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Thread replies: 540
Thread images: 78

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Early in the week and nothing to do already.
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First for cumming on Daisy Ridley's teeth
give me a rate, lads. just had an argument with my mum, she is convinced that i am a 4 but i remember you lads gave me a 6 last time. i need to prove her wrong

putting on goodfellas to watch before bed.
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Post waifus lads. You know you want to.
oi lad, we're only allowed to force a couple memes at a time, you're going to have to wait until one of those memes dies first
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>tfw no exploding gf
Why live?
too late, lad. its already begun.
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>Tfw no Chad boyfriend

>oneitis moaning about bf again
I'm not sure how many more times I can say the usual 'you deserve better, he's in the wrong, he shouldnt make you feel like this' shit. Just fucking leave him ffs.
>Being a beta orbitter

LMFAO, what a faggot you are anon
Yeah, shame I cant be an awesome cool dude like the rest of this board.
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here we go lad, 1 waifu as requested.
The black panther murderer is a god among men I see

>tfw stuck in East Devon
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alright lad
Everything is pissing me off. Nigger. Fuck it.
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>tfw combined washing machine/tumble dryer

This is amazing, lads
Walk away, You will never get anywhere and you telling her this shit just inflates her ego. If she has an inflated ego then even if she does leave him she will know for a fact that she can do better than you because you have been telling her how amazing she is constantly.

you need to leave, then when he fucks her over one too many times, you can hope to fucking god that she hasn't found another orbiter to stroke her ego she has fucking loads already, you are just one of many because she might have self esteem low enough to consider you
Pocket car racing is comfy as hell, Yakuza games always have the comfiest mini games!
I will be starting work as a Newsreader on an ITV regional news program in April.

Most of it is scripted to the letter, but by god I'm going to try and find a way of slipping a Britfeel meme in there somewhere, on regional TV.
prove it, don't believe a robot has the charisma to be on telly for a living
t. lying cunt

Tell us the region ad your name then, since your name will be plastered all over the tv soon, it won't matter will it?

This channel has a program about a mass murderer on every single night. Is it possible for there to be a better channel?
You've got me there lad I do love it.

Wait for the electricity bill m8, driers are notoriously power hungry. at least that's how I convince myself that i don't want one anyway
I do want to post her.
Think I might pass up on those meme pills, partly because they do the same as the OTC stuff I have, and I don't want to mess around with probably out of date prescriptions

ITV News West Country (>tfw stuck in West Devon)

My initials are A T
I'm sure you're right. But I've nothing else going on in my life. At least she's someone I can talk to everyday.
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You lucky fucker. My washing machine can't handle any more than maybe 3 Hawaiian shirts at a time, and even then it's really janky, and takes a day or two to actually wash them. Then I just have to hang them on a radiator to dry
>just about to drift off to sleep
>dad knocks on my door to tell me he's off to bed too now
>don't even feel remotely tired now, despite less than 2 minutes of non-sleep

Thanks, dad, I really hope you don't suffer some kind of embolism in your sleep or anything.
>having a tumble dryer nevermind a combined one
Look at mr fancy pants over here
So make something else. Why are you waiting to be spoken to?
just submitted a assignment at 8pm and stayed in the library to play league for 3 hours by my self. tfw no friends on the bright side i made it to gold v.
>only just getting gold in the disgusting cancerpit that is s7

Failed normie. Used to live a wild drug fuelled social life in my mid 20s but then crashed out a couple of years ago and pretty much checked out of life. I'm getting pretty old and havent the energy to make stuff happen.
Ai Yo
Here's one for you.

How many of you lads do ironing?

Got mam pestering me about the state of my shirts, and tb-flippin-h they're looking a bit scruffy.

Might pester my nan for a hand-me-down she'll no doubt have in the pantry somewhere.
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i've got the best waifu in the thread bois
>Wait for the electricity bill m8, driers are notoriously power hungry. at least that's how I convince myself that i don't want one anyway

Bills are included in my rent m9

I've had a 2 kW electric heater on all evening and do not give one single fuck, might put the oven on later for a laugh
Same but I'm only 19. I'm literally permanently tired and I have no idea why.
>hardly any food in the house
>wanna go to Asda
>raining non-stop all week
>no car, no bus etc
>20 minute cycle ride
am I just going to have to go hungry?
hey there, pleased to meet you. it looks like we have some things in common.
>tfw struggling to find the words
>tfw memory loss
>tfw lack of energy
>tfw lack of motivation
>tfw anxiety
at least good times were had though, right?
How much mdma did you abuse in your time?
Try it the other way lad, tell her she and him deserve each other then go offline.
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>tfw Len bullies you because you said Cats is a bad musical
I'm going to get PUSHED, aren't I?
>at least good times were had though, right?
Over time, even remembering the good times becomes painful. Like leaving flowers on a grave.
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>tfw dont even have a oneitis

fucking normies, least you talk to women, i dont even talk to them online.
False dichotomy

You could stop being a pathetic beta faggot
No! There is no better channel
>switching to American dad in 30 tbqhwyl

In all fairness, I think this anon has overtaken supermarket sweep
Does anyone else make food ahead to jam in the freezer? I tend to cook, eat some on the day and then have something in reserve in case I need it/ can't be arsed. Cuts down on the temptation to get a takeaway as well.
>stop being a pathetic beta faggot
Please, tell me about your alpha life?
Ahh. East Devon will get to see. When do you start?
>anon just wants people to notice him
defrosted food always tastes gross to me apart from 2-3 dishes, so no
Aye, lasagna works great with this.

What else do you do?

Nick a sponge float from your local swimming pool and keep it under your top AT ALL TIMES. It's the only way to be sure.
Do you have money? just convert to Islam and they'll be begging to marry you. My cousin did this and he doesn't observe any aspect of the religion.

He's right. You're not just passively being a beta. You're actively choosing to let her walk all over you and use you as a confidence boost.
False Dichotomy


Go read up what it is so you can stop yourself being a fool

April, did you see my Dream from the last thread, where Panorama did a documentary on you?
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playing vidya with friends and having a nice night desu lads.
i am always nice to len, he is great, we likes me and would never harm me.

cant wait to dress my m8 as Jun
I have some bolognese in there at the moment. Did a weeb curry today, but decided to just put it in the fridge and eat it two days running. I'm a pretty decent cook. I like to take photos if they turn out ok (not for instagram of any of that shite, just for me) but I don't have the hang of the photography angle really. Framing or whatever else.
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>tfw no natsoc bf
>let her walk all over
You're acting like she's got me running errands. Saying a few nice things is hardly being someone's bitch.
>he said fatly, sucking doritos dust off his fingers, smug in the knowledge he'd convinced someone they were more of a loser than he was.
A true natsoc wouldn't be a degenerate queer

I've no idea where you degenerates got the idea that pol tolerates your hedonistic lifestyles

You're so delusional, i actually feel sorry for you. It's okay, you'll wake up eventually.
>now resorted to other fallacies

I can see why you're a pathetic beta orbiter bitch now. Carry on masturbating whilst she's fucking her BF and laughing at you.
>reddit spacing

original posterino
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plz r8 be kind.
The day I stopped being an emotional tampon for girls I liked was the best day of my life. I mean if a girl(or anyone for that matter) asks me for advice then sure they can have some advice but I'm not there to tell them how special they are, if someone can't see that they are in a shitty situation then they have bigger fish to fry
What the fuck you on about AIDs boy?
>cant wait to dress my m8 as Jun

What did he mean by this

are you fugging len?
You don't need to start a new paragraph after every sentence you reddit cunt.
Is the general consensus that you should never be nice to girls ever?
there is a difference between being nice and kissing someones ass
Top kek lad. I did. Was hilarious desu
If there is ever a segment on East Devon you must say. "East Devon. That's a place I'd like to be"
You don't need to be such a queermo degenerate, but here we are
mandy wasn't my poison. i took SSRIs for years and they affect the serotonin transmitters in your noggin so i avoided it and hit everything else hard. for me it was research chemicals because they were cheap and got sent straight to you in the post.
always a come down. meditation helps heal wounds

No, you should just be yourself, and I mean that sincerely.

