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Warhammer 40,000 General /40kg/

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Thread replies: 469
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laughing whores edition

Old Thread: >>54527498 (Cross-thread)

>Warhammer maker Games Workshop declares a victory as profits double

>GW FAQ (1.1):

>FW FAQ (1.1):

>Latest news :

>Rules and such. Use Readium on pc/iphone, lithium/kobo on android:
>Everything 8th edition in pdf(and epub), SW:A, WIP and BB are here too, no novels.

>Other megas

>WIP Math-hammer doc (Chart-Anon doing Abaddon's work)
Only 40k posts itt.
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My three fast attack slots have arrived /tg/. Armoured or vanilla? Weapons? What's your mileage?
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There is the entire fucking internet out there and you fuckers are gonna focus on 40k itt.
somebody bought up all the easybuild reivers at my FLGS and now i'm sad that I have to wait until saturday.
How should i equip my raptors?
why not wait for the multi-kit?

disregard melee and focus on ranged combat
thats what you get for trying to play chad marines
How would i even do that
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Well, look what arrived just now. Dreads will be all gatling and the aggressors will get boltfists, but 'm unsure about the reivers. Carbine or knife? Grav-chute or grapple?
Raptors can take plasma guns.
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By playing orks, duh!
take rangedcentric units with the ravenguard chapter tactics.
i'd go carbine, iirc you get to keep the pistol which is basically +1 attack in melee.
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How is your day anons? Its raining outside and I've got the day off, so I'm getting back into painting after many, many years.

What are you working on today?
what does the grapnel even do? also the knives are crazy good
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Why are these ladies so cool yet so shit?
>how powerful they are in-game
I don't know really. They seem solid.
Noice except I hate those skull faces on those guys. The jump pack boys look okay except a little bulky and their constant fall-back pose is goofy.
How they fit in with Cawl is actually really god writing imo. I don't like that they make spacers seem weak by comparison. I hope that in future editions they differentiate and get fluffed out. If they progress the story such that there's a new heretical (thought not necessarily chaotic) mechanicus and the primaris turn into spookers, it would solve the problem of the space marines seeming antiquated.

Reposted because I was a dufus and posted this in dedbred.
Scout, missile launcher, 9x
Raptors, the unit, not the chapter friendo
So2 PG and a combi-plasma?
lets you deepstrike by a board edge and ignore vertical movement as they imitate batman.


They're not bad as tarpit, 4++ and PfP makes them sturdier than they look on paper for their points.
Should I just buy bits off Ebay, or is there a better site out there for bit ordering at a decent price?

take a single power sword or lightning claw on the champ if you want to spend the points - you've got the parts in the kit.
Does anyone know the stats for the plasma cannon versus the gatling arm on the Redemptor?

only in melee and don't work for pistol shots
If you gonna use Grav chute then go with knife since close combat is inevitable if you gonna deep strike them.
You're not allowed to take a combi weapon and melee weapon

Two plasma guns, a plasma pistol and a power weapon. It's actually cheaper then a combiweapon and gives them lots of versatility.
So basically avoid melee, run around bullying dev squads and the like?
Someone please tell me spacer codex when. I'm trying to write a list but realised that was futile until it's out.
I use Hordes O'bits but they're kind of spotty about updating with new bits
Why not use razor wing flocks as tarpits? For 84 points you get 48 fucking wounds with up to 24' charge range, and they're pretty much as undamaging as wyches.

It pains me but I just don't see any use for Wyches. I hope they get a lil buff in the codex. Just making their weapons -1 would help a lot.
>heavy D3 str 8 ap -4 D1, can over charge for +1 D and Str

>heavy 18 str 5 ap-1 D1
costs are similar
whoops 7th ed knowledge strikes back

Pls post new SM artifacts.
>For 84 points

they got nerf, brosef
Because they're a tarpit unit and you need to run them in max mobs.

Pay a few extra points and make them bloodbrides. Give them +1S and stick a succubus nearby to reroll 1s, and a group of 10 will put out 30 S4 attacks, 9 of which reroll wounds with Ap-1, and 3 from a power sword.

Wyches with +1T are decent tarpits because they're harder to wound, especially against S3.
>extra attack
>crazy good
What? How? They are shitty chainswords by another name.

Brilliant, cheers guys
+1/2 an attack; you only get to shoot it in your turn
they have ap-1
Yes daddy I will, I promise!

Ontopic question, how many patriarchs is too many? Since we can take more than one now and I have 3 of the models...
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Why is games workshop a bag of dicks. Now I cant use my favorite army list builder because it was threatened. Which army list builder do you anons use?
Not sure I agree. You'll be close, sure, but the knife gives +1A, while the carbine gives you 2 shots at the same strength plus adds to overwatch.
Also, you can DS them away from the enemy and still contribute to the fight.
Thanks, I'll hit them up to build all my tankbusters.
Pen and paper.
>not allowed to take melee and combi

That seems incorrect, but if that's the case, that's fucking shitty. Why would they do that?
Battlescribe so it can be on my phone.
my local shop doesn't have internet.
oh nvm. it would seem that they removed the AP-1 that the 3 man team had.
No they don't.
No they don't.
And fuck you for making me look that up.
They never had it. The pistols have -1 AP. The knives did not and still don't.
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This git gets it
3x tauros venator
elysians have no other options
not that i mind terribly
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I found it. but it was from one of the starter sets and is probably a typo.
That group will also cost you over 200 points while literally melting to flashlight fire.

Just get incubi and enjoy seeing the klaivex oneshot tyrants warriors. Wyches are sadly 100% useless
that same pamphlet that that is part of has the pistols as being -1 in the other languages. it's literally only the english version in that three reiver easy to build box (and not the first strike box) that has that typo
Mixed up the heavy boltpistol's and the combat blade's AP, obviously.
regardless. 31 attacks in melee not counting pistol shots is pretty nice.
>Heavy D3
Guess nobody will take this option then
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I complained about it before and ill complain about it again.
>Terror Troops
>This guy scared about the spooky scary skull mask guy.
it's heavy D6.
Is admech popular?
People like it here but I dunno about the fanbase at large. People don't talk it about them that often, why do people not talk about them as much as other IoM factions like SoBs? There is no way SoBs are more popular than admech, but the former has a lot more chatter and whining
Still garbage vs the HOG cannon
GW in this case did the right thing.
that idiot was blatently proffiting off copyright infringement.
What were you expecting? The guy was making money from it.

At least GW didn't send a C&D.
It's decent then, i still think the gatling arm will be the more (ab)used
They should be moderately popular
Any info on DG termies yet? I haven't had real internet the last two weeks.
3W T6 4++ M4
How expensive is small knife in this setting? I mean, why not give every marines a fucking knife just in case.
Can you leave the beer gut off the dread? Can you get a pic of it before that piece is attached? I've heard it looks more like the classic dreads that way and that would go a long way towards convincing me to pick one up.
becuasde you cant

I speak as an Admech player myself. There are plenty of people who play Admech, and who like it. There just isn't as much for Admech players to bitch about. We have a decent model range, our rules are fine, other people don't hate us. That's it. Most of what you see here is people complaining about their army or complaining about an army they don't like. Or defending their army from complainers. Admech doesn't have much to complain about, and no one complains about us, so we don't see much discussion here.
Question about keywords in armies. A lot of units have create custom keywords for your specific chapter, division, etc.

