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Warhammer 40K general(40kg)

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When's Renegades and Heretics? Edition

>Warhammer 40k 8th Edition: "Leak" Compilation

>Lastest news :

>Your daily duncan
[YouTube] WHTV Tip of the Day - Transonic Blades. (embed)

>Rules and such. Use Readium on pc/iphone, lithium/kobo on android:

>40k rules reference in wiki format:

>Latest GW teases:

>Latest GW FAQs:

>8th edition FAQ:

Seriously though, when are we getting news for R&H?
First for Da Boyz
Have we gotten any Necron leakes besides Monolith and C'tan?
How fucked are csm this edition?
Dissapointed in shock prows. I wanted a power fist tied to the front of my raider.
Has their been any leaks for the GSC Goliath's?
Still waiting for Scarab Occult :(
Are scourges now one of the best units in the game?
Plastic Sisters soon.
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Has there been a Kharn/Khorne Berzerkers leak yet?
If you listen to the doomsayers they managed to beat Tau for lowest tier spot.

>Tyranids are great again
>Tau and Chaos got cucked

Holy shit Carnac is going to have an aneurysm

Can 8th get any more based??

But no, seriously, Chaos might be in a mediocre spot for now but they will also probably be one of the quickest Factions to get their Codex releases which should bring back Legion rules and fix the other things.
Yes https://m.imgur.com/a/ayv2c
So list of factions convinced they are the worst

Space Marines?
But I thought Carnac was a Necron player hence the name?
they get to attack twice in a turn

speaking of sisters that special character canoness is not available any more right?
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So I picked up a cheap AdMech Start Collecting box, what do you folks think is the safest option to assemble, Rangers or Vanguard?
i got it all sister
Berzerkers are neat

Kharn kind of blows
who here hype for 9th edition?
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Orks got their points. And they got fucked hard.
How is SoB state at the moment? Oh wait is true now we are "Imperial Agents"
Somebody make a dump of all the leaked photos for the love of Gork
Like Orks in 7th edition; painfully nerfbatted with extreme prejudice, while Eldar get off relatively light.
Vehicles are too fucking expensive edition
Do we have a compiled pdf of the Deldar pages yet? They're spread out over 2 threads because of a Tau autist
Space Marines are perfectly fine. Some people just think Primaris are overcosted.
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take a look

Everyone except Tyranid and Dark Eldar.
Waiting on the Eldar rules to leak so I can be butt-devastated.
Orks confirmed garbage for another edition
Kek what a let down this edition, GW never dissapoints their haters
Weaker than Traitor Legions, probably stronger than pre-Traitor Legions.
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Why GW? We trusted you.
Dakkajet btw seems to come with 4 supa shootas, and the option to take 2 more for a total of 24 shots.
What hit them so hard?
Tau boycott is in effect. Every Tau player join in. Demands: Riptide reduced point cost and riptide wing rules added to 8th.
> 7th Edition
> Flash Gitz AND sternguard veterans both 22 ppm
> Flash gitz objectively worse at the same job in every conceivable way than sternguard vets
> 8th edition:
> Flash gitz 27 ppm, sternguard vets 16 ppm.
What the fuck? Was this even necessary?
Runt herds are 26 fucking points.
Battlewagons are nearly 200 points without any fucking weapons.

One faith per turn
Celestine is mandatory
Literally half of our Codex is elites
Mandatory models no one owns
Overlooked rules such as being unable to use faith after disembarking
Troops are worthless tax units
Celestians are shit
No more command squads
Priests are elites instead of HQs
Cannoness is a tax unit
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Do all bombers produce mortal wounds?
>speaking of sisters that special character canoness is not available any more right?
I dunno, I don't play this gay game. I just want plastic Sisters.
Okay, random question, but what model gets a Pair of Rokkit Pistols?
Anyone got the rules for the Hive Tyrant, Tyrant Guards and Swarmlord?
Now I want to see all the ork datasheets so I can see what they believe justifies these fucking insane point costs
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>They're already starting this

Delicious tears ....
Stormboys are 8 points with ALL of their gear already, no need to buy them anything.

Slugga boy stats with M12
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>current year
>no grot special characters
Tanks are kinda pointless to bring in this edition.

A 3 predator squadron went from 285 to over 500. Land raiders went from 250 to 350+. It's not surprising that battle wagons cost too much too.
snazzguns cost 0
I'm a Tau player! Where do I sign up to vote against your vote you stupid bitch?
I'll make one. Give me a bit.
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We need craftworld Eldar leaks. This will make or break 8th edition.
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Now add up the points costs.

Tell me if they seem like they're worth the points.
Mediocre. Psykers suck, cultists are more expensive, CSM/Havocs seem identical, possessed are hilariously even worse, warp talons look to have less attacks than CSM, oblits are garbage, all daemon engines got a 50-100% point increase. Kharn is more expensive, better in some ways worse in others. Berserkers look okay but are an elite/dedicated melee unit who struggles with hard targets. Legion rules are gone, summoning is actively taking a handicap. Our sole special rule is occasionally exploding dice for melee units, so not worth mentioning. No clue what, if anything, marks do. Non-cult armies are fucked.

All in all, very lackluster, nothing to be excited for.
Flash gitz are 27, sternguard are 19 after paying for their special issue bolter.

That practically kills most Flyers doesn't it?
A Battlewagon is worse in every single way than a land raider, but costs more once you give it everything it NEEDS.
You're only supposed to bring one or two of them now, retard, because of all the fucking Wounds they get before they die.

Aww yeah i had hope to win a game this edition, but we keep being trash maybe i should start buying tau
Who knows if he even plays the fucking game, but originally he was known as TIDF (Tau Internet Defense Force) and he tends to shitpost the most about how Tau and Chaos are the best, and Necrons to a lesser extent
We saw the stats of the Voidraven from Dark Eldar, and it does as well, so I'd say yes. The main differences was that the Void Raven needed to only roll a 3+, and you rolled 3d6 if you flew over a vehicle/monster and only 1d6 for infantry.

Seems Mortal wounds are there to speed things along, but they'll still affect different targets to different degrees

Nice false flagging.
Though I wish the riptide wasn't just straight bad, but worth its cost.

Seen some various SM complaining
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Don't lie. You are not a Tau player.
>but costs more
no way battlewagon is coming out over 350
Flash git models are 27 points anyway.
>>bomb squig hits on a 2+
>>loot quad gun
>>quad gun piloted by pig.

This is properly orky
Anti tank weapons do multiple wounds too retard

So what if a tank has 3 times the wounds when anti tank guns do d6 damage a hit? It dies the same you fucking mongoloid.
Da most darin' Stormboy of 'em all
orks in the trash with tau
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Ready to take it up the ass as a Guard player. Time to paint up 100 more men.

Spoiler: Eldar will always be TIER 1.

I expect their ppm to be sky high now and full of bullshit psychic powers.
It seems like everyone thinks they're shit. I suspect people need to recalibrate.
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total it up friend
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No I don't want that.

I want killer roombas back
I play tau. Fuck you, you people ruined tau for me with you WAAC faggery.
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Well im done

see you guys in 9th edition
what're the stats on the sternguard guns?

BS5+ heavy3 S5 AP-2 D1 guns that shoot again on a roll of 6 is pretty good. only problem is 24" range.
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Chao Goliath rules when?
A battle wagon base cost is 161

Tell me what 195 points of wargear you put on it to make it cost the same as a 356 point land raider.
>we have rules for only a handful of units
>no one has done the math to figure out points efficiency yet
/tg/ confirmed for reactionary sperglords who have no idea what they're talking about

time to sell your army on e-bay
>Time to paint up 100 more men.

Don't. BS 3 with a lasgun does absolutely jack-all to Marines and equivalents. Yes I know the maths say 18 shots per dead marine, but you are rarely ever in a position to concentrate enough firepower on a squad to make a difference.
Sternguard guns are 30 inch range S4 ap-2 1 damage rapid fire 1
List of factions convinced they are the worst

Ork-now suicidal
Space Marines? Depends on flavour
Custards think they can't even play
3 points each
sternguard are 16 before, 19 total
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>Tau observers can now hide anywhere on the field while the sniper drones get a bonus in BS so long the observer sees the target.
They have W16, T7 you retards.
>Disintegrator cannons

>Celestine is just the old mandatory jump canoness
>Half the codex has always been elites
>The fuck are you are on?
>Same as always
>Same as always
>They can fuck off anyway
>So it goes

I-its not like I wanted my S 4 T 5 D6 attack power weapon fearless 4+ invul arco-flagellants back anyway

>YFW your exorcist does 18 wounds
>161 + 27(killkannon) + 18(lobba) + 48(4 rokkit launchas) + *unkown* upgrades
that's 254 before the vehicle upgrades, which we don't have points for, but I'll fucking bet my life they don't cost 96 points.
So what then? Mech Guard again?
No, definitely weaker than pre-TL. All power units are more expensive and or nerfes, and all troops are the same price or more expensive.
Flash Gitz are also BS 4+ by default now, since the gitfinda is kind of build-in due to heavy weapon mechanics

It's the age of the Armored IG again.
What the fuck is with Japan's fetish for pigs? The nose hooks and the references to women being "sows" is revolting and ruins many a good doujin.
Mech Guard again. If a baseline Leman Russ is any indicator, we get cheaper shit than what everyone else has to pay.

But that could easily change as soon as we actually have the fucking books in our hands with the actual point values.
A true hero
Been gone for a few hours, has anyone done Guard yet?
At work, some kind anon give me a rundown of what happened to necrons?
right, and two wounds, which they may have had before I can't remember.
254 for the most expensive set of guns. I don't see points for wargear.

I don't know but I love them. They feel really good to wear

Nobody knows yet, no major leaks for Cron.
No :(
We don't have access to the equipment costs yet, but weapons alone:

161 + 27 for killcannon + 24 for big shootas + 48 for rokkit launchas + 18 for zzap gun + Deff ROlla, Ard Case, grabbin claw, wreckin ball. Those last 4 only have to cost 78 points. Here's a hint, they already cost more than that in the current codex, and everything in the current codex is WAY cheaper.
If only battlewagons weren't 400 points each I would totally field a bunch of flash gitz in wagons driving all over the place shooting at stuff

they were based off nobz so they did have two wounds
No? Berserkers are far better than pre-TL for one.
>Tau leaks come out, tau players cry that they're shit
>Space Marine leaks come out, space marine players cry that they're shit
>Sisters leaks come out, sisters players cry that they're shit
>Chaos leaks come out, chaos players cry that they're shit
>Ork leaks come out, Ork players cry that they're shit
Agreed, I think people have no idea how to judge points costs in this edition yet and we need to all PLAY SOME GAMES before jumping to conclusions.
Alliances are still in! Taudar here we go!


