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Thread replies: 502
Thread images: 87

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cat just ate a crumpet lads edition
got two of those new dairy milk oreo thingies, one peanut butter and the other mint

eating the peanut butter one and it's a bit weird desu but actually surprisingly moreish
Your cat is well posh. My cat will only eat cat food and animal flesh.
As Salaam Alaikum oh my brothers, take joy in this thread that Allah has provided for you and strive to do his will this day.

In'Sha Allah.
Pakis out!
Aussies in!
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Some based anon has shared this one before apparently
NEET for a brief period, how do people do this for years on end?
cheeky fucker
hope you gave him what for
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I just want you to know I really enjoy these posts and read them out loud in my paki voice
The alternative is being miserable for 50 hours a week

NEET is no problem at all. The problem is NEETI for Not in Employment Education or Training and Insolvent. As long as you have access to cash NEET is a rather spiffy way to live.
Jokes on you, I'm only miserable for 35 hours a week
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>Tfw no /britfeel/ bf

How do I deal with this feel
Getting to and from work is also miserable
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Conduct TV interviews


As Allah wills oh my brother.
In his many names.
Oh yeah I guess, but when we talk about NEETs we're usually talking about NEETI was it not for parental help/mental illness.
Get one

pick me
>tfw 40 minute commute
Okay, so more like 40 miserable hours then
Both ways?

Then there's also being exhausted because of work, having to wake up early, winter mornings etc

Dunno how people do it
>tfw was a fat pepe
>now a lanky wojak

Sometimes I think jail would be preferable, but then I think holidays & good food and what not. Still don't know how people manage it just the same.
deposited that cheque
ka-ching, that's a takeaway next week
but you get raped and beaten up in jail
>tfw going back to uni in a week
>tfw living in a tiny studio apartment with no human interaction for a year


>tfw rich piana is dead
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Britfeel is astoundingly slow today

Nah, not really. You just need to be able to adapt to the environment.

That could be a problem for some molluscs right enough.
It's afternoon. NEETs are still asleep.
Better than living with a bunch of people who can't even keep their own rooms clean, let alone an entire house. I'd have loved to live somewhere that I knew when I came home, it wasn't going to be far worse than when I left.
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convince me not to do this
>Those pizza choices
>Classic crust
>No wings
Absolutely shit taste senpai
it's dominoes so will taste like pish

get a good indian instead for a fraction of the price
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>the topic on Loose Women today is whether it's wrong to have a bath with your teenaged children
I'm uh.. not you
nobody is
except you
Tell me how the choco pizza is senpai
I'm not falling for that m8. Why the hell am I ordering shit I don't like? I should be getting a BBQ crust veg supreme with ham and cumberland sausage. With some bbq wings to start. Speaking of which, I'm supposed to be on a diet so pack it in. Not worth losing all my progress.
I love loose women

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it's about the same price per inch
You seem to like BBQ
I don't

and chicken is more expensive but less bite for your buck
I want carbolicious bread and lots of it
paraphrasing obviously but itv is one of the most disgusting tv channels on british tele.
>And now for the male insight we ask anon who's pro showering
just bought nice lil bb gun lads. might try and shoot the local pigeons or something when I'm bored.

fuck me that's cheap
The absolute GOAT stuffed crust had cream cheese and chives. Wish they still did it desu.
I tried the stuffed crust once
I dunno if mine was undercooked but the dough was very chewy and wasn't pleasant
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>17 bongs for some cheese, tomatos and wheat
b-but it's made by professional dominoes pizza artists
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>tfw rich piana is dead
I thought he was going to make it...fuck
It was probably done wrong but even still, getting some baked beans or even a canned breakfast is a surefire way to sort that right out.
ooh, I can play this too

>15,000 bongs for some metal and rubber
They were literally saying
>in Japan it's encouraged to bathe with your teenaged children as it strengthens family bonds
The thoughts of momcest overwhelmed me, the funny thing is is that they have couldn't even fathom the idea that mom and son porn exists and the major proponent of it is Japan kek
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Produce Steel
>This is horrible! Think of the trauma to the families!
>Let's traumatise them and see how they like it!
Straight in the oven.
>and billions in research, development and labour

Try playing it correctly, moron
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>Tfw no local pizza takeaway
>Tfw no local burger takeaway
>Just endless kebabs and chinks
How are you supposed to binge and purge
Your steel is shit Xi. Nobody wants it.
You're meant to be off that noise, Tilde
How is that remotely similar? If you're paying 17 quid for some shitty dominos pizza then you're mentally spasticated
>pizza grows on trees and gets teleported to your front door
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Ploduce steer
It's not remotely similar, but when you have zero idea of what is even in a car (unlike a pizza which is literally just cheese, tomatos, and wheat...) you delude yourself into thinking it's a good analogy.
I was highlighting the false equivalency
I probably should have just said that though, that anon is thick as pig shit
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>it's STILL fucking hot
>flies everywhere

You're comparing the manufacturing process of a car with the raw ingredients of a pizza

even if we reversed it it still doesn't make sense to compare the two
except it's not a false equivalency. you're literally paying 17 quid for some cheese, tomatos and wheat that will be gone in 10 minutes whereas a car has return value for years. there's also a lot more that goes into a car
read that >>39297262 and don't post again until you can show you've understood it
What's art called that's based on words but open to interpretation? if that makes sense, not typography though (at least I don't think) abstract wordart maybe? or would it just fall under abstract art?
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>the way she covers her hands with long sleeves because she's insecure
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>What's art called that's based on words but open to interpretation?
More like hiding man hands.
the words don't form coherent sentences so I don't think that's it

I really like this new spin off
yea insecure manhand trannies are really adorable
No boooly she is perfect
Sounds like graffiti.
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What is Xi's favourite thing to eat?

Ooh it's VERY autism-y in here this afternoon.
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>tfw you basically ticked everything
About to have a hotel breakfast and stuff my fucking face, can't wait
it's a scotch pancake you bellend
Sounds belting lad. Forgot to include:
>Preserves and jams

Intentionally didn't include cereal desu

It's shite is what it is
disgusting, how could anyone put something like that in their mouth
I want that in my ass.
It's great and all but troublesome as hell to cook every morning.

