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Warhammer 40k General (40kg)

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The most playtested edition to date Edition



>Designer's Commentary (FAQ 0.1)

>Latest news :

>Rules and such. Use Readium on pc/iphone, lithium/kobo on android:

>Everything 8th edition in pdf(and epub), SW:A, WIP and BB are here too, no novels.

>other MEGAs

>WIP Math-hammer doc (chart anon doing god's work)
I want to get into this game, but I know next to nothing about it. Are those MEGA links a good place to start? How necessary are the sets (with the miniatures and such)?
Sorry if this isn't the appropriate place to ask.
40k 101:

you have your miniatures that you put together and paint

you put them on a table with fake terrain and stuff

you use rules in the rulebook and army indexes (which give your dudes specific rules and shit) to fight other armies of painted plastic dudes on fake terrain

you come up with stories based around these battles, and/or play competitively, and/or roll dice for shits and giggles
I imagined it was pretty much like most other tabletop RPGs, but how complicated are the rules (and the plot)? Looking at the files in the first mega link there makes me worried I'll have to spend 5 years reading before I can play.
Hows that backlog looking?

Ive got over 350 models to paint
>you come up with stories based around these battles
my group doesnt do this and ruins it for me
Not an RPG. It's a wargame. At least, that's what we talk about in this thread.

There ARE 40k RPGs, and there is a special thread for that that would be better for those questions
In general 40k looks more complicated than it is, its a very simple game thats better learned doing than reading.

Just read the codices and pick an army based on how cool it looks to you, Shadow War Armageddon uses another rules set but its a skirmish game that requires very few minis so you might want to start there to see if you like wargames or painting minis.
Same. Sad thing is deep down I know I'll never finish them all and yet I keep buying more stuff
Ah, I see. Good to know. I'll try to get my hands dirty like >>54328785 suggests, then. It still seems like a pretty cool game.

We all do.
Try 1d4chan and just float around the articles. Then read the corresponding Lexicanum wiki.

The MEGAs have novels and rules and other stuff like that.

It's a mini wargame you doofus, they're incredibly important.

Now this could backfire if you encounter some turbo autist, but scope out your local (F)LGS.
Will watch, thanks.

Yeah, I thought it was more of a classic D&D-like RPG, so I was approaching it wrong. I'll take a look at the material in the MEGAs, see what I can understand, then maybe I'll come back in a future thread once I actually understand at least a little bit.
Been selling the stuff I know ill never pick up again
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>trying to put together a parts list for some sword and board vanguard veteran knights
>all the power swords are left handed
>all the shields are left handed

My backlog has actually never been that large, but it's steadily growing even though I don't buy that much.

5 HQs/single models, soon to be 6 with Primaris
25 infantry, soon to be 35 with Primaris
5 large infantry
1 small tank
1 large tank
How many Start Collecring! Tempestus do I need for a 2k army ?
5-6 is enough ?
What else are you running?

I love valkerie bullgryns and knights for scion heavies.
You might end up with too many Tauroxes/Commissars?
If you want RPG's you should check out the general threads for the RPG's, /40rpg/. There are several different games that put you in the shoes of heretics, deathwatch marines, a rogue trader, and then some random mooks. They're a ton of fun.

Way to many commissars, but it's nice to have a lot of Tauroxs and the deal for the start collecting box is better than buying squads seperate anyway.
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Gee, Bill! What are you gonna do with all those commissars?
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Who's the best spambot?
what are good loadouts for chimeras?

Is the vanilla taurox fine? how hard is it to set up a taurox model to be swappable between the taurox and prime?
Glaive/Blast Pistol or Glaive/Agonizer on a Succubus?
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Sucls to have a commisar instead of another 5 scion for sire but hey, pic related.

Im tired of my Harlequin and want something more "in your face"
Dont know much about Scion but I was thinking something like

5 Taurox prime with gatling+heavy stubber+HSVG - 500
5 Vultures (Gatling) - 800
lots of melta and plasma scion
>I'm so upset I never win!
>I'll just blame the winner >:(
Blast pistol. The agoniser is pretty meh this edition around. At least the blast pistol gives you an actual damage option.
How do you play your harlequins that scions feel more in your face than the murder clowns? Is it the whole deepstrike thing that scions have?
Okay, that's how I modeled her. Thanks. I was just making sure one last time before painting.
>500 points patrol detachment
>marines can bring 10 dudes (primaris only)
>deldar 21 dudes
>ig can bring 48 fuckers, 6 are HWT with lascannons, 10 are snipers, and 1 is a walker scout with an autocannon
That's just cheating.
It's weird. In the previous editions, agonisers were the way to go with their ap3 and poison 4+. Now electrocorrosive whips are better and units that can take agonisers might not even want to anymore since you can shoot pistols in cc now.
>marines can bring 10 dudes (primaris only)

Intercessors are 20ppm. 500/20=25, not 10.
Are there going to be new Primaris pre-orders this Saturday? Haven't seen anything online.
>Primaris only

I think I found your problem.

Getting tired of those kids building gimped lists just because "muh troo-scale".
I know you're all good goys and want to be cucked with inferior rules for pretty models, but you're limiting yourself to a single tool in the very expansive toolbox that is the Space marine army list.

But keep playing with your fisher price marines, I guess, they make you feel grown up "like a chad" and they're big enough for you to horribly fingerpaint them.
The IG is a horde army, you know. It's their whole reason of being.
20 Scions/Kasrkin
8 Bullgryn, 3 are half painted
2 Taurox Primes
2 basikisks but 1 is close
Touch ups on random vehicles
Straken count as
3 Inquisitor models
Some heavy weapons and special weapons

I have 70+ infantry and 6 vehicles done so far.
Reminder that they should just change the T'au to A'nts already
Anyone with Chad models who doesn't run them as their manlet equivalents is missing out
Sorry, missed the "patrol detachment" bit, as that would imply you're spending points on an HQ of some sort. Still, spending 300 of your 500pts on your HQ is a little silly.
I think the primaris is just a hypothetical situation to highlight disparity in model counts at a specific points bracket. Not that he is trying to build a primaris list and complaining that IG gets to spam meat bags.
It was also an ancient and inceptors.
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How do Orkz deal with tanks?
A bunch of tooled up Nobz?
I've seen plenty of conversions for stuff like Orks and such, but are there really any oppurtunities for conversion for Necrons? I wanted to start them and maybe modify some stuff because I'm not a huge fan of some vehicle designs, but I don't know that there's really any precedent to provide inspiration.

Would there be a way to make them look like Geth? At least in the heads, they would help make them less human.
>3 Librarians
>2 Captains
>1 Chaplain
>1 Techmarine
>20 guys worth of several support characters and veterans
>10 devastators
>15 assault marines
>10 vanguard vets
>20 sternguard vets
>20 tac marines
>20 misc marines
>5 terminators
>5 sisters of silence
>1 rhino
>2 primarchs
>2 contemptor dreads
>1 Atropos Knight
>1 Castigator Knight
>Inquisimunda warband consisting of 15 dudes
>Several Frostgrave warbands totaling 40 models

And I still gotta finish a 35 model deathguard army I've got paid to paint as well as several infinity models.

I really don't notice how more I need to paint until i write it down...
With boyz.
Keep a waaagh!!! banner nearby and they hit on 2+ with their 4 attacks. Then it's only a matter of time before they roll enough enough 6's to wound.
Ork rokkits from any source in the army are pretty devastating with the 3 flat damage they pump out. Tankbustas are nice as well as a few Nobs with right flash kombi rokkits, both can get rerolls to hit.