If you take something like a space marine captain and have him a key word like sisters of silence, or cadian would his reroll ability then apply to those different roles of units even though they aren't slave marines?
if you read the rules it's assumed that any unit without a melee weapon has a close combat weapon with str equivalent to their str score. so all space marines have a knife.
Well, the combat blade is more of a sword than a knife but even then a single bold shell is more expensive than a sword in the pen and paper PRGs.
We should start bitching about Sicarians and Kataphrons so that we get some attention
also forgot the mention. the gatling cannon is only heavy 12 not 18
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What was the verdict on pic related?

I'm only getting started with 40k, Im waiting on the Start Collecting Chaos Space Marines so wondered would this be good for a few more models aswell as another boars game for the collection

this has been addressed again and again and again and again
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Kirby is finally leaving the company for good
i heard necrons are overpowered, is that true?
Is the razorwing fighter good?

Fuck off with this Wu Tang Clan shit. That meme is done. Your behind the times. Fuck off.
any full leak on the codex?

Why would you bitch about Kataphrons? I mean I get bitching about Sicarians, though I personally like them quite a bit I get that some people think they don't perform well so i get it, but why bitch about Kataphrons? Their giant fuck off rape guns are great.
I have no idea what you're talking about

Can you be more specific. There's several for this game
Or Cognis being useless on everything but the flamers.

Fair point.
Torsion Cannons are pretty shit.
No. That's the shittiest box game deal in recent year.

You get 3 shitty snapfit marines and 15 cultist and a terminator lord. you get total of 23 mini for 125$. That's fucking shit.

Want to start? get First strike, Know No fear, or Dark Vengeance.
Dont know it's its very that a champion may swap his weapons for one of two lists.
List one allows you to take two items from a list of melee weapons and pistols, list two has only combi weapons.

Note, this means champions with combi weapons don't have bolt pistols.
Designers commentary on the warhammer community page.
Is the source hanging around anon?
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It's not the mask that scares them, it's what's behind it.
Dreadnought 139pts

Terminator Squad 343pts Terminator
7x Terminator 2xChainfists, Assault cannon

Devastator Squad 238pts
10x Devastators, Armarium Cherub, Plasma pistol, 2x Plasma cannon,2x Multi-melta

Devastator Squad 170pts
5x Devastators, Armarium Cherub, Plasma pistol, 2x lascannon ,2x missle launcher

Predator 171pts
Predator autocannon, Two Heavy Bolters

Rhino 78pts
Hunter-killer missile, Storm bolter

++ Total: [86 PL, 1500pts] +
It's not bad if you can find it on sale. Selling the Assassins alone lets you make your money back if you can find it cheap enough.
You know that's not because of "le spokky overwatch reaper faces", right?

They have howling banshee techology in their masks.
I guess the absence of complaining makes them seem sparsely populated
Did someone get that box NOT for the assassin?

The fuck why didn't they get Dark Vengeance?
That rumour guy on dakka, should still be there, dont have the link because
>phone posting
Thanks anon. Me too

Media representation, and representation on a forum like this, is all about who screams loudest. He who screams loudest has greatest presence and tends to get listened to. Admech players don't scream, so we get forgotten.
Breachers were shit before, now they're even worse in comparison to everything else. Destroyers took a major hit when grav got nerfed, and Arc weapons have been completely gutted to the point of being useless.
The guy asking about it just seems to want the Chaos models.

Or those faggots that buy sets just to re-sell them.

Only really see any luck with heavy flamers, scouts die super easy, 3 with HF though if used right work nice
Any rumors about what the codex release cycle and/or speed is going to be like? Thinking about getting back into 40k, but I don't really want to spend ages playing with the "pay for the PDF's we gave away for free with Sigmar" Indexes, especially when the actual codex factions are going to be so much better.
>Arc weapons have been completely gutted to the point of being useless.
Good. Haywire spam was gay. Hell, the entire implementation of Haywire last edition was awful.
Looks pretty good on paper, but I haven't used it yet, same points cost as as the Ravager more or less, trading one DL/Disintegrator for missiles and splinter rifles as well as being a little harder to hit.

Slightly cheaper dollars wise too.
There's something like a new Codex coming every two weeks from now til Christmas, roughly.

But sometimes the Codexes remove stuff that was in the Index and you need both for all the options anyways.

You need both? Wow that's fucking stupid. Standard geedubs tactics I guess though.
popular factions get their shit fairly quickly, I would imagine. All flavor of muhrene, Eldar. People who play fun factions like Orks or Sisters will probably be left to rot in a ditch for a few years.
Grav destroyers aren't terrible. They were massively bullshit in 7th but now they're a bit overcosted. Heavy Arc rifles are surprisingly effective against light vehicles though when we have Neutron Lasers and easily spamable S6 AP-2 weapons there doesn't seem much reason to use them.

GW have mentioned putting the rules for each unit in their boxes but they seem like they're just going be partial rules with the full rules in books you have to buy.

Nerfing it is fine, but like anon said it's almost entirely useless now.

You only need both if you want to run specific units GW isn't going to give full rules too. You can easily run an army with just the codex.
>2 dollar whore desperate for attention
>news at 11

GW for 10 dexes by Christmas
What they will all be no one knows but plenty of whiners and Rountree's nephews around here
I thought codex will completely overwritten index ?
I don't think we yet know just how much won't be covered in the codexes. At least for now, the indexes mean the wait for a codex isn't AS bad as it used to be, though obviously codex armies will have a lot more options.
8th edition codexes don't include any models or even wargear options for models that they don't currently sell in the kits.

So like Apothecary on Bikes, or Dreadnoughts with twin autocannons, are not in the Codex. You can still run them with the Index rules, using the Codex points values.
They do unless it's a unit not included in the Codex, in which case you use the Index. Bike Chaplains for example.
Nobody even used the Arc weapons you idiot. Vanguard exclusively fielded triple plasma and Destroyers only used grav.
Points costs in the Codex overwrite the Index. But if a unit just straight up isn't included in the Codex, you can run the Index versions, with all the most recent points costs (meaning you might need to check the Codex for some of its wargear points costs for example).
Hmm that's cool, looks like my Index still have some use after all.
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>mfw codex has LESS choices than the already sparse as fuck index
Arc Weapons were extremely common Anon. People played AdMech outside of tournaments. The only time triple plasma was common was a warlord squad or in a War Convo.
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See here:

Plasma is:
Heavy D6 36" S8 AP-4 D1
Heavy D6 36" S9 AP-4 D2 Overcharged

Heavy gatling:
Heavy 12 S5 AP-1 D1

Don't spread misinformation, especially when you have no source.
>start a real genestealer cult
So... would this actually be feasible? I'm pretty sure there are people legally registered as "Jedi" and shit. Could you imagine the legal battle between GW trying to protect their IP and a bunch of psychos who claim to be divinely inspired by their lore and worship the Four-Armed Emperor?
Are there pics of this ? Because as far as I know this seems to come from nothing but hearsay and clickbait 'rumour' sites.
>marinefags actually rebuy their entire army
very good
Misiles seem a little bit underwhelming but up to 72'' move with those disintegrators seems amazing to get rid of termies and similar stuff.
Can someone help me identify the bit that's used for the missile pod in these rhinos?

