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/5eg/ Fifth Edition General

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>New Unearthed Arcana: Mass Combat

>Don't forget to fill out the official survey for Warlocks and Wizards.

>New Plane Shift: Kaladesh

>Official /5eg/ Mega Trove v4b

>Pastebin with resources and so on:


>Previously, on /5eg/

What's your favorite monster in 5th edition thus far? Anything that particularly surprised you?
First for Kobold Dragon-Hunting Party
>Am I kawaii adventurer-kun?
That fuckin' scarecrow. Clear indication that they want us to run horror games. So I did and shit was cash.
Anons? Hopefully simple question: Back in 3e, there were these two 9th level necromancy spells, Army of Darkness and Plague of Undeath, who shared the same basic effect: raising 5 HD per caster level of zombies & skeletons with each casting. The big different was AoD took a day to cast and PoU only took an action.

First question: do you think these spells could be converted, at least in the sense of the 9th level uber-Animate Dead they were intended to be?

Last question: could they both be made workable? Say, Army of Darkness animates a very large Zombie or Skeleton Horde (swarm-type creature), whilst Plague of Undead is a kind of suped-up infections Contagion spell that turns those who die from it into zombies under your command?

The fucking Bulette drove my party to the edge.

In a single turn he managed to fuck their shit harder than anything they faced previously. They quickly realized that it was do or die, no fucking around.
It's called upcasting.
Let's see... Animate Dead raises 1 zombie/skeleton with a casting, +2 per spell slot level when upcasting. So a 9th level Animate Dead raises a grand total of... 13 zombies/skeletons!

...Yeah. Some army.

I know what upcasting does, and Army of Darkness/Plague of Undeath have the potential to be a hell of a lot more than mere "9th level Animate Deads".
What are some cool lair actions you've used on your players before?
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What would be the best class for an elf supremacist? Or for a guy that just wants to hunt and eat the biggest monsters? I'm thinking wizard and barbarian right now but any input would be appreciated.
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What are some fun character concepts for a Kobold?

I was thinking of making an Artificer, but I'm not too into how weak the class feels.
Elf Bladesinger.

For your hunter, probably Spellless ranger variant slapped onto the Revised Ranger with Hunter Conclave.
5e is lower power level
Many minions would simply ruin the game
How do you feel about Kobold as PC? Is the Sunlight Sensitivity as bad as it sounds?
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Wyvern, purely because of something that happened with one of my players.

>Me: OK, its your turn now, Wrestling Dragonborn Bearbarian
>Me: Are you sure?
>Him: Yes!!!
>Me: Roll for it.
>Him: Yes! Nat 20!
>Me: Okay, so you grapple the wyvern.
>Him: Yay!
>Me: Now its the wyvern's turn. Because its so much bigger than you, its going to ignore you and take to the skies...
>Him: Oh no!
>Me: And flies over the edge of the nearby cliff...
>Him: OH NO!

Suffice to say, it did not end well for him.
You can cast the spell multiple times.
Also, reassertion is a thing.

At level 20...
3 level 3 spells, asserts over 4 each
3 level 4 spells, asserts over 6 each
3(+2 arcane recovery) level 5 spells, asserts over 8 each
2 level 6 spells, asserts over 10 each
2 level 7 spells, asserts over 12 each
1 level 8 spell, asserts over 14 each
1 level 9 spell, asserts over 16 each

16*1 + 14*1 + 12*2 + 10*2 + 5*8 + 3*6 + 3*4

=144 skeletons/zombies using all of your spell slots except 1s and 2s.

What, you had to use all your spell slots to create a mini army of zombies and completely destroy action economy? You wanted your DM to have to go through 1000 of them? You wanted a spell that did all of this WITHOUT upcasting?
Then you don't know how 5e works.
Which is why, once they start to break 5-7 of the things you call it a swarm with swarm rules, give it the stats of a giant of some variety then call it a day. Or just raise a single bigger minion.
This guy gets it. It's why my plan all along was that an Army of Darkness spell creates a Huge (Gargantuan? Eh, whatever) Swarm of Zombies/Skeletons, because that way it gets the feel across of a huge army of the undead, whilst still only taking up actions as per a single minion.
>Or just raise a single bigger minion
Those are conjure spells, probably.

If you want a level 9 'Conjure skeletal dragon' or something spell, then go ahead, I guess, as long as you balance it out properly.

You can already upcast conjure spells. You can cast conjure celestial at level 9 to summon a CR 5 celestial, at least.
I think the alchemist artificer from unearthed arcana would make for an excellent battle chef.
They should definitely NOT be converted, as Animate Dead with a higher level spell slot fulfills the role.

Far better to do something like that as a plot type ritual, a necromancer ALREADY gets way more than enough minions. Way, way, WAY more than enough.
>Not German Suplexing the Wyvern from the cliff
>Not giving a fuck because you got resistance bludgeon when you are raging

This Dragonborn cruiserweight gotta cruiserWAIT, Jack. He ain't no Tiburon, the kid is just not ready for a main event push.
The next campaign arc for new players finishing up LMoP will be themed around the merging of the Feywild with the Material Plane and the coming of a mystical fey lord known as the Green King.
I want the whole ordeal to be more horror and more strange. The primal forces and weird nature of the creatures and physics beyond our own. Any ideas for elements, places or monsters to implement? Much of the official Feywild is more satyrs and unicorns than the stuff of russian and gaelic folklore.
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Eating monsters is definitely an alchemist artificer thing.

Expertise in chef's utensils, good with liquids.
I am new. I have never played a bard ir warlock. What is the proper way to play as them? Mechanically and roleplay.

Keep in mind in the edition where you can make a bajillion skeletons, those skeletons are weak pushovers unable to contribute, in 5e the skeleton is going to have something like 20-30 hp and 11 or so damage for a high level necromancer.
>relatively new players/DM
>party level 3
>CR 5 demon suddenly appears from invisibility right next to sorcerer
>lands 1 attack
>sorcerer shocking grasps and gets the fuck out
>melee players move in and lock the demon down in engagement
>entire party wails on it until its next turn
>completely trivial encounter despite CR difference and appearing from invis right on top of back line

So, uh, what's the proper solution to this?
>CR diffference
>A single CR 5 dude
CR differences aren't a big deal until they are much wider than two levels. Between damage averages and Bounded Accuracy being what it is.

And if your party is lucky it can be that simple, if they're unlucky and you are gunning for them, maybe not.
CRs are meant to be combined. Unless a monster was designed to solo (e.g. it has multiattack or legendary/lair actions) the action economy will fuck it hardcore.
>A single monster without any back-up

I've met far too many people who seem to think that in 5e a single creature can be heroic and fight all on its own, only for it to get stunlocked and fucked every which ways to friday.

It doesn't matter if it has CR bajlilion, if its defences aren't crazy with legendary resistance all over the shop then there's probably some way to shut it down and kill it.
>what's the proper solution to this?

The PCs fight monster
defeat monster
what is porblem?
>Animate Dead with a higher level spell slot fulfills the role.
Yes, because 13 skeles/zombies fulfills the exact same role as hundreds.
Because those 13 skeletons, which will die in one hit to fucking anything you send them against because you're level 18 and thus going against CR 20 shit, really make the dread necromancer feel strong when that is the only one of two options he has for actually raising dead servants available to him.
>like 20-30 hp and 11 or so damage
2d8+4 HP
Damage is 1 swing with a weapon +2 str
Animate dead specifically raises the MM statted skeleton/zombie
CR 5 for level 3 players isn't that bad.
According to the Dungeom Master's Guide:
"For example, a party of four 3rd-level characters should find a monster with a challenge rating of 3 to be a worthy challenge, but not a deadly one."
Anot her DM and I agreed on allowing players to use smoked glass goggles to get around he sunlight sensitivity for Kobolds and Drow. It doesn't completely remove the threat, as your dependant on the goggles not getting ripped off or shattered.
Also it's got that Riddick vibe.
To add to this, some monsters are assigned a CR BECAUSE the game intends for you to dogpile and obliterate them. Casting monsters can threaten, or destroy, PCs to a great deal (look at the caster level 17, CR 7 fiend warlock, and the caster level 18, CR 12 archmage), but their fairly low CR is an indicator of how likely they can be killed quickly.
My DM had us face a "Green King" which turned out to be a Fiend. It didn't even last two turns, because I unknowingly explored his big weakness. Feelssadman.png
For ideas, watch that Korra arc in which the spirited and material world merge, it's pretty much that. Plants growing everywhere, spirits going around causing confusions, maybe add some Wild Magic areas, stuff like that
>true story
>not fiction made up by someone who doesn't actually know the system

The first one could be any class depending on how you look at it, but something that works best with the races particular strengths would fit best and assuming it's high elf then Wizard is as good a pick as any. Hunter Ranger would work for the second one provided the GM was running a game where Ranger features actually matter.
Something I want to do.

"Okay everyone, we're busting out the web articles for modern equipment and proficiencies and the modern magic UA, I want us to try our hand at some Urban Arcana,"

I would hope to get a diverse party, between casters martials and non humans with at least one human who is from earth proper and not the descendant of or a shadow born human themselves so they don't see the supernatural party members for what they really are...until...

Halfway through the second session after establishing the party and matters of local intrigue seed a rumor of some local kids or scoundrels going missing in a certain part of town in a nearby suburb. Investigating the area notes something odd, a four story victorian house that looks out of place around all these small lot ranches and occassional mcmansions.

It seems abandoned...and entering, run Death House. Upon entry through the mists they are in Barovia and the normal human can see the others for what they really are...

And then its time for Curse of Strahd.

Uh, maybe you should read the necromancer class features. Animate Dead (and Create Undead) are very, VERY powerful tools for a necromancer.

Necromancers are the biggest damage dudes in the whole fucking wizarding world.

I don't know what you could possibly do with hundreds of the weak, pleb skeletons of prior editions other than annoy everyone at the game table.

Basically your mission here seems to be to not understand the 5e necromancer, not understand balance, and whine at everyone trying to help you. Good job.
We recently got our shit rocked by a single black pudding, but it was a super enclosed space. 5 ft wide 300 ft deep chasm full of clockwork bullshit, and somewhere in that mess is the pudding. It's an ooze, so it squished thought all the gears no problem.

Two of us ended the fight naked.
>Thinking being able to control up to 144 skeletons at a time with +20 HP, +6 damage from necromancer wizard and the ability to control possibly even a lich on top of that using 'command undead' isn't overpowered
>Necromancer wizard laughing as his skeleton horde, all given greatswirds by the wizard all bash on a legendary dragon with his oathbreaker paladin friend giving them all +5 to damage
>Even if the skeletons only hit an ancient dragon on an 18 or higher, that's 2/20 chance per skeleton per round of doing 2d6+5+6+2 (20) damage or 1/20 chance of doing 4d6+5+6+2 (27) damage

>At full capacity, 21.6 attacks, dealing 22.33 damage each to the dragon

>No, we need a level 9 spell as well so you can get a lich, 128 skeletons AND whatever bullshit army a level 9 spell makes.
So 33 HP will still die to a single overchanneled fireball so your 13 skeletons are now assorted bones
So you have your wights left
Which, while nothing to scoff at, will get demolished against any CR 15-20 monster you go against.
>Not commanding them to spread out so a fireball won't nuke all of them
>Not counterspelling the fireball
>wizard conjures 144 skellys
>cramp them all around the druid
>druid casts animals shapes
>enjoy your 144 CR4 beasts
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I don't think it's too bad. There's ways around it if you find ways to force advantage for yourself. Barbarian reckless swing, or using pack tactics.

