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/cyoag/ - CYOA General

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 383
Thread images: 144

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Adventures In A New World CYOA.jpg
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Previous Thread: >>55310449

Archive and other resources: https://pastebin.com/vrqYhnpu
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Part 1.jpg
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How many pages are left?
This is pretty good, but where are the opposites? The biggest opposites that Order has is "Debauchery" down in the minor section.
Is it because its based on Greek/Roman gods Order rocks/Chaos sucks deal?
>Heating up a crowbar and aimlessly hitting it with the hammer
Holy shit, it was foreshadowed that HL3 would never come out.
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Traveller's Tale 2.0 is not soon, skeleton.
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The Game of Alice Goes Dere.pdf
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the pictures for the girls on the left look like shit

top left especially bad
>Hellshock waifus
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There are only going to be 3 pages, and while I have the skeleton down for about 70% of it, there's still fluffing and balancing and refinement. I'm about 40% done in total before I can even consider doing playtesting with a closed group.

>He doesn't like Hetza
Shit taste need not apply.
I dream of genies
>90% of the art is western "realistic" quality stuff
>and then theres the chink eyed triangle nosed shits

choose an artstyle, and stick with it, hellshock is okay- but his art shit stands out like a sore thumb
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One image there is western "realistic" style.

I know you like to nitpick my CYOAs and not others, but you don't need to hit yourself on the head.
You're really good at recognizing different anons. What's your secret
Four years of practice.
Whoa mama if calling random people Imaginous means you're good at recognizing different anons then you can call me lottery winner.
the four i mentioned are- they have "realistic" facial structures and are shaded as such. ill be honest i cant tell on the mechs- but they seem rather western also

>i know you like to nitpick my CYOA's
i dont think ive really engaged with your stuff much.

but if i am giving you a harder time that other creators its because you are both fond of giving criticism yourself and stating that your stuff is good- so i suppose its fair

who do you think i am?
>the four i mentioned
the four i didnt mention

pretty nice, but it would be better with some more details about the behaviours and relationships among the gods and the responsibilities.
For instance, would major gods bully minor gods, would the god society be very rigid and strict, or more carefree, and so on
It's not "vague". It gives precise numbers for the loyalty of each faction, and details what effects happen at the various loyalty levels. But there isn't a combination that is obviously better than all other combinations.
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>but if i am giving you a harder time that other creators
Don't be a pussy and put on your name, then.

For the record, I know. I'm giving you a hard time because you're being a faggot about it, but I generally don't care about the art choices. I am taking some liberties on the art choices because it's the least of my worries right now.
>on your name
fine you whore
Whatever happened to the power armour CYOA threads? What was the latest version of it, anyway. Want to update my folder with it.
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>Encouraging people to namefag and tripfag
here you go
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Is this when I clock out and you take over my projects? By all means, I could use the less workload.
but in all seriousness, i dont have a name- im not Tok or whoever else you might be thinking off

best ive had is had personas associated with my builds

over here

>Is this when I clock out and you take over my projects?
ahahahaha no
Do Authors here have big Egos?
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7th Sorcery CYOA v0.7.png
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>ahahahaha no
Keep waiting, then.

Very big eggos.
>Keep waiting, then.
i wasnt hurrying you was i?

i was commenting on your choice of art
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Love, Death, Agriculture and Magic
minor themes
Health and Justice.

Just your old fashioned mother goddess. Though I would have liked to choose nature as well, but oh well.
Update this for the 2nd edition please. A lot of those are completely outdated or plain wrong and there are over a dozen new nations.
If you understand that this takes a lot of work, then keep waiting. Again, you were being rude about it. Don't be surprised if I'm going to give you shit.

Furthermore, most of my feedback is normal and constructive, unless your designs are explicitly shit stains and you act like a faggot about it.
Not everything needs to be symmetric, anon. Does the existence of a god who grants wisdom to his followers imply there must be a god who grants stupidity to his followers?
>If you understand that this takes a lot of work,
i know that CYOA take work unless you pull a Tok and copy paste- which is why never hurried you. that wasnt the criticism. it was that you chose clashing art-styles for characters in the same section for no apparent reason
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>chose clashing art-styles
If only you didn't say it like such a wanker, maybe I wouldn't have given you shit.
im sorry, did i hurt your feelings?

werent you the one who said that people should listen to criticism even if its harsh/unpleasant?
Could someone explain broken facade in dream of genie? It spooks me.
The Sun, Love, Magic, Widom
Crafts, Health

Good happy people, Progress much
Ok I gotta say, I hate the aesthetics of the 50s and AM conforms to them really well but it's just a good CYOA, and with the way it's written it's hard not to get hype for

discreet body (100+20)
Powers-Genius, Atomic Heart (-45), +STR (-25)
Gear-Hidden Blades, Radio, toolbox (-25)
Armor-Steel (-10)
Training-diplomatic, mechanic, CQC (-15)
Companions(1+1+2)- Hazel Jones, Vertex, +Vincent Fury, White Shadow
Adventures- Kill Nazis, Garovax, Moonoids
Only a single one not clearly religious affiliated. 60/40 to 50/50 would be mire realistic. Come on :/
I appreciate your enthusiasm. We had a thread about this fairly recently. I believe it is still archived, if you are still interested. >>55207923. Again, thank you for your interest.
>werent you the one who said that people should listen to criticism even if its harsh/unpleasant?
I already know about the issue, and I understood your argument. I just responded in kind and decided to have the courtesy to let you know you're being rude about it.

