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/cyoag/ - CYOA General

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 538
Thread images: 116

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The Village CYOA.jpg
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Resources: https://pastebin.com/vrqYhnpu
Last Thread: >>53852694
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+15 Points
Synthetic Skin -3p
Sensors -3p
Machine Spirit -3p
Hidden Arsenal -3p
Stun Mode -1p

Alternate Model -1p
Anatomically Correct -1p

Slice Of Life

Comfy life with robot daughteru
What fetish would you give to a revolutionary idealist waifu with no tact whatsoever that wants to improve the lives of the plebs in a CYOA where the player becomes the emperor of an interstellar empire in a sci-fi setting that rips off the fall of the western roman empire? Femdom, general "leading in the bedroom", worship, tantric, and exhibitionism are all taken.

Sorry if this appears to be just bait.

She gets it all out of her system in the bedroom so she can fight the power by day
Yeah, I guess that could work. thanks m8
Definitely not anything sub/dom related.
It's a boring trope that the dominant person wants to be dominated in the bedroom.
I don't know what "revolutionary idealist" means, can't help you with that.
Could use some thoughts on an idea I'm kicking around

The idea is that you're the champion of a monster race (minotaurs, nagas, mummies, etc); you can form an alliance with a couple of other races as well for mutual defence and stuff. You'd build a character of your race and get some companions from that race and those of your allies.

The initial premise was that humans were wiping out all the monster races and the survivors were banding together for defensive reasons, but I'm not sure if I'll go with that; I have a few other ideas like you're joining up to raid human lands, or even its just a monster continent, but I'm not sure.

Any ideas as to where I could take this base concept?
Voyeurism. High empathy forces her to self-insert in any sexual situation she sees.
>Wanting a cheater.
>wanting a filthy anarch poser who gets off on helping the lumpenproletariat
Don't be such a salty potatoes, anon.
That post doesn't make sense, that entire meme is supposed to be 'anon overreacting to minor things'. Sleeping around with random proles isn't a minor thing.
Why are the drawbacks in this so spooky compared to most?
Is it because the rest of the CYOA is so chill?
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Quick reminder that Celt could have stopped me, but he didn't.
I don't get reason 2. Someone explain it to me.
First it was Italics, now the both of you
Could you please tell Celt to stop shitting up the Discord server? He's a terrible annoyance that I just wish would fuck off forever.
Basically, ZBG and Celt are notorious fans of NTR on the Discord. They like to make anonymous shitposts in support of their fetish in the thread too. Anyway, what really triggers them is when anons criticize and shit on them and their fetish. They have trouble understanding how people can dislike their fetish, so the assume everyone is just a closeted cuck.
For fucks sake

Fuck off already. Stick to your discord and circlejerk, if we cared about what you faggots talk about there we'd join. Stop bringing up your fucking shitstorms in every thread.
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That aint our discord, actually.
There he is!
>Accusing random anons mocking you for being your bogeyman.
Hello, Celt.
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Three days.
Noted, but I still don't care. We don't need to hear about this shit for yet another thread
Name fags ruin everything

Let's go for a horrible abomination Myroid!


>portable kitchen
>drone control
>machine spirit (the soul just makes it extra creepy!)
>anatomically correct
>grappling hook

Why did you build a biotechnological robot with a built-in microwave, dad? Why?

Voyeurism isn't cheating dumbfuck
Oh great why get to have tripfags fight with each other.

A weak man blames others for his mistakes.
>/cyoag/ discord
>Bliss's private discord
>ZBG's discord
>cyoag subreddit's discord/IRC
>Jumpchain's discord/IRC
>Spacebattle's discord/IRC among their various users

Drama and shitposting is inevitable with so many outside agencies involved with cyoas.
This cyoa starts off comfy, but I dunno, the village borders, and drawbacks like the secret ritual and the old guard make the cyoa feel uneasy, like there's something wrong about this seemingly peaceful comfy village.
Can someone post the spooky-comfy apartment building cyoa? Just starting to get into this stuff and that one caught my eye a few threads back.
>being this paranoid about a waifu cucking you
holy shit anon voyeurism is liking to watch people have sex, you know like a peeping tom? Or like, anyone who watches porn?
>North Vernacular
Geo. Features
Living Accommodations
>Old Mansion
Residence Location
> Far Outskirts
Special Artifact
>Inviting Pendant
>Pale Ring
>Rusty Dagger
Village Borders
>Endless Expanse
Village Highlights
>Fairy Grove
>Primeval Forest
>Crystal Cavern
>Healing Spring
Village Guides
>Lonely Monster
>Christmas Cake
>Village Chief
>Dapper Gentlemen
Uneasy Peculiarities
>Wandering God
>Ruined Cathedral
Just tried to post it...

How come it's bigger than 8mb but i saved it from here?
look up voyeurism anon
It's almost like that's the point!
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Thanks man
I wasn't active when these two were released but they are possibly two of the most enjoyable that I've read. Are there more like them?
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i don't know if this fits the category of comfy but this is similar in style
There is a significantly more complete version of this floating around. It never struck me as quite finished though.
Well, there's pretty much everything else that DSA has done. They all have great atmosphere like these do, but not all of them as comfy.
He's gone now.
Yeah... I don't think that qualifies as comfy
The stuff he made isn't. Where'd he go?
He had a great run. It was nice to have a new good author and it's better he stopped before turning into a shitposter.
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Name: Rahn Gin
Gender: Male
Species: Goblin
Origin: The Now; Watcher
Tech Understanding: Low
Ethereal Manipulation: Advanced
Skills: Silver Tongue, Lucky, Tech-Eater, Educated, Cheaterman, Delver
Little Things: Fuck Your Glowy Bullshit,
Armor: Upgraded Traveller Leathers, Imprinted Runic Insciptions
Weapons: Dangulf Sword, Casting Stone
Knick Knacks: Magical and Spiritual Protection Vestments, Seal of Solomon, Yasakani no Magatama, Flying Carpet, Cabuladi Ring, Witching Bottle, Drug Subscription, Magibloc Coinage, Uchide-no-Kozuchi, Blessed Needle and Thread, Faustian Bargain, Mark of Irem, Atropal Incense, Stigmata Nails, Devil Bone Dice, Historical Novelty (A single piece of Aztec gold from Cortes’ hoard, with the curse removed), Heads of Alzae, Rauðskinna
Faction: Commercialist - Special Goods Wing
Covenant: Takers Clergy
Companions: Mike Compound, Bill Murray Triumverate, Anna, Garagrosias the World-eater, Phia Xit
Home District: Roma Territory
Hubworld: Throne of Yisun
Mission: Bones of a God
He's Venezuelan, so he was sent to the communal farm to toil away.
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Post CYOAs or fuck off.
I'm sitting here puzzled as to what drove you to do this desu
Actually, it turned out he was one of the people shitposting ZBG.
-In public.

You suggest she has no tact and does things for the people.
He said exhibitinism was taken anon.
Find a good historical setting instead of trying to build your own? Medieval is kinda cliche. Orient and Emperor Quest CYOA are examples.
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Honestly, I just remembered it a little while ago and showed it to Celt. I thought it was funny how accurately predicted what would happen so I threw it up in the thread.
why so rude anon?
Proof please.
I dunno if that'll change much anon, the crux of it is still "choose monsters, fight the humans", having the humans be roman legions instead of knights doesn't change much.
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post cyoas
I can't be fucked to look it up. It was several threads ago, he mentioned who he was when he was posting.
Kill yourself.
next time don't
Can nurturing be a fetish? Like she gets aroused from taking care of people and fixing their problems?
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It's not. It's only important to you, because this is your personal drama -- and that's understandable. But we don't want to turn this thread into *anybody's* personal drama. We just want to fuck waifus and go monster hunting or whatever.
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Okay you have no proof and are posting baseless accusations to deminish a person's reputation.
>wont someone defend this poor namefag
oh no
I'm not going to go through the archives just to make a point about something I don't really give a shit about.
Just about anything can be a fetish
don't post the cyoa
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Weird Fetish CYOA.jpg
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Just for you, Anon.

