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/cyoag/ CYOA General

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 460
Thread images: 147

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Previous: >>51925926
Resources: http://pastebin.com/vrqYhnpu

Have a nice day, everyone!
Oh man I remember when that CYOA was first posted and everyone screamed that Zarya was too OP.
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Hhmmm . . .
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Alright which male Overwatch hero do you guys want for Hell Invasion V.3.1?

I'm only including 1 or 2 of them as a vague homage.
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Bro I got you

Is there really any choice other than Junkrat?
I'll take two baked sandwiches with a triple serving of sunny side up eggs, from scratch.
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I've had a bit extra time sitting in waiting rooms. If my family's medical stuff goes well I might have more time of my own again. Right now the priority is looking after family. Just wanted people to know it wasn't dead.
Your CYOA needs to appeal to teens and the college crowd, so probably Lucio.
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Well take it easy and do what you gotta do man, but I'm more than happy to see progress on it!
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Hey, I'm >>51937158. First off, want to say you built a pretty kickass game. It's weirdly like the new DOOM in that it shouldn't be much on paper, but the execution made me want to spend the whole day just making builds and thinking about the world!

Also, I'm thinking about making some fan stuff (just a text doc for now) and was wondering if there's anything you think I should avoid to break the design/lore. That's probably a strange question, but I just really dig how you set up the game and world.
You can't make me /not/ pick Reaper/Widowmaker/Sombra - oh wait this is the old version.

But seriously, being Team Talon's roommate/errand-boy who does the groceries is sitcom gold.
Can someone post slut life?
I still don't get how side effects of drugs work with permanent. Is it a random fort save every 4 hours against the side effect? Is the side effect permanent? How does that play into drugs where the side effect is the polar opposite effect of the drug? If you ever get the side effect on genderswap, are you just fucked forever?

And finally, isn't cyber brain + permanent mind zero and muscle relaxant free points?

Dark witch so I can fuck her
They last four hours.
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Does anybody have a higher quality version of the first page of broquest?
>Also, I'm thinking about making some fan stuff (just a text doc for now) and was wondering if there's anything you think I should avoid to break the design/lore.
There's not too much to break really. It's really just a base coat of Warhammer 40k and DOOM, with some layers of Starcraft and Star Wars, and some highlights of Mass Effect, Team Fortress 2, and Overwatch. With some dots of other stuff.

Really you can just write your own story. It's meant to be that way.
Forgot to include that the fan stuff was a fan expansion. Adding new soldier types, powers, mods and the like, and I was thinking squads you can make and space adventures.
Terribly sorry! I couldn't manage to find the newer version.

Say, /cyoag/oers, what would you prefer in a CYOA, mechanical-ish choices that can be fluffed to your preferences, or choices that are clearly defined, in terms of fluff?
If you want, I could post my email and you can send it to me. I might include it in the CYOA.
Sure, I'll send you something when I have something substantial. And if you'd feel more comfortable posting it elsewhere, just tell me where and I'll contact you from there.
The former. But that's just, like, my opinion, man.
A mix of the two.
Here is fine.

My Email is [email protected]

Don't ask why it's named that.
I was gonna ask why it wasn't something way dumber, but thanks again, dude!
Why did you name it that?
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Insanity Mode

>Drawbacks: Undo the Future
"I'm not going back to a doomed past only to repeat the events that led to this terrible future, I'm going to stay here fight the good fight until the very end."

>Boons: Exemplar/Hybrid
"The cream of the crop, everyone else dead to the last drop."

>No Companions
"Hope rides alone."

>Respawning Method: Pandora's Box
"They say man is the measure of all things, I never knew I would be measured up to a god."

>Race: Giant (Free P. Strength 2)
"I overheard the refugees call me nephilim in their harshed whispers, I asked them "why?", they say I am a giant who will inevitably fall."

>Origins: Gene-Fighter/Biomorpher
"They say us super soldiers are made, not born, shaped and molded by Him who is One with us All to be humanity's bulwark against the darkness, I'd say you read to much fairy tales."

>Generic Powers: [07[P. Strength 3/P. Barrier 3/P. Juggernaut 3/P. Regeneration 3/Mind Reading 3/Psychogenic Focus 3/Attract & Repel 3
>Gene-Fighter Powers: [03]Biotic Organ 1/Hypertrophy Booster 3
>Biomorpher: [00]Assimilate 3
"Every ounce of my being screams overwhelming strength, what good is strength without the will to wield it?"

>Hands (Unarmed: Directional Explosive/Jet Booster/Vibro Weapon/Superheavy)
>Legs (Unarmed: Directional Explosive/Jet Booster/Vibro Weapon/Superheavy)
>Mouth (Plasma: Fuel Tube/Heat Builder/Vaporizer/Overheat)

>Armour: Cleanser/Waste Disposal/IV Tubes/Jump Jets/Servos/Vampiric Assimilator/Charger Pack/Adrenaline Shot/Mex-X Shot/Combat Drugs Cocktail

>All planets
"May He who is with Us All have mercy on my soul, for I nor the demons and their monstrous hosts will spare any."
Take green pepper on a large pizza and add chilli flakes and whatever other topping you'd like.

Because you had green pepper on a large pizza, an upgrade in size means 4 years less of power reestriction, meaning a negative 1 year of no powers, which would be thrown back to 0, effectively allowing unlimited wishes. Since the duration of this power is negative, crippling pain does not affect you at all, and you can stack again on green pepper so that you're not penalized for picking chilly.

First wish would be to become invulnerable, second to have a very large lifespan (or immortality as you wish), third to become as smart as whatever genius or fictional character you're thinking of, and fourth, to be able to lie at will while keeping the power to reestructure reality.

From there you can wish for more coupons or directly the powers that they provide, I'd like to become the technodruid, change shape to explore shit and save the world from hunger, but most of you would go for waifus.
Understanding the views of others is important! Your thoughts, your opinions... I'd love to hear them all.
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Posting Rapture Academy.
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Most of my friends are already huge memers; at least this one's a grill.
I'm not into illegal things, and we can be smug together since I'm straight edge and therefore better than you.
Very close between him and Lucy, zenyatta seems like he'd make for better intellectual conversation and he can't cuck me
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>Genji, McCree, Junkrat

Bro team is a go!
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Man i really like cyoa's like this, it was posted in the last thread. Something about it gives me these warm, yet sad feelings. Does anyone have other cyoa's similar to this one?

>Mei, Zarya, Symmetra
Tracer, Mercy, Symmetra.
Man, that was really comfy until the last option. Thoroughly spooked now.
Really? Decay City Ruins is one of the least spooky drawbacks in this, I picked it in one of my builds in fact.
>Warped and twisted
>Constantly being watched
No thank you sir
But it said it's a weeks travel from the village. You don't have to ever go there if you don't want to.
Most of my vanilla porn is probably warped and twisted by the village's standards. And you can literally take it and then never go there.
Yeah, but the existence of it would scratch the back of your mind. Who lived there? What happened to them? Will the same thing happen to the village? I go with the god, as it seems passive, and wouldn't raise questions for me.
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Might as well be spooked by the Endless Expanse option then.
I am. I get spooked less by the unexplained, and more by the stuff that I hope won't be explained.
Whereas I get fidgety thinking of All Roads Lead, which is technically much safer for me and the residents of the Village, but which I couldn't stand.
That one is disconcerting, for sure, but doesn't get me spooked.

Either way, the comfy potential of that CYOA went out the window. I have a really comfy one saved somewhere, I'll see if I can find it
Just don't choose any of the drawbacks? None of that will exist at all, then.
I made a build for this but never posted it, might as well do so now.

>Hellenic Seaside


>Rolling Hills
>Marshland (-1)
>Cave Systems (-2)
>Waterfalls (-3)

>Cozy Cabin

>Far Outskirts

>Inviting Pendant
>Soft Blanket
>Pale Ring
>Fur Mantle (-4)
>Bronze Bracelet (-5)

>The High Walls


>The Old Castle
>Cloud Tower
>Blossom Meadow
>Primeval Forest
>Crystal Cavern (-6)
>Healing Spring (-7)

>Nostalgic Chief (-8)
>Christmas Cake (-9)
>Lonely Monster (-10)

>Catacomb Depths (-8)
>Ruined Cathedral (-6)
>Wandering God (-4)
>Endless Abyss (-2)
>Decay City Ruins (0)

Plenty to do and explore. The guides will be able to tell me about the world and provide companionship. Chief can teach me about the village and the monster can teach me about what lies beyond. I'll start my adventure slowly by staying near the town and honing my skills as a guard. When I'm more comfortable I'll start checking out more dangerous places. Maybe I'll even be able to venture over the High Wall. Hopefully I stay alive and discover the secrets this world has to offer.
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But seriously, can you imagine it? Being the poor sap they strongarm into handling all the normal people stuff for them, only to get used to it and even become an actual friend of theirs - for whatever that's worth? Even getting on a first-name basis?

