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>Rules and such. Use Readium on pc/iphone, lithium/kobo on android.

>40k rules reference in wiki format.

>Latest GW teases

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>40K 7th Edition Quick Reference Sheets:

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first for clinical depression
Deathwing will become a legitimate, deadly, competitive army.
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>mfw with new rules and shit it will be easier to jump into hobby
Well, now I'm waiting for 10 page rules and new starter sets/boxes. Sigmarization is a bless
I just save this for later.
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Lets hope for 8th edition.
The new Death Guard realeases are great, but my ready-to-paint CSM and termies seem so bad now...
> :(
>competitive army.
In non-competitive game
>Sigmarization is a bless
For reddit
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Okay guys, so my cousin gave me his entire Dark Angel army, I have never even played Space marines, never mind Dark Angels but I want to give them a go. How would you build a 1500 army with these?

The devestators haven't been built yet, except the grav-cannon one (I suspect he used it to replace the fucking rocket launcher model in the tact squad).

I still need a codex so I have no idea what would work best here for the minute.
>femcast is foreshadowing the arrival of femmarines
It's looking good according to Duncan.


>Marine lamenting broke shit

That image is waaaay out of date. Needs to be a Scion or Sister.
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>For reddit
I just can't wait for /41kg/ and /40kg/ autistic wars
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Repostin' for posterity.

Thicc signmarines. I may need a new ordo malleus inquisitor soon.
just in time for a slaanesh update
I don't think that will happen regardless of how the rules shake out. The die hards can all just jump to HH.

>thinking a game where you can win isn't competitive
Was the Emperor as big as a Primarch, normal space marine or a normal man?

Because how could someone the size of a primarch hid on terra for like tens of thousands of years?
HH uses the 40k ruleset though
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Cutest Marines
HH uses the 7th ed. ruleset and will continue to do so. That's my point.

He's a Psyker
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> and will continue to do so.
>>playing with special characters ever
>>1500 pts battles lasting for like 8 hours or so
>I didn't have that issuea
True, I played only with shitty, WAAC opponents. Such is the life in a small town.

>>every fucking unit having a ton of special rules, absolutely nothing was streamlined and simple
>But this is exactly what they're doing with 8th.
And it's a stupid thing to do.

>>fucking wargear cards
>You got me there but they werent that bad once GW was like "hey rip up those OP ones"
'member the Strategy Cards, then?
>tfw lose your entire army before turn 1 because some asshole played Virus Outbreak

>>retarded psychic powers system
>Not that bad
'holy shit, did I just lose my 4lev psyker because you happened to randomly draw Daemonic Attack?'

>>Orks were shit even then
>the core rules were still best
Good thing I got out when I did, then.
The savage in this video is sky high
>dat plastic thunderhawk.
>sculpt my own great Unclean one
>Nearly finished painting it just in time for GW to release a bigger better plastic one
Oh well, I'll have to field two then.
Rumors have the rules splitting, with HH keeping their current books (Which makes sense since that shit is expensive and FW works slowly), to serve as an "expert level game". Whereas 8th edition will be a kind of bridge game between Sigmar and HH in complexity.
>spend lots of money on FW plague marines
>Finally finish painting them.
>New beautiful plastic death guard comes out.

This just isn't fair.

What in the actual fuck, D6+models lost in a turn-Leadership = How many wounds you lose from morale checks.

Fuck me.
You subtract your leadership. Also there are ways to manipulate it.
Do you not see the - before leadership? I'm aware of that. DE will suddenly become gods as they reduce your Leadership to 2 then boop you on the nose.
Just finished a 1850 DG army.
I know the feeling, at least it was cheap second hand stuff and conversions for me though.

Still you can use the FW stuff for variety.
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>DE's Ld modifiers and many, many fear/morale checks
>ever mattering in a game full of ATSKNF and fearless everywhere
We get to kill orks faster. Yay.
DE with night lord allys will be the new hottness.
You're making a LOT of assumptions there.
They are saying it will affect everyone, so I assume they are going to rework fearless/ATSKNF.

Biggest changes for me are unit specific movement and chargers always attacking first. MASSIVE buff to aggressive Ork players who get +1 S and ignore initiative on the charge.
Except "lol immune, exception, no effect fuck deldar unless you're already a shit tier army"
>just bought BoP
>been planning on doing old school DG with MkIII armour, MkII helmet and spike on top
>new DG incoming
>in MkIII armour with the old school MkII helmets

I guess it's my rucky day.
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Luckily the FW stuff matches the new designs. I have some of them I was working on too.
Except the new ones are in MkIII armour, the FW ones have MkV torsos that go on MkVI legs and have MkII arms.
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>plastic plague marines

I've been waiting for this so long
This is basically the year GW is going, "You want that shit? Here, have it"
>plastic plague marines and thousand sons

Hell, at this rate we might even see new berzerkers. Plastic noise marines would be sweet too.
Blood Angels can complain about whatever they want, they get the shaft hard when compared to other Marines and don't have the toys that make Marines as good as they are. Ooh, deep striking Flamer Tactical Squad, scary.
Do we have info on the release date for the new Death Guard?Any other leaks and stuff?
ANYTHING slaanesh would be nice at some point. didnt get a proper release for more than 7 years
So whats about that terminator in half tartaros half cataphractii? Will he have a 4++ if you shoot him from the right side, be snp but able to sweep?
>MkV torsos
Not really. It's a mix Iof stuff, and the potbelly torsos don't really match any specific mark. As for the arms? There are no FW arms, they're whatever the plastics you use are.

Regardless, what I was talking about was the distinctive helmet, which matches exactly.

I can't really tell if that's supposed to be a Bangle and not just red marine chapter #312. Now that I look at it he's got his little laurel leaves so fair enough.
Nope. Just the video and teaser pics from Adepticon.
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You want plastic sisters models? No fucking worry here they are.
CSM don't have access to Termie variants and I doubt that will change. He'll just be whatever Chaos Terminators are.
Fuck that, real sisters please.
Allmost there GW
What armies would you recommend for intro games?
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>csm don't have access to termie variants

Didn't the new occult scarab terminators get some unique rules in the new book?
We might see something new soon. Or at least I hope we will. Plague terminators sound fucking awesome.
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also nice digits.
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Calling this MkIII may be technically true, but I'm not sure it's a useful distinction anymore.
What will be the ESorcerer Death Guard equivalent?Tzaangor are probably plague cultists/zombies
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It's okay. Soon they'll just be rolled into the Vanilla Codex with 3 special characters and their own unique Death Company unit like Crusader Squads. It's better this way.