Straight from GW, anon.
The best part is that they're loving it too. Gotta say that GW did a brilliant move.
That's even worse
Even if that's true, it doesn't warrant nerfing them into oblivion. They're just s6 guns now.
While I also liked this army builder, the guy had it coming
Pretty sure it's third party.
>The new Space Marine codex is $50

Didnt GW say the new codexes wouldnt be ridiculously expensive anymore
>Believing everything GW says

Your reading comprehension is absolute shit if you think that means that the codexs will not have the armies full range.
No, they said that about the indexes, and weren't lying. They never said the codexes would be cheap.

GeeDubs has never straight up lied. If I had a dollar for every time some dumbass on the internet misinterpreted something they said or just straight up shared false info, and then it got repeated around until everyone believed it without checking sources, and then they got buttmad at GW over their own fucking stupidity, I'd have enough money to buy every new release every time.
>Great news guys we are going to have 10 codexes before Christmas!
>4 of them already confirmed marineshit

Guess it's easy to write 10 books when you just copy paste the units with different colours.
stop being retarded, you're being retarded.
Demons or admech - which one is more fun? I want to start 40k but don't have clue how and how these armies feel besides fluff
I never said it was ok to nerf them to oblivion. Just saying they were hardly unused, though as far as I'm aware they were mostly only used on Skitarii. GW seems to be of the mind that you are supposed to spam the shit out of them since Arc Rifles are, what, 4 points now?

Yet Harlequins get haywire weapons that auto-wound vehicles on 4+ for some reason.

With luck our Codex will re-work them, but who fucking knows when that will come out.
We already know it doesn't you fucking retard, apart from that part of the article where it blatantly says THERE ARE NO DATASHEETS FOR CERTAIN CHARACTERS ON BIKES, WintersSEO reviewed the codex and told us.
No lascannon devastator primaris, no biker primaris, no melee jump primaris, no sniper primaris, no land-speeder primaris.

Still a far cry from a full army rebuy.
GKs is probably sadly copy pasted without new stuff
But atleast DG will be a fun time when it releases far too late to be relevant in the campaign
Admech is a thousand times more fun and interesting than daemons.
Dark vengeance seems like the better option alright, not in to the Death Guard so I didn't got with the newer boxes besides First Strike to get a handle on the rules.
Battlescribe as always
Sadly probably true :( At least 3 more psychic powers will be nice, and relics. But im expecting pretty much nothing from unit/balance changes. Castellan crowe still going to be shit tier feelsbadman
Daemons are a million times more fun and interesting than robo-guardsman.
Something else is infinitely more fun and interesting than admech or daemons
Toaster please, chaos is the real man's faction
Lol, did I strike a nerve chaoscuck?
Play GSC
I didn't know Guardsmen had cancer guns and crab walkers.
Yeah they're just flat gun upgrades now. S6 for 4 points.

How do you run your vanguard/rangers now anyway? I keep running into Leadership issues with them unless they have a dunecrawler or warlord to habysit them.
>wow, our laser rifles are a little different and our battle tank has legs
>truly, we are the most unique and varied factions
>no wargear options
Into the trash it goes
No, but they have chicken walkers and massed lasgun fire might cause skin cancer after extended exposure.
>our armor has spikes on it

Traitor pleb.
Hey don't forget their sentinels have gimps strapped to them.
Mine usually die before leadership becomes an issue. I really haven't bothered to change how I run them over how I ran them in 7th desu, one squad full of plasma and two or three squads with a couple of arc weapons, maybe throw in a naked vanguard squad or two to use as a screen. Also obligatory ranger squad with snipers.
we seen the rules for that flying SM tank yet? been a long week and havent been able to check up with /tg/ if so, are they any good to take?
Can't forget that revolutionary change
>talking about Daemons
>AdMech sperg starts talking about an entirely different faction
I thought all you AdMech bandwagoners quit once WarConvo lost their Drop Pods.
I don't even play Admech.
I don't even play 40k.
Sold off the war convocation already?
They're insanely good, mainly just waiting on exact points costs but they're pretty much a Land Raider that is harder to charge, can't be locked in combat and has way more guns, for just having 3+ armour instead of 2+
>to get a handle on the rules.
Core Rules are free, not to mention on here most book are in the mega so get 1st strike just to get handle on the rule is unnecessary
Just do what I do and play both.
In a Dark Mechanicum army.
I've been playing Orks since third edition. I've been called a lot over the years, but never a power gamer, so, thanks I guess?
>Our "battletank" has a giant fuckheug laser or a massive anti-air weapon, it's totally just a Russ' on legs.
>Army wide buff every single turn resulting from mass chanting
>Giant robots with varying modes of operation and an invuln that reflects shots back at their attacker

Totally just the Guard. Btw how do you tell the difference between CSM and Astartes? They're all just dudes in power armor with bolters right?

When did sentinels get sniper weapons and literal lances?
>He doesn't realize they are doing it slowly so retard like him don't even notice it happening

Seriously anon, the new Chaplin and the Apothecary show this. It's going to be a gradual thing, over the next year probably.
question: what's the best way to field an assassin for a battle-forged space marine army? i just can't include it in any space marine detachment without losing ObSec, can I?
Just pay up the -1 command point. It's not a huge deal. Assassins are too fun not to field.
a google spreadsheet, so I can access it on my computer or phone.
Finished my two lascannon helbrutes so my Thousand Sons can finally have some reliable anti-armor, about to start on my contemptor.
It won't really happen until GW sells out of whatever stock of oldMarines they already have.
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>from lynchpin of the guard to 0,93 marines killed per shot

How do we make the Russ great again?
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Either an Auxiliary detachment at -1 CP, or. Patrol Detachment along with a Primaris Psyker/Inquisitor/Greyfax.
that sux because i was planning on fielding a second relic and looking at tactical flexibility to reduce the number of deployment drops by 1. the costs in CPs are starting to add up.
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Add templates back.
Yeah they definitely waited to sell out of Tactical Marines, Captains, Chaplains, Librarians, and Dreadnoughts before releasing the current stuff.
Or you could just fuck right off.
When firing at a unit with at least 10 models, roll 2d6 and discard the lowest when determining number of shots.

It wouldn't make it amazing but it would at least be better at being an all rounder.
>exterminator 6 autocannon shots
>executioner 3d3 plasma shots 3 damage when overcharged
>demolisher is ok
>all other blast variants 2d6 shots
Just take a fucking Punisher if you're going to whine and moan.
The new stuff doesn't actually outright replace anything though. They won't outright stop selling models while they still have stock.
Nigger there are very few faqs out. Go and look them up you autistic retard
What was wrong with them again?
It's not gonna be a replacement, it's gonna be a parallel unit at best, twice the selection, twice the potential sales, of do you think they'll scrap millions worth of injection molds?
i suppose i could also field a lieutenant to oversee the assassin - who then doesnt get to benefit from chapter tactics (big frickin' loss given that i am crimson fists). but i kinda wanted to avoid the chaptermaster/lieutenant cheese, even though it's powerful.
very inaccurate and time consuming to use when used often.
Wait what? Where is that said?