Ranger with a beast companion is a pretty neat way around it, especially if you make it some kind of mounted martial combatant.
It's pretty easy to make a kobold spellcaster who never makes an attack roll.
I want to roll a kobold ranger who rides an ambush dragon

Nice try, but Skelemancer will win in nearly any remotely level appropriate engagement, no problem. It is one of the most powerful "builds" in 5e, and I put that in quotes because its just a fucking necromancer with no frills, no weaselly RAW abuse, no UA jack fuckery, just a single classed dude using his class features and spell slots in a single simple way.

If you CHOOSE to be a fucking idiot and lose your skeletons, well that's on you as a dumb ass player. Its up to you to grab Globe of Invulnerability and/or Counterspell, etc. Your party should ideally help you as well.
Hey /5eg/, i got a rules question.
I play a sorcerer, and i ride a hoers. rains, stirrups, the whole shebang.

If i cast witch bolt on an enemy within range during my turn, having not moved, can i ready an action to "keep at distance" said enemy, so that they're always between, say, 30 and 15 feet of me?
I was gonna do that until my DM decided I'd get 1 less die for my stat rolls than anybody else

So I'm hanging that idea up until I find a way to convince him or find a new group.
Holy shit
>>New Plane Shift: Kaladesh
For those in the know, where would THEY want a Plane Shift to go?
That's not bad, especially if the rule for how if the beast is reduced to 0 hp, they pop back into their original form at whatever HP they had, taking only the excess damage. Looks like it.

This may be a TIME TO JACK OFF tier ability.
Unfortunately, Ready is an action. So no. Personally I would allow it though.
>witch bolt

Oh, you're that guy. Good luck lad, and fuck your DM.
God please, make the next one Mirrodin
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I might see if pic related convinces him, desu.

PC Kobold is just an innately born Dragonshield justifies it being stronger than the average kobold.

maybe I am an autist...
Next one we're getting will be for Amonkhet, a Not!Egypt plane ruled over by a bloody great dragon magician.
One after will be Atlazan, which we know nothing about aside from the cat it has merfolk and a vaguely Aztec sounding name.
Do you mean New Phyrexia or Mirrodin?
Fuck new Phyrexia

Is this confirmed?
Well, the Zendikar one covered both pre- and post-Eldrazi fuckery, so porque no los dos?
Yeah but I didn't ask which one we were Obviously going to get. I asked which one would you WANT.
Look at this incompleat scrub.
64 skeletons. All 1 HP. Boom. Hire me, Wizards.
I had to double check to make sure I wasn't in an MTG thread for a second.
Mirrodin, Dominaria, and Kamigawa
Compleation Engineer Artificer WHEN
It would be fun to fluff it as the animal skeletons literally ripping their way out of their corpses to continue fighting.
Nice quads.
Elephants are CR4
Quads of truth
Assuming you only had 4 level 3's, that's a deadly encounter, which hardly means TPK. I bet you have a bigger than 4 person party too, so it's not even deadly.
>Players beat a medium/hard encounter
Hey /5eg/, under what circumstances would you find both Zombies and Nothics together?
A clade of necromancers had an experiment go terribly wrong, turning them into nothics.
How does anyone even threatens a druid-defended forest?
>druid gathers thousands of tiny-sized animals around him
>transform them all into fucking elephants
please someone put something like that in their campaign and tell how it goes
I'm not a 100% sure I want to do this, mainly because my players are RAW, but how does the idea that spellcasters have to purchase named spells (Leomund's Tiny Hut, Drawmji Instant Summons, Tenser's Floating Disc) sound?
>>Players beat a medium/hard encounter

more like "players barely took a scratch against a monster of higher CR, why"

but the question is, since action economy was the obvious problem in the encounter, do we just never fight any big, lone boss monsters until we get to shit that has legendary actions?
Each Planeshift corresponds which the block it was released at the end of.

Amonkhet is the next block, Atlazan is the block that will follow.

As in they can't learn named spells through a level up, they have to acquire them some other way
So the best creature I can think of that is eligible is a Giant Scorpion, which does 19 physical + 22 (save half) poison damage a round. Not bad at all.

The most obvious permanent intelligent minion, barring elaborate shenanigans like making a vampire turn a high power but low intelligence NPC for a necromancer is the Mummy Lord, which is CR 15, has spells, legendary actions, and respawns if it dies.

So you could have a cool CURSE OF EGYPT type thing going on. Bonus points if you somehow get a scroll of True Polymorph and turn the party monk into a second Mummy Lord as well.

unfortunately both CR4 beasts are huge and ineligible. Currently there are no legitimate CR4 target shapes for Animal Shapes.
>more like "players barely took a scratch against a monster of higher CR, why"

cuz the system is working as intended

nonlegendary creatures are not supposed to be balanced encounters for entire parties and you know that perfectly well
Can turn into CR3 Giant Scorpions, good enough I guess
>The dragon takes flight and uses its breath weapon.

Are you really suggesting using hordes of fragile minions against a flying creature with a natural AoE damage action?
>All 3 Plane Shifts have been for the last 3 sets released
Ravnica and Alara and maybe Theros would be nice, but for the time being I doubt they are going to make any for planes that aren't in the current spotlight.
>you know that perfectly well

guess you didn't read my first post huh
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>tfw no Dungeon Meshi campaign
I finished the first six pages in my handmade spellbook prop

Didn't take into account my shit handwriting

I'm disheartened

This was a failed endeavor

In 5e fighting a single high level opponent is easier than fighting a mob of low level mooks.

My suggestion is to give it mooks so players are spread out, or if you really like the idea of having the party fight one big bad evil dude, give the guy legendary actions
>Not already having found a way to ground the dragon, such as using your level 2 spell slot to enlarge the paladin and finding something else to grow him a size so he can grapple the dragon. Or fighting it inside a cave. Or one of the anti-air spells. Or a warlock with the pull ability. Or a flying warlock with repelling blast. Or anyone with sentinel. Or a vengenace paladin, or so forth.

>it uses its breath weapon, killing.. What, 20, 30, maybe even 40 of them? There'll still be plenty of them left, and it can't use its AoE every turn.
As DMs, we all have that one fight early in our first campaign that we think is going to be tough and challenge the players by throwing a single monster with a CR higher than the party's level, and then watch it get shredded to pieces. In my case it was a CR 4 Ettin against a level 2 party.

There are 3 answers to solve that: legendary creatures, adding more less powerful monsters, and increasing HP by a bunch.
Speaking of Necromancers, I've had the "Bone Engineer" meme trope bumping around in my head for a while.

>Necromancer Wizard
>Uses Skeletons as a basis for animation- not necessarily RE-animation- magic, as Bone is a super-efficient magic conductor
>Is researching how to use bone in the creation of constructs that don't require Necrotic energy and using it to animate things beyond horrible abominations, such as a bonemeal-concrete mix for "artificial" Undead shaped more like plaster or concrete machines
>Is NOT a "Good" Necromancer- Lawful Neutral and is unrepentant in how their work is immoral. Very much a "Ends Justify the Means" type. They follow a strict code of ethics in the animation of corpses, such as only using "fairly harvested' bodies, and making their Skeletons completely clean to avoid spreading diseases (Whether or not the society in question knows hygiene helps in the spread of disease, as it's just as likely they believe clean skeletons are even worse than normal ones)
>Keeps their Skeletons fully clothed with no bone visible whenever possible
>Is experimenting with combining Animate Dead with Animate Objects to make a "Neutral" sort of construct that lasts indefinitely however doesn't need the absurd requirements for most Construct creation

As with most of the characters I make I'd intend their path to be open ended, with 3 main "ends"

>Good End- After joining a party of goody two-shoes adventurers, learns a way to animate constructs using positive energy to become an anti-necromancer
>Neutral End- They successfully create a "Magic Concrete" that allows them to make Neutral Constructs, retire from adventuring to perfect this revolutionary material
>Bad End- After ending up adventuring with a bunch of murderhoboing dicks they do as most "good" necromancers do and fall down the slippery slope to "evil Necromancer side quest villain to be slain by mid-tier adventurers"

I'm not the DM, just looking for suggestions I can throw at him

>give the guy legendary actions

this appears to be what the DM is doing from now on

Think of it this way: its your own codified script so if ever any other wizard gets their grubby paws on your book they can't benefit from your hard work
>Druid and Necromancer team up to invade shit
>Necromancer raises undead horde
>Druid turns them into Giant Scorpions
>Then wildshapes into an earth elemental, earth glides to provide stealthy support and the occasional siege weapon

Now we only need a justification for why.
AC and to hit doesn't scale like crazy, so health goes up as damage chugs behind meaning that a group of 'low health' mooks can pump out way more damage than a similarly beefy boss dude.
Does this look solid/broken/gimped to you /5eg/?

My friend would like to play as a beastmaster ranger with a monkey that lives in his branches.


Ability Scores: Con +2, Wis +1
Size: Medium
Speed: 30ft.

Natural Talent
You have proficiency in the Nature skill.

Powerful Build
You count as one size larger when determining your carrying capacity and the weight you can push, drag, or lift.

Ent Magic
You know the Druidcraft cantrip.
When you reach 3rd level you can cast Entangle once per day.
When you reach 5th level, you can also cast either Spike Growth or Barkskin once per day.
Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for these spells.

Forest Camouflage
When you make a Stealth check in the forest you are considered proficient in the Stealth skill and add double your proficiency bonus to the check, instead of your normal proficiency bonus.

You can speak, read, and write Common and Sylvan.
Looks pretty fair to me. It's a bit of a mishmash of other already existing racial features and nothing seems overpowered.
Seems pretty similar to Firbolg. Except somehow this is even more stupid than big blue hippie elves.
25 foot speed. It's a tree, my dude. Nobody should ever get out ran by that. Maybe even 20ft speed and add even more stuff, rip some stuff from the UA where you become a tree.
They're better off giving the guy mooks to go with them.

What kind of a guy deserves to have gained power / be a high level / be a boss / be a leader if he doesn't even have mooks to help protect him?

Fuck chaos and 'I wanna be the mary sue!' boss characters, law and order with bodyguards is the right, sensible way to do things. Even a goblin can be terrifying to face if you have to get through a coordinated army reach then.
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I would play that.
Wizard spell books are encoded into their own script, working as intended.

Or Wizards are like doctors, suck at writing clearly, and made that up to fool people.

most of the bosses have mooks. This was supposed to be a super powerful demon someone summoned to kill his enemies.

That being said, even mooks aren't a guarantee the encounter will be deadly. Against a bunch of gnolls with a Fang of Whateverthefuck, our druid used Entangle on them and I kept Ray of Sicknessing the Fang to keep it from breaking out while the rest of the party wiped the mooks up.
You still haven't said how big your party is.
20 ft speed and trance, perhaps, would that be fitting?

Can anyone think of what a good second breath weapon would be for a green dragon?

Like how all the metallics have a second breath weapon they can do instead; would would fit a green?

