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"""Balanced""" Desert edition

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"""Balanced""" Desert edition
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"OMG it's just like Death's Shadow, but worthless!"
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This is just Gearseeker Serpent, but not awful
should have costed one less to cast, it's really meh right now
I'm guessing that the reason they decided not to reprint Desert is because it's constant unpreventable damage at no cost.
More like a shittier Nyaxathid
>"they decided not to reprint Desert because it's fair"
I don't understand your statement
Maybe they should print decent amounts of land destruction then.
Oh, wait, sorry. Forgot that removal is badwrong and that interacting with lands is badwrong.
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>Rhonas, the Indomitable

>Deathtouch, indestructible

>Rhonas, the Indomitable can't attack or block unless you control another creature with power 4 or greater.

>2G: Another target creature you control gains +2/0 and trample until end of turn.

It's not bad
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Simic Nissa.
I guess we're not seeing Kiora ever again
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Zombie Tribal?
It's also uncommon which likely means it's intended to be a staple for RB Hellbent in draft.
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Yeah, something tells me WotC wants Zombie Tribal to be a thing
They don't want Desert in Standard because it easily creates board stalls, screws with combat math, and discourages you from being aggressive. Especially in multiples.
I wish it was common so much anon.
>screws with combat math
>casuals can't handle 1 extra damage

>discourages aggro
Oh noooo. That suuucks
I'd say "Good, Kiora was terrible" but Nissa is somehow worse.

God, to think I once thought playing the most hipster two color combo would protect me from this nuwalker nonsense.
I am literally disgusted by this card.
And that's how we arrived at Creatures: The Tappening.
Any sort of interaction with your opponent's creatures is badwrongfun.
If people can't play around fucking Desert then I honestly don't know what to say, that's fucking toddler tier.
I guess I can fuck around with recurring it 40 times in a turn to kill someone in EDH but that's fucking durdle tier, was Desert really so fucking overpowered that they had to release this bland piece of bread in card form?
So "fuck Standard" is what I'm hearing?

Gurmag Angler is just not doing it for you, Pauperfag?
Can't play grumag in mono U
Cloud did nothing wrong, should have banned delver of "1 mana 3/2 is fine lmao"
I didn't know wizards were still capable of making good flavor texts.
There are a few return land to hand effects in blue that could make it playable in UG maybe? Blue cartouche also aids synergy into a beater deck
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>Desert was overpowered so we had to make a version of it that's total fucking trash

Every god damn thing about this expansion looks like ass except the full art lands, and even those are only in 25% of packs.
Is it just me, or do most of the """"""rares"""""" in this set look like trash draft fodder? How is this set supposed to compete in the same standard environment as kaladesh? It's really disappointing, because I was hoping amonkhet would save standard, but it looks like we will be getting at least another 4 months of vehicles vs saheeli
Also, they've stated more than once that, since Vehicles were a new subtype, they weren't sure how good they'd actually be - especially since they changed in the middle of Kaladesh development from 'this many bodies' to 'this much power'
They wanted to make sure people would play them. They got their wish, a bit too much.
And, of course, somehow didn't see the interaction between Saheeli and Feldari Guardian whatsoever.
>Also, they've stated more than once that, since Vehicles were a new subtype, they weren't sure how good they'd actually be - especially since they changed in the middle of Kaladesh development from 'this many bodies' to 'this much power'
That explains the totally pointless Servo subtheme.
Yep. Personally, just play casual with friends.
They also thought Servos were going to be a deck in and of themselves.
It wasn't a pointless subtheme. They seriously thought it was going to be a major deck.
Development has no idea what it's doing.
Given the existence of cards that care about Deserts as a subtype, I suspect there will be other deserts at uncommon and rare.

should have cost BB
Why don't they just embargo pro players to test shit for them if they are so awful at it. Like beta testers for sets or something.
I'm asking a probably stupid question, but here I go anyway.
A friend of mine opened a booster with a card that had 'S' rarity, what's that?
Sorry for being a complete noob, but I thought rarity stuff would be clear nowadays, but people online talk about c, u, r and m, no mention of 's'.
It's foiled and it's legendary, pics of the same card online has an m though. He's not trying to sell it or whatever he didn't know what it meant and I don't know either.
He and I would like to know out of curiosity.

