation with berserking warriors from a bunch of genres
like, Thrash Metal Warriors are the most common, decent troops, but nothing really special. The foundation of your armies. Power Metal or Heavy Mithril Mages. Nu-Metal serfs/arrow catchers. Viking Metal heavy infantry, Speed Metal cavalry

Priests play songs, channeling the power of the Gods of Metal which buff troops
With mercenaries, is the minimum bid for the previous contractor halved, or does everyone else have to bid at least double the minimum bid in order to have a chance (assuming the previous contractor places a bid)?
the second

Eeesh. Thanks.

Another question. Is there a way to look at your pretender's statsheet before they come out of dormancy? I'm subbing, and I have no idea what my pretender is. If not, is there another way to figure out what your bless effect is without seeing it in battle?
Check your prophet. They're permanently blessed.
Your prophet has it all the time. If your prophet is dead, send an indie priest into battle alone scripted to bless, then retreat. And there is no way that I know of to check your pretender design after the game has started

That worked. Thanks.
>tfw you misclick and research blood magic instead of thaumaturgy, wasting 500 RP and next turn you NEED Iron Will to counter Shadow Blast
Sounds dope. The world needs another nation with heavy armor.
Iron Will to counter shadowblast? wha?

Also >irl aboleths
Anyone have a a skeleton/ghost version of the happy merchant?
And so, it is with heavy hearts that the people of Sauromatia realised a terrible truth in their hearts. They would never be able to live up to their true masters, they would never rise to such heights. But they could still be useful. Their armies would be laid low, their people put to work, their magics and wonders snuffed out. But, in the end, they were happy because in this way they would be at one with their spiritual liege, Like A Hurricane. And they would be content with their lot, happy to serve in servitude as they had failed in allegiance.
Make that shit into a webm nigga.
IW increases MR

Ni hao

The mole-chinese border many nations because the underground have many exits.
And reasons like this are why we may as well call the game.
Ulm is apparently vastly better at diplo than me, is stomping everyone on every graph at this point (if he wasn't Sauro would post only those graphs to show otherwise). With the combined might of the UW nations it might be feasible to beat him, but considering R'lyeh would rather help . . . . and the other do nothing.

The game is effectively over. Enough so that I've begun asking around to all the others about conceding so we can end it.
Before a big battle, teleport dudes with slave matrices on the other guys stack. Their mages pick up the matrices and will be useless in the fight.
But I never mentioned who I am
Also I don't care either way because I already attacked them directly and they will react some time soon but so far nothing happened. Also Lanka and at least one more nation are around their territory now, conquered a province of theirs and here's hoping they'll go on the offensive more
I don't think things like slave collars get dropped on death
Slave collars don't, but matrices do. Source: I just picked up one in a game.
Why would making all his mages communion slaves make them useless?
Because communion slaves don't cast?
I thought they did? You have the top guy in the casting order cast communion master, cast power of the spheres, then all his slaves cast Stellar Cascades? Or are they all Masters as well?

I thought crystal matrices just gave you communion master, it doesn't actually give other people communion slave. Also, can you actually use the opponent's communion slaves?
That doesn't work in dom4 unless they're innate spellcasters
I mean, when Gilgamesh wanted to fuck with Enkidu, the first thing he did was get the guy a whore, so it's consistent with the original myth.
There's Crystal Matrix, which makes you a communion master, but there's also Slave Matrix, which makes you a communion slave. You can't use an opponent's communion slaves - the point is to seal off their casting to mess the opponent's battle plan. Obviously you need to have tha actual battle on the same turn or they'll just take the matrices off.
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EA Abysia Summod/ME. Which god should I choose? This bloke to cast the ME nationals and second sun with the helm booster?

Have you tested this?
How the fuck is that weird?

How is it difficult?
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Or this guy, to give my sacreds N9 and still have decent scales (but require luck to get all the nationals)?

Oh please, this diplomonstering in AT is quite sad

Both you and Ulm are pretty much crying about how sad it is for the two of you. Fucking fight like men instead like bitches.
Which part? The fact that communion slaves do not cast is well known. I know that Slave Matrices do get picked up because I just picked one up in an actual game. It's where I got the idea. I haven't had the occasion to actually try it in a real game. It's a somewhat expensive plan and requires some boundary conditions to be useful. Namely, the opponent should have too many commanders besides key mages in their stack.

I guess it'd also work on a rampaging thug/SC assuming it has a free slot to pick up the matrix.
A common strat to stop your communion slaves dying from fatigue is to have your master cast slave himself as his 5th spell, which stops him from casting and wasting his turns self buffing, which could in turn deliver enough fatigue to his slaves to kill them, if you have enough masters.
>you should totally fight the biggest dude, with multiple allies, when you have none to minimal help, on your own

I don't even. I'm asking for concession because perfect scripting and play at this point on my part still means Ulm wins.
The real issue is I never should have tried fighting Ulm. I should have known that the answer is always to crush and eat more little people to snowball yourself than to try and stop some other snowballer - because the latter is literally impossible on domg.
please stop whining
cri moar
Well . . . there is one global that might help things . . .
It's not
Shit's easy as fuck, actually. In my experience the hard part is sprites and actually thinking up what you want.

If you want a concession just quit and decide Ulm or whatever won. Fuck, pretend that you won. Nobody really gives a damn who wins games anyways. You don't need to stay in the game.
>tfw a neighbor has done something very stupid
>about to take advantage of it
I'll tell y'all more next turn.
At least mention the game so I can go back and check over my turn 1000 times in case it's one of the ones I'm playing.

This is a game about becoming the sole winner, counting on madly diplomonstering yourself to victory doesn't help. Yes you should have eaten youself to victory, as should everyone. Complaining that your diplomonstring didn't work is a non issue, just as complaining that your combats didn't go your way.
It's probably at least one of them, might as well check them all.
Don't worry, if you do that kind of thing, you wouldn't have made this particular mistake.
fuck, now i'm gonna be shitting bricks for the entirety of tonight
Please at least tell what time the turn resolves at
Do it faggit
Thanks now I won't be able to sleep at night. Elaborate on what happened next turn or I'll send some skeletons to your house.
It's probably some novice who left 20 provinces with no PD in LA and his scout network is about to turn into an elfing, only to discover that two other players did the same thing and there's a hilarious scout-fight in each of the poor lad's provinces
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that mythical 0 PD scout network elfing

Whenever someone forgets to put a PD in and I can take a province with a scout it's a glorious feeling, imagine that x20.
jokes on you i have 10 PD everywhere
Help please~
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What game are you referring to?
Yours =)
Dominions 4
>Not having at least 50 PD in every province asap
How's your degeneracy going anyways? We haven't seen your lovely smile in ages.
I dont need to know who you are for you to hit me up on steam.
I don't think that's the real innovative dog
Ulm is using wallhacks plz nerf
He laid siege to a coastal fort full of priests in enemy dominion while vengeful water was up.
>spending that much money on immobile PD
>when you could spend it on armies
Oh wait you're Lanka? I got confused
Whatever man, Xibalba can already see you there so it's not like he doesn't know something is up, I just wanted to know for sure what were your intentions
I'd go for the first guy. Basically your first guy helps late game and your second helps early game, and EAbysia has issues late game more than early.

Burning Ones are decent without a bless and as your sacreds are cap limited it will drop off in utility over time.
I was just taking what free provinces I could.
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>Implying I need armies to win
I am too innovative for this general, I am BEYOND innovation
Ermor and Lemuria don't need armies.

