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Warhammer 40,000 General /40kg/

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Thread replies: 400
Thread images: 75

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New Deathguard artwork and Tau get rekted edition.

>Death Guard preview

>Konor Campaign: Chaos finally got ONE

>GW FAQs (1.1):
>FW FAQ (1.1):

>Rules and such. Use Readium on pc/iphone, lithium/kobo on android:
>Everything 8th edition in properly converted pdf & epub, fully bookmarked and linked with in-line errata annotations

>Other Megas

>WIP Math-hammer doc (Chart-Anon doing the Emperor's work)
First for Slaanesh!
Second for house greyjoy!
Is Mortarion one of the least accomplished primarchs pre and post heresy?
So. I just got my Space Marine Termie-Captain in and I need to Grey Knight him up. What weapon should I arm him with(I have bits of all of them except a hammer)?
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Third for da orkz!
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House rules you've added to bring back a semblance of strategy and balance into 8E?

Here are mine

>Vehicles have -1 to save from their rear arc. Land Raiders & any vehicle that previously had AV 14 rear is exempt from this.
>If any model is 50% obscured from the position of the firing model it gains a cover save of +1.
>Units without the fly special rules moving through cover roll 2d6 to advance and pick the lowest.
>no first turn deep striking allowed(either side)
>No first turn charging allowed (either side)
>Weapon skill values are compared like strength and toughness and you hit based on that value. So WS 3 against WS 4 hits on a 5 but 4 hits 3 on a 3. WS 10 hits WS 5 on a 2 and WS 5 hits back on a 6. This makes units with high WAS actually good again.
>First turn is a roll off with whoever placed all their units first gaining +1 to the roll (as per upcoming chapter approved)
>Night fighting is enforced for the first turn, so -1 to hit with ranged weapons beyond 12" for all units.
>No first blood in any mission
>If a unit fails a morale check and is within 1" of an enemy model both players roll off, if the player whose unit failed the morale check loses the roll off their entire unit is run down and removed from play.
>Special characters and super heavies can only be used with your opponents express permission.
>3 formation limit

Working on further rules for alternate unit activation, a system of pinning units and more in-depth morale.

Now terrain and positioning matter again , morale matters more and the game isn't decided by who goes first. No need to thank me.
How are shining spears now?
>Champion of Nurgle turns out to be less motivated

You shouldn't be shocked
Actually I do have a Hammer. I'll be chopping off Voldus's hammer because he's going into a Dreadknight.
I'll tell ya in about a hour. About to read the new Mortarion story. There really isn't much lore on his more personal acts, just a vague outsider viewpoint.

So your houserules are 'I miss 7e but my friends all play 8e'?
Anyone have a guide on what current paint colors used to be called? Thanks to a spill, I'm running low on Vermin Brown.

>Weapon skill values are compared like strength and toughness and you hit based on that value. So WS 3 against WS 4 hits on a 5 but 4 hits 3 on a 3. WS 10 hits WS 5 on a 2 and WS 5 hits back on a 6. This makes units with high WAS actually good again.

But units don't HAVE WS values any more besides the 3+/2+ etc.
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>No need to thank me
dont flatter yourself 7th was more balanced than you house rule crap.
How viable are chaos daemons in 8th? Thinking about running an heretic army next, AdMech is complete soon.

Additionally, I like the summoning rules, are they any good? It sounds just awesome to summon daemons to fill currently needed roles.

Anyone got experience with those?
Anyone? Looking for what option would best suit a Brother Captain on the table.
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love it
literally the first result on google leads to dakka dakka compatibilitly chart
Fuck I wish we knew what was happening for the primaris line, I wanna see jet bikes god damn it.
point taken :(
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Just wait for their codex man. Right now they're not very mobile and will struggle in even semi-competitive metas.
He destroyed a SoB system by directing a Nurflite Ork warband at it.

He besieged another system but was stoppeed by Draigo right after he slaughtered the previous Grand Master.

He is now leading an all out assault on Ultramar having esblished a foothold in it called the Scourge Stars.

Lorgar and Fulgrim are the least accomplished. With Fulgrim only managing to wound Girlyman and then doing nothing else, and Lorgar locking himself in excile for 10K years.
Didn't Mortarion flee from Gulliman at the Scourge Stars?

Mortarion is also a little bitch and typhus BTFO of him. He's a little dork of a primarch, and Leman Russ probably stole his lunch money everyday.
Fulgrim killed Ferrus Manus and Lorgar had a huge impact on the setting by introducing both the Imperial Cult and Primordial Truth.
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The Rift Wars were about to start so Nurgle recalled all the Nurglite forces in Ultramar for the grand pissing contest between the gods. Mort was forced by his god's order to retreat to the Scourge Stars and defend Nurgle's holding from the greedy hands of his fellow gods.

The Rift War has been settled now Morty is free to pursue his chosen agenda of destroying Ultramar.
A lot better than the 7 bucks I pay for mine.
We are talking Post-HH.
Thats 40kr, which means its in the 5-7$ range, depending if its danish or swedish
>Nurgle conquers 3 systems

Fuck, please stop it GW. Too on the nose.
What is dead may never die
So it's pretty much a guarantee that Chaos will win the 2 remaining planets? Also, are CSM finally worth a shit?
Oh, then ya. Praying and partying for 10,000 years.
Git gud scrub
Uhhh...wrong guy you replied to?
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Asking again cause I'm fuckin' stumped


Battalion Detachment

HQ: Daemon Prince of Khorne w/ Daemonic Axe = 170
HQ: Chaos Lord on Bike w/ Murder Sword (paid for power sword, replaces pistol) = 117

Troops: 20x Cultists w/ Autopistol/Brutal assault weapon = 80
2x Troops: 5x Chaos Marines w/ flamer = 74 each, 148

Elites: 10x Berzerkers w/ 9 Chainaxes (replaces pistols), 2x LCs (Champion) and Icon of Wrath = 191
Elites: 5x Chaos Terminators w/ combi-flamers/lightning claws = 250

Heavy Support: 3x Obliterators = 195
Heavy Support: Land Raider = 356

Dedicated Transport: Rhino = 72

Supreme Command Detachment

HQ: Exalted Champion w/ Powerfist (replaces chainsword) = 82
HQ: Terminator Sorcerer w/ Combi-Melta = 173


Got another Termie Lord to finish the Command squad but don't know how to equip him. Judging by the firepower I have in this list, what would you recommend? Only rule is something that takes advantage of the renegade trait, so Assault guns and CC weapons preferred. Intoxicating Elixir possible.
I brought this up before, the consensus was that they get renamed appropriate names.
That's what it was renamed, not what they were originally called.
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I found this fine sculpts made from finecast.
Beside objective markers any idea on what to use them?
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Post your picture and people guess what you play.