"Small blast" remains a d6, "Large" blasts scale up to 2d6, apocalyptic another level.

Of course Orks remain fucked with BS 2
It doesn't technically replace it, but in actuality oldmarine sales are already plummeting for stuff that has Primaris versions. People see the new proportions next to their old models and can no longer stomach paying money for manlets. They might continue to play the models they've already put money and time into, painted up, made great stories with in past games, but there aren't a lot of new sales for old marines.
My passtime takes to much time, i have to finish fast so I can go home and watch epic vimes.
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What do you mean by that?

>very inaccurate
In what sense?

> time consuming to use when used often
And I suppose this can be true for say, something like a Thudd Gun, but I would say on average blasts did not take that long to do honestly.
Oh I knew that, but I'm more likely to sit down and work it out with some 40k models and printed rules/data sheets instead of random ones from some other board game.
I'll use them as a test bed for painting too.
Admech is the newer army and thus has less options if you want to be purely Admech without some other Imperial units thrown in.

Daemons have a lot more variety and options depending on what you want to do, what gods you like, and what models you like. However, they just took the nerf bat hard up the Slaanesh hole and are a below average army currently, whereas AdMech is above average.

Note: This may change with the release of codexes and you should buy an army based on what you like the most anyways. The anon who suggested you look into Dark Mechanicum had a good idea. You could easily do both.
Worthwhile ork blast weapons were crewed by bs3 grots anyway.
Post numbers to back up your claims, no anecdotal evidence.
This is like that Taufag claiming that Tau are the most sold faction after marines.
But that's illegal in matched play.
I've been told that 8th is all about the alpha strike and getting 1st turn is a massive advantage. How true is that?
You have plenty of cultist and loyalist marine to test your painting in DV.

You can even use the marine one in DV as CSM or Fallen.
Games Workshop’s annual results came with the announcement that non-executive chairman Toby Kirby would retire from his role after the annual general meeting in September.
Arguing over scatter direction and distance, arguing of what's in and not in. Really shitty with shitty opponents. Not bad, but kinda slow with good ones. I think losing templates was fine, but they probably could have included more "add 1d6 hits if the target has 10+ models" abilities.
I for one am glad I don't have to argue with literal autists and OCD tards about whether or not the fifth blast he's fired this turn hits two or three guardsmen anymore.

It was time consuming nonsense and you know it. I'm not entirely happy with how the current rules replacement works, but at least it means I can usually play two or three games per afternoon instead of just one.
Are you saying the supa kannon isn't worthwhile?
Different Anon, but I am close with the owner of my LGS and we have been talking about how the manlet stuff isn't selling anymore, while he has a mountain of Primaris orders.

And sure it's anecdotal but hey, I'm willing to bet it's like that in most places. Hell I've seen guard players start buying them, when I asked them they talked about wanting the true scale marines with their army.

Manlets are on the way out anon.
Your millage will vary massively on the meta of your area, but if you're concerned about 1st turn advantages just play ICT rules and instead of auto first turn for finishing deploying first you roll off and the first finished deployed player gets +1
I guess I'm just biased because I never had to deal with shitters.
>Scatter direction
There is a scatter die. It either moves where the arrow is pointing or its a direct hit.
>Scatter distance
Roll 2d6 minus BS (or full scatter if its one of the artillery pieces that doesn't need line of sight). It moves that far
>What's in and not in.
Is the template over the model? If so it gets hit. If not it doesn't get hit.
Literally no arguments to be made unlike tons of rules in 8th

Get back to me when you actually play games with people.
See but there were other ways to do it. Like they could have easily just pulled an infinity and just make a template with 6 directions on it, you're roll corresponding to the direction.

It would have solved the problem and made the game easier, while not gimping blasts.

Pic very related.

Maybe I am just biased because I never wasted my time with shitters, cause why would you, it's a waste. Just my two cents.

Also what is this with the

>I can usually play two or three games per afternoon instead of just one
How is it better? I would rather have a more in depth game that lasts longer than an arcadey style game that is super simplified.
In my experience first turn is a fucking huge advantage, especially if you can get into shooting range

>mfw blowing away 1/3 of an enemies army turn one

Fuck I feel bad. I need to nerf my guard lists.
Believe it or not but not everyone plays 40k against turbo autistic nerds who would argue endlessly about whether or not the very edge of a base is under the template or not.

Was this a Facebook question or something?

Seems like they must have straight up forgotten to include some units to turn round and say yes, they are still a viable option.

It's kind of like removing pariahs from the Necron codex and saying "Oh you can still use them, but you just use the old book entry!"

I know that's not the exact same thing, but just like the closest example I can think of from the top of my head.

I'm glad my marines are non-codex and when I get my book, they might be a little less rushed and not have mistakes, if this wasn't intentional.
>you got the angle from scatter the die wrong
>no I don't think it hits the edge of the base of my expensive heavy weapons guy, let's argue for ten minutes
>no you need to remeasure

Fuck. Off.
Personally I think blasts should have been one hit roll with the 1d6 etc being the number of extra autohits you score, a bit like flamers. Also cap flamer/blast number of hits to number of models in target squad.
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>I was a retard who played with autists and now i'm mad that I played with autists! Quick! Simplify the rules so I can play with autists! What? Just don't play with autists and just be casual in the game? I can't do that!
Well over here only the people that buy a handfull of units for a army they want to play, paint maybe half of it and never actually ever play a single game have bought Primaris marines. I haven't even seen a single one of those models in the flesh, because they don't come to the LGS to paint either. The only reason I know they paint models is because they sometimes post pics of one or two models they painted on the normiebook page meant for arranging games in the LGS.

This is exactly why anecdotal evidence means nothing. There were also tons of people claiming AoS was doing amazing and that it was outselling 40k when it was released, but the numbers did not support those claims at all.
It's your choice to play games with a the shallow end of the player-pool.

There's a reason they don't have any friends and no club will accept them.
Why do so many people want horde armies to be unfieldable again?

Are all the template fans IG tank players?
You will always go second if you are playing horde army. This is pretty bad for guard. I usually have 14+ units, but using squadrons and chimeras for all characters now i can have 8 units.
Direct reverse here, literally the only Primaris that sells is the boxed sets and the "not-quite contemptor", and our trade forums are swamped with the primaris halves.
Guess nobody should play at tournaments or in campaigns with predetermined opponents then.
I've played tons of games and almost never had an argument unlike 8th where the first game I played there were at least 3 arguments
Im not a template fan but blasts got fucked compared to flamers.
You can play horde with few 30 squads, you don't HAVE to field 12 10-mans
Choosing opponents doesn't help when it's in a tournament scenario. Calling judges over to check a template is dumb as fuck.
Yeah, good point , I will have if I can find it for a good price anyways
I mean I go to TTS, and that place is the most successful game store in Texas as of right now. (We got 100 starter sets, and ran out, ended up selling 180 I think or 200). So I feel like it is a bit better representation than where you live.

Primaris is booming here anon, atleast among the space marines it seems.
How do we make wyches good?
Not everyone has the luxury of only being able to play with cool people you fucking idiot.

