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Warhammer 40,000 General /40kg/

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8th Edition: Edition


>Lastest news :

>Rules and such. Use Readium on pc/iphone, lithium/kobo on android:

>40k rules reference in wiki format:

>Latest GW teases:

>Latest GW FAQs:
First for Marine vehicles are too expensive
Post Imperuim I pdf, anons.
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First for the Omnissiah
So what are people saying about the new detachments? Do you think tournaments will force the vanilla battalion/brigade detachments?

I'm trying to think of why I shouldn't just take a Spearhead Detachment so I can spam heavy support, why take a CSM squad when I can make them all Havocs instead?
Honestly, vehicles are not the issues. Hordes are. You have weapons that are strong against MCUs and tanks, but there is no weapon that specializes at killing hordes. Even high quantity not AP weapons are just as good at chewing through 3+ saves.
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4th for fingers crossed.
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Who here is using Leman Russes and transports for their Guard army?

With how cheaper Scions, Bullgryn, infantry, heavy weapons squads, Basilisks and Manticores are I don't really want to use my Chimeras and Russes.
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Is a Crusader knight worth taking in an Admech list for crowd control /tg/?
Twin assault cannon razorbacks are the way to go for fighting hordes imo

Wounds gaunts on 2s, no armor save, 12 shots a turn. Granted that's still 100 points to kill like 40 points of gaunts a turn but that's the best we can do.
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Do you think Felinid will join the tau?
Whirlwhinds that do 2D6 shots with Str 6 and don't need line of sight for just 115 points seems pretty effective against hordes though.
Terminators with storm bolters can also help, teleport next to a big unit and unload 40 storm bolter shots in rapid fire range.
fuck they really screwed a lot of the anti-infantry weapons, stuff that had AP5 now has nothing.

sonic blasters ignore cover but not shitty armor, so the nids/orks/conscripts might as well be in cover.
Oh boy 2d6 shots

So that's 7 shots which still have to roll to hit

Razorback for 100 is a gauranteed 12 shots
Combine that with Guard having a 15 point Psyker that can give them +1 armor it's 50 4+ saves to chew through.
What's so scary about 5" moving melee hordes?
That's still only eight dead. Which is like forty points worth of gaunts. With the same weapon, you are likely to kill more or less the sam amount of tacs.
They can run too, and it's that anti-horde weapons are not very good. A lot are D6 plus having to hit. Some might be 2-4D6 but if they are they are low strength. Like the other anon said, Assault Cannon seems pretty solid now on Razorbacks. 12 shots hitting on a 3+ and wounding Nid and Guard hordes on a 2+ is pretty worth it.
I would buy in a heartbeat senpai. Pursuit of ever stronger engineering is the same reason I like Chaos Dwarfs in Fantasy.
So is my best start for Thousand Sons just a Sorceror kit and 2 boxes of Rubrics?
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8th ed is dead on arrival 40k is over
>Welcome to "GW's rules writers got lazy!"
In this episode we look at Tank Vs Tank weapons:
Hammerhead Rail Gun:
Heavy 1 S10 AP-4 Dd6 plus D3 mortal wounds on a 6 to hit. A weapon that averages 3-4 wounds without factoring BS, but has the unique potential to score a devestating killshot. Awesome!

Onager Neutron Lazer:
Heavy D3, S10 AP-4 Dd6 and can never roll below 3 damage. The highest average D.P.T: 8 damage per turn before factoring BS. Awesome!

Leman Russ Vanquisher Cannon:
Heavy 1 S8 AP-3 Dd6 with a reroll

...Wait what?

Yes, the old melta rule made sense for the vanquisher cannon, as it essentially was designed to guarantee a penetration when you hit. But because the rules were copy-pasted from the melta rules without any critical thinking, the gun now runs with a pitiful average damage, a pitiful 50% chance to wound the very vehicles it was designed to kill, and the only consolation prize is a reroll-take-highest to damage which actually only puts it on par with the neutron laser...but only one shot, not D3.

>This has been "GW's writers got lazy!" Because thinking about how a unit should work...is hard work!
You can still kite melee units all day.

SOB seem like one of the few factions that can deal with hordes well.

The ability to have 8 heavy flamers and 2 combi flamers pop out of a rhino helps.
With the same weapon you're likely to kill like 3 tacs?

It wounds them on a 3+ and gives them a 4+ armor save. It wounds gaunts on a 2+ with no armor save.
Does the Razorback also shoot at units up to 72'' away ?
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Played a 4155 point game of Tactical Escalation yesterday against Death Guard anons what are you up to? And finally ready for a batrep? Got my images all resized at last and be prepared for stupid blob fights and a battle of attrition against Nurgle and the Traitors.
Yeah see how well that goes for you while they spend only a tiny fraction of their army chasing yours all the way into the corner.
Why are Harlequins top tier?
Hey. Im new at the game, I just brougt the Dark Imperium box and im planning to use the Primaris, what else should I add to deal with my friend's Necrons? He has the Necrons Start collecting stuff plus a Monolith.
I'm torn on what I should start on for 8th: Kroot, Khorne Daemons, or Guard

One thing I noticed in Dark Imperium was that there was no mention of existing Marines being upgraded to Primaris.
I think this must have been a late addition to the fluff as they foresaw the butthurt coming in existing characters couldn't keep up with the Prime boys.
Yes please and thank you.

The SOB exorcist isn't too bad there. d6 shots, Str 8, AP -4, d3 per hit.

Not the most reliable damage but it's got a lot of potential and carves through tank armour well. Especially backed up by BS 4.
Nine hits, six wounds, three dead. That's 39 points of tacs, compared to 40 points of gaunts, discounting any gear you may have.
As above, it's not that those weapons are extra effective against hordes. They are just good weapons overall.
The vanquisher is literally beaten by the battle cannon as an anti-tank gun and costs more points.

they did kinda dumb it down/sigmar it, but at the same time they fixed a lot of retarded bullshit. now assault units can actually assault from their transports, now vehicles don't get popped by a lucky lascannon, and for the love of god now plasma pistols are only 7 points, can be used in CC, and won't kill you unless you use their neat supercharge ability.

My Bullgryns will be seeing a lot more play, now that they have their 2+ save and power mauls that can get through armour saves.
I'll be putting sponsons on all my Russes too.
Woking on a bunch of Vanguard. Go ahead.
>nobody responded

time for take 2


>t. Buttmad 40k hater
Keep playing warmachine/infinity/whatthefuck ever son
My Bullgryn too. Don't forget to pick up an Astropath or 2 for 1+ Bullgryn armor. That really puts them on par with the Brute Shield against -3 weapons. Plus ignoring cover bonuses on units with the Astropaths ability will help Russes kill shit.
>willingly playing against cheese
Why do this? just ostracise them
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Any mistakes on this Thousand Sons list?

It's mainly things I find cool.
Khorne cultist guard with also Khornate Kroot alies?
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Now that LRs aren't so good for their price they were practically must haves, I'll be looking into recreating the drop troop army I had during 5th edition. As soon as the FW index is released, Vultures for days.
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The warband of the Death Guard laughing with joy especially their winged Daemonic leader unleashed their zombie hordes and though the Imperials had time to dig in the Death Guard gained to upper hand and struck first.
I'm using leman russes for my marine army, they're cheaper than predators.
Another thing to consider is that AP gets more effective the higher armor is, as opposed to lower AP being useless before.

To wit, reducing 2+ by one will double your ability to harm enemy, reducing 3+ will increase your ability to harm them by 50%, while going from 6+ to nothing merely nets you around 20% more victims.

So any weapon with AP value is better against higher armor targets than it's against lower armor ones.
I mean, I'm planning on doing them all at some point, I just need to decide on what I want to do first
Admech loses Canticles if every model in the list doesn't have the rule in a battle forged army.
Cause command points will matter more than you think, having an odd number sucks.
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40k art direction won't allow for cute catgirls, so I'd rather keep them as a fantasy.
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The Daemon prince flew into cover and used his powers of the warp to increase his own strength and resistance to weaponry as the hordes of Chaos advance. The throaty roar of bikers was soon followed by the stuttering fire of heavy bolters as they fired on the marching Guardsmen missiles flying from Havocs into a Wyvern stunning it so their zombie hordes would make it to the enemy.
It says "Detachment" not "Army", so you can just get yourself one of the Lord of War FoCs tacked on or pay a CP for a Vindicare or something.
I wonder if Ultramar Auxilliaries have the same design as Severan Dominate guard. The design would be so good as the new generic guardsman.
Hmm, what's your thought on Warpflamer vs Soulreaper. I think that flamer costs three points more, they have same damage and strength, Soulreaper is -3 Heavy 4(2.66 hits on BS3+) while flamer is Assault D6(3.5 average) auto-hits.
go with guard, they added some nice neat stuff for them.
Are the new rules on the community, store or BL page?
Hey /40kg/,

I have some ork questions:
Whats the best starting point for an Ork army? I was thinking 2 squads of 20 boys.

Are Killa Kans still worth taking or have the new vehicle rules made them too flimsy?

I heard bikers are trash now but how about Stormboys, Burnaboys and Kommandos?
Heavy Warpflamer is actually Heavy D6.
Are helbrutes less shit/ worth it now? I've been dying to run a walker heavy list with maulerfiends and helbrutes and it seems possible at the very least
No Ironhands referenced with the Primaris Marines? Couldn't see them in the art work and was pretty sure Whitescars, Salamanders and Raven Guard was?
The start collecting boxes are a good deal.

Vehicles are generally a lot tougher in the new edition

Stormboyz and Kommandos can charge the opponent turn 1 if you can roll a 9 on 2D6 with reroll.
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The vanquisher is now worse at anti-tank than the standard russ, isn't it?

Against a T 8 Sv 3+ target...

Vanquisher: one shot, 50% hit, 50% to wound, 83% past saves, 4.5 average damage roll, 0.94 average wounds.

Battle cannon: D6 shots, 50% hit, 50% to wound, 67% past saves, 2 average damage roll, 1.17 average wounds.

Anyway, I need to decide which army I'm going to work on getting painted. Which of these looks best in 8th.

Orks: fuckload of models already painted, but not enough of them basic infantry. I love converting vehicles and have a couple of kits to work on. Got some damaged and unbuilt deffkoptas I can fit into bomb carriers, some infantry that I can make into kommandos and I'm not sure what else is good this edition... stormboyz? Bikes? Kustom Mega Kannons?

Admech. Got twenty basic infantry, ten sicarians, tech priest dom, three ironstriders, robots and Cawl all my painting desk at the moment. All except Cawl are ready to be used and have basic block colour and metallics done, just need highlighting and detail work. If I go with these, probably going to grab the SC box for enough more infantry to split the current squads into smaller ones which, with the dunecrawler and another TPD will qualify for a brigade detachment. Also got a couple of the wargames exclusive titty-tech priests which still need assembling.

Genestealer Cult. Not got much for them, just the deathwatch overkill dudes, plus a bunch more purestrains, couple of broodlords and a rockcrusher. Would probably get some neophyte hybrids to round them out, but feel maybe I should wait and see if they get a SC box because they are expensive as fuck.
> vehicles don't get popped by a lucky lascannon

Do you have any idea how armored combat works IRL?
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Other side of the board. And side note there wasn't an unpainted thing on the table which was awesome
The start collecting box for the orks is shit since you don't get enough boys in it
Imperial Guard if you don't see a lot of other Imperial players. Khorneflakes if you do.

