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/tennis/ - Monte-Carlo Masters

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Thread replies: 472
Thread images: 98

>Federer out for being shit on clay
>Raonic out for being an unlikable leaflet
>Monfils out for being dead
>Kyrgios out because he

Official Site Links
Draws: http://montecarlotennismasters.com/scores-en/draws/?lang=en
Schedule: http://montecarlotennismasters.com/tournament/todays-program/?lang=en

Smh, I had a great pic for the OP but I was waiting for the other one to max out.
Why is Rao and Kyrgios out?
That's what happens when people start shitty threads on purpose. Hope your pic is still relevant when this one hit's the bump.
Well Raonic still got his old injury and Nick is a moody cunt.

>Unfortunately I won't be competing in Monaco as planned. I'm working hard to be ready for Estoril which will be my first clay court event.
wtf? he doesn't want to beat chokabitch?
Remember when people thought Man of Feels would amount to something? Also, what happened to Kyrgios?
My pic will probably relevant for the whole season.
Post it now
Supposedly he was exhausted after Miami and Davis Cup/he's with his grandpa, who's battling cancer.
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Fine. Someone should use it in an OP later.
I knew it was going to be a PEDerer pic
Off to Twatter you go
Oh look Fognini is winning the second set with ease after playing shit in the first.

[match fixing intensifies]
Anyway I don't understand how 2004-2009 was a 'weak era' when we had
>6 different Slam winners (Fed, Nadal, Djo, Safin, Gaudio, del Potro)
>4 different WTF winners (Fed, Nalbandian, Djo, Davydenko)
>tons of non-big 4 winning Masters
Based clay
Hewitt was what Murray would've been if he hadn't won his 3 GS.

How the fuck Gaudio ever won a slam is beyond me

And it wasnt a weak era, people just use that to diminish Feds wins
>1992 - 2004 Edberg, Courier, Sampras, Agassi, Muster, Rios, Moya, Kafelnikov, Rafter, Safin, Kuerten, Hewitt, Ferrero, Roddick - 14 #1s
Weak era confirmed.
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Comparing 12 year period with 5 year period

U wot m8
why does Djokovic like sticking it in the poo?
Nothing changes if you extend 2009 to now besides SCAM
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What did he mean by this?
>He lost in fourth round of Roland Garros to David Ferrer after leading 4–0 in the fifth set and losing six consecutive games.
>When leading in the fifth set, Gaudio said to Ferrer's coach at one point, "Don't worry; I'm not going to win today."
This really makes me think
>tfw tommy haas is in the crowd
I hope he never retires tbqh
It's just a narrative pushed by Djokovic/(Nadal?)tards.
Djoker too. Four #1s in 12 years.
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an attempt was made
German media already calling him "the eternal Haas"
Not a very creative nick name.
You think he has made more money in match fixing than price money?
no surprise coming from Germany let's be honest
Well the phrase is historically loaded. It's kinda weird they used it so nonchalantly.
Hating Jews is in vogue.
Definitely, ATP's prize money is shit even for the big guys (4U).
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getting better
>in vogue

Stop trying to sound educated, Albertinho.
"Adj. 1. in vogue - in the current fashion or style
a la mode, in style, modish, latest
fashionable, stylish - being or in accordance with current social fashions; "fashionable clothing"; "the fashionable side of town"; "a fashionable cafe"
Do you think if you had played tennis from a very young age and taken is seriously with the goal of going pro, you could have won a slam?
>Djokovic looking happy and relaxed
Uh oh
That doesn't mean much, he plays better on Terminator mode.
Stop using Conan O'Brien approved urbandictionaries. The correct phrase derives from french and is "en vogue".
Oxford dictionary uses 'in vogue'.
maybe if you're speaking french lmao
>Oxford dictionary is stupid and uses the wrong phrase

How exactly does this back up your argument?
Got OCA2 albinism. Can't do outdoor sports.
>Anonymous poster on a Siberian ice carving forum is stupid and uses the wrong phrase

How exactly does this back up your argument?
English rules, French drools
They should be happy we're not saying 'in wog'
Hardly, I would be another Cuevas tier clay baby at best.

