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Thread replies: 510
Thread images: 83

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Comfy feels today lads
yeah can we have a decent thread for once??
I heard a 15 yo kid was slain by a man wielding a samurai sword in Britain.

Is it true?
How you spending your day my comfy lad?
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Which one of you cunts did it
yes. was me. am died
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I've been sent lots of paperwork to get a job, I'm not sure where to start lads, there's so much.
Probably going to test out the guitar, broadband is offline until at least 4 so a little uncomfy but I think I'll be reading some books to make up for it
I always get angry when the internet is cut off but then I realize how much more productive I can be. Wish it would happen more often tbqh
They cut me off so often these days I've stopped giving a fuck, think I'll ask for a refund on all the hours I've been put offline - less about the money and more about costing them the inconvenience of taking money out of their pocket, giving it back and if enough people do that it won't look very good to shareholders
Gives me comfy thoughts
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VERY important question here lads.
How deep do you go when wiping your bum? I wipe around the hole, use wet wipes, and it feels like the job is done but then when I go about my day my bum starts to get itchy like I haven't wiped enough. Am I supposed to stick it all the way up there? Pls help
What provider do you have lad? 10 quid it's Virgin
I'm an extremely bad man. SWMBO made a beef/pork/veal ragu last night which is supposed to be for dinner tomorrow (it needs to 'mature') apparently.

Just had a bowl for lunch. I shall be spanked (hopefully).
Just earned yourself 10 quid lad
What is SWMBO
the fuck is a SWMBO
>it needs to mature
You need to mature you pathetic waste of space
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>fapping to femdom on /d/
>read this
>mind goes to ebony and his degenerate sexual fetishes
>fap ruined
You will pay for this dearly, mould boi
Holy shit I'm with Virgin and they do the same thing, I'm from Cambridgeshire, are you the same?
Ever month or so they always send me that cunty letter saying the internet will go off for a few minutes at x time, when it actually goes off for up to 6 hours in the evening, at the wrong date.
I touch the actual ringpiece but i dont go inside. Pretty sure its partly prolapsed anyway but im too scared to look. I'm so intensive because i have a lot of bum hair so dont want poo to get stuck on it.
*ebin, although ebony might be a clever play on his name given recent events

She Who Must Be Obeyed.

>You need to mature you pathetic waste of space

Yeah, but let's face it, not gonna happen now, is it?
Haha I knew it. Glad I moved house and have BT now, Virgin was a nightmare to deal with.
I know it's not easy to change provider but look into it mate, assuming BT is decent in your area
is that your mum or some kind of gf lad?
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Ebin has patrician fetishes what are you on about

That would be my wife anon.
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You take it up the bum lad? I'm with you on the bum hair, might consider shaving it to help the cleaning process
What's marriage like mate? How long you been married?
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that is absolutely foul lad
>what's marriage like
This faggot calls her She Who Must Be Obeyed and gets spanked. How do you think it is?
Sounds like it's femdomwife-anon
>she who must be obeyed
You sound like the old gadge at my work who refers to his wife as 'the boss'.

You lads are a fucking joke.
My ex-wife tried to be in charge, but I snipped that in the bud pretty quick.

she left me because I was 'stubborn' so maybe you're doing it right.
No, i think its because i used to have bowel problems so the constant pooing may have done it. My farts dont make a noise nowadays.
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Anybody else /friendless/ here?
How do I deal with these feels?
Preferably without killing myself, tried that already.

I said seven years the other night and was tersely informed that it's eight. But whose counting?

As >>38976874 says, I call her SWMBO and get spanked when I'm 'bad'. Use your imagination.

Yes, because both he and I are deadly serious in reporting our relationship standing to you in anecdotal conversation anon.

Glad you spotted that TBQH.
Nah you did the right thing anon. You need to put your foot down like you did before they walk all over you.
You just need to find yourself a woman who is ok with being submissive and letting the man take control (probably rare)
You're not wrong mate, my arse is an utter mess
Yeah I'm friendless. Not sure how you deal with them, seems like a silly thing to ask a man trapped in a well how to escape a well.
I think it's a bit tongue in cheek lad.
Like 'ball and chain'
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>She Who Must Be Obeyed.
>use wet wipes,
I hope you don't flush them.
Ijust wipe until there's no poo stains on the tissue. sometimes "digging" into the hole but not like shoving it all the way in.

took a sneaky peak at my bum last shower and it didn't look like in the trap threads. I think I might be partly prolapsed too.
There is a truth hidden behind every joke

Presumably there's a truth hidden behind you then lad?
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>tfw writing suicide note
>therapeutic as fuck
>also feel more committed to actually killing myself as I type more things out
>realise that I actually want to be alive when people read it because I need to see their reactions to it but also I don't because they'd try to stop me

Any suicidal anons feel this way? I really wish I could give it to them and say "This is how I feel" then after they've read it I could go and kill myself.
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stop posting about your buttholes ffs
>I hope you don't flush them
I-I used to. I put them in the bin now because I found out they mess up your plumbing

You lads really need to go the doctor or something, that's not normal
t. tight arsehole owner
Inner London, I get no warnings and they just cut me off and recently it's been multiple times a day for varying lengths
" Fixed by the 9th " yeah alright Virgin
Aye, I shouldn't be here for too long hopefully, year at most so I'm not amazingly bothered considering BT actually didn't bother doing anything, sent guys around to sort it all out and they went into the roof and did fuckall it turns out
That's what fb is for lad.
Many a true word is spoken in jest
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Of course, I am a walking joke after all. We all are

Some more than others anon.
will have another look tonight. hoping it was just a fat shit that upset it and now it's recovered
Sounds like what you want is a failed suicide attempt.
>see people post suicidal posts on FB sometimes.
>see hundreds of comments saying 'don't do it we love you'.
Wonder if anyone actually went to the persons house to help, or even called the police.

>tfw post the nike logo and hope they get the reference.
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If I made a similar post I doubt I'd get a response as good.
I get that sometimes where I want to kill myself and see how people react afterwards and what happens next.
but that can't physically happen unless I fake my death.
and then it's just more trouble than worth.
Thanks for the advice lad. First on the agenda is shave my arse so the doctor doesnt have too see any mashed in poo.
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I just spent 50 pounds on a pair of panties from a reddit user. Does this make me a cuck?
It was u/sarah_xxx if you're interested. They should arrive in a few days.
>there doesn't seem to be anything here
yeah you're a cuck
>Does this make me a cuck?

No. This...

>It was u/sarah_xxx if you're interested.

Makes you a shill.
Dad tripped over the dog in the kitchen (it's about 6 months from dead I'd say, 2 legs gone and limps everywhere, I don't like dogs but it's a lovely doggo) and got mad and kicked it in his legs. This pissed me off so I told him not to kick the dog and he went bright red and walked towards me and said Dont tell me what to do!

He's old but he is huge compared to me so I was a bit intimidated, I told him to stop acting like a child everytime he does something wrong
fake your death and read shit on fb
Your dad is a prick. Is he mentally ill?

