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Splatoon 2

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 511
Thread images: 142

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I don't get this game at all. What am I supposed to do?
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Pssst, hey kid,

did you like ignore everything about the tutorial
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how do small text
the first 5 minutes of the game tell you
Shoot the walls to boost your team's side, no one else will do it since they'll be distracted by other things.
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>both maps in rotation suck
>have to wait two hours to have fun again
they're trying to learn the game, anon

don't be mean :^)
Different modes have different maps.
You could switch to regular or switch to rank, or even do salmon.
This is frustrating as hell WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO? I fought a toast boss? What is in this game?
muh split playerbase
>play round
>50% chance of doing the same map again

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>tfw play my Switch at work but no reliable wifi because I'm in a concrete bunker.
Fuck it all.
>want to do different map
>back out
>change mode
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Thank you based God.
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comfy music for the thread -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aKS7yidG62M&list=PLUBB47kO9KSJqcYOZYQSzjx4QWof7C5M9&index=12
So whats the point of ranked besides self e-peen?
>it's the same maps
I don't like ranked so turf war is the only mode i can play

stop defending bad decisions. it doesn't mean the game sucks, it just means they made a retarded ass-backwards choice
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>toast boss
That's just the beginning
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Really makes you think...
What are they doing?
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So what do the adult Squibs look like?

Its all squid kids in Splatoon right?
matchmaking in both mk8dx and arms took longer than usual today, I blame you splatfags

Should I splatoon? It seems like it will get boring, which I know is rich coming from someone who still plays arms
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this is an adult squid
That music was so damn good.

Where are all the parents in anime? On a business trip to america or some shit
why does everybody meme the bucket
it doesn't seem that good unless your dropping your hot sticky load from above
Cry moar faggot
Is is fun?
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>a weapon isn't good unless you know how to use it

Try not to get too deep there, kierkegaard.
jesus christ how horrifying
I'm gonna need some sauce for this, anon.
>short hair
Cute as h*ck
>tfw no switch
Did DJ Octavio lose the ability to take on a humanoid form at some point?
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Can someone explain how it's possible for someone to have less than 250 points when they aren't afk
A squid-shaped phone would be really inconvenient.
It has a really good hit sound effect so of course
Better than four hours which is what you had to wait on the first one.
What's the tickrate of the actual game?
Not going to get it if it is anything lower than 60
Is that a bob cut?
This wouldn't be such a problem if there weren't so many shitty maps and half the modes in the game weren't boring shit.
Who the fuck actually likes Splat Zones or Turf War? Or Moray Towers for that matter.
Like 10 dude, it's a joke game, you're not supposed to play it seriously
>3 year old cousin wants to play bibeo bame
>tell him to fuck off
>aunt yells at you and tells you to give him the controller
>groan and go jack off or something
Bad sniper or is a literal child desu
I wish all modes were available in both ranked and casual, and you could vote on them or something. Having casual mode be Turf War only is a bummer because it gets boring, but ranked mode makes my blood pressure spike.
i think the online mode shoud be blocked until you complete the singleplayer mode desu

>get your 2-star ass over to the splat zone
ARMS kind of did that by locking ranked until you finished level 4 grand prix and people hated that.
Dont you need to be lvl 10 to get into ranked??
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>Splat Zones on Towers/Kelp Dome/Underpass
yeah, but turf war is just as bad because of children that take 2 weeks to get to level 10.
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short haired squibs a cute
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>being a pedophile is just okay now on /v/
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How do I ask her in for her hand in marriage?
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>The Experimentorium level

i hate it and I didn't find the metal fish thing
do I need them?
how do squids cut their hair
But most of /v/ is sony friends and you dont count as a sexual offender while being underage
I think that was smart, they just made level 4 too hard, or rather, too bullshit. They patched it a few weeks ago though, it's fine now
where do you think you are
Is she a member of the Inkuza?
lets people who know how to play actually play

the singleplayer mode for splatoon 2 is easy as shit as well, so the requirements wouldnt be too high to play splatoon
with scissors.