Vehicles are vastly more expensive

If a rhino costs more than double what it used to, chimeras are going to be well over 100 points and leman russes will probably be in the mid 200s otherwise they'd cost less than predators.
>4 big shootas and 4 rokkit launchas
ya goofed.
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No I don't want that.

I also wouldn't classify a Killcannon as something a Battlewagon 'needs', especially if your goal is to have it as a bunker/transport for something inside.

It should be easy to keep the thing around 200 points. It's 161 by default and everything is optional. If you want it for assaults, Grab a 'ard case, maybe one of the melee weapons, and some Rokkits if you really want. If you want it for a Loota Bunker, just grab one of the bigger guns
I've done the math on the units we have. They are WAY overpointed versus their nearest equivalents. Even if you just judge them on the basis of how many shots they pump out or hits they make in combat compared to everything else, every single unit is too many points. They're in the top 10% of points cost to value for EVERY comparison I make.
>Look, the battlewagon costs more than a landraider if you literally give it every single upgrade
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Will this be an infantry edition?
>Leman russes will probably be in the mid 200s

The leaker guy from earlier said a baseline Russ is about 172 points. Not cheap but cheapER than what everyone else has to pay.
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we're just going to have to be an elite horde army, get used to it
This is so wrong and bad. Psychic is just a genuinely different thing than what it was in 7th. You can choose powers, basically guarantee a double move on your CSM no matter who you take, and we still have yet to see the completed codex.
I made the most expensive battlewagon possible just to prove a point. It could also go with big shootas instead of rokkit launchas.
Yeah 356 is the base cost of a land raider without upgrades. Just the default weapons.
Berserkers are, but pretty much everything else is the same or worse. One unit does not a good army make, especially when only 2/9 of the legions can use berserkersn at best.
Not a fan of mech Guard. Not fun to play or to play against. Maybe it will be good if I run it with mech vets and mech bullgryn so I have some fun melee units too. Probably will end up using 1-2 blobs like I do now.
I think someone said a Leman with the battle cannon and heavy bolter is 162 points. Someone else said 172. I dunno which it is.
did I? abusing RAW is the ONLY way these things will see the table for the next year.

>Something changes
>[muffled REEEEEEE heard in the distance]

It's the classic 40K reaction, I've watched this happen every new edition and every new codex since 1999.
A "baseline russ" being Battlecannon and one Heavy Bolter.
I suppose every fetish seems like a terrible one until a hot girl wants to do it with you.
>Cron leaks come out, Cron players cautiously optimistic

It's not all bad.

>Orks suicidal now
>New edition just getting started

Good job GW, well played
I'd actually forgotten the two wounds. Assuming they also have a 4+ save now, I'd say that's actually alright. 8 more points for an extra wound and more shots at long range, for less mobility, less armor, and slightly lower BS
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Previous :

>An avatar of Khaine is destroyed in a stampede of 12 Carnifexes. Being able to take two or three with him before being flattened

Now :
>In Duriel, the Eldar deploy an avatar but are forced to temporarily retreat. The last thing they see is an avatar being drowned in Tyranid bodies
>When they return, they find out that the Avatar is alive atop a literal mountain of Tyranid corpses. This stokes the flame in Eldar hearts and they fight harder

>In shield of Baal, A C'tan shard goes on a massive killing spree against the Tyranids. With mere gestures from its hands, fullblown swarms of Tyranids are incinerated to ash. Even when a bio-titan was directed at it, it proved futile as the biotitan's bio-munitions couldn't harm the C'tan. The C'tan casually slapped the biotitan down before superheating its insides to the point it burst apart. The C'tan shard would later create a massive firestorm that erased all Tyranid presence on a moon sized platform.

>Recently, Tyranids were swarming all over the Baal system. In a strange occurrence, all the Tyranids outside of the planet Baal disappeared. The only clue to as to where they went is on Baal's moon.
>On the Baal's moon, it was discovered that all the Tyranids there were butchered and all their skulls were stacked together impossibly high to form a mountainous Khornate symbol of Ka'bandha implying that the Greater Daemon has slaughtered the entire Tyranid forces on the moon

/teegee/, What happened?
That would put a baseline leman russ at 30 points less than a predator annihilator, or 1 more than a predator destructor.

I'm about to sell my space marines and buy into guard.
>may be equiped with four big shootas and/or rokkit launchas
You tell me. that sure sounds like 4 guns of some combination of big shootas and rokkit launchas.
The difference is this time the math agrees with them. I hate to say it, but the pessimists were right for once.

This edition is absolutely fucked. Units are all over the spectrum. Some are ridiculously underpointed. I don't exaggerate. I'm talking some unit should be 30+% more or 40+% less.
You can guarantee a double move on a single unit per turn.
>If only battlewagons weren't 400 points each I would totally field a bunch of flash gitz in wagons driving all over the place shooting at stuff

I know right? I can't believe a single battlewagon is 2000 points once you give it all the proper upgrades. I could get like 4 Knights for that!
Tyranids kind of poke a huge hole in that theory.

Everything so far suggests they are AGGRESSIVELY improved.
Infantry inside of a transport qualifies as "Mech Guard".

And what's the difference in how fun shuffling a bunch of tanks around the table versus gobs of infantry is?
Waiting on Deathwatch leaks so I can finally build my squads, any day now
So how long do you think it will be before they start rolling out the actual codexes?
>buying a killcannon, a zzap gun, the ard case, and thinking you can buy 4 rokkits and 4 big shootas
Some has no fucking clue what they're doing.
The most you'll realistically want to put on there is the deff rolla and maybe some rokkits if you have a few points to fill.
Yes, and the price of a rhino has doubled so why do you think the price of a chimera hasn't?
>not taking T8

Give me one reason not to.

I'll wait until shit is put on the tabletop and see how it performs a couple of times before I judge how worth it they are.

I'm not going to base all my opinions entirely off of math-hammer without even having the full rules at my disposal.
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Pulse rifles or pulse carbines? What about pulse blasters?
what are the extremely undercosted dudes?

anything not marine will be waiting a long time I imagine
>this is all carnac can do before the unholy wrath of tyranids resurgent to tier 1
>shitpost about fluff no one reads anymore
That sounds about right. I got my exs into things they didn't care for until they did it with me. It helps when the guy doesn't have to do anything particular, like the nose hooks. It's not him wearing the hooks or whatever fetishy outfit it is.
Yes. And I forgot to mention a "baseline Russ" is adding a BattleCannon (22 points) and a single Heavy Bolter (8 points) onto it. So really, a gunless Russ is actually 142 points - I think.
It looks like 8th is dead on arrival.

Incidentally, Drop Pods are about 100 points now, and can only transport infantry in power armor. No more Drop Pod Dreads or Terminators. Because fuck Blood Angels.
Anyone see the points for the Valkyrie/Vendetta? I wanna know if airborne guard are going to be viable.
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Your welcome.

>>Celestine is just the old mandatory jump canoness
Except we can only have 1 Celestine, and the canoness is a worthless tax unit for FoC that need more than 1 HQ

>>Half the codex has always been elites
Except we had things MOVE to elites like priests, who were HQs. We now have ONE non-character HQ

>>The fuck are you are on?
If you start the turn embarked, you can use an AoF on that unit. Ergo, embarked units won't be able to benefit from an AoF until T3 minimum.
>T1 move in rhino
>T2 Disembark
>T3 AoF

>>They can fuck off anyway
Command squads were our most customizable unit that is now gone

Again, we only have non-character HQ, and priests would have filled that slot very well

>>So it goes
She literally has no place in the new SoB party bus tactics

>>YFW your exorcist does 18 wounds
Retributers and doms will consistently do more damage
July, probably. My guess is death guard and primaris in July, xenos of some sort in August, SM in September, another Xenos in October, AoS in Nov, and then either CSM, More Xenos or auxiliary imperials in December.
That's mainly because most of the Tyranid things saw point drops rather than increases, and the things with increases also got some pretty drastic changes to go with them so it's hard to judge
I don't need to see the full rules, when I can see the full point costs and see that my mechanized space marine list went from 1850 points to over 2300 points.
You're right, and you can't trust math until we have access to all the information...

but so far, it looks like they have REALLY fucked up.

A game of Tau vs Orks right now is a done deal. Orks cannot beat Tau on the tabletop, unless the profiles we haven't seen have magical powers that remove units from the table.

Grey knight armies are going to be 10 models, and those 10 models are going to die to lasguns.
T8 over T7 matters for guns of strength 4, 7, 8, 14, 15 and 16. So it kind of depends upon what you're fighting.
If you're taking it for Lootas to shoot out of
I never said a Chimera (nor a Taurox) didn't get a boost in price. But they might be like the Russ and be cheapER than what everyone else has to pay. Here's to hoping.
>implying Crud was involved
I'll believe it the day he actually starts playing Tyranids

This is probably all Phil Kelly's doing.
Field presence. Oh well, doesn't matter really. I'll definitely be doing vets and bullgryn if mech guard is more viable. Need to fight against the rush of melee armies and blobs do a great job of countering that.
Tau player who stopped playing for while your faggoty waac cunts took the faction. Blueberries are back baby & we're BALANCED this edition!
i havent seen this much doom and gloom in awhile... i certainly hope you guys are blowing this out of proportion
I know you either haven't done that or don't know how, because I know at least boyz are significantly more points efficient versus tacticals than tacticals are versus boyz now. I haven't run the numbers on anything else yet, but I'll post math and prove that you're talking out of your ass later, when I'm not phoneposting.
I take that back. It matters for S 4, 7, 8, 14 and 15.
No he fucking wasn't you retarded newfag. He was named Carnac because he's a necron fanboy first and foremost.
Having that and prescience going off every turn is already better psychic reliability than any army other than CSM and maybe eldar had access to without pink horrors on the field. I think people are underestimating the value of having a ton of mortal wound sources with untold reliability compared to 7th. Double move warp talons/bikers don't even need to deep strike to basically guarantee first turn charges.

>1850 points to over 2300 points

So? The baseline point limit will just adjust to the new costs. Everyone will just move to 2500 point games being the norm or something.
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Pathfinders are the worst. 50 points for 10 of them, and they are incredible. I don't know who thought these things should be allowed on the table.

Even with expensive equipment... they're horrific. These things cost less than ork boys. Think about that for a moment.
I could've sworn the leaker said they're over 200 points per, now. I'm probably mistaken.

I do remember that when flying, they have to go a minimum of 20". But they can go from FLY to HOVER mode.
I mean, a lot of the biggest Tau stuff got similar point increases, and Markerlights got nerfed

You're basing a lot of this off of the point listings when we haven't even seen what special rules or changes there might be to most of the profiles.

