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/nba/ general

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Thread replies: 504
Thread images: 105

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/nba/ was a mistake
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here we come
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Beautiful black family.

This is how its supposed to be.
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will /nba/ ever recover? lmao


that baby look like it's already mad about paying taxes and working for the man
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Westbrook baby is the ugliest baby of all time lmaoooooo

Guess that's what happens when you have a kid with a woman who looks like a man
why is this guy hating on based brodie so much? kinda pathetic
GOAT potential bball genes tho
what do yall think about that new L.D.R.?
Not even 5 minutes since the thread was created and half the posts are already that tranny guy samefagging.
>There were ancillary issues that bothered Irving, too, such as how James' good friend Randy Mims had a position on the Cavs' staff and traveled on the team plane while none of Irving's close friends were afforded the same opportunity. Irving chafed about how peers such as Damian Lillard and John Wall were the center of their franchises and catered to accordingly. There's irony there, as Wall was envious of Irving's Nike shoe deal and Lillard has never advanced beyond the second round of the playoffs. Irving has been to three Finals and has a championship.

lmao, greatest offseason in awhile.
They hate on his 6'1 /fit/ dark skin wife cause she intimidates them and makes them feel little and insignificant.
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Soon... literally.
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Most recent pic of LeBron James
>Kyrie and Stephen A
>yo Bron leak dat shit be mad at him and not Kyrie Kyrie a good boy he dindu nuffin wrong
What? Were we supposed to be happier when we get a notification that Kyrie out of the blue? That would be really fucking cool.
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Better looking than tanned Miley Cyrus.
The fuck are you smocking and when did you drop out of elementary school.
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Do this trade
Nah he's coming home to the tri-state area to play in MSG.
>be billionaires
>wear homeless clothing and jean outfits

Is it me or does she look like Cheryl Miller? Or is that Reggie Miller?
headband isnt angled high enough on his forehead
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Can we please have a normal thread for once instead of the schizo proxyfag spamming endlessly with the occasional retarded crackhead tier rant post by LeBron dickriders.
>Were we supposed to be happier when we get a notification that Kyrie out of the blue?
Kyrie was traded*
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Best trade!
Why is it called tri-state area?
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nice chin lmafoafaoafo
>all 3 teams end up worse

I like it
Nah bro, this place is literally for the mentally ill.

We should just leave. There's even a talking monkey that role plays as a human here >>77282220
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Russ is the most respected athlete in the fashion world.
Why would the Cavs do this when LeBron is leaving next season?
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Who /BBB/?
im starting to hate the NBA, too many non-competitive retards. I think im done with modern NBA and sticking to watching 80's/90's basketball on a continuous loop. cya fags.
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see ya tomorrow
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name a more iconic family
I'm already ahead of you bro.
He ripped off Steven van Zandt's style

Russ does wear it better though

Shes fine for sure, but I feel like dude could've done way better. I mean his own mom is badder than his wife.
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Do you like Carmelo Anthony ?
Yes please, Scott Perry make it happen!
>worst playoff record in NBA history
> she's fine

She is literally Hannah Montana with a tan and a fatter face. How is that fine?
>do you like a adulterating, lazy, pathetic, and sad basketball player that wasted all his prime years on a shitty team

das melo, he's lit off that henny and ready to risk it all.
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Better than anything I can get
might as well retire desu
theres nothing wrong with looking like a black miley cyrus
Because Jersey and Connecticut are pretty much just NYC south and NYC north.
Yeah but Curry is attractive and a superstar athelete. He could literally pull 10/10 if he was broke, he's that attractive.

Ayesha is a pretty weak wife. She isn't even unique in anyway. At least Westbrook wife is a 6 foot 1 former college athlete so his son will be a god.
New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut meet to form the greater NYC area
What's a good white city? I got to get out of this 60%+ black infested riddled with crime shithole
are you gay?
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why is the east so shit
What do you mean? Curry is objectively good looking. No shame in admitting that.
Statistics aren't /pol/.
Sounds like you're racist. Boston is the place for you my man.
are you gay? yes or no
no bully.
no, why?
but asking where to move to get away from niggers is >>>/pol/ question if i ever heard one
Why is it only the NBA's fanbase that falls for this tabloid tier garbage? The constant obsession with players Instagram posts, Snapchats, the drama, all this garbage. No other league's fanbase does this
Every sane person wants to get away from then. 13% of the population, 80% of the crime.
t. poster fishing for (You)s by posting this in /nba/
I think I realised something. Getting assists is easy, but 99% of players are bullrushing niggers who want all the glory. That's why the best PGs (Stockton, Curry, Nash) are white
>Bum ass Melo for Kyrie AND Shumpert
There is no way Dan Gilbert is that retarded
Why is Lil Jon wearing a dress?
Somewhere in Vermont
she will hit the wall in 5 years and she will hit hard
literally feet bigger than your nanoballer dick tho
the fans are begging for hard nosed basketball that jordan spoiled us with. So any signs of beef, on or off the court, we draw to it immediately. We want real competition. Which is why im not watching modern NBA anymore, cya fags.
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How about this ;^)
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When Kyrie is gone Lebron will have to score most of the points. His PPG will become inflated. He will average 30/10/10 and win his 5th MVP. The only reason he doesn't win it is because he doesn't try. He will try his ass off this year to prove a point.
what if, WHAT IF, and Lebron or anyone close to lebron, if you are reading this. You can't win a title if you lose betray-rie, but you can beat Russell Westbrooks Triple double title. just imagine it, what if LeTripleDouble averages a trip dub and gets 43 of them. He'd go down as the greatest of all time.
>buying into meme stats
shiggy diggy my niggy

Pure facts.

Lepopcorn dicksuckers are dead.
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>He'd go down as the greatest of all time
tony shouldve fucking killed paulies bitch ass right there
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Why does Kyrie want to leave? Cavs were the worst team in the league before Lebron rejoined them.

