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Warhammer 40,000 General /40kg/

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New Mortarion Edition

>Hilarious™ Mortarion Reveal, also some terminators and stuff

>Konor Campaign: Chaos Losing again...

>Check your local store's contribution to the Campaign.

>GW FAQ (1.1):
>FW FAQ (1.1):
>Codex: Space Marines FAQ

>Rules and such. Use Readium on pc/iphone, lithium/kobo on android:
>Everything 8th edition in pdf & epub, SW:A, WIP and BB are here too, no novels.

>Other Megas

>WIP Math-hammer doc (Chart-Anon doing Chaos' work)
I might have to start a deathguard army now.
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I know I am. I already own Dark Imperium, might as fucking well. I've never had a Chaos force before.
>not trading one force away

I've got two Death Guard sides and I'm more than happy with it. Most of the models are great to have two of.

Except maybe the bell boy. But he's awesome. Love me some bell boy.

>An abacus

Does he help you figure out the numbers and advantages of turning traitor versus staying loyal?
Fudge Tallyman.
GW could have made traitor marine with an abacus. And it would be greatest thing ever. But, they did one step more and made skull abacus.
How can loyalist eaven compete?
Even then, bellboy can make a decent typhus conversion
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Has anyone kitbashed admech kataphrons with Necron destroyers? I kinda want to get some necrons to toy around with because the infantry is awesome but I'm way more fond of skynet oldcrons than space Egypt newcrons. Was hoping to make destroyers more like pic related (still play with the appropriate rules though, just changing the cosmetics of the bottom)
Loyalist on suicide watch, professionals claim death guard tallyman to blame.
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The Death Guard terminator kit is a duel kit that allows you to build Grave Wardens or Deathshroud.
How? They got different armour patterns.
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In HH.

In 40k Chaos Terminators just wear shity cobbled together mishmash plate. One of the pics we already have of a DG Termie he has a different pattern armour for each shoulder.
He even fudges how many commit suicide.
should workout, the tops are just humans so necrons on the top should be fine. you want to make the necron itself less refined so it fits with the aesthetics of the bottom
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Xth for Guardbros are literally the most kino posters ITT. They actually play and paint, post, and improve on their work.
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You would have the most OP character. Not even the Black Templars are immune to him.
Can you guys post some silly 40k greentext screenshots?

Also why did GW make Primaris marines and put them in a starter box set?
Awesome, thanks anon. Will give it a whirl
Anon I agree but don't keep posting this every thread, there's a point where you're just sucking the guys dick and that's gay.

I wish RGG the best with his paintin'.
How do u know dis?
Or was it just different style pad? I mean, DI lord has domed pads on his Cataphractii and so do Custodes.
tallyman has fudged the number of alpharius' often.

Because they intend to squat manlets marines in a few years.
nice digits
This guy could go toe to toe with Magnus...and win...
Soul Grinders, time to deploy en masse!
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In honor of tally man a death guard story.
The DI Lord of Contagion was explicitly said to have scavenged indomitus termie shoulder pads for his cataphractii suit because Chaos gear is scavenged and buckled together from whatever they can get their hands on.

And the other guy I'm talking about has two DIFFERENT shoulder pads, like one pattern on the left and a different one on the right.

Point is, armour pattern doesn't mean shit to 40k DG, so they could easily have a terminator dual-kit that has units which used to be different suits. They're just going to look like a mess of pus and tentacles and rusted plates regardless.
Congrats anon, you just got a job at GW! For your employee benefit you get to choose a single model or unit to update to nu-GW with new rules. If it does well the rest of the model's range will get an update too. Quick, what's your choice?
Guys talking about Abaddon's size should know this. Abaddon is said to be the same size as Horus. When Abaddon and Horus Reborn face to face they were identical in every aspect except armour and armaments.

Abaddon should get a new model that reflects that. I mean when Abaddon fought kharn, he towered over him and was overpowered him like some giant. Kharn confirmed manlet
I could see that, but I think there's just no way they're gonna keep Abaddon at space marine size with the way things have been going with important characters. Archaon is a pretty obvious comparison but that's a universe where they can sell a giant model by putting a dude on a giant mount. I think the unfortunate truth is he'll either get killed off and replaced with someone else big (maybe Lorgar? He has a pretty good personal conflict with Emperor stand-in Guilliman and a potential claim to be the most Chaos Undividedy of the Chaos primarchs) or get a dreadnought sized model.
Let me fudge some numbers
Black Templar Sword Brethren, just give Reivers a tabard and a power Zweihander and wrist-mounted bolters.

Good. Magnus still has night terrors about this dude.
He still gotta paint them damn hands and clean up that gun. Better though, even though i play agains fucking grey hordes most the time and his original dudes wouldn't bother me in the slightest.
As I mainly play tyranids, and most of their range is already solid, I'll throw the guard players a bone and update their infantry with glorious Vostroyans.
Well, Abaddon refused becoming a Daemon Prince, but really, what's stopping the Chaos Gods from just turning him into one?
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Also you can play Archaon without the mount. Archaon is like three or two times larger than an Stormcast who are supposed to be the same height as space marines sometimes taller.
Shit & giggles
Mortarion and the Death Guard codex will give chaos the points it needs to turn the battle of Konor.
Just got the new space marine codex because I'm a slowpoke.

Why the fuck did tech marines lose conversion beamers when they got them in the index?

Likewise why did dreadnoughts lose weapon options like autocannons which were also in the index?

Is GW just covertly removing options or did I miss an faq ?
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They can only corrupt and influence those who willingly give their souls to them
>we have 2 examples of marines putting on different shoulder pads
>ergo, deathshourds and grave wardens were the same suit

Well, they better have 4" movement and 5+ Inv. save then.

>They're just going to look like a mess of pus and tentacles and rusted plates regardless.

I dunno, so far they've all looked like Cataphractii.
Will power, Abaddon has literally being given enough blessings by the gods to be turned into a Demon Prince or a Spawn and he keeps denying them the ascension by sheer force of will.
You guys are all way overthinking this. Abaddon is gonna get cucked to lieutenant tier when they bring back Horus.

They didn't give Ahriman a fuckhuge model on a giant mount. They just updated him to modern standards, and then released fucking Magnus. Same deal will happen with Abby.

GW does not care that much about the old characters. 8e is Primarch Edition.
The new novel explains it. Willpower. The Chaos Gods are putting tremendous pressure on Abaddon's body, mind, and soul so that he would give in and become theirs. Abaddon endures but Khayon is really worried about him.
It does not make sense, but then Chaos lore is for edgy teenagers
They better win at least one planet or this is going to be dreadfully dull.

Put up a fight you cucks.
[citation needed]

Just so I can have a laugh.

Why would they? How useful have most daemon princes been at leading mortal armies. You have a general who doesn't even occupy the same plane of existence, let alone the same concept of time nor space. How is he going to make a good general?
standard chaos space marines and Fallen can swap their bolter for a chain-sword for free or take a chain-sword in addition to their other gear for 1pt per model
>when they bring back Horus.
>this level of delusion.
GW doesn't put rules in anymore for models they don't currently sell. If you still have those old models or conversions lying around you can use the index entries.
Space Marines had their codex a month sooner. I'm not sure how powerful the Chaos and Death Guard codices will be but I'm betting they'll rely heavily on model sales for Konor points.
If Sigmar is Thor, who's the rest of the pantheon?
Because those don't have official models. You can use the index for legacy rules though.
But the whole point of the Black Legion is the rejection of Primarchs and specifically Horus. Horus has literally no hold over the Legion because it's not just the renamed Sons of Horus it's an entirely new Legion that formed after the official disbanding of the Sons by Abaddon.
What doesn't make sense about it?
Has this ever been the case? Chaos was always an influence you couldn't just shake off, and if they wanted it, they'd just do a big fuck-you and fuck up whatever they wanted anyway

Well that sure sounds like some anime-tier mary-sueness.
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It's happened before.
Rumourmongers are already talking about how the fags who run the Black Library HH series are gloating about how they're going to retcon the end of it when the last books come out to leave openings for Horus and Sanguinius to come back, because GW loves money and doesn't give a shit about autists precious outdated lore.

If you don't think every Chaos player will immediately run out and buy the new Horus figure when it comes out just like all the loyalists scrambled to get Guilliman you're a retard.
Does this mean that Abbadon's will > Chaos?
>Why would they? How useful have most daemon princes been at leading mortal armies. You have a general who doesn't even occupy the same plane of existence, let alone the same concept of time nor space. How is he going to make a good general?