In this current era or the last 15 years? No

In the coming meme generation? Yes, they're all shit tier serve bots
German poster sperging out again lads

...it would be less retarded to translate the whole phrase instead only half of it.
Less retarded, but more natural. It's not a translation per say, it's just a mistake
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>no alizé gf
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>Birdshit on clay

>Birdshit on anything
>Best of 3 sets

Jfc why not just watch wta
>mfw this is a home tournament for most the top 100
Exactly! Why not?
>tfw 5'11
it's a shame masters finals aren't best of 5 anymore
Even Kyrgios lives in a tax haven. Sad!
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In a few years they will reduce early Slam rounds to bo3 as well.
>tfw 5'8

You can call me the Rey Allen of /tennis/ tho because I nail tons of 3s
The Slams will be over then. Tennis will be dead.
Hasn't he been like that for a while now?

Slams will be just the top 8 qualifies and every match will be BO1
They'll probably start enforcing that fast4 bullshit instead
11:00 Struff - Ruud
11:00 Delbonis - Haase
11:00 Granollers-Pujol - Lorenzi
11:00 Pouille (11) - Harrison
11:00 Muller - Robredo
12:30 Mannarino - Tsonga (7)
12:30 Berlocq - Kohlschreiber
12:30 Khachanov - Mahut
12:30 Zverev - Vesely
12:30 Paire - Haas
14:00 Simon - Djokovic (2)
14:00 Lopez - Medvedev
14:00 Coric - Chardy
15:30 Almagro - Goffin (10)
15:30 Sousa - Cuevas (16)

>this fucking schedule
It's like they don't even care about TV broadcasts as long as the money wankers on the stands are paying for overpriced tickets.
kek! michael posts on /pol/! >>>/pol/121535504
This is for tomorrow, right?
>t. /pol/ poster
And he's getting BTFO as per usual

It's all adding up
>not browsing /sg/
>Browsing anything but /tennis/
How could Vekic cuck this?
>butterface stan
>Monte Carlo is best watched in Korea timezone
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>you'll never get double teamed by stan and fognini
Why live?
has anyone been to this tournament? or are we all poor neets? clay is what you hate when you're young but appreciate when you're old. the facilities are old and small but beautiful
I doubt any of us here could afford to even enter within the limits of Monaco.
Why does every tennis player abuse emojis like this?
Only a month or so until Federer cucks Nadal out of his last French Open chance lads
can both of you just kill yourselves
We all know EBAM will win it all.
Elaborate please. Do they charge a fee? Is it not like visiting any other country?
>fognini acts like he's going to cum then suddenly starts choking
>stan sits in the corner, crying
No idea really, but I doubt we could afford anything there.
He almost certainly won't play the French.
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He almost certainly wouldn't win it either.
still a shitload of free points
Can't even blame him for that. How can he skip all the masters? i thought they were mandatory.

I know there is a grandpa protection rule but skipping 3 masters and a GS seems excessive.
He's a grandpa so the rules don't apply to him and Monte Carlo is a non-mandatory masters for everyone.
He obviously profits from not playing for a while.
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>tfw we weren't included in /sp/erb owl
Or just really ugly
Johnson ruined the family Christmas eve dinner when he was born.
>having to compete with Jesus' birthday
There are three conditions that allow players to skip the mandatory issue. 600 matches, 12 years playing in the tour, and being 31 or older. Federer just happens to satisfy all of them, so he can do whatever the fuck he wants.
Where do find these stats? Trying to find our whether Nole & Rafa fulfill these conditions as well.

All i know that Rafa will be 31 in june but he probably has +600 matches
Has 12 years on the tour anyway.
>serena williams will be #1 next week
>hasn't played a match since the AO
How can people take the WTA seriously?
>SCAM is #1
>Dubai is the only title he's won this year
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>CUTEova might be back in time für Roland Garros

Very nice
How about a ranking point reset at the end of the year? Maybe with the exception of the AO being based on post WTF standings.
No you retard. It's fine how it is
>no oriental
Andy Capps Hot Fries
Vegetable Straws
>the American is the one to talk about food
Pretzels most definitely aren't chips.

If they were they'd go to #5
Jokes on you I'm Mexican
Don't you have some Mexican snacks then?

