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Warhammer 40k General /40kg/

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 573
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Hydra Dominatus Edition

>Alpha Legion (and I guess Chaos as a whole)

>Grey Knights

>Konor Campaign: Alpha Legion winning the tabletop. Imperium winning painting and model purchases.

>Check your local store's contribution to Alpharius.

>GW FAQ (1.1):

>FW FAQ (1.1):

>Rules and such. Use Readium on pc/iphone, lithium/kobo on android:
>Everything 8th edition in pdf & epub, SW:A, WIP and BB are here too, no novels.

>Other megas

>WIP Math-hammer doc (Chart-Anon doing Alpharius' work)
I am Alpharius.
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make room for girlyman in there ..

holy fucking shit abadon the despoiler is going to be beastmode chaos army!!!!

(see pic)

1 point cheaper than codex indext.. 4+invuln (has mark of tzench) sorceror of tzench can cast spell on him to make his invuln 3+

still re-roll misses
still units wihin 12" auto pass morale

Loyal faggots BTFO.
Chaos Space Marine Christmas has begun!!!!
how can girleyman even compete??
Third for Magnus did nothing wrong
>Girlyman is Omeg in some fan theories
Made me chuckle at least.

Also holy shit Abadon found his arms finally. Can't wait to face him down.
Deployment solely of soul grinders when?

/m/, the most chaotic board on 4chan, might throw their hat into Konor. They got a strawpoll to make Japanese news so this might be worth bringing up.
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Reposting because bored

Anyone else encountered a club that makes everyone roll from cups/other containers rather than your hand?

They said something about people being able to cheat by manipulating rolls, which seems vaguely possible but also incredibly paranoid and it really ruins the atmosphere
That never happened anyway. The Necrons blew up a machine to kill loads of Nids. That's it. They weren't interested in helping the BA especially after Dante tried to kill whatshisface The Traveller.

Nah that was my final humour chevron sentence.

It was sarcasm mate. As for a 'paragraph of text in the rulebook', I'm talking about the novel mate. There is a novel about the event.
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Ninth for Talos. What are your plans 8th legion bros? Stripping and repainting my NL contemptor and ordering some night lord upgrade parts from Uncle Xiao for some fresh Chosen boyos.
When you stop fucking posting about it and do it
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Currently weighing the pros and cons of making a homebrew SM chapter. Is using a homebrew chapter seen as weird or faggy to other players?
Anon, I hate to tell you this, but that's nowhere close to guilliman levels of cheese. That's calgar levels, hell all he has over calgar is the morale bubble, +1T and the extra attacks from Drach'nyen. All that for 52 points more.

He's good, but you really need to improve your ability to judge units at a glance.
>The most chaotic board
U wot
So, how do people run Abaddon "The last fucker with a 2E era Terminator model" the Despoiler nowadays?

Kitbashed Cataphracti Terminator? The FW Heresy era model?
It doesn't seem so, I'm just getting into the hobby and it seems encouraged
Accept the fact that whenever the Nids are about to "eat" a major faction. Something is going to stop them. They are simply the NPCest of the NPCs.

You get to eat minor chapters and other things like that.
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We will return
Depends entirely on what you want to do.
So what are you thinking about for a homebrewed chapter?

The board has devolved into anarchy and Malal is considered their chaos god there because everyone fights anything and everything in their path. It got extremely fucking bad in 2013 and never recovered.
i use my 2nd edition model. (fuck crapcast) till a new one comes out.

i thought about converting a horus heresy model of Horus (just gotta give him a top knot and a demon sword) but i can't justify the cost. maybe a recast one tho.) (and fuck all those spikes)
that would make my year. CSM becoming competettive (unless codex escalation kicks in)
and a race i wanted to play since 2nd edition finally returning...
Can be cool or the stupiest thing ever. It's up to you. Some advice: https://jadedgamercast.com/2013/02/26/how-to-create-a-space-marine-chapter/

You don't want to be the next guy to "take the knot."
Speaking of which, would you guys allow using named characters in successor chapters? I mean it might not make sense for Calgar to be hanging out with Howling Griffons but that doesn't mean I don't want to buy and play him.
Making your own dudes is better than ever before. Not only do you get to make your own dudes but you get to use whatever rules for them you want, even the rules from the named dudes. The only thing you can't do is bring the named heroes from some other chapter of dudes, but you can ally your dudes with the named dudes and bring a detachment of each if you want
At that point you'd be running the ultramarines keyword for everything, which is fine just at least put the effort into making it "counts as", so figure out who the Calgar of the howling griffons would be
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>this holster
Will Grey Knights get Primaris Marines or is Cawl unable to fiddle with the Emperor's own geneseed to make Primaris GK?

Will Chapter upgrade sprues for Primaris come out with their releases? Like BA, SW and DA get their unique armour stuff? What about BT? It's putting me off buying them (probably a good thing lol).
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So, Tox Trooper anon, I have a question, and some tid bits when it comes to my faction. But firstly, what is the worst punishment for a Captured Plague Marine?

My current idea is called "The Dip", where giant boiling vats of chemicals are summoned, and the crippled Marines are slowly dissolved, inch by putrid inch, until they are totally dissolved. This fate takes about an hour, and are usually witnessed by both captives and troopers alike.

Some other ideas I has are:

Commissars assigned to the regiment are not only expected to keep up their hygiene, but to harshly punish troopers that are not meticulous in their own.

The Regiment has taken keenly to involving themselves in the health of their allies. Propoganda promoting cleanliness and immunizations often appear when fighting alongside them. However, posters are the least of their allies fears. There are rumors that circulate that the Tox Troopers have no qualms about "euthanizing" other regiments that have become infected with viral diseases.

The Tox Troopers themselves, in contrast to their grizzly method of war, are typically seen as hopeful and energetic, fueled by a mixture of revenge, zeal and a optimistid out look on life.

They just need to be a Ultramarines successor for it to work fluff-wise and make sure your opponent knows hey this is Calgar, just with a new coat of paint
What about it?

Given how popular primaris are, I'd expect the latter stuff to absolutely happen. Grey Knight Primaris is an open question though.
Are there any big third party warboss models? I want my bosses to reflect what they can do and be big fuckers
I was thinking either ultra, raven, or dark angels successors but im still not sure. I didnt what to do the typical "traitor legion loyalists" or "grey knights part 2" and just wanted to use a chapter with a fairly balanced way of warfare but is still kind of unique.
>what is the worst punishment for a Captured Plague Marine?
>My current idea is called "The Dip", where giant boiling vats of chemicals are summoned, and the crippled Marines are slowly dissolved, inch by putrid inch, until they are totally dissolved. This fate takes about an hour, and are usually witnessed by both captives and troopers alike.
They wouldn't care much. Plague Marines literally don't feel pain anymore.
Alright then, sounds absolutely fine to me
>would you guys allow using named characters in successor chapters?

You can run your Successor as "count as" Ultramarines with all the Ultra rules by the book. But they aren't really a successor at that point. Their Ultras painted red and yellow.
Grey Knights have the Emperors gene seed? I didn't know that
Plague Marines don't feel pain and you wouldn't be able to capture them alive.
Than what is the worst possible thing to a Nurglite?
That's a meme they are thousand sons successors anyone that tells you different is an A-hole.
bubble bath probably
He can't draw if it's that far back.
I don't know, what's the worst possible thing to a Tyranid? Sometimes it's nothing you can do.
Eh, I'm sure that if you pump enough las into them you'll eventually wind up blowing ones limbs off. Considering how durable they are, I doubt loosing all their limbs would actually kill them. If not, you can always run them over, and pin them under your tank, before brutalizing them.
>Will Grey Knights get Primaris Marines
Probably not. At least not until after a hypothetical point in the future when all marines have been converted to Primaris.
I don't see a pen/pencil on that model at all. Drawing with a power gauntlet on sounds hard as fuck anyway.
So, at the moment is there a way to run pure daemons without being totally underpowered?
I tried it but the lack of guns really hurt.
Infantry spam doesn't help when you don't benefit from cover and your invul save is only 5++.
Gotta find the brain bugs anon
When Magnus is reformed and they are his marines again it'll be all gravy.
I wish I had that picture saved of a plague marine removing his helmet and melting the hazmat-wearing humans around him.
The Beast Arises series, final book, the Inquisitor tells another Inquisitor that the Grey Knights are made with the Emperor's own geneseed, just like the Custodes, and that they (GK) are superior to Custodes because they're all psykers. A secret to fight Chaos blahblahblah.
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>When Magnus is reformed
>Will Chapter upgrade sprues for Primaris come out with their releases? Like BA, SW and DA get their unique armour stuff? What about BT? It's putting me off buying them (probably a good thing lol).

Maybe. But keep in mind that most of the stuff in the Smurfs Primaris Upgrade sprue is shoulderpads, heads and accesories. You can use other version of chapoter specific bits to mix in with your primaris right now just fine. DA are the only tricky one because robes. But for BA or Wolves just pick up a BA upgrade sprue or SW box.
What does a normal thousand sons list usually have? 2 units of rubrics, 3 or 4 tzangors , a unit of scarab occult and magnus? What do you usually take do deal with armor or is that magnus' job?
Brush his teeth
What do you think the dip is?
Tyrannids are a hivemind; the worst you could do is isolate, restrain and starve it. Plague Marines have a somewhat functional brain. Something must perturb them; I was thinking a chemical bath would be horrorific, since it annhiliates all life down to base compounds.
Daemons are cheap points-wise, if you want to run them without marine buddies I'd suggest running lots and lots of high wound character models in with big packs of lesser daemons. Force them to choose between shooting at high wounds characters that will tear ass and drop lots of smites and shooting at big blobs of little guys that will really mess all their shit up.