I end up cooking it for dinner instead.
>It's shite is what it is

agreed, it looks absolutely vile.
Just got back from Jobcentre. Applied for Universal Credit on Wednesday and had the interview today. Now I need to spend 35 hours a week looking for work and I don't even get my money until late September at the earliest. How do you lads cope? I've never been on Jobcentre before.
>entire bottom 4/5 of phone screen pernenantly flashes bright green on and off over the top of everything
>don't want to pay to fix it because it technically still works
I would, that big dick makes me very hard
Anyone who prefers continental breakfast: leave now
I just cannot respect people like you

How is that even possible?
I wouldn't have thought more than one or two hours a week would be achievable.

Why? It's far superior to that lardy muck.
That's kinda gay lad
Idk man, the lady telling me said "just do five hours a day" as if it was common knowledge. I'm looking on Indeed and shop windows and stuff but I need to meet that 35 hour per week mark or else I get sanctioned.
I am too randy to be at work right now, it is ridiculous. Just caught a glimpse of some workplace cleavage and it's making me sweat something. Can't wait to get home today
English breakfast in comfy. Nuff said.

I still don't see how it's remotely achievable.
Me neither, my dude. Gonna try and get a retail job, a small apartment and just make a go of it.
>tfw could eat everything on the list and still be hungry

Haha what a riot. Think I'll stick to cereals desu

Nobody actually spends 35 hours looking for work baka! You find about two jobs per day and """ apply""" for them. Insist on recording it on paper rather than their dumb website, they might get pushy but they can't force you to do it online lad. If you're strapped for cash you can apply to have some money in advance and they'll deduct a bit off future payments until it's repaid.

Good luck anon, UC is hell
Everyone laugh at this complete poofter
>English breakfast in comfy. Nuff said.

Just warm up some lard or other saturated fat and suck it through a straw. You'll save oodles of time and trouble.
question time lads. i'm going to attempt to make a fish broth with noodles thing for my tea but not sure what noodles to use. got a pack of rice noodles and a pack of egg noodles. should i just do a 50/50 mix of them both?
>female workmate talks about how she's going away to a friends on the weekend after work
>says she has her underwear and stuff in her bag
>feel myself go extremely red
>start stammering and can't look her in the eye anymore
really wanna take a peek inside that bag now lads
sly off for a cheeky work wank if you can

It's patently shit tier, greasy rubbish.
Maybe if I was backpacking in South America or something and there wa no other food.

It's certainly not something anyone with any self respect would eat by choice.
That sounds messy, I'd just stick to one. Rice noodles perhaps?
>Haha what a riot
stop that
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Ffs lads had a dream about shagging her last night this isnt funny
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I think I've reached the maximum level of depression, anons

It feels so strange

Time spent walking to/from the jobcentre counts. I used to drive for 10 minutes and claim I walk 90 minutes there, 90 minutes back
Get refugee tattooed above your dick, then she'll welcome your refugee.

There's always a bit more, you just haven't discovered it yet.
Good idea but kinda coming off it now. Tried to do it at my desk and nearly got caught so the mood has gone slightly
A girl has never sent me a naked picture of herself on snapchat. I hate my life and want to die.
Iktf kinda, closest I've ever gotten to noods was a grill sending me a photo of her sunburned back. You couldn't see anything lewd, but I still fapped anyway.
well only thing is the rice 1s might fall apart in the cooking process, would be gutted if they just turned to mush. bit nervous as it is making it from scratch.

I've had worse dreams.
Who else /gotpaidtoday/?

Ah, yes of course. still are you expected to go every day?
A girl sent ''''me a naked picture of herself on snapchat'''
It's even worse
Thanks for the tip, lad, I really appreciate it. They told me to keep the confirmation email (the one that says "Thank you for applying to [x]") as evidence of my application, do you have any tips for that? And maybe another cute anime girl to go with it?
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lads ive not spoken to a single human out side of my family irl since summer holiday started from uni. im going deeper into the rabbit hole pls send help. its been over 40 days
My mistake, I got one but it was on kik

Why man?
what the hell's wrong with you you pervert? a woman starts talking about her underwear to you and you go full autismo? jesus christ you people
>haha what a riot
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Piana was practically begging for death let's be honest. Still, RIP
I can afford to eat until the end of the month IF I stick to this plan
I probably won't stick to this plan
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lads I haven't had sex in 24 FUCKING HOURS. Is this what robothood feels like? jesus christ I can't take this for much longer
Not until the fuckin 31th this month. Really long time since last on in comparison to normal.
Yeah I dont think he ever planned on living too long. He unironically made me start working out and even though he was a meme most people genuinely liked him. Fuck it gonna do arms today.
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No anon, I've really reached the final level of depression

There's no way it can possibly get worse now
>There's no way it can possibly get worse now

Kek! Life will accept that challenge.
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Don't be harsh on yourself.

- Kev x
What's wrong with it lads?! Ebin says it all the time!

Hmm they never asked me to do that. You might have to apply for jobs. Most jobsites let you upload your CV so it's just a case of pushing apply. I cannot really provide anymore advice sorry. I suppose just being punctual and polite helps given the types of people they usually work with. Also a good idea to waste time when signing on by asking dumb questions, like if they have any jobsites they recommend. Try and waste time on pointless stuff because they only have a 10 minute (?) time frame in which to see you.

A lot of people in /britfeel/ have bennie experience so feel free to ask about anything

Got paid yesterday desu. Going to buy anything in particular lad?

Nice quads
Same here. Our payday is the last thursday of every month. I work in accounts so we always get the sodding blame for anything to do with salaries
I'd like to see life try

Anything can happen to me at this point and my mental state would remain as it is
Alright then, thanks a lot for the advice lad, it helps. Gonna get on Indeed and start applying. Keep it real, my man.
You're sitting at home when a self driving lorry plows through the wall, who do you blame? The lorry was just following its orders and the programmer just programmed it to follow the latest mapping data and the mapping company just use what the satellite gives them and the satellite just tells us what it sees.

