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ESA 2017

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Thread replies: 520
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European Speedrunner Assembly

WATERMELON BATTLETOADS: https://www.twitch

NOW: Tekken 5
NEXT: Dark Souls
LATER: Dark Souls 2
STREAM 2: Super Mario Galaxy 120 Star


Schedule : http://www.esamarathon.com/schedule

Stream 1 : https://www.twitch

Stream 2 : https://www.twitch

Yes, m'lord.
This Tekken run is better than I expected
>kangaroo vs tree man
what in the fuck is Tekken?
Gon run when
>first two streams so shit they had to bust out the melons
Thank you based TMR
Truly the reddit of fighting games
Yeah it's actually fine
it's the runner
his Tekken 3 run last year was the surprise of the marathon
It's a great example of how good commentary can make a boring run fun
Is using watermelons to control electronics a super power that Mexicans are born with?
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How can TAS block compete?
ok melontoads is getting boring now
How is he actually playing a video game with watermelons?
>Super MARIO Galaxy
>playing Luigi
WOWWW how was I supposed to know he'd attack back
Melon memers get out
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Kinda expected since it looks like ass to control with it causing him to die so often so he has to restart the level over and over.
potatoes are superior input vegetables
Challenge mode, since it's not easy being green.
When he touched the melons, they send signals to the nigger under the table who's body reacts and presses button inputs

seriously though, its just electrical conductivity tricks
Touching one closes a circuit. Each one is an input.
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I wonder if any man in history was ever murdered like this

Interesting. Thanks.
Melons are full of water just like you, so touching them creates an electrical network. Add some wires and you can send signals and shiet.
capitaine will get a slower time today in any% than bubbles at sgdq

screencap this
Post good ESA webms
Nothing is worth downing 50 of those mini goujons in one sitting.
>bitching about minority characters in new tekken

Is he, dare I say it, our guy?
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if not, i hope to be the first. remember me, friends.
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Just to add he is also standing on tin foil (bottom of pic related) which is attached to the other end of the circuit.
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>must be 18 years or older to post here

Haven't you ever powered a light bulb with a potato you dumb faggot?
No, in america we have electricity
It's a different run though, Bubbles ran Any% Kiln Skip. Normal Any% is ~twice the length.
Oh shit he got past the stage
our mexican
Mexicans are evolving into electric fruit creatures.
kek. yuros blown the FUCK out
will they ever recover
>Truly the Dark souls of fighting games
>normal any% is twice the length

what? i thought any% literally meant "beat the game as fast as possible", how can there be a shorter category?
>being able to freely move and customize your input layout on the fly

>call it any%
>its not really any%
my b then
Yeah, the Dark Souls category naming scheme is retarded.
Categories are defined by the community running them.
TMR is going through many emotions.
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>these really precise jumps and movements

Watermelons were not a mistake
What did he mean by this?
Momodora speedrun community would ban this literal TAS. Disgusting.
It was okay until someone found out kiln skip is possible in all versions. Should have just made it any% and any% no kiln skip instead of any% kiln skip and any% but sadly speedrunning communities are retarded.
When will Watermelons be allowed as controllers at EVO?
They banned hitbox, no way they'll allow a controller this revolutionary.
JRPGs, not even once
3 lives left
>dark souls speedrunning communities are retarded.
They would be gone after the first round
basically anyone that isn't Bubbles is retarded as fuck
Every speedrun community is filled with retards.
Reminder that Our Queen Mia will be back for RE7
>speedrunning communities are retarded
More news at 10

She better show off more of that belly.
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Best girl being played now!
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Am I the only one left watching Tekken?
It's nearly over too, has been entertaining.
maybe if you only care about the biggest meme games
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That's not Lili
Holy shit, Mexican is doing it.
TMR confirmed for having no life.
So this beaner is allowed to curse? also no donations? thought this was like GDQ? is this watermelon thing not part of the same event as tekken? that had donations
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I'm too autistic about Tekken to miss this
do you think a mexican who can afford to go to europe is a beaner?
side stream for fun
you know, fun: the thing they don't have at gdq
this isn't Fun Banned Quick
There are donations, but he's allowed to curse.
This event is more lax than GDQ.

