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/palg/ - Paladins General

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 754
Thread images: 106

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NOTE: You will be playing against bots in casual queue until you reach account level 5.

>Official pages
Website: https://www.paladins.com/
Forums: http://forums.paladins.com/
Server status: http://status.hirezstudios.com/

>FAQ, useful links etc.

>Patch notes (OB39) - Merry Maker

>Steam Store

>Paladins Wiki

>Tutorials made by Hi-Rez (playlist)

>Champion guides made by Hi-Rez (playlist)


>/palg/ ID List

>Account statistics

Previous thread: >>162316896
first for >>162703292 getting btfo
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Second for despair
l e t ᠎ ᠎i t ᠎ ᠎d i e
i ᠎ ᠎d ᠎ ᠎i ᠎ ᠎o ᠎ ᠎t
when will hirez allow the player to see the cooldown of their allie's abilities?
I'm tired of being bullied for not being able to heal 1 second after my teammate dies
should be healer only, if anything
and maybe frontliner's shield
i dont want a cluttered screen full of cooldown icons, that would be too much
Wait really? Is this recent? Because my early games were laggy as fuck for a while because my brother was downloading tranny porn or whatever.
Been like that since day 1 on Steam at least.
You'll be playing with real people in your team fighting against bots
good loadouts for shen hua?
Well shit, I hadn't suspected a thing. The lag really sold it.
I honestly thought it was just a rush of new players and lousy matchmaking at first.
Newfag to the game here, what are some champions I should pick up? Something fun and useful ideally. I was thinking about Buck, I already have Bomb King.
cassie/androxus since they are the only ones who arent gonna get nerfed anytime soon
It depends what you like. Who else have you played?
Isn't Cassie free? But yeah I'll look into Androxus next.

Big fan of Bomb King and the stealth gal who's name escapes me.
you deserve to get bullied for picking pip when there's no other supports on the team
If you want to try other classes, you might like Pip, Makoa, and Maldamba. Their projectiles are sort of similar to BK's, but they'll play very different.

> the stealth gal who's name escapes me
Yeah, Skye thats the one. I have to level 12 champions so screw it might as well try out them next. Thanks Anon.
>I have to level 12 champions
Gotta warn you, competitive is kind of overrated.
Meh, a goal is a goal. Might as well be aiming toward something, hopefully people aren't too toxic on competitive but whatever.
>hopefully people aren't too toxic on competitive
It's like 50/50 in my experience. Best just to learn to mute people who are being a problem.
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Ying is my waifu please be kind to her and always play her with respect.
What did she mean by this?
OB39 really was the last nail in the coffin, wasn't it?
Matchmaking was always spotty but adding bad nerfs/balance on top killed the fun. I'm just logging in for the dally rewards til 40 or 41.
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>implying i'll ever get nerfed
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remov sky
eat shit nerds
i was last
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I want Evie to tell me she loves me while we snuggle by the window watching the snow outside while we sip our hot chocolate......................................
I deleted the shortcut of paladins
Give me one reason to not delete the rest of the game hirez, just one
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do it for her.
I give them one more update to save the game
who am I kidding
She is just a former shadow of herself

They could fix everything in just a single update, but they wont
the new anticheat software
y is low rez stopid?
>no update till the end of holidays

You wont regret anything, you'd have a better Christmas and new year at least.
This, use to love and praise the game now its just over...
Less christals when youre back.
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I want Evie to grant me a swift death along with /palg/!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Why does this general even exist anymore?
Because at some parts of the day some people discuss Paladins.
It's just not at this part of the day.
I unironically enjoy Androxus' edginess. Now if only I were any good with him...
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How to play Paladins OB39.webm
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coz the subreddit is full of salt and pandering
i was hoping this would be sfm
Thursday is a patch show.
Hopefully Hi-rez will bless us with more waifus so this general and game don't die.
>pls buy our chests guys
>Andrew Johnson and Piggu buffed because they underperform
>Ying's illusions heal once every 10 seconds now
>skins for [Champ You Don't Play]
>more chests
>more boosters
>aggression untouched
>no new maps
>no new champ
>Wetbear acts oblivious about or dodges literally all the problems mentioned

Oh boy, I can't wait.
I hope the new Damage champ is good.
I'm thankful we have salty OW fans to bump it for us.
i'm glad i got a free copy of overwatch from the giveaway
way better than this shitty overwatch clone made for poorfags lmfao
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>Ying's illusions heal once every 10 seconds now
Okay, you got me with that one.
Speak of them and they immediately show up.
>tfw last night I dreamt that a Paladins hotfix removed EAC
>my last login was five days ago

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Tyra is going to be a qt blonde pirate girl, A QT BLONDE PIRATE GIRL.


Is she? She has a lot of stuff about hunting. And Hyper Beam for some reason.
No. But I wish she would be.
It's okay, I'm still hoping she somehow turns out to be a frontline.
im seriously not even going to install the game anymore until they remove that shit
i dont want a god knows what running in the background logging everything i type
You're on Linux you compiled yourself, right?
your face is fucking dead
Yeah the last post was 2 minutes ago, w're fucking dead wow.
Nope, we're dead. So dead he needs to be devoted to bumping us to the top.
They need an anti-cheat, just not that one. Shame there aren't a lot of great options, and especially no good ones to keep people banned in F2P.
What am I supposed to target as Andro? Tank, Support, Damage or other flanks? Some times some fag complains I don't kill damages and other times that I don't flank flanks. I personally like to kill the tank fast to create an opening.
Why is competitive level 4 on heroes, anyways? It'd make more sense at 5 to match how you fight bots until level 5.
Kill everything
> Some times some fag complains
Prioritize damage, but if you can take out other flanks without much risk, go for it. There's sort of rock-paper-scissors with flanks going after damage, damage going after tanks, tanks being best at dealing with flanks. It's not super strict, but it usually works out that way.

>Some times some fag complains I don't kill damages and other times that I don't flank flanks.

They'd complain either way. All they know is it's not their fault.
If you want to be a real pain, hide near the enemy base occasionally and shoot them off their horses right when they leave spawn.
You, I like.
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She looks like she's disgusted at you.

I feel the same way
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Same here too. Wonder what it is about him.
Why can't I queue ranked?
Do you have enough level 4 characters?
It's because he's so unironically edgy that it's funny. Also helps that his abilities make him a viable character.
Let's be serious now, is EAC worth risking or not?

I'm really on the fence about it. Just to clarify, what does the EAC do again? All the talking about the program browses your computer and shit scares me.
How do you know that it is unironically
Yea but ranked queue was locked for me for like an hour. Happened yesterday as well
I introduce this game to a friend and he really liked it, he said that he was doing really well, should I reveal it to him or not?
It's sort of scaremongering. A lot of games have something that can do as much as it.

Wait for him to get to level 5 at least.
>l e t ᠎ ᠎i t ᠎ ᠎d i e
its console shit tho
i would love to play it if it were in pc ;_;
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nigger what are you on about
Best Christmas ever.
I get it
first /rwg/, now this. this shit board can't even sustain one of the currently most played games on steam
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That's all the shit dead game's fault
S u r g i n g
let it die its a f2p for ps4
>that works as a good counter to flanks.
That's what she's designed to do
N o t y e t
>he thinks Paladins is still one of the most played games on Steam
It's dying. Blame the devs for pandering to casuals and killing all the fun.

>being suprised Lo-Rez can't sustain a game.

So I'm guessing this is your first rodeo with them?

All this shit makes me miss Monday Night Combat. OH why did it have to die ;_;
That's sad, peaks used to be around 50k.
From now on, nobody gets to bitch about how awful anybody is at this game until they play at least five games in Customs.
>Tfw no interesting event

>unlock all heroes
Temporarily? Considering the next one has them all unlocked, I can only assume so.
Kinda lackluster event regardless. If they were dropping holiday chests, sure, but plain old radiants?
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>more XP and gold and some chests shit

Kill me. Kill this general. Kill this game.
Yeah it's just all unlocked during those days. I wonder if it'll actually work this time, I remember the game would crash when people picked things that they didn't have during one of the events.
I'm expecting a lot of "X didn't make a selection" booting.
rip in pip
I'm actually OK with free radiant chests because I want the emotes and MVP poses and buying radiant chests is not worth it.
>Hi-Rez can't sustain a game
>Smite staying steady
>Paladins doing fine
>Even Tribes still has servers despite not having players
>If they were dropping holiday chests, sure, but plain old radiants?
They really should've given one free holiday chest out Christmas-time, but made more of the champions get actual sets instead of just one thing. Then we get something nice for free, more people will log on for it, and plenty of people will be encouraged to buy more to get the rest of the sets.
From what I understand, it keeps an eye on other processes running and that's about it. It has the ability to take screenshots in Competitive Counter-Strike Leagues, but the TO has to opt in. It doesn't keylog, it doesn't take screenshots of your computer, and it's not Russian Malware.
Are you afraid they are going to find out about your cheese pizza collection?
How do I emote and use voice commands on PS4?
first, you need to install it on pc you loser

My friend gave me an invite and we play together or else I would.
What else would Russians want with my computer?
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Hey /palg/, do you like videogames?