They just need to cling onto and rot whatever they hold.
t. guy who never won with either of these nations
<3 Thank you kindly.
oi, two questions:

how do you see when a unit has strength, mr etc, etc buffs in combat? I've noticed that it's shown when the bonus is from blessings but I haven't seen any for magic when my makes are almost exclusively bless centered

2. what are some good offensive spells for arco communions? if buffing doens't work as much as I though I gotta look for something new.
>Asks for people to surrender
>One does
>Gets mad
Gift of Heaven spam with Wind Guide from your national only bitches is a solid option.

As is Stellar Cascade spam.

You can also do Firestorm and Fireball strat with your mystics who get 2F.
EA Abysia doesn't necessarily need its god to be able to cast its globals. Outside boosters (E booster, F1D1 skull) can help, though.
You do realized I asked *after* one surrendered, right?

I mean, if everyone else was doing it already . . . (and its telling that Berytos was pretty much the only nation that wouldn't have it, which is perfectly fair considering they've mostly been in there own little world the whole game, ignored by me and Ulm).

The most common other response was give it 5-6 more turns.
t. Teaching feeling Ulm
I haven't played in pretty much a year.

I tried the standard scenario with arco , learned how to create thugs, what scales and bless works with the greek fucks and what us useful and isn't in the army

my current strategy until recently was using the communion to beef the fuck up of my pegasi, then attack rear while tramplers kill up front

however my problem is that near the end of the game when it's just me and the ai, i'm getting swarmed by common armies *4 my size and i'm certain my communions should do short work of them, as the ai can't into magic. of course i was just spamming units without thinking what orders to give them, but the impact of that is minor compared to badly used mages.*

I figure I ain't leaving singleplayer until all my ai matches end up in curbstomps, so it seems beefing up sacreds won't carry armies alone.

So my mages should use area of effects? Do ironskin, will of the fates, doom and all army affecting buff/debuffs do much? am I the only one bothered that I can't order flyiers to specifically target mages?

*it did let me watch an absolutely badass showdown between two beefed up golems and my prophet, his second in command and my sacred pegasi commander after the 1040-220 armies routed each other. (I learned that flying, invigoration and ethereal make you pretty untouchable when kitting pegasi)
>am I the only one bothered that I can't order flyiers to specifically target mages?
No, please. Fliers are cancerous enough as they are, they don't need to be able to snipe enemy mages.
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Please join these games so we can start before Christmas

As compensation, I have included a picture of my two kattes


Well it would help if you mentioned which Arco. My advice was for EA Arco in particular for which I'd use Oriads to cast Fog Warriors on my army and Mage Engineers (or other Oriads) to cast RoS before I sweep in with elementals and other troops to deal with huge stacks.
you use summons for arco?

I guess it makes sense, given that every single arco unit is expensive as fuck and ranges 10-15 hp
Do your kattes let you brush their fur?
Well you have a lotta magical diversity (cross-path too, hello green lions!) which means both a lot of magical sites ( thus gems) and access to lots of different summon spells.

I'm sure that's what Shillwinter intended too, since Arco gets bonuses for running Sloth 3, a nation of "intellectuals" who hires/summons a fighting force instead of nurturing it themselves.



I make them let me
I guess that depends on whether you are lucky enough to not loose your empowered wizards while looking for sites
What's more important in a weapon, more damage, or more length? And what's the best damage type? pierce damage because it ignores 20% armour?
Mine actually loves it. She'll climb into my lap when I pick up the brush, and then nuzzle me with her face when she decides that I'm done before hopping off to go disappear somewhere in my apartment.
>domg - cat care general

Don't empower wizards for site searching, jfc

I t D e p e n d s

What's the general skill level of lucky thirteen? Would they be willing to take a hyperscrub?

Sure why not, playing is learning. It has no limit on skill
>Don't empower wizards for site searching, jfc
?? one path in magic cuts it? are you sure?
Mystics are cheap niggah, you can easily get 2 access on most paths.

That or invest more points into luck.
Joining one of those, looking forward to seeing more pictures of your cats in the future!
>Story events on
It was a lack of PD. Turn resolved, it wasn't as thorough as I expected and I lost some scouts, but a free province is a free province.
>none of my games have had their turns resolved
thank god. What game is it?
As long as you don't stale at the first sign of adversity
Joke's on you, I'll join and AI on the first turn
no u
I wouldn't doubt it
In that case I'll be going AI also.
>Tisor assures us that he's not the scariest nation since Per-en is bigger
>starts rolling over Per-en like it was nothing
eric, simply eric
>two players AI already
In that case, I'll be going AI as well.
>Per-En eating some poor unfortunate lad
>beating on his capital
>get asked for help
>send groups to one empty province and one with 20 troops to cut off their siege supplies
>"rolling over Per-En like nothing"

This message was brought to you by Propaganda-Tron 9001.
In that case, I'll be going AI as well.
t. malakalakhyfcajkhgaghjvcb
r u o k
Omen and Sesgorice are AI. Nadasunsa has no un-seiged provinces. Caevie and Sithis, though alive, are small enough that they're also basically fucked. Zimbaluia and Vittamen are on the borderline, theoretically could still be relevant if something significant changes, but not headed that direction now. Per-en, Tisor, Murmar, and Aoisapoka are contenders. Of those, Tisor is hands-down the scariest, but would definitely lose if up against both of Per-en and Aoisapoka, and also one of Vittamen or Zimbaluia. Against any two of those, would probably be weakened enough to give the victory to Murmar, who has a huge advantage in that he lacks strong neighbors.
t. Malakal
Not sure how Vittamen would be much of a threat to Tisor. Unless you mean in conjunction with someone else or something.
>Unless you mean in conjunction with someone else
Yeah, that's why I used the word "also".
You look much better now. I am glad that you have gotten well.
>winter of year two
>Nostradamus over here already telling us how the game will end
Okay mate
I'm sorry I staled, but it was because of a girl. And I only lost like 80% of my army, so it doesn't matter that much.
Good, it seems my plan has worked perfectly.
i turned in my conjunction turn 3 mintues late im really mad
Need only one more person for Lucky13.
In that case, I'll be going AI as well.
You had 24 hours to turn it in nigger.
You can usually tell by year two who the major powers are and who's liable to come out on top with certain gangups.
coming back home from university and was gone the entire day going across country, forgot to ask delay, its my fault :v(

im losing anyways so its fine
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>when you notice how much territory abysia has
>then you actually look how big the map is
>there's only 6 players

>then it hits you like a 1000 ton boulder on your head that everyone probably has like 20 provinces while you have only 8
gg no re

That's what you get for being a filthy normie.
just eat abysias land, they're not a meaningful threat.
At least your cap isnt under siege by indys.
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Changing the turn timer to 48h was clearly a mistake.
Sorry for disappointing you. I wanted to script all my vans to spam air elementals, and it killed your army in 5/5 test battles because falling fires are not magical damage, but you know, normie things.
No, he's a pal and I wouldn't fuck with him
... Also is this Ermor or R'Lyeh speaking
>captcha East Mexico
Thanks for those death gems by the way.
What a mean thing to say.
You know what would help out your expansion? Some lovely items!

Please buy my items

>has master forgers
>charges extra for items
Shamefur dispray.

