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Over 600 replies later and no one has made a new general edi

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Over 600 replies later and no one has made a new general edition

Previous thread: >>51992866

>The dread Aeldari known as Adarki Duncini
[YouTube] WHTV Tip of the Day - Goff Ork Vehicle Armour. (embed) [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]

>40k rules reference in wiki format. 204% Organized

>Rules and such. Use Readium for epubs on iphone, lithium on android.

>Latest GW teases

>Latest GW attempt to make the game more fun for everyone (except orks as usual)

>40K 7th Edition Quick Reference Sheets:


>a better list builder if you like using a phone

>Forge World Book Index:

>The Black Library (what the Lion calls Vulkan's dick pics folder)
1st for Sailor celestinemoon
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Xth for 40k can have happy endings
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Stupid, dumb, phone-posting scum.
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In that fucking Twitch Battle Report Warhammer just aired, did they have Roboute Guilliman joined in a unit of Terminators? I feel like they did, which is illegal, as he is a MC.

They also abruptly ended it on Turn 2.

Are they going to go edit and write a rule that allows him to do this now? If he can't, he's dust.
>tfw emps already said chaos will win
As always feedback is appreciated.

Considering dropping the Blessing roll to only kick in on failed armor saves. Makes it so that anti-MEQ weapons are still more effective against them.
>assblasted chaosfag

How is your back skarbrand?
Turns out that 40k games take so long that not even GW can adequately wrap them up in their allotted time. Of course, this just means that everything needs to get bigger and killier.
He can join units if he is an MC AND and the independant character rule as it only stops ICs joining monster, not monsters joining non-monsters.

This totally fucks with the system and would need an FAQ to state how that interacts with other ICs.
>They also abruptly ended it on Turn 2.
it was turn four, and they ended it because killing skarbrand was a victory condition of the scenario
No, he can't. This was in the FAQ.
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Has lore gone too far?

If he can't join a unit, then T6 3++ is all you have to get through. He's not going to be worth it unless he's under 400 points.
So what rule did they get wrong this time?

It was charging out of Rhinos for "thematic" reasons last time.
Assault out of deepstrike, iirc.

What is his statline/abilities like? I haven't seen them yet.
>what is a thread title
If you can't make a thread properly don't make a thread.
They specifically allowed that because they wanted to finish the game.

They fucked up Destroyer weapon rules though.
>T6 3++

That's a lot of "All". It's not like a Heresy archmagos, where he lacks IW and can be slapped in the face by any twat with a Paragon Blade. He'll take 22 S8 AP2 wounds to put down, that's a tall order for even Grav, and he may well get up again. That's not a massive problem given that you have a while to deal with him, but he's hanging around a few turns unless you have 6 BS5 or twinlinked Kataphrons sitting around turn 1/2.
*22 S8 AP2 HITS, not wounds. And that's assuming no FnP, since the stream went backwards and forwards on whether he had it or not.
>Ctrl + F
Nah, I think my Ork boy can take em, I'll send two just to make sure.
Nigga, Magnus has to fly most of the time to avoid getting exploded and he has T7 4(3)++ rerolling 1s with 7W.

And really, you can just ignore him. His gun is pretty strong, but he is not much of a threat since he lacks mobility.
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Rules sample one. He is 350 points and WS9.

I doubt it will happen in any game I play but it amuses me that Exorcists will likely devour him alive. He'll still have the 3++ but that's a lot of Str 8 AP 1 heading his way.
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His sword allows you to resolve all his melee attacks as destroyer attacks if you get a 6 to hit.

He may instead elect to automatically strike all enemy models in base contact at the default profile.
They did catch that, thankfully.
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And his swag gun for shooting at pretty much everything and having an effect or a chance to do something.

He also seems to be able to join units in the stream.
So do they not post the army lists used on the warhammer TV twitch feed anymore? I just want to see how over-upgraded they make their stuff..
Noticed, and he's so slow that if he wants to even use that gun he has I can outrun him with Kataphrons.
Magnus is a tad pricier, too, I expect. I don't anticipate much trouble from him, since the UM player where I am is a bit of a dick and I won't feel bad about dropping a War Convocation on him once my Knight is finished.


That works too, he's stuck on the ground, on his own. He's a giant Distraction Carnifex, who will take a lot of fire from some things and die surprisingly fast to those that can. Like Leman Russ, Scoria and Angron from the Heresy, it doesn't matter how many rules he has on that sword if he never gets to use it.
They originally asked if he had FnP and IWND, they said yes to FnP and no to IWND.

Somehow people misheard it as no FnP but he definitely has it.
>His sword allows you to resolve all his melee attacks as destroyer attacks if you get a 6 to hit.
Wait, if a single one of his six attacks rolls a 6 To Hit, they ALL gain Destroyer?
>His phone doesn't have a search function
>base contact
It says 1", which is a bit better.
No, only the ones that rolled the 6. Or at least they played it as such.
Technically speaking, the exact wording of the
IC rule is “Independent Characters can join other units. They cannot, however, join units that contain vehicles or Monstrous Creatures.”
So bobby G can join units RAW, but he can not be joined by ICs, and may not join units of MCs.
OK then, assuming regular 5+ FnP that's upgraded to about 30 AP2 hits that wound on 2+. Well,assuming he's about 400pts I'm going to quite like playing him, since it's not as dangerous as something like a Knight, really. IMO Cawl is better straight up, shinier buffs and less paying for superfluous melee. After a while a model becomes choppy enough it's a waste to add to it, it's overkill several times over in his case.
I'm not sure.. I haven't seen one posted in a while
I've been told both on the destroyer rule.

Also. 1". Even better!
Okay, I assumed that was how it worked, but I got scared for a second there.
he's probably mid-300's

People are definitely just kneejerking, though. I'd like to be able to stick him in a land raider. Muh 600 point basket of eggs.
What's a decent loadout for a devastator Sergeant? Just a boltgun or maybe even a combi-weapon?
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>casually put entire world to the sword during the great crusade
>"baww, you guys in the present time are not nice"

Nice consistency there.
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>using exorcists on Guilliman

you know how i know you're a heretic? on a serious note is there anything the exorcist wouldn't have trouble with?
Well he had a few millenia to think about what he did.
I think they were rolling 6+ FnP
>. Well,assuming he's about 400pts I'm going to quite like playing him, since it's not as dangerous as something like a Knight, really
He's 350 points apparently.
Assuming he has EW, he'll be quite dead 'ard killy. If it turns out he's allowed to join units like he did in the game, then he'll be fucking great. Plus he'll be cheap enough to take some conclaves or maybe even a Gladius strike force with.
And that's before we know the formations relics and special rules that RotP should give us.
Bobby G is looking pretty good.
What are his baseline special rules? EW at least?
Reminder that if this game was nothing but Orks vs Orks it would be perfect.
go play gorkamorka
They weren't shown but he has FnP and EW
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>there will never be a Space Marine sequel

As a SOB player, it starts to really struggle against armour 13/14 as it's only Str 8.

