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Thread replies: 547
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>w-w-what about adding something original like a female robo-
>leaving all the referral bullshit in the url
>Spear throwing niglet

This can't be real.
There's literally one black character, and he isn't even from Africa. I'm not seeing a problem. Probably because I don't play this trash.
>Child soldier
>Is African

It is realistic.
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Man watching /v/ meltdown over this - of all things - is fucking great.

I want more of this shit just so I can hear you faggots cry about it
Blizzard might be secretly red pilled
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official thread theme
Why would /v/ be upset by hilarious unintentional racism? She's literally a fucking spear chucker.
It's literally the same concept as Iron Man's shitty new replacement.
Problem with this game is not enough white people

Like, I know the majority of all human beings are not white, but still, we lead the most advanced countries, we own most the wealth and land, and the least Blizzard can do is acknowledge this achievement and place more white people in the game
Yes, that jap comicbook invented short black haired peppy girls that put their hands on their hips.
Yeah but who is that
I don't know, but they sure as fuck are upset
>hands on their hips

And between them ;)
>>literal spear chucker
Where are you getting this information from?
in game footage leak from the other thread
>playing overratedwatch
All the New Characters of Overwatch who appeared after launched have been.
>A Dark-Skinned Old Egyptian Woman and Pharah's Mom
>A Dark-Skinned Latino Talon Agent Woman
>A Dark-Skinned African Girl

Who knows, this could be a fakeout on Blizzard's part.
I just want more actually unique and diverse characters. Liberals think diversity means random skin colors, but that isn't actual diversity. It doesn't matter if you have five characters of differing races if they are all similar in disposition.

In a world like Overwatch, things like robots and unique weapons/abilities are what make the characters diverse. I want more robots. I want a character that walks on four legs for example. I want more characters that can fly.

They added characters like Winston and Bastion, and just abandoned it in favor of more generic random humans people are supposed to relate to and draw porn of.

Where are the melee DPS and support characters for example? Granted she could end up having these unique abilities so it makes it better in that case. I'm hoping the theory of her piloting a robot (or manning it remotely) ends up being what they do.
>two male robots exist
>Dude no females allowed lmao
>1 black character
>Blizzard get triggered /pol/tards to unintentionally cry about their game

they are cute
Bastion is actually a girl
Are you referring to Winston or am I missing one?
>i dont play this trash
>but i know the characters
>and i care enough to post in this thread about something i dont play
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Good news, the new hero isn't this. It'll likely be a female robot as mentioned in this leak that already predicted alot of stuff that came true. They also even leaked the fact that blizz would release a tease with this Efi character.

I really don't get how anyone would think blizz would let you shoot and kill an 11 year old girl or that they'd even reveal a new character in such a non-chalant way like this. This is obviously a teaser to the next hero and not a reveal.
> Overwatch is introducing a LOLI character now
can't wait for the porn
Reaper is black
I mean, under the clothes
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Around 40% of the characters are already female, this reeks of either waifu pandering or progressive virtue signaling on Blizzard's part
>but i know the characters
Porn's good desu
>and i care enough to post in this thread about something i don't play
saw people getting triggered and couldn't help myself
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He's a bean.
It's definitely the former.
I'll say it again. What if the character is actually a robot and she just built him, and this is just for backstory? It even says in the interview she makes robots with AI, it makes more sense.
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>this thread is going to be remade all day

good shit
Hey atleast tumblr could take a joke
Reaper must be pretty strong. Even one of those guns would be hard to aim quickly with two arms, they're huge.
He looks pretty black actually. Or at least mixed.
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>yfw virtue-signalling autists are going to shit it up every single time someone says nigger and people are going to act like they're from /pol/ just to collect (you)s and people are going to act like they're from tumblr just to collect (you)s

>atleast tumblr could take a joke
People still play this shit game?
It's sad to see that Paladins the free Overwatch have more regular real updates with new champions than Overwatch which is a paid Blizzard game. How are you guys okay with this? Just play Paladins.
I thought so too at first, but Ana, Zarya, and this new character don't really look like waifu material
Porn when
He does look light skinted, but he's just a shade of brown, and with the last name Reyes, he's of Spanish decent without question.
Two characters in an entire year is pathetic. I think Blizzard never planned to actually put much effort into Overwatch post launch. They want to keep it free by putting minimal effort into it so that the people who spend real money on loot boxes can keep them making a profit on the game
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>still playing Overwatch
Sombra, Symmetra, Lucio, Winston, Reaeper, Junkrat.

Good going blizzard, we need more diversityt
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Reminder she comes from this tribe of retards
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lol i stand corrected, why do White alt-righters feel threatened when blacks aren't being criminals most of the time?
You mean in fiction? Go back to reading Harry Potter.

is this bait or a joke i dont get it
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>it's another /v/ sees a brown person in a video game and feels racially persecuted episode
Stop posting that, no one cares about your favorite taiwanese porn comic from the 90s,
I really don't give a crap one way or the other, when the FUCK are they nerfing that fat piece of shit Roadhog?
Fucking this. Why can't she be a cutie. Is bliz afraid if they make attractive characters there will be too much porn?
> Overwatch has 9 white playable characters in a roster of 23
> All of them are either super intelligent or highly competent bad assess
> 7 of the 9 are morally righteous and decent people
> The 2 that aren't have the excuse of being brainwashed and raised in an irradiated hellzone

> One little black girl shows up and seems to be nice and smart
> Likely won't even be playable
> /v/ loses their shit all day

You faggots deserve every negative video game experience you get until the end of time.I hope they make a trans planetkin character who fights with the power of free bleeding just to spite you.
Never because their head-kike mains him.
why the FUCK do they always need to add minorities into everything? holy fuck
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that black loli is fine to me, waiting for nsfw
Next patch actually

Isn't she from Africa, not America? She's a majority then.
I wonder if you'll be saying that when white people are the minority in america. In less than 50 years.
>In a game of 23 characters from all over the world, 10 of them are white
>Add second black person in game
As a white person, I truly understand what it feels like to be subjected to genocide, now. This experience of seeing two black people in a video game really opened my eyes to the realities of anti-white persecution.
you sure put a lot of effort into that post
have a (You)
shadbase will deliver,
>attractive characters

I bet you come from that den of SJWs known as /pol/. 4chan has always been a tolerant playground of delicate baby-faced people of color and that kind of intolerance just isn't acceptable here.
I suggest you follow the rules otherwise they'll ban your linked facebook account.

I fucking hope so, else they should give every character an instant kill button. Sheesh.