Best power source by far cheap and clean It also gives me the excuse to convince her that she is a magical girl
>Machine spirit
I am not dealing with existencial crisis my daughteru deserves a soul
>Synthetic skin
This will prevent any kind of goverment related incident she will also look more cute and that is a plus
>Healing gel (Upgraded)
Repairs are expensive and i am quite sure that more than often i will end up in some weird accident so it will better have this for me too
''Robots have no creativity or imagination'' Bullshit she probably has more than you
Very important
>Demon prision
I have the feeling that this will be useful in the future
>Little girl
This place ends up making you want to be a little girl somehow...
>Slice of life
We anime now
>Good perks for awful drawbacks.
This is a balanced CYOA, congrats. Still believe the only winning move is not to play.
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Well shit...
I guess don't want to surprise present I just finished making for you then...
Then don't take them?
There's something funky about saving images from 4chan sometimes, for some reason they become bigger.
This is actually hilarious saving this
I really enjoy this, but the drawbacks aren't nearly as drawback-y as they need to be to give 2 perks each. Dead City, Ruined Cathedral, Catacomb Depths, and Endless Abyss are things I'd consider taking as perks - cool places to explore with the possibility of dark mysteries.

Nighttime Shades are at most nuisances - I'm fine with having a night in now and again, probably so are most people. Nature Sprite and Wandering God would get old fast, but again basically a nuisance. Anyone who wants to stay in the city will never encounter them at all, and even for the rest of us they aren't going to seriously interfere with our explorations.

Basically the only ones that might be a serious concern are Otherworldly Mist and Mystery Festival, and only by virtue of the fact that we don't know what they are. The festival could just be some weird druidic chanting people are embarrassed about and the fog creatures could be optical illusions.
Support, Liberate cities
>Moneyx4, Nobility, Estate
The princess, the Vivacious, The innocent
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I want to be human and side with the monsters. I will betray my species if there are waifus to be had.
Is this English?
>Immortality, Money, Waifu, Pocket Dimension
>Only cost is couple extra lumps of fat around your body
Truly, who would take a trade like this
>don't want the surprise present*
A bit passive aggressive, but if that is what it takes to get people to stop bugging you who am I to argue.
>think long and hard b-
Vignette has a feminine penis
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I made some OC. Scroll past it though, It's not very nice.
Printing it now. I swear to god this better work.
I do kind of wonder about taking all or like most of the drawbacks, then for the "Your Fetish" power pick something like bodyswaping and dump some poor unfortunate soul with your new horrific abomination body.
Do I HAVE to read all the black text at the top ?
Aspergers and autism are the same thing
Well strictly speaking, asperger's is no longer a thing
No, it's just flavour text. CYOAs may not be the right hobby for you, though.

I thought it was the other way around, but I guess you would be the expert.
Better yet, shapeshifting. Basically free superpowers at that point.
Quality of life matters as much as length.
Asperger's is a placement of the high functioning half of the autism spectrum.
I should know.
I've been diagnosed with it.
>immediately get negative points because of my age
What the fuck dude
If you don't want to involve humans, it could be just tribe of each monster race banding together for mutual defense against other monster races, maybe even their own.

One way would be that sine we are building a character anyway, it's actually literally us dropped into a monster's body, so fuck it, I'm not going to live a cave and spend all my days raiding pigs, everyone pack your shit, we are going to civilize right now.
I don't understand how this CYOA works can you explain it for me please?
>if you don't want to read the shit not about CYOAS and skip to the CYOA then CYOAS aren't for you
Does "<60 BPM" count if it's only in bed? My RHR is about 52 in bed but about 60-65 when up.
Does anyone have the updated Time Slow Chill Zone?
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This one?
Thhanks anon
I thought about having race traitor options for either side actually, but couldn't think of a reason not to have you killed on sight.

Honestly I think that's a better idea; the I wrote up a bunch of stuff for the original premise about how the humans wiped out the dragons and orcs and everyone was cool with it, but then they turned on the dwarves and elves and everyone else, and it started to get both unfun and illogical.

I want to stick with the monsters only theme, so maybe have it set in a harsh environment where all the humanoid races died out, so its only the more monstrous races still around.

Plus the working title is Monstrous Champion and if I add in humans and elves and shit I'd have to change it to Racial Champion and that has some overtones I don't really need

But anyway, yes, that is a good idea anon, thank you
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Your upset at people daring to criticize you is etched into every word. You just seem like an ass clown at this point.

It's written in butthurt.

I'm gonna be honest with him and you. Stuff like this actually inflames people more. They're going to go after him worse if he tries to use this in response to what they feel is legitimate criticism. It's one thing for the author to read it but be dismissive, it's another for him to ignore you, but it's worst of all if he tries to mock you.
>I thought it was the other way around, but I guess you would be the expert.
When was the last time you've heard about asperger's, anon? Autism is the new hotness.
>Still upset that people don't like waifus flirting with other men.
Are you Hunter Anon?
Really just fuck off with your drama.
In his defence, there's like eleven other girls. If you don't like this particular waifu flirting with other men...you don't like her. I know there's plenty of waifus I don't like, for that and other reasons.
I'd just play Nagas and force humans to be our husbandos or something desu
Maid of Charts?
>Not slimes
You have shit taste desu
Doesn't mean you can't criticize her for being shit though, dude.
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>Hidden Arsenal
>Hologram Projector
>Portable Kitchen
>Personal Computer


Just a regular supervillain and his robot daughteru
I like having flesh.
>average face +1
>19-23 +1 (male)
>fat normal +0
>looks trained +2
>7-8 inch penis +3
>height 6-6,5 feet +4
>good hairline +2
>white +2
>works out, no cardio +2
>good immunity +1
>glasses +/- 1
Eyesight is only -1/-1. I can do fine without them.
>BsC +3
I wouldn't call it "hard" but it's the most fitting option
>massaging +1
>once every 1-2 days +1
>straight +0
>romantic +2
>alcoholism -3
>awkward but warms up -2
>slow to anger +1
>low self esteem -2
>fashion, don't care at all -4
>5-10k +0
>10k-19k -2
13 points. I had hoped I was worth more.
Depends. You can criticise her for being shit, but not for being a shit waifu. Like...you can say the babby ride at a theme park is shit for you, but you can't shit on the creators IF that babby ride is great for babbies.
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Nagas will be an option if I do this, thats for sure. You can be a male naga if you want though and love the lady nagas
How dare you tell me I can't call other anon's taste shit. Where do you think you are?
For the traitor bit, prisoners of war have some value. You could make it so the player is captured while trying to join the opposing faction. From there they can undertake some sort of mission (perhaps chosen from a list) to prove their loyalty. Keep in mind, a traitor can infiltrate with relative ease compared to the regulars, and that alone might make the player worth keeping alive.
Yeah, of course, but theres a difference between that and the massive thread derails we get.