Not sure if you're going to win any tournaments, but nobody wins tournaments but the best of the best anyway.
You'll see. Us Sons will come back to our golden father, you'll fucking see!
Why would he ever wear the helmet than?
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Anyone recognise the heads that have been used on these minis? Don't look like anything I'm familiar with but they look very good for AdMech
>the worst you could do is isolate, restrain and starve it.
Yeah, but then all you're doing is starving a wild animal, congrats?
Anyone got the Plague Marine page? Heard they got new weapon options.
I believe those are what are commonly referred to as "skulls", it's like the head bone of a human.
>GK fucking purge the evil part of magnus out using the bits the imperium still has
>they split down the middle during the process
>there's a fucking Chaos Magnus AND a Loyalist Magnus
>Ahriman and the boys are cured
>They follow Magnus back into the light
>Daemon Magnus makes more dust soldiers

Well seeing as it's impossible to give successors special rules (since that'd be cool but terrible) being able to paint red and yellow Ultramarines without being gimped for it sounds good to me.
Because the bullet-resistant armor only protects the parts of him it actually covers.
For the more intelligent creatures it would be bad; Tyranid Warriors and up.
with how the crystals of his personality or whatever work this isn't too far fetched
I don't have any greater daemons and Daemon Prince is below 10 wounds now.
I have a Chariot I run as a herald, a Masque, a basic Daemon Prince, and my new custom Daemon Prince.
I do have a soul grinder, 30 daemonettes, and 10 seekers though.
Looks like one of the assassin heads. I doubt that's what you're looking for though.


They should have flipped it around so the grip was facing to the right.
Cheers m8.
Girlymans waifu already reverted the rubric to be a brutal bitch. Ahramin saw that shit starts testing ways to do it. Shows Magnus hey look! Redemption dust is flesh. Oshitwaddup.png
I heard Plague Marines got a price drop. Is this true?
Basically, you just make your dudes, choose who they 'count-as' and play them with all that Chapter's rules, and it's gravy
2 points, and wait a bunch of new weapons.
They're now 19 instead of 21.
Cause them despair.
That's good. What kinda kit are we looking at?
Plague Weapons - reroll wound rolls of 1, seems all the new plague marine toys have this.

Plague Spewer - Heavy D6 S5 -1ap 1D Plague weapon auto hits not sure if its 8" or 9" range

Plague Belcher Assault D6 S4 0ap 1d plague weapon auto hits, also not sure if its 8 or 9 in range

Bubonic ax melee +1S -1AP 1D Plague Weapon

Mace of contagion melee +2S -1SP 3D plague weapon -1 to hit

Great Plague Cleaver melee X2S -3AP d6D plague weapon -1 to hit

Flail of corruption melee +2S -2AP 2D plague weapon, make d3 to hit rolls each time you attack with this weapon. Excess damage from this weapon is not lost, instead keep allocating damage to another model in the target unit until either all damage is allocated or the target is destroyed.(OMG non-mortal wounds carrying over)
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Fluff pieces you like but will never come to anything?

>Terminus Decree
>The Hidden Threat Under Titan that can wipe out the entire GK Chapter
Certain sucessors have rules and characters. Flesh Tearers or all the FW Badab War ones for example. The point is that you're not allowed to have, for example, Dante and Seth under the same keyword.

I was thinking about what that was recently. I think it is instructions to pull the plug on the Throne and hope for the best
Is there anything this Gary Stu, cannot do?~
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Those are all really great, anon. It means Plague Marines are a serious CC unit now.
The deamon head could make some interesting conversion.
Plague Power Weapons are baller.

I can't wait for the new Plague Marine box.
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I said: This is your God Emperor Of Mankind.
I'm hard just reading this.
Say no to Daddy
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I've seen this before, I wish I saved it.
It's the Defiler mask with 3 lenses added.
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Woops, wrong pic.
No, that's S**neshii artwork and it should be purged.
Jesus fuck the flail of corruption, titty fucking christ.

Why would anyone take a spewer over a belcher? For advancing purposes?
In the book Resurrection, it's implied that the Emperor is making people Alpha+ pyskers slowly in the eventual hope that they control their powers and all of humanity becomes it. And according to one of the Alpha+ pyskers in the book, it's going to happen because time is a flat plain.. Though I bought the Collectors Edition so it came with the short story The Blessing of Saints, which implied that The Emperor was controlling the Saint or at least empowering him and the Saint couldn't control it so he asked to be killed and the Inquisitor who does it believes it wasn't the Saint asking to be killed but somebody else, which is implied the Emperor. As in the Emperor is begging to be killed cause he's in so much pain and shit. But implying that Saints, like Celestine, are Emperor powered people who managed to control his power
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I think it's the right pic.
Oh shit Chaos is quickly overtaking the UK region of Konor. The bastards might actually pull through
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>Not wanting to protect her smile
Truly you are the foulest of all the heretics
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>Bubonic Axe
>Mace of contagion
>Great Plague Cleaver

Holy Fuck, I cant wait

I just want rescaled GK miniatures, since paladins are literally terminators with the primaris template applied to them (+1W/+1A) so I already have what I want, ruleswise.
>contemptor with dual butcher cannons is 203pts
>contemptor with dual fists and soul burners is 247


I went and got it for YOU.
I love the Imperium now
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Oh sweet, thanks, I was just searching in another tab too.
You are a legend kind anon.
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They should, they have the defense advantage AND a massive buff from their codex.
Cute girls with thick eyebrows are my fetish.
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Based anon
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Fucking Heretics

Imagine the warpstorms every time her PMS comes
let's face it Cawl probably has acquired GK geneseed somehow anyways
aren't most chapters required to send some of theirs back to Mars to check for mutations anyways
hard to imagine that GKs won't do that considering they have to be all pure and shit
Not really, they don't even have digestive systems, they're literally born with the goal of killing as many things as they can before they starve to death.

They're just going to spend the whole time trying to escape and murder anyone who gets near them.
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>Melee Plague Marines

Most of the mechanicus and administratum are completely unaware of the existence of the GKs, they wouldn't send in their geneseed like that.
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models that are so good you are disgusted.
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Question about the event. If a match is Imperium v Imperium, how do the points go?
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You're welcome. I've collected and curated lots of 40k R34 over the years, trying to shift through the shit (I still have a lot, sadly). I did make a imgur gallery for lots of stuff but it can only take 150 pictures.

I have such wonderful things...
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>imperium wins, point to imperium :^)
Pretty class.
There are Orc cheerleaders in Blood Bowl 2 Legendary Edition.
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You have to pick who is chaos and who is imperium in that case silly.
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I-is that all?

how low the mighty have fallen
How much is Slaanesh?
Because I've noticed a disturbing lack of Slaanesh content in the places I check.
afaik GK geneseed is kept on titan in their big vault that no one is allowed to touch
And the fluff so far has only mentioned that Cawl experimented on the geneseeds of all 20 legions.
I doubt they would bring up the two missing legions without fanfare, but then surprise everyone with GK primaris.
You roll to see who is attacker and who is defender. Attacker victory counts as Chaos.
I'm well aware
Stores are allowed to record as they see fit, so long as all wins are registered. At my store, faction mirror matches allow the winner to declare which faction to give the win to.

I'm not convinced the butcher is 20 points better than the kheres t b h
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>how low the mighty have fallen
dunno ask these guys
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>movement 5 "melee" plague marines
>movement 4 "melee" plague terminators
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Shoulda bought battle foam :^)
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Realistically not an amazing buff, but I might actually start using some in smaller games now.
>those digits of nurgle
>the rumour about the plague marine kit being a dual-kit for a melee-type is sort of true
Alright I'm gonna post another rumour I heard from this guy now.

The Death Guard Terminators can all take Plague "flamer" style weapons like the Spewer/Belcher, and have a special rule that Deep Strikes them anywhere over 7" away from the enemy instead of over 9" so they can shoot as soon as they drop.
>what is a dedicated transport
keep squirting that ink cloud, xenos scum
>Death Guard are a melee race!
no shit..

rule #1 of carry cases.. ZIPPERS NOT LATCHES
rule #2 of carry cases.. TOPLOAD IF POSSIBLE.
>>what is a dedicated transport
The first thing I destroy.

how much do they cost now?

they blow shootie terminators out of the water now
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I can only see one that is specifically Slaanesh. As in the God. The rest is either Slaanesh Daemons or CSM.

I know, was more of a general comment mate. My Amazon's are in finally though. They might suck ass, but they're sexy. I want Khorne specific Chaos units. I managed this (only do AI cause MP is sadly abuse cancer).
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An imgur gallery you say
>I destroy your rhino while your terminators are murdering me
>I destroy your terminators while your rhinos are advancing on me
Awwww, it's going to be so cute watching you panic and make bad decisions
Daemons is fine too.
CSM might be okay.
Still 65, and termies are 31 without wargear, still a good shooty deepstriker

Mutilators still suck ass though, but are 15 points cheaper!
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>Hydra Dominatus
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My penis just turned inside out and crawled inside of my body
Quick, if retarded question (alos too lazy to check any FAQ) does using Black Templars chapter tactics mean no librarians even if not actually black templars?
Reverting the rubric just means that the TSons die of the flesh change. It's perfecting it that is the problem.

Also Magnus will never be redeemed and you missed the entire point of the character if you think so.
It's pretty old and has some random non-40k stuff in it for some reason, but knock yourself out. http://imgur.com/a/pYxT8

Try this link, should have enough for a session. http://imgur.com/a/pYxT8 I need to upload the new content I have really.
You became a post-op tranny?
I destroy your rhino and terminators at the same time because I have a lot of battlesuits.

if power fists are 12 in the CSM codex like they are in the SM codex, termies should end up being 46.

