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WIP Thread: Home brew Memes edition Old Thread >>5522

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WIP Thread: Home brew Memes edition

Old Thread >>55229584
>Citadel Painting Guides:

>Figure painter magazine issues 1-36

>Paint range compatibility chart across manufacturers

>Painting Videos only

>DIY Lightbox

>DIY Spraybooth

>DIY Wet Palette

>How to Moldlines

>Fuckin Magnets how do they work?

>List of mini manufacturers for converting and proxy

>Stripping Paint (yes, the ellipses are part of the URL!)

>Priming With Acrylic Gesso

>Green Stuff Casting

>On the consequences of insufficient ventilation

>Reinforcements are en route

9th Age Miniatures for Warhammer Fantasy:

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Painting a bastilodon as close to the box art as possible because I have no imagination.

How do I get the wavy-fire effect at the tips of the armor plates? Is it some kind of wash, or done freehand?
It's ok. Just a pinprick. Although it went deep it's all good
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Think this flag turned out neat
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Also trying to make a waaagh banner but It just ain't really feeling right. Might just buy the model
The yellow is freehanded and then blended in with green glazes is my guess.
Careful, anon.
Yes Mom
Reposting random wip bone
Good start. What have you done with the flesh so far?
Oh, with how you worded it I thought it might have been worse. Be a bit more careful, anon!
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Also reposting. Which base color would suit better? The brown or the grey?
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Just finished my captain along with 5 tac marines.

Still have a Triple Las pred to wash, a Librarian to paint, 5 sniper scouts and a Tech-marine to paint, and a Ironclad dred to build

Yeah, looks pretty nice.
Propa Snakey.
Brown, but the bases are pretty boring.


Based it with VMC green gray, washed with earth shade (a mistake in retrospect) started layering upto VGC dead flesh then washed with fleshshade and dry brushed highlights with pure dead flesh. Was honestly trying random things to experiment. I think when everything else is highlighted and the face/nails are painted in it will come together well.
Brown sounds good to me then and yeah I'm not really good with basing stuff. I just figured a normal swamp based one would work but what would be good to add to it?
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Maybe try an old school back banner?
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Started work on my exalted champ and his chosen today, going for that old 80s metal feel.
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The Chosen champion with power fist and regular chain.
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And lastly Murder Marine
Looking good.
kinda weird proportion-wise but it does make it look rogue trader era
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Another Novamarine for me in the works

Getting those straight lines is a paint, but Im slowly getting there.
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Considered painting tape?
Not him, but IMO tape will just have bleed over due to the uneven texture, and more trouble than its worth to make tiny pieces compared to just practicing the freehand until it comes easily.

Just keep it nice and thin to mark out your line and you'll get the hang of it. Also make sure to check those mold lines - the leg plates in particular are strong on primaris snap fits.

Also- looks like you sprayed a bit too close with your undercoat. I know it can be tricky to get the right range to avoid getting rough texture bullshit with white spray, don't be afraid to slowly build up the undercoat with a few thin bursts that you let dry rather than attempt to get it all at once.
I see. I had never tried but it's good to know about the bleedover
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Ever get the feeling you have too many projects?
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Its present with the base coat. Its more noticable with the wash. I think maybe my primper isnt even. Witch is causing the uneven paint job and the was coming out patchy.

pic related are the two new I mentioned earlier.
Thin yer paints a bit more, just to be safe. What's the weather like when you prime, and how far away do you hold the can?
>two carnifexes
>40 guants
>20 gargoyles
>2 lictors
And that is just my building backlog.
>quartered scheme

More like considered suicide
yeah, if you can't get a good flat seal around the area, like if there's a stud or a gap or what not, it's pretty hard to ensure the paint won't flow under the gap.
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Death will come to the table top this season fellas. (Not my best work)
Have you considered using oil paints or MIG enamels for your weathering? They tend to look less coffee stainey than acrylic washes.
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Made a list for mine. Right side is stuff I plan to acquire, left side are things that are either in progress or in line.

Mercifully, a good half of my in progress items are either mid completion or have some significant amount of work done.

I think I'll be able to get to most of these before years end, but we'll see.
Thought about it and saw how much prep was involved. I do love how nice using oil paints looks for weathering but right now i kinda have to stick to what I can
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"not my best work" you shut your fucking mouth
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Need some opinions on converting a knight to look like the attached image is it worth the time?
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You're an ambitious man.

