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/tlhg/ - The Loud House General Lawyer Edition >Booru: h

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 468
Thread images: 183

/tlhg/ - The Loud House General
Lawyer Edition



>Thread Archive:





Upcoming Episodes:

Future Tense (Monday: 9/18) (Leaked)
>When Mom and Dad meet a new accomplished family, they worry that their kids aren't doing enough activities to ensure a successful future.
DL: https://mega.nz/#!lUMSWRLQ!8Qrnpday4lozA34wrD-YgxJQ5P9-WAIuXPeYd5XakLs
DL: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-dEJ8liTP2iRkltcVRrMlp4dDA/

Yes-Man (Tuesday: 9/19)
>The Loud sisters need help from the "master of persuasion", AKA Lincoln. He will teach them how they can ask Mom and Dad for money.

Friend or Faux (Wednesday: 9/20)
>Lisa gets her kindergarten report card back to discover she’s gotten an F– in social skills. To bring up her grade, she must make a friend.

No Laughing Matter (Thursday: 9/21)
>When Luan realizes how her siblings complain about her jokes, she gives up her passion. But the others feel bad about it, so they have to show Luan that she is funny.

No Spoilers (Airdate: TBA)
>Knowing Leni’s history of spoiling surprises, the kids decide not to tell her about Mom’s upcoming party. But keeping Leni away is no easy task.
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An older Lily is a cute Lily!
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I want to fuck this PigSlut so hard her mind goes completely blank and she cant even form a coherent sentence
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Lynn is the best!
Yeah good joke buddy wew lmao wacky wacky xD +10 mang fuck yeah fuck yeah fuck yeah WEEEW WOOH WEEEW WOOHHHH
are you sure?
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What happen to that one lolafag that was going to vent?
I think you mean Luna
They got bullied away, poor lad.
How can one person have so much go wrong in their life?
He did yesterday didn't he?
And then someone pretended to be him?
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Though I was gonna make it, but my no fap only lasted 10 days. Way better than I usually hold it that's for sure.
ANON - Update and New Chapters List (MO4444R!)

>>Pride and Glory<<
Author: Moondaffodil
WIP - http://pastebin.com/ng5vSJTa
Last Update: 23-01-2017
>After hearing a rumor about a glory hole that operates after school, Lincoln and Clyde decide to check it out.


>Tobitobi90 >Hey Tobi here, did a new story.
https://pastebin.com/U8pFz1C0 It was you all along

>wheatgrass >Have a smallish update for Through Thicc and Thin.
https://pastebin.com/XKZ0YupR Through Thicc and Thin (WIP)

>UnderratedHero >It's not a lewd updat. But it's an update
https://pastebin.com/5YpDELeY A good loser (Lynncoln NSFW)

>Numb_At_Heart >Alright.
https://pastebin.com/G8WsfmiP Life's sad end, And the innate pain

>TotCall720 >Just gonna drop this off
https://pastebin.com/jC1y3B0L The Loud House Future Love Run Amok! - Ch17

>Negima_Sensei >Small late night update or whatever.
https://pastebin.com/mp2zsr7M BLxA

>Eospag >I have a new Loricoln story here. I took that whole 'pizza boy porn scenario' trope and rolled with it.
https://pastebin.com/Msx3pG41 Pizza Delivery Boy

>a guest >What happened tot hat kys x pyg fic?
https://pastebin.com/91EaD1SM Kys X Pyg

>That1AsholeTec >Saurkraut, beer, and pinkles.
https://pastebin.com/UsNpMneX Bathroom Dilemma (WIP)

>UnderratedHero >Immorticon helped me out with some things, and now the fic's updated to the end of ch2, which includes a 2nd lewd scene.
https://pastebin.com/5YpDELeY A good loser (Lynncoln NSFW) Ch. 1 & 2

>smallface >Update starts at line 42
https://pastebin.com/QbHctD4E Lincoln Lucy Lupa Loud

>FumaFam101/SirPage >The lewd has started. update at line 113
https://pastebin.com/VHj5xRQA Lisacoln (WIP)

>Yourhead >The tentative date September 24th. new clue line 3105
http://pastebin.com/pyfS1LAq Godless Sound
Eat shit and die spammer
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It's hard to live a normal life being someone who peed on a cat, dog.
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>No, it's not true. I never peed on that cat.
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> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xY0RyezOZ3c