Paying 20 points for an extra wound and essentially TWO always rapid firing plasma guns is pretty damn decent
Remember to dilate regularly or that hole will heal closed.
daww cultistchan all grown up?
Oblits get 3 wounds and 4 shots each while terminators cost slightly less and can take melee weapons.

I think I'd give it to the Oblits vs a 5 pack of terminators for sure and maybe even against a ten pack. if the Oblits roll well on their variable shit. The Oblits are fucked if the Termies get into melee though
No, you can play a successor and have librarians. But then you don't have access to their Relics, Warlord Traits, Characters, or Crusader Squads.
>of battle suits
Does not fucking compute
Source on that gif?
I like that art style
kekkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk I'm so sorry, get well soon
It's more damage, more range, more ap, and more strength with a big Ld hit on top of that.
Ajin: Demi-Human
>destroy enemy

pick one
Yeah! Fuck Heretics!

Hydra Dominatus!
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Thank you, based anon.
And farewell, I'm gonna be busy now.
Not him, I'm the guy posting R34, but it's

>Ajin: Shoudou

I think.

But the Rhinos would have the termies in them though?
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another one. I will never bother to paint again. Fuark.
>be retarded
>be you
Pick both
>termies in rhino
its called teleportation or land raiders my man
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>taking power fists
oh look .. it's return of the shitposter
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Anons are once again based, thank you
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Anyone have any suggestions for models for Malefic Lord spam these days? Thinking of getting some old rogue trader psykers or something

same AP, wounds marines on a 2+ but only gets 4 shots instead of 6 which actually gives it a lower average against MEQs.

The Ld debuff is no joke though.
>Even the cloak is detailed
Fuck me
This is too good
If you could capture a Plague Marine?

The best thing to do to any captured Nurgle unit:

a lot of soap

Watch them squirm in horrid disgust as you bring back their armor's original shine.
>be me
>have aids because I'm a pedo fag
fuck off homo
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Neat, I did one of my cultists drunk for fun with almost the exact same color scheme, (on accident I haven't seen this pic before). His highlights are way better + hazard stripes
Death Guard sound like they are getting neat toys... maybe I should not buy Primaris stuff and wait it out.

Granted not mandatory like loyalists but its not a bad choice for 12 points.
custom decals he made. blog is in french, which is why i have never seen it before.

if you are interested http://leskouzes.blogspot.com.au/search/label/The%20Blind%20Necromancers
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oh look at this .. how could it be abused i wonder....
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buy dark imperium and collect both

make them bitter rivals with a long, personal vendetta.
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>bought new glue to assemble models
>have a really tough time
>think i have a bad batch
>turns out its plastic glue

fucking 2 weeks of hell and i just now figured it out.

Oh, then the meme man is screwed since you'll get into melee range regardless of move stat
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Here's some more I just uploaded. Lots didn't upload but it'd take ages to do it one by one to fix it. http://imgur.com/a/edQ1J Enjoy.

I just made this image of my fav models, at least from 30k.
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another.. i'm sure you guys have seen..
Thats actually busted against my TSons.
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solar auxillia is good taste my man.
Not well if your opponent isn't an idiot and zones out his flanks.
The salt is delicious. Don't block me on twitter :^)
Why all the hate for the Word Bearers tactic? Sure, they may have something as good as -1 to hit outside 12, but they are at least better than "Can half the number of shots to advance" and "Ignore Cover". Warlord Trait's not bad either.
I am so sorry anon, I have done that but only for about 1 miniature and it was awful, I cant imagining doing it for 2 weeks.
I have Dark Imperium, the value was too insane not to buy it. Nearly half the price was the book alone. I'm just on the fence about which way to go.

I might wind up building on both eventually, I'm just trying to figure out which first. I keep leaning towards Death Guard though, those sculpts are great (variety wise).
>mfw read underrated manga starting from chapter 1
>they never get popular until months and months later, at chapter 30-50+
>years later an anime adaption comes out
>suddenly everyone's on the bandwagon

>capturing objectives
>when all scenarios in the BRB explicitly state objective markers may not be put within 6" of a board edge
Yeah, no. You'll at best be able to capture maybe one objective, and that's assuming someone was retarded enough to both put an objective that close to the board edge AND not sit a squad on it.
i barely look at twitter. nothing really good on it expect a few meme posts.

ignore cover is a big deal if you play in a civilized country
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Yeah. Sexy desu. I like BA terminators. I like all of BA's stuff. I hope they get Primaris upgrade kits soon.
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Black Legions real Legion trait is "we have Abaddon".

Iron Warriors ignoring cover is better than a Morale re-roll and they have one of the best Relics and a decent Stratagem.
Contain your autism dude, thats how just about all media gets popular
I'm guessing the guys I already have with flamers are just rebranding their weapons as plague spewers/belchers now?
I mean, I play pretty cover-heavy, but having to be entirely on the cover makes it a lot less useful than it was, say, in 7e.

Word Bearer relic and Strategem are both pretty decent too. Not as good as the Iron Warriors' relic, but still pretty good.
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my reaction exactly. Disgustingly cool.
The Word Bearers Stratagem is garbage. Summoning is a really shit tactic.
>I mean, I play pretty cover-heavy, but having to be entirely on the cover makes it a lot less useful than it was, say, in 7e.
maybe its because I combat squad but I have no issue getting toe in for 5 man squads for most of my army.
Black Legion traits is better if you consider it as "When we want to go fast for other reasons we have extra firepower". Not something you're actively trying to do every turn.
>but having to be entirely on the cover
You know it just means the unit needs to be entirely on the cover, not every model needs to have its entire base entirely on the cover, right?

If you just have a tiny sliver of base on the cover you're on it.

Furthermore because all wounds are allocated and resolved one at a time, as soon as any models outside the cover are dead, the rest of the squad gets the benefits.

Cover is really good this edition, especially for MEQ.
So why don't CSM have thunder hammers?
Seems like an obvious weapon for Iron Warriors, and a lot of characters had them before the heresy.
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Also why has nobody mentioned that Black Legion bikers can turbo boost and still shoot combi plasma, combi bolters, etc? That's crazy good.
Real talk, fucko's
I've been lurking these threads and I've seen some idiots arguing over the strongest/best primarch.

Anyone who doesn't think it's Leman Russ is objectively wrong. He schooled the emps in competition while none of the others could. He was also the executioner because he had the balls to do what others could not. He was also sent to break Magnus because he was the only one capable of doing so. How could any other primarch compare?
He also fucks dogs, which makes him space canadian, which makes him a retarded commie cuckold
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another nice one...

+1 to wound. I don't know if Presiecne is still in but if so .. havocks are getting better.
Yiff in hell furfag, lemon rust a shit

kek wut dood?

Russ is going to have the strongest Primarch rules when he comes out, watch.
It would only make sense.
Because it's a lot less good when you lose the double shots at half range and suffer the -1 and cannot charge on top of that.

Most of the reasons you want to go faster are to:

>Get close enough to charge, or
>Get close enough to Rapid Fire.

This fucks both of those. Basically the only thing it's good for is Advancing towards objectives or running AWAY from the enemy while still getting some extra pot shots in.

Sure, as a free bonus it isn't bad, but that's not how you can really look at Legion traits, because you have the options of the other traits.

The main draw to playing Black Legion is taking Abaddon. If you're not planning to do that, don't even bother. You're better with another Legion.

lion beat him multiple times in different venues

but either horus or sanguinius were the strongest pre-heresy
So here's my question about this: If I use Endless Cacophony which says that I pick a unit to shoot again at the end of the phase, does this still apply if I used it earlier?
All the powers from the Index are still in, yes.
Being able to move 20" and still shoot is just fine, stop crying so much my dude.
This one is legitimately good. I'd say it's the best stratagem in the book, outside of the legion unique ones or the ones that flavors of power armor get
Yea, though I still think 1 fist 1 cannon is the way to go. It's better against all comers, especially with a soul burner. With launcher it comes to 240pts
Yes, because the phase isn't over yet.
He's pretty good in 30k. If he has his doggies he's more expensive than Horus.

Horus and Sanguinius were the two strongest Primarchs. But Sanguinius was a proper psyker (and I mean can cast spells, not be psychically reactive, before your autism comes in Carnac) but also a mutant so it put him behind Horus as suitable for Warmaster. Only Horus, Sanguinius and one other could defeat a full-rage Angron in a duel.

Russ is great but he wasn't as powerful as Horus or Sanguinius. But the former is Space Satan and the latter is Space Jesus, so what a surprise really.
>He schooled the emps in competition
Russ won a drinking competition. Emps kicked his ass one-on-one.

>He was also sent to break Magnus
He was sent to arrest Magnus and bring him back to Terra. Horus lied and people died.
That head does look okay on Troupe master body.But I think it fit more on a female torso than a male one.
i belive so .. since you still have not left the shooting phase (or fight phase) that you spent the 1 cp
Pretty delicious use of 3CP in the right circumstances imo
>implying I even play or care about BL
I'm just giving an objective analysis for other peoples benefit. It's a bad trait.

he's strongest in melee in 30k too, problem is his legion is mediocre as fuck and he himself hardly buffs his army at all. He's just a big "if I get into melee I will kill whatever it is eventually" and is pretty easy to kite
You're a bad trait ya know it all maddie bad baddy.
Please make a character who's name is a pun on "Cillit Bang", which is one of the UK strongest commercially available cleaning product.