Think about the Baal Predators, George. Shh.
Here is a better one:

Choose which allegiance is perfect for a newcomer:

>Imperium of Man: Sisters, IG, Admech, Space Marines, Grey Knights
>Aeldari: Eldar, Dark Eldar, Harlequin
>Xenos: Tyranids, Orks, Tau, Necrons
>Chaos: Nurgle, Slaanesh, Tzeentch, Khorne, Daemons, Chaos Space Marines
The bin video specifically said "sisters of battle"
Everyone keeps paraphrasing it to just "plastic sisters"
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They're in Tartaros, but just use standard Indomitus Terminator rules.
>teeth everywhere

That's fucking metal as fuck.
There will probably some kind of mixed unit between death shrouds and grave wardens, that would explain the mix armour after all. Probably chemflamers, powerscythes, grenade launchers etc.

Honestly, despite Bangles being my first army that'd probably be for the best. They'd constantly be updated and not left to languish in the dark for fuck knows how long.
Some generals probably, fat slobs of terminator and on palaquins.
Death Guard Chaos Lords. I'd also like to see a Nurgle Sorcerer, since they're pretty different from Generic/Tzeentch Sorcerers.
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slaanesh when?
>Select all
>Didn't activate multiple choice option.
Never. He's going to be removed, just like in AoS.
>a Nurgle Sorcerer

There's the FW one, which I'm starting to think I should order for my PMs in case they chuck it in the LAST CHANCE TO BUY range
Has anyone else noticed that if you look carefully at the box in that pic, and several other times in the video, you can actually see a slight plastic SOMETHING protruding from the top?

I think it's fucking real, guys.
it's a nice enough model, but the spear's a pain in the dick
Is that a real model?
Can I get my hopes up for female marines?
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>I thought it was real
Pretty clear MkV style torso with X-shaped cables. Some lack the cables (so it'd be closer to MkVII) and some have a big gut plate. But it's the same style as all the other CSM torsos. Definitely not MkIV, III, II nor VI.
Don't worry anon, the new models will propably be more expensive than the FW ones.

Which, now that I think about it, means you've saved money by buying Forgeworld.

Which, again, means FW has literaly become cheaper than GW.
What a time to be alive.
Yes. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2017/03/23/shadespire-unveiled/
>new plastic berserkers

Woah calm down there bucko lets not get too wild
fuck, I blew it

second attempt: http://www.strawpoll.me/12590279
>heavy collar
>crotch plate like on the MkIII
>reinforced shoulder pads
>MkII/III style backpack
>round knee pads and heavy armour on legs
>heavy plate vambraces that cover the wrist
>MkII helmet, like on old DG (only missing the spike from the helmet)

It's like the Rubric Marines, which are all in MkIV.
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Well there is one...
>more stormcasts vs bloodbound
When will it ever end?
Imperium, duh
>unstoppable rage
>immmovable faith

Probably never comrade
It's shit like all it's previous incarnations.
Like, it's in death world or some shit.

Why not a death army with some nice vampires? Or use it as an in road to introduce the new dwarves, skypirate looters vs random stormcast adventurers battle for loot in a haunted crypt.
So will EC be MK4, MK 5 or MK 6? WE should be MK 4 i guess.
I love the rage over charging models hitting first like Overwatching doesn't exist or something
You are what they call an "easy mark".
Oh man i wish this were the case.
Except the last time they made a "joke" video everything in it turned out to be totally real.
You have to admit a plastic Thunderhawk being the big centerpiece that comes with the new bigly-sized Guillimarines at the 8th ed launch makes a lot of sense.
Breaking news, Drop Pods now deployed via hurling them at the table, confirmed because /tg/ aspie doesn't understand jokes.
Because dedicated shooting units wont be effected as they're most likely not going to go first anyway.

Meanwhile dedicated melee units up to and including initiative 10 keepers and solitaires are just going to sit there and get slugged in the face when charged by ANYTHING, as if high initiative isn't already worthless.
He can change his face so he more than likely can change his body as well.
MK IV was the last mark issued to Traitor marines.

Only one in MK 6 would be Alpha legion as they stole the portotypes for the corvus.
No you fucking moron, not that. Obviously the Deep Striking shit and the square bases were the jokes, but the video was still made to tease something. The super-conspicuous PLASTIC THUNDERHAWK box in the background was the actual fucking announcement that they were comically leaving unaddressed as the elephant in the room, that was the entire point of the video.
>Only one in MK 6 would be Alpha legion
that's wrong though
>entire video is jokes to build interest for the new edition of the rules
>THIS joke was totes serious tho!
>Why not a death army with some nice vampires?
The same reason why there is no starters without Space Marines?
>skypirate looters vs random stormcast adventurers battle for loot in a haunted crypt.
They are in the same side
I seem to recall that the old Berserker models were based on MkV designs. So it could be the one they'll go with when it's time for an upgrade. Noise Marines are quite likely in MkIV.
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If they wanted to low-key announce a plastic thunderhawk, they would have left part of a wing sprue visible in the background or something else harder to suss out, not some low effort joke like that. You can't arbitrarily decide that 2 of the jokes in the video are jokes, and that the one you want is real.
>plastic sisters was just a joke man!
>Celestine and the Geminae were never really released you just imagined that!
Fell free to back that up.
Think of it this way, a unit skis at you and charges. You're suppressed and not doing shit all until it's too late to notice that charged.

The units aren't standing there doing nothing the whole game. You shouldn't get to ask first because a random number says you can. Charging units attacking first is more logical.
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Reminder: Eldar are the most powerful race in the galaxy.
It's the one they didn't address. That box had an actual plastic model in it just barely poking out the top.

