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Shipgirl Commander XXXV

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 445
Thread images: 53

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>Statistics: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1p2K_evlFKjbblbSTf3ZSf-0xECyNHEeiQEgyiFdADcw/edit?usp=sharing
>Character: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1F43-0W17qNQ3Q_FwOOQPYw8Rf4HmSCFrEcAv-uOPQD0/edit?usp=sharing
>Tasks: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1agFmzgoNb0jeqd2G9H2voZ5Zm4N6fxPTQXQyt_GY9ec/edit?usp=sharing
>Rolling Rules: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1D6xlxpzfqF_rC2iemL-OGhFkNK4uiy8PZdvjkkdVBPU/edit?usp=sharing
>Archive: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?searchall=shipgirl+commander
>Twitter: https://twitter.com/DiceToTableTop

‘Musashi, you can’t sleep here. Get up.’

To your surprise, she immediately stirs from her slumber. Giving an almighty yawn, your tanned Battleship’s eyes crack open; she rubs the sand out of them, opening and closing her mouth. Her hair, normally a wild, fluffy untamable thing, was a lot less that and more a messy ball sticking out in a chaotic selection of directions – you’re surprised, however, at the sheer volume of her hair on top of her head; just how much did she have packed in there without it going past her shoulders?

She scratches the back of her head and gives her neck a good slap, wiping the drool away as her eyes meet yours.

Commander?’ She burps into her palm, letting out a heavy breath and groaning. She must have had a rough night.

It was strange to think this excuse of a morning person was one of your most powerful assets – not to mention one of the most valued assets in the whole Admiralty, yet her she was, rubbing the saliva away from the corners of her lips and making odd groaning noises as the weather took a turn for the worse outside. You hoped that your attendants wouldn’t be too drenched by the time they got –


The next thing you know, you’re being grabbed by a strong hand, being smothered between an unashamedly large pair of very female – and by reluctant admission, well-scented and maintained – breasts as your aforementioned powerful asset croons as she smothers you like some sort of body pillow. The Commander in you tries to dictate the next course of action. Musashi, however, appeared to have no such qualms in showing her affection… and you can feel through your bond just how much chirpier this little act.

She mewls happily, letting out a triumphant giggle as she wraps her arms around you.

You can hear your joints creaking – artificial and bone.

‘Musashi, what’s this about?’ You scowl, raising

Morning hug…’ She lets out blissfully. ‘Always good to start the day.’

You press against her belly – you really ought to stamp your foot around here. If nothing else, you were at least the man of this house.

Then again, she just looked so content.

>‘I think that’s about enough.’ (Detach from her)
>‘Fine…’ (Return the cuddling KanMusu’s affection)
>>‘Fine…’ (Return the cuddling KanMusu’s affection)
let's raise them tokimeki points/SL points
>‘Fine…’ (Return the cuddling KanMusu’s affection)
>>>‘Fine…’ (Return the cuddling KanMusu’s affection)
>‘Fine…’ (Return the cuddling KanMusu’s affection)
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'Fine…’ You roll your eyes.


Musashi doesn’t tighten her grip around you, but she does make the experience a bit more bearable by lying back on the couch with you right on top of her. Your cheeks go red at she does tighten in – if only slightly – after the thought, but you had more urgent things to think about… like the fact that your arm was groaning under the pressure from her considerable strength. She was about your height – she had a few centimeters on you due to her hair, maybe – but the difference in power was very much apparent. Nagato had been strong, but Musashi’s strength was something else. She had enough to lock you into place… without even so much as a sliver of metal on her being or the grey of her rigging.

‘Sorry about that.’ She throws you an honest-to-goodness grin, letting out a content sound as she presses her cheek against yours – you feel your eyepatch shifting slightly from the movement and quickly make sure your eye was closed. ‘Just looks like you could use a little bit of a pick-me-up.’

I could use a little bit of a pick-me-up?’ You put your hands to her side, pushing yourself up before locking onto her eyes with a bemused upturn of your lips. She returns it with interest. ‘Need I remind you that you were the one who asked me for this little cuddle session?’

She rolls her eyes, snorting audibly.

‘If I know anything, it’s the look of someone who feels like they’ve got the world on their shoulders.’ She gives you her full attention, wrapping her arms around your back – coiling under your arms this time, thankfully – and holding you close. Embarrassingly, you can feel your bottom pressing up against hers – thankfully, you’re so used to contact there by now that it doesn’t give you the rise it would have prior to the start of your career. ‘Sometimes you just need someone to just share that load with you know?’

You find yourself a little flabbergasted.

‘Thought so.’ She presses her cheek against you again, mewling happily once more. ‘Now take your fill, buck-o.’

Her smile becomes so brilliantly wide it almost makes you wilt in embarrassment. You had come into contact with her upfront nature before, but for her to be so open about it was kind of different from you – Houshou was very open about things on the physical front and Kaga mixed sugar and sweet while Takao offered a sort of awkwardness, but Musashi seemed to be very… different when it came to her show of affection.


‘Yes, Musashi?’

‘I said take your fill.’ She draws herself back, smirking. ‘Not use me as a morning wood relief mechanism.

Your face grows hot.

‘But hey,’ she tilts her head, her form shifting underneath you. ‘I guess you can’t help it, after all. Being with such a high class lady like me.’

She cackles loudly, burying your head between her breasts again.

speaking of which, did you had any interesting dreams?
I don't think we actually have any outstanding problems right now, atleast nothing that talking about it here would help.
Overall our life has been pretty good since we became a commander, minus spending half of that time recovering in the hospital.
seconding this, want to know what it is as well
>Try to relax in her embrace
>Ask her how she's doing.
why not, i'll vote for this
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You decide not to fight it. The fabric of Musashi’s pyjamas was uncomfortable, but it was made up for by the fact that the embrace, while highly unprofessional, was somehow resonating very well with your internal feelings. It was hard for you to return the embrace, especially with your arm the way it was, but it definitely wasn’t hard to just lie there and enjoy her scent and touch as the rain fell outside. You sigh, content, feeling a loving hand pat the back of your head as a playful giggle reaches your ears. It was very motherly… and you felt a little bit embarrassed that you thought so. Musashi’s embrace felt as safe as it did warm… and you have to catch yourself once or twice from nodding off into the realm she had just risen from herself.

‘You’re like a big, stubbly baby.’

Of course she would ruin the moment. You don’t fall for it – the smirk is too obvious a giveaway into her intentions. Instead, you try to focus on some other topic. Racking your mind of just what to ask, you decide to drop the first thing that comes to the forefront of your thoughts.

‘So, any good dreams?’ You ask, amused. She did practically moan for you in her sleep, after all.

‘That’s an odd question.’ She shifts back, frowning. You don’t realize just how different she looked without her glasses until now.

‘Just curious.’ You answer.

‘Can’t recall.’ She answers nonchalantly. It wasn’t important, anyway – you just wanted to make some conversation. ‘Are Nagato and Kaga going to be back?’

Worry flashes across her eyes.

‘Yeah.’ You answer her quickly and assuredly. There was no need for you to give rise to any unwarranted panic. ‘They’re just in Ominato getting themselves patched up.’ Seeing as she wasn’t quite convinced, though, you decide to follow-up with a proper elaboration. ‘We went through a bit of a blender this time, but it’s not anything serious. Kaga needs to re-grow a few fingers and Nachi needs to get an ear back… but otherwise, the Squadron’s fine.’

‘So why’re you back so early?’ She shifts, frowning.

‘Paperwork.’ You grumble. ‘Grand Lieutenant saw me fit enough to get back to

‘With this?’ She gives your prosthetic an almighty whack, giving you a look of disbelief. You nod grimly in response.

‘With this, yeah.’

‘Looks uncomfortable.’ She touches a particularly revealed and bent screw, tiny as it was. She throws you a worried glance, clutching you a little tighter. ‘You sure you don’t want me to bring you to Akashi for a quick check-up? I don’t think that’s going to be something I like being – !’

‘I’ve got it sorted.’ Again, you assure her.

‘Really?’ Her voice is small, fussy.

You laugh softly.


>‘About what happened to you before I picked you up…’ (Roll a 1d6 each)
>‘Why aren’t you sleeping in your room?’
>‘How’s Yamato doing?
>‘I think that’s enough snuggling.’
>>‘How’s Yamato doing?
Oops! Forgot one more option

>‘About what happened to you before I picked you up…’ (Roll a 1d6 each)
>'You're a lot more touch-feely than I thought for a non-Carrier.'
>‘Why aren’t you sleeping in your room?’
>‘How’s Yamato doing?'
>'How do you like it here? Compared to your old posting?'
>‘I think that’s enough snuggling.’
You can change your vote if you want. I forgot an option or two. My bad.
>'How do you like it here? Compared to your old posting?'
Rolled 2 (1d6)

>‘About what happened to you before I picked you up…’ (Roll a 1d6 each)
keeping my vote
>‘How’s Yamato doing?
>>‘How’s Yamato doing?
>‘How’s Yamato doing?'
You slowly detach from her, sitting on her waist. It doesn’t seem that she minds it, but you don’t think that drifting wistfully was going to do the next topic any favors. She looks at you quizzically; the rain outside pitter-patters lightly and innocently as you try to veer the conversation to more serious areas. You wipe your brow, turning back to her, hoping to get some answers – and more hopefully, of better tidings than what had come before.

‘How’s Yamato doing?’

Predictably, Musashi stiffens, slumping into the couch and staring at the ceiling. She doesn’t reply immediately, but you don’t dare rush her – you had been told by Akashi just how serious Yamato’s condition was; that recovery, if any, was to be gradual and voluntary. The trauma her core had suffered during her time as a guinea pig under the scalpel of Haszad’s brightest had been severe, so much so that Akashi had begged you for her to be put under the eyes of her two closest friends – it had been only a few days since then… and you hadn’t so much as heard any progress from the mouth of the Super Dreadnought.

‘As well as she can be.’ She placed her wrist in front of her eyes, mumbling under her breath. ‘These kind of things don’t heal overnight, you know.’

You grimace at the snappy tone that Musashi took at the end of her reply. You hadn’t expected her to regrow it all in one go… but a part of you had hoped for some progress to have come in the last few days. Perhaps it was your familiarity with your hospital stays… you’d been in and out at a constant rotation and hardly saw fit to question it. You’d seen Nagato and the rest come out of injuries that would have left more fragile women and men on the floor praying for a quick release. Musashi doesn’t follow-up – you can tell that the subject of her sister’s condition upset her somewhat.

‘Has she seen Akashi since she got back here?’ You inquire. ‘Maybe some check-ups would – !’

She lifts her hand from her eyes, throwing you a small glare. It wasn’t intense, but there was a shadow of annoyance behind it.

‘Right, sorry.’ You accidentally press on her belly to shift in your seat. She stays quiet; the rain falls harder outside.

‘It’s hard for her, you know?’

‘What?’ You turn to Musashi, surprised that she’d bothered to continue the conversation.

‘She always took pride at being at the front of things. At being useful. Now, with her like this…’ Musashi trails off, her gaze fixed upon the ceiling, ‘She’s not in a good place.’

‘So what do we – can we do?’

‘Let her heal.’ She finishes reluctantly. ‘That’s all we can do.’

Not knowing what else to do, you put your hand on hers.

>‘About what happened to you before…’ (Roll a 1d6 each)
>‘Why didn’t you sleep in your room?’
>'How do you like it here?’
>'How do you like it here?’
group dinamics are important
>>'How do you like it here?’
>>'How do you like it here?’
>'How do you like it here?’
MAP: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1R4k6mlYRnyTZwvhp8RvfBRJnOnAvD-3K57iKrFqBtsw/edit?usp=sharing

This'll be a feature of the locations that you can go to from now on within the confines of the Quest. All KanMusu that are under your Command or care have a "place they'll be at" as as their Commander and caretaker, you have a duty to know where they are or will be assigned to for the day.
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‘How do you like it here?’ You ask, playfully smacking her stomach. She scowls playfully, swiping your wrist away – you feel the sting even after her hand has long left yours.

‘It takes some getting used to, but you definitely got the best beds I’ve been in in a while.’ She stretches for emphasis. You frown – if the beds were so good, why was she on the couch, then? ‘I like to think I’m gradually working my way to Ooyodo’s good side.’

‘What’d you do to set her off?’ You shift in your seat… before realizing that your seat was, at the moment, Musashi’s pelvic area. You get to your feet, dusting off your bottoms. Musashi, meanwhile, tilts her head quizically at your inquiry.

‘Well,’ she begins, ‘that’s probably a story I’ll drop on you another day.’ She grimaces, pinching the bridge of her nose. ‘I don’t want her to think that I’ve been blabbing about her.’

‘Why?’ You frown – didn’t she trust you not to blab? ‘You know your secret’s safe with me.’

‘It’s not that I don’t trust you… but Ooyodo has a way about knowing things that happen on-base.’ She makes a troubled noise, sitting up and stretching her arms. ‘I’m not putting my neck out about that… but I do think I’m slowly winning her over.’ She pauses for a moment, bringing a hand to her chin, ‘Or, at least, that she knows I’m making an effort towards it.’

‘Fair enough.’ You raise your hands. That could wait. ‘Other than that, no issues with anyone else on-base?’

‘Not really. I heard Takao was a snob before I came here, but she’s been pretty nice; don’t know why people used to call her one.’

‘Takao? A snob?’ You wrinkle your nose. She was probably one of the sweetest, if strictest girls you’d had the privilege to meet… you couldn’t envision her being anything but formal and respectful.

‘I better get going. Practice range should be free enough to get some training in.’ She gets to her feet, giving your prosthetic a friendly hit. ‘Nice seein’ ya this morning, Commander.’

You nod in response; just as you hear the sound of her footsteps thundering upstairs, however, you also hear the sound of a door swinging open. You move towards the doorway… and see the wet form of your bulky attendant, hauling a familiar bag of great size and two plastic folders, struggling to undo his poncho and hang it on the rack. He grumbles as he struggles, stepping onto the wooden floor and walking towards you before giving a formal salute.


His friend follows in right after, clutching a wet briefcase and cursing up a storm. He bumps into your bulky attendant, who drops the documents onto the floor.

‘Watch it, man!’

'Sor-ree.' He replies, walking up to you. 'Here, sir. Morning rations.’

He holds up two packs.

>Banana burrito
>Breakfast donut
>‘I’ve had breakfast.’ (Decline)
>>Breakfast donut
everyone love donuts
>Banana burrito

>you couldn’t envision her being anything but formal and respectful
Is it because she finally got laid?
>>Breakfast donut
Its time to move on from the banana burrito.
>Breakfast donut
>>Breakfast donut

We. Already. Ate.
We. Are. Trying. To. Lose. Weight.
Jesus Christ guys!

>‘I’ve had breakfast.’ (Decline)
we kind of used nee-san power a while ago we gotta refuel, or become a skeleton with a lot of skin
>‘I’ve had breakfast.’ (Decline)
Even without that we are losing most of our fat through malnutrition due to hospital food, so we are still gonna end up with alot of skin if we dont work out a bit


Are you sure? It looks more like a case of Anon's attention span not being able to bridge across multiple threads.

Or are you just ignorant of how much of a belly we still have? We are in zero danger of turning into a skeleton even if we fast for a goddamn week. It's more important to eat healthy.

Goddamn banana burrito is at least nutritious if you want to play the Commander as a pig.
>‘I’ve had breakfast.’ (Decline)
>Breakfast donut

One donut will not transform us into a pig and we exercise regularly, i fail to see any problem with that.
>‘I’ve had breakfast.’ (Decline)

Break bad habits, establish good ones. It's basic dieting.
we didn't eat anything for breakfast, that isn't exactly a good one
thought the same but >>1136732

As >>1143253 points out, we have a half-eaten breakfast on the table we need to finish. A sugary donut is both unhealthy and we shouldn't be wasting food in a war zone on principle.
i forgot, thanks anon
>>Banana burrito
Why did I type in
>'I've had breakfast.' (Decline)
It's supposed to be
>'I have breakfast covered, thanks.' (Decline)

Either way
>'I have breakfast covered, thanks.' (Decline)
>>‘I’ve had breakfast.’ (Decline)
>‘I’ve had breakfast.’ (Decline)
Session commencing in 15 minutes.

Hope you guys locked your votes in.
donuts all the way
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LEIA (2).jpg
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‘I have breakfast covered, thanks.’ You gesture to your plate of browns and egg, barely touched.

‘Oh.’ He droops sadly. He must have thought you would have appreciated the gesture more. ‘You sure?’

‘I’m sure.’ You chuckle, walking over to the table and picking up your meal. The two attendants begin taking out the folders, sniping at each other over who was in charge of what. ‘Surprised you guys are here so early.’