Looking forward to the episode when he kicks the fuck out of you rather than the dog TBQH lad.
Sounds like your dads got problems. Might be worth just keeping quiet and biding your time, talking back will just make things more difficult. Some people dont want to change.
You're a good guy anon. Defend doggo pls
>Sounds like what you want is a failed suicide attempt
Aka an attention grab. Friendly reminder women attempt suicide far more often than men but men successfully commit suicide for often. We're even better at killing ourselves!
You should always shower after pooing
I've seen her pics/gifs before, she's really hot. But people who buy used panties are the lowest of the lowest. You should be ashamed
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It's a nice sunny day lads. Anyone going outside?
I'm just about to head off to the gym and to get some stuff for my bike
You know she hasn't actually worn them yea?

Still, the placebo affect is strong
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A lot of them send panties with the request that they have period blood or poo stains in them, 'worn for 3 days' or whatever. It's abhorrent
>You know she hasn't actually worn them yea?
She claims to wear them for 24 hours. I'll smell them when they arrive to determine if that was the case. Not that I know what a woman actually smells like.
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Would you consider the way in which you feel to have been onset by the resulting loneliness or the feeling of personal disappointment in failing to hold companionship?
Post a pic of her. I can't find her when I search
>ywn be able to buy your waifu's heels
Reeeeee she has so many to spare
Use this link.
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It's because you were looking for a user, she has her own subreddit.
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Here's one of her "helpers" anon.
lads whats the cure for apathy
>can't understand my muzzie colleage
>tired of asking him to repeat himself
>just nod and say yes when he asks me something
am I a racist?
Mini golf
Finding someone you care about.
muzzies shouldn't be given call centre jobs when no one can understand them and their english is hardly better than a 10 year old's. not racist
I'm the same trying to understand anyone from Manchester. So unless that makes me racist too.
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I just want to be a good boy

Who cares?

Originality is in many instances massively overrated.
>looking for a flat to rent
>they are all fucking tenements
Really don't want to move into one of these shit holes lads
What's a tenement?
The big fuck of blocks of flats with like 10+ floors.
Tower blocks like Glenfell would be called a tenement. It's a Scottish thing.
Which city lad?

Original city
Never been in one, what's so bad about them lad?
Ah. Those don't sound really nice, probably full of pakis. Have you tried filtering your search by the type of property? You can put that you're just lookinh for a house share
What >>38977459 said basically. They are fucking terrible, always really cold as the windows are shit, full of pakis, ridiculously big rooms, no parking, and the front door is always left open so they get robbed all the time.
Glasgow, found a couple of decent looking ones which hopefully aren't in terrible areas
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I managed to drive all my friends away with my shitty behaviour. I got diagnosed as Bipolar earlier this year but it doesn't excuse it.
Then when I apologised and took them out for drinks they laughed in my face over it and plainly said that they've never been my friends despite that.

You get to be Rab C. Nesbitt's bum boy.
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Everything is coming up Lain, boys!

Well, I still suck terribly at Rocket League, but oh well!
>your mum gets you a pepe tshirt
>she doesn't know its a meme
>she says it's a fun happy toad tshirt
wat do
>wat do
Post a picture obviously

You could say thank you....
Wear it proudly at home. Tell her thank you.
Right lads I don't remember what happened to my galaxy s6 edge after a night of drinking and this morning found my phone off. When I tried to charge it the symbol of the charge wouldn't go for about 3 minutes and slowly charged. When I turned it on the Samsung intro repeated itself for minutes also.

The home button doesn't work, but fingerprint does. The two keys next to it work, but don't light up sometimes the Google app randomly launches.

The seal in the sim card wasn't tripped so I'm not entirely sure. Yesterday before I went out my music on the music stock player was skipping a few times a song, when I restarted the phone the Samsung introduction then took minutes as well. Warm when charging and sometimes the lock button won't work

I highly doubt this is water damage but probably will be. Does any one have any idea aye?
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Thank your mum for being nice and wear that pepe with pride
That's what you get going out and drinking you fucking normie
it can't be a tenement unless it's on a dirty street, walked and worn by shoeless feet
I was out with me family
Dry it out just in case.
If it still fucks up then maybe take it to the store you bought it. They amy be able to help.

Hush mollusc-y mollusc!
Trips are now being generated using my GPU, at a rate that's about 50 times faster. The sky is the limit now.
its good to hear that /britfeel/ is #goodboys4mummy
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Ballsed that one up, didn't I? Really should be putting these in by hand.
My note 4 has a similar issue. I was drunk and may have been sick over it.
Do what >>38977759 said. Just dry it out and try it later. I left mine for around 4 days before trying again.

Still working a year later.
I honestly think he is, he's one of the most childish people alive

I doubt he would never hurt something that could hurt him back desu

I've dealt with it for years, he use to sperg out on me and my brother a bit when we was kids, nothing too bad and he hasn't done it in years. I just hate how my mum always defends him, later on she asked me what he was shouting about so I explained and she said oh you do exaggerate he said he only pushed it out the way, stop trying to start trouble.
>I doubt he would never hurt something that could hurt him back desu

But he should take responsibility and fix his mistakes. I don't know you anon, but I know he'd break you in fucking two.
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>tfw next day off from slavery is Monday

T-thanks Mr Shekelberg! Going to buy lots of frivolous stuff online to make myself feel better desu
Comfy /britfeel/ is goodboy /britfeel/
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Broke my glass knocking it over like a sperg, now I have to wear shoes in my own room like some sort of prisoner.
Proper banger there lad
here's another
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did you consider picking up the broken glass?
I picked up most of it but I'm scared of little fragments.
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>posting youtube songs.
Yep, it's that time of the day when the thread is going stagnent.

The verve are fucking boss though lad.

Loving this whole /britrock/ comeback too. Seems the kids are all getting into the 90s britbands.

I saw their first last gig. Slane, Ireland... Umm... Fuck can't remember the year. Bloody good day though.
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Not a fan of the britpop/oasis era stuff t b h but early shoegaze The Verve were the shit. What recent bands are you talking about? I'm a bit out of the loop with what's trending

my top 5 human beings of all time

1. Karl Marx
2. Richard Dawkins
3. John Cena
4. Owen Jones
5. Kurt Cobain
You can vacuum your floor you loser.

It's quite telling you would rather wear shoes in your bedroom forever instead of vacuuming.
I feel like he could knock me out yeah, that's why I can't do much if he hurts one of the animals or my mum. I will try though
Hehe nice bait
Here's the PATRICIAN top 5 coming through:
1. Diogenes
2. Jesus
3. Marx
4. Nietzsche
5. Ebin
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Actually, I take back the negative comment about the youtube vids.
I've just went and looked out A storm in heaven CD just because this song made me really want to listen to that album agan.

Also the britpop/oasis era they were still good, but I get not everyone liked the change.

I always prefered verve, Suade, Sleeper, urusei yatsura over oasis and blur.

Speaking of Sleeper, I was listening to IT girl on the way to my parents house today.

Good shout lad.
Did you listen to their new album, it's a solid comeback album to be fair.

As for what bands I was on about. I meant the fact that Richard Ashcroft, Liam Gallagher (his new stuff seems quality) etc are coming back into vogue.

>tfw Stone roses tried to come back, realised that while they had one great album and one good album, Ian Brown is a better solo artist, and the roses are somewhat irrelavent.

I still saw them at hampden though.
I can't vacuum while there's water on my floor, how about stop being rude.