squids can regrow their tentacles
I'm playing splatoon for the first time tonight, does this game have actual lore? What are these?
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Beware the bucket
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they don't do shit, you basically collect them for brownie points

i think you get a new weapon or something though, never got all them in the first one

>hating on splat zones

Literally the easiest way to spot a shitter since the rank mode is more splat oriented and gimmick weapons don't have any effect. My only gripe is that rollers are very effective on sz but that makes it more fun.
It's actually cute when squids do it.
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>does this game have actual lore
Oh boy are you in for a ride.
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git fucking gud. Jesus /v/'s casual.
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>red eyes
>not moan and jack off on him
how do I do the story mode
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*Ocelot spinning intensified*
Rollers aren't effective once people git gud. They're a low skill ceiling weapon. I play brush
Thanks fampai
>sz on dome and warehouse

Easy s+ desu underpass and towers are a little lame though.
>shipment delayed until at least Wednesday

Fuck, the one time Amazon delays sending out something, it would be this.
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>inklings pulled a rape of Nanking
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Gotta love playing with squibs. Mr. President I'm tired of all this winning.
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did you sell your soul to satan for these wins?
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>he doesn't know about the Great Turf War that drove the Octarians underground
It's kind of disgusting how seriously some of you take this game for literal children. Wanna know why map rotations are every two hours? Because you're supposed to play a round or two and stop for a while.
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The Octolings got their own back

Mostly with Callie. The rage and humiliation of a hundred thousand raped octopuses focused on one squid.
>Being sub 1k ever
What the fuck

pls respond
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How often does shop stock rotate?
>1000p turf inked has no exp bonus
The fuck?
Stop posting art that depicts Marie indecently and hit s+ with charger
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>tfw now joycons or pro controller available
Say small words.
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I love this bucket
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go into the pipe
Can someone please explain to me how gear works in this game? im seeing level 1's with 3 slotted items and im level 8 and i can only see gear with one slot available to purchase?

also can you only play with friends by joining them in a game? and even when you join you are guaranteed to be on the same team?
Go to the sewer where Callie was at.
>back tat

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Whisper with your keyboard.
Was gonna buy this game
No split screen
>Was doing well earlier in the day
>Winning almost every match.
>Suddenly start to get team members that were dumber then bricks.
>Every other game either had someone that did 0, stood on the spawn every time, treated it like call of duty, or was baby mode and was getting next to nothing.
>Was still getting either 1st or 2nd on my team on almost every round.

Jesus, and I was hoping the paywall would help weed out people. Bleh...At least I got a decent amount of time in and hit lv 10.
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I got the same today too. The game, grip, short hair Bayo, but instead of squids I got both Clouds. Good shit nigga.
Playable Octopussy when
Anyone wanna make a team?
paywall's not up yet. once nintendo pass is up the kids who couldn't get their parents to pay will be weeded out. one good thing to come out of paid online.
Just hit level 11 myself. Probably gonna call it a day. It was the opposite for me though. Early one I was getting several matches with people dropping out, but as the day went on the matches were solid.
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>split screen

If this was 2001 I would be with you but nah nigga.
I do. How though? I'm lvl 8 atm.

From the hub, follow Marie into the sewer grate, she'll squid into it when you get near her
>If this was 2001 I would be with you but nah nigga.
It's included in MK8.