Overwatch is their propaganda machine, thats why the game is very casual, they try to spread their bullshit has many they can, including the fact that they aggressively marketeer their game to the sky, they dont need to pull updates, that isnt the game is about
>implying Dudley isn't Indian
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This videogame is all I have. All *we* have. And instead of playing it, I'm going to spend a long night on /v/ letting everyone know how disappointed I am in Blizzard.
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Time to burn it all down.
Now the hook puts you in not lethal distance (unless you are tracer)
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>People crying about different nationalities and ethnicities being implemented

You know this game is about people from all around the world banding together under the flag of Overwatch, right?
o-oh yeah tribe of retards...
Because it's a game about international heroes. Technically they're not minorities because the game takes place on a global scale.
>wanting to fuck a retard
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>11 years old

Sure thing.
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That sounds reasonable.
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Can't wait to play her and spam WE WUZ in chat
>*Autistic Screeching*
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There is LITERALLY nothing wrong with little black girls.
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>loli bait
>robotics genius
>child soldier
>spear chulker

The madmen, this will trigger everyone.
Isn't there already a black character in Overwatch?
What, is one more breaking the quota?
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You do realize Blizzard has already censored like 90% of the memes in chat right?
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Fucking disgusting, how hard is it to design a black loli without making her look like ugly dogshit. This has to be some progressive bs, there's no other excuse for this
Anon, I love you
Give me one other example Blizzdrone
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I unironically hope they introduce a Thai ladyboy hero.
There's only Lucio, who's Brazilian. This is the first African in the game.
I'm not autistic enough to sperg about black character in a video game about a worldwide organization fighting worldwide problems.
But holy shit make the character presentable, they already dropped the ball with Sombra's Bratz design but this shit is even worse, who the fuck wants to play as a realistically designed nigger little girl.
Americans can't seem to be happy unless there's An Enemy to blame.

Now with cameras everywhere and BLM disappearing, you can't just drag a darkie, beat him up and put him on the news and warn everyone about how the darks are coming after YOU next.

So instead, focus on the Muslim menace.
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>/v/ hates brown lolis now

what the FUCK happened
Wow that white girl painted black sure showed me
>Just a generic anime face colored black
>Loli with huge tits
Into the fucking trash.
>Actually has an interesting backstory and a cool design.
>Isn't just a perfect person of color with a 200 IQ and mary sue because black people aren't allowed to be bad
That doesn't make you look any less of a retard.
well now he HAS to make it
Man people act like africans never fucking looked like this and some tribes still do to this day, holy shit did you guys think all africans are upright business men?
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Pharah a cute, they might as well stop trying since they won't top her.
I must say this thread is less angry than I expected.
I always get people good with shit like this
>muh muh Africa has no resources! muh we wuz kangs! muh stick huts in 2017!!!
>post some smokin hot non-hormone grass fed tribal bitches
>/pol/ cucks are now faggots
>Let's make a game about heroes coming together from all corners of the Earth
>But let's make them all white to keep the racist autists from sperging out
Perfectly reasonable.
I don't know what the fucking complaining about.
Overwatch's cast has a bunch of diverse characters in it anyway, shit they've even got blue people in it.

The only bridge I see being too far is a shit design and nothing else.
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There's more than one. Learn to count
>ow hard is it to design a black loli without making her look like ugly dogshit.
Very hard if you want them to look real. Blacks look like weird monkeys, so if you wana make a black kid it looks like a scrunched up little monkey.

Does this include sports too?
They might as well stop adding women at all, since they won't top Mercy.
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>mfw SFM involving her
Do you retards really think blizzard is going to have a child as a playable character in a game where you shoot eachother? A game with as much porn as Overwatch?
Not a fucking chance.

If you read the blogpost, you'll see she's a robot-building prodigy. She's going to be controlling some kind of robot from a distance, and not actually be in the game herself.
Loli fareeha is the sexiest. Why isn't there porn of her getting fucking examined by teenage mercy.
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Because pharmercy is cancer.
Wait a second

>Child Soldier
>Robotics Genius
>Rumored to remote pilot a mech or something similar

We wuz metal gear and shit?
I don't get it
Lol they litteraly made a black tribeswoman. Those madmen.
/v/ is autistic-screeching about her character design up and down this thread but did fucking anyone think that she won't be playable?
She's a robotics engineer. Maybe she built whatever robot hero is next to come out? Maybe she's a two in one hero with a robot? Maybe it's literally just for story reasons?

If it's another Tank then I'm glad.
>controlling from a distance
I'll go for the easier explanation that she simply created the omnic that will be the new character.

Yes, come to me little black child. Let me show you the hospitality of our people
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Happy now nigga?
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Literally no effort put into her design, holy fuck.
They just took a african woman pic and turn it into a game character.
If she really becomes a playable character they better make some really fucking good skins.
Pedophiles ladies and gentlemen
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Serious question. How many people complaining about are trolling because they're bored shitters who get off on creating conflict and how many of you are legitimately upset by this?
Yes Mercy molested Pharah with experimental regenetive tech and now she has cancer.
I refuse to believe that any magic healing beam in scifi games isn't just a cancer gun
I know, but let's stop fucking around with the semantics. He's black, he's a black Brazilian. They've got a whole cast system there about your skin color.

I'm just saying that Overwatch pretty much has fucking EVERYONE in there, so I don't know what could get people upset outside of having a shit design, or someone in a fursuit or something.

This is Overwatch, not Battlesnore. If they make a transcharacter, the design isn't going to be shit. And if they play well, who gives a shit.
A lot of people are thinking that she'll be back up or building the new Doomfist, but still to early to know anything for sure.
Do they speak kikongo?
>A Ugandan somehow does some ground breaking science in artificial intelligence

Not in this century.
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They won't do it.
I mean, characters have a line for whenever someone kills another.
Having to write lines about some grown up soldier killing a kid is fucked up.
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A shame
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When will they stop adding American heroes?
I thought the mixed race girl from Boondocks was cute. They should've added her.
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Your headcannon is shit, and you should feel like shit.

Literally nothing wrong with brown girls except if they are muslims.
In assfaggots you can shoot a little girl with guns
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I look foward to the little nigger getting in. It'll spawn so much fucked up porn of it that the media might even take notice and make a hard connection between the game a sick pedos, lol.
Too soon
you spin me round round baby right round
asian girl*
That's because majority of people playing the game, even if they are white, don't give a shit about characters not being white, only autists on /v/ get triggered by this shit.