>dry the floor
What do you think I'm doing in between shitposting? I've still got to wear shoes to do that.
I always type this when I say slowdive. No idea why.
>mummy finally got our limited edition morrisons foot long sausage roll for just a pound
>the bloody dog took it off the kitchen work top
fuck sake lads
kick its legs
More like shitpop

Top molluscing.
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Aye music discussion is always comfy when there's nothing else to talk about. I guess I need to check out that stuff, I think it's just the bad reputation of the britpop stuff putting me off

Haven't got round to Slowdive's newest, haven't heard the best things about. Still working my way through their older eps

The only Stone Roses song I like is I Wanna Be Adored. Am I a pleb?
good list except you should replace Jesus with Buddha
imagine being this bitter l m a o

Can we see this tshirt lad
it was just a hypothetical thought experiment, lad
Buddha was probably more wise but Jesus had way more impact

No room for useless eaters lad
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Any /bikewhizz/ here? I've got a flat tyre and I don't want to go into the shop for them to do it for me, I want to fix it myself but I don't know how.

I looked online and it's saying I need a spanner and a bike level and all of this shit to fix it. Wat do
Will do, home button starting to work again but the phone is very warm a lot
>I looked online and it's saying I need a spanner and a bike level and all of this shit to fix it. Wat do

Take a wild guess.
To be fair, it gets a bad rap because oasis, blur and pulp pretty much run the scene, 2 were middle class pretending to be poor, and the other was a group of yobs.

Nothing wrong with that, wanna be adored is there best song.
is this a push bike or not?
And who is a useless eater?

The gobbet of mad whore's cunt grease who was yapping about his dad. Needs put down and his father should really be responsible.

Things like that should slip in the bath when they're young, if you know what I mean.
You should find something else to do
Not sure what a push bike is. It's a road bike I think with flat handle bars

REEEEEEE why can't I just pull the wheel off. Now I have to go out and buy those things

Nah, yer alright chum.
I agree but tbf the main reason Jesus had so much impact is because of the roman empire manipulating Christianity for political reasons. I reckon you can learn a lot more from Buddha. Jesus is still dope though, he might have been wiser if he lived for longer.
does it have pedals or an engine you spanner
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surprise surprise 105
O-oh. Just pedals
That's horrible, I understand he was annoyed but that's just ridiculous. Post your old doggo please
Could do with one of those
Halfrods lad.
Get a lifetime guarantee lad.
If it snaps (it shouldn't) or any other kind of damage, just take it to halfords and they'll swap it.

It's better than snap-on. (5x the price and no lifetime guarantee.)
if you want to fix the puncture you need a puncture repair kit, you can buy one online and use that as long as the puncture isn't huge
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Any of you lads have any hope that things will get better?
He can get them in the poundshop too if he wants one today. All he needs to do is cycle up the town.
I only have one picture, and I dont want to get doxxed. hes a german shepard
>turn 25
>get a girl
>now 30
>have wife, and kid on the way.

Nah, it just got worse and worse lad. Should have stayed single.
I hope that things will be a steady level of ok.
Do you dislike having a child or dislike having a wife? Did you dislike having a gf?
grass is always greener on the other side lad. if you where a 30 year old virgin you would probably be saying the opposite
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>would YOU fuck a duck?
Get to him while he's asleep lad.

This is going to sound really edgy but I'm not an edgy guy at all, I just had no choice.

I went into my dads room while he was sleeping and then carefully dropped down my knees onto his shoulders. This woke him up and also held him tight, and I had a knife in my hand. I said to him "If you fuck with me again, I will kill you while you sleep. If you call the police, I will kill you while you sleep. If you throw me out of the house, I have keys hidden outside and I will come and kill you while you sleep. Even if you change the locks I'll find a way in. Then I'll kill myself. I have nothing to lose, I'm going to kill myself anyway, I'll take you with me."

As I said, edgy as fuck, but it worked. The fucker never bothered me again and I am still living here, rent free, comfy as fuck, aged 29. He occasionally tries to give me a bit of shit, but I just say I'll kill myself. He knows that means him too, so he backs off right away.
Christ how many miserable married men post here?
Please refrain from giving 'advice' in the future.
this is why you get yourself a boi, lad
Same issue I had with mine. Home button wouldn't work, wouldn't charge and got hot. Try it tomorrow. Just leave it off until then
I start uni in a month after 2 years of being a disgusting NEET, hopefully I can get a job in an area I enjoy. During my NEETdom I had a realisation that money doesn't matter, happiness does. Aslong has I have enough money to live I'll be content
Not a lot. To get married you need social skills; something which most /r9k/ users lack.
/britfeel/ is normie as fuck though

That never happened lad.
You know it.
I know it.
Everyone reading it knows it.

Wise the fuck up you subhuman piece of shit.
Why lad? It worked a treat. God knows what kind of shitty council flat I'd be living in now if I hadn't done it.
Can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not, I'm going to say you are
>encouraging faggotry
>not wanting to pass on your genes and create a family
>is normie as fuck

not really. some lads here just say this because they think anyone that leaves the house a few times a week is a normie. i would say there are a lot of cyborgs in here but not that many proper normies
>Wise the fuck up you subhuman piece of shit.

Oof, sounds like the wagie is ragie!
This tbqh.

Got a gf and times I wish I was single but I know if I was single, I'd have times I wish I had a gf.
The wife kind of. It's great, but sometimes it's a hinderance. You just wanna go do stuff, but you can't ebcause either she's pissy you're going out without her, or she wants to come too. Sometimes it's nice to be alone, or without her.

It's true. Either way It'll be shite being me.

We're rare, but there are af few.

Fuck off ye bufty.

Nah lad. I'm not. It's not worth the agro.
If you:
>have a job
>have a partner
>engage in sex at least semi-regularly
Then you're a normie. There are a lot of people here who tick those boxes
This worked for me and I'm in my early 30s

Love the fuck out of him, and made me a better person
Do you need all three to be a normie?
I think that might be a bit far, I dont want to live here for much longer or anything like that so I don't need us to get along I just don't think its right to kick a dog in his bad leg
I wouldn't say so but having all 3 guarantees you are a normie. Having just one or two means you're partly a normie, on you r way to full normiedom
I'd say that having a girlfriend definitely makes you a normie. With a job it really depends on the job.

Does anyone get ragie at the fables of Aesop?
Of course not, nor is anyone going to get annoyed at the ravings of impotent, violence obsessed fantasist.

It's just vaguely irritating that you could come here, talk to people, see the level of intelligence behind the admittedly lacking social skills and imagine for a second that anyone would believe that crock of shit you posted.

Just go back to complaining about it all not being fair, lad.
Tbf, who cares if some lad here is a normie or not as long as it doesn't disrupt the thread?
Yeah I only went that far because I wanted to live here rent free forever with no more shit from him, he was threatening to kick me out and I couldn't stand that.
Oof you are angry as fuck lad! Sorry that you have to get up every morning and go to work just to pay rent to your landlord. You're right, it all isn't fair. It isn't fair on you. Poor wagie.
Mate why are you getting so upset? It was just an over the top made up story
Wagies get ragie so easily.
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enjoy being poor so you can have little brats who hate you
Oh yea I don't really mind, just explaining that there are normies here. As long as they don't antagonize NEETS/virgins and bait them by posting about their gf when it has no relevance then it's fine.
>>have a job

i dont think this makes you a normie because you could hate your job and spend your entire time with your head down not really speaking to anyone

>>have a partner
>>engage in sex at least semi-regularly

i would not say more than 10% of the lads here tick either of these boxes. there are more prison gays in here fucking eachother than straight lads and im not counting prison gays as normies
>caring about money over creating life
This generation is fucked. Continue with your selfish greed while whites go extinct
Aye. Personally I love the mix. It's better to have sets of lads that can relate to certain things than every lad being the same but no one being able to relate to a complaint about a gf, or a complaint/smug post about being a neet.
I know what you mean lad, my gf was just saying the same thing.
Prison gays don't fuck each other. They just flirt online and pretend the other person is a 10/10 trap. They can't get hard with normal guys and perform, or they'd be full on gay.
>Oof you are angry as fuck lad! Sorry that you have to get up every morning and go to work just to pay rent to your landlord. You're right, it all isn't fair. It isn't fair on you. Poor wagie.