I started going for a domination breath, but realized that would be horribly overpowered.
Can a ranger switch their favored enemy or are they stuck with the two?
very nicely done
You handwriting is fine and that's super cool.

I like it a lot.
Pretty sure treants can talk to animals. It should have at will Speak with Animals.
Kind of want yall's opinion on something: I'm playing as a prepared spellcaster in a game a friend is DM-ing. Is there any etiquette to letting the DM know what spells I swap around during each rest or do most players just swap spells and the DM rolls with it?
And it was a single Barlgura? Not really impressive, to be honest. I wonder if starting with entangle wouldn't have been a better tactic. The lore says they hunt in packs. I think your villain got a raw deal on his "super powerful demon". It's not even a deadly encounter for the group of heroes after him.
IRL or Online?

If IRL, a quick note on paper often suffices. If Online, a private message usually does it.
Firbolg style limited speech perhaps?
hahahah it surely was nicely done, I like it. Maybe add some wizard-code indicating which school each spell belongs to, and an in-character comment about it
>It's not even a deadly encounter for the group of heroes after him.

It wasn't sent to kill us. It was sent to kill someone who we happened upon and decided to help.

That being said, this was the only combat encounter of the day so we were full on spells and shit so it was quite underwhelming
Serves them right for all being clustered together, not having any ambush plans, failing both their saves and attempts to get out, not breaking the druid's concentration and so forth.

If more mooks doesn't do it, the enemies aren't a high enough level.
I thought Skellington was a Template in the MM? The only Template I see is for Half-Dragon.
For a necromancer, are skeleton better than zombies?
The DMG has a chart of stat adjustments for common NPC races/types, including skeletons and zombies.
Neat, I'll take a look there instead.
...I am not an observant man.
Shame. I really like Mirrodin.

I don't really see the point. The spells are named after their inventor, but they're just as available as other spells.
Depends, is your DM the kind of guy who refers to the enemies as himself and acts like he's playing against you and his objective is to "win"?
Treants can use animals to send messages, at least in the 5e fluffbox. If you're really afraid of being OP you can always take fire vuln.

Being the slowest guy in the party is a pretty big downside, and you're so fat that nobody can probably carry you out of harm.
>appears from invisibility next to sorcerer
>lands one attack
Did the DM give it advantage or a surprise round, because it honestly should have had one of those from appearing out of stealth. Aside from that nothing about that surprises me.
Animal messenger at will/x times per day?
It had a surprise round, but it wasted it saying "nothing personnel, kid."
If his objective is to win he could just spawn a lich on top of us at level 1. His main objective is to make a game he would enjoy and he enjoys being challenged.

I'm better friends with the DM than the other players are, he seriously gets worried that his games aren't fun enough, sometimes tells me shit off to the side 1 on 1. I know that when we only have 1combat encounter in a day, and that encounter is completely trivialized, he's worrying about the players getting bored and shit.

They weren't clustered together. Only about 3 of them were entangled. They all broke out except the fang who I was intentionally trying to lock down.
Add that gnome ability of talking with small animals
The Best Part: You have to go meet Snilloc personally to get his/her snowcone spell.
Sounds like fun.
Where would I find these codes? The symbols I've been writing are ones I've seen on other homemade spellbooks.
Whatever works. It really needs unarmored defense though. Beyond any balance making tree people wear armor is silly.

Probably 13+Con. You can make subraces in the name of balance. Splitting it between magical friend trees, and heavy oak smash trees.
I think based on passive perception he ruled that we'd see this massive demon popping up and swinging at us or something like that.
Well your friend should probably remember that part of being a DM is to keep in mind that there are many kinds of players. Not every player finds hyper lethal encounters fun.

And, personally, I think the "a game he would enjoy" mindset is a bad one to have as DM because sometimes the DM is a VERY different kind of player compared to their players.
That's not right.

It doesn't matter if you see it or not. What matters is if you noticed it before combat started, and the moment he popped out of invisibility the combat started.

They either misunderstand stealth rules (Everyone does anyway) or they're trivializing it.
Counting Unearthed Arcana, here are the numbers of archetypes for each class:
Barbarian: 6
Bard: 6
Cleric: 13
Druid: 5
Fighter: 11
Monk: 7
Paladin: 7
Ranger: 6
Rogue: 7
Sorcerer: 8
Warlock: 9
Wizard: 13

Come up with an archetype concept for Druid.

Or if you can't do Druid, try Barbarian, Bard or Ranger.
Well, invisibility gives it the right to sneak right into melee before attacking, but only those whose PP is lower than its stealth roll will be surprised. Maybe it rolled like shit. He should have just said "it rolled like shit" though, if that were the case.
Well part of it, like I already said, he completely misjudged the difficulty of the encounter.

He figured the demon would be tough enough and intentionally tried not to KO my sorcerer in round 1.
Hindsight and all, but he should have opened with Entangle. Using surprise.
It's Moon Druid, but look at all these plant stat blocks you can turn into.
Also, It's a summoner Druid.
Two top tier archetypes in one post.
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Yes, because Druid with a powerful companion is such a good idea after what happened in 3.x.

Being invisible doesn't grant you autosuccess on stealth.

And, yes, it might have actually rolled, but hopefully if it did it'd have some sort of bonus from being invisible, and it'd surprise at least the person with the lowest passive perception.

Yeah. They need to stop holding back.
>I'm going to ignore the rules to fuck over one of my martial players :^D
Large sized creatures aren't big enough to ignore grapples, that's huge sized. RAW it would've lost its ability to move.
>Wrestling Dragonborn Bearbarian
What the fuck? That sounds like he was built specifically for doing this and you made him choke on your cock on a whim.
Don't worry, next week you'll get Errata.
>They need to stop holding back

He never does. Literally only happened because he thought this CR5 would year us apart
Sounds like a bad DM.

Let me guess, he wants to play, but can't, so he takes it out on the players.
He needs a better grasp of mechanics, specifically action economy and bounded accuracy.
I just threw a CR 12 dragon against a level 5 group. They had two NPCs who helped a bit, but several PCs were at constant disadvantage because of insanity.
You're not funny, you're a cunt. Do you think because you ruined the fun for your player that you somehow "won" D&D?

You can grapple one size larger and it still applies the "grappled" condition to the target, which would mean the Wyvern's speed would be 0. I understand it seems odd to grapple a dragon the size of a horse, but just because it doesn't align with your personal logic, doesn't mean the player shouldnt beable to succeed, especially when he rolls a natural 20. IMO nat 20 = DM fiat.

When my players roll a natural 20, i tell them
>You succeed, explain what happens
I like them "DM" the situation.

Alot of DMs don't get this this next point.
Players build their characters according to the rules. So a player will think of something they think is cool to do with their charactrer, such as grappling, and then try and figure out how to accomplish it via the rules.
But then the DM comes along and says "that doesnt make sense to me, you can't do that"
And then you break the hearts of your players, which means you both lost.
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Anyone got any maps they'd like to share?
A druid who hates nature and manipulates it for his own ends.
Did the dragon fell to the melee meme or just stayed flying in circles, swooping down to do breath attacks?
>Nat 20 = DM fiat
You are the cancer killing this hobby. An hero.
Jesus christ. My entire party just got completely wiped by a Beholder in it's lair. Fuck.
REEEE, stop removing the poll link from OP, you fucks! REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!
>When my players roll a natural 20, i tell them
>>You succeed, explain what happens

>roll perception
>"ok explain what happens"
>"I notice exactly the macguffin our party needs to instantly defeat the BBEG lying on the ground over there"
To be fair, he's right about being able to grapple the wyvern - it's only large. Unless it reversed the grapple or escaped, it's speed was 0.
God damn it why is Divine Sense the shitties ability in the game.
You wanna detect something out of combat?
Sorry total cover. What? Yeah I know the wooden door is just inch thick but you still cant feel through it. Total cover. In the forest? The vampire is behind a tree, cant detect him. Oh see if the guest for dinners are fiends? Seems human. Its not like they have items to block detecting their type trust me!
In combat? Sure. The invisible undead is right there in the room. Wellp anything for you movement and bonus action? Sorry cant attack thats an action so next turn. Hope he doesnt move. I mean we cant let the guy who is build to fight these kind of creature both know where they are and attack them
I am going to be employing loads of undead chitines in an upcoming zone for my party, should I just apply the zombie template or do something else entirely? Thoughts?
I don't know what a chitine is off the top of my head, but the name makes me think it's insectoid. Use the skeleton template - they look perfectly normal, but upon closer examination are merely empty shells of exoskeleton.
Would it be fair to allow taking another fighting style as a feat?
Maybe I don't know what DM Fiat really means. I just give cart blanche to my players to describe what they do and what happens to a target(s).

If the Bard rolls a nat 20 performance, i ask him "how does the crowd respond"

I use a sense of judgement in there.

I think you're an idiot because there are obvious rolls that wouldnt apply to what I do for rolling natural 20s.

If someone rolled a natural 20 on perception, I would probably just show them my notes for the room/area.

Another example is rolling a nat 20 on survival to track something I would ask the player the following
>What kind of awesome techniques are you using to track your target?
>What do the footprints look like?

The most common is in combat. If they roll a nat 20 and it doesnt kill them i say
>you've injured your target, explain what your attack was like and how they are injured

if the nat 20 finished them off
>explain what your attack was like and how they died
What are some good debuff spells for a wizard to prepare?
It got unlucky on its breath recharge rolls, and I allowed the players to reduce/disable its fly speed after several lucky called shots to the wings. It still moved around a lot.
>I've never played D&D before. All I do is theorycraft and pretend that everyone who plays D&D acts as optimally as I think they should.
>so he takes it out on the players
Its the DM's job to provide an appropriate challenge to the players. That means sending deadly encounters aimed at downing some of them from time to time. He'd be a shit DM if there never was any threat from monsters.
>Its the DM's job to provide an appropriate challenge to the players.
>my game should scale like a video game
>waaah my character died >:L
Nice strawman, it might actually work if the second half of my post didn't exist.
Why even have rolls in combat of you don't want enemies to be a threat? Just say "a bunch of bandits attacked but you're so badass you totally fucked em up. Describe how awesome your character looks kicking ass"
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>Nice strawman
So, yes or no? Or would it step on champion's toes too much?
It's kind of underwhelming for a feat. It's your game do what you want and what you think is fair.
Maybe the feat increases your STR or DEX by 1, along with the Fighting Style with it's normal restrictions?
I mean, mariner is kinda great. I would put it in feat tier.
That's kinda what I want to do. Two weapon fighting and mariner, be the most mobile ranger.
No, he's suggesting you use hordes of not very fragile at all minions to do large amounts of RANGED damage to a foe that, if it attacks you, will likely be in an open environment they will be spread out in.

If they are facing an ancient red indoors it will be more effective with its breath weapon, but its also not gonna have much opportunity to move around.

There is no clear way for any other kind of wizard to easily take it out either.
That's more in line with the other feats. I'd consider taking it (tough choice between the Duelist style and War Caster on my bladelock).
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I can contribute a few things
>ts not like they have items to block detecting their type trust me!

