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Who here /terf/? There's too many trannies on this board

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Who here /terf/? There's too many trannies on this board
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terf is one of their retarded words.
I'm reclaiming it
why would you claim a tranny word
I'm not really but it's comical how they throw it around
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just say you hate trannies.
I'm here.

>tfw modern feminism is a fucking Stacey popularity contest instead of real political philsophy

It's all downhill from here, ladies.

>but I'm reading Dworkin's Scapegoat and loving it
> also gathering reference letters to apply to an m.sc program

What are you all up to?
benighted: you can't be a woman if you have a Y chromosome
farsighted: you can't be a woman if you're over 30
>having a benis and no womb
lmao literally worth nothing in 15 years when you start aging like milk
Because it's accurate.

Unlike "cis".

It's not even about hate. It's more about a philosophical disagreement about what gender is. Although, yeah, I do get irritated when they try to guilt lesbians into putting out because I loathe all forms of sexual coercion.
why do you care about that when you only date women who look like men
> hate
Why is this always the kneejerk reaction?

So I watch a lot of right wing shows because it makes for a healthy political life, and I got around to the debate about Caitlyn Jenner's award nomination with Ben Shapiro.

The entire time people were screeching at him and using fallacies.
> someone outright implied that trans people in America are in a similar situation as Jews under Nazism

I just find it very revealing that queer theorists always seem to turn to violence and psychological manipulation ( " you hate me! You bigot! Wah!").
>I don't have male socialization!
>dykes are ugly!

Although, yeah, the other anon's comment about physical appearances was shitty.
Because if it's going to have a fucking penis it might as well look like a women you don't get free rent spewing out boy farts you're expected to be a perfect girl and the penis is the trap if that's too much you get no dick or rent
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not sure why that was aimed at me.
Though it's probably better if the population slows down anyway until planetary colonization becomes a thing.
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Girls (female) should not be on this board.

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So do the world a favor and die you disgusting WHORE
>you don't get free rent spewing out boy farts
uhh haha yeah you sure don't
can you imagine someone paying for that haha
Post pic so we can either orbit you for the hot minute of fame your boipucci will collect or let us humiliate you for looking like a hairy boy
>treat me like a girl
>girls leave my board
Girls (male) should leave this thread
seriously haha can you imagine a cute trap just farting all over the place haha gross haha
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I didn't say anything about killing anyone.

My pics are public if you care enough.
>i don't have male socialization
>let me invade your space

Really stimulates the peanuts.
what? i've watched that one and it was more telling when the tranny threatened to kill him just for implying he didn't think trannies were normal, and clearly expected a round of applause from the audience.
Eww, what if like, you hug him and it makes him nervous so he blushes and then his skirt billows out from a huge gross boyfart so you have to carry him out of the room
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I'm telling YOU to die
One less slut in this world PLEASE
Such a whore at such a young age
Don't you ever regret being such a dirty dirty slut
>right now a small misguided part of the current generation is chemically castrating themselves for a meme and a faceapp transformation

I know i should laugh but I can't. (((They))) are having a field day with this
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But im not a slut.
my dude
That was absurd beyond belief.

For the sake of propriety, I think it should be discouraged or prohibited to say things like that in the workplace, since transexuals need to work, too.

However, Zoey willingly went on that show knowing that there would be people like Ben there, and then said that is so fucking stupid. You can't enter what is supposed to be an open forum and then start censoring discussion because your feelings got hurt. If you can't take it, stay in your fucking safe space. You don't need to go on TV.

Honestly, when she kept laying her hands on Ben like a jackass and calling him " little boy", I was expecting him to say, " sure, big man".
I'm allowed to be here mate I'm a neet
this is less jews and more population dynamics but every time i try to explain it people ignore me
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You sell nudes of yourself (at the age of 17, no less) to fatties from this board and you have the audacity to say you're no slut?
you're thinking of ciara
Pretty sure there was a Russian bitch that also sent nudes out like a printer
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Is this on youtube? I kinda wanna watch.

Are you thinking of the right person?
I've never given anyone nudes.
I don't care what they do to themselves or how they live their life. I just don't agree with their idea of what a woman is and think this campaign of theirs to reinforce the concept of biological sex being a competition is such a male thing to do. Women are not competitive by nature. It's only when her psyche has been tainted by a society created by the y chromosome do they start seeing everything as a competition.
's why us real ladies never had period blood contests or look at those females that don't menstruate as being less of a woman. But after generations of brainwashing by the y chromosome menace are we starting to judge ourselves on how womanly we are based on traits arbitrarily associated with us by men.
But again I think they can do whatever, they should just do whatever while learning to coexist with people of opposing beliefs.
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Tell me why I don't believe what an attention seeking tripfag has to say?
it's not one or the other, its a synergy of sociological factors that include the post-modern idealism of what some refer to as "the jews".

So yes, your theory might be correct, but the position that a cultural shift that is being spearheaded by the mass media and special interest groups is also true. It's not binary.
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I mean that's up to you i guess, it's not that big of a deal.
Fucking thank you.

What pisses me off is that while I don't believe trannies are "real" women, I think transitioning can be the best current medical option, but only in specific situations.

I'm a lot older than most people on this site and my son's friend claims to be transsexual, and came out to him.

The problem is that this young person's family has a history of paranoid schizophrenia and he is symptomatic. He's incredibly reclusive. He told my son that he keeps a knife under his bed in case someone breaks in. He's 23 and doesn't have a job or do chores. The kid clearly has mental health issues. He asked for my advice and I told him to tell his case worker to do look into a schizophrenic diagnosis. He won't do it. He won't try antidepressants ( and depression can cause psychotic features).

Now this person is transitioning to female. They could be in the middle of a psychotic meltdown, but sure, irreparably change your body.

It's absurd.
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Why do you act like you don't care what others think about you?
I agree. I don't care what men want to do to their bodies whether that's cutting their dicks off or wearing feminine clothing but doing so in the name of "being a woman" is absurd.
Thats bullshit, women can be just as competitive as men. It may happen in different ways, social, bitching, power games and low key stuff as apposed to tearing each other down openly or physical intimidation but competition isnt a man thing.
Yep. Ben Shapiro Zoey Tur debate Caitlyn Jenner award. Daily Liberty is the right wing site I watched it from, but it's all over Youtube.


Fuck off old cunt
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>((((((((((((((Ben Shapiro))))))))))))))))
fuck that slimy little neocon
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Why would i care?

I don't see how anyone could like Caitlyn Jenner.
The difference is they're competing for men not for themselves. Men compete for themselves
Nice retort.

I don't believe in woman nature but the fixation on stereotypical traits always bothered me. These are things that impacted my whole life, these are my chains - but at least they're having fun.

> menstural contests
Because you make it clear who you are before posting by having a trip
If you truly didn't care what people think of you you wouldn't try and make a name for yourself on a board dedicated to social autists. Stop acting so important.
wew this is embarrassing
Also imagefagging is a typical "pay attention to me" behaviour.

Just ignore it, it'll go away.
If that's your issue you really shouldn't give me free attention.
>she's a postmenopausal woman
>she's come to 4chan to stop all this "fun" nonsense
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>M-muh chains
>Im offended by how trannies dress!
Fuck off old cunt. You can do and dress as you like, my being a tranny dosent effect you at all.
you can wear dresses all you want and act cute but you're still a man and that's fine
>"Transleople might be mentally ill"
>"I'll get mad, that'll show her!"
just because evolution has equipped you with a hypertrophied sense of purity and disgust is no reason to inflict it on us
>A feminist on 4chan

You're a long way from home cunt
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>this is less jews
it's a continued effort to destabilize our society. it only takes 10-20 years to demoralize and weaken a generation, and long term damage from pic related is what we have to thank for PC culture being pushed by the global media that is (((controlled)))

their end game is so far into the future and perfected that people can't even wrap their minds around what these efforts are all leading to (socialism/communism where zionist bankers will be all but gods)
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>a feminist on r9k
>calls me "old cunt" twice

You're very upset.

>doesn't effect
It's "affect".

And it does because it perpetuates a inherent femaleness that is expressed through social norms which are detrimental to women at large.

You can joke about wearing dresses, but a lot of airlines just permitted female employees to forgo heels, for instance.
You don't disgust me, only confuse and irritate. It's most of society that's disgusted.

The whole point of terfs is the deconstruction of gender roles.
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Just get off my shit about it because its sad and hilarious. This is why feminism is a joke, even more so crusty old terf's. M-muh periods, muh menopause m-muh pay gap circkejerk.
>bad spelling
>keeps saying "cunt"

This user has some serious problems with female genitals.
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Are you are stewardess who is forced to wear heels? If not, shut the fuck up about it because its not your struggle to claim.
>a tranny desperately tries to appeal to men by criticising feminism and women's appearances

You realise that these men don't care either way, right?
>And it does because it perpetuates a inherent femaleness that is expressed through social norms which are detrimental to women at large.

you see #killallwomen is merely an ironic meme and the real meaning is that we must kill the idea of women (as weak, helpless etc)
this is pretty sad. a huge appeal of the whole tranny thing right now is the communities on tumblr and twitter. since trans can never see the light of day they mostly stick to small communities online. they range from supportive but sensitive snowflakes that glorify mental illness and tokenism to outright insane people who have the real disorder.

in the short term it's going to be good for him, in the long term (like in barely 3 years when this trend completely dies down) he will be even more of a freak with a ruined, broken body.
Nope. Although you're very naive if you don't see how the treatment of women in one section of the workplace sets precedence elsewhere.

Your insistence that your behaviour doesn't "effect" others and this comment shows how willfully myopic you are.
>all these ideologylets who think /r9k/ is misogynist when it's actually at the vanguard of revolutionary feminist praxis
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I don't use Twitter.

Although I find any sort of trivalizing of violence against women uncomfortable.

>online communities
Exactly. This kid is pretty socially isolated and these people offer friendship and solidarity. Several of them were older adults who tried to meet him when he was in high school.

In general, the culture tries to convince everyone to act like them. When I spoke to a few transpeople in real life about how disconnected I felt from feminity ( and that's why I dislike the term cis), they tried telling me I was trans!

>it's not going well
>he has this frizzy afro thing going on
>Fight Club-esque man tits
>badly done makeup

I feel terrible.
When will the real shills be stopped?

>Radshits thinking theyre better than trannies.

You're kind is just as bad and offputtingly manly as the other mutants.

You're only savings grace is your fuckholes.
>"I have it so tough! Because some stewardess used to have it tough! Thats my proof :( Im soo opressed wah wah :( Its so difficult to be me because of trannies :( :( I dont have an argument so I just attack their spelling :( :( wah wah"
Well, I didn't just attack your spelling. I'd be willing to talk to you, but considering your overwheming hostility, I doubt you'd participate in good faith making the whole experience fruitless.

I really hope that things work out for you.
>we're not men!
>reduces women to their looks and genitals

>Unlike "cis"
"Cis" is literally a scientific term/prefix used in opposition to "trans". It's far more accurate than "terf"
cis is a scientific term but not in this context
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>Comes to R9K, a place filled with trannies, neets and degenerates known for shitposting and hostility
>Describes themselves as a TERF
>Is "overwhelmed" by the hostility.

I dont reduce women at all. I know im biologically male. A girl (male) if you will. I dont lose sleep over it. Maybe you do but I dont.
I dont know what terf means but if it is some kind of biological realist against the mass dellusion of trannys and that we all have to pretend they are women since a few years now despite they are literally madmen with mutilatet phalli/phalluses, then you got my blessings.
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>they tried telling me I was trans!
what the fuck. it reminds me of the trannies claiming butch lesbians are just ftm in denial. no they're just butch lesbians, they've been around long before this stupid trend and will be around long after.

i don't know. my kneejerk reaction is hate but I wish HRT wasn't being given out so indiscriminately. we have no idea what the long term effects of are. (and no they are not fucking safe). this gen is going to have a shitton of detransitions and a lot of chemically castrated genitals in 3-5 years.
>a place filled with trannies

it's unwanted spillover from /lgbt/. i'm gay and i'd love if that board was purged from 4chan forever
Cis means someone who fits their assigned gender role. What rational human being does?