I like videogames.

You're not getting anymore bumps from me. Good riddance.
I will not bump, not yet amigo.
What cards do you use with snake man?
Remove Cassie when?
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No but really, what the fuck happened here?

I don't want meme answers. Was OB39 SO bad that it managed to kill threads that got at least a moderate amount of activity?
Did everyone burn out?

What in the fuck happened?
The patches have legitimately gotten worse and worse. I really hope someone at hirez realizes this and turns things around because I think the game has so much potential but I know that's not going to happen.
update after update drybear comes up with the most retarded balance ideas
>buffs wrecker to be even more ridiculous
>nerfs grover's health
>nerfs totem's health
>then reverts it because it was a "bug"
>then grohk's ult got gutted for whatever reason
>then they released another shitty champ so now you have to deal with 2 kinessas on your team
>then they nerfed some more tanks and supports, including gutting ying's healing for the dumbest reason possible
>then they completely killed grohk's totem
>removed drogoz's mobility because they decided they want him to be viktor 2.0
>poppy bomb barely pushes as it used to
>they plan to buff cassie and androxus, two of the most effective chars in game
>they dont see anything wrong with incitement

its gonna keep going downhill, considering next champ is yet another damage and we wont hear of another support in at least a few months
Hey guys patch preview tomorrow at 4pm et guys :3 pixie
This general has always been slow. There have been "ded thred ded gaem" posts for months and almost every thread reaches page 10 multiple times over its lifetime.

It's just that its gradually getting even slower as more people get bored with the game or frustrated by the updates and leave and those that are left simply run out of things to talk about.
We should make an effort to get Alyssa to tell Drybear to stop being an incompetent fuck and unJUST his fucking game already. How is it possible our dumb asses have more common sense and know more about game design than his retarded ass?

After all we know she's around us in this pool of insufferable turbofags sometimes.
Why is Drybear trying to kill his own game?
Does he have a gun to everyone's head?
Is Alyssa single?
We both are here ~Pixie
I don't think it's his intention. Best thing is to tweet at him and post on Reddit and on the feedback forms they send out.

Sadly she's engaged :c
No new heroes.
Frontliners are the worst role, but mandatory in every game.
Actually being the payload bitch is the worst role.
No new modes.
The strongest/most popular heroes are getting buffs.

There's no reason to keep playing once you unlock everything. Game is in a bad state right now.
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>Sadly she's engaged :c
>Sadly she's engaged :c
whats even the point anymore, /palg/? why are we still here?
>There's no reason to keep playing once you unlock everything.
I think this is a big part of it. We at least need a gold sink.
Oh shiiieet I'm sorrryyyyyy
>>162786281 ya I agree ~pixie
You should be able to exchange gold for crystals.
like, a 5000:1 conversion rate or something.
You're not pixie, frick off.
>>162786768 it's a nice idea, but I doubt they'd ever do that ;-;
That seems fair enough. Or if they had some sort of gatcha system that cost like 20k to play.
Nothing much good talk about. I'm looking forward to the new champion but I'm also dreading the next round of nerfs they'll push out with her. I'm just waiting to hear some good news.
Probably not, but it's a common wish. I only ever bought Smite gems when I had grinded enough to have most of what I needed.

They need to drop some more hints so we can argue about changes for season 1.
>>162786818 m8 pls ;__;
You mean like a chest?
A chest that can be bought with coins would be nice though.
This would be better IMO ~pixie>>162787368
Huh, you're right, it is just a chest. I guess we'd just need more things in chests and a way to buy them with gold.
I'm not seeing any proof so you're automatically a phony.
A gold sink would be nice but whats the point if the base game isn't attractive anymore?
The base game will keep changing. Hopefully they fix more things than they break and people come back. They really need an actual holiday event.
u just want me to post a selfie, then shit on it :3 ~pixie
What do you want me to tweet out so I can prove?
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Why is this bitch so fucking OP and nobody talks about it?
>do massive fucking damage every shot
>waaahh but it's slow!!!
>give TWO mobility options to instantly assblast anybody she thinks is far away
>waaahh but she's FRAGILE!!!
>given THREE abilities to completely remove herself from any situation she fucked up in
>waaahh but she's hard to play!!!
>can just teleport 10 feet up from anybody and throw off every class that doesn't constantly look up(i.e. all of them)
>ult is one of the easiest to use, just set it down and watch them struggle as you press LMB and win
>Only counter is Drogoz, and that's with good circumstances and if he has actual skill
>waaahh but wormhole already got nerfed!!!
>went from level 2 being good enough and level 4 being a wheelchair tier crutch to level 2 taking timing and level 4 making you consider the pros and cons
Forget Andre or Cassie, just nerf this cunt already. That's what I want for fucking Christmas.
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"behead those who insult Ying"
Honestly, I don't know. I found her to be incredibly OP before her nerfs, and still pretty damn amazing after. I'd main her if I could play a match where I don't have to be the tank or support.

She's fragile, but also fast and shoots small nuclear warheads.
Have to keep it PC :P
>really hope someone at hirez realizes this and turns things around because I think the game has so much potential
I've been hoping for this since OB30
"a finger wag to those who insult Ying"
"Drybear doesn't know how to design games".
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Incoming nerf for Cassie
Close enough https://twitter.com/HirezPixie/status/809248266659524613
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We have confirmation
K now that's outta the way. What are you afraid of most about what might happen to Paladins
Well if the new champ hits during the 12 days event that would be pretty cool. You'll be able to level her up and get all her stuff quick.
She can be a pain to deal with if played well but as long as you have a halfway competent team who can focus her whenever she gets close or a Makoa, that guy shits on Evie unless you suffer from Parkinson's she doesn't tend to be that big of a deal.

I'd say she's about as OP as Skye i.e not really
The card system being further gutted, hearing Drybear talk about how he wants champion play to be consistent across matches was very disheartening. The ability to customize your champion with cards is the only real thing that sets this game apart, watering it down seems like a fatal error to me.
The buffs and nerfs being swung in the wrong direction. (cassie and andro being untouched while fucking grover got nerfed)
As a player myself it's hard to see things get so gutted and buried in the ground. I legit just have to watch everything and nothing I say or do changes it. I want Paladins to be the best it can be, and hopefully we can stick it out.
Agreed. The slight amount of customization is most of why I kept playing. Even if I end up sticking to one loadout most of the time, tweaking it to fit my playstyle makes it so much more fun.
The absolute madwoman.

More retarded nerfs.
P2W shit.
Andrew Johnson and Cassie left untouched or even fucking buffed.
Aggression is NOT okay.
(Optional but very recommended)Tell Drybear he's an idiot.
Now that I lost my 3DPD waifu Alyssa, I don't want to lose Ying as well. Stop nerfing her to the fucking ground. Please.

Start giving us reasons to discuss the game. This shit is getting more barren by the day.
I'm honestly scared in this next patch and I wish I could tell you guys more. But just know I know how you all feel. Believe me ~pk
Link to Drybear talking about for anyone that hasn't heard it https://youtu.be/oeswETKp5G0?t=829 this is the most recent I think he may have talked about it in an early Q&A too but I don't feel like looking for it right now
>She can be a pain to deal with if played well
That's any class. Difference being, you don't need to play well for Evie to be a pain.
>as long as you have a halfway competent team who can focus her whenever she gets close
That's actually fucking ridiculous. Forget the tank, the healer, nah, we all have to go for the perfectly balanced flank. Because if we don't, we're fucked.
In the end, she's easy to play and hard to deal with.
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This was another thing from drybear that I didn't really understand. He says he likes the idea behind Pip not really being a healing support, but I believe the most recent changes to pip tried to push him away from what he was doing before and more into that healing support role.