>x1 Marco Rubio
You WIP anons never fail to make me feel good. Thanks man.
Are you gonna basically just furiously smash mortarion and a knight against a ball of greenstuff and see what sticks together?
>Chunky bois
Never considered that approach, was thinking of turning a knight into a giant hellbrute scythe seemed cool but I think a giant bell might be cooler
You know it, ain't nobody fat shaming my Sculpted Thiccness
Weirdly, this model actually looked much better in high definition on my computer monitor than on my phone. I think what initially threw me was that some of the wash stains appear unlikely? maybe that there's too many of them or that they're in places where liquid wouldn't tend to naturally pool?

I think it would look a bit more like the grimey effect you're going for if some areas more near the top were a bit cleaner, like on the shoulders or the tops of the white armor. Probably impossible to clean now, but I might have concentrated the green goop on the bottom area of the vox vent to simulate it falling out via gravity and running down the chest, rather than hovering inside.

Not sure about the helm, but something looks off to me mostly around the eyes/ just under the top of the helmet lip.

Other than being excessively critical of you, I really like the creepy organic mess you made on the top and out of the side. Just the right about of tentacle, and the lord of contagion icon looks fantastic above the dread. Very nice.
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Gotta stay busy, big dog.
>>Marco Rubio
My deathwatch teammate and I snagged Rubio at NOVA to turn into a kill team's librarian. I think he'll look pretty fly.
Thanks man. I wanted the mouth and tongue to be bigger buuut i underestimated the size of the dread. It was late and I just smeared agrax on it, i have no clue how to shade for real and I just like to make things look dirty and the white needed to look old as fuck. Also the goop should dry, it was mixing a bit with the wash, ill take a better pick tomorrow afternoon to see how it all workes out. The head took the worst of the white crylon, caused a chip to form in a bad spot and detail to be fucking filled to hell.

The LoC trophy rack was my favorite part to paint. Id been doing 1 coat balthazar and 2 coats vallejo polished gold, but this took WAY too long and caused a lot of watery accents on smaller metal bits. Retributor gold which i used here works LIKE A DREAM and looks nearly identical to my old stuff
Are there any guides to scratch build/good alternatives for imperial knights? I own one right now and love it and would like a second, but the price is such a dealbreaker.
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The gold does look similar right? This was the valejo polished gold
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>>Retributor Gold
Such a choice paint.
Oh yeah, about the same.

Man, Ryza Rust really is awesome too. I want more things to be rusty to have an excuse to use it.
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It never seems to work for me. I waited until the corrosion was dry but the effect wasnt crusty or even stipply, it just looked orange and kinda shitty, same as on my bloat drone
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Back with a minor adjustment of light blue on the base, is it better? Or would it be better if I had some more tangible features. I was thinking of jagged metal or skulls.
Dead grass tufts?
If you paint the base trim a solid colour I think it will look great, just a little distracting atm for my eyes
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Dude great eyes. Mine didnt pan out that well at all.
Be generous with the Typhus Corrosion, and shake it well, so you have all the grainy stuff actually in the paint. You should see some of the sand (or whatever is in it) build up a bit of a texture before drybrushing the Ryza Rust.
The only prep is putting a gloss coat down though.
I fucking hate how cool your deathguard is. I've been telling everyone I know that I have yet to see a bad DG or primaris model yet.
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Posted just as the new thread was made, only have the arm left to do. Opinions on this dude?
he could always use blue tack to do it instead. just use an exacto knife to cut a clean edge on the side and gently drape it over his model.
I'd paint one of the colors first though.
>Chaos Primaris
>Slaaneshi Chaos Primaris
I already like him.
Do you plan on doing any OSL with the plasma coils?
Aw shit that's true those might look pretty nice on it. Dead grass is the Mordheim Turf right?
Oh yeah for sure! I just wanted to make sure I got a good color going on for the ground. I'll most likely paint the base trim abaddon black or maybe a brown.
Thanks man! I think those eyes are just Evil Sunz Scarlet with a slight center highlight of Wild Riders Red. I usually go with layer paints for those just because I think they stick out more and they're already sorta thin so thinning em a bit more makes it right nice. Only one I ever have a problem with that is Yriel Yellow because fuckin yellow.
Great work!
Just FYI you can buy novamarines decals on chaptercustomizer if you aren't already aware.
Anything is possible, bouncing around a few ideas right now. He's actually my first primaris marine. They are incredibly fun and easy to paint. And with the rumors of chaos primaris coming out, I didn't think it was a bad idea to start an army so I can be ready for the release.
Fuck that looks good. I love the checkers and the pink.

summertime on the gulf coast by swamplands. That should pretty much cover the climate.