You're mistaking something approaching pity for anger, lad.

You really aren't convincing anyone and I'm pretty sure that you're aware of that at some level.

All of us embroider the truth, to make ourselves and others feel a little more comfy or to help us achieve other ends. Sometimes we'll outright lie if we think it will help us achieve our aims. In order for a lie to work, even Goebbel's "big lie", it has to be believable and yours... Sorry anon. 0/10.

But as soon as I dock this speedboat, I'll speed to the airport in my Ferrari, charter a jet and come and see you at your free for life residence.... Okay?
what about jun lad and all the rest of them meeting up for bum fun and talking about their experiences?

actual straight lads in prison manage to fuck other guys when they get desperate enough
They gave me a letter at work. I thought I was getting the sack but it was just a pension thing. Gay.
>go into living room, mum is watching some courtroom show
>guy is getting accused of rape by multiple women
>however, he has consent forms that they all signed before sex to say it was completely consensual
>all girls admit that this was not signed under duress
>they claim that they changed their mind during sex when he got too rough
>none of the girls have injuries or anything to prove that this is the case
>only evidence presented is that one of the girls he fucked killed herself and blamed him for it
>all looks lost, the bastard is going to get away with it!
>but finally, one of the girls bravely takes to the stand and cries a bit
>immediately found guilty, like 25 years in prison

who writes this shit
What's wrong with you? Are you baiting or are you actually this autistic
>muh white genocide
>continues popping out minimum wage drones for da joos to exploit with materialism
>Race is more important than money

Mate the whole point of being white is so that it's easier to make money.

I say pot, you're a bit dark.
Eh, kettle?
Oh good.

The /pol/scum have arrived.
>Absolutely raging that someone else can live free with their parents
>Reddit spacing

Oof. This is one angry wagie.
>consent forms
is this the world we are living in now
do they also need to be co-signed by a valid guarantor?
nah.i will write 1 and send it to people when the time comes. i don't want them saying anything to me but will want to say something to them.
I don't get the idea of a consent form. Wouldn't pulling that out just before doing it ruin the mood?
It's funny how you've ended up looking more autistic than the guy who posted a fake story threatening his dad with a knife.
>have a job
>drive a car
>smoke a vape
>own a ps4
>have netflix
Am I full normie lads?

Only thing I don't do is drink with the lads.
Pretty close tbqh. Working a comfy office job too?

It's pretty much de rigeur on some campuses in in the US so I'm told.

Mrs. also went to a dance event in Australia about 18 months back and there were consent forms in the "orientation pack" along with guides to local restaurants and taxi numbers... That kind of thing.
So you don't have any mates? While all the other stuff you've said points to normie, but not having any friends at all to drink with says you're probably not a normie at all.
There is nothing norrmie about smoking a vape, owning a ps4 and netflix. Any NEET can do that.
that's my point mate.
Nothing sexy about beaurocracy
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I forget where but I remember hearing these feminists saying that before any sexual act you should ask for specific consent before.
>is it ok if I kiss you?
>is it ok if I put my finger inside you?
etc. These people are insane
i've used https://www.usedpanties.com/ before. got the woman to stuff them in her fanny and she took pics off proof. even did pussy pops. chuppa lolly in fanny then sent to you.
I work as sous chef (or the guy who does all the work while chef works off his hangover.

I use to, but when you get married and have kids, it's harder to find the time. My mates are all settling down too now. So we have like a bbq or pub sesh maybe once a season.

No, but normies are all about those things, so the combination does.
"Hello miss, would you mind filling out section 2 of this form if you would allow me to kiss you, but section 2 to 5 if you would allow me to have sex with you"

Almost seems like some old comedy show skit.
Guys, consent forms are probably not something a lot of you should be concerned about.
That is really low. How did you look yourself in the eye after that?
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The line between reality and satire is increasingly getting blurred.
how did your bipolar drive everyone away?
>up to 5
Also what the fuck is Hijra? Sounds like some Final Fantasy character.
I know what you mean mate. I'm not even at the point where my mates have kids but we all are in serious relationships and we have proper careers, nights out need to be properly planned now. There's no such thing as just texting a mate and making a plan on friday afternoon anymore.
>how did your bipolar drive everyone away?

Ever met anyone BPD?
It's a paki tranny. Like Poleaboo. Not even joking this is really what it means.
is this the original anon?

I was just looking for some specific examples out of interest
>two spirit
And I thought I had heard them all before
>There's no such thing as just texting a mate and making a plan on friday afternoon anymore.

Why not? The relationships won't get in the way of that (unless your partner is a clingy cunt)

Suppose if you all work different shifts, it's difficult
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Probably some ethnic thing

>up to 5
>polyamorous queer autistic trans lesbian
Jesus fucking christ.

I vote we change Poleaboo to Hijra
Sous Chef here.
All my mates either work with me (and we are shattered by the time the restraunt shuts/tidy shit up) and days off are spent with family.
My other mates work different shifts, and always do that thing where they text you the night before.

It's not like when we were younger working in kitchens, drinking everynight after the place shuts.
I should rephrase that. It's possible to find someone to have a drink with, but tough to get a big group together. People either have plans with the mrs, plans with workmates or to take clients out, they need to get up early for some kind of grown up thing the next day, they are out of town because of work or on a weekend break, etc.
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>go to sleep while having a coughing fit
>wake up feeling like death again, noticed one of my pillows has fallen down the end of my "bed" again so my posture was also bad
What's so bad about Danielle Brown?
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I know the feel. Been having trouble breathing this week for some reason haha.

You wanna live forever?

Welcome to real life anon. Umm what can I say?

Improvise, adapt, overcome.
I was supposed to fix my starter motor today but I couldn't summon the will
looks like I'm bump starting my bike to get to work tomorrow

god, I was comfortable for a while but now things have just gone to shit
could really use a fucking break
Sort your walls out mouldyboy.

You're going to regret that tomorrow.

What's the bike? Something vintage-y?
Yea she seems alright actually, other than being a bit of a basic bitch. But the idea of someone's job being 'driving diversity & inclusion' is absurd
Been thinking about getting a motorbike for a while lads. How much do you reckon it's gonna cost for a shit beginner bike and all the gear?
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My jobcentre advisor's being a cunt lads
it's a 2008 YBR
electric start only, because somebody thought that was a good idea

it's not heavy but the choke cable snapped and it needs to warm up before it will go

>I didn't fix a bike I hate to get to a place I don't want to be
regret makes me a fucking chump
I spent 300 on a helmet
1200 on a bike (cbf 125)
got a jacket from my dad
50 on gloves
got boots from my dad
insurance is 500ish a year for 10k miles
tax is like 18 quid a year
to do your CBT is like 90-120 squid but I had to do mine twice so it was 180 (was 120 but they let me do the second day for half off)
You might want to get other shit like waterproofs, undergarments and other stuff like balaclavas.