I'll start.
bits for Deldar boats
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You play with my benis
Dark Eldar slaves. T'au Human Forces captured loyal Imperial slaves for a Commander? Slaanesh Champion slaves. SoB Repentia?
>qt posing with a Chadmarine
When will marinelets ever learn?
Beauty filter
Ku'Gath was downright hilarious.
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By the way I play Witch Hunters and I'm trying to make a Penitente Knight.
Basically add a Penitent Engine pilot to the Knight face when using a melee variant
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Tactical question
which choice would be better:
>master of ordnance beside my two basilisks for the once per game arty bombardment and reroll 1's
>Priest, giving +1 attacks to my 36 kriegers (which would work in tandem to the regimental standard giving 3 attacks for each guardsmen)
Not a sick tongue. Your disappointing me slaanesh. Dark Eldar +1.
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>dat bat necklace
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Fluff wise in regard to Scouts; what makes them quiet ? what makes them a good infiltration unit ?
Reading some Ragnar books he remarks that the marine armor is heavy and crushes the ground underneath it, leaves huge crater's of footprints etc. Even removing some plates surely the weight of the marine and the servo's on them are going to be making a fuck load of noise.
ordinance, because everyone knows that's the only god you should trust on a battlefield
Scouts wear guardsman armor. No servers, just large man.
Scouts don't wear power armor.
>Using a sprue piece as a mast.
I love it!
Yeah he's cool. But that has nothing to do with morty being a fucking dweeb.
are those from some aftermarket company? I must know
and no idea how good they are, figured GW has pretty much squatted them, seeing as the old kit only works with the oop jetbikes. Plus no eldar dex yet.
Are company veterans good?

I like that the rules are basically "equip them with whatever you want aside from heavy weapons"

Mix and match shooty and choppy and whatever

I would assume the power armor has some sort of operating noise just from the power pack

Since scouts don't have power armor, no operating noise
Elixir goes on the DP, preferably with talons.
>no servers

get the fuck out of here magos
>[reeeeeees in binary]
SoB use power armour for scouting.
Since they allow faster movement.
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Isnt the carapace with the servo connections drilled into their flesh ?
>destroyed SoB
This isn't an accomplishment. They exist exclusively to job for GW.

That is really cool, well done.

I'm not sure if scouts have the black carapace put in yet, isn't it the last thing you get before becoming a full space muhrine?

Mind you, the profile for a SOB in power armour is smaller than a marine in carapace armour. The advantages to not being a hulking meat monster in that area.
That is basically SoB lore.
Oddly enough thanks to GW incompetence SoB are rather good glass cannon army.

t. SoB player
>autist hates change and tries to make 8th suck like the worst edition of 40k ever printed

The wonders of being 'Elite enough to not a generic foe' but not actually being a marine.

Oddly enough, SOB seem like they'd be one of the best factions for taking on Nurgle demons. They have literal healing miracles and hospitalers are some of the best doctors in the Imperium.

Never seen them played, but they look solid.
The black carapace is an organic shell that allows your power armor to "plug in" to you and allows you to directly interface with the armor's machine spirit. There are no moving parts or noises associated with it.
Fulgrim killed girlyman the first time around.
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Depends on the chapter, Wolves use old marines to scout because of their battlefield knowledge and heightened scenes.

>Oddly enough thanks to GW incompetence SoB are rather good glass cannon army.

>Oh, I haven't got any new tanks?
>Well neither do you now.
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He's (ironically) one of the more active primarchs post heresy.

I wouldn't really call him successful, but that's arguably his most endearing trait. Dude fucks up constantly. Feels like a real character almost, rather than a self righteous hot air balloon.
I'm not sure, warseer is a nightmare to traverse when the jpg are always fucking links..
actually very good. I've played them for 4 games now and they've made back points in every single one, but a conceal warlock goes a LONG way to helping them survive to hit target.

one of the better uses for a squad of 5 is to pop a weakened transport with shooting, then charge the contents and likely remove them outright.

I've run them with a lance autarch once, and while expensive, that combination was a wrecking ball.

if you want to kitbash some easily, just get the windrider bikes and then some of the Dark Elf Cold One Knights or HE Dragon Blades, the arm socket is the same once you carve out the tab on the inside of the torso socket.

it helps that I use pic related as a DISTRACTION CARNIFEX and land raider removal device.
You don't play and just found some chicks picture online trying to get (you)s
Friend of mine is looking to start Orks, the guy is pretty into the idea of looted stuff. I know they don't have much of that going on at the moment, but I'd like to be able to point him towards some conversions, what can you do with leman russes, predators, and rhinos?
>I can relate to failures.

There's nothing more pathetic than a heretic.
Yup. The Warmasons Cult had SoB shooting point blant en masse against Iron Warriors and not even scratching the paint but single return shots were OHKO. Which is odd. The crunch says they have the same save but Marines have Black Carapace which makes them tougher in crunch. Which is fine.

In Shroud of Night, they job heavily as well against the protags, but they at least manage to kill some of them or severely injure them. Celestine being able to 'tire' is, however, fluff too far to me. Couldn't you have just had her not be able to keep up with a blood mad Kharn rather than have her 'tire'. I mean she knew she was dying and she let the Alpha Legion go to help the Imperium (in a way anyway, it's ambiguous), it would have been better having her know she'd never beat Kharn but realising she can't hold him off forever and it's all about time, rather than becoming tired. She's a god imbued divine being; sure she had just killed a Keeper of Secrets which was making the other SoB wet but shouldn't really matter.

Anyway, point is, SoB are used when having Marines die easily just won't sell. Once upon a time it was just pure ryona fetish, now it's a way of making protag/antags 'powerful' without diminishing the power of their main sellers (Space Marines).
That's literally been their story since the white dwarfs because, guess what, they've poorly copied everything since the white dwarf. The WD pamphlet got shit on, but it wasn't actually that bad. I had plenty of great games with it, and and even managed to beat a leaf blower in a tournament (placed 7th out of 65).
You can fit 4 squads with 5 Meltagun Dominions in 4 Repressors. Under 1000 points.
All moving 24"+D6" turn one.

Meltaguns are magical for SoB, beside SB spam in Battle Sister Squads there is little reason to get anything else
its worse, they're just stolen from reddit frontpage. not even low effort meming, just no effort shitposting for (you)s
Bump anyone? I really need this as I need to physically build the model.
It's a dude, right? That chest looks manly.
SoB have had more rules/codex release than Chaos Marines
I want to run Ynnari with shadow spectres and I think shining spears would go perfectly with Yncarne
Pretty much. They're an army of Piccolo from DBZ
can you really call a scorp, a distraction carnifex?

it's literally made of rape.
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>all the Star Wars babies in the area are crying about possibly having to paint minis for Legion.
>a god
pick one
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And yet nothing has changed.

