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HG Thread. New Game edition. No swaps.

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 396
Thread images: 208

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HG Thread.

New Game edition.

No swaps.
Looks like shit. Let's do this fucking thing.
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Fine, fine, let's begin.
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And right off the bat, my filler dies.

can you die please
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I have the nagging feeling this is what you wanted.
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Let's begin.

>hopefully I do better this time.
After you, assfuck.
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No god or prayer will save you child. You are not the first to use Divine arts against me. You will not be the last and Baron Blade certainly does not leave such tactics unprepared.
A little vodka and later a molotov.
/b/tard Cancer
Furry Porn

who else?
Know what else looks like shit? You're future.
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could i have at least got killed by someone else ok thanks
Not as shit as your grammar.
Know what else looks like shit? Using the wrong "your".
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>Ichirin dying after Unzan
That should really be reversed.
Know what else looks like shit? Your mom's upper lip after I Hitler'd her last night.
>hating people for having more fun than you.

Go be cancer somewhere else.
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You die by my hand, or you don't die at all. Fair? Hee!
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Night's filler, so I'm posting it now.
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>A sharp, haunting disembodied whistle-like noise sounds through the air. She still hasn't moved.
Wh-pardon me!?
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Perhaps I shouldn't have used one of my own bottles.

Post lewds.
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Nothing to see here folks.
>I've never erp'd in my life what
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They can't be far.
Unless we're already the final three tributes, because that would be really embarrassing...
And already felled by a cheap trick...

I'm a magician, obviously. See?

>in an instant it comes to her, her face lighting up with recognition.
Ah, no, I remember now! You're Tenryuu, yes?
You're looking as well as ever. It's a surprise to see you again, you know.

So is this.
>Patchouli shifts where she sat, almost uncomfortably.
It's rather busy work, obviously. Shelves upon shelves upon shelves of various books. The library is large enough to get lost in... And I'd be willing to bet any human that wandered inside would.
>as her hair is played with more, her stoic demeanor slowly cracks
Well, I do have my share of assistants... A demon is under my employ, and there's a good number of fairy maids. That said, the library is mostly empty unless we're cleaning, an-
>she scoots away
..Do you mind...?

>she looks actually surprised by the transformation, taking in each moment closely as it happens. Once it's finished, she blinks.
...Well, then!
That is a subject of interest...
Do you feel any different from that? What's it like?
It was a lame shitpost. They also linked Mokou.
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Lewds. Post them.
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Nice fucking job, Hoshi.
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Now where are my Ink pens.
>He puts on some metal bands irradiating an unholy, godawful substance.
Your ghost will die you know if you send it to attack me.
A little nap will do me good.
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>Stuffed with pizza and high on your her
>CC falls into a doze

I'll... Have to... (yawn) stop by sometime... To greet and... Eat all your food...


>gots to go nao
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I've no idea what you're talking about. Have you lost your mind?
On your hair*
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Lewds. Of yourself. Not that hard to understand.
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F Best bote. Everyone involved is now on my shitlist.
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Not...entirely different. It's rather like one of my typical...aesthetic blessings-
>She pulls the glasses down, before blinking rapidly and pushing them back up.
...For the most part. My sweater underneath feels a bit softer, and...everything's fitting a bit...tighter up in the front...an..and heavier.
>She coughs awkwardly. Her voice sounds a bit...softer, and calmer as well.
However, nothing immediately comes to mind.
>She vanishes. She broke her concentration.
I still abhor fighting!
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At least I don't have to listen to that annoying robot's screaming anymore.
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Day three, fucking nothing again.

Me on the left
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Ah, you remembered after all, librarian. Nothing like frecuent maintance to keep this cruiser runnin' alive and well after years of service.
>Raises a manly thumbs up.
You're also a rare sight around here, Patchy.
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Nothing that night either.
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>Mistaking her disappearance for cloaking he puts on some infrared goggles and cautiously looks around.
You cannot hide forever you know, coward.
Looks like you DO have a use after all merak.
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It's not that I don't understand, it's that I don't want to understand. Just how perverted are you?
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Woooow, 5 of you to take down a single unit. I'm the real badass underdog of this game,you fucks!
oh my god it took me like 10 seconds to realize he was wearing glasses
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I got you covered mate. Sorry he's being a cunt.
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I'll just use my guest for warmth
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>She's gonezo.
I miss Rikka
Thanks. You the real OG.
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There is a bit of substance behind being a magician. Just as me being a fighter, a lot behind the wetworks of what an average person expects a fighter to be.
i have never wanted to fuck a doctor more
Np, just looking out for a bro
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>fun fact, it's the only pic of him where he actually puts them on.
A decent water source.
>He's never wanted to fuck a doctor
What are you, gay?
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Plague Knight (53).png
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Erm...there's an explanation for this, surely...
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Who paid you to grab Dr. Pavel?
u a bitch that's how
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>Saki starting to kill again