>"So, you guys are off doing terrorist stuff again? Sweet, place to myself for a week. Don't worry, nobody's coming over but the mailman, and he only knows I live here."

>"Yeah, yeah, don't worry. Got the delivery set. The takeout'll be here five minutes before you get back. Also, I did the laundry. Rentals for movie night are ongoing, and apparently I won another sweepstakes. I bet one of you guys made that happen."

>"For the last time, Overwatch doesn't know you guys live with me, and they are not spying on Sombra's secure e-mail line. As far as anyone else knows, I have three normal, college-age roommates who also work full-time and aren't around often."
Ah, I forgot the first companion is free. I'll take the Dapper Gentleman as well. Having friends is never a bad idea when you find yourself in a strange place.
>drink reaper beer
>made of nanites and tastes like death

>do all sorts of immoral and illegal things to window
>she doesn't care

>have sombra hack camgirl currency and porn passes for you
>tries to mess with you once in a while by sneaking in porn she thinks will shock you

I never thought of that element of widow in this cyoa before. Sounds fun.
>those companions
Sounds like a gangbang to me.
>Overwatch doesn't know you guys live with me, and they are not spying...
As a normal person, theres no way you could know if that sentence was true or not. Don't assert something you can't be certain is true, that might get you killed.
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True. The joke only works with the "for the last time" opener, which implies that they've been paranoid enough to ask me that multiple times before.

Man, sitcom conventions are weird.

I really considered having D.VA but I cannot deny the power of Widowmaker's ass. Tracer's ass is also magnificent, but she's also more likely to complain about the things Sombra and I might get up to.
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Overwatch is for suckers
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Second guy with max KAW, third guy with max KAW, Volibear, Mermaid.

No sex-fucking, only fucking shit up.
I bet I can out pun Volibear
Winston. The homage will be oblique enough with "vague scientist gorilla monster" actually referring to a bunch of guys, And I recall there being a distinct lack of defensive supporty guys.
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Got to relieve stress somehow
Gragas, Jax, Gangplank, and old Trundle for maximum banter
I can already tell I won't read this and I'll have to hide it when it gets posted. Lots words = lots autist screaming.
There are other ways.

But not better ways
I realized today, and this has nothing to do with anything, that there are actually very few english/patched VN based around exhibitionism/public play. Its kinda a shame.

Also; portal sex. Could always use more of that.
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>Akali, Malphite, Rammus, and Vayne

Maybe I'll do all three.

After I'm done updating Hell Invasion V.3.0, do you guys want AITO V.2.0 or MOBA CYOA V.2.0?

AITO V.2.0 will have some titles like the Nemesis CYOA did, and also tons of waifus. 7 Onis I think and probably 6 or so Snow Waifus.

I'm thinking of implementing the spellmaking system of Woadheim into the MOBA V.2.0 and introducing classes like Invoker, Meepo, Udyr, Abathur, Techies, and Elise. I.E., 10 spells, multiple seperate clones, stance switcher, guy who tethers to teammates, trap setter, and 2 sets of abilities between 2 forms.
Increased Strength
Increased Defense
Natural Weaponry

Drabacks and Missions:
Municipal Force Daitenzan! (I am most wary of Sumiyoshis Dual Giga Paper Fans, and Ropponmatsu ll's molestation powers)
Infiltration (I'm running with the theme, I'm impersonating Kabapu)
Magical Girl Team (Well, they're mostly a homeless girl team, but they totally have legit powers! Like, one of 'em is crazy strong, and the other one is a great marksmen when she isn't dying. The last one is superhumanly tough, the end-all buttmonkey type character. They also have a little dog.)

Band of mooks (Free)
Enhanced Strength
True Fade
Enhanced Regeneration
Shadow Step

I plan on directing municipal force Daitenzin to tie up the magical homeless girls while I find their leader. I'll have to kill everyone with my crazy gadzookie strength and my awesome infiltration powers eventually, but I know better than to try and take the main magical homeless girl when she has had more than about three bucks to live off of for the past month. She's fuckin' nuts, man.

Could someone perhaps post this "Bro Quest" CYOA ?

Never heard of it 'til now.
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>Irelia is undead now.
I miss something, or did the lore team fuck some shit up again?
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Sequel CYOA for if you choose to become a Kaifu when
Hard Mode
Origin: Reincarnation

I don’t want my family to worry about me. Or know about this, really.

Misc. Bonuses:
New Body (+20)
Long Play (+50)
New Home (+40)
New Identity (Free With New Body)

Generally speaking, the idea is to make an absolute paradise that I will happily live in forever, but with the ability and freedom to change up some of my decisions at the end of the time if I don’t like them all that much.

Bull (+15), Donater (+5), Exclusive Clientele (-5), Mating Season

$63,000 is way more than I make right now, and I can basically get paid to fuck hot chicks, who will then save up my milk. Loadsafun.

+3 Milking
+2 Body Writing
+20 Climax Trigger
+1 Employer Controlled
+1 Collar, loose dog collar
+4 Forced
+10 Sleep in Bondage
Total: +41

Most of these are pretty simple or easy. Body Writing is a fetish of mine, sleeping in bondage sounds kind of cozy and the climax trigger would be useful for my job.

Succubus (+30)
Amazon (+25)
Witch (+15)
Engineer Dominatrix (+20)
Total: +90

Attractive, kinky, and demanding women. My favorite.

Total Credits
Hm. My vote goes to AITO.
Getting tired of all these waifu cyoas

>Saber is gay
Starting at age 12, with a boyish face and a final height of 5’ 4”. Generally youthful/boy-ish in appearance, save for a 10 inch penis, 3 inch girth, double size testicles. I’m going to need them for my job. Red hair, blue eyes, fair skin, freckles, skinny body, childish voice.

Android (-100 thanks to Reincarnation) with all available options.
Technodildo (Free thanks to Reincarnation)
Flexible Body (Free thanks to Reincarnation)
Timeless (Free thanks to Reincarnation)
Hourglass (Free thanks to Reincarnation)
Reloader (-2)
Elastic Tongue (-2)
Refractory Period (-1)
Sensitive Body, Erogenous Zones, Right Moment, (+3)
Zinc Supplements (-1)
Mind Alteration (+5)
Total: -98

My plan starts to come together. I have a huge thing for /ss/ and big, strong women, so I’m going to make myself a cute little guy with a big dick to best suit my needs, plus I’m going to be an Android because being an android is rad. A lot of the other stuff is there to help my job go by easier. Huge loads of cum, easy submission, good at pleasuring ladies, and no cooldown. I could take a species augmentation but meh. I’d rather just be a cute shota, and one in total control of their age, too. Reincarnation may need a nerf.

Apartment, One Deluxe Bedroom with Walk In Closet and Balcony, One Deluxe Bathroom with Luxury Bathtub and walk-in shower, Deluxe living room. Shared Amenities taken
Total -22

I don’t need any more space for myself, so might as well splurge a bit and make it very comfortable.

Clothing Allowed, With Hats, Swimsuits, Plain Closet, Sleepwear, Footwear
Total: -5

If anyone wants me to wear something else, they can provide it. I’ll stick with this, otherwise.

Health and Hygiene:
Hygiene Essentials, Body care kit, Advanced Health Care
Total: -20
Take care of yourself, people.

Fast Food -10

With my Android body, it’s all that I need, and it tastes great.
Victor and Lilian -1
Charlotte -1
Total: -2

They seem cool. We can get Charlotte in on games and maybe do some ERP all around.

Personal Library -3
Education + Lifelong Learning -20
Computer + Workstation -40
Outside -25
Tabletop Games -10
Personal AI + Own Will -5
Total: -103
I’ve got a nice selection of things I can in my spare time, including some exploring and same stuff to do with my friends, plus a constant AI buddy who is more than just a servant.

Experimental Drugs:
Aphrodisiac (-10)
Control + Manual Control (-5)
Total -15

This will do wonders for my job.

Total of All Costs:


One token left.