When a man beta orbits, he is not beeing himself, he is beeing how he would bee with male company.

Beta faggots change their behaviour, and this repels women.
Can you give examples? If a girl is complaining to anon about her bf, whats the 'nice' reaction?
Right, do you remember which research chems?
me mam knew him, when she was young she used to go play in the forest with him or something like that.
guess she could have been a victim.
Ernst Rohm did alright till he got purged, I'll be fine for now.

A new meme should be hypothetical panorama episodes where various britfeel regulars are the subject

Offer her solutions to her problems instead of reassuring her ego by complimenting her. Anon fails to realize that his opinion or praise for that matter is worth nothing when he gives it out freely.
How long before you randomly ghost out on this one then?
But people change behaviour all the time depending who they're with. I'm different around my grandad, my brother, my male best friend, my female best friend etc.
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Here is a post I saved
mephedrone (mcat), methoxetamine (MXE) and some psychedelics (AMT, 2c-e, etc)
probing questions, anon, i feel probed. what's up with you??
If you were psychotic you would not have the insight to worry about being sane or not. When you say different things talking to you, what kind of lines is it along? Is it almost a daring/destructive inner voice telling you to jump off a bridge on impulse?

Not that guy but great choice of MXE. A friend introduced me to it and ever since, it's the best thing ive ever took.
Really you don't want to end up in the position where you are talking to a girl about their BF. >>34551581 this guy has it sussed out.

Girls normally talk to other girls about their guy problems so if you are talking about that stuff with a girl you are probably already 'zoned
That was my shit for years. Dealt it too.
Are debts transferable upon the creditors death?
I just wondered if you'd taken anything that was obviously neurotoxic and I could offer advice from there. Have you ever tried 5-HTP (strictly in conjunction with green tea extract or you'll damage your heart)?
I remember seeing this post, it is the best worst post I have ever seen, I get wound up just skimming over it again
are you talking of the pills that woman offered you when you say the meme pills
if you're going to take pills off others at least do it with proper sleeping pills not something that may make you drowsy
Only if they're a loan shark

The only reason I saved it was because he used my OC as an image
Yeah, that was my line of thinking. No use taking epilepsy pills when I don't have fits.
no washing machine or dryer at mine
mummy still does my washing for me
I would honestly consider taking money from a loanshark right now. Because they aren't proper lenders who are registered with the FCA you aren't even legally obligated to pay them back at all
Get some non-meme pills like benzos or something
Best anime battle of 2017

I mean, you kind of expect flakiness from an anime fagging attention whore, so it's hard to sympathise
>plz r8 be kind.

I will rate in a purely none bias and objective manner.

The juxtaposition of the slutty and the innocent is jarring and nonsensical. The giant exposed breasts paired with the infantile mouthing of an object and general nervous manner she is expressing don't go well together.
It's a practice known as "finning" in the criminal world. When business is bad for loan sharks, they will borrow large sums of money from a rival and refuse to pay them back - often using false credentials.
isn't it just? the government banned it pretty quickly when it surfaced on the street but for those few bittersweet months i had it... woah
>eating up bombs of MXE and wandering the wastelands with bros thinking we're indiana fucking jones
us too, when it was still legal. did you mean some sweet dollar?
not to my knowledge but both you and i know there could be anything in white powders. most of them were purchased from the internet and i expect them to be pure from a laboratory. but the essence of research chemicals is
>not enough information about long term effects
i don't know if that alone suggests they can be neurotoxic. what do you know about RCs?
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posting waifus

Maybe I should set up some kind of daki harem once I move out this summer

Disgusting weeaboo freak.
I didn't know it had a proper name. I don't know that I would borrow a large sum of money off of a loanshark but I would only do it if I knew they weren't genuine so I could grass them up immediately
It's fine I get off on degradation

I remember me and my friend used to just order random research chemicals. The thing is, it's the wrong line of drugs if you're worried about your health i guess.
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>tfw waifu posters are facing more hostility with each passing day
MXE is crazy hard to get hold of nowadays anyway sadly.

It means we just don't know about neurotoxicity, but dopamine releasing agents are more likely to be neurotoxic than a reuptake inhibitor. I know a considerable amount about RCs.

RCs aren't a line of drugs, it just means they're chemicals which have very little usage history in humans.
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If we cared what people thought then we wouldn't post my friend. Here is who I am currently masturbating to. I can send you a video of me cumming to her if you want?
i'm just shitposting lad :(

Well yeah i know but why would you order them if you're worried about health issues. I meant more a path of drugs.
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We grow stronger with every passing day.
well just hold on a few week then ring the docs back
i said before i can get sleepers, just no way to get them to you. would love to help you experience some 12 hour or longer sleeps desu
cool, i know some of these words. have you tried methoxphenidine?
did you learn chemistry from first hand experience, the internet and drugs?
>i am the guinea pig
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I'm not one to insult other peoples waifus but there's some bad ones in this thread. Here's mine.
>last thread had too much of the same 3-D girl posted
>This thread already infested with 2-D shit
The state of us, lads. That state of us.
>Because they aren't proper lenders who are registered with the FCA you aren't even legally obligated to pay them back at all
Technically correct, if you're not a huge fan of your kneecaps.
Nah, never tried any dissociatives. I might try get ketamine soon, so I can take a super low dose for absolute emergency depression relief if it comes to it.

I learned exclusively from the internet and from an interest in drugs, I haven't done chemistry in real life since I was 15.
It's the though that counts, I suppose. I guess I just have to take Nytol for the time being.
if it persists and I go to the doctors it'll be long-term, which means I'll probably get therapy over anything else.
go for it

>implying you will do anything
Ketamine is my least favourite drug of all time when taken alone. However, I used to do a big line with a 3:1 ratio of methadrone to ket and it was fucking amazing.
God bless the Queen
I don't think I'd trust myself or enjoy a more recreational dose of dissociatives, plus I'm usually seriously depersonalised in my day to day life anyway, so I don't really want that to leak into my drug experiences.

I've heard ket and md is a really common mix up my ends though, sounds like a similar concept.
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well i hope whatever you end up doing helps
you on the nytol again tonight lad?
Cut my hand making a sandwich lads, hasn't stopped bleeding for a good 45 minutes and I'm contemplating going to the hospital. Don't want to bleed out during my sleep

Just bleed out lad. It's a peaceful way to die.
Yes, but I'm debating on whether I should take it before or after watching Seinfeld
if it's a deep cut it will need stitches. go to the hospital
Sounds like you took a lethal dose of knife lad,

see you on the other side
if it was me i'd take it before. can always watch seinfeld again.
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Reporting for duty!

