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ITT: /v/ makes a vault. To keep it from going insane, only posts

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ITT: /v/ makes a vault. To keep it from going insane, only posts that end in 5 are added to the lore of the vault.
only traps allowed
The vault doesn't exist
Only cute traps allowed
Last time we did this, we ended up with a neckbeard and mentally handicapped Deathclaw-filled vault where the overseer is Rolf, there's a room full of Darkseid lookalikes that all want to be called Darkseed, and the neckbeards do incest while the deathclaws do cannibalism. It's also in North Carolina, which rebuilt very fucking quickly.
>For this one, the only vault dwellers are pure Americans
Off to a good start
No lewd stuff allowed
The overseer is a dolphin that got bred by Big MT to have legs, yet it won't rape anybody because it doesn't like traps.
Are reverse traps allowed as well?
24/7 lewd stuff only
Shin Megami Tensei Law and Chaos are the only ideologies taught, with the Vault split in half.
the vault never was made and the thread dies
Everyone in the vault is forced to consume an all-liquid diet.
The populace is sustained through advanced cloning tech by splicing sperm together to create life.
reverse traps are not allowed
Everything has to be done collectively, including bathroom breaks and sex/masturbation.
The vault's residents are all either commies, neo-nazis, or pureblooded Americans.
Traps are gay
Sucking dick is compulsory of saturdays. Every second member of the community sucks dick that day. The next week, roles change.
Daily Smash tournaments
The only game you can play is Skyrim
No clothes allowed
Traps are gay
The vault is has a main cult/religion. Everyone in the vault are to worship Dr.Robotnik, and have to attend daily morning mass and night mass watching dr robotniks tea party. It is customary, that by one fellow /v/aulters birthday approuch, you will have to grow out a magestetic mustache as big as Dr robotniks himself. they also paint it orange
The vault is powered by bicycle generators. All the saddles have dicks.
HIV introduced to the water supply
Deceased residents are taxidermied and made into furniture for the rest of the population
Reverse traps are allowed and make up 50% of the vaults population.
The overseer is decided by winning in a cage match against a Mister Gutsy that has the personality of Randy Savage.
Anyone who's is touches a penis other than their own will be exterminated
It's only niggers.
The Overseer is required to undergo body modifications to turn them into a dominant big dick futanari.
They're sterile.
Catholicism is taught as the only true religion, sex is only for procreation purposes
/v/ - Video Games
Seconding this.
The overseer is a compulsive liar.
At 7pm sharp everyone must stop what they're doing and get changed into the naughty nightwear.

The Vault-Tech literature tells the cute traps that there is one Cishetero female in the Vault, and whoever finds and identifies the real girl gets some unnamed treasure. So they spend the Saturday dicksuck days trying to find who the real girl is. In reality there is no girl and the vault dies out in 1 generation.
the Vault is kept at constant sub-zero temperatures. electricity for the heating units is used as currency.
They're extremely fertile and it's their job to force the gay traps to impregnate them in order to continue the Vaults lineage of dykes and fags.
All vault suits are bottomless.
Nah son
Church is required every sunday
You’re only allowed to masturbate to traps
The vault's in the shape of a penis.
All residents are ghouls
The will collapse on itself when the bombs fall
all the traps are actually hand puppets
and they can only wear skimpy outfits while always having a glass dildo up their asses for quick anal insertion in case of hornyness from the male population
They're only hyperfertile one day every year, making getting knocked up a game of roulette.
Absolutely no faggotry is allowed.
Illegal for balls to touch
One of the residents left at one point, fucked a tunneler, then came back with his incestual tunneler family.
If anyone attempts to speak English the vault is immediately filled with mustard gas
The Vaults purpose is to be a weird social experiment where the roles of men and women are reversed.
>everyone greets each other by yelling "What in the goddamn"
Only faggotry is allowed.
Reverse traps are banned
Everyone must complete God Hand die mode on their 16th birthday; Failure to do so within 48 hours will result in the death penalty.
anime is prohibited
They play video games.
Of fucking course it is.