Man, this CYOA got way easier since last time I played it. Without an exploit build I wouldn't have gotten half of this stuff.
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Soraka put her soul into her sword after a Necromancer shot it out of her body. Everyone jokes that you're still fucking a dead body
Independant. One more faction rejected!
Perfect Loyalty (20)
Wolpertinger (1)
Giant Scorpion
Enemies: Captain Alistair, and Princess Okai Charnos
I would really like AITO 2.0
Whe all know that AITO wins
Berserker 2, Demon-Eater 2, Frenzied 2, Spiked Knuckles, Crowbar, Combat Suit

Fuck your grenades, and I don't care about difficulty and missions.



What sort of combo effects like the ones from Nemesis would you like to see?
Something that allows you to summon temporary weapons out of spirit energy that ramps up in power and cost the longer you maintain it. Starts with you summoning a dagger or some other small weapon, then as you maintain it can slowly grow to massive weapons. Reset when you dismiss the ability.
Looking forward to it.
Playing as a Girl for good guy points and Hotness
House Hecate for Magic Power
Enemy: House Apollo, Randomly rolled
Allure: 5
Elusive: 2
Force: 1
Study: 4 (+1 from Hecate)
Threat: 1

Just As Planned (-4)
Inherent Magic (Counterspell, -6, +3 From House Hecate)
Clique (-1)
Attribute Boosting (-14)

Addiction (Sex, +2)
Reputation (Slut, +2)
Nymphomania (+2)
Compulsive Masturbation (+3)
Huge Breasts (+1)
Aversion (Using violence, +2)

Mysteries: Ceres Curse Breakers, Dorm Raid, Wishing Well

Enemies: Cult
Dark Fate: Spirited Away

Man, this CYOA is hot. Basically, though, the plan is to be the mental and social mastermind, outmaneuvering my opponents socially and mentally rather than taken them on head-on. Having a dedicated, loyal group of friends will help me keep an eye out for people who are trying to get one over on me, and my natural anti-magic will keep me safe from the darkest of evils, including (hopefully) the cult that wants to suck me away to another ‘verse.
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/d/ Thread: >>>/d/7280589
/d/ Thread OC: >>>/d/7281331
Has the "Anon's little sister" one been updated yet?
>not choosing nighttime shades, wandering god and nature sprite

This way I'll never feel lonely. Maybe they'll even fight each other for my attention.

>my supernatural harem cannot be this twisted
D.Va, Zarya and Lúcio.
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Pizza Choice 2.png
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A more down to earth variant from ancient times.
Big Cheese, Margherita and Soda. It don't think it can get more comfy than this.
No. >>51940058
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Difficulty: Hard, Origin: Reincarnation
>Body Modification (-79)
+20 New body
Age: 21, Height: 5'6", Face: Beautiful
Breasts: F-cup, Ass: Badonk, Genitals: Nonfertile vagina
Hair length: 2ft, Hair color: Violet
Eye color: Violet, Skin color: Pale white, General body type: Average, Voice: Feminine
0 Technopussy, Technoanal, Technomouth, Timeless, Do the evolution
-1 Masochist, Extreme masochist
+1 Cum connoisseur
+1 Sensitive body
-1 Flexible holes
+2 Piercing: tongue, navel
-1 Always perky
0 Flexible body, Reduced sleep, Optimized digestion D, Optimized digestion U, Cleanliness, High melanin, Perfect homeostasis
-100 Android
>Housing (-15)
-8 Apartment, Girly apartment
0 Bedroom x2
0 Bathroom x2.5
-1 Deluxe living room
-1 Kitchen
-5 Shared amenities
>Basics (-1)
-6 accessories, swimsuits, lingerie, footwear, girly closet, plain closet
+10 Personal stylist, Insidious
+5 Walking billboard
[Health and Hygiene]
-5 Hygiene essentials
-10 Fresh food
+5 Semen, Sweet
>Social (+2)
-1 Victor and Lillian
+3 John, Tanya, Crystal
>Entertainment (-50)
-5 Cell phone
-10 Tabletop games
-25 Computer, Webcam
-10 Outside, Public transportation, No laughing
>Experimental Drugs (+40)
+40 Pheromone booster, Mandatory injection, Permanence, Controller(Manual control) <-this feels like cheating, but I'm doing it anyways
>Owners (+65)
+25 Futanari dominatrix, over-productive
+40 Public Casting Call
>Punishments (+33)
+5 Meet 'n' greet, Raffle
+3 Glory hole, thirsty
+5 Buttplug
+5 Breast expansion, Manual control
+10 Dominant pet
+5 Collar, Forced
>Jobs (+5) $260,000/yr + royalties
+15 Pornstar
-10 Raise
>Time Adjustments (+50)
+50 Long play
0 New Identity
>Reward (-50)
-50 Powers
Genderbender, Spark Touch and Performa from the Magic TG Order Form CYOA
At the end of my 5 years, I walk away with at least $1.3 million from my job and the power to fulfill my dream of becoming a famous singer.
Big Cheese, Margherita, Soda
>no plasma weaponry

into the trash it goes
>using anything except kinetics
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Posting my build from a few threads ago because I've fallen in love with it.

House Vulcan

Allure: 2
Elusive: 3
Force: 1
Study: 4
Threat: 2

>Favorite Class:

Just As Planned (-1)(Due to the +3 from Vulcan)
Inherent Magic (-6)
Glasses (+2)
Bane (Metallic Bismuth) (+1)
Connections (-3)
Authority (Student Council Treasurer) (-1)
Competitive (-2)
Virgin (+2)
Crush (+2)

Change Shape (Inherent) (This refers to all difficulties of that spell, I assume)

Rising Star
Discipline Committee Election
Restricted Section

Heh. I'm in this thing to win it, and show them that Vulcan can come out on top after all. People might expect the Student Council President or Vice President to be up to some power play, but not the Treasurer - even though I'll control the funds for everything that goes on around here. I could care less about most of these girls, though Minerva house... and one in particular... They're all right. Once we're on top, I'll help them out as well. With someone as smart as I am, our plans'll never go wrong!

First things first, I've got to deal with that troublesome Juno girl that's doing so well. If anyone can figure it out, it's me - and if I can knock her down, there's more room for me at the top. Then, I hear there's an open position on the Disciplinary Committee. Holding a dual post on the Student Council and the Disciplinary Committee will help entrench me into the power structures of this school, and let me enforce my will better than I already can. Using my current Authority, plus my Connections, I should be able to win the election handily. If worst comes to worst, I can change my shape into any number of unique students to stuff the boxes, but it shouldn't come to that at all. Finally, there's that section of the library I've always been wondering about. Once I'm on the Disciplinary Committee and thus essentially untouchable, getting in there should be easy.
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Finally, you might be wondering why I've internalized Change Shape instead of some other seemingly-more useful magic - It's so much more effective to win the game if you're playing both the black and white pieces on the board. I'm going to be manufacturing a deep-cover alternate identity inside House Minerva. By playing as both a boy and a girl, I can work from both sides at once. Girls'll trust one of their own sooner than they'll trust a boy, but most guys here are just out for sex from girls, so being one 24/7 would be a terrible idea. Plus, if I'm in House Minerva, it meshes with my personality perfectly, and I might be able to... nudge that girl towards liking my real self a bit.

Either way! With my Authority, and especially when I'm on the Disciplinary Committee, I won't get caught doing it. Then, I'll topple the Vice President, taking their place in the emergency election, and then dispose of the President and ascend to their position. Then, using that power, I'll combine every single student office under a single person - myself - and be the school's autocrat!

And then, maybe, if I can infiltrate the other houses with alter egos and build firmer support... I might just be able to take the Board on.

I'll probably end up hopped up on caffeine 24/7, and sleeping at odd hours, unfortunately. It's a necessary sacrifice, though, I'd say. If I can recruit a faithful follower in the early period that I can convince to help me out, that'd go a long way towards making things more manageable. I could do it all myself, but I'll be pressed for time. Maybe a Minerva girl could help me out with my homework and school obligations? But then, that might prevent me from getting closer to... her. If she sees me around another girl, she'd probably be disheartened...

Until I can get her to love me, I guess I'll be going it alone. I'll manage somehow! There's no way I can fail, with all my ability and talent!