>pushing an agenda
well you're doing the same by sperging about the characters not being white. In the end /pol/shits and sjw are two faces of the same coin
Are you saying Ana/Pharah are copts or what?
What makes it clear she won't be a character is that she's like a 9 year old.
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>That is "everyone can be a hero" libtard agenda pushing
Holy shit, do you really feel threatened by this idea?
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Or, You're total basket case that thinks were in the fucking 40s where we got white this, white that, colored this, colored that and hasn't stepped out of his edgy little bullshit box to see some truth that White men aren't the only people on the planet.
Why not?
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>Adding a kid to Overwatch
Didn't they already try to do this with D.VA but then their publisher told them to fuck off because people would lose their shit if they made a game where you could shit kids?
I can almost guarantee that she will pilot it remotely. No way Blizzard has the balls to have a child actually in the battles.
>Boss you have 6 targets
Inb4 she has some kind of ability that keeps her from dying.
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They did this exact same shit in the Marvel comic universe
>sonic can't exist because blue hedgehogs aren't the target demographic for vidya
>metroid can't exist because women aren't the target demographic for vidya
>senran kagura can't exist because women aren't the target demographic for vidya
Wew laddy
So? As long as her model is in the game porn will be a sure thing. It doesnt matter if she is playable.
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le bulge
>waifu pandering
>a container with volatile disease fluid
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>yfw this game concludes with the entire global colorful cast uniting in love in harmony to fight together against an evil orange ball that is trying to kill all of Earth
...why not...? If they made another white male character and tumblr got triggered over it, would you be asking the same thing?
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>shit kids
ohh lad im gonna get this game now
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Considering there's no trace of them being muslims, and that they even have tattoos of gods from another religion, probably.
Although what probably happened is that Blizzard is just making what people think people from those countries are like.
I mean, when you think of Egypt, few people think of the current situation, a lot of people don't even know it's full of muslims.
They think of the old Egyptians, of pharaos and all that.
Yes, she's definitely not going to be the next playable character, unless she's all grown up.
She's probably the backstory to some new omnic character.
But we already have 3 trans characters, diva, sombra, and tracer
Why else would they be good at technology?
>niggers caused the omnic crisis
I knew it all along.
>He unironicly defends nationalism
B-but muh lines in the sand and incestual purity!

>Any nigger that's in any game is an attempt to push an agenda, because they sure as shit aren't putting them in the game for the players.

Basketball is predominantly black, American football is basically half black and soccer has various black teams and members.

Does your statement include sports?
why are you quoting yourself
Men, so many red pils and agendas

And i thought i was fucked up when i was younger
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No, according to Sombra's comic or whatever, the Patriots, Cipher, Illuminati, Jews, Moloch, whatever of the OW universe is something that has the symbol of an eye.
And then we have Zenyatta praising something called ''The Iris'', so it's probably either some omnic god, or an AI.
Stop replying to retarded people anon
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>Globalization is a good thing

Yes I really like competing with China a country that can undercut any market by just making their population's living condition complete and utter hell.
>someone drew a picture once that told me only SJWs in "normal people" masks say this, therefor you're wrong haha!

Yeah no. You can't throw a shitfit over the race and sex of a character not being to your liking and claim you're any different from SJWs who throw shitfits over white men. No amount of drawings is going to negate the fact that you are, in every sense, just as obnoxious, racist, and hyper-sensitive as the SJWs you claim to despise.
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>female robot
>original concept
>What's better than a barely accountable regional government trying to micromanage your life?
>An entirely unaccountable foreign government trying to micromanage your life!
Globalism is a natural development. If the US stop pursuing it someone else is just gonna take charge.
I'm upset cause I don't like playing as ugly people.
>WAAAAH there aren't enough black characters in a game, muh bigots, muh racists

>WAAAAH there aren't enough white characters in a game, muh liberals, muh sjw

whew, I'm starting to see a pattern

International Jewish conspiracies are so boring and passe. I want cool cyberpunk conspiracies already, not this dull end of 19th century junk, damn it.
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I sexually identify myself as FIM-92 Stinger.
Stay out of my safe space or i'll be forced to shoot you down.
globalism is garbage
>Oh men, new info about a hero of OW, lets se what /v/ thinks about
>oh boy
>unironically feeling pride from social constructs
Getting pretty spooky in here.
Because humanity is garbage.
How progressive.
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jesus christ what a disgusting creature, I'm gonna need more booze to get me through the day
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>mostly non-white cast
>white characters look like faggots or are complete jokes
>brown characters are all about intelligence and technology
>omnics are not-muslims with the game portraining them as mostly peaceful as long as their god (ALLAH) doesn't make them go Snackbar on humanity with only Russia actually fighting them (ISIS)

Blue-pill the game
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So it begins.

The eternal shitposting threads with /pol/ boogiemen and anti-/pol/ boogiemen.

Little do they know, they both shit up the board, making it impossible to actually discuss these topics, or even discern whether it's meant in jest or not. But boy, they sure think their 'side' is more right than the other, because their cause is clearly more virtuous,

We shall never just discuss vidya again - all hail shitposting retards and their unsubstantiated opinions.

Remember guys, every board is /pol/ infested, and every black character is a diversity push,
If everyone was nice, no one would have a problem with globalism.
How exactly are they going to get away with letting people murder an 11 year old
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Have fun """"""""""""seizing"""""""""""" the means of production friend. I'm going to break my legs and live of your taxes.
At the very least they're not hardcore Muslims, what with the tattoos, of religious symbols no less, and they don't cover up their faces.
>mfw the next character will be some chiseled Aryan from Scandinavia and it will be the turn of all the sjws to get butthurt
And a majority of the players do not have a problem with this. Why do you?
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>white characters look like faggots or are complete jokes
Explain this.

>omnics are not-muslims with the game portraining them as mostly peaceful
Even though they just had a worldwide war against them, and they are implied to be the Illuminati of the OW universe?
There are more than white men playing Overwatch Anon.

I would. Overwatch is already plenty diverse. Regardless of what race the next character is, everyone should be fine with it.
that guy doesnt count
Stale pasta
>Where are the melee DPS
I wish they could just make Genji have his sword be another mode that can get powered up with his ult
can't wait to see her porn
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>bump up D.Va's age from 15 to 19 to avoid SJWs flipping out
>make a nigger loli

Why couldn't they at least use the Mexiloli?
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That guy looks like an even gayer Milo.
Not even just that, plenty of white men playing the game don't want a cast of only white men.
Looks gay
>Implying nationalism is any better
Several reasons
>The game has no obligation to make all of its characters the same race and sex as its core demographic.
>Most white men don't get triggered by having the OPTION of playing a black woman. If you do, you are not Overwatch's target demographic and therefor have no say in what characters Overwatch should have.
>This is a non-issue for the vast majority of Overwatch players because, unlike you, they understand racial and national diversity is a core theme of Overwatch. If this theme bothers you, stop playing Overwatch and stop participating in Overwatch discussion.
>There are already 6 white male characters in the game. They are the most represented race/sex demographic.
>Considering how many people in China play Overwatch, if demographic representation was truly your concern, you'd be clamoring for more Chinese men, yet you are not.