Also a year ago he said "if Lebron leaves, I leave."
its literally what happened with kobe and shaq
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>Hard nosed basketball

>Only Reggie was tossed from this game and got a tech. Bulls got 2 Freethrows.

easy to play 'hard nosed' when you have all the refs and the league in your pocket
Reggie clearly shoves him after the basket. Jordan was in self-defense. No problem here. play on.
>play on

Except Reggie got tossed and Bulls got free throws
clear bias
>implying Paulie isn't the best character in the entire series

>implying tony jr. isnt the best character
>Why does Kyrie want to leave?

He couldn't stand playing with is 'brother' anymore. For all Kyrie's talk of being brothers with Lebron and vice versa, to the point Kyrie would literally fight someone on Lebron's behalf, Lebron practically slept-walked through the most recent finals, as far as leadership goes and said nothing of all the mounting criticism against his teammates, to the point he literally resigned himself to saying "Welp. Doesn't matter how these finals go as long as I do what I do, I can live with the results." instead of getting pissed. After a year of Lebron losing his shit over the Cavs lack playmakers and shit performances during the regular season, ton top of all the bitching and moaning about rest--from Kyrie's perspective, it looks like Lebron was pinning the entirety of the Cavs 2017 season+postseason on him and rest of the team, given Lebron made it a mission to get his triple-doubles during the finals, going into said finals with a 10-1 record, with a key series that had a sweep involving Lebron literally playing with the bench while Kyrie and Love rode the bench.

Ignoring all the shit with the GM, owner and offseason trade, it's literally Kyrie taking the initiative in wanting to go somewhere else to compete--considering Bron gets all the credit for winning it all last year, despite Kyrie carrying half of the load and closing the finals the same way he did the Xmas game, I can see why he would be so salty.
>the lebron defense force talking about an ancient TV show after getting BTFO by kyrie

Hahaha changing the subject wont save his career!
Have you not been paying any attention?
i don't see bias. Reggie pushed him when there was literally no reason to. Get flagrant foul, get tossed, Bulls 2 FTs.
Stern had always been able to manipulate the media into running with star power, the one thing it has over all other american sports. It's easy material and every little thing can be used to increase drama between individuals and teams like a soap opera. And the NBA was always at the forefront of technology and fan involvement to keep people interested.

It still doesn't excuse how everything feels like fucking WWE way too often and you'll find 10 people who can rattle off some bullshit about a player's life before they can tell you anything about the game played. But that's all casual fans and the NBA lives and dies with them.
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why wont his suffering end /nba/?
>why wont his suffering end /nba/?

Like Stephen A. Smith, he does it to himself for being loyal to them sorry ass Knicks.
This is a super comfy trade and I would love to see it happen, but I feel like JR and Shump already left the Knicks on shitty terms so it might be tricky. Hopefully, Dolan can set aside his pettiness and accept this. Either way though, my dick is diamonds at the thought of Melo and D-Rose getting a real shot at a title run with LeBron.
If Jordan had to play team USA every year he'd be 0-6.
>Lebron practically slept-walked through the most recent finals
Nigger, what the fuck does LeBron playing look like, then? And Kyrie? Was he in a fucking coma, because he was ass
When kyrie is gone lebron would have already been gone for a year

If kyrie is traded, it wont be for suckers so everything will be the same
bc he's a fucking faggot who wont rescind his no trade close. he's the one who is making himself miserable.
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THIS is "hard nosed"

>no techs, no fines, no suspensions
No, no, McHale just whiffed on the wrap up :)
DeFrozen fans think 0-0 is better than 3-5. That mentality is why they have 0 finals appearances
Oh my fucking God, LeBron dick riders are literally mentally ill.
0-0 IS better than 3-5.
How the hell did the Celtics get worse? They literally have no defenders now
uhhhh..no...60% is better than 0%
Because by the time Golden State is done memeing the league he will be out of his prime. Golden State ruins lives.
You just answered your own question, it's because LeBron is leaving, so now he's leaving, but before LeBron leaves.
37.5% and undefined
>3-5 meme
>west has been significantly better than east for over 30 years
>manages to be over 500 against a significantly better conference
>this makes him bad

that right there is proof that these under 6 ft unshaven necked obese losers know nothing about this sport
It's not 0% though you dumbass. 0% would be something lile 0-1
Ohio math education folks
>Lebron is disloyal to sorry ass Cavs
>gets shit on for it
>Carmelo is loyal to sorry ass Knicks
>gets shit on for it
Interesting pattern
I'm 6'0 340lbs but I shave regularly and I know quite a bit about basketball
No, 0-0 equals 0
>People who dislike LeBron have to resort to falseflagging
3 out of 5 IS 60%
0-0 means the stat doesnt exist.
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> 0-0 is 0%
0 is 100% of 0

It's 100%
that's either playoffs or finals basketball. I mean yeah it was a dirty play by a dirty team but its finals or playoff basketball. It should be expected.
When you're close to what you've been playing for all season, you have to do whats necessary to win.
Except it's three out of eight. I'm a nigger from a third world country and even I know that.

LeDumbfags can't into math
And PG13 and Jimmy Butler leaving means that two more teams move from mediocre to trash so the East will be even more top heavy and boring this year!
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>winning 3 out of 8 finals is 60%
>dividing 0 by 0 is 0%
Yeah. Trading Irving now doesn't do anything for Cleveland. It doesn't matter if they stay the best in the East, they're still not better then the Warriors.

You keep him this season and wait and see what happens next free agency. If LeBron is leaving, build around Irving. If LeBron makes you decide, then you choose then. But trading Irving now and still have the possibility of LeBron leaving next season doesn't accomplish anything.
I just found out about game of zones. holy shit this is hilarious lol
Yeah, keep Kyrie when he doesn't want to play and will play shit, that will totally increase chances at a chip and make Bron want to stay. Fucking retard
It's great because you can tell they care a lot about the NBA and GoT. The references are way deeper than the average parody show. The guys who write this have a good sense of humor and clearly put a lot of effort into it.
I believe a Jack Russell Terrier could do better on its SATs than this whole family.
Please sabotage the spurs Kyrie....GSW confirmed for 16-0
It means 0 is 0 you stupid dumb leaf scum
Pleb taste desu

in all honesty I haven't even seen game of thrones but I kind of know what its about.

but I still enjoyed it lol.
so now /nba/ says it is better to never make it to the finals than to lose in the finals

it is getting to be re-god-damn-diculous now.
I'm sorry, but when did you guys drop out of elementary school?
0 of 0 means you completely failed at even failing at a finals. If rather at %60 with 3 finals mvps.
And trading Irving means LeBron will stay? Especially with all the rumors that he's ready to leave?
If you were a fan of both, it would be even better. But adapting the characters to NBA teams was done pretty good.
it's literally the exact same thing but you're a better team if you make it to the finals apparently. In theeee ennnddd it doeesnnt even maatterrr.
Who is the one player from your team's history you would love to have on your team, as of now? You would get that player from their rookie year with the access to all current training methods and modern medicine.