(Gonna make a build for the girl he likes later today!)
I´m pretty sure 4 feet isnt 10 cm? which one should it be?
The second cm value for penis length is for 6" instead of the supposed 16" (16" = 40.64cm).
I enjoyed this write-up a bunch!
Bacon, Jalapeño, breadsticks, cheesy bread
Oh man that's gre-
His smile and optimism, gone.
They are clearly traps, you faggot.
I made the mistake of getting excited...
North vernacular
Plains, rolling hills, woodlands, rivers, cave systems
Cozy cabin
Far outskirts
Inviting pendant, fur mantle, pale ring
Endless expanse
Fairy grove, blossom meadow, crystal cavern, healing spring
Nostalgic chief
Wandering God (Soft blanket, Dapper gentleman)

Who's ready to get comfy?
>Zyra, Ezrael, Shyvana, Sona
What's the worst that could happen with Shyvana on board?
I like this one.

>Tammy Zanna
>Maria Costa

>Healing Factor
>Special Fluids/Tongue Mutation
I'm working off the assumption that, because I have different kaifus, the points not spent on equipment can give them different mutations (so be spent differently with each of them). I'm going to want Healing for both (no horribly combat scarred waifu pls), so it's just one mutation that I'd want different between them.
If special fluids can make her breast bigger in human form as well, then I'd give that one to Maria. If not then Tammy is the obvious choice for it.
If this was considered breaking the rules, then I'd forgo Tongue Mutation and just have Special Fluids for both.

>Exemplary Qualifications
>Enhanced Communication Device

>Rogue Kaiju
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2MB, 2612x2546px
They just did.


But hey, for completion sake, have the romance dlc which was regretfully done before the addition of Cheerful Druid and Scantily Clad Princess.
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Pepperoni, Vegetarian, Garlic Bread

I'm minimally proficient in many things, hate working out, and am quite the futurist.
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anons gf.jpg
2MB, 5720x2300px
Honor dictates this must be posted and someone should make a sarcastic comment about them all being shit.
None of them are as shit as you.

I am become comfy, the sleeper on mattresses!
Laura O'Grady
Healing factor
Hormone imbalance
Combat training
Exo skin
Champion of earth so we can live comfily ever after.
Someone should show this to /r9k/ and watch as the board burns.
I'm already reeeeeing internally.
You think it'll let me post it as a unique image if I convert it to .png?
Vegetarian, pepperoni, and soda
>Big Cheese
>Garlic Bread
Yes. Also if you don't.
Are there any CYOA about being a symbiote and choosing which waif-I mean person to have as a host body? How your relationship works, what you give them and they give you in return?

To the flames!

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How about lurking a little, newfriend?
Not to my knowledge. The symbiote options/CYOAs that I recall have all had you as the host for the symbiote.
I try to avoid exposure to /r9k/ for most purposes. They wouldn't want me there anyway, I have a job and a girlfriend.
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>missing the point this badly
Yeah, this is at least three levels of missing the point. Impressive.
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Huh. I thought it would be obvious to make such a CYOA.
>inb4 you do it
I don't know anything about symbiotes.

If you or anyone else have a CYOA where you pick a symbiote, could you post it?
Anyone who gives an idea for a CYOA is by default the best person to bring it into reality.

>I don't know anything about symbiotes
You don't need to know anything other than the reasons you thought this could be cool.
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Symbiote CYOA v1-1 - Page 1.png
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>I don't know anything about symbiotes.
Could always ask Symbiobro, for example.
>If you or anyone else have a CYOA where you pick a symbiote, could you post it?
Sure. Here's one from the aforementioned author.

Page 1/2.
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Symbiote CYOA v1-1 - Page 2.png
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North Vernacular


Coral reefs

Mobile house(river barge)

Village border

Shiny marble
Pale ring
Rusty Dagger
Fur mantle

Endless Expanse


Primeval forest
Fairy grove
Cloud tower
Healing spring
Galaxy lake

Dapper gentleman
Smug little girl
Nostalgic chief
Lonely monster

Fairy grove
Cloud tower
Galaxy lake

Wandering god
Nature spirit
Decayed city
Otherwordly mist

A comfy life fishing along rivers, lakes and the ocean. The chief will know the best fishing spots and the gentleman and girl will be entertaining company, especially while the spirit messes with me without them knowing. The lonely monster and I will hang out in those long hours out fishing, maybe we'll go explore those decayed ruins and other places every now and then..
Soldier 76

We are going to be so fucking dysfunctional and aesome.
>is by default the best person to bring it into reality.
>I don't know anything about symbiotes.
It would be cool to pick hosts that have different goals and shit. Maybe one guy wants to make you smarter, some girl wants to be a vigilante or whatever and one waif-I mean host has a tentacle fetish
Cool! Thanks! Looking through it soon
As the other guy said, though, you don't actually need to know more about symbiotes besides what you already do, unless you want them to be as close to some existing type of symbiote as possible. But besides that, you can just make up whatever you want.
>besides what you already do
But I already know nothing! I don't know if they stick to your skin, do some mind-melding shit, if they become an extra organ or what.
And as I said, unless you really want to make them seem more accurate to some symbiote type that's already been established by some setting (e.g. Symbiobro's usual symbiotes being similar to those found in Marvel comics), you can pull any and all of those details out of your ass.

And even if you do want to ape what's already been done, you can always try and research the subject matter (e.g. reading the setting's wiki or somesuch), and handwave any discrepancies as "these are an alternate universe variant", for example.
I don't know how any can take a guide besides Monster. If you look at the Peculiarities, the whole Village is obviously in on some crazy shit.

Like, I was tempted to take the Christmas Cake. Implication being she wants to get married.

But you're in bed with her, she's on top, and she's starts screaming "CUM INSIDE ME". Well, I'm a gentleman, so of course I'm going to. Then she starts chanting and shit, cuts my throat with a knife right as I blow so she can give birth to their Dark God
The cult shit only exists if you take it. None of the peculiarities exists unless you take them.

>not wanting to father a dark god
So wait, you think the peculiarities exist whether you take them or not? What would be the point of that?
I can't help but take all the Peculiarities. They're cool as hell.

And don't get me wrong, I'd love to impregnate a crazy chick begging for my seed. I'm just saying that's a bit of a red flag. Especially when she's hiding an intricately designed knife under her pillow
Miss the days when Elf Slave CYOA was posted here, and not abrogated to extreme fetish land.
It might not be that kind of cult. A bit of bloodletting at most or like, having some nubile teenager consort with the forest spirit once a year.
Changing it so I get to be the symbiote and my companion is my host
>Type: Anti-venom
I get to cure my companion of anything physically wrong with her (and the other types are super dull. Except scream, then we get shapeshifiting for free but my host's body is fiiiine as is)
>Abilities: Tendrils, regeneration, mind control
I'm gonna make her life easier: Tendrils can be used to pick stuff up from further away and carry more stuff, regeneration is a good idea in general and mind control lets is get our way
>Host: Burglar
Banging body and she sounds fun to be bonded with
Don't pull this shit, you can post Elf Slave Wat Do if you want.
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Elf Slave CYOA v1.jpg
6MB, 1200x10000px
Just because it's posted there doesn't mean it can't be posted here, AFAIK.
Not the CYOA's fault you want to have your cake and eat it, too.
The right way.
The other way.
>implying I think it's a problem with the CYOA
>thinking I'm criticizing it
>being a sensitive flower here, of all places

Unclench that distended anus of yours before you pinch off a bit of your intestines, I love the CYOA
No, the right way is telling him to fuck off. The wrong way is doing what he wants, that is posting the cyoa.
You were baited, fuckwit
>You were baited, fuckwit
Nah, I was the one what posted the CYOA, not that other guy. My bad.
Literally what? Pretty sure the guy who posted it was doing what they wanted. But keep deluding yourself.
can I pass? if no, just get a random one Idc

now this is where the real fun begins
Enhanced communication device
Armoury (melee)
combat training
Exo suit

Monster Rampage
are you me?
why tho
I sure hope so. Masturbating sounds a lot more fun with split personalities. Especially when they're attracted to each other's gender.
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>K.A.I.F.U.: Anna Larsen
She needs hugs.

