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/britfeel/ loyal to the empire edition

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 515
Thread images: 81

No chinks or traitors allowed
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First for Xi Jinping of Zhongguo
>tfw got a chinese on the way

house special noodles, sweet and sour chicken, crispy chilli beef and a portion of chips, im sorted lads
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Britfeel posters are balding
Oof, that's a cracker mate. How much is that going to set you back? Any drinks?
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The idea of Scotland leaving really worries me lads.

I don't really like the Scots, but it seems sad. Like the end of an era. Of course, Empire died really after WW1, and then completely after WW2, but it'd be sad to see a country that dominated the world for so long just fade away and die.

It'd be like watching the end of the Roman Empire.

Very sad, gents, very sad indeed.

On that note, post waifus.
>chips from a chinkies
Had a mate who would do this, except he only ordered a single portion of chips and nothing else. Utter knob.
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Voting for the underdog
i was promised roman memes
Jock parasites leaving would be even better than Brexit
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Why did the British car industry die
kek the scots are dumb enough to think joining the eu means true independence
Just ordered a container of sweet and sour noodles and a portion of chips


Based Xi
free since my mum offered, can't say no to a free meal, no drinks, just going to have water, the meal isn't healthy but the water is damage limitation

can't understand why you'd only get chips from a chinese place desu, I get the chips as a nice extra to have in the meal, having them soak into all the sauces makes 'em taste delicious

I do this too, but only on Sunday when no chips shops are open
the chinese take away near me do a better portion of chips than the actual chippy
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Dont fap to hard lad
I'm scottish, convince me to stay with all my sweet oil
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everyone should just be friends :)
Remember to be thankful for China and its many blessings.
>fuck guys for 2000 a week
>save up for a while
>buy a house and live the neet life with retirement money before youre even in your 30s

why dont all girls do this, i would
because the British car makers couldn't make a good car between them
Anybody know anywhere that does a good chip soup
>finally escape the racism debate
>thread starts of with another Scottish row
Why dont you do it. Plenty of rent boy action.
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this could be the worst Labour wipeout in the history of UK politics.

Our legacy will be eternal lad.

The Roman empire has been gone for millenia, but half of Europe basically speaks bastardised Latin, and half of our own language is Latin too, the most powerful country in the world has a governmental system based on the Roman system.

We still have roads today that have been there since Roman times, albeit with some tarmac on top now.
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Part of the reason I don't like them. The SNP is the most hilarious joke of a political party, second only to modern Lib Dems.

The Scots literally want to trade out a union they've been with for centuries that continues to support their autonomy, for a union that takes in countries with weak economies, like Scotland's, and then kills them.

They just aren't smart.

If you want to vote leave, do it.

Oil runs out, but the sun never sets.

Enjoy the failing EU and migrants.

Lad, it's a nice sentiment, but there are some people I really do not want to be friends with.

Like commies.
I request a comfy thread
No Politics
No forced memes
Just British lads
there are way too many twinks willing to get shagged for free, and i dont want aids
Anybody here ever try those computer glasses? The yellow tinted ones marketed as gaming glasses? I've heard they help prevent eye strain because they cancel out the blue light from monitors but who knows, could be a scam
>your oil
top kek
Here's to maximum comfy, maximum lad
Voting no and doubt the outcome will be any different desu. Not fond of the idea of getting as many pakis as you lads along with having to pay for Uni.
Had a georgeus chip butty couple of nights ago
>No Politics
Defending paki child molesters and praising the OG Nonce Mohammed is a political move, Amir.
I request a thread without pointless tripfags, but hey, we can't all have what we want you delusional cuntrag.

Here's your (you).

The one thing that gives me solace lad, is the thought that our legacy will be eternal.

I really hope Scotland stays. As much as my distaste for Scotland's politics has grown over the past year or two, it'd be sad to watch you guys disintegrate into the EU over the next decade.
How was everyone feeling about the Oblivion posting last thread? Dont want to shit up /britfeel/ if people dislike it
not to be the yank in a group of lads but, I had a question for /britfeel/.

How does 4/20 go for you guys? Is it as big of a deal there as it is in the states?
Votes Yes
somehow joins the EU
Merkel Sends refugees to your country in exchange for you being a net beneficiary

England still fucked because they flee scotland
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Morrowind is better tbqhwyl
it's 20/4 lad
Honestly mate I feel the same about England. I lived in England for many years, and some of my best friends are English, and it's going to be so sad to watch the fallout after you leave the EU

British bands only please, thank you. Oh let me get that for you https://youtu.be/_JSwrhU5AGg is this the que for the food bank?
Enjoy brexit fucking up your economy tommy

>this is genuine advice
my feet smell but i really like it
Here's one of the most up-and-coming British bands at the moment, Kero Kero Bonito.

Not really. A couple of stoners might use it as an excuse to smoke slightly more but that's it.
>somehow joins the EU
That is the thing. There are plenty of mongs here getting more tempted to leave but thankfully they're also cowards. They won't commit to something so fragile.
>England still fucked because they flee scotland
Kek, true. These pampered migrants don't want to sit bored in some litterally where little town in Scotland.
I'm blessed with you Jun

Love you babes

What are you talking about mate? They have a massive stoner meetup in Hyde Park every year
Dude you're actually the worst stereotype we have
>tell her off
>if that doesnt work deny her sex
>if that doesnt work slap her
Not as brutal as I'd imagined desu.
I don't think the issue was ever leaving the EU. It was being woefully underprepared for when it happens. The likes of Farage, and fucking Boris just wanted to use it further their own careers, not even thinking it was going to go through, and then it fucking did.

Now everything's a shambles because our politicians care more about building their own careers than actually strengthening our country and preparing for brexit.

If you really want to go to the roots of it, it's Thatcher's fault. I fucking hate Thatcher.

>Implying the economy outside of England isn't already fucked
>Implying I'm not already fucked
>Implying Scotland's won't be
Shiggy diggy.
I've only played Morrowind and Skyrim so I can't nostalgia along with your save. I do enjoy the posts though.
Any you long term stoners that can speak to the mental effects?
Just did my first steroid injection today lads. Still feeling the nerves, anxiety is a real bitch :-(
>implying i care about scotland
Isle of Man master race

It dont have mental affect just make you realise how smrt u are and the gmemernt sucks :)
White girls loyal to black men edition

Oh, it's great being black in a white neighborhood

>White boys wont DARE start a fight with you

"intimidates whites guy*

>You get to fuck EVERY white girl whitin a one mile radius with your beautiful black...

