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>What is it?
/u/ put their goggles on tight enough that they started shipping personifications of chemical elements, metals in particular. We started from the nuclear family of a Gold/Silver couple and their daughter Copper, and have been slowly expanding out. Done with a mixture involving some amounts of science and additional amounts of "this would be cute" when it comes to establishing an element or couple. The threads have a basic idea(or more) for all of the elements and are now working on expanding relationships, relationship histories, physical descriptions and other personal elements for the lesser known elements. Suggestions are welcome.

Last works:

Pewter and Stellite shortfic

Galinstan and Stellite shortfic

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How often did little Ar get H and Lu into trouble when they were girls?
How did Mg and Al meet and become friends to the point Al went to her when it came to business?
Is it likely that Plat and Cu intern at Al inc at the same time?
What's Hafnium gonna do after she stops working for Zr?
Does Selenium do the impossible and keep how she's dating Indium to herself for a good six months before telling her sisters?
I want to get into Metall/u/rgy but I don't know how.
Can /u/ help me?
How much of a grasp on engineering do you have? Do you like welding? Have you studied under a blacksmith?
Easiest way would be to read over profiles, find a character or couple you enjoy, ask questions and get an idea for either art or writing.
Is there a wiki of sorts where one can procure such profiles?
There is but it doesn't have them. It was more a proof of concept. All the profiles can be found in Ao3 link in OP or http://archiveofourown.org/works/5253113/chapters/14534749. That are currently written. Obviously there's a bit more than what's shown there because of >>2398417's picture hence why asking questions can help fill out other people. Like some of the girls that lack a profile.
Thank you very much, onee-san
>How often did little Ar get H and Lu into trouble when they were girls?
Too many times to count.

>What's Hafnium gonna do after she stops working for Zr?
I believe this has been discussed at one point, something about doing PR for a scientific firm.

>Does Selenium do the impossible and keep how she's dating Indium to herself for a good six months before telling her sisters?
Is she even physically capable of such a feat?
>Is it likely that Plat and Cu intern at Al inc at the same time?

Nah, Cu already interns at Silice

Really cute
Good point.
Here's a link to the wiki, which, as mentioned, is mostly a proof of concept.

>Is she even physically capable of such a feat?
Maybe in the case of getting distract whenever she tries to bring it up, or she's worried about a project so she keeps forgetting. Definitely wouldn't be like her to hide it for long unlike Sulfur. Srsly who hides they eloped and then casually drop such a bomb.

I don't see how that could stop Cu from interning at Al's later in her uni life.
It's hard to imagine Selenium keeping a secret for even six seconds. Sulfur, on the other hand...

>"What? No one asked."
I don't know about that exaggeration, especially when she's away from Te. She probably knows how to keep things from S but SeTe got that twin sense thing that works both ways so she'd have to convince Te to keep quiet as well.
Thing is, why would Se possibly want to keep ANY secret?
Heh, that's true. It's really when they're together. Now Te, when she was younger, probably couldn't keep any of the secrets Se told her.
Surprise birthday party for S?
>Implying that wasn't all Te who even tricked Se into helping her without actually giving the true motive away, thus indirectly tricking S as well.

All according to keikaku
Iodine looks at her in a new light after hearing that story.
>Iodine then finds out it happened when they were 6 and S was 11
Though you make a good point. Her military training probably helped curb some of it.
Would Coplatine be older or younger than B&B?
Depends? I imagine that Copper probably won't consider kids until she's past 26
I'd say about the same, would be fun if CoPt was a childhood friend of B&B.
That sounds right. Copper's responsible. Anyway, well before that, Gold has a wedding to plan.

That would be perfect. Would it probably be Plat who carries her?
Would she hijack Co's wedding planning too?
Well, what kind of wedding would Co want?
Most likely not unless they're friendship becomes closer within the next however many years. She'll also have to fight off Mercury, who might be easier to dissuade. She might ask Chromium for help, though it might just eventually be Pd, Pt, and Cr planning it with Co who keeps making innuendoes
>"So I was thinking about a pretty small thing for me and Plat"
>"Oh that is totally right, dah-ling, you WERE thinking that, in the PAST"
>implying Co can fight the AuHg alliance
>implying Co doesn't secretly want it
UMo are a prime example.
Shockingly, an event that Au had nothing to do with.
If it's not Gold, it's gynoids. If it's not gynoids, it's Gold.

Wasn't there talk of Mithril and Ada having some sort of small (and one that actually stays small for once) service at some future date?
Like a renewal of vows, to clarify.
I'm not sure. Maybe. I think if it was talked about, it was in relation to Mithril being officially recognized as Ti's other guardian when she was like five or some such.
Oh, sure. That makes perfect sense. Would be cute to see.
Mithril is the only one capable of keeping Au in a leash after all
>cue "ohohohohoh"
This has me wondering. Have Mithril and Co met?
In their respective fields, or maybe through Gold, it's probably likely they've met once or twice.
Perhaps. Aren't their shops located in the same general area?
That would make sense.
I can't remember if they are. I think Cobalt's was close to GaCd's apartment or whatever because that was partially how they met and Stellite met Galinstan. That gave the impression Mithril might be in a different place,especially with Gadoli being able to walk past Mi's shop after school.
Mithril is on the city council, right? Maybe that could have lead to something.
Possibly, I'd have to look more into actual government positions corresponding to cities but her position was something originally for Silver. Silver's was basically, financial advisor, or something where Pr could've maybe bounced budget ideas off her. So maybe? I'm not quite sure why Mithril and Cobalt would meet if Cobalt needed to woo the treasury department for something. Best thing I can think of is like a construction permit or something for her shop and that might be more chamber of commerce or something dealing with a interior department.
It would probably be easiest if the reasoning for them to have ever possibly met is that they both own shops and/or both know Gold. Keeps it simple.
True, Gold is easier. The number of galas she throws and the fact that Cobalt's usually invited through Plat makes for a nicer effort. They just met at a party and got to talking about their crafts. Perhaps even inspires Mithril to make a line of glass jewelry after repeated run-ins with Cobalt.
That's a nice idea.
I don't belive so, Mithril's in a rather posher district than Co's.
Gold it would be then, as is often the case.
>Cobalt's usually invited through Plat