If I don't want to playwith autists, I can never play in my lgs again, pretty much. You know tge kind of people this hobby attracts, so don't act like a retard and pretend everyone who plays is a reasonable, socially well adjusted person, because they're not and youdamn well know it.
What are you talking about.
The problem is that it isn't really an option for guard since conscripts can't take any heavy weapons, special weapons or anything at all really.
>Calling judges over to check a template is dumb as fuck.
It's what they are there for.
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>Goes to a tournament, cesspools known for having powering gaming asses
>Complains when there are power gaming asses

What would be considered 'good' to you?
Make them like fiend of slaanesh, no escape.
Find a group with non-autists?
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>Casual games only
How quickly would I get tabled with this army?
How fun would we have?

Gonna use 'Strike from the Shadows' on Hellblasters, put Scouts on objectives then alpha strike everything else
I too enjoy pausing my games for rule debates that involve outside parties every time a weapon fires, friend!
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Introducing the newest Aeldarky unit; Dyre Wyccans
Why are people having so much issue with the fact that you have to properly set up charges to get the most out of them ? Is moving or charging another unit behind the unit you charged so it can't run away really that hard of a concept to grasp ?
Daemons got gutted in 8th, they have no variety or options at all.

No idea how their codex will be but they're dogshit right now.
Bloodbrides are good.
>You know the kind of people this hobby attracts

Yes, I also know stores cater to newbies and people that can only get game with strangers because no-one will play them twice.
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> Is moving or charging another unit behind the unit you charged so it can't run away really that hard of a concept to grasp ?

I mean, most people on here couldn't even handle templates, so I wouldn't be surprised.
The benefit of wyches is supposed to be that you don't have to jump through hoops to keep something in combat. Especially something with fly that won't have that issue.
They were playing I roll dice and my giant yellow space robots shoot things for too long to know any better.
>no variety or options at all.
Don't play mono-god. There's your variety.
The worst kind of players are usually found outside tournaments. I know of a few people that are banned from entering tournaments because of their terrible sportsmanship, that roam GW stores to get games against unsuspecting new players.
>having no variety or options at all

That's not a daemon thing, that is an 8th ed thing anon.
>Don't play mono-god.
Sure let me just have my bloodletters aiding my daemonettes because they have no problems with eachother whatsoever right?
Do I use the purple fast close combat unit or the red one? So many decisions.
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Pretty much
Prefer the multiple rolls for each unit to find out what wargear they have exactly before each game ?
forces of different gods are known to cooperate at least for a time.
if someone is charging you from 9" and you have a flamethrower with 8" range, can you use it in overwatch?
>The worst kind of players are usually found outside tournaments

Seriously anon, you're going to make this argument? Like that is probably like, what, less than 1% of the people who play this game? Now I myself, have only met 2 people like this in my whole life of wargaming. 2 out of around 200ish players/people. Now, do they need to babify the rules for the 1% chance you run into an autist, and if you do, you know that sucks, but you shouldn't ruin all the depth of the rules, just because of one bad game.

You don't have any impact here anon, try a better argument.
I prefer the mastercrafted AP2 weapon for 10 points on my dude that always hits on 2s, yes. Why do you ask?
Moving the goalposts a bit. Bloodletters and Daemonettes are both assault troops but they operate very differently. Note, I'm not saying the Daemons Index is GOOD. Just that is has "variety" on par with many other forces when you consider all four gods as a whole.
Unless it's something that is guaranteed to work you should see it as a bonus that could come in handy, not the main gimmick that a unit has to rely on.
This, at least for me, includes terminator armour.
Doesn't mean you should do it just to make up for the lack of variety in the new edition. In 6th there was a table where there was a chance to screw over different aligned daemons to represent the fact that chaos isn't exactly a cohesive force. There was also opposing daemons had hatred for the other god's units.
>Goes to tourney
>Gets mad when people take it too seriously
>At a tournament

Maybe you guys are the assholes and that is why you can't find non autists to play with?
Trouble is that wyches aren't much good for anything else.
In the past Daemons had to go multi-god to do anything competitively. Bloodcrusher, etc. Tzeentch players were just spoiled by recent editions. Plus, you're arguing "Why isn't my army four full armies". Have some perspective please.
Do I want the 10 model purple slightly faster assault unit, the red slightly stronger assault unit, the green slightly tougher assault unit, or the pink... uh... well it's best not to speak of what happened to horrors in 8th.
>In the past Daemons had to go multi-god to do anything competitively
Have you ever considered that some people just want to play the game for fun?
post full rules ?

No wonder you guys hated templates and armour facings
At least marines and guardsmen get the options of plasmas or flamers if they want to specialise. They were all about magic and wargear so 8th hit them the hardest.

Given nothing to compensate for it they ended up one of the weakest factions (bar tzeentch who's still a giant cunt, the proverbial 'tau' of the faction), I'm sure once they get half their options back in their codex they'll be great again though.

Well, until we get IG codex there is no reasons for them to actually be elysians, you can field a <AM> detachment and won't lose anything for doing so.

So grab 3 hellounds or variants, they are pretty decent.
yes it does. thats literally how deamons get their variety
monogod purposely has little variety.
Blasts don't add depth, they're just a novelty. For small, skirmish sized games there's nothing wrong with them. But for games like 40k where an army with 20+ blasts each shooting phase isn't even that outrageous they become way to much busywork. Last week, there was one game of 40k and one game of 30k, which still uses the 7th edition rules, going on at the simultaneously. In the time it took to resolve one player turn in 40k, they could not even finish the shooting phase of one player that had two multiple barrage units. And that was with zero arguments.
>Why is games workshop a bag of dicks.

The fucking idiot behind the site opened up a patreon. Soon as he started making money off it he opened himself up to GW's legal team bending him over. If he'd kept it non-profit that site would still be with us.
Fun is just a buzzword
Most incursions are multi-god and there of tons of mixed god pacts/warbands.

See >>54532163 for an example of a mixed slaanesh/khorn force.
>"Why isn't my army four full armies"
>Meanwhile codex space marines
They're Space Marines friend.
Why are you whining that faction is bad if you're unwilling to take the good options?
read the reply chain before you jump in then, troll.
GW should drop the facade and rename 40k to Warhammer Space Marines.
What does a good Daemon list even look like these days? I've yet to see one unfortunately.
And? They all (mostly) use the same equipment and tactics.
Blasts do add depth, because it feels like you're actually launching something at someone. Now, it just feels like my basilisk is a lascannon that gets 1d6 shots, and doesn't need LoS. And that is retarded, and super boring.

Also see
Unfortunately, horror spam and untargitable daemon princes.
Like a frog in slowly boiling water
What's the cheapest way to buy? I've heard people mention recasters, but I can't find much on those.
Is it a good or a bad idea to attach a storm bolter or heavy stubber on a Chimera?
Some transport wouldn't hurt...
>Daemon player complaining about how monogod has little variety
>Looks at ancient Thousand Sons army that basically has nothing but Rubricae, Sorcerers, and some tanks
>Doesn't see anything wrong with it

Variety for the sake of variety isn't good either

Except the frog is loving it
Or at least something to facilitate infantry relentlessly marching forward. The loss of scout moves and FNP sucks.
Search for the item you want on ebay and see what your friendly neighborhood Russian or Chinaman is selling. Buyer beware on that shit.
>Faction that produces all the vehicles for the rest of the Imperium
>Refuses to use them and has to walk everywhere

Whatever made GW think this makes sense ...