If you go Kroot then it's only a matter of time before you go Tau...
Heavy warpflamer doesn't seem to be worth it with just one more Str. You'll never get in range with those slow terminators, regular warpflamers also have -2 AP and can be fired after Advancing, and the Soulreaper cannon fires 4 shots already.
Warpflamer is 15pts and does well as flamers do.

Soulreaper cannon is good for ranged and costs 20 points.

I wanna have both cuz it makes the unit balanced IMO
Get Boyz, would HIGHLY recommend finding a lot of them on ebay or other trading site, then get a couple boxs of burnas/lootas and boyz, you can use the loota weapons on the boyz bodies as they are the exact same.

a Get Started box is also a great idea

Kans are much better than they have been in a long time so they arent too bad of a buy

I have no idea why Bikes are being said that they are bad now, they should actually be better unless the points are insanely more
You forgot one minor thing: Many of the vehicles with 3+ saves the Leman Russ Targets have 5+ invuln saves. Knights and Onagers in particular come to mind. So the extra AP of the vanquisher becomes null and void. Hell, if your fighting Kastelans, you could make the case that a Battle Cannon's AP-2 is better because he's using the armor save and can't reflect the shots back at you. (Although does it say if you can choose which save takes priority? Or do you get to choose?
There are Primaris Marines of Ferrus's lineage.
>I play a game with miniature plastic army men that I paint and then use a ruler to have imaginary battles with on a miniature crafted world for the realism

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Did I make any mistakes? My LGS is starting a new league on Wednesday so I want to be ready.
I've been working on a design for Ultramar Auxilia, posted my idea for it before I believe. Severan Dominate models would make it a good bit easier, though I'd still have to model the shoulderpads to look like segmentata.
Nvm, looked it up. The opponent can choose which save he makes.
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I actually got a bunch of Ork stuff for cheap from someone getting out of the game back in December.
I've got:
40 Slugga Boys
20 Shootas
10+ Burnas
5+ Rokkits (Tank bustas I guess)
15 Storm Boys
10 Kommandos
10 Nobs
A Warboss
2 Big Meks
2 Meks
3 Kans
2 Battle Wagons
1 Trukk
6 Bikers (2 nobs I think)
Ghazzy + 2 Mega Armoured Nobs.

I'll be in an escalation league and I'm not bringing unpainted models.
The escalation is approximately 750 points to 1300 to 1850. I have no idea what would work with what I've got. I've just painted up a bunch of boys with sluggas.

I notice I'm missing Dreads, Flash Gits, and Lootas. Should I grab some?
Why do you think they were left out of the paint schemes? Too similar to Raven Guard?
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Mega download link for the dark imperium novel when?
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The men of the Anglican 3rd had faced worst and although some of their number were already facing the effects of Nurgles gifts they would not be cowed. Guardsmen advanced to protect their armor from the Daemon prince's charge if necessary with their own bodys and heavy artillery repositioned themselves to face the new threats. Battle cannon shells,plasma cannons and even the dreaded Volcano cannon opening fire on the Traitor lines and combined with a salvo of lasguns the dreaded plague bikers were obliterated with only their lord surviving and all around the table Marines and their zombies fell.
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Reposting for posterity, r8
I'd go with one squad of thirty and one of ten rather than two of twenty. Two squads of twenty lose the bonus attacks after two casualties, but the thirty boy block can soak up ten before it has issues. It also gives a Ld buff to nearby units. Basically, always go either minimum or maximum size with ork boys and minimum with everything else.

Some grots to fill out your troop slots and hold objectives can help.

Killa kans actually got quite a bit tougher against most things. They are also one of the few units with decent BS and decent weapons in the ork list.

Bikers aren't great, but I wouldn't call them trash. They are still a functional assault unit.

Stormboyz look pretty good. A five-boy squad is cheap as hell and can cause some damage or grab objectives pretty good. Kommandos are similar, although you need to take burnas and keep them minimum sized to make them worth the points.

Burnaboys are dubious. Really fucking delicate, but able to do decent damage and get around stuff with hit penalties. Absolutely need to be put in a transport vehicle. Either a battlewagon or a trukk will work; I'd go with trukk purely because you don't want to sink too many points into a unit which might struggle to use it's weapons.
Do you have any idea how insane Warhammer 40k is and how asinine it would be to apply muh realism to this game? If you want realism, play historicals.
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Best way to use Bullgryn this edition?

I'm thinking Power Maul, Slab shield and maybe 4 in a Chimera. With how many D3/D6 Damage weapons out there I feel like giving them the transport might be nice. Maybe have another transport with Scions/Vets with a Platoon Commander and an Astropath for a +1 armor save.

Or would it be cheaper to just walk them up the field but have more of them.
This depends mostly on who you ask but I would grab the Gitz or Lootas then Dreads

The Gitz are definitely more reliable and have cooler models but the amount of high str wounds that Lootas can put out is intense
Halberds or swords on GK?
You get to choose.

Speaking of everybody's favorite boops, what's looking like the best way to run them? Heavy phosphor all around for a 110pt gunboat that delets marines like bubbles, or fists?

Also, thoughts on protocols? They seem really damn good this time around, as a 2+/4++ or double shooting/punching every turn. What's looking like the best option?
They weren't.
So is the best loadout for a 10-man Rubric squad a soulreaper cannon, 2 flamers and the rest bolters?
you could probably get away with just hiding them behind tanks, saving them as countercharge units

I'm a little bummed my three can't pack themselves into my solitary taurox anymore, though. With its short ranged guns it definitely wants some kind of protection.
Why are you reposting such a bad list

Don't keep posting something that you're only fielding because you're forced to due to the models that you have
>not taking all flamers to get the best overwatch bait ever
Pretty disgusting desu
IRL is irrelevant.

It doesn't make sense in the settle, Its not fucking fluffy at all, a single lascannon could get lucky and destroy a vehicle
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The Plague god's warriors reformed from the barrage of Imperial fire and continued their march. The Plague Biker Lord laughing as he moved forward to reap the souls of the Imperial dogs as Typhus cursed the teleporters for making him land so far from the battle. And with the spread of Nurgles unholy gifts and the fire of the advancing traitor Marines the Lord jumped into combat crushing poor conscripts and using his unholy weapon to reap death while the Daemon Prince waited to strike.
I prefer a mix myself. Some swords, some halberds, at least one daemonhammer. Falchions also don't look as bad as they used to now that they're free.
Dreads don't look great in the new rules, although the models are great.

Lootas are kind of an odd option. They are reasonably good against rhinos and have enough range that you can actually avoid a lot of incoming fire, but they also work in a battlewagon, which makes them survivable and allows their guns to be fired on the move. Unfortunately, they are quite expensive for what they offer. Flash gits are similar, but lack the range and have overall better firepower. In order to get value out of your battlewagons, you probably need to put one or both of these units in them. Both kits are nice, although the FG one is newer and cooler. Personally, I'd take 5 of each.
What do you mean it can't pack in there anymore? It still has 10 spots and 3 Ogryn/Bullgryn only take up 9. You even have room to add a Commissar to help with Battleshock and some melee weapons to help beatstick with them.
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The longest combat of the game right here.
taurox prime can only transport scions, commissars and inquisitors
Here, let me spoon feed you least you have to do one search too many and start hyperventilating

If you're looking to actively assault with them, valkyrie.
Anyone got a clear picture of the Death Guard vectorums?
That might be worth it on one unit, but if everything has warpflamers you'll just be kited to death.
Oh you just said Taurox not Taurox Prime so I was confused.

You couldn't put Bullgryn in a Taurox Prime from the get go in 7th though. I mean I guess you could have deployed both out in the open then had the Bullgryn get in.
Could be good. I do have a Valkyrie, but I don't like the model or using it.
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Does anyone have link to full art?
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Thanks for the help!
I'll start with 30 Sluggas+Choppas and then either another 10 of them or 10 shootas.
I'll look into getting Flash Gits, I do love the minis.
Alternatively, I did get a bunch of leftover loota bits so I could just grab the start collecting and turn the boys into lootas.
Not to mention that GSC gets vanquisher with S9 because of faggotry.
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I hope not!

You are all autists that get triggered when you see IRL in the same sentence with 40k.

When a vehicle is penetrated assuming no major damage has accured on the systems inside the vehicle , the crew inside would either turn to mash or horribly disfigured and wounded. The crew would immediately try to bail out and tank is left stranded.
Other side of that galaxy desu
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FW indexes, who have?
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This is why gauss flayers became the best basic troop weapon in the game.

Also S and T changes fucked Pulse rifles.
Anyone having any luck with Land Raiders? I feel like with the prevalence of first turn charges they are overglorified tanks. May as well get a baneblade for the points. If I want to protect my precious units I will keep them in teleport reserve.
What squads can you attach Vulkan He'stan to? Since there are no Chapter Tactics anymore and Vulkan's 6 inch aura is so miniscule I was thinking of putting him in a squad with Sternguard or something in a drop pod.
>thinking the Imperium knows fear
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>Remember the felinid thread from a few weeks back
>Started out as furry bait but brought out a spark of old /tg/ and became rather fun
>Never going to get a proper release of felinids because GW doesn't want to acknowledge they exist more than a few mentions in the abhumans section
With the rising cost of vehicles and transports, I feel like this edition will be infantry and deep striking the edition. As a Guard player I'm half tempted to not even bother with transports.

I've heard however that Land Raiders are really hard to kill.
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>Why doesn't my silly science fantasy game follow rules for modern tank combat?!
Why do girls like Tyranids so much?
More anon!

Beautiful looking battlefield and armies.
good question...
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they want to be raped by the xenomorph
lots of girls are secretly fucked up

Normal GKs only have 1 attack each. You want the second knock. Yes, even with a Paladin Ancient standing next to them.
For Terminators you want Warding Staves instead, since they're basically Force Staves with a melee-only Storm Shield.
Same reason they like animals. They are cute and are doing what their instincts tell them. Not some gay """"brotherhood"""" of big and bigger gay space knights that only care about how much they have each others backs.

Also impregnation fetishes and surrogate mother feelings.
They're cute. That's the real reason.

You cannot join characters to squads? Or are you saying what unit would you usually put him near?
Couple of Tyranid queries

Is mawloc really only 104 points, I feel like I have missed something. yes its attacks are miserly but 12 wounds + burrow seems very good.