I feel like im already thining my paints to much. I do about a 1:1 with distiled water but the catch is that I dont blend the the water in the paint. With the pallet having multiple dimples instead a large flat surface the water is all but put directly on the paint.
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Some yellow/dry grass tufts or flock would be good.
Brother, I'm doing Pre-heresy Emperors children with forgeworld heads Primaris as well.
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Painted my first Tyranid tonight. I need to finish up the base tomorrow but any advice? I'm quite new to the hobby.
Could use a wash desu. And maybe some highlighting. But looks good enough to put on the table. Although, always try and keep improving on your work.
>Hive Fleet Death Guard
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Slow and steady progress on my death guard army. I'm a painfully slow painter but I'm slowly getting through the box
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This guy on the top is my girlfriend's first painted model.

Bottom is my bloat drone finished, posted a few wip shots in previous threads. Two solid weeks work.

Don't you need a matte varnish for oil paints, and a glossy one for washes? Idk
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Bonus 4/3

Pretty happy with the blood splatters, toothbrush flicking
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Best way to bend plastic without ruining it? I need to make a curved chainsword for... reasons...
try heating it up with a hairdryer
Time to find a hairdryer to borrow. Thanks anon
hair dryer may not be hot enough. A hot air gun would probably work better.
Try looking up what a salt bath it though. Probably the least likely method to melt your bits.
Whats the best way of removing paint from plastic miniatures? Ausfag and a tank is the model I want to strip for what its worth.
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How do you think they got this colour, tg?
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It's just kind of entered my head after watching Duncan a bit, that for highlighting/layering you maybe want to use a different shade of paint, rather than simply adding white/cream/yellow to the original colour.

I've got a few models like this, basically a solid coat of Wazdakka Red and wash with Agrax. Would Evil Sunz Scarlet be alright for highlighting?

Nice. How is the resin to work with on those?
it's a very erratic and long process that involves non-GW paints
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Yes, you can, and sometimes want to use a paint that is in itself a brighter shade to highlight instead of mixing in white or whatever. Purple for example is a very different beast highlighted with magenta compared to mixing in white. Red is also quite sensitive, as it can somewhat easily end up pink or orange, things we think of as different colours, insetad of simply a brighter red.

Post reds, I'll start.

>Red Fabric/Leather, best for Commissars and cloaks and so on.
>Base VMC782 Cavalry Brown
>Wash Vallejo Wash 203 Umber Shade
>Block Highlights VMC782 Cavalry Brown
>Optional Mid Range Highlights VMC926 Red
>Top Layer Highlights VMA003 Scarlet (or VMC817 Scarlet, but it doesn't pop as much and is a bitch to thin consistently)
Right now I have the following to paint.
>30 conscripts
>5 guardsmen
>An old Leman Russ BT
>All of the Dark Imperium Primaris, -5 intercessors and an Lt
>13 CSMs
>Two dozen or so old metal SoBs + Inquisition types

And that's with the non-Cawl bits of the Triumvirate of the Imperium waiting to be built and painted.

I've told myself I'm not going to buy anything else, but it's only a few months till Necromunda and I've been pining after Sector Mechancius terrain for months as it is.
If that's her first effort then she was born to hobby.

Excellent work all around. The flesh on the drone is particularly good.
Ive had good results with a flat iron hair straightener. Put it on a paper towel
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I'm looking to replace the intelligent midget thing on the back of my Stormfiends with a chunk of Warpstone. I've got some actual stones of roughly the right shape and size to fit in his place, but I'm wondering what the best way of attaching it to the frame would be.

I've done a quick bit of searching and the general thing seems to be to just superglue it on, but none of the info I found used the same kind of plastic as GW miniatures. Would it still work, or is something else needed and/or a better way of doing it?
If this is the thornmoon crusade guy he airbrushes vallejo duck egg green intermittently with vallejo pale blue to simulate an iridescent effect.
Next carapiece needs to be thinner. But I like the scheme.
Can I have the tiny rats?
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Not the previous poster but sharing my thoughts as I'm using enamels for weathering my death guard at the moment.

You don't need to put a layer of varnish down before oil or enamel washing over acrylic, the spirit doesn't lift the acrylic. It just depends on the surface finish of the acrylic paint and the effect you want. I wash on to a matte finish, which holds the enamel paint and darkens the model, making it look dirty. If you use a gloss coat then the wash runs into the recesses very cleanly and creates shading rather than weathering.

Obviously you probably want to do a coat of varnish afterwards but personally I do that anyway.
You just glue it on.

Did you ever do crafts as a child? Literally get supeglue and put some on then attach.