One non-Lynn SFW coloring request?
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This please.
What a liar. Has Lola finally beaten out Lana as the most disgusting Loud?
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>tfw Lolafag is never coming back
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>based Lunabomber chased him away
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>Trying to make Luna relevant
I appreciate your efforts, but no one's buying it.
Give it a day or two.
bullied someone looking for help among some of the only "friends" he has into leaving, and shat up a whole thread.

you're heroes alright.
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No need to thank us
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>It's a Lunanigger tries to pretend he's useful to the thread episode
You'd be even bigger heroes by leaving like the rest of the Lunafags.
Morning guys, can I vent real quick?
Do it
What is it on your mind, pedo?
go ahead
Vent? How grating!
i doubt you're the real one, but go ahead.

and did you get the tire or was it a ripoff?
>be me
>19 beta male
>wlaking in the mall
>eyes downcast
>side effect of extreme autism
>hear group of girls
>look up
>see Lori Loud with her friends
>she and one girl are sitting on a bench, while the others stood, talking.
>i've always had a crush on her
>I decide then and there that I would try and win her over
>stride over to the group
>the group falls silent as they noticed me
>"h-hey l-l-ladies, w-whatss happenin?" i stutter out
>they only stare
>decide my next move
>I attempt to do one of those "cool guy slides" on the bench
>I slide too forcefully
>end up slamming into them hard
>This causes Lori to spill her iced coffee all over herself and the ground.
>her friend falls off the side of the bemch
>"What the hell, dude?" Lori snaps
>start to sweat
>"M-m-my bad-d L-l-ori. L-let me help y-y-your friend." I wheeze out
>I feel my bowels began to move
>always happens when I'm nervous
>try and make my way over to Loris fallen friend
>slip in the ice coffee
>fall on top of her firend
>girl screams at the top of her lungs
>my bowls release
>I rip ass
>It's so loud, and smells like the sulphur of hell itself.
>proceed to unleash liquid shit
>spills all over fallen girl
>she begins to vomit
>all the other girls are screaming
>fallen girl gets up
>all sprint away
>i'm seemingly alone
>me and my shit
>notice Lori still standing there
>she gives a small grin
>"wow, I didnt know you had it in you!"
"Wha-" I stammer out
>"I love a guy who can rip ass" she answers
>She lifts her right leg slightly, and squints
>She lets out a small, cute fart
>playfuly wafts it towards me
>Lori laughs and walks towards me
>"Call me sometime"
>slides me her number
>walks away
>leaves me in my shit puddle

So /tlhg/, how was your day today?
>saving benthelooney's
anon, why? Don't you respect yourself?
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Okay, so yesterday my mom got her tires and despite being 9/11, she came back home fine

But something happened, I was cleaning my front porch when I was into a conversation with my neighbor, not the weirdo one but the 50 year old fatty

So anyway, I'm very quiet and not talkative. Yet my neighbor was just going on and on and on.

Then she started to gossip about the neighbors, which I felt uncomfortable about because well, "If she's gossiping about neighbors, she's likely gossiping about me"

Anyway, as we continued to talk, I really wanted to go back inside

But THEN another neighbor from down the street came to speak with her, and then the two started to gossip about other neighbors, it was super fucking weird. I just found the whole thing trashy and rude, yet I didn't say anything but I started to feel more uncomfortable.

I was never around people like this! So I started to laugh and it was an awkward laugh. So it got so fucking bad, the neighbor said "What's so funny?" and I'm just laughing like "I don't even know" then she makes an odd face, while the neighbor is laughing.

I feel like an idiot because I come off as really weird but I didn't understand why 50+ year old women would want to chat with a young teen like me. It just felt awkward and so odd

I hate this, I wanted to say something but they just sounded SOOOO trashy. I felt disgusted by the whole thing.