>You can fit 4 squads with 5 Meltagun Dominions in 4 Repressors. Under 1000 points

>Melta guns are $9.9
>superiors are $12
>each squad costs $51.6 with no options
>$206.4 for the 4 squads
>Repressor only available from recast

Makes me glad I've been playing them so long, but even I only have 8 melta guns. This is the first time in a long while I've felt strapped for special weapons.
Yet somebody is still trying to push the meme that GW is dead, despite GW's stock value being worth more than it's ever been in it's history. It's just shilling and should be reported as shilling and GR3. Make a thread about it and talk, sure, but not "LOL GW IS CONFIRMED DEAD RIP{IP LMAO!!11111ecksdeeeee!"

My preferred situation with St Celestine would have been her dying but winning a tactical victory over Kharn (Destroying something he wanted/keeping him away from a goal). Keep them both looking good, as he's an unstoppable monster of a combatant but she's wise and with a lot of sight of the bigger picture. It doesn't make Kharn look bad to be outdone tactically (That's not really his thing) or Celestine losing in a straight up brawl with him (That IS his thing)
He's wrong if he's counting all releases (CSM have had supplements and cults and daemonkin), but he's right in that CSM's last codex was 6E while SoB's last codex was 7E, even though SoBfags love saying "that doesn't count because it's digital" even though they all use it
go for it, I runn a saim-hann style craftworld/corsairs mix, and the shadow spectres I have always do decently well. they're hard to shift because of the -1 to hit in cover, and running them and everything else MSU forces my opponents to pick targets carefully.

if you need troops and want to save on points, take a look at corsair skyreaver bands, or kabalites in venoms (can use scourges with replacements for the wings to make easy shardcarbine skyreavers with 1 darklance per 5)

if you're not concerned about troops given the rumors of ynnari troops not getting obsec, then you could just go all-in on spectres, spears, darklance clouddancers (use reaver jetbikes and war-walker/HWP brightlance bits), and shuricannon windriders
well, when faced with 3 sources of rape (Scorpion, Shining Spears, Spectres) you have to make a choice which one to shoot first, and the biggest seems to always win that bit of psychology, even if it isn't the actual best choice. (it can only target one thing, the others can splitfire and work in more phases)
Exactly, he's wrong. He said 'rules/codex' not 'codex'. The last physical SoB codex was 5th and saying 'b-b-but digital' is like going 'Traitor's Bane, Black Legion, Crimson Slaughter, Daemonkin, Thousand Sons and Warzone Fenris don't count'.

That's like saying Adeptus Custodes and SoS got a 7th edition codex cause they got a 4 page pamphlet in Talon's of the Emperor. Not a SoBfag either but claiming SoB got more rules than them is outright wrong AND if you want to be technical, SoB didn't exist until 6th, they used to be Witch Hunters, which had Inquisitors and such in it.
Sisters of Battle
Witch Hunters
Chaos Space Marine
Chaos Space Marines
White Dwarf: Sisters of Battle
Adepta Sororitas
Chaos Space Marine
Imperial Agents

Then 8th let Chaos have equal number of codex with SoB

I prefer 5 SB + 5 melta in each repressor
SB disembark after the free move and mulch infantry / cap objectives.
Dual Claws
Blender Lord

Elixir, powerfist and combi-melta
But that is no longer under 1000 points with 20 meltas
You said rules/codex, not codex. You got supplements galore. You're also ignoring outright specific codex like Thousand Sons and Black Legion and Crimson Slaughter. Hell you got the Imperial Armour 13 which was 100% Chaos. SoB got like one entry in IA2.
Sisters of Battle exist since 2nd they had their own Codex
2nd Edition, they then became Witch Hunters and the dude is including WHITE FUCKING DWARF rules as a codex. That's beyond retarded. He's also ignoring all the other codex they got.

This must be elaborate bait, so I'm out. Nobody is this retarded thinking SoB got more rules than CSM.
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>its a girl
Ah whatever. You're a fucking Night(edge)lord chaosfag.
...not like we dont have enough of those....

its the bat neclace
Still right on the codex only. Totally forgot about the supplement spam
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>SoB didn't exist until 6th

I meant after 2nd, I retyped that sentence so many times cause autism.
Nothing wrong with white dwarf.
Specially if it triggers chaos babies
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tranny facial structure
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is dark time we live in when we cant immediatly recognize man or woman. sad.
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Nice try Elijah Wood, you can't fool me
What's his name again?
Mudslop Shitflinger
A Trans-Man and a Trans-Woman have sex.

Is it gay?
probably not.
Farmer Slimeon'er with his trusty steed Scoots.
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>tfw you finally realize what he is looking at now....
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its hot as fuck
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on the topic of trannies anyone want to hear a story?
>be playing 40k with the ladz in local hobby shop
>really fucking obvious 6ft tranny comes in with tumblr friend.
>they look around the shop mostly but at the end they come over to the tabletop area of the shop where everyone is playing 40k.
>start laughing and pointing at 40k games, whispering to each other.
>hear them call us freaks/nerds or whatever.
>they leave.
Your house rules sound like a bunch of "waaahh, I lost to this once"
>waaah i lost to some of this stuff
>waaah i like 7th
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I would've laughed my ass off if someone looking like that came in the store and called my and my buds "nerddddz".
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Yeah they're whining continuously about how evil grognards are going to enter their hobby.

It's weird seeing people who are actually proud of being more pleb-tier than others. But it's Star Wars, and Star Wars is Disney, and Disney is Marvel, and dear god what happened to the world?
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Fucking kek holy shit.

Might I ask what city you're in?
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i like my snip pic being out there
More like a town, it's in the Silicon Valley so people like that are expected.
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Its a great reaction image, just like this one that became a meme in the WIP thread:
>SoB got like one entry in IA2.

But WHAT an Entry. The Repressor has basically never let us down. Do kinda wish it a was a bit better in melee in 8e but that's a very unimportant thing in general.
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Oh makes sense.
I'm from Toronto area and we had that for a while, but the hobby stores are so few and far between now that the more cancerous elements of the city (autists excluded) don't even find the places anymore.
I don't. It's just perpetuating the pseudo-namefag bullshit that's ruining these threads.
>mfw you just took it like a cuck

Tranny calling someone else a freak is like the lowest hanging fruits of easy comebacks.
Is it in the pooper?
Sometimes it's just better to not engage though.
When someone thrives off of victimization, the last thing you want to do is give them attention.
>Tfw you want to play 40k but there's a hurricane outside
>anal is gay

I bet this faggot doesn't even rub dicks together with cute girly traps
anybody play this weeks Konnor Mission? Whats stopping me from jumppack spam and just leaving the table
>Mfw roommate who plays and home table
In fact I do not.
I do however become intimate with reverse traps.
So, which dreadnoughts in the Regular Marine Codex are worth using?

I'm thinking about possibly building an all dreadnought list.