*cuts to interracial sex scene*

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tyhmlS-CMsQ [Embed]
Well Mummy May is preparing for it now. She's going to get a nice, overwhelming victory so now the slag can do a soft brexit.
I'm about to start the gear too lad. What cycle you running?
Huh. A lot of my family originally came from Isle of Man. Some of my grandparents used to live there. Never visited though. Would it be worth going just to have a poke around?

That whole general election thing STINKS of it just being a move to consolidate her power rather than doing anything useful. We're probably all going to be fucked after brexit, and it's her, and her ilk that I would pin the blame on.
can someone post the gorilla in milk in a bowl for me ty
i'm scottish. convince me that our country's economy will not thrive on our export of buckfast and deep fried food?
Yeah the whole thing has been, and no doubt will continue to be, handled abominably.

If the UK had 10 years to disentangle its self from the EU then things would be fine.

What will actually happen is 2 years of negotiations then an 8 year recession.
You lost him again? You don't deserve him.
We voted against discussing politics. Stahp pls
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enjoyed it lad, big oblivion fan, better than most of the shite poster on here
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Patriotic waifus are best waifus
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The shroooms are what did it for me
I find /r9k? fun
just 600mg test e/w

i think taking 600mg in one go the first week was probably what triggered this mild extended panic attack
Y' alright lads

What's everyone doing over the weekend starting tomorrow?
Are there any funny youtubers that play shit games?
Not quite long term (been smoking around 5 or 6 years daily) but I've had short term memory problems since before I started smoking and I can say my memory has seemed to get a little worse. Not enough to stop smoking but, enough to notice.
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You better not lose it again lad, I mean it this time.

what is the Barnet equation lad you seem to know it all?

>drinking buckfast sun scorched east Devon
Yeah that's probably a lot to take as a first dose. How /fit/ are you now? Also age? I'm 30 and have ok muscle but have only been working out about 18 months. I know that triggers so fitfags but I dont really care at this point.
This. The EU are going to insist on raking us over the coals too, what with the general swing in public opinion against them.

They're going to crucify us and go:

"Look what happens without us!"

And completely ignore the fact that they're the ones who actively fucked us.

Ah hell. I completely forgot about that.

Lad please stay, our economy can't survive without deep fired mars bars!

Jokes aside, that's not an actual thing, right? That'd be basically instant death.
>Just British lads

Why are you here then?
The meeting with my solicitor went well, turns out the prosecution have finally shared the "evidence" they've gathered, it's 453 pages of desperation, over half of it is just this blog and even the comments
Maybe try crit1kal (penguinz0)
He plays all kinds of shit, but his style of humor isn't for everyone
Its not too late to turn your life around kid.
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I am glad
I was worried some stoner had eaten him

Enjoy your micro-penis lads.
Don't listen to this autistic teen. Dunkey is the only youtuber worth watching
Been lifting right for 4-5 years however lost most of my muscle due to long term illness which I am bouncing back from right now.
It objectively is
>he thinks thats how it works
Truthfully how are you going to get a not guilty sentence?
How are you proving you didn't secretly film a girl naked

also were there any britfeel screenshots
>he thinks his opinions are objective
I don't get the support for Theresa May.

She's basically an SJW when it comes to female and cultural issues, she's a mild conservative on immigration topics, and she's a full on labour with regards to spending.

Like what I'm tarnation makes her appealing to anyone.
Try stanburdman, plays all sorts of utter shit.
I hope ScotAnon's phone calls are played in court.

I know lad I saw some pre-breakfast tv this morning and it's enough to make the masses turn to medication, I might fucking join them desu

>What makes her appealing to anyone

Look at the alternatives, both in her own party and outside.
She's a conservative and most people treat politics like supporting a fucking football team
Absolute rubbish, not a single musical merit in the whole video.
currently making my way through my 3rd Viennetta of the week. Feels good man.
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>Jokes aside, that's not an actual thing, right?
Few chippys will do it as a gimmick but it's very rare to see in my experience. Even grosser was one near me deepfrying creme eggs for easter.

Need a Good Wife gf
Wait are you saying KKB are bad?
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Used the gold we got from our quest to ditch our stolen clothes and get some fur armor and a better bow.
Snatched some gold from the chest outside of The Arena then went inside for a free bed to level up. We increased the attributes of Speed, Agility and Personality.
Should we join The Arena while were here and make a few extra gold? Thinking of getting a house in one of the outer cities.
I believe the british people are not racist
I also added into evidence information about my gender dysphoria
I'm winning because the prosecution can't actually prove that I physically wrote any of that stuff

Not on trial for that

Didn't see any but didn't view the full 453 pages, there was random shit like the search warrant, court gave them the right to use force

The trial is going to be a whole day long
>tfw ill never be truly /comfy/
>deepfrying creme eggs for easter.

Wouldn't all the inside of it curdle? I can't imagine that would even remotely taste nice.
Could it be nostalgia?

Reminds me of Thatcher maybe would like to see her again

I hate pricks like you, you're not the worst kind of human you're second to the people who describe the smell of their farts through text on here.
kek i remember breaking all my picks to steal the gold from that arena crate

Just new generation shit, getting old lad and this time it's not rolling over.
the worst thing is they think other people can't smell them
if you can smell yourself slightly then it's amplified a thousand times for other people
>Can't actually prove I wrote it

Can't they get IP data?
>can't actually prove that I physically wrote any of that stuff
Irrelevant in the modern day UK. Fee fees rule over facts and the sight of a smug, immigrant looking paki harassing pale girls will help the judge decide.
I used to be the same, but Ive played this so much in the past that I was able to do it first time. Not something to be proud of desu
dont ruin the rp lad
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So how does China work, does Xi just provide you with a cute wife you're born there?
Stop overestimating the police, that's where I fucked up the first time

We'll see, never been to trial before but if it's going to be a whole day long, I'll get a fair shout
>immigrant looking paki harassing pale girls will help the judge decide.
errr its exactly the opposite what you think, poleaboo will get off because hes a paki harassing white girls
Any lads in Essex (Harlow) wanna be my friend?