GW doesn't make these videos 100% as a joke, they've all, every one of them, been teaser videos that hint at or confirm an actual release or leak. All the stuff about bases was clearly the joking part, and not exciting to begin with even if it were true so they wouldn't make a video to hype it.
I'll take it as 99% joke, but there is the new style Thunderhawk in Inferno, which makes me 1% hopeful.
Please convince me not to start Orks
They just look so cool
adeptus titanicus
Reminder: All reminder posts are unfunny garbage and should be filtered by inputting
>Boards tg;/Reminder/i (without the >)
in your filter lists.
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I thought Terminator armour was meant to not be cross compatible like war ostrich armour?

That was mean to be "like power armour" before autocorrect got to it
Shoots not skiis.

Also, this actually gives units that are weaker in melee a shot instead of a, "NEVER enter melee!" situation with them.
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I concede in the face of this fact. I don't think you're right, but good luck to you in getting that new model. Hopefully they buff the rules so the Marine's only unique Chapter-universal LoW isn't a dopey transport that gets glanced to death by autocannons the turn it enters the field.
>You're suppressed and not doing shit all until it's too late to notice that charged.
Unless you have higher initiative, because that's the whole point of what it represents, is reaction time.

And you're right, my Genestealers AREN'T standing there doing nothing the whole game, they're watching and waiting for the time to strike with extremely sharp honed senses and coiled lightning reflexes. The second something is dumb enough to get within swiping range they're going to pounce on it and rips its limbs off before it has the chance to attack.
Adeptus Arbites
1. Download the codex or buy the real one just to take a good sniff
2. Read the fluff
3. Collect some cool models you like
4. Wait for 8E
Both of the units I mentioned can't be suppressed, there are rules for that and they explicitly can't be suppressed.

That "random number" is supposed to be representative of a units ability to move and react.
A keeper of secrets can move and react fast enough to CATCH BULLETS OUT OF THE AIR, you're telling me a few random peons clambering over the battlefield towards it are going to take it by surprise, and you call that logical?
Their charm wears off faster than any other army I've had.
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>War Ostrich Armour
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do you not know what adeptus titanicus is, or what

Anyways the only mark the traitors didn't get during the heresy was mk7. The rest will exist in varying amounts in every legion. Anyone who says otherwise is misinformed.
I would love an Arbites codex, even if they're only supposed to be allies like The Fallen. I have the official model for one and would like to use it.
For a first army? I won't.
For a second army? Go for it dude, they're really fun.
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>Problem, loyalist?
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How majestic.
More like my 6th army in a year (Not including Heresy or AoS)
I really need to stick with something
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>not cross compatible

Ah, a challenge worthy of my skill.
I've got a mostly fluff question. So the latest books have been retconing stuff by various degrees. Horus Heresy ofcourse, but also The Beast Arises, Gathering Storm, the SW/Wulfen book,...
I've read some, but I'm not up to date on all of them. Can someone put together a list of such books/series that are really important, lore wise?
>tfw you read it in his voice despite not having played the game in over 5 years
Not Slaanesh, it is getting squatted.
Ay man, if you've got the money and you're enjoying yourself is not as unhealthy as some hobbies.

The only problem with them is that if you expect to play the game and if it's the only army you have to play the game then you're going to get really sick of losing all the time.
That and lack of plastic warboss, plastic weirdboy and plastic tankbustas. Kommandos can be converted.
I can't find an army I really want to stick with. I keep spend 200$ or so starting an army then find an army that looks more fun or interesting.
Most of the lore these days is just total ass. Even if the concepts were decent, which they are maybe half the time, the execution and prose and character and dialogue is like edgy highschool fanfic tier.

>one Indomitus and one Cataphractii shoulder

Which one has the fragment of the emperor's armour in it?
>Acolyte Homericus weighs the temptation of serving the Plaguefather against his duty to his middle daughter

Yeah me too
Its a curse
How are there people like this? There's really not an army that speaks to you?

I knew exactly what I was going to play the moment I laid eyes on the 2nd edition models in an old catalogue back in... '98 or '99.
I think he means that they all speak to him on some level anon
Fabius, you glorius bastard. You really did it

Isn't that something they started doing after the Horus Heresy

The fluff is pretty explicit that the invulnerable save comes not from a proper force field generator, but from a little bit of emperor armour.
If that ever happens, I'm quitting this fucking hobby.
Crappy loyalist armour maybe. Csm still got daot stuff lying around (tho the crunch wont admit it)
I doubt it. The lore in AoS works for female stormcast, it has no connection to Space Marines.

Plus the amount of shit they would get for doing that before updating Sisters of Battle would cause an India-tier health crisis in Britain.
There is no army that makes me go, "OMG I need those!"

It's more like, "Oh those look interesting and might be fun."
I'm pretty sure all marks have field generators, the fragment is a symbol and has nothing to do with durability.
Oh for fuck's sake. Why does she have platekini? If they wanted to sculpt a muscular woman they could've made a female khorne champion
That just seems odd to me, I feel like between all the different Factions they really cover every major theme and aesthetic someone could ask for.
none of them have field generators, the invulnerable save is from their raw durability

Because sigmarines all have bronze sixpacks, anon just wanted to masturbate.
there is no platekini
Feel free to cite ANY fluff that "explicitly" states that.
That is the attitude that gives seed to herecy.

Oooh.. Now I see it, it's meant to be just weirdly-shaped armour
yeap, the regular sigmarines just hide it better with their chunkier details
seems like they removed the "we are the 7th legion" line from the new death guard video upload
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R8 my Khorn8 colour scheme
>Because sigmarines all have bronze sixpacks, anon just wanted to masturbate.
>people masturbating to disgusting ripped muscular women
That is so intensely homo.

What ever happened to jacking it to dainty effeminate traps like a real Emperor-fearing man?
Considering the Gorgon Pattern explicitly states it swapped the Indomitus field generators for kinetic conversion fields I'd say you're wrong.
Holy shit no way
>b-but 7 is nurgle's sacred number
>it's got nothing to do with actual legion numbers
>GW knows what they're doing, honest!
Well they also amended the old Traitor legion video when it was missing Alpha Legion.
I guess they should teach their marketing department the fluff
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>GW can't even get their legions straight

Wow they actually did it, and added in a new line to replace it

Props to them for correcting an oversight so fast, even if it feels a little awkward now
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>mfw eldar shuriken catapults get an armour save modifier equal to their To Hit roll
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Eldar master race reporting
He is a sham, that is why imperial propaganda have so many insonsistancies.
Just like any religion.
I'm pretty sure it won't. It's too against the fluff and besides SoB were always the female version marines and now we even have Sisters of Silence
Fucking happening
Huh? Propably not. They will be the same price as the new Rubric marines, so like 30 pounds for a box of 10.