get used to this card, you'll be seeing it a lot.
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>Why don't they just embargo pro players to test shit for them
What's the card name?
Aggro decks are important anon
Development actually IS made of former pro players.
Keyword: former.
From years ago at this point.
And they've ended up with some weird ideas about How Shit Works since they're just working with themselves all the time instead of with others at all.
Various pro players have said that if they test too much within their own groups, they'll start valuing some cards too highly. Development does that too, but with Development they'll do that still even after they themselves nerf the card into oblivion. See First Response, which once cost much less and was running rampant in their leagues, which they were STILL playing and designing cards around - like Siege Rhino - despite it being a shitty underwhelming enchantment in the real world.
I'm assuming he meant 'you aren't allowed to play in formats with these cards and can't talk about them, in exchange for helping us playtest with them and getting paid for it'
Is it a kaladesh invention or something? They're orange.
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Oops, forgot pic
Every 1 in 108 booster packs in Kaladesh block contain an Invention card. They're valuable promos. This is one of them.
See that's what confused us it was in an aether revolt booster, thanks for the info
Wow, it's like Gravecrawler but shit.
They're in every standard legal set from Kaladesh on. The frame (And name of the type of card) is shared between the two sets in each block (IE, Expeditions for BFZ, Inventions for KLD, Objectively shit for AMK)
Yeah but that art and flavor though.
>it'a a phantom like horror
>it gets stronger when you have less reason
My bad, sorry for the misunderstanding on my part.
>it actually is bigger than any of the gods if you're hellbent

Why didn't they add a Mummy creature type? I really wanted to make a Mummy tribal deck.
They're Cretins
Because then they don't benefit from zombie tribal cards!
Please ignore the nagas and jackals in the room.
But outside of some new set SCGs and the like, we haven't had aggro in standard for a while. It's all mid-range shit that looks like aggro.
Hilariously Prowling Serpopard is a 4/3 and does activate the god.

Why are naga even a thing on Amonkhet?
Reptile people are a thing in egyptian mythology, and what other creature type could you possibly give to reptile people?
Snake. Lizard. Lamia (kek).
Creature - Jew

It would even be fitting for an egypt plane.
Then they'd have to errata Maro
>Sniveling jew
Wouldn't be the first time.
>Summon Nature Spirit
The origins walkers would likely need to face errata too...
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Just saw this guy on the MTGGoldfish twitch stream.
Maybe worth it in Modern burn against certain decks?
>Not Planeswalker

Cat combo still reigns supreme
The ONE KIND OF CARD that Red can do SOME sort of enchantment hate, and they pussy out.
Why is it not just 'permanent'?
Also, who wants to bet this is their attempt at trying to design the 'broken red two drop' people keep asking for?
That's pretty solid. Burning-Tree Shaman has a new best friend.
>Why is it not just 'permanent'?

because they didn't want to print a hatebear that read 'lol planeswalkers'

This is pretty hilarious in a fetch-land format.
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>Interacting with Lands

Give me an interesting Simic Walker not something that just grinds out value
This is going into all my red EDH decks. Try and go infinite now mother fucker.
well that's going in everything
>5 life for fetch/shock
Just burn me up senpai

'scool, I'm running Death's Shadow
Seems like a pain in the ass for DS if they don't Tarfire it before taking too much.
>complaining about durdle tier
pick one, filthy casual.
>Development has no idea what it's doing.
God if that isn't the truest thing I've heard all year. How do you not look at a set full of token makers with butts bigger than fists and not realize "hey zen/inn standard is gonna be boring as shit tokens slamming into more boring fucking tokens until someone drops their overpowered angel"?

This is the same company that thinks "redhead who likes fire" and "awkward dork" are complex characters, and that "girl goes from innocent healer to slutty necromancer" is character development.

Fuck you, WotC. Fire MaRo and hire someone under 45 & pay them a competitive salary. Then maybe you won't be such a greasy dumpster fire.
This is insane. I don't normally hype shit up, but are you guys seeing this?