So you moved your sneaky army in and didn't even bother to script them?

oy vey, the goyim are onto us!
I'll revise pricing next turn anyway. A special on dwarven hammers too!
>falling fires isn't magic

My xbows also had flaming arrows cast on them, so although those elementals would have been of more use than nothing, I still think I would've won that battle.
I just checked and he's right. watafak
>Me allied with the jews
Unless you give me a free item as proof of your non jewery
We can always roll back and see who wins ;^)
I'm not gonna give up my jew roots so easily! But I can sell you something at a hefty discount. What items are you lacking in? I can sell owl quills at 2 gems per, if that's your thing

Now that would be just downright unfair to the rest of the players. You should just go run some more simulations.
I did. Air elementals are extremely good against both x-bows and mediocre fire spells. Not that it matters now, but you'll see some of them in the future, I'm sure.

That was meant as a quip, mate.

And thanks for telling me what you're going to do, btw.
Quills are for research right? I don't know what to research as Sceleria so
Honestly I think I need advice from /domg/ on what to buy. I was thinking of items to put on my pretender so I can kamimaze him, he has Immorality anyway so I don't need to worry about him dying.
I'm not in any condition to recognize humor right now, my man. And it's not like you can quickly muster a counter for mass air elementals, especially for a mass xbow army.
Your next line is 'you mispelled Immortality'
In your own dominion. If he dies outside his own dominion he'll die for real.
What's your Steam? I've already declared my neutrality (I'm going to sell the throne in my cap ring at some point, like a true jew ahahaha) so I can help a little
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>tfw find all the good indies as MA Ermor
>can't use any of them
You should've gone innovative Ermor and made use of extensive bloodhunting. Bloodbooting your important humies + Burden of Time works wonders.
Dude. Size 6 fire elementals.
I'm on phone now so I don't know how to link directly
But if you search for "dojyan?" in the steam friends search you'll find me. My avatar is a picture of a handsome blonde american president.
friend request sent
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A few questions
Will Blood Vengeance reflect Banishment damage?
Will Twist of Fate/Glamour let Blood Vengeance activate?

Is this pretender fine for Ermor? Air 4 is for Raven Feast
Is that for summod?
vanilla MA Ermor
should I be playing modded? I'm fairly new and only just got a grasp on basics


Take Lich Queen, and have a great immortal supercaster or go all the way for N9B9. This is just mediocre and unoptimized.
I love it when games create friendships.
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>misf 3
You have F2/D on your Dusk Elders, and you can summon elemental kings with them, so you don't need it on your pretender. D4 you can get from an elder, and you can't even get tarts with it, so why even bother?

Misfortune 3 will fuck you in the ass. Most builds use L3M3 for sweet bonus gems/gold per turn.

Non-immortal rainbows can't be used in combat effectively.
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I did something like that

dropped magic 3 to 1 so I dont get -1 MR at home
How do you guys prepare your first invasion in a game?
Summod Ermor is substantially different in that it starts with 5 death gems per turn instead of 15.

MA Ermor has numerous freespawning sacreds and you can make more with spells or by reanimating. So N9/D9/B9 blesses are very effective due to the sheer number of your sacreds. A rainbow sitesearcher/researcher is of course alluring for a nation so dependent on gems and magic but high death and strong sacreds are more important in my opinion.

>Misfortune 3
This will guarantee you very unenjoyable times combined with turmoil and sloth. Additionally, it will deprive you of your main income, finding 1000+ gold treasures.

t. a guy who hasn't won a single time with Ermor
>dom 5
Hurts your skeleton freespawn severely.

Again, you got it on your national mages, it's redundant on your pretender.

Shit path with no ability to boost effectively. You have A1 on your elders for sitesearching/Wind of Death. You already have S for magic phase movement.

Overall, the build is unfocused. You can go for tribless and rape everyone in early-game while saving a lot of points for L3/M3, or you can go full focused rainbow with useful paths and late-game diversity (A4E4S6D6 lich queen is a good example). You're trying to have the cake and eat it too.
I move my obvious armies up to my border on the turn that I decloak or fly into + magic phase assault all of his less defended provinces. This way I'll likely have defensive advantage for the actual battles.
D4 is for extra blood vengeance damage and earlier Dusk Elder summoning instead of having to empower the starting guy
>extra blood vengeance damage
Now this is just retarded.

Please, explain what you hope to gain from it again.
>Hurts your skeleton freespawn severely.
Everything else is right, but I've tested this and low dom Ermor's freespawn is surprisingly okay. If I play MA Ermor again, I'll be using an INNOVATIVE 4 dom strat
>D4 is for extra blood vengeance damage
I won 6 games as MA Ermor, and even dom7 hurts your freespawn.
>Summod Ermor is substantially different in that it starts with 5 death gems per turn instead of 15.
Well, that and the fact that you get a free D site in places with two candles, and everything costs more gold, and you have less design points to work with.
Undying health doesn't count for Blood Vengeance?
You can just go Heat 3 to mitigate starting Cold 1. Skellingtons can cross rivers after all.
Blood Vengeance is flat MRN damage unaffected by how much health the unit lost. You're mixing it up with damage reversal.
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>less design points to work with.
Actually it is 40 more.

If you go from cold 1 to heat 3 it doesn't count the last 40 points. Try it and see.
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I think we're starting to forget how the REAL Ermor pretender should look.

summod akbar, kafir pigs
It's reduced, but I don't think the difference is that substantial
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Well, the thing is he has won 6 games as MA Ermor and apparently you haven't won any at all. But since that hasn't been clarified yet, how many games have you won as MA Ermor? I have won just two but now that I heard that he has won six I'm starting to think he is right about getting high dom after all.
It's not substantial for dom7 because you will quickly put up 5 temples to get to dom8 in the first year and a half or so. It's pretty damn substantial for anything lower.

I mean, I won a game with dom6 lich queen, but only because everyone else left.

you can only get a max 120 design points off of temperature changes.

Presumably this is to prevent C3 EA quadbless mictlan or similar shit.
Yes, you go to H2. Similar to how Abysia doesn't get extra points for going down to C3
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Nice meme, but you can easily test how many skellingtons/sacreds you get with both dom values yourself.

As MA Ermor you're bound to get to dom10 sooner or later anyway (if you're not removed earlier), especially in really big games, so the advantage of having higher dom is the early-game expansion/invasion advantage.
You never get your dom quite that high with only four starting dom. That would require thirty temples. That's as many as twenty and ten temples put together!

You're right, though, that the advantage is in the early game expansion and for your first war. I also would need to test to see how deadland acquisition varies based on using the low dom, more infrastructure meme.
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2000 thousand ghosts in a thread.
Last call for /domg/ Christmas Cards.

send mailing address to [email protected] as I will be sending out the cards this weekend.
Hello C'tis!
I am going to expand to (10) next, if you don't mind.
Ah fuck I didn't read and took the Throne of Spring as MA Ermor
reduced my death scales
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Who wants to see some innovation?
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What the fuck is this

Are you faggots really going to concede to Ulm?
What did Ulm do, anyway to make Hinnom bitch out like that.
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Is this kind of Throne position supposed to happen?
Probably just your generic inevitable snowball.

He also super elfed Ermor with teleporting Golems.

I'm pretty sure it's in the province to the left of it.
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it's not

have you not noticed thrones always appear in the top left of a province?
After a lot of memegames, we're just getting better at judging where to call it?

The game will still be useful - next one will have somewhere between ulm's throne count in AT and Ryleh's in Der Gotter, instead of the full retard 45/60 on a giant ass map.
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112 freespawn units including 15 Knights of the Unholy Sepulchre are now on the other side of the mountains

Do I make a prophet and claim the throne immediately (and trap the troops forever under cold scales) or wait 9 turns for the next summer and send a proper level 4 archbishop prophet to claim it before bailing?

The Throne is Throne of the Stars (2 Astral Pearls)
I can't count.
The main thing is the 15 knights of the sepulchre anyway; they're fairly useful
No consensus means keep playing.