Co and Au were already good friends before Pt came into the picture
I suppose. Would Co have gone though or she would be an infrequent party goer?
Given how sociable as she is, she'd be going to Gold's parties.
Good point. So MiCo know each other but they're in different locations.
What other things about life in the city might Ori be surprised by?
Pets maybe, public transportation. Zoos, a lot of places that could be date places
Ar has her work cut out for her.
Ori would probably be fascinated with the Citadel/Port Town if some of the historical places still stand.
They can drag Lu along for a roadtrip.
Maybe for the Port. This has got me curious about the scope of the metro. Would Argon showing Ori the Citadel be an actual day trip for them?
Because she lives a little ways outside of the city, and if they make a lot of stops, it certainly could be. And maybe Ar can spin a romantic dinner out of it near the end.
It's pretty big actually, and H would allow Ar to have access to the old underground mining network of the city.

Only Ar and Ori could turn that into a romantic date spot
I think Ori would, possibly, be more fascinated with the aqueducts and possible amphitheater if it still stood. H lives in an acropolis, and Ar might think Ori would like to see something that reminds her of her time.
Although underground mining network would be interesting too. Also the possibility that they stay at H's place before driving back to the estate.
That would be cute.
H ships it.
Well of course, it's good that Ar finally found someone.
This is, of course, after H scrutinizes Ori to a big sister degree and goes diving into her family archive for any information on the area where she's from.
H doesn't mess around.
Neon had a similar background check.
And then there's Aluminum, of course.
Al also involved business, so it was more overt.
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You could say she also gave O quite a thorough background check as well.
O was more tricky than the others, so she had to take the matter at hands personally.
There was plenty of rigorous investigation, that's for sure.
So the mention about Ar being a TR reference has me wondering. Is Ar at all competent with or even trained to use pistols? Considering how she was as a child, I could see her maybe getting into shooting as a sport through school archery but nothing beyond that.
Perhaps, with that reasoning in mind, though it's not like she'd ever really need to use one.
Definitely not in any sort of defense or adventure capacity, but I could see it explaining Argon's familiarity with them if they popped up. Depends on whether she reached a pro level or not, which I could see if her parents felt it was a "safer" alternative to what she used to get up to with exploration and the idea that she could've been occupied with that. Of course uni came around and Ar's passion for archaeology got reignited. It would also be a good uh additive to show that Titanium isn't the only athlete from the city.

Although I'm sure Ar would feel funny about being regarded as an athlete.
Hey, don't forget Chlorine! Rhenium too, right?
Good point. I'm sure H, Au, or Mi would contest the notion too, if one of them was a fencer/hema pro. Is Chlorine still active or is she in that weird place where she slipped out of public perception and is known more for her restaurants than her athletic career.
I think there was some suggestion about Iron being semi-pro at football when she was abroad
Chlorine's still probably an avid swimmer on her own time. But that's true, she could be more known for that now.
And Steel finds the trophy!
Sound reasonable. So "active" athletes are just Ti and Re.
Right though I don't think anything came of it. The football thing was rather thin since it was just a 4cc team connection and a little exposition on Iron being something of a goalie.
If it happened at all, it was probably just a distraction for her.
That and or a job. Either way it didn't last very long and she wasn't well known so she doesn't really qualify. Pretty sure one of ScAl's kids were gonna be kind of serious with tennis.
Oh right, that would be Scal.

There was talk once of Iridos getting into fencing when she was a little older, IIRC.
Was there? I vaguely remember it but I didn't think that was when she was older.
There was. The original suggestion might not have been when she was older, but that's still a possibility. Maybe around the time she starts dating Elect.
Eh? Perhaps, I personally like the idea that she's already doing it or started in secondary, yet somehow Elect doesn't know about it. So when they become friends and Elect finds out she gets all interested. Obviously not for her, tennis is more her thing, but she starts going to Iridos' matches/competitions.
That would be fine too. Probably better that way, actually.
Would work for cute moments if Iridos does the same with Elect's tennis matches and people start confusing her for Elect's girlfriend.
Pretty soon, they'll be correct!
I bet Elect will be a little confused if her Mother or Auntie start talking about her falling for a charming swashbuckler.
Gold and Mi are going to have a lot of fun watching Elect's young love bloom.
Might be more from teasing, but good point. I wonder how AuAg and IrOs will eventually feel about each other. Cordial possibly, or at least pleasant but they realize there's no solid connection outside of their daughters. Kind of like Lead and Gold.
That seems right.
IrOs are cheering their daughter on, meanwhile Gold and Mi are "ara ara"-ing and reminiscing, and probably gushing about their wives to each other like they've always done.
True, though I think I have a suggestion that could help develop them. What if one or both did theater in secondary/uni? While they might recognize Gold for being a movie star, they would've graduated by the time Gold was in secondary doing theater herself. So like something something Gold and Ir or Os bonding over being theater nerds with the possibly realization for Gold that a story her theater teacher would tell was about Ir or Os.