As a Sixers fan, I think it would have to be Dr. J (I know he started in the ABA on the Nets). Chuck would be fun to have, but not the role model you want around young kids.
serious question /nba/.

who is a better all time player:

Karl Malone
Robert Horry
Is this even a question?
Easy, Dennis Rodman
Malone obviously. You can't compare a role player to a superstar, obviously those 7 rings don't count for much. Is this some dumb question to validate your shitty top 10 list?

Malone is a loser
The better all time player easily Karl Malone. I think asking whose career you would rather have is a better question.
id post my top 10 list but i'd literally trigger every single one of you, it's better that i don't. I don't think you guys are ready for the truth, your minds are fragile.
This looks like the retard version of Stephen Currys family
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anyone here wish ayy81 was still around to patrol /nba/?
My mind is so fragile you already triggered me, so might as well post it
my cat tried to trip me earlier today.
Pistons fan, eh? Expectations for the upcoming season? Anything salvageable from Reggie Jackson and Drummond?

Ok ill do it anyway because i have nothing better to do

1. Lebron
2. MJ
3. Kareem
4. Curry
5. Bird
6. Russell
7. Magic
8. Wilt
9. Shaq
10. Duncan

I take efficiency into account
Did you grab it by the pussy?
You trade Kyrie to Wolves for Wiggins, Dieng, OKC first next year and Wolves heavily protected first in 2019.
right here bro
With that trade you are either Danny Ainge or Daryl Morey
Malone would be nothing without Stockton.

Without Horry. Half of those championships wouldn't have happened.
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>Malone would be nothing without Stockton.
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3/10 made me reply faggot
Again, I have to ask if you've been blind to what's been happening with Kyrie
>Kyrie leaves
>Bron averages 27/10/10 on 52% FG and 45% 3FG

Wouldn't surprise me one bit
Stockton gift wrapped 90% of Malone's baskets

take that away and he is literally a role player at best
>Kyrie stays
>Bron averages 27/10/10 on 52% FG and 45% 3FG

Wouldn't surprise me one bit
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A reminder that he was BTFO
>A reminder that he was BTFO
A reminder that he was BTFO
>A reminder that he was BTFO
A reminder that he was BTFO
>A reminder that he was BTFO
A reminder that he was BTFO
>A reminder that he was BTFO
this is all true, however him not being 'racist' isnt going to change the living situation of blacks in america
his best option is still what he posted, yet you guys just instantly start sperging out HURR BACK TO POL HAHA YOU HAVE AN OPINION
you're the only one here sperging
Yeah i bet you and your 7 other personalities had a great time
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>this thread
You mean Kyrie is crying that he doesn't want to play second fiddle and told the team he wanted a trade. LeBron found out and supposedly leaked the info to Steven A. Smith and now Irvings people are calling Lebron out on social media. I might of heard about it
You have already reported this post, or someone with your IP has already reported it.
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>3. Kareem
>4. Curry
Who's Triple V?
oh shit ayy81 is back
Should Dan Gilbert firesale the Cavs? They might still make it out of the East even without Kyrie, but they have a zero percent chance of putting a dent in the Warriors now barring the Dubs getting injuries left and right. Lebron is a ghost next year, and you gotta think Love is going to want out as well.

I would seriously trade Kyrie, Love and Thompson for loads of young players + picks. Leave Lebron with his no trade clause and complete lack of loyalty with the scrubbiest of scrubs on expiring contracts next year as one final fuck you for how he's tried to destroy your franchise twice now. I wouldn't let him anally fist me a 2nd time.
Sell cavs, move them to Seattle, put the pelicans in the east
Versace Versace Versace

Stopped reading right there. It's been 9 years, get over it you loser.
can we all now admit westchimp has the ugliest wife in the NBA?
>6ers >>77284280
Yeah because one if the biggest cities in the country doesn't deserve a team but some meth heads in Ohio do. Kill yourself
>deserving anything

And I love how you lash out at any city that has an NBA team by associating them with meth. You're literally scum that deserves nothing.

jordan could have killed reggie and he would still get the free throws
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> 3 out of 5 IS 60%
So it's confirmed LeBron to Spurs next year right?
>*shot goes in*
So why would we keep Kyrie? He's a problem, next season he'll be locker room cancer and the fans are already pissed off by him.
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yao ming for sure. with modern training he might actually have an injury free career
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why are lebronsexuals the most mentally-ill sounding people on this board?
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if gordon hayward is a mormon then why is his wife making major decisions for him? has christianity fallen that far?
how many black nba players have obliterated that rich white pussy

Because there's no guarantee that LeBron stays on your team if Irving is gone. With all the rumors that LeBron is ready to leave next season, do you really trust that he will stay? Hell he could and has before, move to another team in the East. He even jumped ship from the super team he built cause they were no use to him anymore.