‘Well, we got a long day ahead of us, Commander.’ The lanky attendant grunts, picking up the briefcase he had been holding and shoving the doughnut into his mouth. He fumbles with the locks before managing to take out an official-looking document, handing it over to you. ‘The boys in the back seat were looking for you last night – they couldn’t catch you then, so they told me to give this to you if you ever came back to work.’

You raise an eyebrow.

‘Is that a snipe, attendant?’

He instantly looks afraid, stammering an apology.

You wave it off, indicating you were joking. The papers were from the MagiTek Department all right – and to your surprise, a letter of commendation for your performance. Ominato’s waters were now apparently free of any apparent threat, which enabled the other parts of the Admiralty’s arm to push on through… as well as secure some previously-lost outposts to begin gathering their assets once again – that had manifested in the form of the new requisition and upgrade form that the papers held, detailing certain breakthroughs that would assist you in future endeavors.

‘Supplies have come through – at least some good’s come out of that nightmare.’ You let out a sigh of relief, setting the paper down on the table and munching on a hash brown. You furrow your brows – that had gone cold a lot faster than you’d expected it to.


‘Nothing. Could one of you get – ?’

You cut yourself off as LEIA, clad in a bathrobe and her hair more frizzled than before, trudges down the stairs and into the common hall, wearing an expression of exasperation.

‘I left my clothes outside to dry.’ She comments. ‘Bad idea.’

You pinch the bridge of your nose.

>District Duties [4/3]
>Supplementary Duties [3/2]
>Division Duties [¾]
>Base Duties [0/2]

>+2 Stat to 1 KanMusu and +1 Stat to 2 KanMusu

*Due to your successful Lv. 4 Mission, you have been granted a Bonus of +3 to all subsequent paperwork completion. Remember, lowering certain Duties to 0 gives you bonuses, while those going over the limit by 2 will give penalties. Your default points left will always be 2/5. You may increase this by completing Lv. 2 Missions [+1 per paperwork], Lv. 3 Missions [+2 per paperwork] and Lv. 4 Missions [+3 per paperwork]. This number is not effected by Side Quest Missions. Only Main Assignments. They last until the next assignment rolls along.
>>District Duties [4/3]
bring this down first
DD>SD>DivD?>afterwards unknown
>District Duties(2 pts)
>Supplementary Duties(2 pts)
>Division Duties (1 pt)
While we can indeed finish off one of these lets try to keep them out of penalty range

As for upgrades
Kaga should get a +2 to her defence and a +1 to her attack
Houshou should get the other +1 to her defence

Should try to keep them balanced
>District Duties [4/3] (2 pts)
>Supplementary Duties [3/2] (2 pts)
>Division Duties [¾] (1 pt)

+2 Tenryu (+1 Offencive +1 Defencive or +2 Support)

+1 Samidare(+1 Support)

+1 Takao(+1 Defence)
You can't separate the +2. Just clarifying.
Seem to have a tie/incomplete posts here.
i dont know about the stat game so il leave it to you guys
>Base Duties [0/2]
Changing Upgrades:
+2 Tenryu (+2 Support)
+1 Houshou and Kaga (+1 Defence)
so the others not in the discord can see
>Upgrading Support increases the chance for you avoiding death.
At a full 7/7 in stats you have a 70 percent Instakill resist, for example, if the rolls become terribad.
At 1/7 you have a 10 percent Instakill resist, modifiers nonwithstanding.
Best way to deal with the stats if ties happen is to simply state why place points in said certain way.

The plan here is to get Kaga to the level of our other heavy hitters, especially since she took damage due to her lack of defence
Houshou should get her defence up since she is our only other experienced field commander aside from Nagato, and Nagato has a tendency to attract alot of enemy fire, so we should have a capable backup ready when the time comes.
To re-clarify
>"Doesn't that make defense redundant"?
One is for AVOIDING the damage (Defense) the other is for TANKING the damage (Support). Why this falls under Support is because constitution upgrades are listed as supplements to KanMusu health: they're there to make sure the KanMusu is at least able to survive a death hit enough for you to rescue them or keep them going. Defense are passive defensive tech placements to keep the KanMusu from receiving damage or significant damage - Support does all the intangibles. It modifies them for stamina and the other little things to keep your KanMusu alive and fighting.
Okay, so the vibe that I'm getting is:

District -2
Supplementary 2
Division -1

Tenryuu +2 Support
Houshou +1 Defence
Kaga +1 Defence

All in?
sounds good to me
If no one else votes on mine then i can go for this i guess
seems fine to me(It's what I'm voting for)
You set down your pen, turning to the clock – as always, it was just after lunch when you had things over and done with. Your KanMusu had come and gone, giving their greetings and departing to attend to their own assignments; you’d probably see them again by the end of the day. Houshou in particular was remarkably pensive and not eager to jump onto your ever-available male pride… which you were thankful for, if found a little weird. Takao and Samidare had left together, followed by Musashi (who you would have to question on her assignment, as her schedule merely said Official Stuff) and Murakumo leaving right after, telling you that she would be late due to the nature of the current tasks that were allocated to her by Command.

That meant Shigure was still upstairs, minding her own business or snoring away… and since you hadn’t seen nose or chin of Iowa or Yamato, you assume that they would be upstairs, too.

‘LEIA, I’m telling you – that movie was horrible. End of discussion.’

‘You are so judgmental every time we talk about a movie or a TV show or a book; can’t you just get off your high horse and enjoy something for once?’

You’re brought back down to reality by the bickering of LEIA and her significant other – your bulky attendant – over some movie that LEIA had brought up in the last three hours. You’re not quite sure what it was about, but your bulky attendant had been quite opinionated that LEIA’s liking for the film in question was unwarranted – and proceeded to take it apart piece by piece. You would have stopped the argument, really, but the fact that they seemed to get their loads done faster throwing arguments in an odd back and forth, so you just rolled with it.

Now, it had taken a turn for the entertaining.

‘Come on, you two.’ Your lanky attendant picks up the two folders. LEIA crosses and uncrosses her legs, pouting as your bulky attendant looked the part of a wounded bulldog. ‘Does it really matter that much?’

‘Yes, it does!’ LEIA snaps, making your attendants roll their eyes. ‘I know her, you know, and with what she had on her plate, she did a good job.’ LEIA straightens her bathrobe, getting to her feet. ‘I’d like to see you try and do that for four months straight.’

‘Whether she did a good job or not doesn’t matter.’ Your bulky attendant mirrors her action, walking alongside his girlfriend. ‘What matters is that I paid money to be entertained and I didn’t get my money’s worth!’

LEIA and your bulky attendant continue their argument all the way up the stairs; your other attendant leans by the doorway, taking out a small notebook.

‘Couples.’ He grins at you. ‘Ain’t I right, sir?’

You laugh heartily.

>Visit Locations [Refer to >>1142923]
>Look for your KanMusu (Specify)
>Look for Admiralty Staff
>District Management
>Visit Locations (MASH)
First things first lets fix our arm
this and bring Shigu along if she is here. in order to soften the rage of Akashi
>>Visit Locations (MASH)
>>Visit Locations (MASH)
need to get our arm fixed and request rocket punch.
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After bidding a farewell for the day, you leave the compound – but not before giving a final request for your attendants to lock up before they left. As unnecessary as it was, you didn’t feel like having a burglary issue on your hands. It’d just mean a bigger load of paperwork on the table… and you’re sure that neither you nor your attendants, not to mention your Division, would appreciate either. The rain had cleared up, mostly, leaving many a puddle in the cracked – if slightly patched – streets of the township. You decide to forgo waiting for a buggy and decide to leg it instead.

This time, however, you make sure to check that you have a set of keys to the compound in your pocket… and a requisition form filled and set into a folder to request for more keys from the maintenance crew to refill the basket on the counter with more spares.

Walking around town, you spy more relief efforts by the military; the town wasn’t quite back on its feet, but there was a sense of life about the place now, at least. You see a few fresh-faced people walking around, tending to their restored shops and lots, trying to figure out how they could return from this. You spy Inazuma and Ikazuchi tending to what looked like another surplus tent, accompanied by a few army folks; they appeared busy so you didn’t bother to disturb or greet them – it’s not as if they had time to notice you anyway; keeping the people that had decided to keep living in this town fed and comfortable was a task in itself… and the Army didn’t appear to be anymore prejudiced that the crew, to your knowledge.

Maybe it was just that you had to be a fighter to know the fight.

‘Aha, young man! A joy to see you again!’

You come face-to-face with a familiar wide-faced, handlebar-mustached man, clad in his odd armor over the usual uniform, spinning his staff as though he was a circus act. This time, however, he seemed a lot more receptive of you compared to your last encounter – probably because you were actually visiting at a sane hour.

‘Mm.’ You don’t quite acknowledge him. As infectious as his energy was, you didn’t fancy listening to the man ramble while your arm –

An audible groan reaches your ears as you realize that a joint had bent even further as you swung it forward. Letting out a breath, you roll your shoulder – with difficulty and discomfort – and decide to make a beeline for your attending specialist.

Surprisingly, you spy an unfamiliar sight in a kimono, licking away at ice cream and looking very much sombre.


>‘Isn’t that Bismarck? What’s she doing here?’ (Talk to Bismarck)
>‘I better look for Akashi before she thinks I’m procrastinating on this.’ (Look for Akashi)
>‘I’m feeling a little peckish… maybe the Mess Tent’ll have something.’ (Go to the Mess Tent)
>>‘I better look for Akashi before she thinks I’m procrastinating on this.’ (Look for Akashi)
>‘Isn’t that Bismarck? What’s she doing here?’ (Talk to Bismarck)
>‘Isn’t that Bismarck? What’s she doing here?’ (Talk to Bismarck)
>‘Isn’t that Bismarck? What’s she doing here?’ (Talk to Bismarck)
But short, mention being on the way to Akashi
>>‘I better look for Akashi before she thinks I’m procrastinating on this.’ (Look for Akashi)
>‘Isn’t that Bismarck? What’s she doing here?’ (Talk to Bismarck)
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It was definitely Bismarck – an ice cream in her hand and on a bench by a tent, a sombre look in her eyes as she licked away at her ice cream. Her hair was tied up in an elegant bun… and for someone of her elegance (which you had no problem in admitting) she looked like she could have played the part of a burnt-out young lady separated from her friends. You look left and right, expecting the First Admiral to be nearby… but don’t see her at all. Your curiosity – and courtesy – getting the better of you, you make your way towards the blonde KanMusu, who so far hadn’t noticed your presence in the slightest.


She slowly looks up to you… and upon spying the emblem on your left breast, hastily gets to her feet and gives you a formal bow and salute; you return it stiffly.

Yokosuka First Operations Division Commander.’ She bows again, albeit slightly, her face as stern and her back stiff as any military officer’s could be, her slumped form a thing of the past. ‘It’s an honor to meet with you again.’ She tilts her head. ‘Are you here to see Akashi or are you just making you rounds?’

‘The former.’You answer with a lop-sided grin. You hadn’t expected to her here – not at all. ‘Need to get my prosthetic up and running again.’ You raise your Kantai Steel arm for emphasis. It whines as you level and right it, making her nod in understanding. ‘Can’t do paperwork with this kinda discomfort.’

That wasn’t entirely true. You were perfectly capable of writing long, detailed sentences with this prosthetic – it was everything else that was the problem. Plus, you think that there must be a sort of leakage of magic somewhere because you don’t remember the exoskeleton having so much weight on it.

‘What’re you here for?’ You inquire curiously. ‘Is the First Admiral with you?’

‘No, Commander, I’m afraid she isn’t.’ She lets out a sigh, biting another chunk of her ice cream. ‘She’s at her great grandson’s audition.’


‘He’s…’ She takes bite of her ice cream, frowning as she contemplates the next part of her sentence. ‘What do you call those again? Variety shows?’

‘Variety show?’ You mirror Bismarck’s expression. ‘All right, if you say so… but what are you here for, then?’

‘Check-up.’ She answers simply, gesturing to herself. ‘My body’s a little… different compared to other KanMusu,’ Bismarck sighs heavily, dropping back down onto the bench, her eyes looking guiltier… at what? ‘I have to come in for periodical checks – all of us have to. Admiral doesn’t trust the Shamans one bit.’ She lets out a nervous laugh. ‘Calls them de-sensitized pricks.

You stifle a guffaw.

Bismarck throws her cone over you... and it lands in the trash can by the tent behind you, a perfect arc of a shot. She pumps a fist in celebration right after.

>What do you mean by 'different'?
>What do you mean by 'different'?
>Is that why you're looking a bit sullen?
i am joining bandwagon with this
these work
that ougtha work

>What do you mean by 'different'?
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‘What do you mean by… different?’

Bismarck bobbles on her heel and tip-toes, her eyes unfocused. There’s a troubled look to her – and a hesitation that you had seen too many times in the mirror for you to truly forget. Bismarck had behaved very oddly since the start of your little conversation… there had been an attempt on her part to put some sort of odd front to you, but it’d only resulted in you realizing that she was middling sort of depression and a what you perceived as a manic desire to remain cheery.

‘Sorry Commander, but a girl’s got to have her secrets.’

She playfully raises a finger to her lips. You’re not convinced one bit, however.


You spin around, making eye-contact with Akashi, who was rushing towards the both of you clad in her usually bikini and lab coat, an envelope tucked underneath her arm. Catching sight of you, she stops just before you and Bismarck, thinning her lips as she takes the envelope

‘Oh, Commander; I didn’t know you were back yet. They told me you’d in Ominato for a bit.’

‘Yeah, well, work to do and all that jazz.’ You shrug.

‘Bismarck, I told you to wait for me.’ She turns to the blonde KanMusu, baring her fangs. ‘I just compiled the data and you have a – !’

‘How are they?’ Bismarck snaps, a tone of urgency and panic in her voice.

For the first time in forever, you see Akashi turn… apologetic and hesitant.

‘They’re working.’

Bismarck goes stone-faced, if only briefly. She bites her lips as she takes the file from a distressed-looking Akashi.

‘I’m sorry, but there’s still nothing I can do.’ She shakes her head. Bismarck didn’t appear to be listening to her, clutching the envelope tightly. ‘Everything’s in there, as you know… but I can’t do anything to change it. All your functions are normal and expected. There’re no deviations of any sort – if anything, you’re a little too – !’

Healthy.’ ‘Thanks, Akashi. I appreciate it, really.’

‘I don’t understand why you do this to yourself.’ ‘You know that there’s nothing we can do for you, but you just…’

‘I can refer you to some others.’

‘I don’t think The Admiral’ll like that.’ She forces a smile, bowing. ‘But again, thanks. I’ll see you in a – !’

‘Please don’t keep doing this to yourself.’

She doesn’t reply, eyes on the envelope.

‘Have a good one, Akashi. Commander.’

She hurries away without another word.

‘So, what’s broken, torn or ruptured this time?’

You blink.

‘I didn’t say anything.’

‘You don’t need to say anything.’

>‘You mind telling me what’s up with Bismarck? She was pretty… depressed.’ (Roll a 1d6 each)
>‘Do you have time to give this a quick fixer-upper?’ (Show your arm)
>‘I came to just talk.’ (Try to avoid her fury)
>‘Actually, you know what… I forgot what I came here for. Hah.’ (Leave)
Rolled 6 (1d6)

>‘You mind telling me what’s up with Bismarck? She was pretty… depressed.’
Rolled 5 (1d6)

>‘You mind telling me what’s up with Bismarck? She was pretty… depressed.’
Rolled 1 (1d6)

>‘You mind telling me what’s up with Bismarck? She was pretty… depressed.’ (Roll a 1d6 each)
Rolled 3 (1d6)


Bismarck? She was pretty… depressed.’ (Roll a 1d6 each)
Rolled 5 (1d6)

>>‘You mind telling me what’s up with Bismarck? She was pretty… depressed.’ (Roll a 1d6 each)
Well, you guys won the roll.
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‘What’s wrong with Bismarck?’

‘I’m sorry, but that’s patient-doctor confidentiality.’ She answers you quickly – it was as though she had recited it right out of a book. Ooyodo would’ve been proud. ‘And I’m not sure if I appreciate you trying to be intrusive, Commander.’ She adds in crisply, likely hoping for you to drop the topic. It would’ve worked… if she hadn’t called you intrusive in such a dismissive and harsh tone.

‘I’m not trying to be intrusive.’ You reply defensively. Your brain racks in all that you know – the little that you are able to piece together from your last encounter to find a hint as to the nature of her distress. Something, miraculously, clicks. ‘Is that why she’s assigned to the First Admiral?’

‘What does that have to do with anything?’ She shouldn’t have replied at all. The slight widening of her eyes and the defensive stance she takes now pretty much tells you that you were on the right track.

‘The First Admiral isn’t on the active list – she’s retired and well off, but The Admiralty’s not the type to ignore an asset. Houshou was reactivated. I find it hard to believe that Bismarck, a Battleship-Class KanMusu, if I’m not wrong there would just be walking around in a kimono helping an old lady around the house. Stop me if I’m wrong here – I don’t think The Admiral’s fighting fit… but Bismarck sure is, and with her skill, should be at least with Kongou or under The Court of Admirals.’ You rub your shoulder, meeting her gaze. ‘How far off the mark am I?’