I'm thinking theater largely because of Iridium's name roots being grecian though that might be a little cliche, and Osmium could work just as well. Only basis for Os is subversion though.
Also I was curious if IrOs had their chemist fields specified. Like Ir might be more industrial while Os is more scientific.
These are some good suggestions. If it was both of them, it would be kind of funny if they were once cast in romantic roles opposite one another. Talk about cliche, heh. I don't believe anything specific has been discussed about the fields IrOs are active in, or at least nothing that readily comes to mind.
The cliche might work since their entire schtick was being best friends that were thought to be a couple for like eight years before they became a couple. So like they married their best friend, which just happened to be each other.
The only real specific thing linking them to being chemists, outside of irl applications, was an old idea regarding I think Palladium or a member of the plat group and being a mentor. It never really went anywhere so like their occupations have stagnated outside of them being well off. I'd be up for changing one or both. Ir seems to have more varied applications compared to Os so maybe Ir's the one that's not a chemist.
>maybe Ir's the one that's not a chemist
A physicist, maybe? That is, if it is going to changed. It's kind of cute how they have the same occupation. Further input and discussion might be helpful.
Perhaps, the only really wildly different one would be something involving pens or cannons but I'm slightly sure Iridium was phased out though that might be more fitting for Osmium since it's still used for pens. Going off wiki, there's mention of electronic-related applications and something about the chloralkali process outside of the three application sub-categories on Ir's page.

This is more Osmium related, but one of the chemical things it was/is used for is fingerprinting and staining stuff for electron microscopy. So maybe Osmium's a chemist, has a degree and such, but she became a police lab tech or something. Although I think that might be iffy in terms of actual vocation so it's more forensics I guess for Osmium.
IIRC fountain pens (collecting them, specifically) had come up as a potential hobby for either of them. Something the other can buy as a gift.
Ir and OS both being chemists works with the whole "super friends" thing, to the point where they just "happened" to enter into the same field together. On that ground, at least, there are points for keeping it.
Fair point for both things. I had forgotten about the pen thing's connotation. Super friends leading them to surprisingly enter the same field is, okay, I could see it with them being unintentional about it. I still would like to say that it gets more specific instead of just "chemist". So like going off the forensic idea, Osmium goes into commercial chemistry(I guess) while Iridium is more industrial and possibly hired by Lithium.
Yeah, for sure. There's also the possibility that they work for smaller, unnamed labs; or at least ones that aren't in one of the big megacorps. Not that they can't or shouldn't, mind you. But yeah, some more definition about their occupational specifics would be welcome (as well as stories about their days of super friendship!).
I wonder what would happen if Stellite met Copper?
Depends on when they meet. Either way, probably cute things.
For some reason it just registered for me that Stell is going to have a little sister.
Isn't she getting two? CoPt and NiCrr. NiCr probably before CoPt since Cr and Ni are adults
Yeah, wow. She'll have someone (or sometwo?) to brag about Gally to. And then she can be the babysitter.
They'd probably be little hellions when it came to their big sister
>Proud big sister Stell
>Energetic little sisters CoPt and NiCr
>Frazzled Gally
This is a recipe for success.
I'd say Frazzled Gally from uni more than the sisters. They're like what? Three years off or so from being born then four more years? Stell'll be on the way to pining after Gal until it goes dormant. Still it'll be cute
Which one of her moms would Stell go to for romantic advice?
If she's aware, probably Cobalt, much to Cobalt's chagrin. Chromium would probably be a more mature view on it that she would go to if she wasn't aware of Co's history
Maybe she could try Samarium, heh.
Auntie Samari would be an unexpected person to ask, but fitting. Would be hilarious if she inadvertently, and/or, unintentionally asked all the people around her mums for advice. Called Nickel one day and Nickel's boss picked up. Got talking to Copper while waiting for Plat and makes a remark that gets Cu blushing. Not sure about Chromium. Her relationships haven't really been established
>Her relationships haven't really been established
That's true. Compared to Cobalt, at least.
Talk about Iridos fencing gives idea for the continuation of the stalling Electrum fic
I think there was some mention of Cr knowing Al or Mg. Maybe not real well, just more business-wise. Could also fit for Iron and stainless steel though I think that'd be a similar case to Al/Mg where it's more for business.
Competition or the parents?
In general it's a new side of Iridos who has only revolved around Electrum until now
Sounds like it would be more fitting if it was something she started doing before secondary then.
She could've picked it at the beginning of middle school.
True, would be cute if she was particularly tiny before high school.
So this is the origin of Iridos' legendary moves; keep dancing a bit, reading your opponent, then in a swift and clean move, strike straight at the heart!
Something like that, probably a bit more flamboyant since her mothers love dramatics. This has me wondering how tall Iridos is. I think there might been some indication in one of the height caps but I think she's curiously blank.
Connections though business would probably be a good place to start. Mg or Al could work if they needed something designed.
I did have an idea about that actually, although I think this is me confusing graphic designer with artist. The idea is that Nickel one time asks her to design a suitable business card for her, and Cr does it on a lark in between jobs or something. Ni asks if it'd be okay for her to use the design for her job since she needs to get new ones. This could coincide with Cr being contracted or some such by MgAl. Leads to Nickel actually using them, with Cr's blessing, and they catch Iron's attention or she hears good things about it and ends up causing Iron to hire Cr occasionally.
I'm probably confusing what a graphic designer actually does in terms of career function.
Thing is a corporation like Ferric would make their own business cards.
True. Either way Chromium's job is pretty open ended since the threads never narrowed it down. Outside of some notion that she is possibly apt with a computer
That sounds correct actually, AFAIK. Logos and the like would fall under her area of expertise as a graphic designer.
Ferric could just use Cr's services though.
That's good. Really from what's discussed about Cr, makes her sound like a freelancer currently. So like probably has a wide net in skill terms.
She could, but as the other anon stated, Ferric probably has an design department or something. It was more if an idea that involved Cr going from possibly freelance to something with more security since she has custody of Stell. Also the business card thing was more of a thing that I could see Nickel doing if she got some freedom with her personal cards and then that piques Iron's interest in the actual designer. Might be a case of Iron thinking some subsection of her megacorp could use a redesign and she doesn't like the results the design department's doing. Leads to her kind of commissioning Chromium for various things, and possibly Chromium meeting Iron unofficially through Nickel and gaining a friend or something.

Aluminium inc. or whatever would probably be more straightforward and business-like that ends on good terms.
>Ferric probably has an design department or something.

