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>>>/qa/706294 What are thoughts on this /v/? Will

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Thread replies: 673
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What are thoughts on this /v/? Will 4chan finally die?
I don't give a shit. I'm only here about once a month now anyway.

I'm almost free, and the death of this shithole could be the last "kick" I need to get out of here for good.

If 4chan dies, you'll all flock to Reddit and suddenly make that place profitable again anyway.
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>tfw finally free
I'll actually have to consider Reddit if this site shuts down. Please don't do this to me, their layout is fucking horrible.
Just delete some big, shit boards like /b/ and /pol/ and rangeban everyone that posts there. This place needs to be slower and smaller.

Post the end theme lads, for this is it.
>deleting containment boards
Dumbest shit I've ever heard
>I'll actually have to consider Reddit if this site shuts down.

I would just make another board like this. 4chan isn't hard to make. Fucking moot made it when he was 15.
Moot sold this place to the jap because he wasn't making money of it. 4chan was too much of a money sink.

Japmoot thought he could keep the place afloat and make a profit if he just sold all our information and discussions.

What he failed to realize was that our discussions are all worthless trash.
Delete porn boards.
Problem solved.
I don't know what I'll do without this shithole.
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Hiro is known for selling data etc.
>letting nips in charge of your site
Moot leaving was the beginning of the end.
dumb asian jew thought he could make money on 4chan
Damn moot tricked this slant eyed fuck real good.

herro i am admin now, this is expensive, ameri man lied, kisama.
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This is good, isn't it?
There's other chan sites. It's not the end of the world.
Delete /pol/.
They will all return to Reddit which they came from.
Traffic will significantly decrease.
>Hiro is known for selling data etc.
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>herro i am admin now, this is expensive, ameri man lied, kisama.
>close some boards

Well then why did hiro open up all those niche ones?
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>needing a source

you must be the ultimate newfag not to know about his history when everyone was in panic mode during his takeover about it
They don't contain anything.
there is absolutely nothing wrong with reddit.
maybe some more normies but if you go to the right subreddits its basically just 4chan but with actually working mods
>4chan isn't hard to make
oh yeah, i cant wait for the 18 billion 4chan clones that are all going to fail to attract an audience even a tenth as big as 4chan
There's plenty of boards that could be merged into one, I mean we have 'alternate sports' for crying out loud, it's a 100% wrestling board. That can go into sports.
4chan already has malicious ads. They popped up like a year ago in the archives.

Got a popup on my phone once, don't know if it even did anything.
time for another Donate or Die?
>They will all spill over to the rest of the site
I don't know.
I don't know if I want 4chan to die.
I have important and happy memories of this place, but at the same time I can barely find an interesting discussion anymore.
As stated in the thread in OP they already leak their cancer anyway.
He also should get rid of stupid shit like the catalog and the 2-days archive. Shit's useless, just use third party places.
oh, so you are retarded
Reddit will never be an option for me.

The layout is beyond horrible, by design it creates huge circlejerks with the same people all the time and that rating system is the most retarded shit ever.
so he'd have some expendable boards he can shut down
I dabbled with reddit for a bit, i went to the overwatch subreddit and I was not prepared for how much they DON'T FUCKING TALK ABOUT THE GAME.

Its non fucking stop posting of webms and gifs of "sick" plays with some witty OP. No discussion on meta, no opinions on comp, no talk with actual substance whatsoever.

Jesus fucking christ i actually left with disgust. If 4chan dies I do not fucking know were to go, fucking gamefaqs maybe.
I could get behind this. If 4chan will be saved, then cleanse all the smut away.

There are many other places for porn out there.
So you want a flood instead?
>remove phoneposting
>merge a few boards
>close worthless boards
>remove the archive

Would this be enough?

>return to reddit

how fucking new are you
>le fitting member
Read the last 5 words of my post you retarded cocksucker.
That's actually a good idea.
They attract so many faggots that only come here for a quick fap.
This. If you didnt know this or how chink fuck introduces malware adds to 4chan then this is your just desserts.
People were shouting it before he was even in charge, when he was being considered as the potential 4chan buyer.
You stupid fuckers reap what you sow and the harvest times are finally fucking here.
4 chins is kill?
reddit has a fucking awful layout, poster IDs and the reddit community
>oh yeah, i cant wait for the 18 billion 4chan clones that are all going to fail to attract an audience even a tenth as big as 4chan
hopefully they'd eventually coalesce into one definitive site
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>4chan dies
>Everybody goes to 8 chin and posts the exact same stuff in the exact same way
>close worthless boards
Didnt Hiro open up a lot of new boards?
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Are we all sure it isn't April fools equivalent on his planet or some this?

pls no
If 4chan goes the Reddit route, someone will make a clone and we'll just move there. It won't be an immediate change but with the right strategy we'll still have our /v/ with a different name..
just go to any of the other 5000 overwatch subreddits
I actually really like /gif/ for 3d porn. If anything, delete /c/ and /h/.
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People that go there are normies and retards anyway
He should delete /pol/ because it makes me and my wife's son sad seeing opinions that are on le wrong side of history.
Hiro could just get moderators that would actually delete that shit so containment boards wouldn't be necessary.
No, wrestling was in sports and it ruined the board
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Right here
The board's already shit anyway.
Should the porn boards be shutdown?
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>Tfw free
better than /v/

some threads are arguably some of the best on 4chan too
I know you are being sarcastic for the sake of it but what most people don't seem to realize is that the only reason why /pol/ even exists is to serve as a containment board.

If you delete it, all those fucks will shit up every other board even more than they already do.
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I honestly wouldn't care much. The pros of 4chan dying make up for the cons. It might take a while for it to sink in I can no longer go to 4chins.orggu whenever I have an idle moment but at least I would finally be free from it eating up so much of my time.
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Delete /vg/, /vp/, and /vr/

Who needs the "fix /v/" boards anymore? /v/ is still shit with them.
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I've been here since 2008 and I'm a conservative trump voting /pol/ user (/v/ is my primary board and always has been).
What's it like being retarded and thinking people that disagree with you politically will magically 'go away' when you delete the place they use to primarily talk about politics?
What's it like not realizing that people like me fucking hate Reddit with an undying passion and will never use it?
What's it like not realizing that, if my political discussion board goes away, I will jump at any and every opportunity to discuss it on my, let's say, other frequent places of non political discussion aka /v/ and other boards I frequent for my non politics discussion you fucking dumbass.
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Where do I go if this place goes down? No bullshit, this place is pretty unique and I refuse to post somewhere else.
This is probably a good idea. The files on those boards are probably the heaviest ones in the entire website, and they're all shit that can already be found elsewhere. Either delete the boards or put more strict limits on filesize.
>only options are to remove all of them or keep all of them

Show me a better place for porn than /gif/ and I'll agree with this.
He introduced them on archived threads for mobile users.
>hopefully they'd eventually coalesce into one definitive site
that would never fucking happen
i'd bet you a hundred bucks
I have been on this website for over ten years and I don't want this site to go down, but I would eventually move on if it happened. Like many posters have already mentioned, a lot of boards could be deleted and merged.
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what the fuck, really? this stupid shit can be fixed with one fucking click

delete the fucking /pol/shit, delete the /co/mblr, DELETE THE /B/ABBIES, and most of all!!!

close /po/ down already, let it rest peacefully instead of locking it up in a purgatory of nonsense
yeah this, all the porn boards should go, /trash/ included. All porn threads and ERP bullshit should be strictly banned so people don't just start that shit everywhere else
I think they've already reached critical mass at this point. Literally every board on 4chan is infested with /pol/shit, or have you already forgotten gaymergate
Everyone would just go to cripplechan.
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I hope he deletes all the porn boards.
It's time for the age of degenerates to end.
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Can't really remove phoneposting. I suppose he could at least block the image.jpg filename and prevent most phoneposters from making new threads, at least. Why this simple thing hasn't been done already, I have no idea.
>tfw me turning off adblock for 4chan didn't help
Literally any other porn site.
Why keep some and not others?
It honestly is the easiest solution since people talk about porn on other boards anyways.
>delete /b
yeah sure that's a great fucking idea i want that shit all over 4chan
4chan is too big to die

someone will save it, likely some right wing millionaire
>I will jump at any and every opportunity to discuss it
Not the guy you were replying to, but you and your stormnigger buddies have already been doing this for a long, long time.
Just bring back /l/ you fucking cuck
Serious question, how does 4chan make money? With ads it makes sense but now I'm not sure where the money is coming from.
This, bring everybody back in here.
The bad thing is all the /vg/friends will probably flood this place with generals and turn it into nu-/vg/ anyway because now they're used to having their 24/7 circlejerks.
have you done your part?

4chan Pass user since October 2016.
>there are people who believe that 4chan is in danger of shutting down
No, the chink just wants more money, and to start selling your data later. I bet you people also believe that he's just pretending to be retarded and doesn't know english.
4chan won't die, but it might achieve a state worse than death

4chan Pass user since October 2016.
>how does 4chan make money?

anon why do you think moot sold the place
Most ads only give the owner money if someone actually clicks on them.
>I will jump at any and every opportunity to discuss it on my, let's say, other frequent places of non political discussion
like what happens here every single fucking day?
Delete all boars literally nobody uses
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>Actually falling for it.
Who cares, just use an ad/tracker blocker, you dumb fuck. 4chan already has a google one since like forever.
>delete /co/
hey fuck you man
/co/ is a board of peace
We dindu nuffin.
/aco/ /his/ /news/ or whatever its called and some other stuff I forgot.
>I will
No, you already are, and that's the fucking problem you mongoloid.
Severely reduce file size limits on /b/, /v/, /vg/, and /pol/. No one uses these boards as imageboards in the first place.