But in the end what Irving wants doesn't matter cause the Cavs don't have to trade him.
>those eyes
from pure waifu to totally clapped out whore in what, 2 years?
Okay. There's less chance he stays if Kyrie stays because Kyrie is going to play ass and even if he stays will the fans want him knowing he pretty much already said fuck you to the city and will leave?
I like this trade, but I'm a Spurs fan. I would think the Cavs would want more then Bledsoe, Warren and Anderson for Irving
waiting for that autist to cry about how somebody's getting fucked over in that trade

fucking idiot should be taking his pills
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everyone is getting fucked in that trade
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you son of a bitch, this is the final fucking warning, don't you ever post my pure, innocent, untouched waifu in this mental shit-hole ever again. i'll fucking fight you. enough, is enough asshole she doesn't deserve what you're doing to her. You're a monster.
Kyrie just wants to be the man. If LeBron leaves then you build around Irving. If LeBron wants to stay then they have to make the decision on who they want to build around. I think one season of turmoil is better then a possibility of trading away Irving and then losing Lebron.
That's a good trade for all 3
Pheonix only gets Aldridge from all this. No way they sign off on this trade
I'm curious if GM's play with trade machine to determine a trade with other teams or not
anyone else here a fan of two teams its very mentally draining...
No. There's too much going on. You have to believe that Kyrie is on the know and despite his flat earth shit he is smart. You think that he wouldn't wait it out? Why request a trade if you think LeBron is leaving?
And if he wants to be the man why go to SA, MN?
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the same amount her slavemaster father has lynched
If you're positive that you can keep Lebron next season they tade Irving. But if I was the Cavs owner, I wouldn't trust a word Lebron tells me about staying next season
I think he would be the man in Minnesota. San Antonio, not with Kawhi Leonard there

I mostly watch one team
she looks absolutely enthralled by the bbc
If I'm the Cavs owner I don't do anything because I'm a cheap kike that doesn't care.
If I take over control of the Cavs, here are my thoughts:
>Kyrie wants to leave. If I keep him he's unhappy and play declines and the locker room is significantly worse especially since this is public
>since this is public the fans aren't happy and aren't going to want him, which can really fuck with the home court
>if he isn't playing the best he can we have no chance at all of even competing for a chip
>if that's the case the chances of LeBron staying weaken a fucking lot.

>Jimmy Butler
He also wanted to go to CHI when Butler was there to play with him. It's weird that he wants to play "with" an arguably bigger star
Westbrook attended UCLA and was offered a scholarship by Stanford
Cav cuck damage control
i have to take a shit.

Kyrie better be on the spurs
melo better be on the rockets by the time i get out.
So what? I got a 1490 on my SAT and had a 4.3 GPA and I wasn't offered any scholarships. You realize athletes aren't held to the same standards as other people, right?
lebron is smarter than weststats and lebron is uneducated. lebron is the son of a crackhead lmao
What's worse is that McManlet has precedent using CJ Watson and Draymond was like BIXNOOD ME NO SUPPORT WHITE MAN
Stop being weird
Stop lying
>a facilitating pg
he's shoot first tho, he's never had more than 8.5 assists
Richard Sherman went to stanford and got a 24/50 on the wonderlic. Kyrie went to Duke and is an unironic flat earther. What school you went to doesn't mean shit when you're an athlete
I'll admit that keeping Irving will divide the locker room. But I also think the best chance they have at the championship is together in Cleveland. I don't think the Cavs will trade him unless they get something significant back and even then, not to a team he wants. I think it all depends on if you believe LeBron will stay in Cleveland and i think that LeBron is gone after this season.

I forgot the Wolves traded for Butler
You only need to reply to me once, inb4 photoshop cap
can't inb4 on same post fgt
He wasn't offered an athletic scholarship, if he had it would have been a full scholarship per NCAA rules. He got it for academics. He had a 4.0 unweighted GPA.
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Whoops I lied it was 1480 and 4.22
>flat earther
flat earth theory might be retarded but clearly Kyrie isn't THAT dumb
that being said, my only point was Westbrook isn't a retard
based anon is smarter than westturd and lebron combined
Uhhh no. Ayesha is wayyyyy hotter than whoever that man is
Aldridge makes the already terrible suns worse... lel
Westbrook got a scholarship to UCLA after Jordan Farmar and Arron Afflalo started to consider leaving early for the draft. Westbrook had a full athletic scholarship. Not to say he isn't smart, just saying he did have an athletic scholarship
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>whoever that man is
nice photoshop
you got yourself put on the pb
he got a partial academic scholarship to STANFORD
he obviously didn't accept it
He's talking about Stanford. Take the time to read, we already know you didn't even make it in public high school put at least act like it.
sorry I can't read
Fuck off, quite taking credit for my post
sorry dude
Why did you even bring up Sherman? He's unironically the most intelligent defensive player in the NFL
That UA gear is embarrassing. How can anyone not getting paid smile while wearing it?
You weren't offered shit because you're an asshole that posts on 4chan and never had the potential to do anything great in life.
Smart player, stupid person
Sherman = 3BLACK5U
Quick, post your all time favorite rap song.
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I took one real quick 44/50 fuck you richard sherman
I graduated with honors and I'm going to a top 25 math program in the US. I didn't say I didn't get accepted anywhere you autist
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I unironically and legitimately love this jersey
And now you're here, great job loser. Lmao, keep living in your fantasy, better to lie than actually be faced with the fact you're seriously wasting your life on the most socially unacceptable forum on the internet, on /sp/, frequenting the worst general of the board, for the least intelligent and most casual friendly sport in america. There are literally people here that think 0-0 isn't 0% and 3-5 is 60%
>the worst general

lmao when you lose

The Kiki Vanderweigh jersey :>
>I graduated with honors
you mean you showed up lmao
nobody cares nerd, you can't even change a car tire
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sorry im a success and your not
please be bait
It's midnight during the summer. Calm down you fucking loser.
>now you're here
Been here all through high school and I graduated with honors, a 4.22 GPA, was ahead in Spanish and Calculus the whole classes and taught myself (and am still teaching myself) the intricacies of English because I was never really taught much about it. I could go on but I don't really care. Sometimes I need a break from thinking to do some shitposting. And I don't frequent /nba/, I come here when developments are happening. I frequent /mlb/ and /hoc/ during hockey season. This general is trash, no offense.
Nah, /mlb/ is worse and /trb/ and /arse/ are considered generals
>no offense
you mean no defense, good lord, what i'd give for more defensive stopper in the league, im tired of hearing about roberson and kawhii.
new game of thrones was lit
It was OK but still mostly boring. GoT is one of the few shows that truly has gotten a tad bit worse every year
t. ADD retard
agree with that... this is the first nba offseason worth following in a while.
>not watching Twin Peaks instead
fuck yo kids
hmm, not really. It got better to first few seasons, season 3 and 4 were the peak, 5 was still good, 6 was good but clearly the worst and far below what I would want and expect. This season should be better than 6 but im not holding my breath.
>3-5 isn't 60%
Lmao gud b8 loser. Lebeta confirmed d- in the finals.
This is because blacks haven't made a concerted effort to buy land in their own communities and prefer to just move to a white neighborhood once they've made it.