I like what you are doing with your dudes, making them positive and hopeful when surrounded by such terrors. Very cute.
I agree.
Top kek, not him but no it isn't. If you're moving closer to get more shots you might as well stay back and not get the minus one to hit, since you end up with the same number of shots anyways, and if you're moving up to charge you're screwed, because you advanced and AFAIK CSM can't advance and charge. The situations where it's useful are few and far between, it's shit m8.
>with how the crystals of his personality or whatever work this isn't too far fetched
The what now?
Not all movements are towards or away from the enemy. Moving into flanking cover that nobody else could have reached and then still shooting at 24" for instance is good stuff. Moving into a position where an enemy character who felt safe is within range of plasma or melta shots is good stuff. There are lots of uses that I'm sure you are too bad at 40k to understand.
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Why don't CSM get:
>Storm Shield
>Drop Pods
>Thunder Hammers
>Land Raider variants
>Grav weapons
>Tartaros and Cataphractii armor

The reason is fuck you that's why. The other reason is they're not in chaos kits and/or don't have chaos accessories with them. However, since they're all about converting GK stuff now, they could have easily ""converted"" a chaos pod for example, so the answer is actually just fuck you.
>Flail of corruption melee +2S -2AP 2D plague weapon, make d3 to hit rolls each time you attack with this weapon.
Does this mean you make d3 attacks per normal attack, or that you have three chances to hit per attack? I assume the former but it doesn't seem clear cut.
Because all that shit is gay and we don't like gay shi-wait nope, that's not true.

Uh, well I guess all that shit is gay and we don't like it anyway for some reason.
Did someone say heavy bolter havocs?
BANG! And the Imperial is GONE!
>Moving into flanking cover that nobody else could have reached and then still shooting at 24" for instance is good stuff.
If you need a 20” move to reach some form of flanking cover, you're playing with too little terrain.
>Moving into a position where an enemy character who felt safe is within range of plasma or melta shots is good stuff
then you're playing against a retard who can't into screens, so of course anything can be used well, it's piss easy to beat people who are bad at the game
if your guy has 2 attacks, then you roll 2d3 to-hit rolls, so it's like getting d3 attacks for each point of A your character has
Melta aren't rapid fire weapons so don't benefit from this tactic. Any Legion can Advance and shoot melta. Congratulations on your extra 4 boltgun shots at -1 BS, I'm sure that will make a much bigger difference than being able to charge after that Advance move or ignoring your opponents cover bonus.
Etc. Short for et cetera. I see this mistake so much it must be a grammar thing. Like people who say "I'm going for a lay down". No, you lay mines, you lie down. Reeee!

As for that, I don't see why CSM would want shields. They have special god powers protecting them. As for grav weapons, they get daemon weapons instead. They get Land Raider variants in Forge World Index.
>moving the goalposts
lol I knew you were just mad that we're the best
>what is a bike squad with one combi-melta and two combi-plasmas
I dunno chief ask your mom, she loves hot loads so I'm sure she's familiar
Daemon weapons that aren't actually all that different than unique SM melee weapons. That SM get in addition to grav. And CSM have no grav equivalent.
>he's a butthurt BL player in denial his trait is garbage
Dude, just accept your Legion trait is taking Abaddon and it's actually really good. This is getting sad.
>>Storm Shield
>>Land Raider variants
>>Grav weapons
None of these were developed in until after the heresy, and CSM being SM with even more stuff would simply be unfun.
>assmaddie bad little laddie furious that he can't divine the true purpose of the vastly superior Black Legion tactics
You clearly don't know what those words mean, I in no way changed the criteria for success.
I've never once said it has no uses, all you've done is prove me right in that it's uses are few and far between.
Does anyone have any leaked pics of the points pages of codex CSM? This video is hard to read.
Except a very large portion of the player base doesn't know about forgeworld.


Grav was used in the HH, or at least graviton was. CSM should have access to old shit instead like proper Volkite
>failing around screeching now that he's obviously wrong
Wow, gee man you really showed me
>Grav was used in the HH, or at least graviton was.
No it wasn't, graviton is not grav, and graviron is/was hard to maintain.
>CSM should have access to old shit instead like proper Volkite
by that logic so should all first and second founding chapters.
Anyone else realize Plague Marines are only 19ppm base now?
I meant daemon range weapons, but yeah.

What? How do they not know about Forge World? If they want them, they can get them.

Well Land Raiders have been given to Chaos since IA13 where they could capture Imperial stuff and then either corrupt them or 'chain them' with bindings. Like the Land Raider Achilles, it can only be subdued by constant blood rituals, if they don't, it eats the crew as it uses it's daemon powers to kill Chaos.
Noise Marines are only 15 now too.
It would make chaos unique
Rather than just diet space marines, with a few special units.
>Well Land Raiders have been given to Chaos since IA13 where they could capture Imperial stuff and then either corrupt them or 'chain them' with bindings.
Yeah but those patterns are pre-heresy, crusader and redeemer are both post. And it's not LR are something easy to steal, that, shit the ad mech and marines will launch a crusade for.
You can't simultaneously say that they shouldn't have new tech, and shouldn't have old tech.

What daemon range weapons? All of them I can think of are one-unit specific.
2500 Point List using models I own

>Celestine + Geminae
>2x5 Dominion Squads with 8 Storm Bolters total
>19 Seraphime with 4x Hand Flamer

>Captain in Terminator Armor w/ Santic, Relic Blade, and Storm Bolter
>5 man Intercessor Squad
>5 man Scout Squad sniper-missile
>10 man Tactical Squad bolter-missile
>2x5 Terminators Assault Squad (8 TH-SH)
>2x5 Terminator Squad (2x Cyclone, 2x Chain Fist, 6x Power Fist)
>Venerable Dreadnought w/ Twin Las & Fist
>Predator with all the lascannons + Storm Bolter

Theory: Seraphim turn-1 charge the enemy (doable) while Dominions & Celestine follow close behind to support. Terminators teleport right behind them and charge by turn 2.

Predator & Dread work on vehicles.

Shitty weather, do I just need to wait to prime, or is there a decent work around?

a funny turn of events considering land raiders were about as prolific as rhinos in the heresy

there was an entire forgeworld that made almost nothing but land raiders

imagine a whole world made of factories just making land raiders for approximately 2 million marines and the imperial army
>CSM don't get all the toys loyalists get
And? You also get toys loyalists can't have either like daemon engines, mounts (minus furfaggotry from the yiffs), daemons in general, god buffs, etc.
Maybe not, but that's kinda irrelevant when you CAN get Land Raider variants. Hell, you can even get Spartans for Chaos.

Well, yeah. I'm talking about unit specific shit. Plus Tzeentch Bolters and Heldrakes and all that jazz. So what you're saying is, you want everything that Imperials can get AND special unique toys?
Some guy in the youtube comments for this preview video claims that doom siren is assault d6 now. Can anyone confirm? Huge if true
Are heavy plasma incinerators worth it, or just stick to standard ones?
Mounts are gone. Marines get an assload of god-specific buff equivalents. Demons are a pain in the dick to combine with marines.
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>Mounts are gone
>I don't read FAQ's
6/10 got me to reply a few times.
Baleflamers fail to be an actual equivalent to grav (as do inferno bolters) when limited to a single unit.
It's usually a few csm fags saying they want the best stuff of SM in their books. I for one enjoy what crazy chaos shit we have, even if it isn't always the best.

They're basically your lascannon equivalent, good for sticking with your backline blob but they wont actually outdamage your normal incinerators since those start behaving like melta guns against vehicles within 15".
Which do you prefer?
>36", strength 8
>30", strength 7, firing twice at 15"
Space marines have literally double the number of datasheets in there codex as chaos marines have
Without including all the different chapters like blood angels or space wolves.

Seems just stupid that they would stop chaos from using weapons they they clearly used during the heresy, considering they are supposed to be the less modern version that don't get new equipment.

Give the regular marines more modern and updated things, but why take away the older equipment from chaos?
>You can't simultaneously say that they shouldn't have new tech, and shouldn't have old tech.
I most certainly can. It makes no sense for legions to have new tech, and it makes no sense for renegades to have old tech. ESSPECIALLY since the tech in question was rare as fuck during the GC, let alone 10,000 years later.
There are legitimate complaints, like the lack of termie variants for CSM, but them missing out on rare tech that is either not available to the loyalists (who fluffwise take far better care of their stuff) or is something so rare that ad mech and marines would not dare let chaos touch it without a serious fight is makes perfect sense.
The only way to balance the fluff and rules (so that chaos doesn't just become C:SM: now with even more stuff) would be to make two books: one for legions and one for more recent fallen chapters. But that won't happen because CSM aren't nearly popular enough to justify that.
Don't forget the second one can move and shoot without penalty so it's basically also 36" and the double shot threat range is 21"

and they both go up +1 STR when overcharged.
That's not the argument, mate.

>Waaah we don't get X and Y
>Okay, but you get Q and Z
>B-But that's n-n-ot as g-g-good as X and Y! We should have it! REEEEE!
>So you want X and Y... on top of your unique Q and Z?

Fucking hell. Chaos is literally getting more new shit. The Thousand Sons and Death Guard uppdates (the latter which hasn't even completed yet) has shown GW is trying to give you MORE toys. It sounds to me like you want all the good toys (if not all of them in general) from SM and then your unique stuff on top. So you want to be Spikey Space Marines Plus? Wow, so unique, much wow.
have bikes gotten cheaper for anyone with the codexs?