>Mutations: Muscle Enhancement, Healing Factor, Kaiju Armor, Enhanced Communication Device, Mech

>Events: Monster Rampage, Champion of Earth

What's the worst that could happen? You know, besides annihilation.
are gays attrated to their own body?
Diana, Leona, Ezreal, Blitz

>Implying I don't want anime adventures
>People have already posted 3 of my CYOAs in the thread
Still eventually planning to update this with costume choice modifiers for everyone. I think I'll limit it to only 2 costumes for each person though, otherwise some characters would have a ton more than others that I'd have to do.
I'm not sure how to implement it though. Like, how do I make you still want to choose default? Do you only get costumes for 2/3 roommates?
Yeah, I meant it to be a negative thing as in, she will push you way too hard, and not give you a lot of free time.
I love this idea. I always kind of want to choose Reaper myself, despite not even drinking beer. I just want to give him a friend. And I guess I could just ask him to intimidate/threaten people instead of kill them.
Yeah, I was never really clear on how mutations worked with multiple Kaifus. I sort of just figured any that you got can be given to both, so the way you did it wouldn't necessarily work, but seeing as you're not going overboard and just wanted 1 different power for them each, I think it's fine.
Just because you're champion of Earth doesn't mean your job's done.You'll still have to fight stuff on our planet.
>can I pass?
>Laughing government agents.jpg
>Sequel CYOA for if you choose to become a Kaifu when
Probably never. Though I am trying to work on a Mechfu prequel
challenge accepted
I don't know, it probably depends on the gay person.
>I'm not sure how to implement it though. Like, how do I make you still want to choose default? Do you only get costumes for 2/3 roommates?
Let people pick 2/3 costumes, so they can either get multiple bonuses for one roomie, or one for each (assuming total of 3 costumes)?
>Architectural Style
Gothic Parish


>Geographical Features
Woods, Rivers, Lakes, Caves, Waterfalls

>Living Accomadations
Cozy Cabin

>Residence Location
Far Outskirts

>Special Artifact
Bronze Bracelet, Soft Blanket, Pale Ring

>Village Borders
End of Reality


>Village Highlights
Primeval Forest, Galaxy Lake, Crystal Caverns, The Old Castle

Lonely Monster

>Uneasy Pecularities
Ruined Cathedral, Mystery Festival, Otherworldly Mist, Decay City Ruins...fuck it, I want all of them. I will only take a few more benefits in exchange

>Add Geographical Locations
Island, Mountains, Rolling Hills, Rock Formation, Marshlands

>Add Highlights
Floating Islands, Siren Overlook, Fairy Grove, Cloudtower, Healing Springs

>Add Artifacts
Rusty Dagger

>Add Guide

That's a total of 9 unused bonuses from the 20 granted by all the Peculiarities. I didn't opt for another Guide and only chose one extra artifact. The rest is just flavor. Although, I will assume the other Guides still exist, we simply don't have a relationship like the one granted by the option.

It's not Anon Must Die mode, but it will surely be a lot of mystery and darkness
how does your post make sense then?
You aren't attracted to women? My bad then I guess, your question makes more sense to me now.
Damnit, I want Plains too. Make that 8 unused bonuses. Otherworldly Mist would be so much cooler with Plains.

I know I'm throwing myself into some sort of Nightmare Realm here, but goddamn do I love the atmosphere
...why are you reposting the latter half of a CYOA that was already posted in its entirety, and also linking to the post with the full CYOA?
you said you want multiple personalities and you're both attracted to your gender. so you're gay? and you want to fuck yourself?
No, the idea is if someone else is me, we could be different genders and that could be fun.
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Odd Powers CYOA v1 - Page 1.png
5MB, 1600x7827px
To the author of pic related: How goes work on page 2?
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The way that CYOA is meant to be verbed, you become the host of your chosen symbiote, plus you get to pick a companion or few.

The way that anon is verbing it (because Sartre) is that they themselves become the symbiote, and the companion they picked gets to be their host.
>Tendrils can be used to pick stuff up from further away and carry more stuff
We all know how you REALLY gonna use those nasty tendrils

Also she looks like slut so enjoy getting some cock in those "threesomes"
...but you're both boys
>implying we won't seduce lesbians and teach them how symbiotes are the best lovers of all
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Plug N Play.jpg
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Old JD

Human Nano-Soldier

>Powers [20]

Psionic Mindwipe 3 [19]
Psionic Barrier 1 [18]
Psionic Regeneration 3 [15]
Psychogenic Focus 3 [12]

Organ Mulcher 3 [9]
Targeting Computer 3 [6]
Bionic Eyes 3 [3]
Adaptability 3 [0]


Gauss Rails
Ammo Belt
Recoil Absorber
Armor Piercing

Fuel Tube
Plasma Flare


>Armour [10]

Cleanser [9]
Waste Disposal [8]
IV Tubes [7]
Gun Mounts (Kinetic & Explosive) [6]
Resistant [4]
Self-Fix Mode [3]
Mini-Turret Pods [2]
Upgrade [1]
Overclocking [0]


Simple enough for brute force. Sweet new cannon at the end.

I'm a sucker for a damsel in distress, as well as distressing damsels.
The frost might be a bit of a problem, but nothing a little plasma bath can't handle.

That mind control will be the Warlock's downfall. I'm quite good at destroying stationary targets.

Skull's weak to flanks, eh? How about I use turrets to guide him into a nuclear furnace? More gun.

>The Rest At Some Point
Exactly what it says on the tin.


Overmodded (Explosive)

Whoever wants to join me. I'm not that picky.
If you prefer to believe that; well have our tastes. I never agreed to be genderbent, though. You probably prefer it that way, don't you?
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After a few deaths.jpg
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JD's a woman out of time, one of the first prototypes for the Nano-Soldier program. Her freeze dried brain was found in an old pre-empire archaeological dig, and provided a "worst case scenario," for the project. When the body they built her lay comatose, it was only seen as a minor setback, and she was mothballed away for future review.

Imagine scientist's surprise at the first Nano-Soldier's awakening was echoed a week later, when they finally noticed the banging noises coming from the storage room they had left the forgotten test case.
JD has adjusted well to her new roll, though the new face she sees when she looks in the mirror bothers her at times. She wonders if her comfort with all this violence is due to the influence of the multiple support A.I.s inside her.

Her primary tactics are long range bombardment and area denial. She recognizes that she's at a disadvantage in melee, and attempts to keep such attackers at bay with psionics, plasma, and turrets while she retreats to a safer distance. Precision armor piercing gauss fire withers hard targets at medium to long range, and guided nuclear fire storms remove isolated hard targets and groups of smaller enemies.
should be
>we all

Fucking voice recognition.
>Symbiote: Carnage
Never being seperated makes it worth dealing with Carnage's bloodlust.
>Powers: Regeneration, Resistant, Strength
I'm capable of shrugging quite a bit of damage and regenerating from what I can't which when coupled with my immense strength makes me a very deadly foe.
>Companions: Sidekick, Villain
I get a neat sidekick to teach, and lewd, while also getting a chance to get into the big league. Who knows? The Villain might even be convinced to join a threeway relationship with me and my sidekick.
A companion
not at all. don't care that much you say youre a girl or whatever. congrats?
>tfw using God & Shining Gundams in the newly english patched G Generation Overworld

I really need to get back on that Mecha CYOA I drafted up a few months ago.
I meant "The."
I think I need some coffee.
Okay, If a little slow. Every attempt I've tried at stained glass has failed, and I admit I got distracted by practicing shading. Still, I've discovered new tools I can use in GIMP. Still, I would prefer you didn't post this in every thread; Not because it is a problem, but it might become one later.
>I would prefer you didn't post this in every thread;
There's lots of guys like that, spamming CYOAs that aren't finished yet. It's unfortunate. Even worse is the guys who do it each thread (like this guy is currently)
>Still, I would prefer you didn't post this in every thread;
I'm pretty sure this is my first time posting it at all, so no need to worry about that.
Anyone got most recent version of Nemesis?
I feel like practicing my lewd writing so I'd like to do an art gallery, but I'm not sure I'm up for writing a whopping 18 options.
Is something less, like 12 okay? And how important is it I fill out the text-boxes completely? Some options might be hard to write much on.
>Is something less, like 12 okay?
I don't see why not.
>And how important is it I fill out the text-boxes completely?
It'd look nicer if you did, but it's not 100% mandatory. As long as there's enough to explain the main points of the wish, it should be fine.
Cool! Making the template now.
Hey, you asked.
Did Dungeon Keeper get an update?
Someone should post that.
>Did Dungeon Keeper get an update?
What makes you think that?
Yeah, definitely wouldn't epxect to get double the points, but I figure the ones spent on mutations could be used differently for each. Glad you agree.