Varies greatly with your aplha capabilities

I had 1000 pt of sisters kill 800 pt of stuff on turn 1

It was breddy good
Ask not the Eldar a question
tfw no plastic elf gf
Worth their points
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I got 5 of these dudes coming in, whats the best loadout for them? Spears or sword and board?
>can take a heavy gatling and a normal gatling, plus 2 stormbolters and the rocket pod

this is basically just a double kheres contemptor with more wounds
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>13 points for 6+ T3 models
The random amount of shots now determines if the explosion was a hit or a near miss. You have to imagine all the non-blast weapons firing and hitting their targets as well, or do you want some plastic lines and pebbles to throw at the opponent's models as well ?

Game depth is having to make meaningfull decisions, not fiddling around with props.
>But muh blast placement
Having to choose between hitting the most models, or hitting fewer models is not a choice, that's just optimizing what something does. A choice between two things where one is obviously better than the other with no drawbacks is no choice at all.
Alright. Also, I really like Terminators. Between the armor design, the variety in weapons, everything about them. What's the best way to build an army around them?
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So /tg/ how viable is this 994pt list?
If im doing that why did I bring wyches s
At all?
Play Deathwing. Best terminators in the game.
But worth their points means different things to different people. There are still Eldar and Tau fags who are unsatisfied with a unit unless it can kill its own amount of points or more in a single shooting phase, and isn't easy to kill.

But then Str 5 kheres. And stormbolters.
500 point demo game list.

malignant plagecaster

17 pox walkers
7 plaguemarines, champion with plasmagun and power fist, 2 blight launchers, 4 vanilla, icon of despair
2 nurgle spawn

>The random amount of shots now determines if the explosion was a hit or a near miss.
Except that doesn't really work when the baneblade variant with the 10" blast that literally could not miss unless it went off the table only gets 2d6 shots hitting on 4 at best which if you can't tell, is absolute dogshit

>Gaunts in squads of 20

You went full retard, nigga
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Well maybe woman don't belong on the battlefield :^)
I want them able to do damage. Tying things up isn't as good as I can split fire in this edition freeing up a ton of actions.

>Best terminators in the game.

Yeah, keep telling yourself that.
I prefer Chaos to the Imperium - the Terminators I already have are all Chaos.
over twice the shots for -2 str, in a game mode where s5 wounds on 5+ at the worst

its not bad especially considering how easy it is for astartes to get rerolls to hit and wound from characters, depends on the cost i guess
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Wanna tell that to my Deathwing Knights faggot? Those 5++ saves aren't going to get you very far.
Blast weapons just need adjusting on a individual basis. For example, Missile Launchers had small blasts just like Plasma Cannons, and yet a frag missile is D6 shots whilst a plasma is only D3. Insanely large blast weapons should have a rule like 'this weapon always hits on a 2+' or something like that.
>Play guard
>Love artillery
>Siege shells are 36" range
>Want to shoot something further than that
>Enemy squad is in range, decide to shoot at them hoping the scatter sends it closer to what i actually wanted to hit.
>It does, wind must have blown it an extra few inches

Now in 8th ed:
>Out of range of what I wanted to shoot
>Oh well I'll just shoot this other closer squad
>Roll D6
>1 shot
>Roll a 3
>Shot misses

Which one sounds more in depth, which one allows for more options and variables.

>The random amount of shots now determines if the explosion was a hit or a near miss.
Then it should auto fucking hit, cause why do I roll for random shots, then roll to hit? How does that represent the shell?

Seriously wtf, nuke goes off. only 2d6 shots. roll double 1's, then 2's on the to hit.
Fucking never would happen in any other edition with actual blast templates, because the sizes scaled correctly.

Now we are in a weird limbo where basilisks and demo cannons are better at killing tanks than infantry, and this needs to be changed for the better.
Thats a balance problem not an issue with random hits as a system. Look at flamers, they demonstrate how it can work.
Or just add back templates
>out of range

you obviously dont love artillery enough to take the hilariously cheap basilisk battery
Or we could just use templates
Terminator sorceror cam drop in, warptime them up then they easily charge. I had fun with lightning claw termies doing this.
They do no damage at melee for a non all that cheap 9 points per lady. They die to a volley of lasguns.

They can't really kill 90 points worth of stuff cleanly. They probably would get murdered by 90 points of guardsmen.
Their reanimate and quantum shielding can be a huge hassle but they aren't that versitile so finding weak spots can be easy.
>Praying for dumb luck
>"This is depth"

Not saying blast weapons are perfect currently, just that blast makers were no longer the way to go with the size of the game.
>What are breacher shells

Small blast:
1 Autohit + 1 hit roll every 10 models in the target unit

Large blast / Template:
1 Autohit + 1 hit roll every 5 models in the target unit
Apo blast / Apo template
1 Autohit + 1 hit roll every 2 models in the target unit
>blast makers were no longer the way to go with the size of the game
>game is about the same size as it has been
what did he mean by this
That would be a large change to the system causing numerous issues rather than simply buffing blast weapons, which is easy and jusging by flamers will work well.
Is the Terminator Sorc just a build option from the regular Sorc? The only Sorcs I have currently are Exalts. Also, are Scarab Occult Terminators worth getting, if I'm running TSons anyways?
>game is about the same size as it has been
Perhaps he is speaking relative to 2nd ed? Before the last time the rules had a complete overhaul.
Needs numbers tweaked but I like it.
You clearly haven't played in older editions, where having 40 marines in an army was madness and meant having nothing else besides marines.

>TFW marines were actually hard to remove back then
This is options anon that were available just from how the base rules worked, you have no choices for stuff like that now, no surprises, it's so narrow. That is the biggest issue with 8th, its bland and boring now.

And even if you wanna argue
>Praying for dumb luck
It's hoping for something INTERESTING to actually happen, which is rare in 8th ed now.
Now everyone, the war for the Konor system starts tomorrow, who do you want to win?

Scarab Occults are the only terminators TSons have access to. You don't want to warptime those because they suck in combat against other dedicated combat units. Have them deepstrike 12" away and take advantage of your rapid fire.
I don't think flamer templates need to be changed. They work just fine as is.
all tripfags/namefags need to off themselves.
What issues would it cause?

Main ideas are:

Make guard pie plates great again (single autohit helps low BS)
Make blasts better vs hordes (scaling with target size)
Make large blasts worse VS single targets (1 autohit vs D6 hit rolls)
Alright. So if I want to run my regular Terminators, I DO have to take separate squads. That's alright. How many Terminators/Scarab Occults would you recommend for 1850 point games?
I dont know about t sons but termie sorc is a terminator chaos lord kit option I think. You can only warptime once per turn so I think other terms should be in land raiders or have more of a gun focus not claws.