It devours light armour and monsterous creatures but won't pop heavy armour without a lot of wasted effort. Still, that's what Melta is for.
>doesn't like a world full of retarded fanatics
>doesn't like an empire of retarded fanatics
it all checks out, boss
it would just be age of sigmar since no one would be able to shoot each other
His words sort of imply that all was fine and dandy back in the old days.
So gullyman is basically just a melee Riptide?
So would mechanized with rhinos or drop pods be better for the infantry core with Guilliman?
>What are his baseline special rules? EW at least?
Apparently so, as well as some form of FnP.
I'd definitely bet he's got fearless. Maybe fleet and some of the other stuff primarch's in 30k have.

We know he does not have IWND, but he can resurrect which is better. Esspecially if you combine it with a libby with earth blood.
if 30k is anything to go by you're right since it's based around the stat line and army does wonders for balance since it's all homogeneous

Depends if he's got the ability to get into vehicles or not.
Are you saying it wasn't? Everything they did was to protect "The dream" back then. Now they've twisted that dream into a nightmare and do things like that daily because it's the only way they know how to act.
You probably need something that can sit back and shoot, so enemies are forced to run at him.
I hope that he can run and charge, that would help him a lot.
Well, we know that's not a problem. Honestly Primarchs are shiny enough out of AV14 tonks, as, proved by an endless trail of salty Legion players whose Heresy 1200pt Spartanstar got Lightninged and is now basically useless.


Whatever it is, no massive deal.


Basically, shoot the 120pts each, not protecting themselves medics first. Spreading the deathstar out helps, sure, but I think he'll be upper end of decent assuming the players don't take the Deathstar Bait and feed him 600 points of psyk to make him unnecessarily stompy.
30k balance died after the first three books were done. At this point, it's hardly more balanced than 40k, and the FW aspect adds some ugly pay-to-win elements.
No. He's powerful in melee, not half bad in the shooting phase, and can buff his army rather well.
He's a good all arounder, which is fitting for him.
>Imperials get a demi god with basic D attacks and invuln saves
>Ork super bad Ghaz can't even get fearless or invuln save or attacks higher than i1 with bs2
>basic D attacks and invuln saves

What is Imperial Knight?
So predators, thunderfires, and devastators? I want to start building space marines and also want to use Big G.

Should Devastators come with a full compliment of ablative brothers or just take a minimum sqaud with the heavy weapons? Thinking of having one squad with lascanons and another with plasma canons.
>but I think he'll be upper end of decent assuming the players don't take the Deathstar Bait and feed him 600 points of psyk to make him unnecessarily stompy.
I think he'll be a bit better than that.
He's able to buff his own army quite well, and is nothing to laugh at in the shooting phase.
The extra doctrines can increase the efficiency of shooting in the early game with the 2 dev doctrines, providing good supporting fire for him so that he can make his way to the opponent.
On his own he's pretty good, but in the hands of a smart player he'll be extremely powerful.

Games gone full retard, I miss when it was just about skirmishes.
vindicators are probably better than predators
you need scary things to capitalize on guilliman's scariness

>Should Devastators come with a full compliment of ablative brothers or just take a minimum sqaud with the heavy weapons?
I like the full squad, since it means you can split them up and hit two targets at once. It also means your heavy weapons might survive some fire .
Feedback appreciated guise, how would this fare for comp? (Devs aren't embarked in their droppod, it's there so 3 pods fall turn 1)

+ HQ (200pts) +

········Celestine, The Living Saint (FoC) (200pts)

++ Combined Arms Detachment (Dark Angels: Codex (2015) v2009) (1646pts) ++

+ HQ (130pts) +

········Librarian (130pts) [Auspex]
············Power Armour [Bolt Pistol, Desvalle's Holy Circle, Force Sword, Infantry]
············Psyker [Level 2]
················Psychic Powers [Discipline: Telepathy]

+ Elites (235pts) +

········Command Squad (235pts) [Apothecary, 4x Grav Gun, Sacred Standard]
············Drop Pod [Storm Bolter]

+ Troops (576pts) +

········Tactical Squad (176pts) [Plasmagun, 8x Tactical Marine]
············Drop Pod [Storm Bolter]
············Sergeant [Boltgun, Chainsword]

········Tactical Squad (200pts) [Heavy Bolter, Plasmagun, 9x Tactical Marine]
············Drop Pod [Storm Bolter]
············Sergeant [Boltgun, Chainsword]

········Tactical Squad (200pts) [Heavy Bolter, Plasmagun, 9x Tactical Marine]
············Drop Pod [Storm Bolter]
············Sergeant [Boltgun, Chainsword]

+ Fast Attack (420pts) +

········Assault Squad (180pts) [9x Assault Space Marine, 2x Flamer, Jump Packs]
············Assault Space Marine Sergeant [Bolt Pistol, Chainsword]

········Ravenwing Bike Squad (160pts) [2x Grav Gun, 2x Ravenwing Biker]
············Ravenwing Attack Bike [Multi-Melta]
············Ravenwing Sergeant [Bolt Pistol]

········Ravenwing Darkshroud (80pts) [Heavy Bolter]

+ Heavy Support (185pts) +

········Devastator Squad (185pts) [4x Lascannon, 4x Space Marine]
············Drop Pod [Storm Bolter]

+ Fortification (100pts) +

········Aegis Defense Line (100pts) [Quad Gun]
Hero Hammer would be skirmish. They just made normal 40k Apocalypse in recent times
So like two combat teams with two heavy weapon devs each?
His buffs are nothing to write home about, though. It only takes effect on turns where you need a reuse doctrine, and speaking as an Admech player you won't need that too much when you don't have Shroudpsalm as an option.