Of course it takes two to tango, and I wish people were better at just not taking bait, intended or otherwise.
What if I like my real life waifu and want to keep her
Well the snake criticism never ate an entire thread, let me note that much. It was the tiger that did so.
I meant BSc
That was just dumb. Tiger best girl.
>it's shit for everyone but babbies
In other words, it's shit, and so are babbies for thinking it isn't.
>liking having flesh
You don't know what you are missing
Sure but I ain't gonna criticise the author for having AN option that I don't like. That's the point -- you're making a choice.
It's all in there.
Close enough, as long as you're physically fit.
You're allowed to walk away without doing anything.
>Well the snake criticism never ate an entire thread, let me note that much. It was the tiger that did so.
I honestly didn't bother keeping up with the fine points of the argument beyond
but the point remains
Recreate yourself and her using the cyoa, if your points don't match, you don't deserve her and need to let her go.
There are more wrong choices than right ones.
I disagree.
The instructions for this CYOA could be clearer.
Do you complain about restaurants that have a kids menu?
That's why you're shit.
Please anon, I'm already fully aware she's too good for me.

But she plays the CYOAs I make which is more than I can say for some of you dicks
Post 'em
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What about Arachne or dragon girls? Personally becoming a dragon girl is my top pick but I can see many reasons to not include such a race.
You are objectively wrong.
I mean, it's worth criticizing the option you don't like even if you do pick someone. Especially if said option has some fundamental issue with her that makes her a bad choice.
Thats not bad; I still like the idea that its just monster races fighting it out, but I might have something like that as an option to join a faction of a different race with some corresponding penalties.
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Restaurants have a kid menu?
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Celt here. Got a revision for that page.
>make lewd cyoas to turn on your girlfriend and explore your and her fetishes together
I don't come here for feels anon!
Don't do this to me!
I know you're just doing some kind of synchronized shitposting so just tell me what it is you changed.
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Post them so that I can ignore them
And that's why you'll forever be shit.
Question about "very androgynous" is double for every aspect in "body", just "face and general" or just in "other cosmetics"?
I'm not saying you shouldn't criticise, I'm saying you shouldn't criticise for something just not being to your taste. So, I would support criticising some normal waifu which has "oh yeah and btw she cucks you" tacked on at the end, but not a waifu clearly made for cuckolds.
Arachne isn't a bad idea, I'll add it to the ideas list.

I'm not a big fan of dragon girls, but lizardmen are in and they could be rolled into that I guess. I admit part of what will end up making the final cut is what ones I find the best pictures for; the only races I'm deadset on are minotaurs, nagas and mummies.
That's the thing though, a woman who likes to flirt with other men is objectively a bad waifu, so she's worthy of criticism as a poor character for a waifu CYOA.
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For all you know, I already have and you already have
>a waifu clearly made for cuckolds
In other words, a shit waifu.
>be conscice and phrase things as effeciently as possible for people with good reading comprehension
>get many responses of "i'm so confused"
>explain everything in excruciating detail
>get one or two responses of "im so confused" and a couple more of "wow you need to be more concice whats all this text for buddy"

Not accusing you of anything. It just seems to be a failing of mine, I suppose.

Just for "face and general".
Actually, that's not Celt. Celt is catching. plane right now...
And there isn't a single thing that's been changed. I checked.
so theoretically, if one were to attempt to do a TM magus/Master CYOA - what would you want it to be? would you rather it be mostly mundane and you are an average mage or would you want the powerlevel to be fucked/include church executors and DAA, maybe memefist and whatnot
Sure make it blown up big and have all servants able to destroy the world. Sounds way more fun.
>It is very likely that slimes won't make it
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>Get shitty points at first for being old and average and hairy (solid black hair and near black eyes yay)
>Start to get a decent points at the end because I'm tall, not bald, and have a big dick.
>Lose some for developing an allergy in the last six months.
>Lose all of my points in the mental section because I'm on fucking 4chan.
Seriously I just gave up at the end. You have me at -30 points. There's no way to build anyone worthy of love with that. So I'm just gonna put myself down for every single positive trait for maximum points because he said lying means I get nothing and that's what I'd rather have.

That's the closest thing to winning you can do in this.
the rules could stand to be a bit clearer and the text and layout could stand to be a bit more structured.
>all servants able to destroy the world.
no servants included- im thinking of styling it as a kinda self reflection right before you summon your servant - but they arent actually included, theres a perfectly good cyoa for it anyways
Is he coming over to your house so you two can noodle each other?
>You have me at -30 points. There's no way to build anyone worthy of love with that
Make u think, doesnt it??????
If you end in the negatives just pick saviour mode, and start from zero points.
Welcome to why I lost points in the mental section, senpai.

Basically cheating.
I wouldn't worry too much about a creation that is pretty much there just to say "haha u all suk"
Min maxing isn't cheating. Nothing to be mad about desu.
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>picking cheat mode isn't cheating
I'm not too bothered, I just wanted to see what I'd get out of curiosity. I just didn't really expect him to get so vicious with common things like awkward/weirdness and I've got a couple mental illnesses that sort've stack up really fast.

Eh, I just feel like playing consolation prize mode is like playing 'Chicken Mode' in that old magical pill CYOA. Sure it's in there, but it's clearly not the intended way to play.
FWIW she's still my second choice. Pretty good character, but the monkey is too good in too many ways, especially for one taking the waffle cookie.

You guys are doing it wrong, I'm willing to be perfectly honest and probably end with negative points, but is still a CYAO, is all about the min-maxing
>Make a loli
>Get points because is flat - and not +/-
>Give her an appropriate education for her age
>Get point
>No income or money because is a fucking kid
>Get point
>no need to give her any skills because I can just teach her
>You could make her the town bicycle for extra points and live in a really "weird" town (but that's too fuck up even for me)
>Wait you get points for male virginity...
>We trap now mothafucka
>give him a small dick
>Get points
>Make him a short
>Get points
May as well go for better half mode with all the points I'm going to get.
This works in Broken Waifu, but in this one there's no option like Muslim/Arranged Marriage that ensures nobody is calling the cops or that she'll wait until she's an adult for you.
I like it please tell me there are wiafus to be had
>Sleeping around with random proles isn't a minor thing.
Well Anon, to a lot of people it is, and to some people it's a turn-on.

So I'd give her a fetish for being used as a "reward": She's a highly trained concubine who the Emperor loans out to accomplished servants, distinguished admirals, foreign dignitaries and such. It has that corrupt and decadent feel yet is not truly nasty because she's in on it, gives her a chance to shine as a spy or agent - or even just plain straight butter up people who need to be buttered - without risking overshadowing the Emperor, and makes the anti-cuck crowd incoherent with rage.

You could even make a linked companion CYOA from her point of view.
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Woops here is the real changed version. Make sure to replace it in your folders everyone.

- Celt
>Well Anon, to a lot of people it is
Those people are literal, no memeing, cucks. Nobody respects or likes them or even considers them humans.