Not normies
>never been to trial before

You fucking liar
How long until the trial?

Now it's the conservatives and unionist on the flyer
>j-just politics lad

Yeah but not modern politics.
>Overestimating the police

They put together a 450+ page document. I think they could be bothered to do the trivial task of sending a letter to Wordpress and a letter to your ISP and seeing if it matches up. Also they have all your devices, surely you must have some history on there.
As someone who works closely with fraud for a company, it's ridiculously hard to do any kind of surveillance like that.
That was my thinking too, I assume the customers for it are solely curious schoolboys who take a bite then spit it all up in the bin.
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Marry a woman and have children with her
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>We'll see
The last time you said that to me Amir you were utterly wrong and expelled from Uni. Delusional paki.
Really? Can't they just send a letter to Wordpress and get them to reveal the IP of the guy who owns the blog?
I heard August

Never went past bail or intermediate diets

They literally printed off my blog, they're clueless
>someone used logic against me
>deflect with lel polis r dumb xD

I dont like this storyline anyway, can you change it?
I got a feast meself. Some chicken and sweetcorn soup, special chow mein, various started (ribs, siu mai, spring roll, prawn toast, butterfly prawn). Won't eat it in one sitting of course, but I like to have a selection of loads of stuff and pick at it.
I hope you get totally fucked by your delusional hubris just like the time you thought you were getting back into uni.

It was so funny how shocked you were about it, too. But it was completely obvious to everyone else. What do you have to say about that?
Green amphibian wills WW3 soon
You've admitted it all here mate, are you seriously thinking nobody has been arrested for their posts on 4chan? They can easily find out it was you
>they're clueless
You know nothing about law paki, the amount of pedantic photocopying involved is massive.
You're ruining his rp, please stop.
I mean they could write to request it but that would be a breach of civil rights.
Stuff like that isn't as easy as 4chan makes you believe.
Like you think police could just film suspects right?
If anyone who isn't suspected is caught on camera the police are fucked because they've breached that person's rights.

reeeeeeee criminal scum

so are you going to lie in court when they as did you write/ own the blog?
>What do you have to say about that?
Fuck it, I don't care but I'll even up the score

Come on, they'd have done that sooner if they could

2/3 of the charges are related to emails not 4chan
Looks like the tables have turned
What if they had your devices and literally had evidence on your hard drive of you writing the blog and sending emails? Would that be a breach of civil rights too?
just found that both my mum's dad and her uncle received lethal doses of morphine

I keep harping on about them printing my blog because it's so irrelevant

My blog posts don't relate to any of my charges
Southend here, and no, I don't

>No Shipman posts for days
>Suddenly loads of Xi posts

What did your solicitor actually say?
what are your current charges?

is it still that stalking shit ?

sorry I dont keep up with your life
Someone give Xi a lethal dose
>that would be a breach of civil rights

Every legitimate company ever says in their terms and conditions that they will hand over personal information if it's their legal duty, for example, given a warrant
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Just put up a new clock lads.

This adult life thing is a real rollercoaster of thrills.
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Tried to buy a horse but the stable says they dont have any left to sell because they all went missing. Had a word around and it seems the orc girl working there ate them all. Had to walk up the road.
Stopped at an inn along the way and the innkeeper says she is a fan of collecting wine and says we'll be well compensated for finding some rare stuff called Shadowbanish Wine, we'll need to keep an eye out lads.
That he needs to go through the stuff but it looks like they have nothing because they NEED to prove I physically made posts/sent emails

The posts and emails on their own are nothing
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>Britfeeler comes into the surgery
>Claims he hasn't seen me around in a while
>Has missed seeing my madman antics
>Wants me to give him some fresh content
>Give him a lethal dose of Xiposting instead
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>tired of being fat
>know i have to eat better to lose weight
>lack self control and keep eating too much

how do i learn discipline robots?
Who else here /dyingalone/?
thanks mate, anytime ;;;)))

'reasonable doubt' m8, look it up
>how do i learn discipline
It's important to have a goal in mind. You should want to lose a certain amount by a certain date. Hols an image in your mind about how you want to look and feel.
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>why are you going to the doctors, anon?
Th-thanks, dad. Like it's not something you bring up every other meal ;_;

My clock ran out of juice over seven years ago, I've never replaced the batteries because the ticking really got to me.
yeah, I've got a catto for company though
Daily reminder that well over 90% of posts in britfeel are made by either

You'd need to be an idiot to think they are separate individuals.

It's just one guy.
>46 unique posters

unless he has an abundence of VPNs set up
didnt you admit the first time the blog was yours?
i enjoy this m8, keep going, reminds me of the first time i played the game
I thought I was going to but it turns out this cute boy likes me, what an idiot
>but it looks like they have nothing
He also said it wouldn't go on trial kek
Aw thats nice. My family has 2 and since I'm probably here til my parents die I guess they count as mine.
what do you need to go to the doctors for?
I make a lot of posts and I'm none of those (I made this thread).

Any evidence for that? I doubt it
My Dad used to pull shit like that too.. I don't live with him any more. We didn't get on.
What are you cunts doing for the weekend?

Forcing the Chinese president as a meme on Yinggan
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My weekend started 3 years ago
Seeing my brothers concert tomorrow
Going to watch Get Out tomorrow with bro/sis. Other than that just shitposting.
There's no real evidence but there is inductive reasoning.

I'm about 80% sure they are all the same person. And I am 99% sure that Poleaboo and BritNormie are the same person.

Why do bitches care about shit like this honestly. So my problems in the UK, unemployment, crime, poverty... Yet she goes against the drug council's advice because being able to smoke plants is the worst thing you can do
Post those #siq #choons lads
Crying at work
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Meeting with government officials
i had a goal to begin with but i kind of lost sight of it. i think youre right. ill try that out lad. thanks for the advice.
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France getting shot up lads.
Immigration is the only issue I care about
How is the blog irrelevant? You confirmed all your crimes on there
Don't you think they will look at your phone and see that you're logged in to your email account and obviously know that you sent the emails?