She stays silent for a moment, before sighing and gesturing you to move into a nearby tent. Hesitantly, you walk inside – it’s full of unused medical apparatus. Akashi closes the flaps behind her, letting out an exasperated sigh.

‘Bismarck is a woman.’

‘I’m well aware of that, yes.’ You chuckle.

‘I mean she’s a full woman.’ ‘Working parts and everything.’

‘Yeah, and Kaga has working lady bits.’ You raise an eyebrow.

‘Not ones able to produce a gamete and ovum that is sustainable enough to accommodate life. These are meant to be shells – simulations. I can bet you’ve seen what we really look like underneath all this flesh.’ She gestures to herself. ‘Bismarck is an anomaly in that somehow is that her reproductive organs aren’t simulations. They’re the real thing.’

‘What’re you trying to say here?’

‘Bismarck… she’s able to pregnant.’ She rubs her temples, looking away from you. ‘Her brain isn’t as hard-wired as Carrier’s to that front of human psychology or whatever you can call it, but she is the first and thus far, only fertile KanMusu on record. She can have babies.’

You almost lose your balance.

>‘That’s what she’s so depressed about?’ (Disbelief)
>‘What’s so bad about being able to have babies?’ (Confused)
>‘Wow. That’s some incentive.’ (Joke)
>>‘What’s so bad about being able to have babies?’ (Confused)
>‘What’s so bad about being able to have babies?’ (Confused)
>‘What’s so bad about being able to have babies?’ (Confused)
>‘What’s so bad about being able to have babies?’ (Confused)
i can only think bad things here, an explanation akashi sensei

Probably tons of loaded questions like
"Will the baby be KanMusu or human?"
"Will we have to give it citizenship?"
"Can we let a KanMusu raise a child, won't we have to take it away for its own safety?"

I'm hoping for some good news, but..well...civvies are full of that 70's Marvel attitude.
Think about it this way. They won't even give Atago a graveplot.
im complely surprised she isnt straped in some super secure lab with continuous tests and such

Yeah, that was what I was working from with my reasoning.
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‘What’s… so bad about being able to have babies?’

Akashi looks at you incredulously, her eyes taking a… strange, dim light.

‘We’re machines of war… in a manner of speaking. We have interests, a little hobby on the side, friends… but we don’t have a future. When this war ends, one way or another… it’s ours, too.’

Your good eye widens; you shift uncomfortably in your feet, unsure if you were willing to believe in the implications that she had presented before you. Still, she goes on, hands in her pockets.

‘When we first found the anomaly… back when she was hit really bad; we were only just able to patch her up, the reconstruction matrix, the Fata Aqueous, we thought it did something, then we found that it really didn’t.’ She raises a finger and her thumb. ‘This is a little gross for you, but a period isn’t out of the question for a KanMusu, but the whole point of the event is that it’s just a simulation. A practice for the body based on the understanding of the human anatomy. Structurally, you’re aware how we’re 99 percent people. It’s meant to give the illusion that we’re…’

She shakes her head.

‘We found some things when we ran diagnostics.’ Akashi hesitates, shifting uncomfortably in place. ‘It was unreal. Healthy ovum production… from the shell of a spiritual construct.’ She smiles wryly, her eyes shimmering now. ‘Bismarck couldn’t believe it… I don’t think any of us did. She tried to… tried to desensitize it.’

You knew what she meant.

‘She what?

‘We operate based on the perception that we have a shelf life.’ She answers coldly… and reluctantly. ‘Bismarck isn’t any different from any other KanMusu on that aspect.’

A shelf life?!’ You snarl, the whole fiber of your being in raging disbelief.

‘I told you, when the war goes… we don’t expect to go on for much longer than that, presuming that we even reach the end, hah.’

Her attempt at humor only has you gaping in further disbelief. Had she gone mad?

‘Bismarck, she… she can’t handle it.’ Akashi lets out a breath. ‘She can’t go into battle knowing that she…’

She bites her bottom lip.

‘That she might have a future.’ Akashi looks up at you with a sad, wistful smile. ‘You know, little brats running around the lawn, scolding them to come in and eat… maybe she’ll even find someone that’s going to be willing to stick around long enough to pay the mortgage and rub her back.' She lets out a humorless bark. 'Stupid, isn't it?'

‘Does anyone else know about this?’

‘The Admiralty is aware… same goes for The Admiral – our Admiral. The old Vice-Admiral did too, but he’s out of the picture now.’ She looks at you uncertainly. ‘I don’t feel comfortable talking about this… can we change the topic, please?’

>Wave with squeaky arm. "Oops?"
>sure, can you check my arm?
i dont like that mentality, they are living sentinent beings, they arent artificial or something, shigure nearly when on a rampage for FUCKING VENGANCE that as human as it gets
they got their future after the war earned as far as im concerned
I think... it's not stupid. I have no idea how you might feel but in the very least those emotions are just as real as anyone else's.
I may just be a monster but have tried actually knocking her up and seeing what happens? Or why they are 'real' and nobody elses?
>>Wave with squeaky arm. "Oops?"
>"I'm sorry I keep damaging this"

These two.
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‘Is this a good time to ask you if you could fix my arm?’

Akashi’s brow furrows as she raises her head, her expression one of confusion.

‘Your arm?’ She questions quizzically, staring you up and down. ‘I just – !’

With great difficulty, you raise your prosthetic – or rather, you will your exoskeleton to rise along with your arm. The battered, slightly warped metal is made known to its smith, whose mouth goes agape and whose face becomes ashen scanning the scratched surface of the Kantai Steel material. Her silence says it all – you can tell that she must be surprised that it was in such bad condition… and you want to sincerely apologize for the inconvenience, but between Shigure and the Command Unit, it just couldn’t be helped, really.

‘I was kinda backed into a corner.’ You grimace. The arm creaks – the stiffness worsened since you arrived here. ‘Can you fix – ?’

The sound of amused chuckling reaches your ears.


‘Hee… Hee… you’re getting pretty cocky, aren’t you, Commander?’

You’re not sure if it’s even Akashi anymore… but a hideous pink thing that seemed to have you rooted to the ground, eyes blazing in a maddened gaze and its lips turned upwards like a fox.

‘Do you understand the resources that go into the production of a top-of-the-line, magically sensitive exoskeleton?’

‘That a lot of them do?’ You shrink back timidly.

Precisely!’ She slaps her hands together, walking towards you. ‘Do you know who has to hammer them down and get them spic an’ span?’ She raises two fingers right underneath your nose. ‘Five guesses. ALL FIVE DON’T COUNT!

‘I’ve asked you time and time again, you know, to just – just give me a break.’ She says it with the voice of a heartbroken mother. ‘I have other people to tend to, you know? Other duties. Do you know how much sleep that I lose over the inevitable stinkin’ backlogs that come through at the worst possible time?

‘Most of it?’ You squeak.

Exactly!’ She’s in your face again, hyperventilating like a madwoman. ‘And do you care about that – of course you don’t. You don’t think,’ She pouts her lips, speaking in an affected voice, ‘oh, my dearest Akashi might have a whole lot of crap on her plate and doesn’t need this. Maybe I’ll just sit down and drink some tea and try not to make her life miserable!’ Her maniacal grin returns.‘But you don’t think like that do you?!’

‘You’re upset.’ You try to back away. ‘I’m sorry. I didn’t know that this was such a bad time… maybe I’ll come back when there’s – !’

Something in your prosthetic pops the whole arm goes limp… and you see a spring and a nut along with some plating clatter messily onto the floor.

And Akashi just keeps smiling.

>Akashi just keeps smiling.
RIP in peace us.
god damn it
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Katori-Sensei and Kashima-Shishou’s Docking Extravaganza

‘My, my, young man, what a predicament you are in… or were. Didn’t your parents tell you to take care of things that are bequeathed onto you? No, no, no, this will not do! Go back and try again!’
‘Oh dear, it appears to be my adorable little sister. What is it, Kashima?’
‘This isn’t the GAME OVER screen! The DM is just going to sleep for now and leaving it to us to entertain the players while he rests.’
‘Ano, I don’t think it’s about how you’re treated, to be honest with you… the players have just been doing very well in this quest that the DM doesn’t know what to do sometimes. It’s not easy to do his job.’
‘I suppose… so, what are we supposed to do?’
‘Ah, we can always discuss the lore of this world. Taiyouga is based on Japan, isn’t it?’
‘That it is, my adorable little sister. Taiyouga holds many similarities to Japan geographically, save for a land connection between the nation and the continent that holds The Haszad Union. Culturally, though, it’s more akin to a mix of Japan, Germany and The American Midwest. Taiyouga was once the host to the League of Nations and was considered to be the leader in world diplomatic relations, despite their lack of raw military strength, but that all came to an end when a few decades ago, they decided to take The Zuluvan Eternal War into their own hands.’
‘I wonder if the DM is going to be sued… Resident Evil 5 and Zuluva seem very similar.’
‘Ohoho, my inquisitive little sister, impossible – because culturally, Zuluva is more akin to the best-selling tabletop game Warhammer 40,000!’
‘That doesn’t make things any better, Nee-san…’
‘Until next time… I’m Katori!’
‘Ah, and – and I’m Kashima!’

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The table is as uncomfortable as you remember. You hadn’t been conscious for most of the times you’d laid on it, but you don’t dare doze off right now – not when Akashi was on the warpath. Your flesh and blood arm lay out in the open, bits and pieces of metal floating around it: screws, bars, plates of the dark persuasion were held up by the magic of a trio of fairies as Akashi, her crane gear out, performed some sort of medical surgery to bind the metal to you once more.

You shrug slightly, feeling your shoulders stiffen from the extended time you had spent lying down.

‘Stop fidgeting.’ Akashi warns, the hooks on the edge of her cables as rune-like markings glow around the pieces of metal. ‘The tricky part is aligning the magic circuit with what would be your working neurons… if you want me to turn your arm inside out, feel free to keep at it.’

‘Should I be awake for this?’

‘No, but I want you to suffer.’ She answers as she picks up what you think to be a screwdriver. ‘I’m not doing any surgery or cutting anything open – you’re fine awake or asleep.’ She frowns at you through those orange goggles. ‘You’ve done this before… I thought you’d have a better memory for it.’

‘Yeah, sorry.’

‘I’m surprised that you were able to get it into a state as bad as this.’ She indicates one of the discarded plates, warped and cracked. ‘What were you going up against? An Abyssal Command Unit?’

You don’t answer.

‘I’m sure there’s a story behind this… but to be frank?’

You wince as you feel a jolt at the side of your neck. A fairy had done something there.

‘I don’t really give a damn at this point.’

One of the fairies lands on your bare chest, looking up at you curiously.

‘Try gripping your hand.’

‘I am.’

She lets out a curious noise.

‘Your pinkie’s moving… that means the spell hasn’t synchronized properly with your muscle strands.’

‘I know the exoskeleton acts like a magic link to replace my screwed up nervous system and all that jazz… but I’m more curious as to how I’m going to clean my arm out when I need to give it a wash. I know it’s pretty airtight, but gunk builds up, right?’

‘The arm’s designed to keep anything foreign out. It’s attuned to your own signature. You’re not going to build up a stink for quite a while.’ She answers nonchalantly, fusing something around your wrist. ‘But if you really need to get it clean, I can install an induction port if you think you’re getting a stench. I doubt you’ll see much use of it, though.’

A flash of light almost blinds you. A strange heat is felt all around your arm, as well as a cramping sensation in your neck. A weight seems to come down on it for a moment… before leaving. The fairies chirp cheerfully as you see that…

‘You’re done.’

You grab a paper cup from an adjacent table, crushing it in the palm of your hand.


>Thanks for the fix. I'll try to keep it from getting broken for at least a week
Supporting >>1146824
I'd say tell her how you busted it up, even if you're not naming names.

She's got a good head on her shoulders, and she deserves to know.
at this point in time she doesn't even care anymore, but i agree in telling her about the abyssals
I was under the impression we stopped Shigure going full hate mode, and she (inadvertently) damaged the arm because we were literally holding her back. Somehow.
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‘Thanks, Akashi.’

She doesn’t say anything, giving your prosthetic a once over, a clipboard in hand.

‘Arm up.’

You obey her request.

‘Arm down.’

You do so.


You carry out her command.


You turn your wrist.

‘Is there a lag of any sort on your part? A delay?’

You shake your head.

‘Not that I can notice, no… works just as well as the last one.’

She scribbles something onto the clipboard, muttering under her breath.

‘You know, if you weren’t a Commander, you’d be knee deep in debt right now.’ She points her finger at you, making you jump ever so slightly. ‘Installing and maintaining a Kantai Steel prosthetic isn’t easy or cheap.’ She scowls. One of the fairies lands on her finger, ruining the effect, but it doesn’t deter her. It positively frightened you how much she resembled a barely-restrained tiger. ‘You’re lucky that the mechanisms for your exoskeleton were as unscathed as they were. I don’t know what you get up to, but the system’s not open for abuse. Understood?

You do the only thing you can do. You nod.

‘How’s your eye, by the way?’ She peers at your eyepatch, a flash of concern arriving upon her features.

‘I’m still seeing mountains, flames and rivers when I see KanMusu and Abyssals.’ You admit… carefully omitting the part about your vitriolic occupant. ‘Is that normal?’

‘It’s a mutation. Not much I can do about it… is it passive, active or involuntary?’ She scrunches her face, unfazed by your reply.

‘A mix of all three.’ You grumble, remembering the incident in Haszad. ‘Don’t get me wrong, it’s got its uses… but sometimes it just feels like my eyeball is boiling.’

That part you can definitely live without.

‘It’s not your eye. It’s your brain… being a Commander, you’re already pushing certain boundaries that humans are meant to take, at least mentally. I’m surprised that you haven’t turned in your hat and suit yet, with everything that’s happened.’ She tilts her head… and pokes you through the eyepatch, much to your annoyance. ‘But otherwise, there’s no discomfort, correct?’

‘It’s on and off… but otherwise, it’s okay.’ You admit.

She leans back and places her hands in her pockets, satisfied.

‘If you don’t have anything else for me… I think I have some rounds to do, Commander.’

>‘I heard there was a KanMusu Psychiatric Unit on-base. Would you mind elaborating on that for me?’
>‘Would you mind giving me a small rundown on Awakenings and Overrides?’
>‘I saw the Fata Aqueous tubs back in Ominato. Why don’t I see them here?’
>‘Akashi… do we have any individual biological records on Abyssal units?’
>‘No. Again, I’m sorry for being such a bother all the time.’ END ENCOUNTER
>>‘Akashi… do we have any individual biological records on Abyssal units?’
Desire to know more intensifies
>>‘Would you mind giving me a small rundown on Awakenings and Overrides?’
>>‘Would you mind giving me a small rundown on Awakenings and Overrides?’
>‘Akashi… do we have any individual biological records on Abyssal units?’
>>‘Would you mind giving me a small rundown on Awakenings and Overrides?’
I'll be seeing you guys after Friday prayers. That's about... 4 hours?

Assalamualaikum, yo.
quick notice to lurkers and those not in the discord. Take a break, Mech's got family stuff to deal with. he'll be back soonish maybe
Not family stuff. I'm first son so I have to go sort out the prayer stuff at the local Masjid. It's more an obligation than a family emergency.
>>‘I heard there was a KanMusu Psychiatric Unit on-base. Would you mind elaborating on that for me?’
>>‘Would you mind giving me a small rundown on Awakenings and Overrides?’
>‘Akashi… do we have any individual biological records on Abyssal units?’
>>‘Akashi… do we have any individual biological records on Abyssal units?’
2-way tie. Flipping a coin.

Coin flipped, winner decided.
>‘Would you mind giving me a small rundown on Awakenings and Overrides?’ or where I could read up on it?
Dammit was on the bus and for some reason the post didnt go through till I got home.
We should ask Akashi's opinion on what we saw happening with the Imps. Maybe she'll believe us?
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‘Would you mind giving me a rundown on Awakenings and Overrides?’

‘That’s… an odd request.’ She sets down the clipboard before grabbing a chair and dropping onto it unceremoniously. ‘Wouldn’t you have at least covered Overrides back when you – you know, did the training?’

‘I’d prefer to hear it from your side.’ You answer honestly. The more you knew about Awakenings and the mysterious nature of your Stream, the less surprises you could expect.

Akashi crosses her legs, smirking as two fairies land on her shoulders.

‘You’re actually the second person in the last couple of years to actually come at me with a question like that.’

‘Asking about Overrides and Awakenings?’

‘Asking about Overrides and Awakenings specifically because you think I’d have a different academical point of view about due to my status as a KanMusu.’ She crosses her arms, leaning back and eyeing you curiously. ‘Is there anything specific that you want to know?’