They characterize success as leaving the ghetto instead of building up their hometown.
Niggers are literally entertainment slaves. Coons like LeBron are paid to dance like monkeys to white's enjoyment and make young monkeys strive to be basketball/football players instead of doctors or lawyers. Bit sad really.
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>this thread
>based ayy81 shitting on these false flag lakers wannabes
By that definition, everyone who has a job is a slave. Would you rather be a "slave" like LeBron who gets to retire at 40 with a $1Bil+ net worth, endless groupies, fame and the adoration of millions or a slave like the average wage cuck who gets to retire anonymously at 70 (after spending his entire career working away at some company he barely gives a shit about) with a bad back, a sub $1M net worth, and a fat ugly wife? Protip: Doctors and Lawyers are fucking miserable for the most part. That isn't even me just talking out of my ass either, there is hard data which confirms that (suicide rates by profession, alcoholism etc). I mean sure you could start a business, but let me tell you as someone who's tried it, it's fucking hard and infinitely more taxing and time-consuming than just being a passive wage cuck. Yeah, there are anomalies who found a niche where they can make tons of cash easily but most real, non-LARPer entrepreneurs will tell you that it really is a major chore. Plus the odds of failing are infinitely greater than the odds of becoming even a modest success (much less the next Zuckerberg or whatever) so if you really think that's your guaranteed ticket out of "slavery" good luck m8.
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>false flag

what did he mean by this
didn't read lmao, shut up you dumb nigger lol

>tfw lebron or usain bolt never impregnated serena williams to make super black athletes for our entertainment
>/nba/ at the top of /sp/

>no trades

All these Lakers memes are ironic, right? I mean the Lakers have been terrible for years now.
Kyrie was ass every game this year except the game they won. And if you're Lebron in summer 2016 and you hear GSW picked up Durant while your team did nothing but sign Bogut (who got injured for the rest of the season in the first quarter of the first game) and get rid of Delly, do you honestly think you have a shot at repeating? They were barely equipped to win in 2016 and he had to be thinking there was no way to win in 2017. He probably went into the Finals set on stat padding and nothing more.
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Poor excuse. Nothing to do with being poor.
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damn we got them shaking in their boots
>Shot goes in
>Another like taken by a whit boi cop HEDINDUNUFFIN HEAGUDBOI LIFEONRAILS
Threadly reminder that the Cavs will rescue Melo from that retarded-ass scheme that PJ is killing the Knicks with, and will add D Rose as a scorer off the bench in limited playing time, and win the Finals next season
it would be funny if it wasn't sad
dont @ me unless it's important
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reggie was ejected for this.
they used that shove as a reason for it.
pretty lame just ask van gundy. during this time, that shove is normal in the nba. just look at the bad boy pistons, oakley, pippen, knicks, magic, etc.
this is what made mj the most feared in the nba.
it's about you aids test
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G-Guys, Jazz are gonna be alright

I don't care how bad the Lakers are, I hope they lose 82 games a year. Literally the only team in professional sports that I can never even fathom rooting for in any situation. I will hate them to my dying days
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bronsexuals doesnt understand that kyrie cant do shit if he doesnt get the fucking ball.
he cant just run around and wait for the diva to pass him the ball for a jumpshot.
or when the team needs to be bailed out.
lelborn is stunting his growth as a superstar.
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good thing we got someone who has the cure
Kyrie wasn't anything special before Lebron returned to Cleveland, and he isn't special when Lebron is on the bench. He's a good offensive talent, but will never be The Guy.
>celtics shitposters being this booty blasted
>fight racism
Just shoot the ball in the hoop for me nigger.
>Kyrie isn't anything special
It's decided then! LeBron is now 2-6

>Advanced statistics
>Bootyblasted that Lebron is about to cuck Cleveland a 2nd time, removing their only roadblock to the Finals.
>Kyrie wasn't anything special before Lebron returned to Cleveland
he was 19 years old fuck bitch
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dude i went through the archives and noticed that a lot of the shitposting is from one of you, the guy who posts that gymnast girl, the elsa poster, etc

just cut it out i dont want to have to alert pb, he's in the ld right now

consider this a friendly warning
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kyrie's entrance to the nba is not fueled by hype.
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go run to mommy, playboi
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that doesn't even make sense
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Reminder: Fear the deer

But there's only 30 teams. What can this stat mean?
this could possible go down as the worst career move in the history of the NBA by Irving. He isn't just leaving his best shot at success, he's also showing himself to be a fucking whiny bitch who has severely overestimated his worth on the team
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That isn't all that surprising. Lebron does all of the heavy lifting and the cavs turn into a dumpster fire the moment he steps off the court
Just snorted ambien

Bye party
This nigga literally almost averaged a triple double in the playoffs with putting up 40 a night, and his team STILL got slaughterfucked.
It's too late now. He's already alienated Lebron and his teammates.
Is it just me or do the 76ers have top 4 potential next year? Holy shit what an improvement
the lelbron kyrie finna be lit senpai
i asked this question earlier but you lot focused on mallory edens.

if gordon hayward is a mormon then why is his wife making major decisions for him? has christianity fallen that far?
>Be curry
>Marry a solid 6
Is that YG?
This is in no way a straw man that ignores the fact the Cavs are completely built around LeBron and not Kyrie at all plus the fact Kyrie isn't a player that can play drive and kick like LeBron at all and you're comparing a 25 year old to LeBron James as if it's expected he should be running an offense like him with JR or Love off the floor as well.
>they tried to trade lebron

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Steph Curry 2015/2016/2017 vs Chris Paul 2008/2009/2010.