FW now sells a single troll for the Hobbit for 70 pounds
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Anons should I take two Blitza-Bommers, two Dakkajets, or one of each? I really can't decide. On one hand, the Blitza Bommers bombs can penetrate AV13 really reliably from what anon's told me about mathhammer, as well as AV14+ pretty easily too, and the Dakkajet's will hit almost all of their shots because they're Twin-Linked BS3 S6 AP4.

I want to theme my army around invading Hives on Armageddon Blitzkrieg style.
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And every other bit of TDA fluff says they're just really heavy ceramite/adamantium plating.

Single lines of fluff in forgeworld books promoting an original variant armour aren't exactly conclusive.
Apparently it's going to act off S. So like in fantasy where every S above 3 is a -1 to armor.

5 Plague Marines per box for $50, they will say the price is worth it because it comes with 50 heads and 3 different banners even though by the end of collecting a few squads you'll have 200 worthless bits
What new Plague Marines
Did you knew that Guilliman woke up and has eldar gf?
Am femanon

if not for his shaved head and brunette would be perfect man. But without gentle freckles across his cheekbones and red or blonde locks down to his shoulders like a medieval aryan blacksmith who'll forge the key to my heart and orgasms Can never be my

>Numbero Uno Husbando
No I meant sisters
it's more likely they'll follow the TSons release to a T, m8

big fat primarch model
character model
hero box
5 terminators
10 space marines
10 cannon fodder
What do you think of giving MANZ and warbosses a random invul save? You roll a d6 for each squad befor deployment and thats your invul for the game? Could be hillarious.
I hope that if it acts that way they at least make it that S5+ gives the modifier, since S4 is much more common in 40k than it was in Fantasy

Still a much better mechanic than "AP3 ignore almost anything, AP2 ignore everything"
Excuse my autism.

>He doesn't want to make chaos spawn entirely out of piles of spare plague marine heads
So long high str., high AP weapons. At least my Manticores got better.
You forgot greater daemon
I like it, but see if making head the same color as torso and legs wouldn't look better (I'm not sayingit will, just a thought)
This. Though I wouldn't say no to a 5 model kit that's swimming in conversion bits for all my MkIIIs.
>50 heads and 3 different banners
Great, that means just one box will give variety to a entire army.
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Hey Bob sweeeetheart how is it going?
"Apparently" you're full of shit.

No surprise there.
He'll come after, alongside an AoS nurgle daemon release.

Just like the Lord of Change.
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when they going to update the aspect warriors of the eldar ffs
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So, what was announced at that adepticon panel yesterday? Was it a Skitarii transport?
"Movement stat is back
Attackers get initiative when charging to combat
Saves are modified by S
Morale is like AoS
Themed armies are getting buffs"

No need to be so aggressive anon.
It's not. It's in a city cursed by nagash to be trapped between light and shadow forever. He doesn't actually live there. it's probably more like Xwing or the armageddon thing that got released and will have lore for the shadowelves.
nurgle, 8th ed, sigmar shit, more lenient online retailer policies, community site changes, support for online army builders
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all I want is plastic banshees!
No one?
>scatter lasers now have a -2 modifier to armour save
T-Thanks gw...
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Looking forward to GW thinking a thematic IG army is 400 infantry models
least the dire avengers are fly

Female Space Marines are pretty much guaranteed now.
Yeah i tried both, maybe i'll just do the red helmets on Chosen and Terminators, to mark them out
Around the time plastic sisters happen.
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Remember me, heretics?
Wow nice "Quotes"

Here's the real ones you worthless sack of anal seepage.


We think the Move value should come back. No more default unit types. Every model should have cool bespoke rules. Not only would that be more fun, but it’ll mean you will only need to learn the rules for your models."


Armour save modifiers. This topic comes up almost as often as Sisters of Battle… so we’re going to bring them back. Every weapon will have its place in your army and better represent how you imagine them working in your head."

"Combat Phase

Charging units should fight first. It’s just more thematic. So we’re hoping to work this out as well. It will reward tactically outmaneuvering your opponent. You can dictate the combats rather than being entirely Initiative based. You control who swings first."


Its no longer all or nothing, and it affects everyone. We’re thinking of replacing break tests with a simple mechanic. Roll a D6, add that to the number of models your unit has lost this turn, subtract your Leadership and take that many additional casualties."

No need to pull stuff out your ass when the real quotes are on the damn community site in plain view and not regurgitated by a dyslexic slav on Dakka-Dakka
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plastic sisters really! I need another army with strong warrior women. got eldar with thier banshees, dark eldar with wyches and slaanesh daemons. now ill get some strong nuns

It's not, she's wearing full plate like other stormcast.

>fail to mention the new 'simple' morale mechanic is lifted straight from AOS

you know its bad when they didn't write, 'Here is this rule from our great game AoS, that is so great and that we know you 40k players love!" lel
Might as well post this picture now, never get the opportunity for it.
Lets say you lost 6 models and youre leadership 7.
Lets say you roll a 4 on d6
6+4=10-7 = additional 3 casualities and 3 guys run away, and your blob of guys gets to stay in combat. Its to stop stuff like 30 ork boyz getting wiped by 10 space marinnes when they lose combat and fail the initiative roll off
Drawfag? Lolicron? No Idea who the other girl is.
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god I love space elves my eldar and dark eldar are gonna work together now too because of the ynnari force
I think everyone is too busy worrying about the sky falling, especially as any advice now will be irrelevant in a couple months.
Do I get regiments for IG?
Plastic Sister of Battle?
Tit deamons of slaanesh?