Fucking gay.
>For a moment, she simply watches her fall asleep.
>once she's sure she's asleep, the mage would drag her off a little ways from the action
...Show her the mansion? Pah.

What you're feeling is probably how my robes feel. They're made for comfort.
Heavier..? Well, it is pretty heavy, too.
Hm. I suppose it makes sense. It's simply a blessing, limited power bestowed to you by your god.
I'm sure it might come in handy some time.

Me? You had said you wouldn't be coming around anymore, and yet here you are.
I might have half a mind to call you a liar... Hmh.
>she allows herself to smile lightly
How have you fared, outside of here?

You're right, perhaps I should have elaborated....
I'm a youkai magician. It differs slightly from being a human one in that magic has affected me since birth. As such it's enhanced my body and abilities for magic.
It was I, anon! I paid him in choco-tacos!
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Was getting him fat, part of your plan?
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>Once he's realized it, he starts searching for the anon again.
He is correct. Fourty years and only now am I truly enjoying american cuisine.
No need to be ashamed of it~
No, it was giving him diabetes.
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Dude, take a fucking chill pill, holy shit.
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Best girl
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And you're a buffoon.

Than what else should I feel?! Pride?! Joy?! Hah hah!
I don't see a corpse, Blade.
One pizza for only half the job done.
>Tosses a box of Domino's at your feet
At least you got rid of it for a moment.
>tfw nobody talks to my ava
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Well congratulations you gave him type 2. Now whats the next step in your masterplan?
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You'll get over it.
To go to Disney World!
Pride, of course. You've got such a cute member.
OH MY GOD SAKI KILLED SOMEONE?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
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A pretty terrible plan if you ask me, you DO realize one of the two fields I specialize in was Genetical manipulation? I helped make nanomachines a little diabetes is easily cured.
A fair answer.
>He starts eating it, clearly a man who enjoys his food
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>Shoots anon before throwing him out of a plane.
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I...it's not...do not...s-shut up! Leave me alone!
Getting embarrassed, are we~? I don't blame you.
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A shitty fetish bites the dust, thank god.

No seriously, are you ok? Is there something you want to talk about, man?
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You're a smart guy
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Not...not quite my implication.
>She reaches up and...unzips her coat a bit, looking a bit uncomfortable, but letting out a soft sigh afterwards.
But it is quite comfortable. And that is assuming it is that and not something...else. I've certainly heard of less exotic things. Ah, and...
>Fluorette adjusts her glasses a bit.
Gods. Plural.
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Well I'm not a regular anymore, but curiosity makes me take a peek around here once in a while, can you blame me? Me? Being an old lady messing around with younger girls, like babysitting. Retirement feels good.
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Ataruuu~? Is that you, husband?
>order fries
>they ask how much salt
>tell them to make it saltier than Ahri's haters
>they poured 4 cans of salt on my fries

Should I get a refund over them under salting my fries?
Ya lol
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Terrorists don't win today.

Sunset, please. That was terrible.
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What do you mean?! I'm not...I'm merely disgusted! Why on earth are you thinking in such a way?!
>tfw whenever we try, your shit RP Feels like a slap in the face for our consideration
kys shadow
Swing and a miss, anon.
Get over it, sunset
Only Anons and Hoshi rp with me.
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t. The person who probably typed that out
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I'v noticed a decrease in RP past few weeks.
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That means we don't like you.
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Feast time. No one's really hungry except for Suz. Who was in the mood for Calamari.

Oh shit, I've been found out. Yes, it is I, shedew.

Nope. I don't even really care about Ahri.
Post canon HG ships.
please fuck me miss ahri!!!
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You don't have to say anymore than that.
For what it's worth, it's nice I could assist.