Mechfu sounds interesting. Are we talking feminine giant robots or cop-piloting a giant robot with your waifu? (Or, I guess, being the personal assistant of a waifu pilot. Wouldn't be as cool though)
because you sucked at saying what you meant...
>Note: some people prefer their elf warm up to them the way god intended, forsaking the runes as a means of control is a rather noble act.
Would you have to forgo ALL runes, or just the mostly blatantly manipulative ones like Damp or Cordial? I'm thinking Runes like Stamina or Strength Rune might be merely useful and friendly and not demeaning or ignoble, as long as played to that end.
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Genie 12 options EMPTY.jpg
618KB, 1200x4400px
>fan genie gallery
Please don't be rude and post multiple images! No one likes That Guy.
The same rules that normally apply do to (no photographs, gotta fit in the square (360 by 360))
Also I will probably try to make the options lewd. Whether you want to make it easy or hard for me is up to you
How would you have phrased it?
Planning on making you a co-pilots to the mech with the waifus, pacific rim style. You're qualified this time rather than some silly algorithm/tests.
There will be some AI waifus that have limited functionality for the mech though.
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>out of thing air
Should be "out of thin air".
>no photographs
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Anna waifu plz
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Crashed Spaceship.jpg
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I summon thee forth, my image! Serve as an omen of this world's demise!
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Lumeris Carrier.jpg
583KB, 1920x960px
here ya go
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I hope I still make it!
Shame. The really cool images never beat the torrent of fapbait.
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2MB, 1999x2012px
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2MB, 2000x2267px
I think you made it - there are two photographs in there, so if those are dropped then there's 11 pictures including yours. Assuming one for the genie, and that's 12, the maximum.
Does the author of this still make CYOAs?

Which ones? The soda can looks like a manip/3D art.
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1MB, 1999x2023px
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968KB, 2000x2317px
Damn it. Well, have this instead.
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2MB, 2000x2003px
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1 - Intro.png
5MB, 2000x2074px
Pic related is the newest version of that page.

See >>51939026, he's working on a v2 of this CYOA.
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>tracer, reaper, dva
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Genie 12 options ALL SPOTS TAKEN.jpg
905KB, 1200x4400px

Is the last image that got in. There's no room for the bulge of course since it's a square image.
In a photorealistic style.
4 feet is the correct one (I probably still had the converter on inches instead of feet).
Similar to above, probably put 6 not 16.

Thanks for catching those.
>Strawberry girl
>Mirror girl
>Spaceship, Center-Bottom
Strawberry. Author don't fail me now.
Rolled 2 (1d2)

Flipping a coin.

>If One:
>Spaceship in Low Orbit
>Spaceship with City Backdrop
>Crashed Spaceship

>If Two:
>Solar Eclipse
>Warp Dust
>3 wishes
Also Anna waifu pls and spaceship with birds.
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32KB, 620x400px
I don't mind the algorithm test. But I do agree having the player be properly qualified makes more sense for this one.
Anyway, looking forward to it!

You know what, you should also concurrently release a dlc to Kaifu for players who do both CYOAs and are returning as a "rugged veteran mech pilot" (possibly still with their chosen mechfu who doesn't mind sharing).

Pic related, not really the pilot type but if you Google image "anime veteran soldier" you are quickly reminded that anime doesn't seem to care much for dignified older warriors, so it was either this or Snake.
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132KB, 1185x1763px
I'm working on my first CYOA.
Anyone wanna post some pretty animu grils in fancy dresses and/or weapons?
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Operator-chan is a classic.
Depends what you want. And what kind of CYOA you'll make.
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790KB, 834x1334px
I might have a bunch of more hiding somewhere.
I have no idea who "Anna waifu pls" is so pls don't get mad...
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213KB, 1300x1504px
Doesn't get much fancier than that.
>Crashed Spaceship
>Spaceship in Orbit
>Landed Spaceship
Time for SPACE!
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Neither do I, I just like the picture.
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Woot! I'm looking forward to this.
Oh thank goodness
2 down 10 to go!
i wanted to write lewd, why couldn't you give me lewd? Do I have to go to /d/ or something?
Actually, that's someone else. I posted it last thread and asked as I found it in one of my folders. After I posted it I realized it wasn't finished so I asked how the author was doing.

Now it seems someone else reposted it because they too are interested in it being finished. I'm not a big fan of posting the same cyoa over and over each thread as I feel that's very tiresome. I also don't post my own cyoas unless asked to for similar reasons.

Also not sure if there are any gimp tutorials on how to do stained glass but you could try a google search to see. I know there are in PS as I just checked out a few earlier today that were decent.
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1MB, 1170x1200px
Here's a good one.
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scope dat shit.jpg
24KB, 500x280px
Please do.

On a slightly less related note, for that Rapture Academy unofficial companion page does anyone object to having some form of currency for companion purchase other than build points?
>Spirit Bond
>Perfect Loyalty
>65 Wopertingers
Just a few weeks combing battlefields and scavengin the corpses of greater monsters, then we will show them! We'll show them all!
Was that not lewd enough? Make another one, I am sure we can go much lewder!
diana, darius, yasuo ,janna
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smug chris.jpg
2MB, 10000x10000px
>gotta fit in the square (360 by 360)
Learn to crop and resize.
>i wanted to write lewd, why couldn't you give me lewd? Do I have to go to /d/ or something?
Could've done that, or you could've decreed that the pictures that people post have to be lewd or they wouldn't be included.
Est a SHIT
You guys are the best! Thanks for sharing!
It's a waifu oriented one, in the style of Vampire King, Fairy King, and the Angel/Demon Roommate.
The king of a far-off island nation recently died and now the 12 noble house of the land are literally warring with each other in your hometown over the right to marry one of them.
Some images are not suitable to crop and resize in that context, so stating the restriction for the final product is useful.
mind posting the genie image

mind posting a source?
3 spaceships, 1 dark moon I'm turning that veeery lewd, don't you worry your cute butt!, 1 meme I don't get, and I might have to make girl-looking-in-mirror something other than I had planned
I just wanted to practice writing lewd....
I wanted to use this cyoa to warmup for something else I'm doing that I'm afraid isn't lewd enough, but it isn't working so well...
Okay have some more.
>dark moon
Yeah but, the less direct connection the lewdness has with the picture the less fun it is. I'm sure your writing will be excellent nonetheless.

What seems to be the problem?
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792KB, 1000x987px
There's just so much lewd normally it gets tiresome.
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7MB, 1300x6300px
don't be unresonable
Now I'm curious as to what you've actually come up with for the eclipse.

I'm guessing it'll be some kind of global effect?
You're a bit of a silly-billy aren't you? Take the futa picture, I can't fit the bulge in without making her tiny!
Yeah well, isn't that kinda boring for you?
>genie image
Go to gelbooru, search "genie", it's on the first/second page
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2MB, 400x188px
I am quite excited for this cyoa though. First time seeing it but looks good.
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352KB, 1920x1080px
I got plenty more lewds if you're up for another go.
>, the less direct connection the lewdness has with the picture the less fun it is'
I agree!
>spoilered text
Aw man, you know just how to touch my hearstrings!
There's no problem. It's more, well, I wanted to write lewd and it's easier when the picture says "PLEASE PLEASE WRITE LEWD OH GOD YEAH"
oh that's okay...
>global effect
...something like that. Stop guessing what I'm writing!
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421KB, 1800x2000px
Have some sci fi too
Fucked up the spellings there...
The king of a far-off island nation recently died and now the daughters of the 12 noble houses of the land are literally warring with each other in your hometown over the right to marry you.
>You either need to:
>A)Choose one of them to be your bodyguard to help you fight the other 11 off,
>B)Somehow Try to Convince them all to marry you, without using brainwashing or something
>C)Fight off all twelve of them single handily defeat all 12 of them.
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348KB, 1241x900px
>animu grils in fancy dresses and/or weapons
Only animu gril i have in a weapon-ish
>Honey Elemental
Ahhh tooo late for me, damn!

I'll go with Top Middle, Second Middle, and Third Middle.
>weaker minds
Haha, wish me luck finding /those/.

Probably gonna come up with some kinda sick rune, I dunno.

>Love Potion/Stockholm Syndrome/Hypnosis/Maid

Not that it'll matter.

Ah, convenience.
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1MB, 950x712px
Did he do more of this rebuild?
>isn't that kinda boring for you?
No, it just makes it easier to give you what you want if that's what a person wants to do.
>another go
Maybe another day. Still wanna work on the other cyoa. Didn't get as far as I wanted yesterday.
4 down, 9 (?) to go
That image would have been fine full sized if you just slapped it on a bigger white background.
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545KB, 985x1246px
Have an archer
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seems fine to me.jpg
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Don't you want to show the futa cock, though?
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Sure, why not.

Why would you risk a pregnant archer in battle?
I wasn't talking about a specific image, just saying that images are not suitable for 360x360 no matter how well you crop and resize. Images with patterns or detail that becomes busy or lost when shrunk to fit, images with subject matter shapes that don't lend themselves to being presented in a square, etc.
Thanks. It wasn't on the first page for me, but I did find it on one of the following pages as there were only like 4 pages.
>No, it just makes it easier to give you what you want if that's what a person wants to do.
Another day, friend. Long like the lewds!
Desperate times call for desperate measures.