How do you do those rust effect so well? that cant be just wash.
from the way it looks, i would guess typhus corrosion and light drybush of Ryza rust
Hahaha yes, so I split two of the starter boxes with a friend and very quickly realized Marines, even Chaos marines are boring. But I had bought all the paints for them.


Do you mean in general? And what sort of color wash do you suggest? I did a green wash on the carapace and a thinned down brown on the exo skeleton.

I do feel like the carapace needs it but I don't know what color, maybe the brown also?
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Don't have a great picture to show it, but no it's not just a wash. Basically I sponge and brush on dark brown rust into the painted armour. Then I highlight with a lighter brown and highlight the armour around the rust, especially under it to give it depth like bumpmapping. Thats the stage the pic is at, but it doesn't show it too clearly. After that it's wash the whole thing dark and scrub off the excess, then after that it's more precise streaking with the dark wash and rust colour wash, focussing the rust streaks around where the rust was originally painted.
Oh you mean the bare rusted metal? Lol it's piss. Just Vallejo burnt umber, then splotch on red leather, clear orange and orange brown. Highlight with any metal colour. Then wash with mig dark wash. Basic af.
They're going to be proper mangled by the time they're removed from their little seats.

We only ever got to use those sticks of glue that can barely hold two pieces of paper together on a good day.

Thanks for the confirmation though anon.
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what do you think so far ?
WIP, if it wasn't obvious
Don't use flash to take pics of models. It ruins the colours
Look super nice senpai. Which enamels did you use specifically and what ratio of spirits to paint?

>you will never spread papa nurgle's love throughout the galaxy while wearing a comfy scarf
I know, but my room has a very shitty lighting and it made all my other models, look like they had Cheeto Dust on them instead of normal rust
Ok don't worry. They look nice, plasma glow looks really good. I would work more on the skin, it looks very bland right now. I'd also try to highlight the yellow more

This fucking army i swear to god
Everyday until you like it
Everyday until you love it
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I'm planning on challenging myself a bit to paint a model to a high display standard.

I'm gonna work on Sigismund - any ideas of interesting techniques I could try out or tips for display/competition tier painting?

I'm not amazing or anything, but I improved my overall skills significantly when I painted guilliman so I'm looking forward to replicating the experience.
I'd like to see your Bobby G.
Did you use a texture paint?
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Sure. I think he ended up pretty good. This is about where my skill level is at currently. My blending was a bit weak on the sword but I was happy overall. Much improved over previous things I worked on.
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The rear.
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thanks bud
I added some highlights, still not sure what to add to make the skin less bland
Looks fucking fabulous.
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We need to see Morty done in that style.
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You've done him justice, Anon. Keep up the good work!
looks very chaotic
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Where's the head from?
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My first foray into Chaos after 14 years of marines. C+C?
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Mig dark wash and AK light rust wash. They don't need further thinning.

Blight king set I think. Or Maggoth lord kit. One or the other, I forget which is which with pic related.
Looks pretty good. The grey highlights are a bit thick and I think the flesh doesn't contrast enough with the the red accents. What's the rationale behind the Dusk Raider scheme? It's nice.

>14 years
>Death Guard
Nurgle approves
>tfw not been on /wip/ in a while
>tfw this forced shit cunt OP pic

fuck this
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I know this is a thread all about painting minis, but this counts, right?

I've decided to "bootleg" Battlefleet Gothic. I say bootleg because I've realized I'd cost me way more to buy these antique miniatures off of ebay so my solution to this is to just make the models out of paper.

No, we aren't talking dedicated pape mache Imperial Retribution Class Battleship, but just plain old 2D blank paper with a drawing of a Imperial Retribution Class Battleship. I'm shit at drawing, especially detailed space cathedrals.

Anyone got any tips for drawing the ships, astroids, debris and obstacles from a birds eye view? I'm thinking the ships will be something around 12 cm long and 5-8 cms wide, fighters will land around 3-4 cms long and 1-2 cms wide.

Anyone see any problems that might arise from this?
Out of paper? Unless you know some crazy Origami... this is going to look like shit.

Realized that too, so I'll just sketch them om a small piece of paper n use that instead of making the actual model by paper.
you could just go the recast route instead
Nice mini, do you have a link for it? Would make for a nice looking Chaos Troll.
Judging by what that Anon said, it's a Reaper Bones miniature.
is that rack from TT combat? Was thinking about getting it.
Yo somebody definitely did this already. Ive seen top down paper ships of every bfg unit in a big page before for this purpose. Do some hunting
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I think this was some. Follow the trail.
Shit idea. If you're going to be that lazy just play the tabletop simulator version of bfg
True, I however for some innate retardation can never seem to manage correctly navigating their website.
But why the backwards terminator head?