Fuck that's worse than being at school.
>anon gets BTFO by Stacey-kun
Lad isn't it easier to just get a simple shitty job than have to deal with all this?
why am I not surprised

Surprised that has a fixable (as opposed to replaceable) starter motor DESU.

That's why I thought you were on something old.
How'd you fail the CBT? I thought everyone passed
kek wish i worked for the job centre in a majority non white area
This is why I got a job.
>tfw the dole was harder than working a 30 hour a week job as a cook.

Just bite the bullet, get a job that's 16+ hours and sign off.
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>CBT twice
fucking how lad
it's basic training, they even let you do it on a scooter if you're a complete and utter numpty

the CBF is a nice bike though
I had one for a few months last year, probably the best 125 I'll ever get to ride
fairly sure it's an electrical fault
all the wiring loom is fucked because the previous owner wanted to tart it up with LEDs and aftermarket alarms and shit
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Not too sure lads, doesn't matter now I passed.

Not him obviously, I didn't have to do it. But at the stage it was introduced, I'd probably have failed it... And I'd been on the road a few years by then.
it's not a test
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At the end of the day lad they can say you have to come in another day or that you get your certificate, I call that passing and failing lad.
then how come he failed it?
I've already got like 6 brothers and sisters though

my genes aren't exactly going extinct

>What is adopting
>Implying homos can't have a family
Ikr, petty bitch. She's probably butthurt I never ask "how're you" or respond to her small talk.

I'm not taking this lying down, I'm not a child.

pic related

She's hit the wall. Probably a looker in her day but now she's a 20 something obese mother of two working in a bennies centre.

What usually happens is in London and other cities it's uppity nigerians and paki's being passive aggressive to you and out in the country where I am it's either wellmeaning but useless roasties like Stacey or an old battleaxe looking for a reason to belittle you.
it's at their discretion whether you're safe to be on the road or not.
That's the criteria for "passing" if you want to play semantics.
>counting sisters.
Lad, only your brothers count.
Girls take the mans name so they kill bloodlines.
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Forgot my glorious comeback email
>taking in some degenerate's reject kid
>not wanting to create your own life
It's good that your siblings are having kids too but you need your own, it's a human drive
>gets rejected by Greggs
>Greggs hires Tilde
>you're lower than Tilde
What went wrong lad?
He didn't want the job.
Greggs know when they have a faker.
tilde impressed them with her sausage handling skills x
>need your own
maybe you do, dont project your own needs onto others

>it's a human drive
They hired tilde to tick a box. There aren't many tranny boys to be ticked.
Ok so they decide if you're allowed to drive on the road right? They can either pass you or fail you for this. I don't see what your point is
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Is there a more beautiful car for the price point?
>taking in some degenerate's reject kid

So some poor kid who lost his family due to a car accident or cancer is "degenerate" now?

back to /pol/ retard
This. I haven't attended an interview in months. I make up bullshit to keep he quiet and she's either too lazy to check or is too afraid to call me a liar in case I complain and get her sacked.

Does anyone WANT a job in Greggs?
You might need one, I totally understand that.
But, fuck me "I get to sell cheap meat pastries to the public.... My life is complete!"

That's proper ugly mate. I hate that style of car
Post dream cars
What I meant is, he doesn't want it at all.
Someone may want a job in greggs because they need one to get money.
Anon didn't want it because he doesn't need one, because he's happy being poor.
Most kids up for adoption were rejected by their parents, the minority are orphans. What type of people do you think go all the way through only to give their child away because they can't even take care of it? Degenerates
I've done all I can to help you
square peg in a round hole
And what type of work would you say is fulfilling? Most people here work dead end min wage jobs like that
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>he thinks this is a man
Huh whatever you say, pal
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>muh bloodline
>muh degenerates

Work is only as good as the people you work with.
The job, no matter what will end up being shite. AS long as you have good peoples to work with it is worth going in everyday.

The cutey at my work just text me to say she's leaving.

Really gonna hate going in to work now.

Because they want to?
jesus, even amateur traps know how to take good, misleading pictures
you're not even trying
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>posting my grandads legs
c'mon anon.

What next, you gonna post a polish field workers hands?
failing to see anything feminine in this
You know that pic is a guy right
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>tfw you quickly apply for 4 months work that is in your home town right on your doorstep, only to be told its already filled by someone else.
Gods why have you forsaken me, have I disspleased you for for being a comfy neet for the last 4 months, do I need to make some sort of blood or animal sacrifice to get things back the way they used to be?

Is neetdom really just like digging yourself in a hole the further you keep going the harder it is to get out, I would keep carrying on but I wont qualify for neetbux having a trade, plus I havent paid rent in about a month and my parents could kick me out on the streets cause they are both wagies and seeing me doing nothing all daymust make them despise me and want me kicked out.


Okay. I always just thought people strove to do something that they were interested in or adapted to, but I guess that's as good as any.
that guy unironcally users the term 'white genocide' but he's perfectly happy to leave white kids to drift aimlessly in the world
" we will have you back on at four "
Now it's 5 and they're saying there's no problem at all
Got no work done today as a result
Virgin Media "Broadband" lads.
why would I take in someone's failed white kids when I can create my own?
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>they get home from work
>start insulting our tilde

can't wait for the dog webms from reddit to start
Anyone else neet by day, wagie by night?
It's the comfiest way to slave

The white women of the world are indeed fortunate to have such a paragon of racial and social virtue as their potential inseminator.

I hope you are not trampled in the rush to procure your seed.
>failed white kids
it's not the kids that failed you idiot.

So you work night shift?
Doing something you love for work, makes you hate what you love.

Trust me. I use to work as a writer for a local newspaper, but I slowly started to hate writting more and more every week.

Pffft! Okay, whatever.
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Hi pals, please post cute doggos and cattos for my collection! I plan on posting them to /r/aww for tons of upvotes! Thank you! Have a nice day, love you all!
Virgin Media oversubscribe people and don't invest in infrastructure

I had my promised 50mbps for a few months and then it all went to shit even with their "fixes". I presume its because of all the new apartment blocks opening up
>Virgin Media oversubscribe people and don't invest in infrastructure

Massively, but then so do virtually all ISPs
Virgin seem to take the piss though.
he says "bud" and "friendo" most though, other than that good accuracy
t-that's not how it works anon...
not but if the parents did then they probably had shitty genes that they'll have passed on to the kid. adopted kids end up with tons of issues anyway, I'd rather avoid that

thank you lad. no, I will bide my time to find the right white woman to inseminate and create my progeny
>thank you lad. no, I will bide my time to find the right white woman to inseminate and create my progeny

I bet the queue is already forming.
Ive tried wage by day, wage by night and it was horrible i was constanly working 8 on 4 off 8 on, that was no way to live i felt like their was something wrong with me almost like I was high from sleep deprivation you would probbly be alright in an office job but to do it in a labour intensive enviroment is just down right dangerous and pointless as you are half of what you would be if you just worked the one shift.
Now i just come and go to a job as I please through agency work having my own company now that is the way to go and have never looked back.
Yes, I have had some potential suitors but I chose not to pursue them. I'm still young and need to be in a better financial position to have kids (ie not NEET)
You would think living just off from inner London it would be beefed up properly, I've had issues with them but this past month it's been frequent disconnects and a few times I've been off for countless, countless hours such as today. Really rustles my jimmies desu lads
Steve Jobs was adopted. Congrats kid you just refused to give Steve Jobs a family.
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Does money buy happiness lads?
I've been thinking about it for a while, and I don't think it does. I think struggling makes you happy. I would say succeeding makes you happy but then I look at people like JayZ or Kanye West and they're not happier when they got to the metaphorical top of their mountain.

