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I just got married /v/. Check out my wedding band

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Thread replies: 293
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I just got married /v/. Check out my wedding band
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and of course, it is engraved
Way to prove you're autistic and a normie at the same time.

Congratulations on your marriage, anon.
Shut the fuck up.
why are you like this
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Cool, anon! You should get one of these, too. It'd be perfect for your chastity cage!
I fucking loathe the word "cringe", but goddamn there is no better word to describe this shit. This picture is the personification of Reddit.
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>listening to music that you buy band not diamonds to mary
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Fucks sake, I know this place is the 4chsn hive of SJW's but this is getting out of hand.
thank you, I appreciate it. The misses picked out the ring. I love it
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Cringe thread it is.
buying a ring on amazon doesn't mean the seller proposing to you op
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Hi, OP. I assume you're trolling, but I'm not. This is me and my wife's rings and I think ours beats the shit out of yours, or, at least the one you found online to be cringy.

Fun fact: My wife and I are getting a divorce after 5 years of dating and 5 years of marriage.

Even though this board hates physical IRL vidya manifestations, I was always proud of our custom-designed rings.
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haha us, too, OP
I hope you choke on it and die.
That is cool, not a big fan of gold though. Hence why we went with the black
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I want to hate this but it's just too sweet.
The /v/ I know and love.
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why would you eat a ring
ok now it sounds like you weren't trying to troll and I feel bad for making fun of it. If I saw you IRL wearing the ring I would probably call you out and say fuck yeah, cool ring. The asshole hivemind online makes it too easy to be mean.

I wish you and your wife the best, even if my relationship with mine didn't work out.
Its treason then...
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I never had anyone being so nice to me
Enjoy getting divorce, losing half your shit, losing custody to your child and giving money to your ex wife for two decades.

Why would anyone marry nowadays? There is literally no reason to.
Why would I need a chastity cage?
Oh man, that's rough dude
She's fat.
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>all that effort, including a home-cooked desert
>tfw no one will ever care this much about you
I came here to cringe not to cry like a little bitch.
Congrats OP.
Fuck (you) I hope you're happy.
>/v/ gets a gf
Triforce ring is meh, but kokiri's emerald one looks awesome.

Why the divorce?
Did you marry a faggot?
ugly skank
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>have girl that does this shit for me for over a year
>have a problem giving a shit about anything or showing interest in anything
>eventually leaves me for a more fun guy

This keeps happening. I think I'll just go it alone.
You fucking cynics need to grow up.
>implying I won't shove it down his throat
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>mfw i scrolled past their faces
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>those faces
I dont think you got married.
Enjoy your ring.
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A lot of people think that I mean the girl is cringe but really I'm criticizing the dude, why would he want such stupid shit? She's just working with what he wants and I cant blame her for that, but the dude is so generically nerdy Reddit would be a compliment at this point.
>Not having a pre-nup
Negotiating over a kid sucks but the vast majority of other problems can be avoided with a prenuptual agreement. Why people don't get them is the truly retarded thing.

>It's not romantic
That's fair. But to assume people are not allowed to change their minds for whatever reason is idiotic.
Hurr Durr marriage.

If you need to get married to live with someone you don't really care about the person.
t. polyamorous pro
>You fucking cynics need to grow up.
That's right, you have to man up and marry a girl!
B-because I said so!

Do you know how many marriages end up in divorce?
That's right, most of them.
Why are you divorcing?
What's the point of marrying, even with a prenup?
What's wrong with a free union?
Welp it happened
>not having a polygamous marriage where you have the one ring
I hope your marriage ends like shit and for you to get forced paying alimoney
Because if you live with a person long enough (in any civilized country) you are eventually considered common-law which is exactly like being married.