Nah, one person making 7 people who want to end it keep playing= well-deserved dogpile.
If they just go AI, it's a one-on-one fight.

Then it just becomes a race to sweep up abandoned territory. If you want to decide the result of a chess match with a game of whack-a-mole, go nuts.
>play Ermor and weep at all the micro
>decide to be innovative, take low dominion, and build a trillion forts out of other people's scales
>deadlands won't appear unless you have several candles in a province
well fug
If that happens Ulm wins anyways. If hinnom wants to call it, nobody else has a shot at sweeping territory.
to what end
1k hp falling frost caster turn 10
To the 7 of you that want to end it via concession:
Why not just go AI? Why be "locked" into the game just because 1 dude says "no"? Especially if that just drives you to dogpile him so that he is removed from the game, just so you presumably can go "can we all concede now? yes? cool"

It's not like you're tied to some ranking system that won't hurt your ranking if you concede or something.
Ayup, I assume one of the people who voted to continue was Berytos (who has a really good excuse, after all, what with being very busy for much of the game, and not being next to Ulm)

Not sure who the other is, but I'm assuming Agartha, given he's technically fighting Ulm (just fighting me to a much greater extent . . . it's weird). Could have also been Thera I guess.

Most everyone else is either nothing but a capital (the heims), uninterested in continuing (Arco, who was memed on by god vessels, TC/Pelagia, both being subs, or me, having seen this song and dance before), or allied with Ulm/fine with him winning (R'lyeh, Sauro).
Because when one doesn't bother putting any effort into steamchat or scripting, turns don't take much time?

Most of doing turns for me is colluding and trying to figure out what level gambit my opponent is expecting, and being meticulous/anal with army scripting. Which I sort of stop giving a fuck about in foregone conclusions.
So you'd prefer to waste some time just to beat up a guy that you barely care about (read: no effort) so you can give up unanimously rather than just stop playing now and concentrate on something you actually care about?
>beat up a guy that you barely care about

That sounds like too much effort desu. Ulm's a big boy, he can handle himself against whoever the holdout is.
>>162961629's right, though. If the general consensus is mostly that continuing the game is a lost cause, what's stopping you from forgetting about the odd man out and just go AI?

Besides autism
I voted no because I'm still having fun with the game. I didn't expect so many would vote no. If you want to end the game then just do it. I think it's a shame because this is a great game, two giants hulking it out and still several smaller players that are not completely irrelevant.

I don't understand why you guys just don't fully commit to finish the fight against each other, but like I said whatever. I'd prefer a new game than one where people will just take empty turns.
I'm in domg natgen, this is nothing but a relaxing summer breeze.

The autism isn't a question, its assumed.
dont assume my autism you shitlord
Because it isn't 2 giants. Agartha is closer to me than I am to Ulm (though this is a recent development with Agartha eating Helheim, and Ulm eating Sauro).

Thats the problem, the game is one giant, with several relevant second string powers (Berytos, myself, Agartha, the UW trio) who're too busy squabbling to stop the snowballer.

Its a tale as old as domg. I'm not even too annoyed that this is how games go, cause I'm in Ulm's position well more than my fair share, and it's great never worrying about a gangbang when you're snowballing the hardest.
To be fair, Ulm was gangbanged - they were fighting 4 players pretty recently - it just kinda fell apart because nobody really wanted to or was able to commit.
>fighting 4 players
I guess you could consider Vanheim/Arco/me/Agartha as the aggressors . . . Agartha sent 1 golem until just this turn, Arco attacked for 1 turn then was gangbanged by the indies (tag team of God Vessels and Bogus). Vanheim managed to do more with just a tree.

I've already admitted my greatest mistake was trusting in people to stop a snowballer. I should have devoured Sauro, Arco, or TC the moment Ulm attacked Vanheim in hindsight to try and keep up the pace.

I fail to see the issue, you tried to diplomonster yourself to victory, by appearing less threatening than Ulm. You got 4 players against him who were not very good, and it made Ulm stronger. So in essence your diplomonstering failed, while Ulms agressive stance failed. Its just one of many tactics in war.

Meant to say that Ulms aggressive stance succeeded.
>winning with ermor or lemuria
Be right back, the whole server is attacking me in third season.
You just gotta innovate past them all
Innovate like using a ferility god as lemuria, and doing everything I can to fight my own cancer pop?
Exactly. Except that diplomonstering always fails unless you're the biggest guy on the stage. It's ALWAYS better to eat the little guy.

I fully admit it was a silly plan, because I was trying to be nice to former allies. Instead I wound up with several no shows, a cripple (who I knew was a cripple beforehand), someone with irl misfortune 3, and someone who said they would attack Ulm, sent 1 golem, and then piled the majority of their forces into me.

Moral of story, always fucking eat the little guy.
That sounds innovative to me! Awful, but innovative.

Learning to beat the AI will mean it takes twice as long to learn MP. The AI uses swarming attacks with random indie trash units. You can beat it with certain tactics that players will TAKE APART. The tactics you're talking about would work against players, but won't work against the AI very well.

Stop training yourself to do stupid shit and join some MP games.

One path finds you most sites, most are level 1. But mystics are cheap - you should be spamming them out of dozens of forts. you.. do build forts outside your cap right.
if you need to empower to level 1 (ie. can't get that path naturally at all) you probably dont need that kind of gem in any real quantity
if you would empower to level 2 you should be using searching spells instead
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I think its a bit closer than portrayed, but if most people want to call it, I'm going to chalk it up as a win in my personal book and then keep going with whoever wants to keep playing so they have fun.

Agartha sent some other stuff (which died) besides the golem, but yeah, nothing big until now.

Vanheim fully committed, but they didn't really have a choice. (The tree did most of the damage, though.).

You're having a lot of success right now in invading england. I didn't have real resources in place, so I wound up squandering the defensive trap I was able to set up.

Poor arco

Anyways, the moral of the story is that rather than end this, we should turn this into a meme game and just fuck around with crazy shit so the new guys can get experience and those of us who don't need it can play with stuff that we weren't going to bother with You can cast astral corruption, and I can turn Remus into an assassin and have him hunt grigori and God Vessels
Raven of Underworld for Sceleria. yay/nay?
What do you want to use it for, aside from naming it Okuu and roleplaying?
Flying around, cawwing, and eating corpses.

I like that it has stealth and flying so its range is quite significant. But spooky to use outside native dominion.

for what purpose?
I mean, I like ravens. I actually feed a local gang of crows. If you want to use it for roleplaying that's fine. It's just not going to be good at winning multiplayer games.
I'm mostly interested in seeing what new and unusual ways the DRN is capable of fucking you in desu.

The bloodletting straight up one shotting your antimagic'd demon cleanser was hilarious. Damage Reversal proccing twice on the same turn vs one poison golem was pretty funny too.

Personally, the whole invade England thing was a meme, a true reverse sealion.
I don't want to use a statue or a dragon.
Well, I'm a fan of the s9 oracle, but if you don't want an immobile, you can certainly get away with running a bull, a doggo, a snake, even a maneater to first expand and then try to become blood sceleria with vampire lords leading your skeletal legions. I don't think a dragon is even particularly good for sceli. Like, it'll work, it's just not anything special.
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Well, I take pretenders for RP purposes, so as long as you're aware it won't really do much for you. It could be imprisoned for scaleseria with enough D to jumpjet you into Well/Tarts/Wights quicker/more easily.

Why would you take a dragon for anything.