See: >>54532506

Problem with flamers is they are better at damaging single target then at actually clearing hordes (their supposed main purpose)
I'm not really sure I'm sold on non apoc-blasts auto-hitting, but there definitely needs to be bonuses for shooting high model count units.
You can't take regular terminators at all as TSons unless you field them under a different <LEGION> keyword. And that's more up to what your playing style is like. Remember, SOTs are 300-ish per squad so each death is going to hurt a lot.
>Scarab Occults are the only terminators TSons have access to.

not to mention they are amazing at killing flyers
Also, no one plays 1850 anymore, 2000 is the new standard
Read the index faggot, it clearly says which units can and cannot take the TSons keyword.
For Warptime shenanigans you want a big unit of 10 if you can. Generally it can be a good idea to have a second small unit of terminators to babysit the Sorcerer, but the Scarab Occult can do that.
Lone isolated characters maybe. A Land Raider does not give a fuck if you're pointing a a flamer at is.

1 autohit vs a tank is a straight nerf compared to d6 hit rolls and equal/worse to d3 depending on BS
If it aint on this list you can't take it
8th is a great system
I like using Psykers, and small, elite squads. Deep strikes are also fun. I currently have 10 terminators, a terminator lord, 3 exalts, 10 rubricae, and a bunch of old DEldar stuff I got for cheap a while back. Is there anything I should get for my CSM?
Look up the reply chain, but for some of the ones that are most important
>requires additional tools
>requires new section of rulebook, not minor errata
>all blast weapons need larger redesign than number tweaks
>hordes require rebalance

But that has 0 to do with how the flamer hit mechanics work and 100% to do with the Str / AP / Dmg profile.

And we are discussing hit mechanics here.
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Did anyone try the Macharius Vulcan? Is it worth spending 110 bong dosh on it?
Blame the deathstar abusing faggots of the previous edition. It's for the better honestly.
>terminator lord
TSons can't take lords of any sort, swap him out for a termie sorcerer. Also you're severely lacking in anti-tank and objective grabbers. Get a las pred for the former and maybe some tzaangors for the latter.
Orks. ;^)
but seriously tho, i play DG and I don't want them or smurfettes to win, either outcome sucks.

I don't see anything in the index saying all your models need to have the thousand sons keyword.
Thats easy, cap blast/flamer at number of hits equal to enemy models.
If I lose a squad of Hormagaunts I can take 30ea and a biovore to fill the gap.

I understand. I just disagree.
You're right, they don't, but if they don't have the TSons keyword then they aren't TSons anymore are they?
It seems like such a weird solution though, and it would still apply to firing at fliers. Suddenly small blast weapons like neutron lasers become anti-air guns because they are guaranteed a hit.

Hit bonuses that vary with unit sizes seems like a better solution.
So, I can't even run them in separate force orgs? Like, one with the termies and termie lord, and another with an exalt and my rubricae? I thought 8th had stuff that allowed each formation to have a different keyword.
Well you can take a separate detachment. They wont have the KSons keyword of course.
You can run them even in the same detachment if you want to, they just can't have the <Thousand Sons> keyword.
You can but they won't benefit from any bonuses given to your TSons units. Also once the codex comes out they won't get access to TSons legion tactics and whatnot. Best not to waste your time with that and just build a mono-TSons army.


How therma armed?

One biovore is kinda useless, won't spawn enough mines to limit movement, won't deal any significant amount of MWs

I would try putting a malanthrope in, by varying the devourer/fleshborer ratio
Agreed. Plus its the solution already in the game and thus the easiest to errata in.
Assuming mono-sons is actually what he wants.
>Hit bonuses that vary with unit sizes seems like a better solution.

But become useless on BS2+ dreads and quickly fade away on any BS3+ model
I already have the chaos lord and termies. So I should just keep those as a separate thing, and get a tzaangor blob and a couple helbrutes/defilers/predators for anti-tank?
What about +1 to hit for every additional 5 models in the target unit ?

You can run them in the same detachment.

You can use ANY faction keyword as the common one, including <CHAOS>.

Of course then Magnus won't be buffing your non-1ks stuff.
On the one hand, I like the TSons a lot, but on another hand, mono-sons loses out on a lot of other CSM stuff I like.
All fleshborers. The problem is that no matter how I try to shift points I end up 4-7 points over 1k. Not much is <=26 points. The idea being as many models on the board as possible.
Keep those seperate, it's the only thing you can really do with them. Although I'd get some Scarabs to complement your existing TSons. And consider Magnus too because he's a fantastic buffer and is deadly good in psychic and combat.

See: >>54532594
It's not really useless considering Dreads get a penalty to move and fire heavy weapons. Also you could take the roll to hit rule from the basilisk and apply it to more blast weapons and tweak it so you're more likely to get more "shots" against units with more models.
Considering how it are the low BS units that struggle the most with how blasts work now, that might not be that much of an issue.

Small blasts should still all be D6 shots, large blasts at least D6+D3

Drop 30 horma, add venomthropes and 15-20 devourers per therma unit.

full fleshborers unit are just cheap distractions, they won't do any real harm.
nvm I'm retarded. I should use that 26 points to equip fancy weapons
I don't think you need to go mono as long as you plan to break things out by detachment. So plan for one Sons detachment and one Black Legion/Iron Warriors/etc. detachment with the other stuff. They'll each get bonuses. They'll just be different bonuses.
Just like how standing in terrain does nothing for Terminators unless getting shot with weapons that have an AP value ?
Or just a fixed number of shots.
are blind grenades useful for anything outside overwatch? they only affect the enemy until the end of the turn...
I'm planning on getting my second favorite primarch. So for my TSons I should get an anti-tank, some tzaangors, more rubricae, and a squad or two of scarabs? And for my normal CSMs, I'm planning on going (if it's anything like 7e) Black Legion, Iron Warriors, or Word Bearers - Word Bearers primarily because all I ever wanted was the truth.
Okay, great. That was my intent, hope, and plan-if-possible. I should use the TSons for psyker powers and blobbing and the other detachment for anti-tank and ambush, then?
Something like make the battle cannon 3 shots base, add +2 or 3 against units of 10 models.
Word Bearers and Thousand Sons are also (or used to be) book bros.
That sounds solid. Remember, psychic powers aren't as crazy OP as they are last edition, that is until the TSons codex comes out (assuming they're getting a seperate book). Your real strength lies in the number of high AP shots you can throw and then you get to shoot mortal wounds too. I'd recommend maybe a rhino to get your rubrics up and close so that they can unleash their smite and enter rapid fire range. But otherwise that list sounds really solid.
Can cultists go in chaos rhinos
I know, I like the extra/alternate shots, the utility, and the lore for psykers. What's a good number of rubricae to run? 20-30? And thanks for the advice!

Then that works out perfectly.
There's all sorts of solutions depending on what sort of results curve you want.
yes they can
Yes, they're infantry and have the <LEGION> tag. Only min size will fit of course.
they just need to add a line to the flyer abilities about not getting hit by autohits
No Magnus always saw Lorgar as wasting his time with grandiose speeches rather than mastering his psychic powers, iron warriors would fit more as we know pertuabo and Magnus loved exploring old earth together no homo tho
20 sounds good, 30 might be a bit excessive. Get a squad of 10 Tzaangors instead to fill up the Battalion detachment requirements.
Why can't sisters take plasma weaponry?