You lucky fucker. I still do my washing at me dads of a week and dry it around the flat due to no washing machine. Wouldn't like to see your electricity bill though.
why are people so selfish towards people but expect others to be selfless with them? its fucking annoying. there are certain ratty people in my friends group that do stuff with out inviting anyone else.
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Posting, nearly fell asleep and dropped my laptop off the sofa
special K is the bee's knees. i refer to it like it was my first love. it is great depression relief in small doses and even better in high doses for short term separation from ego. it makes me feel like a child again.
it's not a party drug though and i have no idea how or why people take it at the club
do you experiment alone or with others? what do you know about psychedelics??
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but yet there's still posts every thread.
who cares what others think
What do you mean? Going to gigs on their own or what?
>attractive, young female starts working at my place
>we get along well
>look her up on facebook
>single mother
Fuck sake lads.

It takes a real MAN to step to the plate that a BOY left behind
Ibiza weekender advert is so fucking infuriating
>I know you got a boyfriend but I always think about ya

You deserve to fucking die you CUNT
What kind of man goes around eating other peoples leftovers
I'll go somewhere that doesn't serve food half-eaten.
stuff like private skype calls, going to events like gigs, playing games together with out asking anyone. they are the type of people who do certain things together, will never make any group suggests, and barely do anything with the group except rare shit like gonig the pictures or the odd sit off. its just kinda annoying sometimes because they make no effort as friends.

Kinda related, but I only found out at the weekend that the girl who plays Rosie in Corrie has a Marilyn Monroe tattoo and is a coalburner with a kid.

Some surreal shit.
You ever watched it?

It is literally everything that is wrong with young people
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There is a Drama on BBC 2 right now about 10 Rillington place

That almost became a meme here
>it makes me feel like a child again
Yeah that's acid for me.

I think low dose ket is what people do for slightly lowered inhibition and the paradoxical stimulation that they get from low dose NMDA antagonism.

I usually do lysergamides alone as they make me super self conscious and uncomfortable, plus I constantly fiddle with my dick on them just because it's nice to be able to actually feel sexual pleasure (unlike my day to day life sadly).

I can take empathogens around other people though, I love MDMA and 2C-B as a more social thing. 2C-B almost got me a fuck once, but the girl's boyfriend was also at the party.

Psychedelics are my speciality interest!
This happened to me and a girl on my course, we went on a date and when I got home that night I looked her up on Facebook and turned out she had a kid. It was awkward after that because I told her I don't want to see her anymore, but never explained why
Maybe they don't consider you as much of a friend as the others?
happy February lads
You should have. I had a girl on okc do this to me once, she didn't give any hints she had a kid until our second date.
I told her that I couldn't date a mother because that wasn't what I was looking for, she said she understood but looked completely devastated. She just kind of stayed seated while I left.
its not just me they exclude, they exclude most of the group.
See lad I couldn't do it, it'd probably fuck up her dating life so much knowing no one wants her because she has a kid. Shit, I feel bad just abandoning her for it but fuck raising someone elses kid

If I gurned that hard I would be so scared I was having a stroke.
Bolton slags

Not even once
That's horrifying, past a certain amount of MDMA you won't even remember the experience...
Beware the sesh gremlin mate

You can tell that just from the advert. Fuck normies I swear
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>tfw I have an active sex life and am happier than most of the people in this thread
oh boy, we should do lunch
care to drop me an email on this handy, disposable email address? [email protected]
i wank a lot as well mate, but wouldn't class it as an active sex life
shortest month is nicest month.
I'm almost glad mdma is so bad for you, it's fucking sad to watch these people that are probably still teenagers getting in such a state. It's not even necessary to dose so high.

Whereabouts in England are you from?
We're already 1/12th through 2017
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I am fucking 30 in less than two weeks,
NW but i like to travel. yourself?
Yorkshire so not that far. I'll email you soon.

Do you live in Birmingham, or that area?
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>life is slipping away faster than I realise
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Time goes fast when your haing fu-
Nah, used to though. Well Walsall

I am in lincs now. Why do you ask lad?
Hope you don't have a breakdown like I did m8

Unless you're a shut-in NEET like me though, then you probably won't
prove me wrong boys, prove me wrong

I know someone who is 30 on February 10th, and I always assumed he was the robot type.
I really can't mate you win
I hope not either lad. Sorry you did. Semi shut in, semi neet. So we'll see which way I go.

Nah sorry matey, hope he has a good birthday though. Tell him I said hello.
Welcome to the club

Sorry about your breakdown lad. I'm a shut-in NEET as well but I don't think I've reached the breakdown stage yet. I just have bad depressive episodes around once a week.
not happy lads
having a housemate is messing with the bedtime routine. now it's just splif n bed. no bedtime fap for me. 2 days and i've had enough.
but halving the bills is good so it's a price worth paying.plus plenty of wanks to be had throughout the day so it's not that bad really
Why can't you fap in your room

original comment what the fuck
living alone was heaven after living with flatmates
just had a cheeky one on the lounge sofa without a care in the world
>Filled the car up this evening
>There's usually an old lady who is very kind and always gives a smile serving
>Instead now there's a bitchy woman who is too interested in her magazine and acts like having to serve someone is an inconvenience

Cunting woman
this may be the greatest song i have ever heard, thanks for sharing.
unfortunately anon you're probably on a gchq watchlist now but it really is good.
What is it? Didn't watch. Why the list I mean?
I ran out of cigarettes. So I have taken to rolling tea. I just want smoke to pass through the mint filter lads.

It's not mad. The Romans used to smoke catnip you know
I wonder what J.K Rowlings response to this would be?
>gchq watchlist

mate, im already probably on one. i went to an occupy movement a while ago in my city and everyone that went got labeled as terrorist suspects. government probably realised i am just an autist so they dont care
I was joking give it a listen.
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You can smoke catnip?
>lolol virgins
amusing she is a liberal (i know fuck all about her personal life), she will probably ignore it with the assumption that its conspiracy theory nonsense. probably with the above tbf, is that academics tend to ignore it due to being liberal themselves, therefore you cant make an actual good argument that is based on fact.
>playing tropico 4
>5 tsunamis and 3 hurricanes in 20 minutes
Give me a break, please.
>dreamt about a girl I haven't spoke to in about 6 months
>haven't stopped thinking about her all day

Shit sucks lads
The Romans used to get high off it so yes. Wonder if you can buy it and sell it for more as a substitute.

Also I would advise against smoking tea. Tasted fucking grim lads. I'll have money for a few cigs tomorrow
What's the purpose of finger prints
Well shit I might mix it in with some tobacco then and give it a try

im still dreaming about someone i havent spoken to for just over 5 years now, the ride never ends lad

Laugh with me, buddy
Jest with me, buddy
Won't let the thread get to page ten, buddy
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I cried for an hour, lads
Happy or sad tears, anon?
I've been there before fucking horrid isn't it
I finally have my shotgun certificate
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Have a hug lad, what's bothering you?
oh shit, len lad gonna go on a rampage
No, I just want to go to shooting ranges for a hobby and meet new people.
I used to be into archery as a kid but archery as an adult is pretty autistic.
I rate this post - R for Rude!
This is for britfeel all hail
>archery as an adult is pretty autistic.
So you're going to not do one of your hobbies because you worry about looking autistic?
Valiant effort, let us take time to appreciate how close this anon came to sextuplets for britfeel.
Archery isn't my hobby anymore and hasn't been in a long time. I just want a new one.
It was not good enough anon ;_;
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>job interview in 7 hours
>60 minute interview for a minimum wage job with a 2 hour commute each day
i'm going to come home, cry and sleep for 14 hours
Life is hell yet we feel compelled to stay alive.
If only we had the courage to kill ourselves the elites wouldn't benefit from our labor.
Ahh, that's fair enough then anon. Hope you have a good time.