Sceletoneria usually takes either a dormant rainbow to forge boosters/certain items with very specific paths, or it takes an awake expander to help it's weak early expansion. Dragon or immobiles pretty much never.
>weak early expansion

You have good expansion with scales, and great expansion with shadow vestals.
>Why would you take a dragon for anything

Cause you're Mictlan or Xibalba on the Archaea map, and need a dragon to fight the enemy dragon?
Is priest searching worthwhile?
>good expansion with scales

I think we have different definitions of good if you think roman infantry can expand 'good'.

>great expansion with shadow vestals

I've seen double bless vestals expand 'great', but with s9? Eh.

If you have priests doing nothing, sure. If you don't, no.

Sites are too rare.
S9W4 expands fine, yeah.

I'd take either an awake or a bless.

What is 'fine'. Because you need quite a few shadow vestals to make S9 + ethereal mean they don't take losses, especially against archers.
Mix em up with romans or indies for arrow lures.
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Are you asking Per-en to team up with you?
I've had 25ish province expansion with s9 shadow vestals. Biggest issue is keeping the blesser from dying.
What are all the tile features?

trees, mountains, caves, and wastes?
Nah. I don't want to fight Tisor now anyway. And if I did, Per-en's already fighting him so it wouldn't make a difference.
Hey how do I set a monthly ritual/item creation?

I've opened up the command menu for the commander I want to set and hit m but that doesn't seem to be working
what menu should I have open before hitting m?
or is there another aspect of this I'm missing?
nvm it's M, (shift+m)
just worked out it's uppercase
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Every time I open up the province with this priest I chuckle
Keep spreading the good word Adolf
>What's more important in a weapon, more damage, or more length?

Length only helps with repel (and can be detrimental UW), whereas damage is always useful.

>And what's the best damage type?
This one it really depends on a lot of stuff.

Pierce is good for low damage weapons or high protection targets, Slashing is good for high damage weapons or low protection targets. Bludgeoning is good for things which resist slashing and/or piercing.
Really the damage bonuses are pretty messed up, really bludgeoning should be better against armor and piercing should give boosts to torso hits because of organ damage. Also repel should be stronger, pikes ruled the battlefield for a reason.
The damage types are a bit odd, but repel is probably weak to prevent pikes and spears from dominating the game completely. They're already quite good.

I'd like repel to be slightly better, but complete realism would be boring.
Eh, ancient temples are somewhat common, only require H1 and give 1S per turn. I usually recruit a single indie mage that wasn't going to do much else besides build temples and send him off a-searchin'
deep sea, shallow sea, farm and border mountain as well
>bludgeoning good against armour
Only against chain, at least for direct damage. If you use a blunt weapon against plate, you hit the joints in order to mangle the steel there, making it harder for him to move, until you can wrassle him to the ground and stab him inna eye. Dominions doesn't really allow for that
No you hit plate straight on with a blunt weapon and the energy from the hit is spread out into the guy wearing the plates body.
Yeah, it spreads out, exactly. That's why swords don't do shit against plate unless you're stabbing him inna joints. Blunt weapons don't transfer enough force through large plates to be damaging, especially if he has padding. If you want to test this, take a hammer and hit it on your forearm. Then put a spoon and hit it with the hammer. You'll be surprised by how much that changes things.

t. HEMA dude, BotN dude and apprentice blacksmith
A blow to the head is still going to fuck you up even in full plate, but in general blunt weapons tend to want to minimize contact area to maximize the force upon said area. If it's got enough force to dent steel, it's got enough force to fuck up whatever's behind said steel.
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These are good right?

or do they get blown apart by "target archers"?
you get them as a side effect of faerie queens, so just chuck them into an army and forget about them, they aren't going to influence any strategy too greatly
I got them as an event
As a man who has been hit multiple times in his armoured head by polehammers, no, no it doesn't. The steel dents, but the force is spread out over the whole plate, meaning you do not get hurt
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>17 searches
>1 return
even if 9 are priests 1/8 is still pathetic
Hinnom are you here? How much did I owe you for that little favor?
Can someone get me a valid link for the Riverlands map CanIntoHost is using? The one on the llama page is a 404.

1 is 60%, 2 is 90%, 3 is 99%, 4 is Everything.

Or thereabouts.

You sure? I thought it dealt the same amount of damage as was taken. It doesn't PREVENT damage like Reversal does.
How to deal with 200 shades in a single province? Does Banishment work even if they're not summoned?

And Better Arena as well, if you can. The llama link is Desura, and while the link in the Mod Catalog on Dom3Mods isn't, it just times out.
What nation are you? Hard to give specific advice without knowing what you have available.

Banishment will work (it works on all demons and undead, whether they're summoned or not doesn't matter), but shades have decent MR so you'll need a large number of priests. Evocations would be a better choice.
>better arena

Cheers. At home at the parents for the festive et cetera, not doing turns on my own PC.
I think blunt damage should give some fatigue as well as its special effect
like how much

blunt's pretty lame right now, right? or am I alone in thinking that
I think no more than 10 stun damage
I was thinking the same. Maybe something along the lines of half the damage stopped by prot is dealt as fat. damage.
Could you explain your reasoning a bit more?

Why would being hit with a blunt weapon cause fatigue?

From a mechanical perspective, what are you trying to make bludgeoning weapons better at?

No, most people agree about bludgeoning being worse than the other damage types.

It does amazing damage on head hits, but those are far too uncommon (10%, if you even have a long enough weapon to reach)
Early midgame Abysia*

Last time I saw the tests it was more like 1 is 40%, 2 is 80%, 3 is~95%, 4 is Unfound Door.

Searching with level 2 ~doubles your gem income.

I think some of that is that L2 sites tend to have more gems than L1?
Probably. But I also think that gem income is a far more important metric to go by than number of sites.

Fair point.
>Could you explain your reasoning a bit more?
mangling armour makes your movement harder.
That makes sense, but what about units without armor or units which don't tire out?
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Only one more player required for http://www.llamaserver.net/gameinfo.cgi?game=Lucky_Thirteen

Be the lucky number thirteen.

As promised, here are further pictures of my kats
this guy >>162993752 suggested half damage stopped by prot gets added as fatigue. As for enemies that that don't fatigue, i dunno. Maybe have it add to enc, rather than adding fatigue directly
Does the link in the steam thread work?
I dunno, that seems like it'd overlap a bit with pierce, with both being good against armor.

Here's my suggestion: Bludgeoning weapons get a 20% bonus to strength damage scaling.

I had actually completely forgotten about the steam thread.

Yeah, that works. Thanks.

They are something that kills hard targets pretty reliably.
that's thematic, I like it.
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Lucky Thirteen is up

Here are the pretenders

Have fun, you lucky bastards.
>another merchant nation
Hi Comfy Ulm
Can you use Sabbath Master to link with a Communion Slave?
Yes. There's only ever one communion, doesn't matter if you join it with communion/sabbath spells, matrixes or by being a communicant unit.

One of the nice things blood master can do is to cast Reinvigoration to remove communion slave fatigue (it's worth noting the master needs to have some fatigue of their own in order not to go offscript, though: B1 can cast Communion Master and immediately follow up with Reinvigorate, but big blood mages might need to cast some more stuff to get their fatigue up).

Nice. Thanks for the tip too.

Made a small disciples game to introduce my friend to the game, if anyone is interested in joining
Thank Dog for that
>T3 Misf3
very good
Better Arena has a Steam Thread here if anyone needs to download it:


I've amended the Dom3mods Mod Catalog link to point to that thread now that the Desura Archive seems to have disappeared.