Or do you guys not play Legacy or Modern? Or Vehicles? Or anything.
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RDW is gonna be so live
>a 5/6 flyer with affinity for artifacts
Definitely just gave red a .very. authoritative 2 drop that can jam fetchlands and certain combos. Buying 3 playsets.
One-Off creature types are cancerous and parasitic. Be glad that mummies are zombies, because that way they'll get support and mummy-like stuff might see prints in other sets. Good fucking luck though if you want to play shit like Samurai, Minotaurs, Viashino or Cephalids.
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I have a solution!
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So this works how I think right? I can put three -1/-1 counters on a Scarab and get 3 scarabs?
Here's a question: how come tron doesn't side in 4 deserts in modern? It was a timeshifted card in time spiral so it's legal in the format.
Too much combo in the format, I guess.
what enchantments in any format get repeatedly activated?
unless English isn't your first or second language how could you possibly think it would do anything else?
Everybody knows desert can only be activated at the end of combat step right?
You guys all know it doesn't do fucking shit right? In what format is poking 1/1s to death AFTER they swung and hit you overpowered?
He might be thinking that the scarab token would die as a state based effect once one -1/-1 token touches it, and if the tokens get applied consecutively, not simultaneously, he'd only get a single scarab out of it.
Which is not the case, but might very well be.
You put one counter on a Scarab, it dies, the rest fizzle.
Which I figure in this fuck Standard something that stupid would happen.
Now if you'll excuse me I've got to go play Golgari Scarabs
People are probably misremembering the text, because "Deal 1 Damage to an attacking creature at the end of combat" is really fucking weak and there'd be no reason then for Wizards not to reprint it then.
aggravated assault
glare of subdual
yawgmoth's bargain
the theros gods
goblin bombardment
survival of the fittest
food chain (I don't think it's a mana ability but I could be wrong)
Splinter Twin
greater good
Death's shadow really doesn't want to get mana-jammed bc a fetch is going to push them over the edge, I think this card is going to see some heavy rotation
>Remember when Nissa was Gb?
>You're a fucking nazi if you do, Nissa was never a nazi
Twin gives the creature the ability
Fair enough.
the full art swamps look fucking great.
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I feel like they need outsiders to playtest though or the problem you've mentioned will always be constant. Sure it's a chance it will happen but with their team it almost feels guaranteed, especially when they are the ones balancing and nerfing things.

Didn't pirates rape hearthstone for like a year because of this same exact issue?
"If you combo, you lose" the card
So currently there is no reason to buy this set over Kal/Aeth right? I know more casual players will but people with mardu and saheeli combo decks have no use for these sets because they can't even compete. I hope Hour of Devastation fixes this shit
>didn't even mention Sneak Attack
>complains about Development and Creative
>calls for the company to fire Maro, who isn't in either of those departments
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Isn't it sad, MaRo-chan?
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>This counters Hellbent and burns the opponent
What relevant cards does this hit in modern?

All fetches and Inkmoths obviously

Scavenging Ooze. What else?
In Legacy it's sideboard tier vs Lands.
In Modern it may push the Eidolon to sideboard status because it beats a lot of decks.
In Standard it'll just force vehicles to run more Shock.
Basically everything in Lantern control, arcbound ravager, aether vial.
my thoughts that they might make multiple "flavors" of desert. I mean there is that one card that searches for deserts in this set, so it ain't outside the realm of possibility.

And hey, who knows, maybe it'll be an invocation in Hour of Devastation where the magic barrier keeping the horrible desert out disappears and the real desert spills its way into the city.
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With this complete the Dark Confidant cycle?
>not planeswalkers

Fuck I hate WotC
>Doesn't affect enchantments
it's shit

I want to pair this with eidolon but then i'm bad at magic
Are you kidding me? Stopping every Planeswalker without at least a +3 from ever ticking up is insane.
>I want to pair this burn card with another burn card

Good idea captain
creature lands activating (raging ravine or cellestial collonade), cursecatcher, the infinite combos with visera seer and kitchen finks and anafenza, mishra's bauble

the only relevent legacy card it doesn't stop is counterbalance.
Planeswalkers need to go and stay go.
I could only think of so many
>Errata burn cards that target players to include planeswalkers as "players"
>Balance out Planeswalkers
You can already redirect player damage to planeswalkers. Is that what you're saying?
that's combat damage though. You can't bolt a Planeswalker
>In Legacy
Deathrite Shaman
Umezawa's Jitte
Swords of X&Y
Mother of Runes
Aether Vial
Rishadan Port
Grim Lavamancer
Sensei's Divining Top
Dark Depths
Thespian's Stage
Vampire Hexmage
Maze of Ith
Cephalid Colisseum
Knight of the Reliquary
Stoneforge Mystic
Painter's Sevant
>In Modern
Mishra's Bauble
Fulminator Mage
Aether Vial
Arcbound Ravager
Cranial Plating
Steel Overseer
Sanctum of Ugin
Horizon Canopy
Oblivion Stone
Expedition Map
Scavenging Ooze
Shambling Vent
Stirring Wildwood
Raging Ravine
Relic of Progenitus
Engineered Explosives