I know about these dreadful webms they always post on /ck/
Has Bavaria the best pretzel?
None of those are chips you fat shit
easy path to the final + facing a choker in the final
>britbongs are soooooo eternally butthurt by the French they refuse to call French fries what they are and instead call them chips
Lmaoing @ your life
>Freedom fries
Not really, you can get good pretzels anywhere. No one in Germany eats them with mustard tho. That's an American thing.
Literally nobody called them freedom fries irl tho
French Open confirmed for less relevant slam.
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That's Australia.
French fries, chips and crisps are different things, amigo
We Mexicans can die happily knowing that even if we fail at everything else, we created the goat of all snacks. Guacamole
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you have seen nothing

search fore "gore"
Guac isn't that good Tbh.
Tacos, on the other hand...
I could serve faster than these kids playing in the Sarasota Open desu
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the classic
Guacamole isn't a snack, it's a dip you mouth-breathing drooling retard.
What about it?
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It's a lie
I think this one wins though. When you think they are done they manage to add even more.
I know that I don't know.

Think about it.
You're assuming there is a certain object the word refers to that you can compare and see if it relates in a correct manner.
No it was merely a dumb little joke
I'm not sure what disgusts me more: the food or the people who eat it.
Friday will be the 4th time I go there. I don't live very far from there (2 hours by car). But it's fucking expensive. A good seat is easily over 100 euros, and staying a night around Nice is over 80 euros. On the hand, parking in Monaco for the tournament is really cheap: 5 euros a day. Also, you have a train halt near the tennis club.

And you're right, the place is fucking beautiful and comfy, especially at this time of the year, when temperatures are not too high compared to summer. But this year, it may get a little too cool (17°C, about 62°F).
Post pics when you go pls
Looked sunny today. Hope it stays that way. Last year was depressing.
So deep. Didnt a greek twat say something along those lines?
That greeks name?

Nick kyrgios
Offend the Ancient Greeks one more time and I'll trace your IP and fight you irl.
Greeks are turk rape babies
I don't think those are really unreasonable desu

Maybe I'm just too used to the shithole that is new york
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nadal will win roland garros
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He'll lose to Murray or Stan in the semis.
lmao btfo beaner
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Who even will stop Roidal at RG?
the slow-mo makes it much less autistic and therefore less funny
Choko, EBAM and Rafa all have more than 600 matches and 12 years in the tour, but only Rafa will be 31 this year. After June, he'll be able to skip whatever M1000 he likes, like Roger.
what happen if player dont fit criteria and then skip tournament w/o injured?
What did he mean by that?
You get fined. Andy Roddick would complain about this all the time
A fine, I think. But it's easy to prove you're 'injured', tennis players are always suffering pain somewhere.
A fine, probably being suspended if it happens more than once.
Now, as I understand it, if you meet one of those criteria, you can skip one M1000, and likewise, you can skip two if you meet two of them.
is this why serena is never fined?
She may be shadow fined.
She probably was fined for every year she skipped IW or they forced her to do promotional shit to make up for lost revenue.
the atp and wta are entirely seperate entities
They still have mandatory tournaments. Granted they only have to compete in 4 which is half of what the ATP tour has to do
Was pretty pathetic celebrating like that when his teenage opponent completely shit himself and gifted the match on a silver platter.
>playing sweet caroline for like 3 spectators
Challengers are a joke
Most players spend more money than they earn playing Challengers.
thank you, please provide pictures if you can jean claude :)