‘Anything you can drop in that’ll help me understand it more.’ You sigh, thinking back to your audition and the small camp that preceded it. ‘As far as I know, and that’s a stretch in itself, there’s some kind of mental override that’s installed in the RAY Interface to give a sort of… power boost to a KanMusu that’s been damaged enough. That’s as far as I can go in regards to the topic… if you can fill in any holes, I’d be better off for it.’

‘That is the basis of it.’

Akashi pauses for a moment, gauging you enigmatically.

‘An Awakening… is the logical conclusion of The Quickening or The Override in question reaching a zenith.’ She raises three fingers. ‘If you think of an Override as a power boost on the edge of death, an Awakening is the next phase… or its own subject altogether, depending on who you ask. The Quickening of an Admiral is usually associated with emotion and synchronization; the willing meld of KanMusu and human to give a tremendous boost in power. It’s almost always done at an emotional high when the resonant fields of the KanMusu and an Admiral she’s bonded to results in an explosion of spiritual energy. A lot of the professors that studied the subject, each of them explaining just how The Stream and The Override factored into it, but they’re so contradictory against each other that you’ll be a mess before you can find out anything concrete.’

‘What did you find out on your end, then?’ You frown, curious.

‘That the Awakening isn’t so much an explosion of energy… but a pseudo-evolution of KanMusu. I can’t say it for myself because I’m hardly the type suitable for the front lines… but a lot of them ignore that we’ve had Awakenings that happened independent of the nature of a Stream.’ Her lips form a thin line. ‘Thing is, all of them have been… pretty bad.’

‘An Awakening can happen without the synchronization? It might be its own thing altogether, then.’

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Akashi Can Fangirl, Too.jpg
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‘There’s no evidence disproving it, but if you ask me, the evidence can go off itself.’ You snicker at her grumbling. ‘A controlled environment is never the way to measure these kind of things; I believe in the original theory, but I do believe that the Stream, rather than a source or connection… acts as a stabilizer of the link rather than a true connector between KanMusu and Admiral. Credit to the humans – no offense – you guys are smart enough to come up with all these theories, but when you guys find the most convenient one and get the coinciding evidence, you mostly just call it a day and work around it.’

‘Still salty about that academics thing, huh?’ You smirk.

‘You have no idea.’

‘How does the Quickening factor into this?’

‘Most Awakenings that have happened on the field… aren’t what I would call true Awakenings.’ She continues, ‘A lot of them ignore the difference in control, power output and the like just because they see blue or gold flames. Just because things look the same doesn’t mean they are… but if you turn to a page in journal on the subject, they treat it the same anyway.’ She points at you. ‘Your Quickening, I believe… acts as a buffer to either break through the Override’s power boost cap and push us KanMusu over that line. My line of thought is… your Stream doesn’t just act as the connection, but a means of balance between KanMusu and Admirals, Commanders; the Quickening is something that enables you to push through where an Override would fail.’

You nod.

‘The Override is the same as forceful entry into a core. You don’t get any simpler than that – you’re throwing in your energy regardless of how the KanMusu accepts… or rejects it.’ Again, you nod – that much you knew. ‘You do away with the filtration; it’s not a pretty experience. We understand why it’s there… and Heaven knows it’s saved more lives than I have, I reckon, but it’s not something a KanMusu ever wants happening to her.’

‘I can see that.’

‘The Quickening, in comparison, is the synchronization of your essence and the KanMusus.’ She raises a finger on each finger, bringing them together. ‘It doesn’t do away with the need for an Override, but the resonance field where you and your KanMusu meet? The Quickening makes that a whole lot easier… and it allows a bigger boost – some of us would even call it evolution.’

‘A few KanMusu have reached this little point, this little evolution… and we gave it our own name.’ She puffs her chest proudly. ‘Kai.’


You’re interrupted by two ladies bursting into the tent.

‘Miss Akashi, we’re having a problem with the generator distribution grid – the maintenance unit won't proceed unless the supervision disclosure is – !'

‘I’ll handle it.’ Akashi gets to her feet.

She’s gone before you can get a word in. You are alone in the tent now.
>Visit Locations [Refer to >>1142923 (You)]
>Look for your KanMusu (Specify)
>Look for Admiralty Staff
>District Management
>>Look for your KanMusu (Specify)
visit Shigu and see if shes awake.
>>Look for Admiralty Staff
Go to the Admiral. Probably get a debrief or something, and see if there's been an update on Takao's side quest
>Visit Location [Trainer]

Let's double down on the fitness
>>Look for Admiralty Staff
We really should find the Admiral, since Takao's side quest is the last one we still have.
>>Look for Admiralty Staff
Ask about Takao's request
not for honor but for takao
>Look for Admiralty Staff
>Look for Admiralty Staff
>>Look for Admiralty Staff
Lets go talk to the major, see if we can pick up some sidequests

I don't really care what we do next guys, but please do remember: District Management.

Fingers has been feeling neglected, and we really don't want the town to go to shit.

Also something to keep in mind.
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You sigh as you grab your tee and jacket off the counter. The fairies, resigning too the fact that Akashi probably wasn’t going to be coming back to clean the mess herself, get to work, flying and magicking tools and bolts, putting them back in their places. You don your jacket and make your way out of the tent, back out into the caged inner compound. Walking towards the MP by the gate, you wave a hand, prompting him to opening it for you. Hands in your pockets, you trudge right out, past the Mess Tent and right out of the MASH compound. You had one place in mind.

A buggy stops not a few minutes later, empty save for the driver and a sleeping MP in the back seat.

‘Where to, sir?’


The engine revs and the driver goes into gear, zooming along past makeshift army tents and crews towards the northwestern part of town. As he drives, you catch a better glimpse of the town – there were a few more bodies sifting through the rubble and helping out with recovery efforts. Although the place wasn’t quite bustling, at least, for now… there was some semblance of life. Shoplots were still empty, stripped by opportunists, but the amount of army, Admiralty staff and civilians working together to try to at least make it work again; it gave you a small flicker of hope that things could get back to the way things were. Where, despite the shadow of threat… people were determined to live their lives as they wished.

When this war ends, one way or another… it’s ours, too?

That would be a good thing, wouldn’t it?

‘Sir, we’re here.’

You’re shaken from your train of thought – the buggy had stopped right in front of the new Command Center, smack dab in the middle of the compound with a straight shot towards the sea. Thanking him, you jump out of the buggy and make your way inside… where, sure enough, the sound of humming machinery and the blue glow of the holographic projector

The Admiral, Fusou and Ooyodo were around what appeared to be a glowing blue hologram of Taiyouga.

‘Commander.’ He catches a glimpse of you. ‘Glad to see you’re in one piece.’

‘Admiral.’ You turn to the two present KanMusu. ‘Ooyodo. Fusou.’

The both of them bow deeply, leaving without another word.

‘I didn’t know that we had casual days around here.’ He gestures to your jacket.

‘I apologize, sir.’

He waves a hand, indicating it was only in jest, before leaning against the apparatus.

‘So, what can I do you for, Commander?’

>‘Sir, about the inquiry on Atago’s grave plot… has there been any progress?’ PROGRESS QUEST
>‘So what’s The Admiralty’s next move going to be, sir?’ (Ask about military tactics)
>‘How’s Yokosuka looking?’ (Inquire as to the state of the town)
>‘Do you miss your family, sir?’ (Personal)
>‘Doing some advanced planning?’
>‘Sir, about the KanMusu… after the war, they…’
>>‘Sir, about the inquiry on Atago’s grave plot… has there been any progress?’ PROGRESS QUEST
get this ball rolling again
>‘Sir, about the inquiry on Atago’s grave plot… has there been any progress?’ PROGRESS QUEST
>>‘Sir, about the inquiry on Atago’s grave plot… has there been any progress?’ PROGRESS QUEST
>>‘Sir, about the inquiry on Atago’s grave plot… has there been any progress?’ PROGRESS QUEST
>>‘Sir, about the inquiry on Atago’s grave plot… has there been any progress?’ PROGRESS QUEST
>>‘How’s Yokosuka looking?’ (Inquire as to the state of the town)
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‘Sir, about the inquiry on Atago’s grave plot. Were you able to get anywhere with it?’

The Admiral reclines in his seat… or as much as he was able to, anyway. It looked uncomfortable.

‘I tried my connections… turns out some burnt out old engineer isn’t going to get any favors.’ He rolls his shoulders, leaning forward – his expression was definitely one of regret. ‘The Navy was insistent that the cemetery was for the sailors who had passed on in the line of duty or had served with distinction during their careers.’ He lets out a breath, leaning back again; the chair creaks audibly. ‘The argument on their part is the same as it ever was – Atago was not one of them and thus ineligible on a legal basis to have a claim to a burial ceremony or a plot of her own.’

You let out a sigh, intertwining your fingers and turning your gaze towards the ground.

‘I see.’

‘There is another option, if you have the nuts for it.’ His mustache bristles… but your ears perk up as a sense of hope returns to your being. ‘I have an acquaintance. He’s an insufferable lout and miserable to share a table with…’

He mutters obscenities under his breath.

‘If you’re insistent on this pursuit, though, I can arrange a meeting between the both of you.’ He leans forward, looking you dead in the eye. ‘I have to forewarn you – he’s a hardass as they come and more traditional than a damn rowboat.’ The Admiral crosses his arms, his usual cool compromised. ‘I don’t know if he will help you… but I can guarantee that he’ll at least lend an ear to listen.’ The Admiral looks like he’s contemplating on his words. ‘He might have a bigger hold on the end-say, but I can’t promise you more than that.’

‘If it’ll help… I don’t see any reason to turn it down.’ After so long, you feel that Takao needed at least some degree of closure. ‘What – who do I have to speak to?’

‘Well, the brats back in the day used to call him Toecutter… but you’ll be addressing him as Captain, sir.’ He grunts, scrunching his nose. ‘Don’t try to play mind games with him, don’t try to make small talk unless it’s about baseball and don’t pretend to talk about baseball if you don’t like it or he’ll…’ He chuckles darkly. ‘well, his name’s enough of a hint.’

‘Is there a reason that you’re referring me to him directly, sir?’

‘Because I can’t stand being around him for more than five minutes.’ He waves a hand. That was an odd stance for The Admiral to take with this man. ‘I can wholly understand you not choosing to decline on the offer, but if you want to see him… I can arrange a meeting tonight at Mamiya’s. You’ll have to take it from there, though.’

He rubs his temples, elbow on the apparatus, waiting for your answer…

gotta try.
We made a promise

Speaking of promises. COOKING LESSONS WHEN? That casserole still has to happen.
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TTK Replies.jpg
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‘If it’s the only way, there’s really no choice, is there?’ You shuffle your feet. ‘If you can arrange a meeting between us, sir, I’ll try to see what I can do from there on out.’ You dip into a quick, deep bow. ‘I appreciate you doing this for Takao and I, sir.’

The Admiral considers you for a moment, and for that brief moment, you think that there’s a hint – no, a wave – of annoyance directed from him to you. He doesn’t answer you, making grumbling noise as you notice him taking out that familiar, battered pipe and biting on the bore, as if contemplating something. He shifts slightly before letting out a defeated, wry breath and throwing you another glance – one with an emotion somewhere between pity and frustration, if there ever was a middle point.

‘If you want it.’ He finally speaks.‘You owe me for this, Commander. You owe me big.’

‘Of course, sir.’

He moves to light his pipe… when a tiny fairy lands on the edge of its bowl and tilts its head, looking at the Admiral with large, innocent eyes. With a click of his tongue, he takes the pipe out of his mouth and deposits it into his front pocket before eyeing you up and down with what you recognized to be disapproval.

‘You might want to clear up before you meet him, though, Commander.’ He points to your jacket. ‘He may not like The Admiralty much, but if you meet him looking like that, you might as well throw yourself to the Abyssals.’

‘I’ll try to remember that, sir.’

He harrumphs, crossing his arms.

‘Anything else on the agenda?’

>‘So what’s The Admiralty’s next move going to be, sir?’ (Ask about military tactics)
>‘How’s Yokosuka looking?’ (Inquire as to the state of the town)
>‘Do you miss your family, sir?’ (Personal)
>‘Doing some advanced planning?’
>‘Sir, about the KanMusu… after the war, they…’
>‘Sir, about the KanMusu… after the war, they…’
>>‘Sir, about the KanMusu… after the war, they…’
Might as well see what he's got to say
>>‘How’s Yokosuka looking?’ (Inquire as to the state of the town)
>>‘How’s Yokosuka looking?’ (Inquire as to the state of the town)
>‘Sir, about the KanMusu… after the war, they…’
>>‘Sir, about the KanMusu… after the war, they…’
>>‘How’s Yokosuka looking?’ (Inquire as to the state of the town)
Have some prayers to do. Be back at 2.00 PM my time.

>‘Sir, about the KanMusu… after the war, they…’

Im guseing put down, disable so cant fire guns or something, or used in a war agest other humans or all of the above in differnt orders
>>‘Sir, about the KanMusu… after the war, they…’
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‘Sir, about the KanMusu.’

He makes a disgusted noise, raising his hands and baring his teeth.

‘If you’re gonna ask me about bedroom antics, kid: I don’t know, I choose not to know and if I ever knew at one point or the other in my life, I have ignored and have remained ignorant.’ He throws an accusing look in your direction. ‘None of my business and all of yours.’

‘It’s not about that, sir.’ You hesitate. ‘It’s about after the war, what’s going to happen to them?’

The Admiral doesn’t answer immediately, electing to take out his pipe and light it. A fairy nears him, chirping angrily and stomping its feet mid-air before zooming away. He takes a puff from his pipe, thinning his lips before turning his gaze back down towards you, an unfamiliar sheen over his eyes.

‘You’re looking way too far ahead, Commander.’ He says in that gravelly voice of his, further enhanced by the puffing of his pipe. ‘As it is… we’re not sure if we’re going to be there at the end.’

‘In the hypothetical situation that we do see this through?’ You choose to pursue the topic anyway, despite all the warnings that The Admiral had thrown your way. It wasn’t so much your worry or curiosity that drove you… but the need for you, to close the book – to end this chase, one way or another. Your recently-rediscovered persistence was making its rounds again. ‘That despite the odds we do come out ahead… what next?’

The Admiral blows the smoke out between his lips.

‘I don’t know.’ He shrugs, but not in a dismissive manner. It was an admission of ignorance on his part. ‘I thought about it once… but I figured the more I thought about it the less I cared about the now. Officially – and unofficially – there are no plans of the sort to tend to the needs of KanMusu after the war. Although, I imagine that they’re probably just going to go Houshou’s route, if anything.’ He starts counting things down with his fingers. ‘Nice small house, a garden and some money so they can have a drink or two at the bar.’

He throws you a smile – cold, wry and regretful. You return it.

‘Let them live the rest of their days in peace?’

The both of you laugh. It’s hollow and humorless… almost in resignation.

‘It’s a good dream, isn’t it?’

A small part of you did hope it was more than just a dream, though… that after the fighting was done they would do as they had done with Houshou – and that the KanMusu would be able to live out to see the world that they had fought and bled for. Turning to the Admiral, you decide not to follow-up on the matter.

Your Admiral was right about one thing: it wasn’t the time to worry… yet.

>‘How’s Yokosuka looking?’ (Inquire as to the state of the town)
>‘Do you miss your family, sir?’ (Personal)
>‘Doing some advanced planning?’
>>‘How’s Yokosuka looking?’ (Inquire as to the state of the town)
>>‘How’s Yokosuka looking?’ (Inquire as to the state of the town)
>>‘How’s Yokosuka looking?’ (Inquire as to the state of the town)
>>‘How’s Yokosuka looking?’ (Inquire as to the state of the town)
>>‘How’s Yokosuka looking?’ (Inquire as to the state of the town)

>‘How’s Yokosuka looking?’ (Inquire as to the state of the town)
Apologies in advance. Had to do a little gardening and fell asleep after it took longer than expected.
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‘How’s Yokosuka looking?’

The Admiral looks even more haggard, chewing on the tip of his pipe. He guffaws humorlessly, peering from under his cap and slumping a few inches down.

‘The city’s slowly getting back to the way it was… but whatever goodwill and faith we had with the people, that’s not coming back.’ He lets out a tired breath, his eyes looking dead ahead, focused on the apparatus opposite the both of you. ‘The businesses and the residents, the ones that left… they’re slowly being turned around to an idea of a return, but the fact that we were compromised? They’re not gonna be forgetting that anytime soon.’ He places his hands in his pockets taking another deep puff. ‘Still… nothing left but to fight at the end of the day, like always, I suppose.’

He scrunches his nose, annoyance now apparent in his gaze.

‘Other than that, I’m up to my eyeballs in legal documents that I can’t make heads or tails of.’ He clicks his tongue. ‘It looks like our old friend the Deputy Mayor’s challenging our stewardship of the city on legal grounds, the cheeky bastard.’