Also, you want to use those 12" bubbles you have to stick with him. Powerful yes, but not extremely so. He's a little like Scoria from the Heresy, but a LoW and with no SpartanStars to deter, and doesn't have quite the same level of buffs. Scoria Blue Point Oh.

On the upside, you can watch everyone get really damn salty about their snowflakes getting gunned down with impunity by glorious tinfoil shock troopers, or whatever army you play. I'm not a fan of Herohammer mcuh, unless said expensive hq is buffy not choppy, but I like playing it.
>my grishnak sisters just came in
oh baby

Yep, I run with lascannons so it's nice to be able to spread them out a bit.
This stream is quite amusing, they do it every week?
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Don't know if you lads saw but Eternal Crusade went F2P

Didn't even make it to release hah.
Free to Waagh was always planned for EC, though? Orks are underpowered to compensate for them having better numbers.
It's still a shit game, but they always meant for this.

Wasn't it always slated to have a F2P aspect, and now they're changing that for game balance reasons?

I'm interested in trying it but mybcomp's a toaster. How is it?

He thought the Imperium could effectively rule mankind with the right men in charge.

Then it all came tumbling down and turned into a hellhole with a constant state of civil war and near-anarchy matched up against useless bureaucracy and absurd amounts of corruption.
>actual artwork of Celestine gifting her iron halo to Guilliman
>she puts it on him herself

THIS IS SO FUCKING PRECIOUS. Why are you so grumpy, Guilliman? A cute angel is giving you her favorite hat.

I'm gonna model my Celestine without the halo
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People that actually play space marines, other than not knowing all the details about Big G, how does this look?
>Why are you so grumpy, Guilliman?
he doesn't want an angel waifu, he wants a space roman waifu
also, as you can tell, it does use the start collecting stuff for Space Marines.
needs more bikes

Hmm, does pressure from a few angles. Think I'm only really worried about the Vindicators though, honestly.
>wake up after getting nearly killed
>revived by an elf
>getting an iron halo from an angel empowered by the emperor
>shit is fucked
>war everywhere
>get told to meet your father who's undead
>chaos on the rise

and to top it all off the paperwork is a mess
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>tfw no qt angel of the emperor will ever crown you regent of the galaxy
What's a good loadout for cataphracti terminators?
They seem to have a pretty good invulnerable save so lightning claws don't feel like such a bad option. Maybe with a heavy flamer?
How long until he learns that one brother has been dead in pretend for Centuries?
Is he really only 350 points I thought he would be at least 400+
good question. he's probably got 10 people trying to talk to him at once telling him shits fucked or asking him questions about the emperor. i wonder who's doing damage control. calgar or tiggy maybe?
The big thing is that it is not just extra uses of the doctrines. But it grant speech full affect of every doctrine to every model in the army.

So if you use him you get to full Taryn's of pretty much everything in your army being twin linked.
Is it worth it to buy the game right now if I can get it for $5?
I know it's about to go free, but is it worth $5 to skip the grind?
That brings up the second question.
Can a primarch have a stroke?

No idea but seems like Girlyman may not but all that enthusiastic about running the imperium now
How many skitarii vanguard shooting at bs 6 or 7 to kill him with radium carbines?
>almost die
>brought back to life by qt elf making out with you
>qt Celestine wants your dick
>qt Greyfax wants your dick
>"I never asked for this."

Guilliman and Ultramarines and Romans confirmed for all faggots
>qt Greyfax wants your dick
Fucking Cawl is cuter than Greyfax m8
I said this last thread, but Celestine looks so cute and worried like she's gonna fuck up and drop the halo.

And Greyfax looks so annoyed to be reading all that. "Do you really expect me to read all this shit, by you?" Grumpyfax is true waifu tier just like Celestine.
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Cawl doesn't roll like that.
To kill him the first time?
Let me maths that, firing at BS5

No FnP: 43.2 Vanguard.
FnP 5+: 64.8 Vanguard.

So lots, but add Misfortune and he dies twice as fast. And you can pack plasma and grav out the ass too, so fear not.
>orks are a very competitive army
>starts laughing
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>mfw this prancing lala homo man tries to tell me what's cute and what's not
>Cawl doesn't roll
only because AdMech don't have a transport
i could see cawl making "adjustments" to guilliman's armor while he makes out with the saint
>spent 9,000 years making a custom love-letter to guilliman
all imperials want the G
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Here's an actual, official and newer picture of Greyfax. As stated, Cawl is much cuter.
Guilliman's got the goods for everyone
-sucks teeth at you-
Post yfw celestine and greyfax become Best friends
>and newer
they're from the same release
Grumpyfax will be all rump roasted and Celestine will do cute things often enough that it actually makes Grumpyfax smile. Like Celestine's wings get caught in doors or knock stuff over.

This is warhammer, not one of your fucking shojos.
This Greyfax is for the heretics.
This is Greyfax for loyal servants of the Emperor.
>not seinen

Get a load of this baka gaijin.
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Is Be'lakor good in TT?
>her wings get caught in doors and knock stuff over
I laughed
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>liking anime

Yeah. He's a top pick for CSM but Tzeentch Daemons don't need him.
Is that thing on the left a Custard man? Because it doesn't look like the visarch.
bonding over their love of ultramarines
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After seeing some of the old Dune art, I kind of want to make a Stage Three Navigator-style Psyker Magos floating in a tank, probably with some metal spider legs and such. He'll probably help crew my Biologis Stormbird once it's done. What rules could I use for him? Not too familiar with different psykers because Admech, and there's almost none in my meta.
>good ideas, poor execution
Sorry, I forgot we can't have gay female things happen, we can only have superhuman homosexual chapters and their "brotherhood" with no girls allowed signs taped to their chapter banners.

It makes me giggle thinking about it too. She's incredibly powerful outside, but indoors are her weakness. -3 Leadership penalty for fighting inside buildings for being embarrassed about her wing span.
>-3 Leadership penalty for fighting inside buildings for being embarrassed about her wing span.
>blushing Celestine covering her mouth with her wings
What is the release date for Gathering Storm Part III?

Nope, every faction is free.