Yeah, a Battlewagon is like 60 extra points now if you take it barebones, but a Riptide is 100 even if you try to take as little as possible, and then it'll be terrible.
so you're saying orks are worse than tau still
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Except that troops got cheaper. So if we move to 2500 then my same sized mechanized list will be fighting an infantry list of double the model count than last edition.
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Greeting fellow gentlemen! My fellow intellectuals and I just finished a appended 1500pt game. We found micromanaging points to be intellectually stimulating unlike those uncivilized cretins using powerlevels. I think I even heard them laughing.
So just take things that are a steal.

If someone you play against takes anything other than Pathfinders, slap them in the face. These things are broken, and you cannot take enough of them.
well, troops are supposed to be the meat and potatoes of any army so im coo wit dat

It's the same doom and gloom that was heard from 2nd edition to 3rd edition, and 3rd edition turned out to be fine for the most part.
They are. Literally none of these people have even played with the new rules yet and are still thinking of things in a 7th edition mindset. So much has changed it's not even funny. The most intelligent person in the world, even if they actually posted on this godforsaken website, would not be able to accurately predict the outcomes of this many complex factors and changes using nothing but mathhammer and theorycraft.

Usually when a new Codex comes out, everything around it stays static, so it's easy to isolate the interactions that change.

This time, not only did -every Codex change at once-, but the entire core rules changes with them, and every point value across the board. No one has any accurate point of reference to begin from. It's a completely different game and I'm not going to accept anyones opinions on it until they've played a good dozen times.
I wish I was still 12.
Then who was Chaos?
Only 2000 points? Don't tell me you forgot the ard case
To keep open topped, fucking obviously
Don't you fucking try to shill power levels here you fucking mong
well it's not QUITE the same.

Before, a Lascannon pen'd a trukk on a 2 and then had a roughly 50% chance of destroying the trukk and making it useless with a single hit.

Now the trukk cannot be immobilized, cannot be stunned, cannot have its weapons destroyed, and most importantly CANNOT be destroyed in a single lascannon hit. It also is more difficult to destroy with small arms, owing to the fact that it has a save now. The boyz inside are also better protected, owning to the fact that explosions now kill them 16% of the time instead of 50% of the time.

I think vehicles are absolutely overcosted in this edition, but pretending that they're worse than vehicles in 7th is ridiculous. Nearly every codex I can think of has a handful of vehicles that people never took ever because their points were not worth the very real possibility of them dying in the first turn to a drop pod melta or something. Now we can at least see a bigger variety of shit on the field.
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Yeah, that's what happens when you don't have bullshit formations that give you hundreds of points of free transports, faggot.
Why bother? What does Open Topped do? It doesn't let your troops assault from the vehicle.
"thinking with a 7th edition mindset" meaning wanting to play with my existing models.

I literally can't build an 8th edition army with my existing models under 2500 points. Most of my vehicles will have to sit on the shelf because they got 50-70% price increases.

That's cool but we're not talking about trukks in that discussion we were talking about tanks.

A predator is still getting dropped in 2 or 3 solid lascannon/krak missile hits.
Pathfinders have to pay for the 3pt markerlight they carry so they're 8 points not 5 each
I would argue daemon engines are much stronger though. You can't immobilize a mauler fiend
Voldus versus optimized generic grand master

Voldus is 190 points, grand master is 195

Voldus has 4 psychic powers, can cast 3 per turn and hits on a 2+ with his daemonhammer.

A grand master hits on a 3+ with his hammer, knows 2 psychic powers, can cast 2 of them per turn but has a psycannon that hits on a 2+.

Honestly this looks like a wash, either work just fine.
In case you didn't know, nobody was really taking Pathfinders last edition, and that was when Markerlights were crucial to success.

They're 8 points after you actually give them their basic kit, the same as Fire warriors, except with worse armor and fairly short ranged guns. If you want them to do any actual killing, you'll have to be buying them upgrades.
Yeah. Expensive equipment, but you're basically getting a firewarrior with a markerlight... for the price of a firewarrior.

Every single army should have pathfinders in it. Dozens of them. You should be making every single enemy unit glow fucking red.

Why would you EVER take firewarriors over pathfinders now?
>I literally can't build an 8th edition army with my existing models under 2500 points. Most of my vehicles will have to sit on the shelf because they got 50-70% price increases.

I don't know why you have this mentality because you are perfectly able to field a viable Army with less vehicles. You'll just have... less vehicles.

Or are you utterly obsessed with winning every game you try? You know you might still be able to win with less vehicles.
Why did you do something dumb like that?
If he is cron then why Chaos fanboying?
I have 0 free transports. I'm not using a formation other than the 1st company one which I'm filling with cataphractii, sternguard, and vanguard.

My predator squadron went from 285 to 513 points. My transports doubled in price. My terminators increased by about 30%. My librarian almost doubled in cost. This shit adds up.

How about you go fuck off you mongoloid piece of shit?
Holy shit dude if you're talking out of your ass you could at least be honest about it. Some people might be retarded enough to believe you.
Well? What does the rule do? Go ahead and tell us.
New Riptides are great, get lost.
pulse rifle instead of carbine
better save
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Gun drones now cost the same as a fierwarrior and shot like a burst cannon (with slightly worse BS and forced to fire to the nearest unit). I think I will at least one to every fierwarrior squad from now on. You can also choose to allocate any wounds to drones instead of the target units.
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DE Leaks pdf. No points sadly.
Try reading my post, dipshit.

Yes, I can use less vehicles. And like I said, that means having the shit I bought, assembled, and painted sitting on the shelf because they're too expensive to field.
Rangers if you want to play shadow war. Also Rangers if you want to carry stupid shoot-the-driver tank-buster meme weaponry.
It allows occupants to fire out of the vehicle.

It's almost as if the tyranids are a shallow faction whose only narrative function is to make other factions more heroic.
Oi, Grey Knightfags, what do you all think of the rules? Seem pretty good overall, T1 presence will be pretty damn scary.

Though RIP psycannon, good night my sweet ID'ing daemon prince
>the rule do? Go ahead an

Allows you to shoot out of the damned vehicle you bitch
There is no proof that they are even the same person. I don't even think the original Carnac even posted as an actual namefag. He just became a boogeyman and newfags like you try to fit and and call every anon they disagree with as Carnac.
I can't believe people are actually COMPLAINING that there have been so many price hikes

You do realize that this means you need LESS models to play games in more average point ranges, and the fact that EVERYONE seems to be getting these price hikes means that if your 1500 point list is suddenly 2500 points, it's quite likely your opponent's 1500 point list is also 2500 points unless he was running nothing but infantry.
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theres this
it lets you shoot out of it you fucking mongoloid, and it doesn't cost points whereas 'ard top will cost points and will only matter against guns that are strength 4, 7, 8, 14 or 15, and since we haven't seen either of the last two yet it only really matters against strength 4, 7 and 8.
You realize most people who play this game don't bring their entire fucking collection to every game, right? Or do you think every single person who owns 5000 points of models bitches that 5000 points isn't the standard game size?

You have options now, and from those options you can build different army lists. Or you can find opponents who want to play larger points games who also have large collections.

Hahaha....HAHAHAHAA oh man dude you must have no friends.

A lot of shit gets shelved with each edition, or taken off the shelf. You should expect by now, nerd!
They are the winners of 8thbowl? Because
Considering what can be reading here, it seems
>Same 3 special characters

Rules are solid enough but I'll never forgive them for taking away the duke.
That's unfortunate man. But there would be plenty of people screaming if it went the other way too. If GW were "forcing" them to buy more models.
70 point trukks, 55 point buggies.
Anyone will literally complain about anything. They've been doing it for every change for years.

GW could cut all prices in half tomorrow and someone would complain that their army got devalued.
Y'all niggas complainging about a battlewagon being 350 if you take LITERALLY EVERY UPGRADE. Why not just take a barebones wagon with a deffrola/killkannon? You can't get weapon destroyed or immobilized anymore.

161 for a tougness 7, 16 wound model with a 4+ is incredible. Doomsayers please go away


Those are the ones with models.
Not everything is getting price hikes. Some shit is way cheaper.

Vanguard went from 22ppm to 18ppm as an example. Most 1 wound infantry in the game got cheaper.

Or they could just keep the model count the same, that works too.
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What mandatory model do you not own?
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>GW could cut all prices in half tomorrow and someone would complain that their army got devalued.
Holy balls, it's funny because it's true, I can picture it already
Trukks have 7 wounds and can't instadie
and where in the rules does it say a regular transport doesn't let you do that?

hint: nowhere

open topped is an unneccessary rule
gw forcing hordes and heroes
buy crates of infantry and all the pricey hq stuff no one wanted to buy that much before
Im gonna field all my trukks and battlewagons with no models that arent vehicles on the table EXCEPT one big mek holding a giant remote control.

Give all the vehicles all the upgrades.

I'd rather they reduce the average model number so that it's easier for new players to get into the game without having to spend a shitload of money.
Can I see the Defiler profile please?
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>Have vect model
>Can't field vect
What are the trukk stats? I've been sitting in these generals almost all day and have seen neither hide nor hair of them.
I'd rather they try their best to balance things rather than try to keep all the points the same as 7th.
>Or they could just keep the model count the same, that works too.
No, fuck off. The game has needed to be rebalanced and rescaled for a long time.

It's not everyone else's fault you field a boring fucking parking lot of boxes in what should have always stayed an infantry-centric skirmish game.
That's not even barebones. Unlike a lot of things, that 161 is the actual minimum price for a Battlewagon if all you want is a durable transport.

Everything else seems really situational and dependent on what you're running. Main loadouts I would expect are Killcannon only for Loota bunker, or 'ard case+deffrolla for a more dangerous assault threat.
Trukks can die to lasguns easily, and also, transports in general are now almost useless.
They talked about it in the faction focus, i believe
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There's lots of infantry-centric skirmish games. Can I point you to a few? 40k hasn't been that for a long time and I wouldn't have bought these models if it was.
>EXCEPT one big mek holding a giant remote control
I love you and I love this idea. Ork players are always so creative, it's a damn shame you guys get shit on by GW.
>Not everything is getting price hikes. Some shit is way cheaper.

Yeah, Infantry is getting cheaper, while vehicles, bikes, battlesuits, and large shit is getting more expensive to accounts for their new levels of durability.

That's the way it is for basically everyone.
they did not
it says it in the embarked part of the transports you ass; the models don't count as being on the table. So you cant shoot with them. Open topped gives you special permission to count them as being 'from any point on the hull'

or do you think 'count as not being on the table' means they can still shoot? Can I shoot you with the stompa I have on the shelf behind me?