‘Deputy Mayor?’ You frown – you thought you’d heard the last of that joker. ‘I would’ve thought he’d try and be a lot less… ubiquitous after Takao handed him his marching orders.’

‘He is.’ The Admiral answers gruffly. ‘He’s not doing it directly. Those companies that he tried to sell the town to are backing fronts to push through with a legislative framework and demanding a legal precedent; according to them – that regardless of how the deals were made, the contracts that they established are still standing.’ He takes out a packet of tobacco from his pocket… frowning as he rubbed it – it was evidently empty. ‘I can’t get the full dictation that they laid out for me, but it looks like none of them have an intention of backing down on their… charity, so to speak.’

‘I don’t get it.’ You shake your head.‘What the Hell are they thinking doing this? I’m not even going to go into greed – why would they want a town that’s just been ravaged by an Abyssal force?’

It seemed like a stupid thing to do in the middle of a war.

‘Because it’s good business.’ The Admiral sighs. ‘If we lose, they lose it all… but until we lose, they’ll be making a killing. And if we’re all still breathing at the end of the day, well… I guess that’s why they say billionaires wake up with two ideas in the morning.’

‘How’re the people taking it?’

The Admiral puts on a sarcastic smile.

‘The people aren’t here to take it.’

>‘Do you miss your family, sir?’ (Personal)
>‘Doing some advanced planning?’
>‘Do you hold it against me that Nagato… wanted to serve under my Division, sir?’
>‘I’m sorry for taking so much of your time, sir… and thank you.’
>>‘I’m sorry for taking so much of your time, sir… and thank you.’
Alright, lets not overstay our welcome.
same, better move on and do other stuff like checking fingers
>>‘I’m sorry for taking so much of your time, sir… and thank you.’
From what i remember we checked on Fingers before we left on our last mission, so there shouldn't be that much that happend in 2 days.
We should get going on those cooking lessons.
>‘I’m sorry for taking so much of your time, sir… and thank you.’
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Admiral's Second Little Girl.jpg
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You move to take your leave. No doubt that you’d taken quite a bit of The Admiral’s time already… and judging by the lingering mood, there didn’t appear to be anything on either part of you to discuss with each other, for now. You’d leave The Admiral to his work; giving a salute, one which he returns with nary a word.

‘I’m sorry for taking so much of your time, sir… and thank you.’

You give a steep bow before turning on your heel and heading back outside. There was still some time prior to your meeting with the Admiral’s acquaintance; time that you could spend tying up a few ends that needed some attention. As you step outside, you encounter a familiar, if only mildly acquainted face, who, startled, almost trips over herself backing away from you.


‘Ah, C – Commander!’ She manages breathlessly, trying to gather herself and dust whatever it is that unwittingly leapt onto her clothing – which you now notice is a casual, if slightly less-conservative, kimono. In her hands she held folders and a pencil case, her person more flustered – a condition you think is very common when it came to her, considering just how she’d struggled with those documents the last time you had seen her. ‘Did your meeting with The Admiral go well?’

‘More or less.’ You offer her a friendly smile. She looks downward, biting her lip, somehow nervous. ‘Is there something wrong?’

‘I heard what happened to the RAY during the operation… but everyone’s safe, right?’

‘No, I’m afraid they’re all dead. I just came in to turn in my badge and walk away from this life.’

You see tears forming at the corners of her eyes.

‘I’m kidding! I’m kidding!’

Somehow, your sense of timing with the jokes never seemed to improve – and it always came right after the realization that joking about their comrades being peeled off like petals on a flower was never the kind of thing to throw to KanMusu who were probably prepared for – but never get used to – the deaths of their sisters in arms. Fusou gathers herself quickly, but the laugh that followed after – probably to accommodate your attempt at humor only made you feel a lot guiltier.

‘Everyone’s fine. They’re in recovery in Ominato… and should be back by tonight or tomorrow morning, if all goes well.’

‘I’m… I’m so glad!’ She clutches her chest. ‘When I saw that you were taking them on such a dangerous mission, I had my doubts, but… really, fry cooks are something, right?’

You feel heat in your cheeks as she smiles at you. You weren’t interested of course… but that kind of praise was hard to come by, especially from pretty girls.

‘Thank you, Commander.’

She gives you a bow and disappears inside.

>Visit Locations [Refer to >>1142923 (You) (You)]
>Look for your KanMusu (Specify)
>Look for Admiralty Staff
>District Management
>District Management
>District Management
Maybe after this we can drop by the barracks to get ready for the meeting the Admiral set up for us.
>District Management
I'm just here to tell you guys you just wasted an action point on District Management that you've already sorted out few days ago in-game. District Management was advised to only be done around ocne a week.

But that's your screw-up. Not mine.

Commencing write-up.
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Old Man Returns.jpg
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As a buggy thunders down the stretch, you raise your hand and thumb to hail it down. The vehicle stops on a dime, overshooting your mark by a mere foot or two… and its passengers all unload, tearful and in praise of their saints and Gods, kissing the ground and swearing to never maltreat a soul again. You shake your head, wondering just how melodramatic some people could get sometimes. The bunch of them grab their equipment from the buggy’s bed, hauling themselves to whatever work they had for the day. Without ceremony, you leap into the passenger’s seat, strapping your seat belt around you and turning to the driver.

‘Commercial District, please.’

Then you realize just why they had leapt out.

‘Hey, kid, what’s happening?’

Before you can leap out and run for the hills, the buggy’s engine roars to life. At the end of the seemingly endless road before you, you see a skeletal man in a snappy black suit, polishing his scythe and waving to you in a manner you’re not sure whether to find too offensive to be friendly. It’s too late to argue on the semantics, however, and everything becomes a mixed blur of grey, green and blue. You don’t know whether you’d gone deaf after the first 500 feet or were on the cusp of your own ascension to the Heavens above. You hang on to the side of the door, your teeth rattling and your skin feeling as though it was being liquified by the sheer violation of the laws dictated by existence. As the corners and protruding pieces of rubble approach, you move to scream at the cackling, chatty madman of a buggy driver, the Old Man who seemed to know one speed: his plus one. The hills that follow have you in a floating state akin to your experience in the RAY Interface… only this one seemed to be a perversion to science and magic rather than a marriage of it.

‘Sorry, I kinda spaced out there; we’re gonna have to take a shortcut!’

So that was why there were hills. He had taken a wrong turn.

You would have screamed, but you couldn’t make a sound.

You don’t know how much time had passed – it could have been an eternity or long enough that time just looped itself back to your present state

‘You okay, kid, you look kinda white?’

You shake uncontrollably as your feet touch solid ground… and wave the Old Man away, muttering him your courteous thanks under your breath. He zooms away, cackling madly.

Finger is at his usual spot underneath the tree, surrounded by clipboards and a small crate of what you recognized to be beer bottles.

‘Boss, what’re you doing here?’

‘I’d like to see the – the current district allocation.’

‘Um,’ he furrows his brows, looking around and handing you one clipboard, ‘sure.’

>Reallocate (SEE Document)
Please post in the format of:

Prosperity- X
Recruitment (Crew)- X
Recruitment (Merchant)- X
Security- X
round things a bit

>Prosperity- 30
>Recruitment (Crew)- 40
>Recruitment (Merchant)- 31
>Security- 40

Prosperity- 35
Recruitment (Crew)- 40
Recruitment (Merchant)- 35
Security- 31

Maybe we can hang out with our boys to pass the time
If you guys just wanted to do that you just key in the Location and decide to go there.
Cant we do both since we're already here?
You consume a point in sorting out the changes and your men. You can use another point to do the "hanging out" thing if you so wish.
Is our meeting with the navy captain going to cost a point?
Flipping a coin between these two.
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191KB, 419x610px
You had to hand it to Fingers: he knew talent – or brains – when he saw it. The six men before you tapped their pencils and rustled their folders as they hung onto your every word, writing down the changes that you had seen fit. You feel a little embarrassed speaking to a group of thugs that could have knocked you out like a school teacher delegating assignments to students, but it’s not something you dwell on. There were a few questions that were raised, but otherwise, you have to admit that they were much calmer compared to when they

‘Everyone got it?’

There’s a murmur of agreement from your men. One of them ribs the other… and he hands him back a pen.

‘Good.’ You put your hands on your hips. ‘Everyone knows the schedule, then?’

There’s another chorus of agreement.

‘All right, gentlemen.’ You clap your hands together, dismissing the group. ‘I guess we’re done.’

You walk out of the building and back onto the street, the sound of whirring machinery and cracking stones once again hitting your ears. Out of the corner of your eye, you spy the head electrician, a contractor and a few new workers chatting beside a cement mixer. The place hadn’t changed much in the last few days – not that you expected it to, but Fingers had a good hold on things here when you weren’t around… which was most of the time, anyway. Fingers, still inside the building, was giving some last minute instructions – probably so that there wouldn’t be a clash between your requests and the others.

Taking a small jaunt of the immediate area, you spy the changes that had happened since your arrival. The old lady was taking out her buns, offering them to a few military men that had decided to make a quick stop at her establishment, small and obscure as it was. The bakery was modest and homely, but the men enjoyed it enough to come often… and with your long delay in solving the mysterious attacks, you were thankful that some sort of option had developed, even if it wasn’t by your hand.

The most popular stall was still the –

‘Look, it doesn’t matter what attack – Torpedo Cruiser Kitakami-sama gains an extra instant effect this turn and it’s able to be activated in the event of any damage.’ One of your men crosses his arms, pointing at a shorter man with a crew cut across the table. ‘Regardless of who triggered it.’

‘You can’t direct a counter-attack to yourself, dude!’ His compatriot raises a small notebook.

‘I can target any KanMusu Card on the Ocean. Doesn’t say I can only target yours!’

‘Obaa-chan, how much for that seven pack?’

Of course the card shop would be the most popular one.

>Visit Locations [Refer to >>1142923 (You) (You)]
>Look for your KanMusu (Specify)
>Look for Admiralty Staff
>District Management
>go get some cooking classes
>Visit Locations
Mamiya's Restaurant.

Should probably start that cooking class some time.

>Cooking Lessons please.
>Visit Locations
Mamiya's Restaurant.
>>Look for Admiralty Staff
>The Major
sidequest start
>Visit Location(Mamiya's Restaurant)
Meeting the Captain in our apparel will get us killed now, hope we can stop by the barracks on the way there to get our uniform.
>Look for Admiralty Staff
The Major

Buy some playing cards
>Visit Locations Trainers Gym

I still think we should get buff, putting it off just makes it harder
>>Look for Admiralty Staff
The Major
Lets get us some sidequests

We -have- sidequests, or at least a promised casserole that we still have to learn how to cook for KanMusu to pull off. Let's at least get that ball rolling before another mission pops up.
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The ride with the Old Man, as always, had left you rattled. There wasn’t much in you that wanted to have anything to do with a buggy for the rest of the day, so you elect to walk. The evening finally settling down, you decide to pay a visit to Mamiya’s. It had been quite a while since you’d dropped by just to have a chat with The Chef and the proprietress, and you didn’t want either of them to think that you were too busy to drop in and share a table with them. Giving one last look to the noisy district, you start to make your way to the beach-side road; along the way, you manage a good look at a few of the restored, albeit vacant buildings from before and how they now at least had some color to them; the Army had done a good job with parts of the town that The Admiralty hadn’t been able to reach or afford to restore – maybe the whole place would get back into the swing of things before –s

You stop in your tracks as you spy three children and a middle-aged woman in an alley, clad in thick, albeit ragged clothing and clutching a gym bag – you recognize a small toy, a large action figure of some soldier was sticking out of it. A girl, who looked the oldest among the children was clutching a box of what looked to be Admiralty-issued supplies, staring at you with an expression somewhere between surprise, hesitation… and fear.

Giving them a nod, you go on your way. The last you see or hear of them is hushed whispers and the scampering of feet and the light tapping sound of rolling pebbles of rubble, right as you step outside onto the main road and are once again greeted by the sound of a rushing truck carrying a plethora of soldiers.

It’s not long before you end up in front of Mamiya’s. Pushing the entrance curtain aside, you go inside to see the place already at least half-full. You recognize Ikazuchi and Inazuma at a table with a maintenance crew member, who looked to be happily playing a round of cards with them as Irako rushed from table to table, serving drinks and small confectioneries to customers.

‘Heya, Commander.’ She gives you a friendly wave. You return the greeting and she goes back to her work.

‘Oi, what did I tell you lot about bringing that in here?!’

You fight down a smile as you see the Head Chef, out of the kitchen and glaring at a few members of personnel at a table, who had some kind of ceramic lamp post they were puffing, pointing an angry finger as Mamiya tried her best to calm him down.

‘Come on, man, it’s been a long day.’

‘You’re about to make mine longer, you mong.’ He growls – the men don’t take him seriously, of course, going back to their puffing. ‘You lot and – !’

‘It’s been a long day.’ Mamiya gestures him back behind the counter. ‘They could use a break.’

Reluctant and grumbling, he complies.

>Talk to Irako
>Talk to Mamiya
>Talk to Head Chef
>Talk to others (Specify)
>>Talk to Mamiya
learn how to use the Salt and have the DD's test our creations
>>Talk to Head Chef
Gotta ask him for the lessons

>Talk to Head Chef

Head Chef is the one who gives us introductory lessons, Mamiya is for the advanced techniques iirc.
Mamiya's the one to talk to for learning how to use the Tanaka Salt though
He had to see a specialist to learn how to cook Tanaka Salt, and that specialist is the Head Chef

Dude, this was literally spelled out for us in previous threads. Head Chef to learn the basics, Mamiya for advanced stuff.
>Talk to Head Chef
>Talk to Head Chef
alright disregard what i said, i suck dicks.
Still if we make anything have the DD's test it out
You are a cruel person.

I like the way you think.
>>Talk to Head Chef
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You make your way behind the counter to see The Chef preparing some sort of wrap for a few customers. The cook in you looks on in awe at how deft his movements were and just how much less a mess he left in comparison to when you had worked. You weren’t a bad cook, but the way he did it had you feeling a little green – minimal wastage, a clean board and no leaks from the wrap. He hits the bell and takes out some more bread from underneath the counter, reading off a note that had been stuck onto the glass divider, muttering under his breath. Irako comes not a moment later, picking up the plate and rushing over to the next table as he gets to work with the next dish… this time taking out what appeared to be a jug of… water?

No. It was liquified Tanaka Salt. Even from here you can see the thickness – the viscosity – of the liquid. This was Tanaka Salt at its most volatile form – it was hard enough for you to make heads or tails of it in its solid state, but liquified Tanaka Salt was a whole different beast. As you’re about to finally get his attention, he pours the jug into a saucer and produces what looks like a plate of lightly seasoned – and you finally notice, steamed – chicken breasts into the saucer before throwing the set into a small plastic bag… before shaking it and dropping the contents onto a plate, varnishing it with half slices of bread and some lettuce and tomato bits. It takes you a while – to your embarrassment – to realize just what it was that he had just cooked up.

Finger sandwiches. He had just made a plate of finger sandwiches.

‘Steamed.’ He mutters under his breath. He hits the bell and this time Mamiya is the one that comes to collect it, heading over to a table… where Zuikaku was seated next to a KanMusu you don’t quite recognize, with dark hair and clad in an old-fashioned sailor blouse.

‘Commander.’ You’re shaken from your thoughts by The Chef, who was now washing his hands in the sink opposite the counter/ ‘Didn’t expect to see you here.’

‘I had some time on my hands.’ You return, putting your hands in your pockets. ‘Thought I’d drop by and say hello.’

‘Of course you are.’ He frowns, sniffing the air and spinning around, eyes back on the table of MPs and crew members he had yelled at before. ‘If ya pricks wanna burn the place down you’re free to turn up the burner!’

Again, Mamiya comes to his side, nonchalantly raising a hand as she gets to preparing her own set of meals.

‘Let it go.’

He turns to you, snarling and jabbing a finger in her direction.

‘Bloody Hell, it’s like she doesn’t know how to stomp her foot down.’

‘I heard that.’

>‘I’ve decided to take up on your cooking offer… if now’s a good time?’ (Ask about lessons)
>‘Not having a good day?’
>‘How’re you liking it here?’ (Inquire)
>'I see that it's quite tumultuous here.' (Quip)
>>‘I’ve decided to take up on your cooking offer… if now’s a good time?’ (Ask about lessons)
>‘I’ve decided to take up on your cooking offer… if now’s a good time?’ (Ask about lessons)
>>‘I’ve decided to take up on your cooking offer… if now’s a good time?’ (Ask about lessons)
>‘I’ve decided to take up on your cooking offer… if now’s a good time?’ (Ask about lessons)
>>‘I’ve decided to take up on your cooking offer… if now’s a good time?’ (Ask about lessons)
>>‘I’ve decided to take up on your cooking offer… if now’s a good time?’ (Ask about lessons)
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‘I’ve decided to take up on your offer of cooking lessons.’