I'm particularly interested in the Redemptor and Ironclad dreadnougths
Nothing, GW can't mission design
Just treat the hurricane like a free Zone Mortalis catastrophic damage table
This. You fire back, tranny makes a scene, suddenly you're being witch hunted on the internet or the cops will get involved because god forbid you hurt a tranny's feelings. When did this shit ever become acceptable? Up until two years ago you'd literally never hear about this sorta shit at all and now suddenly it's supposed to just be okay.
My three Hydras
>Not running one of each from each chapter
Call them the Justice League
Ironclad is good but really needs a drop pod, so kitbash, proxy or get a dreadnought drop pod for it. Venerables are great and so are Redemptors, they're not like excellent but good.
sorry bro just got pride in seeing the guard do what they do best, suffer.
I'm not exactly saying that it would become an issue for you legally or w/e. That's possible given where he lives though.

I just mean, don't encourage them. It's bad for you, and it's bad for them.
And then you stick it up their butt right?
Grav/grav Leviathan
Storm/storm Leviathan
Possibly gun/claw Leviathan
All Deredeo
All Mortis Contemptors
TLAC or TLLC Mortis Dreadnought
Siege Dreadnoughts

Don't know about the special BA ones.
Still gives that faggot attention. We're anonymous for a reason
I've been looking at Iron clads for some tough, close combat beatstick with two heavy flamers.

I've also been looking at Redemptor but damn is it pricey.

Vendreds are fun as always

And what is stopping me from flying a LoW turn 1 off the board (not a flyer) and winning before chaos gets 1st turn?
Redemptors are also good
Like literally what?

double twin autocannon venerable and normal mortis are also great.
I'm just talking from the Codex.
Don't want to delve too deeply into the FW hole.
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That would be wrong anon.
We're just gonna have to dive in there and find out for ourselves
24 S8 shots that hit on 3+ rerolling ones.
From my 3 Hydras
Psychic Dread for TSons

Please GW I need this!
Venerable Lascannon has been a staple in my list for an eternity. So much has to go into him to take him out while hes in cover and he hits on a 2 up

but I play salamanders so....
Sorry, only Bangles get that.

Double twin auto or twin auto / twin LC venerable are the only good gunline options outside FW.
Yeah I included those under "TLAC Mortis Dreadnought". Generally if you know which guns are good, then they will be good when mounted on a Dreadnought chassis as the Dreadnought is decent in 8E.

Just don't take something retarded like multi melta fist regular dread. Also hurricane bolters are decent.

And when are you shooting since i'm off the board on my turn 1 and imperium always has the 1st turn?
Those are always fun.

Are ironclads all that good at punching or are dreads still reserved for backline gun-lines?

GKs too
Keking My Ass Off Rolling On The Floor Kekking @ Thousand Cucks

>we wuz da psychic legion
>we wuz kangs
The only reason Chaos will win anything is due to a massive lopsided stealing of Imperium points by Xenos factions
It'll just be a 3-3 tie
Broken by Morty and the DG release
>GW has managed to get the players to perpetuate the stalemate.
I remember GW, in their White Dwarf, made it Fire Ports 2 instead of 4. When somebody asked a FW day, apparently, one of the designers said 'That's wrong, look at how many windows it bloody has' or something like that. It has 6 ports and it only had 2 shots? Thankfully it has 6 now, which isn't bad.

5 Repressors with 4 Heavy Flamers is a fun suicide unit. Since you got no negative for driving as fast as you can into a horde and unleashing 4 Heavy Flamer attacks.

It's also a very useful Tank killer with 4 Multi-Melta's, it's a good long range shredder with Heavy Bolters.

Only downside is the -1 to hit if you move more than 4" but you're gonna be fine if you stick with heavy bolters. Multi-Melta's are something I'd keep in reserve so to speak to deal with tanks or powerful units. Heavy Flamer, as I said, as suicide units. 4 Heavy Flamers + Bolter isn't bad even if you get it off once, plus the Flamer and Storm Bolter of the Repressor itself.

Speaking of which, the Bolter on the Sister Superior doesn't have -1 to hit cause of movement, right? Cause it isn't Heavy? Or is it -2 to hit if you move with Heavy weapons in a vehicle? Pretty sure you count as moved if you move 4" or more or some shit.
>Those who cast the votes decide nothing; those who count the votes decide everything.
Someone post the tallyman fucker fudging the numbers

Punching is good, hurricane bolter isn't shit anymore

Unfortunately those are now illegal. You have to ask your opponent if you can use them.
Is it worth using the hurricane bolter if you aren't trying to save points though?

I'm kicking around an idea for an all dread list and I'm thinking about making some Vendred twin las AT-snipers, all melee iron clads for the punching, and a redemptor or two for fire support.
All those changes and you didn't stop auras from affecting vehicles?
>Speaking of which, the Bolter on the Sister Superior doesn't have -1 to hit cause of movement, right?

No penalty, no.
If GW is smart they'll make it into a pre-game stratagem, like 1CP to turn a single Helbrute into a psyker who knows smite and something else.

>All those changes and you didn't stop auras from affecting vehicles?

What's wrong with that? They are units like anything else.
Neat. So 'counting as moved' is 4" in a vehicle?
Fine. They'll have the same statline as a regular dread, but with 1 less movement and a 5++, only be able to use the Aspiring Sorcerer version of Smite, and cost 12 power. Happy?
No, because no one can ever be happy.

I do wish that TS can take broader range of stuff. I would kill to take some regular ass flesh marines so they can pilot shit and ride on bikes
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So disappointing the colour scheme. I know they have a less skilled painter at FW (and it seems sculptor, they all seemed to have gone to GW) these models are amazing but are ruined by the glow/heat from the guns. They look like nerf guns. Is it 100% heat or is it some sort of plasma/laser type shit? They're some special kind of weapon, Ancaratic Destroyers or some shit. Green would be a good spot colour, or purple. I probably wouldn't paint it at all, leave it metal.
Is that firewarrior being lifted up by that terminator getting facefucked by a gaint fly ?!

Is that somebody's fetish ?
Azrael and Guilliman are pure cancer.
GW FAQed out WotP from working on vehicles
I'd really like to have some havocs or powerfists for my 1ksons...
They're suppose to be some type of Dark Age of Technology death ray guns that are super rare. But it does indeed like they're holding toy guns with that paint job.

Their poses are also the opposite of dynamic.
Nice, some easy gold there mate.
Some power weapons other than swords on termis would be nice.

You can rape MEQ and NOTHING else

Ah. I think that's more tied to particular auras rather than auras themselves. A cannoness handing out 'Reroll 1s' to Exorcists for example won't break much and I think the Mechanicus would go and cry in the corner if machines couldn't get buffs.
Armor facings and opposed WS were not what made 7th a shit festival.
The guy on the right bothers me so much

>Pound it brother
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>TFW these are not allowed to have Thousand Sons as legion keyword
>Guess they'll have to be some renegade random normies now
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I don't mind that as they're Terminators, I think stocism is a good trait, they shouldn't be looking graceful and fluid and dynamic. In my opinion anyway. I know it's a DAoT weapon but I have no idea how it works and if the glow is due to some power source or is just the metal heating up from firing. If it's the former, great, I can do a different colour, if it's the latter, fuck.