I like to act like a jerk to assholes. You already know what I've done to Imaginos and Tokhaar.
Most of them are nominally religious but don't appear to actually PRACTICE their religions, which is actually fairly realistic. Self proclaimed "atheists" are rarer than fedora memes would have you believe. Going by demographic studies, the majority of people "identify" as being some kind of religion. It's just that for most people all it means is that they celebrate Christmas.
Neat, shame I missed the thread. Love your CYOAs man. Some stuff I have a hard time understanding, but it's all great. What else have you made besides the endless desert and genie ones??
I'll go with Terrestrial, and the themes Hunting to always have meat and furs handy, Seasons (namely the harvest season, and as much time before and after as I can take) to bring in as many crops as possible and prevent famines, Beauty & Health to keep my followers strong and healthy, The Home for added comfy, and Justice so my followers will generally be nice people.

I'm gonna head out from the main town and find somewhere nice to set up a couple of days' walk away along what will eventually become a busy road, ideally near people.
There I'll build a decently-sized home with a couple of extra spots to sleep and a full larder, staying out of god politics (really all politics), helping keep everyone well taken care of and offering room and food to anyone who happens to be passing by.
I don't really expect hardcore followers, but if I wind up with any I'd tell them to use their blessings to start hospitals, orphanages and the like in the main towns across the world and not bother with proselytizing.
>You already know what I've done to Imaginos and Tokhaar.

created a situation where it becomes a thread of autists flinging shit at each other and the only thing that makes you somewhat better than tok is that your CYOA have more effort in them and a larger following?

still no idea who Imaginos is
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>created a situation where it becomes a thread of autists flinging shit at each other
Arr according to pran.

>still no idea who Imaginos is
Shit, so you're new blood, then.
>so you're new blood
been here since around 2013/14, so maybe
Thank you. I hope to work on conveying information better in the future so things are less confusing for people. Aside from those two, the only other thing I've made is a chess-based waifu picker called Black and White.
It's amazing how much of a butthurt faggot you become when criticized, after spending days at a time making an ass out of yourself in this thread
I would like to think that a god that grants wisdom has an antithetic god that bestow a gift for the cost of intelligence, aka a god of war that can make his followers go berserk and fight in a blind, animistic rage.
Not exactly symmetrical, just a balance weighted in the civilisations favour, as both gods offer two things that are useful in their own right.
>High School
>Bee Stings
>Child Bearing
>Sex hair (More like she just doesn't take care of it)
>Sexual Predator
>Erratically Dom
>Possessive, awkward, tomboy, pervert, bant master, cunning, aggressive, needy, hygiene averse
>Toys, toys, toys, oral, frottage, rape play, milking dry, public sex, smothering, cross dressing
>Vidya, anime, computer, lazing, sleeping

I want to get raped by the smelly neet.
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>cant even imagine his rapist as attractive
Oh, I should probably clarify that the actual CYOA called Endless Desert was made by Quiet, not me. That much is probably obvious but I wouldn't want to h rude.
For the record, this >>55323059 is Imaginos.

He's my number 1 fan who likes to insult me wherever I go, but cums buckets whenever I release new OC.
Can you post Black and White please?

I just mean the desert one with the genies that gave me spooks. I liked that I didn't understand it too well. Let my mind think about possibilities and all. Dream of a Genie I understood except the last two pages anyways.
that actually sounds reasonable enough, you act like a twat- but when you do make something its fairly good

but the post you linked to had no real distinctive characteristics, its not exactly like you lack for detractors
The lack of self-awareness here is spectacular. I'm not Imaginos. I don't have a name here, nor will I ever have one. You're actually dumb enough to think that only one or two anons think you're an insufferable shit
>For the record, [person I don't like] is Imaginos
I think he's despairing about his waifu being used goods in Pokemon personified.
Maybe instead of "Imaginos" you could call him "TsundereSDAfan". It's more accessible.
>Tok: "I'm not a quitter!"
Was this before or after he threw his tantrum?
You remember awhile back there was some shitposter who was raving on about how Dumbledaft was the best creator and everything made after him was dogshit? That was actually Imaginos.

>The lack of self-awareness here is spectacular.
Anon, your posts lack any sort of relevance whatsoever and do nothing but shit up the thread. You might as well as be Imaginos at this point.
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Sure thing. And yeah, in retrospect the last two pages were a bit difficult to parse.
Are you trying to smugpost now, Imaginos? I know you want to strive to be like me but you have awhile yet to go. Maybe you should release some new OC; I don't even remember the last thing you made.
>awhile back
is this the one who claimed urban unease is the best thing since bread and all else is shit?

or was it in august
Imaginos is the much beloved buttslave of SDA

I'd like to see you do better, lel
>you do better
in terms of making a waifu or not getting raped?
No, this guy was specifically citing Dumbedaft to be the best author this thread has ever seen.
has anyone seen that CYOA about blacksmithing i cant find it anywhere i look
who dat, what did he make?
Oh this one! I loved it. You have serious talent my dude, and you're a cool guy too. Along with Celt one of this threads top authors. Keep up the good work (:
What's the point of an attractive rapist? If the rapist is someone I'd want to fuck ordinarily, it's hardly rape, now innit? A smelly, unattractive neet wanting to rape you raises those stakes.
>your posts lack any sort of relevance whatsoever and do nothing but shit up the thread.
The ironing. The kettle.
>i want to get raped
within his context it mean forceful domination

so why not have someone attractive do it while you are at it?
Thank you. I hope whatever comes out next you also enjoy.
The point is you get to have sex with an attractive girl without doing any work or taking any risks, while at the same time getting an ego boost from the fact that a girl wanted you so bad she snapped and took you.
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Very old CYOAs.