Game released several months ago. Namco-Bandai forced them to release early while they were still in a sort of early access alpha-super early beta state.
it's on pre-order tomorrow, out the following weekend
>Here we see a typical British adult male reaching out to slather some jam on his toast

You're still going to grind, but not nearly as much, and have access to all the classes.
Yeah, but is that worth $5?
Celestine a cute.
this was on leddit, get off of leddit anon.

>He's gone full angst

Shit, he's gonna fall to Chaos for sure.
Voldus has already been forgotten about and he hasn't even been released yet.

Maybe a Primaris psyker using sanctioned psykers as the Navigator crew (with black robes and tubes to clean the residues the Navigator leaves behind).

Just count the navigator tank as a chimera or something.
nah he's good m8, everyone's a bit grumpy when they wake up
>primarch vs some grey knight character

Oh your that faggot. Damn you are pathetic. And actually I wasn't saying we couldn't have Yuri, I'm saying the specific scenario you proposed was bullshit that fits neither of the characters nor the universe itself.
Different anon, chill out you fucking spergs.
Is a daemon prince, a keeper of secrets, and a renegade knight overkill at 2k points? Rest of the list is a couple squads of daemonettes, a sorcerer on a bike, two squads of CSM in rhinos with meltas, and a squad of chaos bikers with meltas and a power fist.

You blow autistic spaghetti about your hatred for the idea of brothers in arms, and you try and shoehorn Celestine and Greyfax into being the same as your fictional lesbian Japanese school girl shows, and you're calling me a sperg? That's sad man, just fucking sad. You need to rethink your life.
Wasn't there a rumor about a loyalist primarch going traitor/a traitor primarch going loyalist?
Not the anon you're replying to, but you need to calm the fuck down.
Sounds fine to me
It was just anonymous hyperbole.
>mfw Adeptus Astartes already has a bunch of A's in front of it
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>Your Faction will give Wraithknight "D"icking after half your enemies units have been killed by perfect Deep Striking Wraithguard
You're retarded
Does anyone have the rules for the Broken Alliance mission, or a way to handle a 3-way match of 40k without it being a TOTAL clusterfuck?
>Different anon

Can you read? Also you are taking this way to seriously niggy, chill out geez
Fucking hell I mislinked
That was a response to

I'm being quite calm actually. I've simply pointed out your issues. I fail to see how I can be considered to be freaking out. Also, samefag much?

stop posting jaguars you insufferable furfag, it's against the rules
Does that mean Tyrant Guard can't join Hive Tyrants or am I reading this wrong?

Just like the Aeldari Triumvirate?
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is this enough proof?
new days new keys

code for 4k credits

>Says the exact same thing each time
>Claims to be someone different
>Expects us to buy it

Shit son, I knew you had issues, but I didn't know you were stupid too.
It's still $49.99 on Steam. i just checked. What are you on about?
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Please help, I can't find it anywhere. I've looked in all of my rulebooks and can't seem to find it. I can't find it online either.

I was worried it'd be an eggs/baskets thing? Then again, my usual opponent runs like seven contemptors...
>in one week we'll be able to read about bob killing all of chaos forever
Well satan, a prince+greater is pretty standard fare for casual 1500-1850 lists.

The knight just takes you to 2k.

What's this thread about? (embed) [Embed] (embed) [Embed]
>Chaos will win
Wat? Where?

Those niggers are small time.
It was clearly a playful jab.
You sure are butt blasted over what was clearly a joke this time around. I was actually arguing with you last time, and antagonizing you on purpose, but that's because I gave an honest opinion and you and another person were being petty faggots about it, so I joined you in a petty mud fight.

Side note, I'm also enjoying these people telling you to calm down. Why does everyone default to that anyway? It's like the 100% surefire way to make sure the other person is not calm. Maybe that's the reason. They want to make the other person mad, so they tell them to calm down.

yah they are managing to fix the shitstorm taht it was before, though this trial/NotF2P atleast will manage to help in the long run

also someone tried to create a 40k gaming neral with eternal crusade early today but >>>/vg/ is full of faggots

Different guy, but on a related note, is a Cursed Crozius a good choice for a Daemon Prince? Adds enough strength to take on high toughness/AV, and has the added situational benefit of giving preferred enemy against half the armies in the game.
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>‘My brothers! I have asked much of you these last days, and I must ask again.’ Dante turned to point at the battered control centre. Golden armour glinted. ‘In the port are brave men who fought hard to save this world. They could not hope to succeed, but in their attempt they delayed Hive Fleet Leviathan, allowing us to strike. We have reduced the numbers of its monsters and deprived it of much biomass that it would otherwise have used against Baal itself. We could depart now, and leave these mortal men to their fate. They are mayfly creatures compared to we, the sons of Sanguinius. What matter that they die a few thousand days early?’ He paused. ‘These are sentiments some others might counsel, but not we! We are the Blood Angels, and I will not see lives discarded to appease cold logic.’

>He swept his gaze over his warriors. Every helmet was turned in his direction.

>‘These men and women of the Astra Militarum have honoured us with their sacrifice. We speak of the Shield of Baal, those systems that stand guardian over our home. I say to you that the shield is not a thing of suns and planets, but a barrier of flesh and blood and will!’ He shouted. ‘These men, who fell in the millions outside these walls, whose mortal remains have been consumed by the xenos horror that dares feed upon this system, they are the true shields of Baal. We will not allow the last handful of them to die in pain and horror. Instead they shall ascend with us back into the void, and they shall be honoured in their turn. We shall repay their sacrifice with our own blood!’ He raised the Axe Mortalis high and keyed its ancient rending field to life. Crackling blue lightning wreathed its brutal head. ‘Brothers, will you fight with me one final time upon these blood-slick streets? Will you fight with me, not for glory or for Baal, but for common humanity and the lives of these worthy soldiers?’

-Dante (The Novel)

Is Dante a hero or a fool? You decide, /tg/.

I actually wasn't in the arguement last time, and I'm not but blasted, and if you honestly believe anyone is buying your same fagging you legitimately are retarded.
maybe? I dunno, I've never fought against it.

Seems a bit of a waste on an MC, though getting S8 is definitely relevant for instant death on T4 stuff. If you've the points spare it's probably at least worthwhile.
Calling me pathetic when you are stupid enough to cry out "samefag". That's cute. You can think whatever you want, I don't mind you being wrong.
I got so sick of hearing this kind of talk in Space Marine. It's like 80% of the dialog is them commenting on how the Guard can't hold any longer. The Guard are jobbing all the time just to make the Space Marines seem even more awesome.