The SoS are great too but they're not that dynamic. Not that I mind, honestly. Dynamism should be for Eldar and fast attack shit. I've liked all of SoS and Custodes shit so far. But I won't buy any until they're either confirmed in 8th or not.

For you anon.
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I feel this pain
>chaos is a single belief system
I mean it was garbage already but you made it even worse.
meant for >>55065829
If we assume normal laws of physics, the tip glow is from the metal getting red hot, and the barrel glow is from the weapon ammunition.
What are the most accomplished Chaos primarchs, from best to worst?
Angron and Magnus have accomplished the most post-Heresy at least.
Magnus accomplished his goal of sitting around for 10k years. Seems pretty nice compared to the rest of them.
All I can find on them is that they fire energy beams that 'unravel' anything caught in them, "leaving only a flaring after-image of what was"
Even if it generates heat, I doubt the guns would be permanently glowing red hot from it. Because that is not something you want a gun to do ...
Custodes have reality guns?
Angron > Magnus > Mortarion > Lorgar > Fulgrim > that other one
Uh... Magnus is only behind Angron in the "gets shit done" category of post-heresy.
Ok. What do I play?
Dark Angels
With yourself
Thanks lad. Might do it purple then or something.
the bassoon or hurdy-gurdy
top kek
>Want to assemble my guys to play tomorrow
>Painting fully assembled figures is a pain
>I have no magnets/putty
What do?
Why are the Imperials losing so badly?
Tallyman is fudging the numbers.
Because the UK needs to be gassed.
Thinking of running a chaos army, what are the bro tier legions, and who are the faggots?
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>Kor Phaeron will never be your dad

why even live
The region is UK and the rest of the world, Anon.

Blame everyone, not just us.
>bro tier legions
Thousand Sons, Word Bearers, Death Guard
Emperor's Children, World Eaters
>Bro Tier
1kSons, EC, Alpha Legion, Iron Warriors
Word Bearers, Night Lords, Black Legion, World Eaters
Is conscript spam an actual problem or just a meme here?

I haven't played any ig players recently
It wins major tournaments
>bro tier
Emperor's Children
also Emperor's Children
If smashing plastic together is gay I've got bad news for you all.
>Angron killed an Eldar party as a baby with half of his skull torn off
>Curze survived and eventually conquered arguably the worst, most horrible world in the galaxy, all alone
>Lion was living in Chaos corrupted woods, fighting off both mutations and temptations as a toddler
>Lorgar allowed himself to be bullied and made into a bitch by an old faggot
Just when you think him being WORST PRIMARCH cannot get any more set in stone.
Why the difference on Word Bearers and EC?
I'm the guy with EC in bro tier.

I also took into account the playerbase of the Legions.

I play IG, and yes it's a real problem not a fake one. The price for conscripts is right, but their staying power on the table when combined with commissars is overpowered. This is partly because of how commissars effectively negate morale, and partly because changes to the game this edition have left most armies with fewer tools for drilling through hordes of bodies as quickly as they used to.
>bro tier
Black Legion, World Eaters, Thousand Sons, Death Guard, Word Bearers

Night Lords, Iron Warriors, Emperor's Children
Both are faggots but call the each other faggots. One is the "I was molested by a priest" faggot and the other is just plain old faggotry.
By ''bro tier'' i assumed you meant camaraderie, both inside and outside the Legion. Word Bearers are the only ones who remained a fully organized Legion, they care for each other (to differing extents), and have great relations with every other legion. EC are a bunch of arrogant, insane narcissists who stab each other in the back over the smallest of slights or the pettiest of whims and literally every other Legion hates them so much they hunted them close to extinction and permanently splintered them.
>all the Star Wars babies in the area are crying about possibly having to paint minis for Legion.
X wing minis all come preassembled and painted, given that I can understand the complaints. That said it's also real easy to drop megabux on models as fielding them is as simple as opening the box.
First are like fanatical daemon crusaders

Second full blown tumblr degenerates
You had people thinking riptide spam and eldar were memes even at the end of 7E, people will never believe because they're too fucking stupid to look up simple GT results.
I play Thousand Sons and people get mad every time I use Magnus, so I need an alternative way to pop tanks. I currently have 2 lascannon helbrutes, which tend to die immediately in my vehicle heavy local meta. Any suggestions? I'd like to avoid resorting to an allied detachment of 3 lascannon havoc squads with a reroll monkey behind them, but if that's the price to be paid for no Magnus....
I bring Termis with missiles and prey to tzeentch for spiked rolls

Has worked so far, currently awaiting extra eyes
Laspreds, that's what I use
For Magnus, you can get two of them.
>literally every other Legion hates them so much they hunted them close to extinction and permanently splintered them.
I thought they got splintered in Skarlathrax.
>braiming innrocent uganda and hong kong for your faerings

shamefur dispray
>and have great relations with every other legion
They actually hate the Alpha Legion.
You're thinking of World Eaters.
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Word Bearers in the lore are the biggest cunts, and their rules are honestly kind of trash unless you dedicate yourself to mixing daemons and CSM together and using their strengths to compliment each other, such as by using the daemon keyword CSM to get buffs from Heralds and using Daemon Princes who can buff both you're gonna have a bad time.
Also Summoning is pretty unreliable.
They probably have different opinions on the usefulness of summoning.

Emperor's Children are currently the best legion.
Delightful Agonies is a great power, breaking the "charge first fight first" rule is a good legion trait, and their daemon princes can get up to 12 strength 10 attacks in melee at -2AP and damage 2.
On top of this EC have the best aesthetic and the only thing that can match a dedicated melee force from Emperor's Children are World Eaters, who surpass EC in melee by a small margin when fighting against Imperium, but by a bit more against everything else. Depends on what you want, World Eaters are better at fighting monsters, Emperor's Children are better at fighting hordes. A horde of Genestealers will win against Berzerkers with Chainaxes through sheer attrition, Noise Marines with Chainswords will bring down that same horde using a mixture of sheer number of attacks using Excess Violence, and then kill even more with music of the apocalypse.
Lucius and Kharn are almost even in a pure melee fight too, with Kharn having a slight edge from his 4++ invul.
As for shooting, Noise Marines have the most versatility and range across the board.
Alphas are an exception to any rule.
Any news on not-Sanguinus return?
But I thought the EC were at Skarlathrax too? Or were they already splintered by then?
proofs? i believe you, i just like reading about word bears being salty/shit on
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>227 points base for 5 Scarabs
Why though? I'm halfway through Dark Disciple and they haven't mentioned why.
World Eaters where fighting Dark Eldar when Kharn did his thing, i belive. EC got splintered in the Eye cause they started raiding other Legions for slaves and spoils.
The Dark Disciple novel. Marduk briefly mentions them as the 'hated Alpha Legion'.