What's wrong with seeing into your mind, dear mortal?
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699KB, 476x921px

Eh, variety is good.
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Have a hammer lady
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1MB, 1417x2125px
Can you tell I like body markings?
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295KB, 950x1000px
Last one from me
>i can't be assed to look on the boorus so I'm going to derail the entire thread
Sure there are some images that are harder to crop to a square but others you can do with a little effort and things like the clone stamp tool or just content aware fill. I know this because I've done quite a few in the past when beri was doing his original genie gallery.
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And last for me. I think there are enough images even for a multiparter now.
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2MB, 1200x2010px
Is it just me or has SDA regressed to be nothing more than another shitposter, albeit with a name?
No shit.
You must be new here.
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For my dick, obviously.
s-stop it

Quick question: Include the bulge on futa or not?
If not, the option will relate to having weekly pyjamas parties with cuties
Why is she pregnant?
She's a catgirl with a butterfly shaped bow that shoots hearts. Why wouldn't she be.
This is a cyoa thread. Calling for contribution towards a cyoa isn't a derail of this thread anymore than calling for character advice or concepts in an RP thread, and is furthermore traditional, welcomed, and quite normal.
impregnation fetish exists anon
Unprotected sex.
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See, when a man gets really excited and ejaculates deep in a woman's vagina...
No. Futa fags are the wurst. They'll jam their fetish down your throat. To be frank, I hope I never meat one IRL. I don't care if you call me a wiener, but I've never sausage a deplorable group in my life.
That's not impreg, that's straight pregnancy fetish. Pretty big difference.
Fuck my shit up the CYOA.
Nah, I kid, the first row isn't so bad. But yeah, I'd probably leave one point unspent.
It should be clarified though if choosing age just sets you to that age and then you grow old normally or if you stay that age until you die.

Also did the author really just put the mystery box in the same page as everything else?
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303KB, 800x1113px

Kek agrees.
To people that don't give a fuck, the difference is small and petty.
this >>51951482
Even to people who do give a fuck it's small and petty. More so than to everyone else.
>Futa fags will jam it down your throat

*Not sure if deliberate joke or not*
That was a ride
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the boss suspicious glare.jpg
11KB, 432x212px
>implying pregnancy is more important than your duty to your country
He's gotten a lot worse, but I appreciate him for using a name.
Considering the rest of the post I'd say yeah.
What's a pyjamas?

I'm pretty sure people who aren't especially turned on by either would be more or less okay with coming bareback into a hot girl / taking a load, but might not so excited about fucking a pregnant chick or actually being pregnant.

So, yeah, people give a fuck about the difference.
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46KB, 824x680px
Thank you, reddit. That was very helpful.
But anon, pregnancy IS an important duty to the country.
>implying the first duty to country of a woman who has decided to carry their baby to term isn't bringing the citizen safely into the world and developing them into a contributing member of a thriving society
They're pjs my dude, sleepwear.
it's a pajama party, not a pajamas party.
Ah, is that what the Brits call pajamas?
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56KB, 960x540px
So you're just on about cream pies?
It seems the pedantometer is spiking again...
>Giant titty monster
Titty monster is all I really care about though.
Original poster wasn't me.

Also most of Canada and America.
You're welcome.
And another.
I still need to know if you're okay with futa or not
File: Long Night.jpg (1MB, 1600x6000px) Image search: [Google]
Long Night.jpg
1MB, 1600x6000px
Do it faggot.
Here's an upvote in the form of a picture.
Kat, cat, etwhal, and nowRetconned Air elemental
File: CYOA Roommate 1.jpg (6MB, 1200x8700px) Image search: [Google]
CYOA Roommate 1.jpg
6MB, 1200x8700px
Anybody have the /CYOAG/ Roomates? I've only saved the two.
Puns aside, I personally don't like it, but also respect that others like things.

If you're going to do futa, boudin the effort, andouille.
I actively dislike both impregnation and pregnancy fetishes.
Those are kinds of sausage, aren't they?
I don't speak french. I think I might lean towards pyjamas parties. It is a bit more lewd without being too specifically fetishistic.
Damn, this really was not lewd enough
9 of 12 done
File: CYOA Roommate 2.jpg (5MB, 1200x6705px) Image search: [Google]
CYOA Roommate 2.jpg
5MB, 1200x6705px
Here's the second.
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6MB, 1200x6016px
I have the best one.
Jesus Chatline?
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2MB, 3511x2343px
I'm glad you linked that together.

>I don't speak french.
Neither do I. Hagis I just went a little overboard.
Passion of Id

Cards of chance



Interpretation 1
Finished genie gallery. It's page 7 so can I wait for the new thread?
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CYOAG Roommate Page 1_v1-2-0.jpg
5MB, 1200x8700px
Old versions.

I was going to include Quicksilver in the final version (revised text because I'm pretty sure Quiet was drunk when writing all of this) but then ran out of space.
Permission granted.
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CYOAG Roommate Page 2_v1-2-0.jpg
6MB, 1200x9388px
And before anyone asks, these are the authors:
ANGEL - Immacia Celesto
MAIDOFCHARTS - Jeanne Giantre
FERREAN - Raine Edsol
SCIENTIST - The Laughing Man
QUIET - Volentia of Aragon
CASE – Astrid
BLISS – Divia Bellis
RUSE – Yehon
3TAN – Blues
BERI – Cera Minne
NRG – Reese Smith
LAMAS – Sam Cable
PERV – Clarissa Kant
IMAGINOS – Christara Hummer
SDA – Lacey McNeil
STRIFE - Elysia Talbot
MOSTERGIRL - Dietlinde Adler
PALLAS - Samantha White
ROSANON – Milla Rosche
BOX WINE – Buddy
KIT – Juta the Damned
LEAH – Emily Glasner
File: CYOAG Roommate Page 3_v1-2-0.jpg (5MB, 1200x4336px) Image search: [Google]
CYOAG Roommate Page 3_v1-2-0.jpg
5MB, 1200x4336px
Arigato gozaimasu
Oh god, we're in autosage. I've got it half done, so I'll have to complete it fast!
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428KB, 1091x1530px
Thanks anon, I've been itching for the third page.
>Not on the list
Because you didn't contribute one?

I don't get it.
Oh it was a volunteer one? Every author based one I've seen has been just thrown together.
Yes. Every character and item was written by their own author.
Happiness of a Certain Burned Girl, apparently.
I want to make her happy with my personal anti-depressant injections.
File: womans needs.png (27KB, 1238x238px) Image search: [Google]
womans needs.png
27KB, 1238x238px
are... are you telling me I can make Angel-anon happy by cumming in her sugar walls?
I mean, if the science agrees I guess it's my duty
Over my dead body. That's my job.
File: Scales of Harmony.png (677KB, 2000x2000px) Image search: [Google]
Scales of Harmony.png
677KB, 2000x2000px
Guys guys, the more she gets the merrier she'll be.
Do it for her.
This isn't news. Even a lesbian should be able to admit what they're giving up, it just doesn't change their preference. Like enjoying gluten foods despite gotten a conclusive assessment from a real doctor where you see damage accumulating in your intestine with gluten, and ceasing and even marginally repairing with total cessation of gluten foods for long periods. You like what you like.

She will be capable of better emotional health, but will be unhappy because she doesn't like men. Kind of like you'll be healthier if forced to eat super healthy but disgusting foods, technically being capable of greater mental health, but you probably won't be happy at being forced to do something very intimate like putting things into your body that you also hate.
I can live with this. The more cum Angel-anon gets, the happier she'll be. If I have to share her with someone else I can manage.
>Lesbians are just girls who can't get boyfriends
Fuck that's hot
Does this include oral?
Not according to science, no.
There is however the widely known and rather dangerous high that one gets when cutting off oxygen flow to the brain via various methods.
Rolled 3 (1d6)

Mode: Erotic Horror

House Minerva

Allure: 2
Elusive: 2
Force: 2
Study: 4
Threat: 1

>Favorite Class:
Engineering (-1)
Home Economics (-1)
Law (-1)

Inventor (-1) (+3 from Minerva)
Glasses (+2)
Responsibility (Runs a small business on the Internet selling shit she makes) (+2)
Connections (-3)
Wealth (-0)
Cute (-3)
Virgin (+2)
Guardian (Though she doesn't know about it) (-3)
Lesser Enemy (Ceres) (-1)
Flight (-4)

None lol

Amnesiac Teacher
Test Subjects
Restricted Section


>Dark Fate:

I... never expected this school to be like this when I came here, really. They way I was told, I thought it was just some cool transdimensional superschool, which was pretty much exactly what I'd wanted! I want to learn about other universes, take their technology, and incorporate it into my own inventions! I built my first radio when I was three, and ever since then, I've been skilled at getting machine parts to do what I want them to do. I came here to learn, not get assaulted!