There's your answer, friendo.
finance student here, you are a retard if you think that capitalism doesn't benefit greatly from globalism.
Stupid white trash.
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Not-Captain America doesn't?

Oh yeah, I bet he feels very attracted to Reaper, doesn't he, Tumblr?

That's just him in his wilder younger days.
Considering we've already seen concept art for one, and there are most definitely "male" robots in the setting?

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She got raped to death remember by the jornaleros remember?
They would have to confirm S76 as a dirty pedo who goes south of the border for target practice and underage poontang.
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This world is doomed, how comes nobody cares to check the facts, to read what is presented to them. Everyone stays with the first couple of lines and the easy pictures.

SHE IS NOT THE HERO, THE BLIZZARD POST MADE THAT VERY CLEAR. She is just a scientist that works in Robots.... ergo... if she is related to the new hero, she is the creator of it.
>trying to be sensible

Anti-globalists are literally glorified commies who hate free markets.
She won't actually be on the field? Probably control a robot from a secret location or some shit.
But i'm saying the opposite.
Globalism is bad because humanity is bad and a clash of cultures only leads to conflict.
You faggots were more fun when you didn't care about any of this shit. God, I need a drink.
Yeah you are right

Al the characters should be white males with neutral personality

Even more, not white males, all the characters should be skeletons

Fuck it, lets have not characters at all
blame /pol/

what are you drinking tonight?
being a poltard aside, hispanics are not a race so they can be black white mixed asian whatever the fuck you want them to be
I will save you the trouble of typing this next
>all the characters should be skeletons

I'd be down for that.
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Maybe they should consider making every future female character an Amari.
this image is so dumb, literally the only similarity is the fern hair.
except chinks want to play as white people, they don't have the same representation complaints as white people do on behalf of brown people
I can't disagree with you

The joke is they won't, /v/ is shitting itself over nothing.

Reminder that metal gear solid 5 was supposed to seriously takle the African child soldiers in war with you supposedly Killing them but it didn't. And that was from a Japanese company who wasn't restricted by Western values, what makes you think overwatch will do it.
Pick one
A) She's not the playable character. She built an omnic/robot and that thing will be the playable character. (Likely)
B) She controls an assortment of playable omnicbots (a tank, a healer, or a range damager) and when one dies she can summon another and take control, and they share an ult pool. And she can't leave the spawn room & just teleports to further up spawn rooms when her team pushes further on attack. (Less likely)
C) The article is actually from 10+ years ago in the Overwatch timeline, so when she's actually in game it's 10+ years later and she is at an ok age to brutally murder (also a good option)
Have 76 save her, and make her his daughterwaifu
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that explains why /v/ lost their shit over Lucio and Symmetra

oh wait
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Try again.
It's dumb someone 9 years old is advanced in robotics.

Not only that, but she's african.
No, I don't mean black. I mean african. The country that can't get its shit together and has people living like we lived 10000 years ago. It's pretty implausible that someone from there gets advanced roboticist knowledge that quickly.

And it's also implausible that she does all that and still retains traditional african tribalist garb and makeup. That's typically not associated with civilized society.

If it was a 9 year old black american, or european, it'd be one thing.
But this feels like pushing "everyone is the same" bullshit.

Probably absinthe. I prefer to get drunk fast.
Blame feminists and liberals who needed everything to be a soapbox for race and identity politics, especially video games
I just want an ex-yu character in the game. Maybe a Croatian chef or something.
If you read the /v/ leak you know, she is the creator of Anchora, the robot tank that will play a role similar to Reinhardt.
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>african ooga booga
If you read the article, you'll see that's not accurate.
Obviously, she's not going to be playable, but C isn't why
Eat my cock.
But there have been zero black people so far
>/v/ is shitting itself over nothing
Then pretend that they didn't when the actual playable hero is announced
In the Overwatch universe Numbani is the omnics capital of the world. It's not strange for robotics experts to be living there.
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It's crazy how every single character that gets added to any game is one that's shoehorned in to fill some quota according to /v/. When would a non-white character being added to a game not be the result SJWs trying to ruin your vidya?
Not everything in a game is for the players. If a designer or artist envisions a character as black, they shouldn't have to change that to appease others
>all the characters should be skeletons

Fuck you, that would be awesome.
This ain't your board, /pol/.
>Africa is beautiful and technologically advanced
>Germany is in ruins

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>three dots above and below the eye
>The country that can't get its shit together and has people living like we lived 10000 years ago.
Also, Africa in-universe is different than our real life Africa. You don't know shit about the lore but come in here complaining about character decisions.
/v/ was more fun when they outright shat on blizzard games instead of handwringing over racism and white genocide or whatever the fuck
shit yes, i got hooked on absinthe last summer, whats your favorite brand?
You don't give a shit about either of these things past shallow virtue-signaling I bet.
>there will now be SFM of this
>you can now kill brown children in game
wow thanks bliz
>Germany is in ruins
It's 2080 in OW, they are just being realistic in that regard.
>muslims destroy Germany
>Chinks keep making Africa more advanced since they want it to be the world's factory
>doomfist is black

i can already hear /v/ being threatened by this
>two muslim women characters

>tfw it's white genocide if all my vidya isn't snow white
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You now realize that horseshoe theory is entirely accurate, and it's just politicized douches that fuck up everything, not 'sides'.
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>Africa is a country
He's voiced by Terry Crews, we knew that long ago.
>no one will reply to this
>black guy in america
>fucking shoe horned nigger

>black guy in african mudhut
>now this makes sense!
I can most effectively affect the people in my immediate surroundings, the people who speak my language and the people who have the same history as me. It's not about lines in the sand, it's about reaching a consensus with the people who are my neighbors. If we're all just a happy global family then I have to make concessions to dumb people who aren't even living next to me.