Who gives a toss about the stoner councils advice?
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Really makes me think. Amir and Rasheeds out.
>gf wants to get her minge pierced

literally why
shut up and listen funny cunny a trip is a distinguisher and (it) has loads but prison is where you get to stretch your hole you dumb fucking poleaboo
>Tfw still getting PAKIED
Hurry it up Mummy May REEEEEEEEE
>There are unconfirmed reports that the gunman shouted "God is great" in Arabic as he attacked

Classic BBC
>You confirmed all your crimes on there
I don't believe so

Then there's the issue of the content of the actual emails

They're very tame
>they NEED to prove I physically made posts/sent emails
>The posts and emails on their own are nothing
How is it irrelevant?

>didnt you admit the first time the blog was yours?
Having you ever smoked weed?
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Bad times were living in lads, barely 10 minutes up the road and weve been attacked by two wolves, a bandit and a scamp. Travelling at night seems a little risky in these parts so were stopping at an inn for the night.
Bought three bottles of their cheapest wine and stole a pumpkin for our dinner, currently sitting in the corner and crying into our meal at 4am.
its fucking disgusting how people want to erode the moral fibre of this country trying to legalise cannabis, its a fucking destructive as shit drug but all this 420 stupid shit and MUH MEDICINAL WEED stuff is actually starting to convince some retards
Paki boy what is your thoughts on pakis shooting up a superior Euro country AGAIN?
Eating disorder

That's really gross. Why would someone willingly do that?
too much or too little?

Your posts are naff but I'm installing oblivion again
>They're very tame

Obviously not if you are being tried in a court of law!
I'm talking about 4chan posts, not blog posts

Too little. I don't know how much of a meme therapy is, but I'd rather get it prescribed than fork out a load of money for it
Stoners should be hung from lampposts
You have us buddy. On your deathbed you'll still be here, averting the gaze of the nurses while mindposting, and you'll post "dying lads haha" and we'll be there for you. Forced memers, trannies, racist and polfags, all united to send you off to the eternal archives. Lenlad will be there, only this time with a "Goodnight" instead of a "Good morning" and with warm words to ease your pain. The waifu posters will come out of the woodworks and post there sincerest goodbyes, hiding behind smug faces but if you enhance the jpg's enough you'll see tears. The trannnie posters, led by moni, will by then be women, all their hate gone and only comfort and goodwill to bring you. There'll be various milk animals waving goodbye, a Chinese President, the 1,000,000th of his kind saying "Don't die anon". When the end is nearing and you start feeling sleepy a familiar doctor will appear, looking very weary. 60 years of shitposting have gotten to him and he's close to retiring, he just has one more thing to see to. One last lethal dose, just for you.
wanna eat loads then get throatfucked and throat up on my knob?
Had to google what naff meant desu
Have fun lad, and remember to get comfy

Have you ever smoked weed?

What do you think about stoners?
>Cute French boys in danger again
Yeah it's been so destructive to my life mate, I only earn 65k a year with a successful relationship and my own flat

Whereas you've kept off the weed and achieved...what?
Why do you barbaric pakis keep doing it? Is it something hardwired into your filthy genetics?
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I know How poleaboo is getting out of this

when asked about Posts he will say


and get off scot free

Classic poley

My income is 84k, checkm8
That whole city has it in for me, not just the legal system

Smoked twice with a guy from uni who showed pity on me after I was suspended back in 2015

Didn't take to it
I did a whitey

first one there w-wins lad
good post, lad. here is a (you)
I earn 80k a year after getting a better job due to quitting weed.
Aw thanks lad, that's a nice thought.

Ma nigga
m8 britain isnt just whatever part of england you live in, calm down

the writing team WAS a mistake, no prison love for poley.
That's awesome lads, although I didn't know there were so many people on such high salaries in here.

How old are you both?
If you're tired sleep more.
Nuke the kaaba when? We need to melt that stone in nuclear fire
I poleaboo being tried as a Man or Woman

very important for what punishment he will get
I just turned 25 today lad. Aha.
Probably when the saudis aren't our biggest allies in the middle east.
The fact that you're spending your 25th birthday on here shows me that your life isn't as good as mine, despite not smoking weed. So much for it destroying lives. You're obviously completely unable to relate to and build friendships with other people. Your life is fucked.
was moni fake newsing before fake news?
Might be a woman by the time of the trial

84k anon here, I'm 33, but am a NEET.

I am the only child of two only children, and inherited 2 mortgage free houses. One of which is a 4 bedroom town house in central London that gets me 7k/month in rent.
Anyone got that
>Dad being abusive again..

I'm waiting for my gf to get ready so we can go out.

Fucking triggered
So you're not NEET, you're a billionaire landord
Nice, that's a cracking way to be a landlord. Not as if you're going to get any trouble from 7k/month tenants

You could be an actual junkie and still get that money though, so I don't see how that proves anything.

Yeah, sure mate. I believe you.
I want to study for exams don't get me wrong, but it's so fucking boring

but not pregnant Terry's not that fertile.
I had it but apparently it has expired
You putting a plastic bag over your body pillow in case it rains?
Good, it was annoying and cringey
>Not making it your ring tone
Terry was a fake poleaboo arc
they were your words, maybe you didnt like how you sound

What type of job do you do that gets you 65k?
How easy is it to install a subwoofer in a car? I want to upgrade me speakers
You don't need too m8.
Doesn't effect my life in the slightest.
I'll still be here living a happy life.

Good luck with your stable relationship anon. How much did that waifu pillow set you back?
Piece of piss m8, that's why you never see professionals being paid to do it instead
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Stop being degenerate and read your bible
I'm in risk management at a big insurer. It's probably the only real 9-5 (as in, out the door at 5 on the spot) where you can earn that type of money in your early twenties.

>Just repeating the same insult someone said to him earlier

Piss poor mate.
Very good news here.

So first thing is i found a food bank earlier today. They give you pretty basic stuff, sandwiches, crisps, chocolate rolls...

Now i really wanted some milk for my chocky roll so i went to a nearby market and asked if there was any gone off milk.