RIP. Anyone know the guy that hosted it? Would be nice to have it up again
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As celebration that the game started, here is another pic.
your cats are insanely friendly with each other.
Yup, sprites fuck anything up that can't resist their elf shot


this is me catching them as they are wrestling each other. when I drew their attention they were locked like this
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This is the last time I'm playing in a game with this meme throne mod, holy fucking shit
git bullied

Yeah. It's a bit more event spammy than I had been anticipating, I admit.

Were I to do it over I'd probably reduce the throne number to about half what it is at the moment.
Pretty impressive compared to most /domg/ games.
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It's two random thrones that just spam their shit all over my lands every turn. I've lost so many commanders to being hung, and i've had to up PD all over because 'sadistic bullies' appear every turn to fuck shit up.

There's also stuff like pic related, wtf even is that. 2/10, someone put a lot of effort into this mod but their ability was not equal to their effort
As an observer, this looks like a little more complicated than a concession. Some players don't really care, but Hinnom is using this as a diplo opportunity. He can use this to try as an all or nothing to identify people who want to keep trying and attempt to diplomonstering them again. It's shady, but what can you do?

The solution, I think, is for people to keep playing, but only those who haven't waived are really eligible to win.
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Whatever, m87s, we're starting PureSkill RIGHT FUCKING NOW
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level 3 thrones aren't easy to cap
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PureSkill started.

REMINDER that if I see you talking shit, I'll smack you hard.
Meanwhile my scales remain as shit as always, only the occasional nerd gets picked on by a tenacious swimming bully and I get shark liches.
Assigning terrain features is quite crazy, actually.

All that 2^x stuff to indicate a feature. There must be some really over my head reason for why 1-6 or so wasn't good enough.
It's fine. It'sa 250+ province map.
Game: Lucky_Thirteen

Agartha Waiting for 2h file
Arcoscephale 2h file received
Atlantis 2h file received
C'tis 2h file received
Unexpected Nation Waiting for 2h file
Marignon 2h file received
Mictlan Waiting for 2h file
Midgard 2h file received
R'lyeh 2h file received
Bogarus Waiting for 2h file
T'ien Ch'i 2h file received
Ulm 2h file received
Utgard 2h file received

>Unexpected Nation
I'm sorry what did I miss something
Can you get in chat, Hinnom?
I unironically like vahheim's ironic pretender name.
I kill them and they just keep coming. Like LOTR orcs.

That's still a shit throne setup. Whoever's got the L3 near to them has a pretty substantial advantage if they wanna go for a throne rush.
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It'd be more appropriate if it happened with Marignon.

What talk can we do in the thread? None at all?
>Potent One
Is that Vava again? Nodiplo game my ass.

No diplo typically means you ask for timer delays, or to be set AI, and that's it full stop no fucking talking.

Can we communicate through ironic prophet naming?
It's not like I can ban you for impersonating other nations, but if anybody posts an in-game message you sent, or a chat log, I most certainly will SMITE YOU.

Sure thing. I think commander renaming is okay.
>I think commander renaming is okay
>Xibalba is huge btw casts lightning bolt
>just look at his territory casts air shield
>also, buying death gems casts mistform
2 province start is a meme
Almost nobody does that.
Better locate it then scrub. Think of it as the holy land.

>not just spelling out simple messages with your combat formation

It's like you want to get caught.
>not just following the rules like a gud boy
It's like you want to win
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You need to be sure that it's going to be an offensive/defensive combat, otherwise it's gonna get flipped :(
You have over two hours so don't worry, but I really, really hope you don't stale Per-en!
It's good though
Yeah, it would be a shame if something happened to ALL that juicy territory you have. A real shame for sure.
I want him to get his turn in because I'm not really in a position to take advantage of him staling.
Huh, when you move into a province at the same time a besieging army there storms the fort, you just trade places: now they're hiding in the fort and you're besieging it.
No, storm castle resolves after regular battles.
there's the dom4editor, that makes modding pretty easy.

the harder part is to make the sprites, but if you are an artist then it will be pretty easy.
After the little bit of pissing about I did to get mods working I think just typing shit out on a notepad might actually be easier than dom4editor. Its certainly faster.
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Editing existing sprites is easy as fuck even if you're shit at Photoshop. Just download the sprite dump and go.
this, I've had dudes attack me with hordes of chaff to make my commanders waste their gems so that I lose the fort battle
It was an indie attack, which I guess resolves after storming the fort.
I need to RTFM.
q: does the prophet work for fighting, or the ability to cast magic makes him pretty much obsessed with self-buffing?

i don't get this reference

I'll take what you say into account, i'm frankly pretty noobish and don't want embarrass myself.

of course. though travel logistics are something i'm pondering about ie: do i build forts on easy capturable frontier provinces or next to the capital

really? I didn't know this. that's pretty great to know.

I know photoshop so I guess I can pull off decent pixel art.
Is photoshop free? I have the urge to try modding something but the big thing holding me back was my complete lack of artistic skills.

It's free if you pirate it.
No, but there's GIMP and paint.net which perform the same functions for free.
there's a guy recruiting for an introductory disciples game further up in the thread
just use paint.net, it's easier
Just fucking pirate it.
I couldnt figure out how to use GIMP the last time I looked at it. Is it much like the other things?
it's free because no sane person would give money to adobe.

that said, gimp is an excellent replacement when it comes to art. paint.net is rather basic.

>I couldn't figure out how to use GIMP

Did you read a guide, or did you just look at the interface and give up?
I read a dudes guide on how to edit dominions sprites then couldn't figure out how to do it myself and gave up. Like everything though I'll most likely give up multiple times until the urge becomes too strong and I just sit down and figure out how to do it.
Yeah, I used dom4editor when I was starting off but I found it quickly cumbersome, which lead to me using it solely to easily see a bunch of possible mod commands. Last I checked it's quite outdated, so it won't even cover all of them anymore.

Notepad++ was far easier for me to use.

GIMP is garbage and also totally unnecessary here. Pdn might be basic and not intended for complex image editing but it does more than enough for a rookie especially for this purpose.
>You win if you take the Thrones of the Sun, Moon, and Earth
Well, I'm okay with this.
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Photoshop, single handedly keeping piracy alive for years.

>subscription fee

Just whoever came up with the payment model for adobe is fucktarded beyond belief. I can see selling a support subscription and a business solution. But individuals paying 20 bucks a month to use 'the latest version of photoshop'? I've had professors that still use photoshop 7 or w/e version came out in 2003.
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>loses 1 sacred out of 30 against small army
>has stacks of sacreds and chariots following
>not steamrolling

Oh no worries, I am biggest and baddest nation out there, obliviously my size 1 hoburgs are gonna win the game at any moment, because I had more provinces than you.
Better sense than the guys who made winrar at least.
>using winrar
>when 7zip is a thing

That comparison is like implying gimp has a stupid pricing model when photoshop is free.
All I want is something to unpack files and winrar does it fine. Its not like I paid for it.
Yea, but 7zip is free and has more options. Including rar. And it doesn't bug you about free trials.