So people married or in common-law relationships not having pre-nups are completely fucking retarded.
>Falling for the marriage meme
lmao'ing @ your life
>tfw literal embodiments of cringe and internet 9/11 can get married and be happy but we cannot
alright I've been lurking and lurking and I just gotta know, how come this gif always gets captioned 'it's treason then'?
wow two people are happy how epic

the cringiest thing about this is that i have no gf and neither do you

She is sick all the time, and over the years I stopped being understanding of her various pains and ailments. My numbness to her doctor visits and thinking that shrink visits were kinda bullshit made her cold to me in return. Over the years she became more and more emotionally and physically distant until she was so depressed and unhappy, she attempted suicide. I found her in the bathtub with a letter and called 911. This was last year.

Shortly after this she decided she needed to move back home, which she did. She found someone else... a mutual friend of ours, and she is happier, so she says. We're still good friends, and have a deep connection (10 years will do that). It took a while for the anger to wear off, and let the friendship shine through. We just weren't... compatible over time. She became more lib/sjw, and I stayed the same and still enjoy retard jokes.

I want her to be happy but worried she'll try again.

I walked in on my wife sleeping with another man
that's a huge bitch
but really anon. i'm happy that you found youre waifu. gives me hope
>Because if you live with a person long enough (in any civilized country) you are eventually considered common-law which is exactly like being married.
No it's not.
You can live with the same person 20 years, if you never signed anything, she won't have half your shit when you break up.
literally did it for the upvotes
more deductibles on your tax return
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>ywn feel the warm embrace of another person
>ywn get to hold their hand and protect them
>ywn get cucked, because you're fucking single
Star wars reference
i live with my mom. we are not being treated like we're married
>more deductibles on your tax return
Only if there is a big salary difference between the two people.
So not applicable if most of cases.
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Because you're a cuck, anon.
anon. let's just be gay. i'll be gay with you. then none of us will be alone.

please see:
This is not me. This is a fake post.
Damn anon, i feel bad to hear that you're an actual cuck.

Im sorry for your loss.
>tfw sister got engaged to a nice guy
fucking hell now im going to be an even bigger disappointment
on the one hand, god I hope so, so i can feel better about myself
on the other hand, if that's what it is, then there isn't a good human being in the world, and we're going to be stuck on this rock hating each other until entropy destroys the universe, instead of cooperating and advancing to the stars, and discovering immortality and VR, and living in a better world with our waifus.
...I think I need to go the fuck to sleep now
Yeah post more of your wife.
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he's married, senpai, hes getting to bone his wife. how is that raising another man's son (whose mom he gets to fuck?)
oops sorry... meant
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>b-b-b-b-but they're happy

Yeah so what, it's still cringe inducing. Shut the fuck up kiddo.

just curious

was the man black?
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Oooooooooooooooohhhhhhh. Now I get it. Thanks anon
If he's a cool guy, what's the problem? You might well have earned yourself a pretty good friend.

My brother-in-law actually ended up becoming one of my closest friends.
yeah. Why?
is that juilian?
B-but anon that's a sin.
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Nobody wants to hear about relationships unless there is something wrong with it.

Besides that, it's all mushy shit and cringe. That's how it is with every kind of relationship, but that's just because we're all cynical fucks whom find it hard to show emotions of that caliber to another human being. Doesn't make it any less fucking stomach churning to see it from an outside perspective though.
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Friendly reminder that even /ourguy/ Joey is happily married with several children.


the guy is not black. She has gained like 30 pounds since leaving me, and I've LOST that and then some after hitting the gym. she is fat and gross now, and I'm built. She was a drain on my wallet (she hasnt worked in years).