They ended up giving me a whole bottle, as well as a shit load of good quality food. Turns out when homeless people actually want food theres plenty of it.

Now I'm off to find a spot to set up for the night once my phone is fully charged
Which version of the bible should I get?
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What version of the bible should I buy? I was thinking of buying one and reading passages out of it now and again and maybe start practicing

Just walked around my garden for like an hour thingken about life n stuff. The more I think the more I realize how unforgiving life is and how distant I am from any sort of fulfillment with myself
-Full of brain damaged autists that literally cannot leave the house

-London land barrons
-Many people in their 30s
-Risk managers on 65k
Which version though?
audio book version read by michael caine.

The fist one. It's written on the wind lad

open a window lad
Anyway mate, I don't wanna argue.

Congratulations on your job and income, if anything, I support robots who come here and still earn a good living.

We both manage to come here and still have normal functioning lives with partners, flats/apartments, good money.

It reminds me of the old days of /b/ before 2010 before people uses the term normie.
You're supposed to be Britons. The King James Bible
good kek, thanks
Playing a mobile game which is presented like a messaging app where you talk to and unknowingly help a serial killer called "Adam" stalk and get closer to his victims under the pretence of writing a book about strangers' lives.

I'm a little bit worried by the fact that talking to "Adam" is scarily similar to talking to Lenlad.
Cheers lad I appreciate it. Happy birthday and enjoy your night out.

You get a free bible at most hotels I've got a shelf full
I was lying. There is no god.
I'm a financial wealth manager btw.

Good to hear about your career too.
Cool taqiyya
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If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.
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>There is no god.
Oh. He'd only be disappointed in me anyway.
As a Welshman, how can I get English girls?

I am Goldmann Sachs. I just come here to relax and enjoy the comfiness

did you just assume gods gender?
Our boi Ian Huntley getting another documentary on channel 5

They should pay him royalties tbqh
Enjoying this lad. Brings me back to walking past carparks in the northern english provincial town I grew up in
I went out with a Welsh girl once. She didn't seem different from English girls. So just do whatever you do with English girls.
Thanks lad.

I'm sorry about before, forgive my language. I hope your future is bright.

Be good at rugby I suppose
>god made man in his image
He fucked up by making women though.
go to cardiff and hang around the cardiff uni if you want to shag an academic or the atrium if you want to shag art students
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After some more wolves attacking us we finally made it to another city, Bravil.
Wandered around town for a bit and found an odd group drinking Skooma, think we should stay away from the stuff lads.
Heard some rumors about a ghost who wanders the bay every night too, spoke to an innkeeper and he pinpointed on the map where he hangs out, gonna go pay him a visit after we get some more arrows.
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Who /devilish/ here?

>Live in Rugby (town)
>Have 0 interest in Rugby (sport)
Yeah I like kooky girls. Manic pixies dream girls.

All I know is birds descendents are dinosaurs and the get not mention in any of the holy books.

>Live in Reading (town)
>Have 0 interest in reading (activity)
then go to cardiff and hit up a bar called Porters, that's where all the weird art kids went when I lived there

>Live in Leeds (city)
>Have 0 interest in leeds (for jump starting cars)
>put in group chat the religion of peace is attacking paris
>forget there's a muzzie in there
Got Any stories?

>leeds (for jump starting cars)
they're called leads you illiterate northern chimp
>Live in Bath
>Absolutely stinking of BO and shit
I like to roleplay oblivion, always fun
read autistic fanfiction about sonic instead.
>talking to a group of people in a discord server
>say we should nuke mecca
>they all agree with me

>Live in Oldham (city)
>Have 0 interest in Old ham (poultry)
I haven't stayed in a hotel since I was like 6 years old or something. Heavily suprised they have bibles in hotels in england these days
State of this thread haha go fuck yourself you robot cunt not original
-Full of brain damaged autists that literally cannot leave the house

-London land barrons
-Many people in their 30s
-Risk managers & financial wealth managers on 65k, 80k 84k.

This is why I only click and remain active on /britfeel/
Half of the peeps here are normal functioning people who show that you don't need to be a shut in Autist to use 4chins
>Live in Staines
>always wear clean clothes
we'll still have mcdonalds though right?

That made me chuckle more than it should have
>Live in York (town)
>Have 0 interest in Yorkies (chocolate bar) or Yorkies (small dogs)
slug keep breaking into our house in the middle of the night. slimy little bastards.
the same one?
>live in blackpool (town)
>have 0 interest of being BLACKED in a pool (swimming)
not really tbqh, I spent most of my time shut away in my flat drinking whiskey and smoking a shitload of weed

there was one time I drank from 4 in the afternoon until 4 in the morning and ended up hanging out with a girl on my course and tried to come on to her, I didn't remember any of it when I woke up and cried with shame when she told me what I did, I didn't leave the house for a whole month after that

I had a bit of a sad time at uni
twat, yorkies (chocolate bar) are awesome

>Live in Great Yarmouth
>It's actually shit.
As are the dogs

Shocking display
ayyy famalam i know that feel
>drinking whiskey and smoking a shitload of weed.

That's just university mate.
Uni is a just something that gives people a few extra years of "feeling young" with all the partying before entering work life.
>live in Great Britain
>it's shit

>Live on the Manhood peninsula (Sussex)
>Have 0 interest in Manhood (Benis)
>Live in Bournemouth
>Was born without a mouth
yorkies (small dogs) are shit
I was under the impression most people at least did those things with other people while they were at uni
>Live on planet earth
>Should be called planet shit
>live up north
>don't argue with people by screeching and throwing faeces
>coming onto a girl
>cried with shame

Did you try to rape her or something mate? Just coming on to a girl who is voluntarily spending time with you isn't shameful.
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>Live in China (country)
>Have 0 interest in China (plates)
Bravil is a shithole lad. Am I correct in thinking you can get addicted to skooma in the game? which race are you playing as?
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Had a bit of a swim while we waited for the ghost to show up but didnt see anything too interesting.
When he turned up we followed him for a while and then he asked that we release him, I guess being a ghost is shite.