Actually, the Chaos Gods care not for the wars in real space. Their victory there is assured anyways as the walls of reality continue to crumble with each passing age. What the Chaos Gods care about is the Great Game of Chaos.

Abaddon is the greatest Chaos champion ever was and probably ever will be. Greater than even the primarchs. If any of the Chaos Gods can turn him to his side and bind him with daemonhood, then daemonic Abaddon will ensure the supremacy of the god in the Great Game.
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>when they bring back Horus
>mfw you actually believe this
hey guys, i have a quick question. yesterday i ordered something from waylandgames for the first time. how is your expierience with them? the item i ordered was the last one in stock, any chance it´ll arrive within next week?
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Do Night Lord's dicks shrivel up and retreat inside their bodies when they see a Chad Reiver bearing down on them?
Don't the Iron Warriors or someone wait for the "true emperor" Horus?
>8e is Primarch Edition

Yess, more posthuman meat for the grinder. They've yet to make one I can't beat to death with an angry pack of electro-priests, although I suspect Mortarion will be that Primarch. Sure, I may lose a bunch, but it's satisfying as all hell when those things die. My favoured Lords of War are either a Knight or a Marauder Destroyer, but I can't find any autocannon bitz that don't take up loads of room and look ugly on the side of my Space Whale I'm making into one.
>implying a properly reborn Horus wouldn't break Abbadabadoo over his knee and the will of the black legion at the same time
>spouting old lore like GW gives a shit
They just pulled PRIMARIS SPESS MAREENS out of there ass with no fucks given, you think they care what the Black Legion lore says? They'll write something new to go with the new developments.
The Codex is not being released until September, and Konor will be basically finished by then.

So in order for Morty to have any tangible effect on the outcome of Konor, he would have to be some seriously broken ass shit.
Te Black Legion series and other novels say that Horus's soul was erased from existence
>Well that sure sounds like some anime-tier mary-sueness.

Maybe but thats been the case since like 4th edition at least and in general its how posessed marines keep their demons in check so they dont consume their souls.
>can only corrupt and influence those who willingly give their souls to them
>willingly give their souls
Nurgle must have one hell of PR team, because those Nurgle Zombies and Poxwalker sure happen rather easily.
>as the walls of reality continue to crumble with each passing age

Gee, I wonder what could have facilitated that. Gee, I wonder what the point of Abaddon's Crimson Path was. Gee.
See >>54802522

It's happening whether we like it or not.
I dunno, at this point, after the Master Of Mankind novel, killing the fuck out of Horus is about the only thing left that the Emperor actually did right (eventually). I could definitely see ADB wanting to take his one and only remaining achievement away from him.
I can get behind the idea of supressing a daemons will with your own, but the Chaos Gods?
I think they are more like the DC New Gods.

Sigmar is the Highfather, Nagash is Darksied, Archaon is the Antimonitor, etc.
They can easily kill you and also take control of your body, but total dominion is only given when the user willingly gives their soul and submits to corruption.
He wouldn't, because that would mean having someone superior to abbie and ADB just can't have that
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He has no shortage of attention.
It's ending that soon?!

Man, that's some broken shit. Why would GW have a campaign between their blue posterboys and stinky bad guys that haven't even been released?
>demonhost are a thing
Hell random demon possession happens without the psyker willing wanting to be daemon toy pussy.
Can I use a mixture of index entries and the codex then? That seems bizarre.
There are still some factions of the old Sons of Horus who worship their Primarch but not the Iron Warriors.
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Did Nagash job recently?
What part of retcons don't you understand.
Let me explain to you how this process works because you seem to think the GW executives give a fuck about your continuity opinions.

>Hey these Primarchs are really selling, what are we putting out next?
>Well, that was all the living ones
>Okay, so bring back some of the dead ones
>But the old novels written by guys that don't work for the company any more say their soul was erased from existence...
>That's nice, call up Laurie, tell him to unerase their soul from existence, and also put our new PRIMARIS MARINES prominently in the new book, start doing the prototype mockups for this Horace guy
>next week
Next year more likely
Thinking of picking up a contemptor dread for my Thousand Sons, would an ectoplasma cannon + hellflamer work well either fluffwise or in a general TS army?
>Emperor kills Horus effortlessly
>Abaddon stumbles in, somehow Drachnyen shows up and they tear the Emperor a new one
>Emperor gets away anyway because something something JUST AS PLANNED and WE ALREADY WON LIKE A BILLION YEARS AGO MUAHAHAHA
>Abaddon retreats because something something MUST LEAD THE LONG WAR AND NOT JUST TAKE TERRA NOW
>Somehow Sanguinius dies
Screenshot this.
Only if the index entries weren't updated in the codex. And you use the points values from the codex wherever they contradict each other.
Abaddon accelerated the process. The walls of reality are only being held up by the Pylons. The pylon network was damaged and would get more damage as time proceeds and the power of Chaos grows.

Olly's storyline points at him stabbing Horus with the god killing dagger though.
All the time.
Bring Anti-tank dreads
TSons don't struggle with infantry
keep dreaming
Iron Warriors are awesome because even though they are Chaos, they are only in it for themselves and use Chaos as a tool. They don't worship it, and seek to forge their own empires and don't let imperial or demon both stand in their way
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My primaris list. I loved painting them but I think this list will at least give my opponent a fun game, if not actually be competitive.


Primaris captain with stalker and power sword (Relic: burning blade? Maybe? I need some opinions here): 95

Librarian with force sword: 105

Lt w/ power sword: 74 (I'm considering upgrading him to a primaris chaplain, only 11 points more)


Reiver squad with grav-chutes: 200

5x aggressors with boltstorms and frags: 215

redemptor dread with onslaughts: 202

primaris apothecary: 68


3x intercessors with power sword and newly errata'd in aux grenade launchers: 315

Dedicated Transport

Repulsor with lastalon, twin lascannons, pintle onslaught, ironhail stubber, 2 krakstorms, 3 storm bolters, 2 fragstorms: 344

Heavy support

10x hellblasters: 380

White scars successors

battalion detachment, 6 command points


The idea is to have a deployment zone firebase deathblob with the intercessors screening the hellblasters, captain, Lt, apothecary and librarian while the redemptor and repulsor w/ aggressors move up and the reivers drop somewhere useful.
Because Abaddon is literally (fluff wise anyway) nuHorus, even physically. As the Horus Heresy series continues he picks up more and more of Horus' attributes, it's no surprise he can avoid becoming the gods' bitch, he learned from the best.
Tyranid shrikes and sky slashers dont have models. Red terror is an old metal model, I doubt you could even get that either. Or rending claws for a hive tyrant.
i´ve heard they take long, is it really THAT bad?
any better websites you can recommend?
You seem to think I want a Horus model. I don't give a fuck about Chaos faggotry. I'm just stating what's going to happen.
>Sanguinius falls to the black rage and must must be killed by the Emperor
That is how bestboy will die under the BLcucks
The stormcast really look cool. Why are they hated again?
You mean like the Night Lords. And the Black Legion.
>Abaddon accelerated the process.

Oh, so his real space campaign did have a purpose?

>"but in time..."

So why even bother corrupting people and shit, when the dark gods can just sit back and do nothing, letting reality crumble away?
Alright, thanks anon.
The techmarine and dreadnought entries were updated though so are Autocannon dreads and conversion beamers techmarine dead?
That's why they won't be in the codex, anon. The indexes are the containment books for all that old legacy shit that GW has to keep supporting so they don't get bitched out by fans with old models but doesn't really care about.
>Abaddon is in the end only loyal to himself
>Chaos cares not for his motivations
>Abaddon must kill all Chaos gods to win
>Abaddon through plot magic does that
>kills Emperor after
>Just as planned
>Emperor becomes new & therefore only Chaos God
>Chaos wins but Emperor hijacks Chaos
>Belakor cries to himself in the corner
Whats with GW and this over design crap? You can't tell what the hell is that suppose to be.
Old models are far better, you can clearly see this is a Gargoyle
Night Lords don't build anything and seek to just scare weaklings. Black Legion is the only one comparable
You already got AP and flamers.

Plasma is very unreliable.if you want to hit hard targets go lascannon or conversion beamer. Otherwise, go full rip and tear mode with double fists since fast melee is not TS specialty.
Fantasyfags are very bitter and after years of laughing at space marines got space marine'd themselves.
You can use the wargear options from the indexes, apparently.
>o why even bother corrupting people and shit,

It's literally explained in the rulebooks. When the Chaos Gods get bored of the Great Game, they use Real Space as a temporarily distraction. When their amusement is spent they return to the Great Game.
sure boy, real convincing
You can also clearly see that it looks like ass. Old models are great for clarity, terrible for display.
Bard pls
>ou can't tell what the hell is that suppose to be.
It's a big guy in a mask, with a chainsaw scythe and some robes and big insect wings and armour. What's difficult about that?