Or are we just getting politically correct models now?
Naw, i just don't play DA so no advice to give, also there's only ever three replies to a DA list "Not enough bikes", "lol terminators" and "stop taking so many bikes you WAAC faggot."
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why arent we talking about the eldar updates?
>Or are we just getting politically correct models now?
What do you think Anon
We don't know the details yet, it could still differ in some key points from the AoS 'morale' system

But so far it does sound similiar
what eldar updates?

What Eldar update?

What Aeldari updates?
space marines are going body-positive

clearly GW is full on SJW now
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ynnari/ynnead the birth of a god and the fact that I wanna talk about eldar
>That and lack of plastic warboss, plastic weirdboy and plastic tankbustas. Kommandos can be converted.

Tankbustas aren't hard to convert; the boys box comes with a rokkit launcha and a tankbusta bomb. There are a couple of AoS models that make decent weirdboys. You can often find AoBR warbosses on ebay, or just use Grukk, or convert the new AoS guy into a mega-armour one.

Nigga that happened 2 months ago. More new shit has come to surface including the fate of the future of 40k
Over a month old so no longer news.
Go away grandpa.
Hope these guys get their own codex and units.

That's old news now anon.
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soon I hope more eldar is better

b-but I like eldar

>or slaanesh if she/he is getting new stuff!
Literally nothing interesting happens so the lens is thankfully back on the Imperium.
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ugh the imperium is boring people are always so obsessed with the humans in any universe....humans are boring fuck humans
Slaanesh is being written out of the game, they're not update her models or giving them a ST collect set for a reason.
shut up
Being this retarded should be ilegal.
>Sneak peak of a handful of rules released
>But this will break things as they currently exist, and absolutely nothing else will change!

Gaze upon the truth.

GW is gearing 40K towards kids because that is where the money is.

Female Space Marines
Removal of Snannesh
Rules that an autistic 10 year old could follow
More highly stylised models like Girlyman
fucking sjw bullshit I bet they will tone down the dark eldar aswell I want my sex fiend army's. now my slaanesh army is going to be forgotten. I loved the evil fucked up nature of slaanesh and the dark eldar this is such bullshit fuck you GW

how is this retarded? humans are boring everyone loves the imperium so much its ok but mostly just boring old human meh
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Start Collecting! Death Guard when?
I havnt touched 40k in years, and I just looked into shit. It seems worse than ever but people are really optimistic. What am I missing?
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Humans are so boring and lame, i see them every day, fucking sick of them.
they haven't even done one for the thousand sons, so not any time soon
Eldar are a joke for special snowflakes.

Most of the fans like yourself have already left.

There are all new fags.

I keep it at arms length now and play Fantasy and Historics.

Not liking humans makes you creatively bankrupt; not retarded.

Whining about it, on the other hand, DOES make you retarded.
Thats just because they havnt been updated as recently. The power creep is fucking real as shit.

As a chaos player on hiatus, I looked at the new chaos shit, and some of it seems so lazy and OP I dont even want it.
shut up

you are a retarded eldar fan

shut up, too

To clarify, I meant HIM whining about not liking humans.



>Every model should have cool bespoke rules. Not only would that be more fun, but it’ll mean you will only need to learn the rules for your models.
This REALLY bothers me, because it's wrong. You must know what your opponent's army does. You just do. You have to sit there and go through 30 pages of special rules and note combos before playing. You have no idea how fucking long that takes. AOS has like 600 pages of special rules now. Sooner or later all of them would come up to players. I should not have to dig through hundreds of pages, and then take notes as to interesting combos, to master your fucking game. Do I look like a Magic player? Fuck no.
>End times are coming.
>GW showing game down the drain where Fantasy Went
>Still not fix for Orks and Sisters
>People are optimistic.
KTHXBAI don't let the door hit your ass on the way out.
>You must know what your opponent's army does. You just do.
most people who play 40k barely know their own armies rules
Female space marines is not appealing to kids you mongoloid. And if you seriously think kids have more money to spend on this shit than man children you're an idiot. Parents aren't going to shell out $500 to buy a new army every time they get released like the neckbeards at my local age store do
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um no I dont think so anon space marines seem more like that idea

I dont see how but ill just say ok to avoid becoming angry

yes we should all like the spess mahrens!!!!
Pardon my ignorance, but does Corax White/Chaos Black spray contain properties that Mechanicus Standard Grey does not?
What's the difference between an undercoat and a basecoat? Does the grey not contain primer properties?
Using humans makes you creatively bankrupt, as your mind is limited to your own humanoid form.
Because GW has been doing a lot of things right recently.
Or that's what I heard.
>the new Death Guard figs
Delightful. Can't wait to convert them into Tzeentch-worshippers.
what about this guy? What's his deal? >>52324704

There seems to be some consensus that things are improving or at least that they're not as shitty somehow.
I've been reading my way through the HH books, and after enjoying Descent of Angels and finding Legion relatively hard to put down the printed shit pile that is Battle for the Abyss is heart breaking.
And one character in it has made me wish they'll squat Space Wolves.
People are crying because GW is changing the rules and change is scary for simpletons
They could just simplify things roll special rules that are functionally all but identical together into keywords, list those on the models and also have a note about any unique rule a model or weapon has directly on that model's Datasheet.

That way all you'd need is Datasheets for your models that your opponent can check out to easily see every rule that model has.
Yeah, that's my point. If I don't even know how far my opponent can move how am I supposed to play him properly? I have to look over his warscrolls to understand what the fuck I'm supposed to do.
Some men want to see the world burn.

Female Space Marines are what GW thinks kids want so they'll introduce them. They'll be part of Girlyman's MK.8 marines, they've probably developed a way to gene-splice women. It's also a great way to bring the normo's in, which is what GW wants more than anything, to make it respectable and 'cool' like video games have become.

Kids do spend more money than adults, every Christmas they'll be spending hundreds. They're also great impulse spenders. Most adults are much more selective in what they buy and can exercise control over new and shiny.

I'm sorry if you don't want to hear this but it's the truth.