Thats all the adventuring for today, might continue it tomorrow. Night lads.
thats bullshit, chinks love porcelain, i don't think you really are from china and if you are >>>/out/
apparently I just tried to kiss her and wouldn't leave when she asked me to, I just have crippling social anxiety and couldn't cope with doing something that made someone see me negatively
Got asked to be Best Man at another's friend wedding lads. Third year in a row, fourth overall.

Really getting the hang of this tbqh.
>Been twice to Bowling (town)
>Never went bowling (sport)
PUBG memes and cute bois ect ect.
I dont think you can actually become addicted to it, but it can fuck with your stats.
We're playing as a nord.
Small dogs are THE shit
always the bridesmaid and never the bride eh lad
>Live in Barking (London)
>Have 0 interest in barking (dog noise)
lifted the weights for 40 mins and done cardio for 40 mins

who else training for world war 3?

>Live in Derby(City)
>Have 0 interest in Derbys(Sporting fixtures)
manlet dogs are just the same as manlet humans, horrid little things
>live in Staines
>pants are full of stains (semen)
>Just put up a new clock lads.

Haha, get a load of this timecuck, always worrying he'll be late for Mr. Shekelstein

>Live in Hull (place)
>Have 0 interest in Hulls (part of ship)
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get cross
im exercising to get thin again, nevermind ww3
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You live here too?
Don't worry lad, we'll both make it out one day.

>Live in Newham (London borough)
>Have 0 interest in New ham (meat)
>Live in Liverpool
>Not into pools of liver
one step at a time ey lad.

see you on the front lines
>live in White City, London

just found my teenage sweetheart's old home on google street view and felt very sad because it's literally 10 years to the month we started going out, and it's been about 4 since we broke up

think I'm just going to get drunk for the rest of the month, wish I were dead tBh
Real miserable sod today.

Thanks to that kind anon that told me my "just under 40m 5K was a 'brisk walk'" - just did it in 31m. Still slow but I'm putting more effort in.

I still feel so alone. I thought going to the gym would 'runners high' the feeling away, but it's killing me. I just want to meet someone who cares about me more than I care about them.

I work on myself, I groom ('20 quid haircut, product' groom, lads...), I (probably overly) exercise, I'm fairly well read, yet it's a struggle to get a reply on a dating site.

MDMA works, for about a week. A constant 1mg xanax puts it off for each evening. I keep trying to get rid of the worst feeling I've ever had.

Sorry to blogpost, but this is what I'm feeling, and I've nobody else to talk to. I feel a little better. I'm going to just get high and read a book.
pounding my prostate everyday to get prepared for when i'm the mutants cumdump.
I tell you what name you don't hear anymore..

fucking Balthazar
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>Live in Hyde (town)
>Have 0 interest in trying to Hide (from police)
>I just want to meet someone who cares about me more than I care about them.

Took me 27 years and 4 serious relationships to find someone who fits that bill, and I still got lucky. And it's far from perfect too. Doesn't make your life perfect, it helps but it's not a panacea
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Good evening, /britfeel/!
How are you all feeling today?
What have you been up to?
Would you rather shit yourself every time you sneeze or see every baby as a delicious cupcake?

Hope you're all feeling well and have had great days doing whatever it is you have got up to!

Playing through mother 3 again and I'm loving it, such a comfy game.
Britain would have been forced to adopt the failing currency known as the euro in 2020, leaving may have hurt our economy but not as much as adopting the euro would have.

I've been away from britfeel since yesterday, is this the birth of an epic new meme?
Lads I just did a massive fucking shit and it was almost black in colour

Couldn't believe it. This huge black thing was up my arse.

Feels like I've been BLACKED

wasn't dried blood was it?
shit lad, rip, hope you don't suffer too much with the cancer
will you guys be my friends?
See a doctor anon, might be dried blood
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whats the downside to seeing every baby as a cupcake? or could you not distinguish between them at all and forever have to abstain from cupcakes or attack and bite babies regularly?

also got a nice banoffee cake and thats nice.

>Live in Wick (Scotland)
>Have 0 interest in wick (candle)
Oh hey I live in Ashford. Small world.
>live in tooting (london)
>no interest in tooting (smoking crack)

I tried lads
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fat ends.jpg
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please rate my wife
Don't worry comrade, we will escape
Nah I've been on a diet and eating a lot of green stuff so it's pretty normal. The chlorophyll makes it look almost black when it comes out.
I think the idea is that they would be indistinguishable, therefore causing potential mayhem and baby murder
>live in Bradford
>no interest in being a muslim
I've been away from britfeel for a few days. What did he mean by this?

>Live in Silverstone (village)
>Have 0 interest in silver stones
Sure lad. As long as you don't live in Chavesden
she's a big guy, huh?
that meme has already fizzled out lad
it followed the traditional 3 post rule
>1st shows the meme
>2nd solidifies it
>3rd is the final hurrah
in this quick highly charged meme environment we only need the 3 posts to confirm the meme to be of epic proportion.
I shudder to think of the day the 1 post meme hits our screens, but be warned my friend, that day is nearly upon us

>Live in Redcar (Town)
>Have 0 interest in red cars (Vehicle)
Exciting night in European football, lads

3 games out of 4 going to extra time
but what about racing
i dont live in derby itself. i live in south derbyshire but derby robots are probably the closest im gonna get to someone local desu.

I don't know man, a lot of anons seem to be running with this one, forcing the meme on an industrial scale

>Live in Cork (City)
>Have 0 interest in Cork (Bottle seal)
>white man does acid attack

went to reading
but couldnt read
(the signs that britfeel hates him)
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T r u c k
B o I s
24 (you)s from 1 post

Today has been a good day
retard, it was a black and the police are covering it up
link for proof, I'll even add another if you're not rusing lad.
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>A 22-year-old woman, who was also injured, said the men were black, but their faces were turned white by the acid.
I also live in Derby. What part are you from?
>Live in Oxford (city)
>Have 0 interest in Oxford (comma)