There are a few options that are missing in the codex that appear in the index: why is that? Does that mean I can’t use these models in my army anymore?
While the indexes are designed to cover a long history of miniatures, the codexes are designed to give you rules for the current Warhammer 40,000 range. There are a few options in the indexes for some Characters and vehicles that are no longer represented in the Citadel range – certain Dreadnought weapons that don’t come in the box, or some characters on bikes, for example.
Don’t worry though, you can still use all of these in your games if you have these older models. In these instances, use the datasheet from the index, and the most recent points published for that model and its weapons (currently, also in the index).
They still gain all the army wide-bonuses for things like Chapter Tactics and can use Space Marines Stratagems and the like, so such venerable heroes still fit right in with the rest of your army.
Except it looks like shit.
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So, They'll pull the it was Sephiroth all along? And turn Abadabadoo into Horus?
I remember reading somewhere that Abaddon would likely just straight up break up with the gods via text if he wins and would just name himself the new Emperor and keep Imperiuming.
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Because they are garbage.
Army of generic dudes made by a god who used a metal named after himself to make. Literally no character to them. It's the oldcron but actually not good.
>implying Abaddon didn't already kill a physically perfect clone of Horus
Alright anons, you get to field 1 Character from other faction in your army. Who do you pick?

Hard Mode: no Guilliman
Abbadon is literally no different than the Emperor except for execution. Emperor tries to keep Chaos a secret and ruined everything, where Abbadon doesn't beat around the bush, acknowledges Chaos, and uses it as a weapon but doesn't let it control him.
Yeah, and subsequently get Khornes flaming sword up his ass for doing so.
Really, Abaddon simply outwilling and abandoning the Chaos Gods would be one of the most ridiculous things to happen.
They represent the death of an entire loved game in the form of Warhammer Fantasy and the sharp change in direction from traditional , classic fantasy to nu-kiddie fisher price models and fluff geared towards children and video gamers.
Yes. Abaddon seeks to create a Dark Imperium while the Gods wish to undo reality itself.
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It's in ADB blogposts/forum posts. Abaddon and Chaos Gods want different things. Abaddon wants to rule the Imperium while the Chaos Gods want to destroy reality. At the end of the road there will be a reckoning between them. Moriana told Abaddon that the Chaos Gods will destroy Abaddon for his future betrayal.
Some don't want 40k in their Fantasy but besides being big armour people, they're a lot more like Necrons with emotions or Einherjar.
This kind of means that if Abby wins, Chaos loses their best Champion. I think that should be an area of focus.
If people loved Warhammer Fantasy they would have played it and it wouldn't have died and been replaced. So. Tough titties dude, stop bitching in the 40k thread, we don't care about your dead game and your pathetic cuck envy of the people who play its replacement which is still just as inferior to 40k.
>being this new
How would Khorne do this exactly? Without the Chaos Legions acting as their agents in real space the Gods' influence there would be significantly weakened. If the gods could directly strike at people who screwed them over in the physical realm the Emperor wouldn't have lasted this long,
Who's the best fighter in the game?
Obviously that since any command buffs would be useless
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>physically perfect
But anon, he looks nothing like pic related.
It's a grotesque, not a gargoyle. Gargoyles direct water from rooftops.
So? Look at AoS, where Archaon cucks the Chaos Lords, making people worship him in their stead, but since he's still working for them, however technically, they can't stop giving him their blessings.
And I could totally see them pulling the same shit on Abaddon.
Probably Magnus.
>lots of green and purple
>bug wings
Who does this remind me of,,,,,
inb4 Abaddon becomes humanity's last, best hope against the tide of Chaos.
>I was only pretending to be retarded
Really fucking outdated models and ridiculous start up costs man.
Imagine having to paint 30 ork boys for every faction.
>still being new
It was a figure of speech. He wouldn't get up from his throne, take his sword and ram it up his ass.
But he sure as hell would send every daemon available to kill Abaddon, as would probably the other gods. And with all the fighting and warpstorms that would happen when Abaddon actually conquers Terra and kills the Emperor, they probably wouldn't have much trouble sending their best after him.
Dunno. That looks like a Bloodthirster to me.
People did play it.

The problem was that it was an intelligent game that took skill and thought to play. There was far less ability therefore for games workshop to release 'killer' new units for it for the fan base to buy mindlessly in droves because units like that didn't really work in fantasy.

GW realised it would be easier to spoon feed shitty oversized models with baby rules to children, so killed a classic loved game for it. Which is obviously their choice but still a sad shame and why a lot of people hate sigmarines.

Likewise Warhammer Total War has or at least would have repopularised the game because of how popular it js, which now nobody can play because it's dead. GW really are this stupid.
Helbrutes look like utter shit, how much shit would I get from people for taking a venerable dreadnought and converting it for my army?
>Imagine having to paint 30 ork boys for every faction
But all the factions I play are like that already
>Since fucking when?

Realm of Chaos you stupid fuck.
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Kinda irrelevant but I really think Archaon could have been done better as a fallen hero. You've got people like Sigmar saying that he could have been a figure of justice but I don't think he's done so well. I find Arthas to be a better done fallen hero & that may be because we saw him slowly descend across a game than a backstory.
Helbrutes look awesome, they're a relatively recent sculpt, the fuck are you talking about?
might be what he wants but they can strait up turn him into spawn if they want to.
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>how much shit would I get from people for taking a venerable dreadnought and converting it for my army?
None, hopefully, since Chaos Boxnaughts were a thing. A glorious thing.
Remember when WTW linked you to a dead WHF link?
GW stupidity is only surpassed by their fanatic consumers, that GW take for granted.
Shouldn't he have said "Yeah, of COURSE I've got maggots in my ears"?
Would the new Chaos god Emperor do that?
correct thats why the anon thinking horus would come back is wrong. there is no escaping abaddon
>want to play Chaos Space Marines
>think the quintessential Chaos Space Marine aesthetic "looks like shit"
Unless you play Iron Warriors, there is no excuse for this retardation. If you play Iron Warriors, I'd still wonder why you're asking about the Venerable Dread and not the Ironclad Dread.
I run three of them in my Iron Warriors 30k army as contemptors and I've run them in 40k games too as venerables. Nobody gives a shit.
Except AoS didn't have a Horus analogue.
That's not how it works. You have to pledge your soul to Chaos for them to be able to do that, he's just made various pacts with them. He basically rules lawyered himself into the top job.
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Sure. It would just be a Ferrum Infernus.
No, no, nowadays Chaos is invincible, spans the whole universe and all dimensions and the Chaos Gods are infinitely powerful, and nothing anyone does in the galaxy matters anyway.

Chaos God's aren't omnipotent, their power is limited.
>Then it was retconned you FAGGOT

Jesus Christ kill yourself, it was not.
Have you even read a rulebook you dumb cunt?
Why is there so much autistic chaos fluff discussion in the generals today. Jesus christ its so dull.
abaddon will become just like archaeon. I would literally prefer horus, but hes not coming back. I actually hope your right.
>Then it was retconned you FAGGOT, because for several editions it was said the Gods had already won because the galaxy was already a war-torn shithole which is what they wanted.

Nope, that was never a thing. Codex Imperalis which is the rulebook of 2nd said that Chaos will destroy reality and everything it it. The exact same text was copypasted word for word to every edition rulebook.
True enough. Arthas' morals and conscience going fuckways was pretty well done, not like those shoehorned hints that Archaon might yet redeem himself. No, he won't. He destroyed the world, there's no way to get further away from redeeming yourself.
Just wait a few seconds until Carnac shows up with dozens of quotes from BL books and very specific codices that will tell you that the gods are in fact omnipotent.
Of course it is, that's how they get to sell it as a credible threat and make the whole M42 seem like a thing we need to pay attention to. By 9th the problem will reduce and by 10th Chaos will be a whole different thing, once again.
I disagree with your opinion but I respect your right to have that opinion. The look of them just doesn't fit in with my Thousand Sons army and I feel like a converted venerable dread would look much better.

I enjoy a load of CSM stuff, I just can't get into the helbrutes specifically.

Thank you lads will be going ahead with this.
Because people freak out when other people reveal that Chaos' power level is much higher than their favourite faction's.
Chaosfags are cancer and everyone should refuse a game from them. At least till they play a non faggot faction.
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So it would be the greatest war against Chaos of all time with humanity united under Horus' truest son. I mean I'm not totally opposed to this.
^Eldar detected.
Jeez, Chaos boxnoughts are a mess.
keke let me fudge the numbers
helbrutes are cool but dont look tzeenchy at all for thousand sons, why the fuck would you just have a random dude being tortured in your army of sand people?