Who are we kidding though, hiro immediately abandoned that /qa/ thread. He has no intention of listening to us, and the broken engrish is just an act. What's amazing is he was apparently retarded enough to think he could actually profit off this site.
I'm not giving a single penny to the japanese jew.
i would literally sooner go to gamefaqs than reddit
>how does 4chan make money
it doesn't

moot was actually severely in debt over 4chan
you know /b/ is the only reason normies come here aside from the porn, right

other boards might have worse content like trash or pol, but seriously, have you seen the userbase for /b/? its like the biggest cesspool on 4chinks

hell, im certain that 30% of the userbase is spic children that found about the site from "youtube le creepypasta" videos
4chan is big but its userbase consists mostly of neets and people without a lot of money.

And lets be honest, no one from outside of 4chan would ever buy this shithole.
never absolutely never delete /vg/

the faggotry and autism there is a far bigger threat to this site than you can possibly imagine
>Literally every board on 4chan is infested with /pol/shit
/v/, /b/ and /pol/ aren't every board.
No, but i guess it'd be useful to merge some. /e/ and /h/, /gif/ and /hc/, /d/ and /aco/, there's a lot of boards divided despite treating approximately the same subjects
/b/ is probably the most popular side of 4chan. Even though nowadays it's literal children trying to be edgy it's still the forum people start out before finding their own place.
I can agree on /vp/ and /vr/ but if you genuinely believe deleting /vg/ will ever be a good idea you should go jump off a cliff.
Where am I supposed to discover new porn to look up on those sites? I'm not gonna watch 300 20 minute videos to find maybe one or two that I like.

/gif/ threads make it easy to find new shit.
Delete the porn boards, what's the point in having them?

There's a really cool webside called google.com where you can search for porn.
Nope. These seem to only really benefit people who do images dumps often enough.
Oh well.
its the closest thing that comes to tumblr thats housed in 4chan
Name one political thread I've ever created on /v/.
You can't, because I've never fucking made one

For every /pol/ user that makes b8 threads on other boards like a faggot, for every non /pol/ user that b8s /pol/ into replying to their shit threads, there are a dozen people like me that keep our political talk in /pol/.
thank you for paying for my 4chan experience. You could say you're voluntarily being cucks for the rest of us
Are they really even popular enough for them to matter when it comes to server costs?
I go on other boards much more than /v/ and it's everywhere

>its userbase consists mostly of neets and people without a lot of money
do you mean /jp/? There's plenty of employed, middle class people here
Imagefap reddit
Why did Hiro buy it then?
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>/f/ will probably get axed
>2+6chan's /f/ is garbage
Rangeban Canada
Not him but they're also all over /co/, /tv/, /tg/ to name a few.
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>post yfw 8chian actually won
but we all still lose because its under controll by Jim Watkins, Hiros buttbuddy scumfuck business partner
is it time? do I have to force myself to like reddit now?
>Delete all the video game containment boards
>Delete all the porn boards except for /h/ and /aco/
>Delete /pol/
>Delete /soc/
>Delete /mlp/
>Delete /lgbt/
>Delete /s4s/
>Delete /mu/

There I fixed 4chan
You could delete half the boards here and miss nothing or just merge them

Merge the drawing boards into one, none of them get any traffic

Delete /vr/ it's pointless

Delete /aco/ a hentai board exists already the autists who sperg out over western/eastern can deal with it

Delete /asp/ sorry I hate mandrama as well but it's pointless as well

Delete really slow boards like /n/ (Just use /o/) and /po/

Merge the wallpaper boards it makes no sense to have two, same with the cute boards.

Merge /m/ into /jp/ it's all Japanese culture and honestly /jp/ is pretty pointless

There I saved 4chan id love to delete the really shitty containment boards like /s4s/ and /pol/ or just merge them into /trash/ and watch the fireworks but I understand the have SOME small significance
And /v/ is the closest thing to reddit.
What's your point?
I highly doubt it, I've seen threads with one poster on /hc/ and /s/ last for about a week before finally dropping off page 10, they're just not active enough to keep.

The people who frequent the niche boards will have to just search for what they want instead.
>delete porn boards
>delete /vr/
>ban KS on /vg/
>delete /pol/
>ban frogposter
>no more phoneposting
>/vg/ is created to get e-sports and Katawa Shoujo out
>Quarantine the sickness elsewhere
>It gets 1000x worse because now they have an entire board to spread out in
>If we ever remove the quarantine they will spread beyond control
/vg/ was a mistake, we should have just ignored them
I remember moot once saying that /gif/ and /s/ are among the busiest boards on 4chan in terms of data usage.
delete /z/
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It was my pleasure, have a good life.
Just ban all the white male posters.
/v/ would be the first on the chopping block, retard, and deservedly so.
merge some boards together

for example get rid of /vr/ since it really doesn't serve any good purpose, and maybe /vp/ since it's not like anybody gives a shit to stay there if actually big pokemon news happens anyway.
/h/ moves at a snail's pace, I still see threads from a month ago. /gif/ is just the same threads posted over and over again, /aco/ is /d/ but for western shit since a mod kept banning western shit on /d/, and I don't know about the regular stuff like /hc/ or /hm/ and sexy women or whatever, but does anyone even go there?
That will decrease the amount of server space used, but the bandwidth problems will remain unless these people just completely leave 4chan.
I like you.
>leaving /aco/ and /h/
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I've been buying 4chan passes since they were introduced.
I've been using this website for almost a decade and want to support it because I genuinely enjoy it. There's no other place quite like it on the internet and I want it to stay that way, feel free to insult me with whatever hot new meme you can come up with
Take your pic.
/v/ is the biggest board after /b/
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thanks for proving my point
I think 2D porn should stay but otherwise a good idea.
Neither are better than /gif/ desu.
the last time i ventured out to another chan i ended up with a rootkit by just visiting a board. i'm good.
mind you this was years ago.
>delete /po/
Hey fuck you /po/ never hurt anyone. They just like paper man.
>Hiro posts 2 times
>Says nothing for more than 1 hour
Anyone else thinks thats weird?
>since they were introduced.
Prove it
I hope Notch buys it.
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I'm gonna miss you faggots when 4chan dies
Forgive him he's not good with computers.

What point?
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Is it time? Can we finally delete /mlp/?

The board is nowhere near as active as it used to be so it wouldn't be much of a threat anymore, I'm pretty sure the retards still have threads on /b/ anyway despite having their own board.
>delete all the cool niche slow boards
>keep all the fast moving bandwidth hoging porn boards that don't contribute anything
well Overfags already flood this board with the same 5 different themed threads every day
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>there is absolutely nothing wrong with reddit.
The post voting system is a mistake, and you can't reply to several posts, or upload images directly.
Set us free hiromoot
>I'm a cuck numale reddittor from tumblr and I ENJOY being that way :)
yeah cucks enjoy being cucked, what else is new
The Yakuza is probably holding a gun to his head right now.
>ITT : Literal newfags who have no idea what the entire point of containment boards are.

mlp, vp, soc etc are absolutely vital. Before shit like those were a thing, we had non stop pokemon posting and horsefuckers shitting up the board.

>"B-b-b-but we'll just get mods to ban them"
Yes because that worked so well before.
Yes because phoneposting isn't the easiest thing in the world and guarantees you can shitpost with absolutely no fear of being banned.
I seriously hope you don't believe this
>honestly /jp/ is pretty pointless

Fuck you, Anon.
>>no more phoneposting
would actually unironically solve like 90% of these problems
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>I'm a conservative trump voting /pol/ user
>Whats it like being retarded
idk you tell us
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Keep /a/ and /v/, literally everything else can go.

And bring back /l/
A website with a tenth of 4chan's userbase would be ideal.

4chan has grown too large.
I'll miss you too faggot.
Shit that's not even a bad idea.
Somebody message him on twitter.
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Holy fuck no.

I've been here since fucking 2006. I was 10 then. This place is one of the most influential things in my life and I'd definitely be a much less successful person if it wasn't for this site.

Kill porn boards. Make it possible to flag THREADS as sfw/nsfw.

No more support for webm and pdf, just gif, png and jpg.

>/aco/ and /h/
>/v/, /vr/ and /vp/
>/jp/ and /a/
>/trash/ and /d/
>Keep /a/ and /v/, literally everything else can go.

This doesn't sound that bad.

No, that's fucking idiotic.
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Only idiots don't want 4chan to die. The death of 4chan would be an Apoptosis for a new era.
How would you even ban it?
/po/ was how I got to 4chan in the first place way back in 2005, not even joking
I know but it's pointless, you could combine all those drawing and art boards into one and nothing changes they move so slow and we have like 10 for no reason

Also all those porn boards can get merged, keep the gay ones but merge /gif/ (or delete it nothing new cones from there and I know it's data exhausting) /hc/ and /s/
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/soc/ actually isn't vital its just /b/ faggots that will post their shit on /b/ if its deleted
I'd be alright if it were deleted if he allowed it back on /co/ at least.
3DPD porn boards should be deleted, normalfags can go to pornhub to jerk off.

Assuming this isn't just the numoot's scammer nature we were warned about emerging.
>no webm
>gif allowed
you're not very smart are you
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will i finally escape?
Notch owes his success to /v/, he is the savior we need.
Have you donated to wikipedia this year anon?

4chan Pass user since October 2016.

both of them add absolutely nothing of value to the site and have always been a detriment for other boards , good riddance
That's just malware you have on your shit.
/vp/ has no reason to exist anymore. It did its job, but /vg/ is a thing now. The board is redundant.
I agree.