Nevermind, I found it.
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Hey to the anon who said to try oil washes, csn I get some help? I mixed burnt sienna with some thinner and it didnt do anything and now i cant wash my model for a while till this dries
I haven't ever done flesh really, so its a learning curve, what would you suggest? Agree 100% on the highlights, I've been trying to tidy since painting this
You used too much thinner. Here's some videos about using oils and enamels on minis. They're very similar but enamels dry faster.





Also now my acrylic wash turns all beady and LITERALLY wont stain the paint. Ive washed over gloss coat before and this never happened, is it because of the oil wash not being all the way dry?
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big mek I made yesterday.

Arm was my first ever attempt at scratch building.
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Comments and critism would be appreciated.
non-acetone nail polish remover.

I left some grey knight halberds i thought were all metal in some, they came out soft and pliable and hardened back to normal after a few hours.

The metal grey knights themselves, i dropped into PURE Acetone, and learned in fact that one of the knights had plastics arms...hours later when the plastic in the jar had dissolved into a wad of liquid.
Too much sprue, I'd have recommended slicing the sprues in half lengthwise if you're gonna use 'em for that. Try taking some white glue and/or green stuff, whatever you have, and fill in especially around the joint bits, and I'd recommend to soften some of those sharp angles and fill in-between since they look like clipped sprue bits instead of iron bars right now.
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Recently Completed
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If I can get some plasticard I think I can build up the joints. The wrist could use an extension so it doesn't look like a straight join. Perhaps some techie gubinz on the elbow and fore arm to thicken it up. I think the join with the wires flowing through it looks good though.
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A squad of Marvel cosplaying grots. Fawken still needs painting. I need ideas for the last squad member to finish out the unit. Dokta Strange doesn't seem to work as his mustache and grey templed hair don't work with green skin. War Mek Sheen would just be a recolor of Iron Me, so you isn't that interesting. Is there a good goblin/gretchin/gnoblar running body to make a Kwiksilva?
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Intended to finish this guy over a week ago but haven't had the chance to sit down and paint until today. I think I am just gonna finish up his gun arm then start and complete the backpack tomorrow (hopefully.)

Base will be the last thing I work on.
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Lads help I cant base for shit, cracky desert is ok but a bit dull and im not sure how to match it to my scenic resin bases, and the Istvaan base I tried looks whack as fuck

Wat do?
You crazy, beautiful bastard.

(Do the Skarless Wretch!)
EonsOfBattle does some really good tutorials on how to make bases.

I've never been impressed by people's ability to glue some pre-made plastic bits together and gently paint them. am I missing something? do you make your own custom terrains and buildings and stuff at least?
Thats some fairly low quality bait there anon
I dunno. Maybe this isn't the right thread for you.
I've never been impressed by dismissing someone else's hobby offhand
Definitely a cool concept, and generally well executed, but the sprue arm is just too janky. Get some pieces of styrene tube and sheet and start playing with that, you'll get better results more easily.
I've never been impressed by people's ability to buy a pre-mined lump of marble and cut Michelangelo's David from it
Thanks famalam, I'll have a look.
With hindsight I probably should have bought crackle paste rather than GWs, I bet its a shitload cheaper
Have you actually tried it yourself? Or are you one of those cunts who doesn't think graphic designers should be paid because "it doesn't seem that hard"
The bottom base is more appropriate for Isstvan V since the battle is said to take place on "black sands".
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thats like saying watchmaking isn't impressive because its just people putting together pre-made metal bits. A lot of the painting in this thread is pretty lackluster, yes, but thats what happens when you're a beginner. You also have people who paint for years and years and become masters at this stuff, and it can take a lot of skill, training, and technique for this. It's also a hobby. So everythings relative, considering you have people who's hobby is just collecting model trains, or coins, or whatever. People just have different tastes. I wasn't into it until several years ago when I realized that its more or less a fun and relaxing activity.

OMG THAT BASE. Is that yours? If not, do you know how the water was done?