Still sad you cannot embark large units in multiple transport if you keep them in coherency.
Well that would fuck over some flying units with flamers like the helldrake

however adding it to 99% of flamers to not be able to target non hovering flyers would be good, i agree
Tradition. Characters and Sergeants can take Plasma though.
Would be better to replace the -1 to hit with the reduce range by 12" that the FW heavy fliers have. That fixes the majority of flamers.
Iron Warriors would also fit my plan of using the detachment for siege and the like.

So only one more box of Rubricae? And would one box of scarabs be good, or should I splurge for two?
It's bullshit, It totally fits their theme. Would probably be broken as fuck though thanks to cheap canonness re rerolling those 1s.
Alright I've got
>Termagaunts-30 with spike rifles and 15 Devourers
>Termagaunts-30 with spike rifles and 10 Devourers
totalling 999 points and 95 models. I'm guessing the idea is to embed the venomthropes in the hormas for extra damage?

I would just replace the Airborne rule with:

"When targeting this unit in the shooting phase add X to any distance measured."

So if X was 6", pistols and flamers could still be used, but would need to be REALLY close., it it was 10" most flamers would be out.
New thread
Two boxes could be pretty useful especially since they're not especially hard to kill if they get caught in CC. Two is a safe bet.

Wait, is that with the tervi?

also, spike reifle = bad, and you NEED at least 10 fleshborer models to resurrect with tervigons.

Termagaunts should always be run 15-20 devourers and 10-15 fleshborers

Venomthropes are for -1 to hit on your gaunts, the extra damage is laughable.
i am not sure this list has enough anti-horde firepower to be all-comers. it should do reasonably well against elites. against heavy mech you're relying on the flyers and plasma, which might not be enough. oh and you can expand a stratagem on the sternguard now. that might just suffice.
nah alllow more than one hit. a lone character should be worried about the sole attention of a flamer.
could be more scaleable though.
Perhaps D3 autohits +1 per mini in range.

for regular blasts I think they shouldn't have auto hits. You can miss with explosives.

Could be a better system.
I like the idea of still rolling to hit but having a fixed number of shots, but get D3 (or D6 for especially massive blasts) hits per rolled hit. Blast size main varies by the number of initial hit rolls made. Soma plasma cannon would be say Heavy 2, battlecannon gets Heavy 4. Both with d3 hits per hit. So you typically get 2 or 4 hits respectively which is what you could expect in 7e.
>Perhaps D3 autohits +1 per mini in range.

>Be at 1.1" from a 50 conscripts blob
>Get 51-53 flamer hits

Yeah, how about no?
Hordes need a bit of a nerf, not to be crushed in a diamond anvil.
Always sword and board. Spears are kinda shit in comparison. +1S and a slightly better gun is no compenastion for a 3++ and being able to shoot in melee.
Custodes and Eversors are the only thing I like that Imperium has and Chaos doesn't. Sadly, they're the least likely thing for Chaos to get their own version of.
keep the -1 to hit as well.
it fits well with fast moving targets and shooting at a plane without AA mounts should be harder beyond just the range.
You could, but you'd have to make them a fair bit more expensive to compensate.
>links to a thread that abandoned and came here
cheers, I was thinking for 2 sword and board, 2 with spears and the obvious pick with the banner, mostly for the full hopolite feel.

Though that 3+ invulve is a nice little thing.
nah. they're fine as the are. adding the range nerf would only be a small worth increase. Most of the weapons they don't like have long range anyway.
It's a lot more substantial than you think, especially for factions that don't have dedicated long range AA.
Spears are garbage unless you do nothing but fight T5 W2 models with only AP-1 weapons all game.
>only in melee and don't work for pistol shots

That's probably something to bring up to the FAQ team as not working for melee pistol shooting seems like a pretty big oversight rather than intentional (that, and getting a cover bonus against 1" pistol shots).
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>They have howling banshee techology in their masks.
>Cawl incorporating xenos tech into literally all the Imperium's new toys


>Still thinking he's not Fabius Bile
well he's not.
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What model should i use for cabalite trueborns ?

Just the regular cabalites warrior ?
... how do techpriests shave do you think?
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>heldrake doesn't have any of the flier rules that other fliers got with 8th (airborne, hard to hit, etc.)

What the fuck? Ground troops can literally just wander over and beat the shit out of it. It's a fucking glorified land speeder with no weapon skill (lololol no vector strike) now.
all the flyers with wings like that ( flyrant, flying demon prince etc. )lost this rules
It's so it can charge into combat.
>with no weapon skill

Just realised I'm retarded and it has a WS tied to its wounds rather than BS like other fliers.

Okay, that's fair enough. Only looked at flyer profiles in the other Indexes.
either just the same as the rest of us or they don't need to becaise they don't have skin their anymore.
Pretty much, I'm just painting mine up to look fancier; gold helmets instead of black, that kind of thing.
Basically, though maybe with a flashier colour scheme. One thing a few people do it give their trueborn the mirror helms from the reaver kit, which can look pretty cool.

Thanks m8s, i may give them a flashier colour scheme so that i wont mistake them for regulars
I've said this earlier and I'll say it again: WHO THE FUCK CARES??

Like how is this a complaint??
Homebrewing up a Chapter and small Marine force

So far I'm set on techmarine, razorback, venerable dread, thunderfire and gunner; mostly because I have/like the models.

Just looking at a 1000 point or so force for fun games and skirmishes; where should I go from here? I'm thinking a Devastator Squad and making them Raven Guard or Salamanders successors for a gunline force; I wouldn't mind some Primaris as well, perhaps Aggressors?
Also, what is the point of costing the Heldrake and its in-built claws (that can't be replaced) separately rather than just including them in the points cost?

I mean the whole "buy model and then total up all its included gear" adds a completely unnecessary step due to babby Power Points cluttering up the actual unit points, but models paying for their hands seems like it's done purely for extra pointless maths (it's not like this is even consistent with how the book itself is priced, given similar in-built unique melee gear like "great axe of khorne", "defiler claw" and "maulerfiend fist" are all 0pts).

I'm actually just mad because I first glanced at the points and thought "oh, he's been given a nice discount to compensate for being way worse now OH WAIT I FORGET TO PAY FOR HIS CLAWS AND SKULLGUN HE'S ACTUAL WAY PRICIER NOW FUCK MY LIFE and needed to vent on a Czechoslovakian wolfdog breeding site to get it out of my system.
just being able to say you always pay the mini and add all the wargear keeps things straightforward and consistent.
giving even built in wargear a seperate cost listing leaves things open for rebalancing of just the mini or its wargear as needed.
Sure, but the Heldrake is the only unit that has its claws, and it has to take them. Why not have them cost zero like a Defiler's claws and just increase the base cost?
Does anyone know how roughly how big the gatling gun on the new dread is? Was thinking of using it to convert a sicaran
much much smaller. the gat cannon on the sicran is fucking massive for no reason
Good morning gentleman,
Little bit of a request but does anyone have that picture of a Noise Marine screaming a Banshee's head apart?
Many gratitudes
bollocks. looks like i'll have to get some measurements and scrtachbuild something from styrene tubing I guess
I recall a company called The Dark Works or something like that.
Probably who made the 3rd part upgrade bits.
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