I don't think anyone questions the fact that it's good for business being able to outsource work to any third-world shit-hole for slave wages
Yeah, why are there so many white people?
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Next hero is a omnic that she probably built
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>Big bad has something to do with eyes
>Omnic religion, or at least Zenyatta's ult, is called the Iris.
Honestly, everything about this sounds fucking ill.
A quadraped female robot? Fuck yes

>It's /v/'s fault

>but it was actually /pol/ and anti-/pol/ shitting up threads

Hmmm, HMMMMM, really crumbles my Graham crackers.
Any kind of melanin just sends /v/ on a posting spree.
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Never liked kids; 'specially ones with drones.
>Posting a tumblr comic
>First African in the game
>What are Pharah and Ana

'Ajnabi ahmq.
this. People are so short-sighted about the stupiest shit involving OW

>Brazilains don't play Hockey(50 years into the future in a different universe)!
>Lucio is obviously Canadian!
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If my country gets some representaion I can be at least a bit happy, even if all the fanart is just stuff like pic related.

>the robots live in africa
oh, if that's the case then I guess that changes things.

I can see the omnics making friends with unprejudiced africans and helping them out in exchange for kinship with humans who don't hate them.

Even in a fantasy world it doesn't make sense for people in a 3rd world country to have advanced robot knowledge. Except for the above circumstances.

sorry guys, I meant continent.
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>Dark skinned

>Dark skinned

What did he mean by this?
Are they pointing a gun at you right now and demanding you bitch about things that aren't shitty gameplay?
Economically globalisation is unequivocally a good thing. Read wealth of nations
It's just a game dude. It's like Street Fighter how they have a different wacky character from each country. This is the Elena character for Africa.
I seriously don't get this place's obsession with race or POC in video games.
True. I fucked up there. I meant first black African.
You don't need nationalism for there to be different cultures or music etc idiot
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>Reaper: Mexican
literally the most evil guy in the game

>Sombra: Mexican
an hacker, a thief and a blackmailer

>Symmetra: Indian
an autistic and annoying bitch, quite on the evil side too

>Lucio: Brazilian
an anarchist

>Widowmaker: blue
an assassin bitch

meanwhile on the white side

>Soldier 76: white American
he was captain America and now is Batman, still an heroic character

>Mercy: Swiss
A genius doctor and literally fucking Jesus

>Reinhardt: German
the most heroic character in the cast and one of the most beloved by the community

>Tracer: Britbong
the face of the franchise, but right she's lesbo so she doesn't count, huh?

>McCree: American
Fucking Clint Eastwood, also a somewhat good character

>Zarya; Russia
a nationalist bitch who sacrificed everything to serve and protect her country

>omnics are not-muslims
>when Zenyatta is a fucking Buddhist monk
nice try shitposter, but I can shitpost even harder
someone dump mercy
He means dark skin is anything that is darker than his own skin.
he's fucking african
>obsession with race or POC in
stop being so pc and just cal them poo-skins
My culture is nationalist though
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Sounds like she might be a bearable Wesley, it would quite funny if she wasn't the new hero at all.
>that pic
You just want a reason to hate foreigners don't you
Reaper isn't Mexican though. He was born in the US.
Those gear won't move at all being an odd number.
The hero after this better be a kawaii schoolgirl with psychic powers from Japan!
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>omnics are not-muslims
So this is what retardation looks like.
Come on anon you can shitpost better than that
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>not a straight white mail
fuck off back to tumblr, let us have our safe space here
that's because /v/ is /pol/'s favorite vassal board
Amerifats don't care about that
They still call black people african-american
The only things I see in the article that definitively nail down a timetable of when this article takes place is that Numbani is a place at this point and something called an OR15 has come out recently, but I don't know if that is a real thing or has a defined release date. What evidence in the article confirms it was written in 2080, and not some time between the formation of Numbani and 'present day' 2080?
How about you follow the rules moot and hiro made and stay in your containment board, /pol/tard.

Reminder that a Nigerian born neuropathologist (Dr. omalu) btfo both football association and now soccer over proving that said sports caused permanent braindamage that can lead to erratic behaviour and suicide of its players.

Reminder the U.S. military is now incorporating his research into their soldier health studies.

Reminder his childhood was during nigerian civil war.

Of course he wasn't some tribal guy and his father was a mining engineer though.
delete this. immediately.

this is your last warning.
A metaphor describes much but proves nothing.
overwatch doesn't feel as forced with the speshul snoflek sjw stuff because a massive cast of characters from around the world suits its nature as a global-scale superhero shooter

also the main bad guys are black, mexican, and purple
Kill yourselves for the good of 4chan.
Sorry, I meant the PCGamer article. They link to a Twitter post that confirms it's present day
>a nigger apologist
What does that even mean?
dota did it
why the fuck not
Shh, acknowledging the existence of non-white people is SJW libtard brainwashing.
you fucking redditors aren't even from here, you've just co-opted 4chan to push your autistic agenda

politicizing imageboards got us into this mess, remember chanology and gamergate

Pfff, yeah, /pol/ is not fit to herd /v/'s sheep.
Fuck me in the Ozarks, I just went straight to the source. Ok, so older Efi is off the table. So she either controls mechs from the spawn room or just made the omnic/mech that is the next playable character.
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>Egyptians are black
Go away Tyrone.

There's weeabos that still think Japan actually creates unique shit.
>unprejudiced africans
Ah yes, decennial genocides and government sanctioned murder of immigrant farmers trying to make Africa a better place is a pristine example of tolerance. Sweden should be ashamed.

We should nuke all of middle and southern Africa.
And nuke the middle east while we're at it.
>Around 40% of the characters are already female
women are more than 50% of the world anon
>an Egyptian/Arab
>a Latina
>an African
>these are all the same thing
u wot
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>any current /pol/ frequenter
>being on this site before 2015
>even knowing what Project Chanology is
They should give D.Va back, like, 100 armor. Come on now.
I'm fine with it as long as they're not dudes.
Around 49.6 percent of the world's population is female
she's pretty black
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That's why there's no Sombra porn, right?
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I'm glad it's now generally considered shameful to reveal you are associated with /pol/.
Nice pic, famalamadingdong
Why are so many people here claiming Sombra is black? She's very clearly mestizo.
Blizzard designed Overwatch to have a lot of non-white/non-male characters and it's well within their rights to put more of them in the game.

I think people who are mad about this article are actual racists or idiots that are meme-ing.