Thing is, corporations actually don't and more often than not use a professional's services.
>This has me wondering how tall Iridos is.
How tall is Electrum? That might be a good start.
Going off of the xcel screencap, Stell and Electrum don't have heights. Considering how Elect's a combination of her moms, I'd wager she's around their height. Maybe a little taller. Could cause an interesting little development where Elect worries that she won't be a beauty like Mother, despite being more handsome than Gold when she reaches maturity. I was thinking, because of how abundant Iridium is in the crust, that it impacted Iridos somehow but looking up the actual alloy, it occurs as small, and extremely hard metal grains so the idea I had kinda came up short.

Well that would solve a great many things, especially if Cr is apart of some design company. I guess it would be a case of, how prolific is she as a designer?
Cr would run her own business, maybe wit hthe help of a secretary kinda like Co runs her business with Sm's assistance
>came up short

Anyway, that could work well, Electrum being the taller of the two. Not by much, maybe, but just a bit taller.
Maybe, definitely a possibility. It's just that there's no Sm equivalent with Chrome. In our world, her biggest connections are Fe, Si, Al, and Pb. I suppose we could go on a limb and suggest that she hired Y part time or something, usually when she has a large workload but that's more setting connection. This is also kind of forgoing just how prolific she is, though I suppose the less said about that the better. A small business that's above, say Cobalt's, in scope could work if it's specialized or something I think.
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Indeed, though looking at the cap has me wanting to flip Ir and Os heights around. Ir's the more abundant one. Taller she is, the more Os has to herself. For Electrum, I was thinking closer to Silver's height or just a smidge taller. Au and Ag are within like two inches of each other but it doesn't really hit until middle of secondary, so Electrum has this idea that she'll be around her Mother's height and then she shoots up. Que Copper pouting cutely in the background. So like 182 or 181cms for Electrum and like 172cm for Iridos
Sounds like a plan overall. Elect and Iridos, flipping Ir and Os, etc.

At least Copper got the breasts.
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Yep, though Elect probably knows how to deceive with clothes. She'd still probably grouse for a while until she grows into her height.
Honestly, figuring out Elect's height has me picturing her similar to Charlize Theron when she's an adult.
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And then she steps onto the tennis court.
Her opponent won't know what hits them. This has me wondering if the threads had her semi-pegged for a career or not. Cause I remember her keeping up the tennis hobby as an adult.
I don't think it's ever been seriously discussed; not much in that kind of area has been. The tennis does stand out in that regard.
I could see acting like her Mother. Key difference being that real late into her life she gets in government. Gotta make nana Aurum and Mom proud. Although I had a thought, about Spectrum being mistaken for Shakudo and Niello's daughter once or twice. It's the height you see, though the natural blonde hair throws them off.
Government? Now that's an interesting thought.

>mistaken for Shakudo and Niello's daughter
Gold would have a field day with that.
Nothing super serious. Something that keeps her in the metro so she can visit her children and mothers. The more serious politics contender would be the idea of Steel eventually becoming Pr's successor.
Speaking of the right and left hand of the family, did they ever have hair+eye colors?
Shakudo and Niello?
Yeah. I think the only thing mentioned was Shakudo had raven hair and that Niello was taller despite Shakudo being like 5'10 iirc
Yes, that's right for Shakudo. Niello, meanwhile, has short, light blonde hair. And glasses, of course.
Alright nice. I was gonna make the suggestion, since I thought about it, that Shakudo could have golden amber/dark gold eyes to reference the actual alloy. Not entirely sure about Niello, light grey/silver works I suppose.
Looking back, that was indeed the original suggestion for Shakudo's eye color. Another thing regarding Niello's hair: the extent of her styling of it is simply chopping it short every once and a while. Whereas Shakudo has long hair.
I guess I'll add them to the excel list, along with Tritium and Deuterium. Although I wonder how exactly Niello would be in a situation where she could be confused for Electrum's mother. They're usually only together, with Shakudo, in the manor. Speaking of which, was there a listed height for Silver's hand? I'm relatively sure there's something to back up the 5'10 guess for Shakudo.
A four inch difference was, at one point, mentioned. With Niello being the shorter of the two, IIRC.
Oh, and perhaps it could be a scenario like Niello has gone out with Electrum to run an errand or something, maybe if Shakudo was busy.
>Niello being shorter
I'd feel like contesting that. I remember some notion that while Shakudo was painted to be an alpha lesbian, Niello was an apex one that woke when Shakudo flirted which might've involved Niello cornering Shakudo and lifting Shak's chin up gently as if to kiss.
Could work. Oh that'd be cute. Niello asks Electrum's help for a gift or something, like holiday shopping, and the reason why Elect's brought on is so she can give an opinion on Shakudo's gift
>Niello cornering Shakudo and lifting Shak's chin up gently as if to kiss
That's hard to say "no" to. Very convincing.

>holiday shopping
Aha, perfect. Meanwhile, Shakudo seems like the type who knows exactly what she's going to get for everyone.
And Shakudo thought she was a master flirt. That scatterbrained dunce shouldn't've caught her off guard and won't do so again. Shakudo's prepared, just not prepared for sincere compliments Niello will probably slip to her.
And all the while Gold watches fondly with a motherly cadence. As it turns out, they're not just help around the mansion, they're entertainment too.
Kind of an odd question, but how likely is it that Chromium knows Copper?

I didn't think of this when it was first discussed, but what if Shakudo reached out to Tin and Mithril? In so much as trying to pull one over on Niello. Tin's good-natures and obliviousness has her believe she's actually trying to woo Niello while Mithril's been kept abreast by Gold and prods Shakudo inito unintentionally deepening her growing feelings for the scatterbrained accountant.
>Chromium and Copper
The closest similarity between the two would be Cu's eye for color coordination in website design. Maybe that could lead to something.