Does 2 improve on the first one? I wanted to like it so badly but I dropped it after about 20 hours.
You don't know what you're talking about. Roller fills a special niche that is really effective when done right. Since sz has people grouped up near or on the zones rollers really shine the same can be said for blasters and tc. Roller has a very high skill ceiling and is a "shutdown" weapon so it still sees play in all modes. It's biggest weakness is how defenseless it is when inking even a simple flick is a HUGE commitment so a roller on a bad team is useless.
Is there a discord to organize premades, or are you guys pubbing?
Wait there's no splitscreen? Even offline?
Where's the Splatling love


Be warned that most of the players here competed against japs in splatoon 1

Yeah, but this is /v/. Every game console has some line like "you should play for 2-3 hours at most and take a break" in its instruction manual
heavy splatling has a shit set and mini is at like level 23 or something
How do I unlock the school uniform for my girl squid? I care for nothing else other than unlocking it the fastest.
Thanks guys
ʷᵒʳᵏᵉᵈ ᶠᵒʳ ᵐᵉ
Add each other and join one of our lobbies in the friend lobby when we're friends. My FC is 5658-9787-6665
Are you being dense on purpose?

You can play online against other people on teams

You can play with a team against waves of enemies

You can play by yourself in the single player campaign
>how seriously some of you take this game for literal children
so should children take games meant for 18+ serious too?
Are you shitting me? You need 2 switches in the same room to play with someone else?
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>Jeep ranking last on my team because I am perpetually distracted by my raging boner when seeing wet squid kids in short shorts

Is the special that bad? I don't have the game myself, but I remember sprinkler being useful enough with the Remix.
new gear in 25 minutes I hope you leveled up enough to get at least 1 3 star piece to appear in the shop
you better be thankful. I got blocked for 15 minutes because of that

watch out, dude. delete that shit. mods have a stick up their ass today
welcome to my pain 2 years ago. they didn't improve that or being able to change gear without backing out.
Shoot forward to make a path
Swim into that path
Repeat until you reach the middle
Shoot the enemy team, shoot the ground if they're not around
Repeat until you reach a chokepoint adjacent to their spawn
the stingray is worse than not having a special at all. You can't cancel out of it so you just end up getting fucked and you it does so little damage and turns so slowly it does nothing to the enemy.
The answer is suicide.
amiibo only
those were literally my two biggest gripes with splatoon 1
Scan an inkling girl amiibo after hitting level 7 for the top. There's ways to fake amiibos if you're desperate.
Anyone jump in rank yet?
Have you tried chemical castration you disgusting freak?
I cum on cat it hiss at penis
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Deepest lore.
the actual level doesn't matter it's based on how many games you have played since you scanned it last. I was only scanning the girl at first so when I finally scanned the boy I had to play a bunch more to unlock the other pieces even though I was level 10.
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>So what do the adult Squibs look like?
>in the ocean
Post em

>tfw I was a squid girl type of guy until I saw those shota doujins

Muh dik
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they can't. they're fighting with apple over parts production right now.
>tfw you get an erection when you imagine kids beating you at Splatoon.
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Ash impressed.png
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>Madai is a son of Japheth and one of the 16 grandsons of Noah in the Book of Genesis of the Hebrew Bible
>In Japan, Pagrus major (Red seavream) is known as madai
>they made a fucking biblical seafood pun
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This is a WOOMY thread
Not really... any dumb fuck can get $20 by doing chores or sucking their neighbor off or some shit

No pedophiles please.
>draw a girl
>it's a boy xD

Fuck this garbage can someone post some actual bois
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>final boss
>that fucking 2nd Phase and 3rd Phase music
>Sheldon's Request: Rainmaker
The final boss itself didn't surprise me at all, but I'm glad I didn't spoiler myself entirely.
>tfw poorfag without switch
i'll keep playing splatoon 1
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That's why japanese writers are better than in the west.
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Boys are also woomy
at least we're better than gay pedophiles
there's no way anyone is still online dud3
Same situation, but I couldn't bring myself to play today. It seems too pointless.
The "pedophiles are worse than literal murderers" meme gets me everytime lmao

It's always by edgy grandpas too
You get used to it.
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>play 4 comfy games in a row where a destroy kiddies
>maps rotate and im sent back to the lobby
>join new game, all jap names
>i get crushed

ha ha ha
its just like i remember

captcha is woomby!