I want to be able to field my damn ork bikers again and I wonder if GW will fix them in my upcoming dex
>tearstained loyalist projecting so hard
lol can't wait until all the new death guard shit comes out and you are super mad about it, you are going to get you ass double teamed by magnus and morty so fucking hard
Okay, but by that logic we're even further behind loyalists because we don't have stalker bolters or the seige dreadnought weapons or hurricane bolters or typhon missile launchers or w/e.

Like, I don't want all the loyalist toys. I just want equal amounts of toys, and we're very clearly deficient on that front.
>>So you want X and Y... *on top* of your unique Q and Z?
No, *instead of*.
>"That's not your argument, this is your argument"
>Doge memes

holy shit
Sang is yet to come out, so that won't last long.
I won't be, I think the new DG stuff is great.

And GW is trying to rectify that. The original post I replied to said they didn't have Land Raider variants, I countered they did and the reply was 'not everybody knows about FW'. That's not my fault. You can get Land Raider variants for Chaos. Or Spartans. Or other Lord of Wars.

Then wait until the major legions have been updated.
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Does anyone else have trouble with picking the faction they want to stick with? I'm having the issue where I keep swapping between armies because I can't find the one that 'clicks'.

Guard can be fun but their survivability is so bad. It just feels awful watching half my army get melted in a turn because they die the moment anything looks at them wrong.

Renegades have an amazing theme but their rules look so bad that they're not worth investing in.

SM look okay but I am only interested in the Primaris.

Tyranids are cute but the army is very feast-or-famine.
>feast or famine
I'm laughin
I think at this point in time I'm using them more for anti-armor. I'm also Raven Guard tactics, so I guess I could infiltrate normal incinerators too.

If you just wanted loyalist stuff and not the chaos stuff why are you playing chaos instead of loyalists.
>Does anyone else have trouble with picking the faction they want to stick with?
A lot of people do. I'm bouncing between Primaris, Death Guard, and Orks.
Making Death Guard and Thousand Sons separate codexes isn't really more options for CSM, no. Not anymore than Codex: Space Wolves has more options for Ultramarines. Go compare the wargear pages from index Imperium and Index Chaos; they're essentially the same as the Codex ones, and the chaos one is a third of the size. That's not "trying to fix" anything.

Absolutely. Besides the half dozen marine chapters or so I'm interested in (but Salamanders above all else) I still want an Imperial Guard army, and Chaos is more attractive these days.
So we've moved from 'more options for Chaos' to 'more options to CSM Codex'. View, so much lifting going on here it's a wonder you ain't got a hernia.

Do you see Imperial players like Blood Angels complaining they can't have fucking Power Swords on the Intercessor squads? Or lots of other daft stupid shit? No? Okay then.
Yeah, yeah, yeah...Plague Marines and shit blah blah blah.

What about my Glorious THOUSAND SONS?
Brimstones are 1 point.

Any other news?
>Chaos can't have new things because lol that makes no sense
>Space Marines can have new things and old things because reasons!

Go fuck yourself. If we can't have new things, our shtick should be old shit because guess what, we have old shit. We should be allowed to put heavy weapons on our rhinos like in HH. We should have Volkite. We should have cata/tart armor because Indomitus was a relatively new thing during the heresy.

It's bullshit that SM get loaded with "new" shit that CSM can have even though they can totally pick that shit up off the ground, but we also can't have old shit because renegades "shouldn't" have it.
Yeah, I see marine players complain about that stuff all the time.
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Yep, Doom Siren confirmed for Assault d6.
>Specific factions get shit so all CSM should be happy!

That's like saying all space Marine players should be happy if only blood angels and dark angles players got Primaris models, you cunt.
>ESSPECIALLY since the tech in question was rare as fuck during the GC, let alone 10,000 years later.

You realise the Legionaires are the same marines as the ones who fought in the heresy right? It hasn't been 10,000 years for them, there is no reason they shouldn't have heresy-era tech other than GW are fuckwits.
Thanks for walking into my trap. Now you see that it isn't some conspiracy against Chaos. Shit like this happens to every faction. If you want all the toys that they have, run them as fucking vanilla. My mate does it with his Night Lords.
anyone have the stratagems for chaos?

Yes. I've been fighting with my CSM and my Deldar for over a year now. I just assembled myself up to 1500pts of Deldar and instead of painting them, I'm painting terminators. Kill me.
My point all along has been "Codex SM has more options than Codex CSM", I don't know what you're fucking talking about dude.
I demand Doom Sirens for my Devestators. It's not fair that CSM get it and I don't. Fucking GW.
So this means that a Noise Champion can take a combi flamer and a doom siren and if you charge his group of noise mans you get 2d6 auto hits to the face, d6 of which are ap -2
I demand to have the same amount of dataslates and weapons as Space Marines as the Custodian Guard. It's not fair they have more options and dataslates than me. Fucking GW.
You should take Cypher as your warlord and then bring a couple groups of this new Totally Loyal unit called Noise Marines. They have Marine in the title which means they are Loyal as Hell.
Yeah, that's totally what we're all saying you dipshit.
Look at all these Chaos kids pop out of the woodwork. And wow, I can see why they win the polls for being annoying
We still have mounts you nigger.
They just didn't put them in the codex.
Any models that didn't get a codex datasheet may still use their index datasheet, but models that have a codex datasheet must use the codex variant and points costs.
It's annoying but I'm still building my three Steed of Slaanesh characters.
No, it's not fair. They have stuff I don't have so I should have their stuff as well.
Looks like a whole lotta' fuck you to the face to we.
Don't mistake one autist for the entire faction, I'm happy if we don't get grav or whatever, I just wish my doom sirens were cheaper.
If you think that option to take mounts is going to last a year, I got a bridge to sell you.

Mounts are gone bro.
>you just revealed my trap card!

Why are you up past your bedtime?
Why are armies different? It's not fair. Every army should be the same. History in real life has proven there has been no technological or unit formations differences between rival forces in warfare. They have always had equal numbers, the same weapons and the same units.

So GW should make all armies/factions exactly the same, that way, everything is FAIR.
The best part is that if you charge several packs of noise marines, then get flamersiren'd, then you only get to fight one of them first before one of the other groups hits back.

I can't wait to fuck over hungry hungry buggos who try to charge my gunline
Disregard my >>54707223 post about doom sirens, assault d6 makes 22 points worth it.
I'm going to have a drink to celebrate, not that I need an excuse.
Unless they shift to 9th edition by next year they're staying.
Whatever memer was saying horrors have 2 wounds is total bullshit. Each Pair of Brimstone Horrors has 1 wound for both of them.
>Marines get old stuff for some reason
>They also get new stuff all the time
>They also get a ton of wargear that CSM doesn't get
>They also have a ton of separate chapter codexes like bleck templars, dark angels, blood angels, space wolves, grey knights, ultramarines, and death watch
>"N-no but they're even because you have death guard and thousand sons"
>Do you ever see imperial players ask for new toys?
>I-I wanted you to say that! Boy, I sure showed you!

Why does white get to go first in chess?
Best at 1v1s in 30k, I hear. Like, wins against every single other Primarch.
Because it's an unbalanced game. Black can only win by white making a mistake, since white sets the initiative and there is only a set number of opening moves and black can only counter them and eventually will lose unless white fucks up.

Life is unfair~~~~!
>CSM get old stuff for some reason
>They also get new daemon stuff all the time
>They also get a ton of wargear that C:SM doesn't get
>They also have a ton of separate codexes like Black Legion, Crimson Slaughter, Khorne Daemonkin, Traitor Legions, and Chaos Daemons
>"N-no but they're not even because we don't have all the stuff you have too"
Also I just realised I completely remembered Doom Sirens AP wrong earlier when I was complaining about this.
Assault d6 S5 AP-2 D1 8" auto hits is totally worth 22 points, thanks GW.
I'm so happy about this I might dedicate a few sips to the other three.
Feels good to have a balanced flamer for my noise champions to take.
>Did someone say heavy bolter havocs?

Why not lascannon havocks for 2+ wound on t8 vehicles?

add presience for 2+ hit .. and re-roll 1s from lord.

As a CSM player, I feel like our "shtick" should be daemon/warp infused old shit and daemon/warp infused new shit. But never just more Imperial shit.
Yeah, old stuff all the time
I love my chaos cataphractii terminators
>He can only name expansions that don't exist anymore that don't even add new units anyway
Right on

And again
80 data sheets in the marine codex
47 in the chaos one
Totally the same number, right?
Still have Khan, Sang, and Lion to come out. Russ really struggles with Horus, and his damage output isn't high enough to feasibly kill off the other primarchs by the end of a game. The flying primarchs like Curze and Corax can simply kite his six inch movement.

Scoria still puts him down.
>implying all the 7E codexes still exist
>implying armies like DW and GK are even the same shit despite having completely separate wargear

>I'm not a whiner
>but why isn't my stuff cheaper and more OP?!
Even when they acknowledge how whiney they are they still bitch and moan.
>literally all in the index
Are you retarded?
>Doom sirens op

Seeing as how tragically terrible Shadow War was is it likely that GW will release Necromunda? I hope that is what the video is but I doubt it is likely.
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Been trying to come up with a scheme/chapter choice for like a month now for my primarines.
Should I homebrew? (wanted them to come out darker blue-grey than pic)
Rift stakers? I like raven guard, they seem aight.
Knights of the Chalice? Dunno if primarines will be affected by black rage etc.
Emperor's spears? (ADB is writing a book on them so they're iffy)
They'll mostly be embattled against Mephrit Necrons, until I'm back in the states and can play against other people. I was thinking it might be cool to pick a scheme that will contrast the bright orange/olive drab of the necrons as they'll be kind of a "player 2" army to try and indoctrinate some friends into the game.
I just didn't think d3 autohits was worth 22 points, now that they've buffed it to d6 and I realise/remember/I may have checked the index I'm actually ap-2 and not ap-1 I'm content.
Would you ever pay 22 points for Assault d3 S5 AP-2 D1?
Fuck yeah. So happy about this new codex, I thought it was going to be underwhelming like the space marines codex but pretty much every problem I had with the chaos index got addressed if not outright fixed.