(And yes, I spotted the Necron!)
aha no, I wish. Most water is done with clear resin from what ive found, though. http://www.puttyandpaint.com/projects/10006
Maybe I'll give it another go, not that im too fussed about it being canonically accurate, I just think it looks nice

Thanks, link saved!
Totally respect that. If I can pass a suggestion, I recommend never throwing it away but keeping it as a lesson of what you think was a mistake or as a marker of your skills now. I wish I had started doing that a long time ago.
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Not sure how I feel about this
wanted to get a Burna-Bommer but that shits too much

I then noticed that the tau Pathfinder Team team has a flyy looking thing and a couple of units with those little drones for 10 bucks less

so i was thinking of orkin out the Devilfish and have it become a count in

do the tau guns mesh well with ork parts? i want em to have some neato blasters

additional i was thinking of flying on some Nobs on the drones and have them count as bikes
lmao the amount of coping here is unreal

I've painted plenty of minis, I just don't subscribe the subculture of it and my suspicion that everyone who does is a complete phaggit was just confirmed
you must be 18 or older to visit this site, sorry
stop interacting with it and it'll get bored and go away eventually

The stupidity is palpable.

I like it

but make the shaft below the hand longer.
poor b8 m8
What about the Grot Torcha. Just model a grot thats on fire
Handles a bit short and the face is a bit rough, even for orks, but other than that it looks pretty solid.
I dig the painted on look you achieved on the masks going up the forehead plate, I think it was very successful.

I might have made the knife handles a different color from the armor just to break it up a bit, maybe a hard black. Looking forward to you basing these dudes and seeing them pop out from the background.
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Some guy on spikey bits told me i had to wait for the oil to dry and reseal it for my acrylic washes to work normal again, should i use matt or gloss?
Need Da Vizzun to complete Da Avengegrots (and/or Stanley, the weedy git with aviators and a mustache).
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started on the main body, i'm not particularly happy with the red or the weathering. Trying to dab on the lighter colour using a sponge hasn't really worked that well.
Gloss, unless you want the wash deliberately tide up... sort of confused as to why you'd want to go back to acrylics after using oils though; you using them like a filter or something?
Because i fucked them up this time and honestly next time ill just start using mig enamels, their light rust wash looks great.

What do you mean tide up? I want the wash to stain the white and look really dirty like my prior models in this thread
Use a matte then. What you're doing is known as filtering (which works fine with oil paints too, if you happen to have some browns).
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Bought a whole bunch of Undead minis to make a Necromancer Warband for Frostgrave. Thought it would be cooler for my Soldiers to be Skeletons instead of dudes my guy found at a tavern.

Got them all cleaned up, assembled and ready to prime.
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I really like the dude with the huge axe, probably going to be a Barbarian.
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The one in the middle of this picture came in the package bent as this pose and I couldn't help but leave it.
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Basic Men At Arms/Thug types.
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The two Mini Mr. Bones guys are gonna be my Thieves/Treasure Hunters.

I like that his little bag is full of bones to make more skeletons rather than treasure.
I enjoy seeing frostgrave warbands that aren't just normal guys, looking forward to seeing some progress
Two small teeth (of teef) in the middle instead of a big one.
Believe you me sir, that will do the trick
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First model, still needs wash, highlight, and basing, but how am I doing so far?
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It's finished!!

Pretty happy with it as well
whats up with the base?

Well, the camera seems to have focused on that tuning fork and nothing else, but I'm pretty sure that while the white edge of the robes is really neat, there are several places where the metallics slop over/get slopped onto. Edge of the left cauldron for example.
Will a coat of patching up things like that make the paint look too thick? I know thinness is super important for painting
I'd suggest putting some Lamien Medium over the checkered transfer to dull it down for the "painted on" look.
Wow very unique style. Great work anon.
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some of these bitches done.
best daemonette sculpts right there
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cleaned up the red a bit and done the body, I'm a bit happier now.

Agreed, also really hard to find now or very expensive. What's the sculptor doing these days anyone know?
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Base guy from earlier back and I think they're complete!
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And last one of the crew.
Maybe give the flesh a green wash? It's really up to you. If you like it just keep it how it is.
>Not happy with the weathering
but that's gorgeous
You're already a little thicc, anon
Brown. Add in some green static clumos to make it look like moss or something to this extent as well because if your going to do bases you might as well do some texture and fancy accenting
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First three models, going for crimson fists scheme. Just 2 base coats and a wash, what do you think so far?
Remove the kitty ears along with adding small middle teeth like other anon said.
Hey guys, pretty new to the hobby.

Question, what are the mini-terraib/tables that are used to showcase an army/list called? Can you buy them online? It kinda looks like a slice out of a wargaming table.
It's a beautiful job but it would really benefit from even some rudimentary base work. There's presculpted ones that GW and a number of 3rd party dudes make.
Building my Primaris.

Debating - do I fully assemble or build and paint in sub assemblies?

I'm not going for a golden demon obviously but I would like them to look as good as possible.

What parts should be assembled later and what parts are okay to glue on?

Arms with bolt rifle?