Actually not to bad at the moment.

Few squads of Scions. A taurox. A Knight. 3 dunecrawlers and 5 ironstriders. I've cleared a lot of my backlog.
>10 Fire Warriors
>3 Stealth suits
>a FUCKTON of drones
>10 Wyches
>Succubus (working on now)
>10 Hellions
>6 Reavers
>Imperial Knight
I guess harlequin dont put out 400 shots a turn like his scion list.
What about fliers? Is it also boyz?
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Sprucrons or bust, anon
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There's no problem you can't solve by throwing enough boyz at it.
>>3 Librarians
>>2 Captains
>>1 Chaplain
>>1 Techmarine

What is this for ? are you actually building multiper chapters at the same time ?
wait, just realized. Tempestus come from the Schola Progenum right? And that's where they train Commissars as well?

So you could have a "Commissar Junior" squad or soemthing. Maybe field them as Acolytes or something similar.
how are custodes? are they decent footslogging? how are spearstodes?
I am putting darth vader capes on all of my necrons as a side project.

For more in depth modeling, look at the old wraiths and back port new units into necron bodies. Spyders with flayed one torsos instead of heads, triarch stalkers without riders, etc.
The models are required to play, assuming you like playing this game and want to play it with other people. Unless you play on Vassal or TTS

Mega Links include all the rules for the whole game.

Its a fun game. But it takes a lot of time and money. Though I did the math once and like most TT games the money-to-time-of-fun ratio is really good.
I believe they are strong against small arms fire, weak against anti-vehicle and mortal wounds. Use distraction carnifexes to pull focus, like knights, baneblades, etc.
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holy shit guys, anyone notice that the current CSM are fucking manlets!? I just finished my first new deathguard, and he dwarfs my havoc-- chaoslets btfo
Sounds cool, but you would have to sculpt them yourself or pay someone else to. Best thing would be design it in whichever program shapeways accepts and have them print you a ton of heads

I'm never going to find the source for this
>Captain ~100pts
>Tac squad of 10 ~ 150pts
>Tac squad of 10 ~ 150 pts

That's already 21 marines with points to spare.

If I were IG, I'd bring
>Company Commander (30)
>Infantry Squad x4 (~250)
>a fucking Leman Russ (~180)

gives me 40 dudes and a tank that the other guy definitely does not have enough AT to deal with
Terminator captian
20 Terminators
Primarus half of dark imperium

2 etherals
Coldstar commander
3 crisis commanders
20 firewarriors
10 pathrinders
Old style broadside
And a fuck-tonne of drones

Kill me
I also play Horus Heresy, so while generic in normal 40k, many of them have a unique role to fill in my 30k lists.

Also, I like building and painting special characters, it's fun.
Don't bother, they aren't actually traps.
>Hows that backlog looking?
>Ive got over 350 models to paint
I've got maybe 12 kriegers to finish, then i've got a full 1000pts army for 40k.

Meanwhile, I have 3 unpainted AoS armies that are over 2500 pts each. Kill me.
It looks more like old CSM is stuck in squat pose

>4 carnifex, 64 genestealers, around 80+ assorted gaunts, around 12 medium bugs
>Leman Russ, 6 sentinels, around 70-100 guys including a shitton of HWTs
>2k of assorted chaos, including 12 termies, 30 CSM
No anon, you live with the pain of your actions.
Finished Daemons cost-calcs much earlier than expected, due to the small number of options: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1h0hk_IdJ7fivDEjMiIpKM5yMMB8HTm64lZHuKdLZCIU/edit?usp=sharing

Lots of melee stuff, which means lots of units which are very efficient if they can reach their targets.

With that, I've worked through my current queue, but I've also now done so many armies that I may as well finish the rest. Requests for priority are open, otherwise I'll probably be doing Necrons next, alongside a T'au rewrite at some point.

Calling it that I'm going to finish this thing just in time for Codexes to start dropping.
gods creations are perfect.

in your case perfectly cucked.
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Can the order : TAKE AIM!
That makes you reroll 1's can be used to not die while using overcharged plasma ?
i have a question, how do i tell if a weapon is a good all-rounder?
>Imperial iconography still on autocannon

Is he being ironic?
instaloose vs anything mortalwound like biovores
Cut the hands off and glue them to a different arm upside down. If it looks too retarded then glue a purity seal over the top so you cant see the actual hand

If you have the option to reroll, you can do so before resolving the final result. Yes, you can reroll a 1 from Overcharged Plasma and hopefully not roll a 1 again, which would result in the death of the miniature.

Also, you can spend a Command Point to do as much as well. Just putting that out there.
hell fuck yes. It's wahy having a Junior Officer makes sense with a mobile command squad. (Or a Company commander w 2 command squads)
He stole it
Thanks anon.
Check out the second table, further down, for the cost-efficiency calculation. As an all-arounder, you want to see green or yellow (25-60ish pts per wound per turn) against a variety of opponents.

Missile Launchers (Frag vs Krak) you'll notice has yellow values against infantry with frag and against vehicles with krak, indicating that it's decent against both target classes when using the right ammo, but not great against either.

In general though, the only stuff that's decent against everything is either:
1. Melee, meaning the challenge is reaching your opponent
2. Based around Smite. Smite does flat mortal wounds regardless of the target, so you'll see very even efficiency distributions. Check out Grey Knights as an example.
I have a bit of work to do, but I have buckled down and gotten a lot done in the past month.
Chaos Knight, 5 Chosen, 10 Cultists
A shitton of heavy weapons teams, 10 guardsmen, 10 scions, 4 commisars, 10 scouts, Lysander, a predator, a basilisk, 15 neophyte hybrids, 3 GSC HQs, 5 deathwatch veterans.
Typing this all out makes me realize I'm still in the woods.
I get that. I mean, don't CSM usually scratch/deface imperial iconography before usign them? carving off eagles, etc.
Figure it would depend on how recently it was procured. If grabbed like on that say that planet, no time, too busy fighting. If it's had time to go through their armory then yes.
Tankbustas will absolutely shit on any armour in the game

I run 20 tankbustas in 2 trukks, and so far theyve one-shot

>land raider
>almost killed a knight in one turn

Theyre fucking disgusting
>Also, you can spend a Command Point to do as much as well. Just putting that out there.
You actually can't command point re-roll if you have already re-rolled. You can only re-roll a dice a single time, no matter how many sources of re-roll you have.
Is the current tankbuster box a bunch of metal minis? If so, I'm holding out hope for plastics, or I'll just keep gluing rokkits and other explosives to regular boyz to make my tankbuster mob.
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All with RAWKET LAUNCHAs? Or something else?
11 minis plus chapter icongraphy for my primaris
so do our wallets. Its a hobby.

I know. Only one reroll and second result usually stands unless it's a roll two and drop/pick.

Just pointing out that there's an alternative for rerolls without a dedicated support unit, but it's going to need Command Point fuel to keep it going rather than be free.

hehe, yeah I had forgot to file it off so I decided to keep it and I just put slime all over it, though you cant really tell in the photo because I can't into photography

How the fuck do you kill a land raider with 20 tankbustas in one turn?
what superglue is good for gluing plastic to rocks, is gorrila glue good enough?
Why are you glueing rocks to plastic anon?
cuz it looks cool
It should be fine. Normally I just use regular super glue and very flat rocks.
14 rokkits hit after rerolls, 8 wounded, he failed 6 saves. 18 damage
I use PVA
God, what they do to you, Succubus-chan?