Stinger Salvo Is the cost already included or do you have to pay separately, I assume pay separately but I am curious why they use different wording.
I'd give the Sorc a flamer pistol because D6 auto-hits in melee is awesome.
Because I'm looking for pointers to make the list i do want to take, because i like the models, have a more competitive edge? Running the same shit as everyone else because it's the /best/ your army can do is boring desu.
deep down women see themselves in the tyranids. With long glistening claws they rend and reap deaths of men, and turn genetic material they gather into biomass.
Stinger salvo must be paid seperately

The mawloc is 105 base since you need to add the prehensile pincer tail. there's confusion on whether you can or can't upgrade it to have toxin sacs for one more point, the points list says you can but the datasheet disagrees.
Pay separately, but have to take it.
Can I not put him in the same droppod as my Sternguard? I thought someone said you could
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The Guard's long awaited reinforcements finally arrived to the field. Well kind of,with a Scion command squad immediately having to wait and reposition their teleporter arrays after almost landing on top of the Marines. While Rough Riders and Scions arrived the humble battle cannon scored the first unit destroyed as their combined fire obliterated the infested Marines. All throughout the Guard lines firepower opened up. With lasguns targeting zombies and heavy ordinance targeting the heavily armored legionnaires but in the swirling melee the Guardsmen held their own and would not break.
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-Succubus; Glaive, S. Pistol, Phantasm launcher
-Wyches ×9; Agoniser
-Raider; Shock Prow, Disintegrator

-Archon; Blaster, Agoniser
-Warriors ×9; Blaster
-Raider; Shock Prow, Disintegrator

-Scourges ×5; Blaster ×4
-Scourges ×5; Blaster ×4
-Hellions ×10; Stunclaw

1000/1000 points, Dark Eldar Outrider Detachment

Feedback and Criticism please playing my first 8th ed game Wednesday!
You can put any number of units inside a transport now, as long as the model total doesn't exceed the transport capacity.

Yes you can do that - I was just trying to clarify that he isn't actually in the unit.
The Mawloc really isn't that impressive because its rule forces it to appear right in front of the enemy without being allowed to charge and most opponents will place their units so that you get to hit 2 units at most. And in melee it's not really good, with no AP to speak of and even its 9 attacks all in all aren't enough to save it. And W12 isn't that impressive with only T6. Let's say it's adequately costed, maybe even a bit expensive for what it does. I mean, compare to a quad-Deathspitter-Carnifex, which costs only 10 points more.

Yes, you have to pay the 11 points for Stinger Salvo. Unless the list says the wargear is included in the cost (which is only the case for named characters and daemons afaik) you have to pay for everything else.
For some it might be some weird sexual fetish, but for most it's likely because female representation is fucked in other factions so they chose the real* genderless faction.

Also Aliens has a pretty big female fanbase.

*Fluff doesn't count if the models are all still masculine.
How important do you think snipers will be going into the new edition? I think the ability to do things like knock out commissars, KFF Meks, and similar will matter quite a bit.
Why don't girls mostly play Eldar then ? Those are all feminine looking models.
Oh, okay. Thanks.

What is the best unit to pair him with? Sternguard or Terminators or anything?
If Vulkan starts in reserves do I need a second HQ unit while he's not on the board?
Post people selling their armies and being butthurt.
I plan on building a theme list based on the German/Egyptian convoy in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. I imagine an inquisitor and his company landing on a planet and "acquiring" local forces to help look for... Some kind of heresy.

The "Nazis" will be the inquisitor, his retinue and other "officers" (commissar, priests, arstopath, etc), and some scions and taurox primes.

The "Egyptians" will be some less "fancy" AM forces from the local planet making up some kind of recon force; sentinels, ratlings, maybe some rough riders, maybe some Bullgryn muscle.

Expansion ideas are small pockets of Grey Knights, Sisters, an assassin, etc. as an elite reserves unit to drop in whenever the inquisitor gives the signal (depending on the ordo I take him/her as).

I need some ideas for the center-piece tank and a staff car for the Inquisitor/acolytes - the only store around me is a GW so my range is a bit limited. What do you guys think?
I think you need too many snipers to reliably threaten the real scary charactes like terminator armoured captains and such.

Might see a lot of Vindicares though.
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Slaanesh Marines when?
You could shoehorn an extra blaster into the list if you change your warriors into trueborn, plus a pair of splinter cannons for bonus poisoned dakka.
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Sometime in the next 6 months.
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What does your 8th edition shopping cart look like, Anon?

I don't know, you need to only do 6 wounds to force the extra mortal so it takes about 18 snipers to do two wounds to a terminator character. That number obviously is much lower when shooting at 4 and 5+ characters who are just as good and prevalent now.
The Mawloc would have been a lot better if they had just given it the ability to pop up really close and let it charge immediately instead of trying to keep it as some weird artillery-esque attack
Sorry for asking in two threads, just wanted to be sure :P So looking through the chaos index, I've got a few questions. Some may be obvious but I just wanted to check

- Marks of chaos (such as mark of nurgle) no longer give a benefit other than a keyword (i.e no more toughness 5 obliterators or chaos marines)
- If I take a death guard detachment, does it just give me access to specific units like the foetid bloat drone and make plague marines troops choices? Is the cost that I can't take any units in that detachment that aren't listed like rubric marines?
- Does the above mean if I wish to take a flier in my detachment I need to take a regular detachment instead of a death guard one?
- Can I take a death guard and a regular or thousand sons detachment in my army so long as I meet the requirements?
- Can I now take chaos daemons in the same detachment as my chaos space marines?
Sternguard with all combi weapons or multi melta devastators sounds like it could be nasty.
After a few games I can of course only speak in anecdotes, but if your opponent has a buff vector Hero standing behind a big unit, not being able to shoot him is aggravating. On the other hand, with the exception of the Vindicare, most sniper rifles aren't strong enough to break a tough Hero.
Forge World rulebook leaks when?
That soon? Don't get my hopes up brother.
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Never, Guilliman and Cwal will purify Emperor's Children and make them accept Codex Astartes.
So, what loadout for Crisis suits against MEQ is good now? I like the models and want to field atleast two squads of them.
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Thanks mate.
Do we have actual PDFs yet, or just the leaks
Index Chaos, Rules, Dark Imperium novel, 5 more Raptors.
Probably in the next year or so, Chaos is supposed to be at the forefront for a while and we have seen new kits for both Death Guard and Thousand Sons. I don't think we will have too long of a wait before World Eaters and Emperor's Children follow suit
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Tau let Ogryn join, don't see why they'd have a problem with catgirls.

Look at all of those genestealer units.
Ananın amından dolayı. Bin kere aynı soruyu çevirip çevirip soruyorsunuz anasını siktiğimin otist gavatları.
Wouldn't give Sternguard combi-weapons anymore, though. They lose their special ammo if you do.
2 Devilfish
Pathfinder&Devilfish box set

I really wanna go full Tank
but they get to shoot both halves at the same time now
>They lose their special ammo if you do.
What? That's fucking terrible.
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>Mfw World Eaters will be first because GW can't resist the opportunity to give Khorne yet MORE models
... but they can fire the meltagun every single turn, and the bolter as well on top of that if you don't mind the -1 to hit.
Just one of the index books. But dull, I know.
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Primaris Terminators when?
Me! I want to play an armored division, i plan on buying a fuckton of tauroxes and manticores, my list is 1750 points of pure steel: 3 russes, 5 tauroxes and 5 manticores
Well, yes, I consider that a given. I'm just surprised that they weren't FIRST, or the ones in the starter box
the coolest space marine chapter

hope they get new model soon
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More like the edgiest space marines of them all
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Most likely will be. Khorne might be first though.
Some sort of banestormdoomhammerswordblade for the main tank of course.

stealers get missiled by Hive Commander, gaunts burrow with the trygon, ripper swarm hides for half the game to grab a late objective if possible. Warriors will probably walk with the swarmlord
fuck you faggot
What if the primaris termies just use the new Gut armour

Wow. Just WOW. And i thought Aeldarii sounds stupid.
Look at it this way - the other legions are just practise for the perfection to come!
>Rebuilding army after I sold off a bunch of stuff.
>Made the mistake of priming black and, as such, decide to dig through sprues while the white dries.
>The whole army is going to be Mrk iii marines and armor in an artillery regiment.
>While I'm digging through old sprues, I happen across three unassembled Predators and an unassembled Ven Dred.

That was a pleasant surprise.

I may get my crap up and running sooner than I thought.
That is what they are.
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dont tease me
you say edgy cause you cant handle badassery
He looks like he's pretending to be a bird and is raising his arms to flap them....
Edge Lords are the worst legion.
>Only bully those weaker than themselves
>Sneak around like a bunch of cowards
>"Muh spoopyness"

Not sure they're covered by the definition of badass.
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>Khorne finally comes out
>GW Design Head: Okay, that's all the Chaos gods then! We'll work on new sculpts in about 10 years and then we'll start with Khorne since he was last the last cycle!
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>Implying the fish fuckers would ally themselves with cats
>Implying that the Felinids are anything less than devoted servants of the Imperium who would never ally with the weeaboo xenos
You're a funny guy.

They do, "Female Tyranid players" is a meme, there's just as many female Eldar players. Actually, there's quite a few female DAngel players as well(women love yaoi).
Yes, but then I'd rather give the combi-weapons to Company Veterans who won't have to throw AP-2 Bolters away to get the combi-weapons.

Yeah, technically they don't have special issue ammo anymore, but a special issue Boltgun. And the benefits of this Boltgun are lost if you take a combi-weapon, which is standard issue.

Pretty sure Gravis Armour is the Primaris equivalent of Terminator Armour
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watch yourselves
Excuse me while I weep incessantly
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The Daemon prince jumped over the Guard lines targeting the command squadron as the sorcerers spread Nurgle's gifts to the Imperial forces all over the battle field. Missiles destroying a Wyvern and the Prince of the Dark God Nurgle killed an Executioner angered he could not have done more as the other combat continued.



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"Witness my mastery of terror warfare, brothers! Behold, as I shit into this chimney, a chimney belonging to the planetary governor himself! Surely, he will come begging for our mercy before a single shot Is fired!"
They could easily update the batwing motif in a way that looks cool, it's just gonna be forever until any non monogod legions get love.
So you have to disembark from the model, not base.

Flyers are higher than 3".

If you dont disembark on a second floor the contents die.
I prefer Gauss being a basic troop weapon which can reliable do some stuff to vehicles rather than being better than pulse rifles and shit.
Company veterans only go up to 5 man sized units mister Nurgle trips. That's only half of a drop pod filled up.
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Nothing, Nerd.
Wait, are combi-weapons not single use only anymore? Or is that just for Sternguard?
>I've heard however that Land Raiders are really hard to kill.

True, but not 400+ points good.

Best armies in the game will probably have effective multi-wound or mortal wound infantry.
Despite the changes, shooting still wins out even with new deepstrike rules and the army that can shift around the table easiest and sit on objectives without need of much armor support is what is gonna make or break it.

My bets are on Necrons or Nids. Unless a particular ninja unit just breaks the format, which will probably immediately be nerfed because of how fluid GW is making points adjustments.
I changed my underwear.
What are power levels for exactly?
Gravis is a 3+, so it's not Termi armor.
No, all combi-weapons have no limit.
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The Guardsmen steeled their nerves and prepared to charge the great beast as the Demolisher crews finally reached range of the hated Plague Lord Typhus and his body guard. Chimeras and the Devil Dog preparing to light the traitors and their zombies alight as another platoon of Guardsmen reached the field.
And sorry for the giant blocks of text anons but i hope you're still enjoying it.
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I slain dozens of your kin.
Yup, all combi weapons can fire both parts as often as you like, and even at the same time with a -1 to hit penalty.
Nothing, Tzeentch is a manipulative cunt. Ahriman should work to supplant him
Oh boy I sure can't fucking wait for Cawlian heresy.

Not without dropping a Hellion and a wych I couldn't, that warrior squad is only 78 but a 5 man trueborn squad with 2 cannons and a blaster is 100 points
For casual games as a much more vague balancing mechanic than points values
Combi are unlimited use and you can fire both guns at the same time if you want with a -1 to hit
Nobodies gonna afford vehicles anymore, they swung a little to far when they over-corrected their durability and decided just to balance it around points rather than restructure the system.
Somebody getting batty here ?
Open and Narrative play.