All in due time, Tin.
I was thinking something more along the lines of coding format or something but yeah you might be right. Cr would more readily run into Y than Cu.
>I suppose we could go on a limb and suggest that she hired Y

That's actually a pretty good idea, Y could even assist Cr on her graphic work, becoming a proper assistant.

As for how prolific, I'd say quite a bit.
Coding works too, color could be a secondary aspect. If anyone would appreciate that ability, it would be Cr.
Cr wouldn't necessarily know about coding though.
>As for how prolific, I'd say quite a bit.
Enough possibly grab the attention of Ferric, Silice, and Aluminium or at least some of their departments?
That's nice, I bet it came as a shock to her. Not entirely sure if it's usual, but I could see her having like a small team unless she's somehow a super designer and just needs more of a secretary for the Corps.

A funny thought though, is that one of her first customers she had was Arsenic. In our world, chromated copper arsenate is used to help preserve timber wood from decay, and pests (termites.) So maybe As and Cr worked out a little deal or whatever when they were just starting out their businesses.
That would be a cute touch.
I was thinking something like: Chromium being asked to make business cards or something for Arsenic and seeing her rather blank canvas of a van/truck. Mentions possibly something about thinking up a logo Arsenic could get on her van/truck. They work out a deal and whenever As' is called in for businesses or whatever, like in the citadel or what would be the "square", As gets to talkin with the owners after giving them their card and mentions Chromium if they need some design work or whatever.

Small steps, until she somehow catches Iron and Silicon's eye. Mg's probably very recent. Oh also, just a occurred to me, the deal with Arsenic and business turned friendship would probably have happened when Cr was still married to Co.
That ties things up nicely. Gives Cr a connection outside of her family too.
Yep, and also made me realize her business could've grown from As and Co before she was contracted. Any ideas on how Nickel and Chromium met-well began a serious relationship? Iirc, it goes like Co>C>Ni for Cr's romance history
It was through C, actually. Both of them were seeing her at the time.
What a don jaun, that Carbon. That actually might fit nicely into how Cr attracted Si and Fe's attention. More Si than Fe at first, though that earlier idea regarding Ni could serve in the moment.
Also to add onto the suggestion about Cr having some sort of assistant, I put forth Chromite or if we wanna separate them further then FeCrO. Acourse there's always the possibility of her being nameless
Something like that might be better than Y being her assistant, to keep their respective fields differentiated.
This triggers my autism though, graphists don't make business cards.

Cr could've easily work with Si/Fe without C involved

But then what would we do with Y?
Well, she does the design on them, not the cards themselves. Does that work?

>But then what would we do with Y?
Same thing as before, she's an independent internet artist.
>Well, she does the design on them, not the cards themselves. Does that work?

Nah business cards are like the level 0 of graphical design, a better way would be Cr to give As' business an actual visual identity.

>Same thing as before, she's an independent internet artist.

Heh, the more I think about it the less interesting it gets honestly.
Ah, sure. The logo would fall under that, correct?

She's one of the less developed characters at this point. As I understand it, she takes commissions and whatnot.
>Ah, sure. The logo would fall under that, correct?

Logo, and perhaps more importantly in As' case, her van's paintjob.


I don't even know what she's supposed to do despite being the one who came up with that idea

At that point I'd say scrap that idea altogether.
What could Y do instead? There are already quite a lot of doctors. She's a tougher one to figure out.
That's why I like the Cr assistant idea, which actually fits with its use a material enhancer.
Works as well as anything else. Maybe she still draws on the side, as a hobby?
Let's keep the artist angle, because of material enhancing and most everything about her is art or visual related, but figure out what exactly she's doing. She's 21 and while she might have some net fame and Re's helping their living situation, she could most likely be in an art school.

If Y is working with Cr, as say an employee, it could very well be her trying to fill out her portfolio. In either case, let's figure out where exactly Y is in terms of school before we try and peg her into a job.
>Let's keep the artist angle

The artist angle works with helping out a graphist.
So, tentatively, she's in art school and studying to be/is a digital artist. That works.
And maybe works part time or something with Cr. Either with school, because she is the provider for her sisters, or during breaks.
She could've taken graphical jobs alongside to provide for her sisters, leads her to cross path with Cr.
Making her a part time assistant?
Sounds like it. Part time is more from school than anything else, so during summer break she probably switches to full time for like a month or two. Not quite sure if assistant is fitting but it probably is.
Assistant is probably the best way to describe what she'd do, at least in a general sense.
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Fair point, though I suppose the other big thing would be how do Y and Cr interact for work? I figure mostly through e-mails/vent but I'm sure Cr might want face to face sometime. So I suppose this is more a question for Cr and where she lives. Iirc Y lives kinda on the outskirts of the metro
Would Cr most likely work from a home office?
That' looks really old, I think the Arrhenius got relocated in the center part of the city, just outside the Citadel.

Cr would live between S and Al on the modern upper class district
I would think so. Outside of meeting clients in a more professional setting, that is. Allows her to also keep in eye on Stell when she was younger and be there when school lets out.
Could very well be, though I don't think there was an updated map posted. The creator might've mentioned moving Arrhenius closer or possibly in the citadel. If Cr's living there then she probably has a spacious enough apartment or whatever to have an office
>Could very well be, though I don't think there was an updated map posted.
I did, yes, although the whole thing would need a do-over

Cr could've invested in a duplex appartment, so she could have her office at home
Sounds good then for Cr and for Y.
Damn, the entire thing? Well I'd be interested in seeing it but that sounds like a lot of time would be needed so eh. Might just hap hazardly edit the one I have for things discussed.
I saved it as a layered file...somewhere.