I heard something about some teacher who used to be here who just turned up in town, though she apparently won't admit it. If I can gain her trust, I might get some valuable information for how to survive and get out - after all, she must've done it somehow! Plus, she used to be a Minerva teacher, the same house as me, so she's got to be smart. She might even help me with some inventions, or acing tests, or something! Also, some of my more chemically-minded housemates are supposed to be cooking up something good. I'll help them out when the time comes to test it. What's the worst that could happen?

My real goal, though, is to get into that restricted section of the library. There's got to be tons of information in there, blueprints for machines that've never even been built before! Things like planet-eaters, or quantum computers, or even things that combine both magic and science.
>Mirror girl
>Giant titty monster
>Spaceship (the one in space)
Girls who just don't WANT boyfriends, even if offered. Can you not read?
anon pls
As far as I am aware the studies didn't go into it, however those hormones should mostly be absorbed without breaking down in digestion.
What does this have to do with consuming semen
He's just warning you because you choke on dicks so much.
Deep throating is known to occasionally lead to both not being able to breathe for periods and ingesting semen.
The earlier anon is trying to find hard facts of science for why you should be forcing your dick upon the women folk. A fact was presented for vaginal, and they then asked about oral. There is no precedent for oral being good for the woman, so instead the other anon gave an answer that could, if you look at it sideways, be a good excuse for forcing your dick upon a woman orally, via the idea of "I'm just helping her get a head rush".
I find it much hotter to think of lesbians as women who are sincerely attracted to women and not men, but who should gratefully accept loads from semen from men as a boon to mental and physical health (as long as those men are healthy and not being too unkind about it).
Now THAT's fucking hot!
anon fucking pls
Are you saying that your e-peen can't get any harder, or tossing your head in feminine/manly scorn? I don't actually think of lesbians that way, it's just a lighthearted sex farce.
no, I'm fucking appalled at how easily you fell for that bait and still didn't notice it
Clearly that anon is in serious need of a fucking.
Mirror girl, giant titty monster, blushing loli.
>Theme Music
>One Year
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398KB, 724x1044px
Ugh... That pill those girls made isn't making me feel so good. But no matter! Back to the story! I want to get into that restricted section because I want to see all those things that people've designed, but never built. That'll give me some more ideas for things to invent! I usually sell my prototypes on the Internet, though from here, I've got to use a middleman. It's a real pain...

Right now, I spend most of my time in the dormitory room if I don't have a class I absolutely need to go to. It's safer than being outside in the open, and I've got other girls around me who know how it feels! One new girl in particular, Maine Ellison, has been talking to me a lot recently. She seems like she's only around occasionally, but whenever she is, she seeks me out. I think she wants to be friends. She's also dropped the name of a guy in Vulcan called Max who she thinks I'd get along with, but I'm not sure. Most of the boys around here don't want much more with you than another potential hole. She says he's not like that. I guess I'll have to see for myself. While bringing enough protection with me just in case.

Oh, and my enemy? I got on the bad side of a Ceres girl in the first few days here when I told her that her skirt was so short I could see her panties under it, and that she should really wear something longer. She really overreacted, I think. She said she'd soon show me how it feels to be a slut. This was before I'd really grasped what this academy's true nature was. Ever since then, though, I've had to tread kind of carefully around here, lest she get some tip on my location and alert a band of rough guys. I know she's had a few plots like that so far, though they usually end up falling apart for some reason. There's usually a Disciplinary Committee or Student Council member in just the right place at the right time. I guess I'm just really lucky, huh?
I'm just saying what I like. If you want to call that "falling for bait", then have at it I guess.
anon pls
Shit, and again I forget to leave in a name because I'm writing the whole thing in first person. Her name is Miyuki Imagawa.
Include it please!
I find it hotter to know that it's there, unseen.
I just love how so many of them choose the blind girl.
Too late, sorry
Is right
File: 734c918e0a3cfb1e539d0143041c8b9a.jpg (316KB, 1280x960px) Image search: [Google]
316KB, 1280x960px
>Blue Blocks:
>Sexual Endurance

>Red blocks
>Travel bad luck

I expected to find few red blocks I would be willing to put up with. What I didn't expect was finding so few blue bocks that tempted me at all.
>Blue Blocks:
The Backup
Sexual Endurance

>Red Blocks:
Draw me like one of your French girls

All right, someone choose me as their Soul Mate!
Damn Brits and their bastardized English.
File: 1390531871538.png (268KB, 491x616px) Image search: [Google]
268KB, 491x616px
Rolled 1 (1d4)

Thanks for breaking the CYOA, jackass.
If I choose not to go this route, I'd pick the Medium + 2 Sides combo.
>Garlic Parmesan Sauce
>Can't decide between Breadsticks (1), Brownie (2), Chicken Wings (3) and Cinnamon Sticks (4), so I'll roll for it
>Demon-eater Lvl 2, Berserker Lvl 1, Scrounger Lvl 1
>Medium Armor
>Spiked Knuckles, Crowbar
>Spiders, Greater Imp, Cacodemons, Bulks
>Let My People Go, Corruptors, Payback Time
>Dark Elf
>Spirited Away
>Terrified, Obsessive, Clever
>Intricate Choker
>Excited, Stamina, Sorcerer
>Casual, Formal
>Master Bedroom
>Respectul Treatment
>Firm Discipline
>Reprimand, Spanking, Beating
>Education in Literature, Courtesan, and Craftsman
>Free Time, Outings, Elven Trinkets, Journal; I can buy everything else for her
>Repair, Possession
>Soul Mate, picking >>51954097

>That Dream
>Captcha Difficulties
>Spoiler Alert
>Japan Physics
>2 years

You are going to be the best little daughter/sextoy for my wife and I, yes you are! She is going to have so much fun teaching you how to be a good girl, and then you can start enjoying the attention your cam shows will get you.
Don't worry, dad! I'll make sure all that stuff you sacrificed to get me is worth it! I'll make it all up to you!
File: 1469209242000.gif (255KB, 256x540px) Image search: [Google]
255KB, 256x540px
Draw me like one of your French girls 7
No control 3
Tentacles 3
Japan Physics 3
Sexual Endurance -3
The Backup -3
$1000x10 -10

Not only do you get a waifu, but she comes with $10,000 and gets into lewd situations all the time! Just make me cute, please!
The only correct answer is to fill entire party with NRFS
>Draw me like one of your French girls
>No Control

>Sexual Endurance
>Animal Companion (A bird of prey, like an owl or a kestrel)

Fuck me up famalam
File: CYOA30.jpg (3MB, 1800x6000px) Image search: [Google]
3MB, 1800x6000px
Not true.
I once posted a simple thread that said Giant Slave Wat Do and got banned for like three days.
New thread: >>51954924
Why is everyone so obsessed with anime girls and waifus?
>Soul mate for Spoiler alert and eight years

Yea.... you're gonna be in my bed and basement. Friends are going to love you to, and you'll help pay off the rest of my credit debt!
After that we can clean you up and see about moving somewhere nice.
Hope you like being a red-headed, top heavy short stack.
They're cute and lovely and nice and feminine and sweet and appealing and stuff.
But it comes across as fucking pathetic
Where do you think you are?
Was going to post, but looks like someone already chose all my decisions.
>Japan Physics
>Bad Luck with Travel
>Spoiler Alert

>Soul Mate

...Just don't get too mad at me for falling on your breasts, all right?
File: smug bird.jpg (12KB, 200x200px) Image search: [Google]
smug bird.jpg
12KB, 200x200px
Lose Both Legs [10]
Japan Physics [13]

Theme Music [10]
$2,000.00 [8]
Be the little girl [Priceless]

Gonna put that two grand towards a fancy pair of peg legs, but prosthesis nowadays costs an arm and a leg. I should probably just look into suckering someone else into paying for it.

Japan physics will be hilarious, as anyone that acts on that anger will look like a total bitch for chewing out a poor disabled child who just fell over.
Thread posts: 460
Thread images: 147

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