Even your Daddy doesn't like you, you mutant scum.
how did the imperial guard player move anything with that wall in the way?
Wrote this list. Thoughts?
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Fuckin' loving it anon, please continue! Your commentary is excellent.
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Typhus suffered heavily and the Demolisher crews cheered as they obliterated his body guard a final shot from the Shadowsword slaying the last terminator leaving him in the open. Zombies fell in mass to flames and lasguns and another unit of Marines died to plasma fire with battle cannons laying more low. Rough riders charged the Chaos lord to save the brace preacher being slaughtered in the process as the Daemon was tied down in combat.
>-1 to hit
So basically no penalty to get an extra bolter shooting if you have a Combi-flamer equiped since the flamer half already just automatically hits?
Good, Infantry edition is going to be awesome.
I'm looking to make a counts-as lysander because I'm not too fond of his current model + have a cataphractii termie laying around.

I figured I could pick up a storm shield set from FW, but are there any places that sell 'good' thunder hammers for termies? I want something kind of fancy that isn't just carving the actual fist of dorn off my existing Lysander.

any suggestions?
Alright anons

>your faction gets Codex with Warlord Traits, relics, powers etc in a month, but you slowly get powercreeped into Orks of 8th edition
>you get your Codex in two years, but you are AdMech WarConvo tier without people hating you like elves or Tau

What would you choose?
I had to move very carefully anon. But it wasn't that bad most of the action was on my side of the table anyways.
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Says shitstained degenerate who no longer resembles proud Astartes.

Given how leadership works, it seems that the more casualties they take the harder they break.

You don't need to wipe out hordes in one round of shooting, you just put enough wounds on them that there is no way they can pass their leadership without burning command points to stop it.

>Shitstained degenerate who no longer resembles proud Astartes

Why are you so hard on yourself, Primaris friend?
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Daddy Rawbooty thinks you're a blasphemy.

And fucking filthy Nurglite scum don't represent me.
Option 1, and I play Orks. Would rather be irrelevent and have my new toys than be broken and get refused games when I mention my armies name
Your master considers you as nothing more than blasphemous hordes, compared to his proud astartes.

The warrior squad has
8/16 poison shots
1 blaster

A trueborn squad would have
7/14 poison shots
2 blasters

78p vs 115p so I'd have to lose a couple Hellions and a wych to shoehorn them in

I wouldn't say it was dead but I would be shocked if this saw a dramatic change in GW's fortune. Their sales will probably continue to drop. They better get used to it though, war-gaming has opened up and it's never going to go back to one company owning 80% of the market.
Horde armies tend to have in-built ways of not giving a shit about moral, making it less effective against them than MEQ equivalents.
Option 3, never getting my own codex and having a fun if not terribly competitive army.
The problem is, most of the units where that would work are sorta immune to that philosophy.

Tyranids got Synapse
Guardsmen got commissars
Orks got each other, to the point where if two 30 boy squads are within 6" of each other, the other player has to kill 26 boys (13 in each squad) before they even take one moral test.
what's this about Rowboat Girlyman hating Primaris?
I am looking at the new indexes for 40k. How the fuck am I making a list? I see points in the back of the book, and 'power' in each entry. Didn't get the 8th rulebook so I can't reference that. Does anyone know, yet?
>Orks got each other

You never WAAAAAAAGH !!!! alone
IG can shoot a guardsman to pass morale, an Orc warboss can beat some orcs to pass morale, and tyranids in synapse ignore it anyway
What's the limit on how many heavy weapons you can put on a Sterngaurd squad? You could put four of them in the pod along with Vulkan.

Or just put four Devastators in the pod too.
>tfw frag cannons and infernus bolters will never be given to normal Marines

He's old enough to know skub when he sees it.
First link in the OP, read it.
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Index: Chaos PREORDER 1
Index: Imperium 1 PREORDER 1
Index: Xenos 2 PREORDER 1
Warhammer 40,000: Command Dice PREORDER 1
Warhammer 40,000: Dark Imperium PREORDER 1
Warhammer 40,000: Tactical Objective Cards PREORDER 2
The Army Painter Spray: Uniform Grey 2
Humbrol plastic-glue (30ml) 1
The Army Painter: Wargaming Tape Measure (3m.) 1
Citadel: Sector Imperialis Objectives PREORDER 1
This is a feature not a bug.

This game has been tank hammer since 5th edition. I adore that horde armies are actually viable now.

Time to bin your WAAC parking lot shit.
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The Traitors finally learned respect for the Guard's courage and respect of their abilities and started finally breaking down the Imperial force. Missiles slamming into and destroying a Chimera as bolt weapons mowed them down. And the Devil Dog finally brought down by melta gun fire while the great Plague lord Typhus joined a unit of havocs to have a buffer from the Demolisher cannons that threatened him as the Guard pressed their advantage and got more aggressive.
Hard to guage.

Assault still seems shit in this edition though. I'd sadly swap out rippers and hormagaunts for termagants, some with devourers. Shooting >assault. Get a tervigon if you can those things are still one of the best Tyranid options . You probably don't need three tyrant guard.

Rest looks solid.
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Bob doesn't hate them, he made primaris marine his closest adviser.
You stink same, and your face looks nurgling who ate ministorum vox caster.
In 8E you just bring whatever units you want and have fun , stop being so WAAC.
Centurions with grav/heavy bolters and hurricane bolters. They put out enough shots with high enough AP to strip tons of wounds off hoards and are also tough enough be able to require either a whole lot of hoards shooting at them or weapons that would be better used against MCs or tanks in order to be brought down.
He doesn't hate them, he doesn't like them either. He feels about them the same way the emperor does for his primarchs, they are tools nothing more.
Now that the Tau got some nerfs I can finally dust them off without bitching.
What're some suggestions for a go-fast army list?
*looks like
Oh, and omnispex means no cover for hordes either.
All for the low cost of 291 points or 258 points.
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So did the Death Guard end up getting their own seperate from chaos rules?
>Carnifex Brood
>Temporarily out of stock
For a fucking month
As mentioned earlier, they are more effective against MEQs than hordes.
New book, he calls them Cawl's blasphemous hordes.
Only in the example but except the specific.
Yes, every WAAClist in 7th was vehicle spam. Not MCs, no, vehicles that tended to explode or get grav-spammed to death in one turn.
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Veterans disembarked to engage the zombies and Marines more effectively with their lasguns as the Mordians shouldered their rifles bringing another group of the infernal creatures down. Leman Russes blasting away with Demolisher,Plasma and Battle cannons their firepower crucially wiping away more of the Marines and keeping them far from Guard lines.The other surviving veterans moved to secure an objective to their dying breath as the brave men in melee diedholding the line.
Not trying to be WAAC, just want to make sure there is parity in lists at my store. Just saying 'bring whatever' is neither balanced nor fun
Mind wording this as if I was a second grader?
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got a quesiton, the character rule says u cannot shoot them if they are not the nearest enemy, but does this mean in a 360 bubble?

in the picture say "2" is a character model and he is 20inchs behind my unit *1* but a unit of marines "3" is 12inch infront, this mean i cannot shoot "2"?
Alright, getting back into this after 8th ed drops.
Where the hell do I play? I'm Canada just north of Toronto, and Meeplemart just shut down their game space. No idea where to go except the GeeDubs at Lawrence.
Rubric marines would like to have a word with you
>Player shows up with nid army
>Place a single death start unit for 20 rubrics with at least 10 warp flamers or more.
Charge me faggot, i dare you.
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mono-tzeentch didn't deserve this
You can't even form coherent sentences.
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So do the keywords like CALVARY or DEMON come with any special rules or is it just something in place for determining what other units special abilities can affect?
I think so. Although you could also move unit 1 6" closer, and end up with 2 as the nearest thing rather than 3
Yeah, but not out yet.
The latter
Thanks bud. Any idea on when they will be released?
Well if you look at the front of that particular armies index or in the core rulebook you'll find out won't you?
No idea, but it's coming soon. Within the month or so.
That's sexy

I hope they make models for that, wow
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Yes it did you psychic abusing faggot
The only keyword I'm aware of that has any sort of universal special rules is the fly keyword and even then it's just a few movement related things.
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Typhus desperately trying to bring glory to Nurgle detached from his unit to slay the unfortunate Veterans as the remaining Plague Marines marched to destroy the Guard heavy ordinance but the Mordians suffered heavy losses too from the bolters and heavy bolter fire. But even as Typhus slew most if the squad in combat a stray Demolisher shot missed it's target slaying both him and his foe as they were engaged him melee. With the other dismounted Veterans charging and losing their combat the Mordians charged in to slay the Chaos lord. With Sergeants in all three of the combats,even against the Daemon Lord,challenging the Traitors showing without a doubt they were not afraid.
Are Blood Angels good again?
It's not really either or, they can be good at both, even if they are better at another.
If anything, a unit that is both good anti-MEQ and decent anti-hordes while still being able to deal decent damage to most vehicles is only a point in centurions favor.

I suppose that's how marines should play though, rather high cost comparatively but able to deal with a myriad of threats.
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They did, and their rules are OP as hell in 30k. Entire squad of 2+/6++ with 5++ in CC, swinging around AP2 at initiative axes that autowound on To Hit sixes.
Except it is? Hordes have more efficient wound-to-point ratio, so you need weapons that is better when dealing with them, as other weapons are comparatively weaker than they are elsewhere.

I mean, even this wouldn't be an issue if horde armies weren't immune to one mechanic that is supposed to balance them to begin with.
So is there any point using all 3 eldar races in an Ynnari list? If not, are dark eldar in the same boat as craft world eldar I.e. going ynarri is a straight upgrade or is power from pain essential to them
Any links for Criumson king audiobook?
can someone post "timeline" from 8th edition?
There are still pseudo-templates, though. The Seismic C'tan power or the Razorshark bombs both do hits based on number of models in range.
If they didn't have methods of avoiding morale they'd only ever get tabled.

Hordes as they stand are not OP.

It depends on exactly what you want to do. Ynnari is still very good but PFP's 6++ against wounds after they're suffered helps and Battle Focus is still a good rule.
Should i buy the Dark Imperium box or the Tyranid swarm box?
This is important.
So not sure if this is being brought up yet, a lot of stores got pre release demo copies right now to get them painted and acquainted with the new rules, and being in tight with my lgs manager I've gotten to look through all of it, so basically unless everyone has already got in on this
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>not only did units get nerfed but the CORE RULES themselves nerf your army
I deserved nothing, not even a WAAC summoning / grimoire fag
I think the Ynnari benefits are still nutty, if only for the reason that it's one of the few ways still in the game to move after you shoot something, assuming you're fighting at close ranges and getting kills though.

Imagine flying in a group of scourges, blasting away with heavy weapons, and then leaping back to where you started.

I think Ynnari is a straight upgrade if you're running a lot of jump infantry and jetbikes that need to get close and then can use that free movement to the most extreme effect.