>Ebin says it all the time!
Ebin is a paedophile cunt.

Aye. Maybe you should just do as mummy tells you.
Thats exactly how it works at our place. Really nice when it's a fast one but extra shit when it's like this.
>Nice quads
They are called Kevs you bellend. That shows how much you get involved with /britfeel/ outside of the personality drama.
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My 'payday' comes ever other thursday. Thanks for paying your taxes wagecucks
I thought kevs were specifically for dubs?!
>tfw my wage is tax-free
Feels good bruh.

Do you get enough to cover the cost of a decent meal out?
bloody ell lads, just had to lever this massive heavy branch that I cut down and fell over the fence into neighbour's garden back over into mine

bloody heavy thing and left a big burning scratch down my forearm from when I finally got it levered up and started sliding towards me

Chicks dig scars.
This neet lifestyle is fucking killing me mentally. Wish one of these jobs would get back to me or something.
Is no one going to check this? Nice Kevs tilde lad
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Order a chinese takeaway tonight
>This neet lifestyle is fucking killing me mentally. Wish one of these jobs would get back to me or something.

Being without cash is killing you mentally.
>Being without cash
I'm leeching off my parents and I'm still dying inside.
making my own tea.
check the checker
kevs are abundant
...w-we don't work at the same place, do we?
Place your bets lads. Bigest fight in last 5 years. Im putting 100 on McGregor
Nah, no Chinese takeaways here have online delivery and I'm too scared to ring one up
100p i hope
Not at all. Money doesn't matter to me.

I've got no motivation to do anything anymore, at least when I worked or was in education I had something to work towards or things I had interest in doing once I got home. Having the ability to do what I want when I want means I've done it all.
Boxer vs non boxer in a boxing match, ah yes.
Nah mate, fish and chips tonight from a BRITISH fish and chippy.
>I'm throwing away 100 bongs
y tho
Mayweather. McGregor won't have the stamina to go multiple rounds if Mayweather defends well enough.
>Mayweather defends
Isn't that basically all he did the last time and still won through some bullshit judging?
I believe so, but if he defends enough to tire Gregor out, it probably make it a easier win. One that might not rely on such shit judging.

How do you manage to pack so much utter drivel into such a small space?

There's a job for you in advertising lad.
how long have these threads been a meme?
>offer to help girl from work fix her vape pen
>don't know anything about that shit but she's hot so I want to look manly and dependable in front of her
>fiddle around with it for a minute, no idea what I'm doing
>accidentally touch the mouthpiece with my bare hands
>she tells me not to do that, say sorry as she wipes it clean
>don't manage to fix the pen in the end but she thanks me anyway
>just remembered I'd touched my bare knob with my hand about 5 minutes earlier
>she is now putting her lips on my cock indirectly
>my fucking dick.jpg
Gonna fap so hard to this later
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Meme? What you mean?

Bit bland and the nutritional & calorific equivalent of eating a sponge soaked in Mazola. But if you like that kind of ting I suppose it's alright once in a while.
What utterly useless feedback.

Job in HR for you too.
Just woke up from a nap, gotta take the hounds for a run and then going to the shop, you lads want anything?

Also thinking about rolling another joint seeing as this will be the last time in an while I'm going to get to smoke.
I doubt it. It's probably a common thing and all the accountants at my place are women.
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>go into town to wander around the shops for a bit
>get home after a few of hours
>look in the mirror
>realise my t-shirt was on backwards the whole time

>Not wanting a sponge soaked in Mazola
Are you even British?
If this match was MMA rules, McGregor all day and it would be exciting to watch. As it is, you might as well fight Mayweather yourself for all the chance he has. It is cowardly as fuck for Mayweather to insist on a match like this where the whole thing is skewed completely in his favour. Inside a cage though, I'd bet on McGregor.
>benis is tiny when soft
>average size when hard
What did I mean by this?

Sometimes I wonder lad, those times are called "meal times".
I see, I'm not a gril sadly. The other person in the department is but she's my mum
You're a grower not a shower? Fairly common mate.
>it would be exciting to watch
Connor could legitimately kill him in less than 30 seconds.
That's more exciting than another Mayweather boxing match.
And I would like to see that. But Mayweather is billed as a genius boxer. Surely it's so legit a ground-hug brute couldn't touch him.
It would just easily go to whoever sport they were in. In the UFC would be more entertaining though solely because of the way the sport works.
fucking hell lads I want out of Somerset the women here are the worst in the country, nay, the world
Your not wrong on that one, ive got this massive diagonal one going right down by the bottom of my eyebrow across my eyelid and down to the top of my cheek and people including girls always ask me about it and say I look like a bond villian.

Its from where I tripped over my dog when I was younger dressed up as harry potter with a bit of garden cane in my hand pretending it was a wand, only to trip up and end up impaling my eye on the bit of cane which i still had in my hand against the force of me crashing on the floo.r apparently the stick was sticking right out of my eye and my nan had to pull it out,
Luckily it was a couple of centermeters away from my eye and it was left untouched but im left with a propper nasty looking scar along the left side of my face.
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Lets play a game britfeel!

What is this?

how long have you been neet

i'm at nearly 5 years and eventually you just stop caring and wait for your death
But there is nothing in boxing (afaik) that Mayweather could not use in a cage. There is a huge portion of McGregor's arsenal he's had to sacrifice. This is 100% of one man at the top of his game vs about 30% of someone else's.Plus, there was all that legal stuff about if he gets pissed off and just murders Mayweather he's totally fucked. Mayweather would be too afraid to fight him, on any terms other than those that completely favour him. McGregor was a fool to agree to it.
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Round two!

what is this?

Yeah, get me a gf please

Oh and a four pack of bevs
>McGregor was a fool to agree to it.
He's going to make 100 million. As long as he doesnt get knocked the fuck out in the first round his reputation will be fine.
>One turkey bacon
Found the Paki
Me lad, what a nice friday

you've been triggered xd
Yeah we get it, niggers. Great meme lad.
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Final round!

What is this?