Off the top of my head.
If it affected Planeswalkers it'd be broken.
yes you can?
No, I think you can.
>That's combat damage though
Burn spells are not combat damage.
>You can't bolt a planeswalker
True, but you can redirect damage to the planeswalker, which is essentially the same thing.
>doesn't say enchantment
>Lightning Bolt - no, it can't target a planeswalker. But you can target your opponent with Lightning Bolt, and redirect the damage to their planeswalker as mentioned above. It doesn't target the planeswalker, but it'll end up dealing damage to it.Dec 15, 2014

If only it had flying.

maybe... don't have strong opinions on things you know nothing about?


You bolt the controller then redirect damage.
Yes you can.
>/tg/ is bad at magic is a meme, is a meme
It still rapes Miracles.
I mean, he is technically correct. You have to target the controller to hit the PW. This is important because it means Leyline of Sanctity gives PWs protection from burn.
Not opine on things you don't know about? On the internet? On 4chan? On /tg/?

You don't go to a strip club to play chess now do you?
To be fair to the guy, it doesn't make sense that giving yourself hexproof stops your opponent from bolting your planeswalkers.
>Fetches aren't mana abilities
>bolt for every land
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I always thought '/tg/ is bad at magic' was a meme. Guess not.
almost everything in tron

>We wuz bad teachers and stuff

Fucking Tyrone ruining several viable decks (and not hitting Storm)
Yeah, why the hell are people saying this isn't going to be played over Eidolon?
The only thing in Tron it hits is maps, O-stone, and I guess ghost quarter, and relic.

Eggs are mana abilities.
Perhaps that's the reason Desert isn't in the set. People repeatedly thinking it's just 1 to an attacker and playing it wrong. Because if people are dumb, the card is badwrong.
On the other hand, As Foretold and Approach of the Second Sun and New Perspectives have shown that people are idiots about lots of stuff and they printed it, so no, Development probably somehow decided that it really is too powerful, somehow.
right. I think tron runs a couple fetches, but can;t be sure. Whatever the case, this will punish greedy manabases which is 90% of the format
>this will punish greedy manabases
Why do you faggots have such a hard on for punishing people who don't play 100% basic lands only?
Because Eidolon rapes everything else.
They'll be meta calls. For Delver metas Eidolon, for Miracles metas Niggerdolon.

Because fuck you, that's why.
Only memey tron lists like Bant or Grixis run fetches. G/x, U, and Eldrazi tron are all fetchless.

You're certainly right about this punishing most manabases in modern though. I expect Harsh Mentor to see play as at least a 2-of mainboard in burn lists.
It's extra damage practically every turn. this may mean 4 extra damage or even 6 from one card taht can swing
Why do you want a format where games end on turn 3 or 4?
I'm not denying that's what the card does, I just can't understand why people here jerk themselves off over cards preventing people from playing real decks instead of linear noninteractive goldfish piles
might just be one of the top 3 cards in the set.

Might be the only good card in this set
So far it IS the good cards
It hits almost all combos in the game.
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>complains that the card stops people from playing "real decks"
>card punishes greedy manabases that enable linear aggro degeneracy
Are you okay anon?
Because aggro decks that run more than two colors are degenerate as fuck.
When people refer to "greedy mana bases" they are almost exclusively referring to BGx midrange decks that get hosed by blood moon.
No way this moves all 4 Eidolons to the sideboard. Maybe 1. I see this replacing grim lavamancer in the mainboard. I would probably run 3 of this guy in my 75.
Because it will be played alongside it.
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>tfw my casual friends insist on playing Standard
My saved images aren't loading so I'm just going to post a random one and hope it conveys my emotions
Because they are worried having more than a handful of creature types will confuse and anger the mind of a new player
>Thinking this will make agro decks worse

Anon I have some bad news for you.
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Now we just need Desertpost and I can play Desert in Modern.
I didn't say it would, I just think that aggro decks should never be enabled to have consistent 3 color manabases.
nice buzzwords. It has nothing to do with new players.
>print Naga creature type
>people cry bloody murder that their snake tribe shouldn't be split up
>print Mummies with Zombie creature type
>people bitch about mummies not getting their own type
Jesus fucking christ
Wow I think this will be the first card ever that I preorder. It's insane in Legacy vs Miracles
Why isn't it a snake?