He regards you with a flat look, his lips thinning into a line and his arms over his chest as he does so. It hits you quite late that despite the overarching silence (save for a few giggles and whines from Ikazuchi and Inazuma), the place was still half-filled with patrons that probably had empty stomachs; professionally, you kick yourself mentally at assuming at just how ignorant you were to the man’s needs… but personally, you felt that you had a right to be a little bit selfish in this case – considering just how long ago you had promised Shigure that you’d be able to prepare a good meal by your hands, this little bit of unprofessional discourtesy was – at least in your mind – justified.

‘If… now’s a good time?’

Besides, you could just take your knocks later. It wasn’t as if you were going anywhere, anyway.

‘Sure.’ He shuts the tap and brings you in. He waves a hand to Mamiya, getting her to take over. ‘I only got time to teach you how to prepare the chicken, though, if that’s all right with you?’

That was perfect. You raise your prosthetic and touch your index and thumb, forming a circle to communicate just how all right you were with it. Without so much as another word, he gestures for you to follow him into the kitchen. As you step on a discolored tile, a sense of nostalgia… and belonging sweeps over you. The scent of oils and herbs attacks you with a vengeance as the thick air brings you back to your days zooming from stove to table to freezer as the voices of your past bosses meld into one, demanding you to prepare the next impossible dish.

You’re interrupted from your thoughts by the sound of a dull thud – The Chef had taken out a chicken from the fridge and set it on the chopping block on the table.

‘Clean yourself up. Hair net’s by the aprons.’

Nodding, you make your way to the rack and take off your jacket, taking an apron and hair net and washing your hands before you return to the table.

‘Take it you know how to chop one of these up?’ He hands you over a knife.

It doesn’t take long before you’re staring at 16 chicken pieces from drumstick to wings, spinning the knife expertly in your hand.

‘Not bad.’ He gestures to your spinning cleaver. ‘Poor safety practice, though.’ Embarrassed, you set the knife down as he pulls out a pack of Tanaka Salt. ‘We’ll be working with the solid one first.’

‘What about what you were doing just now?’ You frown quizzically. The man had made it look easy enough back at the counter out in front. ‘The trick with the plastic bag?’

‘Before you run, you have to walk first.’ He takes a pinch of the substance… and rubs it all along a chicken breast. ‘Apply it thoroughly but gently.’

You take a pinch…

>Stay on target… Stay on target… (Roll a 1d6 each)
Rolled 6 (1d6)

Rolled 3 (1d6)

Rolled 6 (1d6)

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Rolled 3 (1d6)

Rolled 5 (1d6)


...I feel like Mechanic is gonna start raising our DC again.
But this was for cooking, which the MC is suppose to have experience in.
If you want to, I can.

I do not, but I recall you getting a little salty when luck was on our side a few times too often.
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You got me playing this stupid goddamned waifu simulator.

It's gone midnight and I'm still up and I have work tomorrow, thanks OP.
You're welcome.

It's not fun, but... it's kind of addictive for some reason.
Is that kancolle? I never played it, but that was because I heard it was in Japanese.
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‘You’re a natural.’

Therre’s a hint of sarcasm to his voice as you rub the salt all along the flesh of the chicken, but also a hint of amusement – kitchen humor always had a hint of insult to it, but the fact that he didn’t stop you is more validation of your current state than his words were. The Chef takes away a few of the chicken parts and puts them into a bowl. You eye the white and pink skin and meat, feeling the coarse texture of the substance leave you as you rub continuously rub it against the chicken thigh (You notice that that was the part in your hand) you slow down the pace as a gut feeling tells you that you’d probably done enough by now. You ease off the chicken…

‘Not yet.’

You turn to The Chef, who only nods for you to keep at it instead of dropping the piece back onto the board. He places the bowl back on the table, now containing only three pieces of chicken left from the bunch of cut-up pieces from before. He takes out a drumstick and mimics your action, rubs his palm into the chicken. It didn’t seem so hard now that you got the hang of it – nothing like you imagined it to be. For some reason or other, you’d envisioned some kind of secret school of cooking techniques at the top of the mountain and Mamiya in a naked apron.

A frown mars your features. Maybe you weren’t as above it all as you thought.

You’re thankful that it wasn’t Irako, though.

‘Hey, you’re supposed to press harder.’ The Chef smacks your forearm, frowning and gesturing to the piece of chicken that you hold. ‘You’re not so much rubbing as much as you’re massaging. That piece is wet and this is a low concentration. Two things that you don’t want when cooking for a KanMusu.’

‘So why are we doing this?’

‘Practice.’ He frowns at you. ‘Tanaka Salt comes in varying concentrations. There a bunch of types for it, E4-H; E1-E; Summer E7-H… general rule is: higher number, higher concentration. There are exceptions – they’re the ones with a season before the number. Don’t ask me why; that’s how they salted – I mean, sorted it out. The lower the concentration the more thorough you have to be in distribution.’

‘Shouldn’t I be doing a higher concentration then? Since it’s less work?’

‘Hardly.’ He snorts. ‘The higher the concentration the easier it is to screw up the meal before you even have the stove up. I had pricks who just threw a steak into a damn bowl thinking it was the easy way out.’ He smirks. ‘I heard you were a cook.’


‘How was it?’

>‘I’m not sure if it was my calling, but I did find out I was pretty alright at it.’
>‘I loved it. Not so much the work, but I was at home in front of a hot stove.’
>‘It paid the bills, and I love cooking, but the grind? The drill sergeant rejects? No thanks.’
You only have to press a button once to figure out what it does, and the english fanmade API makes it easier to remember ship names.
>‘It paid the bills, and I love cooking, but the grind? The drill sergeant rejects? No thanks.’
‘It paid the bills, and I love cooking, but the grind? The drill sergeant rejects? No thanks.’

Let's be honest, it was working for other people we seemed to hate, not cooking itself. Citation: Belly.
>>‘I loved it. Not so much the work, but I was at home in front of a hot stove.’
>‘It paid the bills, and I love cooking, but the grind? The drill sergeant rejects? No thanks.’
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>E4-H; E1-E; Summer E7-H
>higher number, higher concentration of salt
>>‘I loved it. Not so much the work, but I was at home in front of a hot stove.’
There is also E-0 for some events
>>‘I loved it. Not so much the work, but I was at home in front of a hot stove.’
>>‘I loved it. Not so much the work, but I was at home in front of a hot stove.’
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You think back to your time serving in the kitchen, the sweltering heat, the thick air… the sense of accomplishment when you spied into the dining areas and saw your customers smiling and chatting away as they ate your food without complaint; then you remember just how… alone you were. The kitchen was always full of people, noise, barking orders and the like but you never felt like you really connected with anyone anywhere. People who called you friend seemed more like shadows than beacons in your life.

It wasn’t a time you were keen on going back to.

‘It paid the bills, and I love cooking… but the grind? The drill sergeant rejects?’ You shake your head, grimacing at the memories. ‘No thanks.’

‘Sounds like every other kitchen out there.’ The Chef snorts, smirking and… unimpressed. Of course he would be – he built his life around the stove. You just made your food on it.

‘Yeah, it’s not a place I wanted to build a career – I mean, I like cooking, but I can do without the pressure and the yelling.’ You frown. It wasn’t all bad, but you really didn’t have a desire to go back to the grind. ‘I have to admit I did pick up a few tricks… and there’s always something new to learn when you get hired and – ?’

You look to your right, seeing your current teacher… currently wrapped in thoughts of his own, muttering under his breath. You move to shake him from his reverie after a few seconds, before he comes out of it on his own.

‘Sorry, just spaced out for a bit.’ He shakes his head, sighing and… scowling at you. ‘You’re a bit like my son in that respect, I suppose. The boy loved cooking something fierce. He’d chew off his own arm or eat dirty himself before he’d let someone eat a meal they weren’t satisfied with.’ He grumbles as he sets his piece of chicken down and moves over to the sink.

‘So is he… a chef or something?’ You chuckle. ‘Tried to follow in Dad’s footsteps?’

‘I don’t know what he’s doing now.’ He turns away from you. ‘Probably… if he can stand the heat. Never could, sometimes.’ A small bout of mirthless laughter leaves him, his back still to you. ‘I don’t know if he gets his temper from me or from his mother. To be fair, he could’ve just developed it all on his own.’

He rubs his hands dry.

‘Just rub those next two pieces. I’ll be back in a bit. When you feel that the texture is all around, drop it back into the bowl and I’ll show you the next trick – remember, just a pinch.’

The Chef waltzes through the door, leaving to your lonesome.

It’s not that hard, really – you don’t have to dip your tongue in the stuff. It was like regular preparation; the application of seasoning.

You’re on your last piece when you hear a yell outside. It sounded female.

>Get back to your task
>Check what’s going on
>>Check what’s going on
only one piece left so why not poke our head out the door to see whats happening
>Check what’s going on
Nosy commander is nosy
>Check what’s going on

Fuck. Chef's out so someone has to make sure the hookah or bong didn't start a fire.
>>Check what’s going on
>Get back to your task
>>Get back to your task
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Mamiya and Irako were watching something unfold with fear and uncertainty in their eyes. Most of the patrons had gone mysteriously silent, some of them willingly turning away from the direction of the commotion’s source. The Chef wasn’t in sight and neither was the gang of smokers and about half of the customers had gone since you had stepped into the kitchen to take your lessons. Irako hissed something to Mamiya that had her hissing something back, pointing over to…

Zuikaku, who was clutching her cheek, her eyes teary and her form trembling. She was standing and looking away from someone who was looming over her. Someone in what looked like a business suit and expensive shoes. The girl – the KanMusu – in the ponytail and old-fashioned sailor’s blouse was on her feet, snarling at the person who Zuikaku was standing before; even obscured by the tall man’s shoulder, you can tell that she was livid.

‘Why do you have to make it so hard, Zuikaku?’ It was a young man’s voice. That much you can tell. ‘Why do you have to make me do this?’

He scratches the back of his head messily, tapping his feet rapidly as he waited for Zuikaku to answer. As you approach her, you begin to see the tears – the hesitation – in her eyes. The lump in her throat that betrayed her fear at saying the wrong thing… something was amiss here. Zuikaku had been an annoying clod on the worst of days, but she’d been sunny through all of them. Yet now, here she was, looking like she was being whipped by a taskmaster in the most literal sense, her form smaller than it had ever been, her wings clipped and her expression sullen. That she would rather be anywhere but here.

But that despite it all, she wanted to stand in that spot.

‘Everything was going just fine, but you… God, you can be so selfish sometimes.’ He declares – his voice a mixture of anguish and desperation… but not the kind you’re comfortable with. ‘I come all the way here and you – you have to be on your high horse. You always have to have the high horse, but I forgave you, Zuikaku. I forgave you!

He gently clutches her arms, holding her in place.

‘Why won’t you let me say sorry?’ He says it in a tone warm enough to melt butter.

‘B – Because…’ She trails off, a hitch in her throat.

He lets her go… and you step back to see someone who could pass off as a magazine front page model, blonde, tall and sharp-eyed.

But not before his hand flies.


Her friend is halfway out her seat, looking on hopelessly at the Carrier. She doesn’t fall. Ever the soldier… she endures.

‘Did you know have any idea how hard it was for me?’ He snarls, pulling her again. ‘To lower myself and lay with you? Like I’m sort of sicko? Some freak?'

His spit flies in her face. Zuikaku closes her eyes, still looking away.

But she doesn't run.

What the fuck is going on here? We can kick his ass right?
okay some one needs to make some good insults and burns. also time for angry Commander to engage, just no ass kicking
Get him to leave. If he persists, pull rank, threaten to hit him with military law.
lets stick with insults, don't think fighting a civvy is a good thing when the Courts already annoyed with us
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Don't you see? He loves her.

She should let him say sorry. He is so sorry, but she won't let him be sorry. She's in the wrong you see, because he already said sorry but she wants him to suffer. Zuikaku's in the wrong here because she's just a shitty KanMusu and is lucky that a human would give her the time of day. Why doesn't she see the same thing?

Women, am I right?


KanMusu, am I right?
....We could kick his ass, and that might risk more trips to Akashi... Then again, seeing the thoughts on this guy makes me think that would be worth it...

Ugh, but yeah, try the sensible thing first I guess.

Get him to leave. If he persists, pull rank, threaten to hit him with military law.
only we can mess with ZuiZui
or Kaga
We arent fighting a civvy, we are simply...Taking out the trash. Yes.
Since I'm in a good mood and the Discord is rife with conflicted feelings, I'll allow you guys to change your choices around so you can come to the logical conclusion on what you want to do.

Let Zuikaku be or you can step in or, for you sadistic guys, just watch her get beaten in public while people drink and sip beer.

Your choice, really, whatever you want to do.
There's a fly on his cheek, punch it.
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I say we step in. Whether it has to get violent... Well, that's entirely up to the other guy.

I certainly hope he gives us an excuse to get violent.
This, I hope he gives us a reason to punch him.
"Sir, you need to leave, you're causing a scene." Is the diplomatic route. If he objects with the reasoning Zuikaku is 'making' him do things, note that he's the only one raising his voice and he needs to beat it.

I know, we really want to beat his ass....but we're an officer. We have to hold ourselves to higher standards and not give the Admiralty more problems.
unfortunately, that seems to be true. If he resists i suggest we "restrain" him however
I would normally just say use our robot arm to beat the shit out of him, but I'm getting really weird vibes from this >>1160511
I can't help but feel like somehow this would make everything worse. I'm not sure if it's not worth it though. Who is this guy? Why did qm tell us he would let us vote a second time to come to the logical conclusion as if intervening wasn't it? Is this guy like the grand lieutenants son or something?
I vote to ask anybody who the fuck this prick is and whether it's okay to kick his ass.

Yeah. Too bad the MPs are pissed off at us.
Hey Mech I have a question:

Are there any legal repercussions to damaging property belonging to the Admiralty/War Effort?

If so, do KanMusu qualify in this regard?
Going with this, if he keeps being a douchnozzle, we go all official on his ass since we as a military authoritiy have jurisdiction on military personnel
I usually don't reply to things like this this, but how dare you?

Grand Lieutenant is 27 38 years old.

Just think about the political ramifications of a KanMusu commander beating the shit out of a guy who is as well off and probably connected as this jerk seems to be? We're already on the shit-list.

Fuck, has the sub even left? I don't remember if she's still around or not.
Dechi still around somewhere
>hiding in a bush with a camera nearby
Depends on the base. Prior to the assault, KanMusu discipline was kept to the Subs or The Admirals, with the Carriers having sole exception - they were taken care of directly by the Shamans and the ISSF.
So on this base, do we have the authority to bring this man in on charges relating to unnecessary destruction of Admiralty Property, based on what he just did?

Or is this something the Commander would know anything about?
Injury or Damage to Admiralty Property, not destruction, my bad

Just wait for the twist that Zuikaku gets off on public humiliation and is a masochist.
To each their own, but the Commander seems like too much of a White Knight to worry about that right now ;)
Admiral's discretion, really. Most Admirals see KanMusu as soldiers. They care, but not to the extent of acknowledging them as their fellow man. The Admiral and don't click if you don't want to be spoiled: The Grand Lieutenant are exceptions among Admiralty leadership and thus run it like a Principal would a school.

The rules are there, of course, but they're more like guidelines for the Admirals for each base to operate at their will.
Thanks for the clarification Mech,

With that in mind I think that we should introduce ourselves as a Commander and threaten the Man with Incarceration should he continue to damage Military Property.

We will have given him a chance to leave without making a scene, and we can let out our rage should he continue. Thoughts?
The only thing that holds you back is your rank… not from intervening, but from turning his head into mulch and using his neck as bottle-opening practice. Zuikaku clutches her other cheek – with a small bit of shame creeping onto you, you realize just why she had been clutching her cheek just now… this wasn’t the first time she had been hit. Her eyes look fearfully to you… before reverting to one of shame; you open your mouth to say something – anything – to assure her, but you realize that with this man here she probably won’t so much as hear what you had to say. The man turns on his heel, his expression changing from that of anger to surprise – and confusion.

‘If you’re going to keep making a scene, sir, I’m going to have to ask you to leave.’ Your voice is rigid, firm.

The pony-tailed KanMusu was now on her feet, watching the scene unfold with gritted teeth. You throw her a calming gaze, gesturing for her to sit down with a gesture – you would handle it. She doesn’t sit down… but she does stop looking like she’s about to pounce on this man and tear him in half. That would be a bigger nightmare for all involved. The man laughs nervously, scratching the back of his head and chuckling in good nature, as though he had just made an innocent mistake.