It's hard to feel like a cuck when you just hate seeing her fat, still broke, and with some other sucker who shes draining the life and money from. When you get a gf upgrade and her bf is a loser in a shithole town.
>he's married
>he's getting to bone his wife
>how is that raising another man's son?
Give it 9 months. These things take time.
>(whose mom he gets to fuck)
Implying again.
4 seconds....
No. Most marriages end in divorce only if you count people who get divorced and re married and divorced again. Most people who get married, don't get divorced. And almost nobody gets divorced if you don't count people who get married really young.
im cool with the guy, its the fact she has finally made another successful step in life. Although really i should be happy for her.
learn to reply reddit baby
He must have a huge cock if it's able to penetrate a vagina despite being buried in so much fat.
>Most people who get married, don't get divorced.
Why not just call it a fucking ring
>Most people who get married, don't get divorced
No you're wrong.
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>Gets cucked by his friend
>it's ok, we're all friends now
the sad state of neo/v/
No you're wrong.
>fat finger

Did you also marry a whale?
>Americans actually pay a premium for a worthless shiny scrap

A simple gold band has a higher value than a diamond ring. Hell, a ruby or something would still be better

Diamonds are the most artificial commodity in history
4chan belongs to reddit since years KID.
That's nice
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Good luck OP, I hope your marriage doesn't end in a divorce like mine did.

>marry cute girlfriend from netherlands I've been with for years over there
>we travel around the world together, since I like going to new places
>we settle down in america
>get job, get house, we work and get everything set up
>have a kid, really great life
>3 years later
>she's pregnant again
>one day she's acting strangely
>wondering what's going on
>she's not talking much to me anymore
>come home from work one day early
>walk into my home
>hearing loud music from my bedroom
>lights are on
>door is barely open
>I look inside
>I see some nigger having sex with my wife
>while our kids in daycare
>our relationship and everything we went through just flashes through my eyes
>and our son
>and she gave it all up
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That's pretty cool dude, what does the ring of player two look like? When can we expect a player three?

so if you've ever been in a relationship and then after that relationship is over, if the other person gets in a relationship, you're a cuck?

Hmmm... if I'm neo /v/, you're a straight up /v/irgin, my dude.
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>The /v/ I know and love falls for shitty bait
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you got cucked man, she slept with a black man and kissed you with that same mouth before saying goodbye and taking your money

is this real life. thats horrifying.
Memories of a cuckold desu
why is it always a black guy in these greentext stories
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Because they're fake.
Both cringe as fuck yet incredibly heartwarming
This is what happens when you trust a modern woman.
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>sister married a rich, funny, handsome nice guy
>I'm afraid she'll cheat on him, take half his shit and ruin his life
He deserves better
Why do I feel like she gave him all this stuff just so she could make a post about it on 9gag?
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Because they're fake and they know how much black men, especially black men having sex with white women triggers this place.
worst part was with the second kid she was pregnant with wasn't my kid and I would've had to take care of her pregnant ass for 9 months if I didn't catch her cheating

wtf. she never slept with anyone else while with me. black or otherwise. The person who responded saying "yes, with a black man" was not me, and was a troll response by someone else.

sidenote: i literally do not understand the point of fake troll posts.
4chan is primarily populated by racists. Racists are generally racist because white women prefer "normie" black men over racist neckbeards. Eg: the thing that pushed Dylan Roof over the edge was his crush started dating a black man.
It's okay man, not your fault
>b-b-b-b-but it's cringe inducing
Yeah so what, they're still happy.
Shut the fuck up kiddo.
>the thing that pushed Dylan Roof over the edge was his crush started dating a black man

Is this actually true
calm down anon, just be honest. we know he's black from what you posted.
She slept with him while she was away, don't try to think otherwise.
They're fake baitposts.
It actually is

Hell many muslim terrorists start killing folk because their sisters fucked blacks
Mexicans in america wanted to genocide an entire city worth of black people
Woops, I didn't read the article. Apparently the original source retracted the story because they couldn't corroborate it.
that she posted the picture makes it obvious that she did not do this for him, but for herself to gain upvotes and online approval. he is paraded the same way like the bums in these awful "feeding the homeless" videos on youtube.
it would be sweet otherwise, but now it is the opposite.
It's not really cringe in this case, she's trying to get into a culture she obviously holds absolutely no interest in for the sake of her boyfriend. Most girls wouldn't bother to do this.
>Mexicans in america wanted to genocide an entire city worth of black people
mexican here, we acutally aren't on black peoples side so this doesn't surprise me

have a link to the story?
Holy moly.
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What kind of a cheap little faggot are you OP?