Do you feel guilty? The guilt is killing me, I need to get a job asap but this is also quite comfy
>What is this?
someone who gets laid more than you
A gentleman with a dark complexion.
New Holland Mini Crawler Excavator E18B
Melaninated individual
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all honesty cooking the super noodles is a waste of time they taste better as a processed crunchy noodle bar out of the packet

you can't really consume the flavour bag though unless you were to snort the contents up your nose but thats unhealthy but so are super noodles
Male model for a stock photo
one Boneless niBBA
how can anyone sit through boxing? It's so fucking boring compared to UFC

I watched the mayweather pacman fight and almost fell asleep, complete waste of money imo
>It is cowardly as fuck for Mayweather to insist on a match like this
Yes why doesn't the boxer fight mma for the first time in his life? what a coward
you can throw the flavor packet over the noodles and it trickles through, I actually used to do it but I used to break it up and mix it into the flavouring
Read that as Paxman and got confused for a second
Well lads just failed my maths test again. I didn't pass my maths at GCSE had to redo them at college just go the results today and saw that I got a E just kill me already please.
diggy machine
Heavyweights can sometimes be exciting like Joshua/Klitsko but really the sport has been on it's arse for a long time.
Go to your nearby Chinese supermarket and buy some noodles there. Super noodles are mushy shit that shouldn't even qualify as noodles.
There there lad, I know someone who failed his maths 4 times and he has a fairly decent job now.
think some people might be naturally incapable at maths, I struggle with basic maths too. So much so I've had to give up on a functional maths course
Sod that prepare for the worst tummy ache of your life, last time I ended up undercooking mine as i couldnt be arsed waiting for ages, boy did i wish I waited a few minutes later it my like my stomach was being twisted and stabbed all over the place.
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Ebin thoughts on Rich Piana dying? Why dont you start lifting?
Threads over now lads. Pack up.
Lads, help us out with this conundrum, fish and chips or dominoes. Here are the pros and cons

Fish and chip pros:
Probs less calories over all
Don't have it that often
Has protein

Fish and chip cons:
Have to walk to go get it
Would also have to go buy mixer for booze
Did have fish and chips last week (even tho I don't have it all that often general)

Dominoes pros:
Gets delivered to me
Comes with a drink
Can eat it in bed

Dominoes cons:
More expensive
Probs less healthier

I'll take votes or highest rolls
Has Len been on recently?
just a normal member of society
don't want to look like an over-inflated freak and die prematurely
Fish and Chips mate.
Proper craving some cause of you now.
You can work out and not take steroids.
Haha what. I've been eating raw noodles my entire life and its never done anything to me
>think some people might be naturally incapable at maths
If you can't pass maths gcse you're just a retard. I got an A when it's my worst subject
This kinda looks like her so might have a bash to it

fish and chips, pizza is disgusting

too scared of going to the gym and I don't know how to start there because I'm too weak to do push ups
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You got an A but you still post here
but you still look like a freak and are probably going to die prematurely. might as well get swole Ebin
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i got sick the first time but then i started eating more bagged noodle cakes and i sort of got used to it
I stopped having fish and chips because the two places near me have a food hygiene rating of 2. Fuck that
I just bought some dumbells and workout at home. I used to be super weak and skelly you just have to start eating a lot and follow a basic workout plan.
Implying you don't want to die prematurely?
I actually got 4A*s and 5As at IGCSEs and I still post here. It's been a slow decline ever since
>tfw peaked at 15
Yo Ebbs, get on the floor and position yourself like your taking it doggy style, arms out in front but not to wide, dip down leading with your chest and push yourself up with your arms, its good cheat if you can't do full push ups, give me 20 now and I promise I wont bully you for the rest of the thread
>keeps you regular
>is probably healthier than both fish and chips and dominos
>middling price but best value for money
>some indians deliver beer
>can eat it in bed, you can eat anything in bed you pussy
>is curry
Lads which should I do?
1. Continue to incrementally improve my life, including fitness, relationships and job prospects
CONS - Ignoring existential dread
- No animes
- No alcohol

2. Throw all of my progress away and wallow in alcoholic self-pity watching animes
- Finances may suffer, along with relationships and sanity
- Expensive and unhealthy
Those don't count.
I went to this Chinese place quite often, it shut down randomly out of the blue. Turns out it got a 1 in the hygiene rating. Odd as the food was spot on and never got the impression of it being dirty.
>tfw 3 marks off an A
>got a remark and got 2 marks off an A
>position yourself like your taking it doggy style
Are you trying to teach him push ups or give him an erection?
what are some good dumbell exercises?
Never hurts to have a third arm to help in the push ups.
Do 1 for a couple of years. You can always become a drunken sack of shit later
The fuck is an IGCSE, some kind of spastic kid thing?
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First one lad, keep making yourself better
But IGCSEs are more difficult than GCSEs anon
>he doesn't do cock push ups
It's like you don't even want to make it
I have minimal room so I'm put off, I can just about do a push up when my room is clean

technically no, if I want to live now I want to live a long time. Not because i'll have a family or any reason to live, I just want to see what the future looks like chances are it'll be grim as fuck so I won't feel bad from dying or having nobody to leave behind. That's what I tell myself now anyway

I actually have room sort of now I cleaned my room, i'll go to do it. I'll try a push up first and see what happens

Of course it's "moreish", you fucking cow. They designed that shit in a lab to make you a fat idiot.
You can work out pretty much your entire body with dumbells. Start with full body workouts 3 times a week and then figure out a routine from there

>I have minimal room so I'm put off
Same. I also sleep on a matress on the floor and have to put it up against the wall to workout. It's doable though
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Eat soy products
no thank you I like being a man
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Go for plaice and chips, that is banging.

it usually at least tastes of fish.