See, anon, if my posts lack substance, then your posts are meaningless.
>Very old CYOAs.
you mean like "become a dragon" or power armor?
Prior even to that.
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It's subtle, and probably a bit nutters.
I want to get raped, but it isn't right if I get raped by someone I'd otherwise be cool with having sex with. I mean, it wouldn't be terrible, I could still enjoy it, but its being forced into having sex with someone you don't want to that gives the charge I want.
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>Anon, your posts lack any sort of relevance whatsoever and do nothing but shit up the thread
Your self-awareness is truly one of the AUTISM scale. Goddamn you're such a clown.
Not getting raped, clearly.
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I'm making these comments with full awareness of what I'm doing, anon. What makes it funny is that it means your posts, like the one you made just now, are worth even less. I'm not that dumb.
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he made those nightmare island survival cyoas, possibly this one, i'm not too sure
Damn. That's one of the first in existence. Back from when they were called "choice images".
Yes, though a very loud group encourages it
How are my posts worth less if you're the one who posts nonsense than when others reply to your nonsense? Again, you're failing to see the irony, so I think you actually are that dumb. Besides, you're not funny at all except when you're retarded.
Wasn't Courtney protestant?
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>How are my posts worth less if you're the one who posts nonsense than when others reply to your nonsense?
Can you repeat that in English?
Pick 3 girls
For each, say what is their favorite food and least favorite food, favorite book/film and favorite animal
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Do you need to go back to school?
Sorry, anon. I only speak first world, but I find it flattering that you save all my images.
Again the irony is above your meager intellect. I'm sorry.
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You can keep trying to act smug all you want, at least I have something to show for it.
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>cyoag, 2017
Your autism? And water is wet, more news at 11.
Fake news.
Soon 2018
>at least I have something to show for it
Yeah, you have that time you went to fucking reddit to participate in some e-peen measuring contest and then brought that drama here. If you want to shitpost and beg for attention so much, how about you fuck off back over there and stay there?
lies! it will always be 2012.
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You know, your insults are very blunt and terrible. Like Imaginos'.

You're not Imaginos, are you?
I'm glad you voted for me, anon. We were in that together!
Primary Classes

>Wits 5
>Insight 5
>Education 2
>Willpower 5
>Physique 5
>Weapon Skill 2
>Guile 2
>Memory 1


>Love Interest
>Bro x3
>Villain Tier 1
>Star Crossed Lovers Tier 1

I'm the guy.
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Shitposting Wizard.png
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What other threads do you faggots browse? Have to have visited said board within the past week.

/tg/, /b/, /v/, /k/, /gif/, and /wsg/ for me.

Also, if you don't take meme-machine and wizardchan account, you're a fucking idiot.
/a/ /c/ and used to be /vg/
/c/, /k/, and /lgbt/
and /d/
/a/,/tg/, /pol/, /x/, /jp/, /c/, /e/
um, you seem like a "healthy" person
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Major Themes: Death, The Sun, Love, Defense
Minor Themes: Creativity, The Home

My goal is to create a heaven on Earth.

Anyone's under my govern shall live prosper and good health, but shall not be bridled. The people shall have the freedom to govern themselves. I will not promise of non ending bounty harvest, I will not promise my people alluding poverty, I will not promise my people justice in matter concerning law between them. I will not promise of having fulfilled lifestyle to every single birth. I will not give absolute protection and guidance to my people in mastering their life. Instead my people shall face adversity of their lifestyle without having me holding their hands in every steps.

I have one and only one promise: my people shall love each others as they love themselves. Blessed be shall to those who makes use of their healthy body and mind to forge bond between their friends and family in facing adversities of each other.

I wish my civilization shall be the first torch that cast a glimmer of hope upon the squalid world and among corrupted empires. My people shall go to tenebrous places, spreading my gospel, but never be alone for their brothers and sisters shell be ever on shoulder to shoulder and spirit. And to outsiders knocking on the gate door, my people shall welcome them in amiably, unscrupulous or not.

A long and arduous task, and even may take eternity. But to those who provide momentary abatement in the dark path, to those who preserve and kept pushing on to the task's end, and especially to those that manage to persuade dishonest men to commit apostasy of their past evil.

For in the afterlife, my champions shall receive a fair rewards in equal to their effort.
/co/ /sp/ /a/
/v/ /a/ /d/ /co/ /tv/
>Taking wizardchan account
Wizardchan is a real imageboard and BOY IS IT CANCEROUS
By the way, Five Year Apprenticeship. I feel fine with murder and rape as long as you're not thinking of murdering or raping me, but that would be useless as fuck if I was supposed to be your apprentice so ???
It was cringy as fuck when sda started whoring for votes. What was that shit he said?
>Ours is the furious masturbation!

Ayy lmao, what a clown. It was even better when he lost too.