I doubt it else you wouldn't ask stupid bullshit like;

>>Chaos wants to destroy reality
>Since fucking when?

So crack one open and get reading, retard.
first actually humorous use of this meme.
I get so fucking annoyed how IW are always portrayed as covered in growths and chaos tentacles just like everyone else when they are all the time said to only use Chaos as a weapon and don't particularly worship any Gods
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If the fluff really does say that they are omnipotent why is Carnac a bad guy for citing sources that say so in a discussion about that very topic?
Girlyman and Hellblasters anon
Carnac is like the SJW of 40k lore. Love to spout out of context things.

Because Chaos fans actually care about lore to discuss it with each other?

Granted, good chunk of it is because Legions are only real remnant of Horus Heresy characters.
Can greenstuff go off? I found some I bought over a decade ago and never used and it still seems ok, but I don't wanna use some only for it to turn out to be shit

Except it is never out of context.
>they are all the time said to only use Chaos as a weapon and don't particularly worship any Gods

You don't need to worship the Gods to get mutations though. They live in the Eye of terror, so they should be crawling with mutations.
Anti Carnac fags are worse than Carnac himself because they won't shut up about him. Not only that but Carnac doesn't even have a tripcode so any time people mention him I'm convinced it's just false flagging retards
>Hello my Lord, as you know I serve ever at your will. I have discovered a spell that will greatly enhance your powers.

>Oh what do you mean I locked you in a sarcophagus that keeps you from using your powers? Oh are you going insane? Oh I guess I'll have to take over command of the warband now.
Forgeworld ones were great.
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>until Carnac shows up
He's been here since like >>54802306 and >>54802381
This. Chaos worship has nothing to do with whether you get mutated by living in the literal Warp.
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>‘You do not just mean forming a new warband. You mean a new Legion. A new war.’

>His gaze never left mine. I felt it holding my eyes to his, felt the ambitious heat of fevered thoughts.

>‘A new war,’ he agreed. ‘The real war. We were born for battle, Khayon. We were made to conquer the galaxy, not to rot here in Hell and die upon our brothers’ blades. Who are the architects of the Imperium? Who fought to purge its territory of aliens and expand its borders? Who brought rebellious worlds to heel and slaughtered those who refused the light of progress? Who walked from one side of the galaxy to the other, marking their passage in a trail of traitorous dead? This is our Imperium. Built across the worlds we burned, over bones we broke, with the blood we shed.’

>What stunned me most was not his passion, nor even his ambition, though both were breathtaking in their scope. No, what stunned me more than anything else was his motive. I had expected a failure’s bitterness, not a champion’s idealism. He did not want vengeance, whether it was petty or ultimately justified. He wanted what was ours by right. He wanted to shape the Imperium’s future.

>‘You see it, too,’ he said, baring his teeth in a snarling grin. Like the rest of the Justaerin, his teeth were engraved with Cthonian runes of fortitude and resolve. They seemed very apt all of a sudden, in the smile of a pilgrim returning to his people to become a crusader. ‘You feel it now, don’t you?’

>‘A new war,’ I said slowly, softly. ‘One not born of bitterness nor founded on revenge.’
Thats hilarious considering the very next post is 5 lines of swearing from him because he noticed the gold fingers and red bleed on the gun.
If they brought back GSC it's just a matter of time really
They were goofy as hell.
Also, he has no problems of promoting one quote above all else, even when other quotes in the same book contradict it.
That isn't Carnac. Nice mutilators though, post more
But it also talks about how IW cut off mutations and replace them with Bionics
He looks different without the topknot.
Some mutations aren't simple to amputate.
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>Abaddon nodded. ‘The Long War, Khayon. The Long War. Not a petty rebellion swallowed by Horus’s pride and his hunger for the Terran Throne. A war for the future of mankind. Horus would have sold the species to the Pantheon for the chance to sit on the Golden Throne for a single heartbeat. We cannot allow ourselves to be used the way he was. The Powers exist and we can’t pretend otherwise, but nor can we allow a sacred duty to devolve into such weakness, as Horus did.’

-Talon of Horus

Abaddon did nothing wrong. You got to have a really twisted logic for not supporting Abaddon.
It's pretty strongly implied to be a matter of willpower. It's why Alpha Legion and Night Lords of are so mutation free.
Carnac has a very specific style of writing and arguing. Hard to miss, desu.
Why is he in power armour here? Hasn't he always worn terminator armour?
That's every dreadnought
> ‘One not born of bitterness nor founded on revenge.’
do chaosfags actually eat this shit up ?
>Ask a retarded question
>I-i-it was rhetorical okay

Fuck of you bandy legged piece of dog shit.
Didn't Goulding stop working for the company a while ago, thereby making him theoretically unsuitable as a whipping-boy for current events?
like a teenage girl he took a year off to find himself.
It's not, it's oldfags who know how to immediately recognize his autistic speech patterns. He always types the same way. Once you've seen carnac destroy a thread once you can tell when it's him. He's here shitting things up right now, that's why people keep bringing him up.
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Trust me, it is.
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>Someone didn't read the 7th edition one.

I did. It has the same exact wording as the Codex Imperialis
In the novel he's basically a crazed hermit who wears a mishmash suit of power armour. He only puts on his Justaerin plate and the Talon when he goes to take on the Horus clone lab.
>You got to have a really twisted logic for not supporting Abaddon.

Or have some taste.
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They could be pretty cool.
He did. HOWEVER, he said that the course is set. He said that he, like any diligent employee, has finished up all the HH. All of is written down or is in draft mode. All that remains is releasing them in the coming year. He told us that the replacement guy wouldn't have much work to do. He just needs to follow the path he set up for the HH.
Likely a stupid question from 40k noob.

I have the marines from the boxed set dark millennium and I'm fighting people.

How do you get these guys around? As far as I can tell they aren't allowed in any vehicles, so I am just continually running for the first few turns to get into combat.
Man, that would actually manage to be even more retarded then 'Malekith did no wrong and deserves to be King of the Elves'.
I'm suddenly rooting for 40k to one-up Fantasy in this regard.
Prove it.
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Emperor is a faget and probably a corpse as well, tell me why i should give him any attention
Chaos doesn't give a shit. Squat in the Eye of Terror long enough and shit is going to get weird. Even the machines get fucked up by it.
Where is Malal?
Do you say "Abbadon" as "Abba-Don" or "A-bad'n"
gw wants you to buy the grav tank, that can transport them.
ADB didnt come up with that, Abaddon wanting to rule the Imperium instead of destroying it has been his thing since forever.
If you mean Dark Imperium then they can use the Repulsor.
he's doing a pretty bad job at that
inb4 Abaddon is actually a Malal worshipper.
>M-My question really was rhetorical
>P-please believe me

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>Abaddon did nothing wrong.
>"You see, when I sid- I mean USED the powers of the gods of war and murder, despair and disease, sorcery and treachery and pure, unadulterated hedonism to slaughter billions, if not trillions of people and forcing the Imperium into a state of constant war and chaos, so that any technological or social progress was nigh impossible and I indirectly forced whole systems into slavery just to fight my armies or produce ammunition, or just murder each other to satisfy the perverse need of some warp thingy, I was actually the good guy."
t. Abaddon
>dad was a chaoscuck who got used in an attempt to destroy the imperium
>welp better try to destroy the imperium with the help of my new chaos friends !
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This chaos wank is getting boring fast
>Squat in the Eye of Terror long enough and shit
I'm not sure if I'm imagining a Chaos Squat or some /d/ shit.
How different are the new codexes from the indexes, apart from the extra stuff (stratagems, powers etc) ?
That "proper" pronunciation is uh-bad-uhn
So I have a question. The way I understand it you still can only deploy half your units in reserve. Do units embarked in transports count as being deployed on the table or do they take away from your possible reserves?
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Goddamnit gents, that model makes me really want to start a Death Guard army now, but I swore I wouldn't get army ADD until my orks are tabletop and playable. Plus I'm already late to the Konor party.

What do, /tg/?
everytime you post a chaosfag starts collecting
I imagined a slav in a Black Legion coloured Adidas tracksuit.
>He just needs to follow the path he set up for the HH.
I suddenly want his replacement to refer to Goulding as 'weak' and 'a fool'.
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>has reused art from Age of Sigmar

Still pretending to be retarded?
I agree. The salt when they lose Konor will be great though.
You'd prefer Guardwank?
They will need all the help. Since they can't win a single planet in Fag of Kocks
>everyone stop having discussions with each other about mutual interests, talk about what I want to talk about
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don't abandon your boyz
Is purchasing models a good idea if I'm moving to a place where 40k isn't played?