What do you lads think? I think it's hard to think of because I've never had real wealth.
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>tfw was in an upbeat mood
>listen to slowdive (2017)
>want to kill myself

Fuck music lads.

I'm sure, lad. I'm sure.

Something, something, something leftie cuck.

Steve Jobs was a massive cunt, the world would have been better off without him. What's your point?
Money makes me happy because I can buy what I like.
I still feel shite from time to time, but being able to buy what I want is better than being miserable and not being able to.
So no, money can't buy happiness, but it can lessen your shite mood.
because you can hardly complain about how society is turning out if you do nothing to influence it
But I'm going to create my own redpilled alpha children, they'll be perfect. Then they will spread these views and each have their own children and so on. How is that not influencing society?

Frankly. Yes.

Shit can still happen to you when you "have money" but in just about every imaginable case that shit will be easier to deal with than it would if you were penniless.
t. Windows fag
Need to check it out then, I heard it was a bit shit.
>tfw no prime Rachel gf
you're a NEET on /r9k/ your kids are gonna be shit
What the fuck has channel 4 done lads?

How are these people even considered victims?
"Sorry mummy I didn't mean to kill innocent people and enslave girls"
no because I'm going to help them avoid all the mistakes I made. they'll be perfect
the Enlightened ones have found me and there is nothing you can do now. you have no control over me any. now leave here.
yeah and then your kids become friends with some angry kid who never had a father because everyone thinks its alpha not to adopt
I do like these kinds of posts, but propper grammar and not a word make it more fun lad
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Want a middle Kingdom gf
Said every parent ever
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>get home from work
>instantly go back out to do some work because my shitty family wants wank odd jobs doing
Fucking love coming home from work to do some more work for cunts I hate.

Implying you'll ever get closer to the act than watching the sex scenes in Romper Stomper.
Gonna raise my kids to be casually racist and not watch the BBC who else here /alpha/?
>The job, no matter what will end up being shite

Not true. There are genuinely fun and interesting jobs out there. They are just fucking hard to get.
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who are the enlightened ones anon
Hope you homeschool, or posh private school them as well
My kids will only watch the most alpha comedians, Roy Chubby Brown and Jim Davidson.

I don't think many people who actually there are that naive really.

But it's okay to dream.


Fucking libtards.
I also wont let them watch Jack Nicholson movies because he was adopted and has weak genetics
nothing wrong with being casually racist mate
>it's a mum clomps around and makes loads of noise to trigger my autism episode
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>All those whites
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Nah, it's not shit lad. I'd say it's good. It's up there with the rest of their albums. The only people hating it are probably the pretentious mumgs who hate on slowdive in general or only like obscure japanese shoegaze that no one listens too (/mu/)

Give it a go lad.

>tfw no Jenn Ghetto(Carissa's Weird/S) gf.
Even now she's still cute.
Jack Nicholson was a degenerate, you can tell because he was adopted.
>normie roastie on the news talking about who she lost her house AND her holiday in the recession
oh no! not her holiday home
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>from writer Peter Kosminsky
really makes you think
I love how racists always say they are the alphas and non-racists are the cucks.

In reality it's the opposite. Racism is driven completely by fear.

can someone post a pic of that hot lassie bending over i think her name was like hannah or something like that
is fear a bad thing now?

fear is part of self preservation
if you want to walk into a lions mouth, all the best
How is fear cuckish?

Isn't cuck loving something more than yourself?

I mean most cucks love blacks and want to let the black fuck their wife. Someone scared of a black man wouldn't let him in the house.
Night shifts are comfy in the right job
May peace be upon all beings whom graciously pass through these lands, For the enlightened ones bless thee.

The nameless one, he who tuned to darkness, never shall he curse the sacred home with his fury, for he now spends his time engulfed in flames.

I came and i saw, now i speak.
>Is fear a bad thing now?

Yes, it's weak. If you want to be a pussy your whole life, all the best.

>How is fear cuckish?

Because it's about being scared your wife will leave you unless you let her fuck other guys.
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I did hear something about the mixing being poor but I will check it out
>carissa's wierd
Nice taste lad, really good for that angsty mood. I raise you Chan (Cat Power). Her name is literally CHAN
Think I'm just a normal person who neither wants to kill non-whites or have them fuck my wife
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Materialism is a false ilusion, it may make some people happy but me personally I look beyond the ilusion and see it for what it really is.
>A means to waste your money on shit you dont need.
>men who chase it turn into monsters robbed of their sanity and real sense of purpose in life.
>People born into wealth are spoilt brats who use their wealth as a means to attain freinds and social status without even trying.
>international finace is responsible behind 99% of the worlds wars and suffering.
>far to many rank money as more important than their health, wellbeing and even family!
>its used as means to enslave us take brexit for example what the establishment were saying "forget civil liberties and self determination money is more important"
>women will go for wealthy men, they dont care if they are nice or have good genes they want that money.

If i had my way I would have all money burned and smelted down into a giant metal cock, and revert back to a barter economy where you traded based on goods and labour not artfical credit notes that are printed out by the bank of England that is a private entity, who determine how much to print out just to suit their fellow parasites in international finance who make a living off usury or better yet making people suffer through intrest slavery.
>pakis drugging and raping young girls
>pftt you're just SCARED and IGNORANT
Open up your fucking eyes you mong
Is anyone going to watch this?
Or better yet making people suffer through intrest slavery.
Fucking madman, this lad
>can't even pick a fence to sit on
you're worthless to everyone and thing
Get ready for people to tell you that you can't exist, and if you don't want to kill non-whites you MUST want them to fuck your wife.
I'm not a young girl and if I had a daughter I would be a better parent than the poorfag scum who let their kids get groomed by other greasy poorfags. So what do I have to be scared of?
The mixing isn't the best, but it's still pretty good, it's not going to really mess with your enjoyment to the extent a bad mix would.

Good bird, and good band, but I'll still always have a soft spot for Jenn Ghetto.Even if her solo stuff is pretty weak lyrically (some stuff is like a teenage kid in his/her notebook)
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This is a good read/listen
had some good wanks with those knickers round my cock. no shame here
Pakis will.
Too hot.

my little bottle of water I put in my pocket gets warm.