What is it about children do you find attractive?
Best weapon sets in the game now

Carbon Roller
Splattershot Pro
Tri Slosher
96 Gal
52 Gal
Mini Splatling
Japanese """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""humor"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" is awful.
Its all puns or someone shouting EEEEEEEEEEEEEEHHHHHHHHHHHHHH?????????? to a regular situation.
anyone else's left stick a little wonky when connected to the joycon?

I have a day one neon and the thing is so fucking like fishy and it just sort of drifts a bit
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boys are NOT woomy
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>Mothership comes down to start stealing eggs
>I'm the only one shooting at it
>0 eggs timeout
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holy shit
that is not the body of a child, retard
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Their titties
I know what you mean, I put sandals on mine haha

That is the extent of japanese """humor"""
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Boys ARE woomy
>that body
>squid like

Made me reply

Are you shitting me?


Find an of age girl, anon.
>>Splattershot Pro
Why not normal Splattershot?
Inkjet is literally useless
Ow do I collect my Salmon Run rewards
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>have a switch
>no interest in a barebones online shooter

whatever shall I do
I'll add you
Boys can be woomy desu
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>"barebone online shooter"
splattershot pro has inkstorm not inkjet
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Show me a child that has giant torpedo tits
Ah a man of culture
Literally 'OwO'
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I want to play this game with my girlfriend, does it offer split screen?
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To the left of the store is a vendor.
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Making a Salmon run room for Go-getters, please respond
>Reading the sunken scrolls
>Turns out just like the Inklings, not all Octarians knew their leader was stealing zapfishes and trying to conquer inkopolis.
>They thought the final fight from Splatoon 1 was just a rad Concert
>It actually inspired marina to become a DJ

That's even more hilariously depressing for Octavio. In the end, he is the only one with a grudge.
Holy fuck this was good. Gonna read this again when I get home.
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Alright now we're getting too degenerate even for me

I gotta tap outta the thread
splat zones is THE shitter ranked mode
you just sit there and camp while you wait for a timer to go down, no strategy, no skill (thats why rollers are 'effective') and no fun
Don't salmon live in salt water then return to fresh water to lay eggs?
Or am I thinking of a totally different fish?
Did they add any more voice commands to 2? I want a new way to tell my teammates how much they suck besides spamming Booyah.
You can make rooms? I thought the Shoal was just for wireless play.
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Stop denying the truth
>when you have that 0p afk shitter / disconnection on your team and you still beat the other team
Feels nice
How long does it take for the hero weapons to show up in the shop after you clear all weapons with them?
shut the fuck up. Its just a video game with lighthearted lore, stop acting like its some dark souls level intricate history.
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woomys only
why does everyone always rush the middle and ignore the spawn in turf war? thats a large amount of turf ignored in favour of going for splats, which contributes nothing to the overall score.
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>3lighthearted lore3
>speak about death and war.
You can cover more of the spawn each time you die

It's better to go and get an early lead on the enemy team and push forward so they're forced to defend

They changed C'Mon to "this way" and when you're dead you have the option to say Ouch or Help depending on the mode.
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I concur
That is correct
I also would like to know this
You can make friend rooms during the event Salmon
This can't be the best you can come up with especially with the existence of a mode that you can literally blind fire the objective and dive with respawn gear.

It was fun to farm kills in tc but the suicide dive meta made it so after a few kills I would get swarmed and die riding the tower and slowly watch it go back to the middle.
its a metaphor for a man having lost his humanity
Post short haired woomys
Nevermind Salmon run is closed
I really, really like squid boys
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i ran out of squibs
its fags like you that end up ruining the fandom of a game or show by being so caught up in the lore and theories. Just play the game, enjoy the world and call it a day.
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>beat team in a close, satisfying victory
>find out one of their members was afk
The WORST feeling
RIP Salmon Run 2017-2017
"It was the best mode in Splatoon 2"
There's not a whole lot of good art yet
Can someone please explain this fucking ending?
good thing that's fixed now, squiddo
go back to your turf war but only 1/10th of the map matters mode and let the big boys play real ranked matches
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How many maps are there? Looking at the future rotations it seems like there's fuckall in terms of variety.
Splatting spreads ink. Splatting forces the enemy back to spawn where they cannot ink and hurt your team and splatting gives you tons of special charge. Do be that shitter staring at the floor ink and splat.
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source boy
shit, when does it open again?
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Even filthy Octarian scum value boy squids