You're a fuck.
>18" range on lasguns
>wounding on 6's
i see
/tg/ is bad at games
Where'd you get that 18" from? If it's not on a datasheet, ignore it.
Hrm. I was leaning that way anyways, as I love the look of the longer-barreled rifles. Thanks.
Grey Knights are going to be a close range army that overwhelm their enemy with lots of short range fire, mortal wounds because every single fucker can cast smite (even if it does 1 wound it adds up) and high damage melee weapons.

Brotherhood captains double the range of Smite for nearby units, so that's 24'' in most cases. Grand Masters give re-roll to hit rolls of one. Hammerhand adds +1 to all to wound rolls in close combat. Banners give all units in range one bonus attack.

It's gonna be a compact, elite army with lots of synergy between units most likely.
>Or they could just keep the model count the same, that works too.

Or, you could just not be autistic about the point value that you play at, and instead adjust your preferred level for your preferred game size.

I usually like playing 1000 point games for how fast they are, but I'm not going to keep playing them if GW suddenly made everything half the price and 1000 points was suddenly the same as 2000 points. No, I would switch to 500 so I can keep playing the game the way I want.
Any leakers still awake?

Grey knight player here: I am downright ecstatic for being at least mid tier again.
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>18" range on lasguns
Why would there be an exception to the rule if the rule didn't exist?
Holy shit, /tg/ is fucking terrible for discussing 40k, just a bunch of fucking reactionary spastics talking out of their asses with no actual game experience or math to back up their claims.
I'll just lurk for leaks from now on.
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You can't field Kruellagh the Vile either.

You know what I mean.
>be games workshop
>tell fat nerds mortal wounds will be rare and not to expect to see them often
>give every other unit the ability to cause mortal wounds
>add more randumbness into the game because that means more fun
>every other weapon has d6 shots, d6 ap, and d3 damage
>Orks are still shit
why do these faggots stay in business?
whichever you think looks coolest seriously - both are good

You could also do 4 rangers and a ranger alpha and 4 vanguard and a vanguard alpha, just remember they only get 1 special weapon each actually this might have changed

Also DO NOT BASE THE RANGERS/VANGUARD until after youve painted them, its almost impossible to paint the inside of the cloak when they are based

Honestly even at 172 I would think paying for 2 more heavy bolters isn't that bad of an idea
Four fucking generals and this one is about to sage too.
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If csm are "apparently" looking this bad should I still do papa nurgles lads or just kill myself?
Adjusting the point level means I keep the same sized army and someone with an infantry heavy army brings 50% more than they did before. Vehicles aren't that much more survivable (they won't be taken out by rear plasmagun shots anymore but a lascannon is killing heavier vehicles in less hits than it did in 7th) and aren't any better at killing infantry other than some formerly TL weapons doubling their shots.
> Literally everyone complaining hasn't run any test games yet
> Absolutely everyone is posting under the asumption that they should disembark their infantry BEFORE charging, so that their infantry can get in melee on turn 3 just like what we expected in 7th edition.
> When you can now Turn-1 charge with the transport, and then disembark and charge on turn-2 while the transport locks down an entire unit for the whole first turn.

The game now plays completely differently, and not everyone is adjusting well. The old-school playstyle of heavy hitting armies that sit still and do nothing isn't viable anymore. Now the game STRONGLY favours Herohammer lists with strong infantry mechanization. This is especially evident in all the heavy-elite units getting massive points increases across the board, while infantry and characters are getting buffs and points-decreases across the board.
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I'm happy for you GKbros, I wish you many good smites
You should definitely kill yourself before seeing the full rules and waiting for a couple months for people who actually know what they're doing to sort out what's actually good and actually bad.

Definitely over-react
The only thing that will still be shit is you, my shitty shitposter.

In the case you actually played 40k and decided to quit, good. The less retards the better.
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will do thanks for the advice!
I was planning on following Duncan's guide pretty much to the letter, aside from a few color changes, and that includes the Martian Ironearth basing at the end.

Not looking forward to doing the insides of the cloaks, they just look tedious.

Where the fuck did you get those points costs?
Why the fuck are you listening to /40kg/ on day -18? People here (including me) don't know shit yet.
A lot of ranged weapons also increased in price. Meltaguns are 17 now, for example.

Someone with an infantry heavy list with enough anti-tank to actually handle a vehicle heavy army would be seeing a price bump as well.
Did we ever get any rule sheets for Nurgle daemons?
we've heard of what maybe 8 or so sources of mortal wounds? The d6 hits are a replacement for scatter dice. The d6 ap is just ork weirdness, and the d3 damage is better than everything being 1 flat and unable to hurt monstrous creatures.

also, orks are better than people thinkwe're fired up
Death Guard are not included under the CSM umbrella, those guys are getting their own Codex very soon and are looking solid as fuck. Vanilla CSM are the ones in trouble (maybe)
Plasma is only 13. It's all over the place.
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>When you're the only Ork player excited to play
>When you wonder if the autistic overreacting spergs will ever go play another army
>When the first thing you're going to field is Nobz in Nauts with "Dread mob"

Feels good to be an Ork my dudes
so are there non ministorum deathcult assassins/crusaders/priests/arcoflaggents for inquisition?
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>why do these faggots stay in business?
Because big bad 8 foot men in tank armor with HUEG PAULDRONS
>Riptide reduced point cost
Ok, but not much. 50p and it's a deal.

>and riptide wing rules added to 8th.
no. leave formations in 7th and embrace 14 new focs
Henlo redshit
Hello you stinky redshirt
Go be a faggot ugly
>seekers of slaanesh are still a cheap as chips 19 points a model
>can be easily given double move
>putting characters on steeds is cheap and easy

>we've heard of what maybe 8 or so sources of mortal wounds?
....Not the guy you're responding to but... no lad. I can list you 8 sources of mortal Wounds just off of the 4 Tyranid datasheets I've seen alone.
Not a bad idea at all.
So.... slaanesh melee build.
You have DttFE that gives you an extra attack on a roll of 6, the icon of slaanesh increase that to a 5+, but THEN you can cast prescience to increase each to hit roll by one, making it so you get an extra attack on basically 4+.
>Combi-weapons have unlimited use
>Abbadon now baller as fuck
>Biggest issue CSM had - no assault transports for reasonable point cost - is now gone
>'In trouble'
ftw DE and Necrons got buffed to hell.
Plasma also isn't very good for anti-tank, since it still only does 1 damage unless you overcharge.

Looking good so far, I already have my list drawn up.

I'm thankful that it seems like I can substitute dreadnoughts for dreadknights now, I never wanted to end up buying one of those baby carriers.
The leaker guy from earlier.

Therefor, it's just a rumor. But it's all we got for now.
so have the eldar rules been LEAKED yet?

He's refering to the imagifier, which is what allows us to use more acts of faith. Basically a sister with a similucrum.
Where? Show us!
Necron Character Pages where?

I wanna see the important army centric stuff other than Vargard and Geezer
I'm sorry I don't understand what you're asking. Do you mean Aeldariâ„¢ ?
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Roll for anal circumference
I'm with you, brother. I'm really excited to plonk my boyz down on the table for the first time in years, no matter what these know-nothing sperglords say
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So based on everything we've seen, what do you think, anons?
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I have recovered from my probably irrational despair (due to more expensive transports mainly).

I am back to being optimistic about how da boyz do in action! Enuff o' dis thi-ree squigshit!


>babby's first insult
Sure, but meltaguns going up 7 and lascannons going up 5 doesn't really compare with my predators going up 60+ points.

A 4 lascannon devastator squad went from 150 to 165. A predator annihilator went from 140 to 202, a destructor from 95 to 171.
That's the spirit lad
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What would be the best way to paint this? Photoshop? Is there a way to get rid of the all the white automatically or something?
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the filename says it all
Print it out and grab the magic markers
as on ork player... i am too. i'm happy to be just okay :)
have the Aeldariâ„¢ Rules Books for Games Workshopâ„¢ Warhammer: 40,000â„¢ been LEAKED yet?
And both of those tanks got significantly tougher and shootier
Let me fix this for you.

Two units of Flash Gitz in a Battlewagon costs over 800 points.
Only the Drukhariâ„¢ so far :^)
>green texting
My bad, 8000, I forgot a 0.

Oh, and that's without the 'Ard case so they can still shoot
>>tell fat nerds mortal wounds will be rare and not to expect to see them often
>>give every other unit the ability to cause mortal wounds
We've seen almost everything. And it still seems to be mostly Psykers. I Noticed that Dark had a few weapons like Stunclaws, Grav-talons, and flesh gauntlets that cause them, but they don't have Psykers. Tankbustas cause them but blow themselves up to do it. Plus theres some big boy weapons that do. Overall, not very common.

>>add more randumbness into the game because that means more fun
Al lot of randomness left. Turn order isn't as random. Reserves aren't random. Vehicles no longer instantly explode on lucky rolls.
>>every other weapon has d6 shots, d6 ap, and d3 damage
Random AP is very rare. as for damage and shots, not that every unit is either a bunch of wounds or a bunch of models you're likely to operate more under the law of averages one lucky shot is unlikely to kill most things. It will take voilume of fire and that means the the dice are going to be less random that they appear individually.
>>Orks are still shit
I'll point to where everyone seem to think they're shit. They can't all be right.
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Looks fine, lot of points costs hint towards re-balancing stats anyhow.
But they are getting price drops, anon.
Higher point cost means less models to buy :^)
is this a new meme or something
Well speaking of price increases, my formerly 2600-ish points of grey knights became 3688 points in 8th ed.

This is almost entirely due to vehicle costs going up and terminators going up 13 points for the second wound.
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you got it right anon.mostly
Ad Mech is greater tier tho

>keks for me playing master races
>feels good man

You the man, man.

So far I'm thinking:

Succubus with glaive and B-Pistol
Archon with Agonizer and B-Pistol

Wyches x8 w/Gauntlet, Phantom Launcher, Agonizer, and B-Pistol
+1S Drug
Raider with D-Cannon

Kabalites x10 with Blaster, Lance, and phantom launcher in raider with Lance

Kabalites x10 with Blaster, Lance, and phantom launcher in raider with Lance

Bloodbrides x10 w/3 Shardnets, Agonizer, and Phantom Launcher
+1A drug
Raider w/D-Cannon

Trueborn w/4 Blasters
Venom with Cannons

Hellions x20
+1T drug

Reavers x3
Blaster and Grav

Reavers x3
Blaster and Grav
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Ah, but you see I don't have any Flash Gitz.

Run them in an allied detachment or use the Imperium keyword.
I am really hoping my Tempestus is at least average tier. Love them guys

The lack of legion rules is a slap in the face, though.
Enlighten me on how they got significantly tougher and shootier.