Ask yourself under what situation having this character would be acceptable? If you can't think of any, you're probably racist.
Considering you do nothing but derail threads, yes it is.
I've even seen one getting triggered in a GTA SA thread because CJ was a nigger.
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>this entire thread
It's going to be this shit for the next month, isn't it?
I'm from /pol/ :)
you don't have to worry about breeding at all lmoa
Widowmaker is white but got blue skin later in life. Possible silver poisoning?
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>admitting you were from /b/ after 2006 got you insulted and told to fuck off back to your board
>the same is finally starting to happen to /pol/
everyone in america is 'something-american' That's how we roll here

though im 90% sure that reaper is actually Cuban-american
Just choked.
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They slowed down her heart rate so she could snipe better.
Doesn't make sense, but whatever.
>be black scientist prodigy
>still throwing spears
salty much my rekt epic cringhe cancer epic gamer? all nonwhites are niggers
I can't comprehend how people can get upside over diversity in a game that is L I T E R A L L Y about having a diverse cast of heroes from all over the world.
Why do people who feel this threatened by non-white characters even play Overwatch?
we got enough niggers as is

diversity my ass. wheres poland/ireland chars?
>Overwatch is supposed to be realistic.

In case you didn't know the brightest and smartest of "africa" don't stick around and usually immigrate to america/europe.

See, this is funny. Electing a literal orange to the top office in the world just to spite people you don't like is not.
haha I'm from /pol/

Pretty much, Nioh almost fell victim to it too until it was revealed a black samurai actually existed in history and the Japanese historians acknowledge it.
>wheres poland/ireland chars?
Like Canada, no one cares about drunks and guys who have literally done nothing in it's history apart from being raped by everyone.
>tfw graduated with finance & economics
>someone says something that isn't radical left
>thread gets crashed into the wall with shitflinging

Yea it's great
>Blizzard adds a loli
>it's a nigger
Bullshit. She definitely has been sucking some back ally silver-coated omnic cock

oh shit?
why is no one talking about this?
screencap this you niggers
>have literally done nothing in it's history
like africa
>Egyptians are black
>until black people say Egyptians are black at which point WE WUZ KANGZ until end of time

All the new characters are minorities. Not all minorities are black
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>11 year old niglet smarter than Einstein
>radical left
SJWs get called out, but so does /pol/
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Jesus Christ, you turboautistss are getting triggered over this harder than Tumblrfags.

Beyond pathetic.

Shota Doomfist WHEN?
Fuck. In my memory I was so sure the last line was "and i am still in disbelief".
Egypt has done plenty.
Nem tanto.
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Here you go, /pol/, you can stop being triggered and threatened and chimping out worse than the SJWs you're terrified of.
I go on /pol/ all the time, but I'm not racist.
>we got enough niggers as is
...There's literally one black person in the whole game right now. And there are 10 white people. Whites make up almost 50% of the cast and for some reason not having even more of them is threatening to you. There's already been a character from the British Isles and Eastern Europe, but none from Sub-Saharan Africa. So why is this "diversity my ass" to you?
Einstein is dead you dumb cuck. Even you are smarter than Einstein.
He was born in LA, he's "chicano".
Looks exactly like my mexican grandad did in the 80s.
Or like Kid Frost if instead of rapping and getting fat, he got swole in the army.
I didn't say all africans were unprejudiced.
I'm just assuming there were some african tribes cut off from civilization who never knew about the omnic wars, and thus held nothing against the omnics, and so the omnics went to chill with them.

But that's just it.
I'm assuming those people didn't wear traditional tribal garb while they were going about their science?

There are civilized portions in africa, and I'm assuming they dress more or less like americans and europeans as opposed to tribal garb.

Honestly the only beef I have is with the tribal stuff, because it's specifically not modern civilization. But since the omnics (I assume) are hanging out with tribal people, it makes sense in universe.

If it was a white guy dressed like a peasant from the middle ages it would be stupid.

Like, when people think "africans" they usually imagine tribal people.
But if they saw someone who looked like pic related saying "I'm from zimbabwe" they probably wouldn't be too surprised if that person had a Compsci degree.
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>diversity in 2007
7 white guys, 1 black guy, and mystery thing

boy how times have changed
don't forget sombra and fedorova
>/v/ is now tumblr
What the hell guys.
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oh shigg vc me descobriu
I mean sub saharan africa
Game is infested with crackaz, tho.
>Einstein is dead
That's just what (((they))) want you to believe.
>All the new characters are minorities
They're not minorities, because the game takes place on an international scale.
She still looks like a shaved monkey dude. Race ain't gonna change bad character design.
>albino nigger
even worse
race is not only skin deep look at her fucking monkey face
Don't we already have enough monkeys in the game?
He's a cartoon character.
Brian as the new Doomfist yes please.
>He was born in LA
but where are his parents from? I'm sticking with Cuba

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>mystery thing
>implying cartoon characters can't have canonical strength levels

do you even have autism, you fucking casual?

Tumblr likes her. Literally no one is throwing a fit there. This kind of raging is now 4chan exclusive

He doesn't look the least bit black.

I don't want to get involved in this argument, and I refuse to take sides, but triggered=/=getting pissed off about something.

The reason people make fun of the SJW types using the word triggered, is because they use such a loaded word to describe mundane shit like people uploading images of pomegranates, putting it on the same level of PTSD.

I understand it lost it's meaning like the word "autism", but it doesn't have to be this way.
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I fucking love it.

Just post a picture of the little black girl and /v/ shits itself every time
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>All these dumbasses assuming this is the next hero and not just some character setting up the real new heroes story and intro
why would tumblr be throwing a fit about her? of course they like her, just like /v/ would like it if she were a white cis male.
If he was Cuban he would have been from Miami. Not saying there aren't Cubans in LA but this is Blizzard.
"triggered" is the new "u mad?" and is the newer new "i trolled you"

it's what you post when you do something that makes you look like a retard and you want to salvage your self esteem
What if the new hero is her as an adult?
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Wow, we've got some fresh unique opinions. I'm amazed at all the intelligent individuals in this thread.

Seriously, though I'm laughing so hard right now
Some anon leaked that the real next character will be a robot built by OP's pic.
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So /v/, I mean, /pol/ is being too triggered to notice she isn't the new Hero, she is the one who made the IA for Doomfist.
He's being human/omnic with his brain damaged beyond repair, AI was the way to go.
God, I hate /pol/.
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> Supposed to be impressed by little african girl and her robots.
> People have literally created teleporter technology, time altering tech and the ability to literally bring people back from the dead.
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>11 year old celtic boi best navigator and sword fighter in the entire world and beat a full grown dual wielding middle Eastern man who is literally 6ft tall.
Fuck off, the last thing the OW community needs is to be overrun by shotafags, Tumblrinas are already enough.
Considering /pol/lacks are just SJWs on the opposite end of the political spectrum, I have no qualms with using triggered to describe asspain over minorities in video games.
>inb4 "aha, but I have this drawing of a SJW wearing a 'normal person' mask! that must be you! checkmate, SJW!"
I dont know, ask >>368207545
Worded it wrong. I meant that 4chan is get triggered so hard over this non-issue that it makes Tumblr look way more rational in comparision. That's quite an accomplishment but nothing to be proud of.
Puts a whole new meaning to


....y y y y ehhhh
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Fuck off pedophile
She's a robot engineer, and they've been hinting at a new omnic character since forever.