I declare victory
u da real mvp anon
I know, right? It seems like there's only six or so maps... There's no excuse for them to not have every map from splatoon 1 + new ones
Captain decapitated him. You're just fighting his head in the games.
Is there some way to check if I actually have a post up? I made one but have no idea if it actually went up at all.
It's over?
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I will never give up
I found it funny anon, calm your tits.
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Callie is dumb.webm
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>those feet
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Trying to remix splatoon 1 maps to make them not shit, like moray towers?
Two hours
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>ruin child's entire life by sexually abusing them and they have to live with it
>ruin somebody's entire life by killing them
really activates those almonds
Get a little bit on your way to the midddle

Die, get a little bit more, and repeat

This is the most efficient way to splat turf and remain aggressive

Only splat your spawn if you just died and it's the last few seconds
I assumed that option was only with people of your friend list rather than make a room with a code since its nintendo.
what is it about retardation that finds you attractive?
masturbate to underage squid-girls until your dick fall off
ok you're still a fag tho
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You struggle against the inevitable
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Double Woomy
There are plenty more maps in the game's files. The devs are probably saving them for weekly updates. Last time they were very careful about easing the players into a larger amount of maps.
what if i don't have a dick?
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I will never die
i don't understand the logic behind this
kill yourself eunuch
then you've already succeeded
do you unlock weapons for multiplayer by playing single player this time?
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You are a failure of nature

you can't reproduce with a boy
Anyone else have an issue where there's no sound effect for hitting or being hit? I never knew how important that was until I lost it.
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Being a pedo doesn't make you a child molester tho

They are completely different and normies can't seem to distinguish the two because everything is black and white to them

>inb4 you can't control your urges

I'm sure there are plenty of pedos out there who wouldn't hurt a fly

Kill yourself
Kek okay like I said someone who dislikes sz is easily defined as a shitter.

>1/10 of the map matters
>when having map control is extremely important so you can push to the sz and quickly move between 2p sz map
>when splatting is extremely important since you can contest with more people alive on point
>when the mode is on a timer so every death is very punishing
>when the mode favors KOs so holding the point and being alive is key
>when it's the only mode where inking is just as important as the objective making tons of weapons viable

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Did you get your weaponfu back?
so what do i do with the game now? throw it in the bin?
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My Squid
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We have transcended nature and the tyranny of biology
yeah splatoon 1 didn't even have split screen either
This is a good squid.
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You can make a room with friends and then invite randoms
>splat-o-matic at level 25
Just the hero skin weapons which are just recolors
>map control
sitting there and doing nothing
>splatting is extremely important
the same as every other mode
>when the mode is on a timer so every death is punishing
as opposed to the objective actually mattering instead of a timer counting down while you sit there and camp
>when the mode favors KOs so holding the point and being alive is key
wow it's like every other ranked mode
>when it's the only mode where inking is just as important as the objective making tons of weapons viable
only because the objective is to ink 1/10th of the map and then sit there and camp

but hey if you like shitter zone you can keep playing it, im sure you have lots of practice from playing turf war
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Coop mode is great. Seemed easy at first, but once you level up a couple times you get some insane pulse pounding rounds. Its a shame its not up 24/7, I want to keep playing right the fuck now.