>talking to vegan/vegetarian girl about non-dairy milk yeah, I've got game
>tells me never to drink soya milk again because of all the oestrogen

I thought it was just 4chan memes desu.
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Going to go collect my remarks now. The other night I had a dream where I got my remarks and they had come back AAB, hope I get at least that because then I'll probably reapply to Cambridge
It does sound good but I am leaning towards dominoes, I did so much tossing cardio today, I dont want to move any more
I hope you fail again. The tantrum you had last time was funny as fuck.
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>constantly encourage you to do push ups and tell you what to do if you can't do them
>you refuse
>a random anonymong tells you to do push ups
>you agree to do them first time
But if you make it to Cambridge how will you have time to blog?
Its because I cleaned my room a couple of days ago so I now probably just about have room, It was impossible before
Don't worry lad. Plenty of us hate the cunt.
Maybe it because your a trip, no offense or anything but it much easier to hate a voice telling you to do something with a name compared to just a random statement that came from the void
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>GP finally calls
>rings for like a second
>get phone
>missed call

Ah yes. Waited all day for this haha
I'll add you to the spreadsheet if you do start doing them
10 minutes until my curry is ready
Post pic when it's done.


One night in Scarborough
>/Fit/her forgive me for I have sinned
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>Used to have jungle fever
>So many black women are coconuts these days
>Was speaking to a black woman last night
>Just didn't feel a thing like I would have a year ago
shippy, do you think driving jobs will be fucked in 10-20 years? do you have a contingency plan for a post van-driving life?

Your not wrong on that one, I find that cod and haddock hardly taste of anything and are pointless even having anymore.

Domino's is such dreck too, mate. I got a flyer for them yesterday and the "Lotta'-Chocca' Pizza" or whatever made me viscerally upset.
You people make me fucking sick. I'm going to go train my abs and then make a healthy, nutricious lunch. Later I will cook a healthy, nutritious dinner. I am fitter than you will ever be
could someone rate my routine? not looking to get big just get healthier

each exercise is until failure unless otherwise specified

push ups
side planks
pull ups
cycling 30 minutes minimum

any advice is helpful lads
He posted a couple days ago and said he's been ill, theory is saku has pozzed him with his toxic butthole
Yes I will die like a man, while you die like a woman. Who wins?
Have different day focusing on each of the main muscles groups, one day for arms, one for legs, one for back/abs and a cardio day
Hope he gets well soon then.
this still apply if I'm not trying to put on muscle mass?
That's a decent start. Are you just doing 1 set until failure? If so that's accomplishing next to nothing

Also if you want to be healthy, 30 minutes of cycling is going to do fuck all. Go running

Is this every day?
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Automation is a meme, We don't have a single automated truck/van on the road in the UK, and even now they can only operate in special circumstances like easy motorways. I think when they finally get introduced in the initial stage (2025) they will require a human driver as a back up for at least 15 years.

I think that automated trucks might shuttle goods between a network of regional distribution centres on the motorways, and then human drivers will navigate the local routes from there.

There's a good 30% chance of me facing redundancy within a year anyway, it'll be a real shame to lose this comfy part time job. I don't want a full time one, and I don't want an early start. 3 days a week with a start time of 11am is perfect.
Why are you working your muscles if you don't want to put on muscle?
Live longer, suffer longer
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its so bad but so good, I hate myself for it but I am starving out my mind, I just need a fix dude

Trust me lad, I wish I had the strength to, just got back from my hour long cardio session, I try to be good, but sometimes I just break

Yep, strength training is an excellent way of losing weight
starting at one set until failure then upping it as I go, exercise bike has strong resistance settings and I don't want to leave my house and yes everyday
lose weight and improve cardiovascular health
Damn, he got the gift. Lucky boy.
not the anon you replied to but
>not hating yourself so much you prolong your life as much as possible
>lose weight
Eat less and run more
>improve cardiovascular health
Do cardiovascular exercises. The calories you burn with strength training is minimal compared to cardio (hence why it's called cardio)

Also that's not a good training method, it's better to do many small sets
That's what I thought, just overly optimistic pseudo futurology mongs who keep peddling the automation meme. And when there's the inevitable accident the public will lose faith in the technology
I feel like there's an expanding intellect meme in here somewhere...
>living a long, miserable life
>living a short, happy life
>living a short, miserable life
>becoming immortal with the intention of being miserable forever
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Asked my brother if he wanted fish and chippies or dominoes, he went for dominoes squaking about some sort of discount code.

I just want chippies guys, it's not too much to ask is it?
Automation's kinda shitty but at least it'll curb third world immigration, right?
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>tfw I used to have yellow fever yet overnight suddenly realised how essesntial it is for whites to keep between themselves if we want to see whites on this earth in the future.

Will give it a bit of a stir before I eat it
can't believe anyone gets dominoes desu, maybe 3 years ago

papa johns makes the better pizza and is often cheaper, and pizza hut is about the same level of quality as dominoes and regularly has good deals
fit people eat pizza too
I doubt that lad can afford twenty quids worth of pizza every day
>And when there's the inevitable accident the public will lose faith in the technology
Yea it's not like hundreds of accidents are already happening every day right? Automation would reduce accidents
Once in a whle yeah, but a lot of the fat cunts here get takeaway all the time or shitty ready meals
doesn't matter, the public are stupid and if there was a huge accident caused by automation alone rationality would be thrown out of the window and there would be huge pressure on government to add restrictions as people wouldn't feel safe around automated trucks
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forgot to include the actual pic

They all taste like ketchup on a chappati.
then you're setting the bar pretty low comparing yourselves to them eh?
You make a good point Ebin.
>letting /pol/ decide who you want to bang

Give it 50 years and it'll be the reverse people will be afraid of the ones with people at the wheel.
Wow do you want some curry with that rice?
I'm not setting any bar to compare to myself to, I'm telling the fat cunts here to stop eating like shit and start exercising

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>Not ordering pizza from an indpendent family run italian restraunt and instead chosing a shitty american fast food chain

fuck off gym boy.
>implying that spastic even has the choice between whites or asians
Beggars can't be choosers lad, he's probably a virgin
for all you know this might be the first pizza he's ordered in years
It's like those shitty microwave meals you buy where it's all just sauce and rice with 2 pieces of chicken in it

This is why you should cook from scratch at a fraction of the price
all my local takeouts do great kebabs and chicken but not a single one knows how to do a better pizza than your regular pizza chains
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lot of rice
If I managed to get myself into driving jobs I wouldn't have to worry about 50 years in the future, chances are there will have to be some form of basic income by then and i'll have saved a decent chunk of money.

future predictions are always questionable, just look at what people were saying 50 years ago compared to today, don't think its worth trying to take that length of time into consideration. 10-20 years is more of a reasonable time to plan in
stay obese lard boy
fuck you
everybody (EVERYBODY) should take a cullinary course, grow their own vegetables, raise their own meat and fashion their own crockery from clay

anything less is just fucking pointless desu
you fatass
nice coping mechanism fatty
nice argument fatty
Automated cars have already had accidents, and already 1 death.