Is it a felony to refuse reach arounds too?
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the cute gay traps worship a stack of Steins;Gate blurays in the center of the vault, paying homage to their patron saint of traps. Once, one of the discs was stolen, which led to a bloody massacre of seven traps that fucked up the dick sucking ratio until another died of injuries.
The overseer resides in the ballsack.
Everyone dies.
>roles of men and women are reversed
>In a vault full of cute traps >>389253625

Sounds good.
no niggers are allowed
All traps will be gassed and those who speak any non english language primarily will be forced to eat shit once a month
Vault slowly fills with poison gas
This is thus far the gayest vault I've ever heard of. I bet we're in fucking California
Niggers are kept in cages
The overseer is an AI with the personality of Mike Pence.
the best timeline
Only whites allowed
Morning mass Moustached Priest:
Thouh heth magestetic self approached the children of mobious, The great Moustached and very talented singer Doctor Robotnik spoke out, in honor of my Love, i offer you something to eat. I offer you Tea and something to Eat.

Great O Leader we will accept thy Offer
People are only allowed to communicate via smoke signals
The overseer has a group of handpicked submissive traps that constantly keeps by his side. They have only rags to cover their genitalia and some have collars with leashes, that are pulled by other traps, and behave like a needy dog, constantly sniffing and licking stuff
All water has a slight taste of spooge.
The overseer is Chris Chan.
Can this vault be in Texas?
The overseer is planarshifting

The Overseer undergoes FEV modifications to become a Dominant Female Hermaphrodite.
>dick sucking ratio

They only play DotA.
The vault is filled with literal traps.
Residents have to constantly be on the lookout for swinging axe blades and poison darts
Those with foot fetish are discriminated against.
Only if it's flooded.
inside each room there's a fuckmachine that everyone must strap themselves and let be fucked for two hours minumum
Standard issue work clothing for all the traps.
No futas or herms allowed.
we already have an overseer
No rerolls
There is a free "giving head" class for men only
The vault is full of semen, like to the knees level of semen
rerolling my ideal vault situation
Get gassed fag, no one said no rerolling
The security is comprised of people who are all drugged to talk and act like Gunnery Sergeant Hartmann.
If this AI find a /v/aulter deemed unworthy, he can sap the person to death with electricity
This is getting so gay I can almost hear YMCA playing over the intercom
The term Trap has meant actual rodent killing devices.
We just have a vault completely free of rats
If five then this is canceled
The Vaults armory contains a dozen custom T51 power armors. They're rather small, painted bright pink, and are covered in bows.
Any fat people in the vault are executed.
>every room is open. no doors no privacy
>clothing is either too long or too short never fits right itchy material
>at random intervals the temp will change causing to to get really hot/muggy or cold
>no blankets just bare mattress
>bed frames are attatched to floor built at an angle that has you constantly sloping down
>beds are attatched to frames so you cant remove them
>furnature bolted to the ground unevenly distributed at different heights
>flooring material ranges from shag carpet/wood floors to that spongey padding material found in day care centers
>distrubuted at random carpet and wood planks meet with grated flooring
>water is only dispensed in short bursts and no more than a moderately slow trickle at a time
>food is dispensed as paste. mixed /measured out at random chunky
>tunafish and orange
>vanilla mustard pudding
>toilets are a tube in the ground 8 inches into the ground 3 inches wide
>lighting ranges from very soft dim to bright
>orange /yellow/white unevenly distrubuted
>wallpaper that lights up neon green
mandatory surgery for all males to remove a necessary ammount of ribs to be able to blow one owns dick.
no rerolls, everyone has to play banjo kazooie 7 am in the morning until 8
The Overseer speaks entirely in memes.
randomly catch people outside to vault and gang rape him
The only video game to play is a modded version of Skyrim where every quest giver is a trap and the dragons have been replaced with angry feminist women.
An audiobook of Mein Kampf is constantly broadcast over the intercom
It's obvious in these threads. Otherwise fags like you just reroll their retarded ideas over and over.
Everyone in the vault has been lied to to see that there are only 6 colors of the rainbow.
only whites and arabs are allowed
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i like this
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Everyone is gassed after the first year

YMCA is on repeat at low volume in all public areas.
The vault has /aco/, but no other boards.
arabs are kept in cages
moms and sons must have sex once every week, they can have more if they want though
The vault's in Wyoming.
After 200 years, the Great Khans raid it.
The vault has a bomb set to explode and collapse three days after the doors shut in a hidden location
All penis in vagina sex has to be in the missionary position with the lights off for the sole purpose of procreation or the vaults locks down and the self destruct sequence is initiated.