They can curse on any stream because fun is actually allowed.
After this day I honestly wonder how anyone can continue watching GDQ.

GDQ is fake like american wrestling.
ESA is like actual wrestling. Real but also slightly gay.
Too many blacks
They have a bunch of arcade cabinets and other shit (watermelons, etc.) for people to mess around with in their downtime, and I guess they decided to put up a stream
Games that are played by small circlejerks are far more likely to have idiotic rules than something people actually care about like Metroid or Zelda.

I want to cum inside of that belly

I'm honestly surprised nobody has tributed a picture of her perfect belly and tweeted it to her
Why isn't he?
only kemoshota are allowed to be fucked
Bubbles, pls
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Yes, m'lord.
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>playing with watermelons
>Still going for skips
now this is dedication
>implying he didn't just grab onto the tire leg when the plane was taking off
none of mine :^)
'cuz they bullied him too hard during GDQ 2016
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I think mexican reached his limit.
I can't wait for TMR to go into a rage and smash the watermelons and eat them.
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>tire leg
>monkaS unlocked

what happened who donated
Yeah, you probably aren't an anime autist.
>you can take miral
are they bargaining for the women live on stream now?
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Why haven't you beaten Battletoads yet, anon?

I ate my controllers.
DaS fans are retarded and speedrunners are retarded, what did you expect to happen with the intersection of these groups?
I think it was just a general incentive for donations.
Even the legendary TMR can't. I'm out.
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>tfw never beat battletoads
>this fuck is playing with watermelons

Speedrunners truly a breed of their own kind
I'm beating my battle toad every night.
That SGDQ FF7 run that took like 7 hours was more interesting than this tedious shit.

Nothing interesting... the same thing again and again and again. Fucking tedious.

Totally drains the life from any stream
This is some dedication, even got the skip

holy fuck
My local pawn shop never has a copy
>[dies again]
I'd wager more people would donate to that
>he isn't watching battlemelon
Bullshit, try calling them.
Galaxy looks terrible, was the Wii lineup so bad a year in that people actually thought it was good?
the fuck is monkas
>*angrily inspects watermelons*
0 lives
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I don't get it either. People raved about it but it felt like a clunky platformer to me.
Why is he floating. Is this watermelon magicks?
The wall just got ten feet taller
twitch-appropriated pepe
>dedicated watermelon stream

I like this.
You're all just jealous you don't handle melons nearly as good as he did.
Have you seen what he runs? Guy's retarded as fuck.
Ninja Gaiden melon% inbound.
>Ninja Gaiden on watermelons
Jesus Christ
Ninja gaiden melon% coming up
Ninja Gaiden watermelon%
Ninja Gaiden PogChamp
Kano was in Mortal Kombat 1
>Ninja Gaiden with fucking watermelons

We've gone too far as a species.
Because he stood on the rat then it moved from under him. Battletoads is not a well made game.
oh yea

Who is this girl playing?
who cares, all bosses is the only category worth caring about.
>first Ninja gaiden game released in 1988
>still zero Ninja mainline games
Is he playing Tekken on the easiest difficulty? Every character is like 4 hits = dead.
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watermelon fags please GTFO to your own thread. the novelty of the stream stops being interesting after like 20 seconds
Difficulty doesn't affect damage.
Yeah but the other 2 streams are boring as fuck too.
Worst girl is right, everyone, go back to watching Mario!
The creator or Regular Show has a new series coming to TBS

Is Tekken 5 the one you got on PSP?
Tekken is not a speedgame and Galaxy is a shit speedgame, you fuck off Fatlus.
The only thing the melon runs are missing is commentary, the runners seem pretty able to play the games
So Tekken is a fragile fighter game AND he's playing on the easiest difficulty?

t. cantaloupe
>my opinion reigns supreme
had to be a makotofag
let's not start shit

fuck off
Fuck off and take your shitty waifu with you.
Just noticed he's playing pacifist, holy shit
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you fucking want one of these.webm
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>my waifu
>worst girl