I knew some guy years ago that apparently got a virus trying to pirate software that was already free.
Is there a way to see the games own notepad if you know what I'm saying? Or is there some sort of directory of the weapons and armour in the game?
>know what I'm saying?
Not a clue. What does 'games own notepad' mean?
But I dont need those options and I got so fast at clicking out of the popup that I hardly even notice it these days.
You want to see the games .dm file? It doesn't exist.
Use the mod inspector
Artea did you accept or not
A DM file like you get for a mod. Forgot what they were called.
If I make a 0 damage weapon that has strength added to it will it still do damage?
It depends?
That's how most natural weapons like claws work. Look at them in mod inspector, they do 0 damage, which means they do damage equal to strength.
I dunno. Test it.
I thought thats how it worked but I wanted to make sure.
I plan to.
If you set negative damage it will do strength minus the damage you set. Good for useless kick and other low damage weapons.
I planed it to be a shield bash for regular soldiers so I made it do fatigue damage. I thought making it do damage as well but I thought that might be a bit too much for regular shitters.
So what's the most attacks a unit can have?
Heroic Quickness +2, Quickness from spells +2, 6 Swords of Swiftness/ 3 Gloves of the Gladiator +12, Chi Shoes +1 = 17?
Depends on the chassis.
What about stone birds?
Add horned helm.
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u w0t you little shit
Aoisapoka I am not starting a fight I thought that was one of my provinces. Our flags look the exact same.
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thanks mr skeltal and thanks to whoever enabled story events

expect some great worldwide events after this turn
>4 turns in one day
I waited too long to AI Nazca
Are you the TNN who was stuck on a mountain?

It has not been your game, has it?
what are story events?
Comfy as fuck.
>already past T_F
>catching up to Mokou
never going to play in games with more than 6 players again, damn
It enables a bunch of events where indies attack your provinces, to name one reason. There's one where an Amazon Queen summons warriors to attack your provinces. 200 Amazons. Against what is probably a 10 PD province. That you need to divert an actual army to take back.
it only involves indies attacking?
Is there a way to make a weapon attack several times every couple of rounds? Like say a crossbow that fired twice every two rounds rather than once?
There's a bunch of others. A few nation specific ones. I don't know all of them.
iirc arco can get a invulnerable 20 hp son of titan and a minotaur
Heroes aren't linked to Story events, are they? I don't think so at least
Those are heroes, it's different.
Ran a quick test, heroes are indeed not linked to story events
how do heroes trigger?
AFAIK, they're dependant on your luck scale. 3% per scale, starting from Misf 3, so Luck 3 gets 18%. Something like that at least. Basically, more luck=better chance of getting a hero.
heroes can be disabled in MP or you get them at random?

kinda strange gameplay
no, you get them at random, there's no way to disable them
This is not right, it's 0% at MF3, +1% per luck point up to 6%.
Updated More Gems
If I wanted to use sprites from the game as placeholders what would I name them in the DM file? Say I wanted to use a villain would I type
#spr1 "./Villain1.tga"
#spr2 "./Villain2.tga"

I have a lineup I think might work for recruitables but I want to try them out first to make sure they work as intended.
Oh wait I downloaded the sprite dump, I can just use that.
use #copyspr <monster number>. You can find monster numbers by looking at them in game and pressing ctrl+i, or by using the inspector in advanced mode
I can see the numbers I was just wondering how to use them. Thanks mate.
so you're saying a MF 3 build will never get heroes?
Yeah, well, I manage. Though Beri already has 4 forts and is about to attack me, I think.
Yes, it's in the modding manual.
Yes, and it's easy to test it.
I found

#nratt <nbr of attacks>
Sets the number of attacks per round for a
weapon. For slow missile weapons set this value
to -2 for every other round or -3 for every third

on my own but what I want to know is how you get a weapon to fire multiple projectiles once every second or third turn.
Not possible unfortunately.
tested this, and yeah, it does appear to turn heroes off if you take M3

also jesus christ the engrish in Caesar's description
Ah well.
give him 2 weapons that attack once every 2 turns?
Hey that could work.
This works, if inelegantly. All ranged weapons can be used at the same time, even if it doesn't make sense.
>he doesn't dual wield bows
Never gonna make it.
My edgemaster nation will have dual wielding crossbow nerds with fedoras and trenchcoats as its primary ranged unit.
that shoot katanas that ignore armour. And all have blink and teleport
>note to self add dual weilding edgelords
One thing I'll say for dom4editor is it makes the starting bit a lot less clunky. Adding in new recruitable units is a bit tedious
The commanders do have teleport and AN katanas, but everyone knows that a Katana is a refined, elite melee weapon and it would never be shot.
>3 gauntlets 3 helmets drakon
This is a meme dont with cheats right? I don't even remember what slots this guy has ingame, I though since he's a dragon he would have like 3 slots
gomen nasai sensei, i will now commit sudoku for this grave dishonor to glorious nippon
but what about throwing their katana
He only has 2 copper arms giving him arm slots and one gloves of the gladiator plus 3 head slots.
It has 3 heads Anon, and two of those gauntlets are actually artificial hands to allow it to use the real pair of gauntlets
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Hello I am the player for PureSkill Yomi, I will be posting nothing but pictures of Yuri from "Inugami-san and Nekoyama-san" during the duration of this game. Have a good day
>artificial hands
Didn't know that was a thing
But how do you put a helmet on a dragon's head? It's like all big and long and shit. Also horns and such
Magic ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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Like a boomerang?
It's true, that one guy did it in The Last Samurai so I'm pretty sure it happened all the time.
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How expensive should I make a guy who can shoot off 3 of these at once to not make them super broken? The guy is just some schmo in a robe with regular human stats.
Anon, that's literally worse than a shortbow.
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Guess the PD
It used to have 8 damage and added strength and +20 precision so I might have gone overboard on the nerfing.
Make it actually magic: AOE or AN/AP and then balance from there.
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How about this? Bear in mind each guy fires 3 of them.
I suck ass at balance as you can see and this is something to spice up the recruitment roster which is otherwise just shitty humans.
>i don't get this reference
Do you mean the picture, or what he said?
>have a midgame strategy
>start wrecking another player with your expansion troops
It's a good feel.
I'd value it at about 15-20 gold.

The damage is about the same as shortbows, but fires 50% faster and has higher precision. Magic weapon is neat too.
>at war with someone because it looks easy
>someone else attacks
>also have a third nation that I should be helping to dogpile or else he'll be able to run away with the game
>have turns
>don't feel like doing them
Fuck off Nazca.
So pretenders like beasts and dragon types are for expansion generally or what? I like pretenders like that the most for their abilities but I know not having as many equipment slots makes them weaker lategame, right?
I'm not in any games with a nazca. My turns still have a day+ left in them.
Yeah pretty much

Yeah. They're also generally the cheapest way of getting certain big blesses. If you wanted N9B9, say, then the Black Bull would get you that for cheaper than about anything else.
Are 300% games fun?
>is it fun for every province to have a fort?
No, not really.
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I have no idea ho to balance immortal recruitables. On the one hand I intend for them to be sort of bad because they are immortal and I plan for a stronger version to be a summon but on the other hand I dont want them to be useless either. I can see why most mods are full of OP bullshit.
Immortals are still trash if they can't fight and aren't mages/commanders
What mods make artifacts fun?
No, they're kinda suffering.
Seems really fucking potent, but that's mostly because I don't know the stats on Shield Bash.

Without the Shield Bash they may be slightly overpriced - their usefulness largely depends on if the nation has any other reasons to take a bless.
I'm basing it on dragons dogma and these fuckers are meant to be what pawns are like when there isnt an arisen bossing them around so they are supposed to be sort of sluggish and largely mindless.
Its a 0 damage fatigue attack.
I am just afraid of making the price too low and having swarms of them coming back every turn in a defensive fight.
Well, they're basically 30 gold (sacred) worse stats than indie heavy infantry.

Also, recruitable from cap only. If this is their only sacred, it isn't really OP since they're ass without a bless (even with immortal) and only arguably worth taking a bless for.