Why is serpent a thing?

What is different between a snake and a serpent?
I don't think I've been as confused during spoiler season in a long time.
While the words themselves are pretty interchangeable in spoken language, serpent has mythical beast implications. All serpents in mtg are hueg sea creatures.
Bad punish effect for fetching, not much else.
Gets countered or Terminused against Miracles, does nothing against BUG, Burn, Delver, Eldrazi, Sneak & Show, Storm, Reanimator, etc.
>Gets countered or Terminused against Miracles
"Dies to removal" is alive and well.
>Gets countered or Terminused against Miracles
same can be said about Eidolon and Lavamancer and those cards are great against Miracles
It's literally the entire point of Miracles.

Go ahead, tell me how many of your threats stick against the best control deck, and the best deck overall in Legacy.

This, Piranha Marsh, Worldgorger Dragon, Entomb, Animate Dead. Sunscorched Desert does have the benefit over Piranha Marsh because it doesn't come into play tapped, so you could combo off turn two (or turn one with two Lotus Petals).

It'd be a fun super-budget Legacy combo.
Neat. What's would the filler be for the deck if you're not playing blue for budget reasons?
I don't think you understand the burn matchup.

Harsh Mentor isn't a hard counter like Eidolon is against Storm, but if he gets 4 or more damage to the opponent, he's done his job and your opponent had to answer it with something. And Countertop is a bit less scary with the change to Wear//Tear.
3 color and 4 color decks/manabases are so uncommon these days
Return of cycling, gives options on how to spend the card
Good enough powerlevel on common and uncommons

+1/+1 and -1/-1 counter mechanics
>Go ahead, tell me how many of your threats stick against the best control deck, and the best deck overall in Legacy.

There's no doubt that Miracles is the best deck in legacy. But put this in a deck like Delver where you also have counter backup, and you could feasibly keep it alive through even a single removal spell. Any SDT out will become very painful for Miracles.
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>mfw this does jack shit to Seismic Assault

Duck Hunt continues to be the best deck in Modern

Of all the things to drop before the Miracles player sets up a lock, something that only punishes them once they've won probably isn't the right choice. The rules change isn't relevant enough to stop that.
>cycling and hellbent in the same set

Who thought this was a good idea?

If you're not runnin' blue, you'll want to protect the combo via discard. That means Thoughtseize, Unmask, Cabal Therapy, or Duress (don't do Inquisition, it can't hit Force of Will). It'd basically be what Red/Black Reanimator does to protect its combo. You could also run Dark Rituals and Hymn to Tourach, and Buried Alive/Faithless Looting as backup for the Entomb.
Yeah, that "can't talk about them" clause worked well with the french and New Phyrexia
How much mana do you think the deck needs?
4x Lotus Petal
2x Chrome Mox
4x Dark Ritual
?x Cabal Ritual?
12-14 lands?

What about digging as lolnoblue. Night's Whisper? Spoils of the Vault?
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This'll be cool with Kefnet the Careful. Run a bunch. Artifacts. Kefnet draw and finisher along with Consecrated and maybe a 2-of winner like Wurmcoil or something.

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and it's shit
Ahh, so cool! In the end I am only disappointed by Oketra, but that hurts the most because white (and cats) are my favorite.
>Combos with eldrazi scions
It's not COMPLETE trash...
Good idea
Well, is it better than Young Pyromancer?

It really only needs two mana to function properly, so low mana-count would be ideal. B/R Reanimator usually runs only 12 lands too (and 8 of those are fetches). Once you do the Worldgorger dragon combo with one of your drain lands on the battlefield, you win. With eight copies of the land, you should be able to get one easily either in your opening hand or with faithless looting. You can also run eight copies of Animate Dead if you also run Dance of the Dead to supplement, as again we wouldn't care about attacking, just doing a fuck-ton of blinking to the board. The only thing you can't really run a redundant of in the deck is Worldgorger Dragon, which makes me think leaning heavier into protecting Worldgorger from an effect that would take him out of your deck, or including an alternate win condition, would be a good use of whatever remaining design-space. B/R Reanimator only runs Faithless Looting to dig, and it seems to do pretty well at having explosive starts, so I don't think Night's Whisper or Spoils of the Vault would be necessary (but you could always experiment). Another thing you'd have to watch out for is Leyline of Sanctity, as both Piranha Marsh and the new Desert have to be able to target the player. Altar of the Brood would be an interesting workaround for that, though.
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Such a bad opinion presented with a faggot meme, you are a real winner
>Managed to be huge hot garbage

So the Green and White gods are the only that could become barely playable?