Defilers: 50 fucking points cost reduction, new strategem to make it reroll hits and wounds for 1CP

Doom Siren improved and Noise Marines are 1 point less per model making it easier to afford the sirens (10 points per unit of noise marines freed up)

Possessed: Two wounds each, can buff them to be strength 8, d3+1 attacks, reroll missed hits and wounds in fight phase

Lack of snipers/good ways to deal with high invuln saves: Two new psychic powers that specifically address this.

Obliterators: twice as many attacks
>instantly misinterprets my post
>so he can whine about how weak his unique wargear is
Like clockwork, no wonder you chaos shitters are getting whipped in the campaign.
Stay realmad, laddie
Shadow war was a great game, it only flopped because GW couldn't/didn't produce enough rule books fast enough and interest died.
I don't have a Defiler because I didn't magnetise my Soul Grinder.
I'm please with Doom Siren, I always run Noise Marines in Squads of 6 just because though.
What's this reroll? Is that just Dark Apostle buff or did I miss yet another something else?
Gift of the Gods can target characters I think, but what else did we get? Infernal Gaze was already in index if that's what you mean?
I'm hyped about Oblits, I planned on building some custom ones soon but now I'm even happier, and the Assault thing really fits with my Emperor's Children.
Do we know if Zerkers/Chainaxes are going up in cost?
>You want your stuff to be cheaper and more op!
>It's not op.
>S-Stop misquoting me!
Is... that... real...
Yeah, an old white dwarf special mini
Oh thank fucking god I thought that squats were coming back. Anyway super stoked about Necrmunda in September!

Teal/white is one of my favorite color schemes, but change that third helmet. The white/blue/gold just looks bad.
Death Hex strips the invuln save off of people and gift of the gods is the character sniper power I was talking about. There's a new HQ called Exalted Champion in the codex that gives reroll missed wounds in the fight phase, so if you bring him and dark apostle your melee guys near their auras can reroll all hits and wounds in the fight phase. I forgot that diabolic strength only works on one model, so you can't buff the pozz marines with it, but you could use it to buff a daemon prince of slaanesh and you can use a herald of slaanesh to give +1 STR to the DP and the pozz marines if you want to summon one in once you are stuck into melee and either the exalted champion or the dark apostle don't need to move for a turn. You can also give the DP the +attacks warlord trait from emperor's children so that if it takes 3 damage it would have (assuming claws DP) 11 attacks with diabolic strength and (assuming herald) 9/11 strength
Looks like zerks are the same cost as they were. I can't see the points costs of melee weapons in this video for shit though, but I don't think they got increased. Zerks are still 16 points while noise and plagues got a discount
oh yea, none of that set in stone. Was just mixing stuff around I agree its pretty bad.
Also was thinking brass over gold, to make them less flashy.
I'd been thinking about some of those combos.
I was thinking Daemon Prince backing up the Possessed with an Exalted Champion, cast Prescience on them and you have 2+ to hit, rerolling 1's, rerolling wounds, and cast delightful agonies on them too before they charge to keep them alive long enough to get into the melee.
Or, have the Daemon Prince stand ahead of them and cast delightful agonies on themselves so they can enjoy the delightful sting of bolter fire for themselves a little, any wounds that get through, which is not enough to kill them, will only buff them thanks to the daemonic drug cocktail coursing through them.
Masochistic daemon prince charging first through the gunfire on purpose just seems fluffy for Emperor's Children.
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11 attacks. S11, AP -2, 2 damage each. Hits on 2, reroll misses, wounds damn near everything in the game on 2 or 3, reroll missed wounds. That's 22 damage. Also can be used on flyers if he's a flying DP.
Fuck yeah dude, shit just got loud as hell around these parts. If you do summon in a herald of slaanesh you've also got another cast during psychic phase, which could well end up being hysterical frenzy which might net you another 11 superbuff DP attacks for a total of roughly 40 damage in a single turn from a single model.
I'm just imagining my custom Slaaneshi Daemon Prince going fucking ballistic with her talons.
This is an amazing mental image, thank you.
anyone know how big the thunderbolt is compared to other flyers? it looks kinda huge but I can't really find any good comparison pics with Google.
Me too. It's going to be pretty insane chaosbro.
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>I'm hyped about Oblits
YFW i put on the table 6 oblits from 3rd edition
They didn't nerf anything in any of the codices. Only buffs. The nerfs (if any) will come in FAQs.
Hmm, seems that best powers for Magnus are Warptime, +1 invu and Death Hex?
Fuck yeah dude, I can't wait to try the new oblits out
Why don't the various Human armies of 40k make use of suicide bombings? Say for example a 70 year old Guardsman( however rare that might be) doesn't want to "Die soft" so his comrades load him into a vehicle(most likely an armored civilian one) filled with explosives and use him to create a gap in the enemies lines, And even if his vehile is destroyed before detonating he shall still die in service to the empreor. Therefore he both dies in service to the emperor as well as assisting his brothers in Arms to kill the enemies of the Emperor. Flagellants could also be used for this purpose as disposable shock troops
Interesting. (Perhaps)
Only problem with Hysterical Frenzy is you can't get within 1" of an enemy unit during the movement phase, so you need to either fail to murder everything in your turn of combat, AND the enemy turn of combat, and they have to not fall back.
These are rare occasions for Daemon Princes.
Shit man, I haven't even built my first 3 yet.
I hope they rape everything you point them at.
>wasting valuable and sacred human life just to take out a few filthy Xenos
>implying 1 human life is directly worth any amount of Xenoes.
>my custom Slaaneshi Daemon Prince

Post pics
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Does anyone have a picture of Primaris marines with Grey Knights heads?
Getting that +1 invu seems rather vital.

Especially if you roll a 9(fittingly) on your Boon Table roll for that sweet 2++ rerolling ones.
Intriguing, possibly.
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Alright but I've only done the first layer of the base coat.
Bloodwrack Medusa body, Herald of Slaanesh head and claws, fitted onto Medusa arms with some sculpt work and, I admit, annoying glue work, and a boltgun for the spear tip since I intend to use her as having a Warp Bolter and Paired Malefic Talons.
She doesn't have wings yet because I don't have them yet, but everyone I play with is fine with me running her as having wings.
Thank god mortal wounds exist in this edition, that sounds so cancerous.
Practiced rolling us absolutely a thing and isn't even very hard. If you see someone one arranging their dice a particular way up in their hand then that is probably what's going on.

I can see how having a few people do that would make dice cups mandatory.

More like game winning. There's no way in hell that any army can realistically chew through Magnus with 2++r1, so he can just fly around deleting squads from existence.
What the fuck did you think cancerous meant?
Nothing wrong with it at all.

Just don't start making special rules for them (the ability to pull units from all imperial factions means you really don't need to) and don't fall into the special snowflake traps.

They don't need to have geneseed from two sources, traitor geneseed or be one or the two original legions that aren't spoken of.
its 25cm long and 28cm wingspan

Then play loyalist Marines you dumb faggot
>Just be happy with your worse options and fuck off!

But you do have new things, you jackass. You just don't like them.
Because dumbass imperial reasons.
Spit the guy that doesn't have a fucking clue.
I'd say Plague Marines are the hardest of the Cult Marines to Torment.
Berserkers? Pop thier limbs off and cut them off from battle, the Butchers nails and thier own psychotic need for bloodshed will tear thier minds apart.
Noise Marines? Cut them off from sensation. Again thier torments would never end.
Rubric Sorcerers? Spawn the Cunts, the Flesh Change is thier biggest terror.
Plague Marines?... Well what the fuck do you do to a literal manifestation of entropy?

Again, that's like giving Primaris to only Blood Angels and Dark Angels and saying "lol stop complaining you just got a bunch of stuff!"
Because suicide bombing is a psychological tactic against human countries. The imperium could easily make a remote controlled explosion car. But they don't. Warhammer bro.
Stasis field while fully aware
In dead men walking they go full suicide mission with a bomb. they fuck it up though
Aren't rubrics made of dust?
Can you even make them into spawn?
I was under the impression that aside from the aspiring sorcerer they were all essentially automatons or something and their existence is already suffering as a result.
Also, what about Noise Marines with a denial fetish?
So what goodies from CSM can TSons use?