It's crazy that we're more close to 2030 than 2000
No anon, I think you look healthy. Man you're even normal.
I know this cool website named facebook do you want to come over?
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gee imaginos.jpg
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It worked perfectly, actually. First place botted for votes, so that doesn't count.
/v/, /u/, /d/

Which author am I?
Kill yourself. You're so desperate for attention you don't use a trip and constantly change your name so people can't filter you, and in pure volume you shitpost more than fucking Tok the king of cancer does of all people. You really have become a huge disgrace to these already pretty disgraceful threads.
>if you're not a /pol/ack conspiracy theorist, you're a normie
i'd like to point out that this is me
>I lost so they must have botted for votes
Even Tok took his defeat better than you.
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>Kill yourself.
But then you'll miss out on my OC!

It was pretty obvious, actually. His votes were coming out of thin air.

I just think you guys can't accept that I exist, and I'm fucking loving it.
To be fair there was actually some weird shit going on with the votes.
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speaking of votes, whos winning ZBG's poll?
>in pure volume you shitpost more than fucking Tok the king of cancer does of all people
Shitposting at him doesn't actually reduce the amount of shitposting in the thread, you know.
I'm pretty sure it's over.
So it's more of who won, rather than who's winning.
who won
I tried telling them that but I let my smug overtake me.

Rightfully, Lucianna. Leos look out for each other.
Yeah, I know you love the attention. Because, as i said, you're just a pathetic attention whore. I'm not going to bother giving you anymore of the (You)s you so desperately desire. But you should really take a step back and realize how much of a piece of garbage you've become.
who cares if there was? it was a reddit popularity contest. if that sentence alone doesn't immediately trigger a ton of red flags and tell you to immediately disregard anything associated with it, you need to get your head checked.
I dunno.
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>Because, as i said, you're just a pathetic attention whore.
Woe is me, you keep giving me attention, though.
We're accepting. The phrase you're looking for is that we aren't content, meager brainchild.

You use he word accept like in this sentence. "SDA can't accept his defeat, which makes him worse than Tok."

You should be used to the smell by now.
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College student

Equal Height

Regular weight

Washrack (reverse traps are god tier)


Androgynous (Once again Reverse traps are best girls fucking fight me) (though gloomy girls are also god tier)

Pixie cut best cut


Asexual ( haldholding and cuddling>>>>>>>>Sex )

Fulltime dom ( Im all about femdom long as I feel loved thats all I want in life)

Possessive, Awkward, Tomboy, Cynical, Needy, Hygiene averse and bant master ( Having some fun banter with a reverse trap that loves me followed by cuddling is my dream)

Cuddling ( I mean I really fucking like cuddling)
Bondage (loving bondage where its done to have me all to herself and shit is not all that bad)
Hypnosis ( I read that doujin and I like that pic so)

Anime (though i'll probably end up telling at her to read the damn manga)
Video games
Computer (I want to shitpost on 4chan with a reverse trap waifu)

Glasses (glasses are great)
Strange (Not like I care what otther people thing about me im a friendless introvert who is scarred of talking to people so I come to /cyag/ to fantasize about waifus and think about what it would be like if I did not fuck my life up as much as I did in my childhood and teenage years)

Normally with my monster girl fetish i'd get inhumanity but honestly it would just make the little fantasy I have built up for this worse so
/tg/, /v/, /d/, /h/, /u/, /y/, /gif/, /wsg/.
/vp/ and /x/ would be up there, except the week rule.
I haven't spent much time on /vp/ lately, it died off even harder than usual recently. Still fun to shitpost there now and again.
I don't post in /x/ usually, I just browse.

I'm a light user of /m/, /ck/, and /o/.
Sometimes I poke my head into /b/, just to see what 4chan looks like now. Sometimes I poke my head into /r9k/ for a reality check.
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>We're accepting
If you have to shitpost at me, that doesn't seem like accepting, anon.
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using best boet to respond
>Sorcerous Aptitude, Breath Weapon, Agile, and Flight.
>Spear of Decay
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Hetza solidified my choice.
>You should be used to the smell by now.
Doesn't mean the barn gets any cleaner when someone brings in more shit.
/d/ /pol/
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>looks up name
>oh, thats where all the art for stardust came from.
>Rightfully, Lucianna.
dont lie to me
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She won by like 5.

He just hits all my buttons.
in the end no amount of replying to attention whores will ever make them go away
but at the very least making them embarrass themselves helps to scare off anyone who would potentially support them
all i can hope is that one day the blind fanboys leave and the attention whores find themselves receiving no attention whatsoever
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ohhh yah baby.gif
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I know, mine to. Thx for making me aware of this
I just can't believe how much these threads have changed over the years. I still remember getting excited when Reincarnation posted his skullgirls CYOA, or whenever I could bag myself another "magic realm" CYOA. I really miss my first few months of digging for CYOA's. Does anyone else miss that first time you got into one, build a world over some shitty images and poor writing? Running an Excel sheet to keep track of points, checking for new versions, doing what is probably one of the most autistic things you could think of?
So your answer is to let SDA be because he's a pile of shit in the barn you live with. But when someone complains about the shit you complain about them complaining? You should take your own advice to practice and stay quiet to avoid more shitposting.
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The fuck, I swear I just checked. Vignette posters are the worst.