I feel that they're going to gossip about me now, "Wow, he's sorta weird, he really needs to get out more"

I feel so embarrassed right now, how do I overcome this? It's attacking my mind right now like "You should've told her that you had to go"
Stop dragging the rest of the Lolafags with your autism.
It's never good to hang around gossiping neighbors but as long as you didn't be part of the gossip then don't think about it
You seem like the person who would make a big deal about spilled milk.
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Try to stop caring about them so much. Problem solved
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I guess you're right

It's just I felt awkward by the whole conversation, since I had nothing to say and was laughing at times where it wasn't funny, I don't want people to think I'm some anti-social weirdo

Okay I like you, how do I do this? I want to do this so badly. Yet I've always been this caring person that worry about everything and how people think about it.
You're on an image board where we "discuss" a children's cartoon, of course you're a fucking antisocial weirdo. Own up to it
Listen, if you start caring about how people think about you 247 then your life is going to become a complete nightmare and full of misery. I've done this before
You have to think about the important things in your life right now, which are your goals, success and how you get ahead in life. You are human and people have awkward moments, just move on
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Honestly this. Just accept it and know that nothing they say or think will effect you in the long run.
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I thought you left you fag
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You should shut them up and teach them not to talk behind peoples backs by blasting them with piss.
dude just don't give a shit. they probably already gossip and say shit about you, they do it for everyone. we're not shining beacons of social interaction, but their lives are empty as fuck so all they have to do is gossip. just ignore it and move on.
Your mom is going to tell your neighbors you got a cat put down by peeing on it
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Which Loud gets off to shitting themselves while in public?
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Thank you.

This is actually going to help me right now. This time, I promise to stop being a pain to you guys.

I'm going to start being more productive and go back to college.

Wish me luck /tlhg/

Plus I swear this is my last post, I just needed one last advice on something.

Thank you all again. Goodbye!
Don't come back now, ya hear?
Hope to hear from you soon
good luck and remember to think before you act, that usually avoids awkward moments.
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And stay away from cats, actually stay away form all animals, you menace!
btw, people in college are gonna say shit about you and to you all the time, learn to ignore it and move on. if you want friends but don't like normies then find people who are into the same shit as you. just don't show your power level, let them show theirs first and then react accordingly.
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i'm backintosh, slow day as usual, eh?
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well at least that means no bombs and thread spamming.
Holy shit that Lolafag is such an autist, like a literal autist.
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Great Minds Discuss Ideas; Average Minds Discuss Events; Small Minds Discuss People
Leave him alone, you guys are probably the same thing in real life. At least he's going to change in his life now.
I'm not, and even if I was, I wouldn't come here to cry and make a big deal out of this "problems". But you're right, the peple trying to give him advice must be just as bad as him.
Why Are You Typing Like This?
he posted a fart fetish pic, it must be some kind of shitposting
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>Posts farts
>Posts Luna
Yeah, definitely shitposting.
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Lynn is the best!
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Oh fuck this thread is from yesterday lol
seems 1 new episode wasn't enough to kill the hiatus
It doesn't matter. Even when we get bombs, the threads become just as dead a day or two after they're done.
i think it depends on how much new content/memes are generated from the episodes. i mean it's not the same when you get an ep like "one of the boys" compared to something like "Lynner takes all".

and it's just another reason why bombs are shit. if we had regular new episodes it would probably be more lively on average.
lisa, for samples
Why do Lorifags have the absolute worst fetishes?
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unf nice
What is this? Is there just some house all adult Louds congregate in order to have incestuous orgies?
Not so much orgies more like fucking Lincoln. I mean occasionally they have to kick Luna in her flat chest for trying to make it gay.
>The blondes and Lucy are nice and thicc
>All the brunettes are flat-chested with no hips
As it should be.
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You mean Luan?
>Lucy is somehow the biggest of them all
Unless Lily or Lisa are bigger, she's gotten everyone else beat.
>Bobby knows how our relationship works
Well it's only fair since Lori knows how their family works if you catch my drift.
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1 dick ten girls
Well, I guess I do now! I didn't see that pic. I was going for canon gay, not fanon gay. Man so much gay.
Wouldn't trade it for the world, chasos having all these kids, that's the way it always is in the lewd house!
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unf nice
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>page 4 with 100 replies
Lynn, What the fuck?
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Wait a second.
Shouldn't Lori have some kids of her own already? If she's still with Bobby after all this time and Lincoln who's at least 6 years younger than her already has three, where are her kids?
He's right tho
well not anymore but back when i posted it was. guess the whole board is dead at this hour.
she has Loan with Lincoln.
people are at work, classes, and the neets are sleeping
there is absolutely nothing wrong with getting fart on by your sister
well i'm waiting for my food to cook. but i guess it's also a good opportunity to keep writing and make some progress.
What a pussy
kys edgelord
where is the rest?
Who, unlike the others, is pretty much just his sexual punching bag?
I concur, these people are just awful.
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Found this
All I could find amigo
Luna looks like she's about to get vore'd
>Luan looks like she's enjoying it
What a degenerate whore.
>all this samefagging over this garbage work
>implying that people don't enjoy garbage
Welcome to /trash/. Enjoy your stay!
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When will I get my Leni gf?
just you because you drew it
Nice, tentacle rape is my fetish
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If this comic had an incestuous plot, would probably be better, for now is only a generic work.