Studies suggest the answer is no. What does /40kg/ think?
every time a chaos fag posts some kid paints an intercessor its over. what army do you play
We lost Konor since day one. There is no impact to what's already known.
I need an image of the Tallyman and some Custodes so I can make a Tally Me Banana joke.
If you like the models enough, you will.
They just send in the Warp Talons and laugh as the Reivers fail their moral checks.
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Thank you anon, I haven't laughed that hard in a while
If you like painting then why not.

If you basecoat and wash then no.
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>It was rhetorical, I swear!
>If I can just get the last word, that'll prove I was right!

So is Aenerion among Aelfs? Surely he'd be among the elf souls gobbled up.
Broadly similar. But there are lots of small differences especially in points.
>Giving a fuck about a rigged campaign

I'm hype for the codex, new Death guard, and couldn't give two shits how Konor ends
Bullshit. He only gets two S3 shots
There is none. There are Guard players that post pics and people complain. The only "wank" is 1 guy.
>that one doofus leading with his weapon instead of his shield

> There was far less ability therefore for games workshop to release 'killer' new units for it for the fan base to buy mindlessly in droves because units like that didn't really work in fantasy.

I don't know which edition of Fantasy you played but 8th ed was deathstars, deathstars, or more deathstars. 40 Witch Elves with Cauldron, Hellebron and Level 4. Alarielle with 40 White Lions with Banner of the World Dragon and Everqueen's Banner. Skullcrushers. I fucking loved Fantasy and I still play it, but I don't pretend it was a highfalutin strategic genius game for geniuses that scrubs just didn't understand man.
Dream scenario

> DG Termies build Grave Guard, or Death Shroud, and Typhus is a bits upgrade on the sprue
> DG Plague Marines build either all bolters, melee variants, or heavy bolter, auto cannon, or flamer, plus tallyman upgrades are on the sprue as a a sergeant.
> Mortarion has 2 or 3 head options

Too bad none of this will be true.
>tfw Chaosfag
>can't stand the old ass standard CSM models
>not nearly rich enough to do something like convert the raptor models into chaos marines
>not interested in a monogod list
>tfw forced to play a faction other than my favourite
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Join us, brother! The dark gods await!

And yet in his Night Lords books ADB says "It would have the act of a great leader to laugh" when Abaddon shoots Talos, and when a similar standoff happens in the next book, Huron does just that and laughs it off. ADB can't even keep his chaoswanking consistent.
Look like GW really want people to get that Talon of the Emperor box set.

Nice try, but I'd rather buy more Burning of Prospero.
>Not buying BoP kit and then bashing them with CSM kit for maximum non squatting CSM that look great
Thanks for the love.
I already noticed the hands and gun THE MOMENT I posted that shot and fixed them. Here's a before and after shot for y'all.

PS I wasn't here
Buy loyalists and desecrate them?
What legion are you chaosbros?
>He saw right through me

Not today, fuckboi.
>bah! Campaign does not matter
>after weeks of crying about it
Yeah right
In the following line it was said that Abaddon was smart enough to realise that such a display wouldn't work.

Also ADB said he regrets the way he wrote the Abaddon parts in the Night Lords series. He would rewrite them if he can go back in time. He plans to redeem himself in the Black Legion series.
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>and Typhus is a bits upgrade on the sprue
>implying they'll miss a chance to shove a 45€ thypus model down our throats
>implying typhus won't come in a triumverate pack with morty and abadabadoo
We already saw the plague marine profile. There are no heavy bolters or autocannons, and they have plague belchers instead of flamers now.
> DG Termies build Grave Guard, or Death Shroud,
Possible, but I think we're only getting one type of Terminator

>and Typhus is a bits upgrade on the sprue
Lol not happening.

> DG Plague Marines build either all bolters, melee variants,
Definitely happening. Plague Knives are melee weapons :)

>or heavy bolter, auto cannon, or flamer,
We're probably getting a melta, plasma, flamer and the new snotgun (forgot its name)

>plus tallyman upgrades are on the sprue as a a sergeant.
Doubt it. He'll probably be a single model Elite choice.

> Mortarion has 2 or 3 head options
I think he'll have multiple heads
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When will loyalists learn that the Emperor is the real bad guy?

>‘Your offer will not be in my interests. There is little of any Legion in what remains to us, Warmaster. I no longer believe we will be the death of the Imperium. I no longer believe we are true to our fathers. Corruption has its claws deep within many of us.’

>‘Then why do you still fight?’ Abaddon’s glower remained, his teeth clenched and his eyes raw in their open glare.

>‘Because I have nothing else. I was born to fight, and forged in the fires of war. I am Astartes. I fight because it is right that we fight. The Emperor abandoned the Great Crusade, and demanded humanity pave the way for His ascension to godhood. I don’t expect to topple Him from the Golden Throne, but such hubris, such evil, must always be opposed.’
I literally ran out of data with this post. I blame Chaos.
>I-it works both ways
>I-I'm r-r-rubber and you're g-glue

You're not getting the last word you cuck.
DG or WB I guess, both make great use of renegades which I feel go hand in hand with both legions.
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Primarily Iron Warriors, but I've been having a hankering for Night Lords after reading their trilogy. I've been an Iron Warriors player since sixth, but something about the NLs Legion tactics and the viability of Warp Talons has stirred something up in me. I've read basically every Iron Warriors book, but Soul Hunter and the rest of the Night Lord books suddenly make me sympathize much more with them than I do with my own Iron Warriors.

Plus the new Purterabo book that came out a month or so ago has left my faith in the Iron Warriors pretty shaken. It's like the various authors that write stories involving the Iron Warriors have never read each others work.
There's no melta or flamer. Flamers are replaced with plague belchers and plague spewers.
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Then just play DG or 1ksons for those sweet modern sculpts

>when the bait game so weak it's embarrassing.
tfw even before primaris the BoP marines were giving me height anxiety
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Thousand Sons.
You know they win both ways, right?
I'm building two 100 pl starter set armies myself, death guard and Primaris. Nice and budget friendly and gives me two armies to play with. Mortarion is just icing on the cake as I can have a primarch to counteract girlyman if I decide to go that direction .
I'm a blegionfag, they were the first kit I bought when I was like 10 and the first army I collected, if I'm going back to my spirit animal army I'm going back to the one I actually want to play.
>SMfags arguing that Guilliman is not broken.

So how was your day, /40kg/?

Fair, though I think it could have been worded less ambiguously if that's truly the intended reading.

>Abaddon might have laughed. It would have been the act of a great leader to laugh, to humour a lesser warrior, to bring him around to his own way of thinking through persuasion and empathy - even were it all false. But Abaddon was not such a leader. He was shrewd enough, at least, to guess Talos would never be fooled."

Not surprised ADB wants to rewrite the Abaddon bits, as it is he makes Huron seem a great deal more credible as a leader.
Death Guard until the regular chaos gets better models, then I'll Iron some Warriors
He isn't though. You just have to play around him.
What are you, a seven year old?
Magnus likes gay sex
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Galaxy's Loudest.
What are you, a shit-licker?
That used to be my opinion but I'm starting to wonder.

I certainly think you CAN play around him, but just because it's possible doesn't mean he isn't overpowered in terms of how much of a disadvantage you're at to succeed when doing that.
I feel like all the Primarchs are somewhat intended to be broken.
I always chalked it up to it being an earlier stage of the 40k fluff, back then they still didn't get that if Abaddon was going to be a credible main villain he had to be competent. I'm pretty sure that was back when the Black Crusades were all just him failing repeatedly.
At least it's space-Egyptian, psychic gay sex rather than normal imperial boring gay sex.
>until the regular chaos gets better models
You mean until Chaos Primaris come out?
Word Bears
Everyone enjoys happy sex
>Stronger than a Knight in melee
>More buffy than a Lieutenant and a Captain
>+3 Command Point bonus
>Comes back after dying
>Can't be targeted because lol!Character

All of this is what makes him strong. Hell give him +1 W for feee just to remove his untargetable nature and I'd say probably he's balanced.
Yeah which means they shouldn't be allowed in fucking matched play. There should be a Primarch keyword and model's with it should be straight up banned from games with points.
>Smaller than Magnus
Kek, we're just going to have papa smurf sized primarchs with a huge magnus
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God I fucking hate chaos as a faction
>lmao we actually won the heresy because fuck you co stant war that was gonna happen anyways
>ayy lmao chaos already won every conflict ever because lmao entropy or some shit
>blood crusades cannot fail because lmao destruction is our only goal
>we want the universe to stay in it's its current state this week but next week we want to destroy it lmao
If they shared the general aesthetic of the Raptors and DV Chosen I would not be even slightly opposed.
>Night Lords of are so mutation free
They are not. But strong will power will help you stay in human form, they dont give in but there is toll to be paid if you are buddy buddy with chaos.
He's more broken than Riptide wings ever were.
Agreed. Same with apocalypse level Titans. But GW knows this will lower sales which is why they made escalation and legal superheavies
>>+3 Command Point bonus

+4, thanks to Super-Heavy Auxiliary.
Tbf tho Magnus could sizeshift even before becoming a Daemon

>That one time Magnus grew to the size of a Titan to wrestle it? Fun times.
Woah, no, that's a massive overexaggeration.