>tfw no gf
>sidenote: i literally do not understand the point of fake troll posts.
newfag and a cuck lol

this is mental illness
You have to go back
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>She found someone else... a mutual friend of ours
As much as you want to deny is, you're a fucking cuck.
A 'mutual friend' would know better than to take a friend's women while things are rough. Sounds like he stole your girl and you're trying to get over it by pretending he's your friend.
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Try again?
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How's the construction of the wall coming along?
Literally a 20 years old faggot who thinks he won at life because he has a low wage job and a girl who tells him she "loves him".

So he spent 100 USD in cheap ring with a random video game symbol on it.
He's the kind of cunt she buys rare video games but do not even have a gun to defend his home and his wife when someone will barge in in the middle of the night.
>going to mexico to get preggos
wait thats actually a thing?
>american culture
Netherlands loves them niggers.
Jesus fucking Christ, when did we merge with /r/gaming/?
lol how would you know what /r/gaming is like you fucking r*dditor? kys homolord
you fucking deserve it.
t. anon's wife (female?)
The guy ignored his wife's troubles and she almost killed herself? I'd say he did a right good fucking job ruining what he had.
yo when did imgur post this.
like I know you combed imgur for a shitty post because you know imgur is like an Epicenter of cancerous garbage shit and you found out about this through that shithole.
sorry to disappoint you but I just took this picture tonight.
I like it. It's cute, and romantic, and you both like it. It's perfect for the two of you. Best of luck, to the both of you.
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>No rock

Bruh any woman given a band like this with no rock is going to dump your ass harder than it was to convince a jeweler to engrave that awful tripe.
Im sorry our women are so trash. this the reason I have a jap.
Is it cucked to raise your (biological) brother's kids?

Asking for a friend
no. that's called helping out a family member.
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It's not even him who got this bad a taste, nothing here is actally for hm with the exception of the food.

It's her audience, the people she posted this for. She just picked the most blatantly mass-appeal nerd shit because she wanted upvotes.
You need to have a divorce first, for her to become used goods, sloppy seconds.
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>getting married
>risking losing half your stuff, kids if you have them, and the possibility of crushing heartbreak because unga bunga she's not like other girls
Literally have to be a brainlet to do that in 2017. Half of all marriages in the US end in divorce, you think you're the magic exception.
My wife fucked our neighbor one day while I was out getting groceries.

I had to run back to the house because I forgot my debit card and realized it halfway to the store, so drove back rally quick to get it.

I come in unannounced just to retrieve the thing I forgot and I hear some noises, which I thought meant she was in trouble.

I rush in and see her ass getting plowed.

Fuck her. I just don't want that slut taking my kids away from me, man, I love them so much and I do not want her to take them away from me and lie to them so that when I see them again they want nothing to do with me.

Honestly, if that happens, I am just going to end it all.
I just can't fucking stand how anytime it's a zelda reference it's either 3 heart containers/triforce or "it's dangerous to go alone take this" I'm so sick of seeing just those three things referenced about the series. Makes me more mad than it should
Rocks are for Engagement Rings, not wedding bands, of course your underage ass doesnt know better
>Literally have to be a brainlet
>posts anime
Really makes me think desu
He posted vidya, friendo
What would you recommend?
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Honestly I'd just be happy someone cared that much about me
Some little white todger is not gonna make a wife cheat on her husband. It has to be that BBC to tear up her insides and make her forget all about hubby.
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Good timing. I'm getting married soon. My girlfriend is a Nintendofag who loves Metroid and Zelda most of all. What should I get her?
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a good dicking
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Those look like you got them out of toy capsule machines. The textures are outrageously shitty
You know, pretending to be the OP works better when you're not 2 hours late and the OP hasn't already responded.
The ring is the Screw Attack symbol.
I came here to post this and to ask if Nintendo in general appeals to anyone other than "i played zelda im such a nerd xddd" faggots nowdays.
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Please tell me her last name is revell
>5 years of dating
I dont get this meme. 2 years should be the mininum for dating before you tie the knot. Anything past that,you're just pussy footing around the subject
But what if you don't really want to marry?
Like, what is the benefit?
Asking for a friend
She fucked our bull without me watching her
I actually think married people get a few tax cuts. Plus the combined incomes help alot. Its one of the few reasons why alot people refused to divorce around the recession
I know zero about zelda, so based strictly on its cancerous fanbase I have to say the cheap memetization of that franchise is an appropriate reflection of the people obsessed with it