Such as?
So they're throwing the greatswords?
love this, will post a few if you've got more
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How infernal do you like your tieflings?
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heres a tower to start
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He kind of wants long-limbed (+5 ft reach for melee attacks), which flavour wise is reasonable

Fire vulnerability as trade-off and 20 ft. speed, scrapping Powerful Build

and adding Forest Gnome speak with small beasts
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I'm also kind of afraid 13+con is a smidgen too high, especially considering that CON stacking is very logical with such a slow character

would 12+con be more reasonable
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That looks more like 250
How do I add class levels to monsters in 5e? Would something like Druid 6 or Wizard 5 just add the spellcasting/spells to the monster?
Does anyone else find the Stone Sorcerer's fluff a little weird? It feels like calling it a Sword Mage or something would've made more sense.
Referencing 4e in any way causes people to REEEEEEEEE uncontrollably; this is why they're short rest abilities and long rest abilities rather than encounter and daily powers. See also: Raven Queen.
What the fuck did you just said about me?
*teleports behind you*
*unzips dick*
>Given a good opportunity for fun improvisation
>Shutting it down with a 'lol no you die'

How not to play DnD: 101.

>Referencing 4e in any way causes people to REEEEEEEEE uncontrollably

I've yet to see anyone REEEEE over the Sword Coast cantrips
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Do you name your campaigns?
I was thinking of giving my parties Fighter a power if they complete this questline they have going.

On your turn as a ____ action you may focus your mental energy to glimpse into the future. All attacks on you have disadvantage and you have advantage on any DEX saving throw. At the start of your next turn you suffer one level of exhaustion die to the intense concentration.

1. What kind of action should this be?
2. I want this to be useful but dangerous is one level exhaustion enough? Should I give him advantage on attacks for one turn as well?
>So they're throwing the greatswords?

the stock skellington has bows
the whole point of the skelemancery thing is shooting people, don't know who suggested something stupid about making minion hordes melee hordes, that's asking to be jumbled up
>the zombie template
yes but i play on vtt for every game im in except one so you sort of have to name them
Read >>51870839, which is what >>51871392 was responding to.

>Necromancer wizard laughing as his skeleton horde, all given greatswirds by the wizard all bash on a legendary dragon with his oathbreaker paladin friend giving them all +5 to damage
>>51873146 here. Posting another map I've scrounged up on the net.

Most stuff I use is mainly for battle arenas though.
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Yes. I'm not very creative with names though.
>dodge action but you get exhaustion after

yeah just keep them with bows

not even sure you can switch their weapons
The 'also you can give your skeletons bows' approach also works, instead of greatswords. You deal -3.5 damage on hit (-7 damage on crit) if it's a shortbow, but that's hardly a big deal when they're doing such ridiculous damage.
Are you really acting like skeletons come with bows the moment you raise them and these bows are parts of their bodies that can't be removed or replaced?

This isn't a video-game.
My party of lv4s faced 100 skellys which spawned shadows when slain and came out almost unscathed except me, a little wizard, trying to make some fun and getting crit-downed by the last shadow.
Felt good.
I wish there was more you could get out of Intelligence. I'm making a Half-Elf Paladin and for flavor reasons my stats are:

16, 10, 14, 12, 10, 16

But there's pretty much 0 mechanical benefit for me to put anything in Intelligence.
More like improved dodge as you get advantage on dex saves. I wasn't thinking of making it a main action but a bonus or even at will.
If it's exhaustion, I'd do something like this:

Desperate Dodge
When hit by an attack or BEFORE making a dex save, you can use your reaction. The following happens:
1. Until the start of your next turn, you have the 'evasion' skill, as per monk or rogue's features.
2. Until the start of your next turn, attacks against you have disadvantage.
3. At the start of your next turn, you gain one level of exhaustion.
Sounds like a strawman to me. The answer is obviously no.

On the other hand its perfectly reasonable to assume that a medium creature that probably weighs 20 or so pounds has armor scraps, a shortbow, and a short sword because its not going to be able to use anything heavier effectively, and giving them anything better is going to be automatically a DM's discretion thing.
But dodge gives you advantage on dex saves as well.

The only difference is dodge only affects things you can see.

Whoops, the disadvantage was meant to mean the enemy that hit you to trigger the reaction rolls again to potentially miss you, as well as others having disadvantage after that.
Intelligence is a vanity stat, the reward is being able to feel smugly superior.

or open up tome of beasts
turn them all into CR3 Amphipteres
enjoy 60ft flying and a swarm mechanic that lets 2 share the same space for Advantage
I can already tell with a party consisting of a Kensai Monk, a Beastmaster Ranger and a Wild Sorcerer I'll most likely be the smartest person there. Which is good.

Though I do wish I could use it for Initiative or something.
>the barbarian player with 8 charisma complaining that he only gets +2 to Intimidate with proficiency
>the barbarian isn't making STR(Intimidate) checks
Well if he breaks someones fucking leg I'd call it a STR (Intimidate)
It's a shame, because two points could potentially get you +1 on charisma for 17 charisma, which means you can do +1 to charisma and +1 to strength, which means you can then do heavy armour mastery for +1 strength later on. Except nobody should really care because you should probably grab PAM, which means that 1 stat difference would only matter at level 12.

Hope intellect devourers show up.

tfw intellect devourers in last campaign and only one person failed the save, but the intellect devourer rolled three sixes

If an attack is made against you or you make a DEX saving throw you may use your reaction gain the following effects.
1. You gain the effects of the Dodge action
2. When you are subjected to an effect that allows you to make a Dexterity saving throw to take only half damage, you instead take no damage if you succeed on the saving throw, and only half damage if you fail.
3. At the start of your next turn you suffer one level of fatigue due to the intense concentration required.
>tfw you confuse a player by asking them to make an INT(Deception) check because they are disguised and under inspection
Scrap the exhaustion thing, it sucks. Just put it as a bonus action and say the intense concentration required only allows him to do it once or twice per rest.
If the DM isn't adjusting DCs to fit the situation (Lower DC for a big bad goliath barbarian to intimidate in battle than for a peasant) then it's the DM's fault, not the player.

Of course, the barbarian would be bad at intimidation that requires charisma, such as to intimidate a noble with politics - The noble doesn't care if you're muscley, because his guards will take you on instead if you try to attack. What he does care about, however, is words.
Something like that works. Though it'd be disappointing for the guy if they use that ability and then the enemy only makes one attack, which is why I suggested 'on hit', but then it makes it confusing because it's on hit for an attack but not on failure for a save.
Its 100% reasonable for a big musclebound hulk to be not particularly intimidating for D&Dland... especially if he's intimidating anything of ogre size or up, or if he's intimidating anyone who's magical, has guards, etcetera. Intimidation as Charisma makes perfect sense in any world where there is a greater size range of sapient beings than Earth.

Nah I like the exhaustion. I don't want to limit it's use but I want there to be an element of danger to use it.

I'm generally pretty loose on these things and my players don't try to lawyer because they know I know the rules better than them.
Come up with a non-caster class that uses Intelligence as its primary ability, or one of its primary abilities.
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>campaign opens with the party on a boat
>captain excitedly calls all the passengers up to the deck in the middle of the night
>huge meteor shower going on, hundreds of lights streaking the sky
>a handful of them actually fall to earth across the country
>one of them lands on the island the boat is headed towards

Good hook?
Alchemist. Skill-focused class that can make (and gains bonuses when using) alchemist's fire, acid, bombs, etc. May also use firearms if it jives with your campaign setting.

Works best as a rogue archetype.
ok faget
>bonus action
>impose disadvantage on attackers and have advantage on everything until the start of your next turn
Pretty much, but I wouldn't shut him down completely. Reward them for picking good times to use intimidate and being creative with how they do it, maybe giving advantage if they choose a good method of intimdation (Say, for torture). Still, if they're trying to intimdate something that wouldn't care about them being big and buff, they'll want charisma.

Yeah, I'd say so.
If it's a bonus action and gives advantage on everything then it could be used with action surge and that would get kind of silly.
So uh. I need help. I've run a couple of campaigns, they went pretty well some light-hearted adventures that occasional take a gritty turn, but usually about people fighting the good fight with a set overarching quest and occasional sidequest sprinkled in, allowing the player to take things on their own initiative.

This time I decided to try something more open-world: they were mercs, I would let them select missions or propose to their boss something they think they' be appropriate for.

This has gone... alright. They've took on some longer missions, it's fine. They are however, evil. And pretty murderhobo. This has had consequences, which they usually try to solve with more evil. This is fine, I'm okay with an evil party.

But honestly the main problem is they're not coordinated - they can never strongly agree on a mission-statement they want to do and so it's usually majority rule or one of the missions I lay before them.

I feel like things worked better with an overarching quest. But I'm unsure how to introduce one mid-game, and what sort of overarching quest I can do with a bunch of evil fucks.
Yeah, hopefully you can guide the players into partying up to go and check it out themselves.
NPCs could wonder about it aloud, the potential meaning /magic /treasure /danger. Too much bother for regular folk, but they'd like to know what it was.
If they're not taking the bait themselves, get a noble/ old sage/ priest to ask for a group of brave folk to go and investigate and report back so they can be aware of any danger.
My favorite character that I've ever played to date was a Kobold "Artificer" and by "Artificer" I mean I never engaged in direct or even fair combat. It was half for-fun and half thinking exercise to see if I could pull my weight in the party through clever use of noncombat items and spells. It was a bit shakey at the start and I had to rely on some class mechanics to not die, but it picked up as my toolkit and my knowledge built up.

If you want to stretch your mind and you're part of a group that wants to play DnD when you don't, then I would recommend trying it.

As for roleplay, I liked playing a kobold who was the dungeoneer for their overlord dragon but was fed up with having their innovation go unnoticed. My character set out because "If dragons are no good, then I will build my own!" Had the adventure gone long enough my goal was to construct an airship base and insist that it's my 'dragon.'
That sounds really fun, and similar to the Kobold Inventor NPC
Yeah, but exhaustion sucks tho.
It's just foresight for a turn
Man, why the fuck do CotM Druids even exist?
>Oh, hey, I'm a full caster who can turn into a beatstick as often or more than the barbarian (because Wild Shape returns on a short rest for some godforsaken reason) for longer and get better physical stats and bonus hit points on top of it. Oh, and I can recover my health by spending spell slots as a bonus action. Fuck you.
Did you use either of the Artificer unearthed arcana, or some other class?

I'm thinking that maybe Arcane Trickster or Thief Rogue would be cool for cunning action some hazards or throwing alchemist fire.
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>he thinks wyverns can take off from standing with 300+ pounds of FUCK YOU climbing all over it
I can pick up my wife and carry her.
I can walk around (slowly) if my wife is latched onto my legs.
I can't stand up with my wife sitting in my lap or on my chest.

An eagle can divebomb a large fish, grab it in its talons, and carry it off.
An eagle can't take off with that same large fish just strapped to its leg.
It especially can't take off with that fish strapped to one of its wings.