Nothing in 8th edition is as broken as Riptide Wings.

Jesus christ how quickly we all forget what a worthless fucking SHITSHOW the last edition was.
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I desperately would love to buy and use this.
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Just received a dinobot for my birthday, but can't decide if I should use it as a mauler- or a forgefiend. Which one have people had the most luck with/gotten the most use out of this edition?
>lmao we actually won the heresy because fuck you co stant war that was gonna happen anyways
>ayy lmao chaos already won every conflict ever because lmao entropy or some shit
>blood crusades cannot fail because lmao destruction is our only goal
>we want the universe to stay in it's its current state this week but next week we want to destroy it lmao

Nobody actually believes that beside that incompetent fuck weasel Aaron Dembski-Bowden.
to sell more models

with the fate of the ultramar system
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So which chaos legion got fucked over hardest? Word bearers or Uron warriors?
The problem with girlyman is 350 points is simply too cheap for such an overwhelmingly powerful model. He should be at least 450-550.
guilliman is only OP if you play ultramarines.

>why the fuck wouldn't you play ultramarines

Then whine about ultras, not "space marines". It's an important distinction. Not all marines are ultras
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The original Death Gaurd Termie leaked has a heavy flamer. Which makes me think rangedweapons as dualkit, if not Grave Wardens exactly.
But not all Chaos legions ARE buddy buddy with Chaos. Some factions of the Night Lords in particular abhor it. As do factions of the Iron Warriors, no comment on the Alpha Legion and Abaddon himself is a notable example of the rare Black Legionary who doesn't become Chaos' bitch.
Forgefiend is rough because it'll be hitting on 5+ most of the time.
>If I keep saying I've blown him the fuck it will become real
>If I get the last word I can win

But you can't.
Riptide Wings were barely competitive. Guilliman is winning tournaments.
IW are pretty good. If you think their legion tactic is bad it means you play on shit tables, get more terrain you fucking poorfag.
Whaaaaaat, all you had to do was play around them! SMfags literally sound like Tau players.
Super Heavy auxillary doesn't give a +1, the only one with a bonus is the 3 LOW one and that gives a +3
That's likely a good thing since that makes him untargetable
Night Lords. They've been nearly fucked out of existence.
Same reason they gave Marines new Elites for Elite week and new vehicles for vehicle week.

Push dem sales
>guys who rescues hummanity from the bring of extinction and leads them into a golden age
>bitter chaos cucks, killing innocents for the heck of it in the name of their dark gods who where deceived by those gods to boot

hmmmmmmmmmmmmm tough choice indeed
Is a single lightning claw not worth it?
Keep trucking guard anon. You shouldn't worry about the critics you will always have some. I mean I can see the mould lines.
>Riptide Wings were barely competitive
Are you fucking high, they were in every top list for most of the end of 8th.
what else do you have in your collection anon?
Well the Sons of Horus don't even exist anymore.
Mortarion is not untargetable, but he's harder to put down than Magnus is.
I returned to 8th with DG.
But I have been Night Lord since 3rd(yeah edgy teenager fuck you) also fan of EC and LaD.
7 plague marine sculpts in DV
3 different sculpts for the quick-fit pack
At least 7 new sculpts and maybe 10 heads in the plague marine set in September

Holy fuck , Death Guard plague marines are going to have like 20 unique models.
the fact Abaddon doesn't want to be a daemon prince, even of chaos undivided

he wants to plunge the Galaxy into a warpstorm and become the chaos GOD of undivided
Dude, Abaddon body is boiling with corruption. His willpower preventing from spawning or combusting into a daemon prince.

And we have read novels pf the AL and NL. Their exposure to the Warp taints and corrupts them whether they will it or not. You cannot touch the Warp and emerge unscathed (t-Leandros).
>end of 8th.
7th* obviously
Anon, Taudar was incapable of getting into top 10 once Ta'unar or however that TItan thing was called got banned.

They were overwhelming on casual level, but unlike Guilliman they couldn't deal with high-tier play, such as summon cheese or 4++ wolves.
You got the rules?
If Angron isn't a giant slab of meat I quit.
Granted I'm going off 1K Sons release as a guideline. But dual kits ARE a more effective business model if GW can justify it.
Leftmost is pre-cleanup, right one on the shoulder pads is a hair I didn't notice till after.
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this is the best sculpt. I wish I could paint like this
none, I play
I'm not terribly impressed. Decent against orks though since rerolling wounds with mediocre ap is actually perfectly suited against them
Taudar was still winning literally everything until the Magnus spam list, and then it was simply 2nd place. Barkstars never beat out Taudar for cheese levels.
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It's because the whole thing is from Talos's perspective, so "Abaddon was not such a leader" is how he sees it.

>earlier stage of the 40k fluff
>back when the Black Crusades were all just him failing repeatedly.

Yeah. no. Though Soul Hunter is still noteworthy in that, even if you ignore all the Night Lords' views about how much Abaddon sucks and Talos telling Abaddon to his face that all his crusades have failed, it ultimately does depict a war that Abaddon outright lost.
I don't have the actual stats, just secondhand info from a reliable source.

Mortarion is more points than Guilliman but less than Magnus, but he is harder to kill than both of them.
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All good man. I've called the commissar.
Me too, anon. Even if just as a familiar or something, that would be a wonderful model to have.
nah, I guess I'd take it, but my real issue comes from the scale change, I like the look of all the FW legacy armor, but those new DG models, particularly in mkiii, are a much better height and girth compared to humans and look fantastic, so I guess I'm waiting.
Yeah, that's a pretty good point. Shitty daemon ballistic skill could prove a problem, especially once it starts taking damage.

My army is pretty much a 50/50 split of speedy Night Lords stuff (raptors, terminators, bikers) and World Eaters (Kharn and berserkers). No tanks aside from rhinos and only a few havocs for long range shooting. Not sure if I should go for the mauler to play to my speed/assault strengths or go with the forgefiend to try and fill the long-ranged shooting gap I currently have.
>it ultimately does depict a war that Abaddon outright lost.

Yes and it's only relatively recently that GW realised he's got no credibility as a villain if he always lost, which he always did. They've been laying it on a bit thick desu, but they need to make him the serious threat he's always talked up to be.
Carnac pls
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Yeah, anything can be played around to a degree, but I'm thinking that the best way to describe why Guilliman is a tad overpowered is something I ran into when I was a Starcraft scrub ages ago.

Siege Tanks. They're not impossible to kill, by any means, but they'll blast any ground attack to pieces in short order and air units are often high-tech and fiddly to use when the Marines surrounding the tanks will gun down smaller flyers. It's not that you can't kill them, it's that they require more skill and effort to counter than to use and most people lack that skill or resource outside higher level play, which is what made Terran vs. Terran such a godawful PITA in Bronze/Silver league.

Guilliman isn't QUITE as obviously a case of this, but he's about 175 points too cheap, which means again, he needs a lot more skill, resources and effort to take down than to plop down, surround with dakka and sprint at the most expensive unit in the enemy force.
There's a very small selection of units that can realistically kill him for less than he costs (Among Admech, which i know, it's either Electropriests or MANY Ruststalkers), and it takes knowledge of screening, proper pile-in kiting and proper target priority to kill him or slow him with anything ELSE, whereas he just makes his entire army better by his mere presence and will pretty much always beat an army without him given equal skill. The best way to boost almost any Imperial army full stop is to add a Guilliman to it.


These are both good ideas. Personally I'd just multiply his cost by 1.4,
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>power level
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I prefer the fatso sculpts.
>which he always did.