If you're running a more gunboat style army with Wyches and Kabalites, then I think you'll want the more reliable army-wide bonuses
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At the end of turn five the Imperial Guard won 9-6 and very barely as you can tell from how close the melee was. Was super close and he was a long time Chaos player so he knew what he was doing but the Guard just out attritioned them. I hope you anons enjoyed and if you've had any recent games I'd love to hear about them too.
Synapse should be 12'' base, with Hive Tyrant/Swarmlord getting 24''
Yeah, but they are either rare or suck.
Power from pain and combat drugs are still pretty dandy, plus a lot of their special weapons got a bit more umph

The full rules have been leaked for the better part of a week now - thank you though.
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>not only did units get buffed but the CORE RULES themselves buffed your army
FeelsGoodMan, now go play Nurgle/Slaanesh
If I ever play Ultrasmurfs these will be the models I use for the honor guard.
>mfw I realize all the people complaining about the new rules are probably operating on this level of autism
Simulation-like realism does not make for a good minature war game.
Sounds about right
I just wanted to make sure /tg/ wasnt imploding with conclusions like AoS
What do you mean? they're great

Oh it still is - the amount of 'non reading' that is occurring is unreal. I've seen so many people saying things over the past few days and just not even bothering to read the rules its unreal.
>Except it is? Hordes have more efficient wound-to-point ratio, so you need weapons that is better when dealing with them, as other weapons are comparatively weaker than they are elsewhere.
Centurions are able to kill an equal number of points worth of most every hoarde unit while not dying, so I don't think the fact that they have worse wound-to-point ratio is that big of a concern. While centurions may have 9 wounds to most hoards units 90+ wounds, they're T:5 and 2+ means most every hoard unit will take multiple turns to kill just one, while centurions can mow them down in droves. Sure they may be "comparatively weaker elsewhere," but the number of situations when a list will have both a large amount fo hordes and MEQ is so rare that the "elsewhere" won't be a factor most games.
Relatively cheap, high AP and S guns with a lot of dakka that ignores cover on a durable platform is the very essence of anti-hordes for marines now, without flamers there aren't many better options.
Sure, there may be units for the job, like twin ass cannon razorbacks, but so far in the games of 8th I've played gravcents have definitely proven to be more than capable of dealing with hoardes, esspecialy if you pair them with sniper scouts to take out commisars, synapse units and such.
What the hell is that circular green thing?
Do you want Tyranids or Death Guard and Primaris better?
An ancient relic from long ago.
It can work in skirmish level games. But imagine that 40k currently with things like ork armies with around 100 models still had facings on infantry and such
its kind of the same deal with gundrones vs burst cannons on a hammerhead. why take burst cannons when gun drones do everything they do but with extra utility and for a lower cost.

this happens every edition, hopefully gws promise of a more living rule set will be true.
Yes. This tiny synapse shit is ridiculous
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>Hoard unit

gets me every time
Craftworlds? Yeah, those should be Ynnari.

Harlies? No reason not to since they can't even make a legal detachment without some other Eldar bullshit.

Haemy Covens? Can't be Ynnari ever, so those will stay out of it for sure.

Other Deldar? Well, they play fast and bloody rocket ping pong, so giving their units a bonus whenever anything dies is fantastic.
It's really a difficult situation
I want to bolster my swarm, but i also want to start a second army and get the new brb
I had a hunch
Our facebook groups are devolving rapidly into troglodyte shit slinging warfare and usually thats in result of /tg/ doing it first
Plus I havent been here in ages and just wanted to be that dude for once
Tzeentch daemons literally play like poor mans Orks now
Take a look at the stock price Alan Greenspan, you're a bit out of date.
New detachments can totally allow an all harly list dude
Not when you can take it more reliably and more units than you can shake your fist at provide it. Tyranids have always held your positioning as highly important

How can Harlequins not make a legal detachment? They have HQs and Troops.

> they can't even make a legal detachment without some other Eldar bullshit

But that's fucking wrong.

Do you bother looking at their financial reports or anything? They doubled their operating profit from last year.
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Do we have rules for the Death Guard yet?
>in tight with my lgs manager
literally every manager I know is letting their store read all the books and play the intro, what gulag GW do you go to that only lets select people read the rules?
Not much changed
Fnp is now "disgustingly resilient" its a good 5+
Loaded with plague weapons that allow rerolling 1's to wound
Who is this painter called?

I keep seeing that spider symbol in amazingly painted models, but can never find who is it.
Gathering storm and warzone fenris actually picked up 40k sales quite a bit.
Anyone know when the forgeworld index comes out? I love the thought of one tank holding all my dudes so I'm hoping the Spartan isnt too costly
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And here was the Chaos death pile i think i pretty much had double the casualties at about 100+ models.
I dunno about the rest of the Primaris marines, but the Inceptors seem kinda hilarious for SURPRISE DAKKA deepstriking shenanigans. I'm at work and thus don't have immediate access to the indexes, how are they points-wise?
>talking about GW finances when you clearly know nothing about GW's finances

I think the GW hating crowd never checks any facts. That only gets in the way of their doomsday speeches of how GW is going to implode any moment now, really, for honest this time.
I dont go to a gw, thats why I said lgs
That said the local gw's are reportedly only ever breaking out the rules to sell shit, hence the pandamonium
First link in the OP you retarded troglodyte, how do people as dense as you even figure out how to breathe?
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just started my 2nd read through the fulgrim novel. why is he the easily best primarch?
It's literally already caused a dramatic change in their fortunes as far as anyone who cares about business and money more than your opinions on plastic soldiers you fucking idiot. How do you people think you're entitled to give your opinions on anything?
Is this actually true? Could I possibly rely on a tervigon giving wounds back to a unit with a 6+ save instead of relying on a summoning pool? Let alone relying on only resurrecting the models I decide to give a 4 point weapon on a 6+ model? Would I send the termagaunts with the trygon? Three tyrant guard is the minimum in the unit and are essentially extra wounds for my Swarmlord.
Because he's just that hawt
Had a better story for his fall from grace than any of the others
I wish emps children were as hyped as the death guard man
Pretty expensive, around 50 points each
They're 75 points each
Come on anon, clearly GW is failing despite a 13% increase in sales at constant currency and a stock which just keeps rising.
Anyone who says otherwise is just a redshirt shill :^)

All the Primaris Marine units are pricey. Inceptors are 45ppm before wargear.
Did you feel like vehicles are underpowered in this edition?
Can't wait to convert these models into Primaris marines.
Because he's a huge cunt but he owns and revels in it instead of being a brooding pussy like his brothers.
New to the hobby side of 40k. Always read the books and played the games but never got to try out the TT but I think with 8th that will change. DG have always been my fav so certainly going with them. Tier wise, how are they? I'm rather new to the rules so its hard for me to tell. I dont want them to be shit or top tier, just a fun army to play when my friends and I get together.
Wish i knew, hes great.
>When you get blown the fuck out by everyone ITT in the space of five minutes
Bloody hell, I think I'm going to stick with my Noise Marines
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They'll be rather good, I'd say, they've been the consecutive best chaos marine faction for the last few editions thanks to being tough as nails.
It's kind of hard to determine true tiers right now though, few people have managed to get in a lot of games with the new rules.

>Had a better story for his fall from grace than any of the others

Magnus, though.

Reminder that Magnus Done Nothing Wrong.
They seem pretty solid so far - like everyone they don't have their own codex yet, but they are tough as nails and have sexy new models to boot.

For given values of "sexy", I suppose, but /tg is barely distinguishable from /d anyway
Theyre great and really always have been just because they're "just good enough" competetively, and "just different enough" when it comes to shits n giggles play
I've played dg since 3rd and I honestly think they're better than ever
I probably would invest in more full fledged plague marines than the starter will give you though, plop their fat greasy asses on an objective and watch the stupid ensue
>8th launching soon
>Still can't decide on Admech or stick with nids
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Really excited to start playing if that is the case. I fucking love the lore behind them and all Nurgle things honestly. Correct me if I am wrong, but isnt their lore and tactics kind of a nod to central powers during WW1? As in gas shit and mass infantry tactics? Also have a full size pic.
like he said, he had a better story...magnus is shite
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The unit does have 18 heavy bolter shots at 18'' for 225. But only 6 wounds seems rather fragile for the amount of points.
True facts
Magnus and Fulgrim could have been easily prevented from their fall, but I think thats the main thing that makes both the more tragic stories of the Heresy, what with the TS effectively committing mass suicide and the EC becoming rebellious groupies
Thanks for the batrep GAA, may your success continue into 8th.
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>tfw Orks aren't Ork tier
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>MFW Tau is the new Ork tier
Have both, played a bunch of games using the new rules.
Go with Nids, they're really good now while AdMech took a massive nerf bat to the face.
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>tfw nids are top tier
They are, but Ork tier is the top tier now.
I have had to many impure thoughts about nids while looking at this picture. help me brothers

Yeah I knew coven were out, kinda shocked Lelith is allowed (and takes drugs now, wtf). Reavers are kinda expensive now but I'm planning on running a lot of Hellions and Scourges to back up my cult so maybe it'll be worth it.
Ehhh i wish they'd do something for armor facing in 8th and give blast weapons a little buff but that's my main complaint.
>reminder that orks are incredibly ork tier
>reminder that the charging unit always attacks first
>reminder that orks can advance and charge
>reminder that mob rule and such make them fearsome in cc
>reminder that ork vehicles are batshit crazy now
What rules did you read?

Where does it say Orks can advance and charge? People keep saying this but the only place I can find it is a Ghazgul special rule.
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our doors are still open for you.

Yeah I like that I can choose drugs (they don't lose that from Ynnari) it's just how much more useful the power from pain is than strength from death.
He's saying Orks not being Ork tier, aka shit in 7th, is good
He doesn't put much stock in blasphemy though.
He's already determined that they're the future.
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>Gaunt tits

Warboss special rule.
Tears of joy mate.
I didn't ask for you i asked for help from someone who is willing to help me purge this plague from my system
Warboss standard aura buff.

Gotcha so you still have to be within range of a character to do it. That makes sense.
>She is a phenomenal character and will be seen in nearly every Adepta Sororitas collection.
woah so this is balance
What the hell is that pony thing?
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This is truer than ever.
Looks like you need Necrons.
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seeker of slaanesh
Huh, until you showed me that, I didn't notice the body wrapped around the marine in the original image.
It just looked like some kind of floating pony head thing.
can I put my eldar in Deldar raiders now? Can I put my rangers in there and fire out now?


No - transports are explicit in what they can carry.
no, transport list what factions they can transports.

carried troops count as moving like the transports now for rules.

"Can contain 5/10 models with the Drukhari or Incubi tags" Ynarri supercede this with a special rule but only the HQ models
That is pretty lewd
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Can I, for example, have 4 plasma guns in a unit of 10 Tempestus Scions?
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Does liking Orkz make me anti-semitic?


Speaking of that, I had a bit of an argument over all the special rules that characters give to models within X" of them:
That buff also applies to the model that gives it right? Like a warboss can advance and charge, captians always reroll 1s, Guilliman can reroll all to hit and to wound, magnus rerolls invul saves of one and so on, right?
My mate argued that it only applies to models that aren't the character, but it seems to me, seeing as these characters all have the keyword that they affect, and they are always within X" of themselves, they always get the bonus.

Whose right /tg/? Am I an idiot or what?
It literally says in the rules that characters are inside their own aura.
You're right, and there's literally a whole fucking sidepanel in the core rules that explicitly spells it out to. Tell your friend he's a dumbass.