He gives you an honest-to-goodness smile, and in normal circumstances, you would have probably just waved whatever it was that had happened off and you both would have probably just gone on your way. He bows in apology, a little, at least, before turning to Zuikaku, whose face was tearful… but determined.

‘I’m really sorry, I’m usually not – not this explosive.’ You highly doubt that. He grabs her hand, dragging her over to him, still wearing that disarming smile. ‘This girl here – this KanMusu – she’s just being a little troublesome. Isn’t that right, Honey?’

Zuikaku doesn’t say a word, her hand on his… and attempting to peel herself off.


‘Tell the good cashier…’ he struggles with her; you can tell that she’s not using even a sliver of her full strength. For whatever reason, you don’t know or care for… but she’s definitely trying to get away from him. ‘That there’s nothing wrong.’


The smile flickers briefly.

‘Zuikaku, come on, babe, we – !’

She shoves him – it doesn’t get him to let go, but he does stumble briefly. You see that handsome, boyish face contort into a disgusting snarl as he raises his hand high above his head…

‘Answer me when I’m taking to you!

>‘I think that’s enough.’ (Grab his hand)
>‘None of my business.’ (Walk away, let it be)
>>‘I think that’s enough.’ (Grab his hand)
okay that enough of that lad
>>‘I think that’s enough.’ (Grab his hand)
>>‘I think that’s enough.’ (Grab his hand)
But grab it with excessive force, with the prosthetic.
>‘I think that’s enough.’ (Grab his hand)

Now Introduce ourselves as the commander and threaten him with Incarceration should he continue to damage Military Property

>‘I think that’s enough.’ (Grab his hand)

Answer me when I'm taking to you!


Answer me when I'm talking to you!
>>‘I think that’s enough.’ (Grab his hand)
>Tell the good cashier
can't even get what job we're doing right.
bitch nigga need to get his shit together
>>‘I think that’s enough.’ (Grab his hand)
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You manage to grab his hand, holding it back with your prosthetic.

‘I think that’s en – !’

‘Stay out of this!’

You’re backhanded – clipped – by a speeding black glove, right underneath your eye. It’s not so much to make you stagger, but the unexpected nature of it has you lose your balance, if only slightly. Despite the lost weight, you’re still quite a big man… and you have to plant your feet back to prevent yourself from embarrassingly falling over. He doesn’t follow up – he’d seen you as nothing more than an annoyance, a pest.

Fucking minimum wage twit. Tried to play friggin’ nice and they always step over. They always step over.’ You see a shift in his stance as he approaches you. ‘Look, I tried to tell you there was nothing wrong and you just – you just stepped in, man.’ That damnable smile is back – that veil of honesty. ‘Sorry, let me get you something for that if you want.’

You feel a stinging sensation underneath your good eye – a tender sensation… and a wetness. You stagger, wincing as his helpful, gloved hand with metal cuffs, offering a handkerchief as Zuikaku’s gaze meets yours.

Your hand touches your face as you regain your balace.

He’d drawn blood.

>Restrain him.
have the nice personnel smoking nearby assist us if they can
>"I'm actually a Division Commander. And you really shouldn't have done that."
>Beat the shit out of him.

The time for civility has ended.
>‘I think that’s enough.’ (Grab his hand)

But not with excessive force. We're -trying- not to make more political/connected enemies. If he doesn't get the message this time, then we start squeezing and breaking things.

But with 'You. Me. Outside.' before we start beating him.
This, but push him to the ground roughly and hold him there. Dont go full apeshit on the guy. Just a healthy helping of whoopass
We already gave him a warning, any more would just be weakness
Take a break, guys. I need to do my prayers. Be back in an hour and change.
I can agree with the first part of >>1160846

But he just hit a member of the Admiralty, now I think we're justified with arresting him, so I'd say restrain the man, get some MP's to help when we find them, and bring him in. If he struggles then we use force

I would be all for that, except he hit us. It's now a matter of self-defense since he's clearly not in control of his own impulses and keeps blaming his outbursts on others.

Now imagine lads if Shigu or Sushi walked in with Kaga and saw this happening

...We could hand the guy off to them and then get back to learning how to cook? Delegating tasks like a good officer?
Wholeheartedly agree, and I think we're entitled to some physicality when we restrain him, I just think we should justify our actions so that the board of admirals doesn't come down on our admiral too harshly.

Going ham on this guy seems too easy, and I think there's going to be some backlash if we don't do this right. Just my $0.02.
I have no problems with being civil. I do have a problem with sitting there and taking it. If hes important enough to cause issues from us rightfully arresting him, then we will get the same shit from being more 'diplomatic' since we are interfering either way
yea i agree with restraining his ass and having the MP's come down. just saying how fucked he'd be if those two saw him hit us.
plus Mech said he ain't Military or Shaman. so he's about to get reamed by military law
Try to talk him down.
>Restrain him
Lets just forcefully restrain him and get someone to call some MP's, If he wants to fight back, then we can teach him where we got our battle scars from.

That only works if he respects us. He's already punched a 'minimum wage twit' and is patronizing us with the offer of an icepack or bandage after he FUCKING HIT US in public.
we're a ranked military officer he just assaulted on base with witnesses. that shit does not fly
U wot m8
Session re-commencing. Just got home,
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The first emotion that comes upon you is anger – selfish, righteous, malicious anger.

‘I’m going to ask you again.’ You begin calmly, wiping away at your cut. As your thumb makes contact with the wound, you almost wince – that had stung. ‘And this is the last time I’m going to ask nicely.’

He meets your gaze, unfazed.


He’s fast.

Thing is, though, big as you are, you’ve been hit by harder in softer places.

Your prosthetic may look bulky and at first sight, may have seemed like a lump of iron that was an excuse for an arm. The thing that people always forgot was that your arm wasn’t just a marvel of science, but an innovation of magic. The exoskeleton move your arms as well as any muscle, flesh and bone could – it was like it had never left you. You don’t need your magical eye for this – you don’t need Nee-san for this. You’re sure that if you had called on either, you wouldn’t be able to look yourself in the mirror and call yourself a man.

As an idiot, you step forward to meet his blow. His hand meets your cheek – and if you had been your old self, you would have probably been laid out on the floor now. You can feel something rattling – your jaw or your teeth – but all in all, he hits like a coward, an opportunist… a bully.

And you know just how to deal with bullies.

Before he can get over his surprise, your metal arm rises to grab his forearm – he lets out an immediate cry of protest… and attempts to knee you in the groin. Thing is, at this range, this close to each other… it’s not easy to give a knee. You clash your thigh against his kneecap to take the blow… and with tremendous effort, twist his arm. He lets out a cry for mercy, but you don’t stop. You arm rotates in your joint as you put your full weight on his shoulder, his elbow… his arm socket.

A small part of you tells you to stop there, that this was enough.

But it was a very small part.


The restaurant is silent.

A loud scream shakes your eardrums. It’s almost music.

The man’s face is pressed against a table, your full weight against his skull as you switch your hands. Your prosthetic exoskeleton is on his head… and your other hand was holding on to his useless wrist.


You toss him along the floor, making sure he lands front-first on the floor. He gains himself, his once-boyish good looks marred by red marks, tears and snot. He doesn’t look back, hobbling towards the door as the patrons stare at you, shocked.

‘Commander, I…’ Zuikaku catches your attention, looking guilty… before perking up. ‘I’ll get a first aid kit!’

You chuckle, pulling up a chair and dropping yourself into it.

‘So do you have a compulsion to play a knight in shining armor, or is that a privilege for a few lucky damsels?’

You look up.


>Don't like those that treat others like trash.
best i got
To quote Captain America:
>"I don't like bullies."
I've never been very good with bullies, but it's gotten worse watching how people dehumanize you girls. I'm tired of seeing people treat KanMusu like meat. The more of it I see, the less patience I seem to have.
>Under arrest for assault on officer and damage to a kanmasu.
Thats what happens when you hit a commander.
Basically this
My vote is for this, kanmusu giving their all for humans, even their lives and they get treated like shit? Thats no bueno
This. We don't like bullies to begin with, but this treatment towards kanmusu in particular just pisses us off. Besides, we tried the nice option first, this was mostly in self-defense.
Hardly a knight, I was just helping in the kitchen by taking out the trash.
"Are you telling me you'd like to procure my services, Milady?"

>Ironically tips fedora
That's how I think the Commander views this.

People get taken advantage of all the time, but others will come to their defense. The common perception is that the Girls are sub-human, and as such are without any protectors.

So the Commander feels the need to fill that role, and the more he gets to see the human side of the girls, the more intolerable their mistreatment for him becomes.
"Human side"

They're more human than a lot of people. Not a nasty bone in their body. As bad as Zuikaku hated that guy, she couldn't even bear to summon her own gear to protect herself because she thought she might hurt him.
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‘You know, the second to last thing I expected walking in here was you slamming someone on a table and breaking their arm.’ She takes a knee, taking a glance at your flexing fingers, a small smile playing upon her lips. You meet her with a tired gaze, touching your thumb to your cheek.

‘The guy was a psycho.’ You retort, your tone a little harsher than you had intended to. A glance at Iowa tells you that she’s not the least bit bothered by the agitation in your voice. ‘What was I going to do? Let her keep getting wailed on?’

‘You’re not afraid of the repercussions at all?’

‘With the trouble that I’m in, this is just another pile in the yard.’ You grimace, touching your cheek. The sting has you wincing again… and you throw a quick glance to the patrons, who were all watching you with curiosity. A part of you feels annoyed at them for making you step in. Why hadn’t they done the same? Why did you have to be the one at the end of the day to keep a young woman who would have given her life for any single one of these people present a hundred times over. ‘Ow.’

The cut wasn’t deep, but it had broken more than just skin. You mumble an incoherent curse – what kind of idiot wore those kind of gloves anyway? The only time you’d seen anyone wearing something like that was for a glamor shoot – how fashion conscious could you be to wear those in a place that was on the edge of an active warzone?

‘So why didn’t you walk away?’

Your gaze meets hers, a sharp quip at the edge of your tongue… but seeing the steel in her eyes, you feel yourself deflate and your emotions at a standstill. There is no irritation, no attempt to compensate anymore – between the both of you, what lingered was an honest question, and something as direct as an honest question deserved a clear, honest, answer.

‘I don’t do good with bullies. I don’t care what shape they come in.’

The answer is simple.

‘Especially not ones that are stupid enough to slap the ones keeping them alive.’

Iowa clutches her sides, laughing and… meets her gaze with yours again, smiling.

‘My Dad would’ve liked you.’

‘Y – ?’

You’re interrupted by the sound of bickering as Zuikaku, clutching a first aid kid, attempts to keep it out of the hands of a now-tearful looking Mamiya, who was trying to grab the offending box from the energetic Carrier. It was good to see that she had recovered her old self again.

‘Zuikaku, I can do – !’

‘M – Mamiya, I said it’s all right! I’m fine with it, ‘kay?’

You fight down a smile.

‘Here.’ Iowa holds out her hand to Zuikaku. ‘I’ll take care of the troublemaker.’

She appears hesitant in handing it over.

>‘It’s all right, Zuikaku. She’s with me.’ (Let Iowa nurse you)
>‘All right, work your magic.’ (Let Zuikaku nurse you)
>‘Well, you’re the boss, Mamiya.’ (Let Mamiya do it)
>‘I’m a big boy.’ (Do it yourself)
>>‘All right, work your magic.’ (Let Zuikaku nurse you)
>‘I’m a big boy.’ (Do it yourself)
as much as I want to be nursed by a cute girl, we just manned the fuck up, lets not blow it
>‘It’s all right, Zuikaku. She’s with me.’ (Let Iowa nurse you)
>‘It’s all right, Zuikaku. She’s with me.’ (Let Iowa nurse you)
Honestly I would be fine with a coin toss aswell since any of the options are good, but we might aswell get some points with Iowa so we can somehow lead into giving her that dress we bought on the inland trip.
>‘It’s all right, Zuikaku. She’s with me.’ (Let Iowa nurse you)
She's technically attached to our command, so it's the logical decision
>‘I’m a big boy.’ (Do it yourself)
>>‘All right, work your magic.’ (Let Zuikaku nurse you)

>‘It’s all right, Zuikaku. She’s with me.’ (Let Iowa nurse you)
>>‘It’s all right, Zuikaku. She’s with me.’ (Let Iowa nurse you)
>‘All right, work your magic.’ (Let Zuikaku nurse you)
>‘All right, work your magic.’ (Let Zuikaku nurse you)
>‘All right, work your magic.’ (Let Zuikaku nurse you)
>‘It’s all right, Zuikaku. She’s with me.’ (Let Iowa nurse you)
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‘It’s okay, Zuikaku; she’s with me.’

At the words, Zuikaku relinquishes her box of first aid into Iowa’s hands. Iowa pulls up a chair and sets herself down, opening the box and digging through the contents. Zuikaku approaches you, her cheeks still red, but otherwise fine. She appears hesitant to say her words, twiddling her thumbs as her friend, the pony-tailed KanMusu, gives her own look of gratitude, a reassuring hand on Zuikaku’s shoulder. Finally gathering her courage, she takes another step towards you, scrunching her lips… and dropping herself into a deep bow; her friend follows suit, although not as deep.

‘No prob – !’

You let out a yelp as you feel a warm touch your cheek – on your wound to be exact. A stinging sensation seems to leak from your wound all the way to your good eye, prompting your tear ducts to let a droplet escape. Iowa had begun her work – and in her own way, had not paid heed to your need to appeal to your ego and the lone do-gooder, instead dipping iodine on a cotton bud to disinfect your tiny cut. You don’t know why she would bother with the details – you’d been through worse, after all.

‘Be seeing you, Commander.’ Zuikaku giggles, before offering her arm to her friend. ‘Yahagi?

‘Lead the way.’ She hooks her arm around Zuikaku’s, throwing you a playful salute and a thankful wink, before following Zuikaku out of the restaurant and leaving you to Iowa’s tender ministration.


‘Stop being such a baby.’ Iowa giggles, dabbing the cotton bud, still laced with burning, stinging, iodine onto your cheek. You wince again as you feel her make contact with your wound, wondering if she got a kick out of this. ‘You know, for a guy who just played it out like those hard-boiled detective types, you’re really just a big, puffy marshmallow.’

You lean back, shooting her an offended look.

‘I’ll have you know I’ve lost quite a bit of weight in the last two months.’

Her eyes droop as she throws you an unimpressed stare.

‘Just hold still.’ You do so, but not without much difficulty. It felt like she was trying to stab you in the face, truthfully. ‘If you don’t disinfect the wound properly you’ll get an infection and in worst case scenarios, a fever and a rash.’ She draws back as you jump in your seat again. ‘So if you don’t want either, you’ll keep quiet and let me do this.

‘I know what iodine does, Iowa.’ You roll your eyes.

‘Then you know it’s for your own good; tough it up.’

You let out a hiss again as Iowa continues her application to your wound. It’s not long before you’re used to it enough to not let out hisses anymore – you hope you don’t need stitches. Akashi would kill you herself.

‘You know… usually the knight in shining armor walks away with the damsel.’ She jokes, chuckling as she puts ‘So why didn’t you?’

>better for her friend to be with her right now
>she needed a friend not a boyfriend or something like that right now
also we're still in the middle of cooking practice and i don't want to anger Not!Ramsey
>"Because I really need to get back to the kitchen before the Chef decides to make Idiot Sandwich the dinner special."
>Well, she's kinda sworn off relationships for one. But really, she's fine. She's got a friend taking care of her.

inb4 somebody puts in a flirty response
I wanted to help her, no strings attached. And I need to get back to kitchen.
I like this reply >>1161741
Yeah lets go with this>>1161741
> That's not why I did it. Besides she needed her friends not me.
but really it's because we lost the vote
>>"Because I really need to get back to the kitchen before the Chef decides to make Idiot Sandwich the dinner special."

These two together

These two.
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Have a thing
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And another thing
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You throw her a flat look, a salty taste building up in your gums. The implication was there… and you’re not quite sure whether to vomit at such an insinuation from your guest or to process a retort. She carefully dabs the side of your cheek as you contemplate your decision, her fingers a little rougher to the touch than expected as she holds your chin and steadies your head. Her face is scrunched in concentration, unaware of just how much discomfort she had put into your head by bringing up that little idea.

‘You’re kidding me.’ You hiss as she pulls away. The iodine was really beginning to set in now. ‘I’m not interested in Zuikaku that way. Besides, seeing as how bad her last relationship went… I don’t think that she’d want to get back into a relationship that easily.’

‘Was that her boyfriend?’

You pause. You’re not quite sure. To be fair, he did seem like the sort of jerk that Kaga would step in and run an intercept course on when it came to her friends, but considering the promiscuous nature of Carriers, it could have just been someone that Zuikaku had brought to bed once… who just ended up being a complete and utter basket case.

‘Probably.’ Iowa’s finger scrapes against your stubble as she pulls away and takes a small strip of tape out of the kit. ‘Can’t say for sure.’