Oh and FUCK those flying missile assholes.
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As someone who has never played splatoon and didnt own a wii or wiiu or gc, just wow. This switch is so fuggin comfy and splatoon is so unique with the motion controls and gameplay. Switch is really going to be a great system. Everyone I know is buying them. These will be the glory days of nintendo once again!
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I win
this but unironically
good thing this isn't humor
It's back in two hours. Go play some ranked
EHHHHH?!!! Don't say such strange things, anon! baka hentai!
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Do the idols not announce the stage changes anymore?
Sonybros and Microfaggots absolutely and irreperably BTFO
neat. gonna try next time salmon run opens.
keep it up anon, maybe someday they'll put EH's in world building
only once when you get in game
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>literally whos
no irony here anon, this is a game changer. A console I can chill an drink for a while in front of my 55 inch samsung and surround sound, then go back to my computer and 40 inch tv in my room and continue the same game in my lap, fuggg. It's all the comfy from the 3ds i love but more
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>S-s-switch has no gaymes!
How can so many people be so wrong
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New game day.jpg
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How did I do today bros?
I thought Squids transcended console rivalry.
Who would want to see Squids fail?

It's why everyone says BB is good.
I can't open it but if it's the one I think you are talking about they are in the rain.
>all literally who nintendo cocksucker youtubers
>literally posts gamexplain twice

what did anon mean by this?
Callie wasn't kidnapped then?
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>90k views each
>Literal who's
Keep damage controlling, while Nintendo keeps winning
Go on...
ok, how about, it has no games other than Splatoon that anyone gives a shit about to justify keeping it more than 1 year.
>tfw the lesser minions always mob you while you try to aim your bombs
Since Splatoon became a bigger franchsie than people expected. now its considered a threat.
serious question, why am I jumping through onion rings
>buying physical DLC
a fool and his money are soon parted
Squid boys are cute!
>No real argument but t-the other modes have it t-too when I'm trying to argue the amount of importance

I'll just leave you be and enjoy my "shitter zone" where I "camp" for kills. In a game where the main mode of movement reduces you to a ripple in a body of ink in a game mode where it's most effective to play agressively and not allow the team to get coverage so you can get the knockout.

Sarcasm aside I don't even think people camp sz after a- and they do the right thing and push up.
She is not dumb.

She is right, those shades look great on her
Anyone? I've reset the switch, gone through all the in game options, console settings, nothing helps.
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>You'll never spray Sharpie ink on their faces
>no games
Its time to give it up anon
in hindsight that style of smartphone design is kinda dangerous
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It's not like getting stabbed with a pointy phone will hurt a blob of ink
How can we distinguish between a boy woomy and a girl woomy?
I would accept ARMS, but Snipperclips anon? We both know that game is pretty much tech demo shit.

Still though, I agree that the Switch line up has been pretty solid for its first few months and Nintendo has done much better in getting people interested.
When will there be better boy hairstyles? Only the original is decent.
Depends if you got the SNES mini pre-order or not to recoup the cost of all the plastic crap you got.
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Squid phones are shaped like squids but human phones aren't shaped like humans
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Tell me about it.
it's simple. Boy's dont woomy
Yeah, I got that but what does Spyke start rambling on about at the end
not everyone's poor enough to scalping

No. Mini Splatling is terrible now.
Daily, updates at Midnight.

Get the Nintendo Switch Online app, the Splatoon 2 service has a feature where you can order clothes and have them sent to Murch. A new item is added when an old one expires, so you can check that periodically for a wider selection of gear.
Really tickles the pickles...
>It's included in MK8
Fundamentally different games.
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kukuku noshing paasonaru kiddo
>Stay Fresh
>fish pun that is also relevant because freshness is style
>Don't get cooked stay off the hook
>fish pun that's also a drug psa

Pearl and Marina suck

look like arrows
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Are any of the hero weapons worth it or are they all cosmetic like in the original? The grind for all of them seems insanely bloated
wouldn't having your tentacles tied up like that cause blood to stop flowing through their brains?
Yes, why is this some kind of revelation? Do you faggots do no research whatsoever?
Does this still have insta-win shit like the Bubbler and Kraken?
cosmetics of the base weapons
>Still mad about Kraken after it was nerfed into the ground