Would Y be another big sister figure for Stel?
Y has enough sisters!
Stel has never enough big sisters and Y has never enough little sisters, it was a destined meeting!
I think the distance and frequency would kind of prevent Stell from viewing Y as such. Maybe more like an auntie or something. Would probably surprise both Cr and Y. Actually would also depend on when Y began working for Cr. going by age, it was most likely within the last four years unless Y was working through secondary
Probably within the last couple of years, yes.
Ironic twist of fate. Stell meets Y's youngest sister(Yb) through her Mom's(Co's) apprentice. Both end of surprising Y for her birthday or something.
Y seems like the person who started working part time as early as possible.
Maybe not necessarily with Cr right away, though?
Nah, that would be during her first year of art/design school.
Yeah maybe not. I don't know about yuro laws, but I think some places in US would hire kids that are 14. Wouldn't do much but it would probably be enough for Y. Honestly I think what could let Y lax in her work would be getting together with Re, especially how Re ended up moving into their old hotel and her fame. So like, actually that has me curious about how ReY met and how their relationship progressed enough for Re to move in. Re most likely had a normal childhood or something compared to Y's.
I bet Boron had something to do with it.
Y could've helped out nearby retailers, unregistered.

They were in school together and Y had a crush on her. Then B came into the picture and dated Re before going back. K then helped Y have Re.

I'd say Re moved in with Y as soon as she became an adult.
So B, or rather K, did. Good on them, although did Y's crush form from seeing Re in an ascot or aviators? Better question, what stayed Y's hand from taking a chance and why was it most likely her workload?
>Y's crush

Maybe she was shy? Too busy? Thought Re was too cool?
They were only 11 at the time and most likely Y held the childish view that she and Re would stay best friends forever without anything interfering.

B was a rough wake up call;
Goodness, were they childhood friends before the thing happened with Y's parents?
Maybe too busy with work and something similar to >>2407113's remark. Figured she had more time or nothing would disrupt it. She was totally going to ask Re out when everything was stable with her sisters. At least Y most likely didn't pull a Terne and become all pouty
Luckily for her, it worked out.
Thanks K

>How are you so good at this relationship stuff Kal?
>*heavy cough*
Watched a whole lot of soaps with Mn
N's freedom actually hanged on that convenient excuse.
Bit weird, though I am glad K didn't move in with N when she fled.
She fled when she was a legal adult though.
Though they did know each other before that.
Oh yes, they knew each other thoroughly well.
It's about how adults view young adults and having K develop outside of their relationship. Also lack of K being dependent on N.
How much does N know about the rest of K's family (besides her mother and sister)? Next to nothing? It doesn't seem like K would be fond of reminiscing about that.
Probably not a lot. I would be mildly surprised if N knows K's a dynasty child. Might just think K's complaining about typical teen family things until she runs away.
You know, Mn must have been like "oh fuck, not this again" when that happened.
you know that when Fe was very involved with C and she was around a lot in her that Fe become Iron but when C has had enough with how hot Fe got and went away and got together with O, Fe becomes Steel, is there a story about this?
Things heated up between Fe and C alright, and it did result in Steel.
I was thinking, since Cr is the most colorful person, would she have heterochromia?
Colorful in what way? Reflecting light or something more obvious? Either way, I suggest if heterochromia is used that the eyes should be within range of each other. Like blue/green, or amber/brown. Depends on if it's natural or not.
Colorful in the sense that a lot of chromium compounds are brightly colored (and chromium actually means color)

By the way Cr shows her expressions in a very colored way.
Right, well looking at the hair/eyes she's listed to have silver and red. Red I think is to reference rubies and silver cause chrome polish. However, there could be a case that she has a habit of dying her hair since it's such a great base/foundation. Not too sure about the eyes unless something happened and one was damaged.
The way the hair/eyes are listed gives me the impression that it was the first suggestion given.
Plenty of characters in the setting have natural silver hair, also the proposed heterochromia would be a natural one.
I don't see why not, personally. The suggestion that they're a similar or complementary shade is also good.
How about red and yellow, red for ruby and yellow for one of the most prevalent used of Cr as pigment:

Also does the spreadsheet have Be?
For hair and eye color?
Yes and so does her profile
Be's profile?
Oh Beryl. Christ I read it as B. Lemme check.
Dark grey/aqua-green. I think there was a stipulation about Be being one of those people that had aviators glued to her face though because she's goose.
Red and yellow aren't really within shades of each other. If we were to go with yellow, then it'd be like golden amber/yellow

I see (isn't Al supposed to have aviators?)

>Red and yellow aren't really within shades of each other.

I'm advocationg radical heterochromia though, ruby red and chromium yellow are the main cR colors.
>(isn't Al supposed to have aviators?)
in her blender form yeah, though in the actual setting I don't know. Only confirmed one is really Samarium.
>radical heterochromia
Yeah and I'm kind of on the fence about that. I'd advocate subtle heterochromia with the stipulation that her hair could be like Zn's and have a red sheen to it.
>in her blender form yeah
I gave her some new ones

In the setting too IIRC; in the Halloween fic she was wearing sunglasses even as the sun was setting to regain her cool.


Thing is subtle heterochromia isn't that noticeable, while to idea was to have a character with radical heterochromia, especially since no other character has it and that Cr is the most appropriate for it.
>regain her cool
That's lost almost immediately to her friends :^). Besides what type of person wears sunglasses at night?
I suppose you have a point about the radical version, I'm not a real fan of it being obvious at a glance. Though you're right about Cr being the most appropriate for it.
>Besides what type of person wears sunglasses at night?

Pinky and perky...err I mean Al and Be.
That's good, but they won't top the original Cool Girl, Sm. They can't even squat properly.
Well of course Sm is the undisputed queen of cool, nobody comes close.
>ruby red and chromium yellow
Sounds good.
Would her special eyes be something of a point of contention for young Chromium that she grew out of?
Perhaps so. Cobalt was probably a fan.