>arrogant slaneeshfag bashing other legions while claiming to be the best
Like pottery.
Their entire foundation goes against everything Space Marines stand for.
>covert-ops infiltrators that make extensive use of human operatives and value subterfuge, sabotage and espionage over any form of warfare
From there, everything they do is extremely unique and unpredictable.
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>compliments Word Bearers for being good at summoning while questioning the usefulness of said summoning but gives examples where it would definitely be useful
>compliments World Eaters on being good in melee, better than us
>this is somehow bashing them
What the fuck are you on about?
Just for that? By that logic the Iron Warriors should be even more hated because they are shock troops (astartes) who specialize in SIEGE warfare.
No, Skalathrax is the point where EC and WE are splintered into warbands, the Emperor's Children were already raiding other legions for slaves as a unified force and the lack of slaves didnt force them to split.
Hello, the whole reason went traitor was because they weren't appreciated
World Eaters, Thousand Sons, Death Guard, Emperors Children
Black Legion, Iron Warriors, Night Lords, Emperors Children

Word Bearers are in a weird middle ground where they suck but they're up front about it and committed so they earn a measure of respect for that
summoning deamons seems fairly reliable given the word bearers strategy to re-roll the summon, or am i missing something?
>he can't even see the parts of his OWN post where he bashes the word bearers and world eaters and ignores when he arrogantly claims to be the best
Damn you even nailed the narcissism down anon, keep it up.
I thought you meant why are the AL unique.
And yet the Imperial Fists were appreciated even though they were the same thing.
Odds of new ork models within the next 6 months?
The Word Bearers are actually into worshiping Chaos as a religion, and venerate the Chaos Gods as good pilgrims. Everything they do has a religious reason and satisfying the goal of the Gods

The Emperor's Children are hedonistic and selfish, everything they do is about satisfying their own desires. They make sacrifices to Slaanesh, but only to empower themselves and increase their stimulation.
I reread my post, I meant to compliment Word Bearers on being good at summoning but didn't type it out because I had to look at the rules again to double check.
I meant the rules for summoning are trash, Word Bearers are the only ones who can summon reliably. My bad, should have proof read the Word Bearers part.
But I didn't even rip on World Eaters, I even said they're better at melee than us, and that Kharn has an edge over Lucius in a straight melee fight.
We are the best at shooting though, Noise Marines have the best, most versatile and flexible guns.
Question for fellow lore nerds because I can't find much on it:

How common is it to see marks of power armour older than mark 4 on the battlefield? I really like the look of mark 2 and want to run some in 40k. I'd play 30k with them, but it's completely dead.

Full suits of 3 are practically never seen outside of Chaos. A part here or there such as the legs, helmet, chest, or shoulders is common in armies like Carcharodons or Ultramarines 2nd Company.

Mk II has literally never appeared in any official M41 artwork in any form, although the text says they're still used as parade honor suits.
>We are the best at shooting though, Noise Marines have the best, most versatile and flexible guns.
On that we can agree. But aside from daemon princes I don't find EC that good in melee. They're certainly better than Black Templars lol, those cucks.
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> FW's Seismic Hammer looks fucking cool.
> Out of stock.
I fucked up today. I play chaos marines, and bought a land raider to add vehicle support. Turned out that 8 wasn't paying attention and got a redeemrr, which doesnt have the weapons permitted by the codex. Gotta either get a refund or spend more money buying a sprue on ebay.

Should've got the predator...
Those typos. Fuck phoneposting.
Why are Black Templars so bad at melee?
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I gotta ask, is this a cat breed
or just fucking around with photos?
Very rare/bordering on relic status

Mark 4 is pretty damn uncommon unless you are a well supplied chapter

And mark 3 is generally seen as rare and newer chapters wouldnt have much of it, unless you are a fists or iron hands successor cause they had stockpiles of the shit

Mark 2 is extra rare because of how much it got phased out even before the heresy

That being said, it was still mass produced and many older chapters would still have a few suits laying around to give to vets
Probably latter.
Never forget the iron cage.
MkIV and older is supposed to be uncommon, even full suits of MkVI are uncommon though not by much, There's nothing stopping you from making up any excuse to use older armor marks, like your dudes found a cache of the stuff or they plundered the schematics from a rogue forgeworld.
Its a Siberian Weeping Cat, very rare
i recently started a 1k sons army (only 6 of my rubrics are painted so far) and a mate of mine just pointed out that for the close to the same (slightly more) number of points as a squad of rubric marines w soulreaper cannon, he can have 20 scions and a commander that can aeriel drop in, issue an order to reroll 1s and then put 18 s8 ap-3 D2 shots into rubrics that hit on 3+. how on earth would someone be able to counter that with 1k sons, or at all for that matter? scions are half the price of rubrics and get a huge range of weapons. and while rubric marines have good bolters, theyd still struggle to fight back, especially the round after when therewould likely be no rubrics left.
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>When your brother is forced to build trenches out of the corpses of his sons as you shell his position for weeks..

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>just spilled a pot of agrax all over my crotch
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>when he still starts winning despite you having every advantage, but thankfully Guilliman shows up just as you're planning to run away, so now you have an excuse not to face the monster that is Punished Dorn
Cant shoot your rubrics if there are only Tzaangors
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My Negro to the West!

Just pretend you're fighting in the middle of a warp storm, or on Medusa or a similar deathworld.
Get back to me after your third pot, kiddo.
Make sure to get it in all the recessed areas.
I feel your pain
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I was using our cult units as examples, since I din't think it'd be fair to use my favourite chosen example.
Noise Marines can put out as many attacks as Khorne Berzerkers, we can use Chainswords, zerkers generally use Chainaxes.
For a squad of 5 zerkers that's 11 attacks, and for 5 Noise Marines, if the Champion takes two chainswords, that's 16.Those Zerkers can fight twice though, bringing it up to 22. Using stratagem to fight a third time those Zerkers can put out 33 strength 5 attacks at -1AP. However if EC are allowed Excess of Violence stratagem, only fair, then against Hordes the Noise Marines can almost match zerkers.
Against Imperium units our Icon of Excess gives us even more, against a horde of Guardsmen I once managed to deal 40 hits.
We aren't "as good" in melee as World Eaters, it's just that World Eaters are the only ones who outperform us.
Which makes sense and is completely fair, WE are the dedicated melee dudes, zerkers don't get our guns, they're designed for melee, it'd be weird if we did outperform them.
You had like 10 years to buy one, if you're going to buy a FW thing instead of ebaying or recasting it, just buy it ASAP.

You should have had a warning flag when they started last chance selling the non-ironclad dreads.