Momentum and leverage are things. You're a faggot for thinking physics is on your side when it's not, and a double faggot for ruining the one thing the shitty character has going for him.
Because fuck everybody
Favorite so far has gotta be Bulette, because it's a goddamn armadillo shark frog
This is my nogga right here. Bulette is the best shit. I made a big old one with 50% greater everything that terrorized the countryside for years before the party had to contend with it.
>exhaustion sucks tho
Tome of Beasts/Fifth edition foes should have some more beasts.
Bursting vats filled with super zombies made by a mad alchemist to add minions to encounters when needed.
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>that shit happens
>but the stars in a patch of sky begin to disappear as the meteors streak by
>eventually it's just a black void
>as dawn breaks, the black void is still there against the brightening sky
>it's right above a nearby island
This was a 4e Artificer years ago.
Because they wanted Detect Evil without making it detect an alignment because god-knows-why so they're like "How about he detects something inhuman instead?" without ever thinking of any reason why this would be useful ever.
A really cute druid that revolves around party face and social abilities using her cute looks and demeanor, as well as cute animals to aid in persuasion and diplomacy. Gets Expertise with Persuasion and some other silly shit
What's the cause? Also, make sure you don't just drown your party if the boat sinks.
>What's the cause?
The planet's orbit takes it through a field of space debris left over from planetary formation, and its gravity and trajectory capture small bits of iron-rich meteoroids which fall towards the ground, but few make it due to their immense speed causing frictional heating as they cut through the atmosphere, disintegrating in mid-air for the most part, but creating a nice light show as they do.
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Y'all motherfuckers posting maps without mapanon?

I was going to have the fallen stars actually be some kind of geode that oozes magic and is super valuable AND is also some kind of fucked up egg for a species of cosmic parasites.

But I like >>51874432 as well.
There's some pretty gigantic troves on the Discord of maps and tokens.
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I wonder how many of the maps were the ones I posted.
They're those cute little spider people the Drow made to serve themselves, but Lolth subverted them to serve her and kill Drow instead
I like to make them really cute, the ideal waifu race
Wear a hood.
Goddamnit, I don't want to go to the discord but I want me some damn maps.
Yep, always.
The current campaign is called:
>The Wages of Sin

Speaking of exhaustion why the fuck does berserker barbarian have to take exhaustion as a penalty for using the only ability it gets at level 3? For flavor reasons I want my level 2 barbarian to go berserker and not totem warrior but totem looks so much better I don't understand how this shit even made it to print.
If you're intimidating humanoids and they aren't larger than you and don't use magic I think STR should apply
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You could not be a douchenozzle and just post them to the 5eg MEGA

Or just post them.
How are you determining stats? If it's point buy then they can only be expected to have 17 Con, and 15 Str/Dex at level 1. At level 4 you can +1 to both, and have +4. However at level 8 you'd have a hard time justifying Con over your main stat.

At this point you can safely wear Half Plate/Splint/Full Plate for +1/+1/+2 AC. However if you're a caster with less interest for Dex/Str investment, or if you have no armor proficiencies it can be worth a lot more. You could always just say they can't wear normal armor or that it has AC penalties. I've made multiple monstrous races with that property.
I'm in a homebrew game that has exactly that as a feat, and it's pretty good. Multiple people are going for it. Add some UA fighting styles, and maybe some homebrew ones, and it's a feat that can get just about anyone anything.
Sounds cool
>why the fuck does berserker barbarian have to take exhaustion as a penalty for using the only ability it gets at level 3?
Because the writers needed to shoehorn in a combat use for the exhaustion rules and become more apparently incompetent the more a player re-reads the rules.
>Everyone is automatically proficient with unarmed strikes
I can tell you from personal experience this is literally not true.
>Polymorph into Sleep into Disintegrate auto-kills under the designer's interpretation, requiring only one failed save
>True Strike is almost completely useless, if not worse than useless
>Disarming requires an interaction action to be of any use
>Concentration checks are laughably easy even before War Caster
>Heat Metal allows you to suck slightly less on a successful save
>trying to make an overland map in CC3
>found a nice style
>oh it's in some bullshit anthology of paid content for CC3
>can't find a torrent of this shit anywhere else
really chafin' my chaps here, internet
it's Volume 6 of the Cartographer's Annual (April 2012) if anyone else has better Google-fu
I always have a tagline for my games like "Winterpocalypse", or "Medieval Realism", or "Underground Railroad".
I just homebrew it as they get 1 free frenzy then every next one is a con saving throw, DC 10+2 per use.
Yes. Generally on a central theme of the setting. Current campaign goes by "Mythic Frontier"
So I got a player who wants to build a crank machine gun while we are in an emerging guns setting. I'm not against the idea of it I just have no idea how to stat it without breaking the action economy, any ideas?
Should I refluff the Satire Bard's "lmao farts" to something edgy or just remove it for a flippy edgemaster Bard?
I like it mechanically but mind reading people into shitting their pants on a date is a tad too silly for me.
For example replace "embarrassing gaffe" with "Feels an ominous presence but doesn't realize what it is"
Take charisma. Be the party face, so be charming and make great first impressions.

With magic, you can go either with buff and utilities or good damage. As a warlock, always take Eldritch blast.

Role play wise is entirely based on the setting.
A chitine is a small, spidery humanoid. As a race they usually worship Lloth but don't get along with drow.
Fucking lorwyn.
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Make a crossbow without the Reloading feature.

Simple, like you.
>Everybody is not automatically proficient with unarmed strikes
Melee Attacks (p. 195).
The rule on unarmed strikes should read as follows:
“Instead of using a weapon to make a
melee weapon attack, you can use an
un-armed strike: a punch, kick, head-butt, or similar forceful blow (none of which count as weapons). On a hit, an unarmed strike deals bludgeoning damage equal to 1 + your Strength modifier. You are proficient with your unarmed strikes.”
>You are proficient with your unarmed strikes.
Yeah, which is my problem. It completely invalidates the idea of, I don't know, training to box?
A wizard should not be as accurate with his punches as a monk or even a fighter, and should not gain his proficiency bonus to hit with his punches.
So what homebrews/alt rules do you guys use to bring sorcerer up to par?
Training to box is getting a damage value higher than '1' for unarmed strikes. Though, true, it means you can hit quite reliably with those hits.
All Sorcerers get the Loremaster's Spell Secret's change damage at will feature at level 1

Sorcerers can use the Spell Point variant rule

Sorcerers learn all of their metamagic options at level 3
A wizard won't be as accurate, because they dumped Str.
>Sorcerers learn all of their metamagic options at level 3
Aren't 10 and 17 dead levels then?
Also, there is still the problem that only two of the metamagic options are ever really worth using.
Should empowered become 2d10 extra like lore wizard and distant to 1 mile?
Your DM has the right idea. Even by Volo's Kobolds are shittier goblins.
I'm saying a Wizard's book learning doesn't entitle him to add his proficiency bonus to making unarmed strikes any more than a Fighter's swordsmanship training allows him to read spell scrolls (spoiler, unless he's an Eldritch Knight, he CAN'T AT ALL).
If he's so edgy just make it full blown, instead of farting, make the person act full paranoid schizo screaming about something being out to get them
It's pretty embarassing

You should die in the gutter
You seem to have this idea that wizards are all scholarly nerds. They are not. They are adventurers who are trained in what they need to know to survive an adventurer's life.

People who never left the library wouldn't be proficient in dagger, shortbow, sling, or dart, let alone unarmed strike. Wizards, like all adventurers, are exceptional and have a wide range of skills.

You're welcome to have NPC wizards who suck at fighting, but your PCs should enjoy the benefit of the doubt.
If the wizard has 8 strength, they do literally 0 damage on hit.
See >>51875386
Well... that's a pistol or pepperbox. They each do a 1d10 and can fire 4 or 6 rounds respectfully without the loading feature.
Post good inspirational dnd/fantasy art, I need to populate the art channel in our new group's discord
I like them closer to the 2e version of tieflings, with a greater variety of characteristics.
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No, lizardbolds should.

Kobolds are canon shit.
Shadow Demons, hands down.
I mentioned a few ago that I killed off a PC which is really uncommon because I'm a pussy GM because they had to close some hocus-pocus demon portal that opened up in the mountains.
They fought a bunch of demons, but the thing that absolutely screwed them was a trio of Shadow Demons that did two things:
>Hide in the shadows until a PC separated themselves from the party, then the nearest one(s) would dart towards them and attack them
>If more than two PC's grouped up on a Shadow Demon, it would meld into the ground, and take a dash action to cover, where it would re-conceal into the shadows. I would roll the 1d10 force damage from the incorporeal movement in private
And if too many of the other fodder CR 1/8~1/4 creatures died, the surviving Shadow Demons would retreat to join a future group of demons they fought. Out of the 4 fights that session, the demons were in 3 of them (three in the first one, then two, two, and the last surviving one)
I even verbally hinted that they would only target the stragglers like
>The shadow bounds from the shadows and attacks the lone Fighter/Bard
It took until the middle of the fourth fight until they realized that they only fought opportunistically, and by that point, a PC had died.
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Two dead levels in a tier of play the majority of players will never reach in exchange for all of their metamagic options upfront in addition to Spell Secrets doesn't really seem like an issue to me.

If it does bother you though, you could give them a bonus spell or something at those levels. Maybe give them a class feature to allow them to cast a spell without expending resources like a Signature spell? Let's spitball some shit real fast

>Signature Spell
>At level whatever, 10 maybe, choose a 1st level spell. You can cast it without using a spell slot a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier. You can choose a 2nd level spell at level 13 and a 3rd level spell at level 16

>but that's overlapping with Wizards and their capstone!

Fuck Wizards, they're already better than Sorcerers by default. Let Sorcerers be good at something for once
Blighter, destroys nature for eviiiil druid spells. I think they are in the BOVD for 3.5 or something
Can 2e tieflings work with the way they're fluffed and statted in 5e, though? IIRC they're just "born from beings of the planes", not "descended from infernal/abyssal blood", right?
I mean, I would likely give sorcerers an extended spell list that could very well help cover dead levels so that their origin feels actually unique. Signature spell is good but if using spell points its less useful since you're already going to have practically all of them. If I knew more metamagics to add I would do that and give them half at 3 and the other half at 10 then the lore wizard "cast spell from any spell list" at 17 but the only extra one I can think of is "maximized" which would just be overchannel.
They're a cool switch hitter class. About how it should be handled. The ranger's animal companion shoulda been about as powerful as the druid's wild shape.
Just so you know, I really love these maps and you're gonna make things super helpful for me.
So why would it be a far stretch to say that a Fighter knows how to read spell scrolls? Because reading spell scrolls is pretty fucking useful. I would be cool with it if you had to make an ability check corresponding to the magic type and had disadvantage on the check if you couldn't cast that type of magic (meaning fat chance you can pull it off), but it's just a flat 'You can't'.
The Fighter is ostensibly in a magical world, it makes sense that he would have read enough runes to have a small sense of what the scroll says, as much as a wizard knows to fight with knives or bows.
No, they're descended from lower planar beings, or having just been born on the lower planes.
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I'm not saying everyone knows how to do everything. But evidently members of the wizard class spend some time on combat training or they wouldn't have the weapon proficiencies they do.

Some fighters can cast spells. Some rogues can use magic items. Backgrounds can add abilities that aren't inherently part of the class.

At the end of the day, whatever you're proficient in, it's assumed you learned at some point. Whatever you aren't, you haven't.
Come on guys, we were level 3. I didn't want to fight something so high power, but we were literally trapped.

Eh, unless there's somewhere it states otherwise, I'm not gonna let a barbarian do a str-intimidate except 1 on 1 vs a guy the barbarian has somehow at a disadvantage (like a necromancer whose minions have been smashed, a noncombatant noble, a merchant by himself, etc). A strong humanoid is just plain not going to be (perceived) as a big deal in D&Dland.