This one, that'll make it 25 now
>i dont live in derby itself
>i live in south derbyshire

but i live near swadlincote lad.
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>Be Xi (President of China)
>Have 0 interest in Xi (yinggan meme)
Swad lad
There are a lot of people from Derby in this general but I would hesitate going to a meet up, they always look awful
Can someone explain the Chinese president meme?
sunny swad represent. you from there too lad?
yeah. im not sure if id ever meet up with anyone from here. id have to have known them for a while first.
I'm far too autistic to meet up with anyone that I've not been talking to for a few months, but I do take some solace in knowing I've possibly walked past a poster in the street.
Is bucket man /ourguy/
its just some retard forcing it. ignore it.
Live in Newcastle (place)
No interest in New Castles (structure)
>be retard
>decide to force meme
that's literally it.
Evens I kms
Odds I make a butty

Why would I ignore it? It seems pretty dank to me, like that Gorilla in a bowl of milk
>triple odds

you do both
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that's a good meme lad
Going to sleep now

To tired for football
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Serve food onto Porcelain plates
>another rugby anon
Fugg, I never thought I'd see the day.
Did you go to school in rugby?
>Live in the Black Country (region)
>have no interest in black countries (Africa)
>odds and trips

Three butties it is
>It seems pretty dank to me

you must be autistic. do you watch my little pony too?
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Haha I know lad. Just look at its face
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Fuck I forgot the spoiler I'm a disgrace
I'm a posh fucker
Grew up in Bramcote
"Swad lad" just soemthing that someone intrduced somebody at at party in Breaston one wasted night became and in joke
>Mate "where we going for a drink tonight ?"
>Me "Swad lad"

>Me " sweet weed I am cained where do you score"
>Mate "Swad lad"


Actually got a bit tedious if you actually what a straight answer
that's hilarious. i can see it getting annoying after a while though.
What are you lads listening to?
Met a lad who might also be partial to the ol' tackle lads

Should I go for it? What would happen if it turned out he wasn't homosex?
LBC because I'm a faggot with nothing else to do.
You'd be defending his actions if he wasn't white
>Met a lad who might also be partial to the ol' tackle lads
Well what are the signs?
>white man does acid attack
we learnt it from you
take some chloroform
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Brace yourself for the dankest fucking meme /britfeel/ has seen this side of summer.
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*truck bois hear and pull up
What does his sexuality have to do with a fishing trip?
Which waifuposter would you hold hands with
Bit disappointed in the attack lads. Was hoping for at least 10 dead.
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>walking doggo along the same path everyday
>put him in a little yard and spot a condom wrapper
>too pussy to pick it up in broad daylight
>go home
>can't stop thinking about condom
>get dressed at 3 in the morning
>head to where the condom was
>dark so can't really see
>accidentally grab dogshit
>finally find condom
>it's soaked in piss
>someone sneaks up behind me
>"what's that?"
>fucking homeless guy
>start sprinting
>get home
>hands full of piss and shit
>wash condom and fuck pillow while watching Milf porn

The only good thing this hack fraud band made
Thinking about it reminds me of good times
I dont what to put Swad down but half the joke was that we would go to Swad always seemed an alright place to me
Use to goto Stabbo and Ilson a lot
anywhere else round there got shorten names
moved to Yorkshire and I miss that lazy way of talking had to lose my accent and put on my posh voice
be warned i'm in a shake my arse kinda mood so it's house music tonight
Ebina lad if he has a bath
found a load of pictures my mum took when I was a child, and in one of them I'm pulling a really faggy pose while dressed up like Woody from Toy Story

questioning now if I'm actually gay
Kev posting
Truck boys
Xi Jinping
Milk cat
Reliant robins

Any other forced memes I've missed from the past week?
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What's wrong with Reliant Robins?

Pic related,. it's a Reliant Robin
the forced meme forced meme
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Forget thise old memes
its used condoms time
I lose track of time but I pretended to be a girl for a thread and then got bored. Used edited sound clips and everything.
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>its used condoms time
good thread
Lads, haven't cut nails in 4 weeks, had a major itch on the Crown Jewels, scratched too hard, struggling to walk now. What do?
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Got the Virgin Media engineer coming round monday to fix my dogshit internet. Can't wait to be able to play shit online again without it being a frustrating lag spike fest.
time for late night drinkies lads

anyone else here getting loaded to forget everything?
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What's wrong with truck boys?
Pic related. Its truck boys
He is very effeminate. Meek physically and wears tight fitting clothes. Hangs around with 3/10 girls and never seen him with another bloke.
>haven't cut nails in 4 weeks,
lets have a look
Yes, on last Stella desu- too many dexies tho so no hope of sleep anytime soon
I tried that the last couple of days but it brought my funny turns back so I've quit again.
Sounds like a go. I have no idea how gays 'figure each other out' though. Does he know you're the gay?
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not posting a reliant capabable of defeating the Chinese invaders
for shame
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Freshly cut fingernails.
Thanks i'd hold your hand too if it was clean or dirty, depends on what type of dirt though
Thinking of going to church lads. Solely for a girl, it can't possibly go wrong r-right?
Back in 'spoons tonight alone after a hard day /working construction/. Sank two pints and ate a chippy din din. Bar staff starting to recognise me now, nearly on first name terms.. FFS lads.
Anyone else see that fucking HUEG meteor in the sky about 10 mins ago. It was all blue and orange and shit.

Thought it was a missile at first.
I was thinking the same but for purely holy reasons. God knows what's in your heart anon.
I was mashed on coke and pills one night and was telling ppl I was gunna go to church too lad, ended up shitting in their bin when they were asleep cos I couldn't find the bog. Bad time
That's why you need Jesus
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Quality bit of equipment is that
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>conservative, non slut values
>sense of purpose and comunity
fuck, that sounds awsome. I'm convinced that most of them just pretend for benifits like this
What's the plan, anon? How does a lad even join a church?
Lad, you've made it. I was there at one point. One girl there and I got on very well she often slid me free drinks and when I bought jagerbombs she put in double the amount of jager in each one and topped the glass with energy drink instead of half way. When she told me she was quitting, my heart sank. Almost like I broke up with someone but that's probably just my alcoholism going to miss the free booze
That's comfy lad nothing wrong with that at all.
Can Jesus help with this problems?
Her legs are very nice. I would love to lick them
I'm bi I prefer girls but guys are easier and more satisfying Like really feminine stuff want to be a girl etc
Some guys just hit on me at random hate anal so can be bit scary at times Its weird some how you just know
If I dress to gay get threats from straight thugs
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Already feels like a Friday.
I met Jesus when I was a bit younger, turns out he has short hair and is from espanol- very surprised, I know where that talking in tongues shit comes from now!
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>tfw no pale legs, extreemly pretty and tall gf
Sure you do Mohammad.
Haha EPIC! You should post that to sickipedia lad!
watching red dwarf from the beginning.