As an aside, I'd probably up their atk and def by 1, and drop their strength by 2 - to reduce how good they are at seige defense.
Thats pretty much what I was going for. There is another guy who is much the same but with no shield, a greatsword and 1 more strength.
The idea in my head was the recruitable armies are basically indy tier but they get a shitload of summons and a lot of magic coverage either through summons or some of their mages having mostly random paths.

I have every intention of adding in OP shit later but I want to get the base right. One thought I had was for a chimera to be an A2 caster with inept ritualist and forger but innate spellcaster and like 3 attacks.
Also sacred spellcasting Wyrms with Grigori as a unique summon.
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That is this Grigori and not the giant man eating jew variety just to be clear.
How good are Illearths? Has anyone ever used them to good effect?
Didn't mean to respond.
I haven't seen anyone use them, probably because E/B is a fairly rare crosspath to have, and most mages that do have that crosspath have better things to cast than summoning a slightly better earth elemental.
Just make them magical beings, and then they'll be useless without a mage to command them.
There's an idea. I do intend for them to be mage heavy one way or the other so it should be fine. Might have them start with a few minor national evocations to make up for their shit troops early on.
>beat an army with no mage support using a lamma trap.
wow real accomplishment.
>lamma trap.

Illearths are pretty great. But anything that can do Illearths can also do Demon Knights, which are better.
I'd summon the fuck out of Illearths over Demon Knights if they lasted more than 1 Battle, provided the enemy was using units with a special morale number.

Demon Knights are always good, but are only truly OP when fighting things affected by fear.
Sorry for sniping Omens from you, Caevie. Didn't know he'd fold like wet tissue then go AI.
>1264 gold in damage
I'll take it =)
Wrong death nation.
Which elemental is the best?
it depends but water eles are the least useful in most situations barring UW
water for thug killing, fire for skelly killing, air for flying, earth/ice for tanking while trampling
Usually Air
All of them.

Air for thug killing(magical AP attacks), Fire for skelly killing, Air for flying, Air for trampling
>Air for thug killing(magical AP attacks)
>one 6 damage magic attack that doesn't get used for smaller units and can be ignored with a 5 gem item
>better than four 20 damage AP atacks
r u sure?

Air is AN, isn't it?
You can give any elemental flying, but you can't give them all trample and regen. Therefore, Mass Flight earth eles are best.

Not in a Storm you can't.
you did this
no u
Is twice born ever worth casting?
From best to worst - air, fire, water, earth.

It can save a mage who is dying of disease.

I haven't used it on combat mages, but I imagine it'd work well there too, so long as you're fighting defensively.

air > banefire > mercury > fire > illearth > earth > ice > water
Can you even summon banefire eles?
>when you wanna make big thugs as MA Ulm but their national troops aren't good for it
What's a good pretender for summoning lots of good chassises?
>misfortune 3 turmoil 3
Isn't that ass backwards?

You want to figure out what magic lets you summon great thugs and then work your way back to what MA Ulm has.
MA Ulm is probably better off just mass-producing various useful items than making thugs, but having a few golem thugs is something they can benefit from.
Game: Lucky_Thirteen
Turn number 1
Next turn due: 15:51 GMT on Monday December 19th

Agartha 2h file received
Arcoscephale 2h file received
Atlantis 2h file received
C'tis 2h file received
Unexpected Nation Waiting for 2h file
Marignon 2h file received
Mictlan 2h file received
Midgard 2h file received
R'lyeh 2h file received
Bogarus 2h file received
T'ien Ch'i 2h file received
Ulm 2h file received
Utgard 2h file received

I think he's sorta right in that you want diversity from your pretender if your goal is to go for a thug oriented strat.

If I wanted to do that I'd go N9, S2+ to make boosters, and then go for an alt path to let me spend not-pearls on thug chasses. D would be the obvious one, but I can see B being good too.
It's not to late to spam Fire Ants.
Just do it, he'll never see it coming.
Wow finally a useful piece of advice.
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Good taste in /u/, my man.
I honestly just wish there was more in the anime. The mini-episodes were enough to make me want more, but not enough to satisfy me.
Shit, it got an anime?
It got 'shorts,' so like 3 minute anime episodes
I started reading this thanks to you fags.

This shit is like candy. Holy shit.
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half-baked eagle warrior.jpg
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How do you give a mage a 100% of getting 1 of 3 magic paths?
The manual is complicated. Fucking bitmasks.
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path masks.png
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#custommagic X 100

Where X is the combination of path masks; FED for example would be 128+1024+4096 = 5248
Thanks bud.
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Are these two guys sort of ok looking? I plan to make the stronger one StR and I do realize that the mage mostly uses sorcery while the sorcerer mostly uses elemental magic.

1. 120g for a 4 path mage is very low
2. the str mage can get X4 in 4 paths that is very powerful too, vanilla usually gives 4 in path only to cap only mages and even then rarely
3. does the cost even include the extra added magic attacks?

Seems way too cheap.
I just threw on a number I wasn't actually thinking of the price.
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What about this? Do keep in mind that their regular troops are shit.

Good for the first mage, the second one is now too weak.

You can split the randoms, like give him 200% XYZ 100% XAB 100% YCD for example so they HAVE chance to get 3 in some paths but not 4 in 4 different.
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Like so?

Yes, for example, depending on what magic do you feel like fits the nation most.

Adjust the cost a bit too, lets say back to 280 now?
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They are going to have a lot of coverage. Pretty much everything but blood from recruitable mages although nothing goes above 3 and they will have very little earth. Other than that guy and one more very expensive cap only StR guy they only have N2 and everything else is at 1.
Where does one find the Worthy Heroes 5.5 NN mod? I have Worthy Heroes 5.5 but it's missing the NN.
That's what you get for talking to Lanka about attacking me. And you even did it in the thread.

Such a thing won't be forgoten.
Alright, found it, but what are the differences between Worthy Heroes 5.5 and Worthy Heroes 5.5 NN?
I told him he needs to learn to be more subtle.
thed heroes are not nerfed

NN doesn't nerf anything. The standard one tones down some of the EA Xibalba heroes and stuff.
Is that a good or bad thing?
vanilla thed is hot garbage, so good
Need a pretender to shepherd a poor noob http://z7.invisionfree.com/Dom3mods/index.php?showtopic=3166&st=0#entry40004158
It's "Gransys"
So what? You don't get to complain, you're the bad guy. Nobody that has ever picked Xibalba in MP was a good guy
You even attacked Agartha asap knowing there would be no resistance also because he went AI and now he's DEAD
And you're probably using Blood magic RIGHT NOW AS WE SPEAK

Excuse you, I don't need to hide my actions because they are utterly unclouded.
I didnt check the spelling I just threw whatever in so I could test it a bit.
You could at least make an effort not to announce other peoples actions at least.
But I didn't? What did I announce that Xib couldn't see with his own eyes
Generally if you want someone to help you in an attack you shouldn't announce it for the entire world to see. There is no point in giving the guy you plan to fight any heads up whatsoever.
>tfw I'm not even in that game and i got it right

I'm not even xibalba, just a random guy who is bored.

But yeah, as this guy said >>163080041
You were so obvious that even I knew it. :^)

Oh, also I really like Xibalba and I'm a good guy :(

t. me

Me again. Just to clarify, I'm >>163079896
but I'm not in your game.
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subtlety is dumb
You are dumb.
Whatever then, he probably did that because I kept sending Demonbreds to assassinate random commanders in his provinces. I don't think I've seen him post yet
No I am just too smart for any of you.
Also time for new thread
This time I think someone should make one right away instead of waiting hours after the old one has been archives

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