Guard, Nids, Orkz, and Chaos. Jobbing NPC master races.

It's fairly simple to use your phone or another browser to same fag without leaving an incriminating trail of you's. I've done it myself. This proves nothing.
>Not even an loyalist maggot, bur KEK

>Wraithknight dies (Implying)
>D-guard now get an extra shooting attack and destroy 300~ points a turn

TOPKEK, You can't win cuck just give up
>that dark angel on the right
he broodin
he schemin
watch that nigga
That sounds OK, but it slightly defeats the point of having a cool single model if it's just going to be a chimera. I don't know, do Grey Knights or Marines or Inq or anything have any formations that are just a few psykers? I could always make a couple, since

>Get clear glass tube
>Make deformed navigator-thing and attach with pipes.
>Fill with whatever I use for Spice liquid stuff.

isn't particularly complicated.
I really know shit about psykers, we have two Nid players and the Nurgle Chaos guy and that's it who use them.
>I've done it myself.

>being so autistic that you post on your phone and your PC simultaneously

You know you can just use MS Paint to edit out or insert (you)'s.
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How's this list seem, /tg/? (Overkill anon from above, decided to post the whole thing for feedback.)
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Well, there's one conversion like that. IG psyker units used to be able to fire all their shit from the car, so this guy made a vehicle to represent it.

Mmh i see your idea now.
Vanilla marines and Dark Angels have formations that are librarius conclaves, that is 1 special character+ 2-4 librarian psykers who all have different disciplines and powers, and one of them casts the spells from the variety the formation offers.

Still, the "good" way to use them is to spread them across the army (one on bikes, one with vanguard, one in the back, etc) because they all share the power pool but only one uses it.

Still, I think that an Astra Militarum Psykana division (Primaris Psyker+ 15+ sanctioned psykers + comissar) could work as a Navigator with escort, but that's your choice.
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Please rate my doublewing. The raiders get dozer blades but battlescribe doesn't have them.
Any suggestions/ ciriticism appreciated
Also the Lion did nothing wrong.
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Sorry for the newb post.

I've decided I want to play 40k and build a death korp of krieg army.

Do I use the regular imperial guard codex?
Is there a cheaper site to buy the models than forgeworld?
What units should I buy to start?
>three land raiders
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Since I aparently aren't getting work of any kind done tonight...

Should I work on my Sisters or My Khorne Daemonkin army tg?
OK, that's pretty damn shiny, and I can take a 5FP Inq Chimera and throw witchfires for days, right?


I'll look up the rules. Conclave seems more reasonable in a game, but I do like the idea of him travelling with a fuckhueg entourage. Perhaps GSC Neophytes for the attendant dudes?
Imagine being a big enough goof to play space marines
Fellow DA player here, couple of things:

Darkshrouds usually jink because they attract fire and have shitty AV, thus firing snapshots and not really an offensive unit; the assault cannon is wasted on it. Also the Hbolter has longer range and you wanna use that. I would also put more bikes in the RW.

DW strike force must be kept on reserves, either they go on raiders or not. Fielding a darkshroud, 3 bikes and a libby on bike during the first turn doesn't seem much of a good idea. I would maybe take a raider out to put more bikes.
nah, it'll be at least 2 weeks
Maybe? I'm not sure how the psychic rules operate in 7th because I don't use psykers ever.

Well, above I asked if it was overkill to take the DP, the KoS, and a KNight at 2k points, and the reply was that DP+Greater Demon is pretty normal for a casual 1500/1850 point game, so adding on a knight isn't really that big a deal to it all. Also I like the models and like big beefy things.
>Do I use the regular imperial guard codex?
>Is there a cheaper site to buy the models than forgeworld?
Not really
>What units should I buy to start?
book's out on the eleventh
There is a forgeworld codex you can use for them, but you can also use the normal codex too.
>greyfax gets pouty and upset when celestine flies over her
>grumpyfax tries multiple times to climb a wall but can't because she's too short
>Celestine swoops down and picks her up to fly her over the wall
>"idiot! I didn't ask you to help me" shouts a frustrated grumpyfax
>Celestine gets embarrassed
>ss..sorry greyfax I just wanted to help

oh ok so are krieg units just reskinned imperial guard?

Who is the third gonna be when the Tauvirate has Farsight and Shadowsun?
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>Implying I'm him
>Implying he's me
>Implying I'm not baiting until every single one of us are filters and /40k/g burns with us
>Implying this entire chain isn't just one person samefagging with a big cat fetish

Use the Forgeworld Imperial Armour codex. Their rules in it are entertaining and fluffy. But you can use regular guard dex if it comes down to it. You can gamble with chinacast if you want, but otherwise not really no. Shit tons of infantry.
Fuck off, this guy is the only tasteful anime shit poster I've seen on this site.
You'll use the regular Imperial Guard codex (Astra Militarum) in official enviornments. In most stores or competitions Forge World rules are not allowed, thus playing Korp of Krieg is merely an aesthetic choice. You'll need the Mont'ka (Astra Militarum vs. Tau) for the formation rules and army composition of Imperial Guard, your codex doesn't covers them.

I don't know about other models, I'm afraid. Krieg is the swag way to play AM, but swag ain't cheap.

I would recommend a HQ(maybe a comissar or a command squad), one or two squads of veterans and a Leman Russ. Sentinels make good flanking units .That oughta take you to around 500 points to start playing small games.

Also good choice, mate. Krieg are the best.
Sisters of Silence
Essentially - though as another anon mentioned they do have additional Forgeworld rules
But to be quite honest, as a new player, you really shouldn't be starting a forgeworld army. Granted - it's your choice, and you can do what you like. 40k is about having fun above all, and if you don't care that they're expensive, all power to you. However, the start collecting box is a good place to start for anyone getting into the imperial guard.
Should I buy a Bloodthirster and a Lord of Change, or the two Custodes dreads? Both will cost me the same.
>implying Gullimans eyes aren't already locked with his
>implying Gulliman doesn't already suspect his treachery

And in this corner we have S-S-S-SAAAMEFAAAG, and in the other his opponent the mighty ANONYMOUS. It's gonna be a long and pathetic battle to the death of their dignity folks, I hope you brought popcorn cause this is gonna go on for a while.
Mean spirited and cruel reply, ignore the badman.