Wash on skin looks gross because it brings out the details in all those micro spiderweb cracks that you don't normally see.
Ork triumvirate when? Or chaos?

There are so many characters that need redoing
Black Legion is the most bro tier CSM force.
>Brotherhood of warriors intent on destroying the Imperium no matter the odds and the scale of opposition
Warriors that are not living in the past and dwelling on mistakes of their fathers and original legions, but fighting together for a common goal in the Long War.

>brotherhood of warriors
have literally +1 morale as legion tactic
>most charismatic CSM Warlord and currently best Chaos general
Abaddon gets extra two (2) command points while all the other chaos """"HQ""""" get nothing.
>relentlessly attack instead of hanging back on their demon worlds in the warp like all the faggots
they shoot their freaking guns on the run like total badasses.

Black Legion ripped the galaxy in two and won the Legion Wars for a reason.
Which is the most knightly of the factions?
I would love a Triumvirate of Nurgle
ADB says all the major players in Chaos hate Dad
Some weirdboy

Who else should be in the triumvirate? And don't name video game warbosses because those are gonna be in FW's 40k character line with Gabriel Angelos.


There's literally two factions with Knights as 50% of their name.
I'm gonna go with Grey Knights considering they're Knights
>Warriors that are not living in the past and dwelling on mistakes of their fathers and original legions
>Black Legion
The ones literally called Knights.
so which is the most knightly?
are tzaangors an actual good solution for 1k sons armies or is this a meme?
You're gonna get mad pussy now because women will think you're some super rich and skilled individual thanks to that liquid talent
Dark Angels for mysterious monks, Black Templars for zealot crusaders, Grey Knights for daemonslaying paladins, Imperial Knights for feudal mecha.
Shit I thought I got spotted. I play at the store regularly, but when I show up with someone who doesn't care about 40k, I don't stay long, I just get my stuff and leave. I also happen to tease everyone in the store so reading your story I was worried someone mistook me as being serious.
guys stop he is is seriously going to die of cancer now, and you shouldnt make fun
Tzaangors are solid. Cheap, S4 T4, effectively 2 attacks in melee. Definitely worth taking for some warm bodies that can also hold their own alright up close.

I retain a slim hope that we'll see a Tzaangor HQ or two either in the TS Codex or Chapter Approved, they have the models from AoS ready to go
My Tzaangor Shaman wants to be a Tzaangor Sorcerer
>S4 T4 mooks

Chaosfags are whiny entitled bitches
Sounds like a jelly SM player that he needed PERFORMANCE ENHANCING DRUGS to reach the swoll status of S4.
Meanwhile Chad Tzaangors just disciplined themselves while still being beneath the heel of Chaos
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>couldn't get to S4 without sucking Chaos dick for boons
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they sound pretty good ill look into getting some soon.

how exactly can huge alpha strikes be countered in general? units that can drop in and dump a huge number of rounds into an enemy can at times just delete entire units. especially when they drop into rapid fire range.

1k sons are guilty of this to an extent they get terminators that can drop in and fire 20 s4ap-2 shots. but for the same price in scions you get 18 s8ap-3 D2 plasma shots plus 20 hotshot lasgun shots that all reroll 1s.
01000101 01100001 01110010 01110100 01101000 00100000 01000011 01100001 01110011 01110100 01100101 00100000 00111110 00100000 01000001 01100100 01100101 01110000 01110100 01110101 01110011 00100000 01001101 01100101 01100011 01101000 01100001 01101110 01101001 01100011 01110101 01110011
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>he doesn't know about
>chaos ascendant
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Black Templars, they got squires and honor!.
Remember that Scions are are lot less durable than terminators. But yeah, Scions are pretty strong this edition.

I don't play Chaos yet so I don't have much in the way of specific counters; the Tzeentch psychic power gives your inv save +1 which should give your Rubrics or Scarabs a ++4 save until your next turn though, that might be worth using if you expect drop down Scion spam.
Mad Doc
Orkimedes/Wazdakka/literally one of a dozen ork characters from the fluff or range
>triumvirate of chaos
>Fabulous Bill along with 2 Chaos Primaris bodyguards
Don't them drop in range, transports, knock on Perty's door and ask to borrow a couple fortifications

8th is all about the Alpha Strike, unless you conscript spam, because then you dont give a shit
Nurgle gets better and better folks.
you fucked it up
Chaos are up there with Orks on the AnCap memes
I wonder why they didnt give rules to these metal boxes, easily sexiest terrain piece.
>expensive Stormbolters on cargo containers
Adrathic Weapons. Radioactive Horrors.

Relics of the Dark Age of Technology believed to be all but unique to Terra, Adrathic weaponry uses a potent but dangerously unstable energy beam to sever the internal bonds of matter, causing objects caught in their path to unravel in a spectacularly destructive manner, leaving only a flaring after-image of what was. Such weapons were legend during the Age of Strife, and devastating wars were fought on anarchic Old Terra solely over the possession of some unearthed cache of Adrathic guns and the promise of the power they held. When the Emperor came to dominion and ended Old Night on Ancient Terra, all Adrathic weapons were given over to him on pain of death, not simply to the one who retained them but to their entire land and nation such was the importance He placed on controlling this technology. These weapons have remained in His care ever since, and only His own personal weaponsmiths gained and kept the knowledge of how to replicate them in small numbers, much to the jealousy of Mars

12" S5 AP2 Assault 1, Instant Death, Armourbane, Gets Hot
18" S6 AP2 Heavy 2, Instant Death, Armourbane, Gets Hot
36" S6 AP2 Heavy 1, Blast (3"), Instant Death Armourbane, Gets Hot

Only Custodes can take them. No one else. They're also an upgrade to basic Custodes' Guardian Spears.
>Don't them drop in range
the problem was the enemy dropping in range for their alpha strike having all that damage all in one turn.
i didnt think of that, that wouldbe a good idea to slam rubrics into a rhino and force them to pop it and effectively getting no shots on the marines inside

inb4 kitbash of Mortarion's Scythe with various limbs taken from AoS Undead zombie monsters
My wishlist

>Ork Triumvirate
>Properly sized Ghaz
>Orkimedes in a big Kan of some sort
>Wazdakka Gutzmek on his bike
>alternate to Ghaz is Old Zogwart

>Dark Eldar/Drukhari Triumvirate
>Lady Malys
>Alternates include: Baron Sathonyx, Drazhar, Bellathonis the Haemonculus