We could do without porn boards honestly.
Actually you have a good point there. Disregard the /soc/ thing then, they can fuck right off.
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>Merge /m/ and /jp/

the only fucking good thing about 4chan is that it is large though
i mean 4chan "culture" is absolutely shit so that is not a reason to go here
the only reason anyone goes here is that you can reply to some comment and you get a reply just a few minutes later guaranteed
its always active which is literally the only thing that makes it interesting
I did my part

4chan Pass user since October 2016.
Introduce ip range bans
Allow people to unban themselves for $10
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let's get rid of -pol- guys.webm
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No. You'll just find another hell.
>Delete all the boards except /a/ and /v/ and ban everyone who used any other board
>Pay more moderators with all the money saved
>Ban anyone who does retarded shit
>4chins enters a new golden age
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Anon please.
>I'd definitely be a much less successful person if it wasn't for this site
How? It's usually the reverse.
i mean, there's always Cripplechan in case this place goes to hell
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I've been baited
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Porn is one of the main reasons I come here. I get that it takes up a lot of space but Christ leave the porn alone.
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>No more support for webm
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Have you done a lick of research?
No, you haven't. If this site dies I'd be legitimately surprised, but just know you're getting datamined.
>it's 4chans b-day!
>SURPRISE! Here is a new feature that NO ONE ASKED FOR!

im also selling 4chan lol bye
keep /h/, /tv/, /pol/ and /b/ and you got a deal.
>delete /pol/
You wouldn't like that, it would essentially make the thing you don't like (politically incorrect opinions outside of /pol/) get even worse. Just admit to yourself that this is the one popular site out of like fifty billion that doesn't slavishly adhere to a stupid progressive mindset and allows people to be bigoted (to a certain degree) without instantly removing them from the conversation because it hurts people's precious feelings.
>no support for webm
What? Webm has orders of magnitude better compression than the a gif. Why would you remove it in favor of a shittier format?
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Thank you for selling out
Do you have any idea how big this site has grown in the past 5 years?

It was much better in the past. And that's not just nostalgia talking.
Porn discussion is an oxymoron. It has no place here.
>no support for webm
Kill yourself under age.
>8chian actually won
What did you win, ridicule and 2 posts a month?
What a winner, 8gag for the epic for the win.
Bring back sound treads
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We'll make it lads, we always have.
Wouldn't even be surprised. He seems like the kind of guy that's already in this thread.
>4chen will die in your lifetime
Thank god, I had enough of suffering
Yeah it sure is a shame you can't get porn anywhere else on the internet.
I don't want discussion I want a place where I can find tons of it.
Of course they won't die, but without the place to stay they will lose quite a lot of people, at least here. The more rabid ones can go to EIGTOchan for all I care
/v/ has been faster than /b/ for a while now.
>no webm support
That's fucking gay as shit.
But we should remove all porn boards though.
this made me laugh more than it should have
Just fucking shut down the site
I spend a lot of time here but I honestly wouldn't miss it
This isn't true at all. People talk about porn all the time here.
keep webm for some boards, keep /v/ way it is but merge /vr/ and /vp/, keep /jp/ and /a/ their own, merge fashion and cosplay boards, merge most crafting boards into one.
yes and a tuberculosis for the world
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It's a shame that you can't discuss video games anywhere else on the internet.
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It's a fucking awful site anyway and i'm glad it's ending.

4chan Pass user since May 2013.
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Nobody but fucking /v/ needs /vg/, /v/'s already dead so who cares what happens here. We can sacrifice it.
Yeah, it's pretty bad. Something will get posted, then in the comments, the first comment will be a fucking pun or a song lyrics or a dank reference that will birth a four hundred long comment chain of circle jerking/samefagging putting any relevant discussion down in the middle bottom. It's fucking infuriating.
Is image.jpg only iPhone posters? All my files download as the default name and I can change all the filenames.
Delete fit problem solved. Hate those faggots
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You wake up tomorrow and 4chan is gone.

Where do you go?
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We're the true saviors of 4chan desu senpai.
brb replaying pokemon tcg
Try any of the 5 trillion porn websites.
Just make special boards that only 4chan pass users can access
Boards that 4chan users have been asking for
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well we had a good run lads, after all this shit we've been through, maybe we actually got something out of these endless, pointless threads afterall.

see you all at double-chan i presume?
4chan has needed an overhaul for a long long time. Moot should have had the backbone to do it but porn boards need to go and rampant senseless shitposting needs moderated.

There's posting a joke and fucking around and then there's the legitimately mentally ill people who fuck everything up.
the suicide both
Everyone who came her after I did pls leave.
we can always go to reddit and make a new sudreddit
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>Supporting something you don't like
There are tons of imageboards where a lot of people will flock. I'd pick the most active one.
i was also here 5 years ago and it was pretty shitty back then as well
im pretty sure that if this site was split into ten smaller site it would be shitposting as usual, just slower
i mean the shitpost culture is already here and so ingrained in what this site is that it i feel it is almost indistinguishable from what most people think the original "idea" of /v/ is
Just go to krautchan desu
Biggest other-language board with big /int/ community
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All I need is /a/, /v/ and /vg/ in all honesty.
Secondary somewhat useful boards are /h/ and /d/

I couldn't give the slightest fuck about any of the other boards in all honesty. Burn them all.
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to the shed to find some rope

/a/, /v/, /anybigboard/ are better for porn than the actual porn boards so yea get rid of them. /a/ literally has 24/7 sadpanda threads.
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We've rehearsed this
M8 /fit/ isn't even the problem?
Notch is too empty a person to want to save 4chan
Well let's see
I don't want illegal immigration in my country as it creates job loss, hurts the economy, and radically inflates the cost of social services.
I don't want the removal of industrial blue collar work such as coal mining, as doing so was what completely shattered Detroit's economy (and look at them now for fuck's sake).
I don't want further increased social programs that are just digging us into an even deeper hole in terms of spending.
I don't want us to be feet down in Syria (something Hillary has advocated for), because the trouble we got into the middle east in the last two decades was far too much as is.
I don't want the eradication of the 2nd amendment of our constitution.
I do want to see something smarter than Obamacare put in place, such as allowing competition across state boarders, and a system that doesn't force people to have health care.

And many other things.

So again, I'll ask you, what is it like to be retarded?
go to reddit
Who cares? 4chan should be about lifestyle hobbies

Collecting porn and fapping is hardly a lifestyle or hobby
The little boards hardly generate any traffic, closing them would be pointless. You need to get rid of one of the big hitters, preferably /v/
Merge /i/, /ic/, /3/, and /gd/, call it /art/.

Merge /e/ and /h/, there's no real reason to put softcore on its own board.

Delete /qst/, /tg/ can deal with having that shit back.

Get rid of /x/.

Get rid of /r9k/.

Merge /vr/ back into /v/, maybe get rid of /vp/ too.

Get rid of /aco/, stipulate that GOOD Western art is allowed on /h/ and /d/ rather than the blanket ban levied against all Western art in the past.

Delete /trash/. What's the fucking point of saving garbage threads like that?

Get rid of /pol/eddit.
get fucked
the attention seekers and instant gratification killed all discussion on topics that arent vocal majority approved and brought fuckers like you here making everything worse.
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Literally how incompetent is this guy?
moot ran this site flawlessly and was even taken to court without whining as much as this guy has done in the last year

The gooks where right, hes a fucking retard
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>People saying to delete /3/
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The Overwatch one specifically is a huge pile of shit. I've seen some other subreddits for games that are decent.
Easy. As painful as it would be, nuke webms and every webm centered board. We don't need shit video hosting from this site, we can get it elsewhere. It's unnecesary cost.
>le if you kill me i only become stronger may-may
test the theory out for yourself and commit suicide by cop
Either to my closet to get a gun or outside to apply for jobs.
That's already how it is you fucking asshole. /pol/ shit pops up all the time even when your shitty little containment board is active.

Killing /pol/ would be a significant improvement to the site's userbase.
>your mother will die posts
>in 2011
makes you think
Make a board that only 4chan Gold members can post on

4chan Pass user since October 2016.
Anyone saying delete /pol/ is a newshit that wasn't here when /new/ got deleted
>Collecting porn and fapping is hardly a lifestyle or hobby
hey dont tell me my lifestyle isnt my lifestyle
Youtube comments section
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>4chan will either be unrecognizable or dead in your lifetime
It is a lifestyle hobby for me you fuck.

nigga you can't delete shit like /pol/ or /soc/ or EVERY BOARD will become /pol/ and /soc/
back then it was owned by asian hitler jew though
To the tallest building in my city and jump off its roof while wearing a t-shirt of moot and no shirts
the fact that there havent really been any "notch buys stupid thing" or "notch suddenly bankrupt?" stories in the news since he first shelled out for his house seems to indicate that he has some kind of third party financial advisement now
which would mean that thats probably out of the question
Stronger moderation should do that. Just lifetime bans left and right.
I'm glad you aren't able to vote yet.
Tooooooo fucking slow. It's the Witcher 3 of image boards.
they actually fixed /news/ but /pol/ still exists. Its deletion should have happened a while ago
Delete /pol/

Its a unnecessary board considering how /pol/ is everywhere
And it will get much, much worse if /pol/ is deleted.
Resub to WoW
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0 fucking idea
The people that browse /b/ probably don't even know other boards exist.
Holy fuck, use bug spray
Are you retarded? He's saying if you delete /pol/ the /pol/lacks are just going to spread to all the other boards

none of them are actually going to leave 4chan
He's lying you fucking idiots
>Collecting porn and fapping is hardly a lifestyle or hobby

Say that to my carefully crafted porn folders. Porn is one of the only reasons I visit this hellhole.
They should just IP range permaban everyone who's posted on /pol/ and then shut down that board. Also shut down all porn boards, along with /mlp/ and /lgbt/
I go get mad pussy because i'm no longer a social outcast
Why would I go to a site with a billion fucking boards?
Sounds like autism
>remove webms
>not gifs
Are people genuinely this retarded and ignorant?
Webms are a much more effecient format than gifs.
Or maybe he's just not done anything newsworthy lately? Did you ever think about that?
>ruining /sp/

Good thing we can filter people like you.
not if we all migrated there, where else would we go? since it's the next best thing it's obvious the boards there would become much more populated once 4chin is kill
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>Yfw the thought of never being able to use your 4chan folder ever again
A lot of modern /pol/ users come from /v/.