>Anti-cuck crowd
That's literally everyone who isn't a cuck, dude. Hate to break it to you, but your fetish is pretty despised among the normal. Not like feet where you just get weird looks or whatever, you're considered fucked in the head.
>Still not telling me what you changed.
Thanks for the update bud. Seems you lost the very specific chinese font I used huh.
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There will be indeed waifus; some of the liutentants from the various races are going to girls, and I'll probably throw in a few monster princesses as well

Believe it or not I'm not into monstergirls myself, but waifus can be a fun addition.
Actually "better half mode" does half of that. Again you could make her the town bike and then I guess everybody would be fine with it(?) But maybe just go for the daugtheru route for most of her life and should be fine
What did he change tho
Just some minor stuff that was all in there in the original. No worries my man
what minor stuf tho
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Oh, I just noticed. Wrong trip. You're the same guy and being cheeky.
You were right. This is remarkably bad.
>negative points
Yep, exactly why I don't want a relationship, I couldn't even be with someone I am remotely attracted to so what is even the point?
Before someone is triggered by my "too high standards'" it's not like I feel entitled to anyone at all anyway but I'm not gonna force myself in a relationship I would not like because it's what I deserve, fuck that.
I'm in a pretty bad ways at twenty seven. How do you get less?
If he's anything like me he picked abyssmal self-esteem. That's how I got down to -30.
That is a bit of a snowball effect I suppose. Abysmal self esteem's only -5 though, and I had a lot of minuses.
I'm just pretending to have negative points so I could post that.
I'm using this to give Zhu and I immortal bodies that won't degrade in quality when our horribly lazy and gluttonous lifestyle would otherwise result in morbib obesity and an early death.
Okay that's fucking amazing.
I know you're not Celt, but that's fucking funny.
>why does ZBG trip
This is why.
Well can you tell me what he changed?
>This is why.
People impersonate SDA all the time, but he doesn't need a trip.
Look at the second half of Tiger's description.
It's gold.
Hey man, if that's what you want, I applaud you for actually using my dumb bullshit to do something helpful for your build.
You trip because you're an attention whore actually. Or that's why I do since no one actually pays attention to the actual codes anymore.
I probably don't need to say this, but please make them well-written, fleshed-out characters. Waifus/husbandos are only fun when they have some depth.
That's because SDA does nothing but shitpost, meaning his identity is worthless.
Are honestly trying to claim that ZBG is not shitposting? Or, at least, posting shit?
They will have two pluses and a minus, and you will like it.
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>ZBG is currently arguing with himself
We have reached unparralled levels of autism and shitposting.
Which is the real one? I can't tell who I need to shoot and I only have one bullet!
I'll do my best, but honestly they're not going to be the main focus in any case, or at least not in any greater capacity than any other companion option.
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Who's to say the real SDA is still alive? Someone may have killed him and taken his place years ago.
line them up and shoot both
SDA impersonators are either as much fun as SDA, or easy to identify.
Quick line them up, and take them both out! It's the only way to be sure!
Only correct answer.
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No, pls, less than 4 and it's shit
It's shit no matter how many you have.

This is just a little whipped shit on top of the shit pudding.
>This is why.

No, you do it because you don't get enough attention in the real world and this is what you're using to fill the void for now. It'll be a passing thing, like all the other things you try; a matter of months and you'll be gone, latched on to some other e-community to try get some of that sweet sweet validation.
Wouldn't that make these threads the equivalent of a latrine? Or maybe a hole full of shit
Sure but we get some biscuit and cheap chocolate every now and then.
>vicious with common things like awkward/weirdness
Well, if they aren't a big deal just give them to your Galatea too.
Have you ever seen two awkward people on a date? That shit doesn't work. Nobody ends up doing anything unless one party can assert themselves.
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Well that's just a bit mean, don't ya think?
Oh well, I'm fucking off for now anyway.
Don't worry.
I'll be back.
And I still love you all.
That would be best.
the fuck is +/- supposed to work?
>Well that's just a bit mean, don't ya think?

Prove me wrong and stop seeking attention.
It costs you points if you like it but gives you points if you hate it.
I don't mean to be rude to your CYOA but if you post a "Retcon whatever you want" option I don't have the self control to not give myself whatever I want.

All joking aside, good luck with... Whatever is going on here right now. I'm going to work on a superpowered waifu cyoa now that I woke up with an amazing idea for the mystery box and want to finish the rest so I can post it.
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>Mystery box
What's the mystery box?
So if I hate the fact I wear glasses i get points...
Eh? I didn't know people disliked mystery boxes.

I'm going to try to finish it before today ends! Please hold on until then!
No actually. When applied to yourself, if you consider it a negative, you lose points. If you consider it a positive, you gain points. You're penalized for your negative traits.
For if you give them to the waifu, that is. You lose points for having them yourself, though.
Mystery boxes often invalidate the CYOA or reveal that a waifu sucks.
Haha get fucked cunt
Those posts both agree with each other.
Nah I'm "humorously" saying >>53867371 should get fucked because I corrected myself two seconds after his "no" post.
>sleeping around is minor thing to a lot of people
>Those people are literal, no memeing, cucks.
No Anon, that would be the people who get turned on about it. It's entirely possible to not get turned on but not get upset either. Google "open relationship".

>Nobody respects or likes them or even considers them humans.
You don't, I do, and based on what I've seen most people don't give a shit either way. And why should they, really? It's no skin off their back if you like watching your GF fuck strangers, or even your close friends.

>Anti-cuck crowd
>That's literally everyone who isn't a cuck, dude.
No, it's not. Most people don't care what fetishes you have as long as you don't bother them about it.

>Hate to break it to you, but your fetish is pretty despised among the normal.
No, it's ignored among the normal. You confuse 4chan with the wider world, and even on 4chan most posters don't give a shit.

That's the problem with echo chambers: they are comfortable places to be because everyone keeps telling you you're right, but they also give you a pretty distorted view on reality.

Also, for the record, it's not my fetish. I've been part of a cuck gangbang once, but that's about it.

>Not like feet where you just get weird looks or whatever, you're considered fucked in the head.
Most people consider you fucked in the head if you like something they don't. But most people don't care if you're fucked in the head as long as you're not fucked in the head in some way that forces them to care. Most people are more interested in their own sex lives than yours.
>Most people don't care what fetishes you have as long as you don't bother them about it
Anon you're right but you're also getting very baited.
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>Google "open relationship".
Why are you trying to shill your shit here, Anthony Burch? Go back to /v/ you fuck.
>No, it's ignored among the normal.
No, no it's not. Not when you insist on telling them about it. Like you're doing right now.

He's wrong because he doesn't consider his "I have to educate them about my cuckery!" to be bothering anyone.
This is just pathetic.
It's funny to me that you call this an echo chamber when clearly you come from some cuck echo chamber where they tell you that you're normal. You're just like a furry.
Nobody gets mad at someone who's responding to another person. They get mad at that other person.
Cucks in a nutshell.
Wrong. The person being disgusting gets the hate, which, surprise, is the cuck.
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>Google "open relationship".
hell no
Burch pls go
Not him but the only thing wrong with open relationships is that it tries to preserve a traditional monogamous relationship. A relationship-less polyamory would be better.
>Like you're doing right now.
Cuck he may be, but both sides of the argument won't shut up about it

the REEEEcuckcuckcuckfags are just more common than the "guys its okay that my gf sleeps with tyrone because its an open relationship" here, so its a numbers game in their favour

I wish they'd all shut up
The cuck is the one instigating shit, he came in four hours later to some other post and tried to give everyone a crash course education on cuckholding.
You mean having fuckbuddies instead of girlfriends?
Is highlander still paying attention or are the 5 days just token days. Highlander... Are you still out there?
senpai nobody really wants to have a conversation about this.
No you tremendous pederast, that's not what I mean at all.
What did you mean?
That was the correct thing to do.
this threads turned to shit, waifu cyoas were a mistake
I guess...lovebuddies? Like we're talking more than just fucking.
The shit is merely the price we must pay for endless reams of the same badly-written animu archetypes.
Not in any universe, even the remotest hellscape in the infinite cosmos, is it the correct thing to do to try and 'educate' people about your niche fetish on 4chan.
Cucks were a mistake. As well as all the other degenerates.
Oh, no, nothing like that, at least partially. It's just a different superpowered waifu, and a second one is an option to just have one of the waifu's powers instead of having a waifu with powers.
What? That's half the purpose of the site. Honest question: are you new?
Wow good job ruining the mystery faggot.
Sure, this time; most of the time its the anticuckfags because like I said, numbers game