Im not even him nor do I agree with him
Well yeah, it's a speed run. Hardest difficulty isn't ever fun.
Slightly off topic, but if I ever would be bored enough to try run something. Do I have to have counter running or will just some people take a look at a footage and say that's legit? Also how would you know if I just edited the footage?
Probably easier with the melons, all things considered
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>maral on mic
>those knockbacks
Looks fucking awful
>Regular show is funny, because it's a kids show, so they couldn't directly make gay jokes, drug references and swears
>now they can
>it's not funny
Tekken is done, Dark Souls up next on main stream.
who here ready for /speedsouls/
gonna be a comfy 3 hours
Tekken 5 and both 6 are on PSP.
They would inspect it if you claimed to get a WR but nobody will give a shit about a spliced 20th place run.
Are they gonna do the Dark Souls run with the watermelons?
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at long last
time for dark souls
>3 hours

You need a timer. Check the game you want to run and when to start/stop the timer.
People will know if you cheated.
>Also how would you know if I just edited the footage?
Speedrunners are autistic as hell. They would know.

See: Chibi 'I like that jump!'

I personally rate it Good Stuff/10
>mods post a fap innuendo joke gif from the stream as a joke in the stream

Why is ESA so based?
usually streaming and reacting/talking to the chat is enough proof, as most people stream. If not streaming, then full video from start to finish is good proof too. There have been cases of nigs splicing together segments of video to make the perfect run that went undetected for years at a time (check out the sm64 case of this)
Reminder that Maral ditched on the SM64 run to get plowed by 6 dudes
>Maral is back
did she fuck the dude btw ?
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King beak into Eliza vulva.webm
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That was a nice Tekken 5 run. Tekken 3 was slightly more entertaining though last year.

>all that sexual tension between her and Eidgod
You can't tell me they didn't fuck after their shift last night was over, they keep looking into each other's eyes and giggling, they are super into each other
Are they playing the audio from the other stream and music in the background?
Another dark souls run to botch!
mexican ran watermelons with great skill/10
agdq 2013 has the only dark souls run i ever enjoyed and that's because i hadn't played the game yet. souls runs are boring if you know the games
t. Eidgod
>ESA Dark Souls
Audio issues again
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>Meme Souls
>girl that was getting plowed during the race back on mic
Stick to watermelons people
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Haha stinky feet
>Maral quite literally started flirting and creeping up on him after My Summer Car last night
Nah, if anything he's on the receiving end
>being this thirsty
GDQfag, go away
You need to be very subtle to cheat in a run, though it's possible. However, as other anons said, somebody can always smell that something's off, even if you do something barely noticeable like edit a PC game's code to give you slightly more favorable RNG. If you do something like Chibi did and cheat in a key trick while playing like shit before and after, you'll more than likely be discovered.
its gonna be 1 hour for ds1 any% and 2 hours for ds2 all bosses
thats still pretty fast considering that ds 2 has a shitload of bosses including the 3 dlc's
I've seen so many Dark Souls runs that when I actually played the game I didn't want to because nothing felt new and surprising
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not the feet I want to see

fucking europeans always taking their shoe offs indoors, absolutely disgusting
Maral has a bf is that streamer dude Ellajaz
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>want to watch DS2 run
>it ends at 3 am
>hating on a boring stream makes me thirsty

isn't it past your bedtime
She got super jealous when he was talking to that dude running Finnish meme games yesterday, if they aren't already fucking she definitely wants to.
DaS is one of the runs that is only interesting to watch once.
she's fucking a lot of people
I still can't believe that manlet tiny head yuro is hitting Maral desu
The run before that in ESA 2013 was even worse when Kotti & friends ran it.
>You shouldn't be able to hear stream 2
>tfw no watermelon gf
>tfw the interaction with stream/chat/moderators is just so much better than in GDQ
Aw, missed it
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>All this high school tier gossiping
>not all bosses%
watermelon is in some real shit though
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>On Twitch
>implying relationships matter at marathons
Anime Twitch starts in 45 minutes.
>Maral shirtless
what what what
Incoming twitch ban.
>Can't stay up until 3AM
You can do it, anime. Who needs more than 90 minutes of sleep?
Filthy gaijin pls leave.
You could throw a ball in the crowd and whoever it hits probably fucked her
anime twitch?
I wish I could see his soles
What's that?
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How can GDQ even compete?
whats that
>the moment Halal gets on stream the thread goes down the shitter
Fucking Maralfags, you're just cucking yourselves.
shes gonna look horrible in 15 years
With monogamy.
so this event is proof that money has ruined GDQ right?
>streaming anime
so cute
>he stomps around his house, on his carpets and floorboards, in dirty shoes he walks outside with
>he puts his dirty fucking shoes on the couch
I never understood you fucking Americans
>Keyboard only