same, its open the same as us open. i wanted to take a trip to dc or newport this summer.. they are only 250/500 and the tickets were still surprisingly expensive. atlanta is a trash tournament thats literal torture as a player and fan with 95 degree temperaturs, but its still 50/60. compared to us open which will run you 60 to get in, and about 100 starting the 3rd round/labor day weekend. so for a M1000 at a comfy place in a small stadium its not so bad
I don't know man, I saw that match as way more than a simple Nadal vs Zverev. I saw it as Nadal trying to recover back to his former self locked in a struggle not only with a young gun with hype that might replace him, but who Nadal is and his confidence as an elite player. For Zverev to win that match would be devastating. Nadal wouldn't have it anymore and is already passed over by a guy who literally has one ATP season under his belt, it would be pathetic. But Zverev getting nervous and choking away was the best thing that could've ever happened to Nadal. They still choke. They're still scared of me. My presence alone will beat anyone that isn't the elite of the elite, I've still got it. It was an extremely uncharacteristic winning reaction that I took as a sigh of relief and maintained the confidence he had as top player. That year was a horrible one for him until that moment, remember Cuevas beat him in that epic match where he outlasted and outfought him, which never happens. What happened after IW? He basically swept the rest except vs Djokovic and Murray which desu is very ok.
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>tournys in euro time
That sucks desu. Even those ITF $20k events give players $200 for winning the tournament, that doesn't even cover the flight home
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>Haas is still playing
Ladies and Gentlemen, at this point, we introduce the subject himself. He is, as you will perceive, fit and well nourished. He comes straight from as night's sleep and a good breakfast, undrugged, unhypnotized. Tomorrow, we send him with confidence out into the world again, as decent a lad as you would meet on a May morning. What a change is here, Ladies and Gentlemen, from the wretched hoodlum the state committed to unprofitable punishment some two years ago, unchanged after two years. Unchanged, do I say - not quite. Prison taught him a false smile, the rubbed hands of hypocrisy, the fawning, greased, obsequious leer. Other vices prison taught him as well as confirming him in those he had long practised before. Our party promised to restore law and order and to make the streets safe for the ordinary peace loving citizen. This pledge is now about to become a reality. Ladies and Gentlemen, this is an historic moment. The problem of criminal violence is soon to be a thing of the past. But enough of words. Actions speak louder than. Action now. Observe all.
im a girl btw
You're a faggot
post feet
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And he already broke Paire
"somebody fell down from the stand"
"we need a doctor"
Haas for Monte Carlo title?
>the eternal paire
Would be great.
>this is the World No. 2 in 2018
He's obliterating Paire
Haas looks younger than Elderer desu
Haas did stomp Djokovic in Miami 2013
>No Federer
>Not so interested in the tournament

Please never retire Fed
Be prepared to never see him on the red dirt at all
see you in Stuttgart then

also kyrgios out means a lack of memes
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>he doesn't adjust the screen brightness for clay tennis
I know two things in life

1. No means no
2. Never take no for an answer
pls save us FedGOAT
Daily reminder that clay courts require players to be the most well rounded in order to win and therefore Rafa is without a doubt the goat of all time

Haire fuck???
Based Haas saved tennis
>well rounded
>2/3 titles in clay
>has never defended a non-clay tournament
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I live in MC and know many athletes who also live here. The main reason is there are no income taxes as long as you are not FRENCH. But there are a few other reasons:
Great Location hours away from every other European capital and athletic venue.
Very Safe Place to Live- A policeman for every 20 residents, and plenty of video surveillance. Virtually no assaults,petty theft, burglaries, etc. No terrorist attacks, so far, knock on wood. Maybe because a lot of super rich Arabs live here and keep their huge yachts in the harbour. They all have their private security personnel all over the place.

To be a resident, you actually have to live here at least 6 months a year.

Good Cultural Life - with Opera, Ballet, Theater, Sports events, Annual things like Cat & Dog shows, Car Races (Grand Prix), Tennis Tournaments, Poker Tournaments, you name it. You never get bored here.
Great Restaurants. Many Many Banks to choose from. Across the street from FRANCE where things are at more normal prices.
Only disadvantage is high cost of property- a decent view 50m2 studio can cost €3 million. Rents no too bad. Cost of living moderate as French stores, etc are across the street. Here’s a picture of me 79th Birthday. I am looking for a new girlfriend or waif between 18 and 24. I have a good sense of humor.
>as long as you are not FRENCH
Wow rude
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When Novak is playing with Lacoste?
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sorry for my absence was in germany for 5 days
please save us kyrGOAT
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What was you doing there based swissman?
spend some freetime there
weather was terrible tho