4 lascannons vs 2 lascannons and a TL lascannon isn't significantly shootier. The predator autocannon has more shots but is also a lot weaker per shot at killing light vehicles (it takes 4 unsaved wounds to kill a trukk when it used to take 2 glances/pens).

And they're no tougher against anti tank weapons, if anything they're less durable against all the various D6 damage stuff.

The only survivability boost they got was against things that are now high S but low damage, and they can't be immobilized and stunned. That's not worth 60 points.
did you respond to the wrong image?
But who doesn't have a few of them?
>magic markers
Im sorry?
So the masque of slaanesh has a locus that makes all daemonettes within 6" subtract one from hit rolls against them, and the dance is now choose a unit and give all units targeting +1? Daemons are gonna be nasty with their buffs around
Aeldari refers to all the knife ears. See >>53527222

Guard leaks when? I will show boobs for them.
Boobs first
A stompa costs more than two knights, despite being worse in every concievable way.

If they have their way it will be.
So... basic wargear is included in the points right?
Burnaboys cost 14 points and burnas are free anyway.
But tankbustas cost just 5 points base...and rokkit launchas are 12 points...
Im confuse
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Mfw when I play DE

pay back time motherfuckers
boobs first
There are also no more chapter tactics for loyalists. Imagine how much those spoiled brats are wailing about that.
3rd edition had competent designers at the helm.
a trukk is 70 points
a battlewagon costs your mortgage
paying for a whole unit of tankbustas is basically asking to lose the game
No you pay for your wargear
>So... basic wargear is included in the points right?
I'll take it. Can we do anything about broadsides? I'll even give up a wound, and... two smart missile shots.
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the inside of the cloaks is super easy if you just wait until the end to base the models

I literally lost all my interest in CSM due to the lack of Legion rules, but it's ok because Deldar are officially RAEP mode.
Two Super Heavies are generally stronger then one on it's own. And they are not much cheaper. Only slightly Cheaper. And a stompa crushes a knight on its own.
>A stompa costs more than two knights without weapons

if a unit has multiple weapons options, it's cheap as shit, because it has to pay for its weapon
if a unit has only one option, it comes with the weapon included

There have never been competent designers at the helm. It's all actually luck if an edition is good or not.
No really. Unless you buy literally all the upgrades the Tankbusta's are fine.
No. I think it's only that way because Burnas are the only unit that gets Burnas, while more things can take Rokkit Launchas

Realistically, Burnaboys should probably also be 5 points with a Burna at 9, since it's a flamer, but what can you do?
>So... basic wargear is included in the points right?
Yeah and rhinos are 72 points big deal
dunno, they got quite the buff. I'd playtest it first before advocating changes
17 points for a 1 wound model with a 6+ (assumedly) armour save

a sternguard veteran is 19 points, just fyi, with their bolter
>Mandrakes save on 7+

Stop, GW! You're making them too OP!

Neat. So aside from burnaboys all of my oddboy units got more expensive.
Well at least boys are now base strength 4...
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Fuck off. Infantry Tau is back, baby. I was fucking prescient.
Do we know if there are going to be any generic psychic powers besides Smite? Or is it literally just going to be your faction and then maybe a single table if you're lucky?
Good. Drop pods are bullshit. And Terminators don't need pods anymore moron.
if the leaked stats for trukks are correct, a rhino is better than a trukk in every way, despite costing far less

thats the point
Straken then boobs
>5++ Invuln
>-1 penalty to hit for enemies

Who needs armor?
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you wot, those "units" used to be the core of an inquisition henchman list, the whole point is that you can get them all in a single unit
Nothing comes with the weapons or other gear included, you have to look up each piece of wargear and add its cost. Anything that's "included" will end up costing zero points. Frag and Krak grenades on Marines for example.
>mfw boyz are still 6 points.
I will blot out da sun with da boyz.
That's what GSC breeder said and she ain't around. No deal
Now I might be as dumb as I am stupid, but I don't see Land Raiders under Dedicated Transports. What's up with that?

Mandrakes are honestly meh. Hellions on the other hand are scary as fuck.

>can disengage and assault
>fly so can also shoot
>drugs for +1T/S/A or 2M

Eh, just throw up straken, what do we have to loose? someone will leak it eventually, and we might as well get something out of it.
How does 72 cost far less than 70

Also trukks can carry slightly more models, are presumably faster, the units in them can actually shoot out of them, and their ability to charge into combat to absorb overwatch is much more useful to a melee army like Orks than it is to Marines
A burna boy costs 14 points, a burna costs 0... that's including the points cost of the burna in the cost of the unit... unless you think paying "0" is a big deal?
Seriously tho, all these doom sayers are really annoying.
Not willfully separate costs of units from their baseline weapon, for one?

Seeing what happened to Obliterators is a fucking travesty. Incidentally, I was on 3++, and it looks like the "best" way to use a Heldrake now is as a sniper rifle. Fly it point-blank to enemy characters (flyers can occupy the same space), then Baledrake them, saving a CP for re-rolling the number of hits.

You know, rather than being a flamer, it's now a idiotic cruise missile. Since it has the Daemon keyword, you can apparently summon it too if you reserve your points for it; just Summon a Heldrake at the end of your move phase, then use Warptime to move it next to a target you want dead.

Or save the points for a Maulerfiend or something, I guess.

Prepare your anuses everyone the DE points are here

14 points for scourges ಠ_ಠ

because they aren't dedicated transports, they are heavy support.
They aren't Dedicated Transports?
because that 72 includes the cost of upgrades/weapons

a basic rhino is 65
It is a huge deal. It is why 8th edition will be dead on arrival.
why settle for GSC boobs when you can get non-heretical inquisition boobs
post inquisition
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Yeah, same here.

Do you think Noughts take Dreadknight guns now? That'd be neat, though I'm a little disappointed in the guns. Flamers are pretty good, psilencers look great(ish), but poor psycannons are even worse than before
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>avatar on pile of nid bodies after getting buried in the eldar retreat
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>Drop down terminators with supercharged plasma
>Bring along abbadon and sorcerer to cast the +1 to hit power
>murder literally everything
Black legion will be ok
It's kinda funny how pathetic they are though.
More a semantics thing. You can't assume anything on a datasheet is included. The "fixed wargear" thing isn't always the case. You have to look it up.
You get disappointment.
17 is the full price for one and they have powerful Rocket Lanchas. Much stronger then a bolter.

But I am seeing a trend everyone is saying "Vehicles are too expensive to be taken now"
and are afraid of anti vehicle weapons. But at the same time they are saying anti vehicle weapons are too expensive and and suck because of it.
30 points for reavers? each? So 90 for a squad?
Still no Vect.
Well, we don't have full tyranid and GSC leaks yet~
Every time someone says cultists cost more be assured that everything else they say is a fucking lie because really, its not hard to check the book and scans to see theyre the same

wraithknight datasheet, apparently theres a keyword for craftworlders called Asuryani.
Am I retarded? Couldn't terminators take Land Raiders as DTs?
Necron player here. Late to the thread - just got home - but I'm 100% okay with what we've got.
People are just too bussy claiming that everything sucks to take note of what they're actually saying.
When we get full Guard leaks I will post mine with yours.
>130 pts for 5 scourges with 4 splinter cannons
>24 poison shots with M14
it makes sense for walkers and vehicles to go up in points- since they cant be one shotted by lucky lascannons anymore
> No points costs
Anon. Please.
Sure. But it's a new edition. You have plenty of Heavy Support slots if you want them.
Fair enough. I'm just used to fielding three and don't want the change. It feels more like they made it a whole new unit than just buffed it.
>raiders were made better
>but also increased by 35 points
so still shit then right?
Anyone seen Cypher yet?
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yall throw in inquisition and il post too
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hell yeah, i feel psyched to play this edition
Yeah but now people are afraid to take Anti Tank weapons. While at the same time still feeling their tanks are vulnerable and expensive and are afraid to take them.

It's kind of a funny cycle.
So literally just a reskinned Imperial Knight with slightly different weapon options, lol.
Got any pics? I haven't seen their leaks
The first matches of 40k is just going to be infantry versus infantry with the cheapest guns possible, like that guy earlier who planned on spamming nothing but pathfinders because they were so cost efficient.

Then somebody is going to blow their minds by daring to spend 200 points on a Dreadnought and they'll get wrecked because they didn't bring a single anti-tank gun
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Renegades and heretics never ever my brother
I give the fuck up.

Compare this shit to the Orks.

It's AOS all over again, GW wants to get rid of entire sections of it's fanbase apparently.
>All huge ass models seen so far have 4 attacks
>And a melee weapond that has 6 Damage

Starting to see a trend here. Can't wait for the knife ear WAACfaggots crying that it suck ass now.
Good girl. We will throw the breast party around.
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The reason everyone is bitching is quite simple: We're all stuck in the 7th mindset. We think that because our army is shit compared to how it used to be, we won't be able to compare to everyone else.

That's fine! Especially for armies like Nids and Sisters, who have been fucked over time and again.

But the thing that you're all missing is...well, who are you shit compared to? What armeis are you expecting to see that will stomp yours into the ground? Everyone is whining about how everything is nerfed...But everything is nerfed.

Take a deep breath. Let it out. Look at factions that aren't your own, and start deciding what they can do that will stomp you.

So far, the only faction leaked I'm truly thinking is overpowered is Tyranids, and you know what? Good for them.
Just realized; The boys leak says you can upgrade a boy to a bossnob, but nowhere does it list what that costs. Do orks finally get free sargents like SM do?!
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This edition isn't even out... and it's already broken.
A razorback is 65. Rhino is 70, +2 for the storm bolter.
Not really it's pretty similar but Ork troops are way cheaper.
>Razorwing Fighters are 115pts of 92" raep
Added the points page to the DE pdf.
I'm bringing land raiders and dreads. I won't have all that many models on the board, but the one's I do will destroy countless foes. I think the meta is going to move away from the small elite force meta, but I like my strong expensive units.
>thousand sons aren't shaping up too well rules-wise in terms of at the least psychic stuffs
Are Tzeentch daemons alright at the least? I'm glad my Tzeentch and Thousand Sons forces are small compared to my crons, as nice as they may look. I was hoping for a bit more psychic fun.
Possibly. Maybe that's where the extra points have gone. Instead of paying for a nob, now the cost of every boy includes one? That might partially make up for the useless cunts still being 6 points each.
boss nobz aren't listed on the points sheet so it looks that way.
I can't wait for my Haruspex to roll through infinite waves of chaff
I'll accept the ability for a 1/36 lascannon hit to blow up my land raider if you'll give me back those 100 points.
The way the rules work, Orks are just useless. Transports are fucked, so Orks can't rely on them. Assault phases are fucked, so Orks can't rely on combat winning. All the Ork guns cost a shit ton, and nothings twin linked, and therefore twinned, anymore.