26.4 Ppg.
4.7 Rpg.
7.0 Apg.
2.0 Spg.
0.2 Bpg.
48.7% FG.
43.6% 3P.
54.4% 2P.
90.6% FT.
28.1 PER.
3.2 Tov.
34.4 Mpg.

21.2 Ppg.
4.7 Rpg.
11.2 Apg.
2.6 Spg.
0.1 Bpg.
49.5% FG.
37.7% 3P.
52.0% 2P.
85.9% FT.
27.9 PER.
2.7 Tov.
38.0 Mpg.
Tracey McGrady
It would have to be Rudy Gay
Kyrie is a shitty ballhog that wish he can carry his team like Iverson
Why isn't he better when Bron sits and he plays?
Without Bron's block, Kyrie doesn't take the shot because a 3 means nothing. Stop acting like Kyrie won the whole Finals
>Thinking grades matter

>Derrick Rose meeting with Cleveland Cavaliers to discuss 1 year / $2.1mil minimum contract
>Kyrie is as good as LeBron and he deserves to be the star
>>evidence to the contrary
>wh-what, fucking strawman, fuck you
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would they be better if they get him and let's say deandre and bev for kyrie?

the timberwolves might be /nba/'s only chance of not getting btfo by kd again.
>be former league MVP
>currently 28 years old, should be in prime, leading your franchise to finals and making max money
>it's now almost August and you're not signed and will possibly make just 2.1 million in an inflated market as a role player

>the timberwolves might be /nba/'s only chance of not getting btfo by kd again.
The only way to save basketball is for a hyper-positional team to come along and btfo everyone
I'm worried about the Cavs, lads

Will everything be ok?
Kyrie and Shumpert for Giannis and Delly straight up. Who says no?
The Bucks
In the East? Undoubtedly.

1. Cavs
2. Wizards
3. Celtics
4. Kuks
5. Sixers
6. Raptors
7. Heat
8. Hornets
>Wizards over Celties

Mavericks fan... Dirk is the Answer to most but not me... In today's game he would be relegated as a spot up 4... Which takes away his fadeaway and that ugly runner he used to do in his prime....

I thought about this for a minute but steve nash in today's game would be unreal.... People don't remember nash in his prime dropped 18 points shooting 50-40-90.... You give him the go ahead to shoot 10 threes a game with his passing in the space offenses are built with today that's a 27ppg 13apg guy aka steph curry lite with the shot, while being twice the passer curry is
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Black greatness
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absolute madman

gianis > kyrie DESU
Celtics are going to regress and their dominance of weak teams will decrease relative to wizards/bucks. Teams are planning for them this year, and the Cs actually got worse rebounding and protecting the rim
>The Celtics are going to regress despite getting one of the best players in the draft and Gordon Hayward
>The same Wizards team that lost to a worse Boston team added no one but Mike Scott and Jodie Meeks is better than the current Celtics

Lol ok buddy
>beat the Cavs so bad they disintegrated
For now let's say you're right about the Wizards being trash after Wall, Beal, and Porter. You're still wrong about the Celtics.

"they added one of the best players in the draft"
you have no idea what Tatum is in the NBA yet. This is a projection just like any sixers or lakers one.

"they added Hayward!!"
So Brad Stevens says there are only 3 positions, ballhandlers, wings, and bigs. Fine. Where are the bigs? Hayward can block shots and get boards as a SF, but it's not his job to stand under the basket. The same old Horford, then Zizic/Marcus Morris is half unknown (zizic) and half scrub. Meanwhile Johnson/Olynyk feasted on bench units last year, along with Avery Bradley who is one of the best 3 & D guards in the NBA.

JB was not good last year. Tatum and Zizic have never played in the NBA. For the C's to actually be better, at least 2 of 3 have to step up this year. Starting big man, lottery pick forward, and Avery Bradley replacement. Saying the Celtics didn't get worse, when they dumped their excellent bench, turns on 3 very young players and whether Hayward can carry the team.
>b-but memes
This nigga so mad he typed a paragraph lmao. I'm not reading that shit you sperg. My Celties are better than your shit team GoWiz, deal with it. Did your therapist replace your zoloft with adderall?
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gomeds btfo again
>anyone other than Dan Gilbert causing this implosion
>get btfo so bad you resort to unrelated bs
my first post was a paragraph so you already gave me a (you)

I have already one
The Warriors completely obliterated the Cavs. Sad.
>the city of gowiz

Im a celtics fan (not the guy you're quoting) and I agree with a lot of your post particularly as it pertains to the new guys and the risk involved with them. but the bench is really not much worse off than it was last year and losing johnson and olynyk is hardly the blow you think it is. two defensively inept (and in the case of amir, completely inept) replaced by two other bigs who could be marginally better or worse than their predecessors
>Yeah well I didn't read haha
Is this the most pathetic cope tactic on 4chan?
It's about comparing known and unknown.
Amir Johnson didn't pass the eye test but his stats were replacement-level. Olynyk is pretty good as a stretch big off the bench and his P&R defense wasn't awful. Bradley is great.
These are known stats, compare to Marcus Morris (known to be terrible) and the young players who all have question marks. Zizic especially may have trouble adjusting.

I think they will regress but it's all a question. How will Tatum get enough minutes and touches? How are he and Brown on defense? How good is Zizic on offense and defense? Hayward is the only slam dunk.
also lots of backcourts feared and respected Bradley who you don't mention
Celtics were 7th in defense for 15 games while Bradley was gone. They'll be ok
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>celtics traded their best player
>cavs trading their best player
>spurds lost their second best player

another easy ring coming home boys

I think I could agree with you that bradley is great depending on your definition of the term. it definitely is gonna hurt losing him but ultimately it's the best decision, he's almost certainly at the peak of his abilities and the contract he's going to be looking for next year is completely untenable for any team who wants to be a serious contender. hayward over bradley is a definite upgrade and if ainge can somehow convince morris to stop shooting so goddamn much I think his defensive abilities will make him at least a replacement level minutes eater. ultimately I agree that the minutes situation for the wings is a fucking mess and I'm still really not sure how we can be a serious contender with horfords soon to be (if not already) albatross, double that if ainge maxs IT next year
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Hello is Kyrie a Spurs yet?
he will be remembered as the greatest #23 to play
hes already about to get ring #3
>he's at the peak of his abilities
>the contract
true but this is a future /FO problem and if Hayward is the better replacement to Bradley then you are trading a good starter for a Very Good starter, and didn't really "add a proven player" to last year's bounced-by-LeBron core because he's replacing Bradley.