I regret not being loud in getting my opinion out there when they first introduced the class system, I felt it was bad for the game but outside of maybe a survey I didn't do much else to let it be known.
Even if nothing gets done, thanks for at least coming and hearing us out
Don't say that! I'm not going to be able to sleep tonight with the all the anticipation of watching all my favorite characters get nerfed to the ground.

Will there at least be a new character released?
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Please answer this: Do you believe this game has a future with the way you're saying it's going?
Not who you're replying to, but I'm pretty sure we're supposed to get another DAMAGE class shown off tomorrow, because that's what we needed.
Thanks for stopping by and letting people vent.
Meh, if the new character is fun I don't really care that it's not the frontliner we needed.
Actually, I don't know what you even do at Lo-Rez. Are you a CM like Alyssa or what?

Because if that's the case, it honestly is depressing a CM would be scared of the backlash of a patch. That tells you something is fundamentally fucked up.
One thing I'd like to know, why does it take so long to get patch notes for this game? Smite gets their patch notes within the hour of their show, we're lucky if we get ours within the same week.
Ban Russians and South Americans.
Pixie explain to us what the EAC does and why the number of cheaters isnt decreasing
Also why wasn't there a notification of its installation?
QA Analyst according to twitter
It's over guys, we had our time.
Apparently it's not out for every account yet.
>Difference being, you don't need to play well for Evie to be a pain
Really? Most of the Evies I come up against are terrible and either make really obvious approaches or try to be an artillery. Both get killed pretty quickly as long as you can take your crosshair off the nando for a moment.
>That's actually fucking ridiculous.
Not really. Most of the cast can kill her in mere seconds and that becomes even easier if she gets into a range where her own weapon is useful.
The old tribes players tried to warn us about how much rez changes games and we did not listen. All I want is for Tyra to be good at this point so we'll see what happens.
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While I know you people are overreacting like you always are, but I would be legitimately sad if Paladins died. It would mean I'd either have to deal with TF2's cancer, or worse, lower myself to actually buying and actually playing... Overwatch...
I meant it like pixie is gone
i just hope that quake champions or diabotical will be good
or at least not ded
>Really? Most of the Evies I come up against are terrible and either make really obvious approaches or try to be an artillery.
New players will be new. I think Bad evies just misunderstand the flank's role and thus fail, because of both incompetence and disadvantages.
>Both get killed pretty quickly as long as you can take your crosshair off the nando for a moment.
>Not really. Most of the cast can kill her in mere seconds and that becomes even easier if she gets into a range where her own weapon is useful.
I think an Evie that understands her kit won't die often. Like I said, she has 3 abilites to completely remove herself from the situation. Ice block to become completely immune to any and all damage, heal, and wait for cooldowns, Soar to pretty much travel halfway across the map or behind immense cover, and Teleport to instantly get away from somebody that might have the upper hand on her. You said it yourself, an entire team needs to focus her to get rid of her.
>At the very root of what they do, QA analysts are testers and problem solvers. Job duties include testing websites or software for problems, documenting any issues and ensuring errors are corrected.

Pixie is now our only hope. Game is dead otherwise as communicating with anyone else is basically like talking to a wall.
At the very very least we have confirmation she knows about the shit they're pulling, but that doesn't guarantee they'll set it straight.

>[Wake me up]
Overwatch? Don't be silly. Gigantic will be on windows 7 soon enough.
it already is
Someone please explain the gigantic meme to me
I played it like a month ago during the beta and it was a broken mess that made no sense
I'd just go back to TF2. OW is too annoying to pay for.
It's either a dying community with long-dead developers or the most streamlined, casual experience the genre has ever had.
This thread will die in my sleep, someone better make a new one for shitposting sometime around the patch show, then that one can die while we wait for patch notes
TF2's community seems fine right now IMO. People complain a lot about it, but the bad parts of it were around years ago. The only thing that changed is the foreign language people are shouting at you in.
not yet amigo
*dies 1 second later*
It's already here, it's already playable, it's completely awful and dead. There is a reason why you haven't heard that it's playable, anon.
link or something
i wanna see this broken mess for myself
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Well guys I tried your game, didn't liked that much so I'm gonna lay it down.
But if anyone want a drawing I'm all ears
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draw a piggy cassie rolling around in the mud
How about Ying in a bunny suit making a shitload of rabbit-related puns?
Or a catsuit making cat puns.
Or both because >illusions.
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Anything Kinessa pls
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pls draw my fragfu doing something cool
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This, but redrawn with Ying as the Elf, Barik as the dwarf, Pip as the Halfling, and Fernando as the Fighter.
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Just because she's a delicious degree of dark

Maybe also this

In any case I'll finish them at a later time because it's 4 in the morning
Take your time, it's not like we're going anywhere.
And I look forward to it.
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I'll be around lurking. Night everyone :3 ~pixie
Don't be surprised when you return to find naught but shitposting or a 404'd thread.
Ye, I'll find the next thread. If y'all ever have questions pm me <3
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goth loli champion when
just to suffer
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>decide to check it out
>literal pip clone
They have a bastion with phara's ult too
My snake likes you
With how things are going with the "intended role" stuff, I'm thinking Gigantic will have a good chance at snatching up some of the Paladins player base.
Commando piece for Buck, or two chests?
>never played the steam version
>Check my Barik skins
>TF2 Barik is unlocked

What the fuck, Hi-rez?
Your OCD is showing, anon
Commando piece
RNG is bullshit and will always give you items for the characters you don't play
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What did I mean by this?
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What DID I mean by this?
That you need to healslut my tank cock
Ying is a precious waifu who is happily married to the objective.
I'm going to cuck the objective then
This turtle dick ain't healing itself
>play Makoa
>get shot in the back
>no damage reduction from having big ass shell
WTF Hirez
Recently half of times i press play on launcher nothing happens, and i need to kill paladins process and launch again.
Is anyone else getting immediately disconnected one the champ lobby hits 0?
That usually happens if someone doesn't make a selection or ducks out.
However, I rarely see such people hit with deserter penalties.
6 hours till we have something to discuss guys


Launches just fine for me
Not that hard getting potg with ying. Maybe I'm just good with her, though.
>Not that hard
If you solo queue and get dropped in with retards maybe.
I've gone a few matches with 0 deaths, so yeah. Nothing more frustrating than trying to carry potatos, don't get me wrong. What kind if build do you use?
Tyra is a loli with an explosive teddy bear and grenades.
>Hate playing buck
>Hes my lowest leveled hero
>Proceed to get almost every rare/epic/uncommon cosmetic item for him from radiant/giant chests
It's because he has SO FUCKING MANY!! I hate it! It's such a waste of crates!
>Ying will never TAKE CHARGE of your dick. With her illusions.
I'm imagining her being Pip's size and realizing how annoying she could be.
Do direct rocket hits get affected by haven?
Reply to me you stupid cunts
I don't think so.
Even if it's a direct hit it's still splash damage, so no.
omg i hate u!!..
i miss dumb frogposter
How long til the update preview stream?
>literally every other post is some autist bloating the thread up saying ded

Will update 40 make paladins great again?
Good luck budget overwatch

t. Smite player
Nah. It might make it passable, though.
>he doesn't bump his thread by saying ded

Also if Tyra is a loli, it will be great again.
Nope, it's just gonna be another patch where people instalock things that aren't support or frontline
This game is terrible.
This game is great.
this game is okay

This game will never be great again until they fix the matchmaking system. Pro players and premades and sometimes even pro player premades queing vs randoms is 100% toxic tumorous cancer that will kill the game.
At least lets try to survive untill the stream
How much longer?
Reminder that bears are commonly used in relation to Russia in a lot of media, the reason why developers are tweeting bear stuff out is because Tyra is Russian not because she's going to be another furry hero
It starts at 4:00 pm EST / 22:00 CET
Something something, amigo.
I will not be stopped
Skye dressed up in a slutty elf costume
Is Ying's Xmas outfit coming next week?
Cant blame them. Caut makes healers bad & the only good tank we have atm is Makoa. Barik got nerfed into the ground, wrecker is so ridiculous that nando is useless now, and ruckus was always garbage.
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She's getting a Hi-RezCon exclusive thingymabob skin.