Everything has conspired against the Orks again.

Fuck it. It's all going on ebay. I'm not putting myself through this shit again.
Everybody gets sergeants no additional cost compared to the trooper except Space Woofs in Terminator Armor. Someone posted a page of rules earlier saying that explicitly.
they seem fine. the scourges were looking to be the best unit but their guns make them real expensive.
Are you also gonna give up your doubled lascannon and heavy bolter shots, your armour save, and your immunity to immobilized/weapon destroyed/etc?
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>Autistic overreacting sperglord claims he's done for the 6th time today. More at 11
>I can't wait for my Haruspex to roll through infinite waves
Um...about those Horrors...I'm afraid I have bad news.

psycannons are in this funny spot where they're best in units that won't move much, AKA purgators and strike squads.

Termies don't ignore the penalty for moving and shooting a heavy weapon either anymore, so honestly incinerators are looking mighty fine on everyone.
looks like im selling my orks

i gave gw one more chance
Boyz, bustas, burnas all got a major buffs and cost about the same as they did. We also know base nobs are way better now though no melee weapons costs yet.

Everything that costs more we dont know all or any of the rules for.

However for vehicles.

The anons who got all the rules rumors right and also had the ork vehicle rules mentioned the ability to shoot all ork units out of them and a special shooting interaction with HTH.

Couple that with the deffrolla rules im not worried about the BW its clearly got a world of difference in its offensive output to the rhino.

Too many ork players pretending theyre oldschool getting all mad when orks look positively solid.

The truth is 8th ed will only be the 3rd ork codex theyve played under.

This is the /tg/ who swore 6th ed nids had SECRET TOURNEY TACTICS and were going to sweep GT after GT.

The pre edition track record especially among the vocal minority leaves something to be desired.
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Bloody hell, we've got nearly all of the CSM except for the exact shit I play.

Anyway here's to the finest crew in Star Fleet.
>Transports are fucked, so Orks can't rely on them.

>Assault phases are fucked, so Orks can't rely on combat winning.

Post links, here are lots of people wanting your cheap-shit mate
i'm lootin' dis here idea.
Use fishing wire for antennas.
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>IG are a meme now
Well, since I never really liked summoning armies it can't be THAT bad, right?
Sure, if I also get AV14 back so that these S7 guns can't physically hurt it and S8 just bounces off 5/6th of the time.
mind putting up the link once you do? i'm excited for 8th and would like to get some models on the cheap :>
they're not alone, i've already started to put my shit up

im posting at 2014 RRP just fyi dude, dont price yourself out

When could drop pods ever take terminatore
>Autistic Overreacting Sperglord says the opposite of the truth everytime he speaks!!
>Could he be a false flagging faggot??
>Learn more at 11
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The Ork boyz are awesome stupid. But I will buy your Ork forces. Cause your an idiot that can't see how good all of this stuff is.
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>Melee race
>Movement 5
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mfw missiles/ heat lance are 25points and disintegrator canons are 30

>185 points for a ravager with DC's
>fuck me backwards with a wooden spoon on a Tuesday morning
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DON'T DO IT! Think of the railguns! My beloved tanks on fire... the laughter of Tau... so many terminators killed before their time...

Can't end within 1" of any enemy model without charging them
Grills only play nids. No one wants to see your hairy mantits.

Can I buy them?
Mind post links :)?
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The thing isnt that everyone is under powered compared to others, it is that all the flavor from the game is gone.

No longer can you have your line of artillery and go throwing around pie plates or your gunlines of missiles it is all just the same d6 shot d3 direct fire against 1 person

No longer do you have the scary durable plague marine or the psychic maelstrom of tsons now you just have the same kind of semi-survivable paste morphed into different forms

all guns can hurt everyone, your guardsmen and space marines are here for the same job now.

There are no more strengths and weaknesses, your vehicles and your infantry all work the same way, it is just d3 damages and direct fire all the way down.

From flyers to elite infantry pretty much everything acts the same

We have greater balance sure but we got it at the cost of any and all spice and interest that may have existed
I can use a calculator, so you know, there's that.

Now I'm going to use that calculator to see how much I can get for this stuff.
space wolves
All T3.
Pink Horrors get an assault 2 lasgun. Blue/Iridescent Horrors eat shit.
The *unit* gets to do Smite. On a single D6.
If you want to split, you have to spend reinforcement points on it (the same reinforcement pool that you in theory use for summoning). Or go for MSU Heralds I guess.

It's pretty fucking bad, man.
That sounds about right. Are there still platoons and Conscripts?
Comparing Orks to Tau right now, everyone with basic math skills can tell you, Orks will get swiped off the board.
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>Assault phases are fucked, so Orks can't rely on combat winning
Do the calculations, post them in full, then commit sudoku to demonstrate your seriousness to us.
What exactly is meme here? Looks pretty much as expected. 3 power for 10 means they're dirt cheap.
Is...is this good or bad? It lools pretty fucking bad for 3 power
Ok a squad of 30 Ork boyz gets over a 120 attacks and if within range of a warboss gets to advance and charge in the same turn. This is easily enough to turn pretty much any unit into mulch.
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>about right
>LD 6
>caring about the Power Level
Wait for points faggot
Have we gotten anything for Necrons at all?
M8 it's b8
Marines are ld7 dummy. Plus Commissars are a thing.
There are no platoons.
HWT are Heavy Support
Artillery has indirect fire.
>Sergeant is Ld 7
>what are Commissars
M8 it's b8, what the hell does that mean.
>Everyone is whining about how everything is nerfed...But everything is nerfed.

I would like to point out that mere months ago /tg/ couldnt shut up about kill power creep in 40k being too absurd.

Hell weve been bitching about that for literally years at this point.
>caring about points
Your hole is below your first floor pal
You're kidding right?
inquisition are the only decent non-npc 7e faction that have grills

3 power is somewhere in the vicinity of 40 points

No, I think they'll be just fine
it's bait, mate
don't give it any bites
means m80 it's b80
No Armor Facings!
No Templates!
No Challenges!
No Tank Shock!
No Null Deploy!
No Drop Dreads!
Scourges Only!

Final Destination.
Post a link if you do it, please
I think the problem is that the unit appears to be limited to only ten models.
Huh, neat
7. Defender chooses would allocation, so it's not like the sergeant can bite it early.
Agreed. That's why I play them. Sisters of silence with Inquisitors and some sisters. Then I mix them with guard.
You are not going to force this meme no matter how hard you try
>30 wounds at 36" range with -3AP and m14"that can advance and shoot is expensive
>oh me oh my!
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Why has /40kg/ become the new Whineseer lately ? Can those crying faggots go back and join their precious doomsaying platform in its grave please. You're clogging up the thread with pointless posts nobody cares about.
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Wait. Are Orks shit or great now? Everyone just seems to be gibbering incoherently. Someone give it to me straight.
And that includes a heavy weapon, special weapon, vox, and power sword.
What do you have? I'll buy them
> he fears le "forced memes"
Crawl back down below where you belong reddit man
90 attacks if the warboss isn't nearby
I imagine conscripts will be bigger. But yeah, perhaps combined squads are gone. Still character abilities including leadership stuff is all auras in 8th. It's less critical to have one huge blob.
i mix with admech but now with the new rules im going to mix with basically all imperium
The answer is that nobody here has actually played 8th. All the complaints basically boil down to Anti-tank and tanks both being too expensive, which is just silly
the edition's not out yet.
they look okay enough for ork players to be excited...
and just mediocre enough for WAACfags whose ork armies have been on the shelves since nth to lose their minds
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>Not realizing that the game has died
You new here? People have been bitching about their armies forever. CSM crying about loyalist toys was like fifty percent of the general until Traitor Legions came out.
On another note, Orks don't actually have to pay points for Shootas anymore. That's a minor buff.

Between that and elimination of area-of-effect weapons, and the ability to split-fire, it looks like it may be possible to just run units of 6x24 Shootaboyz, each with 2 Rokkit Launchas, as Ork Redcoats in musket-line formation. Add a few grot screens to prevent them from getting tied up in assault, and just shoot your foes.

Your best bet is to just wait and see the actual final release and look at how they do in the new meta.

Lots of over reacting tho.
No still 120. 2 by default, plus 1 for having a choppa, plus 1 for being a group of 20 or above.

This is not mentioning stuff like them shooting their pistols.
I just woke up for work, and this is the shit I see. I've been collecting Orks since Rogue Trader. And ever since 4th edition, it's been a downhill slope. Every single time, Orks get screwed over. I don't know how I let myself get my hopes up.

Can GW not fucking count? Is that it? Do they always do the Ork Codex first and then make everything else better without going back to check on the first codex they made?

Seriously cannot believe this shit. Not even 6 in the morning and my day has already been fucking ruined.
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They look better than they were, gotta play games to see.
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tau tears are the best gift gw has given us in a long while
I keep forgetting cool shit like split firing, good stuff
fuck finally something juicy!
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>leman russes are still susceptible to getting 1 shot by plasma weapons overcharging
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>GW Killed 40k
>TG prepares to commit mass cult suicide in their basements
Hopefully you can build up enough courage to kill yourself at the end of the day
You know I often forget about WAACfags. I assume they'll just weep and gnash their teeth until someone comes up with a broken list for them to copy verbatim. At which point they'll come here and tell us how balanced it is and that we're just bads because our Bezerker army can't beat their scatterbike spam. Sound about right?

Old seekers were 12pp,
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Who is this wood wizard
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well, turn your day around and make some money off that army by posting it on ebay! (and please do put a link up!)
It's not nearly as bad as you're making it out to be, and a lot more flavour is coming with the Codexes. This is just a good, simple, easy starting point for everything else to be added to.
Did you just ignore the post above you about how cheap as hell ork boyz can pretty much kill anything. Before counting in buffs from their commanders and stuff.
combined squads rule at launch?
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>it looks like it may be possible to just run units of 6x24 Shootaboyz, each with 2 Rokkit Launchas, as Ork Redcoats in musket-line formation. Add a few grot screens to prevent them from getting tied up in assault, and just shoot your foes.
>as Ork Redcoats in musket-line formation
Oh god that mental image is hilarious
>Orks are all lined up looking like they might actually be disciplined
>"Roight lads, first rank, FIRE!"
>Every single ork opens fire
Yeah. That's a little odd. Should be 1 mortal wound or d3 mortal wounds or something.