Generic relics, Strategems and Warlord Traits?
>mfw Dark Angels' chapter tactic is probably going to be the same "only one model dies to a failed morale test" / "+1 to hit in the shooting phase if you didn't move" rules that Fallen currently have
>mfw Night Lords legion tactic rendered completely useless, even without taking Deathwing
>mfw Thramas Crusade 2.0
Yeah, basically
The whole point of the rubric spell was so they could never be mutated or turned into spawn
Forgot pic. Please don't report me to the interrogator-chaplains, brothers.
None of them.
I suppose for gameplay purposes they can still be targeted by Gift of the Gods?
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I've called the Arbites
Noise boyz want stimuli, extremely hence the colourful and noisiness. Being big on seclusion or calm would be nonsense
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Winglets can't compete with us 2bqh
You clearly don't know anyone with a masochistic denial fetish.
They still love the big stimuli, and they get to it better by denying themselves, kind of like edging, blindfolds, restraints, anything so they can't tell what's going on, just the imagination that sensations of pleasurable sensations are there, just out of reach is enough to get the blood pumping.
Doesn't really fit Noise Marines theme but it's not outside the realms of possibility.
>Space Wolves will be outright the best. +1A on charge, always hits first even if charged.
>Blood Angels will be +1S on charge

Bit sad desu.
>What is strategic usage
Black Legions Warlord Trait is nice on the advance, before you hit rapid fire range. Not to use constantly but nice to have on the bounce.
How to model a retard daemon prince? Help me anons!
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More like Magnus the Rad
>Space Wolves get World Eaters AND Emperor's Children tactics as their tactic
How about no?
Look in the mirror for inspiration
You know the Nurgle one?
There you go.
And with meh toughness and saves he remains vulnerable to the always classic 'Park plasma guns in front of him and watch him disappear' game I like playing
>Projecting this hard
Is to make a spawn model, as it failed to be ascended, forgot to say that. That's why I want it to look really retarded. Gotta check the nurgle one.
>The imperium could easily make a remote controlled explosion car
Cyclops Demolition Vehicle
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Is it true that when they finish with models for the Primarchs they are going to release The Emperor?
>Noise Marines with blindfolds, killing but unable to hear the screams and sounds of battle.

Anon, you've given me an idea
The Gigantic Chaos Spawn from ForgeWorld.
Just get a cheaper one and put it in the microwave for a bit.
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>blindfolded so can't hear
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New Guard when!?
>People think Chaosfags are the worst
Thanks for reminding who it really is Anon.
Exactly. The Rubric means they won't just spawn out like they used to, but doesn't mean you can't force it on those haughty pricks.
I like this one :D
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Nice trips
Thank you for reminding me how fucking cancerous yiff-fags are

They'll probably get counter-attack again.

+1 attack when CHARGED.

That and maybe strike first when charged.

Don't charge a wolf, it's bad news
Hey guys, I'm off to look up what stratagem & relic word bearers get. I bet they'll get something really cool to make up for their pretty lame legion trait! Wish me luuuuuuuuuuck!
I'll lock the door behind you.
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well i found 3 of em.. storage wasn't kind on them. i need to kitbash some bits for their shooty parts but i've got the arms.

time to repair/fix up .. putty and paint i gues. get em ready for next weekend
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Anon have you started anything yet
Yeah can't wait for new models as the guns keep on falling off ye to the various directions they point, also really gay they can only be units of 3 as I only have 1
Go ask HH General.

But yes.
Dark Pact - 1 CP - Word Bearers only, use when one of their characters attempts to summon daemons, may re-roll the dice, and does not suffer wounds on doubles or triples

Voice of Lorgar - word bearers only - +3" aura range

Cursed Crozius - word bearers only - replaces a power mace, S+2 AP-2 D3, re-roll failed wound rolls against Imperials
Conditional WE and conditional EC still, yiffags need to give their bolter and chainsword back to us
Honestly, True Grit would be interesting. Fire bolters within 1"
I thought WB trait was reroll moral? Increased aura range is strong and fluffy so can't possibly be correct.
Warlord trait, dumbass.
I should have specified the aura is a Warlord Trait.
>also really gay they can only be units of 3 as I only have 1

i've seen people convert terminators into them. it will take some putty work but it's worth it .. better than wasting 1 .. and you can buy a 2nd unit! If you've been playing long enough you should have spare termies somwehre

What's your problem? Grey hunters get free chainswords, deal with it- they've had it since 5th and not much else.

Chaos has new toys to play with now too although no new models at all is pretty bogus
One of the legendary ADB's novels just came out for pre-ordering, and it's in limited edition!

Justify why you didn't buy it yet.
Thanks for clearing that up

Shove a paint brush up your urethra bristles first you colossal wank stain
is this bait?
Fuck yeah. Cant wait to Carnac-post about all the fluff rape. ADB books are the best for that.
You already said it yourself.
>legendary ADB
Legendary shit
They mean back when they could use bolters in melee.
>read First Heretic
>Lorgar has daddy issues
>author's self-insert has a waifu
>hear this is apparantly a common thing in all of his books

That's why I don't read ADB.
But....it's the novel featuring the much anticipated duel between Abaddon and Sigismund. The Warmaster of Chaos vs the Emperor's Champion. Are you not hyped?
ADB likes whiney CSM protags and strong womyn who don't need no marines
>plasma havoks/chosen
>+1 to hit and wound
>overcharge for risk free hit on 2's wound on 2's on most vehcles, D2 each
>abaddon is still alive in the 41st millenium
>sigismund is nowhere to be seen
Gee, the tension. I sure do look forward to finding out which one of them wins.
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>the much anticipated duel between Abaddon and Sigismund
I'm pretty sure we all know how this one ends, dude. Just cool down on the shilling already or go back to dakkadakka.
>>plasma havoks/chosen
>>+1 to hit and wound
>>overcharge for risk free hit on 2's wound on 2's on most vehcles, D2 each

don't forget to bring abbadon for re-rolling misses (1s) or just a lord for re-rolling 1's)

FORGOT to mention in >>54708355

1's still always miss i think. gotta re-check brb
1s always fail. You can re-roll them however.
first game since 90s, can i bring 3x infantry squad and 6 leman russ to a friendly game or is this cheesy/anal?
No. I literally do not care about either faction.
But they're not 1s for plasma wounds.
Thanks Anon, I'm pretty proud of her.
Plus I get to use her as a custom character in a special campaign my LGS is doing later this year. Which means she needs a name.
already came up with a backstory since I like to do that for my customised HQ characters
That stratagem is actually pretty solid, think it works on Arch-Daemon Rituals from Forge World?
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Given the Writhing Tentacles rule has disappeared, I wonder if possessed have gone from rolling D3 for the whole unit's attacks to rolling individually. Along with the extra wound it would basically fix them, IMO, you'd no longer have a situation where the whole unit only has 1 attack from a single bad roll. They do still have an asterisk in the A column, but the guy turned the page too fast to read the special rule on the melee weapon statline and see how it was worded.
>must not get hopes up
>must not get hopes up
>must not get hopes up
>may have got hopes up
They are.
Wait so if it's normally d3 attacks I roll for each, and what if multiple models in the unit are using some weapon with damage d3, when do I roll and do I roll for all or for each one
They are not, else a -1 wouldn't overheat. A roll of 1+1 is 2.
You literally replied to Carnac.
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>implying that will stop Berserkers
The shot misses but does not count as a 1 for plasma misfire, have we got a generic marine FAQ yet
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They're not, no matter how stupid it is. A model with a +1 to hit never overheats plasma unless it also has negative modifiers. A roll of 1 always fails regardless of modifiers but it doesn't count as a 1 anymore for the purposes of the plasma weapons overheat rule.
Why Carnac? Why? ADB will just shit on the established lore that Sigismund was undefeated in duels and have Abaddon win. Or have it as a draw.
Because carnac is a manchild faggot and anything he likes must be godawful trash writing.
>A roll of 1+1 is 2.
Incorrect. 1s always fail and cant be added to.
I think he knows that and is looking forward for the shitstorms next week.
If it's just D3 then you roll D3 for each instance as each attack is resolved separately. In the case of possessed special rule it deliberately states otherwise.
That's not how it works. The 1 fails but it still counts as a 2 for the purpose of plasma. We already have FAQs detailing this.
This has been addressed. Its not a 1 for plasma.
This is false.
The rule for missing explicitly states an "unmodified hit roll of 1 always fails", not that you can't modify the hit roll when it's a 1.
The rule for supercharged plasma states "On a hit roll of 1" which indicates this one can be modified.
Part of me wants to buy Black Legion just to have a book to read. The other part is telling me to not do it because ADB lore rape. Another part is telling me to get it to call Carnac out on his cropping out-of-context lore shitposting.

I don't think it's worth it, is it lads?
Just wait until someone uploads it, you poorfag.
ADB is anti-mary sue. Besides Sigismund HH side-story needed an ending and what an ending it is to have the honour of dying at the hands of the Warmaster of Chaos to signal the start of the Long War.
Poorfag? I'm literally a millionaire at 27. I buy practically everything GW releases. But I don't want to support ADB's fucking fetishes. I want to get it to play ADB Bullshit Bingo, but that's like smacking yourself in the face with a hammer to see how much you can bleed.
>ADB is anti-mary sue.
Khayon is the biggest mary-sue on 40k. Go fuck yourself.
Except Sigismund doesn't die there. That's the whole point. There is a huge unavoidable plot point involving him, which has been covered in books. Sigismund will not die against Abaddon.

Can you explain to me, Carnac, what you get out of shitposting? Like, can you explain to me why you do it? Do you like the attention? What do you do as a job?
>anti Mary Sue
>argel tal and Jaigo laugh mainically whilst jerking off to their waifus
Is a Land Raider Redeemer actually terrible compared to a crusader or the other variants? Trying to think of what would be a better target of Gate of Infinity to send it up for an assault.

Sorry, I haven't played since 5th.
>literally a millionaire
What's the return on your shares so you stay a millionaire
Sadly I'm an inherentfag.
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Bought a fw abaddon and converted him to 40k weapons
>There is a huge unavoidable plot point involving him, which has been covered in books. Sigismund will not die against Abaddon.

Source? Sigismund is alone surrounded by the Abaddon and Ezekarion. Each one of he Ezekarion is an epic level Chaos warlord that would put any of the well known named CSM heroes to shame. For example, Khayon.

Abaddon and Sigismund decided to settle their rivalry in a deathmatch. So how he fuck is Sigismund on his lonesome getting out of this? Abaddon won't die. Will he KO Abaddon? The Ezekarion will tear him apart.