I always get back with a headache.

not carrying a big bottle or a fucking ice cooler around with me.

how does everyone else manage?
you my friends are an awakened being and i am happy to read your words
>blaming the parents of the children
>not the pakis doing the raping
jesus fucking christ...
and you're saying it's ok for them to groom 12 year old girls and rape them repeatedly as long as they're not your children?

when i get too hot i run my head under the cold tap for a minute or so, leave your wait wet, wait until the water on your head starts to warm up...back to the cold tap
where is the devil i hear your spirit called out. He is here, i tell you. he is biding his time, waiting to strike. be prepared friends for he could strike any moment.

you have been warned
The pakis will go to jail for raping. The parents are poorfag scum who can't even raise their children properly, and they won't even be punished. If your child gets raped by a paki you shouldn't even have had children.
>Isn't cuck loving something more than yourself?

No. Not at all.
Try a dictionary.
Friend's inviting me out at the weekend because they know I'll buy them drinks..

"Wanna come out anon?
>Meet them
"Get us a pint anon"

Every. Single. Time.
Fuck off.
bit difficult when youre out in town.
also quite poor, so don't want to be paying a pound for a cold drink.
The latest paki grooming scandal truly is the worst of both sides of society these days, both sides are pretty much as bad as each other, luckily ive been raised to be pretty heartless and indifferent to pretty much anything so im not losing any sleep over it
cute but she should really shave that stache...
this does seem pretty cringe lyrically but I might check the rest out, didn't even know she had solo work
Stop being such a doormat then. Why would you buy your friends drinks unless you were doing rounds or you offered to?
feel a bit bad for that lad
was probably expecting a tonne of (You)'s but one got one

>bit difficult when youre out in town.

true dat...i hardly ever go out anyway and always manage to find a way to avoid trips outside when its too warm anyway, but i do suffer in warm weather like you so for what its worth, you have my sympathies anon
>The pakis will go to jail for rapin

what lad are you talking about?
nice try

Oof, now this is an actual cuck lads
once at caarboot I bought this womans high heels to sell on cos I thought they looked nice.

she was a tall blonde milf, did end up masturbating to them.

still not bothered to sell em yet.
not even a footfag.
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Exclusive, never before seen picture of ShipAnon and his ex, Susan.
It's because 2 of the 4 friends that I know are on bennies.

Mfw, they still manage to buy sniff every weekend.
>just trying to take a piss and all I hear is absolute shit coming from the bogs.
Shipanon is far less faggoty looking I bet.
>but i do suffer in warm weather like you

often think im not made for this earth.
how do other people in the same situation seem to cope so effortlessly
I bet there's absolutely no chance they'd buy you a drink if they had a job and you were on bennies.

Get better friends who actually give a fuck about you and don't just see you as a cashpoint cuck. You are probably in their phone as "Anon (Free Drinks)"
Sounds hot. How much were they worth before you plastered them with cum?
>less faggoty looking

are you joking, hes wearing a fucking earing.
You know something anon, I agree.

You're absolutely right.
Fuck em, this weekend I'm spending my wagecucks on booze, takeaway and a jap escort.
>luckily ive been raised to be pretty heartless and indifferent to pretty much anything so im not losing any sleep over it

Oooh you sound scary. Are you in a gang?
> Friends beg me to take today day off work for a house party
> Book the day off, work calls me today begging for me, offer 2.5x pay
> Still say no
> Few hours go by
> Majority of them say they need to save money, not going now at last minute
> Ring back work, they found cover for me
> Shit on my friends for being faggots
> need to save cash bro, dont be mad

I am absolutely incensed right now.
You you could look at it in a social darwinian way, yes many of us whites are scared of being outbred by blacks and asains who are a threat to our existance.
But does that make blacks and asians "alpha" and whites "Beta" of course not it makes every race on earth "beta" because once micegenation takes places the dominant alleles on both sides are destoyed and you form a half caste mongolid who in evolutionary terms is by no means superior take for example a chinese and black half caste.
>the penis size becomes average
>IQ becomes average
>athlectic capabilites become average
In doing so you essentially make a hybrid human who is average in every thing and is concidered a "beta" in every instance compared to a pure bred black or asian the only thing being is that in survival terms they will be the ones who will be the dominant of all races on earth.

If wanting to preserve the worlds true diversity makes me an "evil nazi racialist" then I wear that badge with pride and know I stuck up for preserving the worlds beautiful unique diversity.
Does no one here have actual good friends? Geesh
>Majority of them say they need to save money, not going now at last minute

your friends sound like absolute cunts. dont know why people can be such bellends. they must have know how much money they had when they started nagging you.
So? Can't you still go to the house party?

i had many experiences like this when i had friends, its the main reason i became an anti-social shut in, it was a great feeling when i finally realised that people stopped asking after me and no one cared about me anymore, felt very free and liberating dessy
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in terms of value they were quite expensive new.
bought for 3 pounds.
didn't actually get cum on them.
women seem to sell their clothing off cheap so probably wouldn't get much for them and they scratched now so just want my 3 quid back

still was worth it for a wank
sick of tap water lads
there's nothing else but coffee

there's some beer in the fridge but that tastes rancid even at the best of times
oh god I have an identical pair
cept they're not patent leather
Well m8

That's why were on /britfeel/.

If we could all meet up for a pub night we would.

We'd all be good mates.
Save it for your normie fb friends you just think non-whites are gross and dont like them fucking white girls.
I've had since late March to do a piece of work I was assigned. Deadline is tomorrow.

Anyone care to guess what % of it I've completed?

I'll give you a hint: the bottom of a train is looking awfully tempting right about now
can you not read? the other guy said that shipanon probably looks like less of a faggot than the one in your pic

I'm pretty sure you don't need a badge lad.
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Stop posting bullshit and just admit you hate niggers
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haha yeah, funny that
but youre probably a big hairy man right.
Anyone down for a /britfeel/ meet up at the end of this month?

Will be meeting in Birmingham or Manchester
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>We'd all be good mates.

No thanks I'd rather not go to either of those shitholes.
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haha imagine not having good friends. or any friends at all haha
petite hairy man
>Save it for your normie fb friends

You're generous of thought!
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End of the month? see you there anons x
how can you wank over a pair of shoes?

And lo! All across the (mid) lands (assuming Brum) there was a terrible autistic screeching......
Wanna go put tea on lads but outside is too nice.

You need a penis, a hand and a pair of shoes....
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Pakis are 7% of the population yet are responsible for 33% of all rape and that was in 2011. Imagine what rape stats will be like when they're 30% of the population? Being raped by a Paki will be standard and it wont just be poor working class girls being targeted either. You're damn right people are scared.
go buy some tea desu
>Tfw I haven't travelled as far as Birmingham in my entire life
I'd buy anything if I had the money
I'd swipe a quid from the change jar but I'm not gonna cross that line

roll on payday, I'm gonna eat and drink myself into a stupor
then immediately regret it

Tell your carer to give your face a wee wipe pet.

I wouldn't start now if I were you.
Wow bargain for 3 bong lad, nice find.
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You were the chosen one. It was said you would destroy the tripfags, not join them. You were to bring balance to /Britfeel/, not leave it in darkness.

you were my brother Ebin, i loved you
thanks, wasn't sure if I was mad buying them.
was just interested in seeing if my eye for womens clothing meant I could pick up desirable pieces to sell on.

ie if I liked them, would a girl like them?
just don't have ebay atm and too lazy.
How can women walk around in this shit?
>Imagine what rape stats will be like when they're 30% of the population?
All those pretty little white girls HNNNNNG

Arrrgggghh arghhh uhhhh ugghhhh arggh
Indeed I take great pride in my knowledge and understanding of the world, having focused my entire existance since i left school into reading books, posting, reading threads and watching videos to gain a greater understanding of all of lifes questions.