He draws a lot of boat art, too. And cute mutant girls.
>So your answer is to let SDA be
Wow you have the solution to all of your problems, right in your own post!
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High School
>Size Ratio
>physical build
>breast Size
>Butts & Hips
Child Bearing
>Facial Features
Long and Straight
>Skin Tone
>Sex Drive
>Romantic Attitude
Private Submissive
>Personality Traits
Lightweight, Feminine, Pure, Romantic, Cunning, Needy, Cynical, Fragile, Possessive
>Fetishes And Desires
Cuddling(3), Oral (2)
>Hobbies & Interests
Reading, Videogames, Cooking, Television, Movies.
>Extra Features
Inhumanity (1)
>Inhuman Traits
Pointy Ears
>Vignette posters are the worst.
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123KB, 500x354px
Fresh Graduate
Regular weight
Bee stings
Child Bearing
Ponytail (Oh lord yes please)
Possessive, charismatic, feminine, idealistic, cunning, motherly, aggressive.
Cuddling, toys(x2), frottage, being on top, territorial, oral(x2)
Travelling, cooking, instrument
Scarred, tattoos

A yandere, ex-yakuza/criminal boss gang who's more of the behind-the-scene-mastermind sounds interesting.
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>Gets support of his fanboys
>And pulls his weight as a namefag
>Still loses to Vignette
There's a name for that. you're a LOSER
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Your taste is both patrician and engrossing
Where's the Sonic CYOA
Did you just get an elf from the pet store?
Ignoring a problem isn't a solution. I think you have real brain issues.
Gone like the wind.
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no, from ukraine- but be careful, i hear shes EEEEEEEEEEEEVIIIIIIIIIIIL
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>Gets support of his fanboys
The poll is over though and I never posted about it with a name before.

I wouldn't be a smug piece of shit if not. After all, my main board is >>55323935 /mu/.

Then report me. Better men and women (male) than you have tried to shut me up and failed.
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>The poll is over though
its still open
>So your answer is to let SDA be because he's a pile of shit in the barn you live with.
Since you're continuing the analogy, I'd say he's more like a horse. Produces shit, yes, but sometimes takes you for a fun ride.
>But when someone complains about the shit you complain about them complaining?
I'm not complaining, just pointing out the mathematical truth of "shitposting + shitposting = more shitposting".
>You should take your own advice to practice and stay quiet to avoid more shitposting.
This is /cyoag/, it's practically impossible to avoid more shitposting.
I like his guro best.
>near 600 votes
/r9k/ and /fit/
Then I'm a horse too, according to your analogy. And your "mathematical truth" just turned into shitposting x3. I don't get your reply and really hoped you would've just stopped posting because all you're doing is adding to it.
>/tg/, /vg/, /wsg/, /gif/, /d/, /aco/, /co/, /k/.
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You're literally using my argument now, anon.

You really are me.
>giant, undying, agile
>crystal Greatsword
>Then I'm a horse too, according to your analogy.
So you really are Imaginos?
>I don't get your reply and really hoped you would've just stopped posting because all you're doing is adding to it.
Nah, at this point I just wanna see how high you're gonna help me pile this shit up.
>giant, agile
so it cancels out?
Except you're the source and cause. If you stopped then I wouldn't be doing what I'm doing and this place would be better.

Besides I'm not the hypocrite who's preaching that people shouldn't add to shitposting.
>You are incredibly agile for someone of your scale.
>you are giant and strong, but also less agile due to size
>you are very agile for your size
all sense suggests you are now average speed
What is wrong with used goods?
Yeah, average for a Human. Not so much for a giant.
>So you really are Imaginos?
Is there anyone more Imaginos than me?
Who's your favorite GoT character?
well yes, but its being judged in relation to humans- so you would be on par with yhorm
Are you parrot or a child?
>Sda is doing it so I'll do it too even though I don't get it haha so epic right guise
Man I feel sorry for you now.
>Except you're the source and cause. If you stopped then I wouldn't be doing what I'm doing and this place would be better.
So it's okay for you to shitpost because someone else did it first?
>Besides I'm not the hypocrite who's preaching that people shouldn't add to shitposting.
Would you mind pointing to the post where he did that? I'm feeling lazy.

>Are you parrot or a child?
So if you're not Imaginos, which author are you?
>Sda is doing it so I'll do it too even though I don't get it haha so epic right guise
>Man I feel sorry for you now.
Nah, I'm doing it because someone shitposted at me after I pointed out that shitposting in response to shitposting doesn't reduce the amount of shitposting in the thread, and I found it funny.
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smug anime face.jpg
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>mfw even SDA acknowledges vignette posters are absolute ass
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>a shitposter with shit taste in waifus agrees with my taste in waifus
thats not a good thing anon
iirc yhorm was rather average for a giant
dude would likely be closer to super ornstein, imo
yhorm was much faster than things like the cathedral giants or the drangleic giants

super ornstein was fast for a human
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fuck you.png
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fuck you too buddy
I'm voicing my opinion about his meaningless posts. If you add that to the shitposting category then I don't blame you, but then you yourself are included in that category too. Go check out your first post about people adding to shitposting. I'm lazy too.

I'm not Imaginos or Tok or whoever you think I am and nothing more is relevant. Besides it's rude to ask someone who he is before inteoducing yourself. I genuinely wonder how you can speak about Imaginos. How much do you know of him anyway for you to justify what you said or are you a desperate kid who just mimics other people unironically to fit in?
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Gimme your top ten chart
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Stop saying fuck
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>If you stopped
Look who enabled today's shitposts, anon. If you stopped, maybe I wouldn't shitpost as much.


>I'm voicing my opinion about his meaningless posts.
And if my posts are meaningless, your posts are worth even less. Holy fuck, get it through your dense head.
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Why the fuck should I?
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City Souls.jpg
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I'm not really consistent with my top 10, but pic related will always remain my #1.
lech tamut
is this new?
How are you one to talk about worth, stop being so dense yourself. Our posts are equally worthless, except you fill the general with your worthless garbage every single day.
it's old a fuck
Not sure
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I don't know what it says on the cover.