Both sides are retards
>more than just fucking
A relationship, then.
Human relationships don't work like that. We've talked about kibbutzim before, they have huge issues with jealousy and shit because the human brain isn't programmed to share their lover with other people.
>That's half the purpose of the site.
I wasn't aware cucking was a traditional game. Why not go to the /d/ thread if that's what you want to talk about?
Oh yeah, the people who aren't cucks are the retards.
An unfixed one unlike the pretty official "we're together (oh btw I'm fucking a few other girls)" shit.
So, an open relationship.
No you tremendous pederast, that's like the complete opposite of what I said.
Then what is it?
Hey, remember when this thread was about cyoas?
Cucking is stupid

Getting mad at because someone made a waifu that had a crush on someone else in their life is also stupid

Theres a lot of stupid going around
Without judging you or having a strong opinion about all that, you are just not going to be taken seriously here because of the cuck memes
It's not even /pol/, it's just not worth it to try to argue about it here.
Oh shit I just realised we're not actually at bump limit so I'm gonna shut up now.
Maybe cucks should stop shoving their shitty fetishes into CYOAs then.
I can't believe /jc/ is less cancerous than this place now.
That's not even what they're talking about. The original was about the snake flirting with other men, then this guy comes in hours later to talk up some idea he had for a prostitute he wants to marry when he tried to fucking explain cucking like it was his essay on how he was born.
There are no many actual cucks (like letting their girlfriends fuck other men because they are in a open relationship) and they are vastly outnumbered by people obsessed with cucks so yeah they are both retarded.
>being a cuck
>being a cuck-apologist
Remove yourself from the gene pool.
It's always memes, just like furries, you can't actually be serious about something in your life. Just face the fact that people hate degenerates because they're scum and a waste of oxygen.
>non-virgin girls are a cuck fetish
If they want to make a cyoa about cucking thats fine, no one is twisting your arm

I don't give a shit about plenty of cyoa premises but you don't have to kick and scream about it. How is does this affect you?
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/gurpsgen/ here.
What the fuck is going on.
I guess that even fags are degenerate right? go back to /pol/
How many would admit to being cucks? It's not like anyone but other cucks even like them, barely at that.
Why do you keep trying to paint this as anything other than some cuck coming in and trying to drag his fetish and real life and shit into this thread?
Not even what this discussion is about.
There is a difference between not liking them and having an hate-obsession with them or finding twisted reasons to call anyone they dislike a cuck despite them not being an actual cuck.
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>he thinks there's only one cuck
Even if there is, the current argument was started by some actual cuck taking umbrage at people not liking his idea and then trying to fucking talk about his real life experience with it.
>A relationship-less polyamory
You mean slutting it up with everyone equally?
Of course they are. Predictably enough, it's always /pol/ that's the boogeyman when you degenerates are mentioned.
Because you know very fucking well how all these fucking threads go

Some autist gets upset about something; three lines in a waifu bio, the implication of memory death, cloning, fucking whatever, and then a handful of monkeys throw shit at each other for the rest of the thread
This cuck is just the flashpoint for my irritation; its always fucking something
>you must be a fag if you don't think fags are degenerate or dislike /pol/ shit
>disliking /pol/ for being what /pol/ is, is a /pol/ boogeyman
I guess people should be sorry for giving a fuck about something bigger than themselves.
Are you trying to imply shitposting about cucks is a moral highground
Fags are degenerate, there's nothing to it. Being an apologist is just as bad.
Stop trying to talk about 'all threads' while ignoring what happened in this one.
/pol/acks are the actual degenerates, having the same ideas as them is just as bad.
>everything I don't like is shitposting
You fucking idiot, I can't be bothered doing this any more

Everything in this thread is shitposting
Pray tell, what is so degenerate about /pol/? But no, fags are, and so are cucks, and all the rest like them.
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you know what this reminds me of
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In the mood for some sci-fi cyoas if anyone has some they'd like to post.
All political or moral philosophies think doing what is right is good yet they disagree with what is good.
Liberals and conservatices are not different about it.
What is degenerate about fags? they are just born attracted to the wrong sex, what can they do about that?
They can still be roughly productice citizens and are not worse than sterile people.
When was the last time you saw a straight parade?
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Yeah, I'll get in on that
It's not really the fault of all fags in the world.
Heck there is probably a few who thinks it creates a bad image for them even if they are silenced, if anything some asspaters of the LGBT "communauty" are the true degenerates among them.
What is good (when it comes to you, for example) is subjective. Like, you lost your wallet? That's not good. For you. But it is good for the one who finds it and keeps it and everything you had in it.
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>the LGBT "communauty"
Yes, and the fags are a part of that community. The thing is, they affect society in all sorts of ways. Not just the fags, or the LGB-whatevers, all the other degenerates too. They can be as gay or whatever as they want to be. On Mars. Or Jupiter or whatever. As long as they're away from everyone who isn't a degenerate.
>literal conspiracy theory
You are mentally ill, seek help.
As long as they march and fight for glory of state I don't care

if they refuse conscription then you can do whatever otherwise no.
Great argument.
That depends on which state they fight for, doesn't it?
>Form IX
>Flowing Stances

Tai Chi Ninja stuff. I was going to take Shunpo, but realised that meant I didn't really have much in the way of fighting power.
I choose the dragon lady.
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That's right though. Taking the correct course of action is no guarantee of success.
Fucked by the old man.
It's not because the LGBT organizations claim to represent all fags that all fags are somehow responsible for everything these organizations do.
If some crazy "ginger communauty" started to kill non-ginger then would all gingers be responsible for it?
Gingers are soulless abominations. So yes, they would all be responsible.
So have I? I dont see how this matters.
Are those without souls ever truly responsible for their actions?
You were fucked by the old man?
Disregard waifus, acquire adventures.

Someone hit me up with a long voyage CYOA
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Not THE old man, but yeah, an old man. But like, 50ish isn't that old. So I dont see how her having a relationship with an old man is that bad. As long as she's not doing doing when we're together im good.
Prune fetishist.
Not even. He was a silver fox, and I really needed something to distract me during christmas vacation while trapped on a cruise ship with my family.

Maybe that's what she needed? maybe she was just looking for some excitement? I mean, all it actually says is that she cuddled with the dude.
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You're a pretty disgusting anon all in all.
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Could you just stfu? Take Celt with you. Both cucks and neither have made any interesting, or even worth reading, CYOAs, and all you do is bring drama and shit.
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Don't slut shame just because I got some action. He was a really great guy. He was really wonderful at gently introducing me to physical intimacy. How many other people had terrible exploitive first times? So yeah, i'm happy.
>Slut shame
God don't drag that kind of tumblr terminology in here. I'm not even disgusted because you fucked someone, it's because he was old. Old people are disgusting.
Also you make it sound like you were underage so yep, got exploited dear.
Yeah, I thought that was the one; I don't see the friends or waifus that anon was talking about though. I always felt this was nicely presented but bland. I think proper companions would have helped; even the events are a bit dull given that you're just doing them with faceless nobodies.
This is why you never tripfag your cyoas.
It gets to your head and you end up making cyoas for all the wrong reasons like attention seeking and desperately trying to remain relevant, lowering the cyoa quality to garbage tier.
Should have spent more time reading your own cyoa and correcting it instead of shitting it off the manufacture lines as soon as it was done.
While you're not wrong, I'd be happier if they took all the anons that go on and one about this shit for entire threads with them.
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The waifu option is at the bottom of page 3. I don't know what he meant about friends, but there are plenty of good places to meet fellow hunters.
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>Grown up "men" being upset about imaginary girlfriends whose only existence is a picture and some text.
Anon probably expected actual people and not mindless monsters shoved into a human shell.
Is there anything you won't complain about?
>Offering you insight to clear up a point in a conversation
>You just insult me
Do you realize what board you're on?
Have you seen those rich dudes who retire early and then only work out? I'm not saying that wrinkly old dudes are gross, but I am saying that he was built and took care of himself.