Shitter pls leave
Thank fucking god, some of these levels like the one where the umbrella is introduced are giving me ass cancer even with the weapons they we're designed for.
Are JP hours still a thing or is there a good American playerbase up right now?
My internet is shit and disconnecting is annoying.
That took half a brain to use well for your team. You must suck if you whine about it.
>have to wait a whole day to play more salmon run

Who though this was a good idea?
When can I by more fucking clothes?
Someone... Anyone.... Please tell me salmon run goes longer than 3 turns. Please tell me I'm just too low a level
Tomorrow. It cycles daily.
Why? Also did you get to level 20 already or something
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If this isn't added as a hair style by the first content update I'm selling my Switch
you need to use a small keyboard
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ᵗʰᵃᶰᵏˢ, ᶠᵃᵐ⋅ ʷᵒʳᵏᵉᵈ ᶫᶦᵏᵉ ᵃ ᶜʰᵃʳᵐ
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>tfw the only weapons you can use competently are the rollers
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that's a boy squid
>bypassing the filter
Not using motion controls?
Someone explain to me how to Bucket, it feels really gimped compared to everything else.
which makes sense because the boy squids are better than the girl squids
it's male, sorry to disappoint you

unless you're into that
No thankfully. The only thing close is armor that prevents a small amount of damage and that takes a few seconds to activate. No more panic special shit.
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I don't use invincibility babby mode. Judging by the responses I'm guessing that garbage is still in the game since you mouthbreathers can't answer a simple yes or no question without getting triggered.
>fall of platform
>prepare for death
>secret area
that feel
Is it just me or is heavy splatling REALLY good for ranked?

The gun, sub, and special are all good for playing defensively and keeping people off the objective.
They're fried squid rings which is kinda fucked up really
No I have them switched on, I just really fucking suck at actually aiming in this game.
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crying leon.gif
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>that feel when you're not getting a Switch till black friday and missed out on ARMS and Splatoon 2 launch
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Anon, are you saying you want more squidboy armpits?
Marie wears a fried squid ring on her head
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>camera won't center while the switch is pointing upwards so I can't play while laying in bed
He wants more squidboy chest
What? Just center the fucking camera with the Y button you fucking mong.
didn't miss out on arms
Callie and Marie are adults.
I know what I'm getting into here. Gay men and straight women exist
You're a hero, anon, and I love you.
Well turf war already turned into aerospray the game
Fuck you ARMS is great
Try laying down and hold the switch above your head and center the camera. It won't.
Why not?
is it? I may buy when it's 20 dollars
What? Next Salmon run starts in about an hour.
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>post yfw lock on entire team with tenta missiles
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>No jojo merch
FUCK TOU FIRST OF ALL JOJO'S BIZARRE ADVENTURE (Jojo no Kimyou na Bouken) is my FAVORITE SERIES, ater MLP of course, and as a proud GAYMER, I will tell you to fucking kill yourself.
Pro controller vs. Split joycons what's better?
Slosher fags, please kill yourselves.
what would possess you to do this
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I have enjoyed the shit outta it, but that being said Nintendo pretty much never drops the price of games
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I gotchu
It's solid. There was a guy who mained in the winning splatoon team
oooh baby dont stop
I need more pictures of squids (male)
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this is my squid
pls be nice to her
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works for me
>Ate some thai curry
>Can still play on the toilet while I paint the walls in splatoon and in real life
I fucking love the switch and this game.
it's shill/drone speak for when the game has fuckall for content. see: overwatch
It's pretty lame that you are at a huge disadvantage if you don't use motion controls. I move around way too much to be able to use them at all.
thats a cute squid
fuck you now I want some god damn thai food
your squid sucks
how the fuck did the bears survive the earth essentially flooding?
How do you take the squid selfies
holy shit your right
how do squids get haircuts?
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Fuck off man, Snipperclips is good if you aren't nofriends. 1-2 Switch is the waste of time tech demo.
Its a two hit kill with any part of the shot.
Don't forget to wipe your butt
Sprayer will be your best friend at lvl6
I wish there was a way to export captures without that horrible compression
>wants to aim well
>recommend aerospray
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enjoy your three day vacation
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and a million hours in mspaint later
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Need an amiibo I think
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You're several hours too late
at least post saus
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>when a faggot dualie thinks he can dodge roll my heavy
>after level 14 there will be no weapons for me to look forward to until level 28
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>does this game have actual lore?
>like Dualies and the Zapper because they have a high rate of fire and are mobile
>Dualies have a shit sub weapon
>Other Dualies have an okay sub weapon but it's ground-based instead of thrown