I would pick up a copy of the 7th edition rules if you don't already have one.
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so is slaanesh actually being removed thats bs and imma kill and sjw and make drugs out of them for slaanesh if its true

It is nigh you mong.
I guess children was crying cos big boys who knew the rules was better at this game, so lets make so many rules that nobody knows anything and winner is just the guy who forgot more of his "negative" rules.
Doomsayer, please.
No one is talking about the vast fucking chasms in "matching" strength values. I really hope they plan to address that
Pretty tired of my Terminators only being as strong as khornate cultists. That and the sheer quantity of cheap AP2 just makes them not worth the points and it's a shame because terminators are awesome
That's what sisters of battle are for, and they're definitely coming back.

>hundreds once a year, probably only once before they grow out of it and start getting laid
>thousands all year round through autism and disposable income
Not even fucking close.
No difference

Undercoat/Primer is a coat over the raw model to provide a even tone and good surface for base coats to adhere to.

Basecoat is a "flat" base layer of paint without highlights or shading painter on top of primer, some idiots just don't know the difference and so mix the two up
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Does pic related mean that they're getting rid of Formations and/or adding Command Points to them? Sounds like it and wouldn't surprise me if they kept general point costs for models and added a separate command point pool that Formations are paid with.

Here's just hoping that they'll actually give us some extra options as well that enable some of the more fluffy but Formation-less unit combinations. I just fucking want a small, easily fieldable Black Templar formation or Detachment already, holy shit GW, please.
Where exactly he is doomsaying, while just pointing that kids will give GW much more money.
The same reason why they give AoS (setting and miniatures) cartoonish design like WoW or LoL, or ffs Marvel superheroes (especially Thor).

It's not the end, there will be new kids coming into 40K who love it.

There comes a time though when you realise you've been left behind, you prefer the old style of art and models and hate the lore changes.

I wish the next generation luck, I'm sure it'll be like when I first go into the game and everything was new and interesting.

But for me, it's all got too far away from what Priestly originally made.
The literally announced that rend will replace AP.

Jeez, update your whinepasta.
I kinda hope so.
Current Formations + Command points would go too far off one end and penalize anyone who wants to try and do something out of the ordinary.
>I miss the black-and-white gore drawings

Is this the reason you guys are butthurt? I bet you guys hate Newcrons.
Slaanesh was already removed from AoS when it launched. There haven't been any new Slaanesh miniatures for any game for years even though every other chaos faction has gotten new minis and they literally introduced a god into 40k the purpose of which is to destroy slaanesh.

Make of that what you will.

Also it has nothing to do with SJWs, it has everything to do with sex monsters being difficult to market to children.
>tfw everyone's too focused on the new stuff
Pls help
Can I get a source on that? I dont follow these things that closely and that kind of statement needs a ton of qualification.

Anon, even GW has said in it's statements that they're targeting the 12 to 16 market.

Same thing cinemas did.

Same reason for AoS.
>AOS has like 600 pages of special rules now
Nearly all special rules are on the relevant unit's Warscrolls, only core mechanics aren't repeated.
What the fuck is a command point ´
It's been all over the last four threads.



>Armour save modifiers. This topic comes up almost as often as Sisters of Battle… so we’re going to bring them back. Every weapon will have its place in your army and better represent how you imagine them working in your head."

>asking for help with orks

do whatever the fuck you want, you are beyond help
This is literally my semi-annual 40k checkup. I just got done reading the bass-ackwards errata and now Im here.

Don't try to hold the tears back anon.

Being an Oldhammerer is a more fulfilling experience.

No more shitting on factions, no more rule changes to shill the newest models, a dedicated a loyal following...
It's not just wrong, it's "I can't do basic math" wrong.

Remembering how 5 different unit types move is less remembering than remembering how every individual unit in my army moves. Not that I'm against the movement stat, but unit types determining HOW that unit moves is vastly more practical than every different unit having different types of movement, or having the same type of movement, but with differently named rules.
We don't know. Could be points to buy warlord traits or artifacts, or army abilities from your list.

Or it could be special points to buy formation bonuses with. Or anything really we are months away from finding out.
Take Dakkajets. You're playing orks, fun is the only goal, and a fully loaded Dakkajet is...kinda fun. Not realy that fun I guess for lack of any AP. >>52324907
Probably get them for HQs and army coherency. Likely gonna spend them on special rules such as ObSec and refilling charges etc
From what Ive seen in this thread its like a formation I think, but its for if your army conforms to some as of yet undetermined standard of fluffyness.
OR same named rule printed on a card the size of a base ball card that you can carry with you. With the full stat line of the unit on it. It's points costs and special weapons options. So you can just look at a card and see everything your unit does at a glance.
Battlescribe keeps telling me Chaos Lords from the Chaos Warband and/or Plague Colony detachments cannot take artefacts of chaos. I cant find any rules saying this so is it just a battlescribe glitch?
Or i can just remember than "guys move 6" and "plasma guy takes a wound if rolls 1, but can armour save"?
Possibly I've had errors like that when I load a file that had been saved with a pervious version. I find if I save it again and reopen it suddenly everything is right because it is reading from updated files.
Doesn't really bother me, I just want my 40k fix. So far I have read
>Horus Heresy, somewhere up around to the Scars book iirc
>The Beast Arises, a little less than half
>the SW book where they go around hunting for the Wulfen and it ends with Dark Angels leading a crusade against the Daemon infested planets around Fenris
And I know that The Gathering Storm and Primarchs are another 2 series that are big on lore changes. Is this all of them, or am I missing more?
More than likely. Battlescribe has had just as much trouble keeping up as the rest of us sometimes.
I'm not interested in carrying around card decks of any kind, thanks.
Agreed. Thats what I said about tactical objectives.
Or you can create more tactical diversity and balance by slowing down some guys, and speeding up others. "Space Marines move 5" Terminators move 4" Daemonetts move 8"
If AoS had initiative values, fixed turn orders, points values that are granular enough to take individual models or pay for upgrades, let HQ's actually join units and every faction had the level of customisability the latest battletomes since Sylvaneth bring, it'd be a functional simplified warhammer game.

So if new 40k resembles what I just described, I'll be reluctantly okay with it but mourn the loss of a proper mass battle game.
So, how bad are things looking for the orks?

'Thematic' armies getting a bonus probably translates to 'orks are required to be a footslogging horde melee army in order to qualify for shit' because GW don't like to acknowledge that clans other than Goffs exist.