I like this place too
>I'm the artist now apparently
No, we're in trash. And /tlhg/ has its fair share of foot, fart, and scat fags here. Everybody knows this.
When you kill yourself
>And /tlhg/ has its fair share of foot, fart, and scat fags here. Everybody knows this.
I don't know, maybe

>implying youre fooling anyone

Yeah. I'll never understand why.
The guy's bored, just Ignore him.
>He says as he fools himself
Your next line will be "kys"
did you have a stroke
i pray my eyes deceive me, but is this a
no it can't be, they're even on youtube now, no sane person would still post one
>all more than a minute apart

really makes you think
Why am I so gay?
Cause you have shit taste.
Now stop dawdling and fuck my ass.
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You said a bad word. I'm telling mods!
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Damn, Linc cleans up well.
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because you want to be.
and it's okay but if you CHOOSE to be gay then yes you ARE going to hell
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This as episode of season 3 when!?

Innate or just empiric decisions, anon.
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>"So then Coach bent me over and pulled my shorts down. And before I could say anything he wrapped his fingers around my neck and stated chocking me like this!"
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this looks like a page of sweet bro and hella jeff. brings back some memories
Is...Is this ironically bad?
i don't know. i mean, sonichu does exist
lincoln is the worst character on the show, they should just replace him with leni
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>Hey Lincoln...
>Want a balloon?
/tlhg/ meetup when?
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I dunno...my dad told me not to take things from strangers...

I had to do a double take, cause I though the boat was called the S.S. Cringe
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Why is Lisa mad
Never. I want to keep the mystery of who and what you all are up.
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>Oh!...well I'm Pennywise the DANCING! clown...
>Now we aren't strangers.
>Are we?
Because she has no fags on here.
Lincoln won't give her cummies.
nice fivehead
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Lincoln pressed the "free ice cream to everyone" instead of the "nuke everyone" button.
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She probably understood the main Socratic principle, humility as to what is known.

Someone has a link to watch the movie?
why not just watch the original, is it not the same excluding the special effects?
Just watch the movie you fuck, we need more R rated horror movies.
but at the same time we need less reboots
What would that even look like?
This is the good kind of reboot man, they went back to the book instead of just showing Pennywise all the time, it was great.
a bunch of awkward fucks trying to play it cool and almost succeeding until quad shows up in a huge dinosaur costume and starts shouting how much he loves Lily.
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Imagine a office party with the rule of bring one friend. Now picture that friend has job in some sort of art (painting, sculpting, producing, ect) and they little shame. This is the/tlhg/ meet up.
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Actually they change the duration and plot details to make it a trilogy

I have no money right now.
oh so this one is gonna be a trilogy? but is it actually necessary, is the book really that big?
i ask because the Hobbit for instance did not need 3 movies. a max of 2 would have been more than enough.
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Slut Smug Dance.png
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I'm very horny right now.
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>mfw she didn't farted
I was going to jerk off but now I don't want to
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What's with everyone and this fart fetish?
It'll be just two, no? And yeah, they changed some stuff.

Stuff that I'm surprised /tlhg/ didn't use in some drawings or fics with Loud characters.
its just ultrafat samefagging
I like it
Shut up The Hobbit trilogy is a comfy over the top masterpiece
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what a pussy
You are not me but I'm glad we think alike
>He doesn't gets turned on by farts
i didn't dislike the movies but there was no need for 3 of them. or for any of the extra stuff they added.
perhaps they think the show having fart jokes makes it okay to have a fart fetish
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requesting this with leni and lucy
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>2 would have been more than enough
I agree with, but probably they are ending doing this (for money obviously):

>It 1: (watch the movie)
>It 2: Meetup between the children already as adults and prelude of the final confrontation.
>It 3: Travel to dimension where It belongs (read the book) for the final battle.