Duncan appears to assemble the entire model.
Duncan isn't allowed to go off script.

It's up to you how much you can be arsed to mount everything separately. Put it this way, there's no part that won't be easier to paint in terms of access but the advantage gained in the more obvious cases is quite minimal.
Best way to do chains in general? Looking to hang a skull from atop a standard
Most people build their own terrain on a tile, or get something to stick onto it.

I'd leave the weapon and backpack off, so you can reach everything easily. Maybe the head, if it's hard to reach once assembled.
I mean, nobody will see the whole chest once fully assembled, but the 'tism demands it.
And don't forget to cover any joints you want to glue, or scrape the paint off them, else the glue won't work.
has his own miniature range. Called tiny tales or something I think.
Also does sculpts for a bunch of other games iirc.
Small jewlers chains work well, although it may take some precise work for pinning/glueing. I don't have a good technique to keep them fixed so you have to be okay with some dangle as well
Methylated spirits and a toothbrush.
I usually leave off guns that cover the torso and heads.
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Working on finishing this guy up.
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Oh hey guys
You can soak them with thin super glue once they're in place
they will look better when they get some highlites. The red base is good, but the models are very very dark
Where can I see what color to paint imperial fists shoulder trim and what goes on the kneepads?
Thank you, I wanted them to be dark. That being said it will take some good highlights and I am scared to do it
You know what I would have done personally with that being the case?

Next time when you base the blue, give it a wash, and then drybrush the model in the highlite color, or really even the base color if you just do an all around wash.

Do that before you put down any red or other basecolors and your armor will have highlites
I have 2 dark imperium boxes. Apart from clipping grenades and dangly spiky bits or head swapping does anyone have suggestions to minorly convert my death guard so they aren't mirror images?
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green stuff tentacles for tentacle STDs
That's a good idea, i will try it
Soak it in metho for a while, then scrub away with a toothbrush.

Be warned, the metho will make the skinnier parts of the plastic weaker, and prone to snapping if you're not careful. This will go away after you sit it out of the metho for a while though, it's not permanent damage.

If you want to be extra lazy and time saving, an ultrasonic cleaner from eBay will accelerate the process massively.
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Thanks, Will use this.

Also listening to flight of Eisenstein audio book while working on them for that death guard background.
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Could you help me by giving me something to listen to while painting my Thousand Sons/Tzeentch, /wip/? Help me get in that Egyptian painting mood, please.
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Hey /wip/ with the new generals handbook out making mixed skaven armies not playable it's time I flesh out my clan skyre builds. I have all the units already with the exception of acolytes, jezzails and more weapons teams

My question is do you guys know of any good ways to convert the above units? I mainly need a cheap way to do acolytes as I need the most of them. gw bits are preferred

Pic unrelated but I'm proud of my stonehorn
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Thanks, anon.
How do we know what there music sounds like?
thanks gents
due to knowledge on what instruments egyptians had during the period.
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also this perserved music sheet from 5th century can give us more hints. at least that's what a quick google search says
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Something to break up basecoating and washing
This is gorgeous anon! Mirin.
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The Carapace is kinda boring to look at, and it shouldn't be. Tyranids are cool because you can paint that carapace however you like. You could give it some highlights, spots, some kind of pattern, etc.
Also, next time, don't thin down your brown wash, just wash the whole model, then layer paint over the parts you want to brighten up again.

Also, /wip/, rate me wee lil' Genestealer
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Somehow found the original sale picture after looking through my Paypal history for something else, since ebay only goes a couple of years.

This Wilko stuff is magic, but the more I use it I'm not sure plastics should be in it for more than a few hours.
very smooth, I like it.
Having migrated here, got some suggestions for a scheme for my AM army?
I was thinking some Carolean shit, but I don't know how to, and I kinda want some input asw

Desert schemes are always neat and easy to paint.
Just put down a tan base, then drybrush on some Bleached bone.
Getting back into 40k, working on Guard. Currently building a Chimera, do people normally paint tracks separately in 40k and then glue them on, or do they assemble and then paint? Also, do I pick an option for the main gun (since Multilaser and Heavy Flamer share the same mounting part), or do people generally keep the chimera main gun apart from the turret? If not, which weapon do people generally mount?
>do people normally paint tracks separately in 40k and then glue them on
You'll have a much easier time doing it that way
Noted, any other suggestions?
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Just finished my Sanguinary Priest with jump pack, tried to go for an "Angel of Mercy" kind of vibe. Head is from the FW blood angel upgrade kit.

Seriously fuck painting white, no wonder I hardly see any White Scars players about.