Where did I self identify as a TERF?

Oh, please. /r9k/ is where sad twenty something men hang out. It's not this spooky hive of scum and villainy. Saying otherwise is reminiscent of news programs that describe /b/ as the scariest place ever. It's a forum. Stop being so melodramatic.

And yes, I've had plenty of great conversations on this site with people willing to play ball.
mathcfag detectedo
>tfw I'm a tranny posting in this thread

Feels good knowing that even online, we continue to colonize your spaces.

You have nowhere to run.

You have nowhere to hide.

The penises are coming for you.
No, we were here long before lgbt board existed, r9k is substantially older.
>implying that's what anyone is concerned about
>the "maybe you do" projection
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At worst they're deranged men trying to invade women's private spaces.

At best they're men who want to escape from the brutal reality of masculinity they live in.

I'm a man who found peace with his masculine potency, not another tranny or a fembot angry at trannies.
No language is static, anon. The definition of "cis" and "trans" is pretty much the same in isomerism as it is when it comes to gender. It makes sense to transfer and adapt it. It's objective, unlike "terf" which has an ideological connotation
I sincerely don't mind men who just want to reject their masculinity. I just wish they didn't feel the need to transition because of it.
>Cis means someone who fits their assigned gender role
No. It means that there isn't a disagreement between their sex and the gender they feel they are. Gender roles are something different. E.g men should work and women should stay in the kitchen
>that board
>as in /lgbt/ not /r9k/

reading comprehension is hard
I think the term cis is unnecessary. There's no point in using it to refer to people that aren't trans. The term trans itself is pretty unnecessary especially scientifically since trans people should just be referred to by their biological sex. Trans and cis are social terms and not scientific in this context.
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This thread convinced me to like trans women a lot more than the femishit harpies
>At best they're men who want to escape from the brutal reality of masculinity they live in.
that's pretty fucking bad. proof (((they))) have their fingers all over this.
It's a huge case of gambler's fallacy and global "progressive" delusion. When they've gone that far and are no happier for it then there is already so much that has been sacrificed for the transitioning. It's not helped by the fact that trans activists and other pro-porn groups have managed to convince everyone that to be anti-trans is to be hardcore christian woman hating conservative.
>trans women

mtf are not women
>the jews are artificially fixing the egg supply so that men become the expendable gender
really tosses my sauerbraten
I'll try to be objective:

There are two main divisions in feminist thinking regarding people with sexual dysphoria.

The first is queer theory, which believes gender is a social construct. As a result, one can identify however they please. Concepts of gender are relative to cultures (and can even be a mode of colonialism). People identifying as trans, nonbinary, genderqueer, etc., defeats gender roles by subverting them. Transwomen are women in every sense and deserve full access to all women's spaces. Any woman who disagrees is a transmisogynist.

The "TERF" perspective is that gender is a social role applied to a set of genitals. One cannot "become" a woman anymore than you can become black or Asian because a woman is a set of expectations set around people with vaginas. Although transwomen who pass may be treated like women, they do not fully understand the experiences of people with vaginas. It is not transmisogynist for a lesbian to reject sex with a person with a penis.

This debate is massive and people have very intense reactions where whole groups of people are thrown out.

>they're just trans
I heard ftms try to argue that Joan of Arc was really a man. And this was "feminist" discourse. Good Lord.

Agreed. This is a serious medical undertaking and I feel that politics and feelings are taking precedent where science should prevail. You need to make sure this person isn't going to take some medication later on and have a fit over what has been done to them - but apparently this is "ableist".

I mean, for God's sake, it's illegal to molest a child's genitals, but it's okay to shrivel them up with hormones and increase their chances for cancer? Something about that feels off to me.
>Alt-right blending with Radfem
You didn't see shit, you're just conflating being anti-trans with being right wing.
>I think the term cis is unnecessary
It doesn't matter how you feel about it. If you want to talk about something, you need terms for it. Otherwise you'd just have to explain everything with multiple words in each case, which is cumbersome and makes communication difficult. Maybe not in other languages, but the English language precisely favors shorter words that carry more meaning. That's why run-on sentences are bad.
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>trans people should just be referred to by their biological sex
They act a lot more like women than feminists
This is a really bad trolling.

We're not scared of your meat tube. Maybe annoyed and gross out, but your attempts to be creepy only intellectually validate us.
I meant that mtf should just be referred to as what they are: men
>it's illegal to molest a child's genitals, but it's okay to shrivel them up with hormones and increase their chances for cancer?
It's illegal to lock them in an aluminium tube and send it flying at a thousand kilometers an hour but it's okay to put your kids on a plane? Something seems off here.
Did you hear about that Jazz kid who can't get an artificial vagina because the hormone blockers stopped his penis growing large enough for it to be worth turning into one? These kids are unhappy and just having their lives destroyed by well meaning adults.
We only need the term trans in a social context not in a scientific context we certainly don't need cis as well
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You are a fucking idiot and you dont know what the fuck you are talking about. Men and boys have it harder in so many ways in this society, girls (male) experience a lot of that shit and go on to experience even more shit that comes with being a tranny as well. We have it tougher than you, get over it.
Please tell me how women should act anon
What is the difference between gender and gender role.

The "wow TERFs are literally Hitler" and "SWERFs are all Christian fundamentalists" is as old as dirt.
What the fuck.
Is sex a social construct or is gender a social construct?
We need something to distinguish you freaks
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My brother has to drink himself into a coma to go on a plane, but that doesn't mean that planes are illogical, it means that people who use this kind of analogy are fucking idiots.
This. Its the most retarded logic ever.
Flawless TERF logic
You realise Free Bleed was a joke, right?

Also, it says a lot if mtf are favoured because they prescribe more to gender roles.

> cotton ceiling
I was mad.
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>politics and feelings are taking precedent
it's money that is taking precedent, as always. HRT is said to be $1500 for the doses? That's a nice stack of cash. if they go through with aesthetic surgery after they end up looking like pic related? excellent. If they have a history of health problems by age 40? (((Jackpot)))
>tfw you will never have both the privilege of being a woman and have the upper body strength to beat the shit out of other women in professional sports
Wow I'm a Nazi now
no i did not. god damn that's sad. i love to hate on the snowflakes who list their "afflictions" on a tumblr profile like a badge of honor, or the parents who made their 5 year old transition in order to be on the news, but it's fucking horrible to actually be trans. that kid is probably going to kill himself now.
False comparison.

Oh my God, that poor kid.

I never said men or women had it worst, only that it was different and you couldn't understand my experience as a real woman.

Why are you obsessed with responding to me?

It's been awhile since I watched this but:

I think she was trying to make the argument that people attracted to women might be drawn to a passable transwoman, and that said woman changing her mind because there's a penis is a socially conditioned response?
Yeah, can't you just say "normal people"???

Go fuck yourself
No, it's asking why children are too young to consent to sex, but they're able to make complicated medical decisions that will impact their entire lives when they could easily wait.

I don't care about a boy wearing a dress. I care about >>37450996.

But I'm glad your feelings take precedent over children.
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>We need something to distinguish you freaks
trannies love rileys rapey rhetoric and hate blaire white for saying trans is a mental illness

it's like when caitlynn jenner was dropped like a hot turd after people learned she was still a right leaning conservative.
More on the feeling of disconnect from feminity? I've been feeling this for as long as I can remember but could never put it to words like now. For a time I thought myself I might be ftm, but the idea of it made me qyeasy. It would be nice reading more on it, I could probably relate.
I'm pretty skeptical of conspiracy theories, but I'm open to anything else you have to say.
I think trans people are normal in the same way I think people who don't conform to their gender are normal. There's no biological difference between a man and a mtf other than what the mtf has done to their body to make themselves a "woman".
I only understand and claim my own experience, my own transgender experience and life story and all that entails. I dont claim to understand your experience on this earth or know what its like to be you or any other woman or person than myself for that matter.
it kind of is flawless though. it's wrong to molest children because it traumatizes them and they are 'not ready' for sex, but they are ready to make a decision to change their biological gender with horrible chemicals at age 5-13?
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Anyone else watch her?
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>There's no biological difference between a man and a mtf other than what the mtf has done to their body to make themselves a "woman".
That's just flat out wrong. There are many inherent differences.
Like what? I'm talking about pre-transition no hormone therapy or anything.
But they're sure ready to make a decision to kill themselves during puberty because they're denied those "horrible chemicals"
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Its just a couple of samefags that have tried to invade the board, ive been watching the post count. There isnt any more than 2 of them.
>the nazis are bad!

this is what decades of zionist brainwashing will do to you. ever wonder why you never learned about how many died under communist regimes? that karl marx was a jew? why hitler and napoleon had to go to war? who the rothschild family was and still currently is?

Pretty much what I said above. if you ever wanted to know why the current world is so fucked up and feels like a bizarro dream at the end of someones puppet stick; start following the crumb trails

everyone will think you're insane, but it brings some peace of mind to know how deep the (((control))) really runs.
And who is her, Anon?
Are you talking biological? Psychological? Are you making a difference between the two, or making some kind of biological deterministic argument? Make a statement. Identity isn't just something you can expect to not have to defend.

People kill themselves over a lot of things and teenagers are some of the most vulnerable people out there. Also suicide is a societal thing that is becoming more and more common - are teenagers less happy than they were when there were rigid social structures? Try to think logically.

This for one.

There's also the predisposition to become trans, no?
kids kill themselves over bullies calling them names online. kids are fucking stupid but no one should make the problem worse.
>3 female terfs
>1 male terf
>1 /pol/ terf
>at least 4 trannies who have come from /lgbt/ with their trips taken off and are discussing this thread angrily on discord

That leaves another 13 posters.
>people kill themselves all the time so who cares if we let a few trannies kill themselves?

Dunno, people with empathy?
They're pretty divisive.

I heard rumours (from a not too reputable source) that Sophie Labelle of Assigned Male fame was responsible for kicking other transexuals out of their group homes because they have different political perspectives.

I felt being a woman was a political category I was forced into, and that was why I advocated for other people like myself. However, in my personal life, I never related to what being a "woman" meant, but I wasn't a man.

When I was growing up, people were always asking me when I was going to have kids, why I never wore dresses, etc. When I told my grandpa I wanted to be a doctor, he told me I'd be a fine nurse. I ways always expected to be a caregiver from an immensely young age. I was preparing meals for my eldery relatives while my brother played chicken with his car. Sexual harassment was a big thing and I was told that was part of the feminine experience.

When I did something "unfeminine", I was mocked at best and threatened at worst. My mom thought I was too tomboyish and smashed my records.

When I did something "feminine", it was not because of me, it was because I was a girl.

I never felt dysphoria, but I felt repulsed by people trying to force me into a box of what I should look like.

>my uncle used to pat my chest and say I was going to have big boobs
> when I screamed everyone said that little girls should want to be pretty when they grow up

It's hard to explain. I felt like being a woman was a choice made for me, and I had to respond to how society treated me. However if it wasn't for that outside compulsion, I never would have identified as a woman. I never had dysphoria and love my body. I am not a man and don't think a woman resenting the role laid out for her makes her one.
Not that robot, but interesting. Do they have any longitudinal studies on this pattern? Brains are notoriously plastic.
I wasn't being ironic. It was a joke still, but seeing that image did genuinely evoke some very tribal emotions and I felt, in that moment, some heavy racist thoughts. Thought it was funny how one image like that could instantly make me think typically nazi thoughts.