If he does something interesting that leverages his strength, sure.
Right, my bad. Relatively newcomer to the game as a whole and a lot of this is hard to pick up on the fly.
So it'd work, then, especially with the SCAG and UA Tiefling variants... Iiiiiinterestiiiiiing.
dude, a dedicated unarmed char is WAY better than 1+str
Unless you want things to go like they did when the Maxim machine gun was used on people who didn't have access to them, don't.
No reason to further penalize the wizard, dude.

Str 10 vs str 18 already has the fighter hitting about twice as often (depending on target AC) and dealing FIVE TIMES AS MUCH DAMAGE. When he hits level 5, he's going to deal TEN TIMES AS MUCH DAMAGE HOLY SHIT, not even counting the wizard's greater miss chances.

Ya got nothin'.
That's really clever and I may have to use it.
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As my partys druid has now reached the level he has access to reincarnate (the only one in the party who can bring anyone back) i thought it was fitting to make a new table for the races including all of the newer ones (aside from a couple I dislike, yuan ti and bugbear), how does this look? (mostly ignore pixie its a homebrew race for one of my current players, though i thought it weird if a race one of my players was playing wasn't possible)

Also considering making the druid roll one of the d10s and the person being revived roll the other without showing them the table to make it slightly interesting.
WTF is up with DMs getting bored at around level 3-4 and siccing double digit CR monsters that obliterate or nearly obliterate the party?
It's probably less that he was bored and more that he wanted them to find a way around the beholder rather than directly fight it.
>The wizard's proficiency with the weapon is explained by the fact that it says he has proficiency with the weapon
Whatever, I guess that makes sense on some level. I'm not even going to argue with that. Maybe I should just switch to GURPS to appease my autism.
Yeah, except when the wizard casts a spell from a scroll, he deals an infinite amount more damage than the fighter, who can't cast the scroll, does. Unless he uses the scroll as an improvised weapon, in which case he apparently becomes a god of war (but doesn't add his proficiency bonus to hit with it unless he has the Tavern Brawler feat).

>Yeah, except when the wizard casts a spell from a scroll, he deals an infinite amount more damage than the fighter, who can't cast the scroll, does

Not a problem.
Rest of the party is Valor Bard, Draconic Sorc, and Totem Barbarian. Doing a dungeon crawl-ish adventure. (Roslof Keep campaign.)

What do you play?

Well yeah, the DM decided to be a douche and force the PCs into a bizarrely onesided encounter, happens all the time.
Another martial to bump with the Barbarian. Maybe a Paladin?
Definitely a paladin, need to get dem saves up homie G dog

Bust out all the secret arts
>One class has access to a set of options, but no access to another set of more varied and powerful, but limited options
>Another class has access to both sets of options, though they don't get as much benefit for investing into the first set of options as the first class does
>Make variants of both classes, each with enough tacked on to qualify them as different from one another
>With some exceptions, this is D&D class balance in a nutshell
I don't know what to feel right now.
Paladin of Ancients, the sexiest type
If the Bard is focused on the heals, go Shinning Soul, if Bard stays at range, Long Death. If Bard doesn't heal as much, Way of Tranquility.
I have literally no sympathy for your school of "kick people in already 99.9% hopeless situations while they're down" houserule design, unfortunately.
>I have literally no sympathy for your school of "kick people in already 99.9% hopeless situations while they're down" houserule design, unfortunately.
Like any Fighter trapped in a Forcecage with a Faithful Hound that he can't damage?
Oh, wait, that's not a houserule, that's just the rules.
Hmm... This might be the right answer... but..

Question for all of you. If you could tinker a gun or make something what are some ideas you guys could think of.
>yuan ti and bugbear
I mean, yuan-ti is strong as shit so I don't blame you but poor little bugbear? Why?
You can't crit on a skill check

The player would roll Athletics for hia grapple attempt, assuming ~ level 4 it would most likely be 20 + 2 + 4 for a total of 26. If the wyvern rolled less than 26 it would be grappled
5 foot bonus reach is a little much.
Most people would just meme with it going for the sneak damage while staying in the shadows or go for BUGBEARMONT
I just have a really strong dislike of it, it kind of just reeks of powergaming. Like they aren't that big to get an extra 5 feet, and it just feels super abusable. That being said, I also intended to remove Aarokocra for a similiar reason but kind of threw them in to fill some space, might remove them too honestly.
Is there any race option other than revenant for playing an undead human?
Chromatic dragons add their type to their bite damage and generally have more hp due to not having secondary breath or change shape
At the end of long rest just announce it
apply skelly or zombie templates over human
The barlgurla rolls Stealth if it wants to surprise. Any player whose passive Perception beats that roll is not surprised
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So i recently hid 13 on my cleric, and my first level 7 spell to be cast was Conjure Celestial It probably wasn't the strongest choice, but it felt appropriate when we ran into a demon.

Maybe i've missed something, but how exactly does the Shape Change feature function? It doesn't seem to say how HP interacts at all, and it seems to imply it can assume the shape of a spellcaster, say a Hobgoblin Devastator, and freely cast said spells.

I get the feeling that i'm either missing something, or that they didn't think about giving that ability to the only cr 4 celestial and its consequences.
Fire vulnerability will kill him dead. A single fireball is 8d6 for avg 31 so thats 62 for him
What feats give +con? Gourmand and anything else?
You can do anything you like. I typically add spellcasting and then an archetype feature, check out the NPCs on Volos
Resilient can. It's pretty gud.

>didn't try flattery

It's your own fault.
Resilient, durable, tavern brawler.
Consider that, if you have access to Reincarnate, you are high enough level that they can't really adjust their build to metagame an advantage out of it easily.

Also, Yuan-ti were humani think, so it makes sense that you can't become a human-that-worshipped-snakes
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>tfw every mapping software suite blows chunks unless you shell out megadosh so you're just drawing shit in Paint and GIMP
Paladin in my group used it to detect the succubus controlling the duergar king which led to the killing it, saving the king and gaining mucho reqards so fuck you buddy
Where is this "gourmand" feat?
Unearthed Arcana.
Which celestial
The only CR 4 celestial, the one named and referenced in the image and its name?

I didn't realize i hadn't typed Couatl in the actual text
>-4 INT and CHA
Is there anything I'd be able to play as?
Literally any class, provided you're not multiclassing into or out of Wizard or a Cha caster and aren't using spells that rely on saves.
>Like any Fighter trapped in a Forcecage with a Faithful Hound that he can't damage?

Yup, the fighter unquestionably deserves death in that situation due to being mentally retarded.

>derp I'm gonna stand around and do nothing for two whole rounds vs a 13th+ level wizard
Saves or spell attacks; got stuck in pathfinder mode for a sec there.

Skeletal Oathbreaker paladin with only buffs might be cool. Thematically.
Playing as undead is ass, and generally a sign of a shitty player. Don't be a shitty player, anon. Or at the very least, suck it up and play a revenant.
Anon, random strangers are not responsible for you getting triggered. I recommend a nice tall glass of manning the fuck up.
Sorry buddy, that Wyvern is grappled, it has a speed of 0. It can attack or shake off the dragonborn, but all for all intents, he has grabbed it securely enough to prevent movement, ruling otherwise is just shit GM'ing. It's not even a quesiton of strength, as you said he is a Bearbarian, they are strong as fuck and can easily wrangle a thrashing wyvern, but regardless if a wizard with 10 strength rolled athletics and beat the wyvern, then guess what. The Wizard has that Wyvern by the nose-hairs and wing with mage-hand pulling on its tail-stinger and guess what? Unless it shakes that mage off, it is going nowhere.

You might as well, when the Ranger puts the final arrow into the Minotaur dropping it to Zero, turn around and say "Actually, I mean Minotaurs are pretty beefy, no chance an arrow would EVER reasonably harm something like that in the short term, so it's still alive and attacks you."

Suffice to say, you fucked up.
Mind posting your pixie stats and rulings on item sizes? I've been wrestling with those for a while.
Need to fucking vent.

Second game with my DnD group, and now some literal shitlord aspie warlock is a part of it. He's your typical "I like to burn books and kill teammates and call it mercy killings" Chaotic Good Warlock. We were deciding on what to do with our absent teammate's unconscious body. We think he has non-mind control parasites, so we want to be careful with him. The sun is also killing people. Fighter wants to keep him outside the temple covered in robes, but settled on the entrance since there's no door. I wanted to stick him in the vault with the door open. We're both supposedly Chaotic Good. Our Warlock? He wants to kill him. So far we know that the only long term affect of these parasites is lethargy. We literally argued for 10 minutes before I just did a persuasion check battle and beat him with my hot Sorcerer charisma. He then went to talk to his old god and burn books for the remainder of the time.

Now, I wonder. Am I actually Chaotic Good based on that action alone, or would I be more Neutral Good? If that's what CG is, I don't want to bother.

Jesus christ. No wonder this group needed people.
How is playing an undead character a "sign of a shitty player?"

That's not CG, that's just sperglord.
Two most common reasons you'll encounter a player wanting to play an undead are a desire to be an edgy snowflake, or some form of minmaxing.
I feel like through the entire thought process, he, as in the person, never once thought to consider that the character he wants to kill is an actual person that would be denied play if he got his way.

I mean, sometimes shit goes beyond the game. I picked up Twinned Haste for the Fighter and Barbarian of the group. Why? Because I'm having a lot of fucking fun and I want to share that fun. Warlock? He's just thinking of the most gruesome ways to kill people.
Assume that for whatever reason I really really REALLY like anti mage characters. There is of course the Abjurer and the Arcana Cleric.

But lets say that I really want to make a melee focused Mage Slayer. They have 2 elements that focus on fucking with/surviving against mages within 5', so what's the best way to actually KEEP a mage within 5'?

Battlemaster Trip I suppose, someone else entangling him or whatever, and...? Grapples, I guess? Ensnaring Strike? Anything particularly good?
Lightning Lure
Why is nearly all drama around 5e from warlocks?

>We think he has non-mind control parasites, so we want to be careful with him.


>The sun is also killing people.

How is playing undead "edgy"? Most undead characters I've played with have been tragic, but not in an edgy way.
>The sun is also killing people
yfw you realize the real world sun is also killing people

Eldritch Knight with dispel magic/counterspell.

>warlock drama
Warlocks are the edgy class. I say this as someone with a near fetish for them.

Are pretty common as far as disease-spreaders go.

>angry sun
OK that's kinda worrying.
Oh shit that reminds me, Booming Blade is also non-terrible as a way to slightly punish casters for leaving melee against you.
Monk 1/Arcana Cleric with Lightning Lure and Booming Blade aught to do the trick.