>Very Safe Place to Live- A policeman for every 20 residents, and plenty of video surveillance. Virtually no assaults,petty theft, burglaries, etc. No terrorist attacks, so far, knock on wood.
Djokovic is yuuuuuge
What did you do in you're free time lad?
4 U
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8 more days before wta is saved
how can a man be this perfect?
also whose looking forward to the moment when kyrGOAT will win wimbledon this year. /tennis/ will explode
I come very close but the Monaco security manlets make him look yuuuuuuge
drinking and eating german goods during the day and in the night blacking out in the clubs
Ugly, overrated and contrived female """""tennis""""" player whom has no tennis talent and is more of a """model"""" / """business woman"""" only because she is a rat faced Slav judged to be """"hot"""" by retards. Serena is 100000000x better
>German clubs

So you banged a ton of Turkish and Romanian women? :-DDDS
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>masha is bad
>but if there's anyone to save tennis from her it's gorilla
actually there were a very small number of foreigners in the clubs I went to
so I had no fear of getting blown up was awesome desu
> """model"""" / """business woman""""
That's like the entirety of the WTA tour. They probably spend more time on their looks than talent at this point
Tsonga in danger of crashing out
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kek. you're clearly disillusioned. i hate a players who are all about image i.e genie bouchard. masha is not like that, just watch her dominate when she gets back. she will win RG
pablo please go back to mexico
How long until Choke A Bitch?
Why bother watching? It's ĐWL
After Clownga
>Frenchies still think Tsonga ever has a chance on winning RG
does djokovic have the most cringy wining pose?
Why is Mannarino playing like Djokovic?
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I like your wfus
have faith lad, djokovic WILL lose
why tho

I mean Gilles must be nervous as fuck
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simon got this
Daily reminder that going vegan killed Djokoshits career
Childhood is when you idolize Bonga
Adulthood is when you realize that Mannarino is more talented
Sad part about Djokovic losing yearly is that he's barely defending any points.
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>tfw djokovic's losing
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Thx hun :)

Tbh I thought you were an elite poster until i discovered you hate djoker
>women's tennis
Is he back?
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He's back
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>Novak haters on pooicide watch

Lmaoing @ u HARD rn
hating djokovic makes you an elite poster
how can anyone like this guy?
>hating the literal goat
*rips shirt*
*teleports behind u*
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how on earth can you like this bullshit
>how can anyone like this guy?
I never understood why everyone hates him desu
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It's cute. Stop bullying Nole.

For what reason do you hate him? Because he single handedly ended the Federer meme?
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>hating djokovic makes you an elite poster
>how can anyone like this guy?
Many retirements in his early career, need of attention
he tries too hard to be liked and then gets upset when the crowds always prefer rafa/fed

it's cringeworthy tbqh
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just ignore my posts about him
he's an attention whore and tries so hard to be as popular as federer which he'll never be
Unironically, kill yourself

You're the Michael/Masha hater aka the second worst poster on /tennis/, after germansperg
He isn't faithful to jelena
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i am (ostapenko)
still can't decide who is more cute
jelena or masha
he unironically thinks slavs are ugly, when slavs are at the pinnacle of physical appearance. he's a non-white racist, probably voted hillary and supports antifa. embarrassing really
Currently? Objectively Jelena.
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jelena is qter, masha is everything else
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>Djokovic is back.
It's pretty ironic since Slavs are probably the best tennis players too.

Just because they sport a different country like woz, kerber, zvarev, raonic, etc (just to name a few) doesn't make them any less Slav lol
>slavs are at the pinnacle of physical appearance
They are ratfaced. Alize Lim is 10x more attractive than the average -ova
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>Djokovic will win RG, Wimbledon and the USO this year
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>Djokovic will do the CYGS next year
maybe in mixed doubles or some shit

goderer is winning the calendar slam
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he will
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alize is an asian mixed-breed. she's cute yeah, but white slavs will always be superior. not to mention alize is absolute trash at tennis...must be sad to see you're waifu shit up every tournament she can even enter with a loss in qualies
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Gilles' goal must have been to win a set here. He is not even getting that. He will never reach his Wimbledon 2015 form again.
I bet you watch anime and don't have a respectable job
Djokovic with some pep in his step knowing KyrGOD isn't in the draw. Sad!
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everyone is happy that kyrGOAT isn't in the draw because they would have got destroyed
absolute legend and madman
Who is /ourguy/ in the ATP?
Excluding Federer of course. Federer isn't /ourguy/ by the definition of the word, but it's Federer, so we can't not like him.
Djokovic is a "has-been" now, just get over it...