Pshhh, I was 22. We played settlers of Catan a few times. I feel like I got the better deal. It turns out that outside of eating there's not much to do on a boat no matter how big or luxurious it is.
You can play board's games and engage in (healthy) escapism through CYOAs once in a while without being a complete retard about it.
is correct, that was what I felt was lacking in the CYOA.
Settle down anon, I'm just saying why that one doesn't really do it for me. I'd prefer specific characters to adventure with, its more immersive for me.
You can't tell that you're the real one?
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There are different levels of escapism anon.
Taking 1hour once in a while daydream with CYOAs =/= Spending hours making builds, masturbating to your waifu and throwing an hissy fit because you got triggered by two lines of text
The fact that you can't immerse yourself in these CYOAs only proves that you have no idea what you're talking about.
>Spending hours making builds, masturbating to your waifu and throwing an hissy fit because you got triggered by two lines of text
That's what everyone here does though.
Why not both? (excluding the whole hissy fit thing)
Let's do one of these.
>Why not both? (excluding the whole hissy fit thing)

I suspect that would fall outside their definition of healthy, but so long as we keep the hissy fits out of it you do you anon
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Let's not.
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Cheater spotted.
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Honestly so long as it distracts from the cuckwars its fine by me.
I have always been 100% faithful to my waifu.
When will the kayaks get over the alleged holocaust?
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Are you saying that what anon did was... Against the rules?
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Quite. At least he had the decency to post second best girl.
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You'd rather it be a he, fag?
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>girls with dicks
>not gay
>black people are + points

how dare you, i love chocolate waifus
Only if they're 2D. And elves.
The best part is that second and first best girls come as a set.
>associates dicks with homosex

Stop it. Your gayness is scaring the children.
Dicks are totally gay. You are too, if you like them.
Dicks are gay therefore in order to remove homosexuality we must all renounce of our dicks
2D brown /= black
What Monster Hunter was the first anon talking about then?

Average : +1
15-18 : +3
Significant muffin top : -4
Looks trained : +2
7’-8’ : +3
6ft-6.5ft : +4
Good hairline : +2
White : +2
Healthy skin tone : +1
Stand/walk/bike a lot (I think sex counts as exercise) : 0
Beautiful hair(david like curls coming thru) : +2
Rare hair colour(blonde counts for some reason) : +2
Bad teeth (weak enamel and I fucked up the front ones in rugby) : -1

Deep interest (Firearms) : +6
Minor interest (Politics) : +2
Minor interest (Vidya/tabletop) : +2
Minor interest (sports) : +2
Conspiracy theorist (Fuck you PRISM was proven) : -2
Minor (Punk/scene/emo) : +2
Minor (Pale skin) : +2
Minor (BDSM, specifically dom) +2
Minor (rape/sleeping/no intrest/massive enjoyment) (I like extremes ok) : +2
Choking (fuck you coya builder that shits hot) : -2
Community college degree (not stopping there) : 0
Responsable : +2
Reserved : +1
Kind : +1
Good with animals/children (I love dogs and babies) : +1
Cynical (only constructively) : +1
Polite : +1
Romantic : +2
Thoughtful : +1
Careless : -1
Smug :-1
Cooking : +2
Cleaning and Laundry : +1
Handyman : +2
Hunting : +1
Finance management : +1
Massage : +1
Multiple times a day (but I can controll it) : +2
Slighty Bi (I’m not disgusted by other guys and could do a MMF threesome) : +1

>Social skills
Humorous : +2
Confident : +4
Charming : +3
Slow to anger : +1
Good flirter : +5
Low self esteem : -2
>Fashion sense
Not bad : +1
>Sex history
Responsable?(Only 4 sexual partners and 2 were long term relationships so..) : +1
1.6k-5k of assets(mostly tech and guns) : -1
0-9k (I’m a full time student bruh) -4
Good connections (network like a mofo) : +3

Total +65
I wonder when the waifu builder will come out. Also I would suggest adding a charity section, donating blood, organs, volunteer work that kind of thing.

I do CYOAs because they're less time consuming than video games (can't get into those anymore) while demanding you put more of your imagination into it.
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>15-18 : +3
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I'm gonna dump ZBG's cyoa and try to remember a time before the cuckpacolyps.
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No idea. Presumably that one, but their idea of friends and waifus differs from mine I guess.
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>Humorous : +2
>Confident : +4
>Charming : +3
>Slow to anger : +1
>Good flirter : +5
>Low self esteem : -2
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I do it because I don't get to play tabletop in real life these days and this is the next best thing.
Pff, I didn't notice that, holy shit.
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The one posted here. I find it very comfy.
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The only reason I had so many good ones are becuse the coya builder didnt have my flaws (Lair, overly competitive, forgetful, just genrally a cunt to my freinds,) and I had to develope a personality becuse my face and body combo are entirley mediocre/shit
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have a Spider-Man symbiont CYOA
Yeah we got that.
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Mystery Box 1 and the only one you need in the whole thing
Man, remember when ZBG was good?
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Mystery Box 1
ok friendo what don't you belive? Specifcly?
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and the other part, i didn't make this
It occurs to me I've never actually made a build for this, I just kind of ignored it and all the posts around it.

>B-03 Vitality
>M-08 Analysis
>S-10 Guardian

So I can tank hits while studying my opponent so my Persona can beat them faster I guess. Should help with diplomacy too.

>Gwen and Gracy

Tali and Vignette seem nice too.

Not planning on killing anyone, but we'll fight as necessary. Any of the losers are welcome to join my harem as secondary brides if they want, though only Tali, Vignette and Angelica really appeal to me. Having two ttrpg players in the form of the twins is great now that I think on it though.

Why did people argue so much about this?
Me too, but I guess others don't agree.
It's pretty amazing how my respect for him has basically been on a constant decline. His response to any form of criticism is pretty telling.
I missed the memory death shit. What was that about?
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Haha okay

to be fair he's only done two things; I'll be interested to see how the stand/persona thing he's doing turns out as thats more my speed than waifus

I will say this whole thing with ZBG has really made me realise how grumpy and shitposty this place makes me at times; going to try resolve to just ignore all the arguing in the future
One anon suggested that the CYOA delete your memories of the drawback after the time you experienced the drawback was over. Other anons didn't like it. Celt agreed. The guy who made the suggestion got triggered and whined about people hating memory death for an hour.
Which part's getting updated, or is it a double update?
I get him, but yeah. He's plummeted WAAAY into the cancerpit. Gonna be hard to climb out.
His content's alright. The first one was better than this one, just because he wrote more for each waifu (I have no idea why he thought paring that back was a good idea). It's his actual person which is sub-SDA levels of shitposting.
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Is it still open? If yes, here's mine
Now I'm only telling you this because the thread is on its way out anyway, I don't want a repeat, but basically a couple of anons wouldn't shut up about an option in some CYOA that either wiped/altered their memories, as they feel that is essentially the death of that individual

whether they're right or wrong is a question for better minds, but they derailed a thread quite thorougly. Not any different to whats happened to the last couple, just a different topic
Probably the most retarded thing zbg has done yet.
Infantile response to people not liking his things? check
Ignores actual critique and responding to shit stirrers by stirring shit himself? check
Not even funny? check
>abilities: immunity to sonic, enhanced shape shifting, natural wepons.
>side kick and bro
Well i atleast got a chuckle
No this one's funny. This is anon-approved shitposting.