The Blue being a 1 of in some standard control lists

The Red being hot garbage in most aggro lists

And the Black being the Jank lord not seeing play ANYWHERE

Is that where mtg stands now?

I will label this set.

Battle for Theros Kamigawa 2.0

damn, son. It's particularly bad given just how good the Green God was. I feel like his ability should have been: Sacrifice a creature, target opponent sacrifices a creature.
>someone saved my shitty photoshop reaction pic
I don't know how I should feel about this
Well you obviously feel some pride
>3 cost
>easily enables attacking and blocking
>scary 1 and drain and gain 1

Not bad, honestly. At least yoy can keep cards in hand. Maybe Aristocrats can be a deck againt.
Green is the best by a large margin

I feel white is the second best and red is playable somewhere

Blue and Black both sit in the corner of the corner of the room for being retarded
Only targetted burn
Black is still leagues more playable than blue. Blue god is unfathomably bad
I would agree. I think the blue god will see play in super controlling sideboard matches against other control just as a more sticky azure mage.

I can't believe they made his restriction so bad. Even if it was something like 5 cards or more in hand it would still be pretty underwhelming.
You think so? He makes great use of cycle lands and flying is a pretty serious
ability, only Oketra has a better one. He can pick up some swords and fuck face my dude, and just like all the others he's god damned indestructible. And more, drawing cards is a stronger ability than S crying or some lame 1/1 vig dork. I don't only defend him but he's particularly one of my favorite. I'd say my 3rd of the 5.
With all the creatures that etb/ltb create tokens and Embalm creatures, Bontu is more playable than Red or Blue. I would rate them White=Green>Black>Red>Blue
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Yeah Kefnet's dope as fuck, I say. But in this art his little sliver head is so small you practically can't see it! It's almost good art, but losing their very head in the light is pretty crippling.
Green and white are the strongest again. Really makes you think.
But anon, it's a shitty meme
I literally made it while drunk and shitposting on tumblr
I think it looks pretty good, I always expand that thumbnail when is see it
It's the same problem with Bontu on the Vindicate and Pulse invocations. They have these weird head poses that are up and into the light. Must be the art director.
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Fine, have more of my shitty OC
by quite a large margin too
You forgot the whole paying mana and using a creature that could've attacked or blocked to get two bears through.
Burn is often 2-3 damage away from beating Miracles before they lock. If this guy can punish just two top activations, the match is suddenly on Burn's favor.
>sacrificing one bear for two bears and also scrying and draining for 1
oh yeah, total shit amirite?
Of course it's shit, it's not green.
Permanently losing a bear to get an extra bear that turn, but also spending mana to do it.
yeah, sacrificing one bear, so it can be blocked by two bears, which it then kills.
Sure, I'll take the 4 damage it takes for my Scion to wreck your face...
That is literally what the flavor text is telling the opponent on Harsh Mentor.
Green especially. All of the other gods need a deck built around them green is a fucking on tempo turn 3 play into generic 4 drop.
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No problem
Or they just take four and fucking smash you with Gideon and Heart for twice that.
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I found this, based on the blacked out text of Invoke Prejudice.
Fucking lol
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Absolutely Nurgle (good).jpg
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I didn't make that one, although I wish I did because it's great.

I made this one, though. I've seen it use a bit before.
I've seen that a few times actually
These are so dank I love them.
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>mfw I know what every card is in that pic
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It has a second version

Make your own, then. There aren't enough dank /tg/ memes.
Much funnier
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(cloak of) Confusion.jpg
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What are they? I made the damn thing and even I don't remember everything I used in it.
>Great art
>Great flavor text
>Will never see play

It really is a shame.
I made a filename of this image.

Wonder if it will become more relevant if the Doran Assault Formation in Modern catches on.
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Goddamnit, give me a bit.
Duck Hunt?
I think he means Seismic Swans
So Miracles is going to ACTIVATE AN ABILITY on their ARTIFACT to drop a Terminus?
Blatant Thievery
Day of judgement
Boonweaver Giant
Champion of Stray Souls
Chandra's Fury
Aether Adept
From Beyond
Sea God's Revenge
Altar's Light

Treasure Hunt decks: some of the cheapest decks you can play in Modern and possibly win games with
this is going to be great in chord of calling and coco decks
Remember when Wizards claimed there was still tons of design space left? Everything on this card has been seen before.