Damn bitch
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>I couldnt afford a controller
I like her eyebrows
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Thanks for encouragement, senpai

The watermelons are much cuter.
twitch tv/events/70394
you know it
all about those quotas
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>With monogamy
Implying anyone can compare to Ela's huge cock
>6 hours of mario galaxy

what the fuck
yeah that's what i asked
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so is maral still with elajjaz?

i haven't seen him at this marathon, which seems odd. maybe he didn't show up because seeing his ex was too painful
"When I had first encountered the European, I was shocked yet comforted in some way by his child-like demeanor. I had known at that instant, this creature cannot sustain."

-Sir Fower Chahn
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>one of the fastest growing speedrun communities
>appeared in zero marathons
the twitch sponsorship probably killed it the fastest. It gets onto the front page of twitch and bam, it needs to be family friendly and it goes downhill from there
is that before or after she got creampied by 20 guys
So it's not any% then
go back to ur gulag with ur weeaboo garbage u nigger
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>only Reddit animes
No thanks
jesus christ you people are thirsty
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Alright lineup but I've already seen what I want to see
there's plenty of shit on the front page of twitch that isn't family friendly though
They still can't figure out if collectibles that give you a unique weapon should count towards 100%.
God damn it fuck

I was interested in this run and it's going to be a boring fucking asshole again

Based Melon Gaiden runner.
there's a good reason why all Americans say that europeans smell like feet. You may not realize it but you'll living in a funky foot house
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>that anime list

Somewhere out there Stiv is wrecking another relationship and I'm laughing it up
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Dragon Maid at 9

holy shit, they're actually going to show something that risqué?
Doesnt the game have a 100% counter that doesnt count those collectibles?
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>all this shit
No thanks and the only one I could consider is Luluco, but I have already seen it and and I don't really fancy watching it again with a twitch chat.
So wait

This isn't the fastest way, and he's not doing it this slower way the fastest way

So what's the fucking point?
He's there, Maral did some streaming from the hotel room with him.
Yes, precisely.
but GDQ got the whole twitch sponsorship and became 'affiliated' with it, or whatever
Getting the Halberd is pure RNG. Run is pretty much fucked if it doesnt drop.
He's got a deal with the devil, he'll be the WR holder for Banjo his whole life but the only way he can get poon is by being a homewrecker
What a daft run then
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why is the estimate so high
Stream is 2 is comfy as fuck
But not as delicious as stream 3.
Because DaS runs can turn into disasters fairly quickly if you die and lose lots of souls.
Watermelons taste bad
So will every other woman by her 40s.
Yeah, I thought this was 40min

do you think when they're done they will stick their dicks in those watermelons haha
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Only if you get shitty watermelons
I can't believe this guy is actually consistently getting through ninja gaiden with bloody watermelons
>Kemono Friends at 2 am
Oh come on.
He's there, but isn't running anything. He still streams from his hotel room with Maral almost every day.
This is a pacifist challenge run.
>Mob Psycho
At least they got one good show
like I understand the estimate if the runner's PB is just a bit below that
but most dark souls speedruns estimate at around 40-45 min so I really don't know why this one isn't, especially since it's any%
>final boss on watermelons
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Dumb kumikoposter
He's skipping BKH
Most of the things on their schedule are good though. And the rest are ebin maymays for the chat to make fun off
>this dumb glitch is allowed
>kiln skip isn't
nice any% jesus these guys are retarded
>he fucking did it
Pleb detected
Is Dark Souls the Dark Souls of Demon's Souls?
Should have put in Super for maximum funposting.
This guy just beat Ninja Gaiden on watermelon bongos. Dafuq.
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Ninja Gaiden (NES)