He made enough money, so now he's not taking it seriously anymore... he's literally partying and playing golf, instead of practicing.

Same shit happened with the other Serbian female players... they got money and a few titles... then they let loose.

That's the mentality in Serbia. It's a lazy ass mentality.

On the other side, you have true legends like Federer and Nadal that have been training non-stop, even when they were injured, and didn't just give up and said "I have enough titles, I'll just retire"... Murray is good too, but he wasn't injured like these two.

This shows you who are the REAL MASTERS of tennis.

Not this joke of Djokovic.
stan and kyrgios
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Djokovic obviously.
Federer is reddit.
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>anyones guy
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>partying and playing golf
proofs :DDDDDD
also I thought Djokovic's ultimate goal was breaking Federer's record so why would he give up now?

and i don't even watch atp
That's why he's /ourguy/
don't bring ana into this !!!
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>MFW no idea what going on, but know I want to be a part of it
He still has 6 slams to win to tie the record, and he's turning 30 this year, and that's if Federer doesn't win one last Wimbledon.
Simon's game is actually cancer to watch, it makes sense that the only times Federer lost to this guy were in 2008, the year when all of Federer went to complete shit
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Djokovic BTFO
Djokovic is genuinely finished. I can't believe Kneedal is going to win RG on top of Olderer winning the AO. The state of this fucking tour.
>Simon's game is actually cancer to watch
spot on m8

then you watch him play an exho and he actually goes for some shots and is an interesting player, it's infuriating that he never does this on the tour -- instead he's content to be a 10-30 player for his whole career who never challenges for a major title
Maury has been #1 for 5 months m8, pretty solid
Just noticed i haven't seen a single serb in tennis threads for half a year. curious.
The nickname and avatars made me think of you as an anon.
The flag changes confused me.
I know how this ends. Either Djoko breaks next and wins the set 7-5 or in a tie-break, or he loses the set and bagels Simon in the last one.
I fakeflag to be a rare flag on mtf
Nick ''the messiah'' Kyrigod

Notable mentions: Gulbis, Fognini, Matosevic if he's even playing anymore.
His actual goal was to win all the major trophies including the olympics which he will never win so he called it quits.
This is the truth. He's doing this only for the sponsorship obligations.
Anyone remember Murray playing Simon here a few years ago? Simon rolled his ankle and was struggling to move, so Murray kept drop shotting him. Crowd booed every time it happened. It was pretty funny tbqh.
good post

last I heard mad dog is still playing challengers

Break Federer's record...


There's no way he'll achieve that. Don't get me wrong, he's a good player (well, he was), but he doesn't have the necessary discipline to keep up with the title, now that he has achieved a lot.

It's just the kind of mentality he has. In the beginning, you're excited to achieve something and beat the best out there... but once you get enough money, your subconscious just tells you that you've achieved enough and you just lose real motivation.

Just forget Djoko. He's simply going down hill.

Federer, Nadal and Murray have that real passion and desire to BE THE BEST in the world. They train hard... they get over injuries... they never give up...

Have you ever heard of Federer, Nadal or Murray, partying and getting drunk?

Well, me neither.

I just can't wait to see the REAL battles between Federer and Nadal, like in the good ol' days.
well written
slightly fedoric post tbqh
All this discussion is making me wonder, what do you think are the goals of Federer, Djokovic, Nadal, Murray and Stan at this point in their careers? What specific objectives do they play for?
If only Murry hadn't given him that FO title on a silver plate
winning slams and being #1

everything else is tangential
federer said once
«I just love winning more than hate losing»
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god that depressing
Federer is goat
Nadal may want to be the best but he's just fucking awful. If anyone's a has-been, it's nadal
Murray is a scam. Biggest fraud of the lot
Novak is actually good still, just not trying. He'll come around and be the undisputed 2nd GOAT of all time greatest GOAT
Matosevic is cursed for not embracing the Mad Dog nickname.
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>yfw Federer retires after 2019 but in 2020 he gets trotted out to play Olympic and wins then takes a wildcard into US Open and wins it for the #20 slam
What game will Djokovic break Simon?
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I thought they had automatic flags and you were travelling when your flag went from Argentina to Liechtenstein (never saw anyone on the internet from that place) but Tonga raised my suspicion.