New morale rules mean high-model-count low-survivability units are totally fucked. Which is most of our stuff.

Charging unit strikes first might actually be good for us, since it means some hope of us striking first, ever. Could make stormboys more viable.

Movement rates mean that mega-armour is probably going to become worthless again.

Armour save modifiers are probably overall good for us, depending on how they are implemented.

I expect that they are going to keep the current codexes and just use a system to translate old rules into new, like AP 3 will become -3 to armour saves and normal infantry will be Move 6, Fleet is Move 8, S&P Move 4 or something.
Thanks. Im trying to practice death guard with Nurgle Daemons as allies and it was bugging me. I don't actually like Nurgle that much but I play CSM and just bought Daemons of Nurgle so now everyone expects me to play the new Death Guard models in a fluffy nurgle list.
Tyranids are going the way of the tomb Kings might as well pretend they never existed
My guess is "quota points" making spamming specialists like FA/Elites/HS hard.

2nd edition Orks could move 4 inches, so expect that.
I think that if you're going to do mass battle you should just do it right and use a scale more similar to Epic. Trying to make a game that works in both killteam and apoc makes no sense.
Okay do you use Battlescribe? Because that prints your stats too. I only use my codex for the chaos boon table these days, or glancing at my units when building the army lists.
Thanks, now i need a deck of cards to see who moves how far. Wait while i search through it to find my Aluress to find that she have 5++ on he card, instead of Daemon USR that give 5++.
sigh so lame I love slaanesh but I also love the eldar so its hard. also fuck kids sex monsters are the best. dark eldar and slaanesh for life!

>although dark eldar might get toned down wich would suck huge ass
>Implying getting laid has stopped people from plastic-crack

Anon cocks and pussy is not strong enough to stop people from doing Grey dust!
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40k wasn't a "mass battle game" for a long time though.
Bring Spawn with the Mark of Nurgle. Nobody will see it coming and its actually an amazing shock unit for the points. T5 and 3 wounds and a cover save will soak shots till the cows come home, and re-rolling charges with no cover effects kicks ass.
Not even page 8 yet.
Tel that to the guys at my LGS who play a 9 hour apoc game every three weeks.
>Not using the catalogue

Oh wow
But Dakkajets are S6 AP4 Assault 9 BS3 Twin-Linked for 130 points. For 15 points they also get BS3 versus flyers and skimmers.

Blitza-Bommers have two Boom Bombs which are S7 AP2 Large Blast Armourbane, a TL Supa-Shoota which is BS 2 S6 AP4 Assault 3, and a big shoota, which is BS3 S5 AP5 Assault 3 for 135 points.

It's hard for me to choose because they both seem really good.
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>>I miss the black-and-white gore drawings
Where anyone of us says it?
Also old art was better than picrelated.
>I bet you guys hate Newcrons.
Is there anything interesting in newcrons?
You, sir, you are a blight!
Son...I have some bad news. Nothing in the orks codex is good. If you're playing for fun, bring the jets, rolling more dice has been scientifically shown to be fun.
Alright, cool.
So what's the best spray to buy for 40K figures?

Holy shit... please don't tell me that was ever published in a physical book?
How badly will chaos daemons be nerfed in 8th?
Answer this.

Are Dark Eldars followers of Slaanesh?
>Remembering how 5 different unit types move is less remembering than remembering how every individual unit in my army and army of my opponent moves.
>It's not just wrong, it's "I can't do basic math" wrong.
Other than bringing tons of shieldguard in a decurion, no, there is nothing interesting in newcrons.
Catalogue has nothing to do with spamming generals, there's 4 active.

That's how fandoms get booted.
You mean the same card that would be
Daemonettes [stats]

One can be upgraded to Aluress and gets +1 attack.

Oh no It looks like a Warmachine Stat card with all the special rules printed on it, and the full units stats. What will you do? Print it up on battle scribe so you don't have to use cards? Sure.
>not using 4chanX and just reading the page number off the top

Oh wow.
They literally copy-paste parts of artworks.

Look at the Tau.
Yes it was and some how people think GW is good now.

They actualy have almost nothing to with sex and a lot more to do with sadism. Dark Eldar don't want to fuck you they want to skin you alive, make you live out your worst nightmares, all so they can rip off little chunks of your soul to repair theirs.
If you are using cans, go with the GW ones. Otherwise, Vallejo is one of the better airbrush primers.

I have an airbrush, and have tried several different products, but I still undercoat with the chaos black spray cans. It's expensive, but it's the superior product.
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r8 and h8 boys
What a load of bullshit.

Kids in no way spend more money than adults. Yes, it's a good target audience, but mostly they will spend a couple hundred over the course of few years. While nerds will spend a portion of their paycheck each month
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>40k gets shit art
>AoS is getting good art
I guess, I just like how both of them look and work. The Bommer's bombs can kill anything that isn't a flyer really easily, whereas the Dakkajet can glance up to AV12 and hurt things through sheer volume of fire.
well in a way since they use the suffering of others to fill up slaanesh so slaanesh doesnt take thier souls so yes they do feed slaanesh but not intentionally. this is why I worry slaanesh is one of my fav armys and lore wise is amazing if he is gone... no demons no emperors children and they will tone down the dark eldar because they dont really need to be evil anymore. this takes all the stuff I like abut 40k out of 40k
Dude you NEED rhinos.
your anti tank is 2 melta guns
besides that, you are playing TS, so its crap. you maxed out your crappist unit too, without even using the halfways decent cannons they get
The one you're competent with.
Seriously, every other thread is "X primer is awful because i can't read basic instructions"

I like Army painter because it come with with colour i use of my armies.

But you can use anything that's
A) primer (NOT PRIMER + VARNISH, that ruins models forever)
B) has a low particle size
C) is matte

WoW is not a game kids play anymore. It's over 12 years old now

They fucking don't though.

They have houses and kids to look after, you'll be lucky if they buy one box every few month because the time they have to build, paint and game is much less than what a child would have.

Man-children like you who spend you're entire pay cheque on models are a tiny minority.
I'd recommend the blitza bomma first. It's way easier to fly over something than get a flyer pointed at a specific target with the current rules.