I will be playing it as they give themselves the buff until explicitly FAQ'D otherwise as they're in the 6" bubble they create with the tag
So, what would be the best way to run World Eaters in 8th? While Rhino rush is technically possible, transports are quite expensive now. Since Berzerkers got a significant price decrease, wouldn't it make more sense to run several 20man hordes supported by Defilers and Helbrutes?

Tell your mate to read the rulebook where it states in no uncertain terms characters benefit from their own auras.
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>Morty get the *burp* fucking bolter

Try reading the rulebook, which specifically covers this.
I'll take some necron booty.

There is 0 chance it will be FAQ'd because its in the rules - explicitly that they benefit from their own aura.

Have you got a kitchen table? Set them up on the longest deployment line against a bunch of your other models and see how far they get without the Rhinos and then with the rhinos.
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18 Catachan Mortar teams with 3 Company Commanders and Sergeant Harker, giving out 18d6 (60-70) str 4 shots anywhere on the board rerolling 1's on both to hit and to wound.

All in around 340 points

What do you reckon lads?
>There is 0 chance it will be FAQ'd because its in the rules - explicitly that they benefit from their own aura.

Awesome I thought might be the case, not read through all the rules yet
That show looks so fucking cancerous and any references to it also seem cringe. Maybe I'm just too old and cynical to enjoy things anymore though.
Ridiculous. I'm trying to get my heavy weapons all set up right now. I have 6 Lascannon teams, 3 Autocannon teams, 3 Missile Launcher teams and 2 Mortar teams.

What do I need more of?

Also fuck yes I am using Harker too. Harker and Straken together as well as Priests.
Oops, I meant 6 Mortar Teams. Was thinking 2 squads of 3.
Actually I just stole this meme form my twitter TL because made me jiggle, I'm not a big fan either
That for the same points you could have taken 4 taurox prime with gatling giving you 112 bs 3+ str 4 shots of wich 32 with -2 ap
>KFF now only works on orks
That is wonderful! One day we will reach the true balance paradise. But for now i will take 2 of the weakest armies of last ed being strong.
Good to know I was right.
It did strike me as odd the idea that guilliman might be able to make his own men reroll to hit and to wound but for some reason can't do that for himself.
>le cringe
Nice reddit terminology there bud.
BUUUTTTT remember your unit has to be completely within the 9"
I plan to use one or two vehicles as LOS blocks for commisars, officers and priests so they don't get dicked on by snipers as the horde advances forwards. I don't know which to go for though, demolishers with heavy flamer sponsons to ruin anyone who charges the front line seems ideal, but it's a bit points pricey.

I don't know what KFF is but if it's like other aura buffs they state friendly units not models, so only 1 model of the unit needs to be in it to get the buff, no? Meaning you can conga line a few models back in a hoard so that the front line gets the buff in a combat for example
Not nearly as big a deal as what, due to templates going so there's very little downside to packing your men as densely as possible
Sadly, the KFF specifies that the unit has to be "entirely" within the 9" range.
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Well the Rhinos are of course faster, but too expensive to spam and will be going down fast if focus fired. Now that armor saves are buffed and zerkers only 16ppm (free basic gear), 4 20-man squads could possibly make it across the table if long range support is able to deal with any anti-horde or mass firepower the enemy answers with.

This is all hypothetical of course.
How many bezerkers do you get per rhino?
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Forge World makes some fucking great models.

I'm planning on using these fellas as my TH/SS terminators.
10 only I think.
>the very concept of secondhand embarrassment or discomfort when faced with intolerable stimuli is now reddit tier
I think you need to hop off the internet for a bit kid. Also Rick & Morty does indeed seem to be some pretty reddit tier shit, and it isn't helped by the fact that Justin Roiland is a massive faggot and every time somebody links me to his shit it's exactly what I thought it would be.

But on the other hand, some pretty alright dudes I've spoken to said it was good and the bad rap from memes is unfair.

I don't know what is true, but I also don't want to watch a cartoon to find out.
If you're getting 20 for the price of 10 and a rhino, it's probably worth going for 20. You probably eat one more round of shooting, but dedicated anti-tank fire only killing one marine probably makes it worth it.
>"new" lore!
>space marines win
>guillimann wins
>guillimann wins again!
>space marines win again!
>chaos lose
>chaos lose everything they gained in the gathering storm (and more)
>imperium no longer on the verge of collapse
>did I mention space marines beat everything in their path once again?
Anyone here have experience making Vets with Scion heads? I don't know a clean way to take off the same amount of neck and back of the head on each figure and I know it'll bug me if I fuck it up.
>being an NPC faction
haha you deserve everything you get
eat shit faggot

Stop spamming this in every thread.
The eye of the storm.

Good guys win? Really?
>Tell your mate to read the rulebook where it states in no uncertain terms characters benefit from their own auras.
Except for Warbosses on bikes.

GW REALLY hated Ork bikes this edition.
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>chaos got demoted from jobber tier to NPC tier and is now hanging out with Orks Guard and Nids
That's what I was thinking. Lascannons are VERY good now, and considering the loss of mobility as wounds go down they could well end up being useless in a single turn.

In contrast, a large horde of power armored guys is not only cheaper, but starts inflicting casualties sooner due to bolt pistiols. Enemy artillery and mass infantry firepower are my only real concerns here. I'm toying with the idea of Forgefiends to soften up gunlines and a Heldrake to snipe anything too out of reach.
They're moving 14" and got extra wounds for their trouble. I don't think they actually lose that much by not being able to advance and charge. Especially since they still have double Deffguns.

A Warboss on a bike could still keep up with Stormboyz to buff them, for example
Slaanesh has some cute puppies
Fair enough. I really enjoy it personally. but YMMV. One of the episodes ends with Morty going into shock after burying his own bloody mangled corpse, so if that's the kind of thing you'd find morbidly funny then you'll probably like it.
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That's like saying the sith in Star Wars are NPCs. But even if we were, that doesn't excuse shit writing. The Reapers from Mass Effect were the definition of NPCs and they were curbstomping the Council races every time they fucked up, and sometimes even when they didn't. It made the story unpredictable and thus exciting, you were genuinely concerned about your chances of winning and there was an actual sense of doom beyond a few paragraphs of meaningless exposition.

>the good guys winning every single time ever is a totally well written and not repetitive story that totally doesn't get predictable after the 3rd time!
Kill yourself
>since 6th I was running rhino rush
>many vehicles have doubled and some even tripled in points cost


Go cry somewhere else about it. You should be used to it by now, its not new. If it is that bothersome for you 40k probably isn't the hobby for you.
>The Reapers from Mass Effect were the definition of NPCs and they were curbstomping the Council races every time they fucked up, and sometimes even when they didn't.
so they were winning for a bit, but then it turned around and they lost.

It's almost like if Chaos were winning for a bit, and pushing close to defeating the imperium, but then at the end things turn around and Chaos lost.
anon, it's a childrens wargame for a western audience.

Good guys always win and the underdog always triumphs and gets the girl while the bad guy yells curses into the wind

If you want to see good get trumped by evil go read some Japanese shit, they really know how to make sure there are no winners in the end

I'm 100% serious, some of their shit is insanely depressing and dark
Speaking of Orks are people giving their free unit Nobs big choppas or power claws?
what would a khorne berzerker assault look like in a movie
pls. rhinos used to be shitty and 50 points a pop
To be fair, before the new fluff at least, any imperial victory against tyranids was at the cost of countless lives and more along the lines of surviving the black death, sure you didn't die but damn near everyone else did and you didn't actually defeat the thing in the first place
>their free units

has the new fluff actually changed this?
or are you saying the sky is falling because an acorn hit your head?
Unit champions are free so every single Ork unit gets a free Nob.
>oy vey just accept it like a good cuck goy
Nah fuck you mate.

Not really, they won several important battles including cutting off and essentially conquering Earth, wiping out the Batarian Hegemony, completely purging the Asari homeworld from all life and winning almost every single fleet battle through simply outclassing the enemy.

What has Chaos accomplished in comparison?

>'i got btfo in every single respect and lost nearly all my troops but lmao secret objective so i win!'
Repeat ad nauseum. Though ever single Guilliman woke up, not even the secret objective shit is still a thing, we just straight up lose to the 'protagonist' Mary Sues.
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>has the fluff actually changes this?
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Made a rough draft of a imperial list, with stuff that looked cool to me and sound pretty good
Would the enemy just laugh me off the board or would I have a chance to have fun with a list somewhere along these lines?

>Somewhere around 1500pts imperiumboys, 8 command points

Brigade Detachment +9CP


Tempestor Prime
Power Sword, Tempestus Command Rod

Lord Comissar
Power Sword, Plasma Pistol

Primaris Psyker
laspistol, force stave


Militarum Tempestus Command Squad
Vox-caster, medi-pack

Power Sword, Plasma Pistol



10 Militarum Tempestus Scions
Plasma gun, plasma gun, plasma gun, plasma gun

5 Militarum Tempestus Scions
Hot-shot volley gun, melta gun

5 Militarum Tempestus Scions
Hot-shot volley gun, melta gun

5 Militarum Tempestus Scions
Hot-shot volley gun

5 Militarum Tempestus Scions
Plasma gun, plasma gun

5 Militarum Tempestus Scions
Grenade Launcher, grenade launcher

--Heavy Support--

1 Heavy Weapons Squad
Lascannon, lascannon, lascannon

1 Heavy Weapons Squad
Autocannon, autocannon, autocannon

1 Heavy Weapons Squad
Missile launcher, missile launcher, missile launcher

--Fast Attack--

1 Armoured Sentinel
Heavy flamer

1 Armoured Sentinel
Plasma cannon

1 Armoured Sentinel
Plasma cannon


Taurox Prime
Taurox gatling cannon, heavy stubber

Taurox Prime
Taurox gatling cannon

Auxiliary Support Detachment -1CP
5 Custodian Guard

Please leave the hobby. Your whining is useless - ultimately you'd be better off as would the rest of the community if you found something else to focus your attention on.
don't say that about your mother she's not an ork unit
No the fluff is mostly the same, it just all happens in one paragraph on a side blurb
I'm just angry about tau out adapting the most adaptable fleet
>s-stop calling out bad writing goy! you're driving away my she-i mean customers!
Haha get fucked shill.
>stop caring about the hobby and just accept every change with a smile
So wait what happened in Dark Imperium that i missed?
>1 Armoured Sentinel
>Heavy flamer
>1 Armoured Sentinel
>Plasma cannon
>1 Armoured Sentinel
>Plasma cannon

Seriously - the sooner you are out the hobby the better it will be for everyone yourself included.
calling out bad writing, or complaining that the bad writing isn't having your personal favorite win?

What other option do you have? Fucking whine about it on an image board? The only way you're going to convince GW to make a change to to stop purchasing and spend your dollars elsewhere.

If you hate it - don't buy it. Buying it while grumbling is a meaningless gesture.
just had to fill in the fast attack category so that I can meet the detachment requirements for the +9 command points
I was thinking I might do rough riders instead?
oh i see

maybe don't do rough riders yet unless you got some already
>'we listen to your feedback, your opinion matters' They keep claiming this edition relied on feedback, so bitching on the internet supposedly works :^)

If you'd like a circlejerk go to r/warhammer

Posting on a mongolian goat herding forum isn't going to make it GW's ears buddy.
100% seriously, this >>53617074

GW is going to be looking at their facebook page and official forums for actual complaints. If you want to bitch, bitch there.
I do.
I also it here :^)
So, ignoring the blatant troll-feeding going on...