Source: Every fucking time someone asks "What brought you to /pol/ :^)" over there at least a third to half say some variation of either "Gamergate" "censorship in video games" or "I came here to troll after getting Trump posted and stayed." They also tend to post anime pictures when doing so.
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Eternal reminder.
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>Stronger moderation
I wouldn't put that much faith in the moderation.
I start playing video games
Merge /v/ with /s4s/ and /trash/. Do it. You have to do it Hiro, you know it.
Pls no
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Nowhere. For over 7 seven years I only lurked. If 4chan died I'd just give up on any sort of posting.
The person clearly didn't expect that to happen.
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Go outside.

and marvel at my freedom.
So who you gonna ALLAH ACKBUR if 4chan dies.

It'd be embarrassing if I fly out to Japan to blow myself and Hiroyuki up only to find that someone's already stabbed him.
Yeah but you won't, pussy.

4chan Pass user since May 2013.
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Wow, what an argument! You surely countered my points!

An I'm actually 22. Seriously regret voting for Obama last time around, but what can I say, I used to be a dumb leftist.

I'm the head of a student organization on campus. I'm personally converted about 10 people to Trump votes who I know personally, and anywhere between 50-200 independents to Trump votes via phone banking, tabling, speaking events and so on.
Specifically because I'm actually able to articulate arguments and political talking points based on facts and data, unlike most liberals who rely largely on feelings and knee jerk reactionism.
Why would he lie like this?
That's just evil.
nigger he's a billionaire

if an anemic 15 year old weaboo can manage this site from his moms basement then notch can afford paying for it in his sleep

Might try 7ch first
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What other shitty imageboards are there cripplechan is dead.
he's probably fucking around though calm the fuck down
>ever giving money to this shithole
Kys baka desu senpai cuck
>reduce image filesize on most boards (at the very least, the busiest ones) down to 2-3 MB
>delete or merge together boards that exist solely for imagedumps
>delete or merge together slow boards with similar interests or tire fires like /trash/ and [s4s]
>reduce threads back down to 300 posts/150 images before autosage
>don't archive threads for 48 hours (unless that's a legal thing, I guess)
>try to run ads in a way that they actually make whatever the costs for running them back since apparently they couldn't do that before if hiro dumped them
>give 4chan passes some benefits that aren't just attention whoring and going against the nature of 4chan (like that "user since" thing they added recently) for example the cooldown thing was a good idea
>push comes to shove just run a donation drive like back in the day

I won't pretend to be a genius at saving bandwidth and making dough but those are some things off the top of my head that might help.
I'm in the same position. What other website allows me to shitpost without being afraid of the consequences? I know there's youtube, but that aint a forum
Go to work, like every day.
remember like 4 years or so ago, when the mods suddenly decided to actually moderate /v/ for like a few days?
that was crazy
This plus you can delete some shit like /po/, /i/, /ic/, and /gd/.

These boards have been around for years and don't even have 500k posts, literal waste of space. /gd/ especially doesn't even have 300k.
cause he's a fucking jew? I'm honestly disgusted that people actually bought that "me no good enlgish" act
/b/ is the most important containment board on this site, if it was deleted a billion retards would flood every other place

no, instead he should limit the bandwith of /b/ severely
If I really do suffer a psychotic break I'll probably just kill myself while jumping off a building.
>Trump supporter complaining about knee jerk reactionism
You do realize your candidate says whatever retarded thing first comes to his mind, right? That's why he says so many stupid things.
Most /pol/ users are just people that started going on /pol/ from other boards due to the election season.
It's not difficult to change people's minds. Most people I've met are easily persuaded by having the smallest amount of confidence.
>using something made to clean instead of something made to kill bugs
I'm thinking this is true. Hiro wants to live off 4chan, Moot made another website to live off of and 4chan was just a hobby that ran itself.

I'm not saying it's completely shady or wrong, but Hiro probably has a different motive for this site, considering that he actually purchased it.
I remember the plan being go to 7chan if 4chan dies.

Although someone here told me that 7chan has a lot of word filters and you'll be more than likely banned when that happens.
4chan patreon is our only hope now.

How many of you would support this shithole?
And if the hotpockets do their jobs as they should on those it's gonna make it perfectly clear that they are not wanted there , they either will abide by the new status quo or fuck off to wherever but without a central hub for their faggotry they will have to leave AND NOT A SINGLE TEAR WILL BE SHED FOR THEM
Brb, Gensokyo.
Genius then what would happen? hotwheels or who ever manages the site now will go bankrupt.
Have you noticed that there isn't a single thread about this on /b/?

Nobody who posts there has been around for long enough to give a fuck about 4chan, get rid of it.
>turns out /pol/ really ruined the website
thanks /rightyreddit/
What would happen to this site if mook was kill? Who would get ownership?
Reminder do not trust Hiroshima.
Do not fall for his "bad engrish me cute jap" act.
Merge smaller, more tame offset boards back into parent boards i.e. /vr/ into /v/.
Delete boards which are dead or are just for porn dumps.
No fucking way
Yes. As much as I despise /pol/ and its userbase I understand how necessary it is to 4chan's health.
Automatically resize pictures posted from phones, 3mb+ 5000x6000 pictures of boring badly focused stuff is stupid.
>if the hotpockets do their jobs as they should
Think about what you just typed.
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>delete this
>delete that
Reddit is fine, but for having actual discourse and fun threads, the layout is just too cluttered and shit.
Even with the 'Sort after posting date' it sucks.
The image part of 'imageboard' is also missing from reddit, with the only option being posting links. Only OP can embed video, images etc.
Someone will make a 4chan clone after this place dies.
And on top of that. He didnt posted any evidence that support his claim that the site is dying.
Trump has an issue with saying zingers too quickly, yes, but that doesn't make his policies less sound.

The wall, H1B reforms, his tax plan, spending changes, foreign policy, supreme court justice choices, etc. All of these policies are sound when you look into them.

The difference is, I argue with facts, not feelings. You still haven't said anything about any of my points. Perhaps because you can't?
>genuinely voting for trump
I mean sure it would be one hell of a ride if he actually got elected but I hope there's nobody who genuinely think he's a good candidate, right? Or that the presidency and democracy aren't giant memes for plebs, right?
Finally we might finally be fucking free after all these years.
dumb frogposter
never unless hiroshima dies
>4chan is gone
libre khna (get v&)
mxxsterchan.org (get super v& chum)
With the hydra split, the populace will flock to a few boards. We all know 4(2) chan will be simply because its well known. Past that, I don't know. I'll probably go to fucking GameFAQs and start trolling and shit posting with throw away accounts.
>there is absolutely nothing wrong with reddit
Regular forums suck ass.
Your opinion is ignored unless you are a forum celebrity with 15k posts and a fanclub of underagefags who follow you into every thread to suck up to you and attack anbody who agrees with you.

Never going back to one again if I can help it.
I was more referring to the pol user part
>Reddit is fine
Rule #10. It's 4chan or bust.
>tripfagging: the next generation
/gif/ is actually complete shit.
Deleting it is the best idea in that thread.
>Remove webm, a far better and more modern format than gif
>Keep gif that wastes far more bandwidth than webm ever will
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It's all banter m8ey, of course we're all #hilldogs

4chan Pass user since May 2013.
Do you not pay attention?

Hillary's policies are suicide for this country. Don't even get me started on how unconstitutional several of them are.
I doubt the patreon website would allow 4chan there.
Not american so I don't care who you vote for. I was just saying that influencing people to change their mind isn't difficult, be it with facts or with feelings.
He got extremely lucky that his opponent is Hillary Clinton, that's for sure.
Then they shouldn't be bothered with board's deletion. You know about whom I'm talking about. The cancer that spreads and thinks they are amusing for inability to contain themselves on the one board. The kind similar to /b/ that killed 4chan in the first place.
Half of 4chan users at any given time are on mobile. If Hiro stopped them from browsing his bandwith costs would drop massively.
I don't think you understand how server bandwidth works. If a board has low traffic, that means it barely affects the server's load. Also some boards are naturally going to have a lower or higher post amount due to the subject matter of the board. For example, a porn board will have a relatively high amount of posts per user because there are a ton of image dumps. Simultaneously, a board like /ic/, where a person may spend upwards of 15 hours on a drawing before posting, will have a much smaller number of posts per user. Just because posts are fewer does not make a board dead.
Why would you want to get rid of /ic/, it's one of the few non-cancer boards on this shitty website. It's also the only learner's forum that doesn't behave like a giant hugbox.
This. Either way Hiro should ask for government bucks from the UN to fund this internet quarantine.
But how else am i supposed to browse five different interracial BBC threads at the same time?
Read Hiro's post, dumb frogposter
hard to tell if he's serious or if his whole persona is a ruse
I'm not so sure that he's completely lying, really. It's just that he is likely using more income off 4chan than moot was to actually pay his bills.
>allows me to shitpost without being afraid of the consequences

>one source is 4chan.org
Also who gives a shit
thats not the point, 4chan isnt the sort of thing a person of his financial standard would want in their portfolio regardless of personal reasons
youd make yourself a huge liability by willingly leading this band of anonymous pornographers and racists, if he did do it hed have to do it anonymously through a proxy, appropriately enough
You don't have to like either of them.
Maybe moot will buy it back
This. Is is exactly why I hate Reddit.

The karma system leads to absolute cancer.