She wasn't even that incredible, just damn good in melee las 'dex, but the Glaive got nerfed so unnecessarily. I know PfP nets you good stuff to balance it, but still. Just ain't right.

It ain't fair.

t. not-even a Dark Eldar player, just melee enthusiast.
>gluing rokkits and other explosives to regular boyz to make my tankbuster mob
This is literally what everyone does
Altar of War styled games need a serious push.
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anyone heard when these are going to be released?

I know they will be japan-only, but I'd be willing to pay a premium over ebay for these.
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>mfw eldar have been dethroned and orks are the new king

is this the best time line?
thanks i tried it on a single intcessor if it works ill do it on my tech priest dominus and the rest of the primaris as well
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Would 2x Gangs of Commoragh and Start Collecting box be a good start to dark elder? I'm looking for an army that isn't just fucking marines

Oh, so you just got really lucky.
Gangs seems a bit too specialized. Reavers and Hellions - specialized.

If you want a good DE base, the SC is great. You're going to need a few Raider/Raider-equivs. And Kabalites.
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The website still says "coming soon" so probably next year

>this superior Japanese Space Marine can cut clean through ceramite because it is folded over a thousand times, and is vastly superior to any other Space Marine on Terra.
Maybe 2x Sc, and no Gangs.
Check out mandarake when they drop.
is 40k even popular in japan?
i've got a fuckload of dark eldar to work on, but both my nurgle and admech armies are pretty much done.
A little bit lucky I'd say.

If even 3-4 of the 22 rokkits they fire (rokkits on he trukk too) make it past the armour save its still doing 9-12 damage
You should get some marines.
mhm. so what i'm seeing is the guard autocannon is a pretty good all rounder for HWT's

grenade launcher specials are decent at just about anything, and flamers are surprisingly alright at most things through weight of fire. not as optimal as plasma, but good enough to not feel like shit.
>Is the current tankbuster box a bunch of metal minis?

No its plastic, its not worth getting too many as you get a rock pistol, nob, and tank hamma per 5 man box.

Once you have those + the bomb squigs you want just use boyz with rokkits.

The average damage they do to a landraider is 8.333 wounds.
Since you did more than double that, that is really lucky.
>Out of a possible 60 fucking damage, 8.33 is the average

jesus christ ork shooting is fucking garbage
Ork BS being low means they have a much higher spread than everyone else to get the same average,
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If you wanted shooting you would have gone IG.
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Are these the right bases for these models? Guy from the area forgot to give me the bases for the lord and the drone, but I'm not sure if I'm still missing either the drone or the lord.

Does it really matter if the bases are wrong anyway?

Orks are a melee race
Aimin's fer grotz!
That's why you bring more orks. And Tankbusters get a reroll to hit on vehicles, so they tend to get the job done better than most.
>Does it really matter if the bases are wrong anyway?
Memes aside, I'm really fucking enjoying 8th a hell of a lot
Same. I'm actually painting and thinking about buying more minis, something I haven't really done since 5th ed.
50mm(Hive Guard, new Crisis Suits) for the Lord of Contagion and 60mm(Dreadnought) for the Drone.
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Does my opponent have to know which Rhino/Razorback/Chimera/Taurox has the melta squad and which as the cheap squad ?
Pic related-ish but not from me.
Yes. You must declare the contents of all transports and your reserve.
Anyone actually doing narrative play? I used to make up scenarios with my buddies all the time during the 2nd ed days, like two armies fighting in the middle of a Tyranid infested area or involved rescue missions. But my opponent most of the time these days is more of an acquaintance than a close friend, so I don't know how much he'd be up for that kinda thing (beyond the stuff already in the rulebook). I'm mostly curious if anyone does stuff like that these days.
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>actually doing narrative play

I'd like to, but me and my buddies are all pretty new to the game, so we don't really know how to do that sort of thing.
Understandable. My buddies and I all had months of playtime and pretty established armies before we started trying stuff like that. Maybe you'll get some narrative stuff going in the future.
Thoughts on the Ultramarine Chapter Tactics? Seems kinda weird that we're now back to the 'better at falling back' thing, when doctrines nailed the character of the smurfs to a T.
Mortal Wounds need some reworking.
In what sense? Mechanically or availability?
In my opinion, Reavers are garbage and Hellions are only marginally better. So while it's a good deal, you're getting a good deal on garbage. Start collecting is a good start, then buy some kabalite skysplinter sets
I'll just tear off a base from an old killa khan I'm not using.

Guess that big one is for the lord and I just got an extra terminator base.
Availability, reduced availability.
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>Actually playing any Game/Videogame/Sports in casual for fun with your family & friends instead of Ranked/Tournament to crush their hope
Not a lot of stuff can give mortal wounds in large amounts. Need to get a lot of sixes or you drop bombs on shit.
Or Smite spam
No. Anybody who say yes will not be able to prove it from the rulebook
I feel like Invul saves should be allowed against them, but maybe at a flat 6+.
Explain the problem. I see mostly a small, but vocal, group against how mortal wounds work now, so I'm curious why.
only nurgle can resist them
maybe it's my armies (chaos marines, daemons and eldar) but they don't seem that wide spread

after the unkillable deathstars and characters of 7th i feel like everything should be vulnerable
Only psykers can cast it once, plus it's locked behind a test they can fail, be denied, or kill themselves with perils.
>Need to get 12 termagants, 3 hive guard and a tyranid prime painted and based by 11AM
>Then need to walk 3 miles to local GW at 85-90 degree weather

Send me your energy /tg/
>after the unkillable deathstars and characters of 7th i feel like everything should be vulnerable

Most shouldn't transfer, yeah. Maybe SOB Shield of Faith, since mortal wounds are 90% dealt by psyker powers rather than the half assed 'Can sorta maybe not really deny powers'
Sell me on how possible this is. In a 2000 pt army what is the largest amount of psykers someone could field? Counting in a way for them to get within 18" of an important, isolated unit (since they must target the closest), and mathhammering all the failed tests and perils of the warp they might deal with.
Get the clippers/hobby knife ready
You can do it!
You understand its just a situational shit from IG/SM/Eldar and you should just field vultures/stormraven/Hemlock omstead and actually win games
I think up to twenty? I believe 2k points allows for 4 detachments, so you can take 4 supreme command detachments for max 5 hq's (that's assuming your pyskers are hq's).
There are non psyker HQ's, though the most spammable only cast smite on a d6.
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"When you set up a transport, units can start the battle embarked within it instead of being set up separately – declare what units are
embarked inside the transport when you set it up." Pg 183 of the rulebook. So yeah, you're wrong.
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>or I'll just keep gluing rokkits and other explosives to regular boyz to make my tankbuster mob.

Worked well enough for me.
>still no 40k anime starring Sisters, Marines and Eldar vs Orks.
1976 points
Vanguard Detachment:
1x Broodlord
6x Zoanthropes 4 Models

Vanguard Detachment:
1x Broodlord
2x Zoanthropes 4 Models
3x Venomthropes 4 models
I'd be curious to see how viable that would be. You'd get a lot of mortal wounds in early, but I assume the enemy would soon drown it out with just normal damage.

It's resin, they even said it's resin on the store page.

What's the range like on the Zoanthrope's zapping? I haven't seen too many psykers with actually long range powers.
I'll play that list in tabletop simulator some time this weekend and tell you what happens. I figure it might work.
Same as regular smite, it just gets an extra D3 at 4 or more models.
Well, since we were talking about Smite, it's just 18". The nids would probably need first turn, and then have to hope most of the enemy is deployed right on the edge of the deployment zone. If they get that early hit though, they'd wipe out a lot of the enemy.
8 units with smite with +d3 mortal wounds and 1 broodlords with regular smite? Everything is going to be fearless with -1 to hit and zoanthropes have 3+ invulnerable saves?