I predict an open-end or a bad-end for the third movie.
God I want them to give it a bad-end so bad. My younger sister lost her shit at Rouge One's ending and I just want more of that.
Why do you want her to suffer?
Is Watchmen a good comic? Asking for the blue man group.
It's funny
that was a shitty joke and you should feel ashamed
Yes, and get a new blue man group anyways.
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>tfw best bot died saving the multiculti brigade, yet they died anyway and made his sacrifice meaningless
If there was anyone who deserved to survive, it was K-2SO.
i almost felt sad when he died, then i remembered he's a droid and therefore isn't really alive, and i chuckled.
Fuck, I really need to see Rogue One.
You don't really need to see Rogue One.
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It's not a necessity. It's leagues better than Episode 7 was, 8 will be, and likely 9 as well, but it's by no means a masterpiece. I only watched it so I could be informed on whether it was subjectively or objectively bad.
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What does /TLHG/ think of Anakin Skywalker?
it's great. i love the part where they're like
>we need a name for the ship
>Rogue One™
then the Star Wars theme starts playing full blast and everybody stands up and claps

only better part is
>what is it they sent us?
then CGI Leia turns around and goes
>(a new) hope™
and i just plain cried from the memories
If he wasn't such an idiot and killed Palpatine when he had the chance, things would've gone so much better for him.
well, he thrusts sabers into children so in a way he fits right in
Last night I made a super edgy 0/10 horror greentext
>ctrl+f "Lucy"
>0 results
>ctrl+f "Luan"
>0 results
>ctrl+f "Lincoln
>0 results

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Do you think she knows how pretty and perfect she is? Or has no one told her yet?
I didn't use any names, but if you read it you'd know who was it about.
Why would you lie to a teenager?
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Lying is a sin, Anon.
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Do you think she likes white spaghetti?
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It's not lying if I'm telling the truth!
>reposting your shit

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{ T H I R D I M P A C T }.png
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>It's a Luan fic
My interest dropped immediately.
You are him
>yandere Luan wins

Now I want to see some Luan abuse next Thursday
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Edgy as fuck.png
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Ok, I just read it. I like it. The beginning feels too descriptive, but it gets better at the middle. Edgy as fuck/10.

What was the OP?
Loli Lisa

We are THIS dead
The most amazing part is that people gave a fuck about any of those boring characters.
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>Luan braaaps over Lincoln's body
oh boy
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Do you want to bomb the thread?
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Bomb the Lisa thread. It has no right to exist.
io no se, pero la berdad ske Luan Loud es la mejor Loud
No big deal. That's just what every spic in the fandom looks like.
Looks kind of like Luan. Even has her massive forehead.
What's up?
someone wanted to switch threads early and now it's getting bombed.
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yeah.the usual

really, what's your problem?
callate carajo
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>Real dead hours.
>Lucy had her and Lynn's room all to herself for the night as Lynn was at her friend's house for a sleepover
>Normally, any sister in the house would be happy to have a nice, quiet room, even for just a night
>Lucy used to have that mindset
>That is, until a few months ago
>The eight year-old didn't know what, but something caused Lincoln to...change
>One day all of a sudden, he got a lot more touchy with Lucy
>Hugging her, rubbing her shoulders, her leg...
>And on that night, Lincoln told her to meet him in the basement as he knew there was a ghost down there
>But when she went to meet him...he attacked her
>Though maybe attack wasn't even the right word
>He forced her to stay, to remover her PJ pants and her panties, but...he never hit her or yelled or anything
>He kept saying he wanted to help her
>And so he used his fingers and violated the young girl, forcing her to experience her first orgasm
>And then he left her with a kiss on the cheek and an "I love you" before leaving her in the basement, where she stayed until morning
>She never told anyone of the experience, she was too ashamed. Oddly enough, Lincoln never mentioned it, never threatened her if she told anyone
>And the night after he forced her into the basement and did it again, with Lucy too scared to yell for help
>And Lucy knew, as she laid alone in the normally shared room, he'd come for her
>She didn't even bother locking the door, she knew he could navigate the vents easily. It was a moot point.
>Cringing, she heard the doorknob of the door slowly turn, and the door opening slowly and silently...
>In a quick motion, Lincoln was in the room, door closed and locked behind him
>"Hey, Luce..."
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Delet this
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I'm the greatest of them all.
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Frieza dd.png
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Ha ha stupid monkey.
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so now we have 2 fucking frieza posters?
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I'm a character no one remembers.
who are you?
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fuck this script.jpg
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Krillin knows.
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Hello Buddy!
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We need more DB avatarfags.
>shilling your art
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or not. i'd say we have about enough of them, not counting the ones who left.
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Automatic garbage.
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Lynn tongue.jpg
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unf nice
>Dead thread
Time for a Lynn bomb!
it the only active thread you fucking mongoloid
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sisterfags will look for any excuse to spam their shit, especially Lynnfags. it's not for nothing no-one likes them.
Fuck off, Lenifag.
kys lynnfag
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I'm so conflicted. I hate NTR but dig the art.
Lenifags are always so assblasted.
Fuck off shitposter, no wonder why no one likes Lynn.
Cry some more. Everyone likes Lynn!
i'm not a sisterfag, i wouldn't want to end up like you.
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Nice job, faggot, Fuck these Lenifags.
If you say so, Lenifag.
Don't let the door hit you on the way out.
at least you're better at jokes than Luan. if Lynner taks all showed anything it's that no-one likes her, they just put up with her shit lest she become even more insufferable.
At least they don't lock Lynn in a cage like they do with Luan.
anon, you realize he posted that about 9 hours ago, right?
maybe they pity the poor cage.
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>Lenifags right now
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Let's Play Some Football.jpg
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Would you play football with Lynn?
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Lurk moar
Of course! Leni would be too retarded to play with anyway!
Just a reminder we still have this thread, so someone doesn't make one unnecessarily...