Everything in this set has been seen before.

Amonkhet is literally stitched together from 4+ sets.
Thought that might be what you were talking about. Just making sure.

How does Seismic Swans function with a full RU mana base, better or worse?
Swans is a bit better, since its more than just 6 spells and 54 lands.
Also known as Seismic Swans.
The combo involves using:
>Swans of Bryn Argoll: can be used to beatdown in a pinch, but mostly used for card draw; turns your Bolts into Ancestral Recalls
>Seismic Assault: turns your lands into free Shocks; with the swan, it turns all your lands into "discard this, draw 2 for free"
>Molten Vortex: back-up Seismic Assault so that you can find your actual Seismic Assault; requires mana to operate, so it's not effective in comboing off

The deck doesn't need 42 lands, but it requires Darkmore Salvage for dredging and re-discarding and a graveshuffler such as Kozilek, Butcher of Truth, to avoid decking out. The 42 lands deck is cheaper to make, though.
So Green > Red > Black > White >>>>>>>> Blue right?
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Was fonishing some stuff at work, we about to get out. In the meantime:

Blatant Thie(VERY)
(DAY) of Judgement
Boon(WE)aver Giant?
Champion of (STRAY) Souls
Chandra's (FU)ry
AE(THER) Adept
(FROM) Beyond
Sea (GOD'S) Revenge
Altar's (LIGHT)
trash >>> Amonkhet
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Aw damn, you already got to it.
too bad CP is banned in modern
It's banned in a lot of places.

well, I guess you have to ask yourself the question, how often do you recall ever having seven cards in hand, even in limited?

Hell I remember playing Saviors of Kamigawa with its sweep and wisdom mechanics and it was STILL rare as fuck.
Magic's Art Got Worse:

He's kinda right. The set name laziness starts shitting the bed at New Phyrexia.
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>durdle tier
>not wanting to going infinite on turn 3 with desert, a swamp, animate dead, and worldgorger dragon
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>feel like this is the best of the egyptian gods
>know everyone else will disagree with me anyways
>will still end up pushing it hard
No she's my favorite of the 5 too, and yeah I suppose those gator legs look pretty silky. If we're talking about bonkers and all.
It does nothing.
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I'm talking about the cheapness of the card's ability and the requirement needed just to get it to do anything of substance

Plus it has Menace

You really can't go wrong with that, I feel.
I meant to say I'm talking about boners
Luminarch Ascension?

Overrated. We've seen what happens to walkers that can't reliably protect themselves and rely on good topdecks - See Narset.

Now, if we get a Simic ramp deck, this will have a chance because you can drop it for 8 and immediately get 10 hasty flying damage.
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As an Elves player, I'm glad with anything that fights Miracles. But this is just a bazooka that also hurts my shamans/symbiotes.
That's because of R&D's current design philosophy which stems from a current fear of taking risks with unpresidented designs due to the game's recent all time high. Everything seems fine, so why risk alienating players by doing something unfamiliar? It might also be a case of them realizing that they're quickly running out of novel ideas and try to conserve them as much as possible, or they just flat out don't have any anymore.

It's weird how Maro has spent years talking about how the game has to constantly push boundaries and reinvent itself or it dies, and yet every design lesson he talks about on his podcast boils down to how blocks need to be more samey because innovation threatens to destroy the game. Either he truly lacks self-awareness or he knows that most people won't notice and is simply saying what they want to hear.
Kepret the mirdpuli is pretty cool, its weird how a blue card has no head but indestructible isnt common in blue so that must be the reason.
Legacy is fucked after this guy. Mission complished wotc.
Hes being general with his podcast, dude knows what they are doing is killing the game.
>whenever an opponent...
These gods lack that presence the theros ones had since those had a static ability to go along with.

>Oketra could've had an anthem, which could justify 4 mana 1/1's
>Kefnet could've gave you no maximum hand size so you aren't maintining an exact hand size of 7 to use him
>Bontu could've had an on death trigger to get a 2/2 zombie to feed into his ability considering right now you have to sacrifice board presence just to swing with a 4 power creature
>Hazoret could've bolted a creature whenever you discard a card to help him get through and reward discarding to activate him
>Ronas could've let you play an additional land or added G to your mana pool during your precombat main phase to help get a fatty out to activate ferocious
>lower the mana cost of every god's activated ability by 1

There, I just fixed all 5 gods while still keeping the drawback intact. I could probably live with them all costing 1 mana more aside from Hazoret. Fuck wotc.