Anal is no holds bared though
Only food served is their own shit
Anime is banned
The only porn allowed in the vault is futa on male.
Antifun gayboys are punished by being public toilets.
The only website in the vault is 9gag.
Aphrodisiacs are constantly pumped into the vault
Traps are only allowed to speak like animal crossing characters.
only porn is in form of pop up books
The only drink served apart from dirty water is lipton ice tea
Traps must have testicles painfully ripped off
Vaults are for faggots,real men survive on the wasteland
You monster
The vault's right below a nuke that hasn't blown up yet. Soon as they walk out to rebuild, they step on the nuke.
Antifuns are not allowed to shower.
This guy is trapped in the vault
Traps aren't allowed to eat
Women are bred until eventually, generations down the line, all females are thicc.
Gaben's face is the vault's emblem and is worn by everyone.
The penis vault will eventually emerge from the ground, and fire out multiple nukes at Europe and Asia.
Anyone who touches a controller after eating chips is immediately executed.
Thousands of guns, but only one bullet for each.
everyone wear pink striped knee high socks
Antifuns are retroactively erased.
The whole population are ethnic Africans

There is something very wrong with /v/, and I don't know how to feel about this any longer.
everyone is forced to have sex daily
The only source of entertainment is post-movie Spongebob.
Traps are exposed to radiation and became supermutants
The only site you can access in the vault is Reddit.
all rules are the opposite of what they say
The Vault will still remain closed for a period of time after this, however a group of tribals will make a camp near it and begin worshiping it as a god.
All the traps are super mutants, reverse traps are ghouls.
Every door is a mechanically operated revolving door going at insanely fast speed. All auto-stopping measures are broken or turned off. Paramedics don't even bother if someone gets stuck.
Everyone must listen to this before bed each night.

All traps where actually women all along
Everyone has a lightsaber.
All internal decor must be skeleton themed
So is OP's last 3 digits the name of the vault? Vault 478?
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People are forced to wear pic related all the time
Anything gay is erased and replaced with not gay things
>4chan eventually turns all users into faggot nazis.jpg
It's basically an SCP.

Also, in case I get a 5, cryogenic freezing in vault in escape rampant faggotry.
aw man
Every vault dweller is issued a partner to their specifications.
There's a strict rule on the vault on how no fun is allowed. At all.
>The vault is basically living in 4chan
Based anon.
Xzhe should be overseer.
The vault is equipped with an extensive armory of explosive dildo weaponry
The vault's connected to the neckbeard-deathclaw through a tunnel that goes to the ballsack.
The vault has no chairs.
Everyone is forced to sit in sex hammocks
Everyone in the vault must pretend to be a cute lesbian, even the boys.
All things regayify.
>Le gay trap maymay suggestion
lmao amicool yet
The fuck is a sex hammock?
The vault's split into two halves. The only way one half gets food is to D-D-D-D-D-D-D-DUEL
There are video games in the vault but if you die in the game you die for real
no sex
what are you doing?
All men are futa
People are only allowed to eat their own feces
unarmed training is mandatory, no weapons allowed
Yes, let's do this.
All ceiling fans have razor sharp edges and cannot be stopped.
>Complaining about things instead of rolling with it
Don't be such a basic bitch, anon.
>/v/ is a memetic SCP

Fuck me, that makes more sense then it doesn't.
Rollo lothbrok
The only show that's on in the vault is Xavier: Renegade Angel.
All spoken language is done in the matter of greentexts.
All rules changing pre-existing rules are nnulled.
the vault collapses due to faggotry
Spongebob music is constantly playing over the radio
the savior
The way the overseer is chosen is through a fight against a Mister Gutsy that has the personality and voice of Hulk Hogan. and then a sentry bot that speaks like the undertaker
You can only fuck my ass.
An orgy of traps speaking in nothing but >implications
This is terrifying
Faggotry gives the vault great prestige and power becoming one of the capital centers of culture and regrowth in the Wasteland
All rules are reinstated
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Everyone in the vault is sterile and has to reply with "Moo, I say" at least in every 5th sentence.