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pls rate
I like everything except for the robes, the wide highlights and exaggerated shading makes it look a bit cartoony which doesn't quite gel with the tone of the rest of the mini.
You're only making it funnier by being this upset about it.

> 7/10, red skin could use some highlights, as well as touch up the eyes a little, but I like what you've done so far. Good for the tabletop!
Amazing face, man, good work!
Gold on wings highlighted too fat, i think. And why no blood on drill, only on chainsaw?
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cannot unsee

will have to touch that up

cheers anon
step 1 - find warhammer epic grot
step 2 - ant grot
No blood on the drill actually makes sense, as a drill will just shake off most of the blood when it spins, a little bit in the core and alot of splatter around would make sense.
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im also read flight of the E.
shutout to garros ward who's sole characteristic is getting bullied by dem space marines

glad you built him the right way anon
The backpack has a purity seal?
Show us how it looks when it dries
Did he use a piece of hose to just siphon his beverage straight out of that dead guy?
da fuck, everyone painting death guard, i want it too =(
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Heraldic markings look good.
Stripes especially.
The no helmet meme is truly the worst shit ever.
It makes absolutely no sense at all for a SM Commander to not wear his helmet as they get shitloads of tactical information from them lots of other advantages.
But muh plot armor I guess.
40k isnt realistic in the slightest btw

gotta stay hydrated somehow
Ofc it isent, but it contradicts the setting too, not just realism.
On top of that, I think helmets look better. Especially when faces are generally harder to paint in the first place
I like everything about it except for the yellow of the eye spilling out on his cheekbone. Is the lon tongue a conversion?
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not really, 40k in general operates off the rule of cool. And it was cool, especially in the 80's, to see people like that. I prefer helmets myself, but I see why non-helmeted is a thing. Just like how imperial guard should always wear the facemasks but pretty much none of them do. Same with...well, every faction. It's dumb, but 'cool' especially for kids.
I'm better at painting skin than I am at power armour so I'm perfectly fine with guys not wearing helmets
Wait, your better at painting faces than power armor?
Thats really rare to hear, and kinda cool desu.
How did that even happen?
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I've never gotten on well with edge highlighting and power armour is just a huge effort for me.
Only picture i've got onhand of my stuff but painting the face on the guy was far more enjoyable for me than the helmets.
That is a really good face.
Mind sharing the technique?
Mournfang brown, Cadian fleshtone, Kislev flesh and P3 Menoth white highlight.
Lots of layers.
The stubble was done with grey mixed with loads of glaze medium
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Does anyone have experience with miniatures from ultraforge?

Just bought pic related, I'm assuming it will be similar to a forge world resin model

Nice work! Above tabletop standard
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Working on a Ral Partha cyborg dragon. Going to see if I can paint up the cyborg half like MechaGodzilla. Not sure on the flesh half though. Any ideas?

Ignore the watermark, doing it as part of a group build and including it for that reason.
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Got the Necromancer Warband all primed and the models that would really benefit from it undercoated.
Thanks, gonna try it out on the Pri-marines that came w/o helmet.
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I really like all these models. Almost all of them were sculpted by Bob Ridolfi, man knows how to make some cool Undead.
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Just gotta start getting basecoats down later today.

I'm so glad that skeletons are quick to paint, I've got so many to do.
They're all from Reaper, and most of them were sculpted by Bob Ridolfi, so if you put that in their search bar they'll come up.
Hey I need a ton of skeleton bits to make a giant skeleton monster made of skeletons, anyone know what would be a good buy for bits? Already have the GW skull box but could use limbs
>40k isnt realistic in the slightest btw
Until it goes full realism...

>In the Draigo vs. Morty short story. Morty instant kills Draigo's Grand Master because the twat didn't wear his helmet.
Wait, is Draigo dead?
Then who will provide the ham and send daemons to the super warp now?
no, Draigo's predecessor is dead, because he wasn't wearing his helmet and Morty killed him because of it. Draigo goes on to save the day I believe, being named Chapter Master later because of it.

Mantic skellies?
very stylish.
Mantics are 2 piece. Wargames factory are multipart skellies and cheap.
that isn't a commisar. thats a bloody mordian officer.
The Imperial Fists are Codex compliant so just copy the Ultramarines. Page 14 of the new Codex has all the info.
Yeah, noticed the yellow once I took the picture, didnt see it while painting.
The tongue is not a conversion, the model is one of the Space Hulk Genestealers that I use because I think they have cooler poses than the normal boxed ones.
Do you guys use 25mm or 32mm for standard infantry bases? Would it be a problem gamewise were I to go up to 32?
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