>how is playing undead edgy
Oh my sweet summer child, it's only February what are you doing here?
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>fighting a simple zombie beholder at level 4
>randomly decides attacks and ray due to retardation of the brain
>disintegrates warlock from full on the first turn
What would you suggest as the weapons for a level 1 druid with +0 str and +1 dex?
I'm planning this character to be a tiefling girl that was left to die in a crevice that led to the underdark, but miraculously survived and made the dungeon as her home.
Alignments are an average of all actions.
I don't see anything particularly L/N/C about anything there except "lol we should kill our ally". Most actions are alignment-neutral, as in, not aligned any way whatsoever.
A club that you cast shillelagh on.
>1 dex
I don't know HOW she survived.
You're going to want a quarterstaff you can cast shillelagh on, or your bear hands.
Are you people really not familiar with Pelor, the Burning Hate?
I find it intensely hilarious how 5e threads are perpetually full of warlocks doing stupid shit, getting killed, trying to kill party members, etc.
There's nothing inherently edgy about undead characters.
There's Shadow Beasts that are capable of mind-control, so that's a concern. As for parasites, there's two we're dealing with. One that comes straight from the hands of these two bitches, and one that's in the water. That type just makes you thirsty and leads you to the bitches, who are guarding the only well in town.

And yes the sun is dealing radiant damage to everything not affected by the parasites.

Cult stuff. No big deal. Also, I almost died because our Warlock was too focused on reading the mind of a dead person that to cast a single fucking firebolt at a facefugger on my ASS.
I play with a guy who pretty much exclusively does Warlocks and the only character he ever tries to kill is himself. He's got a real hard-on for "can I tear my eye out and shove this dangerous artifact in the bleeding hole" and, after he does that, "there's a 5% chance using this thing at any given time could backfire horribly and mutilate you".
Command. Wizards and sorcerers don't get Wisdom saving throw proficiency, so playing a cleric you can Spiritual Weapon, Spirit Guardians, and then command them to grovel every turn.
>Warlock with 10 Dex in the party
>Doesn't cast mage armor or multiclass for shields or better armor
He did use Armor of Agathys, but he still died before long.
>the sun is dealing radiant damage to everything not affected by the parasites
This is why I disliked the notion of rolling Divine, Positive, and all that other shit into "Radiant". You're supposed to think of this stuff as the good juice (or at least the helpful-until-you-explode juice). If the sun were dealing Positive or Divine damage (and the God of the Sun wasn't an asshole) to everything not infected by parasites, I'd be thinking the parasites are obviously good and we should all get 'em.
>wizards don't get Wisdom saving throw prof

my bad, i haven't played one in 5e and for some reason thought they had Int/Con
Hmmm, Booming Blade is honestly a cute little cantrip in many ways. For example, its a good solution to something like a High Elf without a good intelligence score (since int is ASS), and doing up to 4d8 + 4d8 + melee mods is relatively high for a cantrip. Arcana clerics also honestly have a lot of delicious full caster nonsense going on for such a potentially good anti caster character.

>don't get Wisdom saving throw proficiency

They kinda do, but that's a good strategy nonetheless.
I hear ya. I like not having to worry about both negative and necromantic concerns though.

It also feels like most divine spells are just bursts of flame, but since they're "heavenly" they're not affected by any of my fire modifiers.
Since I played a lot of warlocks in 4e, I was already well equipped to thinking of radiant as "sometimes its holy wrath of a paladin, sometimes its the malicious spite of the Raven Queen or an evil god, and very often its the unthinkable withering horror of the Color Out Of Space"
>light armor class
>only 10 dex
This isn't rocket surgery. The reason half-elves make great warlocks is the fact that they can start with 16 dex and 16 cha.
As a hexblade, Pact of the Blade warlock, is it better to take the two attacks invocation or just use Booming/Green-Flame Blade?
I wasn't really down with that either but at least 4E had a much broader range of sources and better damage type balancing to begin with.
Lets see:
Assuming you have Thirsting Blade, Lifedrinker, and the target is Hexed and Cursed. Your weapon is a rapier, for argument's sake.

2 Attacks: 1d8 + Cha + Cha + Proficiency + 1d6, doubled if both hit.

Booming Blade: 1d8 + Cha + Cha + Proficiency + 1d6, +4d8 + Proficiency if the target moves (as the secondary damage isn't an attack, it doesn't benefit from Hex, but it will benefit from Curse being a damage roll).

It's a tough call. Booming Blade is good, but it relies on your enemy acting a specific way. If they decide not to move, or if they're resistant or immune to thunder (is that even a thing?), then thirsting blade will come out on top. I think it also has a more consistent damage, considering most of your attack's damage comes from your charisma and proficiency bonus.
You think 4e had better damage type balancing? Cold and radiant struck me as the two clear outlying types, with force being an honorable mention because of how it can be of great help in an insubstantial heavy campaign.
>Wizard is 100 feet away from Fighter
>Fighter wins initiative
>Fighter moves up 60 feet if he uses all of his movement, 80 if he has Mobile, and 90/120 if he uses his Action Surge. In none of these cases can he make a melee attack, because he's spent all of his actions, except if he's an Eldritch Knight or has a magic item.
>Wizard casts Forcecage, can't be attacked by any melee weapon that doesn't fit between a quarter of a square inch AKA all of them. He then uses his movement to step 30 feet away from a Fighter that can't even use an opportunity attack.
>Fighter spends his turn in a 10x10 foot cage able to do nothing unless he is an Eldritch Knight, has a Helm of Teleportation (Rare), or is especially good at throwing copper coins.
>Wizard casts Faithful Hound in the center of the cage- Forcecage's cage option with the slits does not block line of sight with regards to spells (the other option does and notes that it does).
>Fighter either teleports out using magic or dies, statistically speaking, within an hour.
>If the Fighter uses a ranged weapon, they must kill the Wizard in one turn or flee in order to escape the Forcecage's range (temporarily).
>Next turn, Wizard casts Forcecage, then Hound.
>Wizard wins initiative, casts Forcecage, then Hound.
Note how in any case that the Fighter survives, he either kills the wizard in one turn with a ranged weapon after winning initiative, is an Eldritch Knight, or he has a magic item himself (magic must defeat magic).
A Barbarian is even more screwed, with two attacks, no Action Surge, and no 'true' casting archetype in core. But hey, I guess archers just OP, right? And it's not like a Wizard could invest in Con or Dex, cast Invisibility, Blink, Shield, Fly, or Mage Armor, nor are those spells worth keeping on a Wizard's spell list anyways.
doesn't booming blade also increase the damage of the base attack at higher levels?
The campaign is still getting started, what's the call before I get Lifedrinker?
Oh, I almost forgot:
If you're using a magic weapon (say, from Improved Pact Weapon and it's later iterations), then thirsting blade adds the damage twice, whereas booming blade adds it only once. It's only 3 damage at maximum, but it adds even more consistent damage to the 2 attack method. Problem is you're going to be using at least 3 invocations to do that (thirsting blade, lifedrinker, and your improved pact weapon - changed out as you level up).
Yeah, at level 5 it does 1d8 Thunder damage on hit and 2d8 Thunder on the target moving. Same, but with fire, for Greenflame
Shit, you're right. That makes it quite a bit better.

Honestly, if you're going bladelock, you should take either booming blade or green flame blade regardless of your invocation setup.
>A prison in the shape of a cage can be up to 20 feet on a side and is made from 1/2-inch diameter bars spaced 1/2 inch apart.
Why lie?
A good number of weapons can fit through 1/2 inch bars, more than can't.
Oh yeah I got Booming already, getting Green-Flame as soon as I can get another cantrip. I'm just deciding whether to take that second attack part.
...Like an arrow? Gotta love me those 3/4-inch rapiers.
This just in, best wizardkiller in the world is a master archer. Makes shots through Forcecages all the time!
What are you arguing?
Yes, an arrow can fit. So can a longsword. Or a rapier. Or a dagger. Or pretty much anything short of a maul.
What else are you planning on doing with your invocations? My go-to bladelock setup was Mage Armor, False Life, Extra Attack, and Cha-to-Damage, but that was before Hexblade existed. You can probably skip the mage armor part unless you intend to be exceptionally dexy.

Extra attacks are pretty useful even if you've got cantrips, but you'll have to sacrifice some utility to get it.
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Here's a riddle for you.

What happens when a guy that can shoot 3 times a round for 1d8+15 and has a 600' range fights against a guy whose best case scenario relies on a 100' range spell followed by a 30' range spell? Especially when he can keep the latter guy tripped forever and open up with 6 shots in a row, adding 5d10 to his hit rolls or damage rolls over that time?

C'mon, get real.

And yes, archery is one of the better choices for a fighter.
You know full well that he can only have one concentration spell up at a time, and that the wizard is 100% inalterably screwed in either short range or long range yet the scenario assumes the wizard manages to be in short range.

dunno why you bothered to bring up Sorcerer of HitThings

I literally don't know what barbarians are even for
I know some people play without feats, which imo is a bit dumb.

But are there people who play more old school and either limit or outright ban ASI outside of those that come from feats?
>This just in, best wizardkiller in the world is a master archer.

Yes, in Featureless Flat Plains and Dungeons (the game you're playing) 600' range guy vs 100' range-at-best, low hp guy is a one sided slaughter.
Not him but what the fuck am I even looking at?
I was gonna multi into sorcerer (stone) one, to get some more spells slots to spend on minor things and that natural AC (I have very high con).

My invocations are gonna be Curse Bringer, Lifedrinker, debating on the extra attack, aaaand whatever's advantageous to me at the time.
Playing an Aetherborn, so Mask may be handy to not look like a monster.
I'm saying that it's a grate.
Okay, if we're working on that logic, the cage needs to meet at some point, so the bars have to either be infinite or connect with one another.
And if the guy he happens to be fighting is invisible? Or uses illusions? Or runes of warding? Or fucking any of the things wizards can do to end encounters or campaigns with one spell?
Or hell, get a cleric out on the field and depending on how nice your DM is, if he's 10+ he has a 50% chance to smite both of their asses.
Or if you need to do something other than hitting things, like going to another plane or reviving the dead or summoning a creature to do your shit for you.
Forcecage isn't concentration dependent, it lasts an hour flat.
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>3e = old school

jesus fucking christ, it begins
The claim that you have 1/4 square inch squares of open space in a force cage is wrong, it says that bars are spaced 1/2 inch apart, not that they are in a grid.
3rd edition is almost 20 years old, anon.
>I'm saying that it's a grate.
And im saying that when you artficially improve spells, they
>Okay, if we're working on that logic, the cage needs to meet at some point, so the bars have to either be infinite or connect with one another.
Why? The bars are continuous, they don't end. They don't need to meet, they are angled at corners.
When you choose to make spells stronger because it fits your headcanon, of COURSE wizards get better.
I feel like I need to ask this every time an argument like this starts but: how many free turns does a wizard get before the fight starts?
How much does one dose of poison actually use?

I'm able to get access to buy some Drow Poison, but the only instance I can find is the flasks in Rage of Demon have enough for 20 ammo or one weapon, but in the PbB the flasks only do 3 ammo or one person.

Additionally, I can't find any info on how long the poisons last until dried, or if they rub off melee weapons after one hit.

Technically as written, it looks like putting Purple-Worm-Venom on your sword gives it an extra 12d6 Poison damage until the end of time on every hit, unless I'm blind as fuck.

It would be a nice touch to add some venoms to my attacks when needed, but if the price to ammo ratio is too shit then whats the point wasting gold.
>>3e = old school
3e is the edition that brought ASI in the game.