So no.
Merry Christmas.
At least next time will probably be a tank or a healer, so some people will instalock that.

>tfw it's a new flank instead
No, I still refuse to believe they are too retarded to not give the elf a cute Christmas skin.
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I'm excited for the melee assassin flank.
>melee assassin flan

This can only improve the quality of our teams.
Patch show in 9 minutes
I hope they show the new champion. I need a new waifu to play.
Aww yeah preview in 2 minutes! Can't wait for everyone to be nerfed but Cassie and Andro.
are you guys ready to get another damage character that uses an assault rifle!? I love variety ;^)
Post predictions.

>Wow, it's fucking nothing.
>More dumb nerfs.
>More dumb buffs.
Seems it will be a bear
Jaguar Falls looks pretty cool. Off to a good start.
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That's a lot of screen space for a weapon. I can't remember what her normal bow even takes up, I haven't played in weeks
I feel like she looks more generic now. Like the crossbow though.
When does the update go live
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Yes, this is what we always wanted.
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>Buy our sprays goy
We want the overwatch audience.
>It's just card art being repurposed
Looks like her head is pasted onto that body
remember to hide the twitch comments, they're pure cancer
The card arts are the sprays? Thats actually pretty cool.
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inc. furry character
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Garbage recolor.
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what the fuck are they holding?
>We NEEDED another damage champion
Oh my fucking god, die drybear fucking die

>We wanted a strong female character
she looks like a nigg
What a lazy and ugly recolor.
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THe community wanted a female frontliner you stupid fucking idiots
Holy shit she looks OP as fuck.
is thia a battleborn character?
>molly gets stuck on wall
rip skye
Even more stuff to trash frontliners, good shit hirez!

What the fuck are they thinking
Mine! Get the hell back everybody.
Okay, pals, new best girl, time to move on
>Viktor's gun and grenande
>Mal'Damba's aoe
>Kinessa's ult
>Cassie's old ult
This new champion is shit. Shes blatantly OP and her ULT is boring/uncreative.
the new bad dragon, they did a collaboration, the next chambion will be melee and use his huge dick to beat you to death
But how else could xXDarkSazukeXx[BR] could deal damage with those pesky shield in the way ?
Got Mastery 10 with Skye and now I'm on a 7 lose streak, no thanks to hackers.

Is this my reward? Anyone got longer ones?
PrettyHair is top cute. TOP CUTE
>cassie & andy got nerfed

and all was right in the world....excluding tyra
>another Evie nerf
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>Incitement untouched
They almost had it. Almost.
This Aryan qt is all mine, fuck off.
I really like Tyra. Shes like a more fun version of Vik thats all about area control.
stop nerfing evie

Same but I think she should have been a tank instead of a damage.
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Did they nerf Viktor again ?

What the hell is in their minds ?

Damage fall off so you have to be in your enemy's ass a fucking super squishy with 0 good escapes. Running is not a fucking escape.
>still no drogoz dildo
>Evie nerfs
It's official, some dev got wrecked by an Evie and now He wants all Evie players to die.
they got nerfed to make the new hero look op so all the good goys can spend money on it, just wait a few weeks until they get buffed again and the tyra gets nerfed
they indirectly nerfed him by introducing tyra who looks like a much better version
We were promised a new waifu, and we got it.

That's sort of damage's role. Hopefully flanks won't have much trouble taking her out.
get ready she got nerfed KEK
>Last Dev Q&A
>You don't pick a champion for their ult that's really not what we want for this game
>This patch show
>Pip IS his ultimate, that's what he brings to the table

>lowering skye's health
lmao what the fuck
>Pip ult now goes through shield

Tyra is an Aryan qt and she is officialy best girl.
SKYE NERF! The absolute madmen!
did they make any changes on pip and i misssed it?
>Nerfing garbage to actual shit
>that sexual harassment live
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I wouldn't mind if she did Tyra and Cassie, if you catch my drift.

This is standard for Lo-Rez. In Smite too, whenever their lead developer/CEO got shit on by a specific god, he flipped the fuck out and demanded they be nerfed, so nothing new there.
thanks god this bitch is getting nerfs
That booster shit was the worst thing I've seen drybear do in a long time.

She got a nerf which isn't even that big. Evie's strong point is her extremely huge mobility and survivability. Her damage is broken enough even with this nerf too.
Dont be silly guys. Its not a nerf, shes just getting "adjusted" ;^)
desu she is really annoying and her playstyle is kind of a detriment to the game because its not fun to play against her, like a skilled Kinessa.
>Developers making jokes about how trash aggression is

lol xdddd
but the aggression line was funny
>implying that everyone and their mother doesn't already have 200k gold and nothing to spend it on
Kinessa nerf when?
That can be said for literally every character that's not a healer.
OB41 I'm sure
Tyra porn W H E N?
P A Y L O A D R A C E W H E N ?
S K Y E B U F F S W H E N?

What the actual fuck, they will remove her in the next patch at this rate
not soon, she just got nerfed topkek
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Am I retarded for laughing at "life"?
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atleast her accuracy was buffed
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>Mfw I saw Tyra
yeah. their jokes were cringe
Another disappointing patch
What's Alyssa job? Besides looking qt af obviously.
Rate patch.

4/10, they still have no idea what they're doing.

going on reddit and getting community questions
Wasn't so bad, at least they nerfed/buffed the right characters, maybe not exactly in the right ways though.
5/10, barely passable because of Tyra's qt appearance.
They still know nothing about balance, and Tyra is just Viktor but as a qt grill.
>tfw no pip riding a chicken
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but what will happen to her skins?
yeah dude, i am glad they nerfed skye she keeps killing me when i pick kinessa
New champion loses so many points for just being a rehash of old abilities already in the game. More radiant chest garbage, oh and can't forget that the new champion ruins frontliners even more
>They still know nothing about balance
As expected from Drybear, all the gods he made in smite were OP as fuck at release.
I'm salty because they nerfed just about every flanker which was my favorite role, but maybe andy should have gotten them? Also, they released a not-viktor, which is basically just a waste.

At least they buffed Grover
3/5 at least it was better than the other latest patches
That was dumb but, she really needs a rework more than a buff, but who cares about her anyway?
And that shot against aggression users immediately after was the best thing I've seen Prettyhair do in a long time.

His ult will go through shields in OB40.
Skye is cute!
6/10, but 11/10 compared to the last patch.
4/5, much better than I expected. Big plus for none of the frontlines getting nerfed unless you count Pip's ult and Tyra being so strong.
It was funny and very disappointing at the same time.
It's still better than the last 3 patches, but it doesn't instill faith in me about the direction the game is going, because it's such a mixed bag.
This, everybody and their mother say that agression is bad but they still have done nothing to change it.
I hope it gets in. With the multi-queue system, they can actually have players for more than one gamemode.

They're all getting updated to accommodate.
I expect them to rework the burn cards for season 1.
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>stealing sprays when they could have stole operations
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Is Hi-rez in this thread?
What would you rework Aggression to?
Why the fuck would you nerf Skye's HP but not fix that stupid reload card?
Attack speed or something gimmicky like bullet penetration.
Pixie was earlier.
delete it
Alyssa and Pixie lurk often
are there some screenshots of it already?
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>kneepads shaped like hearts.

I see what you did there.

additional dmg based on targets max hp


memespeed buff on succesful hit


mini-knockback on hit
slays and eliminations reduces cooldown of other abilities
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Will we ever have a Dio character in the game?
Shooting someone makes them take extra damage from everyone

At least now only one person per team should take aggression
Missed the stream. Give me a rundown of the main things
I got at the end, did they make any changes to the maps?
jaguar falls
victor wife
Really? Not one of the ice maps? What did they do?
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>White character
>Black name
? She looks more like a Valkyrie to me than a Tyra?
I don't know shit though so.
put jaguars on it
i kind of agree but if it was tyrandee or tyrakesha then it would definitely be black
but yeah she looks like some sort of viking hunter, no clue how she didnt get some mythical name
This patch is looking pretty good. Not sure about the new champion but there's going to be a lot of good balance changes.
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>tyrandee or tyrakesha
nah, that's like suffixes like -esha are for Super Saiyan 2 of Ghetto Namery. Tyra is legit black woman name. Delegated to lower Suburban/Outter Ghetto woman. ie. Tyra Banks.