Congratulations, Anon!
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How are Zelda fans cancerous?
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â–² â–²

They tend to be somewhat degenerates, as is anyone who didn't grow over his Nintendophase as a kid
check the vidya tattoo threads. also this >>381766643
>She is sick all the time, and over the years I stopped being understanding of her various pains and ailments.

I can definitely connect with this.

My girlfriend through eight years does have a chronic bowl infection, but on top of that she's a major fucking hypochondriac about all other kinds of shit.

Anyway, is it actually a real emerald?
Hm... fair enough.
Thanks, anon
But that post is not from a Zelda fan. It's from a contrarian hater trying to look cool.

And any vidya tattoo is a terrible thing.
That was sort of adorably if only because of the effort.

Until that fucking eyebrow piercing.

I kekked

Have nintendo fans, dare I say it, finally surpassed sonic fans at sheer autism?
Every female LOZ fan I've met has ended up being hardcore into cucking
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I just got married too, check out my ring.
What's wrong with his eyebro
Found the mgtow cuck
Awesome man! I hope to find a fellow geek wife someday haha! Upboat for you sir!

I ask every grill I see with a 'teh HUGE rock' if it's real and they always reply "Of course."

Then I say "Let me guess: you had a store in the mall look at it, right?"

They get quiet and look away.

Then I ask them "What's a carat?"

Not once have I ever heard the correct answer.

Women are all stupid, untrustworthy, liars.
why can't white girls cook for shit? it's always has to be either central asians or spanish chicks
love is stupid like that. and it's good
>not dressing as a girl to trick god
two things can meet halfway through.
Like, a good artist can be inspired by money to make a masterpiece
>But that post is not from a Zelda fan
I didn't mean the post, I meant the overwhelming popularity of zelda amongst chic geek tumblrites that he mentioned. I guess it straddles the line between geeky and mainstream, like that bazinga TV show.

sure any vidya tattoo is a terrible thing, but the frequency of triforce tattoo appearances is unavoidable. and it's as good an indication of the person's mentality as tribal tats are for dollar store dudebros.
Because the cooking skills don't already come out of the cardboard box sitting in the freezer.

If a chick has any type of piercing, she is a slut.

The type and/or number of piercings determine what kind and to what degree.

Tongue - Fat and/or sucks cocks non-stop and/or sucks/fucks niggers.

Belly button - Attention and/or literal whore.

Clit - 100% full blown slut.

But on a side note, I would fuck them all of them but I would not give then my real name or ever see them again.

>There is a God.

Nigger, I killed that faggot in Xenogears.
>unironically wearing a wedding band

>Wearing any type of jewelry.
>Having any tattoos.

Sorry but my pure Aryan body is a gift from Odin, why would I defile it with garbage?
Aryans were tattoo'd pierced boat mongrels that raped, pillaged, and defiled Europe.

Fucking Metal.
because rebelling against gender roles and normal body mass combined with the need for instant gratification results in abandoning cooking skills and overindulging in processed shit while teaching your little princess that REAL girls don't need to learn how to cook and are healthy, beautiful butterballs
I don't know what's more redd*t the OP or this thread?
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oh god that code
Triforce hm?
Here's the bull?
haha check out my wife's awesome new tattoo lol
But anon, we have to get out of home once in a while for that to happen. Too much of a hassle for what it's worth.
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Take that back.
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Nintendo fandom is literally a mental illness at this point
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Dude I fucking called it when I saw the rings, girls who are into video games, especially from our generation, always have a litany of physical and mental ailments.