Fall of Orpheus and Siege of Vraks are your codecies, you'll want to start with this if you're serious (but it might be better to buy a single unit to see if you enjoy painting them first):


In terms of cheaper minis, there are always our Asian compatriots.
GSC Neophytes sound rad as fuck as attendant. Paint them pale as fuck and you're set, and either use them as Veterans or as Sanctioned Psykers.

Having one model with a converted microphone to translate the Navigator go in the front would be extra nice. Post pics if you do the models, would love to see em.
RotP preorders are up
>get btfo by another person
>he hehe nice try same fag
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>ignore the bad man, here, just buy this 300 dollar set instead
Lord of change and triumvirate of the primarch to use guilliman with your custodes
>implying 40k doesn't have a lighter side
>implying there aren't thousands of nerds worldwide right now making light of 40k at their local gaming stores
>implying anime can't be funny despite it also being incredibly gay
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... is this a wrong time to point out i also have mono Slaanesh army?...
Any news on rules for the Fallen. Cyphers model got me a boner for repentant traitors/loyalists.
What every you say Impcuck you'll be taking my D soon


Tied of getting rekt cuck?

This is 40k. Can you honestly tell me that you won't spend way more than just 300 dollars to get a full army? Bulk is often cheaper than piecemeal in the long run.
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>bulwark of purity
Collecting mountains of plastic/resin gold, so that you have half painted monuments to your own terrible life-choices, is the point of warhammer anon.
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Tbh psykers in transports are meant to be witchfirin' all day. I don't know if the chimeras have firing points tho.
Here's the description of the rules that RotP has:
>Datasheets for the Triumvirate of the Primarch – field Cypher, Grand Master Voldus of the Grey Knights and Roboute Guilliman in games of Warhammer 40,000;
>Warlord Traits and Relics for Ultramarines forces;
>Formations allowing you to field The Fallen, the Grey Knights’ Bulwark of Purity, the Victrix Guard of the Ultramarines and the Triumvirate of the Imperium;
>Daemonic Adversaries – these special rules allow you to field Grey Knights against enemies that are not necessarily Daemonic in nature, meaning your Grey Knights can be fielding without breaking narrative;
>5 Echoes of War missions, detailing key battles from Rise of the Primarch;
>3 Cataclysm of War missions – these represent desperate battles fought during the Gathering Storm.
>In Pursuit of the Fallen – special objectives to be used when fielding Cypher, units of the Fallen, and models of the Dark Angels faction.

So yes, the fallen are getting some rules and a formation.
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>literally just the company veterans squad photoshopped with black armor
I don't really know what I expected
I've watched enough anime to admit it's mostly terrible. Even the good ones are full of gay shit. Doesn't change the fact that Celestine walking clumsily through a ship and getting her wings caught in doors is Fucking hilarious
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He prefers babes with pointy ears.
Sadly this. Gulliman came from an age where eldar were just another enemy. Now he doesn't have to repress his urges to pound space elves
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I replaced the darkshroud and a raider with a buttload of bikers.
I am very new to this game
>not converting your own fallen.
Fallen are going to some great modeling opportunities. You can include a ton of chaos stuff, 30k stuff, imperial stuff and even some xeno stuff theoretically. They can be almost whatever you want.
Unless GW came out with amazing fallen models, only a fool wouldn't convert his own.
Yeah, I know, and I do plan to convert my own. But they show some pretty cool fallen conversions in the Fallen Champions force - and then just have photoshopped veterans in the individual pack
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>tfw I live within 15 minutes of 3 different non-gw gaming stores each with sizeable 40k groups.
>tfw it used to be four stores until the owner of the fourth decided to pull some shit.
>tfw his whole player base walked out the door and he closed shop 6 months later.
>tfw I get to play 40k any time I want,with cool mostly non waac people with no fear of some faggot store owner kicking me out for some dumb shit.
>Maybe the death of my sides will give you an extra round of shooting lmao

>He can't dominate the battlefield with tactical genius and well thought out model pics
>He has to rely on his spammed furry persona because hes so unimportant everyone might forget he exists if he didn't shit up every thread

I guess it's alpha armies for alpha men impcuck

I guess it's just
>it used to be four stores until the owner of the fourth decided to pull some shit
story time
>being a masochist that loves being degraded
>sitting at your computer with your dick in your hand waiting for people to insult you
>makes fun of anime but has entire folders of laughing felines on your computer
>obviously a closet fur fag
>hasn't posted a single panther
>utterly shit taste in felines
That I do know. Normal Chimeras have two, the ones in the Inquisition book are the old-style ones and have five. That's a lot of mindbullets.


Thanks, it seems fairly simple so I may give it a shot once I've got a few more of my Admech painted.

After some hunting, I found the Imperial Agents Psykana Division. One Primaris Psyker, 1-3 units of Wyrdvanes, and 3+ harness when near them. Only problem is the PP is a bit squishy for a model that big, but whatever. Seems good and wouldn't have to buy two boxes of GSC for it, so I may go for that.
>alpha armies for alpha men

You realize sisters, an army comprised entirely of females, are more masculine than your space elves, right?
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>I guess it's alpha armies for alpha men impcuck
>>tfw it used to be four stores until the owner of the fourth decided to pull some shit.
What did he do anon?

Play the F2P with a dummy account, if you like it at all then yes, get the $5 one. The XP penalty is hell. One assault class being locked isn't as big of a deal because jump assaults were nerfed hard in the prior patch.
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>this thread
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>not shoplifting minatures so often you are banned from all the hobby shops near you
>deliberately trying to stir shit by bringing /pol/ in to this
Don't try to pretend you're not just here to troll.
>yelling about /pol/ when there isn't even any /pol/shit
>implying cheetah anon doesn't come here from /pol/, make a string of shitposting to just delete them so he doesn't get banned
Free beta is on the Alienware webpage. It links to your steam account though.

I can attest to this fucking grind. You literally get 1/3rd experience for being free. At least it looks like they bank it, so if I do shell out, I'll explode into levels.
>guilliman's concept literally called "super suit"
jes goodwin is a treasure
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where did the space elves touch you anon?
Looks better, if you are new I would start playing bikes and later add the terminator forces.