His posts were bad though.
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I'm not good anymore because I made a mistake and tried to turn it into a joke?
I'm sorry anon...
I'll try to get good again...
Holy shit, with that build you're basically a Joestar.
>Any of the losers are welcome to join my harem as secondary brides if they want,
>brides if they want,
>if they want,
I love seeing people taking the girls' feelings on the matter into account.
I'd love to see those sessions.
Thinkin Gwen would probably role a Spelllbade and Gracy would make a Bloodrager, assuming you're plaything Pathfinder.
Part of me wants to sympathise, because some of his detractors are pretty awful themselves; but theres plenty of legit criticism there as well which combined with his need for attention makes it hard to not find him irritating
Here's the thing. When you fuck up but then try to rub anons' faces into the fuck up both by insulting them AND refusing to let it go and move on, they're going to turn on you.
>and tried to turn it into a joke?
Yes. Exactly.

The actual quality of the CYOA wasn't good for two reasons: first, a total disconnect between the cookies and the waifus. Remember how in Zodiac your powers were all related to getting the girl/s you wanted and/or defending yourself? Well, you didn't have anything like that.

Secondly, you wrote a LOT less for each girl. I know you know why that's worse.

Third, some of the writing was really shit. Who was it that wrote the old-man introduction stuff? It read like Corruption of Champions mang.
Honestly I think the best thing they could have done would be say "Sorry some of you guys didn't like it, I'll keep it in mind if I do waifus again" and move on.

Let the retards on both sides beat the dead horse, don't get tied down with that shit
He should have acknowledged the criticism and let it inform him of what not to do in the future, but he should have done that and moved on already.
>Made a cyoa for attention and not because it was a good idea.
>Makes it poorly because the only focus was trying to remain relevant
>Tries to damage control, fails
>Cries about it

Stop making cyoas for popularity, and start making cyoas that are well made and thought, quality over quantity.
Tripfags are only cancer.
I believe that is what I said, no anon?
Not really, you kinda just said for him to make on singular dismissive statement.
/cyoag/ posters need to be gassed
>I'm not good anymore because I made a mistake and tried to turn it into a joke?
Your quality dropped somewhat, though it's really not that bad. The worst part is that instead of just acknowledging critique, you engaged in self-pitying and shit-flinging with whiners.
>I love seeing people taking the girls' feelings on the matter into account.

Well yeah man. Besides, realistically I'd imagine even just the twins are going to eat up a lot of my free time and there are only so many hours in a day to keep multiple women happy
I tried that, but I could only get water to come out.
You just did it yourself. You know what you need to do.
I don't think it needs to be any wordier than that; but the point remains that getting involved in shitflinging does no one good.

hard to argue
Make soap?
but its a CYOA thread. isn't that a counter to the purpose of the thread?
i just farted. hope that counts, somehow
No, because people will keep bringing it up. Either fix it or openly acknowledge the parts that are mistakes and don't challenge people on these parts. Responding to shitposters was the worst thing he could have done though.
Yin and Yang waifu is still best waifu.
What are some change ideas for her cause i can't think of any?
A lot of the way you're judging things here don't make any sense to me.
>Either fix it or openly acknowledge the parts that are mistakes and don't challenge people on these parts.

Where do you draw the line though? There'll always be someone who'll find something to complain about. If the CYOA was perfect in your eyes, but some other anon wanted part of it changed, would you want the author to do it to make them happy?
keep up the good fight brother
I didn't like her because her black side is kind of a cunt.

Also I'm a Sheep myself so it's disappointing not to like your sign.
It's up to the author. If he thinks it's perfect and is capable of defending it, I think he should just stick to his guns. But in this case there were definitely some weak parts.
Also, while I don't think people should expect to be catered to, if it's just some minor thing and potentially makes someone happier, I don't see the harm in it. I would do it, if it doesn't cause some other problems.
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I can definitely see your point.
I couldn't sleep last night because that idea popped into my head so I figured I might as well make it and post it in the hopes that a few other people would get a laugh or two out of it.
It was my attempt to get it out of my system and give myself some closure on the way out so I could focus on taking what I've learned from this whole thing and bring that knowledge to my next project.
Once again, I've proven I'm shit at dealing criticism and obviously, I'm going to need to get over myself if I want to continue participating in these threads.
So I'll try to do that in the future.
Yeah, I get what you're saying.
The reason it feels so disconnected is that the pages with the girls were completely written by me while all the other pages were written by Celt. It didn't occur to me that having certain cookies that worked better with different girls would do anything besides make some people's builds less viable. Never even crossed my mind that the opposite might be true.
Owwwww... That stings, Anon.
Yeah you can blame that solely on me trying to match the framing Celt set up in the earlier pages. I knew it wasn't the best thing I'd ever written, but I didn't think it was CoC levels of bad.
I'll do what I can to make sure Guardian Spirit's writing is an improvement.
See, I didn't make help make Fortune Cookie's because I wanted attention , okay maybe that was part of it, but it just seems more worthwhile to take credit for something I actually worked pretty hard on, I made it because Celt came to me with the idea and I really liked it so I said yes when he asked for my help. I still think the idea is cool and interesting, it just mainly got buried under shitposters and my inability to actually notice the sound and honest criticism amonst it.
I handled this whole thing very, very poorly and I'm really sorry for bloating the threads with it.
Yeah, I think you've hit the nail on the head.

It probably didn't help that in this particular instance the initial response to the CYOA wasn't "Hey the tiger/snake/whatever the fuck else was argued about seems a bit off, maybe look into that" but instead MISANDRY KEK REEEEE, which I know would get my back up if it was my work.

Hopefully it'll be a learning experience for ZBG; I do worry that they take these threads too seriously, both the good attention and the bad.
>, okay maybe that was part of it, but it just seems more worthwhile to take credit for something I actually worked pretty hard on

No offence, but you should work on that; I post my stuff as anon; I know who created it and I can still take satisfaction in other people enjoying it, or even field questions if I'm around for them, but lets be real man, these are just CYOAs; no ones really going to steal credit for them, and even if they did what would it get them?
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I think most creators should stay anon unless there is something that specifically needs addressed. Highlander and Scientist do the best job of that, I think. SDA is a prime example of what not to do, but I either automatically forgive him for making really, really good shit or I've just become numb to his antics.
>You will never be pretty
Why live?
I wouldn't be here if he had not made Star Dust back in ... 2013? 2014? So yeah, I can't stay mad at him, and at least he's more entertaining than most other shitposter.
SDA is cancer, but he's so good at giving me options and even entire CYOAs that I really want.
>I couldn't sleep last night [..]
Just stop. Don't respond to anything negative at night. All those posts of yours are absolute dumpster fires. The thing is, if you're anon this doesn't really matter, but if you use a trip people will remember.
Doing something that potentially antagonizes even more people is a really poor way of giving yourself some closure. It really does nobody any good, except for people who think all the shitflinging is funny, I guess.
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Oh hey!
Sheep/Ram was one of my favorites. I tried to play of the fact that the sign can be translated into either.
>change ideas for her
Not sure what you mean, could you explain it to me?
See. This is part of why I did what I did.
I talked about it with Celt and explained my philosophy is that if you make something and your proud of it, no matter how many people don't, it's kind of just showing that you have no confidence that the work was ever good to begin with.
Kinda like how EA handled that shit with the Mass Effect 3 ending a few years back.
Yeah I thought it was a shit ending, but I don't think me thinking that in any way invalidates the game or the people who made it.
I think what EA did in that situation just proved that they never thought their game was good enough, to begin with.
Even having said all that, this is definitely me using that philosophy as an excuse for being shitty and I'm really sorry about it...
I guess I just can't still can't wrap my head around the stigma with namefagging and trip fagging. But I'll try to ease into being a real man over time, Senpai. That's why I made that shitty little logo. I'm going to stop putting my name on shit and just plop that in the corner somewhere.
I really appreciate you guys hearing me out on all this and I'm gonna try to be a better author and person in these threads.
I'm up for answering any other questions or advice you guys might have.
I promise not to be a whiney bitch this time.
You could if you wanted to. Even if makeup isn't enough for you, you can get plastic surgery. You slut.
Jeanne is that you?
>Celt is bro as fuck
There are a lot of salty fucks in the discord, I honestly wouldn't be surprised if some of them are responsible for the significant amounts of "REEE" in the thread, considering how strongly most of them react to anything not specifically in their "spectrum" of interests.