They have fibromyalgia and bipolar and chronic fatigue syndrome and all kinds of other bullshit. They may be cute and edgy when they're 17 and you date them in highschool, sex + video games is amazing, but that shit wears off fast and you don't want to tie the knot to that shit.
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Ah, I see you are a fan of the Hojo clan
>wedding ring
>you can buy those online with the engraving in packs of 3 to 5 for a fucking dollar in various sites.
Nice lie.
>via 9gag.com
just end yourself you fucking faggot
>Let me guess: you had a store in the mall look at it, right?"
Is that even english?
Because instead of spending time learning basic skills like cooking, cleaning, and math, they instead spend their time on their knees, legs spread wide, taking dick from anyone who happens to make the vagina tingle.

Source: Lived with a teenage girl for 2 years who spent her entire time from 16-18 grounded and/or suspended for drugs/drinking/stealing/sucking dick at school.
You truly are the winner in life, anon.
That's the dream.
Even if I had dated somebody as loving as her, I just can't show appreciation for such love.
They play Pokemon competitively, it's safe to say they are with that alone. It's just that Sonicfags are very loud.
Think CWC's 'tism to Uli.
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>Then I say "Let me guess: you had a store in the mall look at it, right?"
>They get quiet and look away.
Maybe they were bewildered by your nonsensical blabble

I'm white and male; of course I'm a winrar.
>white women prefer "normie" black men over racist neckbeards
First of all, virtually EVERYONE prefers EVERYTHING over neckbeards.
Sscondly, most women of all races (save for roasties, fat bitches, trailer trash, and women getting back at daddy) prefer anything over blacks. Outside the BBC meme, we're basically a rung or two above neckbeards on the potential suitor ladder.

t. A perpetually frustrated negro.

I'm on year 10 with no plans for marriage.
We have seen so many marriages come and go and destroy our friends that we have even less interest in it than before.
Because in some countries getting married is financially a bad fucking idea unless you additionally live together?

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>No other sizes of this image found.
for fuck's sake OP
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I'd rather be alone than be with you
>4chan hive of SJWs
/co/ is more SJW desu
The reason for that is that some women have an insane "princess complex" about marriage. They have thought about that day for a long time, and have raised it to a ridiculous pedestal in their mind. Then when the reality strikes, that its just a single day and after that everything continues normally they somehow cannot comprehend it. Like, they think that everything changes after marriage, when in reality nothing changes.
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Not by much. This place needs to be purged.

As a white male, I've fucked a single negress in my lifetime.

I asked if she had a thing for white guys and she said no really, she just couldn't stand niggers.

I laughed and gave her the dick.

She then said she was shocked that my cock was as big as it was for a white guys.

I laughed.
this gets worse every thread I see it
My eyebrows cringed but my heart was warmed
until i saw that fucking eyebrow piercing
>I fucking loathe the word "cringe"
This is cringeworthy
Because most people want an expensive marriage and the tax cuts they'd get wouldn't make up for it. Marriage has no real benefit aside from that. If the two of you love each other, a silly ring isn't going to change that. Of the two of you are going to split, a silly legal contract isn't going to prevent that.

Dont be cucked. My gf and I talked about marriage and I straight up told her "unless there's a good reason, I dont see why. I love you but dumping all that money on a market designed to milk the fuck out of you over the psychological manipulation of 'if you love them you won't save any expense' is foolish. We can go on vacation or something for half of what we'd spend on that."

I pretty much raised her since she had no father figure and I dated her when she was 14 and I was 25 (lol Maplestory), now she's 23. So she very much listens to all advice I give and understands that I have a more mature outlook on things.

Pic is a custom ring I wear though, just so it symbolizes to others I'm in a long serious commitment. She had a custom crafted Madoka ring and I wear this Homura one.