If you allow me I can point a few more things:

-Interromancy is a good discipline, but it's mostly centered around debuffing and turning big enemies into shitty units. Having a unit of black knights could help to accompany your psyker, since he can nerf characters and monsters, they can charge and kill it in melee. Also take in account the Force power that all librarians have, an instant death energy sword on charge can land a lucky hit and kill something big.
Meltas on bikes are good too. Still, darkshrouds are very good units, albeit you have to see them as a support rather than an offensive unit.
Black knights can combo with it and not suffer overwatch if they are 6" away of the darkshroud at the beginning of the assault phase. Moving at 12" + turbo each turn, you can move, nerf the target with Mind Worm, shoot it or use turbo, and then charge with the Black Knights and the psyker.

Meltas for shooty bikes are good if their designated job is tank hunting, I run em like that in my lists.

Deathwing squads fulfill different roles:
-normal squads are "cheaper", pack regular dakka and with powerfists they can threaten enemy tanks or big HQs.
-DW Knights are the best option to go melee, for 235p you have 5 guys with r5 (making them immune to melta instant death) and effectively making them harder to hit. They have better FS and the Smite rule, effectively giving them thunder hammers of one attack and concussive each. Interrogator chaplain with storm shield (gets T5 too) and Mace of Absolution for a superkilly melee unit. He gives them zealot so they reroll smite attacks, and thus can fuck up almost every target at melee. Having a Darkshroud nearby and your psyker nerfing enemies can make the job easier and allow them to target larger foes, and negating overwatch from the enemy if the Darkshroud is close enough.

>everyone I don't like is /pol/

Stop being a dumbass. Just because he called you a faggot doesn't mean he's a stormfag, you mong.
The fact that you're yelling about /pol/ when /pol/ isn't even here makes you just as bad as them, since what you're doing is just as likely to derail the thread and cause a shitstorm
No, I think you're from /pol/.

Please fuck off back there.
>Massive preferred enemy bubble
Not a threat?

There is literally no reason to not use Bobby G in any kind of Imperial army, he's even useful if you were taking allied Eldar. He definitely makes certain Imperial armies (Blood Angels, Imperial Guard) a lot better with his traits.

Now to pray that his points don't suck.
-DW Command Squads are usually taken as a mix of the two, apothecary and champion are a given, and some kind of special weapon.

If you go with strike force, I would take out the command squad and put DW Knights with the aforementioned IChaplain kitted with stormshield and Mace of Absolution. These guys will get all the enemy fire the turn they land tho.

Also keep in mind that, effectively, each you choose between a Terminator squad or a Land Raider, since after equipping each one they'll cost more or less the same (225p - 240p). You can have 3 squads with transport, or 5-6 deepstriking squads for the same point cost. Also keep in mind that ravenwing bikes have locator beacons to help place your DW termies wherever you want without mishaps.

Doublewing is all about combos, but these are the ones I use.
Isn't he 350?
who cares. Cheetah Anon is one of us now, and is widely tolerated if not totally accepted here.
>There is literally no reason to not use Bobby G in any kind of Imperial army
Except if you're not a MASSIVE FLAMING FAGGOT
Only because a proportion of posters here are only here for shitposting.
Like the NL anon?
Not a long story but...

>owner hosted a few tourney with small prizes.
>store owner was referee for rules conflicts.
>used itc rules I think.
>the first time the players who won were kinda mixed from here and there, no real surprises.
>as the tourneys continued the players who spent the most at the store started getting preferential treatment in rules decisions.
>people stop playing in the tourneys.
>owner complains that less people are showing up.
>player hears him complaining and calls him out on the preferential treatment.
>owner immediately kicks him out.
>over the next week he comes up with reasons to kick a few other people out. Mostly to do with having models they didn't buy from his store.
>everyone just moves to another store that recently opened.
>old store owner is seen a few times skulking around the new shop, offering deals to try and get business back.
>store goes under 6 months later.

Honestly that guy was a prick. A few players have told the story to the other store owners, who mostly just chuckled, but also kinda realized it was a warning.

The stores I go to now are all really chill.
In the midst of his shitposting he talks about Donald Trump.
You're either cheetah anon, another raider or just literal newfag cancer.
Why does /tg/ gape it's anus with a wine bottle for other boards nowadays?
>widely tolerated

He's a blatant avatarfag who just goes XD about whatever. The only reason it seems like he's 'tolerated' is because most people are smart enough not to feed him (you)s.
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>Interrogator chaplain with storm shield (gets T5 too) and Mace of Absolution for a superkilly melee unit.
>not glorious dual melee with MoA for even more brutality
What are you, a tau?
If I don't get a new Ork codex that isn't a sack of shit I'm going to cry.
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Back due to popular demand:

Reminder that pic related has a sweet melody which suits them perfectly now

https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=IUGzY-ihqWc&feature=share [Open] [Open]

>Dubstep is gay lol?
Dubstep suits many chaotic factions as it is fairly chaotic
Also this song is hardly Dubstep

>I listened to three seconds and I thought it was shit?
No, you are shit. Try lasting longer than you do in bed next time, before giving a review

>If this music isn't to my personal taste, does that mean it is the wrong song for the Night Lords?

Metal music doesn't suit chaos, this isn't the 80s. The Night Lords have evolved a lot in the last 8-10 years, so get on board or fuck off. Metal only really suits World Eaters, even then, probably Hardcore.

>My Emps Children love the shit metal though!!!
No, your structured music would bore them to death. Please read current fluff, not your 80s shit

*Pat pat* nice original joke, friend

>Does the above point apply for any of my other "funny" song ideas?

>I know more about music than you because that is brostep, not dubstep
Doesn't change the fact that it is the correct song for the Night Lords

>Why did you word that first sentence weirdly?
Because people thought they were clever with their spam filter

>You are getting less (you)s than ever, I thought that is why you do this?
No, it just proves how perfected my FAQ is.