>Our posts are equally worthless
Are you still trying to justify your shitposting, anon? Are you that desperate to give yourself the moral high ground? You're reaching at this point.
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no u

neither did i, but i told you to go die in hebrew

/tg/ still gets shit done I see
>another meaningless post
You're the one reaching, I have valid points you choose to ignore because you have no leg to stand on. Instead you hide behind smug pictures.
Fara Antor a qt
No painful death for her pls ;_;
Oh shit, I'm sorry.
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>No, mom, my shitposting is just!
You're so full of yourself, anon.
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Nice to see you're all working to improve the thread.
Can't fucking wait!
I blame the Gilposter
In case any of you guys actually care, it says "tohou va'vohou", which is Hebrew for "Primordial Chaos". In the original version of Genesis, this is what was in the universe before anything was created.
why is it always my fault?
Right on queue, first you have your autism arguments and then right back to smug girls. The low road should be named the SDA road.

Take notes from this faggot >>55325202
He didn't have anything to say. At least he knows when he's called out on his bullshit.
But everything you're saying is regurgitating what we're saying to you. It's not an argument.
Don't listen to that one.

You're just being you.
Oh really, not an argument?
>SDA posts things that are meaningless because they lack truth, substance or opinion
>SDA's shitposting is the cause of other shitposting, including my own
>SDA shitposts every single day, actively bringing down quality
>SDA changes his name every time so he can't be filtered
You may have opinions about Tok but you are worse, backed by factual arguments. Come on, give another non-reply and I will know you have nothing to say.
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>Having good taste
Can we stop this nonsense please?
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>SDA posts things that are meaningless because they lack truth, substance or opinion
I do this explicitly to fuck with people like you, though.

Looks like it works.
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Italics seems to have forgotten to give Abigail any positive traits.
for what purpose?
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>Genius black girl
I didn't know this was a joke CYOA.
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1MB, 193x135px
>Curious about /r9k/
>go check it out
>It actually looks like a place I could enjoy
send help.
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limit cyoag to 1 or at most 2 a week
You're fucking retarded.

Love, anon.
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The Poll ends tonight at 11:59 PM (UTC-07:00) and I have a little special planned for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and last place.
Here's the final dump for anyone who hasn't voted yet.
May the best waifu win!
>Italics seems to have forgotten to give Abigail any positive traits.
What did he mean by this? Abigail isn't going to turn into a lose like the other two.

>Trusting Italics with anything.
Anon you fucked up. This is like liking Tok and their cyoas. You fucked up.
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anon asked to stop the nonsense.
I gave the solution to how to stop this nonsense.
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But do we even *want* the nonsense to end?
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If this Anon is still here, Gwen's on the left, Gracy's on the right. I color coded their writing to try and help with this... With the wrong colors...
As for a map...
I'll get back to you on that...
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Y'know I always felt that this was made by two different people.

On one hand, there's all these implications of sexual tension with your onii-chan and being a slut, but then there are these points of yuri-love just scattered about in various parts, like one author is a raging yurifag and the other is a raging lolicon.
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Left Door
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5MB, 1400x7600px
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Dark Elf
Leather Collar
Sorcerer Rune
Worker Drags
Casual Clothing
Servant's Quarter
Fine Jewelry
Warm Cloak

I think I'm feeling kind of boring after that last build or something.
So your onii-chan is actually a loli onee-chan that practices lesbian magic with you?
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Right Door

Finally, thanks to everyone who voted.
I'm planning on using these results to get an idea of what kind of waifus you guys enjoy the most and how to write better waifus in the future and you've all been very helpful with that.
I'm going back to working on Guardian, now.
Once the Poll closes, I'll start working on that little something as thanks for indulging me.
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7MB, 1200x10000px
that anon wanted it.
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7MB, 1200x9900px
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Worshipping or Dependent (+1)
Stalking (+4)
Monopolizing (+4)
Girly Girl
Wealthy (3)
Great Cook (2)
Youthful (3)
Perfect Hair (1)
Videogames (1)
Motherly (2)
Protective (5)
Beautiful (6)
Forever (9)
Cute (9)
Good Taste (4)
Closer (+1)
Secret Ingredient (+2)
Decorator (+1)
Romantic Trip (+3)
Consent not required (+3)
Marking (+4)
Connections (+3)
Tech Savvy (+4)
Her's Forever (+5)
Love Bites (+2)
Addict (+2)
Diary (+1)
A Family - I don't think I could do Undying Love, I'm not this crazy and

since she has access to everything, it's not like I'd be able to fake it.