Night /britfeel/. Haven't even wanked all day I've been so out of it. Fucking hate dissociation.
i think the real reason why they banned handguns in this country was because they knew dumb NEETs would just get drunk and shoot themselves during a depressive spell
Don't say that! Kek can't grant everyone's wish, you got pretty close so that's a good sign.
You can still get handguns.

Although they have to be revolvers and fitted with an extension and an extended barrel to make it impossible to conceal in public.
Why would you even do it, lad? Do you have mouths to feed other than your own? If not then you may as well just stay in bed. Fuck the sound of that commute and all that bullshit.
I'm enjoying making money from amazon flex, lads.

Iots of juicy evening shifts where the roads are completely empty.
parents are forcing me to take my job hunting seriously, since i'm coming up for 2 years a NEET

i probably won't get the job, but i still have to try
Archery is cool. It used to be a very important skill and still could be again when western society depletes all its resources with its uncontrolled greed.
Shooting shotguns is way cooler though.
I feel genuinely sorry for you, lad. I'm not sure whether to wish you good luck with the interview or not...
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wish me a quick and painless death when i'm not expecting it
Not going to argue with that! But ammunition might be hard to come by in an apocalyptic scenerio. It sounds so ridiculous and unlikely that we would ever face a situation like that, but I think it's legitimately on the cards a lot sooner than people think if we keep going the way we're going.
Granted, lad. Can you not just tell your parents you don't want to do that job and look elsewhere instead?
Well. I have probation tomorrow (Thursday) and I can't wait.
don't ask why. Read the thread

Time for sleepy bye bye
Well then... You can ask why.
Read the last thread
Time to stockpile ammo.

Good luck shooting me with a little bow and arrow when I have a 12 gauge shotgun, KID.
my parents ain't taking that shit anymore unfortunately

my mum's a bit of a soft touch, but i think i wore her patience thin
Glad I'm old enough not to be dictated to by my parents. I'm NEET and don't give a flying fuck what they say or think.
It doesn't matter how old you are. If you still live with your parents they will treat you like a child.
"Little?" A shotgun is useless at range. A good bow on the other hand is stealthy and can hit targets at a distance.
I don't live with my parents I'm in my 30s.
i live with my parents, so i gotta play by their rules, otherwise i'm getting kicked out

i'm too socially inept to survive on my own, so as bad as wageslaving is, at least it's not homelessness
>A shotgun is useless at range
The concept of shotguns being useless at long range is inherent to video games as a way of balancing them for gameplay. There's a reason clay pigeon shooting is done with shotguns.
Yeah, if you're an expert hunter with perfect aim. Which you're not.

After you've missed 5 shots, I'd already be running towards you with my 12 gauge ready to blow your brains out.
If you're capable enough to wageslave you're capable enough to live on your own. It's not hard. You don't even need to be social to live by yourself.
>"Little?" A shotgun is useless at range.
This isn't true at all, it's just a video game meme.
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spent the day making bad jontron edits.
autism is a hell of a drug desu
Well it largely depends on the shotgun, the barrel length and the ammunition used. At a long distance the spread of the buckshot is so large it's unlikely you'll hit anyone.
>nuh-uh I hit you
>no you didn't I dodged it
>I did too, I used homing bullets
children please
>implying you have literally any chance fighting a shotgun against bow and arrow
The British pulled a dirty trick during the African campaign in WWII. At every well and oasis they could find they hung a sign that said "Danger! Poison!" In English and German.
It was only when the Germans complained that poisoning wells was a warcrime that the British pointed out that yes, poisoning wells was a crime, but merely hanging signs was not. The water was perfectly drinkable.
>implying I have any investment in your slapfight whatsoever
I don't give a toss whether a bow would beat a shotgun, but you two sound like six year olds

fighting against the nazis was the dirtiest trick they pulled
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Bravo Yakuza, Bravo
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outstanding desu
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I just want to say that there was some normie fag posting furry porn all over my gmod servers. Being a janitor never sucked so hard. Speak Of janitors, (now a normie janitor), one of my friends girlfriends sucked off a janitor. Fucking thot. My friend got cucked
>posting furry porn
furries and normies are mutually exclusive
What's your favourite film britfeel?
The Matrix

It's dated now and has its faults, but it's one of the greatest "none of this shit is real" films of all time. That's what I like.
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What about red panda bears, lads? They're great. Look at the tails on 'em. I wonder if they would attack us if we got within range?
They might bite but they're really lazy and slow
Which Yakuza is this, I've played them bar 5 and 0 but this vaguely reminds of Yakuza 1 but the graphics are too good
Who has to get up and wageslave today? Call in and tell them to fuck off, you quit.
Shit lads I'm fucking spooked

>playing Overwatch all comfy like
>here 3 knocks on my door
>expect it to be my parents or something wondering why I'm playing Overwatch at 5am again
>open the door everybody walk the dinosaur
>nothing there
>all lights are off and everybody still in bed
>pretty spoopy but probably some logical explanation
>google three knocks on door because the autism in me googles things out of boredom when they happen
>three knocks of death

Apparently death is supposed to come to me or someone I know but I call bullshit, if I die, you were the only friends I had
Stop making up stories, you silly anon.
Lad I wish I was
>wishes the sweet embrace of death wasn't imminent
>posts ghost stories on /britfeel/

Normies out reeeeeeeee
Nah I wish it wasn't real so I wouldn't be too spooked to sleep
What would securityanon do if his building was attacked by 15,000 penguins?
>Who has to get up and wageslave today? Call in and tell them to fuck off, you quit.

Good idea.
You're such a silly lad. It's probably just a lesser demon.
securityanon here

I'd throw a load of pebbles outside and make my getaway while they're distracted with stealing from each other

Ah sweet I could probably handle a lesser demon in a fight
Morning, securitylad. I had to laugh at that video. Penguins are fucking nuts. But what if it wasn't nesting season? Would you try to fight them?
morning mate, how are you

in all honesty if I ever found myself in the situation where my building was under siege by 15,000 penguins I'd probably just let myself get overwhelmed by the swarm

it'd be worth it just to unironically have the words "died nobly standing his ground against the penguin horde" written on my gravestone

15,000 penguins is a lot of penguins, I don't know if any one man could truly take that many without succumbing
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>morning mate, how are you

Just NEETing it up, chainsmoking and writing absurd shitposts for no other reason than I don't have anything better to do with my time. You?

Wouldn't being overwhelmed and killed by tens of thousands of ridiculous birds whilst on duty be one of the most glorious deaths?
What utter nonsense are you lunatics on about now?
Sorry. My fault. I'm just a bored weirdo.
Debating going to the corner shop for some beef space raiders
tired and regretting the life choices that led me to this point, but also being glad that they also led me away from the worse situations they'd previously led me to before this, standing on a cold wet train platform wondering what it'd be like to be flocked to death by thousands upon thousands of knee high birds dressed like nuns

so you know

the usual

treat yourself
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what kind of utter pleb eats space raiders.

Just eat Monster Munch like a regular human.
Where can I cop a big bag of monster munch lad
literally any retailer lad.

s-sorry for being rude

It's just that I always associate space raiders with the chavs who used to live near my area and left empty packets all over the place.