Fucking kek, hadn't seen that pic before.
I was optimistic about OW getting a new character until I saw that her backstory is being a "robotics prodigy".
If she does end up being a character, she's probably going to be another shitty obnoxious no-fun sentry builder.
maybe she invented sex robots
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Whoa....I never thought of it that way before

The only thing triggering about it is how lazy it sounds. I'll wait until we actually see the design before shitting on it but big muscly black guy with Terry Crews voice is boring.
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Wouldn't there be potential legal problems if they had a playable kid? I'm sure there are some places in the world where it's illegal to have children shot to death in your game, and at the very least it would bump up the ESRB. Even edgy games like GTA and Hatred don't feature children you can shoot.

Just look at D.va. She looks like she's 16 but they made a choice to put her age at 19 so that they didn't need to deal with the whole "shooting children" thing.
I think it's cool of the mostly white game developers to make games where brown people are represented. Since they wont make those games themselves.

However it'd also be cool if whitey realized that you can't elevate other people by being nice to them. Representation does little more than informing other people that you're willing to play nice. It wont suddenly create a climate where Jamaica produces more nobel prize winners than Israel. Sudan wont become a hotbed of innovation. I don't mind representation but please stop pretending you're on the right side of history or something.

Obviously the reason you want "diversity" is so that you can "experience" different "perspectives" but in games like these it's mostly exoticism and paying lip-service to some tepid "everyone is equal" ideology
*smacks lips profusely*
*gets jiggy wit it*
*eats a skittle*
*checks for nearest KFC*
*collects welfare*
*licks teeth and smacks lips*
*does the crip walk*
*opens a up a 40 and pours some for his homies trayvon and michael brown*
*tweets about dis and goes to check in with his parole officer*
*dindu nuffins*
*sucks air through teeth*
*pulls up sagging pants*
*instinctively looks around for police*
*faints and then gets up repeatedly*
*scopes dem titties*
*shouts at movie theater screen*
*chucks spear*
*sets down cotton bale*
*strokes welfare check pensively*
*throws gang sign*
*swings from basketball hoop*
*grabs dick and shuffles left and right*
*participates in a drive-by shooting*
*converts to Islam*
*repeated World Star yelling in the background*
*sells crack*
*evolves from a primate*
Why don't they include more villains other than Reaper and Widowmaker?
Maybe Shareblue really is a thing here
There gonna go the MK route with Ferra/Torr and say she's a midget.
OW is overrun by tumblrites? How did you come to that conclusion? Is it because all 24 characters aren't generic white American men?
Why is edge-man killing Karl Pilkington?
No amount of sarcasm and "ugh what an unoriginal opinion" is going to make it untrue, anon.
wasn't in the no boys allowed brawl, so he is not
>Liberals putting poor African children into a violent shooter game in some strange attempt to stick it to Trump

And they can't even see the hypocrisy.

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Confirmed for never hearing the glorious Numbani intro
No, because of the amount of Tumblrinas shipping characters in Tumblr and getting triggered when someone is not gay.
Why doesn't blizzard, I don't know, not tease things they know will stir shit up?
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what board would this guy post on? /v/ or /pol/?
>exoticism and paying lip-service to some tepid "everyone is equal" ideology

Not arguing there. It's an aesthetic that some people like and Blizzard is making a game for them. Totally fine.

Come on, we never get anything.
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>Policing someone known for drawing loli porn
I hope Shadman goes all out with this character. And I hope they shove her in the faces of all you butthurt racists crying about muh diversity and white genocide.
fuck me this pharah art is hot
As the link in the OP says, she will probably just control some robot from distance. Still I'd like to kill the ugly little monkey
Is that really something you need to care about so much?
You actually control her and a bunch of identical robots that look like her, they rob you in the street.
There 2 characters from Africa
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Robotics engineer: Check
Spent time in africa: Check
Experience in war against evil AI: Check

Huey is the new playable character, screencap this

also, Winston is an Orangutan
I highly doubt Blizzard is stupid enough to make a child a playable (and therefor killable) character in the game. Chances are, you'll be playing some kind of robot she remote-controls or something.
Because stirring shit up is free publicity, and they know damn right what they are doing.
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Because niggers need to be everything. Hence WE IZ BECAUSE WE WUZ
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Because Pharah is hot.
the only people triggered are here on this website though. Why would Bliz care about these shitfling nests?
Pharrah is Egyptian, not african you dumb fuck

>In any other thread, this post wouldn't have gotten made

Really gets the pigeons molting.
Egypt is not part of Africa now?
North Africa at this point is a cultural extension of the Middle East. They mostly speak Arabic, practice Islam, assimilated several aspects of Arabic culture. Let's take the WE WUZ route and pretend Egypt is "basically the same" as Sub-Saharan Africa.
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Terry Crews though
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Widow's not grey enough. That guy's sort of blue and pretty shiny.
No one pictures an Arab when you say, "African." Stop being dense.
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>little black loli voiced by Terry Crews
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>Efi Oladele

didn't I just kill her in Hitman™?
>>a bunch of other posts

Why the fuck would you make a "remote control" robot when there are literally human-intelligence level AIs readily available? Completely pointless, and it just makes it so your signal can get cut off
Porn when?
Now that you mentioned it, picturing blowing this little girl away with a salvo of shotun blasts doesn't really sit right with me
Why are you so sure that the black kid is going to be in the game, and not just be part of the omnic's backstory?
Maybe she's just like that Russian woman from the Sombra CGI.
/pol/tards kept trying to run the whole 'no civilizations in Africa' racist trope but kept failing because people would point out Egypt. So now /pol/tards pretend Egypt isnt in Africa.

Which is funny because there were a shitton of African civilizations that did exceptionally well for themselves but since /pol/tards are mostly American they dont have an education on other civilizations.

He's definitely /v/ poster, if he was a /pol/tard he would have subconsciously written nigger instead of black.

>untuck you balls

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You know, blizzard really is brilliant.

Every character they release is some kind of fetish/ripe for porn.

I can only imagine what Shad is planning on making right now.