Yes, I do like them crazy.
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5MB, 1198x6226px
I've been here for two years and even I don't know who he is. This is either an ancient grudge or Imaginos is so insignificant no one cares.
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5MB, 1400x4327px
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4MB, 1400x3910px
>90% of images in the thread are reaction images or avatarfagging

I think it's time to start reporting people like Gilposter and ZBG.
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7MB, 1400x6239px
File: Super Heroine CYOA.pdf (188KB, 1x1px) Image search: [Google]
Super Heroine CYOA.pdf
188KB, 1x1px
I know I have better cyoas that I could upload, but I feel compelled to post my own stuff instead.
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5MB, 1400x8215px
Gothic Parish
Rolling Hills
Coral Reefs
Old Mansion
The Wilderness - Iffy on this one, I'm pulled towards most of them.
Shiny Marble
Pale Ring
Fur Mantle
Pocket World
Fairy Grove
Floating Islands
The Old Castle
Cloud Tower
Primeval Forest
Crystal Cavern
Siren Overlook
Galaxy Lake
Lonely Monster
Catacomb Depths
Ruined Cathedral
Otherwordly Mist
Endless Abyss - I'm a bit loath to add this, since it's hostile.
Nature Sprite
Decayed City Ruins

Part of me really wants to take more Uneasy Peculiarities so I can grab all the other things I'd like (Rock Formations, Inviting Pendant, and Christmas Cake) but all the rest of them are hostile.
Hey there, do you have images for those girls?
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877KB, 1000x1700px
There's nothing saying I can't do both though!
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7MB, 1200x10000px
Savor the Feeling
Athletic - Closer to Thin I guess?
Subtle (0)
Developed (5)
Substantial (5)
Stand Tall (5)
Dual-Classing (10)
In-Charge (10)
Right Moment (0) - I'd prefer something between this and Powerful though.
What Change? (20)
Take Two (10) - Time not to get that stupid surgery.
Aki Nanami (10)
Balls of Steel (10)
Menstrual Cancel (15)
Feeling Fresh (10)
Spark Touch (25)
Birth Control (15)
Hot in the Cold (15)
Hair Affair (5)
Flawless Skin (10)
Refuse Change (20)
Roll The Dice 2 (+10)
Shrinking Violet (+10) - I guess it resets if I do stand up for myself?
Faulty Lenses (+10)
Dat Ass (+10)
Anyone got that Comfey, God of Comfy CYOA letting you make your own house?
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208KB, 920x970px
Well this has been a fun thread.
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6MB, 1200x9000px
>source: My dick
Nice one.
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1MB, 897x504px
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>Some idiot reee's at SDA for a thread
Entertaining, yet sad to see. It's like some anons are ACTUALLY autistic.
>Denying Global Warming

Shit they have the home turf advantage.
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5MB, 1400x7500px
This one is really cute.
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CYOA - domains.jpg
2MB, 800x4200px

My nigga.

Have this in return
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4MB, 1400x8000px
Wish this game would go on sale. Like, a big one.
No I do not. I kinda have an idea of what I want them to look like, but I figured since I can't put images into the cyoa I'd let people project these powers and personalities onto any appearance they came up with.
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8MB, 1200x4887px
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/tg/, /fit/, /k/, /pol/
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7MB, 1200x4516px
Born Leader
Marked Hero
Astral Mark
Witch Allyn
The Aegis
Giant Crow
Main Bazaar
Christmas Cake
Long and Straight
Sexual Predator
Erratically Dom
Heavy Drinker
Sweaty Sex
Lewd Roleplay
Being on Top
Milking Dry
Fishing - I tried to pick a mix of what I do and things I don't so we're different but still have commonality.
Hunting - Divided on this and Hiking, though.
Inhumanity x3 - It wasn't originally my intent, but by the time I got down here I realized I had made an oni, so I went all the way.
Small Horns
Pointy Ears
Razor Teeth
Breezy Seaside
The Best Offense
Clear the Board
Long Live the Queen
Pawn - Partner
Queen - Rival
>tfw your state loves hogs and got one as its state's animal.
>tfw your state is actually fucked by nature.
>tfw the state to the left of your is proper territory of your state and Congress is being a bitch about you invading and annexing it (Looking at you Oklahoma.)
If you found images I'm sure someone would turn it into a visual cyoa for you.
Hm. Might do that then.
MMD video of Kizuna Ai set to The Real Slim Shady dedicated to SDA when?
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257KB, 1130x800px
>You already know what I've done to Tokhaar.
I don't know what you're doing to me, but I find whatever you are doing quite adorable, pic related. Within a week I will release my newest creation upon 4chan and a wave of perversion will sweep over /cyoag/ and drown any would be Tok haters in a river of degeneracy and adulation of my name. It will be like the biblical flood that cleansed the earth of the unclean and unworthy.
I can't wait to read some more ESL fetish cut-and-paste shit.
Please don't start, you two.
Tok, the only thing people know you for is being the biggest faggot here.
You bring down our quality, tbqh.
I guess I tuned into a unique episode of Choose Your Own Argument General.
>Choose Your Own Argument General
We have many different arguments to choose from. Simply choose one and reply with a reaction of your choice!
My sides
Since you always post with that fag from Kill la Kill, does that mean that you are avatarfagging
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2MB, 492x300px

It brings me great joy that in a few years you and your people will be gone and that disgusting language called sweedish will be gone with it
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I just thought of something fun could do.
Let's assign a theme song to each author/namefag.
I'll start I'll go with weeb songs to get those out of the way and because they're the ones I know best:


That's all I can think of, anyone else got some?
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Slut Life v.
233KB, 1x1px
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SDA chan.png
136KB, 703x758px
>I can't wait to read your new CYOA, but it's not like I'm excited or anything.... Idiot!
let's not
Hey does anyone have that six page emotion magic with Ur and stuff? Was on my phone and didn't save it.
That reminds me, I was gonna make a lewd cyoa. Wasn't gonna be anything special though.