Whenever I see space invaders my mind conjures up images of urban decay
Give me a shopping list lads

I definitely want some mount dew
What else?
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Some of these based cunts
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hot cross buns and butter

>tfw hungry
How many (You)s does a GF cost? I think I've saved up a few hundred by now.
>skin is completely clear apart from two big red spots on my cheeks

what did i do to deserve this?
No matter what you've done in the past or whatever regrets you may have, you're a good lad, securityanon. Even in your posts that always shines through. At least you have that.
prices vary lad
8/10 or above normally go for a 3k(you)
for a few hundred (you) you're only looking at a 3/10.
Well shit lad, I guess I'll save up for a 5/10, time to channel my inner convict.
Too much mustard came out on my sandwich and now it's ruined but I can't be bothered to go back downstairs to make another one so I'm forcing myself to eat it
you brought a smile to a weary old cunt's face

you take care of yourself lad, I'm off to bed so I can do it all over again in eight hours
Too much mustard never ruins a sandwich, lad. One can never have too much mustard.
Side note
Personalities cost extra
(You)s from other boards are not an accepted currency
(You)s from other threads, excluding other /britfeel/ threads, are not an accepted currency.

All (You)s must have been collected this month. If a (You) was collected in January it will not be accepted in February.
I'm glad. You deserve that. Sleep well, securityanon.
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Morning lads.

What's everyone having for brekky?

I had a baguette with bacon and egg. Was pretty great, but the baguette fell apart due to what I can only assume is shoddy French craftsmanship.
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>took me 9 hours to realise I forgot a pic

Cornflakes. Living the wage slave life doesn't give you time for this.
>Monster munch
>Space Raiders
>Space invaders

What are you going on about lad?


The Sharia Police will be at your door to arrest you momentarily.
Sorry about that lad. Hope you enjoy your cornflakes at least.
None-Brit detected. Fuck off amerifat.
>TFW you live in an area with pretty much only white people
It's a good feel, no muzzies coming after me to nick my bacon.
>tfw unironically enjoy halal turkey bacon

Maybe I'll be safe on the day of the rope lads
Nah mate. You see, the original anon was talking about monster much then this guy responded going on about space raiders then called them space invaders later on. Its all over the place and I've just had a toffee crisp for breakfast.
I don't think I've ever eaten a packet of space raiders in my life. I got the name mixed up.
Yeah but the anon before him (presumably the same guy) was going to buy space raiders, but the anon before *him* said Space Raiders are shit.

As for Space Invaders, I suppose he meant that Space Invaders remind him of Space Raiders which in turn remind him of chavs.

That was the most confusing section of text I've ever written, and I've written some weird shit.
Fuck sake lads I can't wake up, I just keep laying here and drifting in and out of sleep. I've got to be at work training at 10. Help meeeee
IF YOU hold a sea trout up to your ear, you can hear the sound of the aquarium employee telling you to put it back.
Missing out. They are top tier crisps

I'll drop it then. This getting out of hand
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>2 hours of sleep
>have to leave house in 30 mins for a job interview
i just want to lay in bed and be warm
morning lad
brekky's gonna have to be got later. am a busy boy today
not too busy for the morning wake and bake though
I'm sick of wearing the same outfit everyday so I'm actually going clothes shopping for the first time in months. idk what I'm going to buy though.
You're the lad I spoke to last night whose parents are forcing him to wagecuck hundreds of miles away, right? I advise you to tell them you're not going and go back to bed.
Is it a shit job as well or?
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i have no spine, sorry anon

it's just a minimum wage admin job
>Stupid and lazy
>Spends all of it's adult life alone

Truly my spirit animal.
Admin's better than retail or warehouse work but for minimum wage you're gonna lose a fair chunk just on transport. If you're set on this job then move closer to it ASAP lad.
>i have no spine, sorry anon

Nobody does, until they demonstrate that they do. Today's your day.
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wish id thought of this first
Lost my virginity last night, don't feel any different, very disappointed desu I expected more
It's sex, what did you expect?
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Where is movie lad.
No idea lad, just thought I'd feel normal or feelings of sadness would go away but nothings changed. Not sure what I expected
It's not some miracle cure, but you will feel slightly better overall because at least you don't have that hanging over your head anymore.

Did you at least crack a smile after he jizzed in your arse?

did you do the foreplay correct? was she wet? did she have a cute penis?
>Did you at least crack a smile after he jizzed in your arse?

Unfortunately not lad
The sex was great, admittedly I've had better orgasms from fapping, she seemed very experienced which surprised me because I've known her for years and she's usually very quiet.

Anyways, don't want to dwell on this too much and normie up the thread
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Is there anything worse than having no internet?

Mine's been cutting out from 10 at night to 9:30 in the morning and intermittently throughout the day. It's driving me insane, this is worse than actual addiction.

At least you can wean yourself off Cocaine or weed, when I have no internet the compulsions don't get any less intense. I went for months during my teenage years with no internet at all and every single day drove me a little bit more insane.

I'd seriously trek 100 miles for a stable internet connection.
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I can't stop eating these. they're really fucking addictive.
Congratulations. At least you've tried it now. But it's so empty, isn't it? It's fun for a while, but then you say to yourself "is this all there is to life?"
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I had completely forgotten about these
>she seemed very experienced which surprised me because I've known her for years and she's usually very quiet.

Tell me more lad, I'm interested in this.
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I've been handed Gabapentine and I don't know what to do with it. A fifty-something year old called me a pussy because I don't want to take it.
I have a portable hard drive full of movies, tv shows and porn for emergancy loses of internet.
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adventure time today lads but got to admit i'm proper nervous
travelling down south on the train. 3 fucking changes to fuck up. not really looking forward to it desu, but looking forward to getting to where i'm going so that's getting me through it,just
so. if you don't want to take it don't take it. tell the cunt to shut the fuck up
Not much to say lad, she's never had a boyfriend from my knowledge and rarely goes out so unless she's a slag without my knowledge, shit surprised me but it's possible. I know she's into erotic novels and has toys and shit so maybe she just learned everything from porn and books idk
I had this but I got black out drunk once and no longer know where it is
Why were you handed epilepsy meds?
You going to keep shagging her lad?
No idea, I've got no motivation to, if sex is just going to be this shallow what's the point. Maybe I need to feel affection to enjoy it or something
You need to feel affection to want to keep shagging the same person over and over again, definitely.
Tbh lad the shy girls get around a lot
Was on the way to ikea for a nice breakfast with mum.

Now I'm sitting in a tesco car park because she shit herself in the car on the drive there.

I had hoped that old people shitting themselves was a meme.
Being old seems shite
Kay isn't that old, Lee.
Got wagecuckery at 11. Didn't get paid yet since the end of December. Poor as shit as a consequence. Don't fancy it today lads.
>Now I'm sitting in a tesco car park because she shit herself in the car on the drive there.

That is absolutely fantastic, lad. Thank you very much for sharing.
Might splash some cash and go to five guys for lunch
I hope you have friends to take. You aren't allowed in as anything less than a group of five
It's annoying how insanely expensive it is in the UK considering how cheap it is in America.
I have 4 bags of hay with clothes on that I take to get past the security

It is ridiculous. Wonder what makes the big difference
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I really need to gain weight, I'm so fucking skinny. I hate looking in a mirror.
Post feminine bepis you slut
They probably came to London and noticed the amount of "American style diners" selling shit food at 10x the price that an actual American diner sells good food.