>Look up meaning behind name.
>Means God of Battle
I could be wrong?
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>no Ying balancing to make her healing worthwhile again

They really want people to be shatter shitters, don't they?

See you guys on the stream for OB41. For fucks sake.
You're retarded if you think this patch isn't miles better than the last few patches we've had
>Blizzards way of being progressive
>enforce that 90% of their characters are gay, most promo shit goes towards the women and they are the strongest characters overall
>Hi-Rez way of being progressive
>name a white character like a black one and keep shitting on new wave feminism that got popular thanks to tumblr and twitter
What did he mean by this?
>bullet penetration
Yeah that'd be amazing! It'd be a great counter to death balls.
I got another bad idea.
Damage fall off reduction.
Works both for blast damage and hitscan.
they should swap names
kinessa is now tyra
tyra is now kinessa

make sense
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Can someone give me a quick summary of what was announced for OB40?
agression should allows reduced fall off so some paladins dont need to be in your face to actually damage like Skye
>Skye 1800 max HP
>Cassie remodel
>Cassie and Androxus nerf
>Ying recolor
>"oy vey, buy our boosters"
That's pretty much it.
What exactly was nerfed about Cassie and Andy?
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>win game
>enemy team all get buttblasted with each other
Cassie lost 50 damage and androxus lost 20 plus his ult has falloff now which I'm going to assume means the AOE gets weaker towards the edge of the circle and not just his ult deals less damage from far away
I'd rather see card nerfs than just dmg
Damage fall off to Andy's ult so it's not 1000 even when it barely hits.
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>win game
>someone from enemy team adds you as friend
>accept it
>he says he misclicked while trying to report you

Grover's getting 200-300 health and more damage.
A character shouldn't be balanced around how much fun the opponent is having.
>play a few matches
>before I quit, notice a friend request
>no idea which team or which match

It's a gamble accepting friend requests in general.
They sort of should. It hurts the game to have characters that aren't fun to play against.
It hurts more to have no characters that are fun to play.
Fun for the player is more important than fun for the opponent.
Exactly, look at the frontline role. No fun to be found there which leads to people just not picking them, but the whole game is designed around every team having at least one so teams are really hurting when no one wants to play that shit.
The opponent is also a player. Characters should be fun to play and not un-fun to play against.
Patch notes when?
Don't expect them before monday :)
This. There are still major problems, but this was a step in the right direction. I hope Tyra isn't as op as she looks.
>New champion doesn't actually bring anything new to the game

This early on in the game's development and they're already doing this, wow
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>login for muh free crystals
>I'm back at day 1 despite being on day 3 yesterday
>reward timer keeps looping from all 0 to 59 seconds over and over
>it keeps bringing up the login bonus each time I relaunch the game
>I'm not even getting the 100 gold anyway to begin with

Fucking hell HiRez, do you purposely try to make us hate you?
I thought that was just me, being reset on the reward thing.
Happened to me too. GJ Paladins.
>We're looking at specifics around Aggression ... and Wrecker and Cauterize, and how that feels as a late-game healer ... We do want to look at Front Lines' positioning in season 1 ... and just have a healthier balance between Wrecker, shield health, tank health ... and amping up the card system, and how that has an impact on the gameplay, but also how you customize your character ...

This gives me hope. Season 1 will either be amazing or awful.
>and amping up the card system, and how that has an impact on the gameplay, but also how you customize your character
Odd because this goes against everything Drybear has been saying lately
>and how that feels as a late-game healer
It at least matches up a little better with the actual game than what he was saying before.
Then again, sometimes you'll get the odd team of nothing but supports who are in it just for shits and giggles.
You don't shut down that healing and it'll take the whole team working together to bring them down one at a time. With cauterize, you can at least keep them from spinning back from 10% HP to full in under three seconds.
With the new patch and shit, do you think Paladins will regain and possibly gain some players?
If she's in her ice block, she's dead if you're any good. She has a delay after coming out of it where she can't use any other abilities. That's not an escape, it's a free kill in a box.

Soar only works sometimes, if her enemies suck at aiming at something in the air.

Blink has a delayed trigger. But it's still pretty okay.

Honestly, you just suck. Aim at her or where she's about to be, she will die. When she blinks, aim to where she blinked to, since it leaves a super obvious trail. It's not confusing or hard to follow if you fuggin' git gud.
>up to my 35 crystal day
>read this before I log in
>check it
>back to day 1
No doubt there will be more people because of the new champion.
I have fun playing against her. And I have fun playing as her. Both seem pretty good as they are.
Evie will do less damage, because they can't have a single patch where they don't either give her a skin or nerf her further.

Since skins obviously buff her too much and they need to counter that.

>will want to try out the new champ to gauge her weaknesses (because I'm only passable as a damage at best)
>she will be instalocked 5ever because thousands of other people will be playing her and hovering their mouse cursors over her portrait before the "select your champion" screen even loads
And by the time I do get a chance at her she'll be deemed "irredeemable cancer", and so on. I suppose best I can do is just try and go for it and to hell with other people.
>I suppose best I can do is just try and go for it and to hell with other people.
pretty much the answer to life itself.
the only thing that made me happy.
>hovering their mouse cursors over her portrait before the "select your champion" screen even loads
Hey don't reveal my secret technique!
Most likely. New champ + two weeks of free game stuff = new players.
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why don't you faggots post more motherfucking Ying
>nerf measly 50 dmg
>do nothing about two of her skills with 30% bonus dmg
>do nothing about her infinite roll + self heal
Cya in OB41 guys
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>If she's in her ice block, she's dead if you're any good. She has a delay after coming out of it where she can't use any other abilities. That's not an escape, it's a free kill in a box.
Except she regains half her health in there for free, not to mention sweet time to cooldown her abilities.
>Soar only works sometimes, if her enemies suck at aiming at something in the air.
Ok, don't fucking act like shooting at the air is some shit you just naturally practice. More than half of the characters can only go high if the enemy knocks them back, and really only Drogoz, Andro, and Evie you can expect to be consistently in the air. Not to mention, she can do all the twists and turns she wants using 0 skill.
>Blink has a delayed trigger.
Oh boy half a second, I should be so grateful.
>Honestly, you just suck.
Guy defending blatantly OP class tells me to "git gud", whodathunk?
So...how do you all feel about patch notes? ~pixie
Nerf Buck
Half a second is more than enough to kill me, more often than not. Especially if there is more than one person.
I like that they exist. But what's up with resetting the log-in rewards thing? Bug or "feature"?
Honestly, pretty good. Not looking forward to massive problems with the new class, though.
Well, we got some of the nerfs we were hoping for.

I don't think she'll be too strong. She has very little mobility.
A step in the right direction.
>the good
Buffing Groove, nerfing Cassie and andy.

>the bad
Tyra, she looks bland and will end up being to Viktor what Sha lin is to Cassie, we didn't need another damage.

Nerfing Skye, just delete her until you can fix he entire kit.
Not bad considering what you said yesterday: >>162790002
Really, you had us worried.

The nerf to buff ratio is still a little shonky and it's pretty clear they have no idea what they want out of flank characters but overall it wasn't too bad.
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The "new" champion isn't anything actually new, she looks straight up overpowered and we haven't even seen her cards yet so I'm sure things will just get worse with her.
Sprays being radiant chest exclusive just shows that hi-rez is doubling down on that crap, I'm not saying sprays, emotes, or poses should be gold purchasable just let me directly purchase them with crystals.
The Cassie and Androxus nerfs seem like nothing on paper, infact I'd say Skye losing 200 health is a bigger deal than anything they did to either of them, hell Evie losing 10% of her bonus damage is definitely a bigger deal than the Cassie and Androxus changes.
Did not like hearing them joke about how bad aggression is, they should do something about it instead of making jokes in every patchshow/Q&A.

Oh and the Ying recolor is garbage.
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Needs more Ying.
Good stuff. I think Tyra will be a really good tank killer so that will unbalance things a bit but knowing that they have some frontlines coming makes me feel like things will only get better.
I feel like new characters are a given at any point in time, but your priorities are completely backwards.
Adding yet another damage in place of quite literally any other class doesn't make any sense.

Maybe you're having trouble with fleshing out the new frontliner so a new damage that was already semi-finished was more logical to add, so to an extent I can forgive it, but we really, REALLY did not need another damage. On top of that, she honestly looks mad OP, almost to the point where Viktor looks like a straight downgrade from her. It might be me being a shitter, but keep it in mind anyway.