She tapes your cheek just fine.

‘You’re done.’


You get to your feet, eager to continue your little practice session.

‘What’s with the get-up anyway?’ She points to your apron.

‘Believe it or not, I’m here for… cooking lessons.’

Cooking lessons?’ She makes a face, her brows scrunched in confusion as she crosses her arms. ‘I thought you were in the restaurant business.’

‘I was.’ You rub the back of your neck – somehow, your conversation with Shigure all the way back during that Aquarius debacle comes back to the front for your thoughts. ‘Never taught me any tricks of the trade when it came to a KanMusu customer base, though.’

‘You’re here to learn how to cook using Tanaka Salt?’ She picks up the kit, making a disgusted face for some reason or another. You roll your eyes as the both of you walk into the kitchen. ‘Why in the world would you want to do that?

‘Because I want to make good food for my Division members.’ You answer flatly, already tired at the volley of questions. ‘Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to get back to my lessons. I think I’ve left the chicken out in the open long enough.’

‘I’m looking forward to it.’


‘Your cooking. I’ll be looking forward to it.’ She dumps the first-aid kit in your hands, throwing you an enigmatic smile and a sing-song voice. ‘Bye, Commander.’ She skips towards the door, giving you one last look. ‘I thought you looked really cool.’

To your credit, your ego only swelled twice its usual size after that.


..Yay? I'm pretty sure this is gonna bite us in the ass, but we did a good thing. Hopefully.
Yeah, I have a feeling that we took the bait hook, line, and, sinker. But I think everything we did was in character for the Commander.
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It’s the late evening when you’re finally back within your compound… and spy your two favorite attendants on your stoop, looking antsy as ever. The both of them looked more well-dressed than you’d seen them before – your bulky attendant had a fancy leather jacket and pants combo going, looking the part of someone’s bodyguard. In comparison, your lanky attendant was in a snazzy business suit, a pair of glasses resting on the edge of his nose as the pair of them chatted the night away. It was odd to see them around here this late.

‘What’re the both of you doing here?’

‘Oh, we’re waiting for LEIA, sir.’

‘LEIA?’ You smirk, eyeing them up and down. As far as you knew, there weren’t any night clubs in working order. ‘You guys having a night on the town or something?’

‘Actually, sir… we’re here to, um… we’re going to see my Dad.’ ‘Pay some respects. It’s been a year, after all.’

You remember the tale of your lanky attendant… and how he had lost his father. He had been a fisherman’s son, after all.

‘Of course.’ You spare him an apologetic glance. ‘My apologies.’

The bulky attendant gets to his feet, scratching the side of his cheek as he addresses you.

‘Oh, and since you’re here, sir, The Admiral wanted us to tell you that your… contact? I think that’s the word he was usin’? I dunno… he said that he’ll be meeting you at The Imperial Army HQ in about… damn. In just over an hour, sir.

‘All right.’ That couldn’t be anyone but Toecutter. That didn’t leave you a lot of time to prepare. ‘Have a good one, you two.’

‘Sir!’ The both of them salute you as you pull out a key and enter the barracks.

You make your way upstairs… when at the platform you spy a young woman in the most outrageous combination of clothing that you had seen since you had the misfortune of walking into an alternative lifestyle store in search of a masquerade costume. The dress frame was disgustingly obvious… and taking up half the hallway’s width with a collar that could have doubled as a deflector shield on a bad day… not to mention the odd contrast of makeup that seemed to be messily applied all the way to –

‘C – C – Commander!’

You make a face. It was LEIA – of course it was.

‘Please tell me you’re not planning on visiting a grave plot wearing that?’

‘O – Of course not! I was just about to get out of this costume.’

Your eyes travel to the low cut of her dress.

‘Are those tassels?

She covers her chest, embarrassed.

‘Fine, fine, I won’t judge.’ You wave her off as she passes by you, rushing to her room to freshen up, more likely than not. ‘The both of ‘em are waiting on you. Wouldn’t want to keep them waiting too long.’

Speaking of freshening up…

>‘I reek. Maybe I should have a shower before meeting him.’
>‘Better just change for now. Going to be late.’
>>‘I reek. Maybe I should have a shower before meeting him.’
Resist any distractions though
>>‘I reek. Maybe I should have a shower before meeting him.’
no shenanigans from anybody, this is very important
>>‘I reek. Maybe I should have a shower before meeting him.’
>>‘I reek. Maybe I should have a shower before meeting him.’
>‘I reek. Maybe I should have a shower before meeting him.’

We must see to proper hygiene as well as dress if this guy won't even tolerate a slick bomber jacket.
>‘I reek. Maybe I should have a shower before meeting him.’
>>‘I reek. Maybe I should have a shower before meeting him.’
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Out of habit, you sniff your armpit. Finding the smell even less pleasant than usual… and that The Captain wouldn’t so much as tolerate casual wear, you elect to have a shower first. Turning the knob on the door, you find yourself facing a surprisingly tidy, albeit empty, room. Samidare and Shigure were probably off doing their own thing – and the showers looked to be free for now, so hopefully you wouldn’t have any distractions to get you off course. Stripping yourself of your clothes and carefully hanging your jacket on the chair, you lay out your Admiralty suit on the mattress before wrapping your towel around your waist. Gathering your toiletries right after, you make tuck them underneath your armpit and rush to the toilet. If your attendants had been right about the fact you had less than hour then you really didn’t have time to dally.

Tossing your towel on the rack, elect to shower and brush your teeth at the same time. Squirting your toothpaste over your toothbrush, you don’t bother to wait for the water to warm up in this instance. A little cold never killed anyone and you didn’t have the luxury to allow the heater to do its thing. Opening your maw wide underneath the showers, you begin to scrub.

After all, you were the only one in the showers. It wasn’t as if anyone could –


You curse your luck as you spin around… and see LEIA, clad in a towel, her face one of indignant annoyance petering into fury. You try to come up with an excuse that would placate her female mind, as annoyed as it was, but nothing seems to come to mind; all of a sudden the image of disgusted Division members arrives at the forefront of your thoughts as LEIA would tell them of your ill deed. Your hand still on the brush, you try to say something to get you out of your jam – anything.

‘LEIA, it’s called multi-tasking; multi-tasking.’ You try to put on your coolest, most in-control voice, putting on the look of a man with his hand on the wheel of fate. ‘I save ten minutes, you know. This is efficiency.’

You spit the remains of your gargling onto the floor to prove your point.


By chance, the loofa on a stick she launches at you – disrespectfully, you might add – makes contact with your cheek, making you jump and pathetically clutch your cut, glaring at your subordinate. LEIA, in her fury, relieves herself of her towel and turns on the shower head, massaging her bare breasts as the cold water fell over her naked body. It looked like her annoyance was enough to make up for any semblance of embarrassment that she might have had.

‘Oi, just where are you staring.’

‘Is that a pelvic tattoo?’

Her cheeks turn red. So much for that.

>‘How’s the work been so far?’
>‘So you never told me how you guys got together.’
>Shower in silence END ENCOUNTER
>>‘How’s the work been so far?’
Might as well ask while we multitask
>>‘How’s the work been so far?’
Just watch the clock
>>‘How’s the work been so far?’
How do people go from: I have to rush.

To being social?
>Shower in silence END ENCOUNTER

No time! We have to hurry to make this appointment!

You threw a naked girl at them, boss.
Taking a shower while talking isn't too hard. So long as we keep it brief, we can still be on time.
>>‘How’s the work been so far?’
I hope none of you sickos are thinking of cucking the poor bulky attendant.
NTR a shit, why do that to our attendant?
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some fucked up repugnant shit.jpg
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Not like Sheryl Nome is that attractive anyway
We're already getting plenty of action, why would we ever want this.

LEIA's entire purpose, in my mind, was to boost the popularity of our commercial district through her influence as an idol and to generally boost morale
R U srs? With the amount of shipgirls the guy already has, what reasons does he have to cuck?
>>Shower in silence END ENCOUNTER
I have no idea of your intentions as players. Keep in mind that I am GM. I can't read what you want to do - only carry out what you wish to do.
>>Shower in silence END ENCOUNTER
>Shower in silence END ENCOUNTER
>shower in slience
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‘How’s the work been so far?’

She doesn’t answer, instead, humming loudly underneath the already-loud shower. She must have had the thing on full blast, and yet… you don’t see her scrubbing an inch of herself at all. Her back is to you and despite her occupation as a singer, humming very off-pitch. It was akin to listening to a tone-deaf duck thinking it had a loon’s sense for pitch. A little worried, you approach your charge.

‘LEIA?’ You place a hand on her shoulder.

She instantly jumps back, clutching her breasts and crossing her legs as best she could. It hits you that since her arrival… this was probably the first time you’d been naked together. You want to chide her for her childishness but realize that, much like Iowa, she didn’t have any sort of connection outside of the realm of work for you – the most you could say about the both of you was that it was a strict (most of the time), professional relationship between a senior and a junior. You put your hands on her shoulder, making her break into a broken, nervous smile.

The last thing you wanted is for your inbox to be bombarded by hate mail for letting their idol slip in the shower.

‘Hey, hey, calm down.’

‘I’m sorry – this is the first time I’ve seen one that didn’t belong to him.’ You turn a little red‘Can you just… look away, please?

‘You never had a shower with your Dad?’ She doesn’t answer. ‘LEIA?’

‘You’re about his size, I reckon. Is waist size inversely proportional to penis length?’

You almost fall over.

‘I don’t need that kind of comparison.’ You gruffly manage, picking up the shampoo and beginning scrubbing away. ‘So how’s work been so far?’ You throw her a glance over your shoulder. ‘Probably a lot less glamorous compared to the diva life, huh?’

‘Are you kidding? It’s great!’

That hadn’t been what you’d expected from her.

‘Um… great?’ You raise an eyebrow, rubbing at your shut magic eye. ‘You like doing paperwork for 6 and a half hours of the day?’

‘Of course not, but… I’m actually helping make a difference. When you’re touring around, singing and sitting around with snobs… sometimes you forget things.’ She turns back to you, rubbing her shoulders with soap. ‘But being here, back in town… even if it’s filing for you and helping Yuubari-san out? I’m actually proud of my work. That I’m helping you help everyone else. Every little bit makes a difference, you know, and… I guess that I’m more proud of that than I am pretending I like the guy in the couch across.

‘And, of course… I get to be with him.’ She blushes, a fond smile on her face.

She covers her face, her ears beet red.

‘Please don’t tell him I said that! He’ll never let me live it down, the idiot!’

>‘Maybe I can assign you somewhere.’
>‘So how did you and him…?’
>‘What’s the story behind the tat?’
>Finish your shower quickly END ENCOUNTER
>>Finish your shower quickly END ENCOUNTER
>>Finish your shower quickly END ENCOUNTER
>Finish your shower quickly END ENCOUNTER
>>Finish your shower quickly END ENCOUNTER
>‘So how did you and him…?
With a mind on the time.’
>>Finish your shower quickly END ENCOUNTER
>Finish your shower quickly END ENCOUNTER
>>Finish your shower quickly END ENCOUNTER
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After thoroughly rubbing your person down with soap and shampoo – and enduring another scolding about gargling from your third attendant – you grab a towel and dash out of the shower, your toiletries tucked underneath your arm as you make a straight dash for your room. Drying yourself off as quickly as possible, you grab Kaga’s comb and try to get your still-damp strands of hair under control. You apply some powder and deodorizer before raiding your cupboard for drawers, grumbling as you finally find yourself a clean pair and don it, tripping onto the floored mattress as you did so. Never would it be said that you were a man of grace.

It takes longer than expected for you to be fully ready. Without further ado, you straighten your sleeves and finish tying your belt around the loops of your pants, opening the door and gunning it down the stairs. LEIA was still in the shower, singing some pop song that was probably a hit somewhere. You practically leap onto the landing and halfway down the next flight of stairs, the rails creaking as you try to regain your balance. Maybe you weren’t cut out for gymnastics just yet.

Grabbing your shoes, you throw the door open to see your two attendants still there, chatting animatedly as they stood out in the cold.

‘Hey, Comman – !’

‘Can’t talk, in a rush.’ You throw your shoes on… and almost trip; you realize you hadn’t bothered to tie up your shoes laces. Cursing, you go on bended knee and quickly lace them up, straightening your collar as you continue to make your mad dash towards Mamiya’s. ‘LEIA’s still in the shower.’

They both let out frustrated groans. Sometimes you were thankful that your girls never gave you such problems… most of the time.

Although one could argue that they brought issues of a different beast.

Biting the cuff of your wrist and pulling – there had been a bunch up, somehow – as you ran towards the compound… and seeing the encroaching darkness, you realize that you had to make a decision. Your shower had taken a little longer than expected and you weren’t quite sure if a buggy would gun it down here in time. Perhaps one had already passed or they were already having their dinner. On the other hand… you’re not sure how quick you could make it on your own two feet. You were a great deal fitter now, but Mamiya’s was at least a 40 minute casual walk along the main road. Maintaining that would be a feat from your end.

Whatever it was, you had less than that to make it to the Military Command.

>Try your luck and wait for a buggy
>Gun it (Roll a 1d6 each)
Rolled 6 (1d6)

>>Gun it (Roll a 1d6 each)
Rolled 4 (1d6)

>Gun it (Roll a 1d6 each)
>>Try your luck and wait for a buggy
I refuse to rely on rngesus
Rolled 3 (1d6)

>>Gun it (Roll a 1d6 each)
Rolled 1 (1d6)

>>Gun it (Roll a 1d6 each)
Rolled 2 (1d6)

>>Gun it (Roll a 1d6 each)
You folks currently have a 33 percent (repeating) chance of failure and a 66 percent (repeating) chance of success.
Oh, this is perfect.
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colbert needs a drink.png
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>Off by 1
But isn't the DC 16? then we just barely made it
DC got moved to 17 several threads back
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80KB, 934x934px
Nope, the DC was bumped up because we had a good streak.

Then never returned to what it was originally.
You disgusting fuck-up
File: Hello Commander.jpg (27KB, 460x290px) Image search: [Google]
Hello Commander.jpg
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You’re out of breath. You don’t know how long you’d rotated between a jog, a run and a walk, but by the time you reach the former site of the Admiralty’s Command Tent you know for a fact that you’re well over the time that you had allotted for yourself to make it in time for your meeting with The Captain. You walk past a few soldiers, a good number of them clinking glasses together and sharing a bottle as they sat underneath smaller tents on crates and giant spools, some of them eying you curiously. You realize that this was probably the first time you’d been here proper since the site had been handed over to the Imperial Army.

There are MPs in a different uniform standing before you now. These gentlemen definitely look like they’re in a less charitable mood than your usual brand of MP – you suppose that you can chalk it down to the difference between a volunteer force and properly-trained and staffed security branch. You dive into your pockets, pulling out the pass that The Major had given you. One of them takes it out of your hands and deposits it in a basket, handing you what looked like a temporary pass.


The temporary compound had been stretched further than when The Admiralty had used the spot. You see a larger variety of tents and military-grade hardware. You can see a jeep or two down the road being refitted with something cylindrical… and The Major was there, barking something incoherent and looking every bit the busy man. An MP – one of theirs – stops you in your tracks, asking you to produce your pass. You do so and find yourself redirected. It seemed that there were restrictions of what you could do with this thing, but at least you were able to get in. You don’t know how you would’ve been able to convince them otherwise.

You head towards the only section that you’re able to access, a place that appeared to serve as a sort of temporary mess hall-cum-bar.


The place is noisy as can be, with army men and women all gathered around what appeared to be a movie played by a projector.

Then, you see him.

It’s not hard to spot The Captain. The anchor pinned to his jacket is a dead giveaway – as is his manner of dress, seated at a small table in the middle of it all and two folders on the table. In his hands is what appears to be a book of the religious persuasion. Praying under your breath, you approach him.

‘Um, sir?’

‘You are tardy, Commander.’

He doesn’t look up from his book. His tone is as stiff as his demeanor.

‘I apolo – !’


Biting your lip, you pull up a chair.

You were off to a great start.

‘May I inquire into the reason for this lack of discipline from your side, Commander?’

"The best laid plans of mice and men...."
Despite you planning enough time, the demands of your responsibilities threw a spanner in the works.
I just noticed: just how many lurkers do I have on this Quest?

Anyway, I'll be back in a few hours. Have a date.

Assalamualaikum, guys.
>"I was unable to find a buggy, sir. I got here by foot."
oughta work
Quite a few poi
Probably at least 3 times the usual number of votes you get
I'm not a total lurker, but often miss post windows.

Same. Since you're generally most active after midnight on the US East Coast, it's kinda hard to post within the response time.
I know this pain, some of my favorite quests are run by dirty foreigners. Everyone should just live here.
Yep, same boat. The only times I really get to post are when I'm up late writing papers or it's the weekend and I'm still awake.
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