For the record I think Hayward plays a totally different position and game, not a Bradley replacement at all. If he is, that's worse because their big additions become rookies and JB'd speculative breakout year.
The Celtics did not trade their manlet.

At least not yet.
That dumb nigger couldn't even recognize it as a throwback jersey to before his even joining the warriors. That's embarrassing enough
I'm sure draymond knew it was a throwback jersey, he just said to take that shit off because it was a warriors jersey.
>he doesn't know
No, he said to take his jersey off because he runs with Mayweather

The Cleveland Cavaliers will trade Kyrie Irving for Pau Gasol and Eric Bledsoe. Phoenix will get LaJavarius Aldridge and Tony Parker.
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>kyrie will be traded
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>Kyrie won't be traded
>all these people acting like the Cavs HAVE to trade Kyrie now
They've got him for 2 more seasons at the very least, they aren't in a rush to do anything right now
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>Kyrie will be traded
How can you do that?
You only watch practices?
I want him traded for seemingly believing he stood side by side with the king and having this hilarious complex over other PGs on irrelevant ass teams with no future of note


Why would you want to keep somebody who's turned into a locker room destroyer and probably won't be playing at his best?
Agreed they need to trade LeBron
1)Bron has a no trade clause
>hurrr Kyrie telling everyone he hates it there and he's better than everyone while at the same time being unhappy means he's a GOOD PLAYER and the fans will love it too
is this Noah in nba live 96?
That is not what 16 bit graphics look like you fucking jackass
wizards would take a series over the Celtics
I hope Celtics do go to the finals so that manlet becomes 0-1
>advance stats
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Lebron leaked these rumors for the purpose of making Kyrie stick around

>Kyrie sees that Lebron is going to leave next and know Gilbert is an idiot that's going to fuck up the rebuild
>tries to out-Lebron Lebron by ditching his team before Lebron can
>Lebron finds out and says 'Yo, let me show you how it's done"
>leaks the rumors
>destroys Kyrie's trade value
>also now everyone is calling him a bitch
>Lebron will laugh at Gilbert and Kyrie two years from now in Los Angeles when the Cavs miss the playoffs without him

This is Lebron's way of making sure he's not the one stuck on a rebuilding team.
LeBron is going to OKC and bring not just 1 run before KD, but 3 rings to OKC before KD
He said "we run with mayweather" not "I run with mayweather". Clearly talking about the whole warriors
>The Golden State Shittiers represent a wife beating ape who can't read

The city of Oakland
What's your team?
Kyries trade value is not destroyed by him wanting a trade and being hungry to shine on his own team. He's got one of the best contracts in the league, cavs won't have problems getting a buyer, it's just about getting what lebron wants in return
go to bed 90s NBA ref you're retired
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>okc wants melo

Would George/WB/Melo be better than Paul/Harden/Melo?
Melo could be better FOR okc without making them better THAN the hardens
who will they trade for him? if they can get him for kanter and something else, that's a team right there

why do jews run the nba? Jews don't even play basketball.
Why would the suns want aldridge?
Wolves are going to win it this year
Why wouldn't they want Aldridge? His an exceptionally skilled player, tough in the post, outstanding midrange game and coachable. Any team would be lucky to have him.

t. Pop
The already have 2 young guys that the want to develop at PF. Throwing in aldridge to win an extra like 10 games at the cost of TJ does nothing for them. Esspecailly since he'll probably just bonce in two years anyway.
Those 2 young guys aren't guaranteed to be stars and with Aldridge being the main guy like his bitch ass wanted at least they could win games now and sell tickets.

I think its equal.
Lebron is a winner carmelo is a loser.
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Is Kyrie Irwing the Guts of the NBA? He doesn't want to follow Griffifth (lebron) and wants to chase his own dream, whatever that may be

Honestly who the fuck can stop us?
You're not giving the full info, Melo has also been talking to OKC's assistant GM Troy Weaver, who also recruited him to Syracuse.

Obviously better than Rockets, especially with OKC's defense and wing depth added with wing scoring which is the most necessary thing in the NBA now against the Warriors.
>Melo at power forward
Maybe on defense, but not on offense
The Cavs

>0 results

not even the Disney Imagineers at ESPN can think up a trade scenario that will land Kyrie in San Antonio
Man you clearly have not read Berserk if that's what you got out of it.
>ever trusting what E!SPN says

That's where you fucked up
So anon, can you think up a realistic trade scenario that will land Kyrie in San Antonia?

Emphasis on it being a realistic trade scenario
Is Bill Simmons the most cucked person ever in basketball media history?
nigga that aint just an espn face that's fucking Zach Lowe who is an institution of basketball knowledge he is a straight beast for hardwood IQ don't front on my nigga you nano pencil dick baller
>the state of white "people"
Lmao, fuck off Lowe, you're supposed to be on reddit.
Yeah it was on the last thread

Spurs get Kyrie, Shunpert
Cavs get Bledsoe, Green, Murray
Suns get LMA
>Carmelo Anthony has been in talks with an OKC GM and former Syracuse coach about waiving no trade clause to join OKC according to Bill Simmons
>Real GM: Carmelo Anthony, Thunder Have Mutual Interest

So the Suns are going to give up their best PG who is 2nd best player on the team, for a PF that is 5 years older and has a lower scoring average.

No, not happening
So Kyrie Irving doesn't want to leave Cleveland because he wants to be the man, but because he want to be "catered to accordingly"

So he's made that the team treats LeBron better then him? Does he want more credit for helping win a championship? This really seems like a petty move by Kyrie Irving.
If I was the Spurs, i wouldn'the make this trade. I would rather give up Mills or Anderson then Murry.