>Lynnfags are so pathetic they have to point at other sisterfags while shitting up threads
at thispoint even the Luna bomb was better.
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bapache copy.jpg
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Doing requests
me and you having dinner in paris whith Lucy as the waiter.
Lucy owning Lynn at sports
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This early?

Ok. Lori as Homer, Leni as Bart and Luan as Lisa. Please.
>Lenifags in denial about how shit they are
You're just jealous at how great Lynn is!
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hi duskull, this with Lori or older Lola


Lori nervously hiding expensive chocolate behind her back as she's surrounded by Lana and Lola.
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Lucy nonchalantly performing a slam dunk, complete with a bored sigh
Damn, I missed a Lunabomb?
https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=64934600 oppai loli Lucy
Look in the archive it was yesterday night. And it was shit.
Thread theme
Normal and classical Luna playing a song together
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This with Leni.
you not being a talentless edgelord

Ornstein Leni and Smough Lori
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It's pure Luna, you nonce.
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Too much oppai.
just like you
I swear to god, I'm not a faggot!
Lincoln giving a crying Lisa a hug.
shut up faggot
Seconding >>11513277 and >>11513118
All these requests are fucking dumb and not original at all, I can see CCs saying "I don't like /TLHG/ because they're gay".
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You right. you're a faggot in denial
but this is /tlhg/
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Trying a new tactic, eh, kysfag? Hoping to get pyg-senpai to notice you?
youre really forcing that meme, are you upset i got rid of pyg
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Otis here.

You and pyg make a very cute couple.
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wow thats bad
Couldn't just be Lynnfags are obnoxious shitheads who no one likes thanks to their retarded antics, nope, they're gonna try to blame others.
You're just as delusional as the Lenifags who kept blaming you for Lenibombs. Though given all this shit now, I'm starting to believe them.
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>because they're gay
Since when has this been a problem?
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>Trying to hide his obvious feelings for pyg
Don't worry, she'll notice you one day.
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PIG! you don't fool me you bastard you're the one who's been oatsposting, aren't you?
Gay/10 could use some more work
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damn i wasn't expecting you to do it. thanks.
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you can stop samefagging now
>Your loudfu will unload into your open mouth
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Luan Loud 1961.jpg
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Good morning, Royal Woods.
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>Being a lesbian in 1975
Even 1970s Luaggie is cancer.
i wish. i'm so incompetent at drawing i'd spend a week on a doodle.
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aesthetic Loud house.jpg
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we need more images like these
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More 60s louds version when!?