Might fucking work.
I am sincerely curious to see how it works out. It really feels like an all or nothing list that would either win or lose very quickly.

Right, I was wondering if they got extra range or something.

As I could see my SOB just devouring that list alive with Exorcists and Dominions and SOB are not exactly going to win prizes for best army. It just seems like it's got too few wounds to really hang on, even with the 3+ inv saves.

Mind you, I could be entirely wrong. I've only played a few 8e games so far.
It's really not that resilient and anything that can soak mortal wounds will run it over.

The deny works against smites. Sort of. And that's really all it's needed for. It's not like we could deny anything worth a dam in 7th anyway .
>No its plastic, its not worth getting too many as you get a rock pistol, nob, and tank hamma per 5 man box.
It's Finecast

>Once you have those + the bomb squigs you want just use boyz with rokkits.
Kitbashing the whole lot is easier. Put rockets on the tips of sluggas for Rokkit pistols, add a rocket to a choppa for a rokkit hammer, and strap grenades and melta bombs to squigs for bomb squigs.

>Sort of

Well, if they roll a 5 exactly AND we roll a 6. Very sort of. They really didn't think the mechanics of that rule through too well.

I wonder if full on denial would have made SOB too good (I imagine not but still).
No extra range, the army could be outmaneuvered, and deny the witch test could slow them down (but they've be throwing a LOT of Smites out, so most armies wouldn't be able to deny it all). Even with taking a few perils of the warp a turn, they'd deal some real damage if they can close the distance.
Maybe they'll get a minor bonus in the codex. Even a d6+2 would allow them to deny a lot more stuff.
if that was one of the Order's rules that would be pretty legit. We'll see what we get when the time comes.
A penalty to the test would work better imo.

The houserule that is going around at my store is:

>Most Stuff: d6+2
>Seraphim/Celestians: d6+3
>HQ: d6+4

But that's rather fiddly.

Handing out a -1 to psykers within 24" would be a nice, simple way of doing it without adding extra rolling.
Basically a non stacking non aura version of the SoS ability.

I do really hope that IG/SOB/Mechanicus get stuff per group like marines do. That would be really nice to see, even if they are copy-pasted from some marine ones. The Ultramarine one would be a SOB wet dream.
Gold trim trally is a bitch and a half to do. Should have listen to Duncan.

Oh yeah, non-stacking is important. SOB are a lot more plentiful than SoS after all.
Guilliman leads Ultramarines successor chapter <BLOOD ANGELS> to victory

>2 drop pods
>1 crisis suit
>1 riptide
>2 dark imperium boxes
> 1 helbrute

Not bad
He's supreme leader, he don't give no shits.
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I - I just really want a Primarch as centrepiece for my army k ?
He's just that good.

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>tfw just bought Bobby and a fully kitted Leviathan for 40 buger bucks
suck me gw
You're going to have to sculpt their bits.

Greenstuffing some plating over the abdomen should be easy, and making the hood of the head should be rather simple just by carving up a piece of plasticard tubing and bending it until it's in proper shape. Then you just sculpt in the eye-lens.
I thought grillman could only be used in ultramarine armies legally?

Well we have reason to believe that they will. What with the (Order) (Forgeworld) buisiness. I mean look at the flying dwarves in AoS, they have what are essentially chapter tactics with several presets and then a table for making your own custom one, which is what i think they will do with each faction in 40k from here out. At least i really really hope they will, because that would make the game a hundred times better.
He can be in any army of the Imperium.
Depends on game type

That would be very nice. I don't care if they overlap with each other a decent bit in the process.

He can be in any army, but only the ultramarines benefit from all of his powers and whatnot.
So can I put him with my Deathwatch?
What's the benefit?
He's a beatstick with good auras and gives CP.
nope, AOS this week ! Codex next week ?
CP? Disgusting...
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My FLGS tried to order Kaldor Draigo for me and was told it"d be 2-3 weeks. So currently my backlog is empty.
After Draigo I'm shooting for 10 interceptors, a Mark IV Dreadnought, a Vindicare, and maybe a Storm Raven, maybe another Dreadknight too (not necessarily in this order). I'd also like to put together a Champion, but they don't sell a model for it yet.
On that note, does anyone know a place I can reliably get bits from various kits? I wanted to do my champion kinda like pic related but the only place I've found that does individual bits (gitzbitz I believe it was called) is out of most of what I was looking at.
I just run mine as hellblasters. Intercessors are hilarious vs T3 hordes though.
Anything goes in the new and improved Imperium.

Basically his auras wouldn't do to much for you, cause if i remember correctly all of it works with ultramarines exclusively, so he'd pretty much just be a big beat stick/fire magnet.
Metal Slug baby ! i need ton find my emulator back now, thanks !
He has an IMPERIUM aura as well as an ULTRAMARINES one.
Are the new Primaris HQs and easy builds in shops today? I need a different looking guy to be a sarge in my third squad of Intercessors

Are any other Primaris players also concerned at the 300 point troop tax for a Battalion Detachment? Seems like most of their firepower is going to be in the dreads and transports, and with the Di set + a squad of Intercessors, that's already like ~1100 points or something.

I can't see how anything is going to fit without either footslogging elements, or having 3 units on the board with transports and dropping other goodies just to pay for them
Are there any other currently living primarchs than rowboat? Are we likely to see another soon?
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>tfw new FLGS opens just down the road from me
>tfw excited to visit, meet the owner, get involved in 40k games nights, etc
>tfw the only GW game they stock and host games of is Bloodbowl

Hint primarch of the Geath Duard
72 aos models
22 in progress dark angels
40 or so more dark angels to strip and repaint
about 20 other misc models
also a bunch of old tanks and dozens of old models I could strip and repaint
Magnus is still around, Mortarion is coming soon. Or did you mean just loyalist ones?
Yeah I meant loyalist. Not twisted demon scum.
Like half of them are MIA for 10k years so who knows
The gay one has been sleeping in the gay bar for 10k years on the otherhand
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I will go with the classical colors and hope for the best.
genestealers are fucking stupid
What is good arty now for IG?

look like they are better anti-tank now than infantry.
4d6 is pretty great, but S4 and AP0 worries me.
I am thinking this is where its at for IG, the bar I am setting from here on out.
>Colossus Bombard
Pretty much the same as Manticore, but more than 4 shots
Im not sure if this would be better or worse than the colossus, increase in hits makes me think it would be better though.

As an aside, have the rules for missiles changed - a lot of them no longer have the "one use only" rule it seems but the rule book also doesn't seem to have a universal rule applying to missiles. Am I right in thinking that missiles such as the Valkyries Hellstrike missiles can be re-used every turn?
I'm about to go play my second game of 8th edition at hobby shop against my buddy, he's bringing space marines and I'm bringing orks
Yeah if it doesn't have one use only anymore, you're free to fire it every turn.

ok well then the imperium aura would be helpfull i suppose.

Hope you have a blast! I have only had the pleasure of one game so far, and it was more of a demo game for 8th. Can't wait to get stuck in again!
Give 'im Hell! Tell us how it goes.

eh, they didn't have ap before so no loss there (ap6 but who actually makes 6+ saves?)
Woah, fliers with multiple missiles seem crazy good now, so my thunderbolt can fire 2 x twin autocannons, a twin lascannon and 4 x missiles in a turn... every turn?