You keep adding more and more ways to deal very fast damage and my girl Ying is still nerfed way too much to play her supposed role competently. Make Carry On 2/4/6/8 instead, currently it was nerfed to near uselessness and this severely hinders her role.
She wasn't considered in today's patch. Do it. For next patch at least. Pretty please.
>implying 50 damage isn't significant

Sure, her movement is still ridiculous, but you can't deny she's much less OP now.
This is why we need a no limits mode.
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It seems like you guys can't come up with new interesting heros so here is an idea free of charge:

Psionic based support champion.

>basic attack

Mindblast, shoots a transluscent ball of psykinetic energy that can damage targets, it can also heal friendly shields making this her most important skill (it also means that you can't shoot through shields).

>right mouse button

Telekinesis, a blast of psychic energy directed at the targeted point, it will knock back heros, deployables and physical projectiles (Bomb king's bombs, Drogoz spit etc.)

>Q skill

Grants a psychic shield to a single targeted ally protecting him from incoming damage and making him immune to status effects, if there is no target the shield will be aplied on the player.

>movement skill

Replacement; lets you change place with the target, can target both enemy heros and deployables, can't target friends (to avoid griefing)


Mind control, takes control of the targeted enemy for 4 seconds, the controlled enemy can attack his own team members and be attacked by them, can be used to waste his ultimate and cooldowns.
>just delete her

They basically did by nerfing her HP. She's using hidden on the character selection screen.
You people need to make up your mind. Yall complain about how radiant chests are garbage that dont have anything good in them, then when they try to put more chest exclusive stuff in em, you still complain.
>one poster is everyone also I'm retarded
What the fuck are you talking about
Sounds fun, we can't have that.
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Hey, hey Pixie.

Why did the login bonus go bonkers today? Several of us lost our free sugar crystals because of it.
Do US servers have 200 ping after 12 too or that's only in SA?
Never had that happen. Never had a ping over 150 AFAIK.
guaranteed there will be changes not cataloged in the notes like bomb king's poppy bomb nerf and changing the way drogoz's booster makes him hover more off the ground when you surf
so what's the point if you're not going to tell us everything dipshit
oh wait you can't even surf anymore because any damage dealer other than cassie being an effective flanker isn't what drybear wants because he plays her
why don't you tell that self satisfied delusional faggot to fuck off already you mongoloid yesman
Anyone here want a free copy of OW? Just reply to this post with one thing you hate about Paladins that Overwatch does better.
Convincing people to pay for porn of it.
The porn
Aren't you forgetting to ask for our credit card info anon?
Don't need it, just post your SSN and we'll find your bnet account from that.
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Yes you are. Scylla crotchdog in Paladins when?
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what did reCAPTCHA mean by this
>/smgen/ is older than this thread and has less post

It's a reference to "Garage incoming" because Tyra is a Viktor rehash
She has a car inside her?
our latest patch was a nerf we already expected so there really wasn't much to talk about
Well, she's got SOMETHING parked in there, I'm sure.
Do they not do esports shit everyday with constant giveaways to make people watch anymore? That used to cause a fair bit of discussion in there
Yeah we got one event this weekend thats gonna have some free chests. Haven't had much since SWC is around the corner.
explain me why you nerfed a character(Skye) that you KNEW needed a buff
Tyra is a qt and I love her.
> pro player premades queing vs randoms
Just premades vs randoms is bad enough. Just played 3 matches, all against premades with at most a party of two on our side.
>nerf cass and andy

>skye nerf

>tanks untouched
They're still boring.They're always the last role to be picked, usually at the end of the countdown. And fernando feels like the only one that can handle solo-tanking.
Barik still does okay, if he's got proper backup of a healer and damage, and he's not staring down a 3v1 or 4v1 situation.
are you seriously saying you want tanks nerfed even harder?
Rebuff Barik and renerf wrecker and that would bring the frontlines back from the brink.
I want them to be fun, not unplayable.
Not that guy but im pretty sure that he meant some kind of buff or rework so people that shit more
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Don't forget to hit the gym
Oh shit
good times
remember when getting tagged by skye's bomb meant inevitable death unless you were grover or fernando?
now shes next going to be seless, probably even less useful than a retarded kinessa
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Kinessa's been a lot more useful than Skye for a loooong time before the new nerf
Tyra is best girl
Idk more accuracy makes it sound like she'll be much better even with the health nerf. She'll be more glass canon.
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>log in yesterday for 5th consecutive day
>log in today for glorious crystalbux
>login bonus starts from day 1 again

What the fuck? I hoped to open a festive chest tomorrow.
Yeah, it happened to everyone.

What's more you don't even seem to get the 100 coins from the first day bonus (which shows up every time you enter the game now).
Is there any explanation for that? I suppose it's a glitch, unless it was made intentionally to make us buy more crystals (which could be true).
Goddamn jews and their trickery
Dude, just play her for like, 5 matches. If you're against halfway decent players for even one of them you'll quickly learn how easy it is to kill her by analyzing how your enemies kill you.
Also, I just realized, play with headphones on. Audio spatial awareness is super helpful with killing Evie. Don't even need to look at the air, you can just hear where she is.
You got nerfed.
That's the plan, yes.
Grover wasn't fixed as a healer. But he's more viable now. That's nice. The main problems with his heals are that they are blocked by the payload and enemy shields and landscape that doesn't seem like it should block it, which I'm not sure is intentional or not, and how badly cauterize kills it, but that's not a character specific issue so much, except that it almost entirely nullifies one whole ability of his and his ult.
You can leave, but you get your rightfully deserved deserter status.

There is a keybind to vote for surrender though. One of the F keys I think.
Movement skill sounds OP.
Style. It's way more cohesive a world and has more interesting characters.
People keep calling it a nerf, but it really is more of a rebalance. I'm not sure it's good, but it's not a straight up nerf.
Main problem of Grover is people who think they should never get on the point and play him like he's a selfhealing Kinessa
Also, I assume this is fake, but in case it's real shoot me the OW code to thecananon(at)gmail.com
>start playing a champion and enjoy him a lot
>gets nerfed hard
>move to the other
>gets nerfed hard, nearly unplayable now
>move to M'Koa
>actually enjoying him quite a lot right now

Can't wait for the inevitable.
He practically is. I did some calculations a while back and he's a worse healer than Pip if you include card bonuses.
Well sure, but that's on the people playing, not the character. It's a problem when you have to be standing inside the person you want to heal to make sure nothing blocks your heal from reaching them.
I'm scared for it too, anon. He's too well balanced and fun to play right now, they'll fuck him up soon I know it.
Yeah, even got a cannon dmg boost not long ago. But I suppose sooner or later the hook cooldown will be like half a minute and all you can do is just turtle it up on the point hoping everyone else does the job.

>be M'koa
>see Andy dashing high up in the sky, he's on really low health though
>shoot wildly in the air
>actually hit him
>dies on the spot
Probably my favourite makoa moment so far, that felt great
Is there any way to get back damage feedback?

Came back after 3 weeks of break and can't tell if I'm receiving damage because no damage indication.
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Makoa has been buffed a few times in recent patches. Surely they wouldn't turn around and take it all back. Please oh please. They can't take it all back
You know it's bound to happen. Hirez wants to turn this game into all damage vs damage matches, nothing else. Soon Makao will be nerfed, likely same with Ruckus and then even less people will even try to play a frontliner (which is already hard to do because of Wrecker buff)
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I've gotten an incredibly lucky hook by guessing where an invisible Skye ran off to. That one was maybe my favourite, but there's tons of fun moments with him, even if his cooldowns are massive and Fernando can take more damage.

Gotta have downsides for the upsides, so it's fine.
A vibrator?
this fucking meme haircut
>hey let's release a male Cassie but worse
>hey let's do the same but make a female Viktor now lmao

Fucking swear to god

Makao right now is probably the only frontliner I'm having some actual fun with. Nando was always the most tanky but he can't take out smaller opponents as well as Turtle can right now due to the hook. I used to love Nando, now barely playing him at all.
My favorite Makoa moment wasn't even when I was playing him.