Lol, Federer does party. He did after AO and during Miami with the Moet moments but he still won the title, lel.

But when you look at previous old top players it's going to be very tough for Djokovic to tie Federer's slam tally.
is this after turning 30?
UNIRONICALLY have a 7 page essay due in three hours and haven't even started yet lmao

my partner is freaking out bc she had given me all the info to do it and I just had to type it out

who else here /TWISTED/
>rosewall played 1000 matches after turning 30
crazy shit
Yeah, forgot to mention. Laver's a sneaky one getting all four at 31 but not doing much after.
I would like this match to reach a tiebreaker then Djokovic memes at 5*-6 with a double fault
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grill the cheesy microwaved goodness, white man!

that was almost ĐWL
Novak raging lol
>Novak hold the record of losing a slam by double faulting two times (RG 2012 and 2014)
I love Jill Simon
laver didn't play a whole lot of slams after that, mainly just meme tournaments in the US that offered good prize money

it's incredulous now to think after taking the calendar slam in 1969 he didn't even defend his australian and french open titles the next year
>meme point
what the fuck just happened
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>Chovak Chokovic
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this must be why we're all watching today, right now

let's watch -_-
It's 24 titles for Federer, I imagine this was made before Miami.
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>choke simon
At least he's still able to do these instant rebreaks
>get broken
>breaks right back
Now this is DWL
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good thing I'm sober, rite guise?
Simon's serve is awful.
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he doesn't hold his form; I couldn't watch if I were a trainer
he such an embarrassment
>Left the match at 6-3 1-1 0-40

What the fugg?
JUSTovic happened
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simon is accomplishing something is this set

>even if he's still just Simon =\
Can someone explain me the 15 - 30 - 40 point system ?

it's French

it's crap -_-
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ok...who was it
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it's clock quarters or something
>ywn suck Simon's delicious penis
>Novak in 2017

The French girl is back. How are you?
djoko's backhand used to be so solid

this is just strange to watch

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>djokovic will unironically lose to a guy with no serve
>Novak misses open court in the second last point
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does Simon have a Bobba Fett towel??
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>can't even make a highlight video longer than 3 mins because both players just hit UEs
> The best returner of all time they say
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Unironically who can stop Fed this year?
>men's tennis
>Gilles "Cuck" Simon

fucking swiss cunt!
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>the vacated, decayed ghost town of Simon
>le cucke
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Mental dwarfism strikes again
oh wow who could have seen that coming
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what a shit match

potato, tomato
>let kek at Choker
> Making us believe just to choke at the end

Typical French behaviour
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w-what matters is the journey, not the destination
>Simon will get broken when he tries to serve to stay in the match
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Simon contemplating his failed tennis carreer
I said çu¢k not kek
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Just why does he exactly spaghetti everything just like expected. It's sad.
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so disappointed
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kys gilles
that drop volley was the epitome of simon's career
>Simon building his wealth on rigged tennis macthes
Even though Djokovic won, he looks about done
>broken string on MP
ok that's hilarious
Oh dear, Novak's german is breddy good.
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Ever wondered why Michael Chang excelled on the Clay Courts back in the 1990s while the great Pete Sampras, who has won all the major Grand Slams, has never won a Grand Slam played on the Clay Courts? This article will provide you with the low down on the 3 general categories of court surfaces: grass, hard court and clay.

Grass Courts

The Grass Court is normally associated with the prestigious Wimbledon Championships, which take place every July, a tournament which has been graced by the greatest names in tennis such as Roger Federer, Pete Sampras and John McEnroe.

This surface is the fastest of all the tennis court surfaces due to its slippery surface. The ball has a lower bounce as the soil is softer than the materials used on the other types of tennis courts. The Grass Courts may also produce an unpredictable bounce to the ball due to the softer and slightly uneven surface of grass.

Due to the characteristics of the Grass Courts, the ball moves at a faster pace with a lower bounce thus favouring players with a good serve and net players.