Trying too hard: The post.
The vault's a result of the Think Tank going against Mississippi.
The vault has a gladitorial arena.
All the half life enemies teleport into the vault every 3 months.
There's nothing in the vault but rock cds and alcohol
All doors are fleshy Giger-esque vagina tunnels that "birth" people from room-to-room
Anyone who asks questions that can be googled is immediately executed.
Anyone who refuses to give sauce when iqdb doesn't work is also executed.
The only movies available are The Room, Minions, Manos, and Cool Cat.
There's only one toilet in the entire vault
If anyone makes eye contact with another's dick they have to leave the vault.
the vault explodes to ashes and rubble
The machine that makes everyone traps is called J.O.H.N. If you get the reference, good for you.
Instead of the standard security measures usually kept in place to keep the dwellers safe, all defensive robotic personnel have been replaced with custom robots who are programmed to violate all the orifices of any intruders they detect.

Once every other week the vault's computer removes a random Dweller's profile from their facial recognition system for 24 hours.
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All rules that are not video game related are abolished.
Compulsory de-virginizing at age of 12
There are photos of Chrischan and moot lining the walls
All the traps are burned alive by raiders
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Their water chip breaks.
no girls allowed
the vault is sideways
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Hitler is the vault's cook
Pillow forts are mandatory
the traps are all replaced with upstanding men and women who only have sex in the missionary position with the lights off for the sole purpose of procreation
Google results are just a bunch of people asking how to have sex in a hammock.
What's the lore so far?
Only brownskins allowed
Yiddish is the official vault language
no ketchup
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Chris Chan is the overseer and mandatory Sonichu readings for the whole vault. Also have to listen to Goodbye Horses on loop every time you go to sleep.
The vault is constantly exposed to moderate traces of F.E.V virus.
Everyone praises Yeshmiyek.
*tells super mutants about vault*
The women must be 2d and are willing to do whatever I want
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There is a wrestling ring in the vault. Every two months there is a Royal Rumble that is mandatory to participate in. All vault residents must train exclusively by watching gay wrestling videos.
But wouldn't this rule change the pre-existing rules that change pre-existing rules?

So this rule nulls itself.
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A nice refrigerated area that is only lit up by black lights that I mostly have off to sleep in
The vault is in Africa
>google what is a sex hammock >second result is https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sex_swing

This anon must be slapped in the face by the dick of every resident of the vault at least once.
all beds are just piles of straw on the bare concrete floor.
Inhabitants are woken up every morning via the sprinkler system
Seconding for both.
No oxygen in the vault
Crazy Bus is constantly playing in every single room of the vault
Sexually ambiguous retards that can't decide what they are and now they're all Rupaul so it's even funnier>>389257175
Reverse traps are still allowed.
MLP is the only piece of media allowed
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Traps rules are destroyed.
All rerolls do not count. All rule nullifications before and after this one do not count. This cannot be undone.
all vault doors are to be left opened so we can all breath in that fresh outside air.
nah you can't change existing rules and the rule is only traps allowed
Those were nullified 3 times
All rules are reinstated except for yours
Reverse traps are a form of trap, the statement never nullified the statement "Only Cute traps allowed". Also stating the general purpose of the Vault's social experiment doesn't override anything.
Favorite pone is publicity displayed. Bullying poor taste is encouraged.
Everyone is dresses as Executioner Smough
all vault residents will receive a healthy dose of radiation to turn them into feral sex slaves.
You're wrong, because
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Residents are forced to wear skin-tight two piece swimsuits with penis tucked in the upper and lower part reserved for balls and anus.