I'm not good with words but hope what I said made sense.
13 other posters in a thread of 146 posts. Ive seen the poster count remain the same as new people come in to say "wtf I hate trannies now"
Magdalen Berns. She's a radfem youtuber who's made some pretty good replies to libfems and queer theorists





>I am not a man and don't think a woman resenting the role laid out for her makes her one.

Thanks. I don't think it's enough to say that this is what makes them more liable to transition but it's pretty interesting. It's a shame they didn't include mtfs as well.
Wow saviour complex much
also no reading comprehension
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S-Stop it anon you are scaring me! Everything is going to be okay! B-Believe me, no one is coming for us. Poltards are a laughing stock since they got culturally enriched by Plebbit and Youtube and TERF's are like 30 people who scheme away in a dark basement (virtual) they can be mean but they dont have the numbers to change things.
>kill themselves
Transition doesn't lower suicide rates.

This. Just because someone threatens to hurt themselves does not mean they know what's best. They could have another medical condition, etc.

If the goal is to improve quality of life and reduce death, why give people something that may reduce life quality and cause death based on....feelings?

Dysphoria's real.

That sex change is always the solution? That they are undoubtably their identified sex in all dimensions? That lesbians are transmisogynist for not sleeping with them?

More questionable.

Can /pol/ be terf if the f stands for feminist?

>coming from lgbt
>on discord

Nice strawman.
>Transition doesn't lower suicide rates.
Citation needed
That's an interesting view to see your political awakening being almost synonymous with your identification with other women. Kinda common in a way too. /r9k/ is probably the strangest place to be reading this kind of writing though.
I disagree with feminism in principle, but I can respect TERFs because at least they understand reality. A man cannot turn into a woman.
>That lesbians are transmisogynist for not sleeping with them?
Im a tranny and I dont think this, a persons choice to consent is their own and they dont need to justify or explain themselves.
Never considered this.

What would this look like over time?

There's also posts saying "omg i hate femnazis trans ppl r the best".

Cool it, Cassandra.

Because it's a political category.
What's a terf?
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Remember guys, you can join in too

Is there a problem with this?
>lesbians are transmisogynist for not sleeping with them

nice strawman
Plenty of studies that say things remain the same after transition, plus they tend to point out that there is an abnormal level of post-op patients being lost track of in said studies.
Why would I want to end the patriarchy? Men are good at running things.
And why shouldn't someone be able to reject that political category?
there are so many of you that think this way on /r/actuallesbians. "woman who happens to have a penis" is thrown around like it's a normal accepted thing there
Then show me those studies. They shouldn't be hard to find if they're so plentiful.
desu most of my radfem leanings come from personal experience and sporadic readings (dworkin, mckinnon, etc), though I've heard of Jensen. Is he useful?

When radfems get lynched by their "progressive" compatriots it often doesn't leave them with many choices. If they're not tacitly supporting the status quo they're finding new and unique ways to confuse people and denigrate their own movements.

>claiming to be radfems
>not closeted trannies in denial
Thats not true. Suicide rates are lower post OP than pre op. Higher than the general population, so people use this to say that having the surgery puts you at a higher risk of suicide but thats not true, it puts you from a very high risk group to a moderate to low risk group, a big improvement. Not perfect, but a big improvement.
If progressivism and the status quo are both intolerable, why not become a reactionary? Radfem is only one letter away from tradfem :^)
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Although I'll admit this sample size is very tiny.

>political awakening
It actually wasn't!
I was young during the 70s.

I think all women can relate to feeling angry at the role laid out for them. Either because it denies their ability to choose or because they differ from that expectation. It's one of the only commonalities there is.

No kidding. I feel weird typing it. Although, in all fairness, /r9k/ is usually pretty polite save a few trolls. I have experienced more hostility from modern left communities at times.
Thought I was the only one who noticed that. There certainly is a huge percentage of 'trans women's on that sub, at least relative to the total numbers of female lesbians and trans women.
Ah whoops, sorry to have read that poorly.
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yeah check out the discord. it's 85% talking about shaving facial hair, transitioning, and posting selfies of the most unconvincing trannies i've ever seen in my life

i'm not being hyperbolic either.
>I was young during the 70s.
Mom get out 4chan is my secret clubhouse

How the hell do older rad fems even find themselves browsing /r9k/?
Thanks for taking the time to write out a response, was definitely an interesting read and I can relate a lot. I'm not very good with words and describing my feelings but your posts really help me understand myself better.
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Nice trips and god bless america
What about people like me then? I was born intersex (penis, uterus, ovaries), raised as a boy but identify more as female as I got older..
It isn't a strawman. Google cotton ceiling.

I provided one citation but I'd love some more info.

You can reject it all you want, but it's reality.

If a black person said " I'm white", would that magically mean that cops won't stop and frisk them? That a judge or jury would treat them with their identified race? Of course not. They're black only because they are perceived as black.

It's the same with gender. A boy in somd country might identify as a girl, but it will be his sister, not him, that undergoes removal of the clitoris and marriage at 13. Inversely, who is going to be drafted?

It's not a matter of personal identification, is a matter of responding to how people respond to your genitals, skin, etc.

> Jensen
Wasn't he part of some deep environmentalist movement?

A lot of mtfs are Nazi consorts. Hell, a lot of you are misogynist trash. It's like you're too stupid to realize how vile you are, but once a woman has an opinion you're like omg nazi!

No male supremacist would ever be a radfem ally.
how the fuck do you think

someone mentions this place in some bloglord "journal" or a closed-access forum circlejerk and they come check it out

then we get to sit here as they try to enlist /pol/ into their schemes and tell us to stop being degenerates

Do you even read? You're a deranged man.


It's LITERALLY what they think, you complete liar.
Things could easily shift to a "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" situation in the near future, especially considering things like transsexualism and islam.

>implying we haven't been here for years

4chan is a hotbed of misogyny. Pays to keep tabs on you assholes.
Yeah I joined the server at one point but have long since left it. It was various thing that made me dislike it (it was practically a mtf support server, there were no I retesting discussions...) but what broke the camel's back was when users were roleplaying in general... With those *owo grabs you and drags you back* type lines. Was just too much haha.

I'm not transphobic, but I think that the mtf and female lesbian experience are worlds apart and they shouldn't have to intermingle... I feel bad for all the non-passing mtfs, though, people are too nice to let them know - and this is coming from a biological female who has struggled with looking masculine her whole life.
Well I don't know, you're going to have to explain your whole life story with a case as complex as yours because actual biological intersex people get a harder and more confusing wrap than most folk do.
It was my eldest son.

>tfw i read greentexts and i start to wonder if this is my kid posting
I felt feelings you people could not imagine.

Oh gosh, I was worried that it was going to be too far removed to help. That's good.

>posting transition photos in any proximity to 4chan
That doesn't sound safe at all.

>is there trans discourse on Chrischan
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wtf is this thread even about? i'm confused...
>You're a deranged man.
Can you not read?
>son became a robot
>has opinion on anything

Any intelligent radfem (or radfem sympathizer) knows that women have enemies all around us. The enemy of my enemy is just another enemy.

This is why there's the idea in radfem theory that the left wants women to be public property (via porn) and the right wants women to be private property (via marriage). Hopefully we'll see a rise in radfem thought that connects all the cotton ceiling, don't-talk-about-your-vagina, abortion-rights-aren't-women-rights, etc into a real framework, because mtfs are shit and should be treated as the shit they are.

/pol/ are male supremacists. fuck /pol/

>intersex means I'm not a man even though I was raised to be one

lol ok
GUYS. Stop posting. Its just some crusty old woman who is trying to bait people into becoming terfs, just dont give her the attention she wants.
>ovaries and uterus

>exterior body is male
>raised as male
>not a man guys!!!
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Wow stop posting any time, old stupid cunt
Intersex people are interesting, though I don't know that much about how it all works. Do you have an androgynous appearance? How did your parents decide to raise your boy, why do you later in life feel more female?
>is a matter of responding to how people respond to your genitals

Why the fuck are terfs so fixated on genitals? 99% of people don't give a fuck what's in your pants.

If your hypothetical black person that identifies as white had surgeries done to resemble a white person then yeah, the justice system would treat him like one.
I agree a lot of mtfs are misogynistic, but Nazi?

And some TERFs have partnered with conservative movements (ex. Washroom debacle). People are people, and people always try to win in politics rather than learn.

>enlist pol
I get you're referring to a general group but where did this happen in this thread?

Trying to convert pol is a lost cause.

This. Everyone's an oppertunist.

>have to mingle
Apparently "cis" women doing anything own their own ever is a micro-aggression.

Lesbians say they don't want penis. Transwomen are offended. Lesbians suggest an event just for lesbians. Transwomen complain they weren't invited.
>vag removed by surgery after birth
>parents secretly gave me hormones and steroids while growing up to be more male
>found out later in life
Too late I'm a terf now, Anon. What are some good terf forums? I'm itching to read more, this thread was full of interesting discussion, I didn't know there were people who thought the same way as me.
Leave them the fuck alone, who gives a shit how she identifies. Shes intersex anyway I thought you guys only hated us trannies. Christ you are so fucking stupid.
>They're black only because they are perceived as black.
And you're telling me a trans man, despite being perceived as a man is actually a woman?
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oh, a terf is just a woman who thinks trannies aren't real women? i thought that was just common sense desu
>Lesbians say they don't want penis. Transwomen are offended.
Haha I already said I dont give a shit about that. Not offended. Most lesbians are ugly and fat anyway desu not all but most. Not interested.
Fucking feminists fuck off.

That being said, I kinda agree about trannies. The funny thing is, I wouldn't mind trannies doing what they want in their private life if they A) didn't screech bloody murder every time they were mildly inconvenienced, and B) didn't try to shove their mental illness down our throats. I'd imagine a lot of trannie haters would probably agree with me that they wouldn't mind trannies much if they just shut the fuck up and kept their mental illness under wraps.
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>This is why there's the idea in radfem theory that the left wants women to be public property (via porn) and the right wants women to be private property (via marriage).

You're alright, sis.

>(via porn)
The prevalence and acceptance of porn is completely insane, and this is coming from a dude who has consumed it almost daily from the ages of 10 to 21. Rather than going into porn itself though, what is now scaring me is how much bdsm rapey bullshit is so fucking common in lefty scenes. "It's safe because we understand patriarchy" my fucking arse.
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HAHAHAHA holy shit this is the most pathetic attempt at samefagging ive ever seen. Quantum irony. Holy shit, you are too old for this place, you dont understand it.
That's not me, not sure why they're typing to make it look like me. Maybe they read the wrong response.
I mean had, whoops.
So you're saying exterior appearance determines their gender and not genitals? Wew.

You've never met the Nazi mtfs on this website?


>waahhh i'm a misogynist! I can't handle the truth! shut up women!


>99% of people don't give a fuck what's in your pants.

That's why 'pussy' means coward and women are told we can't be world leaders because we'll nuke the planet when we're on our periods, right? lol


It's pretty bad that happened BUT DOES IT CHANGE HOW YOU WERE RAISED AND PERCEIVED? no? ok.


>stop talking, women! wahhh! Identity is everything!! People can identify however they want

Rachel Dolezal is not black and that anon is still a man.
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Yeah im a tranny and I agree with you about that stuff, we can be really annoying but some of us are chilled out.
It was satirical you autistic faggot, holy shit you're dense. I was agreeing with you.
see this shit

the anti-porn feminists are going to lay down with the christfags, just like they did in the eighties
you can literally turn men into women and expend all of your sex drive on them and these faggots will still have a problem with it

i knew this was coming but i thought i could just wait it out on /r9k/
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god I hate obnoxious trannies

only anime is real
He's not a robot. He has a GF, so I yelled at him to get off my board. I won't pay his tuition now.