>T'au Triumvirate
>Plastic Farsight
>Aun'va's replacement Ethereal
>New Xenos leader (Demiurg or Nicassar)
>Alternates: Anghkor Prok, a Special Cadre Fireblade
>>New Xenos leader (Demiurg or Nicassar)
>npc to a npc getting a mini

no anon, you are the princess of this realm, you will take your named stormsurge and in time you shall learn to love him
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Tfw when Vect and his bitter ex get back together.
I don't mind the suits at all, but you know what would fit better into a Xenos coalition? SOME XENOS. JESUS FUCK, GW.
I've always wondered, what's with the cable-dreadlocks? Angron's rocking them, too.
don't know about perturabos, they're probably just neural augments to help control his armour or something. Angrons, however, are augments his slave masters installed into him that make him go crazy with rage when he was still a slave gladiator.
Why not Farsight, Shadowsun and may-or-may-not-be tabletop canon Kais (from Fire Warrior and/or DoW depending on whether it's the same guy), for the three Puretide students?
If you're doing a Deldar Triumverate, you had better be doing one for each type, nigga. Vect, Barron, Bellathonis
Honestly wonder sometimes why Tau don't just get named characters into their LoW-tier battlesuits. Fuck that weak Crisis shit, put Shadowsun onto a Stormsurge or Farsight into a modded Y'varha and wreck shit. Why should pauldrons have all the fun?
I was initially against the idea of Chaos Primaris, but seeing as Fabulous Bill intends to make them, what do you think he's going to do?
They'd need to have some decent weapons to justify them, and since Bill can straight up modify normal marines to make them stronger and tougher than Primaris, if a little more unstable, I feel like they're probably gonna be some kind of decent elite option, not sure what niche they'll fill though.
New and improved possessed.
M8 WS3+ BS7+ S5 T5 W3 A3 Ld9 Sv 4++
Armed with Daemonic Talons and Bladess
S user Ap 2 D 2
Can take appropriate Daemon special rule
Because those characters are from when Tau thought big suits were stupid. Then GW said "Fuck making cool alien allies for tau, GIANT ROBOTS ANYONE?"
That seems a little too good, and Bill has always been more about science than daemon magic.
I can see him using warp stuff to help make them but that's just a directly better Possessed.
They will likely be just redundant stuff from normal dex options just like how primaris stuff is basically SM stuff +1,

I would actually like a bodyguard unit though. It's nice having a body guard veterans as meat shields and 2 wound power armor dudes, I can dig for that.
Can someone suggest some solid terrain that acts as line of sight blockers that aren't these stupid fucking boxes? Our group needs more and my autistic friend keeps throwing a tantrum whenever I refuse to pay $50 or however fucking much on a bunch of literal plastic boxes for the community terrain pile.
>literally 2 wound Chosen with Master Crafted weapons
I'd honestly be okay with that, slightly more expensive and useful.
Think they'll get the same thing as Fallen and Bill himself? No legion trait but putting them in your list doesn't remove your legion bonuses from the rest of the army.
I hope not.

Instead of being Chosen, I can also see the opposite being true where chaos primaris, unlike their loyalist part get treated like shit. Being used as some kind of rapid front line troop who instead of getting the Imperial style of SM weapons with longer ranges, but same strength, gets shorter ranged weapons, but bigger damage.

Basically they are sent to die.
Horus, Abaddon, and Perturabo's cables are just interfaces for their Terminator armor. Angron's are part of the Butcher's Nails. Angron has the real nails so he gets dreads, his legion has replica nails so they just have cornrows.
>shock troop primaris
>S5 T5 W2
>6++ comes from a shield generator made by Bill
>18 inch -1ap damage 2 boltguns at rapid fire 1
>can take master crafted chain weapons, same deal -1AP damage 2
>can be deep striked in
>have an ability that excludes them from receiving Fabulous Bill's gifts as they are already the product of his gifts
>2 attacks base
Even better honestly.
They'd have to be like 20pts per model at that though.
New player here with a wargear question, does an aspiring champion in a CSM squad take a close combat weapon, pistol, AND bolter? I'm a little confused.
It's just that unlike the rest of his squad he can replace the pistol and boltgun, instead of just the boltgun.
So a normal CSM can replace his boltgun with a Chainsword and still have his pistol, the Aspiring Champion can dual wield chainswords or take a power sword and a boltgun.
Hell if you wanted to spend the points an Aspiring Champion could have a power axe and a combi-flamer.
Fluff-wise? Mod some chaos marines so their physiology can handle a higher amount of chaos "blessings" without going all chaos spawn-y. There you go with an interesting new unit with decent lore possibilities and a lot of room for cool visuals, and distinct from Primaris.
True. Can't really blame them though.

Anyway, there's at least a little bit of precedent for named characters in higher weight class suits. There's Honout-Shas'vre Whatever, the crazy old Earth Caste dude in a Riptide from Farsight's Eight.
That'd be cool, but doesn't seem to be Bill's style.
He doesn't believe he needs Chaos' blessings to fuck over the Imperium.
He wanted to take what the Emperor made and improve on it, and he honestly succeeded, his geneseed modding was successful.
Now someone has come and made primaris, and he's seen them, he's got some and he's cutting them open to see how they work, to see if he can make his own and improve on them.
Chaos Primaris as shock troops/body guards would be more his style.
Extra wound means the body guards can take more hits.
Calling it - Daemonculaba 2: Primaris Boogaloo. He's gonna take some notes from ol' Hansou and get his unbirthing on.
It wouldn't surprise me.
When Bill went to Commorragh, the deldar there were impressed by his sadistic science.
I can see Bill getting weird in his creations.

On an unrelated note why is Bill the only Chaos Apothecary and why can he only heal himself?
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I'm toying around with some conversions for defense searchlights and think I need some railings. Do any of you guys know where to get some cheap metal rods for this use? I considered paper clips, but bending them perfectly straight seems like a hassle.
>why is Bill the only Chaos Apothecary
He's probably the only one who gives a shit about science that doesn't involve shoving a daemon down your dickhole.
>and why can he only heal himself?
He's a selfish cunt.
GW says, thanks for the idea

>riptide character
Those are both excellent points.
But now I want a chaos apothecary that just runs around the battlefield shoving daemons inside peoples dicks.
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No really, fourth from the right. The Eight are basically specific loadouts with unique names for the most part, but that's O'Vesa, who's actually a Riptide character. Hope when the Codex drops they get some nice rules, though I don't wanna get my hopes up too much considering Farsight's eh this edition.
Slaanesh would approve for sure.
Onager Gauntlet model when?
>works like regular apothecary
>instead of reviving a fallen model can spend a turn trying to shove a daemon inside a unit
>on a 4+ the unit gets an extra wound and gains Daemonic
>otherwise unit takes a mortal wound to represent the operation failing and the rest of the unit refusing to let the doctor touch their sweet meats with his daemon-needle
I'd buy it
tee bee ache I'd be down for Brightsword's fusion blades getting a model, but that's way niche
literally 2 fusion blasters
>and Disney is Marvel

Other way around. (((Marvel))) got bought out by (((Disney))).

It's globalism and corporatism. Soon enough we'll have a cyberpunk future straight out of a sci-fi novel.

That's actually pretty kewl desu.
Well done!
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