Thank you.
Ok thanks. I'll be very surprised if they get nerfed, crons have always had special treatment from gw
Are you fucking kidding me. I'm mad.
looks like they dont have to pay for nobs either
Could we maybe get some Chaos Daemon info?
I'm having the opposite effect. Always ran my marines as a power armoured horde on foot with the occasional support in the form of armor/flyers. Now I think I can actually field all ~200 bodies at once. Gonna paint them green now.

See >>53528227
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so IG femanon, how bout dem tiddies?
>Stormravens can't transport Primaris Marines
>Land Raiders can't transport Primaris Marines
>Drop pods can't transport Primaris Marines

>Not realizing that the game has been saved
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Oh. Well fuck. I love Tzeentch and all, but I guess that neither my Thousand Sons or daemons that I love so much will have a decent amount of strength for viability in even friendly matches with how they're looking to be- especially with the lack of variety in psychic things and stuff.
At least my Crons will fit the idea of an undying army of death and be relatively decent, right? Right?
>not replacing all lasguns to shotguns so you can run and shoot
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That's all for now folks
queer girl over at waypoint games
>plasma cannon
>on a hit roll of 1, THE BEARER IS SLAIN
That's definitely a copypaste error that's going to get errata'd within the first two weeks but holy shit that's hilarious
This is how hard reset editions work. These lists are pretty complex compared to the stopgap 3rd ed. armies. I'm sure there will be lots of fancy toys in the new codexes.
See >>53528227

It just loses half its wounds and both the plasma cannons blow up
I have 20 hellions, TG. Do I go full swarm with one squad, two medium squads of 10, a mix with a 10 and two 5 man squads, or MSU with four 5 man squads?
>Plasma cannon only does 6 wounds and prevents shooting
Well fucking Wew.
Rip Guard blobs, rip Conscripts, rip platoons.


There's a rule cut off lower down the page that says it isn't slain but takes 6 mortal wounds and can't shoot it's plasma cannons anymore

Also the tank commander can give it an order to reroll 1's to hit, so it's still viable with support

Actually a tank commander giving a baneblade rerolls of 1 is a big deal since it can put out such a ridiculous amount of dakka
eh ? plasma cannon kills the tank and more powerful eradicator plasma cannon doesnt?
We played a game after the store closed today. 750 points so we could finish it in an hour. (We had to call it on turn 3, the game is NOT as quick as advertised, at least when we had to keep looking up rules every 5 seconds spread across multiple pages, but admittedly as time goes by we will memorize them.) I don't think one game is reliable, we played my Orks versus the Manager's Sisters. But... his Sisters wiped the fucking floor with me. By turn 3, the game was speeding up, even though it ran well over the hour we had planned on. I had 12 Ork Boyz, a Mek, and a Killa Kan on the board. He had basically his whole army. Personally I think the Manager called the game because he didn't want to table me in my first game, and also... because he knew I have to try to encourage people to be optimistic about this game. It's my job.

But that's going to be hard to do now. I know it was just one game... but he didn't get particularly lucky. He actually rolled pretty poorly, considering how well he usually does.

My Orks didn't stand a chance from turn 1. That 6+ save and 5+ invun doesn't do much. For all the talk of "oh theres less weapons negating your save", well, it doesn't really seem to matter.

The Killa Kans died to bolters. He didn't even bother firing the meltas at them, he used them to kill my Trukk on turn 2. I lost the Nob to an exploding Trukk, so from there it just went to hell.

So I don't know guys. Don't set yourselves up for disappointment, that's all I'm going to say. This edition is not going to make people happy.

Sorry for the rant, I've been thinking about this for the whole drive home.

I'm just one opinion.
Ouch. Still don't think it's worth it.
Oh my god that's so fucking awful holy fucking shit

I understand the sad guardplayers now
Fucking bullseye right there.

This is a pattern that repeats EVERY edition.
still no straken
and im the one in for inquisitors
So Voxes do increase order range?

Thanks based Anon

Any chance of Guard points or command squads?
I mean, you could just NOT overcharge them
I lost the Nob to an exploding Trukk, so from there it just went to hell.

You get to put that wound where you want, why did you put it on the nob?

With rerolls to 1 it's okay but frankly you never have to overcharge it unless it's a do-or-die moment
Well to be fair how the hell was your army 750 points. Like that is a crap army.
Flash Fitz haven't been playable since 4th.
He did

>Hurrr durr im oldschool orks and cant crunch the numbers to see orks are massively buffed, the things that look off we dont know everything about, or that vehicles points scalings have been reworked.
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>want to play a game quickly
>why did you take less points
>I lost the Nob to an exploding Trukk, so from there it just went to hell.
Why was he the only one in the unit?

12 boys is 72 points, how the fucking shit did you spend 678 on a mek and a killa kan?
I think a factor in that might be that Orks are at their weakest in 8th in low point games where they can't afford to blob up and buff multiple units, while Sisters are at the strongest in low point games where the 1 Act of Faith per turn is enough to sustain the entire force without having a bunch of tax units to give you more uses
>IG orders are better than Canticles of the Omnissiah
>"Twin-linked weapons shoot twice now!"
>Exterminator is Heavy 4 TL in 7e
>still only shoots 4 in 8e

>elite superheavy tank

I'm so done.
I'm serious here, you should be able to fit 12 boys, a mek and a FUCKING GORKANAUT into 750 points

M8 I think your list building had some errors
Yeah because the Sisters must have had like 500 more points then you. As you barely spent anything.
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>So Voxes do increase order range?
a little part of me just died...

i thought this was going to be the "fun allowed" edition and let vox casters give infinte range to orders like they do in the movies
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>mfw DoW Flash Gitz got me into Orks
Where are the platoons? Why is everything split up? Why are there no blobs?

We are just missing something right?
There's a lot of rules to remember. Manager kept having to say "Wait, no, I'm thinking 7th edition." We fucked that up, obviously. I didn't remember until you said it now I could have kept him alive, but it wouldn't have made much difference. Their unit got reduced to 2 models from shooting, and then charged, and got killed by overwatch. Can't remember the rolls but the Nob might have survived on a wound? So that's a few attacks with a big choppa before ge gets kicked to death by Stilletos.

Anyway, my son's still awake, he's supposed to be asleep at 10. Need to have a talk with him. Have a good night/morning wherever you are everybody.
You can fit 100 Boyz and a Warboss, I have no idea what this fucker was doing
I think he was saying on turn 3 that's all he had left
Anon... I'm sorry...

We have one unit statpage and no platoon commander page, so I'm assuming we're just missing that info so far
They were useful for me in 7th, they just needed a lot of support unfortunately

>14 points

You guys are being dumb. The 12 boys, Mek, and Kan is what he had left by turn 3.

If you read, you'd see that he, at the very least, started with more Kanz, a painboy, and a Trukk
Characters don't join units. Blobs aren't essential. Plus we haven't seen conscripts.
Hey anon, you too. Gotta keep waiting I guess, maybe the FAQ will fix something.
pretty sure there was more than that in his list folks

just because they didn't spend six hours typing out a full battle report doesnt' mean thats all tha happened

next youll be saying "how did it take three turns if only two units shot anyone?"
There's a rumour that conscripts are just totally gone, replaced by Guardsman going down to 4ppm
>Trukk list with kanz

Anon you dont sound like youre good at orks and were against someone who is a much better player than you, and has enough general knowledge to play to the weaknesses of your shitty all over the place wonky ass list.

Keep playing them for your hype games though people are going to love stomping you.
Since you're a reddit frogposter killing yourself is definitely the better option.
Yeah don't get how you could fuck up.

What was your actual build.
>maybe the FAQ will fix something.
niggers the book hasnt EVEN COME OUT YET and yall already want the FAQ!!
To be fair there are at least a couple typos and other things that could use an FAQ out the gate
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>mfw Scourges are my favorite unit
>mfw I have 30 of them

What are you so dumb that you can't understand and need a FAQ for?
Of course we do. Because hundreds of people combining their knowledge are smarter than 12 people and we can spot problems in something thrown together in part time in 18 months when it should have been the product of 5 years of hard work.
No blobs no Conscripts. Blobs were great because one order could do work on 30 squads. Now the orders suck because they hit one tiny shitty 10 man squad.
Only for Shard Carbines. You still have to buy the damned special guns. A scourge with a Haywire is 26 points.
Scourge with 1 leader and 4 Lances is 155. That's not awful for the damage output.
Hes also saying that his list was all over the fucking place, kanz, trukks and who the fuck knows what else.

Youre still playing orks, having an unspecialized list that arrives in small waves and blaming it on orks being bad and not your own shit play is still bad form.
I thought I would be excited for nids getting better but now it's just painful going from the Tyranid thread where everyone is so happy and hype and then coming back here to this gloomy sadboy party of heartbroken Ork and Guard players. I just want everyone to enjoy their games :c
So who ISN'T mad about things?

Nids and...?
None of those are FAQ issues such as ambiguous wording. They're things he doesn't like because the rules don't fit what he thinks the fluff should be.

There are only a handful of typos and things I've seen. Like the claws on the Keeper of Secrets.
Grey Knights, NuMarines, Nids, Dark Eldar.

They are mathematically superior, by far.
Pretty much seems to be Nids and Dark Eldar.
That's a good point. On the other hand people were creaming themselves on how strong FRF/SRF was going to be on 50 man blobs. Now we know why the rule is as it is.
Ork Battlewagons having 4 Big Shootas AND 4 Rokkit Launchas.
Oh right, Grey Knights too.

NuMarines aren't actually looking especially impressive so far, though.
i feel bad for nids, being the OP faction does nothing but being shame and ruin see tau for reference

Primaris marines unironically look like garbage at the moment
Tau. They're not really bad now, just kinda mediocre and different.

I've seen more people pretending Tau are mad than I have actual Tau players commenting on the changes, and overall the comments have been positive.
I'm an Eldar, Necrons, and BA player. I'm fine. Not salty at all. Yet.
None of this happened, but have a (You) because I was triggered until I saw your "750 point list."
Keep in mind you can take a squad of NuMarines in anything. As an army, bad. As a squad here or there? Damn good.
i'm okay with a lot of stuff, still need to see how my craftworld and daemons pan out. i have seen that shuriken weapons get -6 ap on 6s and that might include against vehicles as well.
Some of those are misrepresentation most is just that anon trying to push his personal taste.
The way I see it is, even if Nids are the strongest Faction, they're nowhere near the level of disparity in strength that Eldar is in 7th to the next tier, and they've been utterly unplayable shit for so long they deserve a place near the top.

Also the meta hasn't even begun to shake out yet so we could all be jumping the gun and nids might just turn out to be good but not the best.