>Playing pre-"readjustment" Jolt IV Bomb King on Fish Market
>Launch their Makoa off the pier
>He spins and hooks me while in midair to give his king one last big hug
>We gracefully sail into the abyss together

I wasn't even mad. Just impressed.
Beautiful. That hook is one of the most fun things in the game right now. And it isn't pants on head retarded like in [redacted]
I wish I'd screencapped that thread, but we predicted the haircut as soon as her name was leaked
We did predict her to be a minority, so we weren't 100% right though, I'm fine with Aryan waifu
I actually hoped for a sassy black woman for memetic purposes
Tyra is qt.
very qt
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>Be top play as Ying
>2 clones + shatter accidentally killed 4
>Login rewards broken

And now I have no reason to even start this game
You think they will fix it and make the rewards continue as they were, or will it start from day 1 and all we'll hear from them will be "Sorry lmao"
Start from day 1, and don't expect a "sorry lmao"
probably the most likely scenario. I'm a bit upset because I was a day away from getting enough crystals for a christmas chest too
it was :<
>The game was not properly authenticated at launch

Well, see ya guys at the overwatch general, it was nice being here for a bit
>And it isn't pants on head retarded like in [redacted]
I've seen people complain about that. Why would we want something so un-fun?
i haven't played this game in a month

have they gutted Cassie yet
They gave her a slight tap on the wrists by reducing her maximum damage.
That's about it.
I assume he's talking about the only other arena shooter on the market that has a hooker.
In pretty sure they do nerf in little stages so people slowly get used to the new power lvl. For example they could have bundled the last 3 Fernando nerfs into one but people would probably overreacted and this gives them more data to analyze (like seeing how specific changes affect him)
The stupid way his damage works and the fact that he is an squish giant encourages people to play that way.
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>the only other arena shooter on the market that has a hooker.

Dirty Bomb?
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>not giving your king a big hug
Remember memerez, balance is not about making every class have a 50% w/r

It's about making the game feel more fluid, and giving every class their time to shine. Look at wow or hs. Each class has had their own meta and time when they were the best. Some longer than others, but this is due to data collected on how much people enjoy playing against the flavor of the month. Remember when the focus was fun gameplay and tanks were also considered op? This is probably because losing to a tank does not feel as bad as losing to other classes. They take a long time to kill and the extra time let's people have more freedom and fun. Just remember that if you think you are losing the magic that made the fun
What's wrong with it?
i haven't played in a month

what are some of the bigger changes

have any characters been significantly nerfed/buffed and has the meta been affected?
drogoz got his wings clipped
>login in expecting my 35 crystals
>get fuck all
>reward reset to day 1
Guess they really want me to stop logging in
bomb king got his poppy nerfed
viktor is now less effective at sniping
grohk's healing now sucks ass
drogoz is no longer the mobile ambush dragon but instead a ground lizard
frontliners got shitted on, except makoa, who got a 50 damage buff
wrecker is now stronger and all shields have separately been nerfed
>Drogoz crybabies
He is still annoying as fuck.

Better offensive kit than Viktor, but even less "escapes" than him. Not like Viktor's F counts as an escape though.
The hook in OW is pretty much death if you're not a tank. He'll hook you, headshot you with his shotgun, and melee you all before you can do anything, so you're just waiting to die.
Tyra seems like the type of champion that gets assraped if an enemy, especially a flanker like Evie, attacks her by surprise or if she gets focused on by at least 2 enemies.

She is more of a backline sort of damager, shutting down tanks and quickly cleaning the objective, but without escape abilities, she is dead if anybody actually wants to kill her and hunt her down.

A good Tyra would need her team to protect her ass from flankers or stop enemies from focusing on her.
>Tyra would need her team to protect her ass
So she's confirmed shit then?

I need pictures of Tyra getting her ass..."protected" right now!
A decent Tyra wouldn't need to be protected 24/7, but against a non-retarded enemy team, she seems like a good flanker will end her, because she has no escape abilities.
I've seen someone saying (from datamining) that she will get a card that gives move speed bonus when she marks an enemy, this might give her some escaping ability.
The only good thing about skye now is that she has the reload card. Is there any reason to play her over Viktor or Kinessa besides your dick telling you to?
because of his fire spit
thats the part of his kit that should have been nerfed
now his mobility is absolutely ass and viktors, kinessas, and androxi have an even easier time killing him because hes just up/down
even a makoa can be an absolute nightmare for him
personally i cant stand his reduced mobility because im a spatic kid with adhd and all he can do now is spam bubbles
>viktor is now less effective at sniping
Thank Christ. It's bad enough he'll still be able to knock you off your horse at 300+ meters.
>comparing skye to damage champions
If we're looking at what Skye can offer as a flank, she has passable damage output at point blank, but her kit doesn't support her doing so. Cloaking only works at a distance but her damage from there is awful, forcing you to expose yourself and usually die since her escape option is cloak and hope no one catches you. Unless they redesign her kit entirely, she IS the champion that only works at low level casual where no one has any idea what they're doing, she absolutely will not work at high level play.
During one of the Evie's Winter Classics raynday said something about makoas hook being able to cancel viktor and shalin's ult (and his planted) might be too strong.
no i meant his damage
his falloff is a bit more drastic than before so he starts doing less damage earlier
I feel like giving the game another try

Is the purple bomb slut still viable?

What changed since the first weeb of the game?
If you're talking about Bomb King, he's still great.
If you're talking about Skye, she's the worst champion in the game right now.
>she's the worst champion in the game right now.

How to have fun now
Pretty much what >>162920161 said.
>How to have fun now
By playing anyone else in the game. Most of the other champions are more fun anyway.
I like the meme where people act like Viktor's sprint is a good way to escape a fight
Evie, Pip, Flanknando, Makoa

Until they nerf Evie and Makoa, I bet it'll be in 41 or 42

I don't know why you think skye is fun though, even the nerfed drogoz and bomb king are still going to be more fun than skye
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I guess you can't go werong with fernando, here I go
Why does Drybear want all Evie players to die?
>because of his fire spit
>thats the part of his kit that should have been nerfed
It's goddamn retarded that the fire spit combo does more damage that his primary attack, plus it has knockback and area damage. It's just so stupid that all a drogz has to do now is to stay still and chain fire spits on the point
2bh they need to change the ult of Drogoz. Instakill is a bit op
>A nando with probably the wrong set of card
You are going to lose
only to a shitter
So has the login bonus glitch been addressed?
I think its fine, it feels great when you manage to escape it and any nerf would make it essentially useless considering that the player already has to put himself at great risk to use it, maybe make it charge a bit slower.
Except it isnt. He can only kill 1 person with it. Other ults are able to kill multiple people. Plus the ult itself has counters like ying & if you're good enough you can jump on top of him to avoid being hit.
3-4 but we won
Can't beat the cock. man
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/v/ is making fun of us again!
Trying the "worst character in the game" now

What great risk ? Bomb King's ult works exactly like Drogoz. A channeling of some seconds and you still go in enemies leaving yourself open while traveling too, but BK's ult doesn't 100% kill targets. You can't defend Drogoz's ult. Also, his ult says "100% of target's HP" so if a target has 1k shield and Drogoz ults him, he should be left with 1k hp, seems pretty rational to me.
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>Pick Buck
>Can't kill shit
BK's ult isnt about killing them outright. It stuns them so that he can finish the job. Plus his hits multiple enemies. Drogoz can only hit one person.
Problem is it's basically not possible to counter it unless you ult as Nando.
so is kinessa supposed to be black or what
I explained in that comment 2 ways of countering it.
Can you give me some videos of people jumping on Drogoz to avoid getting ult'd? Never heard of it

So let's sum up, only people who can counter him are Nando (ult), Ying (illusions). Not sure if it works on grohk's totem, but he also can counter it with ghost walk. Anything else?
Not sure if there's any videos of it being shown but I've personally done it twice. Was hilarious.

Basically any ability that makes you un-targetable. Dambas slither works but he could just come back around & hit you while its on CD.
As who did you jump over him?