melon% Pacifist


TMR back on the watermelons for CONTRA
Uh, yeah.
They use the warpick now? I love watching Souls speedruns. There's always some new strat.
So what does true any% looks like?
Its just all of the popular shows of the past season. What is even the point of doing this on twitch? Seriously what is the benefit? Is it just crunchyroll using it as a big ad and offloading all the work onto twitch's servers?

Also, that ninja gaiden run godamn
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Who are more autistic, Dark Souls speedrunners or Dark Souls PvPers?
WR on Ninja Gaiden in melon category.
That's because kiln skip is fucking boring
Dark Souls fans
No, this is just because BKH is not a guaranteed drop.

Dark Souls 2 apologists, which you'll meet in one hour.
isn't that the guy everyone circlejerks and worship like some kind of gaming god, but every time he's on a race or something similar he always loses?
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Ninja Watermelon end.png
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The absolute madman.
>40-45 minutes
you may be thinking of kiln skip. the any% wr is 41 minutes so itd be pretty optimistic to have a 40 minute estimate.
It sort of makes sense, since kiln skip relies on alt-f4:ing the game but sen's gate skip works completely ingame. Also this >>385353861
dark souls speedrunners cant be that autistic because maral's bf is a longtime souls runner :^)
>just reloads when he fucks a jump

The so-called mustard race
Dark Souls 2 is better than 3 though.
I think people just like him.
he's pushing it with watermelon contra though, ninja gaiden was far more believable and still difficult.
Fucking this >>385353865
Basically, yeah. They put a couple lesser known shows with upcoming second seasons and movies in there to try and raise awareness for them but generally they are just trying to go viral through twitch memes and broaden their demographic
His and every other Souls runner.
There's literally nothing wrong with DaS2, git the fuck gud
>kiln skip
forgot about that entirely, my bad
That's on consoles too.
This will be the entire thread by the next run. Dark Souls 2 apologists are the personification of the Fromdrone strawman.
Why is Battletoads such an ugly game?

It's colorful and has imaginative design, but is still somehow really gross to look at.
He's choking it
>that Plesioth tier hitbox
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That's what you get for bullying the giant
literally the only thing people bitch about DaS2.
and it's a fucking autistic rant.
i don't think you know what that word means
luckily the ds2 run showcases how awful the boss design in that game is
literally circle around the boss and spam r1 with the rapier to win
>Killing the giant blacksmith

That motherfucker
could somebody give me a (you) when the Dark Souls 2 run starts?
PVP is garbage so..
still better than DaS1 bosses
The whole game is a fucking mess starting from the gameplay
>another bad dark souls marathon run
is this game cursed?
you could do the same in DaS 1 though?
rapiers were broken as shit through the whole trilogy.
that was a pretty decent drake & josh tbf
This isnt close to how bad the DaS3 run was though. At least not yet.
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People still watching first stream, really?
>constantly butting in with donations

i thought eigod and maral were cool but they're getting on my nerves now
Wait what, which unique weapons? isn't the hammer the only weapon?
Days old donations at that, how fucking desperate
Yeah, the runner is relevant to the category for a change.
Sure am
Rainbow shot type, not Erina's weapons.
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why doesn't anyone talk about Demon's Souls anymore?

It's my favorite of the series
When did you play the game? The devs release more stuff.
>not watching the funny comfy stream 2

the are making funny of GDQ

how did he get into sen fortress, i missed it

He knocked.
>20 minute O&S
Man, DaS speedruns sure changed a lot in the last couple of years.
Sonigros can't help but derail every discussion.
Deathcam skip
worst one
worst pvp, grass spam
worst bosses, only Alant was even somewhat fun and challenging
old monk was it's only plus.
Poise was a mistake
what does the red plus sign mean next to the runners name?