>Is Curze a Demon Primarch, and true Prophet of the 8th?
It's all fun and dandy till he fails 4+ invulnerables and a melta shot gibs him.
Returning to 40k after leaving at the beginning of 4th ed. I'm having a good time playing around with that list builder in the OP, but I'm not sure I understand how formations and detachments work. Can I formations as allied detachments? Say for example adding an Emperors Talon Recon Company onto my Tempestus Scions army?
Oh guess I'll scratch the raiders then
Also am I a faggot if I use a contemptor mortis dread in 40k
Me and my friends don't allow FW rules in our games, since some models get OP rules.
Specially Tau, and that's the last thing my tau playing friend needs.
On stores depends on the owner, but I wouldn't risk it.
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>Me and my friends don't allow FW rules in our games, since some models get OP rules.
>banning forge world
Anita sarkeesian in power armour
>Me and my friends don't allow FW rules in our games
wow, you're stuck back in 5 years ago when the "is FW fair/legal" debate was still teken seriously
If me and my friends play shitty armies that get access to horrible FW entries and horrible GW entries with others getting access to both you're pretty much getting double stuffed.
>Chaos and their damn heretical HATESPEECH
Not him, but fw stuff gets much more powerful when you ban formations+low+sh/gc. It's basically the next step on the waac list.

I don't usually have a problem with it, but some people have had bad experiences with them and would rather just not have them in the game.
I ban it just because people who usually play FW are faggots and it's nice to watch them sit there watching me and another guy play. That feeling of them wasting all that extra money and time on FW models only to not be able to play them is pretty satisfying.
>Banning formations and LOW
Why don't you ban 2+ saves while you're at it?
Or D weapons? or any unit with a T in it's name?
>I am a huge faggot who can't afford toys, so the only joy I get is in telling the rich kids that they can't play with their toys.
You think you're laughing at us when in reality we're all laughing at you.
I want an army thats durable, tactical, and can do blobs effectively, and is not necrons.

>Tropes in daemonic invasions
This one is always brought up when I mention how FW is overpriced. It is overpriced compared to other overpriced miniatures, that's the funny part.

I participate in a luxury hobby because I can afford it. I'm honestly surprised poor people even try to play this game. I find it even more ridiculous when poor people decide they want a FW army, which is pretty common, hence everyone begging around here for China casts.

I could buy 3000 points of a FW army right now and not even worry about it. Even though I have enough money to do this without consequence, it's still poorly spending my money.
I guess we're all laughing, so that's nice.
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>implying the first picture isn't official art from the same book
>implying this picture isn't greyfax after a rough day of purging heretics
Would still fug
It's sad that greyfax and celestine are both in love with Gulliman, and he has love only for the imperium, and yvvrain

>has the emperor's flaming sword

It fits!
>and yvvrain
his first response on waking up is "this xenos shit better git the fook out of my chambers or I'll blow a fookin gasket m8s"
Are there even any T10 models in the game? What does rending give to S6 AP2 that it doesn't already have? Is there anything it WON'T wound and ignore the armor of on a 6 already?
Extra D3 Armour Pen, man. Now he can punch through Chimera armour and such.
>he said through clenched teeth, wondering what day it was and why he had been revived
>Abbadon threatens us primarch, the eldar have shown loyalty and aided in your revival
>Gulliman stated at the eldar witch, transfixed by her beauty
>you mean to tell me we are no longer enemies with the xenos?
>yes sir, chaos threatens to consume the galaxy, the eldar have sided with us in this conflict
>leave us
>but sir
>I wish to speak alone with this xeno woman
>the room emptied leaving only Gulliman and yvvrain
>I thought you'd never get them to leave gully
>she undid her top, letting her gown fall to the floor
>Gulliman stared at her naked body
>so this is what it means to gaze into the abyss of heresy
>enough talk primarch, do me like one of your imperial sluts
>yes m'lady
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>effective blobs
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what not-dojeen is this?
Stop presses lads!

Incoming transmission
The Gathering Storm is over.

We saw Cadia burn, a Craftworld shattered, and we followed Eldar and Saint into the nightmare. We saw a Primarch rise again, and we went into hell itself to reach Terra.

The Gathering Storm is over.

Old Night is once again upon us. The gods fight against each other and laugh. But we won't give up without a fight either. We will muster. A new Great Crusade must begin. For Terra, and for the Emperor!

Reliable sources (Lady Atia the rumormonger)

I found it on Tradera which I use, you fucking mongrel.
Post a link or screencap please?

>new crusade
>Black Templars are now going to be "we did it before it was cool again" hipsters
>we'll still not get any love
She liked what she saw and put a ring on it.
Go on.
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I'm sorry. There are no happy endings here.
>Gulliman can't be tarpitted.
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>Ynnari have stupidly powerful anti- horde
>So does girly man
>tfw slugga boyz
Think with his abilty to attack everything within one inch, guilliman might actually be able to beat a fearless green tide by himself by the end if the game.
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>immolators come back in stock
>immediately place order at shop
>get call today expecting to hear that they came in
>they're out of stock


This is what I get for trying to be fucking supportive of my shops.

I've been trying to get these last two immolators I need to top off my army since they've been back in stock, but fucking GW can't even comprehend the fact that people actually want to buy sisters and never make enough fucking product.
Some idiot made a thread before this one was done, good thing I checked before making a new one.
Isn't that Voldus?
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>Do I use the regular imperial guard codex?
If you want to play in tournaments then you'll find a lot of them ban Forgeworld (for draconian reasons) but you'd want to use the normal Astra Mil book anyway, it's more powerful and allows you more freedom with formations than Siege of Vraks or Fall of Orphius do.

That said, be a man and use their codex if you can manage it.

>Is there a cheaper site to buy the models than forgeworld?

Yes, china. Just look to ebay if you're into that sort of thing. If you use non-GW models don't pretend they're Krieg, you'll look like a cheap loser.

Or be a man and buy them from FW themselves.

>What units should I buy to start?
Mandatory: Company Command Squad/Commissar or some combination of them. Engineers/Infantry squads, Engineers are your vets and they have some sweet options with demo charges and general special weapons.

After that it depends. Artillery (Read MEDUSA GUNS) will always cause pain to your opposition since they're pseudo monstrous creatures. Leman Russ tanks are cool, make sure you pick up the Forgeworld ones and don't be a bitch.

Grenadiers are awesome, but overly expensive and hellguns are not great on T3 4+ bodies. I've found that running them in squads of 5 with a Heavy Flamer and two baby Flamers in a centaur always exceeds my expectations.

I hope this helps a bit.
Definitely projecting
Death Guard
wouldnt hold your breath
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Space Marines - 1500pts.jpg
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This has proven to be a pretty fun list (doesn't exactly do very well against some of the stronger lists in my group, but that's the nature of the game), but I was curious - should I cut a few points to get vox casters in the army?
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