Polytheism, is it?

>she shrugs
This place has some sort of strange draw to it. Even I'm not immune to that curiosity.
It sounds like a relaxing time. And one well-deserved.
Good on you. Perhaps one day, I'll have that kind of time...
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So I guess you've had a headstart in learning then most magicians ever haved. I'm gonna hit the hay. G'night.
Down and out for the count. I'm done.
Maria and Harusame
>shoves tail between legs and fucks your ass
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>and I thought staying quiet was actually working.

You just wanted to slander my sick anecdote writing skills
Aikawa x Every anime girl ever
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Nothing but one today.

Me x every single girl.

AFK buff is a myth, son.

Got me there.
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I already got my ranch bro, i don't need the feast
Martin x Ash x Kamina x Red
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That's my fetish.png
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Ohohoho~? The librarian will consider retiring with a cute family one day?
>Tenryuu's single working eye stares at Patchy's cuvy figure from head to feet
The chosen one will be one lucky son of a bitch, I'm sure of it.
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>She peers at Patchouli from behind the glasses. So that's what that look feels like.
Looking back to my old opinion about my own size, I can't say I envy you that much any longer. A-hem. But thank you.
And yes. A great host of them. I cannot make out specifics that well, only one goes by a name of any sort. Even then...only as "Her". It's rather inconvenient...
Nice rp.
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It's another filler episode.
>throws water on you
Oops! Forgive me, I'll help dry you off.
>throws into giant microwave I stole from Baron.
This dries the Ahri!
>hits start
>watches the Ahri frantically panick
>her head pops like a zit.
>proceed to have sex with a toaster in the missionary position.
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Busted, punk.
Wiggins must be fucking pissed he missed out on that dank homo circlejerking
Funny =/= Random
>order wings
>they ask how much sauce
>tell them to make it saucer than Ahri's lewd pics
>they poured 4 bottles of sauce on my wings

Should I get a refund over them under saucing my wings?
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>not even AFK, just lurking.
>besides, it worked for the squid a few games earlier.
Nagato rps just fine though?
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Sh-Shit, how will I ever recover?


RNG is a flighty, unfair and cruel mistress my boy.
That's one way to put it.
Yes, go and rest. Goodnight.

No, don't misunderstand me...
I'm simply envious of your amount of freedom, really.
A family...Honestly, it's a lot of work, or so I've read. And I know few that would even want to start one with myself.

It doesn't bother me anymore.
You don't know much of them, do you? It would seem rather hard to worship something without a form or definite name.
>commission Rin x Hoshi porn
>they ask how gay
>tell them to make it gayer than LF x KK
>they drew 4 thick ropes

Should I get a refund over them under gaying my porn?
>stares at you
... I am the law!
>tries to jump through the window
>burst into treats because it's made of salt and engine lube.
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If your intention was to run this into the ground, you did it.
>whooops, I'm a big dum-dum
>Not LF and KK commission


Your tried
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That's bullshit but I belive it.jpg
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I'm fucking amazing.

Well it is, you kinda stop living for yourself and instead you do it for others, you gotta be sure about it Patchy. Is being a librarian really that hard?
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Answered Prayers (65).png
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Well, one of us has always been with it. I was more than lacking until a moment ago.
>She zips her coat back up with a huff.
Unfortunately for me, I know only what they care to tell me. I at least have their symbol.
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Samefagging denied.
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Touch Fuzzy, Get Dizzy
Callin it now. Suz wins.
Right, yes, whatever... Now you can look the way you wanted.
I do remember at least that symbol. Have you gone that long with just that?
... Then again, I've heard more ridiculous things.

Living for others... It sounds so strange putting it that way, but I suppose you're right?
It's tiring sometimes. Even with the help of magic and the fairy maids, there's a lot to organize. And that's not to mention the nights I spend up reading and archiving....
Why is eating a scorpion fatal?
Go find out, anon.
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My wi-fi shat itself for a second and now the images are fucked.