It's pretty smart. People in the UK will definitely pay a big premium for an American-style experience.
In the UK companies get away with absolute murder when it comes to food.

The prices are always higher for lower quality. Most Brits have never really been abroad except to tourist places where they also serve poor quality food, so they can get away with it.

The quality of the food in the supermarkets in the UK is fucking atrocious. When you do find a restaurant that serves good food from good ingredients they charge you through the nose.
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I already have in a previous thread, but here it is again.
The issue is theyre the only real middle ground burger around me that I can get during my lunch break. They're much nicer than typical fast food ones but it's also done quickly.
stop posting that abomination in our threads you numbnuts
>dad gives me a remortgage consent form, saying I have to sign it and have someone witness it
>expects me to have friends at uni that will sign the witness section for me
>basically gave me a bunch of stress and anxiety on top of what I already have, because how the fuck am I supposed to get someone to sign and give me their address by tomorrow night?
>mad at him because he doesn't understand me at all, but can't tell him because I'll have a breakdown once I open up about not having any friends and not being able to talk to people, and I'm planning to kill myself next week anyway
Why couldn't he just leave me alone stress-free for one fucking week? Is this what being "triggered" feels like?

wow that's
an ugly penis
I can understand that.

To be honest though I couldn't eat a burger for lunch and then go back to work and be productive in the afternoon. Too heavy.
really? I don't think it's that bad. why is it ugly?
Oh you're that guy.

Fuck off then shitter
It looks like one of them roll on deodorant sticks
Don't take it, Pfizer convinced a load of gullible doctors that it's a cure-all (they got sued for it too IIRC) but in reality there's insufficient evidence for its usefulness in treating anything except epilepsy and diabetic neuralgia. So unless you need to control seizures, avoid it.
why are you all being so mean?
You can't really blame him lad. For most people at uni it would be incredibly easy to do that.

You'll need to tell him that it's not easy for you.
I'm never productive at work anyway so it doesnt matter
I said I have trouble sleeping and she said this helps. I've looked into it don't really want to take it. How do I dispose of these things?

Thanks for looking out for me, lad. She said "the doctors hand them out like candy" so you're probably right.
My girlfriend told me last night that I don't satisfy her sexually and "you need to let me have my fun, otherwise you'll lose me"

So I suppose we're in an open relationship now. Fucks sake. It's a race against time to shag someone else before she does.
He looked at me and said "you can get this signed, right?". I think it's obvious that I don't have any friends and that I'm depressed, but no one wants to address it; there's a problem with me, and my parents would rather avoid it. That kind of attitude towards me has just made it really hard for me to tell them anything "bad", since they just shout at me for not being normal.
I know that probably didn't happen, but just dump her. Any girl that says "do x or you'll lose me" isn't worth staying with.
>I said I have trouble sleeping
Just get some xanax or ambien or something.
>gf says she wants an open relationship
>not immediately telling her the relationship is completely over

fucking hell m8, thats just pathetic
Leave her immediately. Never speak to her again. Order a pizza. Have a few beers. Watch a film. Focus on yourself.
>How do I dispose of these things?

Take them to a pharmacist and say you don't want them. Use a different pharmacist to the one you got them from to avoid awkwardness.

if you're having trouble sleeping I have no idea what they're doing prescribing gabapentin. Melatonin would be much more sensible.
I think it will be ok as long as I manage to shag someone first.

Don't think I could handle it if she shagged someone before I got a chance to, but if I was also getting laid then it could be alright.

Downloaded Tinder so we'll see what happens.
I have 47 movies, 14 anime series and 30 seasons worth of tv shows to watch.

None of it helps distract me from not having internet. I'd sell my balls for a guaranteed for life internet connection.
>How do I dispose of these things?
Throw them in the canal.
the fact that she brought it up not only means that she already has somebody waiting to shag her, it also means she has most likely already shagged them before talking to you about this

You've already lost the race
That's the thing, though, I wasn't prescribed them. This is a leftover prescription someone gave me
She can't expect single people to date her, that part of her life is over now.
There are single fathers out there, those are her options.

My dad is similar. He doesn't get me. He literally walks away mid conversation. He's so disappointed with me he does not even care to hide it. The way I feel is maybe if he was there as a father when I was growing up, I would not be a anxious wreck with no life experience. I have one memory of being out with my dad from childhood. One. He was never there for birthdays, always made me feel like an inconvenience, I never had help with schooling I was just left to it.

Now I am 25 and realize how fucked my life is so it's on my shoulders to sort it out where everyone else had support and grew up with their parents making sure they complete these things.

So I have to learn to drive without help, I just failed a test yesterday so that's another 65 quid I need to get for a retake... I asked my mum for help if I could have a drive in the car and she says she has no time, then it's 4pm and she is on the sofa with a whisky, like everyday. It was the same in my youth, I never had friends over because she needs her drink but cant admit she's got a problem.

>I am not a tall man
>I can't grow a proper beard at 25
> Serious anxiety problem that the doctors will not help with despite me being out of work for 4 years.
>I have only had sex with one girl and she is toxic, I only got with her when she left her bf and was sad so she got with me to spite him.
> Fucked up my body because at the time I had no care for myself, serious depression.
> I find it impossible to make friends. The most they last is a couple of weeks and i find it exhausting to keep it up. If I don't talk to them in a few days or something it's like they forget about me. I am just not cut out to be social.
>yadayada. No help. I just need help.
You post your dick too much desu senpai
Getting really sick of seeing this ugly shrimp dick keep getting posted here. You'd get turned down at a glory hole, and this is coming from an actual faggot.
Sort your life out.
Getting turned down at the old 20 pound hole? Thats low
Not at a twenty quid glory hole he wouldn't, they take anyone.
He says he's a gay guy, he wouldn't know anything about the 20 quid hole.

Why would he pay 20 quid to get sucked off by a guy with the illusion that it's a girl, when he could just get sucked off by a guy for free at a normal gays glory hole in a toilet?
Fucking hell, I'm >>34563076 and you're literally me 5 years from now, aren't you? I don't think I've ever seen a person like me "recover" and get their life on track, it's really sad.
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I have shit, selfish parents too and I recovered.

My dad even forced me to wank him off on Christmas Day, but I got him jailed for it and now everything is a lot better.
What's everyone having for breakfast lads?

Scrambled eggs and hash browns here.

hey atleast your in Uni. I dropped out of college at 16 and started smoking weed...
that's not what you said before. You admitted to doing it of your own volition in previous threads

I've just had an ikea breakfast, got there just in time. Mum had to nip home to get changed.
I'm not actually, I've dropped out.

You start college at 16 lad, you're exposing yourself as an American.

In the UK, at-least when I grew up it was

Primary school
Secondary school (Community college) Basically after year 10 you move to the college section and don't have to wear a uniform. So I was in College for about a month and a teacher told me " Some people don't do well in school, some people have become successful without education etc" he was trying to make me feel better but I took it as a sign to drop out, So I just left that day and got the bus home.
Yeah I did say that, but I was wrong. I realise now that I was vulnerable and he took advantage of me.

>You start college at 16 lad, you're exposing yourself as an American.

Fuck you, I wish I was American. I am from the South, Royal ___ ____ It's a shit town. I went to a Community college in Sussex. I live in Kent.
Have you become successful without education?
For me it was

Primary. Reception then years 1-6
Secondary. Years 7-11
Sixth Form. Years 12-13
Then uni

I dropped out of sixth form though
Sell Yugioh cards on ebay.
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Nope. At the most I will get a small income from Indie projects. Perhaps one day I will start a company doing it, I just have little aspiration due to depression and too much weed.
That's how Richard Branson felt before he started Virgin.