If I were the Suns, I wouldn't make this trade. Because who the hell would want LaMarcus Aldridge
According to Skip Bayless (I know) he has sources close to Kyrie that say he was never happy that LeBron was coming because he wouldn't be the focal point. How fucking selfish do you have to be that when the best player is coming to your team and you have a chance to go all the way and you're upset because you can't chuck 50% of the shots?
>reading berserk past the lost children
just kys
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PG: Josephus
SG: Guru Nanak
SF: Joseph Smith
PF: Muhammad
C: Siddhartha Gautama

Literally WHO can stop them?
PG: Manson
SG: Jim Jones
SF: David Koresh
PF: Shoko Asahara
C: L Ron Hubbard
clear defensive 3 secs for Durant
why is that man wearing a dress?
Lol no defense villain ball, bro its MMXVII
>muh steals
If they are so good then why dont they control as many souls as the other team.
why the hell would the suns take a pf?
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When does he go ring chasing?
Cause they're the suns
That stops the GOAT how?

pg: Robespierre
sg: Trotsky
sf: Ataturk
pf: Nasser
c: Marx
Stfu retard
Hindu team would wreck them

PG: Vishnu (can you imagine the handles with all those arms)
SG: Brahma (creator of life and his own scoring oportunities)
SF: Indra (would rain thunder, lighting, and 3 pointers all day)
PF: Shiva (the destroyer would be GOAT defender / rebounder)
C: Ganesh (frickin elephant)
>still ignoring the main reason being Dan Gilbert and the Cav's fucked up cap situation not allowing them to realistically upgrade to beat the Warriors and missing out on all the available superstar trades

You're the most pathetic poster here you disgusting LeBron dick rider.
Pantheon league is different.
they dominate the PL but Islam is still winning internationally, explain that pajeet
at least they don't have that rookie Jesus and his overbearing father trying to shove their own Brand down everyone's throat
take your upvote and get out
washington wizards
The Indiana Pacers will unironically be better without Paul George, Jeff Teague, and Monta Ellis
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spin, spin, spin!
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>The Indiana Pacers will unironically be better without Paul George, Jeff Teague, and Monta Ellis
>Celtics willing to offer IT, Crowder, and Nets/Lakers pick for Kyrie

Literally who could stop us if we get Kyrie?
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I hope this happens
I have a friend who unironically thinks Paul Georgo is the best player in the league, what should I tell him?
To kill himself.
>Most teams, including the asset-rich Celtics, have placed the obligatory call letting Cleveland know they would like to be kept in the loop, sources say. Boston would offer Isaiah Thomas, Jae Crowder and one of their golden picks — Brooklyn’s pick next season, or the Lakers/Kings pick they got from Philly in the Markelle Fultz deal.
IT leaving? Interesting.
>sources say
Sources also said that Ainge had made offers on Butler, George and others, supposedly lucrative offers and then those players were traded for pennies. I don't trust that Ainge offered literally anything

Literally who could stop this team?
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what the fuck is boston's problem?

im having a good day, suns is out, birds are chirping, then i get a fucking notification.

>Boston celtics asks cavs to keep them in the loop with the kyrie trades

are you fucking shitting me? i can't believe this, my day almost was totally ruined but then i saw Melo TO OKC BABY lets goooooooooo.

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It would be hilarious
How can you still be a Melo fan? That's worse than being a Rose fan.
who else /team kyrie/ here

fuck lebron

>Breaking: Derrick Rose has committed to sign with the Cleveland Cavaliers, per @ShamsCharania
>Breaking: Derrick Rose has committed to sign with the Cleveland Cavaliers, per @ShamsCharania
>Breaking: Derrick Rose has committed to sign with the Cleveland Cavaliers, per @ShamsCharania

c ya kyrie
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Damian Lillard on Kyrie trade demand

>I mean, who wouldn’t want to go to The Finals every year? I think they’ve been to the Finals the last three years. I would love to do that. I don’t know because I’ve never played with LeBron, but just watching from the outside, you see how easy he makes the game for everybody else. I don’t know what it’s like playing with LeBron the person, but the player, I don’t see why anybody wouldn’t want to play with him.

fuck off with this faggot.

we /woj/
Ask him this question, would you want to play on the Cavs knowing their organization is god awful, their owner is pants on head retarded, and LeBron is leaving next year?
RIP Rose's career.

He's now on that Deron Williams path.
>this tiny ass deal

You now remember MVP Rose
>You now remember MVP Rose
Cleveland got hustled. Rose won't play more than 20 games next season.
>sign Erick Rose
>sign Calderon

Looks like Kyrie is out the door lmao
Is lelbon still on an hero watch?
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>be 28
>average 16 and 5 last year
>barely get offered anything

3 point shooting affecting player value has gotten crazy. Jeff Teague is making like 20 times that and I can't say with certainty that he's better than D.Rose
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>derrick "dat nigga nice" rose signs with the cavs

dead to me
Rose gets a pass though for ring chasing with bron.

>mfw ill never ring chase with bron
>mfw ill never chill with Westbrook in cabo
>mfw ill never run with wall in Spain.

why live?
He's on permanent bitch nigga snake watch
If Rose, LeBald, Durant and Curry all play in the finals again you would literally have every MVP since 2011 in one finals series
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Kyrie will probably be moved today or tomorrow I guess, they just officially got the new GM in

Where does he end up?


Stop being a fucking child amerifat.
das melo

new in a few shitposts

wew kobe
Why hasn't Kyrie or his manager made an official statement?

"Kyrie doesn't wanna play with LeBron" sounds so much worse than if he came forward and said "I love all LeBron has given, but I need to challenge myself and prove that I can make it on my own, like he did" or something like that
legitimately asking if this is real or CG
what happens if drose all of the sudden has been working hard all summer and comes back STRONG as hell and durable

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me on the far right, background
IT and Kyrie had the exact same defensive rating last year. Meanwhile, IT scored more (more efficiently) and had better assist numbers.
>5'9" manlet
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Does Curry have a hebrew lettering tattoo on his left hand?

>Just when you thought you couldn't hate this faggot even more
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