They're not 'killing the game' until sales drop meaningfully. If they keep up good sales numbers, they have no reason to change.
You also made all five wordy.
oh no a legendary god card has text written on it
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Mythics can certainly afford to be wordy. Especially when it's something as supposedly splashy as the focal point of the set.
wizards has said in the past they'd never print 20 on a card.

>All time high

This isn't real right? Magic is basically dead in my area outside of Modern.
I mean, I give wotc tons of shit for unabashedly pushing green so much in comparison to the other colors in recent years but how really blame them if when I see this I shit myself in excitement
They lost money all 2016 long after a ridiculously profitable 2015. Q4 '16 put them barely where they were before Theros..
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Also see pic related if you're in charge of taking a picture of monitor.
Wizards has said many things in the past. Remember when they announced that mythic rarity was for big splashy effects and not constructed playable efficient cards?
Yes it isn't real. They only sell mtg in your area.
>Remember when they announced that mythic rarity was for big splashy effects and not constructed playable efficient cards?
No, because they didn't say that, but they were careful to word in such a way that people would take it that way to ease them into the idea.

What they actually said was that not *every* mythic would be constructed playable, and that not *every* constructed playable card would be mythic.
Snakes are green (occasionally black) and land based. Serpents are blue and water based. Typically snakes are small but deadly creatures, typically serpents are large but have trouble attacking (following blue's "large creatures with problems" like Leviathans and Krakens).
I believe it.
That's a distinction that the game has made for years, so regardless of wether one thinks it's stupid or not it's not Amonkhet's fault. What is Amonkhet's fault, however, is suddenly making Jackal a creature type distinct from Hound, while at the same time making goatmen Minotaurs.
>Legendary wurm
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>Aetherworks Marvel now has another valid target besides Ulamog
They already have, Spawnsire of Ulamog
Me too. Maro has been hyping up the mythic vanilla for some time. 8 mana 20/20 no abilities, legend drawback, seems real
green has good land tutors
okina and rogues passage means least amount of pumping necessary for commander damage win
Oh sod off.
20 as in: abusable 20.
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>yfw it's real and that a simple ass wurm made by Bolas forever ago in his heyday is literally stronger than an Eldritch god
>implying a 20/20 vanilla means shit when mardu vehicles just disintegrations it and cat combo just goes around it

Makes sense, considering how powerful Bolas was in his heyday.
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>tfw those people that joked about magic turning into people smashing super undercosted 20/20's together were right
This is the dawn of a new era.
Obviously not playing this myself.

>something something meta something
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It's fake, look at the copyright bit. It's got "and" instead of "&" like all the other cards with the m15 border.

The vanilla 20/20 dream is dead.
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Thank god, I almost got excited for a Magic set.

I mean I live in one of the biggest cities in America, I figure my sample size is good.

Is the foreign market holding standard up or something?
The eldrazi aren't powerful. Sorin could have killed all three at the same time without excerting himself if Ugin had told him how.
That's gonna bite the phantom lizard in the ass one of these days.
>>casuals can't handle 1 extra damage
It's a bit more complex than just one extra damage, anon. If your opponent has even just one Desert in play and you decide to attack with at least two creatures you first have to calculate all possible blocks he can make and the effect using Desert on either of your attackers would have in all of those situations. Add one more Desert and the calculation doesn't become just twice as hard, it becomes several times more complex than that.

>>discourages aggro
Discouraging aggression is not the same thing as discouraging aggro. What Desert does is discouraging you from being proactive, which, to be honest, the game already does fine even without cards like Desert and is also probably it's single biggest flaw design-wise. Board stalls are neither fun nor interesting to watch or play out.
If it did 1 damage to target creature or player, it would be decent.
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So.. it's a.. tape wurm?
>a land that lets your remove their 1 drop if you're on the draw

that's retarded kiddo
Yes, it is exactly the kind of big ass wurm that feasts on the ass of the land itself. We Demon Eater now.
Oh wow, I was almost excited for something from this set.
>swords it
It's fake, but hot damn do I want it.
Nah, just modern.
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