I disagree. Andy Chambers artcile about Abaddon has a big title with bold letters that reads "ABADDON THE VICTORIOUS". Then it lists his victories.
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2 posts up in the chain was Carnac, I'm not.
Should I get a mauler/forgefiend, heldrake, or rhino for my TS? Just want something neat to convert while still making a decent addition to this small army of mine.
>H-his words are so righteous and powerful, perhaps by turning them back on him I can defeat him

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>So irrelevant no one even cares what he's been doing for the last 100 years after everyone ditched him
>Easily cucked out of the spotlight (and a plastic model) by Mortarion, an autistic loser of a Primarch if there ever was one
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You could do black legion with their own plague marines and rubrics and then use regular black legion terminators and cultists, who still mostly look alright, but I definitely feel you on the old models.
I vote heldrake. They feel like they fit the TS aesthetic to me. A firebreathing dragon in an army of fire-spewing wizards.
*waddles behind you*
" nothing personal, kid"
this is a good summary
even if you've got a trench line full of autocannons ready to chew him up , he's just gonna hide behind 2 hellblaster squads and some armor , and those will shred your lines, the 360 point gap in shooting more than made up for by guilliman's reroll to hit and wound aura
Black Legion with some Daemons and R&H.
Yes because they kept TELLING us he was super awesome and won all these battles but then any first hand experience we had with him in a narrative sense was him losing, whether it was a Black Crusade, Cadia or the time he got the shit kicked out of him by fucking ELDRAD. He was a jobber villain with a good PR team.
Eldar was winning with and without Tau. Tau was barely winning competitions on its own, even with the Riptide wings.

I'm sure that if they could still ally, Guilliman would be in Eldar lists.
B-But Anon they are....they are religious cultist controling the senat. Dont fall for their mind manipulation.
Actually, the new CSM codex explains what's his doing in those 100 years. Couldn't read all of it but it says he still working on the Crimson Path and he represents the greatest threat to the Imperium among the traitors
>even if you've got a trench line full of autocannons ready to chew him up , he's just gonna hide behind 2 hellblaster squads and some armor , and those will shred your lines
That's because you're not supposed to shoot Gilly, you dumbass, you shoot the hellblasters he's buffing and then his buffs do nothing.

The Forgefiend isnt very impressive the way it currently is. And the Maulerfiends fits your Armies Theme Better

Youll be better off with a Predator when it comes to Armored-antiTank-Dakka

The Mauler fills a niche of being a close-combat tankkiller that is relatively resilient.
Similar to CC- Dreadnoughts

but honestly I dont think either Variant is too great unless you use the New Stratagem with them which lets them reroll hits and wounds for Daemon Engines
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So had a fun 1k game today, and my first 8th ed game
My stuff
>daemon prince, 3 groups of 5 berzerkers, one with a fist, one with a plasma pistol, one with power sword, predator with las sponsons and autocannon head, terminators held in reserve
His stuff
>dark imperium, + 5 combat squad with combi grav, 10 man devastator squad with 4 lascannons
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Fulgurite Electropriests look a little off and are WAY too expensive.

I had the idea of getting a box of Kairic Acolytes and attaching Admech heads (Kataphrons, the spare Datasmith head, all that lot), modifying the armour a little to remove some of the curves and slicing off any outright Tzeenchy bits.
Add some greenstuff cables, a handful of Admech parts and equip them with a haphazard pile of Admech weapons, and boom you have a pack of combat-servitor Electros counts-as.
I was going to use dual Chordclaws, "superheated" Kataphron Arc/Hydraulic claws, maybe Transonics, a couple Thunder Hammers as industrial weapons, all that lot. Maybe trim some of those Tzeench polearms down to orbs on sticks and paint them lightningy.

Do you guys think that would work, and/or would you play against them? I kinda want a melee deterrent, and I felt that it would be nice to have something less regimented in my army. A bit more like the Skitarii of old in Titanicus, except with more bare chests and less tribal tattoos.
Fuck you're right, ill go kill some kids

Why would anyone make this?
Ok, thanks for the input!

I always eye that lone claw that comes with the Tactical and Assault kits (hell, even the Dev has one, but that of course is more of a waste).
How expensive would it be to build a Night Lord army if I have a handful of chaos stuff already?
and then he charges you in melee completely demolishing anything that comes close to him in melee
you can't even tarpit him with anything short of conscript size units either , since the mortal wounds carry over
i can have my own 400 point lord of war blazing away at gully's boys in blue , if he gets to it then i can guarantee you he destroys it in 1 round of melee
>just play around him lmao
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did you win anon?
Y-yamate?! Anon-dono!
>"H-He's the biggest bad you guys."
>Manlet metal model
>To cowardly to face Girlyman for a solid century by now
>Hiding behind Mortarion's rotted skirts
So if Abaddon killed a perfect clone of Horus, why's he such a shit fighter compared to Guilliman, a middling at best combat primarch?
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r8 my ardboyz

>Goblin green bases
clones in 40k are always worthless.
Ded killy/10
Riptide Wings were literally being added to every random Eldar scatbike/spider list you ignorant shit
The clone was missing Horus's key ingredient - his soul.
Are they all from blood bowl? They look good man.
do people not know how value structres work
That sounds cool, I wouldn't expect someone to buy that many electropriests and they are a pretty sick unit
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I'd have thought the perfect physical replication would have been the far more important part in determining combat prowess, but ok.
>lacking the soul
Clones of mortarion do have his funk, however.
>ou can't even tarpit him with anything short of conscript size units either , since the mortal wounds carry over
It's only D3 mortal wounds for a 6 to wound. He kills like 7-8 boys or gaunts a turn. It is easy as fuck to tarpit him, and if you charge him with an actual melee unit you can wreck him. My nids rip him apart every game.
Abaddon stabbed him as Horus was hugging him.

Horus clone got Solo'd
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I went first and we did the first mission, so 4 objectives
>deploy terminators 9.1 inches away to try and get first turn
>decide to keep one group of berzerkers on my first objective
>advance prince and other berzerkers up
>only manage to kill one intercessor which was ultimately the reaper autocannon terminators
>predator focuses fire on the combat squad but utterly fails
>terminators fail charge

His turn
>lascannon deletespredator
>combat squad kills two berzerkers
>plasma rifles kills two terminators
>intercessor squads kill one terminator
Use counter attack stratagem
>fist two intercessors to death and kill another with chainfist
>gravis captain charges and kills a terminator
>remove models deliberately to be outside 1" and so combi fire next term
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Any word on when we'll se a DEldar codex? I just finished buying a 900 point force.
Also, how soon should I expect to be notified of my order shipping? They've done this for my past orders, but I haven't gotten one since I ordered some scourges on Monday.
Abaddon is crusading his way to Terra expanding the Eye/Rift towards Terra. So the real question is why hasn't Girlyman come to face him? Will he wait until Abaddon is at the games of Terra?

Abaddon came out of a vagina.
Next Year, confirmed.
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Night Lords. Been a fan ever since the Index Astartes section on them in White Dwarf and all the stuff about them being the sons of evil space Batman. I also like how they're clearly a bunch of complete pussies who gleefully go after soft targets and run the fuck away from anyone halfway competent, but in their heads they clearly all think they're basically the 40k equivalent of the Predator.
>play NLs in 30k
>still my favourite part is the fact that they move an extra 1" whenever they flee
>Hasn't gotten anywhere after ANOTHER hundred years of crusading
>All of his armies deserted the first chance they got
>Facing only one Primarch instead of nine
>Horus got there in seven years
Who the hell cares what the the marinelet and his pathetic band are up to?
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>30,000% markup
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So what's the consensus on Morty's model then?
>Abaddon is crusading his way to Terra expanding the Eye/Rift towards Terra
Incorrect. After FoC, the warbands that make up the black crusade went into normal chaos mode and started fighting each other. Abbadon is still stuck in the cadian sector.
B-but anon, in the fluff he's primarch sized and always has been, even in the Heresy.
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The iron warriors: IRON WITHIN IRON WITHOUT!
nice pic never seen that one before
That's dodging the question. Abaddon is in a known warzone. His Black Legion and allies are pushing through the Imperial/Eldar grindfest towards Terra. They the largest concentration of traitors in the galaxy and they represent the threat of the Great Rft that Cawl and Girlyman are trying to solve. If Girlyman was so brave why doesn't he gather the Imperials and go fight Abaddon to finish it once and for all?

You tried to make Abaddon a coward but in truth Girlyman is the coward for not facing Abaddon and ending the symbol of Chaos unity that have rallied Chaos 13 times already and can do so again.
Okay, that makes sense. Maulerfiend it is. Thanks for the advice, anon.