>post unpopular opinion
>-120 comment below threshold
>post some dank memes, song lyrics, TL;DR commentary, explanation for somebody's actually good and thoughtful post
>2000 points

The only way I managed to even TRY to browse that cesspool of a website is to get RES and use custom CSS so I can't see any karma. Not that it prevents all the top comments from being dumb popular karmawhoring shit, but at least I can't see how many dumb fucks upvoted it.
I'd rather fucking die.
Hotwheels is literally funded by jews

he can't run out of cash
you can't avoid it
join the hoard and support your site faggot

4chan Pass user since October 2016.
So the MLP and the Steven Universe and Homestuck fags can start bickering between each other?

fuck off
This is fine. Look at porn elsewhere there are so many other sites.
They could only last a few days. You would need an army of volunteers to moderate the site.
>-More 4chan pass users
>more features
4chan Heroes when?
This is the dumbest money grubbing scheme I've seen in a while

>or have you guys buy more 4chan passes™ so I can add more features? (4chan pass user since september 2012)

kill yourself you fucking mega faggot
/d/ needs to stay others can go

Theres other imageboards out there. Why should you bother going to reddit?
If anything we can get rid of the pornboards.
I mean there's literally thousands of porn site around, it's always full of high res images and webm and is pretty cancer all around.
Hell even reddit is better regarding porn because you can more easily search for highly specific porn on the appropriate sub instead of
>waiting hours for a board you like to start
>starting your own thread on the subject and going full imagedump
Where else do I discuss politics without being banned for "WHY DON'T YOU THINK OF THE CHILDREN" in gun control discussion, "WOW UR WACIST" for illegal immigration discussion, or "OMG COLLEGE SHOULD BE FREE GIB ME FREE STUFF DAMN IT" for taxation / spending discussion?
It's /pol/ or reddit, and fuck reddit.

And I told you, that for many of us, if /pol/ is not around we'll just end up discussing politics on other boards.

Don't be a retarded centrist.
Trump's policies are sound and responsible. He's a bit outspoken and authoritarian (I'm not a fan of his more authoritarian policies), and certain things like banning people on the no fly list from purchasing guns is unconstitutional as well, but he's the best candidate running. (I like Ron Paul more, but he's retired. Gary Johnson isn't a real Libertarian, Ron Paul wouldn't even endorse him over any other candidate).
Moot always complained this shithole didn't make any money.
If he started a donation drive, 4chan servers cost for 5 years will be solved within a week.
>they don't have a pass
>they don't support 4changs
>they are poor

Just leave Tbh

4chan Pass user since July 2016.
make me superultrafaggotard

4chan Pass user since October 2016.
He did the same thing with 2ch. He pulled off money from the users for his own pocket

I do not trust him until there's clear evidence for what he saying
>every board is /pol/

I could get behind that.
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I've grown so attached to this shithole that migrating to another place is out of the question.

Here, have some nice Grafics.
>It's also the only learner's forum that doesn't behave like a giant hugbox.
Did /diy/ change when I wasn't looking? I know they were great for spit balling ideas and getting genuine help a few moons ago.
/x/ has some of the best content on the site excluding Tarot readings and "dude i saw a ghost" dime a dozen threads
No, that's a horrible idea.

They're called Containment Board for a reason. That's where all the new people go and it's best to stay like that.

Go on /b/ right now and see how people are. "Prove you're not a newfag" threads with Banana and screencaps from 2-3 year ago ago, or just classic ones that everybody knows. Only way they express their laughter is "top kek" or "my sides" because they read it in a screen cap and must use it everytime.
mlpfags have already claimed /trash/, no further boards are needed
Moot got a job with Google despite starting this fucking thing.
4chan no longer has the negative connotation it had 10 years ago when it was still young. It's still not seen as a good place but anyone who spends five minutes here sees that it's just people speaking their mind, not hackers on steroids bullshit.
wtf how do I passpost now
But Homestuck is dead and SU is on /trash/ because it's on hiatus.
>supporting 4chin when it's running perfectly fine
>falling for hiroshimoots Jew tactics
>being this gullible
you're not supporting 4chan, you're just giving money to a hobo
7chan is chock full of oldfags who think it's still 2008. Check out the /fail/ board.
Man I came here to fap today, and I'd be behind this.
Here's your free (You)
He'll keep lying and make claims that things aren't doing well and he needs more money.
>we'll just end up discussing politics on other boards
As long as they stay on topic, I don't mind. /pol/ is not about discussing shit though, it's an echo chamber, much more than any other board
I remember that controversy, was that donation money or ad revenue? There's nothing illicit about him doing it here yet since it's not donation money.

Upsetting if it is the case anyway, though. Seemed like Moot gave a shit enough to create a different website for making money and paying bills and letting 4chan run itself.
help how do I passpost

4chan Pass user since October 2016.
We don't need multiple containment boards. If /pol/ is deleted people who want to talk about news will actually go to the news board and the people who want to start the stormfront will just go to /b/
Just delete /mlp/
90% of it is in trash already.
Of you know anything about Detroits situation, which is jack shit by the looks of it, it's mostly the government/bank that's fucking that city over.
>Just because posts are fewer does not make a board dead.

Something with fewer posts but not dead is more akin to /m/

Something that's been around for ages and hasn't even reached a million is dead.
Had moot came out and said he needed help in the past how many years, I would have bought a pass. Alas he did not.

Not to mention one thing about the pass you probably didn't think of: You can't skirt the rules and post things without fear of being banned. By getting that pass, you willingly put a noose around your neck.
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/trash/ is actually dominated by /sug/, /tlhg/, RWBY and Zootopia now.
Tell me about Trump's views on global warming.

And that's how you defeat a trumpussy.
Like that Anon said, Notch is a fucking billionaire. He doesn't give a fuck about his portfolio anymore as evident by his twitter telling people to fuck off.
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>my pussy when

4chan Pass user since May 2013.
>Don't be a retarded centrist.
I'm not a centrist, is a centrist antidemocratic?
It's certainly more popular, I'll give you that. I frequently find tabs open on /int/ or whatever at my uni labs. No one actually takes responsibility for it though, or mentions to others that they browse it unless they see the other guy browsing a board.
And he even removed the ads to force our hand.
I'd rather We finally told /h/ to stop being pussies and accept the /h/-like part of /d/. Then get rid of /d/.

That way we remove all those low effort deviantart tier threads such as "transformation" and "hypno" (just words words words with a picture on the side).
>Had moot came out and said he needed help in the past how many years, I would have bought a pass.
He did, that was literally in the 4chan pass update.
>moot runs 4chan without a problem for 11 years
>stupid gook buys it and fucks eveything up

bring back moot
So really where do we go if 4chan dies?
here's yours
I've got faith 4chan will never die just because I'm sure there will always be some Palmer Luckey-esque motherfucker that'll keep it alive even if it's a moneysink.

That said I really don't want to test that hypothesis so this ain't good news. I don't really have any ideas that haven't been posted already a hundred times in this thread.
I actually have an old pass. I can't just renew it?
Well that sucks.
They're scared guys.
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How would you feel if Google bought 4chan?
This. The containment meme has to end. /pol/ didn't even exist back then, it was /new/ and it got nuked multiple times. No "spreading" ocurred, quite the opposite. As long as the board exist users will circle back and forth spreading their ideas everywhere.
Where my pass bros at? We are singlehandedly keeping this site alive. Absolutely based.

4chan Pass user since July 2016.
>Things that didn't happen.txt
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>/qa/ will fuck it up and convince hiro to delet /pol/ and /r9k/
>They flood the rest of the website
>We're not gonna get board merges that actually fix the website because people can't handle occasional shitpost threads
>no /art/ and /porn/
>Slow boards won't become fast enough to actually discuss things
Just turn it into a subscription service per board.
Well I'd actually have to use reddit to find new japanese porn sites. Something like Sad Panda would be a complete incognita weren't it for this place. But otherwise, nowhere.
It might as well be dead desu
>And that's how you defeat a trumpussy.
>point out something Trump doesn't believe in
>therefore by extension his supporters will also not believe in the thing as well

It's almost like people like him despite not agreeing with him on everything.
Let me rephrase as I worded that poorly:
If he had kept saying he needed help, I would have continued to buy the pass. I did buy one for the first year.
Moot would be back in charge, but this place would never be a place for people like us to be ever again. Abandon ship.
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I'm sorry, but there is a reason Trump is mainly supported by old, uneducated rural people; and that is not because they have mastered the art of logical and critical thinking, quite the opposite. You are still very young, you should start reading books and understand things are not as simple as you think.

You don't want the eradication of the 2nd amendment? Why? It's not a holy truth created by divine beings, but created by people who still talked about animal spirits in medical science. Machineguns? Didn't exist, back then. You don't want illegal immigration? Well, who supports illegal immigration in the first place? No one? Well, Trump wants to build a wall and make Mexico pay for it. Realistically, that will never happen; even if it did, what would happen? Illegal immigrants would start digging tunnels or choose the sea route, i.e. simply hop on to another plan. Alright, you don't want to lose industrial jobs in America, so what will you do? Trump says he will stop it, but never says how. Take more debt? Start running the business at net loss?

/pol/ needs to be shut down, period. It's just a pot of blind anger for young, angry kids who have no other place to talk about their feelings, or proper background themselves to do that properly..
It tends to be an echo chamber in the same way /v/ has become an echo chamber for New Vegas over Fallout 3.
Because facts and statistics, when not censored, lend themselves to create an echo chamber of sorts.
People's definition of die is going to be vary here.

If a board they like is deleted, then this place has died. If none of their boards are affected(either through deletion or fallout of other boards being deleted), then they keep browsing like before.

dubChan is so pathetic.