My mum used to shit herself for like a year when she was barely 50.

She'd call them her "little accidents" like she didn't fucking care that it was disgusting and made the entire house stink like the worst shit you've ever smelled.
Lads I've got a week off from work but I've wasted the first two days and today's pretty much a write off.

Was thinking of going somewhere fun, is there anything good for a nerd/weeb to do in London you know of?

Was chatting to my mum about it and she thinks London is a war zone at the moment just because of a few students protesting about Trump. I think she thinks everywhere outside of her street is a danger zone.

That is comforting. Thanks man.

Let's organise our days to be as productive as possible

>12 Noon
Breakfast, then tidy up the kitchen, maybe some shitposting

Go for a walk, I didn't leave the house yesterday which is most unusual, so I'll make sure to be out for an hour

Memrise, I have a backlog of reviews, and I want to make progress, will have a break midway, but keep at this for 2 hours

Shitposting/break time, might watch a Peep Show

tidy the house up, find clothes and put them in the wash, once I'm done I might go for another short walk


Maybe more memrise If I'm motivated, or just YouTube tutorials on various education shit on DIY stuff

back to shitposting, maybe GTA Vc as well, I'll keep at this until 11pm

Bath, get ready for wagecucking tomorrow

bit late but, could have tried to sneak 1 in but i'm not always the quietest sometimes give a loud wew lad when i cum. and like a good roar every now and again. i'll just have to do it when he's not in
No lads. College is what you do at 17/18 if your parents can't afford to send you to sixth form.
>I said to her is said you're going to sleep she said I'm not I said you are

The fascinating lives of normies, I'm glad I made the effort.
Which Alex Jones do you prefer lads?
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Which Alex Jones do you prefer lads? Part 2
You leave school at 16 and most people are still 16 when they enter college/sixth form in September.
>I think she thinks everywhere outside of her street is a danger zone.

There's a lot of people in this thread who are the same lad.

>Anything good for a nerd/weeb?

You could go to the Japan Center although don't expect anything amazing. There's also Forbidden Planet and similar shops.

The days of there being any good arcades or anything have been over for about 15 years sadly. There is The Loading Bar in Dalston which is a video games themed pub though. But Dalston isn't handy for the center of town.
Try Heart of Gaming in North Acton

It's a great arcade. You pay on the door and the machines are free once you get in.

It's a cunt of a place to get to though.
Guys I'm putting on weight. This has literally never happened in my life, I've always been a skinny lanklet. It's horrifying.
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Kek knows.

I had a mate who is the same.

When we were 18-19 he was so skinny and he used to always eat 6 bars of chocolate when he had the munchies etc.

10 years later he's absolutely huge, he's the fattest guy I know by far. Like an American.
How much do you weigh? Have your habits changed recently?
Heart of Gaming closed down mate.

They are planning to reopen in Croydon but not for a while.
I was like that, your metabolism always slows down as you get older lad.

When I was 18 I was like a rake, then around 25 it all went down hill, couldn't keep eating KFC/McDonalds every day and drinking nothing but coke without consequences.
How do you force yourself to read more? I bought loads of books recently but the internet and tv has ruined my concentration and attention span.
Fucking liar up to 18 in school is mandatory.
same here, got two books for christmas 2015 and im only now in chapter 3 of the second book.

I think you have to set aside some time to read a good chunk of it to get absorbed into the story, then when you care whats happening you can start reading like a normal book
Bullshit. It's up to 16.

Yeah your right, depends on the shells too.
it isn't yet, but the legislation to make up 18 has been passed
>tfw still alive upon waking
Why am I still alive ;_;
Yeah it is get to school you underaged cunt.
Last I used a scale I weighed 125lbs and now I weigh 140lbs. My habits have changed to reflect my lifestyle - I work a labour job now and so I always ALWAYS feel hungry. Before during and after work I need to eat something. I figured it was okay to eat as I wanted so long as I worked hard at my job every day, but I must be overshooting.

I'm in my early twenties, gonna keep intake in mind.
Hi lads,

Fat Asian chubby looking for a top somewhere in the UK to fulfill a fantasy of mine. Preferably white man with 7 inches or more. You'll have to go easy on my arse at first. Has to be through a glory hole. Let me know where you want to do it, I can travel anywhere in the UK. This is the real thing and I can be very generous.

Let's set something up this week.
>dads going to be back with my first batch of Valium in about an hour
anyone here been on i/is on it? what am I in for?
Don't do this. Here or anywhere.

Will January be crossed out in the OP next thread?
>now I weigh 140lbs
That's still skinny as fuck unless you're 5'2 or something. I weigh 45lbs more than you and am not fat by any stretch of the imagination.
sounds like a great way to get STD's
i know that feel too well, lad
I'm not so much fat, I've just got a beer belly.

Can almost smell your rancid cunt from here.
I'm interested. But I'm also asian and trans. Based in Rochdale.
post youtube waifus. I want to marry this girl. https://youtu.be/4LxTBZpG_iQ
Where can I find windows 7 iso for a virtual machine /britfeel/
>7 hour battery life
piece of shit
oh for fucks sake I posted the wrong link
I've fucked her. Big roastie flaps, didn't go back for seconds.
oh yeah of course you have. I totally believe you

>has mental problems
>becomes content producer

"content producer" is that the right buzzword, heads a bit fuzzy.
Huge daddy issues though and she only talks about herself. Clingy as heck too.
Best stay away.
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I've been like this for one year and feel no hope for a gf anymore, I don't care anymore I'm p sure I just tell myself that
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Only acceptable answer.

This triggers Anthea and Poppy fags
>all her videos are her being le nerd gril while trying to muster up as much cleavage as possible
Think about it though - somebody has and it may as well be that guy.
I don't have a oneitis either but I think it's actually a good thing
Lads I'm obsessed with getting a "ring dinger" spinal cracking done.

Please guide me Kek.

not got high for last 4 days and feel a lot better because of it. Mum has urgent diy project that requires a trip to b and q which is 2 minutes away from my healing plant guy. Weakness washes over me.

>"this will be the last time"

There is never a last time with b&q
>get up at 7 to get ready for a part time temporary agency job
>get there at 5 to 9 and get told to wait on the other side of the building for someone to meet me
>waiting 20 minutes, look for someone to speak to
>buzz on security buzzer for 10 minutes before giving up and going home

Is this what wage cucks put up with? Holy fuck i'd rather be neet.

This is life as an agency worker I'm afraid, you turn up for a shift at 9am, and there is probably only a 70% chance you'll start the shift.
got to go to uni soon, feel physically sick just like everytime :(

I was sure i would grow out of this anxiety, and i have done this for years, i just want to feel okay.
>go to
No you don't.
kool kid alert wow XDXD fgt.
Enjoy being a pathetic beta your whole life.
Did you even try to phone anyone?
Read about a subject you're really interested in and if it's written well and you're in the right frame of mind you won't be able to put it down.
i tried having a wank but i can't even watch porn anymore. it just makes me sad that no girl would ever want me.
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theres a way to remedy that anon, try fapping to something a bit different
bit rude.
Cute boys are the best.


find a hobby Anon.
He shouldn't have to phone people, I would have done exactly what he did. It's not his problem if his boss don't bother to sort it out
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>tfw want to adopt a dog from a shelter and give it the love and care all dogs deserve
>tfw no money to take care of one
>why don't you have any children Anon you're almost 30

I spread meme's not genes.
>It's not his problem

I'd agree with you if he was going to get paid anyway. But he got out of bed and had to travel, it took up 2 hours of his time and he won't even get paid.