Kissing one others shiny, squishable balls is a form of greeting.
A chimp that constantly screams to anyone that is overweight
The vault executes unruly members with a room which uses random fetishes from DeviantArt.
The vault is robbed by isis and everyone who's from the vault becomes a sex slave.
These rules are erased
Shitting dick nipples are real and a part of the vault
Frogs are the sacred animal of the vault
Everyone inside has chemically been made a eunuch but isn't aware of it yet
Everyone has a Spyro Subway poster above their bed.
only feral ghouls are accepted as vault residents and they will be used as overseer's mandatory sex slaves, if overseer does not fuck at least 5 of them each night, he will be fed to the ferals.
Seconding this.
Everyone's a super mutant, they just see themselves as human.
All previous rules are erased
You son of a bitch
The Chimp has a custom suit of T51 power armor.
kek and it's mandatory that everyone plays DKC with their feet but every time you die a chimp rips off a limb.
My rules can't be altered
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Everyone must mirror match Leffen's Fox as a trial at age 18. Failure results in death.
feral ghouls are sacred spirit animals of the vault and will be let roaming around the vault and rape vault residents as they please.
Everyone in this vault is a trap except for the black guys
Mohawks are a required haircut
The vault is filled with celebrities, but they won't acknowledge anyone other than themselves
All floor space is covered in Velcro. everyone is required to wear Velcro-soled shoes everywhere they go
only pixie hair cuts
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Everyone must dress like quiet.
Everyone is magically transformed into a cute loli.
The security system is a series of turrets that launch great white sharks
Only chads
Only staceys

Only the Staceys are all traps and the chads are all gay
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Everyone is a good friend.
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We'll conduct a horrific and inhuman experiment to see what happens when we refuse to allow blacks and Jews into the vault.
No one is a gamer.
Only vanilla 2d porn is allowed
The security system is wired to target anything lewd
What the fuck is wrong with you people? The vault floor is broken glass and rusty nails.
But traps aren't gay, so they would never fuck
There are televisions in every room that play this nonstop, but edited to not have the part where Donald wakes up to see America.
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The Overseer is the Boss of this Gym and the vault dwellers are all leatherman.

Every time the overseer greets the leathermen, they respond with "Fuck You".
Everyone's black
This guy will never get laid
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Everyone moves and communicates like Oblivion NPCs.
every night a friendly match of baseball, where two or more teams run to each other and whack each other to death with baseball bats will be held, failure to comply will result in execution by baseball bats.

winner is the last one who survives and he will get gang banged by feral ghouls and super mutants as a reward.
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Everyone must shake hands with whoever they see or wish to talk to.

You can't change existing rules:
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Breeding is done via Death Claw semen
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Neither of those contradict each other.
every day vault doors will be left opened to let feral ghouls and fresh air in.
The only female is Ashley Burch
I can change existing rules
Dick-punching droids patrol the hallways searching for fresh dicks to punch
traps + reverse traps + roles reversed = my dream
Fallout 4 without mods is the only game playable in the vault.
t. brainlet
All of these rules are applied to the Vault's second life server. In reality all the inhabitants are sweaty fat neckbeards.
no videogames allowed
I'd love to see a fallout set in the Appalachians. Or any area of where I live.
I am king of the vault, higher than the overseer, and my first order is to it allow manlets to breed
Stop quoting your own post. He didn't change anything. He introduced a new rule.
Almost everyone in this thread is in the vault.
Jesus christ is the overseer
The vault is upsidedown
can't change existing rules
We have TV but we can only watch old holotapes of Oz, Queer as Folk, Steven Universe, Will & Grace, Queer Eye for the Straight Guy, and Boku no Pico
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all traps are removed
Fuck off, no fun allowed autismo.
How come /v/ is infested with ultra-faggots these days?
What are the Jews putting in your water, Burgers?
Are you denying Jesus christ anon?
Planarshifting is the second coming of jesus.

When running, it is mandatory for a person to have toast in their mouth
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>Implying Jesus isn't a Planeshifting Boss of this Gym