Because eating a shitton of poison is no good.
Post images that will never not be funny
You can choke on things and die irl I think
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Anyway, winner.
>inb4 samefag post that you could've just posted without this anonpost
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Answered Prayers (129).jpg
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I'm not certain which I prefer...hm...
And yes, the symbol, primarily. Curious as I may be, I'm in no position to push or pry for more.
Presumably, they also consume the less-than-desireable portion.
Congratulations. And thank you for this.
Too late, anon.
Congrats Machi. Thank for gaem
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really dude.jpg
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Wow, that sounds....so boring! How about blowing things up with that magic? Like meteors obliterating an horde of orcs and giant ogres. I'd totally move to your place to see that.
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Mau, thanks for hosting! Even if it broke in the end!
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Uh, congratulations.

Thanks for hosting, I guess.
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Thanks for participating. Have a good night, have fun, and remember to keep a cool head. Closing the tab and doing something else is an option, and you have no obligation to prove anything to anyone here, nor are you inclined to believe everything said.
Congratulations, and thank you for hosting
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Plague Knight (97).png
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Yes, yes, congratulations.

I suppose I should thank you.
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レン (97).gif
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dead last
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Have a good rest yourself, and thanks again.
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Could've done worse then 4th
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Congratulations to you

Fluorette... That's up to you.
Is that so? Afraid of angering them?

There's no doubt I can do those things, but summoning orcs alone would take an entire afternoon! If I really am bored, I like reading. Making a big show for everyone is not my top priority.
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Cut by a feather..png
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Thanks for hosting.
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139KB, 600x600px
Goodnight, HG.
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>Got a free car
>Have a date tomorrow
>just received paycheck+bonus
>Moving forward in my life

So why the fuck do I feel so empty inside?
You're getting greedy. Try to see the good in the things you have right now, because boy am I kinda jealous.
Try putting life into a different perspective. Changing how you see things changes your entire life.
Because you're lying on 4chan.
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235KB, 800x900px
Good bed squiddo.
Because you seek validation from equally worthless faggots on HG rather than focusing on your life
Because you're still here.
You will spend your entire life trying to fill that emptiness. We all do.
Because you know that deep down, something bad is going to happen. Things are going nicer than usual, like the calm before the storm. Your inner psyche is running full speed wondering what sadistic shit God is going to do after giving you this one nice thing.
probably because there's no penis inside you

go get filled up boyah
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228KB, 650x800px
Craaaaaawling in my skiiin
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Bored because of you.png
2MB, 1984x2806px
Fine fine I get it then how about uh...
>scratching her heead
You me and some alcohol? We can watch some wrecking in the big screens instead of real life, how about that?

Sleep tight!
that wasn't him
it was me
your ex-squiddo
File: Day 16.png (1MB, 1080x1920px) Image search: [Google]
Day 16.png
1MB, 1080x1920px
Saki's overwhelming lead means that she could probably leave for the rest of April and return to still have a top 5 score.
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Answered Prayers (183).jpg
219KB, 700x546px
I'm starting to wonder if there are other, less apparent alterations to this...
Well, yes, in part. They've more than shown me what they're capable of, should their ire be drawn. But along with that...it would be simply be rude of me to be so pushy.
Yup, that's exactly it. Fuck me I am walking into an ambush that I don't know how to prepare for.
Can you get to the point of this already, Wiggins?
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38KB, 239x271px
But you're still my squiddo even if I'm not here.
>overwhelming lead
>five points ahead

>kills are eight
God, I am really fucking terrible.

No, no. You have a new squiddo now.
I'll just... let you have fun...
But for everyone else, there's MasterCard.


I haven't counted the last game yet.
So is Smol.

Summary slides are greatly appreciated.
Craaaaaawling in mein skin!
These judes, they will not heil.
Gaaaaaas is how they fall.
The oven is now ready, sieg heil!
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426KB, 600x920px
I will take you in.
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レン (137).jpg
65KB, 800x800px
>tfw suck at losing so 0 points is hard to get to

teach me how to be a good jobber
i wanna start losing effectively
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36KB, 298x402px
Don't be like that! Why would I replace you? stop being silly.

Hands off! She's still my squid!
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426KB, 1280x1388px
>What an unexpected turn of events, eh?
>suck at losing
>just came in dead fucking last
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You better be glad I had the tab up.
Sorry, but I'm CC's squiddo now.
Mm, perhaps... Now that you mention it, I recall having some particularly good wine at the mansion I was going to drink by myself.
It'd definitely have to be another time though. I've worked through two mornings to gather more data, so I think I'll return to my room.