>abortion rights aren't women's rights
I want to get off.

Hmm, you didn't call me cunt this time.

Can people not talk?

>people don't care what's in your pants

All of history disagrees with you.

>if you got a race change
Yes, because dying his skin would change everything that happened before him in terms of family, prenatal, wealth, education, socialization, etc. Of course he'd fit right in. Of course the courts would change for him.

If that's the case, why don't more black people do that if they insist racism is so bad? Explain Rachel Dolezal.
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you're pretty fucking delusional
However, Islam wants you to be *actual* property (via being sold for money) so it would be advantageous, if slightly unpalatable, to side with the people who are fighting it.

The person we're discussing has a dick.


>"It's safe because we understand patriarchy" my fucking arse.

Idek what to say about that. I'm glad I'm not a leftist.
>The person we're discussing has a dick.
So do some trans men
clip and save my post and we'll see who's right in five years
A leg-meat sausage is not a penis.
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>"You've never met the Nazi mtfs on this website?"
>Old woman sits down at her PC and reads hyperbole on her favourite terf blogspot that there are nazi trannies on 4chan and just believes it without question because its what she WANTS to believe.

There arent any, we are at odds with pol, pol despise us and we despise pol. I dont fuck with nazis
you're a fucking 40-year-old married woman on a board for 20-something incel men

what the fuck do you know about anything
the things we need to live are so radically different from the things you need to live that we may as well be different species
Fuck you OP. Just because you dislike trannies doesn't mean I don't hate you for being a retarded feminist.
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It's ok, /pol/, I understand you.
Why are you so obsessed with penises
And I hate samefags, especially ones who are so obvious about it.

>implying every feminist, let alone every woman, is okay with the left's defense of islam

Nearly all religions are misogynist. There's no reason to join the right's crusade against islam because the right is ALSO male supremacist. I don't give a fuck what you think about my so called "alliances" because I'm pretty damn sure you're a /pol/lack.

>approximations of dicks are actual dicks

For the record, the person we're discussing STILL HAS A DICK, my point stands, you disingenuous little shit.
>20-something incel men
And yet every thread where age is discussed the majority of posters are under 20

I want the underage faggots to leave.
They had a vagina, too.
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>Tfw the evangelicals are expending and recruiting at a rapid pace
>Tfw polfag nu-nazis are recruiting in large numbers
>Tfw old terfs from the 80s are STILL mad as fuck and gunning for us.
>Tfw they are gonna team up and bodyslam us

We arent even safe on r9k, who here /nervous/

I have literally had a conversation at /lgbt/ with a Christian Nazi mtf. You're ignorant.
Witness here the legendary female strategic ability. "If we don't agree 100% then you're my enemy, even if it ends up making us both lose."
There is no such thing as acting more like a woman or acting less like a woman. You either are a woman or not. Being a woman has nothing to do with behaviour, it's material reality.

A man cannot become a woman

>vaginas are never mentioned in anon's posts
>"t-they had a v-vagina t-too"
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Not forums but Gender Hurts and the Gender Delusion are good.

You say that but the cotton ceiling is very much a thing.

To steal some trans rhetoric, it sounds
like you're uncomfortable with your attraction to "cis" women.

They're not perceived as men.

Ugh. I watched those Efukt facial abuse videos and wanted to cry. I cannot believe this is feminism. Sex positivity is just an excuse for pretty rich girls to upset daddy.

Ever notice that in porn, the more downtrodden (usually black) women treat it like a job - because that's what it is? It's the white and Asian girls from nice families pretending it's some sort of feminist statement. Must be nice being that sheltered.

Are you a dog? Are your genitals inside your body?

Not samefagging. Although that's rich coming from you.

>never met
I don't browse that much.
I'm talking about the people in your daily life. If you have a penis or a vagina doesn't affect how they treat you, your appearance does.
Do trannies do anything other than cry or get irrationally angry? Isn't this the sign of a degenerate people who haven't developed their own civilization?
I guess we are all Nazis now then. Damn.
I am not a feminist but TERFs are a necessary balance against trannies. Let TERFs go somewhere and don't stop them from saying what they want and trannies disappear. Trannies are special snowflakes with severe, severe autism and they thrive on others validating their mental illness.
Behavior is based in biology.
Just so you guys know TERFs think porn is bad
>They're not perceived as men.
Most of them are. You wouldn't be able to tell their sex unless you look in their pants.
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All the lights in the sky are our enemies.
They're right, there is a shortage of good porn.
>trannies pressure women into sex, tell them to stop talking about abortions, sympathize with men because "muh closeted sister mtfs," murder us
>/pol/lacks take away our rights, pressure us into sex, murder us, laugh when minorities murder us
>islam murders us, takes away our rights

When you're all bad, you're all bad. Why sugarcoat what we're up against? Women lose with all three groups. And we're doing the best right now, with all of you as obnoxious fringe groups.
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>convo gets too logical and irrefutable
>trannies try to shut things down with "stop replying"

every time. "if you can't win silence them"
No they think its damaging to women and want it gone
>implying the christians don't have room for monks and hermits
>implying the nazis don't have uses for autists
/r9k/ is /pol/'s retarded little brother. We pick on you sometimes, but we're here for you :^)
"Old woman" here. And I actually questioned the Nazi mtf statement.

>and I'm a phoneposter
So nothing you said was right.

You're really upset. I've been talking in this thread, but you've just embarassed yourself trying to troll me. I think you need to reflect upon the fact that it was my ideas, not myself, that upset you.
>Rachel Dolezal
She was born with a black brain in a white body

They're going to assume your genitals based on the rest of your body. And, like, not all people with dicks tuck. Genitals ARE a part of appearance.

People in my daily life have absolutely talked about my genitals, anyway.
So they're in favor of 2D? Good taste.
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T-Thanks anon, I would rather be abused by /pol/ than by terfs any day for what its worth.

>mtf try to steer robots against radfems by crying about the porn

dude, porn isn't good for mtfs either. it's not very good for anybody
>the more downtrodden (usually black) women treat it like a job

Those facial abuse videos do a good job of showing that side of things, although in a pretty horrific way. You can see the calculations many of those women are making in the middle of the "scene" about how much their dignity is literally worth.

From the male side I'm going to make what sounds like a crazy statement, but to me porn is a logical outlet for a society that wishes to inflict harm upon women but cannot.

And they say mtfs aren't Nazis...
this same fucking shit happened in the 80s
no one ever learns
>but to me porn is a logical outlet for a society that wishes to inflict harm upon women but cannot.
You're retarded. Porn is a logical outlet for my balls.

>From the male side I'm going to make what sounds like a crazy statement, but to me porn is a logical outlet for a society that wishes to inflict harm upon women but cannot.

and that's pretty much what Dworkin said, and what pornographers have also said.
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>stupid roastie tries to defend hating porn
Are your bits invisible?

Some do talk, but a lot just freak out and scream - and people let them, sunxe apparently everything's a safe space, now.


Yep, or outright hostility.
>but we're not male socialised!

Yes, and everything she has experienced is the same as all black people. I cannot believe the transracists who oppress her.

The thing about porn is that it is the final stage of what many perverts and sluts want. Is porn really the problem, or is it the sick society we live in? Porn is absolutely degenerate but the people who take part in it and the people who watch it fuel a sick cycle, a constantly operating machine.

I've been on /d/ plenty of times, that shit is not normal. And /fit/ plenty of times talks about no fap. Porn is clearly destroying and twisting men beyond belief. It's not good for anyone, it's particularly bad for women. That's just the truth.

Anyway, it would be like hating cigarettes, which I don't. But porn is absolutely a conservation between men about how fucked up they are and how much they hate women.
You're mistaken. We've learned, we just want to do it again.
that's because this thread is dumb politics bullshit
>trannies are/aren't women
>nuh uh my definition is different and you're wrong
>wo/men have it hard
>nuh uh, wo/men have it harder
>group A is group B!!
>nuh uh, group A is totes BFFs with group C

none of this will ever be resolved because it's not designed to be, it's just shitty ingroups trying to draft us to fight each other
the only reason I'm here is because I'd prefer to fap to guys in skirts rather than ShrekXRoadhog yaoi or whatever 40-year-old women like
I had to lie down after watching them. I felt so bad for those girls, like I was going to puke. It was like Dworkin's works given life. It was like watching the stuff that inspired Buyer's Market.

I almost wish I could be their lawyer and sit on set and look after them.

Like, I understand them. They've done these disgusting things and they're told if they don't do one more they won't get paid. All or nothing. It's sick.

>but cannot
But they do.

>pornographers have said
What's that quote from a pornographer who said that anal porn is for men who hate their wives?
She's pretty damned accurate about that stuff. It's tragic how often she was proven right...

Theleweit is interesting for taking a lot of the words and actions of men at face value in a textual analysis. Particularly soldiers (which is relevant given the it is only a recent phenomenon that we don't consider the entire male population potential or active soldiers).

This is why robots are the footsoldiers of /pol/.
>Porn is clearly destroying and twisting men beyond belief
They're already twisted, porn is just an expression of that.
>women in charge of understanding the male sex drive
We have to bust a nut daily, so we need either a monogamous relationship which we have total control over, or porn (which we have total control over) to guarantee that nut gets busted. After 10 years or so, imagination just doesn't cut it.
>Are your bits invisible?
No, but i wear clothes. And people who want to be perceived as the opposite sex hide them.
I am starting to suspect that Concerned Mom Against Anime Porn is just an RP that someone is doing
>But they do
Well, yes. That's the truth that even as such violence is less sanctioned it is still ever present.
>I've been on /d/ plenty of times, that shit is not normal.
confirmed normalfag
> what sluts want
You really believe that these women all want to be there?

Call me crazy, but I have no issue with /d/.

If someone gets off to an inflated girl...okay. Whatever. If someone gets off to real images of human suffering? That's a problem.

>because I'm an apolitical lump who doesn't respond to new information, everyone else is!
>We have to bust a nut daily

Dude, no we don't. This is exactly the kind of language that makes mens orgasms the problem of everyone but men, for which the logical end result is sex slavery.

I mean in that equation 2d porn is the lesser evil, but men have gone without busting a nut for years without dying of sudden nut disease.

this is my post, I made it

Imagination works for me all the time. I don't know why men say this. You can't be incapable of fantasies.


I know the quote you mean, but I can't find it with google lol

>This is why robots are the footsoldiers of /pol/.


It's about /pol/ saying every robot will be given a wife/gf too, I think.


I don't think men are inherently sexually damaged. They start looking at porn when they're like 9, of course they're fucked up.
As if you had any intellect to validate.

You people are nothing more than a bunch old, reactionary cunts who still get pissy over things like people enjoying pornography. This isn't the 70s/80s anymore, most people don't really remember you, and when they do, they really only remember the bra burning stereotype rather than your actual ideas.

Face it hon, the cotton ceiling got pierced a long time ago.

>You really believe that these women all want to be there?

A large amount of them seem to, yes. Some women in their own ways can be just as sexually degenerate as men. The type of women that go into porn are sexually promiscuous and edgy. But I agree with the other person and also with you. /d/ is the product of man-children with sick minds and too much time on their hands, but it also allows them to channel their depravity into something completely fictional.
>complain about men being men
>men take 'mones to not be men
>complain about that

fuck yourself
>trannies in america are treated like jews in nazi germany
they're being given their own country in the middle east?
>If someone gets off to real images of human suffering?

They also have melting girls over there. There's plenty of human suffering on /d/.
there is no way this post is earnest
>35 people in the thread
I like you.