I just want to toss grenades that can do damage while also being speedy. How do I win here?
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Why did Bluberry stop drawing oppai sqids?
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my face my soul.png
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>want to play with friends
>we arn't put on the same team
>Hes on a team with 4 level 11's im on a team with me and two level 1s.
>we dont even have a fourth player

Nintendo does it again.
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Holy shit inkbrush is so fucking fun.
I thought it is just a meme weapon.
>tfw moving at the speed of light
>tfw ambush and stunlocking people with ZR attack spam
Got 12 kills with it.
absolute madmen
inkbrush isn't in the game
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Am i fresh yet.jpg
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Rate my squid
yes it is you unlock it at level 10
it's called the octobrush now but it's pretty much the same functionality
>>want to play with friends
>>we arn't put on the same team

what the fuck is this for real? what the fuck are friend codes for?
Octobrush I meant
the inkbrush is NOT IN THE GAME
>players are more retarded than casual
looks like skrillex but even gayer (if possible)
Despite what you think, bears are actually pretty good swimmers.
He's lying.
octobrush was in the first game too

it's different than the inkbrush
lol infinite damagecontrol.

You can just be in the same... like... lobby.
yes it did in a really retarded 1v1 balloon popping mode
>He plays as a roller
I fucking love salmon run
it's like payday but actually fun and without shit like "I put sode"
Is there more than 3 waves?
god i just want to kiss a cute squidboy on the chest
I haven't posted this in fucking years but
who was phone
it's ok anon i saved your image
i can't git gud at roller somehow
It's a defensive weapon
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Wearing headphones in Sheldon's shop, I thought somebody was tapping something nearby. Who else beat story mode before doing anything else?
its a crutch weapon for those who can't into gyro
this thread has reinforced my opinion that splatoon appeals to pedophile losers smdh 2bh family
Is anyone else having problems playing online with two Switches on the same wifi? Is this an ip problem? I'm able to stay in the game fine but my brother keeps getting dropped every game part way through.
Keep trying it took me like 3 weeks to get used to them and later on I got good enough to s+ with a charger
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Me too anon, really hope they plan to add to it later.
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Hey bros where do I get good loot?
This is probably stupid but how do I play it?
Phone app.
Fuck, someone made a comic about me!
Its closed for now, wait about 30 min and it should reopen
Is there a way to change the main ability or can you get the same gear with a different main? I really like the top I have right now, but it has an ability in the main slot I wouldn't want on ANY gear.
>Using gyro
Ok but where will I be able to find it in game?
On the splatoon app you can buy black market items which have different mains but its a random store so gotta wait
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Hey has anyone else been having connection problems with Switch games?

It noticed it first in MK8D but I didn't really care then. But the game just gave me the notice that it will ban me if I don't stop DCing but its not my fucking fault!

Could the problem be on my end?
Damn. The top I got was from the app shop. Damn you, respawn punisher.
needs blue hawaii in the background
The alley left of the lobby entrance
Continue here

go to router admin & place your switch in the DMZ

if you don't understand what that is, then yes it is you.
If you got it from the app then you'll be able to find it in the store eventually then
It sucks to be technologically retarded.
>Nintendo dissing avocado on toast

Californians BTFO
>No cloud amiibo

bonus points for the bayo player 2
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>octobrush in the game
>inkbrush isn't
Thread posts: 511
Thread images: 142

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