That said, people who post a bunch of inane shit really are annoying
You can be proud of something and still change it. I do illustrations and even when I'm proud of something I don't mind changing it if someone makes a convincing case [and the time spent would be worth it].
>I think what EA did in that situation just proved that they never thought their game was good enough, to begin with.
I don't get it. They only changed a part. If you only change a certain part, you only admit that a certain part is poor. I don't see how that is bad, considering the lack of closure in ME3 was really bad. Video games get patched all the time and books also get revisions. That doesn't mean that somehow they get invalidated, especially if it's just some relatively minor thing.
>just proved that they never thought their game was good enough, to begin with
Also, if you or EA or whoever thinks that what they've done isn't perfect, what's the harm with being honest about it?

Still paying attention, I was just sleeping. Also been working on categorizing everything I've received.


Also what the fuck is happening in here?
>I don't get it. They only changed a part. If you only change a certain part, you only admit that a certain part is poor. I don't see how that is bad, considering the lack of closure in ME3 was really bad. Video games get patched all the time and books also get revisions. That doesn't mean that somehow they get invalidated, especially if it's just some relatively minor thing.

Its sometimes hard to admit you fucked up in the first place, especially if the way it is pointed out to you isn't that nice.

Its the difference between "Hey man, you should change this" and "cuckreeeeecuck x 100 posts", the latter doesn't make you want to admit they could be right, let alone change things to please them.
Whats this about HL?
>Also what the fuck is happening in here?
Stupid arguments

So the usual
>Whats this about HL?
Please specify?

Ah. Great.
I don't actually follow Traveller I just pick up the newest Image version when I see it in the thread sooooo what do you mean by three days?
>Ah. Great.
For what its worth, it (hopefully) has run its course.

It'll be something new next thread, I'm sure.
She's closing the line for new Travellers to be added before the 2.0 update I believe. So if you want that OC you've been meaning to post for ages to be in the CYOA you should finish it soon.
"It'll be something new next thread, I'm sure"
Oh god you will disappointed.
Wait thats a fucking thing? Shit is there a template or something goddamm.
>that feel when your character wouldn't make a good companion
it actually does suck man
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Awh I love you guys.
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Every character in the Extended PDF was created by some anon somewhere. Multiples of them were made by one person, I'm sure. You should post your full build when you fill this out too, even if you don't make a little card she'll still consider using it.
>tfw you don't make a good companion
In three days I'm putting together a big vote to move us up to 210 for the companion PDF (which is also getting integrated into the 2.0). I'm stopping collection at 12:00 on the twentieth.

Also heres the template if you want it. >>53848920

I collect all builds, regardless of if I use them for companions. They all help build the universe.
Thanks HL P.S its Lawl
>Know exactly what to make
>I am absolutly terrible at defining characters or backstories
It hurts
>Know exactly what to make
>Only knows how to insert text
It hurts.
>tfw no big butt cutie girlfriend

Anyone know what that's from?
I love you too. Now kill yourself.
Dammit SDA i am supposed to hate you don't post butt stuff
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Super Heroine CYOA.pdf
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Well, here's some OC.
And here's the Mystery Boxes.
Why was this so fucking funny?
>This late in the thread
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At least he revealed who his waifu is if you want to troll him though.
Oh boy i remember that day good times
that does look like a pretty shitty waifu in that sort of smarmy but cute way that you can just tell it really must be someone's waifu
Acerola is a beautiful pure cinnamon roll and I could never bully someone using her.
>implying I haven't already ruined my laifu by having nearly 3 dozen waifu
>not having a loving but open relationship with your waifu, so you can have fun with other imaginary girls from time to time but always coming back to your true waifu in the end
But what if you have a thing for psycho yanderes.
well she can be one if she likes, and may even be encouraged to be one, because the fantasy persona that i imagine myself as when with her is even more psycho yandere than her in a pretty bdsm way
go hog wild
I didn't even CONSIDER people would have a problem with Hu. So she distrusts men, maybe she had an abusive boyfriend or after a long, healthy relationship she got cheated on by her best friend. Who knows, why are people so mad?
>Thinking you can out-yandere the yandere
>Hellenic Seaside
>Mediterranean Climate
>Lakes, Islands, Waterfalls, Volcano, Rivers, Cave Systems, Rock Formations
>Tower Lodge
>Village Border
>Rusty Dagger, Pale Ring, Shiny Marble, Bronze Bracelet
>The High Walls
>Crystal Cavern, Floating Islands, The Old Castle, Primeval Forest
>Lonely Monster
>Ruined Cathedral, Wandering God, Decay City Ruins
Nobody likes being hated for their gender, anon.

Also we know what the problem is, she had a crush on some boy and he rejected her and said she was ugly and gross.
fight yandere with yandere
>implying the whole idea of a waifu isn't that she's your interpretation of a fictional character and something is stopping you from creating a harem in which every one of your waifus is just as loved as any other and they're not perfectly happy to share you, but still only love and stay with you instead of achieving full-blown open relationship shit.
appropriated waifus are complete trash, you need to create one yourself for your demented love to not be fake
You are going to end up locking each other in the basement
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>B-03: Vitality
>S-09: Magic
>S-10: Guardian

So I become more or less a mix of Dio and Emiya, can tank hits like a heroic spirit with battle continuation, conjured weapon spam and can buff my resilience even further with magic.

And of course "THE WORLD"

>Harem route

"A GOD such as I, will of course not settle for one mate.
Even weakened as I am until i ascend over he-..to my throne I, THE KING! am still capable of showing to my mischievous brides that sharing is caring!"
well yeah, obviously

dont worry, we can get better
That's some serious whiteknighting.
First of all, the 'who knows' part is exactly the problem. It's impossible to know how serious the thing was, how justified she is and so on. The thing is, he admitted that it wasn't even supposed to be something serious or anything. Deciding to leave it vague was the worst possible thing he could have done.
Even then, if you don't think 'mental trauma in the past' is something important that you should take into consideration, you're delusional. In general, past relationships say a lot about you. People who always go 'past relationships don't matter', seem to be the ones who have a skeleton or two in the closet.
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>fight yandere with yandere
>open relationship
You disgust me
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she venom objection.jpg
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As the last response to this whole thing.
Her personality and circumstances were heavily inspired by this character.
Nobody knows who that is
I want to fondle her cute breasts.
How is that whiteknighting?

Sometimes people have been in relationships before you coming along.
Really should have made that more obvious then.
He addresses that at the end.
Then isn't he agreeing with me?
No, he's saying what her previous relationship was like does matter.
Acting like it doesn't matter is.
It's perfectly reasonable to judge people based on their past relationships.
>It's perfectly reasonable to judge people based on their past relationships.

I misunderstood, it's ok to judge HER for her past relationships, not that she can judge others, yes?

This whole thing feels like im trying to reason with incels
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