Do remind me when we see each other.

How would I know...? The more you wear it, the more you'll figure out about the power.
Hah. Unorthodox though it is, I probably should've expected your manners to affect that.

Now, if you'll excuse me... I'm off to rest and recover. Do enjoy the new form...

And a pleasant night to the rest of you.
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Well, at least it isn't last place!
Thanks for hostiiing.
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>bitterly chews on pizza watching this exchange happen
>she believes that she will never get a squid
Just because I think this leaderboard thing is the most autistic thing I've ever seen, I'm going to make a code with 0 kill events and host it on the regular.
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レン (122).jpg
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that doesn't happen often
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Night and night. Don't fall off your gigantic bed.
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Well,that's pretty embarrassing for the chief of police,isn't it?
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SanaeManga (247).png
23KB, 156x252px
Thank you for your time
Do drugs. Winners don't use drugs.
I can work with this.
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Answered Prayers (165).png
298KB, 500x400px
From what I've gleaned so far, it leaves me...calmer. Clearer-headed. Focused, perhaps.
Manners are important, even for a rough street rat like I.
>She offers a bow away.
I certainly will. Farewell.
Doubt it.
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117KB, 2048x1025px
>tfw nobody knows your secret ava
>he's going to host
The leaderboard is based.
>tfw nobody cares who you or they are
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19KB, 431x325px
This is a great feel.
>tfw no one knows who your non-secrets are either
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335KB, 1280x851px
LF sent me this picture awhile ago.
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SanaeManga (241).png
96KB, 360x267px
Could you please calm down, I didn't understand a single word of what you just yelled
>Tfw that's the point

It IS a great feel

That's a bad feel.
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レン (17).jpg
160KB, 442x539px
: c
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I'll look for you then, Patchy
>waves at thicc touhout whilea long sigh of disappointment
Wine, huh? Man if only I could afford that, and I'm supposed to be the guy here.

I used to know this feel.

...you had to choose the words to hurt me most huh? Well good job.

...Are you going to it all of that pizza box yourself?
The fuck
You do know they don't lose points unless one of the tributes kills the other tribute, right?
+8 points per kill, -8 points per death by another tribute's hand.
At least you're not making my job hard, anon.
>That's a bad feel.
Not for me. Just goes to show how unobservant shitposters are.
eat all of that pizza box yourself?*
>tfw most people probably know but they don't say anything
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180KB, 400x822px
If you would like me to, nothing would make me happier...

Would you like some?
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Archer Smirk.jpg
116KB, 615x462px

tfw youre the one oldfag that no one knows what they actually look like
>-8 points per death by another tribute's hand.
Not him but that makes more sense. I thought it was just -8 just for dying.
Be nice if the stupid leaderboard had a list of the criteria for scoring instead of just seemingly random pictures and numbers.
Good thing you missed out on the faceposting, eh?
>one oldfag
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This is not ok.png
37KB, 238x268px
>A single tear runs across her cheek
...Yes please, and thank you.
The one thing I can say I enjoy about being shitposted is that at least me being so high-profile takes the shitposting focus off others.
I thought it was 6.
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173KB, 866x621px
But that's wrong.
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991KB, 500x276px
>least me being so high-profile takes the shitposting focus off others

That hits me right where I live.
On Wednesday I told you that all you had to do to be in the top 10 was not die, and now you're top 1.
Recheck the new leaderboard
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105KB, 650x910px
Have you been starving or something? Even I have a hard time working up a tear for a pizza. You must've had it rough.
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19KB, 493x379px

Look put of your window, Jeffrey
Same desu.
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Face of God.gif
749KB, 450x254px
I really don't care, I just think it's funny how everyone is like "oh hoshi is some 14 year old koren cuck (K-kuck)" I'm just here not caring.

Im assuming im not the only one but I havent been keeping track. I just know a bunch of people posted pics of themselves or had pics posted of them.

my name isn't jeffery
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It would have been funny if I guessed it correctly
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>It's a pretty great feeling. Hoping I can remain there.
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Speaking of secret avas; guess which avas are which.
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>tfw too smart to give a pic if my face to anyone here.