If we even assume automation does happen, people massively blow out of proportion how fast uptake is. Debit cards have existed for 30 years and Cash is still more popular in 2017.

Automation shills on /pol/ back in 2012 said "Truck drivers will all be unemployed in 5 years" yet 5 years later more truck drivers are employed now than in 2012

i live on a diet of pot noodles and space raiders fuck your cabbages

Well, okay. in 10-20 years you'll still be vegetating on your mattress talking about getting a driving job.

Right at this moment getting and holding a job is several social steps above anything you're capable of.
what is it with pajeets and rape?

Supersize me.
>Diet coke
>Eats a load of shit anyway


why do fatties always do this
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>Right at this moment getting and holding a job is several social steps above anything you're capable of.

Ebin has made a lot of prgress in Comeback August. In 10 years he'll probably be above you in personal and social development

No point in lying to you lad. The world isn't going to hand you the bits of life you want while allowing you to opt out of everything else. sorry there.

LOL. Off you fuck, there's a good merchant.
are you thicc like the pepe
lmao I know, I wouldnt call my self a fatty tho, 5'9", 10 st 2.5 pounds, its just a lapse in my self control, if I'm going to do it might as well mitigate some of the damage and not drink a load of sugar
>Automated cars have already had accidents, and already 1 death
>1732 people died from cat accidents in the UK in 2015
>186, 209 injured

Because Diet coke tastes better than regular coke
Nope. Are you originally?
can't speak for fatties but I prefer coke zero to normal coke, normal coke is way too sugary and sticky

I'm aware how fruitless it is but I have to live on false hope or else I'd mentally collapse
Anything to make them feel less guilty
You want to calculate the number of deaths per flight hour caused by:-

a. pilot error

>20 million cars on the road
>1732 deaths

>Like 50 automated cars on the road in California
>1 death
Just took a caffine pill gonna dedicate todays workout to Rich
just drink water or something

diet coke is bad for you, there's been a few studies linking "zero" fizzy drinks to dementia
>Smart price buns
>Expensive burgers


why do poorfags always do this

Why even have pilots then?
How many deaths do you think there were when cars were first introduced? Give it some time
considering they had a top speed of about 15mph, probably not a lot
I was going to skip my workout today but I feel like I need to for Rich. Might have a cheeky 8 hour arm workout
>I'm aware how fruitless it is but I have to live on false hope or else I'd mentally collapse

It is not necessarily fruitless lad, you just need to accept that not everything is how you see it and that the people generally are not going to change to accommodate your outlook.

In short, you're going to have to start doing things you don't want to on a daily basis. Or nothing will ever change for you.
All this chat is making me want some takeaway chips but ive been eating healthy all week. Hopefully i can stay away from the chippy and just give myself a hate boner whilst eating salad.
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>Letting shlomo decide who you want to bang, instead of banging the natural way between your own race as has been the normality for thousands of years.
yeah, your right, link to those studies? I'll cut out the fizzy from now on, just really using it a mixer for my booze

>inb4 booze are bad
I fucking hate this non-argument.

There's like 500 calories in 1.25l of Coke. That's a LOT just for a drink.
People wouldn't get on planes without pilots I'd imagine. Pilots are just there in case something goes wrong anyway aren't they? they just sit doing nothing for till takeoff/landing or in an emergency
Yea and there's like 2000 calories in a dominos pizza. Add all of the desserts and the coke means nothing

System management. And the unfortunate fact that planes cant just put on a "help me" light and wait by the side of the road if george does break down. Not so big an issue for trucks.
no, it still means 500kcal

Exactly, which is why we'll still have truck 'drivers' for about 30-40 years yet

I've never wanted to bang anything other than a human lad.
>being this jewish with your money
>500 calories means nothing

Just like I thought. Retards being retards.
>Ebin has never eaten in a restaurant
>Ebin has never been on a plane
I still don't understand how people like you exist
Really think Ebin is a character when he comes out with rational stuff like this

I'd bet otherwise. But time will tell.
Red arrows just passed overhead
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Lads, Im so sorry I order pizza, I was so hungry, and I've been working out real hard, and I havent any food in the house, I just wanted to take it easy on Friday, I'm so sorry, please forgive me britfeel, please...
yeah, fuck it
why not drink olive oil
means nothing after all
>Debit cards have existed for 30 years and Cash is still more popular in 2017.

In plenty of countries this isn't true

google it, it was in the papers a few months back and coca cola were shitting their pants

>What is artificial sweeteners

drinking a pint of that zero shite each day isn't healthy
How fat are you, m8?
Thousands of years ago you probably wouldnt even meet an Asian, let alone have the chance to fuck one. Every time humans have encountered a different race we've fucked the shit out of them. First thing the colonialists did when they got off the boat is find some foreign pussy
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Why are there so many yanks in britfeel today? It's really uncomfy
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The fat fuck is eating 3000 calories worth of food what difference does an extra 500 make? He's hopeless anyway
Don't lie mate, my uncle is a red arrow and he's taking me to chessington in his plane in 5 minutes

Septic trait, showing up where they're not welcome.
>google it,

You made the claim. It's your job to prove it. I'm sure the research is totally scientific though, and you didn't just read a bunch of retarded, misleading headlines
It's fine. Like there's nothing wrong with doing it every once in a while.
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I found that I used to give in and binge eat when I worked out too hard too often and would end up feeling tired and really hungry like I could eat a horse
maybe they won't drive the truck but just oversee the automated driving, but there will need to be a human in the trucks or the convoy to guard it and account for errors at the very least. I think we'll see something similar to autopilot in trucks soon for increased efficiency but it won't eliminate the driver, they'd be like a pilot

it just never came up. I eat at home every day and have no reason to eat out or go on holiday

I don't think i'm too smart or educated, basic political stuff would go over my head. I just manage to barely regurgitate some points or rationality I've heard someplace else before, or just common sense
you said 500kcal doesn't mean anything
it does
are you willing to admit that?
>already 1 death
People die in car crashes every day. Automated cars are still safer.
He comes out with these great nuggets of wisdom once in a while. Shame he ruins it with his retardation the rest of the time
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Think what you want but ive already shagged a bird, one I went out with back in my last year of school not a plesant one mind ill give you that, but it still counts!
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>Ebin has made a lot of prgress in Comeback August
>what difference does an extra 500 make
an extra pound of fat a week
if you want a car that can drive itself, get a taxi
That's because there's like a billion more cars than automated cars...