>She's actually invincible because no one will kill a little girl
>except reaper.
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Do you really want porn of that abomination? Are you a fucking furry?
You might have ass burgers, anon.
Marvel pulled the same SJW diversity shit.
They made a black teenage girl the new Iron Man and she's the smartest person in the world.
>african character
>is essential a child soldier

I honestly don't mind. Obviously it's feel-good shit with a african girl genius who's also a engineer for an audience who wants to feel good about enjoying diversity. Of course, it's designer-made diversity constructed by a team of white men with no bearing in reality. It's puerile. But so is a lot of shit in videogames
Spics are clearly a race regardless of what you want to call them.
>Map that teased new hero is African
>Surprised she's black

Never change 4chan
I'm not sure, I'm just pointing out that the idea of remote control character is stupid in a setting with androids

A kid building a robot would be a reasonable character concept. Especially if it looks weird and home made or has some childish aesthetics. The idea of a drone-style remote control toy dumb though, especially since there are already hackers and EMPs in the game
So 49.6% of the cast should be female.
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My lolicon sensor is at 0db.
Something is wrong with her.
Race is a mental construct, it doesn't exist /pol/tard

Reaper is latino, so is sombra
Symmetra is indian and not black
pharah and ana are egyptian and not black
Lucio is Brazillian and is just half black

This new hero is the first real black character and not just a "person of color"
Is this a joke?
>child genius inventor

This meme needs to die.
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The next hero will be an omnic created by her.
Doomfist is the one that will be black.

Not everything is a meme, Reddit.
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But anon, your tax dollars are already going to buy missiles that blow away children on almost a daily basis (assuming you live in America or Russia or any of their allies)
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You're missing the point, this is a fictional setting that's being detailed by someone who named diversity as a priority when given a reward at E3 and written by someone who teases homosexual relationships between the characters to the player-base of fujoshits.

Regardless of what in-universe justification there is it's still trying to shill progressive crap in real life.
>Marvel taking an existing universe and creating trendy diverse characters to literally replace beloved legacy characters.
>Blizzard adding new characters to their new universe, replacing no one.

They're incomparable.

Give me a character like Storm or some shit. Noone wants to play as a little girls except weirdos and memers
Probably just info involving their next lukewarm comic
the problem is
>western artist
>not a 3d model

she won't be worth looking at until her model gets onto Steam Film Maker or some japs make something
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>implying we use missiles to do that

It's been proven time and time again all you have to do is introduce the community to itself and they'll tear each other apart. Look at Mexico.
I'm more bothered by another female. However there's a good chance it'll be one of her robots instead which is cool. Robots are cool

Gee, I wonder why, cracker fuck.
Ok, Meme Warden.
Who are you responding to?
What if they're atheists
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Reasons are not the same as results. An infection may be spread by people who do not ail from it, although an addled mind wouldn't come to that conclusion on their own.

Pretty sure that nigger won't like hamburgers even since they eat fly-patties and AIDS only in Africa.
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Yeah, I don't think they are religious at all.
They're still black
>big badass dude is going against the grain
That man is retarded
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I'm sorry you break it to you, Tyrone, but no. You wuz not kangs. Not in Egypt, at least.
>African WE nigglet playable
>Little spic loli not playable

Goddamn i'm mad
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What did he mean by this?
Blacks had one notable king and he was the richest man in the world at the time.
He spent all of his money on frivolous shit and his kingdom imploded, but he did amass the fortune.
>literally no nose
I never understood how weebs can like those aliens
>assumes foreigners are the source of everything he doesn't like
you'd fit right in there, tumblrina
People who spread propaganda are an illness and even if their illness doesn't take the same effect on their work as it did on others because of certain variables it is still the same illness.
Marvel taking an existing universe and creating trendy diverse characters to literally replace beloved legacy characters is being done for the same reason Blizzard is adding these kinds of characters, and while the damage isn't the same the reason for it is.
The problem is not what is being done but why it is being done.
make it a chinese kid then. It would make a lot more sense than some ugandan kid with bones on her head
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Opposite Egypt is the north african place blacks were kings.

>Nubian people have a long history dating back to dynastic Egypt. Nubians founded a dynasty that ruled upper and lower Egypt during the 8th century BCE.[2] Ancient Nubians were famous for their skill and precision with the bow.[3]
That's boring and slightly racist.
>she'll be a support character that heals people by building health dispensers, low mobility makes her bad at offense but great for helping her team hold down a defensive position
>collects scrap like Torb and uses it to apply some kind of temporary buff to teammates
Good idea for a character Y/N?
Few to no African Americans are actually descended from Nubians, since they weren't subjected to the trans-Atlantic slave trade.
>There is no situation where making diverse characters is okay, regardless of execution.

I think you are actually racist.
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She won't be in the game because she's 11 and people will go around wearing this killing her
>I'm fucking retarded

The people whining about Blizzard having a black character in their game, you idiot.

This is like calling American a race. There's all kinds in Latin America, not everyone is a 5'2 little indio troglodyte.
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So why did you quote me?
>I mean, when you think of Egypt, few people think of the current situation, a lot of people don't even know it's full of muslims.
Americans maybe
Gency is the canon ship now, Blizzard killed the Parmercy blight dead.
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>builds temples and universities
>"frivolous shit"
>"kingdom imploded"

LOL do some research
I'm racist by definition because races are genetically different from each other. There is no "balance" in real life, some races are genetically superior. This doesn't mean people are born superior to one and other and you still have to put your work in to be better or worse regardless of race, but genetic superiority and inferiority based on race is a fact and a very small modifier.

Including a cast of diverse characters for the sake of it is racist as well, a racism born of ignorance and giving value to race far beyond mere scientific facts but the implication of moral importance.

That's what cults do. They say something is of the utmost moral importance and create a purity spiral while gas-lighting members and shaming those who do not subscribe to their propaganda. Do you pay no attention whatsoever to what other people do?
Walking turd.
>>>>>>>>>>>>builds temples and universities
muh Yakub, mentally-ill degenerate.
The problem with this thinking is that your prerequisites for "diversity done right" become unreasonably specific.
>The developer can't make too big of a deal about announcing it, nor can the fanbase, or I'll suspect they're not doing it for the RIGHT reasons!
>The character cannot have THESE traits or else it's stereotyping, but they can't have the opposite of those traits either or else it's like they're trying too hard to fight the stereotypical image. At the same time, the character must feel culturally authentic.
>If they release a character like this, they need to release more white male characters to balance it out. Even if white male characters already outnumber all other demographics in the game, I don't want to feel like they're "pushing" for diversity.

What incentive do devs even have to follow these anal-retentive guidelines? Most players, even white male players, don't care. They don't feel threatened by diversity and they don't care about the reasons for that diversity as long as it doesn't affect the actual game.
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