No one cares about them.
I know. I was at uni once and saw a friend deleting 4chan from his "most frequent pages visited". But I think that was for the sake of not having to explain himself if someone asked. It's not like simply saying "It's a website I go to" would make him a pariah.
Why would any respectable company buy this place?
Here's a little tip friend, we've been making nigger and other racist jokes on this site long before you showed up. Pretending to be an internet hate machine isn't new and isn't /pol/.
>Close more boards
Do it hiro. Close all non-anime related boards and ban western games from /v/.
No one gives a shit who you're voting for on a fucking VIDEO GAMES BOARD or whatever other board you dumb fucking retards start spouting your shit on. Politics have nothing to do with other boards' topics but you dumbfucks just can't fucking help yourself.
Oh, yeah we almost never heard of it again. But then again, Moot practically abandoned us in the past few years.
(You)you're only supporting hiroshi Jew if you haven't noticed yet, the site is going to stay shitty while you fill up his pocket for him to go for his next jewadventure
take my money hiroshima moot

4chan Pass user since October 2016.
It doesn't matter if 4chan dies because a new chan will just take its place.
/pol/ are the new furries
Why would their /pol/ be afraid of our contamination? Theirs was just as shit whenever I checked it.
Unironically gensokyo
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>4chan will die in your lifetime
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/pol/ would freak as they've taken this campaign to call niggers Google.
>I don't want illegal immigration in my country as it creates job loss, hurts the economy, and radically inflates the cost of social services.
Which could all be covered if the wealthiest people (Trump and Hillary included) didn't bank overseas to avoid taxes. Moving on.
>I don't want the removal of industrial blue collar work such as coal mining, as doing so was what completely shattered Detroit's economy (and look at them now for fuck's sake).
A lot of the new iterations of these jobs, promoted by rightists, cause earthquakes and damage the environment.
>I don't want further increased social programs that are just digging us into an even deeper hole in terms of spending.
Our military budget is comparable to social services and the most military spending in the world. If Big Pharma, promoted by rightists, had any degree of price regulation then social services spending would diminish significantly. But they don't.
>I don't want us to be feet down in Syria (something Hillary has advocated for), because the trouble we got into the middle east in the last two decades was far too much as is.
Agreed. Neither party is to blame for conflict in the Middle East. This is at the hands of big oil.
>I don't want the eradication of the 2nd amendment of our constitution.
Fair point, but let's get back to this.
> and a system that doesn't force people to have health care.
So you can support one part of the constitution, but not the preamble?
You know, "promote the general WELFARE?"
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>/pol/ will be deleted in your life time.
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It's time for the final purge to begin and for us to reconnect with our old roots
8ch, which is a better, if still not perfect, site anyways.

Probably wouldn't be able to handle the traffic from 4chan refugees if the whole site went under, though.

>8ch is filtered to the point that your post is considered spam if its in there.
Gee, when did I roll into NeoGaf
Is there a way to make le reddit look and feel more like 4chan?

I've been to a couple of the video game subreddits when I've had problems and sometimes they seem kinda like 4chan in the posts at least. Obviously they can be pretty soft, but I've seen people shit on the softies and retards the same as here enough too. The site layout and stuff is total shit though I don't understand how people use it.
He thinks that we shouldn't spend trillions on failed renewable energy programs such as solar panels.
I agree. I think that climate change is real, but that it's a relatively minor thing, of which the effects will not be very significant even hundreds of years down the line. Evidence shows that the ice caps are in fact not melting, so the concerns brought up from world devastation are unlikely. The biggest danger of climate change is the arable land, which is already an issue due to the world's population, so in reality it just changes our overall carrying capacity a bit. The better solution to climate change currently is for someone to research actual perceivably alternate forms of energy, then use that to be competitive and profitable. The world cannot sustain itself on the current available forms of alternative energy, that is a fact.

So yes, I agree with Trump on his positions regarding climate change, even if I believe it does exist and he does not.
>Check out their anime board
>Entire board is literally one guy spamming gay scat porn
I don't think that Chan has anything to worry about.
>hiroshima nagasaki fucks up 4chan
>everyone blames /pol/

its like poetry

∞-chan or Ylilauta
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>/vg/ will be deleted
>thus /mbg/ will be gone
Please, don't kill /mbg/'s home.
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>Delete /pol/
>trusting gook moot

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But really, the fact that so many people started buying passes only shows that if there was a donation campaign, in a few hours whatever expense the website had would be paid off.
no google
someone contact boner robin, seems up his alley
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According to Trump, global warming is Chinese's plot to hurt America. Another day, he says he never said that. Why would you trust anything he says when according to statistics he lies all the time?
That's not /pol/ and yes, it is shitty. That place is /x//pol/ basically. I'm pretty sure they were the ones to come up with the meme magic belief system.
you can talk about warband here, like we did before /vg/ existed.

/vg/ was a mistake. /v/ filled with generals was more vidya than it is right now.
tää :D
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>a campaign to call niggers Google
i knew they were retarded , i just had no idea how much
>implying hiroshijew wouldn't just steal that money
Come to terms with the fact that t'll stop being useful.

I've deleted 6GB worth of images last year because I didn't use them anymore, I kept to a selection of other more recent images. There was no point even storing them somewhere.
>People wanting to delete video game boards when there's shit like /mlp/ and /lgbt/ that can be deleted and board banned.
It never ceases to amaze me how green parties in who want clean energy are also against nuclear power.
Well, you could probably go back to gaia, from the sound of things.
Have OG Moot run it and we'd have a fucking parade in his honor.
>4chan closing
>WWE potentially buying TNA

This day man.
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lgbt is older than /V/
>new boards
>literally redchanit
i would actually rather die
i am a man of nothing if not principles
/mlp/ still exists?

HOW? That shit isn't relevant anymore. The cartoon drought has been over for over half a decade.
paskempaa lautaa saa hakea
fuck off back to your deadchan fag , even in death this place has more merit that that shithole
Hopefully not, there's a few games in there that are discussed without trips/spam while producing quality content. It also keeps out a large amount of spam from /v/ I imagine(how would you like hourly dota 2 threads?).
if it's any good, upload it and submit to archive.org
30 years from now, AR museums will be filled with your smug anime girl stash
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>delete /pol, /int/, /soc/, /lgbt/ and /r9k/
>start a sister site with all these boards along with a /b/ called /pol/chan under a different name and fill it with a shitton of ads to fund 4chan
>combine /gif/, /s/, /hc/, /hm/ and /hr/ into a single porn board. Encourage elitism and require posters to include sauce in the filenames or face a ban to discourage reposts
>allow any type of 2d porn on /d/
>delete /b/ and /v/ for one year and bring them back as hidden boards

There, fixed everything free of charge
>and get malware
desu close every board except /v/ /a/ and /h/
>You don't want the eradication of the 2nd amendment? Why? It's not a holy truth created by divine beings, but created by people who still talked about animal spirits in medical science.
Oh boy this will be fun
>Machineguns? Didn't exist, back then
Actually, you are incorrect. Thomas Jefferson himself owned an automatic rifle with an internal magazine that held 20 musket balls, firing fully auto at a rate of (IIRC) 300 rpm. The US was actually in debates to make this the standard issue firearm of our military, but it was found to be too expensive. The founding fathers were well aware of advancements in firearm technology at the time, and well aware that they would continue to advance, which is why there was no "shall not be infringed until they become too strong" part of the amendment. Here's a nice quote too,.

"The Constitution of most of our states (and of the United States) assert that all power is inherent in the people; that they may exercise it by themselves; that it is their right and duty to be at all times armed."
- Thomas Jefferson, letter to to John Cartwright, 5 June 1824

>You don't want illegal immigration? Well, who supports illegal immigration in the first place? No one?
The dems largely want to create programs that would allow current residing illegal immigrants easy access to citizenship.

>Well, Trump wants to build a wall and make Mexico pay for it. Realistically, that will never happen; even if it did, what would happen? Illegal immigrants would start digging tunnels or choose the sea route, i.e. simply hop on to another plan.
See; Israel. The wall they built worked extremely well. Fact is, it's VERY easy to watch for tunnels, and we have a coast guard for a reason, access by sea is easier said than done. The extreme majority of attempts from Cubans to enter Miami are easily caught

Not him:
I would argue the opposite: The liberal arts educated haven't dealt with the face of the true minority, the ones that rob and steal and do not integrate into the society around them. The ones that often cry "We need more diversity!" haven't worked with a black woman will cry racism the minute you tell her to get off of Facebook and do her job or a Muslim woman buying coke with food stamps to sell at her corner store at a mark up for profit.

As for the wall, it worked for Israel -- on the US' dime I may add -- it can work for us.
I turned it on when moot spammed music less than a month after asking to remove it, and never looked back.
>le meme bad boards delete
>head of a student organization on campus
>implying you would be anything other than a bleeding heart liberal who rants at anyone not using her pronouns
But warband thread on /v/ nowadays contains consoles war bait. /v/ isn't the same like it was used to be.
I won't say delete the porn boards like a few people have suggested, but perhaps they do need cleaning up, there are a ton of extremely specific porn boards that should really just be combined.
Hell there are even a ton of non-porn boards that could go/be combined with other similar boards and not many people would miss them very much
>can't take on a joke
what an autist
probably reddit
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>Recently used my external hardrive to store some work related stuff
>Find 10 gb worth of reaction pictures
>Realize I never even posted half
My oldest picture was something like 11 years old. I both hate myself for being here for so long and happy that at least it's been a fun ride so far.
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>this site will return to be a chaotic mess without third party faggots trying to make it THEIR chaotic mess
>moot run 4chan for 11 years without 4chan passes
>hiro fucks it up after a year with passes

What the fuck is hiro doing? Did we grow that much?
>Alright, you don't want to lose industrial jobs in America, so what will you do? Trump says he will stop it, but never says how.
Incredibly incorrect. Trump has outlined two major defining aspects to do so.
The first is to increase import taxes on US businesses that are importing from overseas. This will discourage US businesses from doing so, though will not make it illegal by any means.
The second is to lower certain taxes for these businesses that do hold jobs on US soil, in order to encourage that above all else.