>Love, Magic, Wisdom, Defense

>Crafts: Architecture, Justice

And lo, there stood a shining city on a hill which no darkness could pierce. And from it flowed heroes of the people, every one a soul that would face an army if it would save but a single innocent life.
There was a Hestia one that was better, IIRC, but I can't find it in any of the pastebins (or the reddit for good measure)
How about we don't make this thread any more cancerous than it already is?
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Pouty Chuuni.jpg
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You guys are no fun...
This should be it >>55306132
Oh, look at this one. A petty little snowflake.
What about Italics and Scientist?
This music is pleasing to me.


This song fits SDA better

>I was gonna make a lewd cyoa. Wasn't gonna be anything special though.
What will it be about? Also show some pride in your work. A creator should always believe in their own ability and the specialness of their creations. If you think your CYOA won't be special, then it won't be special.
Due to recent events Wild Hog Thread Inc. has implemented two requirements for the next thread >>55327997
1. Complete a build for a cyoa and post it before anything else
2. Keep this gay shit in hear, drama fags.

Go hog wild®
Petty are the fools shitting up this thread. Reporting them is the right thing to do, like your little snowflake is doing.
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I like how you have no defense against your terrible work, so all you do is cover your ears and scream "LALALA TSUNDERE!"

If you want to improve, you should take the hint from better authors. I'm not the only one who thinks your work is dogshit by the way, I'm just the voice.
>I'm just the voice.
Autism speaks.
Nobody likes a narc. Piss off. ZBG and Gil-Anon make these threads more lively.

>Expert Swordsman
>Dual Wielding

>Knives of the Crow
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Gil-Anon's gonna be banned soon.
Most everyone here deserves a ban.
>Your only defence is to call me a tsundere
Plenty of my fans have given you more then adequate rebuttals of your inflammatory comments to my CYOAs. If their sound and logical arguments can't get though to you I doubt more of the same would do any difference. Also I'm not the one stalking another author and keep acting like a salty little tsundere.
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Fatposter didn't
>If you want to improve, you should take the hint from better authors.
So not you?
You made at most two good CYOAs. Don't rest on your laurels.
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>Plenty of my fans have given you more then adequate rebuttals
No, no one has, actually.

Guess your "le tsundere XDD" posts are just reflections of your delusion.
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>ZBG and Gil-Anon make these threads more lively.
I'm glad I can make things more interesting for you Anon. I hope I can keep it up!
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That's 2 more than Tok.
Just a generic gain powers for the sake of lewdness so an entity born of people's lust can grow in power until they can finally rewrite reality itself to be more lewd.

Pick how your powers take effect (physical contact, mental focus, etc) and how you stop people from connecting the use of these powers to you (making people ignore you, turning yourself invisible, etc)

There would undoubtedly be ways to use some powers for non-lewd purposes, but the powers themselves probably wouldn't be anything that hasn't been in a lewd cyoa before.

That's why I said it wouldn't be anything special. I have pride in what I write but I know it's not really anything particularly different from what's been done.l
There is no song powerful enough to match the breadth of Italics's work.
Motherfucker needs his own opera or something...
And I honestly don't know what Scientist has made...
Nice, thanks
Obligatory and obvious Fatposter theme.
People seemed to have really liked having Pawn as the partner and Queen as the rival. She'd really be a master plate spinner by the end of it. Thank you for the build.
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the creation of bait.png
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When reading it I honestly couldn't help but imagine myself making an innocent-seeming smile when making that decision, which was actually smug a fuck.
Christmas Cake
Child Bearing butt and hips
Noble face
Sex Hair
Bronze skin
Sexual Predator
Fulltime Dom
Smugtacular, Feminine, Cool, Kind-Hearted, Motherly
Cuddling, sweaty sex, Lewd Roleplay
Running, Lifting, Video games, anime, computer
>Lewd Powers
Nice I like it!
>It's nothing special because it has already been done.
What hasn't already been done? Like most stories has already been told. Most stories can be reduced to a number of different tropes that has been shuffled around and all new stories are basically just copies of old and original ideas. But there is no reason a imitation or a copy can't exceed its original. I believe in your lewdness and that the special quality that is your mind is able to add something unique to this old and familiar CYOA concept.
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>Italic's is a good CYOA author.
That's a good chuckle.
>What hasn't already been done?
There's always room for innovation, but I don't expect an amateur like you to understand.
I like his worth.
But I meant that the size of his work is hard to consolidate into a single song.
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Zodiac Map.png
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Stop making me want to make the map!
I need work on Guardian.
I tried already, but it's just a rough outline and it doesn't have Ophiuchus's islands.
>doesn't have Ophiuchus's islands.
Oh wait... yes it does...
Huh... My bad.

>Harmless (-2)
>Dependant (+1)
>Delusional (+4)

>Wealthy (-3)

>Video games (-1)
>Self-Controlled (-6)
>Protective (-5)
>Good People (-4)
>Comedian (-3)
>Good Taste (-4)

>Romantic Trip (+3)
>Genetic, 4 siblings (+7)
>True Friends (+3)
>Connections (+3)
>Charisma (+2)

>Undying Love
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Eye Twitch.gif
175KB, 500x386px
>Defensive Ability 02: Restoration
Oh okay, I'll just find a good picture of healing magi-
>No Decent Images of Healing Magic
Anyone wanna help me up?
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This work?
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Literally one of the only ones I could find.
Realized I'm an idiot and just had to search Mercy 5 minutes after posting that.
Thanks you and >>55329773 anyway!
10/10 tastes
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I'm posting more anyway because I saved them and I'll be damned if I don't use them somewhere.
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>his sword is clean
That motherfucker better have been slinging prayers.
Thread posts: 383
Thread images: 144

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