I don't buy that.

Never heard of the second author. Noted.

2D is the lesser of two evils.

>why is every post assumed to be me
Sex slavery is the lesser evil to me not busting a nut, t b h.

See, you think a man going on hormones means he has no destructive sex drive. Which is not true.
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How about you stop acting like fucking babies?

>pissy over things like people enjoying pornography
Dropped. Worshipping the opiate of the masses is not an intellectual stance.

I meant every word I said. My posts are >>37452729, >>37452966 and >>37453236
>I don't think men are inherently sexually damaged. They start looking at porn when they're like 9, of course they're fucked up.
Then how come men went around raping everyone since the beginning of time, long before porn was invented?

This is why so many women say they hate men, you know.
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>feminists say you're oppressing women
>literally stop fucking women, dress up like anime girls, and fuck each other instead
>you're still oppressing women

doesn't estrogen destroy mens sex drive? Thats why they give it to child predators sometimes.
Who cares, men are capable of more violence than women due to biology, so ultimately we'll always be the ones in charge. Might makes right.

Because religion.
It literally chemically castrates them, what the fuck are you on about? The kind of "men" that go on hormones usually didn't have a "destructive" sex drive to begin with.

I do agree with them though. When it comes to porn and our own degeneracy, men really do need to 'man up' in the sense of owning up to our own depravity and fixing it. The world is one big circle of trash when it comes to sociopolitical issues.
I never claimed enjoyment of porn was "intellectual", I just think it's laughable that you people get into a fucking tizzy over it.

>pressuring women to like dick is "literally stop fucking women, dress up like anime girls, and fuck each other instead"

Why must mtfs lie?


Mtfs still rape women.


That's another reason why so many women hate men. Literally invented modern religion and philosophy, but when it comes to us women, your moral logic is "I'm bigger than you, so I'm in charge." Men are fake.

*tips fedora*
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>"you're making women uncomfortable"
>stop going to the internet except for an all-male incel board on a mostly-male anime forum
>they come there and start bitching at you again
Cartoons don't real.

>you're dumb, and I'm going to prove it through appeals to popularity and rape imagery

2nd wave ideas are only unpopular on Tumblr. Real politics is another matter.

>seem to
They're getting paid.

I wish.
>second author
I mispelled his name. Read the article before reading the book and see if it interests you, because otherwise it is around 1000 pages of deep and meandering textual analysis, historical references and psychological discourse.



Avoiding the ban on t b h is a bannable offence.

>believing the mtfs don't have viable sperm or a sex drive meme

It's like you don't know any mtfs at all!
>Men are fake.
Keep cryin' bitch nigga
>Mtfs still rape women.
Probably at the same rate that cis women rape women.
>I shouldn't have to think about the things I do lol
U n t e r m e n s c h e n
mtfs definitely sterilize themselves which means they don't have viable sperm
>>Cartoons don't real.
>implying they wouldn't jerk off to it if happened in real life, or depicted as real on a porno set
I am post op, so I definitely dont
Oh!! Thank you!

Have a nice day, anon. I'm heading off into the sunset.

everyone's going to think you're a 60yr old now. Sorry.
>le men think they're better cuz they're bigger
>completely ignores the biological evidence that shows men are more mentally suitable for leadership positions
Alright, I'm a tranny. Ask me anything.

You're still fake. :)


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They already do think that.
Where do you keep the gold?
I don't own any gold

>>completely ignores the biological evidence that shows men are more mentally suitable for leadership positions

First it's "might makes right" then it's "but we're smarter too." You believe what you want to believe and then you turn around and call another barbarian for doing the things you WISH you could do to us. Men are fake.
why does this thread have three hundred posts in four hours with 38 users
because everyone in this thread is a moron, probably including me. the fat men here larping as women need to do something productive with their lives. the dunces arguing with the larping men need to stop feeding the troll and just ignore the retard.
They said they had a vagina which was removed by their parents early on. They're intersex, they mentioned off the bat they had female organs.

Of course they are getting paid, but that doesn't mean much. And a lot of amateur porn exists too. Or, women that are amateurs who go in for one or two appearances just because they want to be sluts one time or two times. That is what "amateur" originally meant in porn, non-professional rare performers who went once or twice then never went back.
So what if we're fake? Hypocrisy works.

Do you think all men are self-aware like you or do you think men genuinely believe they're not misogynists?
Most men don't think about misogyny at all. It's a pretty irrelevant concept.

>Even TERFs respect bad men if they are 'self aware'

Never fails. I am not directly misogynistic against women anymore, I realize that men have a lot of issues and I think we are both very similar in our levels of degeneracy. I hate the culture and social situations more than I hate women.

What makes you think I respect you? I despise you, but there's nothing I can really do about you on 4chan. I ALWAYS find it interesting when men drop the act and admit they hate women.

And I think it's funny that you clearly ARE a misogynist, but you don't think it matters. But my 'respect' of you clearly does. I bet you have a chip on your shoulder about who women fuck. Is it Chad?


I doubt this.
this thread made me hate women

There is no point hating women. As degenerate as you are, men and culture are just as degenerate if not more. Even TERFs bow down to dominant men, that's just how nature works. As for the chip on my shoulder, again, you reference Chad fucking women and that goes back to my overall point - women like being subjugated if it's by a dominant, high value male. That's just reality. No point having a chip on my shoulder about reality. You'd fucking love an actual patriarchy if it was run by attractive young white males.

Damn, are you stupid. I'd drag the headless corpses of "attractive young white males" if they were rapists through the streets if I could get away with it. Besides, many of the men in power USED to be attractive young white males. Dudes grow up and get fat. Who cares.

The Nazis are wrong, btw. Feminism has led to us getting the vote, owning property, using money, etc. etc. Why should I give up any of that? You're living in a fantasy if you think because some dumb chicks like rough sex means we're going to give up our wallets and voting rights, or that we should.

And TERFs don't "bow down" to "dominant" men, anyway, like have some evidence first before you claim something like that.

You're sad. Do you hate yourself for not being Chad?


You no doubt hated us already

>Damn, are you stupid. I'd drag the headless corpses of "attractive young white males" if they were rapists through the streets if I could get away with it
>You're living in a fantasy if you think because some dumb chicks like rough sex means we're going to give up our wallets and voting rights, or that we should

Women want to have their cake and eat it too, they complain quite often these days about not getting the perfect feminism-and-chivalry combo they pine for. You keep talking about Chad and you appreciated that other guy being self-aware because deep down you want a patriarchy run by attractive young white males. That's why you keep talking about Chad, you're upset that not enough Chads exist. Women try to re-create "traditional gender roles" through rough sex because the natural order states men must be dominant and women must be submissive. It sucks but that's the way it is.
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>tfw me and robot bf lived happily ever after
Begone, roastie.
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terfs are just roasties who are mad because men are better than women even at being women

although anyone who would fuck a tranny is a faggot

kill yourself

>loathing all forms of sexual coercion
lmaoing@yourlife, also all philosophy is useless other than antinatalism which solves all of humanity's problems, both moral and material

>satan's trips
checks out

What I want from men is generally speaking not what other women want. We're on /r9k/, why shouldn't I mention ~Chad~?

>you appreciated that other guy being self-aware because deep down you want a patriarchy run by attractive young white males

Nah, I appreciate it when the enemy reveals itself. Men are very insistent that there's no such thing as misogyny. When misogynists are bold with their hatred it's refreshing. And it makes me feel like I'm not imagining things!

>Women try to re-create "traditional gender roles" through rough sex because the natural order states men must be dominant and women must be submissive

Nah, women hate themselves and use sex as self-harm. Also, pressure feels good. Thirdly, women have internalized the idea that if a man goes crazy, it's because he loves a woman so much he loses his mind. This connects with rape, rough sex, stalking and domestic violence.

I don't need more Chads to exist because most men are misogynists, you're pretty much interchangeable. Chads or no chads. Having a pretty face won't save you from my disgust, wannabe.
>women hate themselves and use sex as self-harm
wow, women might not be as retarded as I thought, at least you're self aware

Lol misogynist homophobe


when all mtfs can admit they don't need women's spaces because they've got their men, it will be a happy day.
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just to be clear I'm saying women might not be as retarded as I thought because you should hate yourselves, you're disgusting, inferior creatures

lol manhating transphobe

>grow up in a misogynist environment
>thinks that doesn't have negative mental effects on women
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>grew up in a manhating environment
>thinks that doesn't have negative mental effects on men

>lol manhating transphobe

lol like you care about ~transphobia~ men are so fake

Society doesn't hate men.

Try a different argument.
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of course I don't, I'm being sarcastic my man, trannies, both mtfs and ftms, and women are both scum of the earth

>What I want from men is generally speaking not what other women want. We're on /r9k/, why shouldn't I mention ~Chad~?

You keep mentioning Chad because you are resentful that not all men are as amazing as Chad is. You are disappointed in what men have turned out to be in the world you observe.

>Nah, I appreciate it when the enemy reveals itself. Men are very insistent that there's no such thing as misogyny. When misogynists are bold with their hatred it's refreshing. And it makes me feel like I'm not imagining things!

I never denied misogyny existed, and I had my extreme misogynistic period, but I believe the perfect counter to misogyny is dealing with people in general, specifically other men. When you have to deal with people all the time and you see how bad men are, it brings you right back down to earth. So specifically hating women is pointless since they do many degenerate things men do too.

>Nah, women hate themselves and use sex as self-harm. Also, pressure feels good. Thirdly, women have internalized the idea that if a man goes crazy, it's because he loves a woman so much he loses his mind. This connects with rape, rough sex, stalking and domestic violence.

I disagree. Women feel robbed of "traditional gender roles" because women idealize them as roses and pedals and they want to have "equality" yet also benefit from special treatment. Women will find any way that they can be submissive to a man they feel is worth it, so they will go so far as to be total sluts in the bedroom if that can mimic their innate biological urges to be submissive to a high-value male. Also, why do you keep saying nah? Are you a nigress?

>I don't need more Chads to exist because most men are misogynists, you're pretty much interchangeable. Chads or no chads. Having a pretty face won't save you from my disgust, wannabe.

I'm not sure how most men are misogynists.

So are you sarcastic about manhating?
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Society doesn't hate women.

Try a different argument.

If it did we wouldn't have to gather in an anonymous board to profess our true feelings towards womankind, we could just do it in the public like women do with their manhating
to be honest, there is a small grain of truth in (ugh) terf "thought" but it's vastly outweighed by the fact that men are literally the disposable sex

like, it doesn't even make sense to talk about """"misandry""" because it's like talking about "carbon chauvinism", this is literally the only way things can be
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No because men are the providers of everything good in the world, unlike trannies and women which is why it should be acceptable to be a transphobe and a misogynist
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a world without biocunts ;_;7.jpg
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Not for long, artificial wombs are getting here fast, in a few decades we'll genocide the filthy woman of this planet

>You are disappointed in what men have turned out to be in the world you observe.

?? There's plenty of attractive men still.

>So specifically hating women is pointless since they do many degenerate things men do too.

Yeah, we definitely rape, murder, create shitty religions, start wars, etc just like you dudes do

> Women feel robbed of "traditional gender roles" because women idealize them as roses and pedals and they want to have "equality" yet also benefit from special treatment. Women will find any way that they can be submissive to a man they feel is worth it, so they will go so far as to be total sluts in the bedroom if that can mimic their innate biological urges to be submissive to a high-value male

baka. No, not really. There's no innate biological urges to be submissive, and I don't think most women feel "robbed" of anything. Who is doing this robbing, anyway?

> Also, why do you keep saying nah? Are you a nigress?

Have you talked to a white woman in the US ever? /pol/ you need to get outside sometime.