Freaking fantastic.
Bitzbarn is where I used to shop. Dunno if they're still in business
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we aren't doing points or any of that stuff, just deploying all we've got and going to slug it out with the new rules, I still have quite a bit of units to paint up and get together
The fact that the missiles don't say "one time use" is kinda insane. I wonder if the fact that you buy 4x missiles means they will FAQ "one time use" in.

Vehicles like the Thunderhawk don't have x number of missiles but instead have a missile battery which lends itself more to replenishing missiles.
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Here's a shitty photoshoop to illustrate what a Geth-Cron could potentially look like without all that much change.

Just need to sculpt the head, modify the feet and use greenstuff to combine the fingers (since Geth have 3 fingers in their hand) and add the antennae rod to the spine.
>tfw powerlelvels let me field my 60 Multi-Meltas
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Is a grey knight army with no grey knight-space marines and just termies viable in casual or more competetive games ?
Or how can they be made?

i just dont like the look of the space marine grey knights but love the termies
Haven´t played my eldar in ages. How are they doing in this edition? What are their best units now?
Just checked their website and it's still under construction, but the physical store still exists according to their Facebook page. Thanks for the tip
You can spam paladins. You'll get shredded by anti tank guns but other than you'll have a blast. Wait til the codex comes out and see if they change normal terminators before really going for it tho
Eh, for less sweaty games, yeah.
Vanguard detachment and spam the fuck outta Pallies with Draigo and probably Voldus, Stern ain't a bad call either.
Take 2 Storm Ravens and get ye them Doomglaive dreads.
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Kitbashed an Iron Priest together and before I go anywhere with the painting had a question.

Would a combi grav (with certain bits painted with a bright glowing blue) be a good substitute for a "combi-helfrost" of, that way I have a means of deploying the priest with either bolgun or helfrost pistol depending on if i have points to spare or not. I'd obviously declare what he's packing at the start of each game to my opponent.

Otherwise how does he look? Made him from a salvaged iron father I got off a friend, poor thing was in horrible shape and it took quite a bit of greenstuff to fix it up
>playing at a tourney
>get set up with another DA player
>both of us are fielding Sammael
Alright /tg/, "build the narrative" for this mess.
One of you is the Changeling
Warp travel shenanigans
The Warp hyuk
Terminators can be fielded as troop choices in GK armies, so you could run at least a couple detachments legally with just those and an HQ, the HQ would have to be GK to be rules legal but it's only one model.
Of course, if you're playing amongst friends you could just ask them if they're cool with you just fielding a bunch of Terminators with no HQ. Generally as long as your opponent agrees you can do whatever you like with your composition. It only really matters for tourneys and such.
I can dig it.
Looks like he's still a WiP, but a good start anon.

One is clearly an impostor, perhaps an agent of the fallen. Kill him and prove you are the real Sammael.
>over Pallies
Now wait just a goddamn minute. GKTs are no good anymore.

Pretty sweet, what did you make him out of?

That looks way cooler than vanillacrons
iron father for the base, cut out the bald head and drilled space to put in the techmarine head from one of the dark angels vehicle kits

Combi grav is from a sternguard set, the hammer arm was made from a chaos terminator lords sorcerer staff and the head is from the space wolves box set along with the skull on the chest and the knife on the left leg
He asked if they were legal, I'm not gonna tell him he can't field Terminators just because paladins are better in every way. That being said, >>54331241, this Anon is totally right. If you have the points, just field them as Paladins. They're much better, and only cost like 9 points extra per model.
What's the best use of 9 Tyranid Warriors?
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That seems like an oversight as most missiles are now just grouped into a single weapon.
thanks for your insight i maybe just buy firstly just a box of termies and wait for codex and maybe there will be also some new-marines for them who may look good

and how good are they against armies who have few to no psykers or horde armys, in comparisson with them against deamons
Is Tzeentch a pony fag?
Gotta love how many Tau-fags are getting BTFO by 8th. We had a guy at our local who brought 3 tides to almost any match. His defense
>I just like the models
So now he keeps showing up without them and after a few 'subtle' digs his ass-pain was glorious to see.
there's no difference between termies and pallys kit wise it's the same box. so you can run them as either

Holo Battle Simulation: Sammael uses the Chapters Holotraining room to simulate a battle against himself to weed out any imperfections or weaknesses in his strategy and tactics.
are they usualy modeled different (not just the weapons but the insignias purity seals and other decorational stuff)
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Behold: the battle of the ravenwing
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Sammael Vs Dark Sammael.
>you can take Soulreaper canon if your Rubric squad is less than ten man strong

Holy shit, is this true? That would be amazing.
Nope, everything is moving up. Even Thousand Sons were up scaled too.



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Here is a really stupid 2000 point list.
You will be shitting out an UNGODLY amount of attacks due to the Pally banner and the Termie Banner.
Draigo for rerolls and Stern for the bonus Smite range, plus his Daemon fucking bomb.
That said, it's EXTREMELY gimmicky, but who cares at this point lol.

You could swap Stern for a generic BroCap too.
>playing a tourney with unpainted minis
Behold: Plastic and Primer
thanks alot
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>unpainted models
no. literally the same dudes

just with better stats

unpainted shit
Should note, Sacred Banners don't stack, but the Aura is 'models' within 6"
That might be out of the range of either banner depending.
And I wasn't sure what else to do with the points.
Why are you so mad
Stupid question here, but the captain in Gravis armour from DI seems pretty shit. How do I best use him? The lord of contagion fucks him deep, so that's a no-no
Also, you'll likely need to convert 2 psycannons if you wanna run 4x in a 10 pally squad (protip, you do) since the termie boxes only come with one apiece.
Park him in front of some Hellblasters. Let him soak.
T5 +3 won't do much soaking up of anything. There has to be a better use for him. He's decent on the charge Vs Plague Marines, but he gets swamped by Pox Walkers and literally any other unit that numbers more than 15, regardless of faction in my personal experience. And the BoltStorm Gauntlet is garbage compared to something like Dorns Arrow.
just get some greenstuff and make a press mold
>Sv 3+
The fuck are you on about
Gravis is a T+1 Sv+3 armour. It isn't terminator plate.
half of them are actually Raven Guard in disguise.
Wanting to find out who ravens the best raven out of both ravens.
Hive guard based and tabletop quality, prime 50% done, gants 75% done
Paladins typically use the pointy helmets and book insignas
Potentially 73 rerollable attacks in a Fight phase, I'd have to double check the coherency with the terminator bases, but holy fuck that's a lot of swings.
Are we expecting new GK models?
You could get more if you exchanged the Hammer and Halberd for Falchions.
New BroChamp would be nice, but no, I'm not holding out for anything.
I believe in you
So, the first week of the global campaign is themed towards Start Collecting boxes and Space Marines. Anyone know if that includes ALL space Marines aka CSM?
Picked up some Tartaros Termies. What's a good squad balance of weapons?
>Tartaros Termies
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You just got 1 already.
Not muh Grand-Master
Are you soft in the head?
Is GW coming out with new DEldar models soon or something? Ive been trying to get started on an army but half of the units + the start collecting box has been out of stock for weeks
Would it happen to be scaled differently from other termies? Everything seems the same style

A Deathwatch/Grey Knights primaris dual kit would be a really good idea.
EVERY faction's unit range has been riddled with 'sold out' since 8E hit
Dumb shits weren't prepared
Is Crowe worth considering against mobs now?

My favourite way to run Tartaros terminators is 10 in two combat squads: 5 with lightning claws, 5 with a Volkite and two heavy flamers.