I don't see any rules changing here, officer.
>these days
How fucking new are you? Lurk moar, faggot.
Everyone is obligated to give me (You)s
Rolling for this
Semen,tastes yummy
The overseers are a council of overseers consisting of Chris Chan, Jesus, the Boss, and Planarshifting.
All newborns are refered to as newfags. The vault's tip has a polis where you're allowed to talk and discuss as long as you're 18 or older.
Kanako Yasaka is my wife
I've been here 8 years faggot. There's defintely been a surge in feminine homosexuals shitting up vidya threads with faggotry.
Recently more and more degenerate twats have been posting pics of themselves in stockings in battlestation threads.
Fuck off back to /b/ or /soc/
Your wife is not real.
>muh degeneracy
You're full of shit, fuck off back where you came. Never belonged here.
The vault is opened by a robot controlled by Mr House. He invites all the inhabitants to form a new Casino on the strip. All further rules are for the Casino.
Everyone has to call the post below mine a faggot.
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This is the image you see upon entering the vault.
Rules can now be changed
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everyone gets laid
>hanging out in battlestation threads
no anon, you are the /soc/
All traps are bbws and die within year due to heart attacks
This rule is invalid
The vault's penis shape is actually connected to a few other vaults so it forms a full body.
No it isn't.
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As in the Big Boss or just Boss?
Mishima from Persona 5 is the only male allowed inside. He is not aware that the traps are traps.
>How to spot the newfag
Fagots have been posting here for years and only now you notice it?
Fuck off back to whatever you came from
No it isn't and traps must be lobotomized
speaking french is an obligation in the vault
The right hand vault is grasping the penis vault.

Only people that are capable of on-point debate are allowed in the brain vault.
You're chinese
No, I said it was getting worse.
Everyone must be atleast 150 kg, everybody must wear chaps and there will be a feral ghoul with a mutated horsecock. He comes at night and one of the doors to the sleeping room is not locked
Only this person gets laid.
They're brown already and seeing how brown people treat each other they're going to be dead from gamg warfare in a week.

Only food available is tacos, fried chicken, grape Kool-aid,watermelon, and Newport cigarettes.
Thing is it used to be people that were just fucking around. Now /v/ is literally filled with fags. Not sure why you have a hard time seeing the difference.
>All these triggered homo's defending fellow fags posting faggotry on a vidya board
none of this is real
>that were just fucking around
How naive can you be?
The vault's in a renamed South Dakota, now called Naziland after a depressing takeover from a abandoned group of the Brotherhood of Steel that's fairly large.
rerolling just once.
That was already the case so thats pretty useless.
A vampire loli who demands her feet to be kissed
it's still a thing now, it's double imaginary!
It's easier to be a fag nowadays, so I'm sure that they were not joking back then.
Absolutely no video games allowed.
all active rules are the exact opposite of whatever they are.
So a dream inside a dream?
*Inception noises*
there's no reroll you fucking glue eating retarded faggot
Where the video games?
Except a two player version of Big Rigs.
everyone is castrated
Traps are allowed.
Also it's just me and a bunch of cute traps. And some ladies too.
Every american has to eat shit every morning
every tuesday is cheese day where everyone tries to put the holes in swiss.

you don't have to understand it, you just have to BELEIVE
What is the opposite of a trap? A butch lesbian?
I'm the overseer.
And every single post ending in 5 is now reversed
By traps he means bear traps
Europoors and Australia not allowed
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Jews are in charge
Cowboys and Niggers
The vault was made by bootleg Chinese toy makers.
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>by the time a wanderer stumbles into the vault there's nothing but skeletons and dust because fags dont reproduce
Everyone looks like they were made with the fallout 3 character creator
I said : Jews are in charge
thats the fun about that rule if it would of got in, trying to figure out what everything changes to, like the penis vault missle launcher turns into a vagina field that sucks-in pillows or something.
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55 Slutty Asian Women kept in cages, their only purpose being sex with men.
this rule is now reversed
Only entertainment is Katt Williams non stop 24/7
Every Jew in the Vault is chained up in a torture rack
The vaults gimmick is porn and Arby's commercials
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/v/ has to elect the best video game ever made. You all sit on spike-covered dildos going turbospeed into your ass until everybody agree on the same game.
the only food you can eat is Mcdonalds, and when you get too fat from the burgers you BECOME the burgers.
The Overseer is Todd Howard and he dresses like Willy Wonka.
This anon shrinks down to Todds height
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The Thing is inside the vault and killing them all.
the vault is filled with these
all traps in the vault prefer women
Vault is filled with Conor McGregor's photos
only nercophile men and asian women are allowed in the vault.
Each member must be rape by all members, weekly change
everything in the vault is written in arabic since it's /v/'s vault, I assume everybody can read it
Moot and Hiro are the overseers
any non-hentai porn watched in the vault is punishable by death.
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The members of the vault have to constantly evade a sleepless Todd Howard at all times. If Todd captures them he forcefully shoves copies of Fallout 4 into every orifice until death.
the only edible thing in the vault areis tofu
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when the population gets too high one person becomes the designated shadman
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speakers only play hentai orgasm shouts 24h/24
This can be prevented by playing fallout 1/2/NV once a day
johnny rebel is the Vault Entertainer, constantly signing his songs about niggers in the cafeteria.
You are immune if you only if you purchased any of Todd's games
Hitler is the overseer
We pretend /v/ has always been this gay.
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everytime a door opens , this plays