Hard Courts

Hard Courts are courts generally made from asphalt or concrete and are the most commonly available courts as they are easy to maintain. The Hard Court provides a surface where:

1. the ball travels at a speed slower than on Grass Courts but faster than Clay Courts;
2. the bounce of the ball is high due to the hard surface; and
3. the bounce of the ball is very predictable as the surface is very flat and easy to maintain.
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The Hard Court is generally considered by the International Tennis Federation (ITF) as a good surface for all types of players as it provides a good compromise between the Grass Courts and Clay Courts and is thus termed as a “Democratic Court”, which provides players favouring various styles of play, from the Serve and Volley player to a Baseliner, thus providing an even playing field.

Despite the proclamation by the ITF, experts have express opinions that the Hard Courts favour players with a good serve as the surface is still considered generally fast and base line players (players who enjoy long rallies) as the bounce of the ball is high and predictable.

Clay Courts

The deep red coloured Clay Courts are synonymous with the French Open Championships. These courts are considered the slowest surface in tennis as the Clay surface:

1. slows down the speed of the ball;
2. reduces the skid of the ball on the surface of the court; and
3. causes a high bounce of the ball.

Due to the these characteristics, the Clay Courts reduces the speed of a ball which is hit by hard hitters as it slows down the speed of the ball, making it easier for an opponent to return the shot. This may explain why players such as Pete Sampras, who favours the serve and volley game, has never won the French Open Championship (the only Grand Slam played on a Clay Court) despite his dominance of the Grass and Hard Courts in the 1990s.

Clay Courts are favoured by baseline players and players who generate heavy spins on their shots, example of such players are Michael Chang and Rafael Nadal who is often dubbed the King of Clay.
>good serve and net players.
Didn't they make the balls heavier because of this though?
Why the fuck would he learn German?
it will soon be the language of all europe
you're thinking of arabic
I thought it was arabic
He learns to language of every country he plays in so people can like him more.
that's not arabic
switzerland and austria are the comfiest places in europe to live in and knowing german there is handy. though if youre filthy rich it probably doesnt matter.

they said this in 1914 and 1939 and it always ended with german tiers. its arabic btw
His Spanish sucks. Also, they are in Montecarlo, why speak German?
He doesn't need to learn much. He came here at 12 to train in Pilić's tennis academy for 4 years.

I just never heard him talk in german so far.
Funny how this omits Borg.
>Didn't they make the balls heavier
They did?
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Sky Germany does postmatch headsets interviews in german.
It was either that or changing the grass grain because Sampras was so boring at Wimbledon
>having hard courts as his worst surface
borg makes no logical sense
wot is goffin doin
Does Federer speak standard or Swiss German in those interviews?
Most Swiss tone down their accent a bit when talking to Germans and so does he.

I heard him talking in full accent mode on SRF and it's a bit harder to understand.
what's the difference? is it just accent?
Accent and they use different words for some things.

Like Heavy southern US vs. Northern Scottish maybe.
Is that a fair comparison? I can't understand a word of Scottish English
Somewhat. If a Swiss goes full accent i can barely understand him as well.

But it's all a matter of degree. Rural areas usually have heavier accents.
Post a song with a tennis term in the title

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>Almagro lost six games in a row after being up 5-1
Guess she's stuck with that goblin face.
shes really cute actually, thanks
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What's in Djokoshit's secret?
well that was a turn around


hippo semen
Gluten free.
if cancer is your secret

>daily fail
Novakh alters btfo

Will they ever recover?
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Why Donna have such big heda?
she looks related to wozzo

Is this the sexiest WTA final ever?

JESUS CHRIST why did I do this to myself
BIG girl

Will Kekmanovic be the future GOAT?
>mad dog

i do wonder wtf happened to him, guy used to be solid top 70/80
some say he's still rolling
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Its literally not even debatable. Jule is the hottest tennis player alive
Remember Istomin chimping out?
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not even close
I used to hate him. But seeing him dismantle Fed on occasion does make me love him.
had to be brown who he beat
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shit taste breh
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how's 8th grade breh?
Great thread.
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>having your wife defend you on twitter
Haas confirmed beta
Lol Praire, you'll never beat Federer even at your best x'DDDDDDddd
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