>/pol/ needs to be shut down, period
Why, because you suck at debating them?
Talk like a normal person

Just imagine the amount of good that the death of 4chan would bring.
So many faggots would have to post on healthy environments where they wouldn't be motivated to kill themselves on a daily basis.

Places where advice would be actually good, and video game discussion is actually based on criticism rather than shitposting.

Let it burn, I say
hiro is lying
hiro wants your money
hiro is a jew
Back to bed
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>all this hate towards /pol/
What the fuck is your problem?
Why do you have to judge all /pol/ users based on a few extremists? /pol/ is a board of peace, we mean no harm.

Um, where are you getting the information that the ice caps aren't melting and that the seas aren't rising?

It really doesn't matter at this point honestly. We already fucked up. It's too late. No one wants to do anything. We still have retards running for office that can openly deny it's happening and get millions of votes. It's embarrassing.

Just fucking blast me off this planet already. Leave the CC deniers on Earth to see how it works out for them.
It's still a good enough cartoon. Just because it was overhyped back in the day doesn't mean it was bad.
>>moot run 4chan for 11 years without 4chan passes
How new are you? 4chan passes have been a thing since like 2011.
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>/pol/ should be deleted
At least m00t would tell you to fuck off for suggesting it because he knew what a mess that would cause. If you need to get rid of a board, /po/ is a good place to start.
>What the fuck is hiro doing
lying through his teeth
>getting jewed by a gook

yes yes /pol/ is to blame shut it down goy
>tfw this entire thread




I WANT /lgbt/ IN /soc/
I WANT /asp/ IN /sp/
AND I WANT /wsr/ IN /r/

>site long before you showed up
I was there and I don't need you to know that, double nigger.
There's a difference between racist jokes we've had forever and /pol/ tier bullshit about jews and niggers.
And you are precisely the reason why I haven't turned it off again too. I hate that "just a joke" attitude. Don't downplay my issues if you want to be taken seriously.

Now die, wretched place. I'll be on gif enjoying draining you of your last stamina for a short while longer. I can't believe sound webms actually killed 4chan!
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>4chan will die in your lifetime
This place took so much from me.

I want it all to end
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Have you never been to GameFAQs? There is no where to criticize a game. /v/ calls everything shit because there is no where else to call it shit.
>esfores removed
kill thyself
I wonder if OG Moot is keeping tabs on what's happening or if he's Pilate and it's no longer his problem. I wonder if he cares about us.

I smell Tumblr.
>So many faggots would have to post on healthy environments where they wouldn't be motivated to kill themselves on a daily basis
You mean hugboxes? It's not healthy to have your delusions validated all the time.
>Places where advice would be actually good, and video game discussion is actually based on criticism rather than shitposting
Other sites are full of plebs who will eat any shit the publishesr put out.
>Delete /po/

What has /po/ done to you? Or anyone? We're better off deleting /r9k/.
why don't you tweet at him and see?
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>A 14 yo faggy Sigourney Weaver-looking beta is able to carry this site for years
>gook fucks up instantly
Delete all porn board
Daily rangebans for everyone who posts on /pol/, /soc/, /s4s/, /mlp/, and /lgbt/
Remove archives
>Which could all be covered if the wealthiest people (Trump and Hillary included) didn't bank overseas to avoid taxes. Moving on.
So the solution is to raise taxes instead of close loopholes like that? Fucking please

>A lot of the new iterations of these jobs, promoted by rightists, cause earthquakes and damage the environment.
Prove the cause Earthquake theory. There is no scientific backing to suggest frakking does that.

>Our military budget is comparable to social services
It's actually not even close

>and the most military spending in the world.
And there's a good reason WW3 hasn't happened yet.

>If Big Pharma, promoted by rightists, had any degree of price regulation then social services spending would diminish significantly. But they don't.
Because that's anti capitalism. Capitalism is what drives the discoveries in the first place.

>You know, "promote the general WELFARE?"
Promoting the general welfare of citizens is to not do things that harms them, not 'pay for their care above all else'.
The government itself has no money of its own, only citizen's money. You're asking others to care for others, not through charity, but through force.
If hiro actually ends up allowing donations then he won't have listened to moot's problems regarding them. In other words he'll be dealing with people acting like he owes them something because they donated money to him.
what's the point of it besides being an old meme

they don't even meme

their meme production is the slowest yet
Delete /gif/

I mean, I get my faps from there, but all the webms and gifs probably are a huge load on the server and you can also just go to xvideos to fap
He never cared about us from the moment the pre-ironic age of memes died. As soon as we started badmouthing namefags and being aggressive towards new people, he knew this was no longer home.
There's literally no point for /pol/ to exist anymore.

Want to complain about affirmative action and globalists keeping you down? /r9k/ is there for that

Want to discuss the news? There's /int/ and /news/

Want to talk with people from different places? /int/

Want to shitpost? /int/

Want to talk about history and culture? /his/
Short of moving them to another website /pol/ isn't going to head off anywhere. They're leaking from their board for sure, but largely contained there anyway. Remove that container and that's that. It's a necessary evil to have them around.
I don't care what he thinks, I care about his policies. His polices have not changed.

>Um, where are you getting the information that the ice caps aren't melting and that the seas aren't rising?
>/pol/ is bullying /po/

Because /gif/ and /r/ is useless shit that you can find anywhere but /aco/ and /d/ both promote OC and offer people a place to find and share shit that's actually pretty rare on the internet.
>Capitalism is what drives the discoveries in the first place.
Most modern medicine is discovered on the government's dime, actually.
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i smell failure
you should visit a doctor because you brain might be severely damaged
/pol/ is way faster on news than both /news/ and /int/

/news/ is fucking worthless
He doesn't actually give a shit but he likes to save face.
Fucking this. I am convinced the people who claim to hate /pol/ actually love having the occasional thread pop up. I mean, otherwise they'd just be retarded to constantly prop them up.
>Bullying the chillest board on the entire site
/pol/ is such a garbage board.
Most advancement in the medical field, especially in biotech, is discovered by large pharmaceutical companies hoping to make it big.

Not an argument.
You can't threaten to do something you are already doing ... you know that right?
Bevause you leak onto other sites and you're most likely reddit. I can't even watch a fucking youtube video on an upcoming game without seeing retarded /pol/ memes like "google". If you knew how to contain yourselves, ie not post on /v/, people would respect you more. Right now you're a propoganda machine worse than the (((Jews))) you claim to despise.
>14 yo faggy Sigourney Weaver-looking beta

4chan Pass user since October 2016.
this is all a jew campaign to shut down /pol/
Read down the chain, I've never posted a /new/ or /pol/ thread on /v/ in my 8 years here.
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>October 2016

4chan Pass user since May 2013.
Why would anyone think deleting slow boards like /vr/ would help? I'll bet there are threads on /gif/ that cause as much traffic as the entirety of /vr/.
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you're a good man, barneyfag
Eyes aren't red or even fuschia, Barneybro. I think that's just generic weeaboo crap, not Pony.
Exactly. Just look at this thread.

The "containment" is just a meme forced by /pol/-going retards who like their nice little racist echochamber.
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4chan Pass user since October 2016.
We all know that Papercraft & Origami will get axed.

What others will be?
There is no lack of dead boards in 4chan
I want /v/ to become a big family again
... Which are primarily funded by grants.
/v/ is one of the most active boards
Threads get archved in 10 minutes tops
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Dont worry, we can always go and make a subreddit! Oh wait.
Nobody gives a shit about what YOU want, so shut the fuck up.
The grants don't even pay for fucking FDA testing.
>mods with power are shits
oh no
>it's real

don't merge /vg/ with /v/ tho.

It would be absolutely bad idea.

Also /tg/ and /quest/ need to be separated aswell, quests were 90% of /tg/ at some point
>You don't want the eradication of the 2nd amendment? Why? It's not a holy truth created by divine beings, but created by people who still talked about animal spirits in medical science. Machineguns? Didn't exist, back then
Oh my god liberals are so fucking dumb.
how would you solve 4chan
... Which is why I said primarily.

Remove karma. Remove "comment below threshold".
Set default view to new instead of "hot" or whatever they call it nowadays.

It's then somewhat manageable.
I want quest to go, and be able to have those threads in all boards
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wojak tears.jpg
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They can't keep getting away with it!
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Oh dear lord
Oh wow that's actually real

They take their memes fucking seriously
This is the only place where I can share my opinion without dealing with stupid drama
lmao toptier satire
I don't think you get it.
Grants don't pay for the research. They don't even scratch FDA testing.
Loans and previous successful drugs pay for the majority of new drugs.
does this mean we can just swoop in and create nu r/4chan?
Mine is disabled, but since I run my own sites I learned that you can only profit from american posters, anyone else gives you from 0 to 0.01 cents no matter how first world they are.
Jesus fucking Christ. You can't miss the point of 4chan any more than this.
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You have to deal with shitposting instead, though.
These boards are just redundant when comparred to other boards

>/vr/ to /v/
>/qst/ to /tg/
>/wsr/ to /r/
>/hc/ to /p/
>/aco/ to /h/,/d/, and the rest (Suck it up and just make all the non-/s/ boards allow western drawn shit, there was no real need for a split)

Merge these boards together
>/3/,/gd/, /i/, and /ic/ into a general /art/ board.

These boards are just ass and no one would miss them
I'm pretty sure they're just fucking around.