Is that actually "hipster"?
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Season 3 spoilers.png
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Choose one
>Lucy didn't reply, she just pulled the covers up to her neck, as if it'd help
>"Lincoln...Please..." Was all she managed to choke out
>"Hey, hey...It's alright." Lincoln said, noticing Lucy's obvious fear
>With that, he turned on the lights in the room
>Lucy got a good look at his face...he still had that smile...
>It wasn't one of sadistic glee, or like an evil villain like in her books
>No. It was just...a brotherly smile
>So casual, so normal, the kinds he always gave before he stole her innocence away
>"Lincoln, please...You don't have to do this." Lucy tried again, feeling her body start to shake
>"But I do." Lincoln said, walking over and sitting on Lucy's bed
>She wanted to run, wanted to scream, but...she felt paralyzed. All she could do was stare at her brother
>"You've seemed so sad lately, so I have to help you. To make you feel good." He truly sounded like he wanted to help, to ease Lucy's pain
>But then why did he do such awful things to her
>With a quick motion, Lincoln pulled the covers away, leaving Lucy exposed with nothing but her pajamas to make her decent
>With the younger girl still paralyzed, he proceeded to remover her pants and panties too, in one fell swoop
>The goth closed her legs on instinct, whimpering in fear and feeling hot tears streak down her face. "Please stop..."
>"I can't stop. I have to help you. I know it's weird, but it'll make you happy." Lincoln said, moving so he was gently pinning Lucy down by the shoulders. "Lori did the same to me, and it made me so happy! I have to share it with you..."
>Lori? What-? But Lucy's thoughts were interrupted as Lincoln mashed his lips into hers, trapping her in a deep, loving kiss that she didn't want
>Much to her shame, she felt herself starting to grow moist between her legs, her body reacting in ways she hated...
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0/10 just stop
Ill stop when you make me
>Lynnfags this buttblasted
keep going
>luanfags are this dumb
why aren't you here on sundays
what do you think mong
it's bull prep day?
He's the king of the Sunday funnies, it's a busy job.
maybe in amerikkka
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Don't you have a refugee center to go build?
because my country actually cares about people
you mean your country wants to look nice by helping others while it's own people suffer.
no one seems to be suffering here unlike in burgerland
I understand why people admire Jumpjump, but I just can't say his style is a good one.
Which country are you in, the one where millions are without homes or the one where poverty is so rampant, losing your house means breaking even?
>kysfag samefagging again
Just stop.
neither, you just described america
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>kysfag is samefagging again
I hate reruns.
Well, it got him banned once before.
I thought he got banned for posting porn.
If your country gives money, jobs, homes and so on to refugees while there are unemployed, homeless citizens around, then yes it is causing suffering to part of it's population by giving priority to outsiders.

I don't even say this in attempts to be edgy or selfish, it's a simple matter of priority. This obviously does not apply if you live in a country in which all non self-sufficient citizens are already receiving necessary aid.
yes please
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I think you'll be at home there
youre looking for the yurifag
Nice non-argument.
The only place that faggot needs to go it >>>/out/. You should go find him and take him there.
nice nazism
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nice cuckshed
because the us doesnt have any outdoors left that arent walmarts or polluted?
I sincerely hope this is just shitposting and not your actual view, because if it isn't you're a very sad individual.
Do you also call stewardesses nazis when they instruct you to put a mask on yourself before tending to children and the elderly?
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Lynn beauty sleep.jpg
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Please be quiet, guys. Lynn is sleeping.
go back to >>>/pol/ and cry harder
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If the truth hurts you that much you can always just close the browser window or the tab. No need to get so upset and shit up threads.
says the nazi who cant sand someone not sucking amerilard dick
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Can kysfag and his imitators go find something more constructive to do with their lives? Go bother /sug/ or /hg/ or /ztg/. Anythings better than them staying here.
he already does that, his autism is spread all over /trash/
this is the only place worth saving
We are here to save this place, there are other kysfags in other generals doing their jobs. What other kysfags do in the other generals is out of our jurisdiction.
Then how do we cure it? Do we pull an /a/ and get full on mod overlords, or do we go somewhere else like/b/?
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Lisa upset.jpg
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I'm gonna have to Lisabomb this thread if you don't stop with the kysfag drama.
Good news, we embrace depravity and like the furries and bronies, have no intention or need to be saved. Now go save /sug/, the poor bastards never got over losing their standing on /co/.
the thread is on page 8 already, just let it be. nice trips tho.
The only way is to somehow get the mods to do their jobs. Good luck with that though.
>threatening to spam

lisafags are pathetic
/b/ moves way too fast for a general like this with significant dead time.

the best solution would actually to attack the source and either have they kysfags permabanned, hacked or straight up doxxed and air-striked.
/tlhg/'s problem is that praise bad CCs, that is why we drive away CCs, because you don't know how to act around them. Every general has their problems and you guys are no different. We focus on those problems effectively fixing them, to ensure you guys have a better place.

you are not funny
Why don't you become CCs and slave away making high quality content for us 24/7 for free, then?
>threatening to dox me

are you sure thats legal in clapistan
Fuck this hiatus. Fuck it right in the pussy.
ITT: Hot images
I agree, what I do is not funny.