Yeah, exactly. But let's just see the frontline/supports since that's usually his target

Nando - ult
Makoa - nothing
Barik - turret (I think)
Ruckus - nothing

Ying - illusions
Grover - nothing
Grohk - ghost walk
Pip - jumping over him, if anything; usually not top priority for Drogoz
Damba - as you said, slither, but it has to be really well timed and since Drogoz's mobility is still great in ult, usually you die anyway

Most damage/flankers can't do shit either. Evie can teleport, Buck can maybe jump his way out of trouble, rest has nothing
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>Barik - turret
It does work, I saw it personally
also evie can ice block and soar other than blink
>Grover - nothing
Factually incorrect. He can vine whip his way out of it.
What I want to know is, in a gaggle of four people, only the one he's targeting bothers to shoot at him.
>see Drogoz charging at you
>use whip
>by the time it works and drags you, you're already dead
>Open Palashit
>press play
>nothing happens 4 times out of 5
I really cannot find any reason to even search what the problem is
As Makoa on jaguar falls. I was on a small stair case and he was coming at me off to the side so he was lower. I tried using my elevation to jump over him & ended up on top riding the dragon as a turtle.
So you were higher, that explains it. Problem is as a Frontline you're more likely to be on a flat ground, on the point. Meaning you can't jump over him at all.
>playing with frontlines that stay on the point
You dreamer, you.
I kid. I've only ever played one game where a Fernando completely abandoned the point on Timber Mill and I, as Ying, had the most objective time out of anyone.
Of course I was higher. The ult would be useless if you could just jump over it on even ground.
>Haven't played in a few months
>'oh hey, patch notes, I wonder what cha-'
>all of my favorite heroes/hero playstyles got nerfed hard
guess I wont be playing for another few months
Which heroes?
mainly evie and charge fernando(I only really ever played him for fun). They're not all that I played of course, but I liked them the most. well, them and stun mal'damba, but he wasn't nerfed, so there's that I guess
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What do?
Evie and Fernando are still great though? The nerfs only put them in line but they're still very common first picks.
you don't bear with the cheaters, obviously.
yeah, they're still probably fine, but coming back and seeing that the only thing that really changed is 'the heroes you like are harder to play' isn't a good impetus to get back in and play.

I'll probably just wait until a new character comes out and come back regardless

is this a jojo reference?
They were too strong before and even now they're still strong picks. Not sure what more you could want, but I guess I can see where you're coming from. Also nando is barely any "harder" to play after the nerfs. Hell, there's cards and nimble you can get to make his nerfs basically nonexistent.
everything is a jojo reference
OW lets you take each match less seriously so you don't need to full-tryhard. You can jump in, focus on getting frags, then win or jump out. Paladins forces you to try your hardest all the time, so a lot of the time your just angry that things aren't going correctly.
Why exactly do you say that? I've not played OW, but from what I've read most people seem to think the exact opposite.

>Tfw you can just switch to a tank mid match if things aren't working out or switch off the tank if your teammates are brain dead
when did this meme start and why?
not him but you can leave matches in overcuck, can't you?
>try to play flanknando
>land all my fireballs
>cassies and even fucking viktors can still disengage at will

why did I fall for this meme
Wrong, it will block movement but he can still go over or around. Yings illusion ends the ultimate on impact
Life steal on splash damage will steal health from multiple enemies?
First, I think people would believe Paladins is less serious because of the idea it's cheaper/worse, thus should be taken less seriously or played lightly.
Secondly, the big reason I think OW is less high-stakes is because it allows you to leave the game, while in Paladins you feel more invested because you either have to wait for the game to be over or help finish it yourself.
I also think fragging is more satisfying in OW than in Paladins, which leads to players choosing classes like, I don't know, Genji or Hanzo or whoever. In Paladins, the way character selection works, you feel inclined to choose classes you think will lead to victory rather than will lead to frags. Even flanks or Kinessa have their role and will still find ways to contribute to the team rather than just chasing kills. These things are good for a competitive environment, but in OW you get to relax more and take each match less seriously.
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>when you take a hot steamy shit on a cassie main

This is the absolute best feel, even better than eking out a win against a 5stack, unless they also have a cassie.

remov pig.
Evie and Buck are sooooo unfun to play against.
>trying flanknando after the multiple fernando nerfs
Yeah I think ow feels less frustrating even when you die. I get sniped by widowmaker I make a note of it and go rain some justice on her head. I get sniped by kinessa all you can do is hope the flanks wake up and go kill her.
I really hate how I can run Paladins on my shitbox. Please fix!
What does fletching even mean? It´s has something to do with the feathers on an arrow when i translate it to my language. Is it a pun or something?
It's a pun yes. The normal word to use there is "fetching", which in that context means attractive.
couldn't have said it better myself
Are you fucking retarded?
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Guys does life rip apply to kinessa right click? Also is kinessa African American or East Indian?
you need to build him Hot Porsuit not tank you retardo
I'm guessing mixed black/white, possibly child of a black/white and white couple
>right click
You mean the charged shots? That's left click, so yes.
So, she's a mulatto?
eh, at least she has the nordic barbarian look that sorta works with the haircut. since a fair few of the tumblr hairdoos originated as warrior culture hairstyles
I always misread that as "felching".
so this is the mind of a hanzo picker, interesting I assumed they weren't actualy capable of rational thought.
keep in mind blizzard have been cracking down on this sorta stuff even in normals so I wonder what will happen to all these sorts of people
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fuck off nigger nobody cares about anything but white
cracking down on what? trying to have fun instead of treating an fps like an ASSFAGGOTS?
>not playing damage or flank

It's like you don't even want to carry games.

For real though, if you're in the high skill bracket and solo queue, that's pretty much what you're limited to if you want to win. You need to pick heroes that can murder the enemy team as quickly as possible to make up for the trashcans matchmaking will inevitably put on your team. I hate that I can't play ruckus/grover/damba very often else I'll lose games that I absolutely would be winning if I were a hero with more presence. I can somewhat carry with m'koa and nando though, so it's not all bad.
>I just want to click on things! Why can't all games play the same?
Just play CSGO or CoD.
What is considered high skill?
perhaps you're the one that needs to go back to league of faggots or fedota
I bet you support all the mobility nerfs everyone is getting (literally everyone)
3k+ elo is where the coordinated tryhard 5stack niggers play, 2300 is journeyman with potential tier. The average player is at 1500.
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>have potential
>tfw haven't played in a week
>900 games in

Sorry bud, no potential there. You're sitting about right where you belong.
Are Yuropoors really the only ones that play this game? The threads are nice and lively throughout the day, but during american primetime it just dies.
post yours friendo
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impressive if you aren't a stacker yourself
good luck keeping it
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On wednesday I was on day 5 login bonus. Thursday put me on day 1 and same with friday. And now again day 1 for Sat. Fuck you playing at lo-rez? I want those jew rocks
I play solo 90% of the time. I'll keep climbing ELO, but my winrate has been slowly evening out.
Same here, fucking incompetent retards.
what site is this?
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Can we post more Ying? I don't even play this game, I just LOVE Ying.
Kill yourself
You don't want to know. Be content about not being a statsfag. I wish I never knew there was a site that recorded this shit, as it turns me into a tryhard who can't play a casual pickup game because I've got some kind of OCD autism that prevents me from ignoring it. I wish there was an option to turn the it off like in dota.
Neck thyself
It doesn't cancel Viktor's ult, does it?
So wait, Tyra doesn't have a movement skill? How is that even remotely balanced in such a fast-paced game???
by her having even more skills than other characters
her firebomb takes down 90% of the people's health regardless of their base health
she can lock on a target and have her team see it through walls
and she can send a rocket that does 700 on top of all that
>think the number in game = your ELO
>see i'm 3.5k even though I'm solo always
>see others think 3k is full tryhard mode and think i'm good
>check guru
>I'm a 1.5k shitter
where there was hope, there is nothing
>fast-paced game???
That's funny
Well huh. Usually that glow around people means they're hard cc immune.
Don't listen to the memers.
If you play a lot of frontliner and support then 1.5k is okay.

I only managed to escape the forced 50 quite recently and my elo has been steadily rising from a steady 1.5k for my first 100 or so games to now approaching 1.8k.
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I did
But I didn't the Kinessa one because it didn't turned out alright

Maybe I'll try again later
This is pretty great, mate.
marcille is the best and cutest
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cute. cute. CUTE!
please draw more Ying
guru is wrong with a lot of their stats

like, in game I have higher mmr than my friend but the site says he has higher elo. I also noticed that many games are missing
Reminder that hirez listens to reddit more than any other place when it comes to all of their games

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2MB, 1795x1005px
So... I guess Barik is gonna get nerfed again?
>it's another "furries do mental gymnastics to force their degenerate fetish into yet another game again" episode

Why won't they die already?
You are a king among men. Thank you very much.
Somebody start a new thread
Maybe when the login rewards get fixed, so sometime next week
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