melon meme is only funny for 30 seconds, then watching them grind is just fucking boring
that's the denmark flag
Because it's exclusive and most people can't play it
It's sad that we won't ever go back to Boletaria, it was a pretty cool setting
Hes a trained medic
>dying to Sif

lmao scrub
so this is what it means to git gud....
It's a first aid kit, because he's choking.
Wew, choking it again
Certified by the Red Cross in CPR
Means he needs a medic for these chokes
if they're HIV positive
Those hitboxes
I'll say. I remember when all there was was this fat middle aged guy who was essentially let's playing on Twitch back when PTD came out.
It means he needs help after that choke.
fuck off makotofag
>starting from the gameplay
3 whole years, and casuals still can't deal with more than one enemy at a time.
Is this the choke% run?
>bad hitbox
They are asking for a doctor to come save this man from the choking.
Red timesplit cause he is choking so hard.
afaik the only weapon erina has is the hammer, which is one of the reasons why i never finished the game, the hammer gets old real fast imo
>Dying to Sif
I thought I was watching the watermelon stream for a sec.
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>I'm going to try this jump 2 times to save 2 seconds instead of going down the stairs
>I'll also risk fighting a boss with low hp and do 2 min run if I die

ESA so comfy
>yfw bubbles actually has the cleanest das1 run in the history of marathons
why are souls runs so shit?

bubbles was actually pretty good at sgdq with the bantz but the das3 runner was boring and this is choke city
>low hp
Worth it for that red tearstone. Why did you post a blank image?
they have to have low HP to trigger their ring that gives +50% damage. are you even paying attention...?
Low HP is for red tearstone and it's mandatory
>are you even paying attention...?
Literally just lost 2 minutes in hopes of saving half the time in a 30 second fight.

Are you even paying attention?
Super Mario Galaxy in stream 2 is so ridiculously fucking comfy right now

>that bowser music over the burger microwaving
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What the fuck
>If you would use


>homophobic fun on 2nd stream
Yes I know. But you risk doing long run if you die for saving few hits on a boss instead of being 100% safe
Bulk of the damage comes from magic either way. I don't think my magic's share of damage output ever dropped below 50% on bosses.
yuros aren't used to being loudmouth faggots to complete strangers so they have to slowly adjust to the environment
Reminder boring =/= comfy.
>Forgot RTSR
stop samefagging this thread with your shilling, nobody gives a shit about mario galaxy
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>Whoops I died
>Whoops I died again
>Whoops I forgot to pick up an item
>Whoops I forgot activating RTSR
How can one person CHOKE this hard.
I do.
Is Pac just getting fed on stream now?
That's because the runner is bad, that's still the speed strat.
Or are you going to defend the otter furfag in the mario 64 relay for doing the casual playthrough after failing repeatedly?
>Literally just lost 2 minutes in hopes of saving half the time in a 30 second fight.
Welcome to speedrunning, newfriend.
I'm laughing so fucking hard at these donation antics
is the galaxy run actually good? this das commentary is pretty meh and the runner is retarded, thinking about switching
I love ESA. They seem to have so much fun and interaction with others like the runners and chat.
How is the WR holder bad exactly?
>run is so uninteresting they have to do meme shit like this
Is comfy just another word for boring?

I'm thinking the same.
Galaxy's a terrible speedgame.
you've never watching speedrunning outside of a marathon, have you
>dat stream 2 fapping
Was the Galaxy runner just jerking off onto a burger?
stream 2 im dying of laughter
this shit is too comfy
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It will just instill bad habits in kids like picking your nose or fapping with your right hand
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What's the biggest choke of any game of any speedrunning event?
He's choking on stream
Contra melon% beaten, 21:23.88
The run is a nice side show with occasional cool tricks, they're having banter with the runner and it's providing the framework for everything. Between this and m64 stream 2 has been fucking great today.
TMR just beat Contra on melons.
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Just so you know that was the 105th IP in the thread (thanks to 4chanx telling me). So unless they got banned/reset their IP or are multi phone posting then that guy only just turned up.
clips twitch tv/AmusedMuddyBurritoPastaThat
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Wrong fucking webm
ESA 2017 Wind Waker HD race
A few years ago there was a halo run at a GDQ that went so bad it was mercy killed and made the organizers not allow halo again for years
>hardest game in the world
>gives you millions of healing items
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What's up with all these stream 2 shills ITT?
This Galaxy run is comfy as shit, quit watching your memelons and get in here
Stream 2 has descended into madness.
dark souls sucks dick