No CC here will ever draw 24/7
Then you could be the first. You'd solve all our problems, lickety split.
Good luck. How would any of us go about doing any of that?
No. It's not my job to give you good content. That's the job of the CCs that are good, if you don't have good CCs worth keeping around, then that's not my problem.
the same way old /b/ did. also, didn't /int/ coordinate air strikes? if they can do it so can we.

i wouldn't know, I'm not American.

maybe what you consider bad CCs isn't the same we do. we might praise them because unlike you they actually provide new content and attend to requests. if requesters are happy with what they get then you have no reason to intrude.
>making excuses for horrible ccs

pathetic, which one are you
>the same way old /b/ did.
Well, good luck with that. You're on your own there.
>kysfag refuses to make content, despite claiming to want to save this place
You're nothing but a big, fat phony.
I'm not a CC, which is why i'm thankful for the ones who stuck around this far, instead of trying to drive them away then wondering why there are none left.

you gotta admit an oldschool-type treasure hunt featuring /tlhg/ would be fun as fuck.
>you gotta admit an oldschool-type treasure hunt featuring /tlhg/ would be fun as fuck.
If you can actually get anyone to agree to helping, knock yourself out.
are the police "phonys" they dont produce any items for society

they produce law and order, thats what i do
>maybe what you consider bad CCs isn't the same we do.
There is a difference between subjectively bad and objectively bad, and if you guys can't tell the difference, then that's why kysfags exist

>we might praise them because unlike you they actually provide new content and attend to requests.
So if someone offered you shit you'll take it just because they "provide" it? Learn to say no to terrible art, and if you can't tell the difference better good art, and bad art, then once again that's we exist.

>if requesters are happy with what they get then you have no reason to intrude.
And that's the problem more people who shill bad art, we're gonna get bad art. The reason why the requesters are "happy" because A) They don't want to be rude, or B) It's the artist shilling their work.

You may not like how we do things, but we do it to help you guys.
that was one of the worst analogies i've ever seen. and i've been to /v/ and /pol/. besides, it's the mod's jobs to provide law and order here, not yours. sadly, you being here means they aren't doing their jobs all that well.
Yeah, they should. And so should you, you big, fat phony.
nice non-argument
the argument is that you bother people while claiming to help, and think you're some sort of mod when in truth you're just annoying.
when we say we don't want you it isn't tsundere shit, we legit just don't want any of you here.
your opinion is in the minority, this place was screaming out for someone to save it and i answered the call
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[citation needed]
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you prove im hated and ill leave
>So if someone offered you shit you'll take it just because they "provide" it?
maybe i'll take it because i WANT shit. ever thought of that? maybe i'm a scatfag and you're trying to make me eat cake when what i want is a big fat bowl of shit.
you can always fuck off to the discord where your mythical good CCs live while i stay here and relish as pyg, ultra and all the rest take a big fat log of shit on my face.
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hey there buddy.jpg
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there, hundreds of threads of people telling every iteration of kysfag to fuck off. you can even choose your favorite.
>wanting shit
If that's how you think, then this place is beyond saving.
funny that you cant find one
No, don't leave, friend! We don't hate you, we just hate your negativity!
exaclty, you finally get it. now please leave me, i'm about to go for my routine dive in a septic tank.

i don't like him.
Aw, but why? Is it because he doesn't enjoy bathing in feces?
At least wear a full-body diving suit so you don't catch any diseases, buddy! Be careful!
no, it is because he wishes to deprive me of my feces. if he just left me to it i wouldn't mind, but he, or rather they, insist on meddling. and the diseases are part of the fun.
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>That episode where they showed Luan having diarrhea for 10 straight minutes
What did Savino tried to say with this?
Luan is shit. What else could he be saying?
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I love this pic
FUUuuuuuuuck it's not fair
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more please
I like shit too anon.. don´t speak for me, and... i want just specific shit this is the whole point here
Thread posts: 468
Thread images: 183

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