Dakkajet is a more difficult to use plane, because it only shoots forwards and bounces off anything tough (including most other flyers). Don't bother with the flyboss; every flyer that you are likely to meet laughs at supa-shootas.

>power armour dwarves

Ok. I like spawn anyway.

You mean they buy one Warlord Titan every few months
T 6 actually
spawn are fucking great
they dont look cool though
How are you going to kill my two hive tyrants and hive crone?
>SC2 and Fallout rip off
>generic steampunk
>talking shit to Squats
We did it people, we held the line and routed the grognards. Now they have no where to go, the cry babies who can't have fun with warhammer, who want stale meta to last forever, who get mad about any sort of change, we beat them.

This summer is going to be the greatest year of warhammer in a looong time
depends on what they're planning to do with monsters and the psychic phase.
falseflagging grognard, please.

> We saved the game by making it something totally different and fucking off all the old fans!

Well done I suppose.
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Say that to my fucking face
I think I'll go with two Bommers then. They're really cool, can do a lot, and Outflanking them with my Taktikal Geniuz seems like it'd be hilarious.
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Judging by your dubs, you are correct, sir.
And that rule came from whfb originally
Thats not true.
also, make your own, its pretty damn easy
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if they kill slaanesh and pussyfi the dark eldar im out
is there a particular theme that you like? because it may be worth looking into the sub-factions of some of the factions, be it a specific type of Ork army, or maybe a certain chapter/warband of Space Marines/Chaos Space Marines. i.e. I'm building AdMech and I'm planning to add some Iron Hands (or possibly a successor thereof), because I love the idea of cyborg armies, and augmetics.
My dude, spawn with MoN are even at T6
I love how Fantasy was squated so hard that Squats materialised in AoS.

Maybe Bretonia will show up in 40k after 8th too!


They'll do both but it will be a slow process.

They'll never out and out kill them but they'll be relegated to a footnote.
Instead of nerfing the specifically overpowered and undercosted monstrous creatures like wraithknights and stormsurges I'm expecting a massive nerf to monstrous creatures in general, rendering daemons and tyranids totally unplayable.
my slaanesh daemonettes are more my style
welp, there you fo then
having said that, you could make a boob-snake spawn.
Weren't Brets squatted since 5E?

It's like people bitching that the Catachan codex doesn't exist anymore.
sucks so much they keep making them less and less cool. the charm of them both was the mind fucked evil insane asylum stuff is my jam
So assuming you fight off plague marines successfully, how do you then avoid dying from a million horrible diseases?

Especially if you're a close combat oriented army and got splattered by juices along the way.
hmm good idea although im hearing slaanesh might be getting kicked out wich sucks
Killing Slaanesh off is an ongoing process that has been on the slow burn for years. At this point you can expect it.

Long term for dark eldar who the fuck knows what they're even planning, they may even roll all the eldar subgroups together.
Why do you hurt me love?

All I wanted was to play with toy soldiers, with functional rules and have some beers with friends.

Why is every company bent over into fucking up my fun.
I'd say young adults 18-30. Who may have some jobs and make their own money and don't have houses and children and wives to take care off.

And through and through not everybody has three kids and mortage, some people have brains..
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well the ynnari force is a union of eldar and dark eldar. they really tried to tone down the dark eldar wich bugs me to no end. will my 2 favourite armys be ruled out if so...I guess ill just be sad and play my craftworlders
Why would you have kids in the first place? Unless you are rich is almost assured suffering for you and your children.



That's why he's such a big player.

Nurgle's diseases are supernatural. If you clear out the heretical infection and sanctify the area with faith, lingering disease will fade.
Don't listen to him, those are the death wails of a falling grognard, desperately clinging to the hope that squats will happen to 40k. Dark eldar aren't going anywhere, even if they joined with eldar their units will still exist and be 100% pkayable by themselves, just like dark elves in AoS
I remain unconviced, there are too many slaneshi models. dont believe these chiken littles
If they did that I would expect that daemons would still be playable but they would be forced to rely on gimmick builds, like a daemonic flyrant spam of sorts.
Prehaps go back to the ol' screamer star days.
>just like dark elves in AoS
Bad example.
and slaanesh deamons where a main focal point in the new fracture of biel tan
Lenient online retailer policies and army builders both sound like great steps! Truly Roundtree is best husbando.
You can have formations with special rules or make a force with lots more troops instead of spamming elites - in return you get points to spend on something maybe warlord traits or usr for the entire army
So tyrannids stop flyrant spam and have gaunt horde and can buy recycling units and maybe poison
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>Saves are modified by S
>mfw auto cannons will flat out ignore terminator, riptides and meq armour
What a day to be a guard
If you can't be arsed to follow the news why the fuck do you think you have the right to spew your poisonous shit in this board?
Kill yourself non ironically
Except anon made up the bit about saves being modifier by strength.
>nice dreams you have there, it would be a...shame if someone trampled all over them
Sorry, I havnt played my chaos in...years?

But yeah, they're a kick-ass shock unit.
>super religious elite shocktroopers that ride super horses into battle and are empowered/protected by their faith in the Emperor.
I'd play it
>The Emperor
Bretonnia hated the empire. Obviously they would need to be a different group of humans who worship the female primarch, the lady of the stars.
Russ, Khan, Dorn, Corax, Vulkan and the Lion all return, just like Gulliman are put into Armour of Fate style contraptions by Cawl.

Abaddon reaches Terra. Briefly all seems lost until Cawl flips open his cane to reveal a big red button and shouts "UNITE TO FORM GIGA-PRIMARCH"

All the armours fly together and change into a giant mech piloted by the seven remaining loyalist Primarchs.

>that shoulder to hip ratio

That's a Manshee, isn't it?

Rend values cap at -3 in AoS. Basic weapons won't even have a rend value, higher penetrating ones will be -1 or -2 at best, -3 is reserved for rare shit like daemon weapons or plot powered stuff.

Terminators are going to be fine. God forbid, they might actually go up to 2 wounds a piece like Sigmarines.
So is the female marine shit just a /tg/ troll or is it legit

/tg/ troll

There are female Stormcast Eternals though
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that grin tho.jpg
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New Death Guard look cartoony as shit.
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