Although you can always try. Not sure how you're going to advertise the place.
>/po/ gets axed
>there is barely any change since it was so slow

Deleting dead/slow boards isn't going to fix the problem.
>multiples not allowed
good job

its because in the end of the day

porn boards are redundant when you can just google porn
JUST MERGE THEM, FUCK INTO /d/, /3dp/, and /2dp/
but them fucking around wasn't the point r/4chan might as well be facebook /pol/
>So the solution is to raise taxes instead of close loopholes like that? Fucking please
No, I'm arguing to close the loophole. But it is being used by your candidate of choice, and you are suffering from it.
>Prove the cause Earthquake theory. There is no scientific backing to suggest frakking does that.
I'm not a fucking geoscientist but basic cause and effect dictates that the Earthquakes caused in Oklahoma were a result of fracking. It definitely damages fault lines and pollutes wellwater and makes people around it general unhealthy. You can read the abstract for one of hundreds of articles on this subject here: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2214790X14000513
>It's actually not even close
It's still a significant portion of government spending that is unnecessary.
>And there's a good reason WW3 hasn't happened yet.
Yes, but it could with the current arms conditions of the world. And it would be mutually assured destruction, not a war. Don't be so naive.
>Because that's anti capitalism. Capitalism is what drives the discoveries in the first place.
Fair enough. I'll note that most research was done with taxpayer money, and continues to. Anti-capitalism be damned, people are dying because they cannot afford the medication, which is not promoting the general welfare of the people, even how you define it.
>Promoting the general welfare of citizens is to not do things that harms them, not 'pay for their care above all else'.
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>its real
>google porn
Oh go fuck off /pol/ no one likes you.

Okay then we need to axe a big one?

>The argument about machine guns

The whole counter-argument you present is just about being smartass and passive-aggressive. "Oh boy this will be fun." If you want to focus on facts and arguments as you say, you don't write things like that. Period.

In today's world, when we refer to machine guns, we do not refer to some early automatic rifle designs that were completely unreliable. From Wiki:

"It would not be until the mid-19th century that successful machine-gun designs came into existence. The key characteristic of modern machine guns, their relatively high rate of fire and more importantly mechanical loading,[5] came with the Model 1862 Gatling gun, which was adopted by the United States Navy."

The whole point of my argument was to underline the leap that there has been between guns of that day and today; and that the same gun laws cannot apply in modern age. People do not need to own modern assault rifles. You don't need such if you want to go out and kill innocent animals. Can people have bazookas too? I'm sure the founding fathers would have liked that. And once again, the consitution was laid down hundreds of years ago; dogmatism is the ultimate enemy of critical thinking that leads to advancement of society and humanity as a whole.

>Illegal immigration
The question how to deal with the existing population of illegal immigrants is a whole different problem. None of them supports illegal immigration per se, if they wish to remove that problem.

>The wall
So you will pay hundreds of billions of dollars for a wall that will block the land access from Mexico to US and claim the whole illegal immigration to be solved. Give me sources of your Israel claim, how it has decreased illegal immigration for them. Pure numbers. It is also a whole different thing to talk about Israel's relatively short border compared to the long border between US and Mexico.
Yeah but its worth it
Also it gets to nowhere, so no vendettas
Yes actually. That is a good one to axe because it's just a shell of its former self at this point.
Maybe so, but other /pol/fags already did and are doing so. So seriously, you can't make a threat when that very same thing is ongoing already
so since we know /v/ and /b/ will never be deleted, since they are the pillars of 4chan

What is left?
How do you make another r/4chan while avoiding that outcome?
I'd really miss /vr/, there's tons of discussion that too many of /v/'s visitors don't care about. These treads would get pushed out in less than 30 minutes here.
/v/ is great for current games or popular nostalgic games, but you can't have a thread about unpopular/unknown games here.

I predict they'll get rid some of the big porn boards and limit file sizes for boards like /v/, which aren't image heavy
One day you'll open /v/ to find
>404 website not found
/a/ won't be deleted either, /tv/ won't.

Everyone else is a possibility though.
well for starters I'd avoid even metioning 4chan anywhere to avoid the "cool kids"
>No, I'm arguing to close the loophole. But it is being used by your candidate of choice, and you are suffering from it.
He's using a different loophole actually, one that allows large businesses to avoid income tax by having their earnings taxed as other forms of revenue. He still pays lots of taxes on it, he just doesn't have to pay taxes on it twice.

>I'm not a fucking geoscientist but basic cause and effect dictates that the Earthquakes caused in Oklahoma were a result of fracking. It definitely damages fault lines and pollutes wellwater and makes people around it general unhealthy. You can read the abstract for one of hundreds of articles on this subject
Basic correlation is not scientific evidence. There needs to be serious research done to show that frakking actually causes it

>It's still a significant portion of government spending that is unnecessary.
Unnecessary it is not. It should be reduced, but we should still be the top spender on the planet.

>Yes, but it could with the current arms conditions of the world. And it would be mutually assured destruction, not a war. Don't be so naive.
It's mutually assured destruction BEACUSE we set the standard.

>people are dying because they cannot afford the medication
Which is unfortunate, but a better solution might be to simply lower the number of years of market exclusivity for drugs, and prevent more than 1 or 2 renewals.
[Sound of silence intensifies]
Delete EVERY SINGLE board and make a new one called /gen/ - General to host every single topic ever

>Give me sources of your Israel claim, how it has decreased illegal immigration for them. Pure numbers.

> Before the completion of the first continuous segment (July 2003) from the beginning of the Second Intifada, 73 Palestinian suicide bombings were carried out from the West Bank, killing 293 Israelis and injuring over 1,900. After the completion of the first continuous segment through the end of 2006, there were only 12 attacks based in the West Bank, killing 64 people and wounding 445.[6] Terrorist attacks declined in 2007[6] and 2008[48] to 9 in 2010.[49]

You may go there and look at the various sources cited, though I will concede half of them are now gone to the annuals of time.
All thanks to hiro's incompetence and greed.
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>4chan sold to a private investor
S. M.

Try to guess
/soc/ needs to fucking go

however, this thread is useless, the actual thread is on /qa/
Lots of people are at the throats of the porn boards, I think we ought to be more selective about it. Cast your votes on what goes.


Fixed version
This is the worst idea in this thread. People like you are why this shithole is slowly become reddit 2.0.
S__n M___ay
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The entire point of the 2nd amendment is to ensure the people are just as well armed as the military of their country. The same gun laws absolutely can apply in modern day. People need to own modern moderns to be able to present a realistic threat to a tyrannical government. People cannot own automatic rifles without a class 3 license, so no, they cannot own an assault rifle. Hunting is a sport and means of profit, deal with it. An rpg causes uncontrolled damage due to shrapnel, where as a rifle is precision. The founding fathers also agreed it was right for a private ship to be allowed cannons to protect itself.

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Posting these to give you a better understanding of the 2nd amendment before the thread dies.
/h/ and /gif/ is enough
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"The Constitution of most of our states (and of the United States) assert that all power is inherent in the people; that they may exercise it by themselves; that it is their right and duty to be at all times armed."
- Thomas Jefferson, letter to to John Cartwright, 5 June 1824

"The laws that forbid the carrying of arms are laws of such a nature. They disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes.... Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man."
- Thomas Jefferson, Commonplace Book (quoting 18th century criminologist Cesare Beccaria)

"The Constitution shall never be construed to prevent the people of the United States who are peaceable citizens from keeping their own arms."
- Samuel Adams, Massachusetts Ratifying Convention, 1788

“A militia when properly formed are in fact the people themselves…and include, according to the past and general usuage of the states, all men capable of bearing arms… "To preserve liberty, it is essential that the whole body of the people always possess arms, and be taught alike, especially when young, how to use them."
- Richard Henry Lee, Federal Farmer No. 18, January 25, 1788
You mean /hc/ right?
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>He's using a different loophole actually, one that allows large businesses to avoid income tax by having their earnings taxed as other forms of revenue. He still pays lots of taxes on it, he just doesn't have to pay taxes on it twice.
Regardless, taxes are evaded by him and other people with a large portion of the wealth.
>Basic correlation is not scientific evidence. There needs to be serious research done to show that frakking actually causes it
>Receive scholarly articles on the subject
>Ask for scholarly articles on the subject
But I'm sure all of these are just leftist propaganda.
>Unnecessary it is not. It should be reduced, but we should still be the top spender on the planet.
And that is entirely possible, and given our current financial situation, necessary. We are in trillions of debt and still spending way more than we need to on military spending.
>It's mutually assured destruction BEACUSE we set the standard.
Good for us. Capitalism is the way to live, man, and if you don't like it, we'll blow up the entire planet.
>Which is unfortunate, but a better solution might be to simply lower the number of years of market exclusivity for drugs, and prevent more than 1 or 2 renewals.
Yes, but is that not regulation as I previously mentioned?
You seem to hold a lot of double standards.
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Die you degenerate Barneyfag
I can't, tell me senpai
gif is still the home of the best wanks
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Give this a good read. Weapons are primarily used to protect, not kill.
>People do not need to own modern assault rifles

How fortunate that they cant. An assault rifle is defined as capabe to fire both single shots and full auto in an intermediate round.
FA weapons is sadly banned.

>Can people have bazookas too? I'm sure the founding fathers would have liked that.
Sadly not, however anti-tank guns up to 37mm is perfecly legal, and that works for me.

Secondly, you need to define your goal? Do you want to reduce gun crime?
If thats the case, then we should focus on illegal firearmes wich is what is involved in 90% crime.
A criminal is not going to waste 2000 USD on a new AR-15 or AK to rob a store or kill someone.
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Se_n M_rra_
To suggest that the founding fathers would not see improvements in reload times for rifles, or improvements in accuracy is foolish. They themselves witnessed countless such improvements in both areas throughout their lives.
There's nothing that will give me the urge to buy a pass, unless Hiro fires the furfag mods that manage /v/ and /vg/ and posts their identies.

Seeing as how that will never happen, I could care less if 4chan died. I'd just lurk infinity chan fulltime.
>he thinks he's a celebrity for having bought a shillpass
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I thought you were being serious
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