What a stupid "argument"
I see em overhead a few times a week desu because I live nearby the base and they're often out when I'm walking the dog
>you said 500kcal doesn't mean anything
I obviously didn't mean that literally you autist, I meant compared to 3000 calories, that 500 doesn't make much of a difference
10 stone 2.5 pounds, and I'm 5'9"

I had fish and chips last week to, but yeah, I will be more strict with myself from now on

Thats how I felt, now I feel full, but also a little shameful

That fact that he is British and not a Yank like you automatically puts him leagues above you
Compared to 3000 calories, 500 is still a fucking lot of calories just for a drink that you can easily replace.

Next time, don't make retarded "lol diet coke XDDD" comments, because now you know better
But pakis can't drive for shit. I'd rather have an automated car
It's ok, just eat whatever you want, no reason to feel guilty. Besides, an 11,5 inch pizza is nothing, even with the chicken
oh, you were just pretending to be retarded
You're factually incorrect, They don't cause dementia

Google it for proof
>10 stone 2.5 pounds, and I'm 5'9"
You're not overweight anyway so no need to be so hard on yourself.

Still a manlet though.
5'9 is an average height for a UK male. he's not a manlet
I meant to say the rate of deaths per automated car is lower than the rate of deaths per human-driven car.
>What a stupid "argument"

Don't try to reason with a retard who spouts the manlet meme
He wasn't saying whether automated vehicles really are safer or not, he just said that people will think they're less safe.
The booze has kicked in now, I'll feeling a bit more chill now

what can be done about being a manlet, I think I've come to terms with it
paki taxis don't exist out here
Indeed im not denying that didnt go on at all, however all im saying is that if you want to preserve the diversity of the worlds races then stick to breeding with your own race.
But by all means do whatever satisfies your urges lad and go for whatever makes you happpy.

My main point was that automation is not going to imminently cause mass unemployment among drivers. Other jobs will be automated first anyway
t. Copper digging dwarf who's left his mine for half hour
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Haha yeah I'll get right on having sex with who I want

That made me laugh quite loud IRL, have a well deserved (you)
Is there anything worse than teenage girls?
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Girl wants to date me in London, where should I take her? I only been to London like once before, i dont know shit
Thanks really convinced me

Gonna get my glass of Coca Cola Company Fanta tm Zero now. One 2L bottle each day should be enough

Who seriously drinks water anyway?
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I used to do that as well lad and feel full and shameful and like it wasn't really at all worth it straight after, and then I'd feel depressed and like it wasn't worth carrying on putting so much effort into exercising when I undo all that hard work

now been steadily dieting for 4 months and losing lots of weight with just a half hour walk a day and some bodyweight exercises when I can be arsed, along with calorie counting. used to put way more effort into weight loss and didn't work nearly as well as I'm doing now

find that so long as I don't count calories burned during exercise and keep under the calorie limit 5/7 days a week the weight drops off easy
Its the last friday of the month and its a bank holiday weekend
Prison gays, traps and trannies. Utter scum. Purge them all

Half of the posters in britfeel today, they may as well be teenage girls the way they are arguing about automation
public perceptions and fear go over rationality and statistical facts, you could probably find some examples of it elsewhere but i'm too lazy and don't care enough to. I guess you could make a vague comparison to the security theatre in places like airports after 9/11, useless but it makes people feel safer
>Is there anything worse than teenage girls?
Single women in their 30's
Take her to the Macdonald at Oxford circus
Glad I could educate you about how wrong you were.

Next time, skip the middle man and just google it
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You having a good day Ebin? Surprising amount of reason and clarity coming from your posts this afternoon
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Openly homosexual males
>Who seriously drinks water anyway?
I probably drink a couple of liters a day easy

This, some teenage girls can be pleasant to talk to, women in their 30s never are
And also landmines
But probably Ebin

Yes, people are fuckwits.
Right on bud
i dunno mate, i dont get many opportunities with girls especially girls as nice as this one so think im gonna have to try a little harder if i wanna get out of /robot pirate island/

t.fucktard mollusc.

Threads like this go to show why ebin is popular actually.

>Hurr durr coke zero
>Muh dementia
>reaction image

>Hurr durr automation
>everyone will be unemployed
>automated cars are safer
>muh statistics

Ebin is the only one with calm, rational, reasoned arguments so far. I'm not even saying he is right about everything, but at least he can put his case forward like a normal sane person
His retardation is all ironic. He's playing you fools for (You)s
>hang out with friend
>walk around town
>no idea what to talk about

I hate being so autistic
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Are you a virgin or something? Real men drink Zero for that great coke taste
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Go away pesky crustacean!
Very true, but I've been in multiple arguments/discussions with him before and it felt like talking to a child, very immature and close minded way of thinking. He confuses me

Maybe >>39299564 is right
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All depends on how much your able to talk to her

If you cant talk at all take her to the pictures

If you can talk a little take her to something interesting like the national portrait gallery, that way if you cant think of anything to say you can at least point to the paints and talk about them