Only an idiot would willingly post their face on 4chan. Home of weaponised autism.
>this does not include the peoole who got tracked by Jude via ip
>even if they were dumb enough to click a link on 4chan.
im you
File: A Prayer.gif (743KB, 400x255px) Image search: [Google]
A Prayer.gif
743KB, 400x255px
Let us say our evening prayer to alcohol.

Bloody Mary, full of vodka.
Blessed are you among cocktails.
Pray for me now
And at the hour of my death
Which I hope is soon.
For I am a sinner
In the hands of an angry God.
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48KB, 322x257px
Nah I'm good, I'm just kind of sad and food will make me slightly better for a short period of time before feeling bad again.
>chewing slowly.
Pwredy gwoobh...
You're supposed to chop it up into a bunch of pics and try to combo it, newfriend.
File: Handcuff Nunchuck.gif (941KB, 400x226px) Image search: [Google]
Handcuff Nunchuck.gif
941KB, 400x226px
I don't care. The HG community is chill as long as you are. Pic unrelated
I'm you from the future

Don't touch that cactus on May 3rd
>starts fading away
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Plague Knight (32).png
473KB, 900x750px
>I'm just on bad luck streak these past few weeks.

>Apparently just hope to win. Reverse psychology or some shit.
>The HG community is chill as long as you are.
The more I think about it, the more this is true.
You literally just won one
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Plague Knight (10).jpg
110KB, 883x905px
>I know, but I've only won 4 games in the past month.
There are people who haven't won in nearly a year now.
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レン (125).png
8KB, 400x300px
but that helps me win
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Plague Knight (90).png
393KB, 960x1200px
>Fair point. I suppose compared to my average rate, it's bad luck.

>Well, fuck, I dunno. Sacrifice a goat. I'll let you kill Smolgore.
>only won 4 games in the past month
>only 4
>in the past month
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722KB, 700x965px
Food is digested and is gone to leave you with your troubles once again.

You may need a more permanent solution to your sadness.
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レン (133).png
82KB, 266x389px
but that's the wrong road
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Even more of top swimmer.png
5KB, 352x352px
At least people win man
No host? I could possibly do a game in a few.
I've won 13 in the last month :3c
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Dead Inside.jpg
51KB, 1280x720px
I have 3 wins in 2 years so don't feel bad.
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Plague Knight (98).png
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>I averaged out my victories per month and it's about 6 or 7 every 30 days. So yeah, to an extent, only 4.

>I meant for good. Kill him off.
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158KB, 612x563px
I would really appriciate that , anon.
Thank you.
>tfw you go from bottom to top 10
post them
So are we doing the secret ava weekend?
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レン (134).png
91KB, 308x403px
wouldn't that mean you won't be able to use him anymore
Nice job filler spamming trash
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Archer Island Games Wincard.png
37KB, 544x416px
Okay. Gimme a few to finish up what I'm doin n I'll get set up
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OKabe's Funeral Wincard.jpg
31KB, 679x271px
11/13 of those are my avas :3c
The other two were won in the Faction games or in Gorey games.
post ava cards
You have my thanks
File: Plague Knight (9).jpg (73KB, 832x961px) Image search: [Google]
Plague Knight (9).jpg
73KB, 832x961px
>That is exactly what I mean.
>My one HG regret is using the primary ava I did.

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265KB, 1920x1080px
>don't wanna.
>have my main instead.
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レン (135).png
89KB, 328x386px
so you got tired of using him
If we kill him do his shitty games go with him?
>yfw adachi got people to stop posting cards
Its ded hours dude,don't get your hopes up
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2MB, 400x224px
>doesn't use a bow

False advertising
File: Plague Knight (27).png (1MB, 1417x1576px) Image search: [Google]
Plague Knight (27).png
1MB, 1417x1576px

>No, I'm not that suicidal, though now I want to hear from you any suggestions or improvements for the code, the aesthetics, the commentary, etc.
thanks Dach
Yeah and good riddance
File: Call Kenny Loggins.jpg (42KB, 510x312px) Image search: [Google]
Call Kenny Loggins.jpg
42KB, 510x312px
I always appreciate witty commentary.
1. Remove all UT faggotry from game
2. Have less autistic commentary
3. Kill yourself, you autistic fuck

>Doesn't go away

False advertising
>thr aesthetics

Use a Vaporwave font
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1MB, 1000x1646px
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4MB, 2800x2344px
The milk is spilt and it's not like anyone who cares RPs with me anyway.