Have you seen the HORRENDOUS new stay line for it? They made it a heavy S5 weapon with no special rules. It's statistically worse than a stormbolter.
Rebox with 8th rule.

For any non-marine army, your best hope for new kit is to wait for at least 10-20 years.

Meanwhile Marinefag complaint they get new shit every fucking years.
Deathwatch terminators can take power lances and power axes. Which are the bitz for those?
Could you guys help a noob here? So how many points exactly a Thunderfire Cannon takes? I got into this at about the end of the 7th, and the new system confuses me a lot.
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>playing with unpainted models

Weird. No, I hadn't. It was a good way to get a terminator unit with three special weapons before, that all did the same job and were supported well enough by the shitty stormbolters.
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Every time I see an FAQ for a common sense solution, I think there can't possibly be people that dumb in enough volume to consider the question frequent. Then, I see posts like yours, and I die a little more inside.
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>Playing with painted models

You will find point values for everything in the indexes anon
To expand on this


Might be cool.


>putting your Magnus in range of fifteen S8 D6 6" weapons

Yare yare daze. I like Changeling usage tho.
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I picked up the "Open War" deck earlier today and my first impression is decent after a game or two since it's fairly quick to start.

>randomly generate the battle using the deck
>deployment is one of 12
>objectives is one of 12
>twist ("bonus effect") one of 12

>if one army has a higher power rating then the lower gets one of six ruse cards (bonus positive)
>if one army is at least double they get one of six sudden death cards in addition (fulfill the specific objective to outright win the game)

Probably one of the few ways to play where a huge power difference is actually winnable on a semi-regular basis.
Are the new Primaris in the shop today?
I bet he's terrible at the game because he spent all his time painting instead of practicing.

Why they made the Assault 2 fun that did extra damage into a Heavy 2 vanilla S5 gun is beyond me. You're much better off taking the plasma blaster over the Volkite, that way you can get 2 HFlamers, Grenade Harness, and Plasma Blaster.
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>Playing with models
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>mfw deathwatch librarians cannot take storm shields while gk can
How effective is Veil of Time at getting Deep striking units into combat? It's no Warp Time, but it has to be something.

GK should get their SS removed from both Lib and Draigo TBQH pham
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Im thinking up the outline for a story where a smaller imperial ship is able to defeat a larger ship via ambush and ramming. I have it pretty well thought out in my head, I even know the classes and armaments of the ships- but I ran into one logical issue: How the fuck do rams work in 40k? Like really work?
Like smaller imperial ships have lances mounted on their ramming prows, and larger ships can have nova cannons. Surely a ship with a prow mounted nova cannon wouldn't ram, because that would destroy the precious ancient tech-see pic related. But even smaller vessels would destroy their prow mounted lances upon ramming.

Is there something Im missing, are these guns like receedable into the vessel for rams or do you just not ram with vessels that have prow mounted heavy weapons?
Getting back into 40k with this new edition of the rules and going to be playing my Old Elysians.

How does this look in terms of fun / competitiveness, 2 of my mates who play run 1: Space Marines & Orks and 2: Imperial Guard armoured company. The people who play at the local are fairly diverse, the only significant double up is a few playing CSM and SM.

Battalion & Vanguard detachments (so a total of 7 CP) and 2000pt limit / 100 PP

2 x tempestor primes, command rod
4 x 5 man scions, 2 plasma
4 x Taurox Prime, Battle cannon, 2 autocannons

2 x Company Commander, power sword
1 x Lord Commissar, power sword
2 x Special weapon teams, 3 breaching charges
2 x Sniper Squad

2 x Thunderbolts, 4 Hellstrike missiles
I guess it would just be up to the vessel's commander to decide if the benefits of a ramming manoeuvre would outweigh the loss of the cannon

We've already established this: The reason the Wulfen have so many storm shields is they stole them all from the Grey Knights.
Less than 50%
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Anyone have the Redemptor weapon stats from the twitch stream?
I'd go with retractable unless some anon comes up with anything that counteracts it.
I've only got one group of 5 for now. I was thinking Two with Lightning Claws, One with Heavy Flamer, One with the a Grenade Harness and the Sergeant with a Plasma Blaster. They'll mostly be used for an assault role, so I think that's a decent build. What do you think?

The melta weapons mounted in ramming vehicles don't jut out that far. See: Caestus Assault Ram, Mastodon, Kharybdis Assault Claw, standard boarding torpedoes, etc.

Grenade harness doesn't really do anything anymore, and you can take it on top of lightning claws anyhow.

They look cool and make your Terminators taller to keep up with them Primaris
>arm gat is heavy 18 HB
>mini gat is heavy 6 HB
>plasma cannon is just a normal one with +1str
>powerfist has Dam D6
>has a pair of strom bolters
>rocket pod is AA, autocannon, with D6 shots
Assault D6 AP1 is better than nothing. I didn't know it stacked with Lightning Claws though, that's nice.
Comparison pic nao
>>arm gat is heavy 18 HB
sorry heavy 12
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Does the Deathwatch sprue not allow for Veterans to just be holding Boltguns?
Looks to me that they can only be carrying their boltgun (which I have to say look pretty small) in their right hand and every left hand that's not part of a two-handed weapon or a shield is carrying a power sword
Im talking starships anon, like 3 mile long warp traveling vessels with hundreds of thousands of crewmen.
What's good SM anti-armour?

Sicaran Battle Tanks, Predators, cents w/ lascannons or simply devastators? Something else?
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>Wanting 2 handed bolter arm which literally exist in other marine kit.

Costs 8 points, so 4 stormbolters.

Is worse than 3 stormbolters, even with rend.
There's one ship that's basically a giant plasma cannon from a class of ship that's one step above it, and it's basically just a giant cannon with engines strapped to it. I'm sure a dedicated ramming ship can make room to have the weapons housed further aft.
I don't know why, but it hurt my eyes to look at that sprue. I think I have eye cancer.
Deathwatch is a storage clearer, you really think they would invest in serious modelling kits?

That storm shield bit was wasted on DW.

>Wanting 2 handed Bolter arm with the distinct power armour and Bolter style of a deathwatch veteran
It may be worse than 3 storm bolters, but if it's on a model with two lightning claws, then it's objectively a good choice.
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Then maybe you should buy a million copy of this guy.
>new GK
I don't think we'll be getting any, also considering the low effort faction focus concerning them. SM and CSM were pretty hyped to go with the new releases. Still, waiting for these codexes has been driving me mad
>Not spamming terminator squads with three assault cannons and two TH/SS
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You can do it Anon, I believe in you!
Anyone else hesitant to start Marines in 8th?

I like Marines, but Primaris are a sword of Damocles for the faction IMO. On the one hand, if I start normal marines, they have a huge range but have old models and may be replaced in the near future. On the other hand, primaris marines are great looking but can only use their own stuff and don't have the width in their units, no techmarines, terminators and so on.
Are we going to get multipart primaris kits? Or is 8th edition all easy build?
From where mate?
Sounds like chink heresy
Enjoy your shitty cast and poisonous resin made by children.
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Looking for some C&C, what should I add to make it 2500, most is stuff I find cool (tacts are in because I love tacts)
>He doesn't know his caster

>unpainted, even unprimed models

Disgusting anon, truly disgusting!