makes me want a chicken vindaloo.

had to defrost a shitty microwave one.
>hate anal so can be bit scary at times
Giving and recieving? Wish I were a bit younger so I could give lads a go. Think 30 is a bit too old to be discovering willy fun.
hate to be one of those guys that says this kinda shit, but the first season of red dwarf was really fucking amazing compared to later seasons
I have to agree so no problem.
I tried that once but she tried to change me and when I wouldn't stop being a degenerate she stopped talking to me.
>tfw no pale legs, extreemly pretty and tall gf
Describes my flatmate perfectly. Shame she is a roastie
I like them all up to series six
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pics pls lado, crop and remove exif
>>hate anal so can be bit scary at times
>Giving and recieving? Wish I were a bit younger so I could give lads a go. Think 30 is a bit too old to be discovering willy fun.
Hate anal altogether
Just dont like it at all
Just love playing with cocks and getting blow jobs and cum on my face
I would if I wasn't living with her still
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>it's a spend all day in bed thinking about how much I hate myself episode

really don't like these desu lads~
>Lad, you've made it

No lad I've not, but I appreciate your attempts at reassurance. Saying that one of the barmaids that works there was starting to look quite appealing after my second brew. She was working very hard serving her customers food and collecting empties, always with a cheery smile, could tell she'd worked there for a long time and she knew the ropes. Out of my league unfortunately and she came across a bit mental the other night slagging off her colleagues.

TB fair lad a young man sitting alone drinking a couple of brews is a bit odd. Thanks for your attempts at reassurance however.
>I like them all up to series six
Have DVDs of fist six series
Not bothered about rest
I'm gonna have a wank to some lesbian porn and make that seem less tempting for me.
Got all except Back to Earth on DVD but I still don't watch them past six
I could never eat that much Chinese. Pure garbage food. Get some real chink street food into you, gutter oil and all.

Stop being romantic. Scotland belongs to the Celts.

Corbyn is a poseur. I don't get him - more research needed. 99% of the politicians are charlatans. I do like Farage but he panders to Tory fags too much.

British cars were shit and nobody bought them. Bond movies were an attempt to vitalise the dying British car industry.

I imagine some but not all girls have self respect.

Assange for PM.
>le new meme face
I am Irish.

The Elder Scrolls is shit, dumbed down role playing for normalfags. Play Baldurs Gate or better yet, D&D.

Good taste.

I imagine they're too dumb to reply.

Enjoy being a fraud lifter. Bet you haven't even reached the natty limit, coward.

I've been thinking about buying psychedelic drugs with bitcoin online because of supposed effects on depression and other life changing things. Any advice for a drug virgin?

It's all cloak and dagger. Don't bother trying to understand the power grubbing logic of neoliberal and neocon agendas.

>ywn have a small beauteous Chink mistress whom submits to any service you request of her - sucking you off while reading the morning news sipping on your coffee, eating your steak - she's takes pride in her objectification

Stop buying bad food and drink. Walk for 10 minutes a day.

Sup, brah.

Literally fuck all. I have no fucking life and I hate myself. My friends don't talk to me anymore either and only had two shit ones at that. I want to die, haha!

>willingly accepting the Jewish doctrine of Christ cuckery
The literature is good though, in a fictional and narrative sense.

Orthodox study bible.
God the last seasons were so bad
probably best the scene is just dirty and I d rather image I was a girl lovin a girl
I think i will fap to traps in a bit like that girly not girl thing
>So-called Islamic State (IS) said that one of its "fighters" had carried out the attack.
We didn't leave the EU fast enough. So many of these filthy vermin are in and ready to hurt innocent whites, nevermind the old pakis already here.
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poley for the gulag
not been the best of days really lad, better than yesterday though.
i'd rather see babies as cupcakes desu I can resist the urge.if you'd have said black forrest gateau though, i'd have been sneezing and shitting
how about yourself
I think she spotted you mate
They claim everything. I want someone to try and beat them to be the first claim.
Terrorist version of shouting first in the comments.
Really looking forward to farming simulator 18 on the 3ds, lads
Watching muslims/anti-islam go to war in fb comments sections is a laugh lads. The internet was a great invention.
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>tfw Goddess notices you
feels good man
I'd join you in bed tilde to think the same stuff
post some of it lad
OP here, going for a smoke so someone else make the next thread.
Can't handle it senpai, always triggers me when the mudslime loving comments get the most upboats/likes/hearts.
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Here's the people who reacted with 'haha'. Interesting names.
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>the mudslime loving comments get the most upboats
Perhaps, but just as many people rage at them in the replies
I would really appreciate that, anon~
absolutely disgusting lad

cant believe anyone supports them anymore.
To be fair, plenty of people around here are edgy for the sake of it. If it wasn't a Muslim thing I'm sure plenty of /b/tards would give le upboats to terror attacks. Just because of their intelligence, nihilism and wicked sense of humour.
where do i find lonely desperate teenage girls to talk to, be lewd and get nudes of?
the last guy has the best point.
even tho it sounds racist in our left world, it makes the most sense.
tell me about the truck boys
why do they wear the mask?

No, Northampton, moved her about 4 years ago. I live on Bridget street.
yeah, lots of people on 4chan are retarded too. i think a lot of muslims are reacting with "haha" though because they support it.
because they're big guys, obviously lad
You don't think they're just the equivalent of edgelords and all their mates are just thinking
>Fuck's sake Saqvinder's at it again, probably should unfollow him, the daft prick
Fine I'll make the thread you lazy gobshites


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Post your smugies
Can't say I know it lad. Technically I'm in long lawford rather than rugby proper but it's as near as makes no difference. How do you like the town?
maybe they are. i dont know though, never really thought of it like that. perhaps they do look at it like a member of their community has fallen for brainwashing, and they find this humorous
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