Though im sure you would take back what you said if I told you among many others the origin of where I learned such forbidden knowledge and came to such an understanding about materialism and international finance, lets just say they are alongside the most vilified and hated ideas in human history and I think that sure makes a perfect corelation in regards to why such ideas are seen as such a threat and how many people across the world can be shut down and even face criminal prosecution for daring to possess such material that criticises the nature of the all powerful international finance industry.
don't know but im glad they do desu. not attracted to women in flat shoes.
>finally meet my funny 4chan friends in real life
>get killed by ebin
>other guy cares about young women being groomed and systematically abused
>hurr durr what a mong
What's wrong with you?
Fuck off, pigeon roastie, you Paki loving weirdo
well technically I'm not tripfagging today
is there a lower way to go than being killed by Ebin?
>Indeed I take great pride in my knowledge and understanding of the world, having focused my entire existance since i left school into reading books, posting, reading threads and watching videos to gain a greater understanding of all of lifes questions.
>Though im sure you would take back what you said if I told you among many others the origin of where I learned such forbidden knowledge and came to such an understanding about materialism and international finance, lets just say they are alongside the most vilified and hated ideas in human history and I think that sure makes a perfect corelation in regards to why such ideas are seen as such a threat and how many people across the world can be shut down and even face criminal prosecution for daring to possess such material that criticises the nature of the all powerful international finance industry.

Aye, but have you ever ripped one up a skanky ho's shite pipe while you were toasted on spice and thought you pluggin' the virgin Mary?
Dying while having sex with tilde.
I bought my first piece of womens clothing (for ebay) at the weekend, looks like i will only make about 4 bong on it but its something i want to get into if theres money in it. Just need to hone my fashion eyes.

Wee wipe luvvy, just under your chin.
he's obsessed and posts about it all the time. Even if you agree with him it's annoying
who is the emperor if Ebin is anakin? is it tilde?
Dying to ebin and having sex with tilde are related

i forgot the link

Beta uprising
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nah Tilde is jar jar binks

It's actually quite funny in an ass backwards fashion.

Negative effect propaganda or something...

He doesn't give a shit. He's just pissed off it's a paki getting that prime teen pussy when he's sitting in his mum's house, a virgin.
it can be annoying but as long as people defend pakis here he needs to continue posting. we can't just close our eyes and pretend all this isn't happening
>He doesn't give a shit. He's just pissed off it's a paki getting that prime teen pussy when he's sitting in his mum's house, a virgin.

Yeah, that too obviously.
don't understand the star wars jokes because I've never watched it, haven't seen LOTR either.
Wee wipe darling, just around the mouth there
No I like consumerism, you should buy stufff you like. I just don't think it makes you happy. I think working what you like doing makes you happy, not owning what you want. Like Guy Martin, the dude loves his work, and says he would rather do a days work than go on holiday and stuff. I want to do that.
I don't want to get rid of consumerism, I just want to grow and be content enough to not need it.
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Exclusive pic of pigeon roastie
that's what google is for
>I want to do that.

So do it then. The best way to get a job like that is to do it for free, for yourself, until you get good enough that someone wants to pay you to do it.
K lets meet up and burn down a mosque.
shipanon is boba fett
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Got a nice deal for din dins lads
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>burn a mosque
You can get killed just for leaving a bacon sandwich outside a mosque.
>actually shopping in a pigeon
also stop posting my sister

That's actually fucking good anon. I'm not big fan of the ready meal, but that looks bloody tasty.
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theres a reason why its called "extra special"
Ah you and the gf will love that.

Only joking lad. It's fucking bollocks that these things are meant to serve two.
You're just deflecting with an ad hominem attack.
K lets meet up and just sit agreeing with each other
>ready meals
Why not cook your own food for a fraction of the price?
I don't think that guy should have been killed in prison but he should definitely have gone to jail for the bacon sandwich thing. He could have started a riot where hundreds of people were hurt and loads of property was destroyed.
Ok that sounds more fun
Tonight's britfeel forecast-
90% chance Lenlad will post, followed by Ebin and Tilde throwing a tantrum and spamming shitposts
I'm not trying to attack you, I'm just saying what I really believe about your motivations. I don't think you actually give a shit about children from council estates. If you want to prove me wrong, show me proof that you've done something about it other than rant on 4Chan about you not getting any puss...I mean those terrible, terrible pakis.
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>baiting this hard
>You can get killed just for leaving a bacon sandwich outside a mosque.

I guess sometimes the world just catches a break.
>could have

So we should convict people for crimes they didn't commit?
>looks bloody tasty
Yea in the picture on the box. Let's see him post a picture of the food when it's cooked, it'll probably look like my nan's shit
Says a lot about people who are willing to riot about a bacon sandwich.
I would never have sexual relations with someone not because of the way they look or how i think they are ugly, but soley based upon the principle that people belong together with their own race of people and are better suited when with their own race of people.
I dont hate any person just because of the colour of their skin and because of the problems a lot of their race has.
But what is simply wrong in wanting to have a world based on ethinc nationalism not multicultralism where everyone sticks with their own people and lives they way the best see fit without enforcing othter values to acomandate other races.
I want to go to japan and see japanese people, culture and food the way it should be.I dont then want to go to Britian and see hardly any british people in a sea of foreign faces restraunts and religions.
Face it man is tribal and when races intermingle and try to co-exist you simpy get what happened with babylon, the balkans or better yet what is happening in britian today with.
>gooming gangs
>drugs and crime
>illegal cultral practices that are the norm in other socites.
>racial tensions
No he did commit the crime. We were just lucky the pakis had a measured response to it that didn't involve rioting. Doubt most working class white or negro communities would have done the same if you offended them on the same level.
>You're just deflecting with a scathingly accurate ad hominem attack.

Deflection is as deflection does.
no we should convict people FOR HURTING THE POOR MUSLIMS' FEE FEES
More ad hominem. You lack empathy towards British children and can't understand why we'd be offended, you're quite clearly a Paki.






here's some content
Mate, white British people will riot over some lads on a field kicking a ball around. What does that say about us?

All it says is that low class uneducated people riot at the drop of a hat, no matter their race.

No, I think he made good choices.
I would share this meal. Something I don't often say on /britfeel/
>Hundreds of thousands of native British children raped by Pakis
>no riots

Are we being raided by Pakis attempting damage control?
Yeah because what can riots do about rapes? People get raped all the time in this country. No one rioted about Ian Huntley.
No one covered Ian Huntley up
Thank God for the funny subtitles version. Without someone taking an original video and overlaying English subtitles on top of a man speaking plain English I never would have understood the comedic genius of this video.
Why hate blacks?
Why not simply hate the sytem that they are using to there best means to survive and exploit

>the welfare sytem
>the media led thug culture
>the drugs that got onto the streets
>The cries of racism when dealing with criticism
>the disregard for moral values and the abundance of illegitemate kids
>the colonialism that enslaved them in the name of international finance
Every one has the potential to be a good human being but when such conditions arise, dont be suprised if water follows the shortest path.
I have the feeling susan is eventually going to be the subject of a pun

I'm certainly less faggoty looking that the guy in the pic

i'd be up for it in Birmingham
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