Sounds like his problem to me.

Second hand dogs are usually dangerously mental
Or normal, lots of people give dogs up because they're too lazy to walk and take care of them properly, like almost everyone that gets a husky without realising they need 2hours of exercise a day
be one of those dog hobos, they seem to get a lot of money

My neighbour had a border collie that went insane because they only ever let it out in their small garden. It used to jump into the fence and try attack people.
We had a border collie when I was growing up and it did the same thing despite walking it twice a day for an hour.

They are just like that. They are shitty pets. If you don't actually use them to work sheep then they get it into their head that their job is to bark at strangers.
What do you guys think of Mormons?

Have you ever met any??

Saw some on the bus the other day, I didn't even realise we had them in this country tbqh, but apparently there's 200,000 of the fuckers here.
so you expect him to walk about the place all day until they eventually help him or tell him to fuck off. You would be out of more money that way
No I'd expect him to phone whoever arranged the job.

Then if no one answered then go home.
I worked on a farm that had a border collie, it would jump up and stand on the front wall whenever a car drove past. I think it caused 4 or 5 crashes in the years I worked there because people thought it was going to jump in the road. It was a horrible dog, I used to spray it with the power washer if it came near me.
Yeah they are smart as fuck but that just makes them dicks. Fucking good at herding sheep though.

Stupid dogs are much friendlier.
Used to walk past a group outside their church on the way to work. Every time a new one was there and asked me if I had time to talk, I told them I was happy with the God I already had.

Once one got irate and told me they were all the same God, so I told him I was Hindu and asked if he was sure about that. He said God Bless You and turned away
First poo of the day and the shitters clogged. Do I wait it out or put my hand in and move the poo around?
what does everyone here think of the royal family? it pisses me off when the normies talk about the royal family.
We had a Bassett hound when I was younger (rip Henry) and he was a dick as well. Used to do really bad farts and then stare at me.
Indifferent I suppose, although the Queen has done some top banter things in her time so shes cool

>the womans autistic son sitting cross legged at 2 minutes

I obsessively crack my joints all day. Neck, back, fingers, wrists, elbows, knees, feet. I bet this would feel amazing
lol yeah but i mean politically. i mean, they are rich as fuck, they have such a strong influence on the country, and they dont really do anything. they are not really royalty in my eyes. actual royalty is like napoleon because he was a great man that done so much for his country. obvs the queen only has a bit of political power but her family could still get involved in politics.
I think they are a bit shit.

I don't think tourists would care if we got rid of them, especially if we turned Buckingham Palace into a museum. I think they'd rather go inside. And if you turned it into a hotel too then you'd get rich yanks and japs paying absolute fortunes to stay in it, since it isn't just a historical building but incredibly centrally located.

Having said that, I also think there are advantages to having an unelected head of state from a constitutional view. So I wouldn't mind if they kept the Queen. But they should scale it down a lot, put her in one of the shittier palaces, and make the rest of them live off their personal money rather than the taxpayer.
>I don't think tourists would care if we got rid of them

yeah, i agree. tourists dont come on holiday expecting to see the royal family. france got rid of their royalty and people still go there to see the famous buildings.

>Having said that, I also think there are advantages to having an unelected head of state from a constitutional view.

i dont know really because the royal family seems quite stupid, and they never really do anything. plus, they have become desensitized to the problems of the masses. i forgot which one, i think it was harry, is known for labeling lower class people as chavs. should definitely live of their own money though, and not tax payer. im actually a distant relative of the royal family but i still reckon they are pricks lol
The monarch is very important, its another level of access the government provide foreign diplomats and politicians. Like an extra resource to convince them todo something.

The island would be worst off with out them.
As if they give a shit about meeting the Queen.

I know loads of people who have met her (through working in the civil service) and they didn't give a shit, and they were just normal people and not someone important with their own power.
>I don't think tourists would care if we got rid of them

do you expect anyone to read beyond this totally wrong assumption.

(you) sir are a twat.
Yeah you're right everyone would cancel their trip to London and go to Denmark instead because they have a monarch.

who /thisishowithinksothatshoweveryonethinks/ here?
They don't meet the queen they stand outside in the rain brimming with excitement because the flag is at the top of the pole.
we shouldent have to reply on the queen to do that. we should build up our economy, education, media etc, become a better country that attracts foreign diplomats, not reply on the queen

im pretty sure the country would do fine with out the queen
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i wanked for so long that my fingers have gone pruney
That Harry Potter Studio Tour in North London probably attracts more tourists than the Queen.
well nearly made it on my adventure cross country. no major mishaps bar getting turfed out of the reserved seating bit. lasted 30 min though before i was rudely evicted. had some confusulion over trains and platforms but am only 1 change away from my destination so all's good so far
Where from? Where to?

Fuck trains to be honest. Overpriced garbage full of normies
yeah, probably, lad. dont know why the plebs like the royal family.
The Harry Potter shop in Kings Cross Station gets more chinks lining up for it than I see anywhere near Buckingham Palace.
Where are you going mate? What's the adventure?
yorkshire to warwickshire
yeah fuck trains.fun riding on them but not this fannying around changing.
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Alright lads? What're you up to today?
off to see a chum.
A bum chum?
pacing back and forth wondering what to do.
generally being a bit depress
Im fucking exhausted and I've done nothing but sit on 4chan in work all day

Chain smoking fags thinking about my b&q trip.
You meeting up with a Britfeeler?

Has Coventry lad finally found his qt?
Almost time for a new thread. How exciting.
Yeah. I am trans and this is my first time going out as a girl. That's why it's a big adventure. I went into the train toilet as a guy and came out as a sissy gurl.

You can't do that in Yorkshire.
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So uhh...what's yer 'hing?
and it's me that you're talking about
new thread



v. original
>having friends

are you proper trans? like you have a pair of tits and that or you just a cross dresser?
as a tourist, i'd be more inclined to visit if there was less chance of bumping into a member of your degenerate inbred royal class
>sissy gurl

Gonna guess this is just you taking the piss, but if it's true, I have red warning sirens going off in my head
I like to scream like a mad cunt in the car Lim
What's on your mind m8?
yeah a fellow britfeeler desu.
Hope it works out for you pal!

Unless you're one of the anime prison faggot waifu posters, but I'm going to assume you're not.
First poopoo of the day and the shitters clogged. Do I wait it out or put my hand in and move the poo around?
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I love how Reddit is all like
>America would not exist without Immigrants!

You wouldn't exist without the slave trade either, fancy getting that started again?
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Feeling generous lads. Here is a free (you) for anyone who is a bit short today.
yeah i like the anime grils as well lad.and some 3D grils as well as boys. i'm lucky enought to like em all.
Fake (you). Here's what a real you looks like
Cheers lad. I only needed one more to finally get a 6/10 gf. Off to the gf shop now to pick her up.
Cooking some egg fried rice and sweet and sour battered chicken for din dins.

Got half an hour to go, I am ready to scoff down
>quarter past three

What are you doing you absolute madman
Oh boy I just got rejected for a job AGAIN!

Maybe application #17384 will be better
Maybe he's one of those mad cunts that lives right next to school.
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