>I'm not sure how most men are misogynists.

You think women are innately submissive, and I'm sure you don't think that's misogyny. Can you even see misogyny at all? Maybe you're an unreliable observer.
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anyway post some white women
Just because it counts as white on the census doesn't mean it is white.
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I really wish misogyny was as socially acceptable as terfs think it is instead of having to treat women like magical beings if you don't want to face outrage

that's the epitome of white woman, white women are cancer

>men are literally the disposable sex
>women are sold into sex slavery the majority of the time

Your victim complex is absurd my dude


It does. How many religions believe God is a woman and that men are created to serve women? How powerful are they?


>no don't hate men when they're misogynists because they do good things!
Day of the Lord when?
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why do white women over 25 look like they're 45

hmm really makes you think

why would a religion believe God is a woman when men create everything, that makes no sense

>no don't hate men when they're misogynists because they do good things!
but being a misogynist is good and rational seeing how women are

If it wasn't socially acceptable to treat women poorly the FBI would've destroyed this site a long time ago.

A guy who bragged about assaulting women is the president, you buffoon.

Where do these pieces of shit even live? I'm a simple northerner but thank fuck I never see any of these self-entitled retards.

>why would a religion believe God is a woman when men create everything, that makes no sense

Acting like an idiot isn't an argument.
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If it wasn't socially acceptable to treat men poorly the FBI would've destroyed tumblr a long time ago.

>A guy who bragged about assaulting women is the president, you buffoon.
And women voted for him at similar rates as men, plus he bragged about being a turboChad and grabbing pussies left and right because women loved it

>woman makes a dating ad that says not to throw a tantrum if she doesn't respond
>this is self-entitled
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>a woman calling a man an idiot
boy that's rich

>And women voted for him at similar rates as men, plus he bragged about being a turboChad and grabbing pussies left and right because women loved it
>society doesn't hate women!

How, exactly, do you let two obviously contradicting thoughts exist in your mind?
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it's pretty entitled when you look like that

then again that's how most white women look like, especially turbodykes like you lmao
In non-Abrahamic faiths there are plenty of female deities, bodhisattvas, etc.

>he thinks this is an argument

oringal cummt
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diverse female personalities.jpg
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>women vote for a powerful man and they let him get sexual with them because they're attracted to his chadness
>society hates women
what are you on about you retard
>she thinks there's any point in arguing with a woman with actual arguments
pigeon playing chess etc.

Yeah? Do you envy the self-confidence of women so much you confuse it as self-entitlement? How stupid of you.



>How many religions believe God is a woman and that men are created to serve women? How powerful are they?

Were you taught in church that you were created to serve women? Do the majority of the people in power believe this? No and no, anon.
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women shouldn't have self-confidence so it's always self-entitlement when they do

Society hates women and literally thinks they lie or enjoy sexual assault. This isn't difficult.


Yet here you are.
Finally someone is waking up this this /r9gay/ bullshit.
Fuck trannies, fuck gays.

You cannot be a robot if you are an attention whoring tranny.

And I bet you'll say you're not a misogynist.
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>Society hates women and literally thinks they lie or enjoy sexual assault. This isn't difficult.
But they do lie, a lot, that's a proven fact. Also it's not sexual assault, in his bragging he made it clear that they let him do it because he's an alpha assertive male

>Yet here you are.
im not making any arguments, you're not worth it, no white woman is
Fuck women too
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toastie roastie.png
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true, but fuck women too

how did you get that after all I've posted you daft cunt

No, bro, they don't.

>in his bragging he made it clear that they let him do it because he's an alpha assertive male

oh, you idiot. I'm sure there have been plenty of times when robots on this board have frozen up and "let" someone bully them, hurt them OR sexually assault them. It's the same damn thing.

>im not making any arguments, you're not worth it, no white woman is
You are disagreeing with my points, this is an argument. Are you so full of yourself you can't admit when you're arguing with someone?

idk, I assume men will lie and I'm usually right. You vapid scrotum.
Hahahaha women lie too, and much more so.
Fucking rotting meat flaps.
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cheating hoe part 1.jpg
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yea they do, only a couple of real studies have been conducted and the results have been eye opening about women's lies

>oh, you idiot. I'm sure there have been plenty of times when robots on this board have frozen up and "let" someone bully them, hurt them OR sexually assault them. It's the same damn thing.
jesus reach a little further, he was just saying how much pussy he gets because he's rich and famous

im arguing but im not wasting my time making actual arguments with a woman

nah im not a woman so i dont feel the compulsive need to lie all the time

>?? There's plenty of attractive men still.

There is, and you hate low-value men for existing and you wish more Chad type men existed.

>Yeah, we definitely rape, murder, create shitty religions, start wars, etc just like you dudes do

Behind men, there are women. Women fuck men and therefore validate everything men do. Sex is the ultimate validation for men.

>baka. No, not really. There's no innate biological urges to be submissive, and I don't think most women feel "robbed" of anything. Who is doing this robbing, anyway?

You are playing a fool's game by denying the obvious! Women feel robbed of their "traditional gender roles" so they make up for that by being total sluts for Chad. It makes sense from a biological perspective.

>Have you talked to a white woman in the US ever? /pol/ you need to get outside sometime.

I live in Canada, and yes, I have. Only nigresses here say "nah". You are copying nigger culture.

>You think women are innately submissive, and I'm sure you don't think that's misogyny. Can you even see misogyny at all? Maybe you're an unreliable observer.

Of course this relies on the fiction that women are oppressed and men are the oppressors . Women being submissive in modern western society is entirely their choice, and surprise surprise, they always choose to be submissive to high-value men they feel worth submitting to. I can definitely see misogyny, but it has to be blatant, and many women themselves are indeed self-hating but that's not my problem and misogyny is hating women for being women which I do not. I do feel as though I am a very reliable observer, as I can see both sides and the middle and develop a detailed conclusion from that.

When faced with being outed as a misogynist, or when told that society hates women, men lie rather than reveal the truth. Pencil dick.
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this thread has been catastrophic for my attitude towards women, just when my gf had made me far less misogynistic after a few months of being a pure, sweet qt this dyke reminds me how most women actually think and she's just an exception

i wish it turns out to be the other way around but i doubt it
Consider the following:

>mentally ill
>mostly hideous
>severely autistic
>either unemployed or do computer shit
>have weird, half-baked politics
>abusive childhoods
>grew up on the internet
>rely on the internet for all of their socialization

I've juggled the numbers, and it would seem that trannies are the only true robots.
>outed as a misogynist
why out someone for something good, that makes no sense

except for the feminist ones

>jesus reach a little further, he was just saying how much pussy he gets because he's rich and famous

lmao no dude no

>im arguing but im not wasting my time making actual arguments with a woman

sure honey

>yea they do, only a couple of real studies have been conducted and the results have been eye opening about women's lies

post then


>There is, and you hate low-value men for existing and you wish more Chad type men existed

Sometimes I fantasize about turning ugly shits into pretty boys with plastic surgery, but really, it's not that deep.

>Behind men, there are women. Women fuck men and therefore validate everything men do. Sex is the ultimate validation for men.

lmao! I wish you were an important person and I could quote you on this shit. Like, damn, radfems were right about men to the finest details. You're all evil sluts, driven by your lust for pussy.

>It makes sense from a biological perspective.

No it doesn't dude.

>this relies on the fiction that women are oppressed and men are the oppressors


>Women being submissive in modern western society is entirely their choice

So it's innate first, it's biology next, but then you're saying it's a choice.

>I can definitely see misogyny, but it has to be blatant, and many women themselves are indeed self-hating but that's not my problem and misogyny is hating women for being women which I do no

You were thisclose to admitting you don't know shit and that my perspective is more accurate. Shame.
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Wow anon, you know me really well. Except substitute "computer shit" for classical and medieval studies.

I feel sorry for your gf! But I mean, you can't really seem to handle people with different opinions than you. That relationship is very doomed. You're not a rational person.
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lonely women totally exist.png
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>n-no dude
>s-sure honey h-haha
women are so fucking pathetic, why do we allow them to exist

feel sorry for yourself you dumb cunt, you're one to talk you throw a fit every time we tell you our opinions about women
I want to harass each and every one of the roasties on this board until they die.

>this mad

There's not even a point to responding, but hey, both of you are shit :)

>Sometimes I fantasize about turning ugly shits into pretty boys with plastic surgery, but really, it's not that deep.

That's because you want all men to be Chad and you resent men for not being Chad. A lot of femanons are also attracted to effeminate twink males, which is the next step down after you can't get Chad.

>lmao! I wish you were an important person and I could quote you on this shit. Like, damn, radfems were right about men to the finest details. You're all evil sluts, driven by your lust for pussy.

I have never denied this entire time that fact. My words you greentexted are objective truth. Women fuck men though so all the bad we do is validated by men.

>No it doesn't dude.

Yes it does. You were suppressed for most of human history, you evolved to be subservient to high-value men and only recently have women felt robbed of such an evolutionary luxury.


Women fucked the men who did those things.

>So it's innate first, it's biology next, but then you're saying it's a choice.

Hmmmm, yes, it's innate biological desire, but women and men are not operating on lizard/monkey brains anymore and hence we can rise above that in a conscious sense but the instincts will still be there.

>You were thisclose to admitting you don't know shit and that my perspective is more accurate. Shame.

This is an atrocious assessment. Women being self-hating is just the truth and I am not misogynistic and I've described that to you in perhaps 3 different ways now. Let me ask you, what could men do in your mind to be better than what they currently are?
Aw, you're insecure.
You're a freak. You bleed for a week out of the month, that doesn't make you beautiful, it makes you disgusting.
You know those horrible feelings you suffer from while you're squirting blood out of your disgusting cunt? Those are justified.
Next time you feel like offing yourself, do it. I want to see your family crying.

>That's because you want all men to be Chad and you resent men for not being Chad.

You've said this repeatedly but it's not true because it just doesn't matter. Most men are the same. Looks don't matter that much.

>Women fuck men though so all the bad we do is validated by men.

No, dude, we fuck you because we're heterosexual. Sex doesn't validate your bad behavior. But male-worshipping religion does.

>you evolved to be subservient to high-value men and only recently have women felt robbed of such an evolutionary luxury.

Women weren't whores in brothels throughout history. Your evopsych theory is bunk.

>Women fucked the men who did those things.

And sometimes men who did those things raped women. Sex isn't a reward, it's a result of simple human sexuality.

>Let me ask you, what could men do in your mind to be better than what they currently are?

Well, you, for starters, can stop thinking that men having sex means they're ok people and that women are validating them.

You can get weird about menstruation all you want. At least I don't get cheesedick, dude.

And idk, man, do you even talk to your family? Would THEY cry if YOU died? Or would they be a little relieved?

They'd bawl their eyes out.
The sadder thing is that you're a woman who has to spend her time on /r9k/
It's okay for me, though, I'm a man, I'm automatically better than you in every way

Anyone who cares about douchebags like you is probably a douchebag too, so I guess I am ok with the idea that your family will cry.

>The sadder thing is that you're a woman who has to spend her time on /r9k/

lol how self-hating are you?

>It's okay for me, though, I'm a man, I'm automatically better than you in every way

subpar bait bro
>subpar bait bro e.g. "i'm just like the boys"
You're literally a parody of your gender
you're a parody of shit
you're a poop emoji but your teeth aren't straight
I give zero fucks if people think I am a mysogynist.
I don't have a problem with honorable women who care for their family, but I fucking hate stupid sluts who get fucked by everything that moves and then complain that their life is hard.
How the FUCK does society hate women you stupid cunt, everything revolves around women.