Smart man.
This whole thread needs to be moved to Reddit.
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haha cringe there so dumb


Age gap, noice.

I'm 31 and she's 20; only problem is that I look 24 and 86% like her brother.

So I was this weird big brother/daddy hybrid for her.

She was just a young, introverted, shy, white, QT thing for me to mind fuck and then toss aside once I grew bored of her.
is there a bigger warning sign that a girl who 'loves' zelda?

if i see any kind of gaming merchandise near a girl i turn 360 degrees and walk away
This 100%
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>literally wew
Yes? Wife, husband and Ganonbull.
Something feels wrong about this but i can't put my finger on it.
Hes a pedo.
Yea, I'm really baby face son still. straight up look like a college student despite my age. People think I'm lying when I tell them the age gap between us until I show ID. Of course, we never tell anyone we were dating while she was underage; we always just say we met online when she was 18.

I dont look like her brother though, caus she's half Japanese had Russian, and that's a really unique combination of features that I'm nowhere near.
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>open thread
>OP isn't an ironic shitposter
kill yourself
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Hebe* learn the difference. I like petit small chested girls, not actual kids. She still looks exactly the same now as she did when I met her, just a better grasp of makeup, better fashion sense, and longer hair. For that, in pretty much look the same as when I first met her too.

I always find it weird how people can go at you for being sexually attracted to someone who's already of breeding age. Their body features most likely aren't going to see that dramatic of a change between the age of 14 and 18 since girls enter puberty earlier than boys. In my case, she didn't change at all. What difference did it really make if I held off until 18? For that matter, I also find it really weird how people will crucify you for it but at the same time fail to realize that there's a huge market for "18, BARELY LEGAL HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT" porn completely being oblivious to the fact that biologically men WANT young women naturally. Not children, but freshly sexually matured maidens.

All of those "YES, SHE'S 18" moments really speak a lot to how hard we repress ourselves. By that age, they're going to be having sex anyway, so what difference doesn't really make?

tl;dr - We were evolutionarily built to seek women with the most fertile eggs, just as they were evolutionarily built to seek men who would protect them (most girls prefer older men and vice versa). As a society we can condition our young to think against their natural impulses with strong social stigma (we are also evolutionary programmed to be extremely social, thus negative social repercussions are extremely painful to us mentally) but that doesn't mean those urges don't exist.

Don't be a beta cuck and do what you were made to do. Fuck a teen. Captcha so fucking related, holy shit. Even google knows
>For that, in pretty much look the same as when I first met her too.

For that matter, I pretty much look the same as when I first met her too. I should probably put on my glasses and stop using my phone to post from bed as soon as I wake up.
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>having the triforce as a symbol of marriage
this is the stupidest fucking thing you could have done.
are you polyamorous or something? who's the third wheel in the relationship
Reported to the FBI. Enjoy getting rape in prison.
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Fixed for ya sir
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/v/eogaf has become worse than /v/eddit
You're a good guy anon don't stop being you.
She was mentally handicapped, there are many more girls out there
i really don't get black people memes
>dats yo neck!!!!
god damn how can they do that still? i remember this shit 8 years ago
To be fair, she said she didn't know anything about coding so that was someone else's blunder
Or maybe it's because she's a woman and thus doesn't know anything about "nerd culture" other than what has mass appeal so she genuinely thought they were gifts he would like. Not everyone is that selfish, anon.
that theory falls apart as soon as you realized she made a post about it
Maybe someday you will have a significant other and understand why people like to show off their relationships online
>understand why people like to show off their relationships online
enlighten me? what other reason other than for attention?
You fucking groomed her jfc
>just gave this fucker another view

Joke's on me, I guess.
kys yourself
That's a lie.

You don't know any females.
>no girl will ever care about you this much
cringing at my own life familia
Kill yourself. Do you happen to be a mudslime by the way? Would explain youre pedophile behaviour
Are you two retarded? There are jewelry stores in malls in America. Kill yourselves.
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