What do anons think of Helbrutes now?
Make it a Scout Sentinel if you're going to give it a heavy flamer. That 9 inch move at the start can help.
>bad guys win at everything and rule for millennia in AOS
>good writing, it's only right and proper that chaos destroyed the world

>good guys win what might be a temporary victory in 40k
Why don't you just shove the custodians into the brigade, they share the keyword Imperium so can be in the same detachment if I understand correctly, which I may well not granted.
Different anon here.

As someone who thinks Rick & Morty is actually a brilliant fucking show - you just made the most reddit tier post I've seen on this board in ages. You are literally one of those people that give it that bad reputation.
Heck, just give em all heavy flamers and chainsaws.
You only have one vox caster, seems pretty useless by himself.
it's not good writing that sigmar decides to make marines outta thin air
if that's how it works then I'll do that, but I assumed I needed to keep detachments more in line with their respective factions and thats why I made them separate?
Good point, I may do that
I kinda like the thought of having a few plasma cannons but I might do that as well provided it doesn't cost me too many points in the end
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I don't play IG so I really don't know all that well how that stuff works or what it does desu
I'm a fantasyfag
from what i know if you share a keyword you can ally

like aeldari and imperium
The indomitus crusade was over in little more than 100 years with all Chaos gains reversed. Cawl is already working on new, improved pylons that will close the Cicatrix Maledictum.

>p-please leave goy my shekels depend on it
Top kek I will continue to call out your employers for as long as I like. You can tell to GW directly, mr shill.

Bad writing. At no point have I called for CSM to win the setting. I just want a few major battles where we are the undisputable winners just to hype up the threat. See Siege of Vraks. See Sabbat Worlds Crusade. Fuck, even the fucking Horus Heresy.

>inb4 cadia
Blowing up a planet with meteors after getting hilariously btfo on the ground to such a degree even Abbadon got wounded by a fucking depowered girl is hardly a victory, specially were the fragments of the planet have appartenly survived with their defenders and an entire crusade was launched to reclaim them (which will almost surely suceed and you know it).
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Im planning on forming a new army based on the Fists Exemplar and am thinking about adding in a Imperial Knight, what house would be a good fit?

Also I must say Knight Wardens look like they are by far the best?
Great but overcosted. A Carnifex can do mostly the same thing for 30 points less.
Hmm wait so we are now in the 41st millennium?
why aren't you taking a defiler instead?
not him but like 200 years maybe?
Not to stir the whiners back up but really, the major problem and possibly only problem with the lore right now isn't what happens, it's how it's described. The execution is completely rushed and it's merely told to us in a boring, matter-of-fact manner, rather than shown, outside of a few tiny-scale comic book hero vs hero engagements that should be effectively meaningless in the galactic scale.

The writers need to slow the fuck down, and go into detail on the multitudes of THOUSANDS of implied but always unexplored battles happening around the Big Damn Heroes that don't have any named power-wank assholes at the helm.
we're in the 42nd millenium
in the grim darkness of the far future special guys are really fucking special. get over it

Nongendered. Eldar come across as too feminine, SOB too obvious. Tyranids aren't a sausage fest, and qualify as "cute" if you're touched in the head.
>3 boxes of Stormboyz
>1 box of lootas
>5 boxes of mekguns and trukks (to make 15 guns overall)
>1 battlewagon
>2 boxes of kans

something like this
Well vox now means if an officer is within 3 inches of someone with a vox, they can issue an order to someone 18 inches away if the squad they are ordering has a vox as well. Which is actually how radios are supposed to work unlike the "makes them more likely to hear if within shouting range" it used too. But regardless, a vox caster does nothing unless you have another vox caster to recieve the signal.
Not even close. Helbrutes are way better than Carnifexes, it's actually enraging. If Carnifexes weren't 30 points cheaper they would be fucking worthless and I'm still not convinced they aren't.
That's not how it works faggot.
I honestly have no problem with the Leviathan tendril at baal being defeated after consuming the entire sector, i do have a problem with "and then there wuz starz and guilliman and shiet and all the bugs died after some fights, also there are some skulls on the moon"
It's just shit writing
Distraction carnifex is no longer a meme, it's their real purpose now. A slab of muscle and bone and teeth churned out by the hundreds to plow through missiles and lascannons.
but it dooo
>Carnifexes aren't absolutely competitive reeeEeeeeewwEEEEEEEEEEEE
House Hawkshroud is a nice ImpFists yellow and has strong ties to the Imperium IIRC, and you're right that Warden is best GW knight because all the blast weapons have become massively ineffectual. The Cerastus variants will probably fare a sight better, though, so supplement your Warden with those if you want more. I know I will.

On a completely unrelated note, FUCK trying to paint Leadbelcher on Sicarians. Spindly bastards have a thousand details and it's always either too thick or too thin. Ima just spray the squad tomorrow instead of trying to paint the other two. Looking forward to the Kastelans and Destroyers, they have less fiddly bitz.
Yeah but when it makes contact with an enemy strongpoint it's supposed to rip it the fuck open. Things that aren't threats, aren't distractions.
why would I field Havocs with either
a) Bolters (their default equipment)
b) Chain Swords
instead of as many fucking heavy weapons as I can get?
Because all my standard slots are full and I require even more normal CSMs? Why?
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>foolish blood angels, only I khorne am allowed to kill you!

fair enough. but 3+/5++ and regeneration is very tempting
The point of this edition was that everything was supposed to be viable so you had no more mono-lists and auto-takes and things that never left the shelf because they were garbage. Carnifexes killing power is garbage. They're a heavy support that's outclassed by dreadnoughts and helbrutes in elites, when they're supposed to be the unit that touches those things and rips them limb from limb. They're supposed to be the vehicle-sized genestealer to the dreadnoughts vehicle-sized tactical marine, right now they're like the vehicle-sized gaunt instead.
Are you mad that they don't have a rule that states "4 havocs must change their bolters for either a heavy or special weapon" so you have to work out for yourself that it's better to equip them?
Ah okay, I thought I just needed one to boost it into an 18" radius, instead of needing another one to receive it
I'll fix that, thanks
With only 3 attacks at WS 4+ and M 7"... If you want a gun plataform take a Land Raider for precision or a Forgefiend for saturation.
Dreadnoughts are vehicle sized terminators. (or terminators are infantry sized dreadnoughts from "tactical dreadnought armour"). Stealers vs terminators is a classic match up that isn't supposed to be one sided.
I feel like they have *just* enough self-awareness to know that 'Better Marines vs Khornates' would make the AoS comparisons even more insufferable.
Which is, like, a major step forward.
It's tough, do not recommend
Okay, help me see where you're coming from, because I can't quite see it.

Let's take an example build to compare: Twin Heavy Bolter and a Power Scourge for the Helbrute. That's 135 points.

The closest equivalent for the Carnifex is 2 Deathspitters, Scything Talons and the mandatory Thresher Scythe. 108 points.

The guns are more or less the same. 6 shots, AP-1, D1. Difference being the Brute hits on 3+, the Carnifex has 2 higher Strength on the guns.

The Scourge is powerful thanks to having 7 attacks with AP-2 D2, but it kinda loses out when targeting anything but heavy infantry since the Hammer wrecks tanks and buildings better. Oh, and it's really expensive at 43 points.
The Carnifex has his Talons for elite infantry and tanks, while the Thresher Scythe shreds through light infantry in droves.

Their defensive stats are also precisely the same at T7 W8 Sv3+

In the end, the only thing I can see that the Brute is better at is the Crazed rule giving it out-of-turn shooting or punching and that only gives the opponent an incentive to wreck it as fast as possible.

What am I missing? Honest question.
gotta be honest, i can't stand land raiders and i already have 2 defilers
A quad-Deathspitter fex is fantastic for its cost, mate. It just isn't the gigantic super-monster it used to be. And guess what, that's alright. Because the Carnifex isn't supposed to be both tougher and stronger than the literally twice-as-big Tyrannofex and Haruspex.

Because the old Distraction Carnifex? That's the Haruspex now. Slow, plodding, tough as fuck and you REALLY don't want it anywhere near your infantry.
You're right, Terminators is definitely the more appropriate analogue for Dreadnoughts, my bad. But Dreads vs Carnifexes IS one-sided right now, Dreads are doing what they're supposed to do but Carnifexes are not. The closest I can figure is that we're meant to use Trygons as anti-Dread instead, but Trygons are supposed to be our answer to Imperial Knights, and they can't really do that either (although at least they're costed appropriately). It just seems like the whole size-to-power scaling for Tyranids was fucked and we were left with the "just outnumber them because you cost less points!" meme.

Maybe I just need to play some games first and see how it goes, but the numbers look really really troubling. I think I'm mostly just mad we don't have the biomorph options to be able to scale up more power for more points in less guys. If Carnifexes could buy their WS to a 3+ without needing to run a fucking unique special character, and buy their strength back up to 7, they'd be wonderful
I'm just saying. Defilers are objectively worse in this edition, they have less options and cost more.
Playing my first 1000 point 8th game on wednesday! Guard VS Dark Eldar!

Interestingly our lists cost 925 (IG) and 1097 (DE) in 7th, kinda highlights the levelling of the playing field. Wish me luck!
>bad guys win at everything and rule for millennia in AOS
>good writing, it's only right and proper that chaos destroyed the world
....Said no one ever?
Report back on how it goes, sounds like a neat match up
>1097 (DE)
What the fuck that nigger to drop 98 points from his list
eh, I guess they changed the default weapon from heavy bolter (30k) to bolter (40k) because CSMs, weapons and ammo are sparse.

I'm that nigger, 8th edition points come out at 1000/1000 but the same list in 7th was 1097.
I keep kinda hoping that what we're implying is that Warp-fuckery meant that, by the time it all cleared out, a good hundred years had passed, rather than 'yes one demon ate a whole fleet and, in the time it takes to tell you we're separating the Empire into 'bright' and 'dark', Gully crossed the whole distance making it a moot point.'
Talking about how different things are on either side of the rift, and then immediately walking it back, was even worse then the whole 'Cadia go boom - oh wait, it's still there!'
I currently only have a single 10 man tactical squad. Should I just continue buying normal marines or will they stop selling them and only have Primaris marines?

Should I make my army out of manlet marines still or just wait for new Primaris kits to come out?
Ahh Im retarded and misread. I thought you said you were playing a 1k game and someones list was that.

Disregard me
Carnifexes with one set of talons are making 4 attacks, hitting on 4's re-rolling 1's, which is halfway between hitting on 4's and hitting on 3's, and wound a toughness 7 helbrute on 5's. It does average 1.94 Wounds to the Helbrute after t-shirt saves. It never gets to use the thresher which it was forced to pay 7 points for, and by the way that thing only does slightly better against light infantry and when it's being used against the infantry the Carnifex isn't gaining any benefit from the talons it paid 14-20 points for.

Helbrute with Scourge is making 7 attacks hitting on 3's, Wounding on 3's, for average 4.14 Wounds on the Carnifex after saves. If it has the fist instead, it does 4.44. Its fist is actually useful because it doesn't give a -1 to hit like the Crushing Claws on a fex, and it has all the same stats otherwise, while being on a better platform - granted it does cost more points, but at least it's a useful option.