For real thou, doesn't people feel (in general) that playing with and/or against players that fields grey blobs of half assembled models that it brings down the game?
I mean, sure, I was 10-12 years of age as well at one point in life, and even I have been at a time when we played with a green cloth as a field of battle, using VCR cassettes as hills and regular household items as terrain. And at this time even we fielded grey blobs, but we always strive to do better. But I see it more and more, grown men fielding nothing but grey, and no intention at all to paint, why is this /tg/?
>buys counterfeit toys
Does anyone know if the death korps of krieg granadiers will come back to FW?
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post them.
Downside of a more enjoyable accessible game I guess, it's no longer a case of only the most diehard dedicated people still sticking with it.
Sounds like a win to me.
>Paying upwards of £20 for plastic soldiers
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You know the whole 'Primaris will replace the marine model line' thing is just a meme, right?
It's being said to fuck with people who already have large marine armies.
They won't be phasing out regular marine any time soon, anyone that says otherwise is the same kind of faggot spewing that spews every meme of of the month, whether that pertains to marinelets, tau battlesuits, sisters of battle or fighting over the image used for the general.
Do you know of any good cheap leviathan dread? something that doesn't look recasted

Convert a Redemptor?
Anyone else order from wayland games before? Is it normal for them to fuck up orders?
Zanchui typically does great Leviathans, but if that doesn't spark your fancy, see >>54332114
Fuck up how?
It's an exaggeration like most memes. The 'infantry spam is new meta' meme is also just that, just a meme and nothing more. Yesterday I beat the tournament minded Ork player for the second time with my GK, and he had even more ork boys in his armylist than list time (over 150 this time) Didn't stop my GK from almost massacring them before turn 4 started, at which point my opponent conceded.
This is what GW wants you to do. Keep buying every Primaris set is being released while falling from one or two impulse buys from old SM to empty their storage rooms. Notice how they have been pushing land raiders, dreadnoughts, terminators by talking about how cool they are in every blog post and facebook comment. Then you will have to buy the repulsor and the redemptor. They will also put an absurd price tag on them to further invite you to buy the old stuff because it has a less premium price tag and feels "cheap", while you are really overpaying for old models which will slowly be replaced over one or two years. And I believe a reissue of terminators is coming - Stronos from IH is wearing Indomitus armor on the cover of champions of eternal war and GW teased having something in mind for non primaris and also for iron hands. In my opinion, starting a SM army is asking for trouble at this point. The point is if you care or not about all of this.
>In b4 a Redemptor dread costs more than a leviathan
Enjoy your carcinogens
I used to order from Wayland...before the embargo

I miss those great prices
What happened to space marine bike Armies 8e? I remember bike Armies being amazing in 7
Like say they have something in stock, then take the order and take a month to send it - then giving you a call and say it isn't in stock. Or sending out single paints piecemeal in large boxes that don't fit through the door when you've ordered several at once.
Well, they are not as amazing as they were in 7th? They look horrible anyway if you are not playing white scars. GW wanted to sell
I know that they some times have things listed as in stock when they are expecting a restock, never heard of the paints in boxes issue though
Sell the leftover bikes*
Bikes gained an extra wound but as a result also a point increase. They're more durable than before, but still have the same (if not less) firepower so are less ideal to spam.
I fucking HATE the Inceptor miniature.
Are there any recasters based on a trustable platform? I don't want to paypal some chinaman
>I don't want to paypal some chinaman
Then no chinaman for you
Ravenwing is really strong tho, haven't had any problems
It's weird because they are like 40mins from me, but element games sends stuff far far quicker and they are in manchester. I won't be using them again, this is the 3rd time they've fucked me around with orders.

A Redemptor is a lot smaller than a riptide so should be £40, which means due to GW internal inflation logic, it's going to be £50.

With standard online discount from a second party seller, that's £40, compared to an official leviathan's £72.

It's not legitimately cheap, but it's certainly relatively so.
Then stop buying them
You're pretty much gonna have to paypal regardless. There's also CCON and Miranda Irene, but they have a way more limited selection and higher prices than Z.
Miranda Irene
For me, the number one place to order from is Goblin Gaming. Damn near everything they sell is 20% off, free 24 hour delivery on orders over £75 which is great for me because I live in Ireland, a loyalty program that actually rewards you pretty fucking quick, quick no questions asked returns and A+ customer service
aliexpress, but paypal has buyer protection
40 pounds for a shit-ass conversion is not cheap. He didn't ask for conversions, he asked for cheap leviathans. Alternatively, if your taste is this bad, better field a contemptor which you can grab for 24£ and do your shitty conversion on it
Found the anon that was molested as a child
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Need to shave off 200 pts, thoughts? Also, enough anti-blob and anti-armour for 2K? Should I throw in some Ratlings?

>Paying more than £18 for a Calth Contemptor

Nowhere near large enough anyhow mate. He wants a cheap FW thing, the solution without spending 6 months building black market contacts is usually to convert a GW thing.

How shit the end result looks depends on how shit a converter you are.
They release codexes in japanese and every single box has katakana name of the unit. I think it is, meme doujins about 40k prove my point further.
>Paying more than £18 for a Calth Contemptor
Even worse for your argument.
He asked for a cheap leviathan, not a shitty conversion. Your argument is still moot.
Only have an Onager Dunecrawler left to do.

But 200 Skaven just behind it
People like you should seriously consider KYS.

Hey man, just because your conversions are shitty doesn't mean you need to project onto him.
Know no Fear, First Strike, ETB Reivers, a Russ, Lord Commissar and some Kasrkins
Just no.
Read the rulebook faggot
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>keeps avoiding the argument
Like pottery.
So Savior protocols for tau. How exactly do they work? I'm thinking for eample, we have a broadside and two drones that gets shot by a dark lance and takes 4 wounds. Does he assign two to the drones and then takes two or can he assign the whole hit.
Not painted versus shit painted.
EVERY one loses.
No thanks. Leviathan only
destroyer lord
2x5 wraiths,transdimensional beamers
3x9 scarab swarms
2x tomb sentinels

2k, should I drop the sentinels for barges? Thoughts?

>Ha ha, I might have nothing left to say, but if I cheetahpost I can get the last word without saying anything!
>keeps avoiding the argument
The whole hit goes onto the drones.

Your argument being that conversions are always shit?
Can't wait for that to be amended, makes no sense as to why spill over wouldn't hit the target being aimed at.
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Can someone help me out and post the entry for the Caestus?

I can't access the mega at work and I'm bored trying to make lists. Many thanks~
My argument being that he asked for cheap leviathan not for overcosted conversions.
Where did I state conversions are always cheap?

>My argument being that he asked for cheap leviathan not for overcosted conversions.

I mean, I guess you could call £40-ish expensive for a leviathan, but you'd be wrong in relative terms. A recaster plus international shipping isn't gonna come in much below that.

>Where did I state conversions are always cheap?

Nowhere, I said shit, not cheap.

You're repeatedly stating that the conversion result would be too shit to be a good stand in, without knowing the skill level of the person I suggested it to.

Hell, I happen to think a Redemptor is a terrible model! Still wouldn't be that hard to thicken the legs up, fix up the derpy frontage and convert appropriate arms though.
>A recaster plus international shipping isn't gonna come in much below that.
It is. Not counting your 40£ price tag is a guess at best.
>A recaster plus international shipping isn't gonna come in much below that.
Still, he asked for a cheap leviathan, not a conversion.