Feat-only is old school because it's a better representation of things like 2e's weapon specialization and NWP rules. It's how Blindfight was implemented, among other things.
>What's your favorite monster in 5th edition thus far? Anything that particularly surprised you?
Swarm of Insects. Two of those nearly TPK'd a party of 3 first session
So the wizard is just gonna have multiple glyphs of warding set up in a featureless 100ft field before hand, even though they take an hour each to create. Sounds fair.
With that setup I'd probably grab the extra attack since you're doing 2d6 rather than 1d8, and you can smite with cursebringer on each attack to nova for far more than booming blade can muster. Plus, you don't need mage armor with access to medium armor/stone sorc AC and shields. Infinite false life might be nice for you though - it doesn't stack obviously, but it's basically an extra hit die for you whenever you please.
>And if the guy he happens to be fighting is invisible?

Doesn't do jack shit to make you quieter.

>Or uses illusions? Or runes of warding?

Now you're just randomly bringing up garbage without even trying to make it fit the scenario.

>Or fucking any of the things wizards can do to end encounters or campaigns with one spell?

The ones you're vividly hallucinating in your fit of persecution?

The fighter has a nice 500' buffer zone in which to slaughter your ass. That's a very generous bubble.

>Or if you need to do something other than hitting things

You always need more people in the party who can kill shit (esp from 600' away), you only need one person in the party to do cutesy shit like "go to another plane" as hard as you possibly can.
Really the only time you need to go to another plane is if the DM decides you do, and in that case an NPC can probably do it for you.
Let's test that theory out, shall we?

Subservient automatons created by Dark Magic, used as slaves by Evil wizards.

See above, except literally mindless and covered in rotting flesh.

Born from the base impulses and dark temptations of otherwise Good creatures. Edgy "Darkness" made manifest.

Ghosts, but filled with unending sorrow and hatred for living things. Impossible to redeem themselves and move on.

Maneating undead demonspawn.

Souls of evil people that died miserable and anguished, bound by dark magic.

Dead mortals driven by ambition and vanity to pledge themselves to the service of Orcus or an evil god in exchange for undeath, serving as lifeating soldiers in an eternal war on the living.

Unwilling servants created by Dark Magic of Evil priests.

Dead selfish asshole elves cursed to be eternally sorrowful undead monsters for having been corrupt selfish assholes while alive.

Souls so steeped in evil and suffused with Negative Energy, they literally collapse in on themselves, becoming nothing but a soulless husk of hatred and spite.

Mortals who died undeserving deaths, filled with a desire for revenge strong enough to claw themselves back into the mortal world to exact it.

Autistic bloodsucking slavers.

>Death Knights
Explicitly Fallen paladins resurrected by some evil Higher Power.

I'm not even going to bother.
Yeah I guess At-Will False Life will be OK, especially early on. Thanks for the help.

The most "official" answer is that poison lasts for 1 hit other than basic poison, which is garbage but it adds +1d4 a hit for one minute. NPCs that have it added have some sort of special reservoir in their weapons or special ability to reapply poison or whatever.

>that's stupid, anon

its just part of their CR to make enemy humanoids more interesting. Anyway, by RAW the PCs can harvest tons of poison from enemy monsters, up until the point the DM's patience runs out.

This does suggest projectile chars have a leg up on poisoning over melee chars, as its easier to apply poison to each projectile than it is to reapply to a sword.

I always allow PCs to harvest, use, and abuse poison.
Plane Shift is actually essentially a save or die, not that many creatures can get back from wherever you send them.
That says more about how edgy your lore is.

>wow, I feel like I really need to go to a realm of chaos where the air is poisonous fire and CR 6 monsters do like 9d6 damage a hit and put you to sleep as a free action, RIGHT NOW

>oops I'm just a lowly fighter, I guess I will have to avoid going to an infinitely vast realm of horror
Any verdict on how many doses a ranged weapon gets?

200gp for 1-3 arrows isn't very good.
200gp for 20 arrows is very much worth it.
That sounds more like a defense of "the only thing that really matters is murder potential", not the usefulness of being able to go to other planes.
This is the default shit from the MM, ya dingus.
I just meant that it's actually a spell worth having, its more valuable than pure plot convenience.
Plus, while not every DM will be ready for it, nothing stops you from operating on multiple planes, with multiple bases and homes.
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Man, being a gross, filthy basement dwelling savage retard isn't really what I'd call "edgy."

I really don't think of skellingtons as edgy, in particular. They are generally funny or eerie, prone to pantomime, and weigh 20 pounds.

You could probably find something edgy about the non soul eating demiliches.
>Running first real game
>Players are in a dungeon
>Give them a description of a room, which they ignore and then immediately run inside of
>Fall into a trap, and then complain that there wasn't any warning
I have never used or thought about using poison that I didn't harvest myself and the last time a PC bought poison, rather than harvesting it herself, was like 5 years ago and only lasted one fight before they started milking it from a captive drider.

Its a copout to say "DM's discretion," but poison is more DM's discretion than usual.
Fair enough, I've got 4 doses of Ether Essense, the Action for a DC15 incapacitate seems great for any political situations where you want someone captured but not simply beat unconcious, since our game is leaning a bit towards political intrigue.

Just curious if it's worth putting the poisoners kit proficiency to use and picking up a few vials of Snake venom or Drow poison.
You can use whatever headcanon you want, but the MM uses words like
>dark magic
>sinister force
>pale imitation
>hateful undead spirit
>corrupting evil
>compels them to kill
>attack without mercy
I still don't really see the appeal of hanging out in other planes. They mostly seem like hellholes.
Well I should say, poison is less DM's discretion than whether to allow feats or multiclassing, but I do mean that if you make a DM feel pressured about an option only really discussed in the DMG, he may react poorly and ban poison use.

I really have no idea how most DMs feel about poison harvesting, how do other DMs feel about the idea of PCs extracting poison from stuff like imp familiars, snek companions, captive driders, dead purple worms, etc? Ban? Allow? Allow lots of?
I was going to continue my rant, but then I figured it wasn't going to help anything. I'll come to peace with 5e's design eventually. Maybe. Probably not.
I'm probably just paranoid because most trouble players in my experience were magic-users. I guess I'll just go to the confessional thread if it's still up.

"Evil" and "edgy" isn't synonymous. A good drow fiend warlock is often going to have a higher edge factor than a silent 20 pound skeleton that engages in repetitive behavior from its former life.

99% of the time if you have a skeleton, ghoul, or mummy accompany a party, the PCs are gonna treat it as a hilarious mascot, or in the case of the ghoul, gross but hilarious mascot.
Some are, some aren't. Hanging around the Shadowfel or Feywild isn't all that much different from the Material Plane, so having homes in either works out fine.
Places like the elemental planes are also fine, as long as you stick near the transitions. Sure, you don't want to wander into pure fire, but it has cities all its own before then.
My ruling, 1 dose per 3hd.
1 dose is one melee weapon, or 3 ammo.
Friendlies can be harvested, but at the expense of their hit-dice so an imp and snek only give 1 vial a day, at the cost of no healing during rests.
As a ranger levels and his snake gains hit-dice, he can get extra doses.
Harvested poisons only last a tenday unless preserved and processed, this stops players with a pet snake with two months downtime going "Haha, 60 vials of poison."
None of the MM description says anything about "hilarious" and all of it says "wants to kill everyone always, because its alive"
Sounds cool, I especially like the hit dice ruling.
When you say "magic-users" do you mean spellcasters or the OSR term for wizards?
Spellcasters. This also extends to spellcaster-likes like Jedi in Star Wars games.
Sadly, I started out playing 3.5 with the SECOND worst group I've ever played with, and I didn't forget them easily.
Again, your problem is that "evil" doesn't equate to "edgy," just as "good" doesn't equate to "not edgy."

In two decades of DMing, no matter how tragic and horrifying you make undead, if the players do not destroy them outright, they're probably going to find the necromancer's pets cute, funny, adorkable, or all of the above, even if they eat people.
How much AC should a Barbarian have at level 1? Using standard array 15 AC seems to be the best i can get for 2h weapon. This seems low, but i guess Barbarian has a shitton of hp and resistances.
Yeah, your ranting isn't totally unjustified, especially considering 3.5.
New Thread
Reminder that wish aside, 9th level spells are actually not as underwhelming as people who don't read the small script believe. And wish and gate's small script is "the dm is free to fuck you up if you make a false step"
To survive in 3e, you have to layer on a bunch of spells.
The same layering is generally impossible in 5e and almost always unnecesary.
>If the Fighter uses a ranged weapon, they must kill the Wizard in one turn or flee in order to escape the Forcecage's range (temporarily).
>Next turn, Wizard casts Forcecage, then Hound.

>Fighter wins initiative thanks to higher dex and possibly the alert feat.
>Fighter action surges and fires 6 heavy crossbow shots with sharpshooter (still has a +7 to hit with sharpshooter) doing an average of 123 damage
>Wizard is almost certainly dead even if he uses shield to force the fighter to stop using sharpshooter
>Wizard casts force cage
>Fighter fires another 3 arrows through the cage doing another 61 damage on average
>A level 13 minimum wizard has at absolute most 169 hp and our wizard friend has already taken 184 damage
>If the wizard has somehow survived he casts hound
>Fighter pumps another three arrows into him
>Wizard can teleport away or something

By the time the wizard can cast two spells and escape a (level 13) fighter can already dump 12 arrows into him doing 246 damage which is 14 hp less than a level 20 wizard who rolled a 6 every time he rolled for hit points, has a constitution of 20, and has the tough feat. Even if the fighter doesn't do the sharpshooter shots he will probably kill the wizard, this also assumes a level 13 fighter has no magical weapons.

Seriously this is a lame attempt to try to illustrate how wizards are OP.
Right. Looking back on it, I'm pretty sure they cheated, but I'm not actually sure, so in my mind, if it's possible to pull an instant kill or total derail, that bastard is going to find a way to do it, no matter if doing it the regular way would take less actual effort.
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Just realized that there's no invocation for Bladelocks of the Undying patron. How's this sound?

>Dagger of Vecna
>You can create a large, ethereal dagger using your Pact of the Blade feature. This dagger deals 1d6 slashing damage instead of 1d4. When you hit a creature with it, you can expend a spell slot to deal an additional 2d8 necrotic damage to the target per spell level. If you throw this weapon, it ignores half cover and three-quarters cover.

Because things behind cover are hidden and Vecna knows everything that one would try to hide.
Do people think that 9th level spells are "underwhelming"?
Who thought 9th level spells were underwhelming? You can turn something stupid in the party like a monk, into a kick ass dragon mount, or a demilich and use him as a hat or as skellington lingerie.
Happy Belated Margarita Day. I'm going to go get one.
If you really tried in 3.5, it was possible to do just about anything without technically cheating as a wizard.
What do you guys want the next UA to be? What do you think it'll be?
No, that was a typo, I meant overwhelming.

My sentence makes no sense with underwhelming.
After spending as much time memeing it up online as I have, it's impossible to think of skeletons as frightening. They're just goofy Mr Bones jokes waiting to happen.

Other undead not so much, but skeletons are pretty funny.
>That feel when I'm making a Warlock for a game this Sunday

If I fuck up I'll post on /tg/
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What kind of interesting background could you make with a Stone Sorcerer + Hexblade multiclass?
>You are vampires and they're two scientists trying to cure you.
>Your DM has seen Daybreakers.
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