Not too sure about that


marine marines have no good vibes with them
If you have the gull to look someone in the eye and argue that then I would recommend you try learning the subtle art of not being a faggot
Orks players who dont suck and werent dumb enough to want flashy primaris beast nobs

At least before the 2018 campaign.
Baneblade can have at once:

2 heavy bolters
8 more heavy bolters OR 8 heavy flamers
1 heavy stubber
1 hunter killer missile
4 lascanons
1 autocanon
1 baneblade canon
1 demolisher canon

This fucking dakka from hell
There are mad tau players but they aren't posting here because they know they'll just get laughed at and shit on.

The Tau players who are actually into the faction and aren't just triptide spamming faggots are the people you're referring to and I'm sure they'll find a way to make good lists with all the tools they still have available
>The Tau players who are actually into the faction and aren't just triptide spamming faggots are the people you're referring to and I'm sure they'll find a way to make good lists with all the tools they still have available

Second that for ork players.
Yeah, and with BS fucking 4+ you won't hit half your shots. It's gonna be great missing everything all the time when it matters, huh?
err -4, highest i've seen is -5 on heat lances
Yeah and it'll cost 1000 points.
>i have seen that shuriken weapons get -6 ap on 6s
That's the part that had me giddy with joy. Priests giving plus one attack on my 50 man blobs with a Commissar nearby, I was so ready. Straken buffing them further, but now I'm pretty sure blobs aren't a thing. I have a small hope, but mostly I am a little crushed.
The big thing with Orks is that we still haven't seen that many full profiles or special rules. Could be some good stuff still that makes up for the costs seeming so high.

Personally, I was hoping to start up an Ork army for 8th, and Burna Boyz are already looking fine, so that's good enough for me
ork players who are getting really buttblasted aren't very orky. pissing yourself at the first sign of a mediocre codex is for 'umies and WAACfags
>imperial fist terminator thought he had fortified the position enough with +0 save
>stupid monkeigh got monofilament shurikens through his hearts
Nothin personnel...kid

Tank orders my dude

Also 40 heavy bolter shots will kill 7 marines on average even at BS 4+, nearly as much as an avenger cannon on a BS3+ knight and costs less to boot.
Terminators in cover?
We'll still have HQ units though, right?
They have to leave us one "guard unique" thing, right?
The aura abilities will still work fine without blobs, so that's good. It's targeted things like Orders that are seeing a huge nerf.

Maybe you're just supposed to run more Officers in the new Guard? I think Characters have been seeing points cuts across the board.
Only -3 on a 6.
>rage comic
>tg not /tg/
God, I wish I could hate you to death.

10 heavy bolters
15 hits

1 hit

1.5 hits

4 lascanons
2 hits

baneblade canon
3.5 hits

demolisher canon
.75 hits

17.5 hits with str 4-7
6.25 hits with str 9-10

Seems pretty legit to me. This thing is going to tear stuff to shreds and there are probably like 30 character bubbles that can up its BS.

Literally all of that still works since buffs are auras now instead of only on one unit
>tank orders
I've got bad news for you, son. Tank orders are, and will remain, Leman Russ only.
Yeah. Even Daemonettes have their rending just at a -4. -6 is like, there's a unit with a 2+ in some ruins, and it's cityfight so he has a +2 bonus instead of a +1, and even that's just a 6+ save

It's one thing to have that attitude if this is your first time seeing the writing on the wall, but some of us have already been through this situation twice already and know exactly how it goes. There's always those few guys in the Denial phase of grief saying things exactly like what you just said and they're always wrong.
>take a 1000p tank
>kill 7 marines
It also nerfs sergeants and special/heavy weapons. I think that's why they ditched blobs so you couldnt do 50 man blobs that were too hard to kill your way to the special weapons.

Infantry squads are one troop choice too so it limits how many bodies you can take.
Okay, that's much more reasonable
Sort of. Power weapons can't hide as well in non blobs.
Probably. Although it might work a little differently. Maybe like the DE Court of the Archon it's a "free" seperate choice that is set up with the character and gains benefits while near him.
Can Vets not have two guys in the squad with special weapons now, or is it just cut off?

Shotgun Vets advancing with lots of flamers seems fucking sick
Well on the bright side IG might have a really easy time filling that new Brigade Detachment and have way more Command Points than the other factions.

3 cheap HQs, 6 Guard Squads, 3 Vet squads, 3 Heavy Weapons teams, and 3 Sentinel Squadrons in FA.

I really wish
Had panned down juuust a bit more


It's a 500-ish point tank shooting it's back up guns.

and a 450 point knight will kill about 8 marines in a turn at range total.

It really ain't bad m8
Is anyone have that leak for Drop Pod ? I want to see how bad it is now.
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that sounds like quitter talk, anon.
True. Good point.

You've got a 10 wound power axe sergeant, it'll be fine
Now Starcannons on the other hand are fucking brutal. heavy S6 AP-3 and 3 damage at 36 inches.
Can we get a comprehensive list of what sucks now?
according to WAACfags, everything
(everything except nids)

Everything that isn't nids and grey knights
IG leak anon. Are Conscripts still a thing?
For a second I thought you said heavy 3. That doesn't seem to bad. Lascannon with lower strength but more consistent damage
>10" blast
>reduced to averaging 3.5 hits
Do you not see the fucking problem here?
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according to this thread? everything. but the playing field has been leveled. all according to plan
Not that much. One additional HQ will open up three more more troop slots in an additional detachment. Or if you can upgrade to Brigade detachment instead that's 12 troops slots total.
>what sucks now?
>(everything except nids)
>Everything that isn't nids

It's like I'm playing fucking bizarro 40k
/tg/'s ability to gauge what sucks

News flash idiot: every single blast weapon in the game got nerfed like this. All of them.
its going be Bugs VS. Elves at all the major tourneys, I'm calling it. Screen cap this
starcannon heavy2 s6 ap-3 d3
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40k is burning and lost its flavor and your shitting on this over meme error.

>/tg/ is burning with autist
>your on fire
>you all alright man?
>3.5 hits
you forgot to roll to hit
News flash, you retarded piece of fucking shit: not every blast weapon was a 10" template. 3.5 hits would be appropriate for a large blast, not a fucking apoc template.
>10" blast
No. Just 3 damage.
Useless sentinel < Useful hellhound

Anon pls.
Babe wolf might be the only blast unit to get buffed
In the entire fucking game.
t. WAAC tau player
I really feel like they fucked up with this. Using a flat D6 for blasts against everything is such a mistake. It could have been like D6+2 or something, or always hits against infantry.
Baneblade cannon was an apocalyptic blast, a 10" template.
it has 2d6 shots averaging 7 shots and hitting with half.

No, because baneblades never should have been in the game at all and retarded garbage like 10 inch templates and D weapons were a big part of why sixth and seventh were garbage tier editions that were unplayable.

It's not about equivalency, large blasts are now 1.5 ish hits, small blasts are either .75 hits or 1.5 low strength hits

AOEs across the board have been toned way the fuck down.
That's true. Thinking on it more it's not so bad, I just don't know what to do with my Conscript models now. I made them Penal legions and gangers. Guess I can just do Lasgun squads.

Frankly just consider it BS/WS a buff to your conscripts
Don't even play tau.
>2d6 shots
my mistake
wait, they got rid of all the caps on stats right? i'm wondering why we haven't seen t12 or s16 yet. though it doesn't really matter since instant death is gone
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Honestly all the weapon changes and balancing makes sense if you assume that GW is trying to make 40k tabletop play like DoW dark crusade
Yup. You're going to need screening units for all the assault armies people will be playing. Put those guys in front.
t.WAAC tau player

Knights and leviathan dreadnoughts can get S16
Wraithknight with a ghostglaive is S16. >>53528913
Stompas are Strength 20
t. tau player, typing through his tears
meant to link >>53528855
Thanks guys for talking it through with me and making me feel better about the changes.

I read that orkanauts can hit 22.
>We got rid of the caps on S/T so things aren't clogged and to get rid of D
>99% of the units are 3-4
Why the fuck dont you spread it out a bit more?
Also you can have a squad of TWENTY of the Spider-Man hating bastards.
Thank you anon
Points included with this one >>53527909
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So does anyone want to have a fa/tg/uy potluck before well blow peep hole our cats and drink bleach?
>before well blow peep hole our cats
They'll release new models and characters when we get our own book. That's how they make money
>spiderman hating

ya lost me, but i think JJJ might play marines
So how long are we stuck with these placeholder lists?
Will GW be releasing codices faster than usual because it's a burn it down and start over edition?
Green Goblin anon, it was obvious
sorry anon, it's late and i can only shitpost at this point.
Motherfuckers better be speedy. Eventually some fa/tg/uy is going to realize he can make a bigger point of hating 8th by blowing himself up in GWs' HQ instead of burning his models.
That's exactly the same as current edition. Except now they don't scatter and are pretty damn effective against non-vehicles too. Blessed be our scourge overlords.
Basically every vehicle in the game is t8 for some reason.
got like one built and four unbuilt for my deathwatch but now im happy i didnt put the rest together
Because lascannons are S9 and they want them to be good against most vehicles.
>Rapid Fire 2
>50 man blob
>12" range
>200 dice

Oh boy...
Anyone still have the link for the Ahriman & Rubrics rules?
>Exterminator is Heavy 4 TL in 7e
>still only shoots 4 in 8e

Exterminator got Heavy 4 guns in 5e. Before that it was a standard TL autocannon.


What do you think was Baneblade's BS before?
You already paid for those so better get on it, it may still make a nice pieces of decoration.
Welcome to the world's most exclusive club
Speaking for nids, gsc, de a be crons, I'm happy. Haven't seen anything at all for crons yet, but they're always a gw favorite
I mean Scarabses.
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Damn oversized robots on my tabletop. I'll melee them down all the same
Anyone know the stats for monstrous crushing claws (as opposed to regular crushijg claws)? I wonder if carnifex will have -1 to hit when taking them.
>still no known rules for platoons
40 lasfire shots is still something, r-r-right?
So are lobbas and kannons even options for mek guns anymore or are they confined to battlewagons?
You better hope so, veterans are 120pt elite choices.
>Hellions and Wyches are slated to continue to be awful
>Painted up 20 of each

The wait continues
>Hellions are bad

>18" assault 2 4+ poison
>assault means running and shooting
>2A S4 D2
>can disengage, shoot, and charge
>Gets combat drugs like +1A/S/T or +2M
>can choose drugs now
>this is considered bad
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20 Shield Drones surrounding a Riptide/Stormsurge. Does it work?
Too bad C'tans are absolute shit these days. Even in the new edition I'm pretty fucking disappointed with the Transcendent C'Tan.
>voxes are still shit
ho boy





sisters leak? Which leak
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