The only way Sigismund is getting out of there alive is for Abaddon to spare him after the duel. Make no mistake, Abaddon respects the shit out of Sigismund and it seems to be mutual since Sigismund warrior saluted Abaddon. BUT they don't respect each other to the point that anyone of them would spare the other. They are adults not children playing at war.
You indeed are an inherent fag
INVEST IN SHARES, Australia's uranium mining and Shell seems to be good atm, its what I did with the 300 pounds I got when I was 18
Source? Literally him forming the Black Templars as punishment for failing to capture Mars and getting into an argument with Dorn. Also established lore says he never lost a duel. But, ADB is, obviously, one not to care about established lore. So you might be right. I'll screencap this though just in case.
Such as who? That's in regards to uranium. /biz/ is a bit of a meme board. "BUY GOLD LOL". No thanks.
Talon of Horus. The fight between Abaddon and Sigismund was teased in the final chapters of the book. The second book coming next week will feature the duel.

Before Talon of Horus was written down, IIRC, ADB in the forums said he always wanted to write Abaddon fighting Sigismund. Lo and behold, he got h is wish and the fanbase rejoiced!
Can you mark the oboes slaanesh and get two rounds of shooting with a command point?
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>ADB in the forums
Hell yeah motherfucker

Sorry, tired as hell so reading comprehension is suffering.

Dude, at he point of the story Sigismund WAS the commander of the Black Templar. The teased chapter where Abaddon will fight Sigismund is called THE TEMPLAR.

Sigismund had the Black Templar chapter standing around Cadia for so long waiting for Abaddon to emerge so he can kill him and atone for failing to kill him in HH.

Dude, you know nothing and I need some coffee.
>author shouldn't listen to feedback from his fans

He also posted anonymously in /tg/ until it got all weird, bitter, and hostile. He asks his fan regularly for ideas of what they like to see and has discussions with them. He is based.
No one gives a shit.
I feel like you should be on reddit instead
Hey ADB.
Bolter and Chainsword is a buzz about it though.
Energy Resources of Australia Limited
Shell or BP for oil
Well. Slaanesh Obliterators are definately a thing. Cacophany makes them crazy. Veterans of the Long War doubly so.
>VotLW is back
I missed it, what is it?
1CP for +1 To Wound for that unit.
That's pretty good, are the restrictions standard Heretic Astartes Infantry and Bike?
There's moment my noise marines will benefit from that.
Fucking this and it's pissing me off more and more when people don't realize it.
Yeah. See >>54706707
What about giving an aspiring Champion a Combi weapon and power axe?
>Possessed: Two wounds each, can buff them to be strength 8, d3+1 attacks, reroll missed hits and wounds in fight phase

Is this it, are Possessed finally good?
>strength 8
Fucking how, and don't be the retard who says that psychic power that only buffs a single model.
Looks good, Emperor's Children Obliterators with that, the Cacophony stratagem, and this will tear anything lighter than a rhino in half.
Same goes for Havocs and Special/Heavy Weapon Chosen.
Yeah, he was stacking a few buffs on at the end there but basically, they're the elite melee unit they were always meant to be.
Guy who typed that corrected himself, he forgot it was a single model buff.
s8 and d3+1 attacks? How, the strength psy power affects one model.
So a unit using that wounds anything in the game on a 5+? That sounds kind of amazing. Using it on a unit with lightning claws for an over 50% chance to wound seems like good times.
I have no idea how to do it, besides, Australia Limited has gone down.

Yes. Bolters can damage Titan's on a 5+ with that Strat.
Fuck emperors children, anything with a Mark of Slaanesh. Cacophany and VotLW are both generic strats. My SoH/Black Legion are digging in deep.
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>Fuck emperors children
What are you talking about? It's within 1" of an enemy, THEN you fall in and attack. It's an extra attack phase for 0CP if you are already within a fight.
Look its hard to say no to hot pink and spikes.
Nice numerals.
Yep, I fucked up, sorry. That shit is best used on demon prince than on pozz marines.
He's saying because the power is cast in the psychic phase and you need to already be in combat, you would have had to fail to kill everything for two fight phases already if you got the charge last turn.
Oh yeah, little biased towards my legion though.
I can't keep my monster in combat until my psychic phase, none of my opponents stay put, they fall back so they can shoot instead of risk a round of combat during their turn as well.
Fluffwise, if they really are VotLW, they've probably faced countless Titans and know where to aim.
Look, possessed aren't great, but being fair, with 2 wounds a 5++ and being a little quicker, for relatively cheap, you can get a bit of use out of them. I think alpha legion benefit from them best, because you can basically drop them next door to the enemy before deployment and go in hell for leather. but outside that, they still aren't half bad.
Yep, good call, probably not going to happen in any reasonable circumstance.

I agree, I think Pozz marines are pretty good now
Poz marines should be an alternate name for Plague marines
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Are both me. I'm still SoH and later Black Legion. Because being the first among traitors appeals to me.
Use a Command Point to reroll the attacks if it all goes to shit. Its what they are there for.
Brimstones got a price increase to 3ppm.

Conscriptfags are going to be really sad soon.
And with a good attack roll, votlw instead to crack open tasty skulls.
Can you post the new points values if you have them?
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I know, I had two different responses for your two different posts.
Partially because someone already made a joke about your use of the word fuck and I didn't want to parrot them, but I still needed to agree, who wouldn't fuck Emperor's Children?
But everyone should play what Legion they like, biases amongst the Legions is expected.
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Fair cop. I'll just do what my Legion does, steal the best of the other Legions and making it my own.
Only have some of them, what I've been told from a reliable source:

>Bloodletters, Plaguebearers, and Daemonettes are 7ppm
>Pink Horrors went down to 8ppm, Blue stayed the same, Brimstones increase to 3ppm
>Mutilators went down to 50ppm
>Cultists went down to 4ppm
>Predators went down to 90ppm
>Noise Marines went down to 15ppm
>Plague Marines went down to 19ppm
Thanks senpai.
And us cult legions will of course help when the time comes for another black crusade.
But for now lets help Deathguard rip Konor in half, we have a shiny new codex to match theirs, and I'm painting two squads of chosen and a box of possessed for week 2.
Death to the False Emperor, right? my legion isn't against a little patricide
Defiler got a 50 point reduction, Khorne Lord of Skulls got a 100 point reduction, no joke.
To try to head off THREAD WARS, someone has already made a new 'un over here:
What's wrong with thread wars? I like seeing our generals take up 3-4 spots with various 40k related threads sprinkled in.
Could be worse, there could be fucking disgusting paizo pedshit threads everywhere. Worst we have to deal with is the pedophile who like sisters of battle.
Beyond rapid fire range, plasma incinerator loses out to both the assault and heavy variants. At rapid fire range, it wipes the floor with both of them. It all depends on whether you want them to get close or stay back.

I'm going with heavies because I want to use them at long range.
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Gue'vesa in December. It's going to be a Greater Good Christmas.

What chaos SHOULD have are unique weapons of their own to make up for the fact that they don't have that stuff. Daemon engines are a good start, but chaos marines still have fully half the unit entries that regular marines do.

A good start would be to look at FW and the way they've handled chaos; loyalists get storm cannons, chaos get butcher cannons, Loyalists get "relic of the chapter", chaos vehicles fucking eat people because they're built in the warp and are possessed by daemons. Loyalists get grav weapons which scale their damage with how "hard" a target is, chaos gets "soul burner" weapons, which deal a small number of mortal wounds per turn.

The exclusion of Dirge casters and daemonic possession from the new Chaos dex is just baffling considering how ubiquitous they've been for several editions now, as is regular CSM now being arbitrarily restricted from bolter +chainsword

Chaos could very easily be built into the "glass cannon short ranged" marine army that has a stratified sort of list construction; Cultists cost nothing but have a rule where when you target marines behind them they take a mortal wound instead, CSM are otherwise cheap and slightly less expendable but their cost comes from being able to stack up on weapons/wargear, chosen/havoks/termies cost a lot but have some built in rule that pumps them up (havoks pick a unit key word like INFANTRY/VEHICLE/MONSTER and can reroll wounds against it).

If GW wants to push the CSM vs SM 10 000 YEARS OF HATRED narrative for marines it would be nice if they were slightly better at their jobs then the average chapter marines (For example, if their squads take the same amount of damage a Khorne Berserker has a higher chance of running away then a scout marine, because the scout marine can reroll failed moral tests)
Battleshock isn't just running away anymore though, I agree with you wholeheartedly on almost all those accounts, but Battleshock and leadership aren't simple fear + run away tests anymore.
Leadership is as it probably should have been to begin with, the units teamwork. Combined with group morale, courage, and willpower.
A character on their own will have nigh perfect teamwork with themselves, so they're mostly 9's, with some low rare models having 10's.
Chaos Marines are nigh fearless, but their teamwork is lacking, that's why all their characters are leadership 9, except Abaddon who is a 10, while their troops are brought down.
While safety in numbers is standard procedure for humans, there is something to be said for someone who stands alone against an enemy, these exceptional character are chaos lords and other similar characters, they fear death of course, but they have confidence in their own abilities. While the troops and even elite units have to rely on each other, and chaos just can't trust each other like naive scouts can.
You can think of a Khorne Berzerker model leaving the field from battleshock as something more akin to the unit reacting to the sight of blood and taking the opportunity to kill a person they weren't fond of, accidents happen on the battlefield.
But yeah, the elite and cult units of CSM at least should be a little more disciplined.
Any tl;dr on new Grey Knights? Did much change?
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