If you have the gift of the gab, buy her ice cream and go walk round a park

Good luck on your date!
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>Not taking the brothel pill yet?
Ive given up my chances of pulling a girl ever again for the time being, so I just go to my local brothel a couple of times a year and its great I get to pick a bird of my choice and they are all 7/10+ and it sure calms the anixety of being forever alone.
I slept for 13 hours and have to contend with wasting another day procrastinating doing nothing. I'm actually feeling insecure and very brain hazy so i'd say the opposite of what you said. I couldn't think of anything in depth

might write up something to apply for this https://www.networxrecruitment.com/Jobs/Feed?key=2Iq0O4X19H%2fy3Vaadl2j87nCIMR7kqoruNnGyrHEdj0%3d&ShowQuickApply=True

if I get declined (which is the probable outcome) I'll just settle for the worst job I can find and still probably get declined, guess it'll be volunteer time after that

I don't think so, I post sincere most of the time. Sometimes its obvious and has a hint of bait like
but I still believe that its true, I don't think i'm posting anything bad then I see 5 (you)'s all calling me a retard after posting something I thought that most people agree with or do. I've got no formal education at all so I don't know where my views come from
>tfw you will never walk in on her
>If you can talk a little take her to something interesting like the national portrait gallery
I agree with this. Natural History Museum is also good
he's a cunt
you're a brown nosing cunt
stop wasting internet
Women in their 30s and above are usually super nice to me.
It's been so long since I had sex I dont even crave it really. Also I'm a jew with my money
She looks familiar. Was she the one whose brother walked in on her while she was dildoing her vag?
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> Sorry - The specified vacancy is no longer accepting applications.
>Please click the button below to return to the job search page.
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I've hit level of boredom that shouldn't be possible.

What are you lads doing to kill time?
And talk about what?

>Oh that dinosaur is cool
>Oh this is cool
>Nice wooly mammoth
>Very true, but I've been in multiple arguments/discussions with him before and it felt like talking to a child, very immature and close minded way of thinking. He confuses me

Adults seldom argue with children, even when they're being erudite and people tend to ignore the opinions of those who have little or no experience of what is being debated, no matter how forcefully they put their case.

Persistence normally results in sarcasm.
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Oh would you look at that, I've just refreshed the page from yesterday and now it says that. Fuck fuck fuck, it was some delivery van driving
Dont tell her your going to the Natural History museum before you go, just tell her that you have a large bone you want to show her, works every time


Learn Mandarin

On a more serious note, you should reconsider applying to that agency in Scarborough http://castle-employment.co.uk
That's because their biological clock is ticking lad, that's when they get desperate
Thats the one. Gives her a drink or some shit when she's going at it with a vibrator.

>captcha: CamFive Colon

w-wow, rude.
I agree, they've usually grown out of their bitchy, childish youth phase.

Not always of course, but generally

>Coke fags

pathetic, pepsi max tastes better and is cheaper. More healthy too (no sugar)
If you cant think of something to say while surrounded by millions of years of history maybe you're just a tard.
Not disagreeing, I love a bit of the ol pepsi, but they dont do that at dominoes
>no sugar

LOL imagine caring about calories in soft drinks! It's just liquid bro!
What if they are not interested in shit that happened millions of years ago?
What's this all about then lads? I thought it was a parody site when I first saw it but this is actually from the BBC
HeY hoMo sexUaLs raise your hand (or your PENISES HEHE 8=D)
LEt us practice our hOmO sexuaLitY togetHer... LiK tHe stAtUe of liBERTY
why do i look like shit under artificial light but fine when i hold a mirror to my face outside
I'm sure your autistic ramblings about history are so interesting to other people
They have an earthquake simulator
>not making your own carbonated soft drink for a fraction of the price
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>get em all warmed up before you slip em the ol benis
I'd be able to show off how much i know about dinosaurs, i know more than what they tell you in the museum. She'd be mine if she was into dinosaurs.
it's good for weight loss and keeping /fit/, it's why Messi etc drink it



>this dub meme again


>i know more than what they tell you in the museum
such as?
What the hell dude, do you walk around holding mirrors? Are you autistic?
What type of light? Everyone looks shit under florescent lights or other harsh lights, natural light is a lot softer
Hold on, lemme open the wikipedia.
Dinosaur penis is a great topic for s first date.
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I've decided to go out for another cycle. Hope it makes me feel good. I really should get round to updating my mp4 player with more songs that I like to listen to whilst I cycle. Hope I don't throw up this time

>inb4 why don't you use a phone
The mp4 player is much more compact and fits in my pocket easier
Dinosaurs are only a few thousand years old and we're wiped out in the great flood also the earth is flat
Take her to a zoo, make jokes or comments about the animals to make it lighthearted

I don't think that would be the best thing to do, just talk about the facts or history that they have written on the exhibit placard, if shes just read it she won't be confused or bored by your rambling but instead be able to converse

a lot of their jobs seem to be specialized though, won't they just laugh at me for applying and tell me they have nothing? whats in it for them
Mum my friend Jack is gay
>2010 world cup was 13 years ago

feel with me lads



I was 20% tempted to apply for that myself and move up to Scarborough given how fucking cheap rent is up there, that is the sort of job you will 100% be acepted for, they could even have you working within 72 hours if you phone up today
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I'll do it if I get declined from everything else including takeaway deliveries

Fair enough, but that sort of job, and that sort of agency will take anyone, even with no/limited work history. You could have your first job within days if you applied now
New thread bois





>265 a month rent for a studio apartment
Boggles the mind
Can't remember what they had written on the cards so won't know if what i tell you is extra information or not. But last time i went my party was reading the cards and looking at the fossils and saying "i wonder why its like that" or "but why" and i'd fill them in. The info at the museum is very basic, at least it is in the dinosaur area.
>You MUST be able to get to the Eastfield area and be able to start immediately

I drove around there at 4am a few months ago and saw all the people stood outside a warehouse, it looked excessively grim and depressing, you could have mistaken it for a group of people waiting to enter a suicidal group therapy session
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Getting drunk as fuck alone whislt watching anime, a great combination if you ask me
5 posts early YOU CUNT
because there isn't much going on, the economy is very seasonal and booms in the summer but slows down considerably in winter, a lot of jobs just disappear during the off season.

also the cheapness of it is reflected in the quality of people and living here, just imagine
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Thanks for the (You) bucko :)
>tfw her r/asianmasculinity bro will never walk in on you nutting in her
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