Also a Helbrute has Move 8", while a fex is Move 7" and needs another 5 point upgrade to make up the difference with adrenal glands.

All in all they're cheaper than the things that beat them but the way the weapons work for a fex is just extremely frustrating.
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This is my list for >>53612929

Other than not having paint, what do you think?
I've crunched the numbers on the Haruspex, it's even worse than the fex for cost. Much better always to just run 3 fexes instead, and they're already not super great against infantry.

I'm really struggling to find roles for some of these Monstrous Creatures now.
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Because you need bullet-catchers / melee bodyguards for your heavy weapon guys, but squads larger than minimum size are a bad idea in 8th unless you have some special rule and one heavy weapon per five is a bit underwhelming? Basically, so you can have five marines with 2-3 specials.
>or will they stop selling them
Doubt it. Marines are a HUGE cash cow for GW, and can't see them shooting that golden goose (if you'll forgive the mixed metaphors). Despite what the internet thinks, GW aren't stupid, they do have a certain animal cunning when it comes to getting money out of customers, and keeping their best-selling line on the shelves meets that criteria.
The main problem I have with the Fex is that it's WS 4+ and the Crushing Claw behaves like a powerfist for another -1 to hit.

None of the Dreadnoughts are dealing with that with their powerfist equivalents, and have higher WS baseline to boot.

Yeah, you give a Carnifex some deathspitters and keep it cheap and it'll slice up infantry pretty well for not a lot of points, but if you actually try and kit it out for eating tanks it can't do so.

I'm fine if those anti-tank upgrades means it needs to cost more, but it needs to be an option.
>buying manlets
I mean won't they just phase out the old marine models as they make new wargear available for the Primarines?
God, don't use the leadbelcher spray. It came out grainy as fuck on my infiltrators.

Just paint them black and then give them a lot of drybrushing. Generally looks better and that dark look works fine of the creepy, spindly cyborgs anyway.
just bring OOE, he's basically a better carnifex in every possible way and he hands out a +1 to hit for nearby carnifexes.
Does anyone else struggle with list building because they want to put in all their favorite models and units but can't properly balance the army list or don't have enough points?
Setting aside for the moment all of the /fit/ memes, does any of the new art reflect a giant difference between Primaris and non-Primaris marines? I remember at least one person remarking that the Primaris are far closer to the marines as they tend to be drawn then the older models
Again, strongly doubt it. Why would they, when those kits bring them a lot of money?
Well yeah, trying to fit everything you want in whilst still covering all the bases and within the points limit is sort of the point of listbuilding.
This is what I'm trying to say exactly.

The problem isn't really the fex, I think, the problem is the weapons. Scything Talons should be +1 to hit and Crushing Claws no penalty, and any two melee weapons on the fex should give +1 attack instead of needed to have two talons, so that talons/claws actually does something. And the mandatory shitty tail weapons that are either never used or give us effectively -1 attack for the privilege of paying two points for them :^), THAT SHIT needs to go be shot under an overpass and left to rot.
But he's a unique character.

The issue is that all Carnifexes should have the exact profile of Old One Eye other than the exploding attacks special rule, for the same 140 points he costs, and Old One Eye should be even scarier with a D3 regeneration per turn instead of 1, at 200+ points.
It's too stressful. I can't fit in everything I want ever and it's frustrating.
Yeah. When I saw the profile of a Chainsword, I figured the Tail weapons were going to be phrased the same way, so that you got X extra attacks with the tail whenever you fought.

Right now the loadout options for a Carnifex are really messy and none of them feel right, and the only solution is what >>53617990 said, to bring the special character carnifex that has better weapon skill and enough attacks to overcome these basic problems
Play at larger game sizes.
I mean, I understand the frustration with the Crushing Claws, but for most situations the Scything Talons are perfectly fine. S6 does just fine against most things. And most of the things where S12 is useful are fortifications, which you hit automatically anyway so the -1 To Hit doesn't matter much.

And if you want a tank-killer you can just take the Haruspex as it has S14 without To Hit penalty.
Pretty much the reason why I started playing AoS. Because there aren't so many different unit roles to put in your army you can focus more on what models you like.

And now I struggle with incorporating Primarines and Custodes into the same army because damn it, that's what I wanna play.
My lgs is hosting a "learning" game night on Wednesday, the guy who's running it just got the books on Friday, I've had them since we got the scans. Should I speak up and correct him if he makes mistakes or should I pretend I haven't had them early?
Well Fulgrim's rise and fall is pretty much shoved into one novel, he actually kills a Primarch Brother and not just that but his best bro, he also is unforgiving in his descent into badness

You see almost every other Chaos/Traitor Primarch has a "tragic" fall where they get tricked into becoming evil, Fulgrim for the most part accepts his change of heart and mind fully and wholly. Making for a villain who actually gets shit done, and doesn't cry and whine about his fate.

TLDR; ironically pretty much all the traitor primarchs are whiny bitches compared to Fulgrim
It's so hard. Right now I just want too many things for my Guard. I want all these characters and different types of units, but I also want the cheap heavy weapon spam and artillery but also Lemans. It's just too much so I miss out on redundancy which I also love.
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you should approach him before-hand instead of being a smart-ass know it all

It's not fine. Hitting on 4s and wounding on 5s is a joke if you're trying to even take out mid-sized stuff.

>If you want a tank-killer

I'll use the model I have that is well known for being a tank killer. I'm not asking to wreck titans here, and yet for some reason my dreadnought equivalent is the only one that can't even kill another dreadnought reliably
I still think Magnus can be pulled back to the light, for the most part he has nobody to hate other than Russ, and even that could be settled somehow I think.

If only both Magnus and Russ could learn the truth of Horus' trick he played on sicking the wolves on him, might give them both perspective.
It's fine against anything that's not equal size to the Carnifex. It sucks against T7+, while other DEQs (dreadnought equivalent units) don't have that problem, but this is particularly annoying because those other DEQs were originally generalist units meant to be sort of good at everything, while Carnifexes kitted for melee were supposed to be specialists that did one thing very very well, and that was ripping apart anything up to a Land Raider in one charge.

Pretty much the only way to make your points back on a Carnifex now is to charge it at Terminators or Crisis Suits or something of that nature.
literally everyone and their mother has looked at the scans, so yes tell em

GW hasn't even been that Nazi mode about burning the spots where you can get scans, took them days to take the first spot down
>If only both Magnus and Russ could learn the truth of Horus' trick
What? They both know.

Magnus was butthurt about it but eventually just got super pissed over Russ' willingness to butcher all of his children and all of the Nikaea nonsense

Magnus already knows, anon. So does Russ. And one that's so bound to the Chaos Gods that he's become the Daemon Prince of one is not going to be coming back to the other side.
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>Making for a villain who actually gets shit done
fuck yeah

I wouldn't be surprised if GW leaked it themselves at some point. I guess they want people to transition to 8e and now that the rules are out there saturating their playerbase it will smooth it over by that much.
Am I calculating this right?

For a single Lychguard with a Dispersion Shield and Hyperphase Sword it will cost me 37 fucking points?

Please tell me that's not ridiculous because it kinda looks like it is.
Yes let me take this 278 point Haruspex that struggles to kill a 70 point Rhino in less than three rounds of combat. Seems legit.

See, the thing that the nu-designers like Cruddace don't seem to get, is that Tyranids aren't fucking known for missing half their attacks in close combat. Nothing that has serious melee weapons should be WS 4+. If they want to start them out that way, and then tie the hit bonus to talons, so that bugs with all guns are only hitting on 4+ in CC, that's perfectly fine and makes sense, but a Haruspex or a Screamer-Killer should never be hitting on fucking 4's unless they're swinging at Harlequins or something.
Why can't Devastators have heavy flamers?
Or giving it four guns and siccing it after light infantry. Because the Thresher Scythe is a very good hoard clearer with 4-12 S4 attacks on average that have AP-1. And that's only after it pumped 12 shots into them. And with the new Fall Back rules, if you have two Fexes, you can just tag-team a unit to death: Shoot, charge, attack. Next turn, fall back, let the other fex shoot, charge, attack. Repeat until either the Fexes or the enemy unit is gone.
The Codex Astartes does not support it.
what le fuck is up with the taurox's secondary weapons
>Oh no, a T5 W2 with 3+/4++ and an AP-3 melee weapon actually costs more than ten points a model, what worthless fucking bullshit is this?!
Which is fine if you want a Dakkafex, but I don't want a dakkafex. I want to be able to give my giant bug monster his giant can-opener claw and open some cans
Don't model drunk.
I forgot what I was planing and just ended up putting all the guns on it. I could try poping it off, I want the gatling gun on it now anyway.
Carnifexes were iconic vehicle busters and now they struggle with fucking Rhinos
>Because the Thresher Scythe is a very good hoard clearer with 4-12 S4 attacks on average that have AP-1
No its not, because it's on a fucking 100+ point WS 4+ model. Do you guys not do the math before you spout this dumb shit?

4d3 attacks, average 8, average 4 hits, average 2.6 Wounds, average 2 dead guardsmen after their 6+ modified save.

8 points of guardsmen killed for a 108ish point Carnifex. If it's in combat the whole game after a turn 1 miracle charge it still won't make it's points back.

So they can't kill light infantry, they can't scratch heavy vehicles, they can't even deal with medium vehicles or other dreadnought sized units, they have trap weapon options that are never ever worth taking and the only two good loadouts are either short-ranged or melee, and the only things they're good at killing are better dealt with by 5 warriors with upgraded weaponry putting out way more attacks while providing synapse, being better at capping objectives, benefiting from infantry rules, being more resilient to anti-tank weaponry, and so forth.

So what the fuck is the point of the Carnifex?
Yes, the Carnifex lost his Strength 9. And guess what, it should have lost that long ago. It was okay for a Carnifex to have capped-out Strength back when it was the only Tyranid monster aside from the Tyrant. It isn't anymore though. There are tons of other monsters that are way bigger and for three editions it's been bugging me that monsters that are literally twice the size of the Carnifex are a) less capable in melee and b) barely tougher. Yes, the Carnifex is now the runt of the litter of the Tyranid monster line-up, but look at the models and tell me it's not supposed to be that way.

Yes it sucks that the Carnifex has bad WS and got it's Strength lowered but it fits with the rest of the army now instead of having 3 extra points of Strength for no reason. Also, the Carnifex has always had horrible WS and hit pretty much everything on 4+. At least now when it charges it actually gets to hurt something before it gets a bad case of Power Axe to the face.

Oh no, transports aren't made of cardboard anymore.
But I want my Salamanders to have heavy flamers
are you retarded?
This. Carnifexes were THE iconic vehicle busters of the game, as Genestealers were THE iconic fast melee units of the game. Now they cannot do shit.

If a vehicle survives a singly turn of close combat with a melee-kitted Carnifex that got the charge it should be a fucking miracle. That's why screening units exist - melee is supposed to be more cost-effective than shooting because it's harder to pull off and has much easier counterplay for the opponent to block it. If X points of veterans with meltaguns can gank a transport in one turn of shooting then X points of Carnifex should EASILY do the same.
>Shockingly a model that paid 40 points for guns doesn't have impressive melee.
What I meant was the Scythe is a good horde cleaner for the 7 points it costs and when compared to the normal Fex statline.

Also you completely disregard it's charge rule and the fact that thanks to the fall back mechanic it can make a bunch of charges and shoot in between.
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