They've perfected the "big winged monstrous creature" formula they used for Magnus.
Now tell me what does the CSM codex says.
Not out yet. Most recent available fluff on the matter is the BRB, so unless you have something more recent that says otherwise, that is the current state of abbadon and his black legion
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>next year
Guess I'll have to paint my army slowly and say I'm trying to finish before playing
Because it's clear Abaddon isn't as big a threat as you are making it out to be. Guilliman spent 100 years playing Triage for the Imperium, enough to give somewhat a sense of stability.

Abaddon may still be advancing, but there are more pressing concerns. And the rulebook makes it clear the Imperium is able to retake systems he's "claimed" once force start infighting. If anything, barring typical war shenanigans, Abaddon is putting himself in a pretty risky situation if he keeps pushing forward the way he is.
Abaddon's crusade failed, the crimson path went haywire and his legions are being beaten back.
Abby the armless strikes again.
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I'm calling him Cornelius Fudge now
I don't even give a fuck if we named him already, that's his name now
Dude, the new CSM codex out in youtube with people skimming through the lore section.


Get your zoom on.
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>berzerkers with power sword move forward, whilst my compromised position makes me move the middle squad into the central building to claim the objective there
>move daemon prince to his captain
>berzerker with power sword fires their pistol but fails amazingly, berzerkers that charged into the building fell on or two intercessors behind the building
>terminator shaves a wound the gravis captain with his 6 str4 shots
>daemon prince succesfully charges and shaves gravis captain to 2 wounds, don't charge the terminator for some reason
>daemon prince finally kills hte intercessor sergeant who has been flailing on his pauldrons

His turn
>combat squad kills 2 of the berzerkers in shooting
>other intercessor positions itself to chrage berzerkers on the objective, kill 4 berzerkers
>plasma rifles try to kill terminator, save both sucessful wounds
>combat squad charges at the one remaining berzerker on the right and kill it
>intercessors kill one berzerker in cover
>middling at best

Guilliman is the best of the non-monster fighters and the worst of the best. Only complete beasts and combat specialist Primarchs and Sigismund are better than him, and you'll notice everyone worse is a shit combat Primarch like lol Alpharius Lorgar Corax
its fudge tallyman.
What the Bile Banker?
If I were to make some heavy armor boyz like >>54804262

Would it be fair to run them as 4+ save boyz for 10ppm? Seeing as GW decided ardboyz no longer exist
That's easy. That's just plain pre-heresy scheme (white and green) with brass trim. The colour shifts are just half a dozen shades applied all over different parts of the white.
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Either post the relevant section or fuck off. To even nkt be a hypocrite, I'll cite my sources: 8th edition warhammer 40,000 rukebook, page 160, paragraph 3, lines 1-3.
>Because it's clear Abaddon isn't as big a threat as you are making it out to be.

The fluff disagree. Girlyman spent those 112 years crusading before beating of Mort's first invasion of Ultramar. The recent bit of the lore has him preparing for round 2. The Imperium didn't retake the worlds, The infighting allowed them to reinforce the remaining fortress worlds.

You know what that means? Girlyman had 112 years to go after Abaddon as he is grinding the Cadian warzone. He didn't. Who is the coward?

That's counter to what's can be read in the CSm dex.
No proofs having chaos wanker.
>people still replying to Carnac
are you reporting as you play? I wanna know what happens?
sorry, intercessor kills daemon prince

In my turn
>try to flank with survivng berzerkers on objective as I can't win with those now
>try to charge intercessors in building
>lose 2 to overwatch, remove those at back of squad as 11 inch charge from first guy, but fail
>charge with terminator
>save both wounds on a 5++
>fist one to death but the other two fist me with their power (armoured) fists
clearly khorne wanted a suitably bloody offering

His Turn
>his intercessors redeploy on the building for more vantage points, with one sniping from the roof
>one berzerker remains
>who is quickly vaporised in a volley of plasma, with no blood spilt, in khorne's name or not
We weren't using the konnor mission so my embarassing display did not matter. I'll take better notes next time and probably annotate the photos, along with a rhino or to guard the berzerkers.
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nope finished three hours ago >>54804679
Strangely he never died from overheating them
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Ah well.

Iron shake it all about?
So if we're to assume Primaris marines are the new paradigm, does that mean the name 'tactical squad' will never again be the bulwark of the Space Marine army?

There's only so many primarchs, surely you could name one better than him at fighting who isn't a top fighter. Khan sanguinus Angron fulgrim Russ Horus Magnus lion. Everyone else is weaker.

Is this the equivalent of holocaust / climate change deniers?
I'll do better next time kharn-senpai
Curze if he's allowed to get the drop and Perty fought Fulgrim to the point he was forced to retreat, which is pretty good considering his head count,
This is a contender for the worst thread ever.
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I salute you
This reminds me of that one chinese shitposter that went absolutely mental over DAngels gayness
If Guilliman had run off to fight Abaddon there would have been no Imperium to save. Instead he spent that time literally breaking Chaos' assault everywhere else, and reinforced multiple Marine chapters.

Guilliman recognized where the real threat was and dealt with it. If Abaddon was actually a massive threat, Guilliman would be dealing with that instead. But it's obvious he thinks other forces can hold right now so he can deal with Ultramar.

It takes a strong man to realize there are more important things to do that try and face down your opponents leader head on. Sometimes you have to put the Imperium first.

Of course, why didn't Abaddon join the warbands he sent to stop Guilliman from waking up? Because Abaddon also recognizes there are more important things.
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So tell me something about this gay that's trying to sue GW
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What a glorious couple threads we had
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>Because Abaddon also recognizes there are more important things.

Like conquering the Cadian Gate. If the Gate totally falls, then the Great Rift will be on its way to Terra. Surely, Terra > Ultramar?
Well the great rift clearly took the scenic route to Terra
Take another claw, you get it for the price of a power axe/maul and it gives you an extra attack. Pretty much always worth it. Re-roll to wound is real good.
cool mutilators
Apparently, there are more pylons on the Cadian worlds in order to hold back the Eye off Terror and the Great Rift. This is asinine and it makes Cadia unimportant.
Why does either side have to go chase the other? Maybe they both had shit to do because one is leading the single largest rebellion terms of sheer number of Astartes who are for the most part batshit insane and the other has an entire galactic empire to set straight.

Release me from this hell.
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Chaos compels you, why do you not answer the call?
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Just stay out of the way senpai, I've got him right where I want him.
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>Read the filename faggot
Why is that psyker not immediately being fucked over by a daemon five foot in front of him
Where was this confirmed?
What's to happen to Ynnari?

Daemons like to turn psykers into portals and hosts. However, these Daemons are already in the Materium, and don't need any further facilitation of it.

Also, it looks like they're recruiting everyone, so Slaanesh is going to own their souls anyway. The guy in charge probably has some intent to put these guys to work, so he's probably got his Daemons on best behavior. Takes some to make some, and all that.
Last word :^)
I'm literally just relaying what we've gotten from Dark Imperium, the BRB, and the Marine Codex. Guilliman had a thousand fires to put out, and he focused on the ones that best used resources for the whole, especially with how iffy warp travel is/was.

And if >>54805092 is the blurb, then it's clear that everything is still focusing on the Cadian sector. Both this and the BRB clearly make out that the Cadian sector is still hotly contested but not a dire situation compared to every other major warzone in the Imperium.

If Abaddon was cleaving a path through the Imperium, then yes I imagine things would be different.
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Can't decide between emperor's children and crimson slaughter still.
Doesn't help that I can just take noise marines in a CS army and have the best of both worlds if I wanted...
I imagine a Triumvirate with Mort, Typhus, and Kulgath
probably triumvirate with a typhus model and something else.

flip a coin?

>faggot makes new thread
>doesn't shrae

not him but it was fair enough, considering the shitposts.
So what are the odds this video came about from some gee dubbs employee being found out playing with his minis on the job and making up an excuse about how he was creating an ad?
It's always the legion anon plays. Only the elite skill as a general makes it barely playable.

Joking aside it really depends on the meta you are facing and what builds you play.
BL for example are on paper the worse imho. +1 moral (the thing WB and NL players say is utterly useless) and beeing able to move 1d6 more and shoot at -1BS for... well plasma, because nothing else really matters.. not that great on paper.
If you put Abi on the table and you use something like terminators with combi-plasma it's getting much more interesting.

None is as terrible as some wants you to belief.
make someone in your gaming group pick them up instead

11 bells on the mini. 11! Did he rob a bell store or something?
>6+ armor
Nice choice. If it wasn't for the DG sculpt s from DI I would be balls deep in the dust boys
That's why I started them.
The models are awesome! Hell even simply weapon swaps on the DI models have been easy, as well as it's as simple as trimming of some of the excessive shit here and there to make them individuals...
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