>but it's not true because it just doesn't matter. Most men are the same

Exactly! Right. You lament how most men are bad, and you love Chad and the pretty boy types, you're just salty because most men are not what you want them to be. Which is a high-value male.

>No, dude, we fuck you because we're heterosexual. Sex doesn't validate your bad behavior. But male-worshipping religion does.

Wrong. Women having sex with men validates everything we do since having sex is the ultimate validation for men.

>Women weren't whores in brothels throughout history. Your evopsych theory is bunk

It manifests in different ways, nothing to do with just being whores in brothels.

>And sometimes men who did those things raped women. Sex isn't a reward, it's a result of simple human sexuality.

This is where you keep slipping up. Sex is a reward for men, everyone from the most disgusting neckbeard to the effeminate twink fag to the most badass Chad thinks that. We all do. Women just feel offended when any men feel entitled to sex that women don't see as worth it in some way.

>Well, you, for starters, can stop thinking that men having sex means they're ok people and that women are validating them

But that's just the way things are. It has nothing to do with me or /r9k/ or the manosphere or any other distracting label. And the "male feminist" faggots who rant on against "nice guys" and such are just pretending to be different so they can get some feminist pussy. They feel entitled to sex to, they just don't admit it because then their whole cover is blown.

>a /r9k/er is talking shit about being a parody of a gender

How covered with cheese is your dick?
>you're a poop emoji but your teeth aren't straight

Hello, we'd like to ask you a few questions about how >>37456429 got fucking slaughtered

>you're just salty because most men are not what you want them to be

I would prefer men not to be misogynist. But I don't lie awake lamenting your puddinglike bodies, poor posture, acne-covered faces, and your terrible, pathetic hobbies. I literally don't care that most men are 2/10s.

>Wrong. Women having sex with men validates everything we do since having sex is the ultimate validation for men

I think you're a liar. Like I said before, men have their own beliefs around each other, and a different set around women. Like if we were all men here, you'd be squawking that honor, God and country drives men to do great deeds, but to prop up the absurd idea that there's no misogyny, you say sex with women is ultimately what drives you. You sad liar.

>It manifests in different ways, nothing to do with just being whores in brothels.

Most women toiled throughout history, dying in childbirth, starving, working the fields, making pottery, etc... hypergamy is not real.

>Sex is a reward for men, everyone from the most disgusting neckbeard to the effeminate twink fag to the most badass Chad thinks that. We all do

Yeah, the radfems know this. And what I'm saying is that you're a liar, and you actually don't care about being validated by women. Men rape women all the time - they don't care about the approval of women.

>And the "male feminist" faggots who rant on against "nice guys" and such are just pretending to be different so they can get some feminist pussy

true and so?

>But that's just the way things are.

That's not a justification to be a misogynist.

>supernatural fans
>being misogynist

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>anti-trans thread
>just cis hets yelling at each other

'cis' was constructed by julia serano to take away the authority of women over womanhood as a concept.
Yeah and "conspiracy theory" was cooked up by spooks at the CIA. So what. Would you prefer a neutral nomenclature, one that doesn't adhere to either of our biases? Shall I call you a breeder? Is that even in the realm of possibility?

I would prefer mtfs admit they're not women and come up with an entirely different word for themselves.

It's not a conspiracy either. Read Whipping Girl sometime.
>I would prefer mtfs admit they're not women
That's not up to us. We're forced to blend in due to society's preference for a sex binary. There is no opt-out. The modern West is not Byzantium.
Your pic related is how retarded this entire thread sounds

*shrug* The non-binaries probably want some kind of legal recognition, like a different marker on their driver's license. I'm asking mtfs to do the same.
If you think trannies have the social and political power to fundamentally change the perceptions of hundreds of millions of people, you're a fool. But you know we don't. You're just being cranky. The only places I know of in all the world that legally recognize a third gender are India, Pakistan and Nepal. They were culturally primed for it; we're not.

I would prefer men not to be misogynist. But I don't lie awake lamenting your puddinglike bodies, poor posture, acne-covered faces, and your terrible, pathetic hobbies. I literally don't care that most men are 2/10s.

Yes, exactly. Again, you see most men as 2/10s, so this is your way of admitting that you're just salty that most men are not Chad.

>I think you're a liar. Like I said before, men have their own beliefs around each other, and a different set around women. Like if we were all men here, you'd be squawking that honor, God and country drives men to do great deeds, but to prop up the absurd idea that there's no misogyny, you say sex with women is ultimately what drives you. You sad liar.

But those are lies. Men don't care about God, honor or country if they can't get sex.

>Most women toiled throughout history, dying in childbirth, starving, working the fields, making pottery, etc... hypergamy is not real.

If hypergamy is not real, then why are you and so many other women bitter that most men aren't Chads?

>Yeah, the radfems know this. And what I'm saying is that you're a liar, and you actually don't care about being validated by women. Men rape women all the time - they don't care about the approval of women.

I'm glad you agree. All men see sex as a reward regardless of what shade of man we fall under.

>true and so?

I'm just reminding you that we are ALL this way, no exceptions. The ones that pretend to be different are basically us on steroids, because they are so desperate to get their dick wet that they hate other men wanting to get our dicks wet to virtue signal. They think hating other men and posturing to women makes them different from the others.

>That's not a justification to be a misogynist.

So you're saying that since this is just the way things are, I should go against nature with every fiber of my being just so I can not be misogynist? That's not how life works, ma'am.

>Yes, exactly. Again, you see most men as 2/10s, so this is your way of admitting that you're just salty that most men are not Chad.

I was trying to troll you. But I see you're too self-hating to get angry.

>Men don't care about God, honor or country if they can't get sex.

idek what to say to this because it's simply not true.

>then why are you and so many other women bitter that most men aren't Chads?

I mean, I'm telling you I'm not, but you don't believe me. So what can I say, man?

>I'm glad you agree.

I didn't, though.

>I'm just reminding you that we are ALL this way, no exceptions.

Okay? What do you expect me to say? This justifies you not being in charge of anything, honestly, because men are clearly irrational.

But I know you're full of shit, so I'm not taking this seriously.

> I should go against nature with every fiber of my being just so I can not be misogynist? That's not how life works, ma'am.

Do you still poop in the woods, caveman?


>If you think trannies have the social and political power to fundamentally change the perceptions of hundreds of millions of people, you're a fool.

Where were you three decades ago, mtf? No one used 'cis' and yet many people in the US do now. Things change. Culture changes. If ALL of you pressed that you weren't women, and that you wanted a third gender designation, it would probably still take a couple of decades, but there's literally no reason it wouldn't happen.

>You're just being cranky

lmao have you met another mtf in your life? A lot of you are shitheads, or weird fetishists. Most of you have terrible opinions and you're misogynists. Why shouldn't I be cranky? The trans feminists think they can tell us what to do. You idiots think you REPRESENT us. My anger is perfectly justified.
Why do trannies ALWAYS post with an anime avatar does it make them feel more feminine or something? I realize this is a mongolian fingerpainting board but why is it always the fucking mtfs posting cute girls
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Would you prefer cenobites?
yes uuuuiorginallo

>I was trying to troll you. But I see you're too self-hating to get angry.

No point getting angry at the truth.

>idek what to say to this because it's simply not true.

How is it not true? Men crave sex, sex is always on our minds, we need it for validation.

>I mean, I'm telling you I'm not, but you don't believe me. So what can I say, man?

You need to deny that you are upset most men aren't Chad because if you admitted it your entire purpose in this thread would be exposed.

>I didn't, though.

Yes you did. You agreed with me and you said that radfems knew that men see sex as a reward, because we all do.

>Okay? What do you expect me to say? This justifies you not being in charge of anything, honestly, because men are clearly irrational.
>But I know you're full of shit, so I'm not taking this seriously.

I expect you to agree with me since it's the truth. You're delusional if you think that all men are not this way, and it only proves that some men can still manipulate and brainwash you if you think some are "different", kek.

>Do you still poop in the woods, caveman?

I will not go against nature, I will embrace nature. If that makes me a misogynist to you, so be it. Even though I've clearly stated many times I believe both sexes are degenerate.
>Where were you three decades ago, mtf?
In a diaper, dancing to Huey Lewis and the News.
>have you met another mtf in your life?
I try not to.

>No point getting angry at the truth.

Why don't you try to be better looking?

>How is it not true? Men crave sex, sex is always on our minds, we need it for validation.

Because many, many men find meaning in their life outside of sex. Some hate it so much they become priests. Others want power more than sex. So on.

>You need to deny that you are upset most men aren't Chad because if you admitted it your entire purpose in this thread would be exposed.

I was here to talk about trans people, not you.

>Yes you did. You agreed with me and you said that radfems knew that men see sex as a reward, because we all do.

I said radfems know this and then I called you a liar.

>I expect you to agree with me since it's the truth.

It's not.

>You're delusional if you think that all men are not this way

I think that men, in once getting sex, don't care much about it after. I think men have multiple motivations. I do find it interesting that /r9k/ is full of men who will cry that women are unfeeling and incapable of love, and none of those users are here to tell you you're wrong, that they're pure and just want a woman who loves them.

>I will not go against nature, I will embrace nature. If that makes me a misogynist to you, so be it.

So you DO still poop in the woods. Well, maybe your unsanitary habits will eventually kill you.
>tfw retconned from "amoral posthuman super perverts" to shitty boring demons

>Why don't you try to be better looking?

That's not possible without plastic surgery.

>Because many, many men find meaning in their life outside of sex. Some hate it so much they become priests. Others want power more than sex. So on.

Being a priest means they make a theme out of resisting sex so it still matters to them, and a lot of them end up molesting kids because they can't cope.

>I was here to talk about trans people, not you.

Talking with you and the other TERFs here (if there was more than one of you) has actually made me slightly favor trannies over you.

>I said radfems know this and then I called you a liar.
>It's not.

That's very irrational for you to agree with me and then disagree.

>I think that men, in once getting sex, don't care much about it after. I think men have multiple motivations

I disagree. Sex is the ultimate reward and validation for us, everything falls under that.

>I do find it interesting that /r9k/ is full of men who will cry that women are unfeeling and incapable of love, and none of those users are here to tell you you're wrong, that they're pure and just want a woman who loves them.

That makes no sense at all.

>So you DO still poop in the woods. Well, maybe your unsanitary habits will eventually kill you.

I embrace nature, and if I were a more reflexive creature I'd be inclined to think that female enslavement is the only answer for treacherous instigators like you. You can never please feminists if you're not Chad. If you're not Chad, they'll hate you no matter what you try to do.

>Talking with you and the other TERFs here (if there was more than one of you) has actually made me slightly favor trannies over you

Good. Maybe you'll eventually mindlessly obsess about them instead of women, and make up all kinds of absurd bullshit to paint them as terrible creatures. "Why are mtfs not fucking me? They want CHAD! They evolved! To fuck CHAD! NOT ME! Whooooooores!!"

>That's very irrational for you to agree with me and then disagree.

I guess you don't understand that I'm not a radfem.

>That's not possible without plastic surgery.

Post pic.

>Being a priest means they make a theme out of resisting sex so it still matters to them, and a lot of them end up molesting kids because they can't cope.

But they still have God as their meaning.

>I disagree. Sex is the ultimate reward and validation for us, everything falls under that.

Bro, I am a straight female. All men are capable of hitting it, quitting it, and going back to their video games.

>That makes no sense at all.

Why not? You're arguing about sex, they claim they're all about love. Those aren't the same thing. Yet no one is telling you you don't speak for all men. Because, actually, they're not going to challenge a fellow misogynist. Cohesion between men in the face of a female threat is paramount.

>if I were a more reflexive creature I'd be inclined to think that female enslavement is the only answer for treacherous instigators like you.

lol treacherous how? I have no loyalty to any man. Can't commit treason against something that was never committed to in the first place.