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what's going on here?
We good now
Every time somebody opens a door, a Seinfeld bass riff plays.
the only game console available is one sega saturn and it must be shared by everyone in the vault.
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everyone is gay
wtf i'm gay now
everyone is a girl

also, everybody must walk backward
Everyone who currently plays playstation is executed by slowly slicing their skin off
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the sound of every footstep within the vault is replaced with hentai moans
Waifu cuddlign pillows are banned
waifus debates are illegals
it is under the ocean floor.
no, waifu debates are mandatory.
Banny is gay
If you don't want to party then your ass has to go.
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they are illegal, and Todette is best waifu
every black guy in the vault isnt allowed to use the toilet instead they must shit on the floor.
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Traps are gay.
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Everyone has to fit in a reference to the plane scene at least every 5 sentences.
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>not naming her trap howard
That'd be a big vault.
Islam is the only legal religion in the vault.
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Randy Pitchford is the Overseer
Anthony Burch is in the vault and is the only one allowed to have sex
After 200 years, minor remnants of the Enclave take over the vault. the traps are added to their ranks, and the penis is their battlestation.
Every second son can only crouch walk
>all overseers

I think it'll work if it's like a council.
yes the islamic trap council.
Hentai is ILLEGAL
for us
All posters below me turn into Anthony Burch
I'm gonna make another thread for a vault after this one.
>Yes, I've heard others say the same
This sounds like a MEGA 64 sketch.
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air smells like fart
No furries allowed
After 1 month (31 days) passes, everyone has to perform seppoku.
To ensure that every member of the vault is dead, a self destruct mechanism will be started, the countdown being 12 hours.
the vault was accidentally teleported to saturns orbit in the year 2800 and has remained their sense.
vault residents are given regular radiation dosages to turn them into feral ghoul sex slaves.
All the posts that end in 5 are nullified (Except for this post) and every post (including those posted before) that ends with a 0 are added to the lore of the vault.
Also planarshifting is one of the administrators. >>389254615
this post is nullified
Death by deadly dildos? I guess there are still worse ways to die.
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/v/ makes a vault. To keep it from going insane, only posts that end in 5 are added to the lore of the vault.
Nope ;)
This does not apply to the next thread

How about rather wasting your luck nullifying mine, you add to the lore?

Such as "All Traps are illegal in this vault"
vault residents are given regular radiation dosages to turn them into feral ghoul sex slaves.
why don't you choke on some niggers dicks ?
We all commit ritual suicide
God dammit...

There is a bigger blacker vault that sits in direct comparison of the gay-not-gay-trap-reverse-trap fag fest
hehe, >>389263225
>faggots script the thread
Sopa de macaco everyday
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every post above this one is now an active rule
>the only food supplies are beans, asparagus, all the mexican food and spicy indian food
>makes the most gassiest vault ever
the vault explode after one day
Mods sticky this thread
The only form of food they can eat is raw donkey dicks inside burritos.
the vault isn't nuke proof
everybody got aids
The right to have sex is decided with Yugioh tournaments
The vault is actually on the moon.
The vault is full of gay space nazis
The vault is in a universe where nukes never existed. People went there to take shelter when the Sun fell out of the orbit and crashed into the Earth. It was then agreed that, after 200 years, the vault's inhabitants would leave it to live on the world outside and repopulate the planet, which would have become safe to live by then.
Thread posts: 513
Thread images: 57

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