>You're repeatedly stating that the conversion result would be too shit
I never stated the results would be too shit. Saying that the conversion is shitty also takes into account the idea of getting a premium model in order to attempt to convert it to another premium model unless you makeover the entire model. Shitty is not only related to looks, but also to the inconsistent look of a redemptor with respect to the leviathan and also to the extremely suboptimal price tag for a conversion, which could again be even worse than you expect it to be in terms of pricing. The price tag could be closer to the riptide than you expect considering a redemptor is its in-game equivalent for SM and GW is known for pricing things not only based on size and numbers but also on game impact.
Those 2+ save drones man.And tau players still bitch.
>Saying that the conversion is shitty also takes into account the idea of getting a premium model in order to attempt to convert it to another premium model unless you makeover the entire model.
*Which is probably going to look off until you makeover the entire model

£50 before online discount is a Riptide's price dum-dum, I posted the top end of the price range guess.
Can guards in transports receive orders?
Sorry, not a taufag. Could still be higher than that easily knowing GW
Is there a version of this:


For 40k?
Man that looks cool, what's a good unit to pack inside ? Termies?
So is a Spartan a good vehicle to build a terminator army around?
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If I'm allying Nurgle Daemons to my Death Guard
Is there any reason to take Plaguebearers over taking more Poxwalkers? They can't even be considered a tax now with the new detachment system
No. Units in transports aren't really on the board, so they wouldn't be considered within the radius required to receive orders.
Is there a decent way to run the vanquisher russ? or is it just shit, because it looks like it's just shit.
Do your job you fucking stupid shitbag

How would I go about it? Tyberos, some Tartaros, hammer and shield guys, the spartan... What else?
You should read the fucking rules and find out, noob shit trash asshole loser
Sorry, what I meant is: no
Just get land raiders, they're much better looking and fitting IMO. Get one or two then deep strike the rest
So, now that Emperor's Children are clearly the best CSM army what the fuck are Thousand $$$ going to do about it?
Link it to me pls
Can a unit have negative leadership after suffering more losses than its Ld value? e.g. gaunts suffering heavy losses.

If it was reduced to -2 would it lose 8 models on a roll of 6?
You are fucking retarded read the god damn rules you stupid piece of shit

Well I presume the creation of the Tau was to pander to the Japanese/weeb market in all honesty.
you must have a fulfilling life
What do you mean negative leadership? Leadership is a set value for every unit.
My job is to wait for the phone to ring, until then there's nothing else to do on the weekend
>GW will never flesh out the Mordian Iron Guard

>noone cares
>GW will never flesh out anything that is an NPC is not marines

Want to buy a bunch of them? Looking to offload about 80 or so including weapons teams and officers
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You're welcome
Fuck you parasite
I'm sorry, what I meant is:
Power points are objectively the best way to play.
I miss webroster
>listbuilder dogshit
Will never read, will never review, kill yourself
post pic
Tell me what you use, faggot. I don't need your reviews anyways
>womyn regiments
stop spreading your feminist bullshit pls
Talk to people at your LGS?
Are you retarded?
a text document you fucking stupid shitbag, find a high voltage line and chew it
If you're a WAACfaggot that can't handle the fact that there isn't much to abuse if you use the proper point system maybe.
This is an imageboard, retarded faggot. Also, what if I chewed a high voltage line? Could as well be not live. Didn't think it through, huh?
>Power points and narrative gameplay makes you waac.
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>getting offended by random comments on an imageboard.
>not realizing the purpose of the post was to call you an autstic autogynephile school shooter
>getting offended
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>being this fucking out of the loop
Fuck off to reddit, kiddo
what's the image from?
kys randy
Sorry, I don't visit brony tumblr blogs
This fucking shooter will never not be funny
My fellows, how do those units work? Are they a seperate unit or are they a part of normal guardsmen?
10/10 would smash taufaces with

What is up with this autism?
Idk anon, maybe read the codex or something.

Wait, didn't tac marines get a new box when their 6th codex dropped?

And generic CSM are stuck with sculpts from how long ago?
Those look really bad though
10/10 would trigger again
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I've got a burner cell that's fairly old so I'm betting even if I could get "legible" pics someone would bitch.

I can type out some ones though.

>Burn & Pillage: each side gets three objectives and if you control a enemy's objective until the end of turn it is destroyed. First one to destroy all three of the opponent's objectives wins.

>The Prize: a single objective marker is placed within the center. If a model ends a move on top of it then they are carrying it until voluntarily dropped or killed. Whoever is holding it at the end of the 5th battle round wins.

>Acid Rain: -1 to hit shooting, -1 advance+charge rolls. Roll a d6 each round after the first, +4 plus stops it unless it's already stopped (which means it starts up again)

>Meeting Battle: Each player divides forces into three sections (each section cannot have more than half total units). 1st starts on field, second arrives at the end of the second movement phase, and third arrives at the end of the third movement phase. All arriving units must be set up at least 9" away, within 9" of any table edge, and not within the enemy's deployment zone.

>Inspiring Speech: Play after deployment but before the first round. Your units automatically pass morale tests if your Warlord is alive.

>Tactical Reserves: Play at the end of any of your movement phases. One unit from your army that has been destroyed is can be set-up again at least 9" away from the enemy and wholly within 9" of a battlefield edge.

Sudden Death
>Endure: Play this card if you have at least one model on the battlefield at the end of the fifth round. You immediately win the battle.

>Vital Ground: After the third round you may play this card at the end of your turn if there are no enemy units within 9" of the center of the battlefield. You immediately win the battle.

Reminder that Ruses and Sudden Death cards aren't shown to the opponent until played.
why are you asking here?

If you're unsure on the rules you should go to Gdubs twitter or facebook
Just buy deathwatch units and convert them for best looks.
those aren't tac marines though. They're a jp exclusive collectors thingy
Straight to the point the.
Would people would go autismo If I made a CSM unit like that with obviously bigger base?
I'd be cool with it but I can't speak for anyone else
Do you yell out orders for your IG, /40kg/?
You have to if you want respect from your soldiers.
Your autismo is showing
Fun fact, it wasn't the inquisition fucking around with the Celestial Lions in Armageddon. Rather they got targeted by one of the sneakiest blood axe warbosses ever.
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How effective are Penient Engines? I run a dreadnought army and adding a few of these imperial killa kans might be neat.
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Say it to me in real life bitch.
Arch pls
Who frames shitty fan art?

Is that a man kissing a shotgun with multiple ember from Danny Phantom recolour OCs in the background?
Retards apparently
That faggot would say they are actually vindicaire assassins.
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What the fuck am i looking at
>/tg/ doesn't know about this absolute madman
Fucking embarrassing
Is voldus the same scale as regular GK termies?
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Some fanart is pretty good, check my iPad background.
Termagants done, hive guard done, prime done except for one arm, bonus round: base 10 genestealers and a broodlord because whoops
I do, because /k/
fuckin cheater
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They've literally been in bags in the basement for over 10years
>mixed with valhallans too
soo who is he? some kind of e-celeb or something?
If you consider Eric Harris to be an international hero then yeah he's an e-celeb
If I was to loot a fire prism for my orks.

Could i get away with using ut as a zzap gun armed battlewagon and just say the orks can't make it hover high enough to qualify for FLY keyword.
If I was your opponent I'd think you were pretty cool

Give it a low rider flight stand and stick one wheel on a strut for "Stayblizin'"
Not telling is literally the biggest bitch move.
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Orks are the one faction where you can take every other kit and somehow make it work for your army.
thred ded, new bred
holy dakka!
I will have to get one of those for my imperial fists.

No, if you loot a fire prism, you mount it on fucking tracks and wheels! That's how you Ork it up. Besides, it will look fucking awesome!
Im looking at setting up an escalation campaign and need some advice. What power level / pts are people playing at currently for small, medium and large games?
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i think that is rapidly proving to be a good thing
I want em, how much?
Get ready boyz, autism has reached new heights
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