Question: Cobalt and Cr were never actually married, were they?
I believe they might've been. If not, then they were at least living together.
Cobalt's profile somewhat implies that Stellite wasn't exactly planned, so it's not clear if they would have been married before then (or maybe they were in anticipation of Stellite's birth). Either way, yeah, they were definitely living together at the time. Not that they shouldn't also have been married, just wondering.
>Not that they shouldn't also have been married
Marriage/divorce wouldn't've impacted their situation at all, outside of assets. Considering their break of was amicable even that wouldn't've been an issue.
Oh I know, it's purely curiosity.
Co and Cr actual marital status could either way I'd say, although it'd be interesting if they were actually married since they would be the only couple in the setting that would've gone through marriage and divorce.
Yes, there's enough potential there to warrant it IMO.
Searching for /ll/, found this instead. I'm a food scientist /u/ what on earth are you doing?
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I also came for the /ll/, stayed for the science. And the yuri. And the /ll/.
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Just like in lab
I'd make a food pun but nothing's coming to mind.
Don't worry about it.
Maybe Chlorine can cook something up.

Jesus Christ, stuff like this triggers me like /k/ gets triggered by trigger discipline.
I don't think those are lab chemicals though. She's just a weirdo who's using lab equipment to store household items.
Like Mercury.
>like Chlorine
ftfy. Gotta remember, Mercury is an actual scientist. Much to the confusion and wonderment of the elements. In a different time, she probably brought a woman to life.
>"What's so impressive about that?" Gold wonders. "I did it twice."
>Gold says missing Hg's solemn look
Sounds like her. Must've been during secondary or uni.
One more essentially meaningless Co/Cr question. About how long did it take after Stellite was born for them to decide to split up?
Co's profile might hint at it, but I'd imagine before Stell turned five cause we gotta factor in Cr's time with C too. Means that Steel was with Stell for a bit though maybe in a different capacity. Depends on how Steel views Cr.
>Depends on how Steel views Cr.
"Another one of mom's friends."
Well obviously but, I thought Cr was framed as one of Steel's "aunts" like W and Mo. I suppose cousin might be more appropriate now. In any case, and since this is making me think on it, Stell's conception was probably the nail in the coffin for CrCo and they amicably divorced during the pregnancy or shortly after her birth.
>shortly after her birth
That is how Cobalt's profile makes it seem. Mystery solved!
It'd say it was between the first and second of having Stellite; Cr and Co would've at least tried to make it work with Stellite before realizing it was better to call it quits.
That makes sense. And without that happening, Stellite might not have met Gally.
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Hey people, if you're interested in some more visual lesbian metal adventures; it's virtual divegrass time again, and this time it's Allie's team's turn:


The match against /l/ is SCHELDULED to be tonight at 23:00 UTC buuuut...that will likely be not be the case, I'll try to repost before the actual thing if I'm awake at all

Some of you may have watched last year's tournament where the team came 2nd, well this time the rules are made more for viewer entertainement than anyway so results not guaranteed, on the flipside the models got upgraded with metallic looking hair and some novelties (Ch and Be, a more faithful Fe). For now here's a preview courtesy of F and Zn.

I know I still need to showcase the new models from Gold's team but I'll just do both teams at once after this tournament.
Very niceu.Zn looks nice, though the choices for F are a bit surprising. I must've forgot she had green hair. Guess I should add that to the spreadsheet. Hopefully the team does well and, again, nice models. Good work. Can't wait to see Gold's team.
The slightly green effect is in reference to fluorescence, otherwise they're inspired by elemental fluorine while her eyes are inspired by fluorite.
So like pastel green or more like what? I'm drawing a blank when it comes to succinctly describing that color. PEZ makes it look almost like crystalline green.
More like bright yellow with a light green luster.

The PES version has an experimental shader that gives dynamic reflections (well, almost) but the color might be slightly off I really should git gud at drawing
Looking forward to seeing Gold's fabulous team.
>bright yellow with a light green luster
Works, though actual yellow or more like pale blonde. I'll go with one or the other, but I think the pale blonde would help explain the green prominence from fluorescence. Oh wait, better thing to consider. What causes her hair to fluoresce? Sunlight and thus would she come across as blonde in a club/night or does the green fluoresce in clubs because of reasons? Looking into the actual process, I'd wager that it's green in clubs/under specific light concentrations.

So like Krypton doesn't initially know she's blonde, but Xenon might not know about the green.
Between her and Holmium, Kr's nightclub must be a colorful place.
Well Kr is a colorful person.
Neon is a shining example of the talent she attracts.
How about her fluorescence really shows under the UV lights there are in clubs? With the effect wearing off after a few hours.
Works, definitely as a blanket limit. It could even just be regular clublights but because of how they're dim/not on full blast, causes her hair to fluoresce. UV lights, in clubs, just make it faster. UV from the Sun doesn't activate it unless it's like, going off recent events, an eclipse. Solar and lunar ones if she's out under them. Still it would be rather humorous if F never corrected Kr and Xe's idea of her until they all fully met.

Oh, didn't even think of this, but such a thing could probably be traced back through her family tree perhaps. So like she had an ancestor, Flusse, that had a journal or something that talked about it. Came up with theories appropriate for the time, could even mention hearing some rumors that people thought she was a shapeshifter/fae because said inborn fluorescence though this would obviously been unfounded. Like the old notion that heterochromia indicates inbreeding.
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>they all fully met.
>Kr wakes up confused about why there's a blonde in her bed
>Xe just rolls over and calms her down saying it's F
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Turns ourt the game will be earlier, just after this one.

Stream location is here' https://pastebin.com/nfs3ZDu1
Ganbare metall/u/rgy!
Iron earned that trophy.
Which trophy? Save one?
Too bad, but the other team was clearly superior

The wall of Iron was pretty strong, and K is going to get a thourough punishment from N for fucking up that 1vs1.