>mfw they showed http://i.imgur.com/qvZ7RbV.gif on stream

Nintendies if I had to guess. Galaxy's boring as fuck.
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Do you really think people gain anything from 'shilling' the other stream for the same fucking event? People are posting about it because it's entertaining
Two possibilities: Last wind waker run, or that one time in a GDQ twilight princess run were they had to replay like half an hour due to a missed trick.
idk about ANY speedrunning event. but at this event, both runners in the WW race choked a trick and couldn't finish

i guess last SGDQ was a pretty big choke too when 2 of the 3 runners in the super metroid race game overed really early on so the stream just zoomed in on zoast and made it a solo run instead. especially funny because of how hyped the race always is.
Stream 2 looks like a fucking ISIS video right now
was/is there gonna be a battletoads? i think i read about blindfolded something in that
stupid retard look at the stream now
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that guy who was speedrunning super mario in front of miyamoto himself and failed
>These alternative streams
What is this? I thought fun was forbidden at these speedrun events.
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I'll check em out, thanks senpai
>put it in
This is what happens when you let the bizarre whims of the chat infect the streamers' psyche.

TMR tried to beat it using watermelons.
I wasn't interested in Mario Galaxy but this shit is FUN
>mfw he doesn't choke playing galaxy
>but chokes on the burger instead
American ISIS where they force burgers down your throat instead
who knows, maybe they're buttbuddies with the runner and shill for him to get more exposure
I want to make a burger now
>just bending over to eat the burger off of the other guy's lap

Getting real sexual, lads.
Trannies are banned at ESA
>feeding at stream 2
Mario Galaxy is so much better, you guys don't know what you're missing out on
I want white shirt guy to hand feed me.
>Galaxy speedrun is so boring the runners themselves are dying of boredom having to do stupid shit like this
>i forgot X
>forgot to do X
Why!? He's not a new guy around
Didn't that melon setup picture have a SNES game? Why do they only run NES stuff?
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>we will eventually look back at this event as we do at agdq 2013 now
>a very specific setup
ESA is full fun.
They post lewd stuff in the stream and have fun.
This is the most fox and the grapes shit posting I've ever seen man, you're trying to convince yourself that other people's fun is fake
>stream 2 making everyone hungry
Why is this allowed, I want a burger too
>clap after every boss
Dark Souls is so cheap
you dont understand the fox and grapes fable at all.
I wish all these long as fuck games had some more fun in it.
>ds4 broke on monday
>had to start using PS3 to watch stream on TV
>new controller got here today, so back to PS4

holy FUCK the ds4 feels good in my hands compared to ds3
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because it is.
>current /srg/ is completely purged and reborn as /esrg/
>our bois go to esa 2018
go write that on your blog,faggot
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This is a speedrun event, if the actual speedrun i so boring every just start fooling around you might as well start watching something else.
I watch these streams to see speedruns, if I wanted to see people fool around I would watch another channel

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So this is the power of European speedrunning?
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"fun" is the biggest buzzword meme /v/ has ever seen
This event has just the right amount of people attending for fun to be able to happen. Next year will probably start the decline.
10 minutes to anime
Melon stream in the OP.
>duke skip is something worth clapping at now
Wow, Europe truly is filled with muslims.
Hard day mate? Do you want to blog about it?
well im a fucking retard
I tried doing this to a bag filled with air a month ago. Pulled my groin.

Does having a vagina give you thigh based super powers or am I just really fucking pathetic?
You need muscles, because I don't think your body is designed to have heavy resistance pulling your legs apart.
you need autismal strength
Am I the only one who don't see any sexual tension between eidgod and maral at all? If anything they are just good friend
last post
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No they didn't, there was even some guy straight up playing on keyboard on stream.
Thread posts: 520
Thread images: 76

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