>You can never please feminists if you're not Chad.

You're a misogynist, mate, and if there was ever a time in your life that you weren't one, you shouldn't have cared so much that people "hate" you. At this point, though, it's justified. You're a smart man using "nature" to justify misogyny. I bet you're not even a virgin.

>Good. Maybe you'll eventually mindlessly obsess about them instead of women, and make up all kinds of absurd bullshit to paint them as terrible creatures. "Why are mtfs not fucking me? They want CHAD! They evolved! To fuck CHAD! NOT ME! Whooooooores!!"

Why can't you just admit you're bitter because not enough Chads exist? You never shut the fuck up about Chad. You're obsessed with him because you can't get him, so you're on /r9k/ whining about how we aren't Chad.

>I guess you don't understand that I'm not a radfem.
>Post pic.

I'm not posting a pic on 4chan, that's insanity. And if you're not a radfem then you do a great job of roleplaying as one on 4chan.

>Bro, I am a straight female. All men are capable of hitting it, quitting it, and going back to their video games.

I'm sure you know that from personal experience, being pumped and dumped one too many times has gotten to your head I see.

>Why not? You're arguing about sex, they claim they're all about love. Those aren't the same thing. Yet no one is telling you you don't speak for all men. Because, actually, they're not going to challenge a fellow misogynist. Cohesion between men in the face of a female threat is paramount.

But I do speak for all men. You're just pretending to go to the other side and you're trying not to paint all men as what I'm painting us because you will use anything you can to go against me in a conversation.

>But they still have God as their meaning.

Yes, abstinence before God. Fighting your base instincts to satisfy and serve God. Again - all about sex!

>lol treacherous how? I have no loyalty to any man. Can't commit treason against something that was never committed to in the first place.

You're treacherous because you have spent this entire thread insulting people and in your quest to prove how bad trannies were, you made them look better than you and they barely had to do anything. I am officially /protranny/ now.
>You're a misogynist, mate, and if there was ever a time in your life that you weren't one, you shouldn't have cared so much that people "hate" you

I'm not sure what that statements means or what it has to do with the fact that you can never please feminists if you're not Chad. It's just not possible. Only Chad will get your respect and admiration and approval. You can come up with angry ways to deny that all you want but it doesn't matter.

>At this point, though, it's justified. You're a smart man using "nature" to justify misogyny. I bet you're not even a virgin.

If I am a smart man, then I don't see the harm in seeing reality for what it is and embracing it. I'm not a virgin either, threads like these remind me of one particular woman I was with and how I should be with her instead of talking to losers (like you) on here. She was great.

Of course I forgot to quote >>37458339
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you now have cancer.png
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>Why can't you just admit you're bitter because not enough Chads exist?

Because it's not true. You brought up Chad.

>I'm not posting a pic on 4chan, that's insanity.


>And if you're not a radfem then you do a great job of roleplaying as one on 4chan.

I'm a radfem sympathizer. I don't agree with everything they say.

>I'm sure you know that from personal experience, being pumped and dumped one too many times has gotten to your head I see.

Yeah, I have actual life experience to back up my claim that men are interested in other things besides sex. Like, duh. Unlike you, I don't make shit up and then believe it.

>You're just pretending to go to the other side and you're trying not to paint all men as what I'm painting us because you will use anything you can to go against me in a conversation.

And why would I do that?

>Again - all about sex!

baka. A poor analysis of religion.

>You're treacherous because you have spent this entire thread insulting people and in your quest to prove how bad trannies were, you made them look better than you and they barely had to do anything. I am officially /protranny/ now.

lmao that's not what treacherous means, dude!
you've reposted that too many times, people will start to think it's fake (it is)

>You can come up with angry ways to deny that all you want but it doesn't matter.

You've got your dogma, you believe it, whatever.

>I'm not a virgin either, threads like these remind me of one particular woman I was with and how I should be with her instead of talking to losers (like you) on here. She was great.

Wow, a woman who chose you over Chad? How does that fit into your "all women are submissive and want Chad" ideology? Nice neg there.
please kill yourselves with this made-up terf tranny Marxist nonsense. Just kill yourself.
It's not fake. But good job trying to say it is so people can not hate trannies; I wish it were but you know better than I how fucking pathetic your kind really is. Go meet him yourself :)
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>Because it's not true. You brought up Chad.

You mentioned Chad in your first reply to me here >>37454520.


I'm not posting my pic but you can feel free to post yours. This is outrageous.

>Yeah, I have actual life experience to back up my claim that men are interested in other things besides sex. Like, duh. Unlike you, I don't make shit up and then believe it.

What life experience? You seem to believe this feminist lie that there are some extroverted Chads out there that put the rest of us to shame. Pro tip: Those cute Chads you like feel just as entitled to your body as the average guys and the neckbeards.

>A poor analysis of religion.

Men going celibate because of God is still centered around sex since it's not having sex for the purpose of serving God.

>lmao that's not what treacherous means, dude!


>guilty of or involving betrayal or deception.

Radfem poster BTFO.

>You've got your dogma, you believe it, whatever.

I believe it because you keep talking about Chad and then also talking about ugly guys and how you want guys to be pretty boys, etc. You have to deny it for posterity but you really are upset that most men aren't Chad.

>Wow, a woman who chose you over Chad? How does that fit into your "all women are submissive and want Chad" ideology? Nice neg there.

She was a sassy qt that did martial arts and had a nice ass. Very nice and liked to go outside, read, etc. I asked her out first so Chad had no opening. She is an exception. I should be with her instead of talking to losers like you on here, my god this is outrageous.

>You mentioned Chad in your first reply to me here

ya got me. my bad!

>I'm not posting my pic but you can feel free to post yours. This is outrageous.


>You seem to believe this feminist lie that there are some extroverted Chads out there that put the rest of us to shame. Pro tip: Those cute Chads you like feel just as entitled to your body as the average guys and the neckbeards.

I'm not sure you realize this or not, but as a radfem sympathizer, and as someone who actually reads feminist thought, radfems have already told me that most men as misogynists. I've been saying that this whole thread.

>guilty of or involving betrayal or deception.

What betrayal? What deception? Illiterate.

Post your fucking pic, dweeb.

>You have to deny it for posterity but you really are upset that most men aren't Chad.

No, I genuinely don't care.

>I asked her out first so Chad had no opening.

Like, what?

>I should be with her instead of talking to losers like you on here, my god this is outrageous.

I know, man, what ARE you doing with your life? You're like, totally driven by sex, man! And you've been arguing with me for HOURS! No sex had! It's almost like sex ISN'T the only driving force behind your existence.

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What the fuck happened to this thread?

Yes this is the first time this post has ever been made.
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>ya got me. my bad!

Yes, you mentioned Chad first.


Why don't you want to post your pic?

I'm not sure you realize this or not, but as a radfem sympathizer, and as someone who actually reads feminist thought, radfems have already told me that most men as misogynists. I've been saying that this whole thread.

"Most men" are not Chad though so what's your point.

>What betrayal? What deception? Illiterate.

You tried to turn the board against trannies yet your ways and the ways of your fellow radfems made us more /protranny/ than ever before.

>Post your fucking pic, dweeb.

I will absolutely not post a pic, never. Any pics on /r9k/ are either someone pretending to be someone else or a severe autist that can't comprehend how dangerous it is to put your pic on 4chan. You post your pic first, baby.

>No, I genuinely don't care.

If you didn't care then why do you mention Chad over and over, you talked about him first?

>Like, what?

When I saw her I was immediately interested and asked her out the first chance I got. So Chad had no chances to get there before I did.

>I know, man, what ARE you doing with your life? You're like, totally driven by sex, man! And you've been arguing with me for HOURS! No sex had! It's almost like sex ISN'T the only driving force behind your existence.

This is absolutely outrageous. Sex is the driving force behind all of our existences. If either of us had anything better to do we wouldn't be talking to each other right now.

>"Most men" are not Chad though so what's your point.

"most men" includes Chads.

>You tried to turn the board against trannies yet your ways and the ways of your fellow radfems made us more /protranny/ than ever before.

That's not betrayal or deception. Illiterate.

>You post your pic first, baby.

Gosh I love pet names :) I asked you first sweetie :)

>Sex is the driving force behind all of our existences. If either of us had anything better to do we wouldn't be talking to each other right now.

Mate I could be getting laid right now.

It doesn't mean that much to me.

>If you didn't care then why do you mention Chad over and over, you talked about him first?

You brought him up more often though

>So Chad had no chances to get there before I did.

it's more than possible that you were not her first date ever

>"most men" includes Chads.

No it doesn't. You specifically exclude Chad from your criticisms of men.

>That's not betrayal or deception. Illiterate.

Yes it was you matched the definition of treacherous. You tried to deceive us and make us betray our tranny friends and it backfired.

>Gosh I love pet names :) I asked you first sweetie :)

That's not how it works baby. You are the more aggressive one here so you have to post your pic first. But then I won't send mine at all unless it's in a private chat.


>Mate I could be getting laid right now.

I'm sure you could, a lot of men are thirsty and they'd bang you I'm sure. You'd be validating them and making their day.

>You brought him up more often though

You brought him up first and then I mentioned him to remind you that you hold Chad in high esteem and you are bitter that most men are not Chad. That's what this is all about. Non-Chad males can never satisfy you hence why you are eternally bitter.

>it's more than possible that you were not her first date ever

All I thought about when I saw her was that I had to do something or I'd regret doing nothing. And like I said if I am a smart man, then it's because I embrace nature and reality and I refuse to submit to your warped view of how things should be.

>You specifically exclude Chad from your criticisms of men.


>You tried to deceive us and make us betray our tranny friends and it backfired.

Again, nah.

>That's not how it works baby. You are the more aggressive one here so you have to post your pic first

No, I asked you first. Baby.

>a lot of men are thirsty

yeah, men are sluts. :)

We're going around in circles now. I just want to see what you look like. Not really interested in this convo anymore.


But you kept going on about how Chad is better than the rest of us, you mentioned Chad first, and you have this strange fantasy of turning men into effeminate pretty boys. You sick woman you.

>Again, nah.

Yes you did and we won't turn our backs on our tranny friends!!! I am so /protranny/ now it's amazing.

>No, I asked you first. Baby.

You're more thirsty and aggressive so you need to go first, and I won't post a pic anyways. I won't be coerced like this into showing myself on 4chan.

>yeah, men are sluts. :)

Yes but we need to be sluts for validation and the ultimate reward. Your bodies are stepping stones for us.

>We're going around in circles now. I just want to see what you look like. Not really interested in this convo anymore.

Absolutely not baby. I know you're thirsty and you want me but I won't let a radfem femanon force me to do things I don't want to do. But I'll leave you with this. This isn't over. We will meet again someday. And you won't like it. I would only show you a pic of me in a private chat after you show me yours. But this has made me realize that I should pay more attention to a good woman when I have her. So I want to contact the qt again and be more attentive this time. You're horrible but you reminded me of what matters. See you next time radfem femanon. We will meet again.

>You sick woman you.

You like it, right? ;)

>Yes you did and we won't turn our backs on our tranny friends!!! I am so /protranny/ now it's amazing.

*shrug* they're still not women

>You're more thirsty and aggressive so you need to go first, and I won't post a pic anyways. I won't be coerced like this into showing myself on 4chan.

You're probably fuggo anyway.

>Your bodies are stepping stones for us.

yikes! So, who are you fucking women FOR?

Each other? lol

>We will meet again.

Please wear a chastity cage until then. Baby.
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>they're still not women

idk what that means

Well, I learnt a new word today.

I can kind of respect these terf feminists more than the other ones, it's like they actually care about their ideology and aren't just on the SJW bandwagon.
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