In the first tournament she got the Golden glove, and right now she racked up 8 saves
The one Cast finds in her office!
Good effort, and I loved the models. They were wonderful, and I'd be super interested in seeing a collage of all the players you have. The aviators are a nice touch.
Yeah a collage (of sorts) in on the table, although after that tournament (by the way we're playing again tomorrow but no clue of actually when), I'll throw in a little guessing game as well.

Making models for PES is really fun, especially metall/u/rgy related it also eases a bit the guilt of not writing.
Cool, thanks.
Just a heads up that divegrass will be on again, same location, after this match.

Again I don't promise anything when it comes to results, but hopefully we'll get to see Cr and As.
How did it go?
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Last group stage match should be either tomorrow or after tomorrow...I think, I hope Cr will get to play, since As did today.
Goddamn. Was Al showing off for Fe?
Al means business.
I don't think the insanity of this match can be described with words or stats, you're better off watching it directly.

Better question. Are those lime yellow highlights on As or some more articulate color?
>Arsenic: "long black hair with bright yellow strands"
Seems to be the case.
Not really bright but alright. Pigtails, I guess, was surprising though.
Scheldule is very loose so I can't say for sure, won't be today at least.

Maybe should be a more rich yellow like her eyes, also some of the strands could do with some downsizing.


That's because I made her last minute and didn't want to deal with loose long hair
It's her special sports hairstyle. Not everyone can be as fashionable as Bismuth.
That's fair. So like just below her shoulders in overall length? Didn't catch the eyes but with your post she now has eyes/hair filled on the spread.
Yeah, past her shoulders, maybe reaching her breasts.
Nice. Right so one other thing. What color are Mags' eyes? I'm thinking pale green or like ice green? Just very light but there's a tint going off the model
They're darkish grey on the model
Alright then. More of the spreadsheet's filled now. I should correct Cr tho.
What's her hair color?
Chrome finish
Right, of course!
When did Cr realize she actually wanted to date Ni?
I guess once she realized she was more looking forward to sleeping with Ni than C.
You two bring up an excellent question. If sleeping with C was how they met, then what caused them to stay around and get a friendship and eventually date? Did Ni wake Cr up by eating her out?
It has never really been adressed, other than the rather vague idea that Cr and Ni meet in C's bed.

I think the idea is that Cr is more of a Steel caretaker than a C lover, and while Cr and C had a thourough physical relationship, it never really got beyond good friends emotionally. Their meeting could've happened through their daughters.

And yes at that last question
Ni is better than any alarm clock!
>Steel Caretaker
How old was Steel and Stell at this time? On top of that, there's also juggling little Stell who may very well be a toddler at the time. Could be cute either way. Wait idea, well kind of. How did Cr and C meet? Figuring that out will probably help figuring out how Cr Ni connected
It was actually quite later than I anticipated but divegrass is on today for the last match of the group stage, in roughly 40 minutes at this location:


If Cr is in good condition meaning if Ni didn't do a sloppy job this morning we'll finally see her. In any case I'll most likely post the visuals in the next thread.

Steel was 12 and Stell 1 when Mo stopped seeing C. Leaving some time for Co and Cr to divorce, I'd say Stell was between 3 and 4 when C was involved with C, making Steel between 14 and 15.

Didn't I post a C timeline? I don't have it on this computer.
You might've. If it had been back before the idea of Steel's four aunts were firmly cemented and began to get detailed. So it might've just been something rough/simple like FeC>CW>CMo>CCr.

Well okay so Steel's in secondary or just entering it when Cr gets involved, and Stell's just past being a toddler. I have this idea of Steel wanting to try out babysitting because she has this idea in her head that she needs a job now that she's in secondary but she has no experience. So C sets up something with Cr where Steel comes over a few days a week or something and watches Stell while Cr has to take care of business and can't be interrupted for a few hours. Just an idea that'll probably end with Steel realizing that babysitting isn't for her but she likes hanging out with her "little sister" and it's easier to ask Cr some things than it is to ask her Mum.
Gl with divekick.
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Got you covered.
Nice, thanks, I see that it was made before the discussion about CrCo, so I'd push CCr to when Stell is 3.

Cr played and the team won
Mg medal player soon
Based on some of the more recent discussion, maybe Cr and Ni could have started their relationship a bit more recently as well.
What do you mean?
That it should be happening/have happened during year zero, not shortly after it.
At Y0 they are getting there, but still kinda involved with C.
True. At the very least, it should happen well before Fe returns.
Dunno if the timeframe would allow for "well before", but definitely before, at a point where C only has Mn as bed buddy.
Sure, that sounds just about right.
This just made me realize that Ni would probably call Cr up to gossip since Zinc's so cold. I bet she ran to Cr's arms and talked about how weird the day was when Iron smiled
She's in for a surprise.
Cr would probably be a bit confused at the start
Speaking of, is there any clear picture of what Cr is like personality wise?
Dependable, not sure about sturdy but she knows how to endure. Probably a subdued optimist with how her life has been. Steel might think of her as stainless/teflon because nothing catches her off-guard and she's able to adjust quickly. When compared to Co and Ni, she's the more adult one. Which probably made her relationship with C refreshing since they were both relatively stable people that knew what they desired and were okay with admitting that.
Sound like she'll take it in stride, then.
>captcha: golden street
That's also how I see her.

Although I see Co as quite adult and level headed too, just more playful than Cr.
She does give off that vibe.
It's what she wants you to belive.
It's the greatest prank yet.
Last post about divegrass, conveniently just before the new thread so it won't spill there.

So after a 4-3 win Al's team will go on to the knockouts, which will be today at 5:30 UTC at the location in the pastebin.

Should they win, they'll play in the round of 16 next on Monday at 5:00 UTC. If they are fortunate to keep winning; then the quarterfinals will be on tuesday at 5:00 UTC and will be the last matchday.

But even if they don't they played well, and I'll change the team substantially after that to represent Al's circle more faithfully.
It's been a good run so far. Al should be proud.
Ganbare team
Take the jump: >>2419094
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