Post and rate.
I wish I had enough autism to make one of these
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レン (34).jpg
88KB, 480x640px
Shit, I wanted to make that joke.
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Plague Knight (29).png
48KB, 315x361px
>I try to be witty but it doesn't really have any sort of flow to it. More like random quips.

>1. Huh, someone noticed. If they make for RPable events, I don't think I should remove them, though.
>2. Absolutely no guarantee on that, since I don't have a proper ava to host with that can actually host.
>3. Annnnd there goes your credibility.

>Ah, but of course. Get in touch with the younger generation.
Hold up, pal! Is that a reference to the popular manga and anime series called Jojo's Bizarre Adventure?
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HG Melee.png
455KB, 1366x768px
believe me... im autistic enough
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63KB, 554x439px
I will delete the post so you can make the joke
I miss Booce
But his OJ opinions are wrong
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275KB, 384x512px
If you guys can send me a screen cap program to figure out I can host in a little bit
Post memes
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626KB, 500x282px
God dammit
What browser?
File: Emus.jpg (109KB, 620x335px) Image search: [Google]
109KB, 620x335px
I got fire fox and chrome
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1MB, 1388x1536px
Is it ok if I turn up the temperature?
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43KB, 500x799px

The autocropper tool is the first download

If it doesn't work, a screenshot add-on for your browser of use is the next best thing, I guess
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smash bros 2 HG.png
927KB, 1280x720px
I also went pure autism cancer. Though I did make the cancer games so I guess it's appropriate
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544KB, 448x764px
Nu-version when
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smash bros 2 HG Template.png
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probably never, it was a loooooot of work. I do have the template for those interested.
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27KB, 322x448px
Who the hell is Cyborg Noodle
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Fish trainer.jpg
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Give me a few minutes to figure this stuff out then I can try hosting for the first time
why the fuck am i never on these
>On both the Melee and Smash 4 rosters
Aww hell yeah
My husband
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Archer Top Gun.jpg
123KB, 2000x1000px
OG avafag

who are you?

who are you?
I can certainly take a crack at it when I have the time.
Lurkers, show yourselves so I can decide between 36 n 48!
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I recognize the character, I've just never seen them fagged

Great song tho
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レン (106).png
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>Triple D
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>44 user id
>Laughs at doing a 48

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Plague Knight (1).png
270KB, 813x1000px
This thread is 2 hours old.
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Mama 089.jpg
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>they actually deleted it
>wew lad.

>doesn't appear only when the sun sets irl

False Advertising.

>either this needs to be updated or it's my inner attention whore speaking to me.
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I added like 5 UIDs myself rotating my 4chan passes this thread. I
Which is why I asked for lurkers to show themselves. I could have just said 48, knowing someone would throw a hissy fit at all the fillers needed.
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947KB, 480x267px
Im updating the smash bros wallpaper right now
Okay. going with 36. gimme a minute
who are you adding to it?
New thred?
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SanaeManga (66).png
340KB, 666x852px
Put in nothing but fillers except for Eggman, Bolin, Baron, and Yin
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uhhhhh ok.png
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People who are relevant (AKA people I like)
Its over 1 year old
time to die then
Still here
Yeah. Too close to limit, and you know some autistic fuck will do his best to hit limit before all entries.
I if i'm not on it, i'll find you.
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SanaeManga (203).png
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>He's pretty good at what he does.
>tfw probably not relevant enough to be added
>tfw even if I was, I'm not sure which ava of mine should be my rep since I don't have a true main ava
>Don't forget the oldfags
>tfw have been gone for so long that i probably won't even be on it
>when you're most relevant oldfag right now
Earthbound and FZero are stil in smash bros
To be fair though, the actual Smash 4 roster has a lot of irrelevant characters that are only on there because they're old. Captain Falcon, G&W, R.O.B, Duck Hunt, Samus, Mega Man, etc.
señor Chang?
I just want a beat-em-up set in the F-Zero universe.
Good. So we'll all know who to meme and shitpost at when it comes out
Earthbound and F-zero,while being fairly old,are still great.Unfortunately you can't say the same about most old fags
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170KB, 2000x1333px
>Mega Man
Thread posts: 396
Thread images: 208

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